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Group: Overfishing More Destructive than Tsunami, Earthquake to Indonesian Reefs -

20.Jan.2006 Who was B. Traven?  An investigation into the true identity of the author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. A very detailed article
19.Jan.2006 Thousands on Katrina missing list 
More than 3,200 people remain listed as missing some five months after Hurricane Katrina struck the US' Gulf coast, officials have said.
ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program : Civil liberties groups filed lawsuits in two cities Tuesday seeking to block President Bush's domestic eavesdropping program, arguing the electronic surveillance of American citizens was unconstitutional.

19.Jan.2006 Gore: Bush 'Repeatedly and Persistently' Broke the Law : Former Vice President Al Gore called Monday for an independent investigation of President Bush's domestic spying program, contending the president "repeatedly and persistently" broke the law by eavesdropping on Americans without court approval.

19.Jan.2006 White House Accuses Gore of Hypocrisy : McClellan said the Clinton-Gore administration had engaged in warrantless physical searches +

he cited an FBI search of the home of CIA turncoat Aldrich Ames without permission from a judge

19.Jan.2006 Why Doesn’t Presidential Dismantling of the Constitution Warrant the Same Intense Scrutiny as Presidential Adultery?

19.Jan.2006 Alito Hearings: The Democrats' Katrina: For a constitutional confrontation at least five years in the making,

the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee looked as prepared to confront Samuel Alito as FEMA chief Michael Brown did in responding to Hurricane Katrina.
Empirical news: The secret's out: Bush is overtaken by events—and overwhelmed

19.Jan.2006 Chris Floyd: Loot the Vote : : The Bush Faction's Future Victories are Already in the Bag

19.Jan.2006 Paul Craig Roberts: Evidence of a Stolen Election : The electronic voting machines leave virtually no paper trail and their use involves private potentially partisan corporations tabulating the votes with proprietary software that is not transparent.

19.Jan.2006 A Message From Kevin Benderman: Karen Kwiatkowski on a prisoner of conscience in the military gulag.

19.Jan.2006 Rightwing group offers students $100 to spy on professors : 31 academics listed as 'worthy of scrutiny'

19.Jan.2006 John Pilger :Australia: A First-Rate Country Run By Second-Rate People: Like Bush's America, Howard's Australia is not so much a democracy as a plutocracy, governed for and by the "big end of town", even though, as Mark Twain pointed out, this is "an entire continent peopled by the lower orders".

19.Jan.2006 Not all Fascism looks like Adolf Hitler: 2 Minute video exposes the NeoConservative Manifesto

19.Jan.2006 Ron Paul: Searching for a New Direction : The Abramoff scandal has been described as the biggest Washington scandal ever - True reform is impossible without addressing the immorality of wealth redistribution. Merely electing new leaders and writing more rules to regulate those who petition Congress will achieve nothing.
19.Jan.2006 In case you missed it:
Iran in the Crosshairs : Iran's danger to America is not its nuclear program but its plan to introduce a euro-based energy exchange

19.Jan.2006 In case you missed it: Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse: Despite the complete absence of coverage from the five U.S. corporate media conglomerates, these foreign news stories suggest one of the Federal Reserve's nightmares may begin to unfold in the spring of 2006,

when it appears that international buyers will have a choice of buying a barrel of oil for $60 dollars on the NYMEX and IPE - or purchase a barrel of oil for €45 - €50 euros via the Iranian Bourse.

19.Jan.2006 Clinton calls for Iran sanctions: During a speech at Princeton University, the former first lady also placed the onus on Palestinians to make peace possible with Israel

19.Jan.2006 Charley Reese: Ariel Sharon: He treated the so-called road map to peace like the joke that it is.
19.Jan.2006 bi
n Laden offers Americans truce:  In an audio tape broadcast on Aljazeera, Osama bin Laden has warned that al-Qaida was preparing an attack very soon, but also offered Americans a "long-term truce". 

19.Jan.2006 U.S. targeted-killings of al Qaeda suspects rising: U.S. sources said Washington would not have undertaken the airstrike without an OK from Pakistani officials, while experts dismissed Pakistan's angry public response.

19.Jan.2006 Robert Scheer: What's Up With Osama Bin Laden? : Now we are left holding the bag in two desperate countries with bleak futures where perpetrators of 9/11 are reportedly thriving and guerilla warfare and terror bombings have continued to increase.

19.Jan.2006 Military Attack against Iran Now Imminent : World renowned investigative reporter and terror expert, reveals that the US and Israel will destroy Iran's nuclear facilities in less than 10 weeks from now.

19.Jan.2006 Iranian president in Damascus to consolidate alliance with Syria: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad began a visit to Syria Thursday to consolidate an old alliance made increasingly crucial as both countries face mounting U.S. pressure and the threat of international sanctions.
The Poisoning of the Well -By Manuel Valenzuela
At a time when millions needed to find solace and answers to the evil witnessed on 9/11 Christian extremism opened its doors.

When the world was spinning out of control, bursting America’s bubble of security, fundamentalist Christianity took full advantage, absorbing those wanting to understand why God had allowed such wickedness upon our shores. Continued
Sozialräuber stoppen ... Vorsitzenden des Berliner Reichsbürgerrats, dem Bankier und Millionär Marx, sowie dem Vorsitzenden der „Anti-Bolschewistischen Liga“, Eduard Stadtler ...
Der Spartakusaufstand Nachdem es durch den Austritt der USPD aus ... Januar Verhandlungen mit dem Leiter der "Antibolschewistischen Liga", Eduard Stadtler , statt.

Dieser stand in enger Verbindung zu Großindustriellen wie ...
Gerd Koenen – Veranstaltungen Antibolshevism and Eastern Orientation – Eduard Stadtler and the origins of the ‘Konservative Revolution’. Vortrag im Rahmen des Panels VI.1 des VII. .
Juniklub – Wikipedia Lediglich Eduard Stadtler und einige weitere Mitglieder (ua Max Hildebert Boehm) traten ans Rednerpult und erzielten damit Erfolge für ihre politische ...
Die SEB-Fondsmanagerin Barbara Knoflach hat ihrerseits scharfe Kritik an der Deutschen Bank geübt. Die Schließung des Fonds 'Grundbesitz Invest' habe "die gesamte Branche schwer beschädigt", sagte die Managerin des offenen Immobilienfonds SEB Immoinvest im Gespräch mit dem manager magazin.
Beobachter fürchten unterdessen, dass die Fondskrisen die Schieflage am Immobilienmarkt verschärfen könnte. Weil die Anleger aus den Fonds flüchten, könnten die Anbieter gezwungen sein, weitere Immobilien zu veräußern. Dies könnte den Markt zusätzlich belasten. "Ein solche Effekt wäre durchaus denkbar", zitiert das "Handelsblatt" Thomas Vorwerk, Geschäftsführer der Analysefirma Südprojekt.
Die offensichtliche Krise der Branche hat inzwischen auch das Bundesfinanzministerium auf den Plan gerufen. "Die Fälle haben die Frage aufgeworfen, ob gesetzgeberischer Handlungsbedarf besteht", sagte eine Ministeriumssprecherin der Nachrichtenagentur Dow Jones Newswires. Die Diskussion dauere noch an. Im Finanzministerium werde die Meinung vertreten, dass eine Entscheidung hierzu "nicht überstürzt" werden dürfe und eine Gesetzesänderung nicht als Sofortreaktion auf die jüngsten Ereignisse erfolgen sollte. Dies habe wenig Sinn, sagte die Sprecherin. Das Finanzministerium plane ohnehin ein Gesetzgebungsverfahren zur Novelle des Investmentgesetzes. Ein Entwurf hierzu solle im Sommer vorgelegt werden. Die Vorbereitungen dazu liefen bereits seit Mitte vergangenen Jahres.
Der stellvertretende SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Joachim Poß kündigte heute in Berlin jedoch an, dass sich die Koalitionsfraktionen zusammen mit dem Bundesfinanzministerium über diese Frage beraten wollten. Dabei solle "zeitnah" erörtert werden, "ob ungeachtet der ohnehin seit langem geplanten Änderung des Investmentgesetzes Handlungsbedarf wegen der aktuellen Schließungen bei offenen Immobilienfonds gegeben ist", sagte Poß.
Die deutlichsten Worte fand Christie Whitman, die erste von drei EPA-Leitern unter George W. Bush. "Man muss schon in einem Erdloch leben, um zu glauben, dass die Landveränderungen, das Waldsterben und die Luftverschmutzung einen wahrscheinlich natürlichen Trend nicht verstärkt haben", sagte sie. Der Mensch habe einen "enormen Einfluss" auf die Erwärmung der Erde.
Carol Browner, EPA-Leiterin unter Präsident Bill Clinton, attackierte Bush für dessen ständigen Verweis auf eine Minderheit unter Wissenschaftlern, die noch immer glaubt, den Menschen treffe keine Mitschuld am Klimawandel. "Wenn wir darauf warten, dass auch der letzte Wissenschaftler mit einer Meinung zum Klimawandel endlich umschwenkt, werden wir nie etwas tun."
"Wir brauchen Führung, aber ich denke nicht, dass wir sie derzeit bekommen", sagte Russel Train, EPA-Chef unter den Präsidenten Nixon und Ford, bei einer Tagung in Washington. Bill Ruckelshaus, erster Leiter der 35 Jahre alten Umweltbehörde, sprach Bush gar den Willen zu einer vernünftigen Klimapolitik ab: "Ich glaube nicht, dass es in dieser Regierung ein Bekenntnis dazu gibt."
Das Weiße Haus unter George W. Bush ist so sehr mit der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinde verkracht wie kaum eine Regierung zuvor - vor allem, aber nicht nur wegen ihrer Klimapolitik. Erst vor kurzem räumte Bush erstmals überhaupt ein, dass die globale Erwärmung vom Menschen zumindest mitverursacht sein könnte. Dennoch weigern sich die USA als weltweit größter Verursacher von Treibhausgasen beharrlich, dem Kyoto-Protokoll zum Klimaschutz beizutreten.
Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es durchaus pikant, dass sich der jetzige EPA-Chef Stephen Johnson bei der gestrigen Podiumsdiskussion mit seinen fünf Amtsvorgängern einig erklärte, der Mensch trage eine bedeutende Mitschuld am Klimawandel. Zugleich betonte Johnson, dass die Regierung Bush durchaus gewillt sei, Maßnahmen gegen die globale Erwärmung zu ergreifen.


Mit seiner Umweltpolitik bringt US-Präsident George W. Bush selbst Parteifreunde gegen sich auf: Sechs frühere Leiter der amerikanischen Umweltschutzbehörde, darunter fünf Republikaner, haben Bush mit scharfen Worten kritisiert.

Die Wortwahl ließ an Deutlichkeit kaum zu wünschen übrig: Im Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung versagten die Vereinigten Staaten nicht nur in ihrer Führungsrolle. Die US-Politik sei auch "unehrlich" und "selbstzerstörerisch". Diese Kritik kommt nicht von linksgerichteten Umweltfreunden, sondern von sechs ehemaligen Chefs der Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), der Umweltschutzbehörde der US-Regierung. Und: Nur einer von ihnen gehört zur Demokratischen Partei, alle anderen sind Republikaner und damit Bushs Lager zugehörig.
Antivirale Mittel schützen nicht gut genug
Eine andere Studie warnt unterdessen davor, sich in falscher Sicherheit durch die Verfügbarkeit antiviraler Mittel wie Tamiflu und Relanza (siehe Infokasten) zu wiegen.

Zwar könnten diese Medikamente beim Kampf gegen Symptome und Komplikationen helfen, sie hätten aber nur eine niedrige Wirksamkeit, wenn es darum gehe, einen Grippe-Ausbruch unter Kontrolle zu bringen,

heißt es in der aktuellen Ausgabe der britischen Medizinzeitschrift "The Lancet".
Die Arzneien sollten deshalb "nur bei einer ernsten Epidemie oder Pandemie zusammen mit anderen Maßnahmen der öffentlichen Gesundheitsvorsorge eingesetzt werden, wie Masken, Schutzkleidung, Handschuhen, Quarantäne und Händewaschen."

Weite Reise: Flaschenpost schwimmt von England nach Australien
Pluto-Sonde: "New Horizons" mit zwei Tagen Verspätung gestartet

19.Jan.2006 BND-Affäre: Koalition will Untersuchungsausschuss verhindern
Dokumentation: Der Text des Bin-Laden-Tonbands
Analyse der Bin-Laden-Rede: Die Rückkehr des Untoten

19.Jan.2006 Qaida-Botschaft: Weißes Haus weist Bin Ladens Angebot zurück
Klima-Schlagzeilen: Forscher sprechen Bäume frei
Anti-Porno-Prozess: Google will Suchstatistiken nicht rausrücken

19.Jan.2006 Reaktionen: Heftige Kritik an Chiracs Atomdrohung
Streit um Persönlichkeitsrechte: Wikipedia wehrt sich gegen Schließung
Chiracs Atomwaffendrohung: Force de frappe gegen die Verrückten
Vogelgrippe: Virus vereint gefährliche Mutationen
Klimapolitik: Bush wird von Parteifreunden attackiert
Terrorismus: Bin Laden bietet USA Waffenstillstand an
Anlegerflucht: Weitere Immobilienfonds geraten ins Wanken
Geheime CIA-Gefängnisse: Britische Regierung entwarf Vertuschungs-Strategie
Frankreich: Chirac droht Terror-Staaten mit Atomwaffen
Japan: Riesenquallen lassen Fischer verzweifeln

The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases.

The move is part of a government effort to revive an Internet child protection law struck down two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court. The law was meant to punish online pornography sites that make their content accessible to minors. The government contends it needs the Google data to determine how often pornography shows up in online searches.

In court papers filed in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Justice Department lawyers revealed that Google has refused to comply with a subpoena issued last year for the records, which include a request for 1 million random Web addresses and records of all Google searches from any one-week period.

The Mountain View-based search and advertising giant opposes releasing the information on a variety of grounds, saying it would violate the privacy rights of its users and reveal company trade secrets, according to court documents.

Nicole Wong, an associate general counsel for Google, said the company will fight the government's effort ``vigorously.''

``Google is not a party to this lawsuit + the demand for the information is overreaching,'' Wong said.

The case worries privacy advocates, given the vast amount of information Google and other search engines know about their users.

``This is exactly the kind of case that privacy advocates have long feared,'' said Ray Everett-Church, a South Bay privacy consultant. ``The idea that these massive databases are being thrown open to anyone with a court document is the worst-case scenario. If they lose this fight, s will think twice about letting Google deep into their lives.''

Everett-Church, who has consulted with Internet companies facing subpoenas, said Google could argue that releasing the information causes undue harm to its users' privacy.

``The government can't even claim that it's for national security,'' Everett-Church said. ``They're just using it to get the search engines to do their research for them in a way that compromises the civil liberties of other people.''

The government argues that it needs the information as it prepares to once again defend the constitutionality of the Child Online Protection Act in a federal court in Pennsylvania. The law was struck down in 2004 because it was too broad and could prevent adults from accessing legal porn sites.

However, the Supreme Court invited the government to either come up with a less drastic version of the law or go to trial to prove that the statute does not violate the First Amendment and is the only viable way to combat child porn.

As a result, government lawyers said in court papers they are developing a defense of the 1998 law based on the argument that it is far more effective than software filters in protecting children from porn. To back that claim, the government has subpoenaed search engines to develop a factual record of how often Web users encounter online porn and how Web searches turn up material they say is ``harmful to minors.''

The government indicated that other, unspecified search engines have agreed to release the information, but not Google.

``The production of those materials would be of significant assistance to the government's preparation of its defense of the constitutionality of this important statute,'' government lawyers wrote, noting that Google is the largest search engine.

Google has the largest share of U.S. Web searches with 46 percent, according to 00.Nov.2005 figures from Nielsen//NetRatings. Yahoo is second with 23 percent, and MSN third with 11 percent.
19.Jan.2006 hook or by crook, W wants information...INFORMATION... The Bush administration wants Google to turn over a ton of info on you and me -- including records of ALL Google searches. The excuse: The Bushies are gunnin' for child molesters. I suspect that their definition of "molester" is broad enough to include anyone who criticizes the war. Of course, if the Feds were really interested in finding pedophiles, they would look at the GOP. Permalink
Evolution: Erste Landtiere atmeten durch die Ohren
Atomstreit: Iran will acht Milliarden Dollar aus Europa abziehen
Senate Floor Statement on the Filibuster Issue
They rule on whether you should be harassed and exploited in the workplace.
They rule on whether you have the right to clean air and safe drinking water. ...

Quartalszahlen: Ebay-Ausblick enttäuscht Börsianer

18.Jan.2006  Quartalszahlen: Apple verdoppelt fast Gewinn
18.Jan.2006 PSEG Nuclear, LLC and Amergen Energy Company, LLC; Notice of 1 and 2 ( Salem ), Hope Creek Generating Station ( Hope Creek ), and Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating ... request for increased security at Salem , Hope
18.Jan.2006 SEIU: NBC News Says Security Firm Wackenhut's Conflict of Interest... Nuclear Plant NJ Forked River Oyster Creek NJ Hancocks Bridge Salem/Hope Creek Generating Station
18.Jan.2006 Mind Control - Bewußtseinskontrolle ... Wissenschaftler im Dresdner " Zentrum für Forschung und Technik' und " Zentrum für Mikroelektronik ... Liste führender Forschungseinrichtun- gen vor; bei Hitachi ...

Mind Control - Bewußtseinskontrolle "Zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit ist den sogenannten HPM-Quellen (HPM-Waffen) zu widmen (HPM: High Power Microwave), deren Bedeutung und Entwicklung relativ jung sind, wie die einschlägigen Veröffentlichungen belegen. ... Wissenschaftler im Dresdner " Zentrum für Forschung und Technik' und " Zentrum für Mikroelektronik ... Liste führender Forschungseinrichtun- gen vor; bei Hitachi ...
2004062426_Report 00.000.1998 Seisint is established + started to work on an anti-terror data-mining program , later renamed ... US-Regierung : Mehr Hilfe für Irak sehr wichtig ...
OMV AG – Wikipedia Die OMV Aktiengesellschaft (früher Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung; ÖMV) ist ein Österreichischer Mineralöl-, Erdgas- + Chemiekonzern. ...
00.000.1839 - 00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I , John Davison auch hatte das Land bereits seine erste schwere Bohrkatastrophe erlebt.

Einem Jungen Schwachkopf namens John Washington Steele sollte es vorbehalten bleiben ...
Rome prosecutors to charge U.S. soldier with murdering Italian agent in Iraq: Italian prosecutors investigating the killing of an Italian secret service agent at a checkpoint in Iraq plan to charge a U.S. soldier with murder and attempted murder, Italian media reported Tuesday.

18.Jan.2006 US refuses to hand over 4 marines charged with rape : Philippine judge last week issued arrest warrants for the marines, held in custody by the U.S. embassy, in a bid to pressure Washington to hand them over

18.Jan.2006 Australia: PM knew of wheat deal: Labor:SENIOR Howard government ministers must offer themselves as witnesses at the AWB inquiry as evidence mounts that they ignored its illicit payments to Saddam Hussein's regime, Labor says.

18.Jan.2006 White House Silent on Abramoff Meetings : Abramoff had "a few staff-level meetings" at the Bush White House, presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday. But he would not say with whom Abramoff met, which interests he was representing or how he got access to the White House

18.Jan.2006 Abramoff Met With Bush In May 2001 ; The Texas Observer reports that Abramoff met with Bush on May 9, 2001, with his clients, the Coushatta tribe. (The chairman of the Coushatta tribe initially denied the meeting occured, but subsequently admitted that it did.) Abramoff charged his client 25,000 to arrange the meeting.

18.Jan.2006 Lawmakers pressured Interior while getting large donations from Abramoff tribes : Nearly three dozen members of Congress, including leaders from both parties, pressed the government to reject a Louisiana Indian casino while they collected large donations from rival tribes and their lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

18.Jan.2006 Corruption Digest : Here is your briefing on how America's political system is being sold to the highest bidders.

18.Jan.2006 Corruption? Congressman made personal loan to bank president shortly before bank extended him $250,000-plus loan

18.Jan.2006 Democrats and Other False Friends: "George Bush would be in severe political trouble if there were an opposition political party in the country.

18.Jan.2006 Paul Craig Roberts: Gore Is Right: Former vice president Al Gore gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime + the New York Times, "the newspaper of record," did not report it. Not even excerpts.

18.Jan.2006 Gore responds to White House 'hypocrisy' comments: "There are two problems with the Attorney General's effort to focus attention on the past instead of the present Administration's behavior."

18.Jan.2006 Senate candidate unapologetic for saying GOP hijacked by fanatics: Ohio's Republican leader wants Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Paul Hackett to apologize for calling some conservative Republicans religious fanatics and comparing them to terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

18.Jan.2006 Newspapers Across the Country Oppose Alito Nomination: Urge Senate to Stop his Nomination to the Supreme Court

18.Jan.2006 Buffett: U.S. Trade Deficit Is a Threat: The U.S. trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or debt + could lead to "political turmoil," billionaire investor Warren Buffett warned.

18.Jan.2006 Supreme Court backs Oregon assisted suicide law : In a 6-3 vote, justices ruled that a federal drug law could not be used to prosecute Oregon doctors who prescribed overdoses intended to facilitate the deaths of terminally ill patients.
Leading candidates for high post in House are both strong on Israel : Tom DeLay’s Jewish friends — and enemies — can expect the same friendliness to Israel and affection for faith-based funding from whomever replaces him as majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Scott Ritter: The Military Recruiter's Lament: As recruiters struggle to overcome the national aversion to military service that has gripped the country, their superiors wrestle to pin down the underlying reasons behind this failure of the American people to heed the call of the trumpet. 

18.Jan.2006 Iran scorns EU trio's draft nuclear resolution: European powers began circulating a draft resolution on Wednesday that asks the U.N. nuclear watchdog to report Iran to the Security Council, drawing a scornful response from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

18.Jan.2006 China, Russia would fight Iran oil sanctions: experts: U.N. Security Council heavyweights China and Russia have too much riding on Iran's energy sector to let the West slap sanctions on Tehran to punish its nuclear ambitions, experts say.

18.Jan.2006 Moscow Will Not Follow West’s Cue on Iran: Moscow has signaled a change in its stance toward Tehran. In recent days, officials including Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov have indicated they would not block a Security Council referral, although they would likely still oppose sanctions

18.Jan.2006 The west has picked a fight with Iran that it cannot win : Iran is a serious country, not another two-bit post-imperial rogue waiting to be slapped about the head by a white man. It is the fourth largest oil producer in the world. Its population is heading towards 80 million by 2010. Its capital, Tehran, is a mighty metropolis half as big again as London.

18.Jan.2006 Noam Chomsky : Iran would be “crazy” not to develop nuclear weapons. : U.S., Israel pushing Iran on nukes

18.Jan.2006 Avoiding a War with Iran : The toppling of Iran’s theocratic regime would consolidate dwindling resources under the stars and stripes and guarantee continued supremacy of US financial institutions, American energy giants + the faltering greenback. Additionally, it would defang a potential rival to an emergent Israel, which sees itself as the prevailing power in the region.

18.Jan.2006 India, Iran and the nuclear challenge : Siding again with the U.S. and its allies in their illegal pressure on Iran will weaken India's hand on the civil nuclear cooperation and energy fronts

18.Jan.2006 U.S. nuclear forces, 2006: As of January 2006, the U.S. stockpile contains almost 10,000 nuclear warheads. This includes 5,735 active or operational warheads: 5,235 strategic and 500 nonstrategic warheads. Approximately 4,225 additional warheads are held in the reserve or inactive stockpiles

18.Jan.2006 Another Witness Testifies with Perjury into Assassination of Hariri : The witness Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura said he was forced to offer a false and fabricated testimony against Syria at the international investigation committee into the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafik al-Hariri because he was under threats and pressures to do so.

18.Jan.2006 US freezes assets of Syrian intelligence chief: The United States on Wednesday froze the U.S. assets of Syrian military intelligence director Asef Shawkat, accusing him of fomenting terrorism against Israel and backing Syria's intrusion in Lebanon.

18.Jan.2006 Hamas support grows after Israelis shoot militant leader :"People will show solidarity with the martyrs and the organisation they belong to."
Surface-to-Air Missile Downed U.S. Chopper in Iraq: It's a troubling new development because there are hundreds — and by some estimates thousands — of SA-7 missiles that are unaccounted for in Iraq.

18.Jan.2006 US helicopters in Iraq face menace of 'aerial bombs': The new home-made weapons, known to the Americans as "aerial improvised explosive devices" have been used on numerous occasions.

18.Jan.2006 Official US agency paints dire picture of 'out-of-control' Iraq : Account belies picture painted by White House

18.Jan.2006 Baghdad Burning: Iraqi Girl Blog: A Tribute to Iraqi Ingenuity
Veteran reporter says 3,000-4,000 Iraqis killed every month: Between 3,000 and 4,000 Iraqis are killed every month, rendering "ridiculous" US President George W. Bush's estimate of about 30,000 civilian casualties since the start of the war, veteran British journalist Robert Fisk said Wednesday
Colin Powell, talks about Iran, rendition, the decisions that took the US and Britain to war -

Jeremy Paxman, has been speaking to Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell - about Iran, rendition, the decisions that took the US and Britain to war + that notorious presentation to the United Nations on Iraq's weapons programme. It's worth watching.
US Franchised Torture Refuses To Go Away -
By Gajendra Singh 

It is not the divine right of Christian West to subjugate and rule the Middle East, Africa or Asia through the power of its guns.  The Iraqi resistance to U.S.-led occupation from the very beginning has made it clear that the era of colonization is over. Continued
2002 Memo Doubted Uranium Sale Claim - By ERIC LICHTBLAU
A high-level intelligence assessment by the Bush administration concluded in early 2002 that the sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq was "unlikely" because of a host of economic, diplomatic + logistical obstacles, according to a secret memo that was recently declassified by the State Department.

Another Undeclared War?   By Patrick J. Buchanan
Is the United States about to launch a second preemptive war, against a nation that has not attacked us, to deprive it of weapons of mass destruction that it does not have?


Der Polizei ist ein harter Schlag gegen Hersteller der Partydroge Ecstasy gelungen. In Belgien und den Niederlanden legten Beamte nach Medienangaben zwei Produktionsstätten still. Der geschätzte Verkaufswert der dort produzierten Pillen beträgt über 2,5 Milliarden Euro.

Duisburg/Voerendaal - Einem Bericht der "Neue Ruhr/Neue Rhein Zeitung" zufolge wurden mehrere dutzend Personen festgenommen. In den Labors haben die nach Schätzungen der Polizei mehr als 500 Millionen Tabletten produziert. An der Razzia waren neben niederländischen und belgischen Ermittlern auch deutsche Beamte beteiligt.
Die Polizei will an diesem Donnerstag im niederländischen Helmond Einzelheiten zum Schlag gegen die Ecstasy-Produzenten bekannt geben. Die Ermittlungen laufen bereits seit.Sep.2004. Ausgelöst wurden sie durch den Fund eines Lastwagens, der mit Drogenlabor-Abfällen beladenen war.
Die japanische Regierung begründet die Jagd auf die Meeressäuger mit wissenschaftlichem Interesse - auch wenn das Fleisch der Wale anschließend in Restaurants und Feinschmeckerläden landet. Für Forschungszwecke müssen aber nach Ansicht der Umweltschützer keine Wale sterben. "Forschung kann auch an verendeten und an lebendigen Tieren betrieben werden", hieß es.
Finnwale, nach den Blauwalen die größten Tiere der Erde, sind vom Aussterben bedroht. Sie leben normalerweise im Nordatlantik und verirren sich nur äußerst selten in die Ostsee. Nach erster Einschätzung von Greenpeace-Mitarbeitern ist der in Wismar gestrandete Wal verhungert. Auf der Jagd nach Heringen sei er vermutlich in die Ostsee gelangt und habe im relativ flachen Wasser die Orientierung verloren.
Greenpeace' Walentführung: Whale Watching in Berlin

18.Jan.2006 Benelux: Polizei legt Ecstasy-Fabriken lahm

18.Jan.2006 Börsenkrise in Tokio: "Es war eine Wette, die Anleger eingingen"
Ärzteprotest in Berlin: Massentherapie am Tiergarten
Insiderhandel: Daimler-Aufsichtratschef Kopper unter Verdacht

18.Jan.2006 Deutsche Wirtschaft: IWF korrigiert Wachstumsprognose nach oben

18.Jan.2006 Greenpeace-Aktion: Walkadaver liegt vor Japans Botschaft

18.Jan.2006 Pluto-Raumsonde: Start zum zweiten Mal verschoben

18.Jan.2006 Eltern-Erfolg: US-Schule streicht Kreationismus vom Lehrplan
Menschenrechte: Human Rights Watch unterstellt USA bewusste Folterstrategie
Britische Studie: Ärzte leisten Sterbehilfe meist ohne Einwilligung
Statistisches Bundesamt: Flugverkehr nahm 2005 stark zu
Protestaktion: Greenpeace bringt Walkadaver nach Berlin
Guantanamo: Uiguren schalten Supreme Court ein

18.Jan.2006 Kritische Berichte: Chinesische Journalisten zu jahrelangen Haftstrafen verurteilt
CIA-Geheimgefängnisse: Europaparlament setzt Untersuchungsausschuss ein
Pekinger Konferenz: 1,9 Milliarden Dollar sollen Vogelgrippe stoppen
Schlappe für Kommission: EU-Parlament stoppt Hafen-Liberalisierung (
Geheimdienst-Affäre: Fischer rechtfertigt BND-Einsatz
Atomstreit mit Iran: EU will den Sicherheitsrat einschalten

18.Jan.2006 Großbritannien: Polizei verhindert Entführung von Blair-Sohn

18.Jan.2006 Zu kurzer Zug: Wütende Pendler stellen sich auf die Schienen
Milliarden-Übernahme: Google funkt Radiowerbung
Kampf um Nigerias Öl: "Verlasst unser Land oder ihr werdet hier sterben"
Tokio-Effekt und Tech-Schwäche: Dax rutscht nach unten
Abwärtstrend in Frankfurt: Dax rutscht steil nach unten
US-Filmmarkt: Todeskampf der Videotheken
McNamara's approach to fighting Communism, according to a report he authored: "The military tactics are those of the sniper, the ambush + the raid.

The political tactics are terror, extortion, and assassination."

29.Apr.2005 »In Nato -Geheimarmee dienten ehemalige SS-Leute« Schweizer Forscher veröffentlichte Untersuchung über »Stay behind«-Strukturen. Militärpakt in Terror verwickelt.

Ein Gespräch mit Daniele Ganser URL:
29.Apr.2005 NATO-Geheimarmeen gab es seit den 50er Jahren + vermutlich bis 00.000.1990 in ganz Westeuropa.

In Italien hieß diese Truppe Gladio , in der Schweiz P 26, in Norwegen ROC, in Belgien SDRA 8 + in der Türkei Counter-Guerilla.

In Deutschland arbeitete sie unter dem Tarnnamen »Bund Deutscher Jugend – Technischer Dienst« (BDJ-TD).

00.000.1950 -er Jahre schon Anfang der- aufgedeckt wurde Diese deutsche Sektion.

Diese Geheimarmeen waren Teil der sogenannten »Stay behind«-Strukturen, die von geheimen Abteilungen der Nato koordiniert wurden.

Ihre Aufgabe wäre es gewesen, im Spannungsfall hinter den Linien militärisch zu operieren.

29.Apr.2005 F: Würde es Sie wundern, wenn auch im Falle der Attentate vom 11.Sep. 2001 ganz andere Fakten ans Licht kämen?

Ich habe mich seit zehn Jahren im Fachbereich Zeitgeschichte auf das Thema verdeckte Kriegführung spezialisiert, auf Terror, Staatsstreiche, Counter-Insurgency etc.

Mich wundert überhaupt nichts mehr. Die zentrale Frage ist aber, auch bei 9/11 : Was sagen die Quellen?

Es hat sich herausgestellt, daß es an diesem Tag NORAD Manöver der US-Streitkräfte gab.

Es sollte ein Terroranschlag mit Hilfe eines Passagierflugzeuges simuliert werden, Soldaten schlüpften dabei in die Rolle von Terroristen.

11.Sep.2001 Die Luftraumüberwachung NORAD der USA war offenbar überfordert [WORDEN],

so daß sie nicht mehr zwischen einem realen oder einem fiktiven Angriff unterscheiden konnte.

14.Apr.2005 Interview: Peter Wolter junge welt
Critics say Iraq fund was suspiciously tapped before handover : U.S. officials in charge of the Development Fund for Iraq drained all but $900 million from the $20 billion fund by 01.Jun.2001 in what one watchdog group has called an “11th-hour splurge.”

She is said to have provided an alibi for businessman Flavio Carboni - one of four people currently on trial in Rome accused of Calvi's murder.

The two flew to Edinburgh the day after Calvi's death and Carboni was described as "in an agitated state".

Officials in Rome said Morris was being held in connection with perjury and perverting the course of justice in the Calvi case.

Calvi was found hanged under Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982, his pockets stuffed with bricks and bank notes.

He was dubbed "God's banker" because of his ties with the Vatican Bank + at the time of his death was said to be on the run from the Mafia.

Calvi was the director of the Banco Ambrosiano which collapsed with spectacular debts just before he died.

Investigators have long suspected he was killed by the Mafia after a bungled money laundering operation + his body left under the bridge to make it look like suicide.

Morris knew Carboni through the aunt of his mistress who had married her father, William.

Police arrested Morris 18 months ago and she was questioned and released on bail but has now been held again.

Italian prosecutors want to know more from her about an alleged alibi she provided for Carboni.

This article:

Last updated: 16-Jan-06 01:16 GMT Delivery formats for "UK" [more info]
Arrest of British woman linked to the death of 'God's banker'

A BRITISH woman has been arrested in connection with the death of "God's banker" Roberto Calvi.

Odette Morris, 45, was held at her west London home on Friday after a request by Italian police.
18.Jan.2006 The Continuing Mystery of America's 'Lost Colony' 

Roanoke Island is off the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, in North Carolina. In fifteen eighty-seven, more than one hundred people arrived from England to live on the island. Three years later, they were gone. Today we revisit the mystery of whatever happened to America’s "Lost Colony."
18.Jan.2006 Neanderthal man floated into Europe, say Spanish researchers 

Spanish investigators believe they may have found proof that neanderthal man reached Europe from Africa not just via the Middle East but by sailing, swimming or floating across the Strait of Gibraltar.
18.Jan.2006 4,000-year-old 'kitchen' discovered at park 
Workers building a boat ramp at southeastern Indiana's Charlestown State Park have uncovered the apparent remains of a 4,000-year-old "kitchen" ancient American Indians tribes may have used to prepare their winter food supply.
18.Jan.2006 Arrest of British woman linked to the death of 'God's banker' 

A BRITISH woman has been arrested in connection with the death of "God's banker" Roberto Calvi.
18.Jan.2006 Did British Secret Agent Shoot Dead Rasputin? 

Shocking new ballistics evidence reveals that a British secret agent was the deadly assassin who shot dead Russia's 'mad monk' Rasputin 90 years ago, it was claimed today.
A professor has travelled back in time to investigate the 1916 autopsy report, autopsy materials and photographs before finally shedding new light on the mystery death of Russia's famed 'love machine'.

18.Jan.2006 Phone Tax Has Surprising Origin 
We're still paying for the Spanish-American War?
18.Jan.2006 Claws out over claim China discovered America 
The Chinese are said to have discovered gunpowder, paper and the compass, but it may be too early to claim they discovered America.
A map purported to date from 1418 suggesting a Chinese fleet sailed to America decades before Christopher Columbus was displayed in Beijing on Monday, but the piece of yellowing paper is the centre of a storm of criticism over its authenticity.

Yahoo-Quartalszahlen: Aktie bricht nach enttäuschendem Ergebnis ein

18.Jan.2006 IBM-Quartalsergebnis: Großrechner gefragt, Erwartungen übertroffen
Intelligence in the 21st Century -- An essential information ... HTML Al Odah . Habeas challenges to the military detention of captured, foreign nationals at ... Al Odah . Petitioners deny they are enemy aliens or combatants; ...
PRESS RELEASE December 05, 2005 Urgent Alert: Gitmo Hunger ... HTML Kuwaiti detainee Fawzi al- Odah joined the hunger strike on 08.Aug.---- ...consulted doctors, who advised that Fawzi al- Odah was in imminent danger of death ... -

TMC Asser Instituut - Introduction international humanitarian and ...Kuwaiti Fawzi al- Odah , 28, has been imprisoned without charges at ... Attorney Tom Wilner, who represents al- Odah , anticipates a legal and ethical dilemma, ...
Henry Mark Holzer, you are viewing page: henrymarkholzer>Terrorism ...The case is entitled Odah et al. v. United States of America. ... Of Petitioner

18.Jan.2006 The George Washington University Law School - Projects and Cases The other case before the Court was Al Odah v. United States.

In the fall of 2005 Clinic students began to assist attorneys from the law firm of Shearman ...

W&D | Publications | Supreme Court Updates | <i>Rasul v. Bush (03 ...Bush (03-334); Al Odah v. United States (03-343) and Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (02-572). Greetings Court fans! ...
CCR-NY : Rasul v. Bush District Court dismisses Rasul + Al Odah for lack of subject matter ... CCR + Al Odah attorneys file for writ of certiorari before the Supreme Court. ...
18.Jan.2006 Hitlers Helfer (Göring) (Referat oder Hausaufgabe)

00.Mai 1945 schließlich wurde er von der US - Army in Gewahrsam genommen. Eichmann beginnt als Angestellter, der Informationen über Freimaurer sammelt. ...
Vor 90 Jahren wurde die geheime US-Regierung gegründet ... dem Freimaurer -Gedankengut sehr nahe stehenden „Odd-Fellows-Orden“ als ... Präsidenten ist für keinen US -Staatschef erstrebenswert. ...
Chronologie der Loge Die amerikanischen Freimaurer gründeten 1919 einen "Masonic-Club". ... und die zahlreichen Brüder der US - Armee konnten nun die Räume für ihr Sekretariat + ...
18.Jan.2006 - Redaktion: Terrorarchiv Deutschland. Bombenanschlag auf das Europa-Hauptquartier der US - Armee in Heidelberg >>mehr ... Anschlag auf das 5th US Army Corps in Frankfurt >>mehr ... Da diese Definition, die die US - Armee selbst verwendet, also nicht verwendet werden kann, weil dann jeder Krieg Terror wäre, auch wenn dafür andere Namen ...
eTrend: Hintergrundinfos zu den USA The ADL is «…one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the US … ...Namenslisten unter dem Link oben; hinzu kommen jene in der US - Armee : Norman ...
NET NEWS GLOBAL US - Armee tötet im Irak bekannten Religionsgelehrten. Die US - Armee hat im Nordirak nach Angaben der Polizei den bekannten kurdischen Religionsgelehrten ...
Terrorkrieg Sind Sie am Ende auch Freimaurer , Herr Augstein?

Wer hat Hitler aufgerüstet?

Die US Banken! ...

Höchst erfolgreich bedient, denn Moskaus Armee musste sich, ...
22d ... entschiedener Gegner der Nationalsozialisten und Freimaurer , wurde vom ... ihrer Auftritte an der Front 1944 Subversion in der US - Army zu erkunden. ...
Kommentar: Parasiten des Zorns – US -Präsident Bush hat getan, was sich die Terroristen wünschen konnten. ... US - Armee auf Stimmungsmache · US -Offensive in Haditha ...
TimeBomb 2000 - [sex/corrupt] more scumbag pedophiles exposed... the Only major lawsuit for libel and slander arising from This book was my suit against Atlantic Telecast, owner of a television Station in Wilmington, ...;highlight=pedophile+house+saud
TimeBomb 2000 - [sex/corrupt] more scumbag pedophiles exposed... what's that??? vatican having money problems??? I don't think so. ... for libel and slander arising from this book was my suit against Atlantic Telecast, ...
May 2003 News Monitor - Prevent Genocide International Soon after the formalities of the change in president were over , there was yet more fighting. On 5 May, the army launched heavy offensives against the FDD ...
Meta Novus - Blog Headlines and News, the Net Refreshed Xeni on CNN : 2005 s top tech stories, why they matter for 2006 · Eyeing web tracking .. NYC street demonstration against DRM Oct 25/7PM, 14th and B way ...
Press Corner: Free Muslims Coalition The Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism urges all Americans to support the ... Dispute in Islamist Circles over the Legitimacy of Attacking Muslims, ... /
Calibre Macro*World a judge dismisses most Claims in Parmalat's suit against Bank of America – Full story. Major overseas Markets posted mostly lower results on Thursday. ...
Stories published in May 2001 | Former flight attendant files suit against Tigers · Nation & World Briefs ... Lawsuit targets prep school over molestation allegation ... /
AMPP: Enslaving Speech The 9th Circuit is the most reversed court in the nation, according to Fox News. ... VG Wort had filed a suit against Germany's largest PC maker, ... 17.Jan.2006 Fast News for Common Sense People: Links MILWAUKEE - A judge threw out a high school student's lawsuit against mandatory summer homework, ... Feds threatened suit over military ballots [+] ...
17.Jan.2006 11.Sep.2001
911 Bookmarks Volume 06 "'NEVER AGAIN' OVER AGAIN" on Holocaust Remembrance Day .Media Alert 22.Jun.2005 Suit Against Rumsfeld to Be Heard in Federal Court in the..

911 Bookmarks Volume 03 Robert Wexlers lawsuit over touch-screen voting machines (Oh - it's all right to have ... bin Laden · House votes to break up SF based- 9th Circuit court ...
SOCIETY AND POLITICS-making sense from nonsense This is the first of 750 civil law suits against California Roman Catholic ...

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 6-5 that CA prison inmate William
authentico index    FDA Scandals · Federal Reserve Scam · Fraud (Financial) · Fraud (Military) ... REAGAN could have told You that – Everybody from Hollywood knows it. ...

17.Jan.2006 FAILED AND COLLAPSED STATES IN THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM What connects a Hollywood starlet with the attacks of 11.Sep.2001 A continuing cascade of corporate scandals implicating several ...
Noam Chomsky: 'There Is No War On Terror' : The acclaimed critic of U.S. foreign policy analyzes Bush's current political troubles, the war on Iraq + what's really behind the global 'war on terror.'

17.Jan.2006 Pakistan fury as CIA airstrike on village kills 18: Pakistan is preparing to lodge a formal diplomatic protest over the attack, which killed at least 18 people, because it was launched from four pilotless aircraft which intruded 30 miles into Pakistani air space from Afghanistan
No need to panic over Iranian nukes  United Nations sanctions won't work but there's still plenty of time for patient talks.   By Gwynne Dyer
When the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed last Tuesday that Iran had broken the seals on its nuclear research facility at Natanz, many people reacted as if the very next step was the testing of an Iranian nuclear weapon.

17.Jan.2006 More Lies about Iran -By Mike Whitney

17.Jan.2006 The Bush administration does not accept the internationally-recognized treaty rights of Iran because it believes that all law flows from Washington; a fact that is tragically evident in its torturing of prisoners, spying on American citizens + its vast destruction of Iraq. Continued

17.Jan.2006 Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified -By Norman G. Finkelstein
The recent proposal that Norway boycott Israeli goods has provoked passionate debate. In my view, a rational examination of this issue would pose two questions: 1) Do Israeli human rights violations warrant an economic boycott? and 2) Can such a boycott make a meaningful contribution toward ending these violations? I would argue that both these questions should be answered in the affirmative.

17.Jan.2006 Narcissism, the Public + the President -By Stephen Soldz
At an observable level, narcissism involves a self-centeredness that makes one oblivious to the emotional existence of others.

Bolton Threatens U.N. over Israel Bashing: American ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton has sent a sharply worded letter to Secretary-General Kofi Annan, threatening to cut U.S. funding to the U.N. if the world body continues to promote anti-Israel events.

17.Jan.2006 Merkel's 24-Hour Massage of Bush's Psyche : Love of a political nature has definitely broken out between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President George W. Bush. That may explain why, according to this account of the trip from Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Merkel gets away with discussing issues that past German Chancellors wouldn't have dared broach.

17.Jan.2006 A Victim of Pinochet Is Chile's New Leader : President-elect Michelle Bachelet, who was imprisoned and tortured under the right-wing dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, was praised Monday as a symbol of reconciliation who can help Chile come to terms with its traumatic political past

17.Jan.2006 Translator's Conviction Raises Legal Concerns : - For three years federal agents trailed Mohammed Yousry, a chubby 50-year-old translator and U.S. citizen who worked for radical lawyer Lynne Stewart. Prosecutors wiretapped his phone + FBI agents shadowed and interviewed him. They read his books and notepads and every file on his computer.

17.Jan.2006 Give Me Liberty or Let Me Think About It: What the wiretapping debate says about freedom.

17.Jan.2006 Al Gore "Constitution In Grave Danger" : Complete text of Al Gore's speech at Constitution Hall : We have a duty as Americans to defend our citizens' right not only to life but also to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is therefore vital in our current circumstances that immediate steps be taken to safeguard our Constitution against the present danger posed by the intrusive overreaching on the part of the Executive Branch and the President's apparent belief that he need not live under the rule of law.

17.Jan.2006 Charley Reese: A Plus for Charity: Sin is paying off for some American charities as scared politicians in Washington try to dump their Jack Abramoff campaign contributions. Putting daylight between themselves and this first-class crook will not be easy

17.Jan.2006 If You Don't Know K Street, You Don't Know Jack: To understand the culture of corruption that infects Washington, DC, it's important to understand the origins of the K Street Project.

17.Jan.2006 Ohio Republican Tied to Lobbyist to Cede Post : Rep. Bob Ney, an Ohio Republican implicated in a lobbying corruption investigation, said Sunday

he will step aside temporarily as chairman of the House Administration Committee.

17.Jan.2006 Abramoff scandal threatens GOP ascendancy: In Georgia, Ralph Reed's candidacy for lieutenant governor is jeopardized

17.Jan.2006 Pombo Defends Himself Over Reports On FDIC Probe, Abramoff Case: House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo said Monday he and other congressmen weren't attempting to block a federal investigation of a prominent Texas political contributor, but were trying instead to keep a government agency from wrongly seizing the man's property.

17.Jan.2006 Dumping Lieberman: Are Connecticut Democrats ready to replace Sen. Joseph Lieberman in the primary election?

17.Jan.2006 Ga. House OKs New Voter ID Requirements : Under a law passed last year - but blocked from taking effect by a federal judge in October - voters must show photo identification at the polls.

Those who do not have a driver's license can use a state-issued photo ID. But they cost up to $35 + were not made widely available.

17.Jan.2006 IRS collects political links of taxpayers : Michigan is among 20 states where party affiliations had been tracked by government.

17.Jan.2006 Seniors denied Rx drug benefits: Medicare's new prescription-drug program is causing thousands of low-income seniors and disabled Americans to lose their drug benefits, prompting at least 14 states to pay for their prescriptions.

17.Jan.2006 Low-Income Seniors Get Tangled In Medicare Glitch: Programs that provide free or deeply discounted drugs for the elderly and the disabled are being eliminated by a number of pharmaceutical companies as the new Medicare drug benefit takes effect, in a move that could cut off many seniors from their medicine.

17.Jan.2006 Deficit Will Climb in 2006, White House Says : Even though administration officials and lawmakers have known for months that the next year's deficit would be higher, Mr. Bush and Republican leaders in Congress are pushing hard to pass nearly $90 billion in tax cuts for the next five years.

17.Jan.2006 Environment in crisis: 'We are past the point of no return' : The world has already passed the point of no return for climate change + civilisation as we know it is now unlikely to survive, according to James Lovelock, the scientist and green guru who conceived the idea of Gaia - the Earth which keeps itself fit for life.
Guess who's coming to dinner? : It is hard to say how many people would have mourned Ayman al-Zawahiri if he had indeed been killed on Friday by the US missiles that hit a Pashtun area near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan. - At least 17 dead, including women and children, were found in the rubble.

17.Jan.2006 Pakistanis vent fury over US attack: Up to 10,000 people reportedly protested at rallies in the largest city, Karachi. Many chanted: "Death to America!" Demonstrators demanded the resignation of Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf

17.Jan.2006 Russian Expert Says Israel Likely to Bomb Iran in Spring: This move, however, would create serious problems for Israel, Markov said. “This would lead to a significant destabilization of the situation in the Middle East, including a dramatic increase in [terrorist] attacks by Islamists on Israel,” he said.

17.Jan.2006 Israeli Air Force (IAF) trained for Iran attack : IAF pilots have completed their mission training and fighter jets have been prepared for an Israeli attack on Iran, the British Sunday Times reported.

17.Jan.2006  US, EU up pressure for action on Iran: Officials from the United States and European Union are pressing Russia and China to support tough diplomatic steps to curb Iran's nuclear programme at talks in London among UN Security Council powers.

17.Jan.2006 Iran issues stark warning on oil price : Iran stepped up its defiance of international pressure over its nuclear programme yesterday by warning of soaring oil prices if it is subjected to economic sanctions.

17.Jan.2006 Putin urges caution on Iran, holds out hope on enrichment offer: Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Monday against hasty decisions in tackling the dispute over Iran's nuclear program and held out hope on Tehran accepting a Russian offer to enrich uranium for its nuclear power plant.

17.Jan.2006 Iran nuclear bid 'fault of West' : Saudi Arabia has said the West is partly to blame for the current nuclear stand-off with Iran because it allowed Israel to develop nuclear weapons.

17.Jan.2006 Cheney heads for Egypt, Saudi Arabia: On Tuesday, the US vice-president is scheduled to meet Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, officials said on Sunday.

17.Jan.2006 CNN banned from Iran for nuclear translation gaffe : Iran on Monday banned CNN journalists from working there after the broadcaster misquoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying Tehran wanted nuclear weapons.

17.Jan.2006 In case you missed it: Arundhati Roy: “Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy, Buy One Get One Free”: As we lurch from crisis to crisis, beamed directly into our brains by satellite TV, we have to think on our feet. On the move. We enter histories through the rubble of war. Ruined cities, parched fields, shrinking forests + dying rivers are our archives.
Helen Thomas: Dubya makes his war pitch : As opposition to the war grows, Bush seems to be more frantic in flailing against war critics.

17.Jan.2006 Saddam Hussein's $300 Million Australian Slush Fund: Statements today by SeniorCounsel to theCole Commission of Inquiry concerning the state of the Australian Wheat Board's knowledge of kickback arrangements with Saddam Hussein underline the depth of the scandal which Australia now confronts.

17.Jan.2006 Diplomat cleared AWB over phone: ONE of Australia's most experienced diplomats has emerged as a key player in the Iraq wheat sales scandal. But under the terms of the Howard Government's inquiry into corruption in the UN oil-for-food program, he may never be questioned.
Saving the House - By DAVID BROOKS
I don't know what's more pathetic, Jack Abramoff's sleaze or Republican paralysis in the face of it. Abramoff walks out of a D.C. courthouse in his pseudo-Hasidic homburg + all that leading Republicans can do is promise to return his money and remind everyone that some Democrats are involved in the scandal, too. That's a great G.O.P. talking point: some Democrats are so sleazy, they get involved with the likes of us.

War Waged Without Obligation -By Ron Fullwood
What if Bush didn't need to go to Congress to get approval to wage war? What if Bush could wage war from his Oval Office without a massive deployment of troops or weaponry that would need continuous funding from a reluctant Congress? That's the future, and I think Americans may buy it.

Dusting off the Brown-shirts and Jackboots -By Mike Whitney
We’re finally beginning to see the effects of Bush’s profligate spending, “unsustainable” trade deficits + the economic master-plan to reorder American society. And, don’t think that that the poker-faced Sam Alito doesn’t factor heavily in this new paradigm of class-division and elite rule. He’s the last vital part of the neocon strategy for tossing America’s struggling middle class overboard and paddling pell-mell towards the shore of the new world order.

Bush Has Crossed the Rubicon -by Paul Craig Roberts
Dictatorships seldom appear full-fledged but emerge piecemeal. When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with one Roman legion he broke the tradition that protected the civilian government from victorious generals and launched the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Fearing that Caesar would become a king, the Senate assassinated him. From the civil wars that followed, Caesar’s grandnephew, Octavian, emerged as the first Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968
By 1967, King had also become the country's most prominent opponent of the Vietnam War + a staunch critic of overall U.S. foreign policy, which he deemed militaristic. In his "Beyond Vietnam" speech delivered at New York's Riverside Church on April 4, 1967 -- a year to the day before he was murdered -- King called the United States "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today."

California Executes Blind, Deaf Wheelchair-bound Man, 76: California has executed a blind, deaf 76-year-old wheelchair-bound man through lethal injection after the US Supreme Court and the state's governor Arnold Schwarzenegger refused his appeals for clemency in a case that is stoking the capital punishment debate.

17.Jan.2006 Children can’t “opt out” of Pentagon recruitment database : Parents cannot remove their children’s names from a Pentagon database that includes highly personal information used to attract military recruits, the Vermont Guardian has learned.
Chinese Detainees' Lawyers Will Take Case to High Court: Lawyers for a group of Chinese nationals held in the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, with no hope of release are taking the rare step of asking the Supreme Court to intervene immediately, saying only the high court can resolve the constitutional crisis their case presents.

17.Jan.2006 ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program : Civil liberties groups filed lawsuits in two cities Tuesday seeking to block President Bush's domestic eavesdropping program, arguing the electronic surveillance of American citizens was unconstitutional.

17.Jan.2006 Gore: Bush 'Repeatedly and Persistently' Broke the Law : Former Vice President Al Gore called Monday for an independent investigation of President Bush's domestic spying program, contending the president "repeatedly and persistently" broke the law by eavesdropping on Americans without court approval.

17.Jan.2006 White House Accuses Gore of Hypocrisy : McClellan said the Clinton-Gore administration had engaged in warrantless physical searches + he cited an FBI search of the home of CIA turncoat Aldrich Ames without permission from a judge

17.Jan.2006 Why Doesn’t Presidential Dismantling of the Constitution Warrant the Same Intense Scrutiny as Presidential Adultery?

17.Jan.2006 Alito Hearings: The Democrats' Katrina: For a constitutional confrontation at least five years in the making, the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee looked as prepared to confront Samuel Alito as FEMA chief Michael Brown did in responding to Hurricane Katrina.

17.Jan.2006 Enabling Danger: The press has recently been reporting on the issue of surveillance pertaining to four "key" 9/11 hijackers. Specifically, Congressman Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) has gone public with accusations that the Pentagon had four of the 9/11 hijackers under its surveillance in December of 2000.

17.Jan.2006 Charles Sullivan : In Defense of Progressive Values : In reality America no longer has two major political parties—the Democrats and the Republicans. Sometime ago these two parties merged into a single party that only represents the interests of wealth and power.

17.Jan.2006 Spy Agency Data After Sept. 11 Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends : As the bureau was running down those leads, its director, Robert S. Mueller III, raised concerns about the legal rationale for a program of eavesdropping without warrants, one government official said. Mr. Mueller asked senior administration officials about "whether the program had a proper legal foundation," but deferred to Justice Department legal opinions, the official said.

17.Jan.2006 Shell may pull out of Niger Delta after 17 die in boat raid : The oil giant Royal Dutch Shell was considering pulling out of the volatile Niger Delta region yesterday after heavily armed militants stormed one of its facilities and killed at least 17 people.

17.Jan.2006 Dr. Michelle Bachelet Victor In Chilean Election : Bachelet's 53.5 percent to Pinera's 46.5 percent marked a trend throughout Latin America of leftist electoral victories. Leftists now run Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay + Venezuela, with the inclusion of Chile, the political sentiment of the region is unmistakable.

17.Jan.2006 Global warming: Is it too late to save our planet?: GLOBAL warming is irreversible and billions of people will die over the next century, one of the world's leading climate change scientists claimed yesterday.
Cheney and Netanyahu Pushing For War Against Syria: An ever-more-desperate Dick Cheney is pulling out all the stops to install "Clean Break" hawk Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu as the next Israeli Prime Minister, to push for an immediate confrontation between Israel and Syria.

17.Jan.2006 Report: Germany provided passports to Mossad agents : A spokesman for the BND confirmed that his organization is cooperating with the Mossad, but refused to respond to the reported information that the organization supplied the Mossad with passports.
Putin: Iran Hasn't Ruled Out Uranium Enrichment In Russia : --Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Iran hasn't excluded the possibility of conducting its uranium enrichment in Russia - a proposal that could be a way out of escalating tensions over Iran's nuclear program.

17.Jan.2006 Russian FM against Iranian sanctions : "Sanctions are in no way the best, or the only way to solve the problem (with Iran). We remember the history of the sanctions regime against Iraq + we know how it ended.

17.Jan.2006 Iran crisis talks expose west's split with China : The London meeting between senior officials from the US, Britain, France, China and Russia - the five permanent members of the UN security council - plus Germany, was held to try to avoid a repetition of the security council divisions that marked the run-up to the war in Iraq. The west's fear is that China could exercise its veto on Iran's behalf.

17.Jan.2006 Israel Sends Diplomatic Team to Persuade Moscow to Give Up Iran: Israel dispatched a diplomatic team to Russia on Tuesday in an effort to persuade Moscow that Iran should be referred to the United Nations Security Council, reports quoted by CNSNews website said.

17.Jan.2006 US senators say military strike on Iran must be option: Republican and Democratic senators said on Sunday the United States may ultimately have to undertake a military strike to deter Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, but that should be the last resort.

17.Jan.2006 Gordon Prather: What noncompliance?

17.Jan.2006 Iran's President lets CNN back in after apology: Tehran: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has allowed CNN to resume operating in the country after the American cable news network apologised for mistakenly quoting him saying Tehran was seeking nuclear weapons, State radio reported on Tuesday

17.Jan.2006 Iran Has an 'Inalienable Right' to Nuclear Energy: Iran has an "inalienable right" to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes such as the production of electric energy + the enrichment of uranium for its nuclear reactors. Could it be that Iran's plan for an oil exchange trading in Euros is the real issue? Or is it Israel?
U.S. Military Called On to Compensate Iraqi Civilians: U.S.-based humanitarian groups are urging the administration of President George W. Bush to compensate the families of innocent Iraqi citizens killed as a result of aerial bombings by the U.S. military.

17.Jan.2006 Juan Cole: Cheney will Ask Mubarak for Egyptian Troops for Iraq: Will Cairo counter Tehran?
American who advised Pentagon says he wrote for magazine that found forged Niger documents: A controversial neoconservative who occasionally consulted for the Bush Defense Department has confirmed that he was a contributor to the Italian magazine Panorama, whose reporter first came across forged documents which purported that Iraq was seeking to obtain uranium from Niger.
Islamists gain ground from American push for Mideast democracy: President Bush's efforts to spread democracy to the Middle East have strengthened Islamists across the region, posing fresh challenges for the United States, according to U.S. officials, foreign diplomats and democracy experts.

17.Jan.2006 War's Stunning Price Tag : Why were the costs so vastly underestimated? Elsewhere in the government, it is standard practice to engage in an elaborate cost-benefit analysis for major projects. The war in Iraq was a war of choice, an immense "project," and yet it now appears that there was virtually no analysis of the likely costs of a prolonged occupation.

17.Jan.2006 Shocking War Admission From Colin Powell: In a candid interview just hours ago, former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell talks about mistakes made in the decision to go to war with Iraq.

"We were wrong," Powell says.

17.Jan.2006 Iraq Interior Minister Okayed Torture: Ex-General: Iraq's Interior Minister Bayan Jabr Solagh + senior officials at his ministry have condoned torture and abuses of detainees, a ministry's whistle-blower who was in charge of the special forces unit said in new statements.
USAID Paper Details Security Crisis in Iraq : The U.S. Agency for International Development paints a dire and detailed picture of the Iraq security situation in its request for contractors to bid on its $1.32 billion, 28-month project to help stabilize 10 major Iraqi cities.
Imperial Mongering from Gladstone to ‘King George’ -By Pierre Tristam
Until the latter days of 2001 President Bush’s skeletal talents for peacetime democracy were creaking out of the closet and down the ravine of opinion polls.

He was a Hoover in the making (the president or the vacuum, your pick). Osama bin Laden to the rescue. His one-hit wonder on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon did wonders for a presidency looking for salvation.

And the most imperial presidency in the nation’s history was off on its wolves’ hunt, with democracy for a battle flag. Continued
“War on Terror” Continues to Create Terrorists -By Ivan Eland
The CIA’s recent botched attempt to kill al Qaeda’s number two man, Ayman Zawahiri, in Pakistan illustrates why the Bush administration’s overly aggressive “war on terror” actually motivates terrorists to attack the USA.

More: But it is not so easy to distinguish between cynicism and sincerity within the minds of many leading propagandists. Certainly Karl Rove is cynical + so is Tom DeLay. They're the types who say or do whatever they believe it takes to do the party's business. On the other hand, there is a genuine vindictive zeal with which the likes of Rove, DeLay and other poison-spewers hold forth. They are not clinically detached. In other words, the boundary line between cynicism and conviction is unclear even to them.
And as it is within such characters, so is it in the movement overall. For every William Kristol - who seems to be a largely sane and savvy far-right operator - there are many true believers, who are effective rabble-rousers, not despite their vehemence, but because of it. With, say, the Limbaugh brothers, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Ann Coulter, the zeal is not completely phony. David Limbaugh evidently does believe that there's a giant secular conspiracy against Christianity. O'Reilly evidently does believe that there's a plot to ruin Christmas. And, in my view (a lot of people disagree with this), Dick Cheney really does believe that there are, or were, "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, just as Bush really believes that he's on God's side, fighting "evil-doers" who otherwise would kill all Christians.
It's ultimately all about projection. All the malevolence that they decry, all the conspiratorial intent that they deplore, comes only and directly from within themselves. Every reader must come to his or her own conclusions regarding the sincerity of these various propaganda bombardments. Personally, I think O'Reilly's "plot against Christmas" hogwash was utterly disingenuous. One could almost smell the big, fat ciger he lit up after every broadcast while muttering " Suckers !" That said, one should not underestimate the fanaticism factor at work in these psyches...
When it comes to the Enemy, the Other, we can draw whatever war-like inferences we like, make whatever dark associations we might feel like making, speculate as grimly as we may, without any need for evidence or historical background or even logic. So, for example, the fact that Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party and al-Qaeda are both Arab movements + both Islamic (although only nominally so in the Iraqi case), means that we may freely argue that they partnered up against us on 9/11. Never mind that those movements were in fact at violent odds, and even though there wasn't a scintilla of real evidence that they were in cahoots, the theory is not just permissible but "evidence" of one's "realism." It's like the old theory that the Soviets were in collusion with Red China, or the view that Vietnam was China's cat's-paw, or, to bring the fiction home, that the anti-war movement in the Sixties was a Soviet operation. The enemy is seen not as a mere human entity, subject to accident and chance and human nature, just like us, but as a ubiquitous demonic force with special powers.
Finally :
Mark Crispin Miller's Buzzflash interview is just about the finest thing you can find on the internet right now. The subject is vote fraud, but the conversation covers much wider territory.
John Dean, certainly a friend to this blog, has
another segment of his ongoing series on the conspiracy to malign Bev Harris. As you know, my own feelings toward her have been conflicted. But I respect Dean and urge you to give his research a fair and thorough hearing. He makes three points I cannot deny...
1. It was Bev Harris who discovered that "Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., had an ownership share in Election Systems & Software (ES&S)" and "ES&S voting machines count all the votes in Hagel's home state of Nebraska, except in those counties that tally ballots by hand...When she posted the information about the situation on her (previous) Web site, she promptly received a cease-and-desist order from ES&S lawyers. She e-mailed the cease-and-desist order to 3,000 of her media contacts."
2. It was Bev Harris who found the Diebold source code on the internets + took the appropriate steps to get it in the hands of people to examine and determine its flaws.
3. It was Bev Harris who first posted internal Diebold/Global Election Systems emails online + took the appropriate steps to spread them far and wide. Diebold shut down her site for 30 days as a result, during which time she did not have access to her files, the emails, the source code, or membership lists. But David Allen did. Meanwhile, In Ohio: A couple of evangelical churches may have given
illegal partisan aid to Kenny the Kapo, who is running for governor:
In a rare and potentially explosive action, the moderate ministers signed a complaint asking the Internal Revenue Service to investigate World Harvest Church of Columbus and Fairfield Christian Church of Lancaster and determine if their tax-exempt status should be revoked.
While I can't claim a Wilkes/Diebold connection, I'd like to draw your attention to a little-known story in which our unfavorite voting machine company showed a decidedly Wilkesian attitude toward running a business. According to the wonderful Kathy Dopp,
things weren't what they seemed in Utah... Diebold sold its voting equipment in Utah in part by convincing Utah decision-makers that it had "about 20 offices in Utah" and so was a big company with substantial presence.
However, a local volunteer noticed that only one of Diebold's Utah office (in Evergreen Business park) answered its phones and that all the others listed in the white pages never answered its phones.
See White Pages (type in Diebold as the business and select Utah)
A few days ago this volunteer drove around to all Diebold's locations in 3 counties and discovered that of the 18 Utah offices listed in White Pages - 16 of the listed Diebold locations were phoney and the addresses belonged to either a Walmart or a Sam's Club or no building at all.
Fake Diebold offices! And other vote fraud news... Here are a few scattered reports concerning the ongoing battle against corrupt elections...
I say thee Ney : Bob Ney, whose ties to vote fraud were discussed earlier, is stepping down from his Chairmanship position. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy -- after all, Ney had a huge claw in the drafting of HAVA, which we may now dub "the Diebold Act." To help grease the way for passage of that disastrous legislation, Diebold paid a ton of money to Ney's Chief of Staff David DiStefano...
Abramoff : Just how much of the Abramoff scandal is really about funneling money to the string-pullers and pocket-stuffers and programmers and "computer repairmen" who rig elections? Note that Tom Feeney was thisclose to Abramoff, and that eyewitness testimony connects Feeney to an attempt to write vote-rigging software.
I'm sure it was just coicidence that Abramoff had one of his Indian tribes give some dough to the New Hampshire Republican Party just before operatives of that party did their illegal best to ruin Democratic "get out the vote" efforts. And I'm sure it is just coincidence that Diebold's troubles began not long after Abramoff's operation was shut down.
For more on this topic, check out this
Democratic Underground thread. 17.Jan.2006
As Buell notes, the most important of the Human Events pieces on Cuban matters was written by one John Martino, whose bio can be found
here. Even some people who know the case well don't know about Martino, who once made a startling confession: 17.Jan.2006
A good site dealing with this controversy + with many related matters, is
Covert History. Stupidly, I had not visited that site for some time and thus missed lots of juicy observations, such as this one:
Castro's intelligence service was and is highly rated and the notion that they could not have found anyone else is preposterous. Moreover, the idea that they would use someone who could be traced back to them, a man who had met with officials at both the Soviet and Cuban embassies, is absurd. The Cubans were well-aware that both embassies were closely monitored by the CIA.
Of course, many an election has attracted "fringe" candidates -- we had a boatload of 'em during the California recall -- but the Impaler has a genuinely interesting history as a Republican activist.

According to his official site...
From 1988 to 1991, I was heavily active in the Union County Republican Party + was elected a District Chairman.
From July 1992 until April 1996, I was very active in Hillsborough County (FL) Republican Party. I was elected as City Chairman for Temple Terrace in November 1992. In 1994, I was blessed to work on Jeb Bush's first campaign for Governor. Though Jeb did not win, he showed me the true meaning of a man of character. Jeb Bush. Man of Character. Boy, those Satanists really do love to talk backwards.
Jeb Bush and the Satanic vampire A self-proclaimed "Satanic Dark Priest" named
Jonathan "the Impaler" Sharkey is an official candidate for governor of Minnesota. He's running on an anti-crime platform:
Sharkey also pledged to execute convicted murders and child molesters personally by impaling them on a wooden pole outside the state capitol.
Sharkey told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that he's a vampire "just like you see in the movies and TV."
"I sink my fangs into the neck of my donor...and drink their blood," he said, adding that his donor is his wife, Julie.

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft erhält jährlich Steuergelder in Milliardenhöhe, um Spitzenforschung zu fördern. Die Vergabe basiert auf streng geheimen Gutachten. Doch an den Hochschulen regt sich Widerstand gegen das undurchsichtige Verfahren.

"Ich bin kein Rechthaber, sondern möchte aus den negativen Gutachten nur fürs nächste Mal lernen", sagt der Siegener Chemieprofessor Harro Lentz. Seine Förderanträge bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), einem privaten Verein der staatlichen Hochschulen, wurden regelmäßig abgelehnt - auf Basis von Gutachten anderer Experten.
Doch Lentz bekommt diese Gutachten nicht zu sehen, auch nicht unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Verfasser ungenannt bleiben. Denn bei der DFG gilt das Gesetz des Schweigens. Alle Versuche, die Forschungsgemeinschaft dazu zu zwingen, ihre Gutachten offen zu legen, sind bisher gescheitert.

21.Dez,2005 entschied das Amtsgerichts Bonn, dass die DFG die Gutachten auch weiterhin unter Verschluss halten darf (Aktenzeichen 9 C 390/05).
Tote sollen funken ...findet Gary Hargrove, Leichenbeschauer im Harrison County, Mississippi. Die so umstrittenen RFID-Chips, die sich auch unter die Haut injezieren lassen, böten gerade im Katrastrophenfall unwiderlegbare Vorteile. Im Chaos, das der Hurrikan "Katrina" vor Monaten an Amerikas Golfküste verursacht hatte, erwiesen sich die Chips als nützlicheHelfer. "Über 300" der Opfer hat Hargrove mit RFID-Chips injeziert und den Körpern selbst so Informationen zu ihrer Identifikation mitgegeben, die nicht verloren gehen konnten.

Sowohl für die Leichenbeschauer und Hilfskräfte als auch für die Angehörigen habe das so einiges erleichtert, erzählt er im Interview mit Cnet.
"New Horizons" hat deutlich weniger von dem radioaktiven Stoff dabei, aber immer noch genug, um der Nasa Sorgen zu machen. Sollte es einen ernsthaften Unfall beim Start geben, würden die anschließenden Aufräumarbeiten zwischen 241 Millionen und 1,3 Milliarden US-Dollar kosten, schätzte die Weltraumbehörde im vergangenen Jahr. Die mittlere durchschnittliche Strahlendosis, die Menschen innerhalb eines Radius von etwa 100 Kilometern um die Startrampe herum abbekämen, betrüge etwa 80 Prozent dessen, was US-Amerikaner im Jahr ohnehin durch Hintergrundstrahlung verkraften müssen, so die Nasa.
Für die Mission hat die Nasa sicherheitshalber zwei radiologische Kontrollzentren eingerichtet. 16 mobile Teams stehen zusätzlich bereit, die Radioaktivität im Bereich um den Startort herum zu messen. Medizinisches Personal in örtlichen Kliniken ist auf den nuklearen Ernstfall vorbereitet worden.
Ein Nasa-Sprecher sagte, die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen seien wie "Rettungswagen bei Footballspielen - man erwartet nicht, dass man sie braucht, aber sie sind da, falls man sie braucht." Die Nasa schätzt das Risiko, dass mit dem Plutonium etwas schief geht, auf 1 zu 350.
Früher war die Raumfahrtbehörde übrigens weniger zimperlich im Umgang mit Radioaktivität. Als beispielsweise die "Apollo 13"-Mission 1970 in einer Notaktion zur Erde zurückgeholt wurde, entledigte sich die Besatzung unter anderem der sogenannten "Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package". Deren Kraftquelle enthielt 3,8 Kilogramm Plutonium - die seitdem auf dem Grund des Pazifik ruhen.

Protest: EU-Parlament will Hafenrichtlinie kippen
Chemieunfall: Blausäure tötet in der Elbe tausende Fische

17.Jan.2006 BND-Affäre: Fischer wehrte sich erfolglos gegen Untersuchungsausschuss

17.Jan.2006 BND-Debatte: Steinmeier muss Israel-Besuch absagen
Französische Pop-Provokation: Chirac, ab in den Knast!

17.Jan.2006 Papst-Attentäter: Türkische Regierung widerspricht Freilassung von Agca
"New Horizons": Pluto-Sonde mit Plutonium an Bord
Bundestag: Grüne, FDP und Linkspartei beschließen Untersuchungsausschuss zur BND-Affäre

17.Jan.2006 Atomstreit mit Iran: Europäer zögern mit Einschaltung des Weltsicherheitsrates
Erdgas: Kartellamt leitet Maßnahmen zur Preissenkung ein

17.Jan.2006 Pflichtuntersuchungen: Hamburg startet Bundesratsinitiative
Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetz: Netzagentur drängt Telekom zu Gesprächen

17.Jan.2006 Hafenrichtlinie: EU-Parlamentarier signalisieren Ablehnung
Herzlich Lachen: Humor lässt Blut fließen
Gaslieferant Russland: Glos fordert Belege für Zuverlässigkeit

17.Jan.2006 Vogelgrippe: Die Insel der Viren

17.Jan.2006 Iran und Atom: Washington verliert die Geduld
Glos gegen Gabriel: Machtkampf um Energiepolitik
Internationale Presse: "Merkel hat die Kameradschaft beerdigt"

17.Jan.2006 Vogelgrippe: Urlaubsbuchungen in der Türkei brechen ein
Konferenz in Peking: Vogelgrippe-Länder hoffen auf Hilfe in Milliardenhöhe
US-Justiz: 76-Jähriger in Kalifornien hingerichtet
17.Jan.2006 Frankfurter Rundschau, Tom Mustroph
trägt einige Beobachtungen zur "schleichenden Akzeptanz" der Überwachungskameras in Gesellschaft und Kunst zusammen. Das war nicht immer so. "Gruppen wie die Surveillance Camera Players legten Karten mit Kamerastandorten an und entwickelten ein Arsenal an Guerilla-Strategien. Kameraaugen wurden mit Laserpointern 'blind' geschossen, Kameramasten zu Maibäumen erklärt, Stadtrundfahrten durch besonders Kamera-verseuchte Viertel angeboten und die anonymen Überwacher durch Performances herausgefordert. Doch verebbten diese Aktivitäten wieder. Nur aus Spaß, nicht aus wirklicher Angst lässt man sich heute von der webbasierten Software Isee den am wenigsten überwachten Weg durch Manhattan zeigen. 'Big Brother' hat seinen Schrecken verloren und ist zum wohl gelittenen Nachbarn geworden."
plädiert in seinen juristischen Betrachtungen für eine Zerschlagung der EU , dieses "Einfallstor der Multis und ihrer Lobbyisten". Anlass ist die Niederlage oberösterreichischer Bauern, die sich vor dem "demokratisch nicht legitimierten" Europäischen Gerichtshof vergeblich gegen die Zulassung genmanipulierter Pflanzen in Oberösterreich gewehrt haben.
Dass man die Freiheit hat zu sagen, was man denkt, besagt nicht viel, wenn man nicht denkt, was man nicht sagen darf. Einigkeit und Gewissheit sind Symptome für Gehirnwäsche .

17.Jan.2006 Die Welt, Im Forum blickt der britische Historiker Niall Ferguson aus dem Jahr 2011 zurück auf die Ursachen, die 2007 den Großen Golfkrieg zwischen Iran und Israel auslösten: "Wie in den Dreißigern verfiel der Westen in Wunschdenken. Man glaubte, Ahmadi-Nedschad würde sich nur im Säbelrasseln üben, weil er innenpolitisch schwach war. Vielleicht wollten seine politischen Rivalen im Klerus ihn loswerden. Das letzte, was der Westen in dieser Situation zeigen durfte, dachte man, war Härte, denn das würde nur Ahmadi-Nedschad stärken und den Volkszorn schüren. Also kreuzte man in Washington und London die Finger und hoffte auf einen deus ex machina , so etwas wie einen hausgemachten Regimewechsel."
In der "Welt" schreibt Niall Ferguson über den kommenden Krieg zwischen Israel und dem Iran. In der "SZ" erzählt die Schauspielerin Zhang Ziyi, wie sie alle zum Heulen brachte ohne zu weinen. In der "taz" erklärt Norbert Bolz, wie man zugleich links sein und sich mit Relativismus abfinden kann.
Teuerungsrate 2005: Der kleine Zombie Inflation
Nach Entschuldigung: Iran hebt Arbeitsverbot für CNN auf
US-Supreme Court: Demokraten blockieren Abstimmung über Richter Alito
Neuer Telearbeit-Trend: Die Zukunftsvision vom FreE-Worker

17.Jan.2006  Hollywood: Schwule Cowboys gewinnen vier Golden Globes

17.Jan.2006 Todesstrafe: Keine Gnade für herzkranken 76-Jährigen in Kalifornien
17.Jan.2006 Beyond the Backword - 11/02 ...publisher.[33] Kangas' quote from former CIA Director William Colby says it all: "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." | 17.Jan.2006,1518,druck-395558,00.html
Das Port Package II soll den Markt liberalisieren und für mehr Wettbewerb öffnen. So sollen Schiffsbesatzungen künftig selbst die Ladung löschen können. Außerdem soll es Reedern ermöglicht werden, eigene Abfertigungsanlagen zu betreiben. Bereits vergangene Woche hatten Tausende Hafenarbeiter auch in Hamburg gegen die Pläne protestiert.
Der Ausgang der Abstimmung im EU-Parlament am Mittwoch gilt allerdings als ungewiss. Der deutsche CDU-Abgeordnete Georg Jarzembowski, der als Berichterstatter für das Gesetz zuständig ist, erwartet, dass die Richtlinie in ihrer jetzigen Form keine ausreichende Zustimmung finden wird. Seinen Angaben zufolge liegen 149 Änderungsanträge vor. Der Europaabgeordnete Michael Cramer (Grüne) sprach von einer großen schwarz-rot-grünen Koalition gegen den Gesetzesvorschlag. Auch die Liberalen behalten sich vor, das Hafenpaket komplett abzulehnen.
Auch Bundesverkehrsminister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) sprach sich im Deutschlandradio Kultur dafür aus, die Vorlage zu überarbeiten. Die EU-Kommission, die die Hafenrichtlinie erarbeitet hat, berücksichtige nicht den gnadenlosen Wettbewerb, den es bereits unter den Häfen gebe. "Hier ein weiteres Dumping von Preisen in Gang zu setzen oder sogar Arbeitsplätze und das, was an Investitionen an europäischen Häfen vorgenommen werden muss, zu gefährden, das wäre absolut kontraproduktiv", erklärte Tiefensee.
Schreckensszenarien: Altersarmut und zu wenig Geburten
Strahlenschutzamt: Präsident König warnt vor Risiken älterer Atomkraftwerke

16.Jan.2006  Liberia: Erste Staatspräsidentin Afrikas vereidigt
Gutes Webdesign: Eine Zwanzigstelsekunde entscheidet
Europäische Juden: Vier Urmütter haben 3,5 Millionen Nachkommen
Reklame-Boom: Online-Werbung bricht alle Rekorde
Antrittsbesuch im Kreml: Merkel will Beziehung zu Russland intensivieren

16.Jan.2006 Produktivitätsschub: Industrie schafft mehr Umsatz mit weniger Beschäftigten

16.Jan.2006  Medizin: Geheim-Datenbank verrät Qualität von Kliniken
? Portal:Biografien - Infos und Erklärungen auf Biografie ...... bin Chalifa Al Thani Kategorien : Personen nach Nationalität | Katar... al - chalifa , Nachfolger) ist nach dem islamischen Glauben der ... :Biografien

20030501-20030601-datesbase.html ...Scheich Hamad Bin Chalifa al - Thani, zusammen, dem er für langjährige... Mai 2003

Ein kurzer politischer Lebenslauf von Henry Kissinger + die ...
Um testemunho de Bagdade ... a mando dos interesses de empresas dos EUA, o National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) eo International Republican Institute (IRI).

Universidade Católica Portuguesa ... Regis University, the Acton Institute, the American Council on Germany, the International Republican Institute and the Council for National Policy. ...
Bem-Vindo à NetMadeira the International Republican Institute : Welcome - non-partisan Washington, DC-based group which conducts programs outside the ...

TSF Online ... DO « International Republican Institute », da «Asia Foundation», Carter Center E da Fundação INTERNACIONAL para os Sistemas Eleitorais (IFES).

Scott Hamilton Evans :: Archive(2005/4) The us Government-funded international Republican Institute provided funds for opposition parties;

+ Its Venezuelan office praised The attempted take-over ... /
#Comunismo :: Verificar tópico - Cuba ... com ou sem apoio! groups like the International Republican Institute have funneled large amounts of money to the counter-revolutionaries

As "awards." ...
Vorwurf: Microsoft setzte Hintertür
In einem Podcast
beschuldigt Steve Gibson von Shields Up den Softwarehersteller Microsoft, absichtlich eine Hintertür in Windows eingebaut zu haben. Die erst kürzlich geschlossene Lücke im WMF-Codec habe Microsoft einen heimlichen Zugang zu heimischen Rechnern eröffnet - und sei kein Programmierfehler, sondern Absicht. Stephen Toulouse, Security Program Manager bei Microsoft, gibt Gibson zumindest teilweise recht: die Hintertür war Absicht - aber ist nur ein Überbleibsel aus vergangen Zeiten, wo sie sehr harmlosen Zwecken diente, zum Beispiel dem Abbruch von Druckaufträgen. Trotzdem seltsam: Wenn Microsoft so lange vom Problem wusste, warum wurde es dann nicht längst behoben?
Zugleich stellte der republikanische Senator klar, dass er nur theoretische Szenarien erörtere. Er unterstelle nicht, dass es zu diesem Zeitpunkt "nur im Entferntesten eine Basis" für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gebe.
Bush hatte Mitte Dezember 2005 zugegeben, nach den Anschlägen vom 11..Sep.zahlreiche Lauschangriffe durch die National Security Agency (NSA) genehmigt zu haben. So wurden Telefongespräche abgehört und E-Mails angezapft. Bush betonte, die Aktionen hätten sich auf Verdächtige mit Verbindungen zu al-Qaida beschränkt, eine richterliche Genehmigung der Lauschangriffe sei nach der Verabschiedung des Patriot Act überflüssig gewesen. Mit dem Gesetzespaket war der Anti-Terror-Kampf unter dem Eindruck der Anschläge neu geregelt worden. In den USA hat das Bekanntwerden des Lauschangriffs Empörung ausgelöst.
"Es ist erstaunlich, dass 'Stardust' losgeflogen ist, ohne dass irgendjemand wusste, wie man die Partikel nach der Rückkehr wieder aus dem Aerogel herausbekommt", sagte Andrew Westphal, stellvertretender Direktor des Raumfahrt-Laboratoriums an der University of California in Berkeley. "Man muss es der Nasa hoch anrechnen, dass sie dieses Risiko eingegangen ist."
Westphals Team hat in den sieben Jahren seit dem Start Werkzeuge und Techniken entwickelt, um die Staubteilchen aus der Aerogel-Scheibe herauszulösen.

Ein Heer von Freiwilligen soll dabei helfen, mit einem virtuellen Mikroskop im Internet die winzigen Partikel aufzuspüren. Rund 30.000 Arbeitsstunden veranschlagt Westphal für die Freiwilligen, die speziell getestet + geschult werden. Der Lohn: Wer ein Korn entdeckt, darf dessen Namen aussuchen.
Der fünf mal zehn Kilometer große Schweifstern sei wie eine kosmische Bibliothek, in der die Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems aufgezeichnet wurde, sagte Nasa-Forschungsleiter Don Brownlee.

Die aus Eis und Gestein geformten Kometen seien so faszinierend, weil sie am äußersten Rand unseres Sonnensystems entstanden seien und "am besten das Ursprungsmaterial bewahrt haben, aus dem die Sonne, die Erde, die Planeten und wir selbst bestehen". Die wichtigste Frage sei deshalb: "Was ist das für ein Material?"
Grund zur Freude hatte die Nasa nur selten in den vergangenen Monaten. Geradezu überschwänglich reagierte die US-Raumfahrtbehörde nun auf den glänzenden Abschluss der "Stardust"-Mission. "Das ist einer jener Momente im Leben, die so fantastisch sind, dass man es gar nicht glauben kann", sagte Ken Atkins, einer der Projektmanager.

Charles Elachi, Direktor der Nasa-Zentrale in Pasadena, sprach gar von einem "zweiten goldenen Zeitalter in der Planetenforschung".
Die "Stardust"-Landekapsel trat am Sonntagvormittag mit einem langen Feuerschweif in die Erdatmosphäre ein - und stellte dabei gleich einen Weltrekord auf.

Noch nie ist ein künstliches Objekt schneller in die Atmosphäre gestürzt als "Stardust" mit 46.444 Kilometern pro Stunde. Hitzeschilde schützten die Kapsel vor Temperaturen von bis zu 2700 Grad Celsius.
16.Jan.2006 Lizenz zum Töten - Der Bundestag verabschiedet ein Luftsicherheitsgesetz Der Bundestag hat ein Luftsicherheitsgesetz verabschiedet, dass es der Bundeswehr erlaubt, entführte und als...
Musharrafs Unterstützung für den Kampf der USA gegen den Terrorismus trifft auf viel Widerstand in dem islamischen Land.

Der Zwischenfall vom Freitag war bereits der dritte mysteriöse Luftangriff auf ein pakistanisches Grenzdorf seit Anfang Dezember.
Ein ranghoher Mitarbeiter des pakistanischen Geheimdienstes sagte, der US-Geheimdienst CIA habe auf der Grundlage falscher Informationen gehandelt.

Dies habe eine pakistanische Untersuchung ergeben.

Der US-Sender ABC hatte zuvor unter Berufung auf Militärkreise in Islamabad berichtet, dass bei dem Angriff fünf ranghohe Qaida-Mitglieder getötet worden sein könnten, darunter Sawahiri.
Das Außenministerium richtete eine formelle Protestnote an die US-Botschaft.

Informationsminister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed erklärte, die Regierung wolle "dem pakistanischen Volk versichern, dass wir es nicht erlauben, dass sich solche Vorfälle wiederholen".
Sie sprachen sogar von mehr als 30 Toten als Folge des Luftangriffs. Ein Abgeordneter der Islamistischen Partei, Sahibzada Haroon ur Rashid, sagte, bei den Opfern handele es sich ausschließlich um Zivilpersonen.

Der US-Luftangriff sei Terrorismus.
Irans Nuklearprogramm: Saudi-Arabien gibt Westen Mitschuld am Atomstreit vor
Kometenstaub: Nasa jubelt über "Stardust"-Erfolg
Dresdner Bank: "Nacktes Chaos"
Bushs Lauschangriff: Republikanischer Senator spricht von Amtsenthebung
Krankenkassenbeiträge: Rürup fordert Ende der kostenlosen Mitversicherung
Kinderbetreuung: Länder warnen vor finanzieller Last durch Kita-Beitragsfreiheit
Atomstreit: Baradei schließt Gewalt gegen Iran nicht aus

16.Jan.2006 Stichwahl: Sozialistin Bachelet wird erste Präsidentin Chiles

15.Jan.2006 Atomstreit mit Iran: US-Senatoren fordern Militärschlag als Option
15.Jan.2006 Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11 
Feel free?
Niederlage für Bush im Senat Die Kammer verabschiedete am Mittwoch endgültig ein von Bush monatelang bekämpftes Verbot grausamer Verhörmethoden im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus. ...
2004061924_Report 00.Apr.2003 stimmte der Pentagon-Chef dann 24 Verhörmethoden zu, die der Erfüllung der Genfer Konventionen dienen sollten. ...
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung CIA-Direktor Porter Goss hat die Verhörmethoden seines Geheimdienstes einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge als "einzigartige, innovative Methoden" bezeichnet. ...,0,0,10_Nachrichtendienste.html
Das Parlament, Nr. 25-26 2005, 20.06.2005 - Der Fall Donald Rumsfeld Memoranden belegten, dass die Verschärfung der Verhörmethoden nicht auf Wunsch der Verhörer geschah. "Die Initiative ging vom Weißen Haus aus", so Horton. ...

Guantanamo Bay . Exterritorien und Lager. Juridisch-politische ... Durch diese Vorgehensweise, die von den USA als "rendering" bezeichnet wird, vermeiden sie eine direkte Beteiligung an den brutalen Verhörmethoden , ...

RN 170 Unter diese „kreativen“ Verhörmethoden fällt laut dem US-General auch das Vorführen von Gefangenen an Hundeleinen.

Aber auch innerhalb der Europäischen ...

Die von den Gestapobeamten angewandten Verhörmethoden waren innerhalb der juristischen Instanzen bekannt, ohne dass jemand intervenierte. ...
"Wir wissen, dass es Überflüge über die Schweiz gab - laut Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt insgesamt 74.

Wir können aber nicht beweisen, dass mit diesen Flugzeugen außergerichtliche Überstellungen stattgefunden haben", sagte Calmy-Rey.

Daher habe die Schweiz von den USA mehrmals Informationen über die Passagiere in diesen Flugzeugen verlangt, bislang jedoch keine präzisen Antworten erhalten.

Die Fax-Affäre stelle aber die Glaubwürdigkeit der Schweiz in Frage.

"Die Tatsache, dass die Schweiz ein solches Dokument eines anderen Staates abfängt, es als geheim erklärte und dass dies dann durch eine Indiskretion publik wird, ist ein echtes Problem".
Der Sonderermittler des Europarates in der CIA-Affäre und Schweizer Parlamentarier Dick Marty hatte am Freitag keinen Zweifel daran gelassen, dass der US-Geheimdienst in Europa Terrorverdächtige verschleppt +

mit "Hunderten von Flügen" an geheime Orte transportiert habe.

Er warf den europäischen Staaten vor, sie verhielten sich angesichts der Berichte über geheime Gefangenentransporte und Gefängnisse "schockierend passiv".
Die Schweizer Zeitung "SonntagsBlick" hatte vor einer Woche berichtet, dass der Schweizer Nachrichtendienst ein Fax des ägyptischen Nachrichtendienstes abgefangen habe.

Das Dokument belege Verhöre und Folter von Terrorverdächtigen durch die CIA in Südosteuropa.
CIA-Affäre: Schweizer Außenministerin sieht keine Beweise
Indien: Fatwa gegen kurze Röcke
Atomstreit: Iran droht mit Ölpreis-Erhöhung
Irak-Krieg: Struck und Steinmeier nehmen den BND in Schutz

15.Jan.2006 Türkei: Verdacht bestätigt - Fünfjähriger Junge an Vogelgrippe erkrankt
Jagd auf Sawahiri: Massenproteste nach US-Angriff auf Dorf in Pakistan

15.Jan.2006 Eingreiftruppe: EU prüft Bundeswehr-Einsatz im Kongo
15.Jan.2006 Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity

Fears of Post-9/11 Terrorism Spur Proposals for New Powers By Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writer

27.Nov.2005 Washington Post
CIFA's abilities would increase considerably under the proposal being reviewed by the White House, which was made by a presidential commission on intelligence chaired by retired appellate court judge Laurence H. Silberman and former senator Charles S. Robb (D-Va.). The commission urged that CIFA be given authority to carry out domestic criminal investigations and clandestine operations against potential threats inside the United States.

The Silberman-Robb panel found that because the separate military services concentrated on investigations within their areas, "no entity views non-service-specific and department-wide investigations as its primary responsibility." A 2003 Defense Department directive kept CIFA from engaging in law enforcement activities such as "the investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of criminal offenses against the laws of the United States."

The commission's proposal would change that, giving CIFA "new counterespionage and law enforcement authorities," covering treason, espionage, foreign or terrorist sabotage + even economic espionage. That step, the panel said, could be taken by presidential order and Pentagon directive without congressional approval.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the CIFA expansion "is being studied at the DoD [Defense Department] level," adding that intelligence director Negroponte would have a say in the matter. A Pentagon spokesman said, "The [CIFA] matter is before the Hill committees."

Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a recent interview that CIFA has performed well in the past and today has no domestic intelligence collection activities. He was not aware of moves to enhance its authority.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has not had formal hearings on CIFA or other domestic intelligence programs, but its staff has been briefed on some of the steps the Pentagon has already taken. "If a member asks the chairman" -- Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) -- for hearings, "I am sure he would respond," said Bill Duhnke, the panel's staff director.

Staff writer Dan Eggen contributed to this report.  

© 2005 The Washington Post Company
27.Nov.2005  Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity
Fears of Post-9/11 Terrorism Spur Proposals for New Powers By Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writer

Washington Post The Defense Department has expanded its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within the United States, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic security activities in the post-9/11 world.

The moves have taken place on several fronts. The White House is considering expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, which was created three years ago. The proposal, made by a presidential commission, would transform CIFA from an office that coordinates Pentagon security efforts -- including protecting military facilities from attack -- to one that also has authority to investigate crimes within the United States such as treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage.

The Pentagon has pushed legislation on Capitol Hill that would create an intelligence exception to the Privacy Act, allowing the FBI and others to share information gathered about U.S. citizens with the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence agencies, as long as the data is deemed to be related to foreign intelligence. Backers say the measure is needed to strengthen investigations into terrorism or weapons of mass destruction.

The proposals + other Pentagon steps aimed at improving its ability to analyze counterterrorism intelligence collected inside the United States, have drawn complaints from civil liberties advocates and a few members of Congress, who say the Defense Department's push into domestic collection is proceeding with little scrutiny by the Congress or the public.

"We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America. This is a huge leap without even a [congressional] hearing," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a recent interview.
15.Jan.2006 It is not prudent or valid to compare today’s dollars to dollars of decades past without adjusting for inflation.  Whenever the financial media insists on doing this it is lazy at best and intentionally trying to mislead investors at worst.  We won’t really see 25-year gold highs until the metal exceeds $1250!

15.Jan.2006 The financial media shrilly trumpeting quarter-century nominal highs as if gold is on the verge of a massive secular crash is incredibly naïve.  Investors who are swayed by these poor arguments risk missing the next two-thirds, indeed the biggest two-thirds, of our current gold bull.  Making multi-decade price comparisons casually without considering the impact of inflation is terribly flawed and leads to an extremely distorted perception of market realities.
15.Jan.2006 This week gold hit its highest level in real terms since August 1993, roughly 13-year highs.  Now a 13-year high is exciting and certainly nothing to sneeze at, but it is a far cry from a 25-year high.  When you think about gold today being at about the same levels it was at in the mid-1990s, which was near the tail end of a multi-decade bear market , it creates an entirely different perspective of gold’s relative cheapness or dearness today.
15.Jan.2006 And unlike the 1970s when some major currencies were severing ties to gold and creating huge market distortions, today no paper currency on the planet is backed by gold.  Thus governments, while they are still active in gold to some extent, have nowhere near as big of footprint relative to the total market as they did in the 1970s.  Few other entities are able to buy or sell gold at government scales, thus moderating volatility today.
15.Jan.2006 Gold is probably less volatile today for a variety of reasons.  The gold market is far broader and deeper today with many more investors and participants than in the 1970s.  More speculators actively betting against each other leads to more accurate pricing with fewer wild anomalies
15.Jan.2006 The higher the gold price runs today, the more it is reported on and the more investors grow interested.  They then chase this bull, throwing in their capital which drives it up even higher creating a virtuous circle of demand.
15.Jan.2006 Investors today chase performance + relative to past generations we seem to have more information at our fingertips today thanks to the Internet than even the masters of the investing universe had decades ago. 
15.Jan.2006 Today’s gold bull is in a drastically different environment, the Information Age. 
15.Jan.2006 Believe it or not, our wonderfully benevolent dictatorship in Washington actually made gold bullion illegal for US citizens to own from 1933 to 1974!  Washington finally restored our right to own gold, which is Constitutional money, back on December 31st, 1974.  So when Stage Two kicked in during the mid-1970s Americans were largely not involved on the buy side initially.

Gold last closed above $550 nominal on January 23rd, 1981, almost 25 years ago to the week.  Yet adjusted for inflation an ounce of gold was really worth $1266 that day in purchasing-power terms.  Thus in order to truly see the quarter-century gold highs that the financial media is wailing about, gold in today’s dollars would have to head north of $1250.  25-year gold highs today my foot!

Anyone who thinks comparing nominal numbers across 25 years is acceptable ought to give 4/7ths of their gross income to charity and live off the remaining 3/7ths.  Such a 56% cut in pay today would create the equivalent of living in an expensive 2006 world with early 1980s nominal salary levels.  The average cost of living as measured by the lowballed CPI is up 2.29x since then and today’s dollar is worth at least that much less.

This long-term real gold chart helps put our current gold bull into proper perspective.  Sound perspective is crucial in investing.  If you gain the proper perspective before you deploy your capital it vastly improves your odds of making wise decisions and multiplying your fortune.  But if you invest without a proper perspective the battle is probably lost before it even starts.  One cannot buy low and sell high if their perspective is distorted!
Um die Geheimnisse zu lüften, ist reichlich Geduld erforderlich: Ein Wissenschaftler verglich die Analysearbeit mit der Suche nach 45 Ameisen auf einem Fußballfeld. Die University of California in Berkeley sucht insgesamt 30.000 Freiwillige, die sich
per Internet an der Auswertung der Mikroskopaufnahmen beteiligen sollen.
"Stardust" selbst soll weiter um die Sonne kreisen

"Stardust"-Kapsel sicher gelandet
Die Transportkapsel der Nasa-Raumsonde "Stardust" ist mit einer Bilderbuchlandung in der Wüste des US-Bundesstaats Utah gelandet. Der kostbare Kometenstaub, den die Sonde sammelte, soll Erkenntnisse über die Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems liefern.

Testgelände Dugway/USA - Eine Transportkapsel der Nasa-Raumsonde "Stardust" ist heute vormittag in Wüste von Utah gelandet. In der Kapsel ist Kometenstaub, den "Stardust" in den Tiefen des Sonnensystems eingesammelt hat. Die Kapsel hatte sich am späten Samstagabend von der Sonde gelöst, um den Kometenstaub zur Erde zu bringen. Laut Nasa stellte die Kapsel bei ihrem Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre einen neuen Geschwindigkeitsrekord auf; Mit 46.444 Stundenkilometern war der bisherige Rekordhalter Apollo 10 beim Wiedereintritt im Mai 1969.
Nasa-Raumsonde: "Stardust"-Kapsel sicher gelandet
Familienpolitik: Von der Leyen fordert Abschaffung der Kita-Gebühren
Nach massiver Kritik: Saddams Richter resigniert

15.Jan.2006 Russland-Visite: Merkel will auch mit Putin-Kritikern sprechen

15.Jan.2006 US-Verbündeter tot: Kuweit trauert um Emir
Sozialer Soundcheck: Musikgeschmack verrät Persönlichkeit
authentico index ...don' t know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don' t ... y38 y39 y40 y41 y42 y43 y44 y45 y46 y47 y48 y49 y50 y51 y52 y54 y57 y59 y60 y61 y62 y63 y64 y65 y66 y76 ... 2006-1-9
Faculty of Social Science - Department of Soc... Y38 1995 Yiu, Chuen-lai Deciphering small business strategies :

a ...N. T . 1981 UL Thesis BF698.9.O3 C68 Fung, Yuen King Lucille Strategies for occupational mobility in Hong Kong : a... ...
15.Jan.2006 Here's what Rozen has to say -- and it's one of the juiciest paragraphs she has ever written:
A lot of these stories have a hint that Kontogiannis was perhaps not unfamiliar with organized crime. Not Sopranos style local waste management stuff, but more international. An old Greek Navy man, Kontogiannis knew boats, how to move and launder money, set up front companies + seemed to have some transport and logistics companies. But here's the thing: when Kontogiannis was confronted with the law in the two cases we know about -- his 1994 guilty plea for visa fraud after he was arrested by the FBI with an official from the US embassy in Athens + his 2002 guilty plea in the pretty large Queens school district bid rigging scheme, he escaped jail both times. His sentences always seemed pretty light. I am starting to get the sense of someone who may be protected. It occurred to me reading the above article and others as plausible that Kontogiannis might have been useful for a faction of the US government at one time or another. It's pure speculation, but you could imagine that his skills might come to be useful for some things. One theory -- could Kontogiannis have been used by some US government agency (let's say the CIA -- again, pure speculation), even while being simultaneously investigated by another (the FBI, etc.)? Might someone from that agency have intervened to protect Kontogiannis in his encounters with the law? Could it be that Kontogiannis, the old Greek Navy guy who knows his way around Eastern Europe, Greece, the Balkans, Ukraine and Georgia and their gray markets, who knows how to launder money and create front companies, who knows who to bribe, may have proved useful to the Pentagon or the CIA at certain points, that one of his companies was perhaps used for laundering or moving money or shipping or logistics or financial transfers? (Total speculation: Perhaps even that he might have been a contact of Wilkes' friend at the CIA, who did a long tour doing logistics and administrative tasks for the Agency in those regions?) I have no problem with speculation as long as it comes with a clear label, which Rozen has supplied.
She goes on to quote a key section from the afore-cited report, which indicates that Kontogiannis' partner-in-crime, Celestine Miller, was poised to become the Secretary of Education if Dole won. I guess theft and corruption are necessary items in the resume of any Republican seeking appointment to a powerful office.
Kontogiannis also was involved in a multi-million dollar scheme to rip off the Queens school district.

Although he and his co-conspirators were found guilty, no-one had to do any jail time: School District 29’s former superintendent, her husband, the landlord of the school board’s headquarters, his former lawyer and a computer consultant all pleaded guilty last week to taking part in a scheme filled with bribes, kickbacks and computer contract rigging totaling $6.3 million that left Southeast Queens school children with substandard computers.
All involved will have to pay back a total of $4.85 million of the money they pleaded guilty to pocketing.
The owner of the building that houses the school district offices will still collect rent.
None will serve time in jail. This, in a country where some people do years for smoking pot or stealing a meal. The fullest account of this scam can be read in
this .pdf document.
USA: Sheriff schießt auf bewaffneten Schüler

15.Jan.2006 Irak: Al-Qaida bekennt sich zu Hubschrauber-Abschuss
Krebsforschung: Norwegischer Wissenschaftler gesteht Fälschungen
Die Methoden der US-Regierung im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus seien "inakzeptabel", sagte der Ermittler. Die Maßnahmen, die seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11..Sep.2001 ergriffen würden, stünden im Gegensatz zu den Menschenrechten.
Zu seinen eigenen Ermittlungen sagte Marty, diese würden noch "langwierig und schwierig" werden. Einige Anschuldigungen, die in den USA bislang stets dementiert wurden, seien aber mittlerweile bewiesen. Als Beispiel nannte er die Verschleppung des Ägypters Abu Omar im Jahr 2003, der von Mailand über Deutschland nach Ägypten ausgeliefert worden und dort gefoltert worden sein soll.

Genf - Seit zwei bis drei Jahren wüssten die Länder Europas ganz genau, was hier vor sich gehe, sagte Marty in dem Interview gestern Abend. Trotzdem seien sie "schockierend passiv" geblieben.

Manche Regierungen hätten die Vereinigten Staaten unterstützt, andere hätten die Aktionen einfach hingenommen, kritisierte der Schweizer Abgeordnete, der den Untersuchungsausschuss des Europarats leitet.

Der Europa-Abgeordnete hat im Dezember seine Ermittlungen zu den Berichten über CIA-Geheimgefängnisse in Osteuropa aufgenommen und sollte bis Ende Januar einen Zwischenbericht abliefern.
Außenamts-Staatsminister Gernot Erler warnte unterdessen vor Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Iran. Solche Schritte wären ein sehr gefährlicher Weg, sagte der SPD-Politiker in einer Sendung des rbb-Inforadios. Sanktionen schadeten einem mehr als der anderen Seite, sagte er einer Mitteilung des Senders vom Samstag zufolge. Stattdessen sollte die Bewegungsfreiheit iranischer Politiker eingeschränkt werden. Dies hätte eine außerordentlich unangenehme Wirkung auf das Land.
Teheran - "Unsere Nation braucht keine Atomwaffen", sagte Ahmadinedschad auf einer Pressekonferenz in Teheran. Vielmehr solle die Nukleartechnologie nur für friedliche Zwecke eingesetzt werden.

Allein die Tatsache, dass an den iranischen Atomanlagen Überwachungsgerät der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) installiert sei, beweise die Kooperationsbereitschaft Teherans.
Iran habe sich zweieinhalb Jahre lang darum bemüht, der internationalen Gemeinschaft seine Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu beweisen, sagte Ahmadinedschad weiter.

Deshalb habe man auch der vorübergehenden Versiegelung von Nuklearanlagen, der Einstellung von Urananreicherungen sowie Ad-hoc-Inspektionen der IAEA zugestimmt. Nun seien die europäischen Länder an der Reihe, vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
Das Forschungsprojekt widerspreche in keiner Weise den Bestimmungen des Atomwaffensperrvertrags. Es gebe keinerlei Beweise für die Behauptung, der Iran wolle Kernwaffen entwickeln.

Den Westen beschuldigte Ahmadinedschad, mit Drohgebärden "wie im Mittelalter" eine üble Propagandakampagne gegen sein Land zu betreiben.
Amira Hass: Prisoners in Their Own Land: More than 800,000 Palestinians Sealed Off in Northern West Bank

14.Jan.2006 How the FBI Spied on Edward Said: That the FBI should monitor the legal political activities and intellectual forays of such a man elucidates not only the FBI's role in suppressing democratic solutions to the Israeli and Palestinian problems, it also demonstrates a continuity with the FBI's historical efforts to monitor and harass American peace activists.

14.Jan.2006 How Mossad got the wrong man: A Moroccan catering worker was mistakenly killed in Norway, by two Israelis after they got out of a car beside him. They thought they were killing Ali Hassan Salame, the Palestinian behind the Munich Games massacre.

14.Jan.2006 Ex-Taliban Minister Killed in Afghanistan : In the southern city of Kandahar, two men on a motorbike fatally shot Mohammed Khaksar, the former Taliban deputy interior minister, as he walked with two of his children, said Mohammed Jan Khan, a student who witnessed the shooting.

14.Jan.2006 Chavez denounces bid to block jet sale: President Hugo Chavez on Friday blasted an attempt by the U.S. to block Spain from selling Venezuela 12 military planes with American parts, calling it proof of Washington's "imperialism."

14.Jan.2006 Spain defies US over arms sales: A row erupted between the US and Spain yesterday after Washington tried to block Madrid from selling military aircraft to the left-wing Government of President Chávez of Venezuela. Spain reacted with defiance, saying that the $2 billion (£1.2 billion) deal for military aircraft, which contain US technology, would go ahead.

14.Jan.2006 NSA used city police as trackers: The National Security Agency used law enforcement agencies, including the Baltimore Police Department, to track members of a city anti-war group as they prepared for protests outside the sprawling Fort Meade facility, internal NSA documents show.

14.Jan.2006 United States of Fear: A new doc on Peru chronicles how fear of terrorism was exploited to undermine democracy. Sound familiar?

14.Jan.2006 The States Step In As Medicare Falters : Seniors Being Turned Away, Overcharged Under New Prescription Drug Program
Berlin admits giving US bombing targets in Iraq : Chancellor Angela Merkel's fence-mending visit to the United States is being overshadowed by a growing scandal over reports that German intelligence had fed America key information about military targets in Iraq before the US invasion.

14.Jan.2006 Zawahri alive: The report came after U.S. sources said a U.S. airstrike in Pakistan targeted Zawahri, but a senior Pakistani official said the al Qaeda leader was not there at the time.

14.Jan.2006 Pakistan Condemns Purported CIA Airstrike: An AP reporter who visited Damadola about 12 hours after the attack saw three destroyed houses, hundreds of yards apart. Villagers had buried at least 15 people, including women and children + were digging for more bodies in the rubble.

14.Jan.2006 President Ahmadinezhad Says Iran Not Interested in Acquiring Nuclear Weapons : He said: "unfortunately today humanity is plagued with some leaders who only see their immediate surroundings. Those who believe they have greater rights than other nations, simply because they possess a large nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal. They are convinced that they can impose their views on others.

14.Jan.2006 'Air Strikes Under Consideration': Western powers are already planning use of the military option in the face of Iran's insistence that it will go ahead with what it calls its nuclear research programme, a leading expert says.

14.Jan.2006 Israel could launch air strikes if talks fail : Israel has drawn up plans for strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities with bunker busting bombs supplied by the US.

14.Jan.2006 Israel Threathens Iran With Military Strike : : I sraeli officials said they remain hopeful that concerted international diplomacy can end the crisis, but that a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities - led by others - is possible
Der Parlamentsabgeordnete Haroon Rasheed von der fundamentalistischen Partei Jamaat-e-Islami sagte AFP, es sei "eine Schande, dass unschuldige Menschen in Pakistan durch ein fremdes Land getötet werden + dass dieses Land gegenüber dem Staat Pakistan vollkommene Straffreiheit genießt".
Doch Zawahiri wurde offenbar verfehlt. "Zawahiri war zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs nicht dort", sagte ein Vertreter der pakistanischen Regierung der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. Der Sender ABC berichtete unter Berufung auf pakistanische Militärkreise, fünf der Getöteten seien hochrangige al-Qaida-Vertreter. Insgesamt wurden nach Angaben von Augenzeugen bei dem Angriff mindestens 17 Menschen getötet, darunter fünf Kinder.
Der Luftangriff dürfte mit raketenbestückten, unbemannten Drohnen der CIA ausgeführt worden sein, erfuhr Reuters. In pakistanischen Sicherheitskreisen hieß es, vier US-Flugzeuge seien in den pakistanischen Luftraum eingedrungen und hätten vier Raketen abgefeuert. Dabei seien drei Gebäude in dem Dorf Damadola zerstört worden.

Washington - Die Homepage der NSA (National Security Agency) war rund sieben Stunden lang nicht erreichbar. Offiziell wollte sich der US-Militärgeheimdienst nicht dazu äußern, ob der Ausfall durch eine technische Panne oder von Hackern verursacht wurde.
Computerexperten von Keynote Systems und dem Sans Institut in den USA sagten der Nachrichtenagentur AP jedoch, wenn eine Website so lange nicht abrufbar sei, deute dies auf eine so genannte Denial-of-Service-Attacke hin. Dabei wird die betroffene Website mittels einer extra dafür programmierten Software mit Datenanfragen überflutet, so dass der Server zum Stillstand kommt. Die NSA ist unter anderem dafür zuständig, die Computersysteme der Geheimdienste und anderer Sicherheitsbehörden vor Hackern zu schützen.
Der Vorfall zeige, "dass selbst technologisch geschulte Leute Schwierigkeiten haben, eine Denial-of-Service-Attacke abzuwehren, sagte Alan Paller, Forschungsdirektor bei Sans.
Die NSA war vor kurzem wegen zweifelhafter Abhörpröktiken in die Kritik geraten. Die US-Behörde hatte mit Hilfe von Cookies Daten ihrer Homepage-Besucher gesammelt und auf diese Weise das Surf-Verhalten der Nutzer ausspionieren können. Offiziell rechtfertigte die NSA ihr Vorgehen mit der Angabe, lediglich das Nutzungsverhalten auf der eigenen Website analysieren zu wollen.
Es gebe keinerlei Hinweise darauf, dass sich Zawahiri in dem angegriffenen Dorf in der Region Bajur aufgehalten habe, sagte ein pakistanischer Geheimdienstvertreter heute der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Ein Regierungsbeamter bekräftigte, es sei unwahrscheinlich, dass der Stellvertreter von Qaida-Chef Osama Bin Laden in dem Ort gewesen sei.
Die US-Fernsehsender ABC und CNN hatten gestern unter Berufung auf pakistanische Sicherheitskreise berichtet, unter den Toten seien auch fünf ranghohe Mitglieder des Terrornetzwerks al-Qaida. Wie AFP aus US-Geheimdienstkreisen erfuhr, lagen der CIA Hinweise vor, dass ein ranghohes Qaida-Mitglied bei dem Angriff einer Predator-Drohne getötet worden sein könnte. Die CIA stand laut dem Sender NBC, der sich auf Angaben aus US-Militärkreisen stützte, hinter dem Einsatz.
Das US-Verteidigungsministerium in Washington widersprach den Berichten über eine US-geführte Attacke. "Es gibt keinen Grund zu glauben, dass das US-Militär einen Angriff in diesem Gebiet ausgeführt hat", sagte ein Armeesprecher. Es ist allerdings bekannt, dass die CIA in der Region Jagd auf Qaida-Mitglieder und Talibankämpfer macht. Die USA haben auf Zawahiri ein Kopfgeld in Höhe von 25 Millionen Dollar (20,8 Millionen Euro) ausgesetzt.
The latest
Pew poll offers some encouraging news for Democrats: Bush's popularity is stuck below the 40% level.
But the vast majority of the public believes that the bribery scandals amount to business as usual. The question becomes: How do we convince them that what we are seeing represents something new and unusual?
I think we have to emphasize that what we are dealing with here goes beyond the sleazy tableau of lobbyists filling congressional pockets. This is the story of a political party morphing itself into the new Mafia, filling its coffers with loot from gambling and (very likely) drugs.
Much of the public also believes that the wiretapping scandal is no scandal at all. People of this stripe probably fall into three categories:
1. Those who continue to think that the administration conducted these wiretaps legally.
2. Those who operate under the naive delusion that the administration illegally spied only on terrorists, not on political opponents.
3. Then there are the hard core cases who want the Bushites to spy on opponents, or who think that liberals are terrorists.

The original lie Not too many folks paid attention to the previous column about the new effort to blame Castro for the JFK assassination. Too bad: This revised story will probably become "official" after Fidel dies. The winners write the history.
At any rate, the new yarn seems to be a re-working of themes first aired in the 1964 Coleman-Slawson report, which detailed, for the benefit of the Warren Commission, Oswald's foreign activities. You can find a pdf of the relevant section
China: Polizei löst Demonstration brutal auf

14.Jan.2006 Nuklearstreit mit Iran: Ahmadinedschad wirft Westen Kampagne wie im Mittelalter vor

14.Jan.2006 Irak-Krieg: USA brauchten laut Struck den BND nicht

14.Jan.2006 Irak-Krieg: BND meldete den Amerikanern auch Truppenbewegungen
Schuldenfalle: Jeder neunte Deutsche ist zahlungsunfähig
Irak: Saddams Richter reicht Rücktritt ein
Schmiergeld-Verdacht: DaimlerChrysler beurlaubt neun Manager
Atomausstieg: Union und SPD auf Konfrontationskurs
Jagd auf Sawahiri: Proteste in Pakistan gegen US-Luftangriff

14.Jan.2006 Vogelgrippe-Verdacht: Entwarnung in Belgien
Jahresprognose: Bundesregierung sieht nur geringes Wachstum

14.Jan.2006  Sieben Stunden offline: NSA-Website unter Beschuss

14.Jan.2006  Ermittlungen des Europarats: Europäer sollen von US-Gefängnissen gewusst haben
Völkermord in Armenien: Deutscher und Dresdner Bank droht Sammelklage
Pakistan: US-Luftwaffe verfehlt Zawahiri - wütende Proteste gegen Angriff
Seuchen: Mann in Belgien mit Verdacht auf Vogelgrippe im Krankenhaus
Florida: Alternative Republik annektiert US-Brücke

14.Jan.2006 Pressestimmen: "Merkel will kein US-Handlanger sein"
USA-Reise: Bush und Merkel einig über Iran-Politik

14.Jan.2006 Irak-Krieg: BND lieferte USA auch militärisch verwendbare Informationen

14.Jan.2006 AKW-Laufzeiten: CDU will Gabriel beim Atomausstieg übergehen
Horn von Afrika: Millionen droht der Hungertod
"Stardust"-Landung: Nasa fiebert Kometenstaub entgegen
Dirty Dealings in Data Jim Hightower's Lowdown Saturday, April 5, 2003
Printer Friendly Version

ChoicePoint, Palast reports, is a database company with prominent Republicans on its board and payroll + it now offers up over 20 billion pieces of information on American citizens to law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Since passage of the USA PATRIOT Act, the feds can access all that formerly private info without a search warrant.

The PATRIOT Act also requires banks to make their databases accessible to info-operators such as ChoicePoint, so a company called Sybase has started selling a "PATRIOT-compliant" software patch. The lucky big investor in Sybase? Winston Partners, founded by presidential brother Marvin Bush.

Even though Congress voted to kill the Orwellian Total Information Awareness project (see The Lowdown, Jan. 2002), snoop-in-chief John Poindexter is still issuing lucrative contracts for spying on you and me. To "mine" our citizen profiles for useful info, Poindexter chose Syntek, where he himself worked as a senior VP before Bush tapped him to run TIA.

Now let's step back and look at the big picture. The president's brother is marketing to offshore customers (shipping out American jobs, be it noted). He is closely linked to entities marketing "outsourcing" and "global alternative investments" yet more aggressively. Companies associated with them are doing other high-end versions of the same. And some companies in which they have a stake are involved in the most sensitive technology outside nuclear weapons - being marketed simultaneously to the U.S. government, to foreign banks and to the states (Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, New Jersey and New York also purchase from Sybase). This is "security"?

Nor is Marvin Bush the only family member in this picture. His brother Jeb Bush, Florida's governor, is also an investor in the Winston Capital Fund, managed by Marvin Bush's firm. And Indigo Systems Corp., another federal contractor ($2,629,000 in 2001 from Defense and NASA), is substantially backed by The Carlyle Group, the global finance company connected to George H.W. Bush.

As we used to say in Texas, son of a gun.

There is a crying need for oversight and accountability, but the need has yet to be met.
John Ashcroft Pimps for Oracle & Choice Point by CONSPIRACY PLANET
Winston Partners, Sybase, Choicepoint, H.R. 3162, called "The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act" (or USA Patriot) By William Bowles

11.May 2003 (Information Clearing House) Another can of worms. Actually, I’m getting fed up with the Bush clan.

It’s like the only life they have is screwing up everybody else’s! Sybase software is part of the Choicepoint system which is part of the Patriot Act which part of the whole damn system for keeping track of everybody and everything we do, read,visit, buy + no doubt think about.

I’m all bushed out now.

"Marvin Dips into the Security Pie Another Fortunate Bush Brother" by MARGIE BURNS 05.Dec.2002 Source:

Dirty Dealings in Data, Jim Hightower's Lowdown Saturday, April 5, 2003

"It probably doesn't ring a bell, but ChoicePoint was the firm that Katherine Harris, Florida's Secretary of State during the 2000 elections, paid to erase 57,000 names from the voter rolls."


"FIRST Brother"

Some background.

"He's the Lowest Profile of the Bush Boys, but His Business Career Is Probably the Most Successful. Meet Marvin Bush, the President's Youngest Brother + His 300-Million-Dollar Money Management Firm." by Bryan Curtis

The Liberating Word: A Guide to Nonsexist Interpretation of the ... Jesus did not call into his fellowship righteous, pious + highly esteemed persons but invited tax collectors , sinners + women to be his followers and ...
Ukraine: Juschtschenko will eigenständiges Atomprogramm
The next American empire - Ver em HTML Jobs such as surveillance and reconnaissance can increasingly be done from America ... bases, loosely based on oil platforms , which might help to circumvent ...
Der Forscher Raymond Dart, der ebenfalls in Witwatersrand lehrte, hatte das "Kind von Taung" 1924 entdeckt. Es handelt sich dabei um den Schädel eines etwa drei Jahre alten Australopithecus africanus, der ein Brückenglied zwischen Menschenaffen und den heutigen Menschen ist.

1924 entdeckten Forscher in Südafrika den Schädel eines dreijährigen Mädchens, das vor zwei Millionen Jahren starb. Der Fund bestätigte, das Afrika die Wiege der Menschheit ist. Jetzt scheint festzustehen, wie das "Kind von Taung" zu Tode kam.

Johannesburg - Das "Kind von Taung", das als einer der wichtigsten Funde für die Stammesgeschichte des Menschen gilt, fiel einem Adler zu Opfer. Der US-Wissenschaftler Lee Berger hat jetzt dafür starke Indizien vorgelegt.
New York - Die Einschaltung des Uno-Sicherheitsrates im Atomstreit mit Iran "könnte die Sache komplizierter machen", sagte Wang Guangya, chinesischer Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen, heute in New York. Zudem könnten sich die Positionen verhärten.

China hat im Sicherheitsrat ein Vetorecht und könnte damit Sanktionen gegen den Iran verhindern.
Walesa veröffentlicht Spitzel-Dokumente im Internet
Jahrelang wurde Polens Ex-Präsident Lech Walesa als Führer der anti-kommunistischen Solidarnosc-Bewegung von Polizeispitzeln überwacht.

Jetzt will er tausende der dabei entstandenen Dokumente im Internet veröffentlichen lassen
Zeit-Zeichen: Zeit-Fragen Nr. 62 vom 01.12.99, Seite 2, 6, 8, 11 u. 14
Nato-Politiker als Kriegsverbrecher angeklagt ... Henry Kissinger , Giovanni Agnelli (Fiat), David Rockefeller, Baron Rothschild, Flavio Cotti. ...

Onlinezeitung American Rebel ... den vermutlich größten noch lebenden Kriegsverbrecher des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, ... Die Hauptakteure namens Pinochet, Nixon und Kissinger sowie ihre ...
BerlinOnline: Archiv: Berliner Zeitung vom 10.Jul.2001 Bisher galt Henry Kissinger als hochverdienter Staatsmann - nun will ihn ein Publizist als Kriegsverbrecher überführen. Nur symbolisch verurteilt ...

BerlinOnline: Archiv: Berliner Zeitung vom 30.Jun.2001 ... ein ehemaliges Staatsoberhaupt als Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht gestellt ... Wanted: Kissinger · Wanted: Third Way · Was habe ich in meiner Tasche? ... /
Pentagon grilled over database on war critics: Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday asked for answers on an obscure Pentagon agency that included reports on student anti-war protests and other peaceful civilian demonstrations in a database meant to detect terrorist activities.

13.Jan.2006 U.S. Supreme Court to Decide if Police Can Barge in Unannounced : "Forget the ongoing privacy debate over U.S. government spying on telephone conversations--soon you may not have the right to tell cops to wait until you open your door

13.Jan.2006 Newt's New Con : Of all the voices berating the Republican Party for its culture of corruption, none rings more hollow than Newt Gingrich's. According to the Associated Press, the former House Speaker has said he is considering running for President in 2008

13.Jan.2006 Hang in + Raise Hell: Corrupt politicians think we're morons. It's time to strike back -- with reform, not cheap cynicism.

13.Jan.2006 National ID, State Nightmare : An anti-terrorism law creating a national standard for all driver's licenses by 2008 isn't just upsetting civil libertarians and immigration rights activists.

13.Jan.2006 US budget deficit to surge above $400bn: Spending on Gulf Coast reconstruction has led the Bush administration to revise upwards sharply its estimates for the federal budget deficit in 2006, by 17 % to $400bn, sparking calls for further spending restraint and adding to concerns about extending tax cuts.
SOS for African drought victims: According to the UN food aid agency, preliminary assessments show that those affected include an estimated 2.5 million in Kenya, 1.4 million in Somalia, 1.5 million in Ethiopia and 60,000 in Djibouti.

13.Jan.2006 United States formally prohibits arms sale to Venezuela : The United States government has formally prohibited Spain from selling 12 military planes and eight frigates to Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, because they contain North American technology.

13.Jan.2006 John Perkins: Predictions of an Economic Hit Man : The controversial author explains why Bolivia's new president, Argentina's anti-IMF rebellion and the NYC transit strike are all harbingers of things to come.
Israeli army uprooting olive groves: The Israeli army has been destroying, uprooting and in some cases, stealing Palestinian olive trees in several parts of the West Bank, grove owners and witnesses say.

13.Jan.2006 USA threats after boycott support : US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice threatened Norway with "serious political consequences" after Finance Minister and Socialist Left Party leader Kristin Halvorsen admitted to supporting a boycott of Israeli goods.

13.Jan.2006 Norwegian: Minister Apology Over Boycott Backing: A senior Norwegian government minister has apologised after she lent her backing to a boycott of Israeli goods.

13.Jan.2006 US Law Unclear if Bush Can Invade Without Congress OK: Alito : Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito said US law is unclear as to whether President George W. Bush could launch a military invasion of Iran or Syria without congressional approval

13.Jan.2006 List of Alito “Murder Board” Participants; Includes Lawyers Who Approved Warrantless Surveillance : During this morning’s hearing, Sen. Russ Feingold noted that the same lawyers who created the legal justifications for Bush’s warrantless domestic spying program coached Alito about how to answer questions during the confirmation hearings:

13.Jan.2006 Alito Witness Disappears From List: Report: Name pulled after group dissed nominee

13.Jan.2006 Nato denies misuse of Kosovo camp : Nato has denied that one of its Kosovo detention centres has been used by the US to interrogate militant Islamist suspects under its rendition programme.

13.Jan.2006 'Almost No Governments Are Telling The Truth' About CIA Affair: Swiss Senator Dick Marty, who is investigating the CIA affair for the European Council, believes recent evidence intercepted by Swiss intelligence is an 'additional indicator of the existence of secret prisons.'

13.Jan.2006 Padilla Pleads Not Guilty and Is Ordered Held Without Bail : "He pleads absolutely not guilty to the charges contained in the indictment," Mr. Padilla's lawyer, Michael Caruso, said before Magistrate Judge Barry Garber of the Federal District Court in Miami.

13.Jan.2006 Need a laugh?: We found Padilla's al Qaeda application, U.S. says: Prosecutors said the U.S. government discovered alleged terrorist José Padilla's written application to join al Qaeda

13.Jan.2006 U.S. Seeks to Avoid Detainee Ruling: The Bush administration took the unusual step yesterday of asking the Supreme Court to call off a landmark confrontation over the legality of military trials for terrorism suspects, arguing that a law enacted last month eliminates the court's ability to consider the issue.

13.Jan.2006 The head of the Guantanamo defense team: help wanted: The chief defense counsel for detainees at the U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, says more defense attorneys are needed. Marine Colonel Dwight Sullivan says the prosecution team has 17 members while the defense has only four.

13.Jan.2006 Foreign fighters flood into Afghanistan : The fighters, including Jordanians, Yemenis, Egyptians and Gulf Arabs, stepped up their campaign two months ago with a series of suicide bombings against NATO peacekeepers, United States troops and Afghan government leaders.
Ray McGovern : Proof Bush Deceived America: Senior CIA officials had concluded that “the quality of the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction didn’t really matter,” since war was inevitable.

13.Jan.2006 War pimp alert: U.S. president: Iran trying to secretly develop nuclear weapon, wants to destroy Israel : U.S. President George Bush, speaking at a Washington press conference, said: "Iran armed with a nuclear weapon poses a great threat to the security of the world.

13.Jan.2006 US wants Iran punished for asserting its rights: The US says it supports Iran being punished for moving ahead with civil nuclear research and development, because the US claims to know what Iran intends to do with such civil technology

13.Jan.2006 Iran threatens to end all voluntary cooperation if referred to U.N. Security Council : Iran threatened on Friday to block inspections of its nuclear sites if confronted by the U.N. Security Council over its atomic activities. The president reaffirmed his country's intention to produce nuclear energy.

13.Jan.2006 China:Referring Iran To UN Might Toughen Its Nuclear Stand : -China's U.N. ambassador expressed concern Friday that referring Iran to the Security Council might toughen Tehran's position on its nuclear program.

13.Jan.2006 Israeli Air Force Intelligence: Iran beefing up air defenses: The source described the present Iranian air defenses as "good." It is known that Iran has deployed Soviet-origin anti-aircraft systems around the 1000-megawatt Bushehr nuclear reactor.

13.Jan.2006 A Proud Nation Surrounded by Nuclear States : Can there be a military solution to the dispute?

13.Jan.2006 Mike Whitney: The Countdown to War with Iran : We know that the U.S. has developed a new regime of low-yield “usable” nuclear weapons to destroy underground bunkers. We also know that the militarists in the Pentagon have threatened to use nuclear weapons in a “first strike” preemptive attack.

13.Jan.2006 US set to clinch nuclear deal with India : AS WASHINGTON steps up pressure on Iran and North Korea to abandon suspected nuclear weapons programs, US officials are completing a nuclear deal with India that critics says is a threat to non-proliferation efforts.
New Pentagon Memos Show High-Level Authorization Of Detainee Abuse: "It just confirms that the policies that were adopted at Guantanamo were adopted as a matter of policy and over significant objections, not just within the FBI but within units of the Army,"

13.Jan.2006 Baghdad Burning: Iraqi Girl Blog: I've spent the last two days crying: It is said he lived long enough to talk to police and then he died.
Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11 -By Jason Leopold
The NSA's vast data-mining activities began shortly after Bush was sworn in as president and the document contradicts his assertion that the 9/11 attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step of signing a secret executive order authorizing the NSA to monitor a select number of American citizens thought to have ties to terrorist groups.

U.S. Bombs Pakistan The soul of a nation is fatally wounded -By Abid Ullah Jan
Aircraft from Afghanistan have once more attacked Pakistan killing 18 Pakistanis in remote villages. Even non-US sources, such as Al-Jazeera has adopted the tone of embedded journalists, telling the world that the US attack on Pakistan killed 18 people in “a village stronghold of pro-Taliban Islamists.”

CIA-Affäre: EU-Ermittler wirft Europa "Heuchelei" vor

13.Jan.2006 Guantanamo: Bush lehnt Schließung ab
Atomstreit mit Iran: China stellt Druck des Westens in Frage
Besuch im Weißen Haus: Bush voller Lob für Merkel
Internationale Pressestimmen: "Merkel - kein Speichellecker der US-Regierung"
Atom-Krise: "Teheran lassen Sanktionsdrohungen kalt"
Menschheitsgeschichte: Adler tötete "Kind von Taung"
Vogelgrippe: Gefährliche H5N1-Variante in der Türkei angekommen

13.Jan.2006 Trotz Atomstreit: Russland will Iran Raketen liefern
Massenpanik bei Mekka: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Sicherheitskräfte
Atomstreit: Iran zeigt sich von Drohungen der USA unbeeindruckt
Orionnebel: Tiefer Blick in den Hexenkessel der Sterne
Boomjahr 2006: Ein klassisches Zwischenhoch

13.Jan.2006  Abgabensegen: Unternehmen füllen Steuerkasse
Ein weiteres Thema, das bei Gerichtsnominierungen in der Vergangenheit nur eine geringe Rolle spielte, aber bei den jetztigen Anhörungen an Brisanz gewonnen hat, ist die seit dem 11..Sep.2001 ständig wachsende Machtfülle des Präsidenten. Der demokratische Senator Edward Kennedy kritisierte in diesem Zusammenhang die von Bush angeordneten Lauschangriffe und die Behandlung von Terrorverdächtigen. Alito unterstellte er Obrigkeitstreue und warf ihm vor, dass er sich im Zweifelsfall stets auf die Seite der Mächtigen schlage. Dies sei Besorgnis erregend "zu einer Zeit, in der das Weiße Haus Macht missbraucht, Folter entschuldigt und amerikanische Bürger ausspioniert", so Kennedy. Alito verteidigte sich gegen die Attacken des Demokraten und machte klar, dass die US-Verfassung sowohl in Friedens- als auch in Kriegszeiten unantastbar sei.

"Kein Mensch steht über dem Gesetz" und selbst der Präsident dürfe in Krisenzeiten keinen Blankoscheck für seine Entschiedungen erhalten, erklärte Alito.
Nicht erklären konnte Alito dagegen seine Mitgliedschaft in einer konservativen Alumni-Organisation der Princeton University. Die "Concerned Alumni of Princeton" haben sich vor allem in der Öffentlichkeit damit einen Namen gemacht, dass sie sich gegen die Aufnahme von Frauen und Minderheiten an der Universität ausgesprochen haben.

Auf seine Zugehörigkeit zu dieser Gruppe angesprochen, litt Alito plötzlich an Erinnerungsverlust - immer wieder eine beliebte Möglichkeit, unliebsamen Fragen auszuweichen.
Erst als die Demokraten Alito zu einem Memo befragten, dass er 1985 als Anwalt im Justizministerium unter Präsident Ronald Reagan zur Abtreibungfrage verfasst hatte, war er kurzzeitig um eine Antwort verlegen.

Alito hatte in dem Memo argumentiert, dass die amerikanische Verfassung keinerlei Basis für das Recht auf Abtreibung biete.
Die Abtreibungsfrage spielt während der Senats-Anhörungen eine bedeutende Rolle, weil das Thema auch in Zukunft ganz sicher wieder vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof landen wird.

1973 hatte der Oberste Gerichtshof das damals geltende Abtreibungsverbot für verfassungswidrig erklärt, weil es das Grundrecht auf persönliche Freiheit verletze.
Immer wieder als Hardliner geoutet
Während seiner 15-jährigen Tätigkeit am Bundesberufungsgericht in Philadelphia hatte Alito sich 1991 in einem weiteren Urteil als Hardliner geoutet:

Er sprach sich dafür aus, Frauen in Pennsylvania vor einer geplanten Abtreibung dazu zu verpflichten, ihren Ehemann über den Schwangerschaftsabbruch zu informieren.
Alito wirkte während der Anhörungen nervös, doch er bemühte sich gekonnt, seine frühere Haltung zur Abtreibung als irrelevant darzustellen und sich stattdessen als typischen Amerikaner mit moderaten Mainstream-Überzeugungen zu präsentieren. Gute Richter, erklärte Alito vor dem Ausschuss in diesem Zusammenhang, "sind immer offen gegenüber der Möglichkeit, ihre Meinung zu ändern".

Außerdem bekräftigte er, dass "das Gesetz immer über persönlichen Ansichten und Einstellungen steht".
US-Medizinbranche: Schlacht ums Herz - für 25 Milliarden

13.Jan.2006 Militärtribunale in Guantanamo: US-Regierung will Obersten Gerichtshof außen vor lassen
US-Besuch: Zum Auftakt spart Merkel Guantanamo-Kritik aus

13.Jan.2006 Vertrauenskrise: Publikum flüchtete aus Immobilien-Fonds
Höchstes US-Gericht: Wie sich die Demokraten an Bushs Kandidat die Zähne ausbeißen

13.Jan.2006 Geheimdienst im Irak: Grüne lehnen Verantwortung für BND-Aktivitäten ab

13.Jan.2006 Atomstreit: USA wollen Iran noch eine Chance geben
12.Jan.2006 New Orleans Levees Intentionally Exploded by Bomb? 
Eye Witnesses Living Near 17th St. Levee Say Loud Explosion Heard Just Prior To Raging Waters Flooded 9th Ward.
Chávez slams U.S. over planes: Venezuela's president told soldiers he will buy jets from Russia or China if the U.S. won't send parts for his country's F-16s.

12.Jan.2006 Bush's Con Jobs: Will the US Need an IMF Bail Out?: President George W. Bush has destroyed America's economy along with America's reputation as a truthful, compassionate, peace-loving nation that values civil liberties and human rights.
How the US Press Squelches Bush Impeachment Drive: There are now eight members of Congress who have put their names to a bill calling for a special committee of the House to investigate impeachable crimes by the Bush administration. To date, all of them are Democrats.

12.Jan.2006 New inquest opens into CIA leak: The Federal Prosecutor's Office has announced it will investigate the leak and publication of secret information on alleged CIA prisons in Europe.

12.Jan.2006 CIA Prison Investigator Mulls New Document : The head of a European investigation into alleged CIA prisons in Europe said Tuesday the purported Egyptian government document naming countries where such prisons existed is a new lead which must be followed up.
How Quickly They Forget the Real Sharon: On the morning of the day Ariel Sharon had his stroke last week, Ha'aretz ran an analysis -- aptly titled "Eating Palestine for Breakfast" -- that captured the real Ariel Sharon. It may be the last honest analysis ever to see the light of day in the mainstream media
Well he would say that, wouldn't he?: He blames the worst mistakes of the US occupation of Iraq on (in order): the Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the Pentagon, the White House, the Turks and the British. Anyone but him

12.Jan.2006 Syria In Their Sights : The neocons plan their next “cakewalk. ”: The United States is indeed pursuing a hard-edged regime-change strategy for Syria. And it isn’t necessarily going to be a Cold War—in fact, it could well get very hot very soon.

12.Jan.2006 The Bush/Blair legacy: world-wide desillusionment: While before world opinion was able to fool itself into believing that there was an element of decency, ethics, respect for human rights or other aspect of higher moral ground in US/UK policies, the combined effort of Bush and Blair was able to completely remove whatever was left of that illusion.

12.Jan.2006 US Army its own worst enemy: British officer: A senior British Army officer has written a scathing critique of the US Army and its performance in Iraq, accusing it of cultural ignorance, moralistic self-righteousness, unproductive micromanagement and unwarranted optimism.

12.Jan.2006 Israelis plan pre-emptive strike on Iran : The Israeli raids would be carried out by long-range F-15E bombers and cruise missiles against a dozen key sites and are designed to set Tehran's weapons programme back by up to two years.

12.Jan.2006 Russia Won't Block U.S. on Iran : The Bush administration, working intensely to galvanize international pressure on Iran, has secured a guarantee from Russia that it will not block U.S. efforts to take Tehran's nuclear case to the U.N. Security Council, American and European officials said yesterday.

12.Jan.2006 Blair: 'We don't rule out any measures at all' against Iran: " We have to decide what measures to take and we obviously don't rule out any measures at all," he added.

12.Jan.2006 I srael `can destroy` Iran nukes : The possibility of Israel and the United States acting jointly to destroy Iran`s nuclear facilities has long been discussed in war rooms in Washington and Tel Aviv since word first leaked out that Iran was developing a nuclear program.

12.Jan.2006 Spurious attempt to tie Iran, Iraq to nuclear arms plot bypassed U.S. intelligence channels: Several U.S. and foreign intelligence sources, along with investigators, say an Iranian exile with ties to Iran-Contra peddled a bizarre tale of stolen uranium to governments on both sides of the Atlantic in the spring and summer of 2003
Juan Cole: The jailer: Ariel Sharon is lauded for breaking with his hard-line past. But the truth is that he simply embraced a smarter way of locking up the Palestinians.

12.Jan.2006 Sharon's second `big plan': Sharon was very close to the goal he had been aiming to achieve ever since he became an adult: a goal that has nothing to do with peace - to remove the Arab demographic threat unilaterally.

12.Jan.2006 Europeans Say Iran Talks Reach 'Dead End': The British, French and German foreign ministers said Thursday that negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program had reached a "dead end" and the Islamic republic should be referred to the U.N. Security Council.

12.Jan.2006 US Rice Calls For UN To Demand Iran Stop Nuclear Program : Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, coordinating with European allies, called on Thursday for the United Nations to take up Iran's " defiance" and demand it halt its nuclear program.

12.Jan.2006 Iran says not worried at Security Council referral

12.Jan.2006 Rafsanjani: Iran will break down colonial taboos: "They plan to deprive the Third World countries particularly the Islamic states of nuclear technology, keeping them always some steps behind."

12.Jan.2006 A Test of Wills Between Iran and the West : Vice President Dick Cheney, in an interview with Fox News, said Wednesday that the United States would seek the adoption of "a resolution that could be enforced by sanctions, were they to fail to comply with it." Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain told the Parliament the same thing, saying that

"we have to decide what measures to take and we obviously don't rule out any measures at all." Let's make sure we do better with Iran than we did with Iraq : The west's next step on Tehran's nuclear plans should be to understand the regime and society, not to start bombing

12.Jan.2006 In case you missed it: Video: “What the World Thinks of America,”: An exhaustive international survey shows conclusively that the planet has a great deal to fear from the people of the United States. By this we mean the majority of the white people of America, a group so alienated from the rest of humanity that they represent a collective threat to the survival of the species.

12.Jan.2006 Bolivia strongly rejects Chávez' remarks: Bolivian Army commander general Marcelo Antezana Thursday replied to Chávez' declarations on Tuesday suggesting that some Bolivian military officers would be involved in a conspiracy against Morales allegedly planned by the US Embassy in La Paz.

12.Jan.2006 Brazil says US wants to block aircraft deal with Venezuela : Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said on Wednesday there appear to be signs of U.S. attempts to block a sale of Brazilian-made military planes to Venezuela

12.Jan.2006 Venezuela's Jews Defend Chavez: The Venezuelan Jewish community leadership and several major American Jewish groups are accusing the Simon Wiesenthal Center of rushing to judgment by charging Venezuela's leftist president, Hugo Chavez, with making antisemitic remarks.

12.Jan.2006 Judge Alito, in His Own Words : Judge Alito has said some truly disturbing things about his view of the law. In three days of testimony, he has given the American people reasons to be worried - and senators reasons to oppose his nomination....

12.Jan.2006 Judge Samuel Alito and The `Führerprinzip' : Alito's nomination must be decisively defeated in the Senate, or the Supreme Court will fall fatally into the hands of a cabal of outright "Schmittlerian" Nazis, led by Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts + Alito—all members of the self-avowed "conservative revolutionary" Federalist Society.

12.Jan.2006 GOP Group to Donate Abramoff-Related Funds : The chairman of the Republican Governors Association said his group will donate to charity $500,000 in campaign contributions linked to disgraced lobbyist Abramoff

12.Jan.2006 Lobbyists' scandal has a K Street home : Capitol Hill is where Congress sits. The West Wing of the White House is where the president works. + K Street is where the lobbyists are - at least 30,000 of them.

12.Jan.2006 Robert Scheer: Rise and Fall of True Believers : The plumb line that runs down through the cesspool of the festering Abramoff-DeLay scandal is the conceit that the scions of the Reagan Revolution, a generation of young Republican activists summoned by God and party, were morally superior creatures, who had only pure ideological motives for cutting the country's social-safety nets in the name of "small government."

12.Jan.2006 The Crookedness of Congress is Nearing Exposure : A terror stalks the streets of Washington today the like of which has not been seen here since the War of 1812 when the British invaded the city and burned the White House. Jack Abramoff---lobbyist, con man, swindler, keeper of Washington’s buried skeletons---is singing.

12.Jan.2006 George Bush's rough justice : The career of the latest supreme court nominee has been marked by his hatred of liberalism

12.Jan.2006 New Orleans residents given four months to revive neighbourhoods : Residents of the most devastated areas of New Orleans reacted angrily yesterday to a blueprint for rebuilding the city that gives them four months to prove they can bring their neighbourhoods back to life or face the prospect of their homes being turned into parks or marshland.

12.Jan.2006 US opens Alaskan area to oil leases: The U.S. government paved the way on Wednesday for oil drilling in an Alaskan region used by migrating caribou and birds, three weeks after Congress blocked energy development in the nearby Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Why the Bush Doctrine Violates the Constitution: When President Bush signed the new law, sponsored by Senator McCain, restricting the use of torture when interrogating detainees, he also issued a Presidential signing statement. That statement asserted that his power as Commander-in-Chief gives him the authority to bypass the very law he had just signed.

12.Jan.2006 Bush must honor the rule of law: President Bush has declared himself free to ignore any law that he thinks limits his ability to fight terrorism. This is an extraordinary claim for any president in a country that prides itself on a rule of law binding government officials as well as ordinary citizens.

12.Jan.2006 Proof of CIA Prisons 'Could Create a Firestorm': Swiss newspaper Sonntags Blick claims to have the first hard evidence that Swiss Intelligence intercepted a fax proving that the CIA operated secret prisons in Europe, where al-Qaeda sympathizers were detained and interrogated. Now that word has leaked out, according to this article from France's Le Monde, the 'confusion in Switzerland is palpable.'

12.Jan.2006 Hamas drops call for destruction of Israel from manifesto : The manifesto makes no mention of the destruction of the Jewish state and instead takes a more ambiguous position by saying that Hamas had decided to compete in the elections because it would contribute to "the establishment of an independent state whose capital is Jerusalem".
U.S. law professor : Iraq war is "Pure Evil": Wars, death, destruction, human misery and loss of personal security are all misfortunes that people of good faith try to avoid or lesson among their fellow humans -- but when these misfortunes become pure evil, it is more often than not in the context of planned aggression, such as the American campaign against Iraq.

12.Jan.2006 In case you missed it: The Lie Factory : The inside story of how the Bush administration pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war.

12.Jan.2006 The yes man and the thug-In his disturbing new book, Times reporter James Risen reveals how George Tenet's gutless surrender to war-obsessed Donald Rumsfeld led to the total breakdown of U.S. intelligence.

12.Jan.2006 The Impeachment of George W. Bush: . People have begun to speak of impeaching President George W. Bush--not in hushed whispers but openly, in newspapers, on the Internet, in ordinary conversations and even in Congress. As a former member of Congress who sat on the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon, I believe they are right to do so.
Iraq War “Not Worth Fighting” for 55% of Americans : A majority of adults in the U.S. regret their government’s decision to launch the coalition effort, according to a poll by TNS released by the Washington Post and ABC News. 55 % of respondents think that, considering the costs versus the benefits to the United States, the war with Iraq was not worth fighting.
Of The Evil Empire

Imperialist Devastation of Peoples and the Evils Done in our Names -By Manuel Valenzuela
The world burns while we live lives of consumption and production, happy worker bees stuck in hour long commutes working most of our productive lives. We live in peace and harmony at home, distracted from reality by our television screens and movie theatres, by our lavish lifestyles and wasteful society. In the land of the individual the communality of peoples is an alien principle. Content, conformist and passive thanks to our nation of plenty, we care not for peoples outside our borders.

NSA Whistleblower Alleges Illegal Spying On Millions Of Americans
Former Employee Admits to Being a Source for The New York Times By BRIAN ROSS
He says the number of Americans subject to eavesdropping by the NSA could be in the millions if the full range of secret NSA programs is used.

Gag Reflex -By Chris Floyd
This week's revelation of how U.S. doctors are force-feeding captives on hunger strike in Bush's concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay still has the power to shock and sicken -- not just from the savage act itself, but also for the wider moral defeat it represents: another open embrace of raw brutality, another step in America's accelerating plunge into vicious despotism.

12.Jan.2006 New Army Documents Confirm Black Ops "Special Access Program" Unit Covered Up Detainee Abuse
Included in the release is the first publicly available government document confirming the existence of a secret “Special Access Program” involving a special ops unit, Task Force 6-26, which has been implicated in numerous detainee abuse incidents in Iraq + whose operatives used fake names to thwart an Army investigation.

"Huismann liefert nicht einen Beweis", kritisiert Penalver. "Dafür ignoriert er sämtliche Gegenbeweise". So seien unter anderem zwei US-Kommissionen zu dem Ergebnis gekommen, dass die Castro-Regierung mit Kennedys Tod nichts zu tun hatte. In dem Film werde nicht ein Experte aus diesen Untersuchungsausschüssen befragt, bemängelt der Botschafter.
Penalver fühlt sich durch die Rezensionen des Films in der deutschen Presse bestätigt. Es seien hohe Erwartungen geweckt worden, aber am Ende seien viele Kommentatoren nicht überzeugt gewesen.

"Die These fällt im Laufe des Films in sich selbst zusammen", sagt er.
Der Botschafter spricht von einem "schmutzigen Manöver". Huismann sei ein "bloßes Instrument, ein Bauer in einem weltweiten Schachspiel", um Fidel Castro zu diskreditieren.

Die Lehrer-Ameise ändert ihre normales Verhalten, um ihren Schüler profitieren zu lassen.
Zeigt eine Schmalbrust-Ameise der Art Temnothorax albipennis einer Artgenossin bei der Nahrungssuche den richtigen Weg, passt sie ihre Laufgeschwindigkeit dem Tempo ihrer Nachfolgerin an, schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der Fachzeitschrift "Nature" (Bd. 439, S. 153). Doch auch die Geführte orientiere sich am Tempo ihrer Führerin.
Während des gemeinsamen Marsches klopfe die hintere Ameise ihrer Navigatorin mit den Fühlern auf Bauch und Beine, um ihre Anwesenheit zu signalisieren.

Für die Untersuchung des tierischen Tandems maßen Franks und Richardson die durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit beim Zweierlauf und verglichen sie mit dem Tempo bei der individuellen Nahrungssuche.
Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass die erfahrene Führerin mit ihrem Anhang viermal länger für die Futtersuche braucht als allein.

Die Ameisen-Schülerin hingegen profitiert der Studie zufolge von ihrem Unterricht, da sie den Weg mit Unterstützung ihrer Lehrerin deutlich schneller bewältigen kann.

Bei der Analyse des gefährlichen Virus H5N1 von zwei der Todesopfer entdeckten sie eine Veränderung in einem Gen.

London - Die Gen-Veränderung sei in einer der beiden Proben festgestellt worden, erklärte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) am Donnerstag.

Es sei aber noch zu früh für eine Einschätzung, ob es sich dabei um eine entscheidende Mutation handele. Sie erlaube es dem Virus aber, sich leichter an eine menschliche Zelle zu binden als an die eines Vogels.
Die Vorarbeiten an dem Projekt "Aerial Common Sensor Plane" waren bereits bis zu einer endgültigen Entscheidung ausgesetzt worden. Das Konsortium habe Gelegenheit bekommen, Lösungsvorschläge zu machen.

Die Frist dafür laufe heute aus.
Sowohl Sprecher der Armee als auch der beiden Unternehmen hätten einen Kommentar abgelehnt. Ein Lockheed-Sprecher sagte, das Unternehmen sei noch nicht über Änderungen informiert worden.

Lockheed hatte im August den Konkurrenten Northrop Grumman ausgestochen und den Zuschlag für eine erste Entwicklungsstufe des Spionageflugzeuges im Wert von 879 Millionen Dollar erhalten.
Vogelgrippe: Wissenschaftler machen wichtige Entdeckung
Atomstreit: Europäer auf Konfrontationskurs mit Iran
Saudi-Arabien: Gericht verurteilt Mann zu Augenamputation
Katastrophe in Mekka: Mehr als 300 Tote bei Massenpanik
Vogelgrippe-Quarantäne: Im Zentrum der Seuche
Frankreich: Sarkozy will Bürger als Hilfspolizisten
Mathematik: Die rätselhaften Zahlenspiele der Natur
Lernen im Tierreich: Ameisen sind rücksichtsvolle Lehrer

12.Jan.2006 Chile: Pinochet aus Hausarrest entlassen
Interview mit kubanischem Botschafter: "Ein schmutziges Manöver"
"Stardust"-Mission: Surfer sollen Kometenstaub finden
Kombi-Löhne: Merz befürchtet das Ende der Marktwirtschaft

12.Jan.2006 Istanbul: Papst-Attentäter ist frei

12.Jan.2006 Trendumkehr: Arbeitnehmer gehen immer später in Rente
USA-Besuch: Opposition fordert klare Worte von Merkel

12.Jan.2006 Atomstreit: USA drängen auf Sanktionen gegen Iran

12.Jan.2006 Bomben auf Bagdad: BND soll USA im Irak-Krieg unterstützt haben

According to Tice, intelligence analysts use the information to develop graphs that resemble spiderwebs linking one suspect's phone number to hundreds or even thousands more.

Tice Admits Being a Source for The New York Times

President Bush has admitted that he gave orders that allowed the NSA to eavesdrop on a small number of Americans without the usual requisite warrants.

But Tice disagrees. He says the number of Americans subject to eavesdropping by the NSA could be in the millions if the full range of secret NSA programs is used.

"That would mean for most Americans that if they conducted, or you know, placed an overseas communication, more than likely they were sucked into that vacuum," Tice said.

The same day The New York Times broke the story of the NSA eavesdropping without warrants, Tice surfaced as a whistleblower in the agency. He told ABC News that he was a source for the Times' reporters. But Tice maintains that his conscience is clear.

"As far as I'm concerned, as long as I don't say anything that's classified, I'm not worried," he said. "We need to clean up the intelligence community. We've had abuses + they need to be addressed."

The NSA revoked Tice's security clearance in May of last year based on what it called psychological concerns and later dismissed him. Tice calls that bunk and says that's the way the NSA deals with troublemakers and whistleblowers. Today the NSA said it had "no information to provide."

Original Article at

10.Jan.2006 Narcissism, the public + the President
Cynthia Adams says:

This is a terrifying but accurate discription of the Commander-in-Chief. He is so out of touch with reality it is scary!
Nero, Caligula and the rest of the Caesars show us the true cost of unlimited power...The fall of the Roman Empire due to the ravings and acts of lunatics.
How are we to survive while he guts the Constitution, dismantles Civil liberties and destroys the middle class?
We need him out, but what would he do if impeached? The stress might cause him to become more psychotic. He does have a nuclear arsenal at his disposal.

Die FAO hat mittlerweile Nachbarstaaten der Türkei, darunter dem Irak, Iran, Syrien, Georgien und Armenien, empfohlen, strenge Überwachungs- und Kontrollmaßnahmen einzuführen, um eine Einschleppung der Seuche zu verhindern. "Wenn nicht alle Infektionsherde strikt eingedämmt werden, werden noch viel mehr Menschen und Tiere mit H5N1 in Kontakt kommen", sagte FAO-Experte Juan Lebroth.
Die hohe Geschwindigkeit der Vogelgrippe-Verbreitung in der Türkei hat Fachleute in den letzten Tagen vor Rätsel gestellt. Das Land ist das erste außerhalb Ostasiens, das mit H5N1 infizierte Menschen gemeldet hat. Innerhalb nur einer Woche bestätigte die Regierung in Ankara 15 H5N1-Infektionen bei Menschen. In Asien gab es bisher 140 solcher Fälle - allerdings verteilt über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren.
In der gleichen Woche wurden H5N1-Ausbrüche bei Geflügel in 16 Städten, verteilt über die gesamte Türkei, bekannt. Noch nie hat es bisher innerhalb so kurzer Zeit so viele parallele Ausbrüche bei Tierbeständen gegeben. Derzeit haben Experten keine Erklärung für dieses Phänomen. Sie können nur vermuten, dass es an der gegenüber Asien strengeren Überwachung in der Türkei liegt.
The Soon-to-be-Indicted Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio's Connection To Electoral Fraud 1/12
Shame on George W. Bush, yesterday in a speech before the Veterans of Foreign Wars he said he should not be held accountable for the lies he and his administration propagated in order to start a war against Iraq. He said he should not be held accountable for the thousands of American deaths or the tens of thousands of American injuries that are the result of those lies. Shame on George Bush. 1/12
"I will not have you run this committee," said Specter, who brushed aside Kennedy's threats. Kennedy, of course, had Alito cornered about one of his big fat lies. Nice prerequisite for SCOTUS, being a liar and all. But Alito lies well, he sure does.
US Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman calls for impeachment proceedings against President G W. Bush. Holtzman was a highly visible member of the House Judiciary Committee that voted to impeach President Richard Nixon in 1974
Rep. Roy Blunt has ties to corporate lobbyists + convicted influence peddler Jack Abramoff that rival Rep. Tom DeLay's, yet says he wants to be a reformer if given the chance to succeed DeLay as House majority leader. 1/12
Bush Open to Hearings on Domestic Spying as Long as He Can Wiretap the "Investigators" + they don't reveal that he was doing political spying on Americans, just a couple of conditions. (Okay, we wrote what Bush's handlers were thinking, not saying.)

12.Jan.2006 we now have indications that rightist forces hope to change the history books: Goodbye, "Lone Gunman" -- hello "Evil Commie Plot." This piece by Anthony Summers discusses a new German television documentary by one Wilfried Huismann, devoted to the "blame Fidel" thesis.12.Jan.2006
12.Jan.2006 As
Xymphora notes in today's column, there are growing indications that the news media will soon "reveal" that Fidel Castro was behind the JFK hit. 12.Jan.2006
Abramoff and vote fraud Are the two major scandals of out time -- computerized vote theft and Abramovian wheeling-dealing -- linked? You bet! If you haven't read Brad Friedman's
blockbuster investigation, do it now.
And finally then, it has recently been revealed that Diebold itself was also paying Abramoff's firm Greenberg Traurig directly for work in June of 2004 which has yet to be fully detailed or explained in any way.
A payment stub [PDF] and pre-check-register [PDF] revealing a $12,500 payment for the month, made from Diebold to Greenberg Traurig was discovered in a dumpster at Diebold's McKinney, TX facility in July of that year by electronic voting watchdog group
Perhaps that payment was part of the $275,000 we mentioned previously, as reportedly paid to Diebold. There's much, much more; the Bob Ney connection is absolutely damning.

Powell admits errors in war: He says lack of troops impeded U.S. success : Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday night in the Twin Cities that he harbors no regrets about the U.S. invasion of Iraq but acknowledged wartime mistakes and warned that Iraq's eventual government might not be as broad-based as American leaders had hoped.
Bremer claims he was used as Iraq ‘fall guy ’: A Pentagon spokesman on Monday confirmed that Mr Bremer had sent Mr Rumsfeld a memo based on a report by the Rand Corporation consultancy that recommended 500,000 US troops would be needed to pacify Iraq – far more than were sent. But Mr Bremer’s advice was rejected by military leaders and Mr Rumsfeld.

In case you missed it: So, Mr Bremer, where did all the money go? : At the end of the Iraq war, vast sums of money were made available to the US-led provisional authorities, headed by Paul Bremer, to spend on rebuilding the country. By the time Bremer left the post eight months later, $8.8bn of that money had disappeared.
U.S. can open private mail U.S. officials can open personal mail arriving from abroad -By Reuters
"Customs and Border Protection is charged with making sure that terrorists and terrorists' weapons don't enter the country," said Suzanne Trevino, a spokeswoman for the customs agency, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security.

Tombaugh, ein Farmerssohn aus Illinois, der von der Sternwarte in Flagstaff, Arizona, eigens für die Suche nach dem "Planeten X" angeheuert worden war, musste weitersuchen. 90 Millionen fotografierte Sterne überprüfte er, "eine Fleißarbeit, die mich fast umbrachte", wie Tombaugh später gestand. Doch er fand - nichts. Pluto blieb der einzige Planet jenseits der Gasriesen.
Sind neue Wälder schädlich?
"Während dieses Jahrzehnts hat sich die Methan-Anreicherung in der Atmosphäre um genau 20 Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr verlangsamt", schreibt der neuseeländische Experte David Lowe in einem Begleitartikel in "Nature". Dass es da einen Zusammenhang gibt, sieht Keppler auch durch Messungen bestätigt, die schwer zu erklärende Methan-Konzentrationen über tropischen Regenwäldern ergeben haben.
Lowe sieht bereits ein "Schreckgespenst" auftauchen: die Furcht, dass durch Wiederaufforstung neu entstehende Wälder die globale Erwärmung nicht etwa bremsen, indem sie Kohlendioxid schlucken, sondern durch Methan-Herstellung gar beschleunigen.
Diese Gefahr sieht Keppler nicht: "Die Methan-Produktion der Pflanzen schmälert den Klimaeffekt ihres CO2-Abbaus um höchstens zehn Prozent." Ohnehin dürfe die Studie seines Teams nicht zu der Annahme verleiten, die Methan-Konzentration sei für die Entwicklung des Weltklimas wichtiger als die von Kohlendioxid. "Unsere Untersuchung zeigt, wie extrem die Pflanzenwelt auf Kohlendioxid reagiert", so Keppler. "Die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre bleibt das Hauptproblem."
Keppler erwartet "enorme Folgen" seiner Studie für künftige Berechnungen zur Klimaentwicklung. Sein Hamburger Kollege Claußen sieht das ähnlich. "Wir beginnen erst, Methan als interaktives Element in Klimamodelle einzurechnen", sagte er. "Auf die Diskussion, die dieser Artikel auslösen wird, darf man gespannt sein."

Die Physik gibt also den Rahmen vor, in dem sich die biologischen Eigenschaften ausbilden - ob acht Beine, vier oder gar keine. Damit legen die Forscher außerdem nahe, dass die Evolution vorhersehbar ist. Sie glauben: Würde die Entwicklung noch einmal von vorne ablaufen, hätten Maus, Wespe oder Karpfen im Grundsatz einen ähnlichen Bewegungsapparat wie heute. "Die Anwendung der 'Constructal theory' könnte helfen, die Evolution der Tiere auf der Erde und sogar auf anderen Planeten zu verstehen", ist auf der Website der Duke University zu lesen. "Es ist eine interessante Arbeit", sagt Fritz-Olaf Lehmann, "doch dann kommen die ganzen 'Aber'."
Höchstes US-Gericht: Demokraten attackieren Bushs Kandidaten

11.Jan.2006 Wehrmachts-Verbrechen: Historiker deckt neue Grausamkeiten auf

11.Jan.2006 Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschad spricht von Schikane
Methan: Pflanzen produzieren gewaltige Mengen Treibhausgas
Antrittsbesuch: Bush nimmt sich drei Stunden Zeit für Merkel
Neue EU-Richtlinie: Hafenarbeiter bangen um ihre Existenzen
Pluto-Sonde: Aufbruch zur letzten Grenze
Nuklear-Streit mit Iran: Blair will Weltsicherheitsrat einschalten
Bush-Besuch: Merkel soll sich für Guantanamo-Häftling einsetzen
Mögliche Insolvenz: Autobranche bangt um GM und Ford
11.Jan.2006 Müdes Gehirn: Der tote Punkt nach dem Aufwachen

11.Jan.2006 Angst in den USA: Chinas Exportboom verärgert Amerika

11.Jan.2006  Vogelgrippe in der Türkei: Mysteriöse H5N1-Fälle beunruhigen Experten
Interview mit Bayerns Innenminister Beckstein: "Wir sind Teil des verhassten Westens"


Este resumo muito sumário do panorama da privatização da água mostra como estamos a ser “desligados” do ciclo hidrológico.
O Governo PSD/CDS tem nas mãos um fabuloso negócio e pretende aproveitar a legislatura para o entregar ao capital.

Por 30 ou 40 anos.

Preconizando-se também o aumento da pressão, já muito intensa, sobre as autarquias até agora resistentes.
É necessária a união de todos os esforços para travar e reverter o processo em curso.
Porque ainda é tempo.
As leis podem ser alteradas.
E apesar de tudo, a tutela da larga maioria das empresas concessionárias é do Estado Português.
Os cidadãos em conjunto têm poder democrático para exigir e impor-se aos órgãos de soberania.
Mas, a partir do momento em que estes alienarem a responsabilidade e a propriedade, esse poder é perdido. Pode-se reconquistar, mas não da mesma forma, e é muito mais difícil.
Urge, por isso, agir.
11.Jun.2003 Temos muito pouco tempo.
[*] Engenheira hidráulica. Responsável da "pro-Associação Água Pública", que está em constituição. A Associação Água Pública defenderá o acesso de todas as pessoas à água. Ver

11.Jan.2006 A privatização dos Serviços de Água
Está em curso um processo acelerado de privatização dos serviços de água – do abastecimento público, assim como da drenagem e tratamento de águas residuais.
Esta privatização, designada por “concessão”, consiste na entrega dos serviços públicos a empresas privadas para que os explorem e deles obtenham lucro. A concessão é uma alienação de direitos de propriedade e de poder de decisão público, que não deve ser confundida com a aquisição a privados de um trabalho ou um produto, como, por exemplo, a operação de uma estação de tratamento de água ou uma empreitada de construção, que não são privatizações.

Irans Atompläne: Rafsandschani warnt den Westen

11.Jan.2006 Biomechanik: Ein Gesetz für die Bewegung aller Tiere
Hafen-Streik: Zwangspause für die Globalisierung
TV-Bekenntnis: Blair ohrfeigte seine Kinder
Wirtschaftswachstum: Deutsche zweifeln am Aufschwung
Vogelgrippe: Zwei Chinesinnen an Virus H5N1 gestorben

11.Jan.2006 Arzneimittelsparpaket: Krankenkassen prophezeien unzumutbare Preise für Patienten
Alles, was ihre Akzeptanz erhöht, dürfte der RFID-Lobby lieb sein.
Die drängt in den USA zum Beispiel auf eine Nutzung von RFID-Techniken in Krankenhäusern und Gefängnissen.

Federführend ist hier die Firma VeriChip, die sich auf die Entwicklung subkutaner ("Unter-Haut") Chips spezialisiert hat.
Die Technik wird in Deutschland vor allem von der Metro-Gruppe, die so zu einer automatischen Preiserfassung kommen will, sowie vom Innenministerium, das RFID in Pässen, aber auch zur Kontrolle großer Menschenansammlungen (Weltmeisterschaft) einsetzen will, forciert. Datenschützer sehen die Technik mit zwiespältigen Gefühlen: In einer Welt, in der Personalpapiere und Waren mit RFID-Chips ausgerüstet wären, könnte man lückenlose Konsum- und Bewegungsprofile von Menschen erstellen. Denkbar wären darum auch Anwendungen im offenen Strafvollzug.
Unverständlich ist dem Experten deshalb, dass immer noch Menschen Fleisch oder Geflügelprodukte aus der Türkei mitbringen: "Die Leute sind unvernünftig." An den deutschen Flughäfen sind die Kontrollen unterdessen weiter verschärft worden. Wer Entenfüße aus China oder Gänsefedern aus der Türkei mitbringt, riskiert bis zu 25.000 Euro Bußgeld. Die Vorsitzende des Bundestags-Agrarausschusses, Bärbel Höhn (Grüne), geht dennoch von einem größeren Risiko für eine Einschleppung der Tierseuche nach Deutschland aus. "Die Gefahr, dass wir in diesem oder im nächsten Jahr die Vogelgrippe auch bei uns haben werden, ist massiv gestiegen."
Auch Mohamed Hafez vom Institut für Geflügelkrankheiten in Berlin geht nicht von einer erneuten Mutation aus: "Ich glaube nicht, dass sich der Erreger verändert hat." Die Tatsache, dass das Virus in der Türkei im Vergleich zur Entwicklung in Asien so rasend schnell auszubreiten scheint, erklärt er sich mit der unsicheren Datenlage: "Die Dunkelziffer ist bei solchen Krankheiten immer höher als man denkt." Gerade bei kleinen Geflügelbeständen, die Menschen in Vietnam oder China im Hinterhof hielten, würde ein Vogelgrippe-Ausbruch vermutlich nie als solcher erkannt - oder zumindest nicht gemeldet.
Zu einem ähnlichen Ergebnis kommt jetzt eine schwedische Studie. Die Wissenschaftler vom Karolinska-Institut in Stockholm befragten über 45.000 Vietnamesen, um mögliche unentdeckte Infektionsfälle aufzuspüren. Vietnam ist mit 87 bestätigten Infektionen und 38 Todesfällen das bislang am schwersten von dem Virus betroffene Land.
Über 8000 der Befragten hatten im Untersuchungszeitraum von Anfang April bis Ende Juni 2004 Grippesymptome erlebt. Über 84 Prozent leben in Haushalten, in denen es Geflügel, 26 Prozent in Haushalten, in denen es auch kranke oder verendete Vögel gab. Die Forscher verrechneten diese Informationen miteinander und fanden heraus, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, Grippesymptome zu entwickeln, bei den Menschen am höchsten war, die auch Kontakt mit toten oder kranken Vögeln gehabt hatten. Sie schätzen, dass 650 bis 750 der Erkrankungsfälle auf solche Kontakte zurückzuführen sind.

In einer Klinik in Van in der Osttürkei werden unterdessen 38 weitere Menschen auf eine Ansteckung hin untersucht. Ein Expertenteam der WHO ist vor Ort. Bei Geflügel hat das türkische Landwirtschaftsministerium in 10 der 81 Provinzen des Landes H5N1 nachgewiesen. Erst heute morgen wurde von weiteren, mutmaßlich an Vogelgrippe gestorbenen Tieren an der türkischen Mittelmeerküste berichtet. Das Virus verbreitet sich mit rasender Geschwindigkeit, hat vom Osten des Landes den äußersten Westen, Norden und Süden erreicht, anscheinend innerhalb kürzester Zeit.
Trotz dieser beunruhigenden Zahlen geht die WHO aber weiterhin nicht davon aus, dass sich H5N1 verändert hat und noch gefährlicher geworden ist. "Die ersten Untersuchungen haben keine Belege dafür erbracht, dass sich die Übertragbarkeit des Virus erhöht hat oder dass es sich von Mensch zu Mensch weiterverbreitet", teilt die Organisation mit. Die meisten Betroffenen seien Kinder + bei fast allen gebe es dokumentierte Kontakte zu kranken oder verendeten Tieren. Man hofft bei der WHO, dass die starke Öffentlichkeitswirkung der jüngsten Entwicklungen die Menschen im Land zu mehr Vorsicht im Umgang mit Geflügel bewegen wird.


Hamburg - Die Nachrichten sind beunruhigend. Aktuell haben sich in der Türkei nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO 14 Menschen mit einem Vogelgrippe-Virus infiziert. Zwei, möglicherweise drei sind daran gestorben. Bei einigen Verdachtsfällen stehen die Bestätigungen noch aus. Die gesicherten Fälle wurden in einem Labor in Ankara getestet, dessen Arbeit die WHO "hohe Qualität" bescheinigt. Alle bisher dort ermittelten Testergebnisse seien vom WHO-Referenzlabor in Großbritannien in vollem Umfang bestätigt worden.

Aber im trockenen Sand und Geröll leben mehr Bakterienarten als im Regenwald, fanden zwei amerikanische Ökologen heraus.

Entscheidend für die Bakterienvielfalt ist nicht das Klima, sondern der Säuregrad des Bodens.

Das ist das wichtigste Ergebnis der Untersuchung von Noah Fierer und Robert Jackson, Forscher an der Duke University in Durham.

Die beiden Wissenschaftler verglichen die Ökosysteme Nord- und Südamerikas. Aus unterschiedlichen Regionen entnahmen sie insgesamt 98 Bodenproben + identifizierten die darin enthaltenen Bakterien anhand ihrer DNA.
Im "Tages-Anzeiger" forderte Marty, die Regierung müsse wegen der CIA-Gefängnisse bei den USA Protest einlegen. Die Menschenrechte seien eine Säule der Schweizer Politik. Es gebe diesbezüglich keine Kompromisse. Sollte es zu diplomatischen Problemen zwischen der Schweiz und den USA kommen, wäre dies derzeit ein schlechter Zeitpunkt. Die Schweiz will mit den USA über ein Freihandelsabkommen verhandeln.

Im Zusammenhang mit dem veröffentlichten Fax über CIA-Geheimgefängnisse hat die Schweizer Militärjustiz ein Verfahren gegen drei Journalisten eingeleitet.

Sie werden verdächtigt, militärische Geheimnisse veröffentlich zu haben.

Bern - Ermittelt werde gegen den Chefredakteur der Zeitung "Sonntagsblick", Christoph Grenacher und zwei Journalisten, berichteten Schweizer Medien.

Das Blatt hatte ein zwischen dem ägyptischen Außenminister Ahmed Abul Gheit + der ägyptischen Botschaft in London ausgetauschtes + vom Schweizer Geheimdienst aufgefangenes Schreiben über Geheimgefängnisse der CIA veröffentlicht. Die Journalisten stünden im Verdacht, militärische Geheimnisse veröffentlicht zu haben.
Die Maßnahme versetze nicht in Erstaunen, schrieb Grenacher in einer Stellungnahme. Er übernehme für die Publikation die alleinige Verantwortung. Die Chefredaktion des "SonntagsBlick" habe das öffentliche Interesse höher gewichtet als die Staatsschutzinteressen der Schweiz. Ein zweites Verfahren der Militärjustiz richtet sich gegen Unbekannt.

In ihm soll herausgefunden werden, wie der Inhalt des als geheim bezeichneten Papiers an die Zeitung gelangte.
Senator Edward Kennedy hatte Alito vorgeworfen, der Regierung in Veröffentlichungen fast unbeschränkte Vollmachten zugesprochen zu haben. Dies sei Besorgnis erregend "zu einer Zeit, in der das Weiße Haus Macht missbraucht, Folter entschuldigt und legitimiert und amerikanische Bürger ausspioniert", sagte Kennedy. Der Senator bezog sich damit auf von Bush angeordnete Lauschangriffe.
Die Demokraten befürchten, dass eine Berufung Alitos an den Obersten Gerichtshof einen Rechtsruck zur Folge haben könnte. Der 55-jährige Jurist soll der in den Ruhestand getretenen Richterin Sandra Day O'Connor nachfolgen, die als eher moderat galt. Bei besonders strittigen Entscheidungen des neunköpfigen Kollegiums - wie denen zur Todesstrafe oder zur Abtreibung - gab Day O'Connor mit ihrer Stimme oft den Ausschlag in die liberalere Richtung. Viele Fragen betrafen daher auch das Recht auf Abtreibung. Alito sagte, er würde "die Frage mit einem offenen Geist angehen".
Zwar habe er sich zu Beginn der Achtziger Jahre, als er als Anwalt der damaligen Regierung tätig war, gegen Abtreibungen ausgesprochen. Damit habe er aber nur die Interessen seines damaligen Mandanten vertreten, erklärte der 55-Jährige.