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You searched for *11.Sep.2001.

1. 2004071415_Report

17.Jun.2004 URL:


11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m. USA „NORAD“„NEADS“Northeast Air Defense Sector,that .."
".. areas employees Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins + other are starting their work day.

25.Jan.2002 Newhouse News]

11.Sep.2001 -on- NORAD is unusually prepared, because it is conducting a week-long semi-annual exercise called Vigilant Guardian.

11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m. NORAD is thus fully staffed + alert +

11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m. NORAD senior officers are manning stations throughout the USA.

11.Sep.2001 06 .."
".. staffed + alert +

11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m. NORAD senior officers are manning stations throughout the USA.

11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m. NORAD entire chain of command is in place +

11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m. NORAD ready

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. when the first hijacking is reported. 03 .."
03.Jun.2002 -later-[Aviation Week + .."
".. exercise would prove to be a serendipitous enabler of a rapid military response to terrorist attacks on 11.Sep.2001 "

14.Sep.2002 -later-[ABC News] reports that because NORAD is "conducting training exercises [it] therefore [has] extra fighter planes on alert."

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. [ABC News] "We had the fighters with a little more gas on board. A few .."
".. exercise poses "an imaginary crisis to USA North American Air Defense outposts USA nationwide."

11.Sep.2001 09-00 a.m.(see) is being run : NORAD Vigilant Guardian exercise, along with another .."
".. USA Air Force bases in upstate New York + Florida + Washington + Alaska .

12.May 2003 [Bergen Record]

11.Sep.2001 06-30 a.m.-a week-long Vigilant Guardian is said to be a practice attack "across .."
".. by Russian forces."

25.Jan.2002 [Newhouse News]Accounts # by participants vary on whether was

11.Sep.2001 the 2. or 3. or 4. day of NORAD Vigilant Guardian exercise.

11.Sep.2002 [Ottawa Citizen]Accounts # by participants vary on whether was

00.Jan.2002 [Code One Magazine]Accounts # by participants vary on whether was

11.Sep.2001 the 2. or 3. or 4. day of NORAD Vigilant Guardian exercise.URL:


00.Jun.2004 11.Sep.2001 -Commission has issued a new report regarding the USA military's response on 11.Sep.2001 .

00.Jun.2004 -new report- contains an incredible number ## of errors. Most critically :

00.Jun.2004 11.Sep.2001 -Commission -new report- almost completely fails to mention Clarke, Richard efforts as .."
11.Sep.2001 USA national crisis manager.

00.Jun.2004 11.Sep.2001 -Commission -new report- There is only one mention of Clarke, Richard, as 11.Sep.2001 USA national crisis manager :

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. "The White House Situation Room initiated a video teleconference, chaired by Clarke, Richard.

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. While important, "The White House Situation Room initiated“- video conference, chaired by Clarke, Richard,-“had no immediate effect on the emergency defense efforts."

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. video teleconference appears to have been one of the first +

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. video teleconference certainly was the most important methods of communication amongst the top leaders on 11.Sep.2001 .

11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. video teleconference Virtually every top Bush [BGW968] official participated in this conference. This is vital, because Clarke, Richard s account of this 11.Sep.2001 00-00 a.m. video teleconference contradicts many # of the other stories about what happened 11.Sep.2001 .

We have published this interim update in order to highlight several important accounts + information that the recent 11.Sep.2001 Commission s -new report- failed to mention.

Much of it focuses on information from Clarke, Richard s book, Against All Enemies, a book the 11.Sep.2001 -Commission has seemingly completely ignored.

The new + updated entries listed below will soon be incorporated into the "Day of 11.Sep.2001 " timeline. [The color coding + acronyms are the same as on that page.]

We will soon post another update that will include information regarding the 11.Sep.2001 Commission -new report-. URL:
".. now help firms pursue contracts.

They see no conflict.

CIA's Acting Chief Says Threat Highest Since 11.Sep.2001 : "This is about as serious a threat environment as I have seen since 11.Sep.2001 " said McLaughlin

Danger Will Robinson! Osama has Nukes! : Williams’ book .."
".. have been proven wrong.

It turns out we did not know the half of it. Torture as Due Process:

11.Sep.2001 -After- the word of the president was supposedly the only protection that the rights + liberties of the USA people needed.

11.Sep.2001 -After- President Bush granted himself unlimited, unchecked power over anyone in the world .."
".. HAVA) Concurrent with Homeland Security's statement regarding the possibility of a large scale " 11.Sep.2001 type attack", EAC director DeForest B. Soaries , a Bush appointee, has hinted to .."
".. Dealer, 16.Sep.2003 ), Michel Chossudovsky is the author of War and Globalization, the Truth behind 11.Sep.2001 , Global Outlook, 2004 URL: .."

2. 200407300802_und_Report



11.Sep.2001-02.Aug.2004 -ohne Unterbrechung-seit der Zerstörung des World Trade Centers am- .."

02.Aug.2004 The 11.Sep.2001 attack on USA, coming under the administration of perhaps the most aimless, blundering, .."
".. your courage in speaking out about the evidence you've seen that NORAD lied to the USA people + to the

11.Sep.2001 Commission when it released it's official timelines in

00.Sep.2001 + again at the

00.May 2003 hearing (not under oath!). [Our group was instrumental in forcing the 11.Sep.2001 Commissionto take testimony under oath]. I feel that the timeline offered us by the 11.Sep.2001 Commissionis suspect as well. This brings me to my primary message to you + your colleagues as you look ahead to further hearings on Capitol Hill about the 11.Sep.2001 Commission's Report.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to not just examine the 11.Sep.2001 Commission recommendations. The

11.Sep.2001 Commissions findings of facts + circumstances including 11.Sep.2001 suspect timelines must be scrutinized as well with equal commitment + vigor.

If the .."
".. first 8 pages of Richard Clarke's book.

Richard Clarke timeline conflicts grossly with that of the 11.Sep.2001 Commission's. The

11.Sep.2001 Commission has Rumsfeld + Myers out of the loop 11.Sep.2001 10-00-00 am. -until well after- Myers, the 11.Sep.2001 Commission says was in a car enroute to the Pentagon when he saw smoke there.

Rumsfeld, the 11.Sep.2001 Commission says was in a breakfast meeting through the whole course of the attack. 11 .."
11.Sep.2001 09-12-00 AM -beginning at approximately.

Clarke has 11.Sep.2001 -then- both in a White House directed video conference Also, please read Gail Sheehy's .."
".. the Situation Room in USA White House (the Director being in FL with Pres. Bush [BGW968] ) saying :

11.Sep.2001 09-10-00 -when Clarke arrives at approximately-that was underway a "Threat Conference Call".

11.Sep.2001 09-37-00 am. -starting at -The

11.Sep.2001 Commission has the "Threat Conference“ or

11.Sep.2001 09-39-00 am - starting at -The

11.Sep.2001 Commission has the "Threat Conference“ or These are major discrepancies that .."
".. explanations. How were they resolved?

Is there a cover-up?

Why was there no call for courts martial?

How could 11.Sep.2001 00-000-00 am. Rumsfeld, be left out of the loop over the 109 minutes you mentioned it took for the attacks to be carried out? +

11.Sep.2001 00-000-00 am. Myers be left out of the loop over the 109 minutes you mentioned it took for the attacks to be carried out?+

11.Sep.2001 00-000-00 am. President Bush [BGW968] be left out of the loop over the 109 minutes you .."
".. Thank you for your diligence in the most critical search for the whole truth about what happened on 11.Sep.2001 .

This brief email has touched on a tip of iceberg that would throw grave suspicions on the work of the 11.Sep.2001 Commission +

that would throw grave suspicions on the work of the supposed cooperation of the Agencies asked to assist in getting to the truth. Sincerely, Kyle F. Hence

11.Sep.2001-01.Aug.2004 "For almost three years now, NORAD officials + FAA officials have been .."
".. declared during a USA Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearing.

During the hearing, leaders of the 11.Sep.2001 Commission urged USA Congress to promptly create a national intelligence chief to .."

01.Aug.2004 While courageous Sen. Dayton's challenge to the 11.Sep.2001 Commission +

01.Aug.2004 While courageous Sen. Dayton's challenge to to NORAD +

01.Aug.2004 .. challenge to to the President Bush [BGW968] himself should just be the beginning of genuine scrutiny on the 11.Sep.2001 Commission's findings (+ flawed process) --

01.Aug.2004 there is at this time far too much emphasis being placed on the 11.Sep.2001 Commission's recommendations with 15 hearings planned in 7 Committees in the House (none .."
".. smoke screen + distraction to the obvious need to examine the findings of 'facts + circumstances'-the 11.Sep.2001 Commission'full accounting' on which their findings are based. CitizensWatch joins .."
".. based. CitizensWatch joins former CIA analysts + FBI whistleblowers + others in demanding that the 11.Sep.2001 Commission be challenged for errors or ommissions in key areas. Please read the first 8 .."
".. challenged for errors or ommissions in key areas. Please read the first 8 pages of Richard Clarke's book; 11.Sep.2001 read the CompleteTimeline at: + do your own homework! .."
".. Senator Dayton did the other night when he skipped the Democratic convention festivities to read the 11.Sep.2001 Commission report until 02-30 AM! And as a result someone is seeking accountability + .."
".. to do what needs to be done to really be safe. That road must begin by getting to the truth behind 11.Sep.2001 + the cover-up that is now emerging into the light of day thanks to Senator Dayton. Kyle .."
".. is now emerging into the light of day thanks to Senator Dayton. Kyle F. Hence 01.Aug.2004 01-23 pm 11.Sep.2001 CitizensWatch URL:

UQ Wire: .."
".. Dayton's breaking the ice on Capital Hill3) My Letters to Dayton + Kennedy regarding need for balance in 11.Sep.2001 hearings. 01.Aug.2004 URL:

".. Scoop: Top Scoops + Just Politics

01.Aug.2004 02-41 pm Marjorie Cohn UQ Wire: Bush [BGW968] Jumps on the 11.Sep.2001 Band-Aid Wagon

01.Aug.2004 02-00 pm Norma Sherry HIPAA And Other Assaults Upon Our Civil .."
".. Terrorists & Other Dogs

01.Aug.2004 12-16 pm Richard S. Ehrlich Richard S. Ehrlich: Bangkok And The 11.Sep.2001 Attacks

01.Aug.2004 12-16 pm John Roughan John Roughan - 18 Months To Make Good!01.Aug .."

3. 2004062426_Report

".. airport officials reported that a second airplane in distress had passed through Cleveland airspace 11.Sep.2001 earlier Tuesday morning before being handed off to Toledo..." -AP. )URL: http: .."
".. private Raytheon Corporation hanger.  Raytheon is tangled throughout the events surrounding the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, not the least of which is the strange death of a Saudi test pilot and two .."
".. controversial investigations of the USS Cole bombing + the Watson led controversial investigations of the 11.Sep.2001 attacks + the Watson led controversial investigations of the anthrax attacks, before .."
".. URL:

26.Jun.2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission transcripts for

23.Mar.2004+24.Mar.2004  should be available soon .."
".. 53

Favorable testimony deals notwithstanding, internet controversy  continues to rage because the 11.Sep.2001 Commission conducts 90 % of its investigation in secret, failing to hear .."
".. catering crews with less security scrutiny, air traffic controllers, military pilots in the air on 11.Sep.2001 +

their ordinance crews, Securities & Exchange commissioners who ordered the still .."
The White House had originally asserted that flights evacuating Saudis from the USA after 11.Sep.2001 never existed, but author Craig Unger--who has written a book about clandestine Bush .."
".. signed checks made out to terrorist associates through his uncle's Riggs Bank. 

11.Sep.2001 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean negotiated away the important opportunity for personal, .."
".. testimony on-the-spot regarding their actions during the key two hour time-line of the actual 11.Sep.2001 attacks-- thus avoiding possible future perjury charges and/or impeachment .."
".. 53

26.Jun.2004 Terrorist's Name On Manifest Raises Questions About Saudi Flights After 11.Sep.2001 List +

testimony indicates FBI may have allowed alleged hijacker's kin to leave USA .."
".. translators before me had ongoing personal relationships with the subjects or targets of the FBI + DOJ pre 11.Sep.2001 investigations -

linked to intercepts + other intelligence--in June - July - August, just prior to the attacks." Edmonds told us "The Senate Judiciary Committee + the 11.Sep.2001 Commission have heard me testify

for lengthy periods of time (3 hrs) about very specific .."
".. retranslate + adjust the translations of [terrorist] subject intercepts that had been received before 11.Sep.2001 by the FBI + CIA.

Later in another story--after an April 26 11.Sep.2001 Commission hearing, we asked Edmonds about previously reported evidence she uncovered .."

4. 2004072223_Report

".. security detentions and abuse is here.


23.Jul.2004 The Good + Bad of the 11.Sep.2001 Report -ACLU provides its take on the 11.Sep.2001 report released today. The good news :

11.Sep.2001 Report is critical of USA .."
11.Sep.2001 Report -ACLU provides its take on the 11.Sep.2001 report released today.

The good news: 11.Sep.2001 Report is critical of USA Adminstration's excessive secrecy + of the USA Patriot Act.

23.Jul.2004-11.Sep.2001 Report does not recommend that any of the provisions scheduled to sunset be made permanent.

23.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 The bad news: Unfortunately, there are some recommendations that raise civil liberties .."
".. charges? It will be very difficult if not impossible:


23.Jul.2004 — Talk Left

23.Jul.2004 The Latest Headlines URL:

11.Sep.2001 Report: Chapter 8 From TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime —

23.Jul.2004 10-30-56 EST Dave at Seeing the Forest analyzes the 11.Sep.2001 report + says while it stops short of saying that Bush [BGW968]+Bush [BGW968] administration were at fault, a review

23.Jul.2004 00-02-16 EST The Good and Bad of the 11.Sep.2001 Report From TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime -URL:

23.Jul.2004-11.Sep.2001 report -released- The ACLU provides its take on the-. The good news: 11.Sep.2001 report .."
".. report -released- The ACLU provides its take on the-. The good news: 11.Sep.2001 report is critical of USA Adminstration's excessive secrecy + of the USA Patriot Act. 23 .."
".. 2001 report is critical of USA Adminstration's excessive secrecy + of the USA Patriot Act. 23.Jul.2004-11.Sep.2001 report does not recommend that any of the provisions scheduled to...--> The Good + .."

5. Search results for "*22.Jul.2004"

".. Monday that injured a police officer might have been the work of the officer, who was recently granted a 11.Sep.2001 -related psychological disability

22.Jul.2004 Vehicle explosion in Opryland Hotel .."
".. Afghanistan: Dostam will gegen Karsai antreten )

22.Jul.2004 Yukos: Bankrott in einem Monat

22.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission Abschlussbericht: Kommission fordert Anti-Terror-Zentrum

22.Jul.2004 Eine Milliarde Musik-CDs: Weltrekord bei Raubkopien

22.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission Abschlussberichtschont Bush [BGW968] + Clinton

22.Jul.2004 Finale Mannesmann-Prozess: ..""..

22.Jul.2004 Gehaltsdiskussion: .."".. Weltrekord bei Raubkopien


6. 2004080204_Report

".. FBI needs to listen."

He said Mr. German's complaints "reflect the kind of insularity the 11.Sep.2001 commission identified as a major management failing in USA FBI's antiterrorism work .."
".. top honor at May's Cannes Film Festival, depicts the White House as asleep at the wheel before the 11.Sep.2001 , attacks in New York + Washington. Moore accuses President Bush of fanning fears of future terrorism to win public support for the Iraq war.

04.Aug.2004 -11.Sep.2001 -immediately after the attacks at a time when USA airspace had been closed to all .."
".. movie for claiming that high-ranking Saudi nationals were allowed to flee the USA

04.Aug.2004 The 11.Sep.2001 commission investigating the 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks found no evidence that any Saudi nationals were allowed to flee the USA

04.Aug.2004 The 11.Sep.2001 commission investigating the 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks found no evidence that any flights of Saudi nationals took place .."
".. URL:

09.Aug.2004 ISSUE Newsweek – 11.Sep.2001 -Days after- a senior USA Pentagon official lamented the lack of good targets in .."
".. or Southeast Asia as "a surprise to the terrorists," according to a footnote in the recent 11.Sep.2001 Commission Report.

The unsigned top-secret memo, which the panel's report said appears .."
".. defence. 

Bush + Cheney presided over the two worst intelligence fiascos in modern USA history:

11.Sep.2001 + Iraq; plus the most expensive, stalemated wars since Vietnam.

Iraq + Afghanistan .."

7. 20040717_Report

11.Sep.2004 Commission Finds Ties Between al-Qaeda + Iran:

Senior USA officials have told TIME that the 11.Sep.2001 Commission's report will cite evidence suggesting that the 11.Sep.2001 hijackers had previously passed through Iran

17.Jul.2004 Don't blame Arafat : Camp .."
".. dem al-Qaida-Chef zu sehen war.

Auf diesem Videoband hatten beide Männer die Anschläge vom 11.Sep.2001 Heldentaten gelobt. URL:,1518,309184,00.html
".. Nationale Sicherheitsrat würden dadurch Kompetenzen verlieren.

Die Behörden wurden von der 11.Sep.2001 -Kommission im Zusammenhang mit den Anschlägen bereits scharf kritisiert. Die .."
 17.Jul.2004 Washington - Mehrere der 19 Attentäter vom 11.Sep.2001 seien in den Monaten vor den Anschlägen in Iran gewesen, berichtet die Zeitschrift .."
".. allerdings keine Beweise dafür, dass die iranische Regierung vorab von den Anschlägen des 11.Sep.2001 wusste.

Die brisanten Informationen seien erst vor kurzem ans Licht gekommen, ü .."
Iran soll Terrorpiloten beherbergt haben -Die USA-Kommission zur Untersuchung der Anschläge vom 11.Sep.2001 hat einem Magazinbericht zufolge intime Verbindungen zwischen der iranischen Regierung .."
".. Rekordniveau erreicht.

Der Liter Super kostet zurzeit durchschnittlich 1,20 Euro  

17.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 -Kommission: Iran soll Terrorpiloten beherbergt haben  


8. 2004072223_Report

".. Afghanistan: Dostam will gegen Karsai antreten )

22.Jul.2004 Yukos: Bankrott in einem Monat

22.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission Abschlussbericht: Kommission fordert Anti-Terror-Zentrum

22.Jul.2004 Eine Milliarde Musik-CDs: Weltrekord bei Raubkopien

22.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission Abschlussberichtschont Bush [BGW968] + Clinton

22.Jul.2004 Finale im .."
".. kann in den Genen lauern

22.Jul.2004 Mannesmann-Prozess: Freispruch für alle Angeklagten ,

22.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 -Anschläge: Vier Entführer hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst ,

22.Jul.2004 Geschäfte .."
00.Jul.2004 Annan Rejects Bush [BGW968] Claim That World Is Safer Now: The world is no safer than it was 11.Sep.2001 -three years ago, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said

20.Jul.2004 , countering USA president Bush [BGW968]'s claims he had made the world a safer place.

23.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission Finds 10 `Missed Opportunities' Before Attacks : that might have helped .."
".. Opportunities' Before Attacks : that might have helped uncover the terrorist plot

23.Jul.2004 Video Shows 11.Sep.2001 Hijackers : Washington Dulles Airport surveillance video shows four of the five .."
".. detectors.

23.Jul.2004 The Pakistan connection : There is evidence of foreign intelligence backing for the 11.Sep.2001 hijackers.

Why is the USA government so keen to cover it up?

23.Jul.2004 The Oft-Asked .."
".. Iran next ;

Lately USA president Bush [BGW968] has been making overtures about Iran being involved in 11.Sep.2001 ,thus furthering the master plan going back since the mid-1990 s (Project for the New American Century)

9. 20040726_Report

".. information.

25.Jul.2004 Effect of Iraq war, support for Israel go unaddressed: While the top Democrat on the 11.Sep.2001 commission praised the comprehensiveness of its final report Thursday, experts said .."
".. help avert a war but rather sparks it.

25.Jul.2004 Iran says USA has only itself to blame for 11.Sep.2001 attacks: "The big question we have to ask USA is, assuming they (the hijackers) .."
".. Southern Philippines. "  

25.Jul.2004 Most effective way to prevent terrorism is missing from 11.Sep.2001 report, Libertarians say: The report by the 11.Sep.2001 commission is missing one obvious way the USA government could reduce the chance of .."
".. been the focus of an investigation into the leak of classified intelligence intercepts linked to the 11.Sep.2001 terror attacks, according to current + former law enforcement officials.  

24.Jul .."
".. Qaeda network - as USA CIA did have agents inside Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network – before 11.Sep.2001+After, attacks - but USA CIA having agents inside Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network – before 11.Sep.2001+After are not within Osama bin Laden s inner circle where key information about any .."

10. 2004062729_Report


30.Jun.2004 Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - RealOne + Windows Media Player Video RealOne Streaming Video Large bandwidth [LAN Windows Media Format Large [LAN – 104Mb] Small [dial-up – 14Mb] Transcript Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - News Releases + Proclamations Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - Photos Commemorating tos Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - Main Page URL: .."
".. Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - News Releases + Proclamations Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - Photos Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - Main PageURL:

30.Jun.2004 11.Sep.2001 changed our nation forever. We came together with compassion, concern and a renewed .."
".. those who grieve + those affected by the tragic events."

Governor John Hoeven Commemorating 11.Sep.2001 - Photos URL:

30.Jun.2004 Scott: You .."

11. 2004072930_und_Report

".. Jul.2004 Terror im Irak: Nationalkongress aus Sicherheitsgründen vertagt (Politik,

14.Apr.2004-11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS\tenet_statement.html

14.Apr.2004 TENET GEORGE J. " We were missing opportunities to gather + fuse data.

We recognized the technical problem well before 11.Sep.2001 + took steps to solve it.

00.000.1999 -in my-“Strategic Intent for the .."
12.Sep.2001 We predicted it

01.Mar.2003 See No Evil - What Bush [BGW968] Didn't (Want To) Know About 11.Sep.2001

27.Feb.1933 "This fire," he said, his voice trembling with emotion, is the beginning." He used the occasion - "a sign from God," he called it

11.Sep.2001 Amerikaner LABYRINTH 20030512synthes.html

13.Mai 2003 The Cabal - Selektive Geheimdienst .."
".. verhindern sucht, dass die Öffentlichkeit erfährt, was die CIA über den Organisator des 11.Sep.2001 wusste + welche konkreten Maßnahmen sie vor den Terroranschlägen ergriff".

Am 11.Sep.2001 selbst waren bei der zuständigen NSA übrigens auf einmal genügend Ü .."

12. 2004072425_Report

".. help avert a war but rather sparks it.  

25.Jul.2004 Iran says USA has only itself to blame for 11.Sep.2001 attacks: "The big question we have to ask USA is, assuming they (the hijackers) .."
".. Southern Philippines. "  

25.Jul.2004 Most effective way to prevent terrorism is missing from 11.Sep.2001 report, Libertarians say: The report by the 11.Sep.2001 commission is missing one obvious way the USA government could reduce the chance of .."
".. been the focus of an investigation into the leak of classified intelligence intercepts linked to the 11.Sep.2001 terror attacks, according to current + former law enforcement officials.  

24.Jul .."
".. Qaeda: The CIA has intelligence agents inside Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network - as it did before the 11.Sep.2001 , attacks - but they are not within the terrorist leader's inner circle where key .."

13. 2004071112_Report

".. U.S.-led war in Iraq.

12.Jul.2004 Ashcroft Says Even Tougher Patriot Act Needed! 

12.Jul.2004 11.Sep.2001 Boeing 'Missile Pod' Story Challenged URL:

12.Jul.2004 .."
".. Nov.2004 "


12.Jul.2004 Soaries noted that 11.Sep.2001 , fell on Election Day in New York City - + he said officials there had no rules to .."
".. deeper level, the option of an actual ABC/WMD terror attack at least one order of magnitude greater than 11.Sep.2001 must be reckoned with, possibly as an October Surprise, or perhaps sooner.Finally, the .."
".. after him. URL:

12.Jul.2004 After 11.Sep.2001 I wished that I had had a military debate because basically the Pentagon + Gen. [Henry] .."

14. 20040718_Report 18.Jul.2004

12.Sep.2001 We predicted it

01.Mar.2003 See No Evil - What Bush [BGW968] Didn't (Want To) Know About 11.Sep.2001

27.Feb.1933 "This fire," he said, his voice trembling with emotion, "is the beginning." He used the occasion - "a sign from God," he called it 11.Sep.2001 Amerikaner LABYRINTH 20030512synthes.html

13.Mai 2003 The Cabal - Selektive .."
".. verhindern sucht, dass die Öffentlichkeit erfährt, was die CIA über den Organisator des 11.Sep.2001 wusste + welche konkreten Maßnahmen sie vor den Terroranschlägen ergriff" .."
Am 11.Sep.2001 selbst waren bei der zuständigen NSA übrigens auf einmal genügend Ü .."

15. 2004071920_und_Report

".. insisted."The same thing happens on the border between the USA + Mexico.

"Iran condemned the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, but has frequently been accused of harbouring and not cracking down on the .."
".. for this activity.

We have no evidence that there is some sort of official connection between Iran + 11.Sep.2001 ," he said.

His remarks were the first official confirmation of leaked accounts from .."
".. discovered buried in the files of the USA National Security Agency. 

19.Jul.2004 We can't prove Iran- 11.Sep.2001 link: CIA -"AFP" -- About eight hijackers passed through Iran before the 11.Sep.2001 attacks on the USA, but Washington has no evidence that Tehran sanctioned the strikes, .."

16. 2004072122_und_Report

"..  While Bush + his handlers may not have expected a reaction to their warmongering so costly as 11.Sep.2001 , when it came may well have regarded it as God-sent. The twin towers disaster has been .."
".. as agitating for the Iraq invasion to keep war fever alive when the hunt for bin Laden faltered + as 11.Sep.2001 receded in the public consciousness. Other administration figures stepped forward to .."
".. Iraqi sponsored terrorists attacking USA +

00.Jan.2003- Bush tries again + again to link Saddam to the 11.Sep.2001 attack on the twin towers: "Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons + other .."
".. Monday that injured a police officer might have been the work of the officer, who was recently granted a 11.Sep.2001 -related psychological disability 22.Jul.2004 Vehicle explosion in Opryland Hotel .."

17. 2004070203_Report

".. Jul.2004 Bis zum Amtsantritt der Regierung von George W. Bush + den terroristischen Angriffen vom 11.Sep.2001 tendierte das Winep zu den politischen Positionen der israelischen Arbeitspartei und .."
".. Zudem reagiert das Winep auch auf die antiarabischen + antimuslimischen Gefühle, die seit dem 11.Sep.2001 das intellektuelle + kulturelle Leben der USA mehr + mehr dominieren. Mit dieser .."
".. in Madrid unterwegs - die Zeit der straff von der Qaida-Spitze geführten Gruppen, wie der vom 11.Sep.2001 scheint vorbei zu sein. "Wenn eine dieser Zellen durch einen öffentlichen .."

18. 2004071011_und_Report

URL:  https://authentico-historia. 11.Jul.2004 The Criminalization of the State: A terrorist attack on USA soil of the size + nature of 11.Sep.2001 would lead - according to former CENTCOM Commander, General Tommy Franks - to the .."
11.Jul.2004 The Criminalization of the State: A terrorist attack on USA soil of the size + nature of 11.Sep.2001 would lead to the downfall of democracy in USA- according to former CENTCOM Commander, .."
".. Blackberry wireless devices to state police at Logan International Airport. Two of the planes hijacked on 11.Sep.2001 , took off from Logan.   The officers can use the Blackberrys to access the .."

19. 2004072021_Report

".. Demokraten, John Kerry, inoffiziell beraten. Clinton bat Berger im vergangenen Jahr, die Unterlagen, die der 11.Sep.2001 Kommission vorgelegt wurden, zu sichten und auszuwählen. Sie umfassten mehrere .."
".. entwendet haben, als er sich auf die Anhörungen der Kommission zu den Terroranschlägen vom 11.Sep.2001 vorbereitet hat. Sein Haus + sein Büro wurden durchsucht, nachdem er die aus dem .."
".. sident Bill Clinton. Sandy Berger wird vorgeworfen, geheime Unterlagen zu den Terroranschlägen vom 11.Sep.2001 aus dem Nationalarchiv in Washington entfernt zu haben. URL: .."

20. 20040713_und_Report.html

".. weiter im Patt-Bereich. Das dürfte sich auch mit dem heiß erwarteten Abschlussbericht des 11.Sep.2001 -Ausschusses kaum ändern, der womöglich schon diese Woche ansteht.Nur eine .."
".. wieder "in"

11.Sep.2001-20040713 Der Börsencrash ist vergessen, alle Mäßigung -aus der Zeit nach dem- passé: Die Millionäre in Manhattan prassen wie in alten Zeiten. Sie werfen .."

21. 20040700607_Report

".. ida proper;

a tier of radical groups with regional agendas that moved into al-Qa'ida's orbit after 11.Sep.2001 ;

+ a loose outer ring of "shifting, polymorphous movements, pursuing their own .."
(1 quote)

22. 2004072627_und_Report


00.Jul.2004 Yemen Denies Bin Laden Contact to Free Operative:

24.Jul.2004 A commission investigating the 11.Sep.2001 attacks on the USA said in a report released -on- that Bin Laden had personally .."
(1 quote)

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