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00.000.19---00.000.19-- Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"

1. Das Web wurde durchsucht nach.htm

".. .. are mentioned on the listed pages with the name Dulles, Allen ... Press for Conversion Issue - ... ... The CIA's Heroin Heroes.

00.000.1980 Iran/USA: The Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"/Bush, G.H.[s&b948] ... guy guy who ....... guy who .......

00.000.19__ guy who ....... guy who ....... guy who ....... guy who ....... guy who ....... guy .."
11.Sep.2001 Twin Tower Attacken sorgten in Bush, G.H.[s&b948]'s ...

- Elkhorn Manifesto 7 – Nixon, Richard +Reagan, Ronald USA"President"+Bush, G.H.[s&b948] ... THE Nazi German General Gehlen, Reinhard ORGANIZATION Probably the most influential ... .."
Dulles, Allen+"Bundesnachrichtendienst""BND""West Germany" s "CIA"

Though a protestant, Nazi German General Gehlen, Reinhard s ...

Casey: Director of CIA, head of USA"President" Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"-Bush, G.H.[s&b948]

"The Secret USA Government" -
".. Burke about final report, 177 recognizes Dulles, Allen ... Weitere Resultate von

Bibliografia ... Cline, Ray, The CIA under Reagan, Ronald, USA"President", Bush, G.H.[s&b948] & Casey, Acropolis Books ... Cookridge, E.,

00.000.1971 Nazi USA"President", Holder, . ...

Dulles, Allen, AW, Germany’s .."
".. covert/ciabooks.html - SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA - ...

Dulles, Allen's clients demanded+received, Allied compensation...Nixon, Richard, Reagan, Ronald, USA"President", and Bush, G.H.[s&b948]... THE Nazi German General Reinhard Gehlen ORGANIZATION. Probably the most influential ... .."
".. General, Nazi ,German ...

The Real Reasons Part 2 - ... and the Presidential campaigns of USA"President"Nixon, Richard+USA"President"Reagan, Ronald+USA"President"Bush, G.H.[s&b948] ...

The Soviets, of course, were delighted as they watched Dulles, Allen"CIA"+Gehlen, Reinhard,General, Nazi ,German ... hemp .."
".. Weitere Resultate von

Museum of Hiram: Library: CIA Bibliography - ... column is the public stated position of the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"-Bush ...

A biography of Dulles, Eleanor+Dulles, Allen+Dulles, John Foster+Dulles,Rhea ... General Was a Spy - "The Truth About Gehlen, Reinhard,General, Nazi .."

2.19.Sep.2002 Transcript from USA"Senate Armed Services Committee"Hearing

SENATOR BYRD:"Mr. Secretary, let me read to you from the

23.Sep..2002 "Newsweek" story. I read this, I read excerpts, because my time is limited.

"Some Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"officials even saw Saddam as another Anwar Sadat, capable of making Iraq into a modern secular state, just as Sadat had tried to lift up Egypt .."
00.000.19---00.000.19-- ".. hardware to be shipped to Iraq in a swap deal: USA tanks to Egypt+Egyptian tanks to Iraq. "Over the protest of some Pentagon skeptics, the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" administration began allowing the Iraqis to buy a wide variety of 'dual-use,' equipment+materials from USA suppliers. "According .."
".. against Iranian troops.

00.000.19 88 -"When Saddam bombed Kurdish rebels+civilians with a lethal cocktail of mustard gas+sarin+tabun+VX, the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" administration first blamed Iran before acknowledging, under pressure from USA "Congress" Democrats, that the culprit were Saddam's own forces. .."
".. knew that Saddam was dangerous man at the time. I realize that you were not in public office at the time, but you were dispatched to Iraq by Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" to talk about the need to improve relations between Iraq+USA Let me ask you again: To your knowledge did the USA help Iraq .."
".. what we have sown? SECRETARY RUMSFELD: I have not read the article.

As you suggest, I was, for a period in late '83 and early '84, asked by Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" to serve as Middle East envoy after the Marines -- 241 Marines were killed in Beirut. As part of my responsibilities I did visit Baghdad. I did .."
".. asked a question of the Secretary of Defense. I referred to a "Newsweek" article that appeared in the

23.Sep.2002 edition. That article asserted that the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" administration allowing the Iraqis to buy a wide variety of materials that could be used as the foundation for chemical and biological weapons. .."

".. der Tatsache, dass die sozialistische Massenopposition gegen den Schah vorher unter Aufsicht der CIA zerschlagen worden war. 01.JAN.1950-31.DEZ.1959 Reagan,Ronald front man for the money-laundering organization "Crusade for Freedom", which was part of Dulles's Fascist 'freedom fighters' .."
".. freedom fighters' program." (3)Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [Dulles's Office of Policy Coordination] hands like Reagan,Ronald who had been the front man back in the money-laundering organization, the "Crusade for Freedom", which was part of Dulles's .."
".. unterstützend, mit seinen Leuten Kabul in Trümmer " 00.000.1980-00.000.1990 Hussein, Saddam sammelte mit ausdrücklicher Zustimmung der Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"-Bush, G.H.[s&b948]-Administration Vorräte an biologischen Wirkstoffen, die stammen von einer amerikanischen Firma, der American Type Culture Collection .."
".. Jahre bis 01.01.1980-31.12.1980 there were 280 OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants. 00.Feb.1981 Reagan, Ronald promulgated Executive Order 12291, Executive Order 12291, established the principle that federal regulations "be based upon .."

4. 10.Feb.2003 Lies Father, Lies Son -updte-Remarks to the 2nd edition - Sep.
".. remember, was the first non-WASP president. Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 41 is allegedly linked to his murder, which is seen as the stepping stone for the presidency of Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes. The assassins of the three "Kings," JFK, RFK and MLK, could have been couriers produced by MKUltra or Project Monarch .."
".. by political influence, with Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 41 still on board as director and consultant. He is widely suspected of a role in the JFK murder and the attempt on Reagan's life (as vice-president, Bush, G.H.[s&b948] would have replaced Reagan), and of being the power behind the throne in the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" and Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 43 regimes. His .."
".. director and consultant. He is widely suspected of a role in the JFK murder and the attempt on Reagan's life (as vice-president, Bush, G.H.[s&b948] would have replaced Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"), and of being the power behind the throne in the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" and Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 43 regimes. His cronies make up the new Cabinet. Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 43 and the British .."
".. the JFK murder and the attempt on Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"'s life (as vice-president, Bush, G.H.[s&b948] would have replaced Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"), and of being the power behind the throne in the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" and Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 43 regimes. His cronies make up the new Cabinet. Bush, G.H.[s&b948] 43 and the British psycho-war clique around Blair have now clearly faked the .."

5. Anders als sonst in Menschenköpfen
".. vierzehn Jahre her + doch haben wir sie vergessen, die Geschichte des Untergangs der DDR. "Mr. Gorbatschow, öffnen Sie diese Mauer!" Mit Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" s Berliner Rede begann alles und hätte alles schon wieder vorbei sein können, wenn sich die Welt nach dem Zynismus liberaler .."
".. alles und hätte alles schon wieder vorbei sein können, wenn sich die Welt nach dem Zynismus liberaler Kommentatoren gerichtet hätte. Aber Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" Nachfolger Bush, G.H.[s&b948] verblüffte sein Volk & die Menschheit, als er bei seiner Amtseinführung erklärte, ein Jahr .."

6. 05.Feb.2003 BLOGG-deutsch-
".. an der University of California in Berkeley. Hinter den Aktionen gegen Beatniks und Radikale steckten FBI-Chef J. Edgar Hoover und Gouverneur Ronald Reagan. -- UniSPIEGEL ONLINE: Sie verteilen Ihr Magazin kostenlos und haben kaum Anzeigen. Von wem bekommen Sie Geld? Sexton: Bislang haben wir nur .."
(1 quote)

7. Bush, G.H.[s&b948]-Nazi-Connection01
".. Connection01 Iraq Bans Weapons of Mass Destruction, Whatever That Means. Maybe It Means that They Discarded the Biological and Chemical Weapons that the Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"-Bush, G.H.[s&b948]-Rumsfeld-Cheney Regime Sold to Them. 2/15 ------- Then there's the Bush family alliance with the greatest evil in history https://www .."
(1 quote)

8. 10.Mär.2003 Imperialismus sans Phrase
".. Lange Zeit freilich wurden die Elaborate als Hirngespinste abgetan, verfasst von intellektuellen Außenseitern, erzkonservativen Relikten aus der Reagan, Ronald, USA"President"-Ära, kaltgestellten Kalten Kriegern, die, finanziell unterstützt von Lobby-Organisationen, in irgendwelchen Studierstuben politisch .."
(1 quote)

9. Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America-.html
".. campaign gained legs. With the help of McCarthyism, New Deal ideas, such as guaranteed national health insurance, fell victim to the propaganda. Reagan, Ronald, USA"President", incidentally, was a participant in NAM publicity efforts. The rest is history. How did television give corporate America a showroom in every .."
(1 quote)

10. 02.Dec.2002 Privacy concerns push conservatives to ACLU - The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon, USA
The Register-Guard, the main daily newspaper for Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County, Oregon. News, sports, classified, weather, University of Oregon Ducks.
".. against the organization as a smirking opponent of the rights of the unborn. Before that, he had said it was part of a ``Bermuda Triangle'' swallowing up Reagan, Ronald, USA"President" administration anti-crime measures. Hyde chuckles at those memories, and even admits he may have used the ``card-carrying member of the ACLU'' .."
(1 quote)

10 pages listed.