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URL:,1518,334682,00.html Flutkatastrophe - Die Verletztenlisten der Krankenhäuser in Phuket Immer noch suchen viele Angehörige nach Opfern der Flutkatastrophe in Südostasien.

06.Jan.2005 Maastricht-Sünder: Für Fluthilfe könnte EU-Defizit-Grenze fallen

06.Jan.2005 US-Folter-Skandal: Australier sechs Monate gequält

06.Jan.2005 Münz-Fetischisten: Deutsche horten noch 15 Milliarden Mark

06.Jan.2005 Gesteuertes Verhalten: Wie Vorurteile sich selbst erfüllen

06.Jan.2005 Berliner Gemäldegalerie: Unbekanntes Mozart-Porträt entdeckt

06.Jan.2005 Flutopfer: Wie Kinder das Grauen verarbeiten

06.Jan.2005 Nachruf auf Alfred Oppenheim: Der Patriarch der deutschen Privatbank-Welt ist tot

06.Jan.2005 Rechtsextremismus: Hohe NPD-Funktionäre sollen Demonstranten verprügelt haben

Trauer: Trennungen verändern Frauenhirne,1518,335358,00.html
23.Nov.2004 Überreizte Nerven: Kreuzschmerz lässt Gehirn schrumpfen,1518,329182,00.html
Kettenbriefe zur Flut: Gut gemeinte, fehlgeleitete Hilfsaufrufe

06.Jan.2005 Tutanchamun: Pharao in der Röntgenröhre

06.Jan.2005 Elend nach der Flut: Streunende Hunde fallen über Flutopfer her

06.Jan.2005 Börse am Mittag: Euro-Schwäche stärkt den Dax

06.Jan.2005 Nachbeben: Neue Erdstöße im Katastrophengebiet

06.Jan.2005 Lilliths Realm - ATPC - NOTES and REFERENCES ... with a projected 25% decrease in US Department of Defense (DoD) expenditure ... Luxembourg;
DAF Special Products Division in the Netherlands; Nauteknik Defence & ...

20041219 ... DAF Special Products Division in the Netherlands; Nauteknik Defence & Security in Norway; Bravia -- Sodedade Luso ...

06.Jan.2005 Internet site set up by an Italian schoolboy, previously dedicated to "The Simpsons," is now helping people track down loved ones missing since the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster.

The creator Valerio Natale, a 14-year-old high school student, says two missing Italian holidaymakers -- Dario Collodi and Liliana Giordanino -- have already been found thanks to postings on his web page.

Publishers Note: The humanity of the Internet came to life as the catastrophic tsunami swept through South East Asia. The treacherous waves, caused by an undersea quake, unexpectedly took the lives of thousands of natives and tourists along Asian coastlines.

The Internet is still in its infancy and with every major world event – 11.Sep.2001 + the War in Iraq - the Internet continues to play a new + more important role in how we as a global community respond.

The Tsunami is no different.

03.Jan.2005 - Many Nordics still missing in Asia

In Sweden, where 827 people were confirmed missing + another 1,495 are believed to be missing, there is anger because no list of names has yet been ... -

Sweden keeps its tsunami dead secret India Daily

06.Jan.2005 Internet bulletins give help, hope to waiting world - ...The ABC site ( has a list of victims, constantly updated, a forum in ...

On the BBC bulletin board, a British survivor told of his horror: "The sky ...

Welche Rolle Gonzales genau bei der Entstehung der Folter-Vorschrift und anderer Richtlinien hatte, soll in einer Anhörung vor dem Justizausschuss des Senats geklärt werden, die heute beginnt. Bush will den "Folter-Advokat" zum Justizministers machen. Doch dessen Nominierung ist umstritten. Um offenbar Widerstände gegen Gonzales abzubauen, hat das Justizministerium vor kurzem neu definiert, was es unter Folter versteht. Die jetzige Version ist wesentlich strenger als die alte. Folter ist demnach verabscheuungswürdig und illegal. Selbst "bloßer körperlicher Schmerz" und andauerndes psychisches Leiden könnten als Folter angesehen werden. Die neue Formulierung hält sich an die Anti-Folter-Konvention der Uno und wurde am

30.Dez.2004 diskret auf der Website des Ministeriums veröffentlicht.
05.Jan.2005 US-Folter-Richtlinie: Künftiger Justizminister muss sich vor Senat verantworten

05.Jan.2005 Geberkonferenz Jakarta: Gipfelteilnehmer beschließen Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem

05.Jan.2005 Preiserhöhungen: Verband droht renitenten Erdgas-Kunden

05.Jan.2005 Flughafen-Geschichte in Bildern: Von Lindbergh bis Bin Laden

20041206 ... William Rusher, editor of CFR member William F ... Other groups affiliated with FCF include Free Congress ... monitors from bodies such as the Organisation for Security ...

06.Jan.2005 Preiserhöhungen: Gas-Verband droht der Kundschaft

06.Jan.2005 Nachbeben: Neue Erdstöße im Katastrophengebiet

06.Jan.2005 Aceh: Rebellen schießen auf Flutopfer

06.Jan.2005 If you work in an office, consider running off a few copies of this piece. Bind them nicely. Leave them "just lying around." Alternatively, if you have conservative relatives, you may want to consider forcing them at gunpoint to study every page of this fine work. Do whatever you can to spread these words around; they provide the oil necessary to the gears of democracy. URL:
"Eye on Ohio: The Informed Citizen's Guide to the 2004 Elections," is written by a Daily Kos diarist who operates under the name of georgia10. URL:
It's never too early for polls! According to the recent Ipsos poll, if the presidential election were held today, a generic
Republican would lose handily to a generic Democrat.
Republicans may do that which Democrats may not . In Texas, three unsuccessful Republican state legislature aspirants are
challenging their defeats. Whiners! Sore losermen! Conspiracy theorists! Tin foil hats! Black helicopters! Oliver Stone! Get over it! The time has come for the nation to move on... URL:
06.Jan.2005 Talking Points. Howard Dean supporters have compiled a list of
talking points which we can use to counter commonly-heard misperceptions about the election controversy. This paper demonstrates some good, original thinking -- it presents arguments that don't just retrace those previously heard. URL:
06.Jan.2005 When
Brad Friedman first sent me this news, my first reaction to was to make a snide comment about Colmes.

On his site, Friedman informs us "Alan is a regular BRAD BLOG reader, so be nice! ;-)" URL:
Recount challenged. What do David Cobb (Green), Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and John Kerry (Democrat) have in common? Aside from the facts that they all ran for president in 2004 and all challenged various aspects of the Ohio vote count, they now have one further common denominator: They now also claim that the
recount was highly dubious. Specifically, they allege tampering by Triad, based upon the affidavit of Sherole Eaton. (Is this the same affidavit that was tossed out by Moyer in the Arnebeck suit?) URL:
More: "I have never shied away from giving the liberals fits," he remarked in the letter. "And I'm sure that with all the voter fraud we prevented during this last election, they will be looking to get even with me in my next political campaign." Uh...Kenny? There's a typo in your letter. The word "committed" was misspelled as "prevented." As for the "get even" remark: You bet your ass! URL:
Kenny "the kapo" Konfesses : Raw Story editor John Byrne has uncovered
an explosive letter in which Ken Blackwell, Ohio's controversial Secretary of State, reveals his true face. Before the votes were counted, he bragged about being "truly pleased" to "deliver" Ohio's votes to Bush. That phrasing will, of course, remind most people of Diebold CEO Walden O'Dell's infamous declaration, which used the exact same wording.
In apparent disregard for his nonpartisan role as Ohio's chief election official, the Republican Secretary and chairman of Bush's Ohio reelection campaign slammed Senator Kerry as a "disaster" who would have reaped "terrible" and "horrible" results on both Ohio and the United States. URL:
Fritakis does it again . Bob Fritakis has another fine story on the Ohio debacle, as well as New Mexico and Florida. He quotes from various affidavits testifying to GOP malfeasance. His account nicely complements the House Judiciary COmmittee's report.
Here are some samples -- and as you read the following, keep in mind Ken Blackwell's recently-disclosed bragging about "delivering" the Ohio vote:
"I was a volunteer all day on Nov. 2 and noticed a big discrepancy in the number of voting machines. Where I vote, in an affluent neighborhood, a voting machine had been added (total of five machines). In the lower-income neighborhoods, there were two-three machines and people waiting over three hours to vote!" URL:
As we all know, those conservative farmers in Iowa just can't get through their day without regularly checking on what good ol' Kos has to say. According to the conspiracy theory, those Iowa farmers saw the exits and said: "Shucks! Looks like Kerry's gonna win! Why bother voting? Guess I'll just stay here and plough the north 40..."
Talk about your tin foil hat notions! URL:
06.Jan.2005 Exit polls: The Big Lie gets a big push . Since no-one now believes the "chatty Dem" theory of the great exit poll disparity, the Republicans must now publicize their "fall-back" position. Yep, they will try to convince the country that Mitofsky intentionally skewed the results to help Kerry .
So far, this nonsensical notion has been relegated to the dark corners of the net. (You may have noticed the snipings of a particularly obsessive right-wing conspiracy theorist in the comments section of this very blog.) But now the GOP Ministry of Love is making this idea the new Party Line. Yes, the meme is making the big time -- if you can call GOP flack
Mickey Kaus the big time. Rush should be getting his copy of the script any day now. URL:
I have never seen a more hard-hitting report by any congressional committee. Ever. URL:
Blackwell stands specifically accused of direct violations of the Help America Vote Act, as well as Article 1, Section 5 of the Ohio Constitution (see page 48 of the report) -- not mention the first amendment to the United States Constitution (page 49), the Voting Rights Act and all constitutional guarantees of due process (page 52), Ohio statutes regarding ballot tampering (page 59), the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (page 65) + possibly the National Voter Registration Act (page 69). He also has a statutory obligation to investigate election irregularities; the paper documents numerous problems, most of which received no investigation from Blackwell's office.
The report damns Blackwell for deliberately delaying the official count to render the recount challenges moot: URL:
05.Jan.2005 BRAVO, JOHN CONYERS! The report is in + it is awesome! (plus: More vote fraud news) This is a huge news day for those following the vote fraud controversy.
The Report on Ohio vote tampering is here . Just a day before the ratification of the electoral votes, the House Judiciary Committee has just released its findings on
the election horrors in Ohio. Yes, it's a long pdf file -- but it is filled with must-read material.
In fact, this report offers everything we could have hoped for. From the summary (emphasis added by me):
We have found numerous, serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election, which resulted in a significant disenfranchisement of voters. Cumulatively, these irregularities, which affected hundreds of thousands of votes and voters in Ohio, raise grave doubts regarding whether it can be said the Ohio electors selected on December 13, 2004, were chosen in a manner that conforms to Ohio law, let alone federal requirements and constitutional standards.
This report, therefore, makes three recommendations: (1) consistent with the requirements of the United States Constitution concerning the counting of electoral votes by Congress and Federal law implementing these requirements, there are ample grounds for challenging the electors from the State of Ohio; (2) Congress should engage in further hearings into the widespread irregularities reported in Ohio; we believe the problems are serious enough to warrant the appointment of a joint select Committee of the House and Senate to investigate and report back to the Members; and (3) Congress needs to enact election reform to restore our people's trust in our democracy. These changes should include putting in place more specific federal protections for federal elections, particularly in the areas of audit capability for electronic voting machines and casting and counting of provisional ballots, as well as other needed changes to federal and state election laws.
With regards to our factual findings, in brief, we find that there were massive and unprecedented voter irregularities and anomalies in Ohio. In many cases, these irregularities were caused by intentional misconduct and illegal behavior, much of it involving Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, the co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign in Ohio . The document presents page after page filled with courtroom-quality evidence against Blackwell -- and let me tell you, this stuff is damning . This vile manipulator should, must go to jail. He is nothing short of a criminal mastermind. URL:
Tatsächlich besagte ein Report der Vereinten Nationen, dass die Bewohner einer Nachbarregion von Tangshan bestens auf das Beben vorbereitet gewesen seien, weil sie nachtaktive Tiere wie Wiesel und Ratten am helllichten Tage gesichtet hätten.

Da die Berichte aber erst nach der Katastrophe bekannt wurden, ist ihr Wahrheitsgehalt heute kaum noch überprüfbar. URL:,1518,druck-335583,00.html
Doch dem Erfolg, der Tributsch als Titel seines Buches "Wenn Schlangen erwachen" diente, folgte nur wenig später die tragische Ernüchterung. 1976 erschütterte ein Erdstoß der Stärke 7,8 die chinesische Industriestadt Tangshan. Bis zu 655.000 Menschen starben.
Im Nachhinein gab es zwar Berichte darüber, dass auch vor diesem Beben Tiere verrückt gespielt haben sollen. Laut Tributsch kam eine Kommission der chinesischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu dem Schluss, dass die politischen Wirren der damaligen Zeit die Weitergabe der Warnungen an die verantwortlichen Stellen verhindert hätten. URL:,1518,druck-335583,00.html
Im Februar 1975 schien die Initiative von Erfolg gekrönt. Bewohner der nordostchinesischen Stadt Haicheng hatten beobachtet, wie Schlangen aus dem Winterschlaf erwachten und ans Tageslicht krochen, um dann auf den Straßen zu erfrieren. Vor allem wegen solcher Berichte wurde Haicheng evakuiert - nur wenige Tage, bevor ein Beben der Stärke 7,3 die Stadt dem Erdboden gleichmachte. Nur vier Menschen kamen damals ums Leben.URL:,1518,druck-335583,00.html

06.Jan.2005 Bewohner von Erdbebengebieten haben immer wieder versucht, Tiere als lebendiges Frühwarnsystem zu benutzen - allerdings mit wechselhaftem Erfolg. "In den späten sechziger und frühen siebziger Jahren verteilte die chinesische Regierung Fächer mit Anweisungen, welche Warnsignale die Bauern den Behörden melden sollten", sagt Tributsch. URL:,1518,druck-335583,00.html
"Gut dokumentiert" ist laut Tributsch, dass positiv geladene Schwebeteilchen in der Luft, so genannte Aerosole, im Gehirn zur Ausschüttung von Serotonin führen können. Der Botenstoff löst Angst und Aufregung aus. URL:,1518,druck-335583,00.html
06.Jan.2005 Eine Theorie etwa besagt,
dass es vor Erdbeben zu Aufladungen in der Atmosphäre kommt, die unter anderem Wetterleuchten auslösen können.

So berichteten kanadische Wissenschaftler

00.Okt.2003 im Fachblatt "Seismological Research Letters" über ungewöhnlichen Lichterscheinungen vor und nach Erdbeben. URL:,1518,druck-335583,00.html
"Es gibt keine toten Elefanten, nicht einmal einen toten Hasen oder ein totes Kaninchen", sagte H. D. Ratnayake, Vizedirektor der Naturschutzbehörde Sri
Vorahnungen: Rätselraten um den sechsten Sinn der Tiere

06.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Theater heute ist doch ein Witz"

06.Jan.2005 Zeitmessung: Im Kopf tickt eine Stoppuhr

06.Jan.2005 Bevölkerungsboom: China knackt Grenze von 1,3 Milliarden Einwohnern

06.Jan.2005 Folter: US-Militär untersucht Vorgänge in Guantanamo

06.Jan.2005 Flut-Gipfel: 20 Staaten beraten über Katastrophenhilfe

06.Jan.2005 Flutopfer: Weniger als 1000 Deutsche vermisst

2004127 In this picture, which is worth even more than a thousand words-Der "Krieg gegen Drogen" "Ein einziger CIA Drogenring - der von Rafael Caro Quintero + Miguel...
satellite picture page of the tsunami

06.Jan.2005 Rabbi Goldstein gives a historic overview of Zionism : We [religious Jews] were in this fight from the 1890 roughly... As soon as it was founded [zionism], it was condemned - Jews came out + said this is atheistic, this is idol worship..."

06.Jan.2005 Yugo Entrepreneur Importing Chinese Cars: The man who brought the Yugo and Subaru to this country and built a gull-wing sports car bearing his name has a new project -- becoming the first mass importer of low-cost Chinese-made cars to the United States

06.Jan.2005 Today's Conservatives Are Fascists : Torture, dictatorship, phony "elections,"and endless war – it's fascism with a "democratic" face. More on this topic

06.Jan.2005 U.S. Citizen Locked Up For Two Years In Solitary Confinement Without  Charges: Lawyer challenging terror policy : "I guess my own fundamental beliefs are that if you think someone has done wrong, you have to charge them with that wrong and give them a fair chance to prove that it’s not true," Freiman said.

06.Jan.2005 In case you missed it: Appeals panel rules U.S. citizen not an enemy combatant

06.Jan.2005 Outsourcing Detention : Why is an American citizen being held without charges in Saudi Arabia? And why does the U.S. State Department seem to have a vested interest in keeping him there?

06.Jan.2005 Robert Fisk Looks Back at 2004: The Mire of Death, Lies and Atrocities:

06.Jan.2005 The Government's Attorneys and Abu Ghraib: The Bush administration's assault on the Geneva Conventions has caused collateral damage to the legal offices of the executive branch and the military.

06.Jan.2005 The Question of Torture: Open letter to Alberto Gonzales From Over 200 American Religious Leaders:

06.Jan.2005 If elections can happen in Iraq, why not Haiti?: The puppet government has proven totally incompetent in addressing anything ranging from natural disasters to the reign of terror by the thugs of the former Haitian military. The obvious hope of the Bush administration was for a smooth transition, but there is nothing smooth about the situation in Haiti.

06.Jan.2005 Bush strategy will hurt Republicans, says former aide: One of President George W Bush's former cabinet officials has criticised his record and his electoral strategy, accusing him of running a short-term policy which will damage the Republicans in the future.

06.Jan.2005 Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit: The court filing was made as the Rev. Jesse Jackson held a rally before hundreds of people in Columbus to support the challenge and urge the U.S. Senate to debate Ohio's results on Thursday when Congress is in joint session for the official tally of the electoral votes.

06.Jan.2005 Dialing In For Democracy - Now Is Critical: It's time to start using the "F" word. George W. Bush was made President of the United States in 2000 by fraud, and apparently has done it again.

06.Jan.2005 UK: Israeli spy's passport sparks row : The use of forged British passports by Mossad assassination squads triggered a Foreign Office protest.

Britons rank Israel 'worst country': British people rate Israel as the country least deserving of international respect, as well as one of the world's "least democratic countries," according to a recent survey.

06.Jan.2005 'Atom School' Stars in First Israeli Reactor Video: Israel has released the first video footage of its Dimona nuclear plant, a television station said on Monday, in an apparent attempt to promote a positive image of what experts believe to be an atomic bomb factory.

06.Jan.2005 Ministry of Prisoners Affairs: 2004 Worst for Prisoners in 30 Years

06.Jan.2005 Injustice as State Policy : The Guantanamo Gulag: Guantanamo is intended to send a message that the internationally accepted norms of justice have been rescinded.

From now on, all law proceeds from Washington.

06.Jan.2005 Gonzales Torture Memo Controversy Builds : The Democrats have not yet decided whether to try to block Gonzales' confirmation.

06.Jan.2005 Do You Opposes the Nomination of Alberto Gonzales?The best way for the American people to send a message to the Bush administration and the world that ‘we the people’ of the United States do not condone torture is to mobilize to reject the nomination of Alberto Gonzales.” - Ron Daniels, Executive Director, the Center for Constitutional Rights

06.Jan.2005 Court backs Pinochet murder trial : Chile's Supreme Court has ruled the country's former President Augusto Pinochet is fit to stand trial on murder and kidnapping charges.

06.Jan.2005 Scott Ritter: Rude awakening to missile-defense dream : On Christmas Eve 2004, the Russian Strategic Missile Force test fired an advanced SS-27 Topol-M road-mobile intercontinental ballistic Missile (ICBM). This test probably invalidated the entire premise and technology used in the National Missile Defense (NMD) system currently being developed and deployed by the Bush administration

06.Jan.2005 Unconfirmed Reports: Zarqawi reportedly arrested in Iraq: Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, whom the US occupation authorities declared to be the "target number one" in Iraq, has been arrested in the city of Baakuba, the Emirate newspaper al-Bayane reported on Tuesday referring to Kurdish sources

06.Jan.2005 US military hints at staying in Afghanistan for decades : US-led coalition troops are likely to remain in the post-war Afghanistan for decades, a senior US commander hinted here Monday.

06.Jan.2005 Putin leads BRIC alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China) : Putin’s recent visit to India, China and Brazil and Germany spells strategic planning on controlling accessible international oil assets

06.Jan.2005 God told him : Reverend Pat Robertson, said that God told him: "I will remove judges from the Supreme Court quickly + their successors will refuse to sanction the attacks on religious faith." Robertson also said that he "heard it from the Lord" that President Bush will have Social Security and tax reform passed and that Muslims will turn to Jesus Christ.

06.Jan.2005 Foreknowledge of A Natural Disaster: Washington was aware that a deadly Tidal Wave was building up in the Indian Ocean

06.Jan.2005 The Neverending Story: Imagine if every day there were headlines saying: "29,000 children died yesterday from preventable diseases and malnutrition." Would the aid money rush in? Does it?

06.Jan.2005 Mbeki attacks 'racist' Churchill :

President Thabo Mbeki has made a withering attack on Winston Churchill + other historic British figures, calling them racists who ravaged Africa + blighted its post-colonial development.

06.Jan.2005 What Went Wrong in Ohio: Status Report of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff

06.Jan.2005 Send a Fax to a Senator: The senators listed below have been selected as most likely to voice an objection to the 2004 presidential election.

This system will automatically fax your message to the senator of your choice.

06.Jan.2005 Bush Eyes Plan Using Bulk of Payroll Taxes : President Bush is expected to unveil his plan for a Social Security (news - web sites) overhaul in late February, with administration officials eyeing investment accounts that would hold two-thirds of workers' annual payroll taxes.

06.Jan.2005 Paul Krugman: Stopping the Bum's Rush : The people who hustled America into a tax cut to eliminate an imaginary budget surplus and a war to eliminate imaginary weapons are now trying another bum's rush. If theyy succeed, we will do nothing about the real fiscal threat and will instead dismantle Social Security, a program that is in much better financial shape than the rest of the federal government.

06.Jan.2005 Taliban Raises Funds From Persian Gulf: The Kuwaiti daily Al Rai Al Aam reported that Taliban leader Mullah Omar toured three Gulf Cooperation Council states

00.Oct.2004 to raise money for his movement.

06.Jan.2005 U.S ambassador issues veiled warning to Syria : Feltman cautions against 'foreign interference' in Lebanese elections

06.Jan.2005 U.S. gives a warning to Syrians : The Bush administration is considering imposing new sanctions on Syria to prod a crackdown against Iraqis there who are providing financial and logistical support to insurgents in Iraq, according to senior American counterterrorism officials.

06.Jan.2005 How Iran and Syria offered to help (after 911), but got rolled: During the weeks after 911, as the US prepared to attack the Taliban, US-Iran relations blossomed. Iran provided the US with considerable information about conditions in Afghanistan, and other forms of support, all of which proved invaluable to US military operations.

06.Jan.2005 Oppose the draft? It's already here : An executive order President Bush enacted after 9-11 that authorized the Pentagon to involuntarily extend military personnel on active duty "for not more than 24 consecutive months."

06.Jan.2005 Former Military Leaders Challenge Gonzales Nomination : A dozen former military officers, including retired Army General John Shalikashvili, are challenging the nomination of White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to be U.S. attorney general because he endorsed detaining suspected terrorists without protections accorded prisoners of war.

06.Jan.2005 Unfinished Business: Confirming Gonzales Is Confirming Torture : Mr. Gonzales' legal opinion ultimately lead to the US military's scandalous use of torture tactics on war prisoners and detainees -- including at least 40 who were tortured to death -- at Abu Ghraib and other prisons. Now the entire world regards Alberto Gonzales as complicit in these war crimes.

06.Jan.2005 Ten Questions for Alberto Gonzales: Has your position on the Geneva Conventions changed since evidence of widespread detainee abuse at U.S. prisons was uncovered? If not, which provisions of the Geneva Conventions do you still consider "quaint" or "obsolete"?

06.Jan.2005 Retired US General on Alberto Gonzales: "He Has Endangered Our Soldiers"

06.Jan.2005 Ask Not Who Bankrolled Falluja: War Tax Resisters Opt Out: So who made Falluja possible? American taxpayers did. The moral tracer on this funding leads to me and you, the co-investors who backed this pre-holiday discount on the lives of Fallujans, thousands of lives, forever lost and unlived

06.Jan.2005 Tsunamis and this Thing Called Humanity From the Oceans, Indiscriminate Devastation -Manuel Valenzuela

Millions of humans die prematurely each year not by tsunamis or earthquakes, but by our exploitation of their lands and labor, by our indifference to their plight as industrialized nations commit yearly acts of economic genocide, as their nation’s treasure is gobbled up by banks and lending institutions, as their lands and their resources are pillaged and raped, as their social programs are gutted to suit the needs of America and other northern nations, condemning billions to a life subsisting on two dollars a day, their talents ignored, opportunity made extinct and futures oppressed. Continued.

DARK FILAMENT: Astronomers are monitoring a gigantic dark filament on the sun. Filaments are ribbons of relatively cool gas held suspended above the sun´s surface by magnetic forces. This one stretches more than 250,000 miles from end to end--about the distance from Earth to the Moon. http:

"You´re talking a two- or three-times-a-century type of thing," said prediction center senior meteorologist James Wagner, who´s been forecasting storms since 1965. "It´s a pattern that has a little bit of everything."
While the predicted onslaught is nothing compared with the tsunami that ravaged South Asia last week, the combo storms could damage property and cause a few deaths.
The exact time and place of the predicted one-two-three punch changes slightly with every new forecast. But in its weekly "hazards assessment," the National Weather Service alerted meteorologists and disaster specialists Tuesday that flooding and frigid weather could start as early as Friday and stretch into early next week, if not longer.
"It´s a situation that looks pretty potent," Ed O´Lenic, the Climate Prediction Center´s operations chief, told Knight Ridder. "A large part of North America looks like it´s going to be affected."
Kelly Redmond, the deputy director of the Western Regional Climate Center at the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nev., where an unusual 18 inches of snow is on the ground already, said the expected heavy Western rains could cause avalanches. Since Oct. 1, Southern California and western Arizona have had three to four times the normal precipitation for the area.
"Somebody is in for something pretty darn interesting," Redmond said.

Weekend Storms Could Shock US
05-Jan-2005 NOAA Jan 5
An unusual weather pattern that meteorologists are calling a once in a lifetime event is developing over the United States. Powerful, moisture laden fronts from the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico are on a collision course to converge with a strong blast of cold air from the north.
This rare event is likely to unfold over the central United States this weekend. It will bring severe storms involving snow, ice, rain and possible rare midwinter tornadoes. 2004 was a record year for tornadoes in the US + in 2005 California has already seen tornadoes and waterspouts, previously extremely rare in the far west.
These storms are this violent because of the rapidly increasing difference between the temperature of the lower atmosphere (the troposphere) and the layer just above it, the stratosphere. This means that, when cloud tops reach into the stratosphere, very rapid and extreme cooling takes place, causing storms to develop rapidly and with great intensity.
This differential is due to the fact that the lower atmosphere is retaining far more heat than normal, because of rising carbon dioxide levels and the subsequent global warming effect.
Such storm convergences took place

00.000.1950 +

00.000.1937 but not with the violence expected this time, assuming that the systems actually do converge.

At present the National Weather Service believes that the convergence will take place over the Ohio + Tennesee valleys, but this remains uncertain.

8:44, interesting piece. Your words of caution are well applied though, considering the "populist" orientation
of American Free Press. Check their sources:
A former NSA-assigned Air Force officer and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, who now runs the Cohen group (and "international strategic business consulting firm")
with partners Joseph Ralston (former Supreme Allied Commander) and Lord George Robertson (former NATO Secretary General and UK Defense Minister). Are we getting
just a whisp of military-industrial-corporate-complex here?

The Russians are now deeply involved in what is known as scalar wave energy, which can alter weather anywhere on Earth from bases in Russia.
A retired Air Force officer attached to the National Security Agency told American Free Press that the Russians are capable of causing
earthquakes, hurricanes or just changes in the rainfall over an American city, much of this through scalar wave energy.
In April 1997 Secretary of Defense William Cohen addressed the subject at a conference on terrorism: "Others are engaging in an eco-type of
terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through the use of electro-magnetic waves. So
there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work building ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations."
"It´s real," the former defense chief said, "and that´s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts. And that is why this is so important."

05.Jan.2005 orang1
Hewiach, Murl Zakk Computeranimation 2:19 Min. Näätämö Webcamanimation 1:46 Test 14 Sek. 8 MB download Test 13 Sek. 7 MB. Hewiach.

"" vor, ein privates Projekt von fünf Münchner Studenten. Die Webseite will "rund um die Uhr aktuelle Informationen, Links, Daten, Forum, Opfer/Vermissten-Listen, Spendenmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung" stellen. Kern des Angebotes ist "Deutschland sucht", eine Datenbank mit teils bebilderten Personenbeschreibungen.
Wall-Street-Schluss: Technologiewerte und Fluggesellschaften verlieren

05.Jan.2005 Terrorwarnung: Briten schließen Botschaft in Sanaa

05.Jan.2005 Chile: Richter stellt Pinochet unter Hausarrest

06.Jan.2005 Deutsch-amerikanisches Verhältnis: Schröder trifft Bush in Mainz

06.Jan.2005 Vermisstensuche: Hilfszentrale im Wohnzimmer

05.Jan.2005 Tsunami-Katastrophe: Schröder und Fischer punkten als Krisenmanager

05.Jan.2005 Skandinavien: Opferzahlen sinken - Kritik an Regierungen wächst

05.Jan.2005 Nach dem Tsunami: Die Web-Gemeinde reagiert schnell und besonnen

05.Jan.2005 Katastrophen-Hilfe: Wettlauf der Geberländer

05.Jan.2005 Uno-Hilfskoordinator Jan Egeland: Der Mann, der Millionen retten soll

05.Jan.2005 Akute Seuchengefahr: Binnen 100 Stunden benötigen Millionen Trinkwasser

05.Jan.2005 Wut auf Schwedens Regierung: Krisenmanagement im Schatten der "Estonia"

05.Jan.2005 Materialverlust: Saturnring könnte sich auflösen

05.Jan.2005 Flutkatstrophe: Software hilft Opfer zu identifizieren

05.Jan.2005 Fotostrecke: Aufräumen in den Trümmern

05.Jan.2005 Massengrab: Europäische Touristen mit Identifikations-Chip verscharrt

05.Jan.2005 portland imc - indigenous issues - Is Bush really concerncered about Victims of the sunami 08:20 Jan-02 (6 comments).

Experts: Tsunami disaster might ease terrorism

Contact Sri Lanka The website of Sri Lanka's tourism authority will help aid the search for the missing as soon as possible.

German Foreign Ministry The German Foreign Ministry offers an overview of links to hospitals in the crisis regions.
International Committee of the Red Cross Click on the "family link pages" to search for survivors.
Phuket Disaster Forum Here people can leave messages for missing persons. Survivors can also contact family and friends.
The Thai Foreign Ministry Links to all hospitals in the country as well as lists and photographs of survivors and victims.
Finland Travel & Tourism News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN ... Today a list of names of missing Norwegian tourists ... Police post revised list of missing persons: 193 Finns ... southern tip of Sri Lanka, German and Finnish teams ...

05.Jan.2005 Verrutschte Inseln: Landkarten müssen überprüft werden

05.Jan.2005 US-Automarkt: Porsche und Co erfolgreich wie nie

05.Jan.2005 Ukraine: Kutschma nimmt Rücktritt Janukowitschs an

05.Jan.2005 Gedenken an die Opfer: Europa stand still

05.Jan.2005 Flutfolge: Touristenzahlen in Thailand und Malediven brechen ein

05.Jan.2005 Passivrauchen: Zigaretten vernebeln Kinderhirne

05.Jan.2005 Vermeintliche Kindesentführung aufgeklärt: Deutscher brachte Flutopfer zur Mutter

05.Jan.2005 Abu Ghureib: Bis Juli sollen Gefangene gefoltert worden sein

05.Jan.2005 Zeitgeist: "Medienrummel für Trottel"

05.Jan.2005 Fluthilfe: Rotes Kreuz rechnet mit langem Engagement

05.Jan.2005 Flutwelle: Satellitenbilder zeigen gewaltige Zerstörungen

05.Jan.2005 Steuernachzahlungen: Amnestie bringt Eichel 900 Millionen Euro ein

05.Jan.2005 Explosionsserie: Sonne zündete Silvester-Salve

05.Jan.2005 Opinion: Land of Penny Pinchers

05.Jan.2005 Rettungsaktionen: Weißes Haus verspricht sich Imagegewinn durch Fluthilfe

04.Jan.2005 Additional NOK 1 billion for relief work in Asia

05.Jan.2005 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... the mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc 2 ... Enlarge. Indonesian refugees gather under an approaching helicopter ... for past crises suggests that aa further 50,000 ...

05.Jan.2005 Channel Estimation Using Long-Term Spatial Channel Characteristics - View as HTML... genvalues and the eigenvectors form a Å ÊÜ -dimensional ... environments and their impact on BS an - tenna system ... [3] Klaus I. Pedersen, Preben E . Mogensen + www.ifn. e t.tu-dr e sd e n.d e/MNS/v e ro e ff e ntlichung e n/2001/St e g e _M_WPMC_01.pdf

SUBDUCTION-ZONE BEHAVIOR BACKED OUT OF TSUNAMI DEPOSITS, KAMCHATKA ... - View as HTML ... o -80 o E and dipping 5 o - ... Subsequent location and interview of an eyewitness confirmed
some effects of the tsunami . ... 3. Fedotov, SA, Gusev, AA, 1973

NEOTECTONICS NEAR THE NW CORNER OF THE PACIFIC PLATE: MARINE ...- View as HTML ... offshore epicenter at 57.8 o N, 163.6 o E . Fedotov and Gusev (1973) interpreted
this earthquake as an oblique slip ... o -80 o E ... 3. Fedotov, SA, Gusev, AA, 1973. ...

05.Jan.2005 Meet 'The Family' By Anthony Lappé, Guerrilla News Network Posted on June 13, 2003, Printed on January 5, 2005

So what did Sharlet find?

GNN: You went undercover into this house. Who were you posing as and what were you trying to find?

SHARLET: Actually, I was posing as myself. I write about religion. A friend said go check it out, it's an interesting place. I went not knowing the politics. Within a few days I began to see things were not at all what I expected. This was connected to a pretty vast political network. Still it was quite a pleasant place to live. These people had a different approach than I did, but I was interested in learning. As time went on I started hearing more and more disturbing talk.

That's when I started keeping my ears open. I didn't go in undercover, but I suppose I left undercover. But I told them who I was, I never told a lie.

GNN: Some people have called your story a hoax.

SHARLET: I've got lots of letters from people saying this has got to be a hoax, or please tell me it's a hoax or curiously from people who know a little too much to be saying the things they were saying.

GNN: What are some this group's core ideas and what level of secrecy is involved here?

SHARLET: The goal is an "invisible" world organization led by Christ -- that's what they aspire to. They are very explicit about this if you look in their documents + I spent a lot of time researching in their archives. Their goal is a worldwide invisible organization. That's their word + that's important because it sounds so crazy.

05.Jan.2005 Common Dreams NewsWire NewsCenter > NewsWire > May 2003      May 2003 5/28/03 3:31 PM Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): Bush Administration to Launch Atta
0503newswire.htm 31.Aug,2004 3:45:48 A

05.Jan.2005 GNN: But they seem like they can't stand women.

SHARLET: They're just not that interested. It's a very gendered point of view. Jesus is everywhere. Jesus is right there with you on the basketball court.

But at the upper levels there is this weird emphasis on the Old Testament. It's in the story, they talk about King David, who in some ways was a really bad guy. They are really interested in the biblical concept that whether you are good or bad it doesn't matter, what matters is whether you are chosen. That's part of the Hitler Concept. It doesn't matter whether Hitler was good or bad, Hitler was chosen for leadership. That was part of God's plan. Nothing happens that isn't part of God's plan.

GNN: Let's cut to this house where these six congressmen are living on C Street in DC. What is the connection, if any, to the Bush Administration? The White House seems to have its own relationship to religion and people who are influencing them on religious issues. Is there a relationship here?

SHARLET: Yes, though I will say it is not exclusively Democrat or Republican. They say there are six guys at the C Street house, there were eight when I was there. They say there is one for members of Parliament in England + I think there are similar ones in other capitals. The house is constantly rotating. Steve Largent used to live there. John Elias Baldacci, a conservative Democrat who is now the governor of Maine. As for the Bush connection, there is Ashcroft. I discovered in their archives a correspondence between Ashcroft and Coe that began 00.000.1981. Al Gore at one time referred to Doug Coe as his personal hero, which is easy to believe. Doug Coe is an incredibly charming man.

The Bushes have visited the Cedars many times, but all presidents have. Bush Sr. when he was Vice President was hosting dinners for Middle Eastern ambassadors there. There are going to be people at all levels.

GNN: When you say someone "is a part of it" what does that mean? Are you in or out, or is it a loose thing?

SHARLET: It's a loose thing. But there are levels of participation.

GNN: Are they codified like the Masons or something?

05.Jan.2005 AlterNet: Meet 'The Family'By Anthony Lappé, Guerrilla News Network Posted on 13.Jun.2003, Printed on 26.Nov.2004

It sounded like a reality show on the PAX network: Six conservative politicians living ...
Im Senat standen 34 der 100 Sitze zur Wahl. Nach letzten Ergebnissen haben die Demokraten zehn und die Republikaner 21 Sitze erhalten. In zwei noch nicht ganz ausgezählten Staaten lagen die Republikaner in Führung, die Demokraten in einem. Damit haben die Republikaner nach Angaben des US-Fernsehsenders CNN jetzt eine Mehrheit von 50 zu 46 Sitzen. Im Repräsentantenhaus werden alle 435 Abgeordneten neu bestimmt. Hier liegen die Republikaner nach letzten Ergebnissen mit 226 zu 200 Sitzen vorn.

05.Jan.2005 06.Nov.2002 USA-Wahl Republikaner erobern Kongress und Senat

Von den Demokraten wurden Gray Davis (Kalifornien), Dirk Kempthorne (Idaho), John Baldacci (Maine), James Doyle (Wisconsin), Dave Freudenthal (Wyoming), Tom Vilsack (Iowa), Kathleen Sebelius (Kansas), Jennifer M. Granholm (Michigan), Bill Richardson (New Mexiko), Rod R. Blagojevich (Illinois) und Ed Rendell (Pennsylvania) gewählt. Damit stellen die Republikaner derzeit 25, die Demokraten 19 Gouverneure.

Prestige-Wahl in Florida

Kaum eine Gouverneurswahl war in den USA mit so großer Aufmerksamkeit verfolgt worden wie die in Florida. Die Demokraten hatten mit allen Mitteln versucht, den jüngeren Bush-Bruder aus dem Amt zu hebeln. Sie machen ihn für das Debakel um verwirrende Stimmzettel bei der Präsidentschaftswahl vor zwei Jahren verantwortlich, die George W. Bush schließlich mit Hilfe des Obersten Gerichtshofes gewann.

05.Jan.2005 Bring Them Home Sooner rather than later.By Sheila Samples
It's frightening that, for some Americans, the "conventional wisdom" is for the rest of us to just shut the hell up and allow our uniformed citizens to make the ultimate sacrifice in peace -- and honor.
Our duty is to be there, waving our flags, when they are shuttled back to the US under cover of darkness, boxed up and ready to be buried. For those Americans, that seems to be the only definition of "patriotism."

05.Jan.2005 EXPOSED: The president's real goal in Iraq : The official story on Iraq has never made sense. 

05.Jan.2005 Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President : 'This is a blueprint for US world domination 

05.Jan.2005 The Project for the New American Century.

05.Jan.2005 Dick Cheney’s Song of America

05.Jan.2005 WILL IRAN BE NEXT?

05.Jan.2005 How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle: A PNAC Primer

05.Jan.2005 The victims of the tsunami pay the price of war on Iraq
US + UK aid is dwarfed by the billions both spend on slaughter By George Monbiot
Over the past few months, reviewing the complete lack of public interest in what is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo + the failure, in the west, to mobilise effective protests against the continuing atrocities in Iraq, I had begun to wonder whether we had lost our ability to stand in other people's shoes. I have now stopped wondering. 

05.Jan.2005 Flutopfer: Powell lobt US-Hilfe in muslimischen Ländern

05.Jan.2005 Flutspenden: Verarmtes Nordkorea sagt Hilfe zu

05.Jan.2005 Massenprügelei: Taxifahrer schwingen die Fäuste

05.Jan.2005 Gedenken an die Opfer: Europa steht drei Minuten still

05.Jan.2005 Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe

05.Jan.2005 US-Kongress: Bushs Republikaner demonstrieren ihre Macht

05.Jan.2005 Katastrophengebiete: Menschenhändler suchen nach Waisenkindern

05.Jan.2005 Seebeben: Indonesier nach acht Tagen aus dem Ozean gerettet

05.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: In Schweden kommen die ersten Leichen an

05.Jan.2005 Bundeskanzler Schröder: Staatsakt für Flutopfer vermutlich am 20. Januar

04.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Britischer Versicherer-Verband befürchtet Milliardenkosten

05.Jan.2005 Peru: Meuterer geben auf

05.Jan.2005 Sri Lanka: Ganze Dörfer werden planiert

04.Jan.2005 Fluthilfe: Das Spenden-Dilemma

04.Jan.2005 Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe

04.Jan.2005 Bei den Achuar in Ecuador: Ökotouristen statt Ölarbeiter

04.Jan.2005 Chile: Juristisches Hickhack um Ex-Diktator Pinochet geht weiter

04.Jan.2005 Rätsel gelöst: Geckofüße säubern sich selbst

04.Jan.2005 Vermisste Flutopfer: Qualen zwischen Trauer und Hoffnung

04.Jan.2005 Industrie gegen BitTorrent: Punkt- oder Pyrrhussieg?

04.Jan.2005 Flutopfer: Versicherer versprechen schnelle Hilfe

04.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Zahl vermisster Deutscher sinkt erstmals

04.Jan.2005 Helikopter-Einsatz in Aceh: Letzte Rettung durch die Seahawks

04.Jan.2005 Online-Suchaktion: Wo sind diese Menschen?

04.Jan.2005 Krisenmanagement: Minister noch immer auf Urlaub in Thailand

04.Jan.2005 Wettlauf mit der Zeit: Hilfskräfte kommen nur mühsam voran

04.Jan.2005 Fotostrecke: Die schwierige Arbeit der Helfer

04.Jan.2005 Rekordwuchs: Riesenadler herrschten über Neuseeland

We know U.S. President George W. Bush has famously slow reflexes. (Remember those appalling minutes he spent finishing up his reading of "My Pet Goat" to schoolchildren as the twin towers collapsed?) Yet, wouldn't it be comforting if the most powerful man in the world showed a tinge of leadership (or just offered a few comforting words and a pledge to help) during what is undeniably a world catastrophe in southern Asia? Instead, how has Bush been spending his holidays at the ranch in Crawford, Texas? "He's clearing some brush this morning," deputy White House press secretary Trent Duffy, informed reporters Tuesday. The president and first lady were also planning to have a few friends over, he said. Bush receives regular updates about the devastation left by the tsunami and did take time out to write letters of condolence to Bangladesh, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Maldives and Malaysia -- where more than 55,000 people -- including at least 11 Americans -- died. He also has been "biking and exercising as he normally does, taking walks with the first lady and thinking about what he wants to accomplish in the second term," Duffy said. What American leader has done the talk show circuit discussing the disaster and offering ways to help? Former US President Bill Clinton. "It is really important that somebody take the lead in this," he told BBC Radio 4's "Today" program Tuesday. "I think one of the problems is when everybody takes responsibility it's almost like no one's responsibility." (Do we detect a little swipe at Bush?) Clinton also came up with a plan. "Maybe what we should do is get countries or groups of countries to take responsibility for specific countries that were hurt." It may not be the best idea, but it beats clearing brush.
05.Jan.2005 Other sites, like one from the
Thai Health Ministry offer lists of those confirmed dead + lists of the hospitals where families can find their injured loved ones. The site gets so much traffic that sometimes it overloads and can't be accessed. Phuket Disaster Forum has also established a bulletin board to help survivors get messages to their families and for families to let officials know the names of those missing. They have several hundred postings. In a time of panic, when the uncertainty of not knowing is as --if not more -- painful than the wretchedness of loss, these Web sites are their own private miracles. (11 a.m. CET)
List of Australians feared dead reduced ... areas hit by the tsunami + remain missing, feared dead. ... It's good that some of the people for whom ... Mr Keelty said the Royal Thai Police had told the AFP that ...

04.Jan.2005 Missing People. Find Missing People Or Their Detail Database Info Makes It Easy. Aff.
View today's top stories DFAT cuts grave fears list - - 2 Jan 2005
04.Jan.2005 Useful links
Site do Clean Air for Europe
Agência Europeia do Ambiente
Background documents
Projecções de emissões de poluentes atmosféricos e impactes em 20 slides
Sumário executivo em 4 páginas

04.Jan.2005 Exit polls . "TruthIsAll," the nomme-de-net of a poster on the Democratic Underground, directs our attention to a startling new interpretation of the exit poll figures. I hope no-one will mind if I republish the material here.
Our attention is drawn, first and foremost, to
this CNN page displaying exit poll information. (The page takes a while to load.) TruthIsAll then asks:
Am I reading this correctly? If I am, we have the SMOKING GUN:
1) 59% of the 17% who did NOT vote in 2000 but who did in 2004 voted for Kerry. Just 39% for Bush.
2) 65% of those who did NOT vote for Bush or Gore in 2000 voted for Kerry. Just 13% for Bush and 16% for Nader.
3) 91% of those who voted for Gore, voted for Kerry.
4) 90% of those who voted for Bush in 2000, voted for Bush in 2004. On the face of it, these exit numbers are just as damning as anything to come out of the Ukraine.
Noch sind biometrische Merkmale im Personalausweis nicht vorgesehen, aber der Ruf nach diesem nächsten Schritt dürfte spätestens nach dem nächsten großen Terroranschlag laut werden. "Die Einführungsstrategie ist, erstmal das Visaverfahren, da haben wir in Deutschland schon biometrische Merkmale, dann die Pässe + da die technischen Strukturen bei den Einwohnermeldeämtern dann ohnehin vorgehalten werden müssen, werden wohl auch die Personalausweise kommen", sagte Schaar.
"Da ist die Schlacht nicht geschlagen. Die Vermeidung der Zentraldatei wird ein ganz wichtiger Punkt werden", sagte Schaar.

Schwer abschätzbare Risiken liegen darin, dass die biometrischen Daten heimlich ausgeforscht werden könnten, durch Geheimdienste beispielsweise oder vielleicht auch durch kriminelle Organisationen. Ob das technisch machbar ist, hängt vom verwendeten Chip ab. Nach Angaben von Herstellern liegen die Lesereichweiten je nach Bauart zwischen einigen Zentimetern und mehreren Metern. Die EU-Kommission hat mit Hinweis auf die Fälschungssicherheit die technischen Spezifikationen der verwendeten RFID-Chips auch hinsichtlich der Verhinderung unbefugten Zugriffs zur Geheimsache erklärt - was das Vertrauen besorgter Bürger nicht unbedingt steigern dürfte

"Es ist nicht zu verhindern, dass zum Beispiel die USA oder China diese Daten auch in eigene Dateien übernehmen. Man hat keinerlei Kontrolle, was mit den Daten dann passiert."

"Abhängig von der Systemkonfiguration ist zu befürchten, dass entweder nur ein geringer Sicherheitsgewinn erzielt werden kann oder dass eine große Anzahl von Personen fälschlich zurückgewiesen wird und damit keine Beschleunigung der Abfertigung stattfindet", sagte Schaar. "Zu Unrecht zurückgewiesene Personen kommen in einen zusätzlichen Rechtfertigungszwang und Kontrolldruck. Für diese Fragen müssen die Biometrie-Befürworter Antworten geben."
Ein Grund für die Einführung biometrischer Merkmale im Pass sind Forderungen der USA, die ab 26. Oktober nächsten Jahres Reisende aus EU-Staaten nicht mehr ohne Visum ins Land lassen wollen, wenn sie keinen Pass mit biometrischen Merkmalen vorlegen können. Die EU folgt mit ihrem Beschluss Vorschlägen der Internationalen Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO. In für Computer verwertbarer Form sollen das Foto des Passinhabers und später auch seine Fingerabdrücke auf einem so genannten RFID-Chip im Pass gespeichert werden.

Bei der Grenzkontrolle muss der Pass an ein Lesegerät gehalten werden, das die gespeicherten Daten per Funk abfragt.

Eine elektronische Kamera nimmt das Gesicht des Einreisewilligen auf. Ein Computer prüft dann die Übereinstimmung mit dem digitalisierten Foto.

Ein Fingerabdruckleser, vergleichbar einem kleinen Scanner, tastet die Fingerkuppen ab. Der Computer vergleicht sie mit dem zweiten biometrischen Merkmal im Chip.

Sicherheit und Datenschutz - Big Brother lässt grüßen
Auf Drängen der USA kommt es in der Europäischen Union noch in diesem Jahr zur Einführung von Pässen mit biometrischen Merkmalen + RFID-Chips. Datenschützer befürchten Missbrauchspotenziale - + hohe Fehlerquoten, die zu erheblichen Komplikationen führen könnten.

04.Jan.2005 Sicherheit und Datenschutz: Big Brother lässt grüßen

Zwangsarbeiter scheitern vor Verfassungsgericht
Vier ehemalige NS-Zwangsarbeiter sind vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht mit dem Versuch gescheitert, Schadenersatz und Schmerzensgeld einzuklagen. Stattdessen wurde in Karlsruhe die Gründung der Entschädigungsstiftung gebilligt.

Karlsruhe - Weil die Verfassungsbeschwerde der ehemaligen Zwangsarbeiter keine Aussicht auf Erfolg habe, sei sie nicht zur Entscheidung angenommen worden, teilte das Gericht mit. "Die Beschwerdeführer sind nicht in ihrem Eigentumsrecht verletzt", hieß es in der Begründung.
Die vier polnischen Juden, von denen einer inzwischen gestorben ist, hatten als Häftlinge des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz-Monowitz für die IG Farbenindustrie AG arbeiten müssen. Sie waren zuvor mit ihren Klagen bei Zivilgerichten gescheitert.
Nach Überzeugung des Ersten Senates können wegen der inzwischen gegründeten Entschädigungsstiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft" keine Ansprüche mehr gegen die IG Farben geltend gemacht werden: "Denn durch das Stiftungsgesetz werden etwaige Ansprüche gegen deutsche Unternehmen in solche gegen die Stiftung umgeformt." Verfassungsrechtlich seien die Regelungen in dem Gesetz vom Jahr 2000 nicht zu beanstanden.
U-Boote für Touristen: "Atlantis" auf Tauchgang

04.Jan.2005 Entschädigungen: Zwangsarbeiter scheitern vor Verfassungsgericht

04.Jan.2005 Bundeswehreinsatz: Lazarett-Airbus brachte 130 Verletzte nach Deutschland

04.Jan.2005 Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe

04.Jan.2005 Trauer: Trennungen verändern Frauenhirne

04.Jan.2005 Thailand: Regierung feuert Chef-Meteorologen

04.Jan.2005 Disaster relief:: Raining money

04.Jan.2005 Rekordentschädigung: Diözese zahlt Millionensumme an Missbrauchsopfer

04.Jan.2005 Vioxx-Studie: Zahl der Herzinfarkt-Opfer könnte drastisch zunehmen

Mit einer genauen Beschreibung des vergangenen Sonntags ist es bei Salaman so eine Sache. Uhrzeiten spielten für den kleinen, hageren Mann in seinem Leben bisher keine große Rolle. Wie auch, schließlich hat er noch nie eine Uhr besessen. Am Morgen sei es passiert, erinnert sich der Dorfälteste vom Stamm der Morgans auf der Insel Ko Surin Tai, weit draußen im Meer vor Thailands Küste. Er sah etwas, was er noch nie erlebt hatte. "Das Wasser zog sich wie ein Teppich zurück und zwar rasend schnell", erzählt Salaman und gestikuliert wild mit den Handflächen. Zunächst war er etwas ratlos.

Dann schrie er aus voller Kehle: "Rennt so schnell ihr könnt! Es kommt!"
Sumatra: Flugzeug kam von Piste ab - Hilfsaktionen gestoppt

04.Jan.2005 Flutopfer: Wütende Überlebende nahmen Geiseln

04.Jan.2005 Unterversorgung: Uno fürchtet um das Leben der Kinder

04.Jan.2005 Echoes of 9/11 as friends and relatives look for ...... it seems are destined to end up unidentified and buried ... Often photos of the missing are shown with appeals ... Back in Phuket – and despite the high-tech efforts ...

04.Jan.2005 The Sun Newspaper Online - UK's biggest selling newspaper ... photos posted of loved-ones in Thailand.

Phuket International Hospital in Thailand has set up a ... hospital has published photographs of unidentified patients at ...,,2-2004601684,00.html

Stay away, Aussies urged - Asia tsunami - ... In an around-the-clock operation, volunteers in Phuket enter data from forms filled out by those looking for people at ... Photos of unidentified bodies are

04.Jan.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Sorge um Konjunktur drückt US-Börsenkurse 04.Jan.2005 23:52) Sumatra: Am schlimmsten betroffene Region noch immer ohne HIlfe

04.Jan.2005 Energiemarkt-Liberalisierung: Keine Hoffnung auf sinkende Gaspreise

04.Jan.2005 Kuba: Schluss mit Deutschland-Boykott

04.Jan.2005 Verizon Wireless to trial highest speed 3G mobile Internet ... of 3G CDMA digital wireless technology into the Verizon Wireless network. The 1xEV technology will offer subscribers mobile Internet services such as instant ...

04.Jan.2005 Itemization of ISP's served by DMCA Subpoenas By the RIAA (as of ... 166 Time Warner Cable 155 SBC 140 Verizon Internet Services, Inc. ... 13 EarthLink, Inc. 7 Mediacom Communications Corporation 6 Verizon Internet Services, Inc. ...

Judge: Verizon must reveal name of music downloader ... is illegal.". The RIAA filed a motion Aug. 20 in an attempt to enforce the subpoena against Verizon Internet Services . In the motion ...

Case Watch - Consumer Protection & Product Liability - Verizon ...... Search Our Site. In This Section: News > Important Documents > Attorneys. Verizon Internet Services last update March 2, 2001. Complaints ...

04.Jan.2005 authentico index epinicia=Siegeslieder. "War: " "War: a massacre of people who don't know each other. for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other" Valery, Paul quotes (French poet, essayist + critic)
Neue OZ online: Langes Warten auf Neuigkeiten aus Khao Lak... Unter ihnen ist die 30-jährige Jeannette Loll aus Bad Iburg. ... Am 10.Dez.2004 war Jeannette Loll mit ihrem Freund aus Hamburg nach Khao Lak gereist.

Neue OZ online: Startseite... vermisst. Unter ihnen ist die 30-jährige Jeannette Loll aus Bad Iburg. Mehr zum Thema, Feuilleton. "Ein Verlust für das Land", Mangelnde
Taucher.Net – Tsunami-Personensuche ... Banse. Thailand - Palm Andaman Beach. 28.12.2004 18:07 : Jeannette Loll war im Palm andaman Beach Hotel als die Welle kam. Sie wurde ...

Neue OZ online: Osnabrücker Land Unter ihnen ist die 30-jährige Jeannette Loll aus Bad Iburg. mehr zum Thema, 29.12.2004. Osnabrücker Land, Tierischer Schwindel eines 51-Jährigen? ... 03.Jan.2005

Missing Persons Registration from Tsunami in Thailand ... 862, Jean Luc Gourdon. 863, Jeanine Scholey. 864, Ms. JEANNETTE LOLL . 865, Ms Jeany Johnson. 866, Mr. Jeffrey Charles Aaron. 867, Jennifer Gaye Solomon.

Missing Persons Registration from Tsunami in Thailand 893, Jasmin Biebricher. 894, Jason Rigby. 895, Mr. Jay Bryden. 896, Jean Moore. 897, Mr. Jean Bianco. 898, Jean Luc Gourdon. 899, Jeanine Scholey. 900, Ms. JEANNETTE ...
_A_O_20050101_THAY_ALL_VICTIMS_LIST_UNCOMPLETE_GERMAN_search.html Auradniczek male 31 German 31.Dec.2004 07:26 .." ". JEANNETTE LOLL female 30 Germany 31.Dec.2004 06:29 .." ". kuethe ...

04.Jan.2005 22:0 Dead Soldier's Dad Finds No Enemy in Iraq: Fernando Suarez del Solar is a busy man. He is busy opening boxes, counting pills, counting bandages; he is busy checking everything in the boxes that come addressed to him from all over the United States.

04.Jan.2005 Time to leave Iraq: The Bush administration's New Year's resolution should be to pull out of Iraq. Already, the United States has lost 1,300 soldiers, and 10,000 U.S. soldiers have been wounded, at a rate now of almost 1,000 a month.

04.Jan.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: Forget Torture; It's the Sex That Matters: What defines conduct unbecoming an officer?

04.Jan.2005 'Civilization' vs. 'Barbarism': An Interview with Noam Chomsky: "It's not correct that the media haven't reported the war crimes. They often report them and celebrate them. Take for example the invasion of Fallujah.." 04.Jan.2005 Not a good way to start a democracy : Serious questions must be asked about US influence in Ukraine

04.Jan.2005 In case you missed it: Dick Cheney’s Song of America: The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming military superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage. It calls for dominion over friends and enemies alike. It says not that the United States must be more powerful, or most powerful, but that it must be absolutely powerful.

04.Jan.2005 In case you missed it: After Iraq it is Venezuela : While the whole world is focused on America and the Euro zone for the super power challenges, both these powers are looking small when you combine the powers of the new coalition Putin is building with India, China, Russia and Brazil. Add to that Venezuelan oil that supplies America a substantial crude oil, and now you have the actual scenario of confrontation.

04.Jan.2005 UN asks Israel to stop violating Lebanese airspace: Israeli warplanes flew over large parts of Lebanon on Thursday, the Lebanese Army said, prompting the United Nations to again urge the Jewish state to stop sending its military aircraft over this Arab country in breach of the UN-drawn Lebanese-Israeli border.

04.Jan.2005 Israel in 'Very Difficult Position' Over Chinese Drone Repair, Diplomat Says: Israel is in a "very difficult position" over an American demand that Israel not return Harpy drones to China that were sent here for servicing, an Israeli diplomat said on Thursday following the visit of the Chinese deputy prime minister here this week.

04.Jan.2005 Forgers 'tried to rewrite biblical history' :

Hundreds of biblical artefacts in museums all over the world could be fakes, it has emerged after Israeli investigators uncovered what they claim is a sophisticated forgery ring.

04.Jan.2005 Did FBI Use Pentagon Analyst to ‘Sting’ AIPAC?:

Jewish newspapers are reporting the FBI used the Pentagon’s top Iran analyst in a “sting operation” to pass “foreign policy strategic information to two AIPAC officials.”

04.Jan.2005 Israeli hubris vs. the US: The latest spy tale in Washington, DC, involving Larry Franklin, an intelligence analyst at the Defense Department + some of Israel's most important lobbyists in America, is becoming deeper by the week.

04.Jan.2005 Israel's Secret Weapon :  This film is the story of the bomb, Vanunu and Israel's wall of silence. 

04.Jan.2005 Death toll in Indonesia could reach 400,000: Many affected areas remain beyond the reach of rescue operations, Indonesia's ambassador to Malaysia told reporters

04.Jan.2005 The Bush administration is shameless.: $13.6 billion in emergency funding to Florida in response to the four hurricanes and 100 people dead. $35 Million for the victims of the tsunami and over 100,000 dead.

04.Jan.2005 The stingy U.S./An appalling performance: As the Bush administration is wont to say, actions speak louder than words, and America's actions in recent days have painted the United States as a rich, self-absorbed and uncaring nation that had to be shamed into anything approaching appropriate concern about this catastrophe.

03.Jan.2005 _A_O_20050101_THAY_ALL_VICTIMS_LIST_UNCOMPLETE_GERMAN_search.html German y Thammasat University German … 29/12/2547 .." (30 quotes). 4. BNH Hospital -


03.Jan.2005 %22Cullen Davis%22&c

03.Jan.2005 STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT & THE SECULAR RIGHT ... Laszlo Pasztor : The founding chair and a key figure in ... Pasztor helped form the "Bulgarian
National Front," a ... of Nazi Germany, that PAUL WEYRICH - perhaps the ... - One-Stop Faster Bid Search Engine... FREE CONGRESS FOUNDATION and LASZLO PASZTOR (NAZI COLLABORATOR). ... Welcome from Paul Weyrich Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation Listen in Real Media

03.Jan.2005 The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates... proudly displayed photos of himself in his original Waffen SS uniform + that Laszlo Pasztor, who had ... ( Pasztor is still a key adviser to Paul Weyrich .).

Racism, Nationalism + Fascism by Margaret Quigley Political ...Paul Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation has used NED money to train Boris ... who recommends Hungarian groups for NED funding is Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Nazi ...

03.Jan.2005 A Syrian Appeals to the President of the USA America is Laszlo Pasztor, who was architect of the Republican Party Émigré Network.

Pasztor, who worked as advisor to the Republican Paul Weyrich, was a ...

03.Jan.2005 Unanswered Questions: Thinking For Ourselves .. and taking the rights of Muslims, so jokingly he says ' Laszlo Pasztor ', the Nazi ...One should also consider Weyrich's (high guy in the FCF) paper is called 'Why ...

Kurt Nimmo: The Delusions of David Horowitz (right-wing propaganda machine -> )... Horowitz? Or possibly Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Nazi war collaborator, who served as adviser to Republican Paul Weyrich ? David ...

Secret Societies of the Extreme Right Wing Another famous Nazi conspirator was Laszlo Pasztor . He helped build the Republican émigré network and served as an advisor to Paul Weyrich . ...

03.Jan.2005 | Still Backing the Hard Right: Coors Money Undermines ...Weyrich, who for years has represented the political interests of the Coors ... sponsors the work of a convicted Nazi collaborator, Laszlo Pasztor, a Hungarian ...

19.Jan.1995 From: David B. O'Donnell ... to Paul Weyrich, President of the Free Congress Foundation, which runs NET.

If you recall, back 00.000.1988, Bush dumped convicted Nazi collaborator Laszlo Pasztor ...

03.Jan.2005 Scoop #204 -

09.Nov.1998 ... Contact Paul Weyrich at 202/546-3000 . Stanton Meeting: Activities at the

29.Oct.1998 Stanton foreign + defense policy meeting chaired by Laszlo Pasztor of ...

Scoop #148 -

09.Jan.1997 Thune at 202/225-2131, Paul Weyrich at 202/546-3000, Rep. ... at the January 9 Stanton foreign and defense policy meeting chaired by Laszlo Pasztor of Coalitions ...

03.Jan.2005 Group of shadowy power-players with mind set on one-world control... Weyrich was also said to have sponsored and worked closely with one Laszlo Pasztor ,a convicted Austrian Nazi collaborator whose Coalitions of the Americas is ...

03.Jan.2005 Nazis and Bush family history: Government investigated Bush ...that Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Nazi war collaborator, built the Republican ??migr?? network. Pasztor, who served as adviser to Republican Paul Weyrich, ...

03.Jan.2005 Council for National Policy (CNP) - W - Member Biographies .. Paul Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation provided office space for Laszlo Pasztor ,an ex-Bush campaigner + a convicted Austrian pro-Nazi collaborator. ...


LASZLO PASZTOR is a convicted Nazi collaborator who served a prison sentence for his role in the Arrow Cross, a ... He works for Weyrich's Coalitions for America ...

PROSOX Free Congress Foundation. | Paul Weyrich, President of FCF. | Moral Majority, Jerry Falwell. | International Policy Forum. | Charles Moser. | Laszlo Pasztor . ...

20041206 American neo-fascists. Weyrich presently employs top USA Fabianist Sir Peter Vickers Hall + ex-Nazi collaborator Pasztor, Laszlo.

Daily Kos :: Pete Coors' July Surprise, Part Two ... a group called Coalitions for America, of which Coors associate Paul Weyrich was national ... Nor was Laszlo Pasztor the only Nazi figure active in Coors projects. ...

03.Jan.2005 Today's Conservatives Are Fascists : Torture, dictatorship, phony "elections,"and endless war – it's fascism with a "democratic" face. More on this topic

03.Jan.2005 Guantanamo Briton 'in handcuff torture' : A British detainee at Guantanamo Bay has told his lawyer he was tortured using the 'strappado', a technique common in Latin American dictatorships

03.Jan.2005 Guilty Until Proven Innocent: US plans detention for life : The Defence Department, which holds 500 prisoners at its base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, plans to ask the US Congress for $32.1 million to build a 200-bed jail to hold detainees who are unlikely to go through a military tribunal for lack of evidence, defence officials told the newspaper.

03.Jan.2005 U.S. Citizen Locked Up For Two Years In Solitary Confinement Without  Charges: Lawyer challenging terror policy : "I guess my own fundamental beliefs are that if you think someone has done wrong, you have to charge them with that wrong and give them a fair chance to prove that it’s not true," Freiman said.

03.Jan.2005 In case you missed it: Appeals panel rules U.S. citizen not an enemy combatant

03.Jan.2005 Outsourcing Detention : Why is an American citizen being held without charges in Saudi Arabia? And why does the U.S. State Department seem to have a vested interest in keeping him there?

03.Jan.2005 Islamic Army in Iraq threatens attacks in US: website: The mujahedeen “will take the battle from inside our country (Iraq) to yours,” the statement said.

03.Jan.2005 Saudi Student Was Mess Tent Suicide Bomber : The suicide bomber who killed 22 people when he blew himself up in a US army mess tent the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, was a Saudi medical student, an Arab newspaper reported today.

03.Jan.2005 Electoral tempest in Iraq: In countless interviews with Western journalists, Iraqi recruits have made clear that they have no intention of turning their guns on fellow Iraqis who have chosen to fight the USA

03.Jan.2005 The Government's Attorneys and Abu Ghraib The Bush administration's assault on the Geneva Conventions has caused collateral damage to the legal offices of the executive branch + the military.

The most obvious victims of the brutal treatment of prisoners at American military jails are the men, women and children who have been humiliated, sexually assaulted, beaten, tortured and even killed. But, as in all wars, the Bush administration's assault on the Geneva Conventions has caused collateral damage - in this case, to the legal offices of the executive branch and the military.

03.Jan.2005 The Question of Torture : Open letter to Alberto Gonzales From Over 200 American Religious Leaders:
As a self-professed evangelical Christian, you surely know that all people are created in the image of God.- You understand that torture — the deliberate effort to undermine human dignity — is a grave sin and affront to God. You would not deny that the systemic use of torture on prisoners at Abu Ghraib was fundamentally immoral, as is the deliberate rendering of any detainee to authorities likely to commit torture.

03.Jan.2005 Bring Them Home

03.Jan.2005 Sooner rather than later.By Sheila Samples - It's frightening that, for some Americans, the "conventional wisdom" is for the rest of us to just shut the hell up and allow our uniformed citizens to make the ultimate sacrifice in peace -- and honor.
Our duty is to be there, waving our flags, when they are shuttled back to the US under cover of darkness, boxed up and ready to be buried. For those Americans, that seems to be the only definition of "patriotism."

03.Jan.2005 Robert Fisk Looks Back at 2004 : The Mire of Death, Lies and Atrocities:
Fisk says, "Over the past year, there has been evidence enough that our whole project in Iraq is hopelessly flawed, that our Western armies - when they are not torturing prisoners, killing innocents and destroying one of the largest cities in Iraq - are being vanquished by a ferocious guerrilla army, the like of which we have not seen before in the Middle East." Fisk joins us from Beirut, Lebanon.
Click here to listen Real audio


03.Jan.2005 Almanacco dei Misteri d'Italia: Gladio e piano Solo... a un lettore nella sua rubrica sul settimanale sulla ' Gladio Rossa' scrive ... suo perche' anonimo, presente nelle carte che il generale Le Winter consegno' anni ... 2000.htm

Caso Moro 20 anni dopo: i fatti del 1992... avuto "stretti legami con Gladio ", concorda con questa tesi. Il settimanale riferisce alcune circostanze che proverebbero la teoria di Le Winter : la presenza ...

Nazi-Schergen im Sold der USA Laut Oberst Oswald Le Winter, CIA-Verbindungsoffizier zur Gladio, enthalten diese Verträge die Zustimmung aller Regierungen, daß weder Anhänger des rechtes ...

03.Jan.2005 From: (deltagreen-digest) To ...BACKGROUND:

00.000.1954 Founded in Miami, FL by George Wackenhut, former FBI agent + three other former agents, under the name Special Agent Investigators Inc ...

and expenses TSB paid from the Vargas Trust. Accordingly, we ...View as HTML .. parties and the transaction because Wackenhut ’s corporate offices are there +some of the negotiations between DeSantis + George Wackenhut occurred there ...

The SWA was under attack the last weeks. Neverless we continue our ...Technology; - Walter Andrus, USN-ONI ("ret."), director, MUFON; - George Wackenhut, head of black-ops security organization; and others.


03.Jan.2005 The Last Circle - Chapter 11 ... long time. Reportedly, George Wackenhut liked Frye and Dick Wilson, but did not trust Riconosciuto or Nichols. Michael Riconosciuto ...

03.Jan.2005 - Government Officials Profited ... agent William Hinshaw, “that if you [the US government] want a dirty job done, call Wackenhut.”

Connelly even interviewed owner George Wackenhut in his ...

03.Jan.2005 Search Results While BushDaddy's CIA collaborates with Drug Cartels, BushBuddies like George Wackenhut make out with for-profit prisons + cheap labor. ...

03.Jan.2005 Ken Silverstein, Alex Friedmann, Human Rights Watch | US Prisons ... every year. CCA's chief competitor is Wackenhut, which was founded 00.000.1954 by George Wackenhut, a former FBI official. Over the ...

Hodges, George on ... WACKENHUT CORRECTIONS SIGNS PRISON MANAGEMENT CONTRACT, ... Curry; bottom, left to right, Lieutenants Fred Bradley, Dean Roome, Lee Mason Honeycutt, George W. Bush. ...

03.Jan.2005 Meria With John Biewen - Prisons for Profit ... As Ted of exposed Mr. Bush's pal, George Wackenhut runs several prisons for profit, cheap labor from non-violent drug offenders feeding the ...

03.Jan.2005 Shuttle Rescue

00.000.1968 after a short time with the City of Titusville fire department George came to work for the Wackenhut fire department protecting the new Space Center.

03.Jan.2005 America's Private Gulag ... CCA's chief competitor is Wackenhut, which was founded 00.000.1954 by George Wackenhut, a former FBI official.

Over the years its board ...

Whacking Wackenhut - When George Zoley, Wackenhut ’s chief executive officer, was asked if the girl deserved an apology, he replied to the CBS commentator: “Not that I’m aware ...
Money & Politics - WACKENHUT CORPORATION POLITICAL ACTION COMM ...( WACKENHUT PAC), Campaign Finance, Money, American politics, American political campaign contributions, presidential campaign contributions, george w bush ...

RMIT Student Union ... Wackenhut's founder, George Wackenhut, has said of Australia: They're really starting to punish people as they should have all along."

"This year we're going ...

Wackenhut - First 50 years History: The First 50 Years. A history of innovation and customer service.

00.000.1954 Founded by George R. Wackenhut . Publicly held corporation from 1966 to 2002.

03.Jan.2005 Private security-firm Wackenhut against oil-activists ... George Wackenhut, the founder,

00.000.1965 bragged that the corporation had continued 'to update its files after the McCarthy period of hysteria, adding the names ...

Top 100 Federal Prime Contractors – 2004 ... 57: Wackenhut Corp. Top 100 Contributors List. Top 100 Rank: 86. ... $19,340. 2004 Democrat Contributions: $13,006. 2004 Contributions to George Bush: $4,500. ...

Top 100 Federal Prime Contractors – 2004 Top 100 Federal Prime Contractors -- 2004 Companies by 2004 Giving to George Bush. ... $5,400, 26, Keane Inc. $4,750, 98, Wackenhut Corp. $4,500, 86, Titan Corp. $4,450 .

03.Jan.2005 Lista de empresas ... Georg Fischer Ltd. Georg von Holtzbrinck GmbH. George (famille). George Wackenhut . George Weston Ltd. George Wimpey plc. Georges Delbard. Georgia Pacific. ... -- News: Gifts made to test site museum ... George Wackenhut, founder of a security company that guards the nation's sensitive nuclear facilities, has donated $500,000 to the Nevada Test Site Historical ...

03.Jan.2005 Privater Sicherheitsdienst im Irak wurde auch gegen Arbeitskämpfe ... Das Unternehmen, das im Jahr 1954 von dem ehemaligen FBI-Beamten George Wackenhut gegründet wurde, unterhält seit jeher enge Beziehungen zu Militär- und ...

03.Jan.2005 VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS ELECT 1929 OFFICERS Brooklyn Standard ... board of directors: George M. COLLIER, William HALDIN, Martin BETJEN, Eugene OSBOURNE,
George WACKENHUT, Charles KLEIN, William CURTIX, Fred M. WILLIAMS, John H ...

House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 10 Dec 1998 (pt 7) [62930]. Mr. George Howarth: The contract with Wackenhut (UK) Ltd. for the ... [62927]. Mr. George Howarth: Wackenhut (UK) Ltd. have expressed ...

House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 4 Feb 1999 (pt 16) Mr. George Howarth: The contract for the management of the industries at ... the receipt of notice of termination from the contractor, Wackenhut (UK) Limited. ...
Johns Hopkins Magazine -

00.Jun.2000 ... SPSBE '49 While earning his master's degree in education, George Wackenhut was director of physical education and head soccer coach at Homewood (1946-50).

Conspiracy Theories - Area 51 - Inoffiziell ...

Ihr Boss ist George Wackenhut, ein früherer FBI-Agent. Ursprünglich durften staatliche Stellen keine privaten Firmen zu Überwachungszwecken einstellen.

BRISTOL Indymedia: newswire/3178 ... George Wackenhut its right wing owner made his fortune in the sixties collating files on left-wingers, civil rights activists and anti-war protestors and ...

03.Jan.2005 http ... Wackenhut was founded by George Wackenhut, FBI agent, who obtained Wackenhut's first big job, when it worked as the investigator for Clay Shaw, accused by Jim ...,10,60,17,00.htm

Wired 3.03: You're Not Paranoid: They Really Are Watching You... For those extra-sensitive security concerns, George Wackenhut is on hand. Wackenhut is the founder of The Wackenhut Corporation ...

03.Jan.2005 George Wackenhut - Profilo aziendale & marchi George Wackenhut è una delle 10000 aziende e di 21000 marchi per cui l'Osservatorio delle transnationali fornisce informazione ambientale, sociale e ...

Lista di manager ... George C Zoley: Wackenhut Corrections Corp,. George David: United Technologies Corp.,. .George R Wackenhut : Wackenhut Corp, Wackenhut Corrections Corp,. ...
Triangle Free Press Commentary July 2003...

00.000.1954 Wackenhut Corporation was started by George Wackenhut, an ex-FBI man who once beat up one of his business partners and who has giant elephant tusks ...

03.Jan.2005 Sacrificing humanity on the altar of cheap ideology ... The company's founder, former FBI agent George Wackenhut, apparently a great believer in incarceration, observed in a documentary aired on Australian ...

03.Jan.2005 Wackenhut Corporation 1994 (390); Thomas,K. Keith,J. The Octopus. 1996 (9 14 31). WACKENHUT GEORGE R: CounterSpy 1976-SP (11 18); Donner,F. The Age of Surveillance. ...

The Paydirt of Paranoia In an SBS interview, reported in The Australian on

25.Nov.2000 George Wackenhut, former FBI agent and head of Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, said ...

Private security company in Iraq suppressed labor struggles in US ...

00.000.1954 Founded by former FBI official George Wackenhut, the company has long enjoyed close ties to the US military and intelligence establishment.

The Wackenhut Story – Brief History, Organization and ...
View as HTML For more than three decades, George Wackenhut served as President + Chief Executive Officer of the company. Today, he remains ...

20041202 Wackenhut, George has made enormous ...

01.Dec.2004 George R Wackenhut - WACKENHUT GEORGE R. CounterSpy 1976 ... name. 01.Jan.2005

03.Jan.2005 Wackenhut Cinco décadas de desarrollo. 1919. George Wackenhut nace en Philadelphia un

03.Sep.1954 . La Compañía Special Agent Investigators. www.

03.Jan.2005 George Wackenhut - Profil d'entreprise & marques George Wackenhut est une des 10000 entreprises et une des 21000 marques pour lesquelles l'Observatoire des transnationales fournit des informations sociales ...

03.Jan.2005 Las redes estadounidenses de desestabilización 03.Jan.2005 de injerencia ...Según el general Oswald Le Winter, antiguo oficial encargado del Gladio en el seno de la CIA, confesó que los protocolos adicionales del Tratado del ...


03.Jan.2005 Stay-behind : les réseaux d'ingérence américains [Réseau ... Selon le colonel Oswald Le Winter, ancien officier traitant du Gladio au sein de la CIA, les protocoles additionnels du Traité de l'Altantique-Nord stipulent ...

Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney ...politicians, some resident Italian Mafiosi + members of a Gladio assassination squad ... The Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem by OSWALD SWIFT LE WINTER . ...

20041206 Colonel Oswald Le Winter of the CIA, who served as USA liaison officer with Gladio, has stated that the planning staff of the Red Brigades was made up of CIA

03.Jan.2005 Kapitalerhöhung: US-Immobilienriese Fannie Mae braucht Milliarden

03.Jan.2005 Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe

03.Jan.2005 Nach US-Druck: Uno besetzt Führungsposten neu

03.Jan.2005 Regierungsplan: Deutsche Fluthilfe soll auf 500 Millionen Euro erhöht werden

03.Jan.2005 Weiterleben nach der Todeswelle: Sri Lanka erwacht aus der Schockstarre

03.Jan.2005 Spendenaufruf: Tsunami vereint Bush und Clinton

03.Jan.2005 Ausbürgerung: Deutscher auf Zeit

03.Jan.2005 Katastrophenopfer: Große Spendenbereitschaft in Europa

03.Jan.2005 Tourismus in Südostasien: "Länder dürfen kein zweites Mal bestraft werden"

03.Jan.2005 Boeings Dreamliner: Zu große Töne gespuckt

03.Jan.2005 Microsoft unter Druck: Trojaner und Ad-Ware schlagen zu

03.Jan.2005 Uno: Annan kämpft ums politische Überleben

03.Jan.2005 Thailand: Kind aus Krankenhaus verschwunden - Entführung befürchtet

03.Jan.2005 Kettenexplosion: Feuerwerk der Sterngeburten

03.Jan.2005 Stars für Flutopfer: Hilfe von Großbritannien bis Hong Kong

03.Jan.2005 Städteranking: Der Osten holt auf

03.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: US-Navy fliegt Hilfseinsätze, Bundeswehr sondiert noch

03.Jan.2005 Alkohol am Steuer: Warum Betrunkene gegen Bäume fahren

03.Jan.2005 Rettung auf hoher See: Indonesierin klammerte sich fünf Tage lang an entwurzelte Palme

03.Jan.2005 Lkw aus Osteuropa: Rollende Bomben

03.Jan.2005 Thailändische Inselnomaden: Wie Salaman sein Volk rettete

03.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Uno rechnet mit mehr als 165.000 Toten

03.Jan.2005 Goldesel Patient: Das große Geschäft mit dubiosen Allergietests
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Das Universum ist ein Stahltresor"

03.Jan.2005 Tsunami-Katastrophe: Geologen registrierten, Behörden versagten

03.Jan.2005 Bewegung am Arbeitsmarkt: Zahl der Erwerbstätigen steigt

03.Jan.2005 Newsticker: Kurzmeldungen zur Flutkatastrophe

03.Jan.2005 Tsunamis: Indonesien will Warnsystem aufbauen

03.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Brite schickte gefälschte Mails mit Todesmeldungen

03.Jan.2005 Katastrophenversorgung: Hunderttausende warten auf Hilfe