20.Mar.2007 Deutschland im Fadenkreuz der Terror-Medien - onlineredaktion Michael Schulze von Glaßer -
Terror kommt von dem lateinischen “terrere2 : der Schrecken, in Schrecken versetzen.
Das Wort meint die
[WIRKLICH] absichtliche,
aber oftmals
Verbreitung von Angst und Schrecken
durch ausgeübte
Als Terrorismus wird diese Angst zum Erreichen politischer oder wirtschaftlicher Ziele genutzt.
Terror dient immer dazu, die Menschen gefügig zu machen.
Doch wer sind ...
20.Mar.2007 Something to Consider - BG clipped from www.dailykos.com Ashcroft Did It, Too
Well, sort of. U.S. News raises this potential defense of Alberto Gonzales in the prosecutor purge, only to immediately shoot it down.
Turns out that Ashcroft's chief of staff, David Ayres, began the process of looking at which USAs should be up for replacement.
Remember that Comey was the acting Attorney General (Ashcroft was recovering from surgery at the time) who refused to authorize the NSA's warrantless wiretapping
00.000.2004. No wonder both Ashcroft and Comey got the boot.
Obviously their definitions of "legal" and "competent" just didn't mesh with the White House's.
And you never thought John Ashcroft would look so good.
20.Mar.2007 Fractal Politics: Local Marching or Marchturbating; Dems Legislating to stop the war or Jerking us Around.
Fractal Politics;
Whether it's a local peace march or war-ending efforts in congress, it takes strong, tough leadership.
Anything less is ineffective and will accomplish nothing except further loss of hope and participation by the grass roots.
20.Mar.2007 Senate debate on revoking Gonzales's appointment authority begins Bush administration snuck provision into Patriot Act last year
20.Mar.2007 Lives of Others and Our Own Lives
The Bush Administration's power is founded in lies. [PROPAGANA].
Keeping the truth from the public requires a web of coercion and intimidation that touches all our lives. [PSYOP]
20.Mar.2007 Bush vs. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Bush's Administration's failure to craft a comprehensive national energy policy is undermining America's resilience.
As a result, America is caught in a vicious cycle that is breaking her military + leaving us more brittle at home.
20.Mar.2007 Kristof to Democrats: Talk About Israel!
One of the most courageous and talented journalists in America today is Nicholas Kristof.
He has traveled from the brothels of Cambodia (to rescue child-prostitutes) to the refugee camps of Darfur (to report on genocide) often at great personal risk. On
18.Mar.2007 he took what may be seen as his greatest professional risk.
Namely, he took on the Israel Lobby in his column Talking About Israel.
20.Mar.2007 Four Years of Death and Failure
Four years of losses would get a coach fired. You would think Americans would be calling for his head.
20.Mar.2007 How Americans Can Support Democracy in the Middle East--Without War and Without the U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area
Part I of II: Democratic Aspirations in Iran and the Middle East I agree with one thing Condoleeza Rice said: we shouldn't give up on the democratic aspirations of the people of the Middle East!
She's wrong on what to do, though.
The best way we Americans can help Middle Eastern people achieve democracy is to get our military out of their faces + work on improving democracy in our own country.
20.Mar.2007 Grandpop - How come you wanted Bush to abolish democracy?
One day Republicans will have to explain to their grandchildren why they wanted a megalomaniacal moron to turn our democracy into a fascist police state.
20.Mar.2007 "Economics of Empire"
The pathology of Empire really has more to do with economics than with politics.
All traditional empires have been at heart a project of economic advantage only affected by political rationalization + ultimately the military power to carry out the seminal goal of economic advantaged status.
20.Mar.2007 Arsenic in my Fluoride? CDC admits Yes
Tainted fluoride chemicals are added to 2/3 of the U.S. water supplies.
Fluoride does not purify or treat the water supply, it's added to medicate the tap water consumer against tooth decay. It fails at that, too. But costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
20.Mar.2007 President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims
I am sick of the term collateral damage when it comes to their lives being taken and when it pertains to Americans who are killed through acts of terror and hate, we label them victims.
That should enrage everyone. The Iraqi people are not collateral damage but victims of these neo-cons who launched their own brand of 9/11 on these innocent people.
20.Mar.2007 Iraqi People to White House - Leave. No "Timetables"
A majority of the Iraqi people (a) condone violent attacks on our troops and (b) want us out immediately.
How hard is it to figure out? We want out, they want us out, "timetables" are a sham under these circumstances.
Out now! Respect the will of Americans and Iraqis. Show some leadership Congress!
20.Mar.2007 Clinton U.S. Atty: No Political Pressure
00.000.1993-000.000.2001 Peg Lautenschlager,U.S. Atty.()"During my tenure of as an U.S. atty., I never personally nor did I know of any U.S. atty. who had those sorts of alleged (political) demands placed on him or her." 20.Mar.2007 Ohio's Secretary of State Brunner Sets Model for the Nation
Newly elected Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner shows the nation we can clean out corruption and create election integrity.
20.Mar.2007 "Bogus Arguments": Report on the Radio Show
Can there be constructive dialogue with the true-believer Bushite supporters.
My recent experience on the radio in Virginia makes me doubtful.
At least it does not seem that I --whose approach has to do with logic + reason and evidence-- have anything in my repertoire that penetrates the trance state.
20.Mar.2007 Has Bush pulled the bow so far back that he's finally loosened the arrow of American Socialism?
Is Socialism coming into its own as a reaction to Bush neo Nazism? Has Bush polarized into existence a Progressive/Liberal Political Party?
20.Mar.2007 You're Either With Us, Or You're An "N" Word. The Last Vestige Of Decency Has Flown O'Reilly's Coop
So not to misunderstand his blatant bile,
Bill will go on to explain that when he calls you a Nazi,
he doesn't mean you are actually a Nazi;
only that you use Nazi tactics.
You know.
Like when you call someone a rapist,
you don't mean they're a rapist;
only that they use rapist's tactics.
That's so,
when he's holding a knife to your throat
while he forces you to have sex,
you don't think
he's that bad a guy.
20.Mar.2007 Republican Political Mafia and Federal Law
There is nothing as corrupt as using the governmental powers of law enforcement, to selectively prosecute your political enemies + to cover-up criminal behavior by your political organization + allies,
while in a position of political power. This situation is the essence of the current scandal concerning the firing of US Attorneys by the Bush White House.
20.Mar.2007 US Leads the World In Malware Creation - kdawson 51 -
PetManimal writes "Symantec says that China, Russia + the other developing countries usually blamed for the increasing amount of malware are not the biggest culprits.
The security software company released a report (PDF) claiming that
the US leads the world in a number of malware categories, ranging from the 'amount of malicious activity originating from their networks' to 'underground economy servers.'
Preston Gralla says the US lead should come as no surprise, considering the capitalist way of life + the high level of technical knowledge.
He also suggests that the some of the 'criminals' may actually be Internet entrepreneurs who crossed over to the dark side: 'It's an inevitable result of a thriving free market and tech expertise.
An underground economy often mirrors the legal, above-ground one. Scratch a criminal + sometimes you find a misguided entrepreneur, looking to get rich a little too quick.'"
20.Mar.2007 Justice Department documents released. - Nico - ABC News reports:
New e-mails released this evening by the Justice Department reveal the depth of White House involvement in the discussions to fire eight U.S. attorneys last year.
The thousands of pages of e-mails suggest the White House was involved in the plan from the beginning.
The e-mails detail conversations about attorneys targeted for dismissal.
There are no e-mails from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who reportedly does not use e-mail, though the Justice Department says messages show some indication that Gonzales’ former chief of staff, D. Kyle Sampson, kept the attorney general apprised.
The House Judiciary Committee website is likely to have some of the emails in PDF form available tonight.
UPDATE: U.S. News reports: “One day after Justice Department Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty testified on Capitol Hill about the reasons eight U.S. attorneys were summarily fired, a Justice Department spokesman…sent an E-mail to Gonzales’ chief of staff, Kyle Sampson + spokeswoman Tasia Scolinos saying Gonzales was unhappy with McNulty’s testimony regarding why U.S. attorney Bud Cummins of Arkansas had been let go. That E-mail is what is causing the most concern at the Justice Department.” During his hearing, McNulty had agreed that Cummins was fired even though “he had done nothing wrong” and was simply making way for Rove protege Tim Griffin.
UPDATE II: Justice Dept. official: “You have no idea how bad it is here.“
20.Mar.2007 Lieberman: No Democratic Presidential Candidate Has ‘Strong And Muscular’ Foreign Policy - Nico -
Today on MSNBC, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) declared that he is searching for a political party that is “very strong and muscular on foreign and defense policy.” Anchor Nora O’Donnell responded, “But, Senator, arguably there’s not one Democratic presidential candidate that is espousing that particular position, right?” Lieberman said, “So far, you’re right.” Watch it:
All of the current Democratic presidential candidates want to sharply reduce or eliminate the U.S. presence in Iraq.
That is strong and muscular — redeployment will refocus America’s security posture on combating global terrorist networks and the war in Afghanistan.
It will restore our military and address the current readiness crisis.
It will take away a prime rallying cry for extremists, shore up America’s image abroad + free up billions of dollars for critical homeland security + domestic needs.
The problem is that Lieberman doesn’t want a strong foreign policy. He wants a belligerent one. Transcript: (more…)
20.Mar.2007 Inactivity 'costs NHS £1 billion' Physical inactivity costs the health service more than £1 billion a year, research suggests.
20.Mar.2007 Thousands of mirrors keep energy greener Video:
Thousands of mirrors keep energy greener. Nevada Solar One, one of the biggest solar projects in recent U.S. history, is almost complete.
Set to be ready in April, its home is outside Las Vegas in the sunny desert, where rows of mirrors bounce the sunlight into receptors, turning the heat into usable energy. CNET News.com's Micahel Kanellos reports.
20.Mar.2007 The Air Car Nears Completion - ScuttleMonkey 460 -
torok writes "According to an article on Gizmag, Tata, India's largest automotive manufacturer, has developed a car that runs on compressed air. It costs less than $3 USD to fill a tank on which it can run for 200 to 300km. The car will cost about USD $7,300 and has a top speed of 68mph. About once every 50,000 km you have to change the oil (1 liter of vegetable oil). Initial plans are to produce 3,000 cars per year."
20.Mar.2007 Data Centers Breathe Easier With Less Oxygen - ScuttleMonkey 286 -
PC World is reporting that some companies are looking at a new method of fire protection in their server closets, oxygen-deprivation systems.
""Wood stops burning when the oxygen content falls to 17 % +
plastic cables between 16 to 17 %,
said Frank Eickhorn, product manager for fire detection at Wagner Alarm and Security Systems GmbH in Hanover, Germany.
Wagner makes electric compressors that use a special membrane to remove some of the oxygen from the outside air, a system the company calls OxyReduct.
The excess oxygen is exhausted + the remaining nitrogen-rich air is pumped inside the data center."
20.Mar.2007 Isn't it Possible that Ahmadinejad is Our Agent? - BG clipped from www.americanthinker.com
Mahmoud's Delusions When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrives in New York City
this coming week, he may see his own theatrical appearance before the infidel UN Security Council as a moment of personal destiny,
a confrontation with the Satanic forces of the world -- with Ahmadinejad being the one, true representative of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Because at some level, he has always believed that all the world's songs were about him. It is those paranoid features that make him so ominous.
Paranoia and nuclear weapons do not mix.
20.Mar.2007 www.tpmmuckraker.com
Ousted USA Lauded by DoJ
Leahy: "I Am Sick and Tired of Getting Half-Truths"
U.S. Attorney Purge Scandal: The Week Ahead
Rove's Talking Point
The House and Senate judiciary committees want to hear from Karl Rove + it looks like there's going to be a fight before they do. But
Rove has already spoken twice on the U.S. attorney firings + on both occasions, he auditioned a talking point that provides an excellent case for firing Carol Lam -- the only problem with it being that it's not true.
20.Mar.2007 www.911blogger.com Smoke Did NOT Come from WTC 7
Defenders of the official story about the collapse of WTC 7 often show photographs of the South side of the building to bolster the claim that raging fires caused building 7 to collapse.
However, the following photos from the North side indicate that the huge quantities of smoke may actually have come from an entirely different building: WTC 5.
20.Mar.2007 thetalkingdog.com March 18, 2007, Damned allies keep releasing worst of worst!
This Washington Post story tells us that evidently, our allies in Riyadh seem to be objectively pro-terrorist, at least insofar as insisting on promptly releasing, usually within weeks,
those people that we have deemed worthy of release from Guantanamo Bay's open-ended (and once open-air) detention center.
Indeed, according to a report by two Washington, D.C. lawyers Anant Raut + Jill M. Friedman, who represent detainees + did an analysis of 24 of the Saudi detainees so far released (about whom data is available),
most of those we release are promptly released by their home countries.
20.Mar.2007 xymphora.blogspot.com Lobbyology 101: the mechanics of power
Some people have trouble wondering how the Lobby, representing less than 50% of a group that compromises 2% of the American population, wields so much power.
00.000.2002 -From an old- (!) article (or here) by Michael Lind on the Lobby (emphasis in red):
“Most ethnic lobbies – of which the German and Irish diasporas were the most influential in the past – have based their power on votes, not money.
(Most immigrant groups have been relatively poor at first + have lost their ethnic identity on becoming more prosperous.)
The influence of these lobbies has usually been confined to cities + states in which particular ethnic groups have been concentrated – Irish-American Boston, German-American Milwaukee, Cuban-American Miami.
The emergent Latino lobby is similar in its geographic limitation.
The small U.S. Jewish population (about 2 % of the total) is highly concentrated in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and a few other areas.
20.Mar.2007 commentisfree.guardian.co.uk Truth and torture
Al-Qaida leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed to an astonishing list of crimes. But should we believe him?
Last week, the American government released the confessions of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the senior al-Qaida terrorist who appears to have directed the attack on the Twin Towers.
He has now added to this a list of 30 other crimes and atrocities that he planned or put into action. It was published by the American government last week.
There is nothing quite like this list outside the Moscow show trials that Stalin mounted; and if we accept Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's confession, we owe Stalin's ghost a handsome apology.
The evidence that he did in fact plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter + President Musharraf has exactly the same value as the confessions of Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria, successive heads of the NKVD and KGB, that they had plotted to assassinate Comrade Stalin on the orders of British intelligence.
20.Mar.2007 www.guardian.co.uk July 21 attacks planned year before, court hears The alleged
21.Jul.2005 terror attacks were planned as a protest against the Iraq war almost a year before being carried out, one defendant told a court today.
Muktar Said Ibrahim, 29, has already confessed to making the rucksack devices that failed to go off across London's public transport network
00.000.2005 -in the summer of- but insisted they were not intended to hurt anyone.
He said he had planned them as a "firework" to create panic after he became disillusioned with conventional opposition to the war.
20.Mar.2007 www.ft.com Barclays in exclusive talks with ABN Amro
Barclays is in exclusive talks about a takeover of ABN Amro that would rescue the Dutch bank from a campaign by activist investors while creating one of the world’s biggest financial institutions.
ABN Amro executives on Monday night agreed to enter into a period of exclusive talks with Barclays, after intensive weekend discussions.
Many details still need to be ironed out, but a deal would be Europe’s biggest cross-border financial services merger and would transform the continent’s banking landscape.
20.Mar.2007 www.talkingpointsmemo.com
Tony Snow gave us the new line for the White House on Carol Lam today.
According to Snow,
there's nothing odd about the fact that the Attorney General's Chief of Staff, Kyle Sampson, discussed the need to get rid of Carol Lam
just a day after she informed the Justice Department of her decision to execute search warrants against a key CIA official appointed by the Bush White House.
Indeed, Snow says that
00.Jan.2005. as far back as the Justice Department emails expressed concern about Lam's lax immigration enforcement policies
20.Mar.2007 www.richardsilverstein.com Soros: ‘Demolish the Wall of Silence Protecting AIPAC’
George Soros has published what may be read as his inaugural manifesto for a counter-lobby to challenge AIPAC, On Israel, America and AIPAC, in the current issue of the NY Review of Books.
It is a masterful overview of recent events both in the Israeli-Arab conflict, U.S. Mideast policy and American Jewish communal debate about Israel.
Soros criticizes George Bush and Ehud Olmert for their failed policy of strangling Gaza through international boycott and their refusal to recognize a government including Hamas.
He correctly notes that Hamas recognition of Israel should be a condition for a settlement, but not for a negotiation.
20.Mar.2007 White House seeking Gonzales replacements, - Nico -
and Gonzales’ deputy Paul McNulty is almost certain to resign, The Politico reports:
Republican officials operating at the behest of the White House have begun seeking a possible successor to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, whose support among GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill has collapsed…
Among the names floated Monday by administration officials are Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and White House anti-terrorism coordinator Frances Townsend. Former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson is a White House prospect. So is former solicitor general Theodore B. Olson, but sources were unsure whether he would want the job.
Republican sources also disclosed that it is now a virtual certainty that Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty, whose incomplete and inaccurate congressional testimony about the prosecutors helped precipitate the crisis, will also resign shortly. Officials were debating whether Gonzales and McNulty should depart at the same time or whether McNulty should go a day or two after Gonzales.
UPDATE: Fox News’ Major Garrett reports: “Several GOP [congressional] sources told Fox tonight: Gonzales is the President’s friend and his problem + that they will waste no political capital defending him.” Digg It!
20.Mar.2007 Fox News: “4 Years Later: Iraqis ‘Thanking’ America” - Amanda -
Today on his Fox News show, host Neil Cavuto did a segment on “something you are not hearing” — how many Iraqis are “thanking” the United States for “liberating” Iraq:
Cavuto’s segment and his guests do not represent the majority of Iraqis. According to a new BBC/ABC News poll, just 18 % of Iraqis now have confidence in the U.S.-led coalition troops and nearly 90 % “say they live in fear that the violence ravaging their country will strike themselves and the people with whom they live.” Other poll highlights:
00.000.2002-from the fall of into the early weeks of the Iraq War.” The media coverage in the run-up to the Iraq war - Faiz - “was a disaster.”
20.Mar.2007 A few highlights from the report: FAIR documents “some of the worst moments in journalism,
08.Sep.2002 –Michael R. Gordon + Judith Miller co-author the article “U.S. Says Hussein Intensifies Quest for A-Bomb Parts” on the front page of the New York Times.
09.Oct.2002 –Kenneth Pollack, the influential and heavily cited war advocate at the Brookings Institution, appears on the Oprah show to discuss the impending war. “Does he have the ability to attack us here in the USA?” Oprah Winfrey asks. “He certainly does,” Pollack explains.
12.Dec.2002 –The Washington Post runs a front-page article by Barton Gellman headlined, “U.S. Suspects Al-Qaeda Got Nerve Agent From Iraqis; Analysts: Chemical May Be VX + Was Smuggled Via Turkey.”
25.Feb.2003 –MSNBC cancels Donahue, its top-rated show and a rare oasis of war skepticism in the mainstream media.
18.---2003 –Bill O’ReiMarchlly makes a promise on ABC’s Good Morning America:
“If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it’s clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation + I will not trust the Bush Administration again, all right?”
20.Mar.2007 Bush Recycles Iraq Anniversary Talking Points - Amanda -
President Bush originally had no plans to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the Iraq war today. But at the last minute, he cobbled together a quick speech — stressing the “good progress” being made in Iraq and warning that there will still be “bad days” ahead — that ended up being nothing more than a recycling of old talking points.
Bush QUOTES On “good days, bad days” :
19.Mar.2007 Bush “There will be good days + there will be bad days ahead.” [Link]
19.Mar.2006 Bush “There will be good days and there will be bad days.” [Link]
19.Mar.2004 Bush “There will be good days and there will be difficult days.” [Link]
Bush QUOTES On “progress” :
19.Mar.2007 Bush “There’s been good progress.” [Link]
19.Mar.2006 Bush “I’m encouraged by the progress.” [Link]
19.Mar.2005 Bush “Iraq’s progress toward political freedom has opened a new phase of our work there.” [Link]
Bush continues to “stay the course” on talking points. (HT: Hotline Last Call)
20.Mar.2007 : 2,000 page document dump tonight. - Nico - ’s Dana Bash reports,
“We expect on the Senate and the House side, the Judiciary Committees, they are expecting a good old-fashioned document dump, Wolf. Lots and lots of pages.
In fact, they expect as many as 2,000 pages of documents to come late in the day, maybe even as late as 7:00 tonight.
All they understand from the Justice Department is that these documents will be e-mails and other internal pages that could provide “additional insight” into just why these U.S. Attorneys were fired.”
20.Mar.2007 Bush And Cheney Celebrate Four Year Anniversary Of Iraq War - Faiz -
Today’s four year anniversary of the Iraq invasion has put the White House on the defensive.
“Bush’s schedule originally called for no observation whatsoever of the four-year-anniversary of the war.” But he added a brief public statement late this morning, urging a stay the course approach.
Before altering his plans, Bush’s only public event today called for playing host to the
00.000.2006 college football champion Florida Gators.
He proceeded with those plans a little after 3 pm today, shaking hands and celebrating the occasion. Via Pipeline:
As for Vice President Cheney, he will be marking today’s Iraq anniversary by attending the Hudson Institute Board Dinner at the swanky Union League Club in New York.
ThinkProgress contacted the Vice President’s office to request details about what Cheney will be talking about. “No one in the office can answer that question,” said a Cheney staffer.
Hudson Institute — a proponent of war against Iran — is home to former Cheney chief of staff Scooter Libby.
00.000.2003 -enlisted to help bring down the statute- Kadhim al-Jubouri, an Iraqi weight lifter.
20.Mar.2007 “The Americans are worse than the dictatorship. Every day is worse than the previous day.”
“I really regret bringing down the statue,” - Faiz - said who
He added that he would prefer to be living under Saddam than under U.S. occupation:
“The devil you know [is] better than the devil you don’t. We no longer know friend from foe.
The situation is becoming more dangerous. It’s not getting better at all.
People are poor and the prices are going higher and higher.”
20.Mar.2007 Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): - Nico - “I believe we need a new attorney general.”
20.Mar.2007 Was Carol Lam Targeting The White House Prior To Her Firing? - Faiz -
Referring to the Bush administration’s purge of former San Diego-based U.S. attorney Carol Lam, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) questioned recently on the Senate floor whether she was let go because she was “about to investigate other people who were politically powerful.”
The media reports this morning that among Lam’s politically powerful targets were former CIA official Kyle “Dusty” Foggo and then-House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-CA).
But there is evidence to believe that the White House may also have been on Lam’s target list. Here are the connections:
– Washington D.C. defense contractor Mitchell Wade pled guilty last February to paying then-California Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham more than $1 million in bribes.
– Wade’s company MZM Inc. received its first federal contract from the White House.
15.Jul.2002-15.Aug.2002 -from-to-The contract, which ran- stipulated that Wade be paid $140,000 to “provide office furniture and computers for Vice President Dick Cheney.”
– Two weeks later, on August 30, 2002, Wade purchased a yacht for $140,000 for Duke Cunningham. The boat’s name was later changed to the “Duke-Stir.” Said one party to the sale: “I knew then that somebody was going to go to jail for that…Duke looked at the boat + Wade bought it — all in one day. Then they got on the boat and floated away.”
– According to Cunningham’s sentencing memorandum, the purchase price of the boat had been negotiated through a third-party earlier that summer, around the same time the White House contract was signed.
To recap, the White House awarded a one-month, $140,000 contract to an individual who never held a federal contract.
Two weeks after he got paid, that same contractor used a cashier’s check for exactly that amount to buy a boat for a now-imprisoned congressman at a price that the congressman had pre-negotiated.
That should raise questions about the White House’s involvement.
UPDATE: Perhaps this was the “real problem” Sampson was referring to:
20.Mar.2007 No mistakes in Iraq? - Amanda -
Asked on CBS’s The Early Show to say what the administration’s biggest mistake was in Iraq, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice replied, “I don’t know. When we look back over time we will know the answer to that question.” She later added the White House “might have looked to a more localized, more decentralized approach to reconstruction.” (For a look back on the past four years in Iraq, ThinkProgress has a timeline HERE.)
20.Mar.2007 Feinstein: U.S. Attorneys Are Not ‘Political’ Appointees - Amanda -
E-mails show that the Bush administration rated the “performance” of U.S. attorneys on whether or not they were “loyal Bushies.” The White House is now justifying its prosecutor purge by arguing that since these attorneys are “political” appointees, they “serve at the pleasure of the President” and need to follow the administration’s political whims. President Bush, 3/14/07:
U.S. attorneys and others serve at the pleasure of the President. Past administrations have removed U.S. attorneys. It is their right to do so.
White House Advisor Karl Rove, 3/8/07:
Look, by law and by Constitution, these attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president and traditionally are given a four year term.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, 3/7/07:
Like me, U.S. attorneys are political appointees + we all serve at the pleasure of the president.
If U.S. attorneys are not executing their responsibilities in a manner that furthers the management and policy goals of departmental leadership, it is appropriate that they be replaced.
Similarly, yesterday on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace claimed that it’s “the very nature of the game that these are going to be political appointees.”
But as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pointed out yesterday on CBS Face the Nation, political means only that they are appointed by the President.
“[O]nce that prosecutor takes the oath of office, that prosecutor must become independent,” she said.
“That prosecutor must be objective +
what I worry about most of all in this is
the chilling effect this has on objectivity of the American U.S. attorney who is the main prosecutor for the federal government of big cases under federal law.” Watch it:
Ousted prosecutor David Iglesias has also stated that one of the “most important tenets of a U.S. attorney’s office” is to never “mix politics with prosecutions.”
“I think Americans need to have full confidence that their federal prosecutors are above politics,” said Iglesias. Transcript: (more…)
20.Mar.2007 Right-wing hypocrisy on prosecutor purge. - Amanda -
00.000.1993 “Republicans sought to depict the routine + standard replacement of U.S. attorneys by the Clinton administration as some sort of grave scandal which threatened prosecutorial independence + was deeply corrupt. Yet now, people like The Wall St. Journal’s Paul Gigot — one of the most vocal critics of the
00.000.1993 U.S. attorneys replacement — insist that the President has the absolute right to fire any U.S. attorneys at any time and for any reason.” -Glenn Greenwald-
20.Mar.2007 Eine krude Verschwörungsthorie - Der Terrorismus und das Internet - sfux Karl Weiss -
Wieder und wieder werden uns Videos und Texte, die im Internet in bestimmte Seiten gestellt wurden, als Nachrichten von Terroristen vorgestellt. Der ganze Medien-Trash wiederholt die angebliche Weisheit: Terroristen stellen Terrorwarnungen und Bekennerbotschaften ins Internet. Es scheint so, als ob das Internet zum Tummelplatz von Terroristen geworden sei. Da kann natürlich Deutschland...
20.Mar.2007 Sleep disorder creates 'Mr Hyde' One man tells how he changes from being "mild-mannered" in the day to violent at night.
20.Mar.2007 Rivers run towards 'crisis point' Dams, shipping, pollution and climate change are among the threats to major rivers, a report concludes.
20.Mar.2007 US 'resolves N Korea funds row' The US says it has resolved a financial dispute with North Korea as talks on nuclear issues resume.
20.Mar.2007 Judges quit in Pakistan dispute A number of judges resign in Pakistan in continuing protests over the suspension of the chief justice.
20.Mar.2007 Scientists Study Sacred Sounds Blasting heavenly tunes in hallowed halls, researchers find the acoustic quirks that help churches get the message across. Nicole Martinelli reports from Milan.
20.Mar.2007 U.S. Balks at Climate Talks All delegates agree on the critical need to cut emissions, but the United States still worries about its economy and the contributions from developing countries. AP
19.Mar.1945 -Blow It All Up-Adolf Hitler issues his "Nero Decree," calling for the destruction of Germany's entire infrastructure in order to leave only a wasteland for the Allies. Compiled by Tony Long.
20.Mar.2007 Texas power plant runs on biodiesel Biofuels Power is harvesting oil from deep fat fryers to run its 5-megawatt power plant.
20.Mar.2007 Math team solves the unsolvable E8 Eighteen mathematicians, lots of computing power produce 60GB solution for symmetrical structure with 248 dimensions. Images: Massive mathematics
20.Mar.2007 Republican Political Mafia + Federal Law
There is nothing as corrupt as
using the governmental powers of law enforcement,
to selectively prosecute your political enemies +
to cover-up criminal behavior by your political organization + allies,
while in a position of political power.
This situation is the essence of the current scandal concerning the firing of US Attorneys by the Bush White House.
20.Mar.2007 Commander Bush is Hamstrung by Democracy
The Supreme Court during WW2 ruled that Congress' shared authority over the military "is not restricted to the winning of victories in the field and the repulse of enemy forces.
It embraces every phase of the national defense, including the protection of war materials and the members of the armed forces from injury and from the dangers which attend the rise, prosecution and progress of war."
20.Mar.2007 Federal Attorneygate; Now it's The Patriot Act's Fault
This morning I heard a government bureaucrat actually refuse to answer a question instead of ducking it. I also heard Sen. Feinstein admit in a small way that they went too far with the Patriot Act.
20.Mar.2007 Good News for GOP: Memory Fuzzy on Prosecutor Firings
Dang memory. It's the strangest thing.
00.000.1976 -back in -things that Bill Clinton did-The Republicans have a funny way of remembering- but they can't remember their own actions just two years ago?
17.Mar.2007 Examing the Confession of Kalid Sheik Muhammed
20.Mar.2007 Permission to Speak Freely?
Information Clearing House is facing censorship by the company that distributes its newsletter.
Tom Feeley, ICH's publisher, needs our help.
Please read this email I sent the offending wretches and barrage them with your own missives at support@ymlp.com!
20.Mar.2007 Fox News Apologizes For Years Of Erroneous Plame Reporting...
Plame said UNDER OATH that, in essence, every Fox expert and host who for years came on to muddy Plame's words and reputation was misinformed and misinforming.
20.Mar.2007 The Bush Regime needs to be stopped somehow, so what's it going to be America?
How much more established proven crime by the Bush Regime will be enough to make Americans stand up and demand the resignation of the Bush and his associates.
20.Mar.2007 The War on Earth
There has been a terrible misunderstanding! King George declared war on earth and (subsequently) everyone on it. He declared war on terra, not terror!
20.Mar.2007 https://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/print_friendly.php?p=opedne_anthony__070313_the_lost_lesson_of_9.htm -By Anthony Watson (c) 2007 Authors Website: www.neo-liberalism.org
20.Mar.2007 The power is in the people. The president is a public servant and serves at our pleasure. There is no such thing as the “unitary executive” defined in our Constitution. We need to take back our country from the fear-mongers. REMEMBER, WE THE PEOPLE PROTECT THE PRESIDENT, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
Flight 93 was destined for the White House.
11.Sep.2001 -On- the people protected George W. Bush, even as he failed to protect us.
20.Mar.2007 https://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/print_friendly.php?p=opedne_anthony__070313_the_lost_lesson_of_9.htm
The infamous shoe bomber, Richard Reed, was also stopped by passengers. The shoe bomber made it through security and was going to do his dirty deed on board, but was noticed and restrained by passengers. Big government failed again. Only a short time ago, Air Mauritania also had a terrorist incident on board an airplane and again it was the passengers that prevented a serious problem.
20.Mar.2007 https://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/print_friendly.php?p=opedne_anthony__070313_the_lost_lesson_of_9.htm
11.Sep.2001 -On-the government’s inherent inability to protect us from terrorism was clearly demonstrated.
Big government not only failed to uncover the plot, it failed to stop the first plane from hitting its target + in fact failed to stop three out of the four airplanes hijacked on 11.Sep.2001.
This is the lost lesson of
It was freedom + individual liberty that stopped the terrorists on 9/11.
The people on board stopped Flight 93.
Free people acting on information available in a free society stopped the only plane that did not hit its target.
The government on the other hand failed “completely” + “utterly” on that fateful day.
The accelerated change that technology has brought only confirms the foresight of the framers of the Constitution in their protection of individual rights.
Government is too big + ponderous to react to the increasingly fluid and flexible attacks of 21st century terrorist organizations.
Only, we as a people can compete with those organizations. We must not give up our ability to defend ourselves against terrorists.
Every time we cede an individual right or liberty we make ourselves less safe, not more.
Bush + Congress drive America into a "Perfect Storm" of financial death.
How far can this boat float with an $8.5 trillion hole in its bow? How many more jobs can be outsourced until Americans can't buy food or pay mortgages? How far down the tubes can Bush drive his ship of state?
20.Mar.2007 Another Redirection The rolling pin of White House scandal continues to splay out an ever widening pastry of malfeasance, fraud, jobbery and inquity.
20.Mar.2007 ALBERTO GONZALES/THE FACE OF FASCISM Alberto Gonzales is the legal face of an ultranationalist ideology that not only externalizes evil but condones evil in its own practices of torture and extreme punishment. In this post, I compare his hearing testimony and his record and follow it with a short essay by Marguerite Feitlowitz, SALON, who calls him the TORTURER GENERAl.
20.Mar.2007 When Loyalty Is Not a Virtue: A Glimpse into Bush's Amoral World
The new scandal of Alberto Gonzalez and the politicization of the American system of justice is a reminder of how the idea loyalty, with the Bushites, is not part of a moral system. It is, rather, a symptom of a fundamentally amoral worldview in which power is really the only value.
20.Mar.2007 Another Fall Guy: The Plame Game Revisited Today's hearings reveal that the White House has a lot to hide but by the time the Supreme Court gets involved, Bush will probably be out of office.
20.Mar.2007 US Beef Smells Fishy Japanese consumers view eating US beef as a major health risk.
20.Mar.2007 Note to Congress: Hear from the Small Fish Who've Had Their Careers Destroyed by Bush
While it's heartening that Congress has heard testimony from the massacred U.S. Attorneys + will hear today from the world's most famous undercover spy, Valerie Plame, Congress is long overdue to hear from the others out there who have had their careers destroyed by this Administration.
20.Mar.2007 Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's Unbelievable Confession Is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed guilty or innocent of the 30 or so allegations by the Pentagon. I don't know and neither do you.
20.Mar.2007 Are your investments killing America?
George Bush received a standing ovation when he recently visited Wall Street, obviously for fostering a "profit friendly" landscape. But if the financial industry is morally bankrupt, why are we handing over all of our investment funds to them? Perhaps it's time we all took a personal ethics check. You may be shocked to realize what your money is being used for right now!
20.Mar.2007 Gonzales Nixed Inquiry into Own Conduct at DOJ, Democrats Furious
(APN) ATLANTA ? At least four Members of US Congress and four US Senators today raised concerns about a breaking report in the National Journal that US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appears to have known he was going to be negatively implicated in a review at the US Department of Justice's (USDOJ) OPR when he advised President Bush regarding the review. The review was later squashed when Bush denied security clearances. 20.Mar.2007 Tell Congress To Support The Kucinich IMPERATIVE For Impeachment
Minutes ago the U.S. Senate AGAIN failed to exercise meaningful oversight for the national suicide which is our policy in Iraq. Members of Congress must stop running away from actually restraining the abuse of executive power. And the only remedy is for us to renew again and again our call for Congress to impeach at the most mercifully swift speed ALL those who have so grievously harmed we the people.
20.Mar.2007 Former FBI Agent: Reform the Patriot Act Article published on Thursday, March 15
20.Mar.2007 House Appropriations Committee Passes Iraq War Supplemental
The House appropriations committee passed the Iraq War supplemental totaling $124.1 billion, $95 billion for the war in Iraq.
Protesters were kept out of the hearing and 10 were arrested. Next step for the bill is the House floor where it currently looks like no amendments will be allowed.
20.Mar.2007 Why Cuba is a democracy and the US is not A comparison of democracy in Cuba and the USA
20.Mar.2007 Riverside Rides Again...
Tom Courbat is an ordinary guy who consistently commits extraodinary acts of citizenship along with several other salt-of-the-earth types who assemble in Riverside County, CA under the name "SAV R VOTE." They are part of a growing number of American citizens who have discovered that a handful of common-sense individuals can literally move mounains to improve election integrity.
20.Mar.2007 "IS EVERYONE BUSH HIRES A WOODEN HEADED, LONG NOSED PINOCCIO?" The strangely inexplicable decision to deceive regarding the firing of Justice Department Attorneys
20.Mar.2007 John Perkins: New Confessions and Revelations from the World of Economic Hit Men
A quarter-century ago, I saw myself as a hit man for the interests of U.S. capitalism in the struggle for control of the developing world during the cold war. Today, the EHM game is more complex, its corruption more pervasive + its operations more fundamental to the world economy and politics. There are many more types of economic hit men + the roles they play are far more diverse.
20.Mar.2007 United State of Minds Article published on Thursday, March 15
20.Mar.2007 Voice of America Promotes America's Terrorist Enemies
The Voice of America's Persian language service is promoting the lies and disinformation of a terrorist organization on the Department of State's list of terrorists. The MEK (Rajavi Cult or Pol Pot of Iran) has murdered American military officers, Rockwell International employees + large numbers of Iranian and Iraqi civilians.
20.Mar.2007 Top U.S. General Puts It In Hi Mouth
After four years of conducting an illegal war in Iraq, which has killed almost one million people, wounded and dislocated millions more, tortured countless thousands, the military's top general has put his finger on (or into) the problem + his foot firmly into his trap. It's all about whose sexual organ rubs against another's.
20.Mar.2007 Howard Dean: This could be George Bush's Watergate
Eight U.S. Attorneys, fired because they wouldn't follow orders by the Bush Administration.Fired because they refused to go on witch-hunts against Democrats, or ignored the Republicans' blatant disregard for the law. Fired so that they could be replaced by talking heads and loyalists of the Bush Administration.
20.Mar.2007 Call on Congress to Stop Funding the Occupation of Iraq and Vote to Bring our Troops Home 00.000.2007
On the eve of the 4th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, national peace organizations including United for Peace and Justice, Military Families Speak Out, Code Pink, Peace Action, Progressive Democrats of America, Democracy Rising, Voters for Peace, Democrats.com, AfterDowningStreet + the Backbone Campaign today called on Congress to use its power of the purse and pass binding legislation to end the war and occupation.
15.Mar.2007 10 Members of The Encampment to Stop the War Arrested at first House Appropriations Committee Meeting
The Encampment to Stop the War went into the Rayburn Building to confront the Democrats as the House Appropriations Committee holds their first meeting to fund the continuation of the slaughter in Iraq. 10 Encampment members were arrested. A few of us were the first in line in the hallway outside the chamber where the meeting is now taking place. The balance of Encampment members picketed the outside of the building.
20.Mar.2007 Oedipus Wrecks: How Bush attacked Official who Exposed War Profiteering and Privateering
America has deliberately driven hundreds, perhaps thousands, of political prisoners insane. It is the current doctrine of US psychological torture. If the panorama could be viewed all at once, the American people would see an administration that, by the summer of 2003, felt it could do whatever it wanted to anyone. Bush's inner circle validated every cliché about the arrogance of power + Americans are noticing at long last
20.Mar.2007 Malaria-Resistant Mosquito Developed (AP) Researchers have developed a malaria-resistant mosquito,a step that might one day help block the spread of an illness that has claimed millions of lives around the world 20.Mar.2007 Two-year-old boy becomes Egypt's 26th bird flu case
A two-year-old Egyptian boy is being treated for bird flu, the 26th case of the deadly virus in the country, the health ministry announced on Monday.
20.Mar.2007 Beetle species rediscovered in Britain The endangered short-necked oil beetle, long thought gone from Britain, was rediscovered recently by an entomologist at a site in southern county of Devon.
20.Mar.2007 Flexible battery power
A paper-like, polymer based rechargeable battery has been made by Japanese scientists. The news is reported in the latest edition of The Royal Society of Chemistry journal Chemical Communications.
20.Mar.2007 New Russian drug may help fight bird flu Russian scientists have created a new anti-virus drug that they allege can help neutralize the potentially deadly H5N1 bird flu virus.
20.Mar.2007 Alcohol-based cirrhosis on rise in Britain Cases involving cirrhosis of the liver by alcohol among British people aged 25-to-34 years have more than doubled during the last decade, figures show.
20.Mar.2007 Bird flu found in endangered Japanese eagle The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has been found in the body of an endangered eagle in southern Japan, the environment ministry said Sunday, according to reports. 20.Mar.2007 Food poisoning warning issued in Britain British officials have issued a food poisoning alert after learning that nearly 250,000 packed sandwiches could be contaminated with the listeria bacterium.
20.Mar.2007 Bison Once Again Roam Eastern Colorado (AP) After an absence of more than a century, wild bison were returned to Colorado's Front Range on Saturday in full view of Denver's skyline.
20.Mar.2007 China bans firm from selling land on the moon A Chinese company has been banned from selling plots of land on the moon, state media reported on Saturday.
20.Mar.2007 Scientists Demonstrate Thought-Controlled Computer - Zonk 114+ -
Da Massive writes with a link to ComputerWorld coverage of a unique gadget shown at this past week's CeBit show. The company g.tec was showing off a brain/computer interface (BCI) in one corner of the trade hall. The rig, once placed on your head, detects the brain's voltage fluctuations and can respond appropriately. This requires training, where "the subject responds to commands on a computer screen, thinking 'left' and 'right' when they are instructed to do so ... Another test involves looking at a series of blinking letters + thinking of a letter when it appears." Once the system is trained, you can think letters at the machine and 'type' via your thoughts. Likewise, by thinking directions you can move objects around onscreen. The article provides some background on the history of g.tec's BCI + suggests possible uses for the technology in the near future.
20.Mar.2007 Modern Technology Reveals Mummy's Past - CmdrTaco 27 -
mamamia writes "The baby mummy had a European mom + likely came from a wealthy family. But where he lived and why he died — and at such a young age — remain a mystery. The mummy, exhibited for the first time Thursday at the Saint Louis Science Center, has been the year-long focus of an international team of investigators.
The museum said it may be the most extensive research project ever undertaken on a child mummy."
20.Mar.2007 Tony Snow's Evasive Comments About Gonzales Indicate that the Bush Organized Crime Family is Getting Ready to Throw Their Consigliere Overboard. Another Day, Another Fall Guy.
Surge of Violence Continues in Iraq: Bombs rock Baghdad, Kirkuk, killing 26
20.Mar.2007 Pelosi calls for new attorney general: "I don't think Alberto Gonzales fundamentally understood the difference between being the president's lawyer and the attorney general of the United States and the premier defender of the Constitution." 3/20
Carol Korreck: A Soldier's Mother Asks: Are We as Stupid as They Think We Are? -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
"Republican officials operating at the behest of the White House have begun seeking a possible successor to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, whose support among GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill has collapsed, according to party sources familiar with the discussions...Republican sources also disclosed that it is now a virtual certainty that Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty, whose incomplete and inaccurate congressional testimony about the prosecutors helped precipitate the crisis, will also resign shortly. Officials were debating whether Gonzales and McNulty should depart at the same time or whether McNulty should go a day or two after Gonzales." 3/20
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Iraq by the Numbers
20.Mar.2007 Top NASA Scientist: Bush is Politicizing and Screening Global Warming Science -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
Iraqis see hope drain away. Bush invades and country goes backwards. It's the story of Bush's life, a life of failed leadership.
Reuters: "Only 18 % of Iraqis have confidence in U.S.-led forces, a new poll showed on Monday, as President Bush faced anti-war protests at home four years after the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein." Bushevism Has Led to a Colossal Failure, A Costly Embarrassment of Epic Proportions to America.
20.Mar.2007 Nach tödlichem Kugelhagel: Enttäuschung über Anklage gegen New Yorker Polizisten
20.Mar.2007 Kosovo- Status: Nichts mehr zu besprechen zwischen Serben und Albanern
20.Mar.2007 Umfrage: Iraker immer verzweifelter - Bush bittet um Geduld
20.Mar.2007 Raketenschild in Osteuropa: Steinmeier plädiert für Nato- Debatte
20.Mar.2007 Guantanamo: Al- Qaida- Mitglied gesteht Anschlag auf USS- Cole
20.Mar.2007 Koalitionszoff: Becks Anti- Raketen- Kurs bringt die Union in Wallung
20.Mar.2007 Jahrestag des Irakkrieges: Bush warnt vor Gefahren durch Truppenabzug
20.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-472569,00.html
Das Projekt zur Berechnung aller Repräsentationen der Lie-Gruppe E8 begann von vier Jahren.
Die Hauptschwierigkeit bestand in der Programmierung.
"Nachdem wir die zugrundeliegende Mathematik verstanden hatten, dauerte es zwei Jahre, bis wir sie für den Computer übersetzt hatten", sagte David Vogan vom MIT.
Danach standen die Forscher vor dem Problem, einen geeigneten Großrechner zu finden.
Es dauerte ein weiteres Jahr, um die Berechnung zu optimieren, so dass sie auf verfügbaren Supercomputern ausgeführt werden konnte.
Schließlich brauchte der Großrechner Sage an der University of Washington 77 Stunden, bis das Ergebnis feststand. Es besteht aus einer Matrix mit 453.060 Zeilen und Spalten.
Die Matrix hat 205 Milliarden Einträge, jedes ist ein Polynom.
20.Mar.2007 Durchbruch: Mathematiker berechnen hochkomplexe Symmetrien
20.Mar.2007 Atomstreit: USA erteilen Ahmadinedschad Visum für Uno- Besuch
20.Mar.2007 Verschwörungstheorie: Enge Vertraute sollen Marilyn Monroe in den Tod getrieben haben
20.Mar.2007 Betrugsprozess: Der tiefe Fall des Gazetten- Barons
20.Mar.2007 TV- Dokumentation aus Irak: "Ich bedauere den Sturz der Saddam- Statue"
20.Mar.2007 Teure Aussichten: Experten prognostizieren weiteren Energiepreis- Anstieg
20.Mar.2007 Wut auf Brause- Multi: Umweltschützer geißeln Coca- Colas Wasserverbrauch
20.Mar.2007 Gentechnik: Verbotene Leuchtfische in Deutschland aufgetaucht
20.Mar.2007 Die Folter in Ägypten: "Am Ende hätte ich alles gestanden"
20.Mar.2007 CIA- Agent auf der Flucht: "Ich hab' nichts mehr zu verlieren"
20.Mar.2007 Ankunft in Kairo: "Arbeite als Spion - oder verrotte im Knast"
20.Mar.2007 CIA- Entführung: Protokoll eines Martyriums
20.Mar.2007 Bundeswehr- Skandal: Scheingeiselnahmen und Stromstöße als "Ausbildungshöhepunkt"
20.Mar.2007 Karzai- Besuch: Kanzlerin sieht deutsches Afghanistan- Konzept bestätigt
20.Mar.2007 Neuseeland: Schlammlawine aus Kratersee stürzt ins Tal
20.Mar.2007 Trade2Win Boards-Edward Tate Kaya W.F.G.( JOMBI )Mensing 18,Zeelandia P.O.Box 2299,Curacao ...Payment to be made to First Curacao Bank in the Netherland Antilles. www.trade2win.com/boards/archive/index.php/t-10869.html
20061203 Deuss President First Curacao International Bank, NV Kaya WFG ( Jombi ) Mensing Nr. 18, ... Transworld Oil Limited #3 St. James Court Flatts Village ... alfatomega.com/20061203.html
Rbttnetbank Curacao Directory. first curacao bank rbtt bank curacao First curacao international bank . First Curacao International Bank N.v Kaya W.F.G ( JOMBI ) Mensing 18 www.offshore-resources.org/top/31334-rbttnetbankcuracao.htm
First Curacao International Bank First Curacao International Bank N.v Kaya W.F.G ( JOMBI ) Mensing 18 ...
We offer solutions from First Curacao Bank whose international card solutions There ... www.offshore-resources.org/top/22473-firstcuracaointernationalbank.htm
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First Curacao International Bank Ny Koya W.f.g. ( jombi ) Mensing 18 Zeelandia ... First Curacao Bank · Savings Account At First Carribbean Bank ... www.offshore-resources.com/banks/9193.htm
19.Mar.2007 https://hnn.us/articles/1811.html
In view of all the financial transactions involving Germany during this period,
the role of that major Jewish banking family, the Warburgs (which also did business with the Harriman group), demonstrates some of the realities of the flow of capital.
The Warburgs, backed by such American groups as B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish Committee, demanded
00.000.1934 according to Tarpley and Chaitkin, that “American Jews not ‘agitate’ against the Hitler government” or participate in any pro-Nazi boycott.
Such denial about Nazi objectives was not unusual at the time. Aryan laws, at that point in German history, were still less tangible than the marketplace
19.Mar.2007 https://hnn.us/articles/1811.html
00.000.1930 -during the s- some 70 % of the gold that “flowed into Germany's” came from U. S. Investors + heavily from clients of the Dulles firm.
18.Aug.1941 -An internal government memo on- also noted that the UBC had made ”extensive” purchases of gold amounting to over 8 million dollars, most of which was then shipped to Europe, presumably Germany.
19.Mar.2007 https://hnn.us/articles/1811.html
Buchanan contends that there are also records involving the City National Bank, which he cites as “definitely the hot-blood area for all the Nazi money,
especially I.G. Farben + Hermann Schmidt, the infamous managing director of I.G. Farben,” which was represented in court by Dulles’s Sullivan and Cromwell.
Their relationship with German enterprises, moreover, began during the years of Germany’s Weimar Republic, well before Hitler's rise
19.Mar.2007 https://hnn.us/articles/1811.html
12.Oct.1920 -On- the St. Louis Globe-Democrat headlined “Ex-St. Louisan Forms Giant Ship Merger,” explaining that
Bert Walker was the “moving power” behind the “merger of two big financial houses in New York, which will place practically unlimited capital at the disposal of the new American-German shipping combine.”
00.000.1942 -In the summer+fall of- Congress- under the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act,
seized the first group of entities, the UBC, the Holland-American Trading Corporation + the Hamburg-American Line.
Buchanan’s diligence has discovered that
00.000.1930 -in the early s-the latter “reportedly smuggled Nazi spies into the U.S.
00.000.1930 -in the early s- before the war + encouraged U.S. ‘Patriots’ to travel to Germany + proselytize for Hitler”
Much of this is confirmed by the new documentation.
The UBC was not a “bank” at all but “in reality a clearing house” for many assets + enterprises held by Fritz Thyssen, a German steel magnate who has written about his role in helping to finance the Third Reich.
00.000.1924 -it was “founded-Located close to Bush’s 59 Wall Street office, by W. Averell Harriman on behalf of Thyssen + his Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N. V. of Holland.”
20040823242526 Dachorganisation der korporierten Werke in DTL Althaus (Bildungszentrum) ...
20.Aug.200- -no passado dia de-“um atentado ambiental em Monchique ” à Comissão de ... alfatomega.com/20040823242526.html -
03.Oct.1998 Tagesnachrichten von ALBANEWS u.a.-daily ...
In der vom britischen Außenministerium veröffentlichten Erklärung wird Milosevic zur «vollen und sofortigen Erfüllung» von UNO - Resolutionen aufgefordert. www.bndlg.de/~wplarre/day1571a.htm
19.Mar.2007 Dreamflesh » The Century of the Self Especially jaw-dropping for me:
learning that Edward Bernays returned from propaganda work in WWI. + thinking that there could be peace propaganda ...
19.Mar.2007 Edward Bernays Quotes [PROPAGANDA (PROPAGANA)]
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Edward Bernays ... www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/edward_bernays.html
19.Mar.2007 Fueling irrational fears, media make money, boost careers, panel says
11Sep.2001 -terrorism is the newest threat being blown out of proportion by the ...
The current White House administration is "very secretive " and "plays ... news-service.stanford.edu/news/2003/august6/fear-86.html
19.Mar.2007 Bob Graham News - The New York Times
31.Oct.2001 Front Page News ...
25.Feb.2001 Washington News ... Republicans argue secretive panel has unique structure and purpose and must be ... topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/g/bob_graham/index.html?offset=75&
Richard C. Shelby News - The New York Times
23.Aug.2001 Opinion Letter ...
21.Aug.2001 Opinion Editorial ... Republicans argue secretive panel has unique structure and purpose and must be ... topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/s/richard_c_shelby/index.html?offset=30&
00.000.2001 -Summer- MCFOI Spotlight, Vol. 2 No. 2. Contents ... spread like a prairie fire among citizens when lawmakers used the secretive panel process to raise their pensions. www.mcfoi.org/newsletters/summer2001.html
11.Sep.2001 -The Secrets of-
00.Jul.2001 -One such CIA briefing- was particularly chilling + prophetic.
The new job is expected to give the brusque and secretive Gordon even more ... www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0501-01.htm
10.Sep.2000 -NucNews-Commentary by J. Israel follows "The Monitor' article. ...
The stenciled image of a clenched fist was first produced during the Harvard Strike of 1969. nucnews.net/nucnews/2000nn/0009nn/000910nn.htm
13.Mar.2005-20.Mar.2005 -aangirfan-
00.Aug.1998 -the original attempt to bomb bin Laden- Spy expert Jared Israel suggests that- ...
Brown + his economic adviser Edward Balls were both at Harvard. aangirfan.blogspot.com/2005_03_13_archive.html
19.Mar.2007 Rubicon26-32sept08 pm.qxd File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Donald C. Wiley of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard ... 32 Jared Israel, “Bin Laden, Terrorist. Monster: Take Two!” The Emperor’s ...
19.Mar.2007 Scribd - David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop
12.Apr.2003 59 "A strange case of Jared Israel ". by Israel Shamir. ...soon after the
A public health team from Harvard University went into Iraq ... www.scribd.com/doc/6464/David-Icke-Tales-from-the-Time-Loop
Scribd - David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade ...
00.000.2003 -soon after the ...- A public health team from Harvard University went into Iraq. Myers, by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel,
14.Nov.2001 -posted-; ... www.scribd.com/doc/6461/David-Icke-Alice-in-Wonderland-and-The-World-Trade-Center-chapters-19
10.Jun.2000 -NucNews-Jared Israel (Massachusetts).
Jared Israel produced a film called ... Jessica Stern, a terrorism expert at Harvard University + a former official in the ... nucnews.net/nucnews/2000nn/0006nn/000610nn.htm
19.Mar.2007 Psychosoziale Auswirkungen von Krieg und Gewalt auf die Gesundheit ...
Soldaten, die ihn, seinen Onkel und seinen Cousin überfielen.
Die ... Mogadishu gezogen .
Dort habe sie bis zum. Kriegsausbruch gelebt und habe ein kleineres ... deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=959762264&dok_var=d1&dok_ext=pdf&filename=959762264.pdf
There is no need for 3 aircraft carriers there, except for an attack on Iran; this ain't no party, this ain't no disco. Iraq Is Worse Than You Think Robert ... alfatomega.com/20070206.html
19.Mar.2007 Raketenschild in Osteuropa: Merkel warnt USA vor Alleingängen
19.Mar.2007 Karzai- Besuch: Merkel sieht deutsches Afghanistan- Konzept bestätigt
19.Mar.2007 Rekruten- Misshandlung: Bundeswehr- Ausbilder müssen sich vor Gericht verantworten
20.Mar.2007 Kritik an Raketenschild: Steinmeier in schwieriger US- Mission
18.Mar.2007 A Single-Photon Server - Zonk 63 - Roland Piquepaille writes
"A team of German physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics has built a single-photon server with just one atom. They've trapped ultra cold atoms of rubidium in a vacuum chamber and applied laser pulses from one side. The generated photons were of 'high quality,' meaning their energy was very similar from one test to another + that their properties could be controlled. The researchers think this new way to generate single photons will help the field of quantum information processing. "
18.Mar.2007 Getting Your Government Files Via the FOIA - Zonk 19+ - An anonymous reader writes
"The Bad Guys blog is marking America's third annual Sunshine Week: 'a national effort to cast light onto the growing recesses of government secrecy'. US News is offering up the latest information on the Freedom of Information Act, with links to filing FOI requests to US states, the federal government + 67 other countries. 'Often the records can be obtained by simply asking for them, but
11.Sep.2001 -since-federal agencies have grown increasingly stubborn about what they release.
A just-released survey by the National Security Archive found that only 1 in 5 federal agencies meets congressionally mandated requirements for online information access.
There's hope, though:
A new bill is making its way through the House of Representatives, with bipartisan backing, that would strengthen the FOIA, one of a host of open government measures being looked at by the new Congress.'"
18.Mar.2007 Global Warming Endangered by Hot Air? - Zonk 229+ - oldwindways writes
"The BBC reports that leading climate researchers are concerned that the tone of speculation surrounding many reports (scientific as well as in the media) could be making it more difficult for legitimate science to make a case for the future. Is Hollywood to blame? Have we 'cried wolf' too many times with global warming?
Or is this just a case of some researchers who are not ready to face the truth?
Either way, it raises the interesting question of how greater public awareness of Global Warming might be affecting the course of research and vice versa.
Not to mention what happens when public awareness is shaped by factors other than scientific findings. This is especially troubling during what some are calling the warmest US winter in years."
18.Mar.2007 Nanotechnology Reveals Hidden Fingerprints - CowboyNeal 22+ - valiko75 writes
"Hidden fingerprints can now be revealed quickly and reliably thanks to two developments in nanotechnology.
The thing is that they have invented an easier way to reveal hidden fingerprints, but the explanation is rather vague.
The main point is that the experiments are not very stable at the moment, but with its development this technology will probably help in discovering many criminal mysteries."
18.Mar.2007 35 %: - Amanda - Number of Americans who are confident about the war in Iraq, compared to 83 % four years ago, at the start of the war.
The new poll also finds that “30 % of those polled this month said they were proud of the war, as opposed to 65 % who expressed that sentiment 00.000.2003.”
18.Mar.2007 Sestak, Andrews Dominate Debate With Tom DeLay + Richard Perle - Nico -
Today, NBC’s Meet the Press featured a panel with
retired Navy Admiral Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) +
Win Without War director Tom Andrews
debating former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) +
prominent neocon Richard Perle.
Andrews and Sestak made short work of DeLay and Perle. Andrews emphasized how dangerous it is to place U.S. soldiers into a civil war. “Our kids don’t know when they’re out there on the streets of Baghdad, whether the people they’re next to are the enemy or their allies. … They’re losing their lives as a result.”
Sestak made the case for redeploying U.S. forces out of Iraq. “Even George Washington at the Battle of Brandywine understood after this initial clash that he had to redeploy and go elsewhere to assume the strategic victory. That’s what this is about. Is there a better way to handle Iraq and then to be able to handle the entire security environment?” Watch it:
At one point, DeLay claimed that places like Bahrain and Qatar wouldn’t accept U.S. troops who had redeployed out of Iraq. Sestak put his hand on DeLay’s arm and informed him that the U.S. military already has bases in those countries.
Later, Perle made the incredible statement that “‘Redeploy’ is a euphemism for cut-and-run.” Note to Perle: redeployment is an official military term (see this entry in the Pentagon’s Dictionary of Military Terms). “Cut and run” is the euphemism + a tired and false one at that. Digg It!
18.Mar.2007 Hume Launches New Smear: Plame Lied Under Oath - Faiz -
Today on Fox News Sunday, Brit Hume continued his campaign to smear Valerie Plame Wilson. Previously, he had falsely said that it was “unlikely she was” covert.
Instead of apologizing this morning, he launched a new attack against Plame, claiming that she had lied under oath when she testified on Friday about whether she recommended her husband be sent to Niger to investigate Iraq’s supposed nuclear ambitions.
Hume said Plame’s testimony “flies in the face of the evidence” adduced by the “bipartisan” Senate Intelligence Committee, which said that “she very much did have something to do with it, that she recommended him and that she put it in a memo.” Watch it:
Plame testified that she never suggested her husband for the Niger trip. “I did not recommend him, I did not suggest him, there was no nepotism involved — I didn’t have the authority,” she said.
Hume’s false claim originated from a statement attached to the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Iraq that was released 00.000.2004.
In an addendum to that report, Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS), Christopher Bond (R-MO) + Orrin Hatch (R-UT) wrote definitively, “The plan to send the former ambassador to Niger was suggested by the former ambassador’s wife, a CIA employee.” The right-wing, including columnist Bob Novak, have taken the statement written by three Republican senators and falsely attributed it as the “unanimous” conclusion of the Senate report.
The three conservative senators based their claim on testimony by a CIA employee who appeared before the Senate Intel Committee. Plame revealed on Friday that the CIA employee later apologized to her “with tears in his eyes” because he said “his words had been twisted and distorted” by the senators. And in fact, the unnamed employee drafted a memo, asking that he be re-interviewed by the Senate to correct the record. His attempts to set the record straight were denied. On Friday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) asked to retrieve a copy of that memo:
REP. VAN HOLLEN: So, just so I understand, Mr. Chairman, if I could — so, there was a memo written by the [Counterproliferation Division] officer, upon whose alleged testimony the Senate wrote its report that contradicts the conclusions –
MS. PLAME WILSON: Absolutely.
REP. VAN HOLLEN: — contradicts the conclusions from that report.
REP. VAN HOLLEN: Mr. Chairman, it seems to me that this committee should ask for that memo. And it bears directly on the credibility of the Senate report on this very, very important issue, which they’ve attempted to use to discredit Ambassador Wilson’s mission.
REP. WAXMAN: I think the gentleman makes an excellent point + we will insist on getting that memo. Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
18.Mar.2007 Iglesias: My Firing Was A ‘Political Hit’ - Amanda -
Today on Fox News Sunday, former U.S. attorney David Iglesias beat back several misleading claims by Bush administration officials + reasserted that his firing was a “political hit,” not done for performance reasons.
He pointed out that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales agreed to write him a recommendation even after he was fired. “If [my firing] was performance based, there is no way they would have agreed to have allowed me to list them as a reference,” he said. “In fact, they agreed, telling me that the true nature was political, not performance.” Watch it:
Iglesias rebutted criticisms from Republican leaders, such as the New Mexico GOP chairman, who complained to Karl Rove that the former prosecutor didn’t go after voter fraud aggressively enough.
In those cases, “we didn’t have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt,” Iglesias stated. “Prosecutors can’t just prosecute on rumor and innuendo. I set up only one of two election fraud task forces in the country.
In fact, the Justice Department asked me to speak at an election fraud seminar as a result of those task forces.”
Iglesias also resisted pressure from Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM), who made “unprecedented” — + possibly illegal — calls to him to prosecute Democrats before the
In today’s New York Times, White House counselor Dan Bartlett acknowledged that calls and visits from officials in New Mexico “played a role in deciding Mr. Iglesias’s fate.” Transcript: (more…)
18.Mar.2007 30 %: - Nico - President Bush’s approval rating in a new Newsweek poll. (Via Atrios)
18.Mar.2007 https://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2007/03/high_school_stu.html
If this story is true (which I sort of doubt), then this isn't a good thing, it's a serious problem. If a high school student can build a nuclear reactor out of some parts he got on eBay and at a local hardware store, then what is there to say that a national government, with millions of dollars and an army of scientists at it's disposal, couldn't do the same thing, only with a very different (and much more terrifying) intention. Posted by: punkrockr | Mar 18, 2007 3:16:54 AM 18.Mar.2007 Past U.S. attorneys outraged by prosecutor purge. - Amanda -
“People who understand the history and the mission of the United States attorney + Justice Department — they are uniformly appalled, horrified,” said Atlee W. Wampler III, chairman of a national organization of former United States attorneys and a prosecutor who served in the Carter and Reagan administrations.
“That the tradition of the Justice Department could have been so warped by that kind of action — any American should be disturbed.”
18.Mar.2007 How Bush will commemorate four years of war. - Nico -
“The White House, repeatedly asked if President Bush is planning anything to mark the fourth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq on Monday, has suggested that the president is going about business as usual.
On Monday, that business includes playing host to the 2006 NCAA football champions, the University of Florida ‘Gators.’“
18.Mar.2007 White House Effort To ‘Gum To Death’ U.S. Attorney Process Moving Forward As Planned - Amanda -
18.Jan.2007 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath, that
“with respect to every United States attorney position in this country, we will have a presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed United States attorney.”
But e-mails reveal that the Justice Department was already planning to install Karl Rove-protege Tim Griffin as U.S. attorney in Arkansas by taking advantage of a Patriot Act provision that allows the President to appoint “interim” U.S. attorneys for indefinite periods of time, bypassing the Senate confirmation process altogether.
The administration understood that its plan to skirt Congress would be met with severe criticism. In a Dec. 19 email, Sampson wrote to a White House aide, explaining the administration’s strategy for countering the criticism:
We should gum this to death. [A]sk the senators to give Tim a chance…then we can tell them we’ll look for other candidates, ask them for recommendations, evaluate the recommendations, interview their candidates + otherwise run out the clock. All of this should be done in “good faith,” of course.
With little attention, this scenario is exactly what is playing out now, as the White House is running out the clock to keep Griffin in office.
15.Feb.2007 Griffin — in an effort to stem the growing tide of criticism over his appointment — announced that he had “made the decision not to let my name go forward to the Senate.”
Rep. John Boozman (R-AR), a stalwart White House ally, said last week he “is interviewing candidates to recommend as replacements for Griffin.”
“It is my goal to produce a list of three strong candidates to forward to the White House for consideration,” he said.
Boozman added it would “take between six and nine months” to identify Griffin’s replacement.
Meanwhile, as the White House waits to name a new nominee, Griffin has said that he is ready and willing to serve until the end of Bush’s term.
The conservatives’ efforts to find a replacement for Griffin are presumably in “good faith” of course.
UPDATE: The Arkansas Times blog is suspicious of Boozman’s “good faith” efforts and calls on Griffin to resign.
“If Boozman drags his feet long enough on nominations, he could easily extend the appointment of a permanent U.S. attorney into the final months of Bush’s term.”
18.Mar.2007 REPORT: Public Support for Iraq War In Fast Decline Since 2003 - Think Progress -
Monday marks the four-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
President Bush still believes launching this war was the right decision + that it has been worth the cost in blood, money, damaged security and lost international reputation.
The American public strongly disagrees.
American Progress fellow Ruy Teixeira has tracked polls on public support for the war
00.Mar.2003 -since- on two key questions: 1) whether going to war was a mistake + 2) whether the war has been worth fighting. The results:
Teixeira notes that the 59 % ‘mistake’ figure is now “just about as high as the peak response Gallup received to an analogous question during the Vietnam war (61 %).”
The trend is clear: the vast majority of Americans do not approve of the Iraq war, now more than ever. For a history of the Iraq war, see our timeline HERE.
18.Mar.2007 58: - Nico - %age of Americans — including 45 % of Republicans — who “say the ouster of the federal prosecutors was driven by political concerns. …
The NEWSWEEK poll results offer little good news for Gonzales, who faces pressure to resign from Democrats and a handful of Republicans.
Fewer than one third (32 %) of those surveyed want him to stay remain in his job.”
18.Mar.2007 Gonzales apologizes. - Nico -
“Attorney General Alberto Gonzales apologized to the nation’s 93 U.S. attorneys in a conference call Friday as he tried to hold on to his job amid the scandal over the firings of eight federal prosecutors. …
Across the country, morale within U.S. attorneys’ offices deteriorated, leaving many feeling misled by the Bush administration.
‘They feel a strong sense of betrayal,’ said a former Bush administration Justice Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect his friends in the administration.”
“Two New Mexico lawyers with strong ties to the state Republican Party met last summer with a top aide to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales + complained about then-U.S. Attorney David Iglesias,” the AP reports. One of the lawyers, Pat Rogers, “has represented the New Mexico GOP in legal matters for several years,” +
“was among the names that Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., submitted to President Bush for consideration as Iglesias’ successor.”
18.Mar.2007 Sampson Contradicts Gonzales Over Resignation - Nico -
On Tuesday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said that his chief of staff Kyle Sampson had resigned because Sampson had provided “incomplete information” to senior members of the Justice Department who had testified to Congress about the White House role in the U.S. Attorney purge:
Obviously I am concerned about the fact that information, incomplete information, was communicated or may have been communicated to the Congress.
I believe very strongly in our obligation to ensure that when we provide information to the Congress, it is accurate and that it is complete and I am very dismayed that that may not have occurred here.
But last night, Sampson’s lawyer Bradford Berenson released a statement contradicting Gonzales.
Berenson claims Sampson resigned because he failed to “organize a more effective political response,” not because he misled anyone:
Kyle did not resign because he had misled anyone at the Justice Department or withheld information concerning the replacement of the U.S. Attorneys.
He resigned because, as Chief of Staff, he felt he had let the Attorney General down in failing to appreciate the need for and organize a more effective political response to the unfounded accusations of impropriety in the replacement process.
Now why would he do that? As CREW pointed out in its letter to Gonzales calling for a special prosecutor, Sampson’s misleading may have been a federal crime:
According to press reports, Sampson has acknowledged that he did not tell DOJ officials about the extent of his communications with the White House regarding the firings.
Justice officials who testified before Congress, including the attorney general, Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty and Principal Associate Attorney General William Moschella, all told Congress that the White House, though consulted, was not deeply involved in the firing decisions.
Federal law provides that if Sampson knew that he was causing DOJ officials to make inaccurate statements to Congress, he can be prosecuted for the federal crime of lying to Congress even though he did not personally make any statements to Congress. The Special Prosecutor should investigate not only Mr. Sampson’s conduct but whether anyone else was involved in formulating the incomplete and erroneous congressional testimony or whether the officials who testified were aware that they were providing imperfect information to Congress.
18.Mar.2007 Fear centre 'shrinks' in autism A part of the brain linked to learning and fear shrinks in people with autism, research suggests.
18.Mar.2007 Pessimism 'growing among Iraqis' Iraqis have little confidence in their own government and the US-led coalition forces, a major survey shows.
18.Mar.2007 Mexican drug raid targets police Mexican troops take over a state police HQ in Tabasco state, in a move to curb drug-related violence.
18.Mar.2007 US accused over environment Germany says the United States has blocked progress on two key issues to protect the global environment.
18.Mar.2007 Australia in Iraq troops pledge Australian PM John Howard says his troops will stay in Iraq until Iraqis are able to control their own security.
18.Mar.2007 Czech village 'vetoes' US shield The residents of a village in the Czech Republic hold a protest ballot over a US missile shield radar station.
18.Mar.2007 Lunar dust 'may harm astronauts' Scientists investigate the possible threat posed to astronauts' health from inhaling lunar dust.
18.Mar.2007 Protesters march against Iraq war Anti-war protesters march in the US, Europe and beyond as the anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq approaches.
18.Mar.2007 India strike over police shooting A strike called by opposition parties over the shooting by police of protesting farmers hits India's West Bengal state.
18.Mar.2007 Juan Cole: Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy: the Plame Affair: Valerie Plame Wilson, whose career Karl Rover and Vice President Dick Cheney wanted destroyed in a fit of pique, was finally allowed to testify before Congress on Friday. Some in the blogosphere are arguing that the outing of Plame Wilson was an impeachable offense.
18.Mar.2007 Chiquita banana company is fined $25m for paying off Colombian paramilitary groups :
The Chiquita banana company, one of the world's biggest + most powerful food companies, has admitted paying "protection" money to Colombian paramilitary groups identified by the US government as terrorist organisations - + has agreed to pay a $25m (£13m) fine to wrap up a federal investigation.
18.Mar.2007 The Political Economy of Diamonds:
11.Sep.2001 -A few years before-the world's curiously selective conscience was shocked by images from the little West African country of Sierra Leone.
There, an insurgent group fond of hacking off hands and feet with machetes funded its war by exploiting slave labor in diamond fields,
18.Mar.2007 Probe of Al-Qaeda Leader's Handling Sought: Two senators who observed
last week's closed military proceedings against al-Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed called for an investigation into allegations that the accused planner of the
11.Sep.2001 -attacks was physically abused while in CIA custody.
18.Mar.2007 Musharraf sees conspiracy against him Islamabad:
Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf on Saturday told a public meeting 'conspiracy has been hatched against him, urging the masses to "frustrate designs of those who are indulged in conspiracies."
18.Mar.2007 Without a trace: Seven-year-old Saud Bugti's father was picked up by secret police on a street corner in Karachi last November. No one has heard from him since.
He has joined the ranks of Pakistan's 'disappeared' - victims of the country's brutal attempts to wage war on both al-Qaida and those who fail to support the government.
18.Mar.2007 Inside America's powerful Israel lobby: AIPAC's three-day summit included fiery evangelical oratory, adoration for Dick Cheney -- and new plans for going after Iran.
18.Mar.2007 In case you missed it: New US covert operations helping Sunni Muslim radicals: USA is stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy that risks sparking an "open confrontation" + benefits Sunni radicals
18.Mar.2007 Ellsberg Joins March 19th Stop Funding the War Protest at Speaker Pelosi's Office : Daniel Ellsberg has agreed to be the lead speaker at The Stop Funding the War https://www.stopfundingthewar.org
19.Mar.2007 -rally at 12 noon on Monday- in front of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district office at the San Francisco Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue.
18.Mar.2007 U.S. troops in Iraq often abuse prisoners: report :
00.000.2006 -issued on- Human Rights Record of the USA says The USA has a flagrant record of violating the Geneva Convention in systematically abusing prisoners during the Iraqi War + the War in Afghanistan.
18.Mar.2007 Gates warns US plans to maintain presence in region 'for decades': Sadr urges followers to oppose occupation forces
18.Mar.2007 True Confessions? The Amazing Tale of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed -By Anthony D'Amato
The sweeping Guantanamo "confessions" of al Qaeda leader Khalid Shaikh Mohammed rival the scope of those made in the Stalinist purge trials of the 1930s + should equally prompt us to question the legal process in which they were made... Continue
18.Mar.2007 The Confession Backfired - By Paul Craig Roberts
The first confession released by the Bush regime’s Military Tribunals--that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed--has discredited the entire process.
Writing in Jurist, Northwestern University law professor Anthony D’Amato likens Mohammed’s confession to those that emerged in Stalin’s show trials of Bolshevik leaders in the 1930s. Continue
18.Mar.2007 The Truth Should Be Proclaimed Loudly -By Robert Fisk
When in the history of bookselling, I ask myself, has any publisher tried to avoid publicity for his book? Well, I can give you an example. Continue
18.Mar.2007 Israel's Right To Be Racist -By Joseph Massad
The matter-of-factness with which the state of Israel claims the right to treat non-Jews as lesser animals is shocking and annuls any move towards peace. Continue
18.Mar.2007 Velkomin to the USA of Foreclosure -By Mike Whitney
The stock market is about to crash.
The only question is whether it will quickly drop down the elevator shaft or follow the jerky flight-path of a man pushed down a stairwell. Either way, the outcome will be the same; stocks will nose-dive, the dollar will plummet + the bruised US economy will be splattered on the canvas like George Foreman in Rumble in the Jungle. Continue
18.Mar.2007 Permission to Speak Freely? -By Jason Miller
On behalf of fellow Information Clearing House contributing writers + ICH readers + the multitude of people who still believe that human rights represent a cornerstone of civilization, I call upon you to cease + desist with your arbitrary violation of Tom Feeley's rights to "demonstrate one's opinions on all matters", free speech + free press. Continue
18.Mar.2007 Global warming is a 'weapon of mass destruction' : Climate experts hit back after being accused of overstating the problem
18.Mar.2007 Hicks was forcibly sedated, says lawyer: DAVID HICKS was left frightened + confused after being forcibly sedated at Guantanamo Bay
last month + then told of new charges the prosecution wanted to bring against him, his US military defence lawyer, Major Michael Mori, has said.
18.Mar.2007 Ban word "terrorist" from U.S. trial, lawyer asks :
Defense lawyers want the word "terrorist" banned as too inflammatory in the U.S. trial of Jose Padilla + two other men charged with conspiring to aid Islamist extremists overseas.
18.Mar.2007 A constructive plot to return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba : The Invalidity of the Cuban-American Treaty on Guantanamo Bay
18.Mar.2007 Pressure on Musharraf as protests spread : The situation in Pakistan seems to be heading out of control.
Protests against the sacking of the Chief Justice Iftikar Mohd Chaudhry are spreading to other parts of the country.
18.Mar.2007 Why Musharraf Survives: Recent threats by the Bush administration to cut off billions of dollars in aid to Pakistan have sparked panic in government circles.
18.Mar.2007 Taming Leviathan: THIS week saw yet another reminder of the awesome power of “the lobby”.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) brought more than 6,000 activists to Washington for its annual policy conference. And they proceeded to live up to their critics' darkest fears.
18.Mar.2007 Grab your sick bag: Video: Cheney Speech To Israel's Most Powerful Lobby: V. P. Cheney at the American Israel Public Affairs Cmte. Forum
18.Mar.2007 In case you missed it: The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney: Video: "In Dick Cheney's World, what he says is frequently more fiction than fact"
18.Mar.2007 Czech village rejects US radar base :
Residents of a Czech village have voted against hosting a US anti-missile radar station, fearing it will make the village a military target, amid a gathering of anti-war protesters in the nation's capital.
18.Mar.2007 Russia to increase global clout to combat U.S. unilateralism:
Russia’s foreign minister harshly criticized what he called Washington’s unilateral foreign policy on Saturday + said Moscow intended to counterbalance it with its increasing global clout.
18.Mar.2007 Iran said Russia has been paid 90% of the total deal amount: Officials said that despite Russia's assertions, Iran has honored its payment schedule of the $1 billion Bushehr project.
Despite this, they said, Russia's state-owned Atomstroiexport has slowed down construction to avoid sending nuclear fuel to Iran.
18.Mar.2007 War pimp alert: US and Israel conduct major missile defence exercise: Israel + the US are conducting a large-scale missile defence exercise aimed at combining their systems, American and Israeli officials said today, as both countries warn that Iran could obtain nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.
18.Mar.2007 Palestinian government is approved: The president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, told lawmakers that Palestinians reject "all forms of violence" and want a permanent settlement with Israel.
18.Mar.2007 World support grows for Palestinian Cabinet : Palestinians installed a new coalition government yesterday in hopes of persuading the international community to end its isolation of the Palestinian National Authority and lift a year of bruising sanctions.
18.Mar.2007 U.S. to keep Palestinian aid ban, contacts possible: The USA + Israel on Sunday agreed to keep a ban on financial aid to the new Palestinian government, but in a break with the Jewish state, Washington left room for contacts with non-Hamas ministers.
18.Mar.2007 Prof. Tanya Reinhardt dies age 63 : Reinhardt, one of the most outspoken representatives of the radical Israeli left, was a fierce critic of the
00.000.1993 Oslo Accords between Israel + the Palestine Liberation Organization, saying they represented a perpetuation of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
18.Mar.2007 The One Video Clip Explaining Everything Wrong With Iraq, The Media + The Right : On Meet the Press, they expressed their commitment to "fair and balanced" debate by having on disgraced war supporter Richard Perle and indicted, deposed ex-congressman Tom DeLay against Admiral and Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak and Former Democratic Rep. Tom Andrews of Win Without War
18.Mar.2007 God's Dupes: Moderate believers give cover to religious fanatics -- and are every bit as delusional.
18.Mar.2007 Worldwide protests mark Iraq war :A series of anti-war demonstrations in countries including the USA + Canada + Australia + Spain + Britain occured ahead of the fourth anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq. 18.Mar.2007 Third of Iraqi children now malnourished: Caritas Internationalis + Caritas Iraq say that malnutrition rates have risen in Iraq
from 19 % before the US-led invasion to a national average of 28 % four years later.
18.Mar.2007 Defense chief raps withdrawal deadline: Both the Pentagon and the Iraqi government have gotten the message that Congress is losing patience with the war, said Gates
18.Mar.2007 The Late, Great American Nation -By John W. Whitehead
A pattern is emerging, predicated on one horrific incident 00.000.2001. The current administration is laying the groundwork for a military state + this is our final wake-up call. Continue
18.Mar.2007 Blair, Bush Could Face Probe at The Hague -By Gethin Chamberlain-TONY Blair could face the prospect of an International Criminal Court investigation for alleged coalition war crimes in Iraq. Continue
18.Mar.2007 A Good Kicking-Video - Torture Goes Unpunished
The Panorama special called A Good Kicking investigates the torture of seven Iraqi civilians 00.000.2003 while held in British custody in Basra.
One man, a hotel receptionist called Baha Mousa, died and had 93 injuries on his body. soldier, who asked to have his identity protected, told Panorama:
"What I saw in that cell wasn't interrogation. It wasn't detention.
It was torture as far as I am concerned. It was brutal. It was barbaric." Continue
18.Mar.2007 It's Hardly Pocahontas - New exhibits portray Jamestown colonists as killers and rapists -By James Langton
England's first successful colonists in America have been branded as rapists and murderers who imported slavery and oppressed the local Indian population. Continue
18.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Also out this week, in The American Conservative, a similar observation of the lack of open debate on this topic here in the MSM, but
the opening up of the discussion on - of course - the blogs.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/that, following so close on the heels of our intense debate on the lack of discussion in the US about problems in - + about - Israel,
comes this piece by Nicholas Kristoff, due out in full tomorrow.
18.Mar.2007 They put me on a political hit list: U.S. Attorney
Frank Rich: "By the time the ides of March arrived in
00.Mar.2003 these warning signs were visible on a nearly daily basis.
So were the signs that Americans were completely ill prepared for the costs ahead. Iraq was largely anticipated as a distant, mildly disruptive geopolitical video game that would be over in a flash."
Helping Expose PlameGate After Robert Novak's Column. Fighting for Al Gore's Victory
18.Mar.2007 Busheviks to Smother Democracy Again: White House Opposes D.C. Vote
The Viet Cong didn't "follow us home" from Vietnam, but veteran John McCain apparently thinks Iraqi terrorists will 3/19
Still more decay, disrepair and disregard at Walter Reed's crumbling sickbays--quality control inspector recently quit in frustration 3/19
There Are More Than a Few Family Skeletons in Al Gonzales' Closet -- Try Alcoholism, Drug Conviction, Parole Violation and a Mysterious Death. 3/18
Bush approval at 30, despite Washington Post predictions a few weeks ago of a second wave of Bush love 3/19
18.Mar.2007 "Bong hits" case splits Bush and Religious Right: many religious rights groups have joined the ACLU and others in defending the rights of high school students 3/19
17.Mar.2007 https://www.opednews.com/
Michael Bonanno: Socialism and Democracy – The People's Combination The definition obtained from Dictionary.com implies that "social" is not only not negative, but also helpful in human relationships.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.opednews.com/
Mark A. Goldman: What does it mean to win an illegal war? I hear members of Congress talking about how concerned they are about the possibility of having our troops experience defeat in the Iraq war.
They want the troops to experience a win. But how can soldiers engaged in an illegal war experience a win? What does winning an illegal war mean?
Does it mean that we will not give up until we are able to extricate ourselves without having to pay a price for our war crimes?
18.Mar.2007 "Microsoft sucks": Top- Blogger rechnet mit Microsoft ab
18.Mar.2007 Zeitgeschichte: Scheitern als Chance
18.Mar.2007 propaganda Public Relations & Edward Bernays BitTorrent - myBittorrent.com
PR and the Father of Spin - Edward Bernays - Principles of Propaganda - Joseph Goebbels - Strategic Communication Laboratories. www.mybittorrent.com/unsorted/bittorrent_42267.html
War, Journalism + Propaganda: An Analysis of Media Coverage of ... ... understood the methodology and essential principles of propaganda perfectly.
Bernays based his methodology for PR in part upon the works of Walter ... www.agitprop.org.au/stopnato/20000617zzprosavic.php
18.Mar.2007 ConspiracyResearch.org -> Public Relations
Edward Bernays - Forger of the Public Relations Industry.mht Edward Bernays - Freud, Propaganda, ... The Principles of Propaganda - Joseph Goebbels.mht ... www.conspiracyresearch.org/blogs/tales_of_power/index.php?showentry=133
Propagandizing Propaganda: Interview with Aleksandar Macasev ...
Media culture uses almost all the principles of propaganda. ...
Try Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew + arguably the "father of public relations" in ... www.aiga.org/content.cfm/propagandizing-propaganda-interview-with-aleksandar-macasev
[Projekat Rastko] War, Journalism, + Propaganda ... the methodology + essential principles of propaganda perfectly. ...
Like Bernays + Lippmann, Hitler was convinced the masses must be guided + led ... www.rastko.org.yu/kosovo/istorija/ccsavich-propaganda.html
JSTOR: Recent Works on Propaganda By Harwood L. Childs with a preface by Edward L. Bernays.
... is quite capable of determin- ing the validity of these principles of propaganda as a result ... links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0037-7732(193612)15%3A2%3C292%3ARWOP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-H
JSTOR: The Rule of the Demagogue ... they are largely based upon general principles of propaganda ; often, ...
E. L. Bernays, H. L. Childs, L. W. Doob, Will Irwin, H. D. Lasswell, ... links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-1224(193808)3%3A4%3C487%3ATROTD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B
bernays.html Der Vater der Verdrehung Bernays, Edward L. dominierte die PR-[propaganda]-Industrie 01. PRINCIPLES OF PROPAGANDA ) alfatomega.com/bernays .html
18.Mar.2007 propaganda The debate is just one more chapter in the saga of an administration that has (whether consciously or not) employed Goebbels ' principles of propaganda to a ...
00.May 2005 Justice E.R.: Goebbels ’ Principles of Propaganda . Based on Goebbels ’ Principles of Propaganda .
1. Propagandist must have access to intelligence concerning events + ... justiceeroom.blogspot.com/2005_05_01_archive.html
18.Mar.2007 JOSEPH GOEBBELS tm- Some of the “Goebbels”'principles of propaganda :"
Propaganda must be planned + executed by only one authority." "Credibility alone must determine whether ... www.goebbels.info/goebbels-goebbels.htm
JOSEPH GOEBBELS tm - However, propaganda was still most closely identified with Joseph Goebbels + Nazi Germany.
This is due in part to the principles of propaganda elaborated ... www.goebbels.info/goebbels-about.htm
18.Mar.2007 BBC - h2g2 - Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda
- h2g2 is the unconventional guide to life, the universe + everything, a guide that's written by visitors to the website, creating an organic + evolving ... www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/P148286
Disinformation :: The gateway to the underground - news, politics ...
"We think betting on stupidity is a rock solid proposition," said World Stupidity Awards SpokesMoron Albert Nerenberg.
"The only thing in this world you can ... www.disinfo.com/site/Topic26allstories.html
18.Mar.2007 Libri.de - Risk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in ...
The public anxiety expected during a large-scale bioterrorism attack may even be more damaging than the direct effects of the bioterrorism agent, ...
18.Mar.2007 www.ta-swiss.ch
„The findings suggest that there is public anxiety about the use of genetic data. and it seems likely that these anxieties will be accentuated with ... www.ta-swiss.ch/a/biot_phar/2004_48_Pharmakogen_d.pdf
18.Mar.2007 Diplomarbeit Textversion 6.doc
Public anxiety over synthetic additives to the food supply has been met with studies. indicating that ‘natural carcinogens’ in the food are more hazardous ... content.grin.com/data/19/7295.pdf
18.Mar.2007 Inhaltsverzeichnis Grußwort des Ministeriums Stellungnahme des ...
protect their own citizens and to calm public anxiety . Protecting our. citizens from bioterrorism is a public health responsibility that ... mwk.baden-wuerttemberg.de/fileadmin/pdf/internationales/6_ForschungsrahmenprogrammPDF/6_FRP.pdf
18.Mar.2007 DRZE - Neuerwerbungsliste
£160 bird flu tests spark row : health experts today criticised a private medical firm for exacerbating public anxiety about bird flu by offering a new test ... www.drze.de/bibliothek/neuerwerbungen.html?show=200603
18.Mar.2007 Biotech Media News
"However, what is real is the public anxiety that such claims cause, particularly when accompanied by a flurry of publicity," he added. ... www.unifr.ch/biochem/BIOTECH/BIO_04_051_100.html
18.Mar.2007 COX-2 Inhibitors, Other NSAIDs + Cardiovascular Risk
adding to public anxiety + confusion.
00.000.2006 Merck announced that it had performed an in-correct statistical test in its post hoc analysis of the ... jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/296.13.jed60058v1.pdf
18.Mar.2007 1999\Page–HTML-Version
... d t o g i v e r e l i a b l e a n d c r e d i b l e a n s w e r s t o t h e q u e s t i o n s t h a t h a v e c a u s e d public anxiety. www.grs.de/.../products/data/3/pe_113_20_1_grs_ipsn_pub1.pdf&download_targetname=grs_ipsn_pub1.pdf
18.Mar.2007 Whistleblower: Angela Merkel
US-President Bush on Thursday predicted victory in the war on terror at a time of increasing public anxiety at home, likening the struggle against Islamic ... whistleblower.twoday.net/topics/Angela+Merkel
18.Mar.2007 Migration-Integration-Diversity-Arbeitsmigration in Europa
In the face of considerable public anxiety about the wage + employment effects of migration, European countries have been extremely cautious about ... www.migration-boell.de/web/migration/46_53.asp
18.Mar.2007 Die Junge Akademie
So I think all the time there is a sort of ongoing public anxiety (+ in a way there should be) that the neuroscientist will discover too much + will ... www.diejungeakademie.de/arbeitsgruppen/frameset_04.php?id_agtitel=8
18.Mar.2007 myResearch
Nanotechnology, the hot young science of making invisibly tiny machines + materials, is stirring public anxiety + nascent opposition inspired by ... www.myresearch.de/board.php?partner_id=0&company=514&btype=7&cmd=show&arch=7
00.Dez.2001 -lse news letter-HTML-Version
With each new wave of public anxiety over crime + insecurity, the delicate gyroscope of state power + individual rights is realigned. www.lsealumni.de/doc/lse_news_letter_2001_dez.pdf
18.Mar.2007 Reden ber groe Technik - HTML-Version
The objects of public anxiety about the possible widespread loss of capacity and interrupted service (the more effective it is, the more likely the ... www.wz-berlin.de/alt/met/pdf/reden_ueber.pdf
18.Mar.2007 6. Personalmanagement im öffentlichen Dienst - HTML-Version
Communities’ financial interests’, in the context of increasing public anxiety regarding issues. of security. It is argued that the European Commission ... 18.Mar.2007 jahresbericht 2003 2004 des emf projektes - HTML-Version
Considerable public anxiety has arisen over the. roll-out of mobile phone base station networks, without due consideration ofpeople's feelings or ... www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/reports/en/progressreport2003_2004.pdf
18.Mar.2007 [rohrpost] Fwd: [11-9] Links vom
8.11. But lately, a third motive has emerged: Stoking fears of >cyberterrorism helps maintain the level of public anxiety about terrorism >generally, ... www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/rohrpost-0211/msg00037.html
18.Mar.2007 EurActiv.com - Europäische Energiepolitik: 10 Fragen, 10 Antworten ...
The only thing standing in the way of this "wonderful and inexpensive" technology is public anxiety, according to the author. www.euractiv.com/de/energie/europaeische-energiepolitik-10-fragen-10-antworten-fuer-zukunft/article-161153
2004071213_Report So why did Tom Ridge even bother coming out before the microphones + cameras
yesterday, stirring up public anxiety about a pre-election terror attack? ... alfatomega.com/2004071213_Report.html
18.Mar.2007 https://www.wahrheitssuche.org/
Un s ich t bar
wird der Wahnsinn,
wenn er genügend große
hat. Bertolt Brecht
18.Mar.2007 United Mutations Organization
Mädchen bei Granatwerfer-Test der NATO getötet -
Zwei weitere Kinder verletzt 6 ...
Instructor who doubts 9/11 compares Bush to Hitler 11 ... www.united-mutations.info/index9.html
18.Mar.2007 Warten auf Butler-Report
Nachdem der britische Premierminister Tony Blair
vor wenigen Tagen zugegeben ... +
Top-Diplomatin Pauline Neville-Jones goss ebenfalls Öl aufs Feuer. orf.at/040711-76199/76186txt_story.html
ConservativeHome's ToryDiary:
Cameron announces 'national + ...
Dame Pauline Neville-Jones + Lord King will chair the security group.
... stymied any action until Bill Clinton (+ Tony Blair ) actually took action. ... conservativehome.blogs.com/torydiary/2006/01/cameron_announc.html
Pauline Neville-Jones -formerly- was a UK Foreign Office political director +
Pauline Neville-Jones -formerly- was a chair of the JIC ... + the Blair government's dodgy dossier on Weapons of Mass Destruction. ... randompottins.blogspot.com/search/label/Neville-Jones
Iraq report buck 'stops with PM'
Dame Pauline Neville-Jones said the "buck must stop" with Mr Blair if Wednesday's report finds failings.
Dame Pauline Neville-Jones told BBC World's Hardtalk programme the prime ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3882345.stm
Blair confirmed Iraq had no usable WMD before war, says Cook
00.000.200- -Last Saturday- former JIC chief Dame Pauline Neville-Jones suggested that Blair must take responsibility for any intelligence failings identified in the ... www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iraq/2004/07/iraq-040712-irna02.htm
Party Critics Urge Blair to Stand Up to Bush +
they wondered whether Blair would again feel compelled to follow in the ...
... in private and agreeing in public -- that's out," said Neville-Jones. www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A63510-2004Sep30?language=printer
11.Oct.2006 : House of ... What Dame Pauline Neville-Jones says..: Photo of UK Tony Blair (Prime Minister) | Hansard source.
What Dame Pauline Neville-Jones says is very sensible + is yet another example of the ... www.theyworkforyou.com/debate/?id=2006-10-11b.296.5
Comment is free: An emergency exit
It has long been known that Richard Ryder + Pauline Neville-Jones are toadies + sycophants of Blair.
By getting rid of Dyke, Gavyn Davies and Gilligan, ...
Pressure continues to mount on Tony Blair over failure to ...
Pressure is mounting on British Prime Minister Tony Blair over the Coalitions ...
PAULINE NEVILLE-JONES : I'm much less convinced myself that on the first ... www.abc.net.au/am/content/2003/s875206.htm
c_pf3 i, o4s- - HTML-Version
29.May 2003
2205. Subject/interviewee. Iraq Dossier -
Tony Blair,
Menzies Campbell,
Ingram, Dame Pauline Neville-Jones + Interview with ... www.the-hutton-inquiry.org.uk/content/cab/cab_1_0457to0458.pdf
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-471919,00.html
00.Aug.2006 berichtete das Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science", dass nur 40 % der amerikanischen Bevölkerung an das Konzept der Evolution glauben.
Smoot: Das finde ich beunruhigend, geradezu beängstigend. Eine lange Zeit war die Kosmologie auch wegen des katholischen Christentums etwas, das von den meisten Religionen akzeptiert wurde. Noch vor 20 Jahren hat niemand die Kosmologie in Frage gestellt. Zu sagen, es hätte keinen Big Bang gegeben, entspricht der Behauptung, dass die Erde flach ist.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-471919,00.html
Was war nicht existent vor dem Big Bang?
Smoot: Ohne Zweifel waren da keine Menschen oder Pflanzen, in so einer Welt gab es wahrscheinlich nicht einmal eine gut strukturierte Raumzeit. Ich denke, entweder war da gar nichts, buchstäblich nichts, im Gegensatz zu irgendetwas Wahrnehmbarem. Ein essenzielles Nichts, das sich definiert als die Abwesenheit von allem - inklusive Raum und Zeit. Oder Raum und Zeit haben bereits komplex existiert - nur mit den Dimensionen in einer anderen Ordnung.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-471919,00.html
Ist es nicht eine Ironie, dass ausgerechnet ein katholischer Priester, Georges-Henri Lemaître, das erste Big-Bang-Modell entworfen hat?
In dem Glauben, dass Gott den Big Bang verursacht hat, akzeptiert der Vatikan heute den Urknall.
Wer oder was löste Ihrer Ansicht nach den Urknall aus?
Smoot: Schon interessant, dass der Vatikan von Galileo gelernt und entsprechend gehandelt hat.
Sie haben inzwischen ihr eigenes Observatorium, ihre eigenen Kosmologie-Berater.
Sie haben aus der Lektion gelernt, also haben wir uns nicht gewundert, dass Lemaître es akzeptierte.
Denn im Fall eines Big Bang hat man einen Anfang und somit auch Platz für einen Schöpfer.
Bei einem Steady-State-Universum ist das nicht so.
Stephen Hawkings' Universum etwa braucht
es entsteht aus dem Nichts +
bezieht seine Kraft aus sich selbst.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-471919,00.html
Die gemessene Temperatur variiert nur im Bereich von einem Millionstel Grad, aber diese winzigen Unterschiede sind der Schlüssel zu allem.
Daraus können die Forscher nämlich ableiten, was sich einstmals in der kosmischen "Ursuppe" nach dem Urknall zusammenballte, aus der Sterne und Galaxien erwuchsen.
00.000.2003 -Anfang-veröffentlichte die NASA die erste offizielle WMAP- Aufnahme, auf der das bislang schärfste Bild vom "Feuerballstadium" der Urzeit unseres Universums zu sehen ist.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-471919,00.html
18.Nov.1989 COBE wurde mit einer Delta- 5920- Trägerrakete ins All gehievt.
Ursprünglich sollte COBE mit einer Raumfähre (Space Shuttle) in den Orbit transportiert werden, doch das
00.000.1986 Challenger-Unglück durchkreuzte die Pläne des COBE-Teams.
Doch dank geschickter Überzeugungsarbeit gelang es John Mather, besagte Delta- Rakete zu besorgen.
Bereits nach nur neun Minuten Beobachtungszeit lieferte COBE die ersten Resultate, obgleich seine Winkelauflösung recht grob war.
COBE konnte nur Strukturen sehen, die am Himmel mehr als sieben Grad groß waren.
00.000.2002 -seit Mitte- WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) nimmt als Nachfolger von COBE die Fluktuationen im Urknallecho noch genauer unter die Lupe.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-472352,00.html
Auch die Linkspartei distanzierte sich von den Äußerungen Klars. Dagmar Enkelmann, Parlamentarische Geschäftsführerin der Linksfraktion im Bundestag, nannte Klars Position "altverstaubt". Allerdings erhielt Klar Rückendeckung von der Kommunistischen Plattform (KPF) der Linkspartei.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-472352,00.html
Auch der Papst wolle den Kapitalismus abschaffen. "Sollte man deswegen den Papst einsperren?", fragte der Vorsitzende der Bundestagsfraktion der Linkspartei rhetorisch. Lafontaine betonte, er lehne das Durchsetzen politischer Ziele über das Töten von Menschen, also den Terrorismus, ab. "Unabhängig davon, ob er von der RAF begangen wird oder von Bush und Blair im Irak", erklärte er mit Blick auf US-Präsident George W. Bush und den britischen Premierminister Tony Blair.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-472352,00.html
Berlin - "Wenn ein ehemaliges Mitglied der RAF den Kapitalismus kritisiert, ist die Kapitalismuskritik deswegen nicht falsch", sagte Oskar Lafontaine in einem vorab veröffentlichen Interview der Zeitschrift "Super Illu".
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/reise/aktuell/0,1518,druck-472345,00.html
Zwischen 1995 und 1997 mussten Schiffe vom Festland zweimal pro Woche unzählige Tonnen Wasser nach Palma schaffen, weil die Brunnen leer waren.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/reise/aktuell/0,1518,druck-472345,00.html
"Schluss mit der Zerstörung, lasst uns Mallorca retten", skandierten die Demonstranten bei ihrem Marsch durch die Straßen von Palma de Mallorca. Es war die wohl größte Demonstration gegen den ungezügelten Bauboom und die Umweltprobleme auf der Insel, vielleicht die größte Demo, die es gegen Touristen überhaupt jemals gegeben hat.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-472357,00.html
Der Sturz der Shanghaier Börse am 27. Februar um neun % schlug in Asien und bis in die USA und nach Europa große Wellen.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-472357,00.html
So scheiterte der Kauf des US-Energiekonzerns Unocal durch Chinas Ölriesen CNOOC am Widerstand im US-Kongress.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-472357,00.html
Heute sind Chinas Reserven zu zwei Dritteln in Dollar angelegt. Rund 350 Milliarden stecken allein in US-Schatzanleihen. Ein plötzlicher Abzug oder eine Umschichtung in andere Währungen hätte dramatische Auswirkungen auf die Zinsen in den USA und würde den Dollar schwächen.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-472357,00.html
Chinas Wirtschaft war 2006 im vierten Jahr in Folge zweistellig mit 10,7 % gewachsen. Vor allem der starke Anstieg der Exporte und Investitionen haben das Wachstum angetrieben.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-472357,00.html
Peking - Es war die dritte Zinsrunde in elf Monaten: Die chinesische Zentralbank hat heute den Leitzins um 0,27 Punkte auf 6,39 % erhöht. Das ist der höchste Stand seit acht Jahren, wie die Zentralbank in Peking mitteilte. Der Zinssatz für einjährige Einlagen stieg von 2,52 auf 2,79 %.
18.Mar.2007 Riesen- Kokain- Fund: Großfahndung auf Sylt und Nachbarinseln - erfolglos
18.Mar.2007 Deutsche- Bank- Studie: Deutschland fällt im Wohlstandsvergleich zurück
18.Mar.2007 Nobelpreisträger- Interview: Was vor dem Urknall war
18.Mar.2007 Zu viele Dollar- Reserven: China plant weltweit Milliarden- Investitionen
18.Mar.2007 RAF: Lafontaine verteidigt Klars Kapitalismus- Schelte
18.Mar.2007 US- Verteidigungspläne: Beck warnt vor neuen Raketen in Europa
18.Mar.2007 More Bushevik Stalinesque Tactics Went on Unabated: "FBI counterterrorism officials continued to use flawed procedures to obtain thousands of U.S. telephone records during a two-year period when bureau lawyers and managers were expressing escalating concerns about the practice."
Frank Rich: "By the time the ides of March arrived in March 2003, these warning signs were visible on a nearly daily basis. So were the signs that Americans were completely ill prepared for the costs ahead. Iraq was largely anticipated as a distant, mildly disruptive geopolitical video game that would be over in a flash."
Busheviks to Smother Democracy Again: White House Opposes D.C. Vote
Helping Expose PlameGate After Robert Novak's Column. Fighting for Al Gore's Victory 00.000.2000. Winning Four Project Censored Awards in the Last Three Years (Two of Them First Place). Never Standing Down When It Comes to Standing Up for Democracy and Accountablity. BuzzFlash Needs Your Support to Pay Off Its Monthly Credit Card Bill. What's a Few Dollars to Save Our Constitution?
A series of anti-war demonstrations are under way, with protests scheduled in countries including the United States, Canada, Australia and Britain ahead of the fourth anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq.
The Pentagon is facing mounting criticism over the awarding of several large contracts because of deficiencies and irregularities in the procurement of new age military machines. 3/18
Thousands protest as war enters 5th year 3/18
Dozens of demonstrators, many of them Christian peace activists, were arrested outside the White House late last night and early this morning as part of a protest against the war in Iraq. 3/18
Vote on What News is Important to You at BuzzFlash.net
Bush Double Downs on Orwellian Double Speak: "Bush: Dems try to micromanage Iraq war" 3/18
18.Mar.2007 https://fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/fire05/art119.html
Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers. Final Report. Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster.
Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers. Final Report. Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster. (8965 K)
National Institute of Standards and Technology; National Construction Safety Team
NIST NCSTAR 1; 298 p. September 2005.
Order number: PB2006-100819
Keywords: World Trade Center; high rise buildings; building collapse; disasters; terrorists; terrorism; fire investigations; fire safety; reconstruction; occupants; aircraft jet fuels; damage; impact; building codes;
fire codes; building design; fire protection; steel structures; concretes; structures; aircraft impact; mapping; fire resistance; floors; first responders; life safety; regulations; evacuation; simulation; temperature Abstract:
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
12.Sep.2006 By randy echter (Submitted: 7:20 pm)
The unfortunate reality is that Hugo Chavez has more petroleum in reserve than most of us can imagine.Gasoline is going for a reported 14 cents/gallon in Venezeula.
Might we not be well advised to humor this guy at least long enough to get some oil contracted?He can't be any worse than the sheiks we have to stroke in Saudi,can he?
18.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/zeitgeschichte/0,1518,druck-471848,00.html
Aber viele von denen, die sich in der polnischen Vereinigung engagieren, haben Irena Sendler ihr Leben zu verdanken.
Irena Sendler: Stationen eines Lebens
Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (7 Bilder)
Der 97-Jährigen müsste eigentlich ein ebenso exponierter Platz in der Geschichte zukommen wie dem Unternehmer Oskar Schindler, der 1300 Juden
unter dem Vorwand, er benötige sie für kriegswichtige Produktionen, das Leben rettete.
Schindler wurde durch Steven Spielbergs Verfilmung ein Denkmal gesetzt, sein Name wurde weltberühmt.
Irena Sendler rettete rund 2500 Kindern aus dem Warschauer Ghetto das Leben - ihr Name ist fast gänzlich unbekannt.
Doch jetzt wurde die Katholikin vom Parlament in Warschau zur nationalen Heldin ernannt.
Sie sei ein Symbol für alle Polen, die während der Besatzung durch die Nazis ihr eigenes Leben riskiert hätten, um das vieler Juden zu retten, sagte Präsident Lech Kaczynski.
"Sie verdient großen Respekt von der gesamten Nation."
Die Hölle des Warschauer Ghettos
18.Mar.2007 https://www.google.de/search?q=flugsicherheit+ranking+vietnam+airlines&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&start=20&sa=N
Außenpolitischer Bericht 2001
In dem von der EU-Kommission erstellten Ranking der Geberländer ... pur, Thailand, USA und Vietnam ). Ihr Ziel ist die Schaffung einer alle Han- ...
18.Mar.2007 https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22procure%20to%20be%22&btnG=Suche&meta=lr%3Dlang_de
2004061924_Report And be it further enacted, That if any person shall write, print, utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or publishing, ...
alfatomega.com/2004061924_Report.html - 185
[DOC] Die Entwicklung der Zensur in England von der Einführung des ... Dateiformat: Microsoft Word - HTML-Version
"That no person should print, or cause to be printed, or bring or procure to be brought into the realm printed, any book against the force and meaning of ...
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
We have the widespread destruction of evidence, the suggestion of criminal negligince on the part of those investigating the crime + scientific evidence to disprove the findings of that investigation.
I'd say we have a pretty good basis for a government conspiracy here...
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
"We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours.
And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F .
Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all."
-Kevin Ryan, Underwriters Laboratories
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
"The largest loss of firefighters ever at one incident . . .
The second largest loss of life on American soil . . .
The first total collapse of a high-rise during a fire in United States history . . .
The largest structural collapse in recorded history. Now, with that understanding, you would think we would have the largest fire investigation in world history.
You would be wrong. Instead, we have a series of unconnected and uncoordinated superficial inquiries.
No comprehensive "Presidential Blue Ribbon Commission." No top-notch National Transportation Safety Board-like response."
-An 'Ethical Spectacle' article written by three NYFD firefighters
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA + run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure. . ."
-Bill Manning, Fire Engineering Magazine
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
"Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happyland Social Club Fire?
Did they cast aside the pressure-regulating valves at the Meridian Plaza Fire? Of course not. But essentially, that's what they're doing at the World Trade Center.
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
But some experts remain unconvinced by the study's conclusions.
James Quintiere, of the University of Maryland, US, says he does not understand how fireproof insulation could have been dislodged from the buildings' floors + columns...
And Barbara Lane, leader of the Structural Fire Group at UK engineering company Arup, adds:
"[We] don't believe that [the dislodging of fireproof material] has been substantiated in any of the published data to date.”
She adds that it is difficult to extrapolate heat assessments of a material to what might happen when it is actually in place in a building.
From https://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7236
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
Democrats won't find it easy to enact 9/11 commission recommendations
18.Mar.2007 https://www.freenewmexican.com/Sept11/comments
By Ann Dell (Submitted: 11/24/2006 9:59 pm)
Ha! Is this the same 9/11 Commission that said the money trail of the
11.Sep.2001 attacks was of "Little practical significance" when they found it all led back to Pakistan + the CIA?
The so- called 'investigation' is literally the greatest fraud in the history of America.
I love how Bush appointed Condi's good friend Phillip Zelikiow executive director of the investigation, a man that is a self described expert in creating “public myths” or “public presumptions,” which he defines as “beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty) + (2) shared in common within the relevant political community."
That's exactly what the 9/11 Commission Report is, a 'public myth' with absolutely no truthful foundations.
The Democrats would do well to stay away from what is perhaps the most embarrassing piece of paperwork our federal government has ever generated...
18.Mar.2007 Nahost: Olmert schließt Zusammenarbeit mit Hanija- Regierung aus
18.Mar.2007 Sicherheit: Schäuble warnt vor Terror- Hysterie
17.Mar.2007 Weltweite Protestmärsche: Hunderttausende demonstrieren gegen Irak- Krieg
17.Mar.2007 Afghanistan: US- Kommandeur brüskiert Nato und Bundesregierung
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472326,00.html
In Madrid waren knapp unter hunderttausend Menschen unterwegs, unter ihnen auch Filmregisseur Pedro Almodovar.
Sie forderten neben dem Ende des Krieges auch die Schließung des Gefangenenlagers Guantanamo.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472326,00.html
Anti-Kriegsdemonstranten trugen Schilder mit dem Motto: "The worst tyrants ever: Napoleon, Hitler + Bush" + "Jail to the Chief".
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472326,00.html
Einige der Friedensaktivisten knieten auf dem Bürgersteig vor dem Weißen Haus nieder + beteten.
Sie hätten gegen Vorschriften verstoßen, wonach Passanten auf dem Gehweg nicht stehen bleiben dürfen, erklärte die Polizei.
17.Mar.2007 Weltweite Protestmärsche: Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen Irak- Krieg
17.Mar.2007 Afghanistan: US- Kommandeur brüskiert Nato und Bundesregierung
17.Mar.2007 Fachkräftemangel: Ältere Bewerber plötzlich wieder gefragt
17.Mar.2007 Technology used to measure empathy Researchers in Boston used technology to measure empathy between psychotherapists and their patients.
17.Mar.2007 Feds Looks at Climate Impact on Animals (AP) The Bush administration will examine whether a growing number of species, including polar bears affected by thinning sea ice, are at risk from global warming and need federal protection, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne said Friday.
17.Mar.2007 Gore Gets Signatures for Climate Change (AP) Former Vice President Al Gore has collected nearly 300,000 electronic signatures asking Congress to take action on global warming, Gore said in an entry on his Web site Friday. Gore said the signatures demonstrate "that hundreds of thousands of people share my sense of urgency" on climate change. Gore is scheduled to testify before Congress about the issue Wednesday.
17.Mar.2007 NASA Outlines Asteroid Deflection Program - Zonk 41 - An anonymous reader submitted a link to an International Herald Tribune story about NASA's answer to the movie 'Armageddon'.
Specifically, they've outlined a plan to deflect a planet-killer asteroid. "
00.000.1998 Congress gave NASA's Spaceguard Survey program a mandate of 'discovering, tracking, cataloging and characterizing' 90 % of the near-Earth objects larger than one kilometer (3,200 feet) wide by 2008.
An object that size would probably destroy civilization. The consensus at the conference was that the initial survey is doing fairly well although it will probably not quite meet the 2008 goal."
With this tracking system in place, scientists are hopeful an intervention could be staged before any grim choices have to be made. Assuming they have the money and manpower needed for the effort, NASA has actually outlined a pair of procedures that dove-tail with each other: "First we would deflect the asteroid with kinetic impact from a missile (that is, running into it); then we would use the slight pull of a 'gravity tractor' -- a satellite that would hover near the asteroid -- to fine-tune its new trajectory to our liking. (In the case of an extremely large object, probably one in 100, the missile might have to contain a nuclear warhead.)
To be effective, however, such missions would have to be launched 15 or even 30 years before a calculated impact."
17.Mar.2007 Japanese Company Admits To Nuclear Cover Up - Zonk 54 -a-charles writes
"Just as power companies are considering the first expansion of nuclear power usage in the US since the 70s, Reuters reports on a disturbing anouncement from the nation of Japan. On Thursday the Japanese power company Hokuriku Electric Power admitted it had covered up a
00.000.1999 incident in which mishandling of nuclear fuel rods led to an unintended self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction.
The mishap caused the plant, located in central Japan, to enter a 'critical state' for much of those 15 minutes.
Apparently, this was in the same year that two workers were killed in a separate incident in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo.
A pair of workers were killed after using buckets to mix nuclear fuel in a lab, a test that also created an uncontrolled chain reaction for a short time.
The nuclear power industry already has a bad name for safety violations in Japan + these revelations are unlikely to help with that public image."
17.Mar.2007 Israel shuns Palestinian cabinet Israel says it will not deal with the new Palestinian government of national unity set to be sworn in shortly.
17.Mar.2007 N Korea warning on nuclear deal North Korean negotiators want the US to free about $25m of frozen assets before any nuclear deal is reached.
17.Mar.2007 Pakistan raid police suspended At least 14 policeman are suspended in Pakistan for raiding a TV station during protests in Islamabad.
17.Mar.2007 $4.4bn debt relief for L America Five of the poorest nations in Latin America and the Caribbean are to have their $4.4bn (£2.3bn) debt cancelled.
17.Mar.2007 Smart fabrics to take the pulse Advanced textiles that record data about the wearer - on display at Cebit - could soon be used by US soldiers.
17.Mar.2007 'Cave entrances' spotted on Mars Scientists studying pictures from Nasa's Odyssey spacecraft spot what they think may be caves on Mars.
17.Mar.2007 War Without Win - A White Paper On Iran -By William John Cox
The soil of Iran is soaked with the blood shed by its people who have defended their homes and culture for thousands of years. The threats of the American neocons, who believe that Iran and its oil is theirs for the taking, are expressions of hypocrisy in the extreme. Iran has repeatedly demonstrated its desire to obtain and maintain friendly relations with the United States. Continue
17.Mar.2007 United State of Minds-By Daniel M Pourkesali
America 's methods of mind control or better put, manufacturing consent through efficient and careful use of media, must be the envy of every tyrannical dictator ruling the most oppressive regimes in the world. Continue
17.Mar.2007 The Bush Regime Needs To Be Stopped -By Ted Bohne
I find it hard to believe that there hasn’t been mutiny en masse in all the armed forces, but especially those on the ground. They’re being massacred by an inept officer corps + general officers of which some have their lips glued squarely on Bush’s ass . Continue
17.Mar.2007 ‘We Must Resist!' -By Cynthia McKinney- "Voting is necessary, but it isn't enough to get the kind of change we must now demand" Continue
17.Mar.2007 Was I a Good American in the Time of George Bush?-By Rebecca Solnit Too many of us have done too little to stop the crimes of this White House. We are waking up but what took us so long? Continue
17.Mar.2007 Cheney's Baffling Clout -Comedy Central 5 Minute Video - The only think that I would trust Cheney for advice on -- if I had a dead hooker in my hotel room." Continue
17.Mar.2007 Indentured Servants in America -By BOB HERBERT - NY Times Op-Ed
A must-read for anyone who favors an expansion of guest worker programs in the U.S. is a stunning new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center that details the widespread abuse of highly vulnerable, poverty-stricken workers in programs that already exist. Continue
17.Mar.2007 Ex-CIA agent Plame blasts US officials for blowing her cover;
A former CIA agent on Friday accused the US government of recklessly blowing her cover while she was gathering intelligence on Iraqi weapons, in a scandal set to send a top White House aide to prison.
17.Mar.2007 White House can't get its lies straight: Professional liar and White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, flat out lied Tuesday when he told reporters that White House counsel Harriet Miers had suggested firing all 93 U.S. attorneys + that it was "her idea only." Snow said Miers' idea was quickly rejected by the Department of Justice.
17.Mar.2007 Barbara Walters Interviews Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez: News' Barbara Walters sits down with President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela for an interview in which Chavez shares his views on the United States, President Bush and America's 2008 presidential elections.
17.Mar.2007 Dollar Falls to Three-Month Low on Concern Over Slowing Economy:
The $ fell to the lowest level this year against the euro + dropped versus the yen on concern a slowing economy is reducing the appeal of U.S. investments.
17.Mar.2007 Top investor sees U.S. property crash:
Commodities investment guru Jim Rogers stepped into the U.S. subprime fray on Wednesday, predicting a real estate crash that would trigger defaults + spread contagion to emerging markets.
17.Mar.2007 Rogers: Real Estate in Certain Areas Will Go Down 40% to 50% : Jim Rogers, former George Soros partner + co-founder of the original Soros' hedge fund, is on the Reuters wire
this morning, forecasting a real estate crash:
17.Mar.2007 Suffering from dementia? Over 80? Need a mortgage? No problem: Aggressive selling has plunged millions of badly-off Americans into financial disaster
17.Mar.2007 Iran develops air defence system: The Iranian military has developed a new air defence system with a boosted ability to hit targets by firing two missiles simultaneously, state radio said yesterday.
17.Mar.2007 Neo-cons have been consigned to history: The term "neo-conservative" has many usages, including "former liberal" and "Jewish conservative". In recent years, however, it has taken on clearer definition as a philosophy of aggressive unilateralism and the attempt to impose democratic ideas on the Arab world.
17.Mar.2007 Israel: Bill would allow cab drivers to remove passengers without ID : The bill is designed to prevent taxi drivers from unwittingly transporting Palestinians
17.Mar.2007 Zbigniew Brzezinski on The Daily Show: President Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski appeared on The Daily Show last night to talk about his new book, Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower + the current state of geopolitical affairs.
17.Mar.2007 US should release Qaeda figure's torture claim: rights group: Human Rights Watch called Thursday for the United States to release a statement by Al-Qaeda plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in which he describes allegedly being tortured while held by the CIA
17.Mar.2007 Speaking of torture: Officials: Mohammed Exaggerated Claims : The officials spoke on condition of anonymity, noting Mohammed's activities are likely to be the subject of an upcoming military tribunal.
17.Mar.2007 About time!: Evangelical Christians attack use of torture by US: One of the largest national umbrella groups of socially conservative Christians issued a statement critical of US policy towards detainees and repudiating torture as a tactic in the war on terror
17.Mar.2007 Iran President: Sanctions Won't Make Iran Give Up Nuclear Rights : -Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted Friday that new sanctions won't force Iran to give up its right to enrich uranium and criticized the U.N. Security Council as an instrument used by "bullying" Western nations against Tehran.
17.Mar.2007 House panel OKs war-funding bill: Democratic legislation to set timelines for the removal of troops from Iraq headed for a showdown on the House floor next week after the Appropriations Committee approved a $124 billion war-funding bill Thursday to end the U.S. role in the conflict by next year.
Senate Rejects Democrats’ Call to Pull Troops : : The vote in the Senate was 50 against and 48 in favor, 12 short of what was needed to pass, with just a few defections in each party.
17.Mar.2007 U.S. Former U.N. Ambassador Bolton says Iraq at civil war: The United States' former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton said Friday that Iraq was in a state of civil war — a view that contrasts with U.S. and British official statements.
17.Mar.2007 Portugal Will Close Embassy In Baghdad: Portugal is closing its embassy in Baghdad because of security concerns, the foreign minister said Friday.
17.Mar.2007 Denouement on Iraq: First Stop the Bleeding -By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
In the coming weeks a Congress that is willing to assert its prerogative as a co-equal branch of government has a unique opportunity to stop the needless deaths and maiming of U.S. troops in Iraq and bring them home in an orderly way this year. To do that, it must use its constitutionally mandated authority--—the power of the purse. Continue
17.Mar.2007 The Sport of King George -By David Michael Green
I’m sorry George, Dick, Karl, if your mother was cold or your father distant. I truly am. But this has to stop. As you are so fond of reminding us, it’s all about personal responsibility. Isn’t it still? Regardless of personal circumstances, right? Doesn’t that apply equally to sanctimonious keepers of the public morality as well as to the poor SOBs whom you love to strap onto death chamber gurneys? Continue 17.Mar.2007
Are We Experiencing The Last Days of Constitutional Rule?-By Paul Craig Roberts
The Bush administration’s greatest success is its ability to escape accountability for its numerous impeachable offenses. Continue
The Waterboarded Evildoer -By Pepe Escobar
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) customers to waterboarding usually don't last more then 14 seconds before confessing to anything. Salafi-jihadi mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammad - or KSM, as he is known in the counterinsurgency netherworld - apparently lasted as long as 150 seconds. Continue
The Original American Foreign Policy -By Rep. Ron Paul
I have written before about the critical need for Congress to reassert its authority over foreign policy + for the American people to recognize that the Constitution makes no distinction between domestic and foreign matters. Policy is policy + it must be made by the legislature and not the executive. Continue
The Easiest Targets Video - Five women -- Palestinian, American, Muslim, Christian + Jewish -- tell stories of humiliation and harassment by Israeli border guards and airport security officials. Continue
17.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Scattered thoughts on Valerie Plame Wilson
17.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Permalink
17.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Giraldi then goes on to point out that Turkey needs to get its hooks into Congress in order to keep aid flowing, including access to military technology. Someone has to be in the middle to keep the happy affair going, so enter the neocons, intent on securing Israel against all comers and also keen to turn a dollar. In fact the neocons seem to have a deep and abiding interest in Turkey, which, under other circumstances, might be difficult to explain. Doug Feith's International Advisors Inc, a registered agent for Turkey
00.000.1989-00.000.1994 netted $600,000 per year from Turkey, with Richard Perle taking $48,000 annually as a consultant.
Other noted neoconservatives linked to Turkey are
former State Department number three, Marc Grossman,
current Pentagon Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Eric Edelman,
Paul Wolfowitz +
former congressman Stephen Solarz.
The money involved does not appear to come from the Turkish government +
FBI investigators are trying to determine its source +
how it is distributed.
Some of it may come from criminal activity, possibly drug trafficking, but much more might come from arms dealing
17.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to former CIA man Phil Giraldi: But beyond that, the Edmonds revelations become more serpentine and appear to involve AIPAC, Israel and a number of leading neoconservatives who have profited from the Turkish connection. Israel has long cultivated a close relationship with Turkey since Ankara's neighbours and historic enemies - Iran, Syria and Iraq - are also hostile to Tel Aviv.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ So who, exactly, is behind the American Turkish Council? Here is Sibel Edmonds: AIPAC helped form the American Turkish Council - look at the board members, look at the people. You will see the same people involved in both fronts, because it is the same operation.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 4. We come to the most important part of the story: Brewster Jennings. The evidence is piling up that this scandal stems not from get-Joe-Wilson motives, but from get-Brewster-Jennings motives. If you have any interest in that angle -- and you damn well ought to -- then lukery has today's Most Important Article In The World, right here and here.
FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds did not know about the Wilsons specifically, but she had run across Brewster Jennings. Sibel, you will recall, was translating conversations dealing with the American Turkish Council, which some now see as a nest of criminals: Sibel's case also involves the nuclear black market - some Turkish members of the ATC have supplied Pakistan's A.Q. Khan network with hardware, as have American companies that Sibel overheard on the wiretaps. Perhaps even more disturbing, as reported in Vanity Fair, other wiretaps indicate that "Turkish groups had been installing doctoral students at U.S. research institutions in order to acquire information about black market nuclear weapons." Daniel Ellsberg says that, according to Sibel, bribes were paid to people at the State Department to facilitate this activity.
These are extraordinary claims, of course + we have a lot of evidence to support the claims - including, but not limited to, the fact that Valerie Plame's front company, Brewster Jennings, had been conducting a counter-intelligence operation against the ATC for years.
17.Mar.2007 Helping Expose PlameGate After Robert Novak's Column. Fighting for Al Gore's Victory 00.000.2000. Winning Four Project Censored Awards in the Last Three Years (Two of Them First Place). Never Standing Down When It Comes to Standing Up for Democracy and Accountablity. BuzzFlash Needs Your Support to Pay Off Its Monthly Credit Card Bill. What's a Few Dollars to Save Our Constitution?
17.Mar.2007 Vote on What News is Important to You at BuzzFlash.net
Military support for the GOP is in free fall 3/17
17.Mar.2007 Sign Up and Protest the Parisan Right Wing Bushevik Judiciary.
Brings Home the Bacon for the NRA + Endangers Us All.
"Known Unknowns" in Baghdad: Was Key Iraqi General Fired? Our Government Won't Say -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
17.Mar.2007 Bush "Surge" Continues "Surging," As More Troops are Sent Off to Die for a Lie 3/17
Two senators who watched Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confess to planning the Sept. 11 attacks and other plots said Friday that his allegations of mistreatment by U.S. captors should be taken seriously.
17.Mar.2007 When Loyalty Is Not a Virtue: A Glimpse into Bush's Amoral World 3/18
17.Mar.2007 Jackson and Tull supports the NIS mission: Los Alamos National ...
He turned to Jackson and Tull, a small business leader in space-qualified systems ...
Jackson and Tull also has substantial experience in developing mission ... www.lanl.gov/news/index.php/fuseaction/nb.story/story_id/3319
Jackson and Tull supports the NIS mission | The Newsbulletin ...
Tom Carey of Space and Remote Sensing Sciences (NIS-2) faced a dilemma: how to ensure continued quality and on-time delivery of global positioning system ... www.lanl.gov/orgs/pa/newsbulletin/2002/12/16/text04.shtml
17.Mar.2007 Zur Rechtswidrigkeit des Irak-Krieges - HTML-Version
00.Dez.2003 www.accuracy.org/newsrelease.php?articleId=389
3 Steven R. Ratner, «Crimes against Peace», www.crimesofwar.org/thebook/crimes- ... www.swg-hamburg.de/Aktuell/Zur_Rechtswidrigkeit_des_Irak_Krieges.pdf
Webwecker Bielefeld: links-usa Analysiert Reden und Resolutionen in den USA: https://www.accuracy.org
Die amerikanischen Grünen Verbraucherschutz: https://www.publiccitizen.org www.webwecker-bielefeld.de/entry_31787.0.html
CeiberWeiber * Natowar *Links Institute for Public Accuracy https://www.accuracy.org (Medienwatch, USA) Institute for War and Peace Reporting https://www.ipwr.net (mit Berichten von ... www.ceiberweiber.at/natowar/links1.htm
20041105 URL: https://www.accuracy.org/new.htm
03.Nov.2004 Was the Ohio Election Honest and Fair? TERESA FEDOR, [via Greg Lestini, glestini@maild.sen.state.oh.us] ... alfatomega.com/20041105.html
00.Dez.2001 Strategische Informationen im Krieg - HTML-Version
In: Z Magazine, ; www.accuracy.org/zmag1101.htm . Tangens, Rena/Padeluun (1997): Kommunikation statt Konfrontation. Zamir ... www.fogis.de/fogis-ap4.pdf
17.Mar.2007 SAVAK - Wikipedia
00.Mär.1957 SAVAK per Gesetz von Mohammad Reza Pahlavi als eine Organisation gegründet, ...
Eine der bekanntesten SAVAK-Häftlinge war Ashraf Dehghani, ... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAVAK
17.Mar.2007 Die Evolution des Menschen
Wie ... Sprache und Gehirn -
Wie, wann und warum entstand ... der Evolutions- und Hirnforscher Terrence Deacon von der amerikanische Harvard University ... www.willighp.de/evo/thema/sprache/sprache_03.php?PHPSESSID=9abf8049a29361b46613d718107c20d4
20060609 Ian Murray, senior fellow at the Exxon-backed Competitive Enterprise Institute, ...
Jun.2006 Logic for the insane By Jonathan Shorter Michael Ledeen: ... alfatomega.com/20060609.html
B3362_Spring 03 Exchange N - View as HTML
Jonathan Shorter, fall 1995-Working near DC for Exxon, Mobil Research. & Engineering. Scott Makee, fall 1997-Working as a Manager of Sales and Marketing for ...
17.Mar.2007 Die USA auf dem Weg in eine Diktatur? [Archiv] - Seite 10 ... Victor Aloyo, Jr., Director of Vocations, Princeton Theological Seminary ... Der Anwalt Masris, Manfred Gnjidic, erwägt zudem eine Zivilklage in den USA. www.aktienboard.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-50992-p-10.html
PR_INI - HTML-Version
1, AGUADO Victor, Director General, Eurocontrol,
03.Oct.2006 ... 5, GNJIDIC Manfred, Lawyer of Khaled EL MASRI, Germany,
13.Mar.2006, Strasbourg ... www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+REPORT+A6-2007-0020+0+DOC+WORD+V0//DE
17.Mar.2007 Drohender Krieg gegen Iran ... Afghanistan-mit Rechtsanwalt Victor Pfaff (Frankfurt/M, Teilnehmer der Reise), ... mit RA Manfred Gnjidic ( Rechtsanwalt des Verschleppungsopfers, www.friedenskooperative.de/terroterges.htm
17.Mar.2007 BÜRGERRECHTSORGANISATION/USA: Bürgerrechtsorganisation erneut ...
“Frau Merkel wäre eine gute Zeugin”, sagte Gnjidic vor einer Beratung mit ...
00.Sep.2004 der erstinstanzliche Bundesrichter Victor Marrero die ... www.jurablogs.com/meldungen/2006/10/26/57313
17.Mar.2007 Pan-African News Wire: January 2007 Every year, in an attempt to grab headlines on the following day, ...
00.000.1957 when a group of us formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ... panafricannews.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html
17.Mar.2007 frontline: murder money & mexico: readings
... Matta Ballesteros connected Alberto Sicilia Falcon to Colombian, Benjamin ... After Sicilia Falcon's arrest, Matta Ballesteros became the contact to Miguel ... www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/mexico/readings/lupsha.html
17.Mar.2007 BIGGIES, BUREAUCRATS AND THE WORLD DRUG TRADE - New York Times ... a Chinese living in Bangkok; Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, a Cuban based in Tijuana, ...
In the Sicilia - Falcon case, what is most memorable is Mr. Mills's long ...
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472253,00.html
"Wir können es kaum erwarten, den Irak mit Hilfe der internationalen Gemeinschaft aus der Krise zu führen", sagte Mahdi nach Abschluss der Konferenz vor Journalisten.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472253,00.html
Vor Studenten in Harvard hat Frankreichs Ministerpräsident Dominique de Villepin an die USA und deren Partner appelliert, sich nächstes Jahr aus dem Irak zurückzuziehen.
Der Konflikt im Irak nehme den USA die Fähigkeit, andere Partner im Nahen Osten friedvoll zu beeinflussen, sagte de Villepin am Freitag bei einem Vortrag an der Harvard-Universität in Cambridge in den USA. "
Der Krieg gegen den Irak war ein Wendepunkt. Er hat Amerikas Image beschädigt", sagte er. Der Krieg habe das Image des Westens als Ganzes untergraben.
Es sei an der Zeit, dass die USA und Europa den Respekt der anderen Völker wiedergewinnen.
"Wir müssen klar einen Zeitplan für den Abzug der ausländischen Truppen liefern. Ich denke, dass er innerhalb eines Jahres stattfinden sollte, im Laufe des Jahres 2008."
In den USA haben die Demokraten wiederholt einen Termin für den Abzug der Truppen gefordert, konnten dies bislang aber nicht durchsetzen.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472253,00.html
00.Okt.2006-00.Dez.2006 wurden im Irak so viele Angriffe verübt wie in keinem Quartal zuvor, seit die US-Armee
00.000.2003 in das Land einmarschiert ist-Nach Angaben des US-Verteidigungsministeriums.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472253,00.html
An der Demonstration und einem vorherigen Protest-Gebet in der Kathedrale von Washington nahmen nach Angaben der Organisatoren bis zu 4000 Menschen teil.
Sie bildete den Auftakt einer Reihe von Kundgebungen, mit denen Kriegsgegner in mehreren Städten des Landes bis Montag an den Einmarsch der US-geführten Truppen im Irak vor vier Jahren erinnern wollen.
In Washington erwarteten die Veranstalter am Samstag zehntausende Menschen zum "Marsch auf das Pentagon".
Auch in San Francisco und Los Angeles wollten Demonstranten auf die Straße gehen, um den Abzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak zu fordern. Der Irak-Krieg ist in der Bevölkerung zunehmend unpopulär.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-472253,00.html
Washington/New York - Die Polizei nahm rund hundert Pazifisten in Gewahrsam, die vor dem Weißen Haus gegen den Irak-Krieg protestierten.
Die Beamten brachten die Demonstranten in Handschellen in Reisebusse, nachdem diese "Gebete für den Frieden" gesprochen hatten. Unter den Festgenommenen waren auch Priester.
Einer von ihnen sagte, er wolle keinen "Krieg mehr im Namen von Jesus".
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-472215,00.html
UMGANG MIT GELD Auch Affen schätzen Schnäppchen
Wenn's ums Geschäft geht, dann unterscheiden sich Kapuzineräffchen kaum von Menschen: Auch sie neigen zu Großeinkäufen, wenn ihnen die Preise besonders niedrig erscheinen.
17.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-472215,00.html
und das gilt für Menschen wie für Affen.
17.Mar.2007 Afghanistan: Mehrheit der Deutschen für Truppenabzug
17.Mar.2007 Etappensieg für Müntefering: Arbeitgeber geben Widerstand gegen Mindestlöhne auf
17.Mar.2007 Vereiste Straßen und Landebahnen: Schneesturm friert Nordosten der USA ein
17.Mar.2007 Umgang mit Geld: Auch Affen schätzen Schnäppchen
17.Mar.2007 Protest gegen Irak- Krieg: Demonstranten rüsten zu Marsch auf das Pentagon
17.Mar.2007 Rare Minerals Illuminate 17,000-year old Questions
Scientists learned it straight from the bull's muzzle: cave painting shows evidence of ancient trade. In collaboration with French museums and research facilities, Stanford researchers have found evidence of scarce manganese oxide mineral exchange between prehistoric peoples of the French Pyrenees.
17.Mar.2007 New technique can detect biological, chemical and explosive agents
Airplane passengers and baggage might be screened one day by a machine under development at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) that can detect explosive + chemical + biological agents all at the same time.
17.Mar.2007 Ancient perfume found on Venus' island Archaeologists exploring Cyprus, said to be home to Venus, the goddess of love, have stumbled upon the world's oldest known perfume factory.
17.Mar.2007 Germany looks for 'super rats' German scientists are on the lookout for "super rats" resistant to rat poison.
17.Mar.2007 Trick of the light throws up rarely seen dwarf
A galaxy long considered to be a giant has turned out to be an optical illusion, with new observations by an astronomer from The Australian National University revealing that the star group is a dwarf.
17.Mar.2007 LEISA observes Jupiter
24.Feb.2007 the LEISA (pronounced ?Leesa?) infrared spectral imager in the New Horizons Ralph instrument observed giant Jupiter in 250 narrow spectral channels.
At the time the spacecraft was 6 million kilometers (nearly 4 million miles) from Jupiter; at that range, the LEISA imager can resolve structures about 400 kilometers (250 miles) across.
17.Mar.2007 Dramatic increase of Type 1 diabetes in under fives
Researchers are calling for more work in to the reasons behind a big increase of young children with Type 1 diabetes. A new study, led by Bristol University, has discovered that the number of children under five-years-old with Type 1 diabetes has increased five-fold over 20 years.
17.Mar.2007 Construction strategies to avoid progressive collapse
00.000.1995 -The terrorist attack on the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building heightened concern on the vulnerability of multi-story buildings to ?progressive collapse,?
the spread of an initial local structural failure by chain reaction that results in the collapse of an entire structure or a disproportionately large part of it.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology recently issued a guide to help owners, engineers and building officials avoid such collapses through prudent planning and design of structures.
The guide also summarizes national and international best practices for designing buildings resistant to progressive collapse of buildings.
17.Mar.2007 New Meningitis Test Gets OK From Feds (AP) A test to help doctors rapidly distinguish between viral meningitis and less common but more severe spinal cord and brain infections caused by bacteria received federal approval Friday.
17.Mar.2007 Research has shed light on the computer frustrations that plague older adults
A number of evolving social changes highlight the importance of making computer technology accessible and usable for older adults. For instance, older adults are using email increasingly to keep up their social contact with others and are using the Internet to look up health information.
17.Mar.2007 New JILA apparatus measures fast nanoscale motions
A new nanoscale apparatus developed at JILA ? a tiny gold beam whose 40 million vibrations per second are measured by hopping electrons ? offers the potential for a 500-fold increase in the speed of scanning tunneling microscopes (STM), perhaps paving the way for scientists to watch atoms vibrate in high definition in real time.
17.Mar.2007 New York City hospital worker had TB Hundreds of Bronx hospital patients, including infants + their relatives were exposed to tuberculosis by a staffer, said New York City health officials.
17.Mar.2007 Spat between medical journals in England A British medical publication has called on researchers to boycott another British medical journal, the Lancet, over its parent company's "warmongering."
17.Mar.2007 Mars Rovers Moving After Winter Hibernation - Zonk 47 - jcasman writes to mention an article at Astronomy.com
discussing the now on-the-move Mars rovers, which have been effectively in hibernation over the long Martian winter. Spirit has been stationary in the Columbia Hills area, just barely powered up and taking the finest panoramic shot of the planet to date. On the other side of the world, Opportunity has been skulking around the Victoria crater. Scientists have been getting to know the area before attempting to send Opportunity into the geographical feature itself. "Opportunity now is traversing Victoria's rim + mission scientists are naming features they find after places visited by Ferdinand Magellan and his crew during the first circumnavigation of Earth. (Victoria Crater itself is named after the lone ship that completed Magellan's quest.) [Steve Squyres of Cornell University] and his team are committed to driving Opportunity into the crater eventually, if they're sure the rover will be safe -- in other words, that they can get it out again. Squyres is confident they can + he thinks it will be sooner rather than later."
17.Mar.2007 ISPs May Be Selling Your Web Clicks - Zonk 82 - Mozzarella writes
"Could our ISPs be selling our click data without us even knowing it? It seems like the practice is happening a lot more than we realize + can be tracked for each user. Complete Incorporated's CTO David Cancel told Ars Technica that his company (an internet research firm) licenses click information from ISPs for 'millions of dollars' to figure out how we use the web. From the article: 'He did not give a specific figure about what this broke down to in terms of dollars per ISP user, although someone in the audience estimated that it was in the range of 40 per user per month — this estimate was erroneously attributed to Cancel himself in some reports on the event. Cancel said that this clickstream data is 'much more comprehensive' than data that is normally gleaned through analyzing search queries.'"
17.Mar.2007 Why You Can't Buy a Naked PC - Zonk 220 - ZDOne writes
"A piece up on ZDNet looks at the issue of naked PCs. ZDNet UK phoned around all the major PC vendors and not one of them would sell a machine without Windows on it. IT professionals are being forced to adopt Microsoft's operating systems — even if they tell their PC supplier they want a system free of Microsoft software. On the other hand, even if it's almost impossible to buy a PC without an operating system installed, companies like Dell and HP are now committed to supporting Linux as well. 'Murray believes there is a market for Linux in the UK but is also aware of the issues facing any large supplier who wants to make Linux boxes available. "It means diverting production lines and that is a lot of money and so we have to prove the business case," he said. However, he made it clear that he is enthusiastic about the idea and wants to make it work. "We just have to show it is worthwhile," he said.'"
17.Mar.2007 Victims Fight Back Against DMCA Abuse - Zonk 78 - Cadence writes "The DMCA is being used a lot recently to demand takedowns of all sorts of content on the Internet. But how many of those DMCA-fueled demands are abusive? Lately, some victims of takedown demands have begun to fight back with the help of the EFF, including some against Viacom: 'Finally, a Viacom executive admitted last month that less than 60 of his company's 100,000 takedown requests to YouTube were invalid.
John Palfrey of Harvard's Berkman Center wonders what rights those 60 people have? We may find out.
The EFF called for people who had videos pulled inappropriately to contact the group, though the EFF tells The National Law Journal that it cannot comment on its future legal plans.
One of the reasons companies misuse the DMCA and cease-and-desist copyright letters is that the tools can quickly accomplish what they want to have happen; stuff they don't like goes bye-bye in a hurry. When the alternative is moving slowly through the court system, letters look like an excellent alternative.'" 17.Mar.2007 The Digital Bedouins and the Backpack Office - Zonk 119 - PetManimal writes
"The laptop and wireless revolutions have led to the rise of a new class of digital 'Bedouins' — tech workers who ply their crafts from Starbucks and other locations with WiFi access. Another article describes some strategies and tools for embracing the Bedouin way of life + even having fun: 'If you have the right kind of job, you can take vacations while you're on the clock. In other words, you can travel for fun and adventure and keep on working. You can travel a lot more without needing more official vacation time. I've done it. In August I took a month long vacation to Central America, backpacking from one Mayan ruin to the next + I never officially took time off. I submitted my columns, provided reports and other input, participated in conference calls and interacted via e-mail.
I used hotel Wi-Fi connections and local cybercafes to communicate and Skype to make business calls. Nobody knew I was sunburned, drinking from a coconut and listening to howler monkeys as I replied to their e-mails.'"
17.Mar.2007 Building Tomorrow's Soldier Today - FleaPlus (posted by Zonk) 210 - FleaPlus writes
"Wired reports on a glove developed by Stanford researchers Dennis Grahn and Craig Heller which combines a cooling system with a vacuum in order to chill blood vessels and drastically reduce fatigue. Besides the obvious military and athletics applications, the technology is also potentially useful for firefighters, stroke victims + people with multiple sclerosis. The Wired article also describes a number of other human enhancement projects intended to advance battlefield technology. Examples include military exoskeletons, projects designed to increase cognition or decrease the need for sleep + studies that may one day allow single soldiers to operate multiple aerial drones. Many of these were opposed by the President's Council on Bioethics."
17.Mar.2007 High Schooler Is Awarded $100,000 For Research - Zonk 258 - wired_LAIN writes
"A teenager from Oklahoma was awarded $100,000 in the Intel Science Talent Search competition for building an inexpensive and accurate spectrograph that can identify the specific characteristics of different kinds of molecules. While normal spectrographs can cost between $20,000 and $100,000 to build, her spectrograph cost less than $500.
The 40 finalists' projects were judged by a panel of 12 scientists, all well established in their respective fields. Among the judges were Vera Rubin, who proved Dark Matter + Andrew Yeager, one of the pioneers of stem cell research."
17.Mar.2007 Ballmer Says Google's Growth Is 'Insane' - Zonk 366 - eldavojohn writes
"Steve Ballmer spoke to the Seattle PI this week, commenting that Google's pace of employee growth is 'insane,' and the company has few successful businesses outside of Internet search and advertising. He referred to Google's non-search efforts as 'cute.' Google's current number of employees is nearly doubling each year.
'I don't really know that anybody's proven that a random collection of people doing their own thing actually creates value.' Mr. Ballmer went on complain that, in general, competition for good programmers has become an issue.
Even 'hedge funds' are looking for skilled coders, making the HR fight between the two companies that much more challenging."
17.Mar.2007 Military System Offers Worldwide Cell Access - Zonk 75 - coondoggie writes to mention a
technology in use by the U.S. military in remote regions of the world, which allows high-quality cell reception to reach troops. A portable box, called the Tactical Base Station Router, can serve as a gateway for cellular communications and VoIP network calls. Developed by Alcatel-Lucent, it allows deployment of reliable services in disasters, search and rescue operations + (as has seen use in recent years) military encounters.
"The TacBSR is available for U.S. government customers only ... Customers include the U.S. Army Reserve Command, which is using the TacBSR as a portable cellular system for forward-deployed operations and disaster recovery.
The system allows U.S. Army Reserve Commands to take GSM-capable cellular systems anywhere they need to go ...
Smaller than a laptop, the TacBSR can be used in a stand-alone configuration to enable communications for a small team or as part of a multibox mesh that supports a large geographical area."
17.Mar.2007 High Schooler is Awarded $100,000 for Research - Zonk 253+ - wired_LAIN writes
"A teenager from Oklahoma was awarded $100,000 in the Intel Science Talent Search competition for building an inexpensive and accurate spectrograph that can identify the specific characteristics of different kinds of molecules. While normal spectrographs can cost between $20,000 and 100,000 to build, her spectrograph cost less than $500 dollars.
The 40 finalists' projects were judged by a panel of 12 scientists, all well established in their respective fields.
Among the judges were Vera Rubin, who proved Dark Matter + Andrew Yeager, one of the pioneers of stem cell research."
17.Mar.2007 Bush ‘Pugnacious,’ ‘In Deep Denial,’ As White House Allies Press For Gonzales Resignation - Nico -
President Bush is the main force holding up the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, GOP sources say tonight. CBS News reports:
Republicans close to the White House tell CBS News chief White House correspondent Jim Axelrod that President Bush is in “his usual posture: pugnacious, that no one is going to tell him who to fire.” But
sources also said Gonzales’ firing is just a matter of time .
The White House is bracing for a weekend of criticism and more calls for Gonzales to go.
One source tells CBS News he’s never seen the administration in such deep denial + Republicans are growing increasingly restless for the president to take action .
Also tonight, ’s Suzanne Malveaux reported: “Wolf, I have to tell you, I’ve spoken to a lot of people who are friends of those here at the White House + GOP strategists.
They want Gonzales gone. They’re putting a lot of pressure on this president.
One of them said, look, Gonzales has a constituency of one + that is the president. But
tonight, Wolf, White House officials who I’ve spoken to say that that is exactly the person who’s saving his job, that the president does not intend to let him go.” Watch it:
17.Mar.2007 And then there were four. - Nico -
Rep. Paul Gillmor (R-OH) has become the fourth Republican to call for Alberto Gonzales to resign. Gonzales “has become a lightning rod and has distracted” from the Justice Department’s mission, Gillmor said in a statement.
UPDATE: CBS’s Katie Couric reported tonight that Gonzales is “on his way out,” but White House spokesperson Dana Perino tells that report is “dead wrong.”
17.Mar.2007 Sadr rallies Shiites against U.S. presence. - Nico -
“After weeks of cooperation with a new security plan,radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr decried U.S. forces as occupiers Friday + called on his followers to ’shout “No, No America!”‘ in a sign of resurgent anger + opposition
Thousands of Shiites flooded from the mosque where al-Sadr’s statement was read by a preacher
at Friday prayers, spilling into the streets of the Sadr City slum to protest the two-week-old American military presence there.”
17.Mar.2007 McCain on ‘getting into a tar baby.’ - Amanda -
In response to a question about the rights of divorced fathers,
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in Iowa today “said that he wouldn’t want to interfere in the decisions of divorce courts because doing so would be ‘getting into a tar baby of enormous proportions.’” (Memo to McCain:
The expression tar baby is a racial slur “used occasionally as a derogatory term for black people.”)
UPDATE: McCain has apologized.
17.Mar.2007 Gonzales Gave Kyle Sampson New Justice Dept. Office After His Supposed ‘Resignation’ - Nico -
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales planned to install his former aide Kyle Sampson as a lawyer in the Justice Department’s environment division even after Sampson’s “resignation,” NPR reported today.
Media outlets have reported this week that Sampson, Gonzales’ ex-chief of staff, resigned over the U.S. Attorney scandal on Monday.
But as ThinkProgress noted,
Gonzales on Tuesday made vague remarks during his press conference indicating that Sampson was still on the department payroll.
“His transition — as a technical matter, he is at the Department as he transitions out and looks for another employment.”
In fact, Gonzales “started to set up a new office for Sampson” in the Justice Department + Sampson only resigned on Tuesday when “the scandal surrounding eight fired U.S. Attorneys continued to grow.”
A Justice official told NPR that “there were discussions about whether or not he would be detailed elsewhere as he was transitioning out and ultimately it was decided not to go that direction.”
CLICK HERE FOR AUDIO Transcript: (more…)
17.Mar.2007 Pelosi promises vote on Iran war measure. - Nico -
House members this week removed language from the Iraq spending bill (which was passed by committee yesterday) that would require President Bush to get congressional authorization for any war against Iran.
But CQ reports:
13.Mar.2007 -the same day House Appropriations Chairman David R. Obey, D-Wis., said he had removed the Iran provision from the draft war spending measure-
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., quietly promised Appropriations Committee Democrats that she would soon bring the measure up as a stand-alone bill, said James P. Moran, D-Va., who attended the meeting in Pelosi’s suite.
MoveOn ran a full-page ad on Iran today in the Washington Post. See the full version (pdf) HERE.
17.Mar.2007 Top Bush Official Reveals White House Never Investigated Plame Leak - Think Progress -
Dr. James Knodell, director of the Office of Security at the White House, revealed today that to his knowledge the White House has never ordered a probe, report, or sanctions as a result of the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame. “I have no knowledge of any investigation in my office,” he said.
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said he was “shocked” by Knodell’s testimony, adding that the White House’s lack of action was a “breach on top of a breach.”
Knodell claimed the White House did not investigate because there was an outside investigation taking place.
But Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) noted that the investigation “didn’t start until months and months later + [only] had the purpose of narrowly looking to see whether there was a criminal law violated.”
Waxman asked, “But there was an obligation for the White House to investigate whether classified information was being leaked inappropriately, wasn’t there?”
Knodell answered, “If that was the case, yes.” Watch it:
Shortly after the leak was revealed by Novak, Bush said he wanted an investigation to identify the leaker:
A senior official quoted Bush as saying, “ I want to get to the bottom of this ,” during a daily meeting yesterday morning with a few top aides, including Rove.
Bush: “ If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. “
E&P reports, “The White House had first opposed Knodell testifying but after a threat of a subpoena from the committee yesterday he was allowed to appear today.” The Gavel has more.
Bush_Official_Reveals_White_House_Never_Investigated_Plame_Leak">Digg It!
17.Mar.2007 Was Cummins fired as political retribution? - Amanda -
Yesterday in an interview, ousted U.S. attorney Bud Cummins raised the possibility that the Justice Department may have fired him because he decided to investigate “alleged corruption by Republican officials in Missouri amid a Senate race there that was promising to be a nail-biter.” In Jan. 2006, Cummins began looking into allegations that Gov. Matt Blunt (R) had “rewarded GOP supporters with lucrative contracts.”
By June, the Justice Dept. had fired him. “Now I keep asking myself: ‘What about the Blunt deal?’” said Cummins.
UPDATE: In a message to TPMmuckraker, Cummins clarified, “I do not know of any connection whatsoever to the Missouri investigation and my firing. I am not asking myself (or anyone else) about that.”
17.Mar.2007 Another document dump? - Nico -
Time: “Sources say the judiciary committee may post another trove of WH-DOJ emails this afternoon.”
17.Mar.2007 CIA Director Hayden: ‘Wilson Was Covert’ - Nico -
During House hearings today, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) announced that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden recently told Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) that there was no doubt Victoria Plame Wilson was covert. Cummings — relaying what Waxman had told him — said that Gen. Hayden expressed clearly and directly, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
Cummings also asked Wilson to respond to the specific claim, made by Victoria Toensing and others, that Plame had lost her covert status because she “had not been stationed abroad within five years.” Cummings asked, “During the past five years, Ms. Plame, from today, did you conduct secret missions overseas?” She answered, “Yes I did, congressman.” Watch it: Transcript: (more…)
17.Mar.2007 Snow on Bush involvement: ‘Anything’s possible.’ - Nico - Just out from the AP:
The White House on Friday backed off its earlier contention that then-White House Counsel Harriet Miers first raised the idea of firing U.S. attorneys — an act that led to a firestorm of criticism of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
“It has been described as her idea but … I don’t want to try to vouch for origination,” said White House press secretary Tony Snow, who previously had asserted Miers was the person who came up with the idea. “ At this juncture, people have hazy memories. ” […]
Asked if Bush himself might have suggested the firings, Snow said, “Anything’s possible … but I don’t think so.” He said Bush “certainly has no recollection of any such thing. I can’t speak for the attorney general. I want you to be clear here: don’t be dropping it at the president’s door,” Snow said.
17.Mar.2007 CAUGHT ON TAPE: Gonzales Lies Under Oath - Amanda -
As ThinkProgress noted earlier this week, on
18.Jan.2007 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath, that
the Bush administration never intended to take advantage of a Patriot Act provision that allows the President to appoint “interim” U.S. attorneys for an indefinite period of time, without Senate confirmation.
I am fully committed, as the administration’s fully committed, to ensure that, with respect to every United States attorney position in this country,
we will have a presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed United States attorney.
The Washington Post published a front-page story yesterday on these remarks. ThinkProgress has located video of Gonzales apparently lying to Congress. Watch it:
But Justice Department emails from Dec. 2006 released this week show that Gonzales’s then-chief of staff Kyle Sampson intended to use this provision to make an end-run around the Senate:
There is some risk that we’ll lose the authority, but if we don’t ever exercise it then what’s the point of having it?
As the Post reported yesterday, “Gonzales has declined to address the apparent contradictions in detail, saying only that he was unaware of the specifics of the plan that Sampson was orchestrating.” Asked on Wednesday if he thinks any Bush officials have committed perjury, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said, “We’ll find that out.” Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
17.Mar.2007 Valerie Plame Confirms Her Covert Status Prior To Novak Leak - Faiz - This morning,
in her testimony under oath before the House Government and Oversight Committee, Valerie Plame Wilson asserted that she was in fact a covert officer at the time that columnist Robert Novak revealed her employment at the CIA. “In the run-up to the war with Iraq, I worked in the Counterproliferation Division of the CIA, still as a covert officer whose affiliation with the CIA was classified,” Plame sad in her opening testimony.
She added, “While I helped to manage and run secret worldwide operations against this WMD target from CIA headquarters in Washington, I also traveled to foreign countries on secret missions to find vital intelligence.” Watch it:
The right-wing, aided by the mainstream media, have engaged in an unhalting effort to spread false claims that Plame was not covert, despite the fact that the CIA, Plame’s former colleagues + Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald have all previously reported that she was covert. The conviction of Scooter Libby only intensified conservatives’ efforts to further propagate their lie:
Washington Post editorial: “The trial has provided… no evidence that she was, in fact, covert. ” [Washingotn Post, 3/7.2007 ]
Mort Kondracke: “ I frankly don’t think since Valerie Plame was not a covert officer that there was a crime here. ” [Fox, 3/9.2007 ]
Sean Hannity: “ She did not meet the criteria, in any way, shape, matter or form as a covert agent. ” [Fox, 3/6.2007 ]
Robert Novak: “ No evidence that she was a covert agent was ever presented to the jury. ” [Fox, 3/6.2007 ]
Brit Hume: “Whether the woman was covert, Valerie Plame was covert within the meaning of the law, remains at this point, still unclear. Unlikely she was. ” [Fox, 3/6.2007 ]
Victoria Toensing: “ Plame was not covert . She worked at CIA headquarters and had not been stationed abroad within five years of the date of Novak’s column.” [Washington Post, 2/18.2007 ]
We await their apologies and statements of correction.
UPDATE: On September 30, 2003, National Review editor Jonah Goldberg claimed, “Wilson’s wife is a desk jockey and much of the Washington cocktail circuit knew that already.” But today Plame rebutted Goldberg, stating, “It was not common knowledge on the Georgetown cocktail circuit that everyone knew where I worked.” Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
17.Mar.2007 Rohrabacher becomes #3: - Nico - CBS:
More Republicans called for his ouster + one Republican strategist close to the White House told CBS News that Gonzales is “finished.”
Congressman Dana Rohrbacher became the latest Republican to say Gonzales should go, reports CBS News White House correspondent Jim Axelrod. “Even for Republicans this is a warning sign … saying there needs to be a change,” said Rohrbacher. “Maybe the president should have an attorney general who is less a personal friend and more professional in his approach.”
17.Mar.2007 ’s, ABC’s Glenn Beck on Clinton: - Nico - “She’s the stereotypical bitch.“
17.Mar.2007 Israel Singer geschockt: Er wurde aus Jüdischem Weltkongress geworfen - sfux New York - Israel
Singer, eine der herausragenden jüdischen Persönlichkeiten, ist aus dem World Jewish Congress (WJC) ausgeschieden.
Gründe für das Ausscheiden ihres ehemaligen Generalsekretärs nannte die Organisation nicht.
"Israel Singer gehört dem WJC und seinen Organisationen nicht mehr an", heisst es in einem auf den
14.Mär.2007 datierten internen Info-Brief des Jüdischen Weltkongresses. Darin werden Singers Einsatz für die Juden in der Sowjetunion,...
17.Mar.2007 Ist der Iran-Krieg abgesagt? - sfux Karl Weiss -
In einem wirklich Aufsehen erregenden Artikel hat Michael Schulze von Glaßer in ?Journalismus ? Nachrichten von heute? die Frage gestellt ?Kann der Iran...
17.Mar.2007 Ex-CIA agent blasts White House Ex-CIA agent Valerie Plame says senior US officials "recklessly" revealed her secret identity 00.000.2003.
17.Mar.2007 Caution urged on climate 'risks' Two leading UK climate researchers say "overplaying" the global warming message risks confusing the public.
17.Mar.2007 Iraq unveils reconstruction plan Iraq spells out a five-year reconstruction plan at a key United Nations conference on its future.
17.Mar.2007 Mexico police in $205m cash haul Mexican police seize what they say is one of the biggest amounts of cash confiscated in an anti-drug raid.
17.Mar.2007 UN hopeful over North Korea deal The UN's nuclear chief says he is hopeful North Korea will meet a deadline for closing nuclear facilities.
17.Mar.2007 Bolivia to protect coca name Moves are afoot in Bolivia to try to stop international companies using the word coca in their names.
17.Mar.2007 China passes new law on property China's parliament ends its annual two-week session by passing a law boosting private property rights.
17.Mar.2007 Iran condemns UN draft sanctions Iran's leader vows to continue his country's nuclear work as the UN drafts new sanctions over the programme.
17.Mar.2007 Confrontation in Pakistan deepens Protesters defy security forces to rally for Pakistan's suspended top judge as police storm a TV station.
17.Mar.2007 India strike over police shooting A strike called by opposition parties over the shooting by police of protesting farmers hits India's West Bengal state.
17.Mar.2007 Former Black ally settles charges A former ally of Lord Conrad Black agrees to pay $28.7m to the US authorities to settle fraud charges against him.
17.Mar.2007 Polar water 'would blanket Mars' Enough water is locked up at Mars' south pole to cover the Red Planet in a liquid layer 11m deep, say scientists.
17.Mar.2007 Euro Carmakers Build Microhybrids Software calibrations to gasoline engines could help European automakers meet looming emissions standards. By Mark Durham.
17.Mar.2007 Search for Bin Laden at Home! Where in the world is Osama bin Laden? Try Google Earth. By Matthew Cole from Wired magazine.
17.Mar.2007 March 16, 1926: Rocket Man Robert Goddard silences his critics by launching a rocket from his aunt's farm + Germany takes notice. Compiled by Tony Long.
17.Mar.2007 DNA Unlocks Mummy Mysteries Researchers turn to modern technology to provide a glimpse into the very short life of a young boy -- now a 2,000-year-old mummy. AP
17.Mar.2007 NYT: KSM Confession Takes Heat The New York Times validates our "Wee-Bay" theory that the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed copped to so many crimes to keep the heat off his crew. In Danger Room.
17.Mar.2007 New Irises and Corneas for All Using stem cells, British researchers create irises in people born with aniridia and Japanese scientists grow new corneas. In Bodyhack.
17.Mar.2007 New Leopard Species Found Genetic tests reveal the clouded leopard of Borneo and Sumatra is a unique cat species and not, as long believed, the same one found in mainland Southeast Asia. AP
17.Mar.2007 Japanese Blame Lack of Sex on Web A family planning group claims the Japanese have forgotten how to communicate with each other's bodies because of their web use. Horsefeathers. In Sex Drive Daily.
17.Mar.2007 Dems Want Answers, Gonzales Four Democratic senators question Alberto Gonzales after learning he helped squash an investigation into warrantless wiretapping that might have probed his own actions. In 27B Stroke 6. 17.Mar.2007 Research says: More heat, less food Blog: A study of cereal grain production over 20 years shows rising temperatures have reduced the crop. The study covered wheat, corn...
17.Mar.2007 Photos: A Cool Robot for polar duty A boxy robot covered with solar panels could be just the thing for researchers in Antarctica.
17.Mar.2007 See the light, save some moolah Blog: Your old incandescent lightbulbs may become extinct, yet another species exterminated by global warming. But environmentalists...
17.Mar.2007 Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you Blog: Microsoft is offering to pay corporations if they get their employees to use Live Search at work, the company confirmed on Friday....
17.Mar.2007 Europe to develop guidelines on RFID Aim is to provide RFID industry and users with "legal certainty" regarding use of the technology, European Commission says.