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25.Aug.2004 Dying In Darfur Samantha Power URL:

29.Aug.2004 Bush came into office having promised to end the southern Sudanese war.

They were on the brink of a peace agreement when a province the size of Texas erupted into genocidal conflict. You've seen the stories of refugees and starvation. Here's the full story, by Samantha Power.

29.Aug.2004 Young South Carolinian Dulles, Joseph Heatly whose family bought their slaves with the money from contract-security work for the British conquerors in India, was in a previous secret Yale group, the ``Society of Brothers in Unity.''

At Yale Dulles, Joseph Heatly worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel; their two families clove together in the fashion . ."
".. attracted the Anglo-American oil cartel. The Baker's (were prominent in supporting eugenics & utopian.. )family law firm in Texas, like the Bush + Dulles families in New York, was aligned with the Harriman-Rockefeller cartel .

00.000.1900 Rockefeller,Percy A., Yale graduate (class of 1900) 22.Jan .."
29.Aug.2004 John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a collection of his Internet essays seen on hundreds of websites around the world + of "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on 11.Sep.2001," a booklet written especially for those who still believe the government's version of events on that tragic day. A new collection of his essays, titled "The Perfect Enemy," will soon be published. For more information, check out
29.Aug.2004 The Deepening Darkness - US-Israeli Mercenaries Pose As al-Qaeda And Carry Out Staged Beheadings
By John Kaminski
24.Jun.2004 It's truly saddening - + frightening - to see so many people from the 11.Sep.2001 truth movement +

the nominally intelligent sectors of USA American society duped by the new government fairy tales that USA Americans Nick Berg + Paul Johnson + Korean Kim Sun-il were beheaded by al-Qaeda terrorists when in fact the perpetrators were international mercenaries who draw their paychecks from the subterranean murder bureau run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency, Israel's Mossad and the hired henchmen of morally bankrupt and Bush-connected Saudi Arabian royalty.   Now that Ashcroft's fake terror alerts within the USA. fail to draw even a ripple of attention - except for honest intelligence analysts who quickly debunk them as calculated fantasy - the forces of evil run by Dick Cheney and his Soviet-style hit men within the Bush administration have resorted to actual grisly performances of preposterous violence overseas in clumsy attempts to deflect attention from embarrassing news on the homefront and build a case for their incipient invasion of oil fields in eastern Saudi Arabia as their brutal rape of Iraq continues unabated.  

But as usual Americans are kept in the dark by their mindlocked mainstream media, surely more warped than the state-controlled Soviet press ever was + are spoonfed magical tales of evil al-Qaeda deeds from newsrooms that have CIA censors coordinating their vomitous expectorations.
/pressroom/headlines/headlines.htmlBush Admits ‘Miscalculation’ of Post-War Iraq
29.Aug.2004 Jonathan Clarke Research Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies

Jonathan Clarke is a research fellow in foreign policy studies.

As a former career diplomat with the rank of counselor in UK British Diplomatic Service,

Clarke's foreign assignments included Germany, Zimbabwe + the United States.

In London he worked on issues relating to China, South Africa, and Central America.

His particular areas of expertise are political + economic + development issues relating to Europe (particularly the future of European security + South-East European + Eastern Mediterranean Affairs) + Central America + sub-Saharan Africa + the Middle East + USA + East Asia.

Clarke has been widely published in media such as Foreign Affairs + Foreign Policy + The National Interest + Orbis The Washington Post Los Angeles Times + the London Daily Telegraph + the Paris Monde Diplomatique.

He also has appeared on CBS, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, National Public Radio, the BBC + the CBC.

Clarke is the author of the book After the Crusade: American Foreign Policy for the Post Superpower Age

(co-authored with James Clad, Madison Books, 1995).

00.Jul.2004 Cambridge University Press will publish his book America Alone: The Neo-conservatives and Global Order (co-authored with Stefan Halper.) Clarke is a graduate of Oxford University. He speaks German fluently and also has knowledge of Chinese and French.

Media Contact: 202-789-5200 To Book a Speaking Engagement: 856-428-9475 Speaking Topics

Africa Balkans East Asia and the Pacific Europe Foreign Policy General Strategy and USA. Foreign Policy Asian East Security Balkans European Security Foreign Policy South Africa

--> Selected Television Appearances /realaudio/clarke-07-15-03.ram

15.Jul.2003 Jonathan Clarke discusses the USA. mission in Liberia on Fox News,. [Real Media] Opinion and Commentary

04.Mar.2001 "Twilight of the Neocons," Washington Monthly, .

04.Mar.2001 "US/China situation may have serious ramifications," ABC, .

21.May 1999 "Kosovo Is America's War, America's Pain," Los Angeles Times, .

17.Sep.1998 "The Cost Of Confusion In Our Foreign Policy," A Cato Commentary, .

09.Jan.1998 "Kosovo Tempts the Meddlesome to Incite Another Ethnic War," Los Angeles Times, .

28.Apr.1997 "Japan Bruises Easily From USA. Stumbling" Los

28.Apr.1997 "Japan Bruises Easily From USA. Stumbling" Los Angeles Times,

13.Mar.1997 "Korea's Biggest Worry Is Internal" Los Angeles Times, .

23.Jan.1997 "Will Albright Return Principle to Policy?" Los Angeles Times, .

01.Nov.1996 "Cold War Mentality Taints Security Issues in Asia" Los Angeles Times .
02.Dec.2002 -by Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles-Published by Guardian/UK

The Bush Dynasty + the Cuban Criminals -New book reveals links of two presidents + the governor of Florida Bush, Jeb with exiled hardliners
The brother of President George Bush, the Florida governor, Jeb Bush, has been instrumental in securing the release from prison of militant Cuban exiles convicted of terrorist offences, according to a new book.

The Bush family has also accommodated the demands of Cuban exile hardliners in exchange for electoral + financial support, the book suggests.

00.000.2001 11.Sep.2001 -Last year, after- while USA justice department announced a sweep of terrorist suspects,

Cubans convicted of terrorist offences were being released from USA jails with the consent of the Bush administration, according to the book, Cuba Confidential: Love + Vengeance in Miami + Havana, by Ann Louise Bardach, the award-winning investigative journalist who has covered Cuban + Miami politics for the New York Times + Vanity Fair.

00.000.1984 -go back to- The Bush family connections- when Bush, Jeb began a close association with Padreda, Camilo a former intelligence officer with the Batista dictatorship overthrown by Fidel Castro.

00.000.1984 -then- Bush, Jeb was the chairman of the Dade county Republican party Padreda its finance chairman.

00.000.1984 -earlier- Padreda had been indicted on a $500,000 (£320,000) embezzlement charge along with a fellow exile,

Cartaya, Hernandez but the charges were dropped, reportedly after USA CIA stated that Cartaya had worked for them USA CIA .

Padreda later pleaded guilty to defrauding the housing + urban development department of millions of $$ 1980 -during the s.-

President Bush 's younger brother Bush, Jeb was also on the payroll in the 1980 - of the prominent Cuban exile Recarey, Miguel who had earlier assisted USA CIA in attempts to assassinate CUBAN President Castro.

Recarey, who ran International Medical Centers (IMC), employed Bush Jeb as a real estate consultant + paid him a $75,000 fee for finding the company a new location, although the move never took place, which raised questions at the time.

BushJeb did, however, lobby the Reagan/Bush administration vigorously + successfully on behalf of Recarey + IMC.

"I want to be very wealthy," Bush Jeb told the Miami News when questioned during that period.

00.000.1985 Bush Jeb acted as a conduit on behalf of supporters of the Nicaraguan contras with father Bush [BGHW948] Bush Jeb,

00.000.1985 -then- Bush [BGHW948] USA vice-president + helped Bush Jeb arrange for IMC to provide free medical treatment for the contras.

later Recarey was charged with massive medicare fraud but fled the USA before his trial + is now a fugitive.

BushJeb sealed his popularity with USA Cuban exile community by acting as campaign manager for another prominent USA Cuban, Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana when she ran successfully for USA Congress.

Bush [BGHW948] famously appeared with USA Cuban, Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana her during her campaign in Miami declaring:

"I am certain in my heart I will be the first USA president to step foot on the soil of a free + independent Cuba."

-since- USA Cuban, Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana has lobbied successfully for the release of several exiles convicted of terrorist offences held in USA jails but who now live freely in Miami.

Most controversially, at the request of BushJeb, Mr Bush [BGHW948] intervened to release the convicted Cuban terrorist Bosch, Orlando from prison and then granted him US residency.

According to the justice department in George Bush Sr's administration, Bosch had participated in more than 30 terrorist acts. He was convicted of firing a rocket into a Polish ship which was on passage to Cuba. He was also implicated in the 1976 blowing-up of a Cubana plane flying to Havana from Venezuela in which all 73 civilians on board were killed.

CIA memorandums strongly suggest, according to Bardach's book, that Bosch was one of the conspirators, and quotes the then secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, as writing that the "US government had been planning to suggest Bosch's deportation before Cubana airlines crash took place for his suspected involvement in other terrorist acts and violation of his parole".

Bosch's release, often referred to in the US media as a pardon, was the result of pressure brought by hardline Cubans in Miami, with Jeb Bush serving as their point man. Bosch now lives in Miami and remains unrepentant about his militant activities, according to Bardach.

In July this year, Jeb Bush nominated Raoul Cantero, the grandson of Batista, as a Florida supreme court judge despite his lack of experience. Mr Cantero had previously represented Bosch and acted as his spokesman, once describing Bosch on Miami radio as a "great Cuban patriot".

Other Cuban exiles involved in terrorist acts, Jose Dionisio Suarez and Virgilio Paz Romero, who carried out the 1976 assassination of the Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier in Washington, have also been released by the current Bush administration.

The current administration also maintains a hard line on the continuing Cuban embargo despite the urgings of many in Mr Bush's own party to end it. The president's adviser, Karl Rove, "has urged him to fully accommodate hardliners in return for electoral victories for both his brother and himself", Bardach's book says.

For their help, many hardline Cuban-Americans have received plum jobs in the current administration: Mel Martinez, the Orlando Republican who arranged for the shipwrecked Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez, to visit Disney World, was made housing secretary, while Otto Reich was awarded a one year recess appointment for the western hemisphere in the state department.
1899 K. Kautsky veröffentlicht seine Schrift »Die Agrarfrage«.
29.Aug.2004 You searched for Kerry [KJF966].

1. DRUDGE REPORT 2004® URL:   index-395.htm
FBI Probes Pentagon Spy Case Admiral speaks out, disputes Kerry [KJF966]'s account of 1st wound... US NAVY CHALLENGES Kerry [KJF966] WEBSITE MEDALS... Oregon swift boat v .."
Nobel Winners Back Kerry [KJF966], Say Bush Ignores Science URL:   nobel.htm
".. Nobel Winners Back Kerry [KJF966], Say Bush Ignores Science By John Whitesides Political Correspondent 6-24-4   DENVER (Reuters) -- Democrat John Kerry [KJF966] picked up the endorsement on Monday of 48 .."
Online NewsHour: Recent Accusations by Fellow Swift Boat Veterans Impact John Kerry [KJF966]'s War Record Impact John Kerry [KJF966]'s Campaign -- August 23, 2004 URL:   warrecord_8-23.html
".. Kerry [KJF966] 'S WAR RECORD

23.Aug.2004 Kwame Holman examines the debate about John Kerry [KJF966]’s actions during and after the Vietnam War + the impact that they are having on the presidential campaign. Gwen .."t r u t h o u t - GLOBAL URL:   global.htm
Lets get the Truth Out, changing things for the better through information.
".. Reuters Northern AllianceEnters Kabul Kerry [KJF966] -COLLINS, Senate Passes Kerry [KJF966]-Collins Amendment on Global Warming. First Step Towards Restoring USA.

Leadership on Global Warming. .................... (25. - Bush-Messer: Wo ist John Kerry [KJF966]? - Politik URL:   0,1518,druck-305171,00.html
Präsident Bush [BGW968] kämpft in den Wahlumfragen um jeden Prozentpunkt.

Sein Rivale John Kerry [KJF966] fliegt derweil zum Radwandern und Fallschirmsurfen auf die feine Ferieninsel Nantucket.

Kein Wunder, dass der Demokrat nicht zu Potte kommt. ".. SPIEGEL ONLINE -

22. Juni 2004, 15:35 URL:,1518,305171,00.html

Bush-Messer  Wo ist John Kerry [KJF966] ? Von Marc Pitzke, New York Präsident .."

Streit über Vietnam-Dienst: Kerry [KJF966] erhält Rückendeckung - Politik URL:   0,1518,druck-314460,00.html
Der demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidat John Kerry [KJF966] wehrt sich weiter gegen Fernsehspots einer Gruppe von Vietnam-Veteranen, welche die positive Darstellung seines Militäreinsatzes in Vietnam in Zweifel ziehen. Rückendeckung erhielt Kerry [KJF966] am Sonntag von der "Washington Post" sowie einem Zeitzeugen, der bisher geschwiegen hatte.
22.Aug.2004 URL:,1518,314460,00.html

Streit über Vietnam-Dienst  Kerry [KJF966] erhält Rückendeckung .."

29.Aug.2004 Nobel Winners Back Kerry [KJF966], Say Bush Ignores Science
By John Whitesides
Political Correspondent
24.Jun.2004 DENVER (Reuters) Democrat John Kerry [KJF966] picked up the endorsement on Monday of 48 Nobel Prize-winning scientists who attacked President Bush for "comprising our future" by shortchanging scientific research.  

"The Bush administration has ignored unbiased scientific advice in the policy-making that is so important to our collective welfare," the 48 scientists, who have won Nobels in chemistry, physics and medicine dating back to 1967,

said in an open letter released by the Democratic presidential candidate's campaign.  

The scientists, who included 2003 chemistry winners Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon, accused the Bush administration of undermining America's future by reducing funding for science and turning away scientific talent with restrictive immigration policies.  

"John Kerry [KJF966] will change all this," they said. "John Kerry [KJF966] will restore science to its appropriate place in government."

Doctors Grow New Jaw Bone in Man's Back...
Polls Find Bush Overtaking Kerry [KJF966] in Key States // LA TIMES FRIDAY: In Missouri, Bush leads among registered voters, 46% to 44% ; in Wisconsin, he leads 48% to 44%; in Ohio, the president holds a 49% to 44%... Missouri Plan For Military Voting By Email Draws Fire... Bush Acknowledges Iraq 'Miscalculation'...
Powell echoes Bush on errors... Abortion rate hits record high in UK...


Company pulls toys depicting Sept. 11 attack... RECENT DRUDGE HEADLINES
29.Aug.2004 BUSH
EXPANDS CIA CHIEF'S POWER VIA EXECUTIVE ORDER... Al Qaeda may target veterans hospitals, USA. says...
al-Qaeda operative: Montreal man who trained with 9/11 hijackers brought down American Airlines flight in New York three years ago...
Florida Policeman Arrested for Threat Against Bush...


Russia Blames Terrorism for Downed Jet...

NASA, Boeing want to ease traffic with flying cars...

Micro lie detectors help screeners ID air passenger threats...
Admiral speaks out, disputes Kerry [KJF966]'s account of 1st wound...
Oregon swift boat vet placed on leave over long-ago extramarital affair...
29.Aug.2004 It’s not a pretty picture, but it goes a long way in explaining how exactly our country got itself into the mess we are in: an intractable war, the loss of allies and international goodwill, a half-trillion-dollar deficit.

Poking around in the presidential psyche, Frank uncovers a man suffering from megalomania, paranoia, a false sense of omnipotence, an inability to manage his emotions, a lifelong need to defy authority, an unresolved love-hate relationship with his father, and the repercussions of a history of untreated alcohol abuse.

Other than that, George Bush is the picture of psychological health.
29.Aug.2004 Bush [BGW968]: Presidential or Pathological? July 13,

That is the highly provocative question being asked in “Bush on the Couch,” a new book in which psychoanalyst and George Washington University professor Dr. Justin Frank uses the president’s public pronouncements and behavior, along with biographical data, to craft a comprehensive psychological profile of Bush 43.

Israeli Spy: The FBI investigation: I have come into possession of information that points to an official who is the most likely target of the FBI investigation into who allegedly passed intelligence on deliberations on US foreign policy to Iran to officials with the pro-Israeli lobby group, AIPAC. That individual is Larry Franklin, a veteran DIA Iran analyst seconded to Feith’s office.

Israeli rejects report that it employed top Pentagon analyst as a mole: The analyst reportedly had ties to top Pentagon officials Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith + had been assigned to a unit within the Defense Department that was responsible for helping formulate the Pentagon's Iraq policy.

29.Aug.2004 On Nov. 27, DOD General Counsel Haynes sent an "Action Memo" to Rumsfeld accompanying the requests from Guantánamo. Haynes stated that he had discussed this with Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith (the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy) + JSC Chairman Myers.
Rumsfeld authorized some of the techniques in early December, including hooding, stripping of all clothing, sensory deprivation, and "Using detainees' individual phobias (such as fear of dogs) to induce stress."
13.May 1941 Field Marshal Keitel, Wilhelm, the head of „3.reich“ Armed Forces High Command,

issued an order in Hitler's name, severely limiting functions of the military courts martial system +

virtually giving immunity to „3.reich“ forces for war crimes against SOVIETs :

"With regard to offenses committed against enemy civilians by members of „3.reich“ Wehrmacht,

prosecution is not obligatory, even where the deed is at the same time a military crime or offense."

The „3.reich“ army was explicitly instructed to go easy on any such German offenders,

"remembering in each case all the harm done to Germany since 00.000.1918 by the 'Bolsheviki.' "
Underlying such orders was the „legal“ „philosophy“ set forward by the "Crown Jurist of the Third Reich," Schmitt, Carl
whose writings have unfortunately undergone a revival in the USA in recent years.

Schmitt, Carl contended that, in times of emergency + crisis,

the actions of the Leader were not subordinate to justice,

but constituted the "highest justice."

In passages which remind one of the legal defenses of "necessity" + "self-defense" posed by Ashcroft, John's USA Department of Justice (DOJ) today,

Schmitt, Carl wrote:

"All law is derived from the people's right to existence.

Every state law, every judgment of the courts, contains only so much justice, as it derives from this source.

The content + the scope of his action, is determined only by the Leader himself."
You searched for Feith. 1.
".. The allegations about Douglas Feith, the number three at the .."
".. testimony contained in the annexe, Mr Feith 's cell undermined the .."
".. appears to have been set up by Mr Feith as an adjunct to the .."
".. on the committee,said that Mr Feith 's cell may even have .."
".. Democrats for the resignation of Mr Feith, the third-ranking .."
".. testimony to the committee on Feith + other Pentagon .."
".. Pentagon adviser confirmed that Mr Feith was being targeted by .."
".. are clearly gunning for Douglas Feith now. This is turning .."
".. investigation. They want to get Feith and see if, through they can go up the .."
".. to even bigger fish." Mr Feith 's role is to be examined .."
".. Senate committee testified that Mr Feith and others believed that .."
".. eda: A Murky Relationship, Mr Feith passed on a written .."
".. ignored".

00.Aug.2002 Mr Feith 's cell gave a briefing .."
".. collaboration. In another incident, Mr Feith 's Pentagon cell .."
".. its postponed assessment, Mr Feith 's cell went directly to .." URL:   20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
".. Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith oder James Woolsey .."
13.Mai 2003 The Cabal - Selektive Geheimdienstinformationen URL:   20030513_cabal_02.html
".. einschließlich Rumsfeld, Donald, Feith, Douglas den politischen .."
2004070203_Report URL:   2004070203_Report.htm
".. Sicherheitspolitik, und Douglas Feith, .."
CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter" URL:   index-81.htm
America's Best Political Newsletter.
".. the Absurd in Iraq: Chalabi, Feith and Israel John Blair A .."

29.Aug.2004 'The image of thousands of potential sleeper cells is clearly inaccurate', says Dolnik. 'For the terrorist who has a sense of purpose, who has come all the way to Afghanistan to train, who has experienced the glory of battle, inaction is extremely stressful. If there were such a high number of sleepers, it would be much more common to see some of these operatives participate in unauthorised low-level operations on their own - to relieve stress, if nothing else.'
By simply asking a few basic questions, we can see that claims of 18,000 terrorists having passed through Afghanistan and now poised to commit acts of terrorism are so much stuff and nonsense. So why were they so widely reported by sections of the media and others? There is a distinctly uncritical climate when it comes to discussing al-Qaeda and its alleged threat to the West. The claims of 18,000 potential terrorists were repeated by everyone from the anti-war Daily Mirror to the pro-war Daily Express, from the anti-Bush writer Gore Vidal to officials within the Bush administration itself.
29.Aug.2004 By simply asking a few basic questions, we can see that claims of 18,000 terrorists having passed through Afghanistan and now poised to commit acts of terrorism are so much stuff and nonsense. So why were they so widely reported by sections of the media and others? There is a distinctly uncritical climate when it comes to discussing al-Qaeda and its alleged threat to the West. The claims of 18,000 potential terrorists were repeated by everyone from the anti-war Daily Mirror to the pro-war Daily Express, from the anti-Bush writer Gore Vidal to officials within the Bush administration itself.
Claims of a big, bad, threatening al-Qaeda are unquestioningly accepted because they suit the agenda of both sides. For anti-war commentators, the alleged growth of al-Qaeda proves that the war in Iraq has only exacerbated terrorism and made the world a less stable place. So Gore Vidal said in a recent anti-war speech in New York: 'The IISS has said that in the wake of the war in Iraq, al-Qaeda now has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world….' Pro-war types, on the other hand, cited the 18,000 figure as evidence that we the West face a serious threat and must continue to mobilise against our enemies. Anti-war types talk up al-Qaeda in order to show that Bush was an ass for invading Iraq; pro-war types do it to convince themselves that they still have a mission + that the 'war on terror' must go on. Because these al-Qaeda myths provide such a neat, little motif for what both sides are for/against, neither side stops to ask any probing questions.
So while many of those 18,000 jihadists are dead, imprisoned or back home again, the myth of their threat to Western civilisation lives on.
29.Aug.2004 So while many of those 18,000 jihadists are dead, imprisoned or back home again, the myth of their threat to Western civilisation lives on.
Read on:
spiked-issue: War on terror
Creating the enemy, by Brendan O'Neill

00.May 2004 (1) Strategic Survey 2003/4: An Evaluation and Forecast of World Affairs, IISS,

26.May 2004 (2) 18,000 SET TO ATTACK, Mirror,

01.Jun.2004 (3) Still plotting, still recruiting, The Economist ,

26.May 2004 (4) Why al-Qaeda thrives, Time,

00.May 2004 (5) Strategic Survey 2003/4: An Evaluation and Forecast of World Affairs, IISS,

14.May 2003 (6) Terror crackdown has not reduced al-Qaeda threat, warns think tank, Guardian,

14.May 2003 (7) Terror crackdown has not reduced al-Qaeda threat, warns think tank, Guardian

26.May 2004 (8) Al-Qaeda is 18,000-strong, growing as a result of Iraq war, think tank says, Associated Press,

00.000.2003 (9) Al-Qaeda: Casting a Shadow of Terror, Jason Burke, IB Tauris,

06.May 2002 (10) Al-Qaeda run over by the internet, Jim Dunnigan, Strategy Page,,000&hl=en

00.May 2004 (11) Strategic Survey 2003/4: An Evaluation and Forecast of World Affairs, IISS,

00.May 2004 (12) Strategic Survey 2003/4: An Evaluation and Forecast of World Affairs, IISS,
(13) See
Creating the enemy, by Brendan O'Neill
29.Aug.2004 History

Main article: History of Portugal

Before the creation of the Portuguese state, Portugal was ruled by the Phoenicians (from 1104 BC), Carthaginians (from 258 BC), Lusitanians (native insurrection from 194 BC), Romans (from 218 BC), Suevi (from 409), Visigoths (from 416), Arabs (from 711), and Asturians and Leonese (from 739). Early Lusitania

Portugal has been inhabited for at least 500,000 years. In the early first millennium BC, several waves of Celts invaded Portugal from Central Europe and inter-married with local peoples, the Iberians, forming the Celt-Iberians. Two of the new tribes formed by the inter-marrying were the Lusitanians, who lived between the Douro and Tagus rivers, and the Calaicians who, lived north of the Douro river.
29.Aug.2004 In
219 BC, the first Roman troops invaded the Iberian Peninsula and within 200 years almost the entire Peninsula was dominated and Romanised, after winning the "Punic Wars" against the Carthaginians that in 238 BC, who already occupied the Iberian coasts. Lusitania was especially hard to conquer, because of the leader of the Lusitanians, Viriathus, that since 194 BC re-conquered the entire Portugal and parts of Spain to the Romans. In 155 BC, the "Lusitanian War" between the Romans and Lusitanians begun. Because of treason from a companion, the resistance was over + a colonial regime was installed; many Portuguese cities and towns were founded in this period. Since 27 BC, Lusitania gained status of Roman Province. Later, a new Province north of Lusitania was formed, known as Galecia, with capital in Bracara (Today's Braga). Barbarian Invasions

In the 5th century, Germanic tribes, known as Barbarians, invaded the peninsula. One of these, the Suevi, stopped fighting and founded a kingdom whose domains were, approximately, in today's Portugal. They fixed their capital in Bracara. Later, the Visigoths conquered their kingdom, unifying the Peninsula. Arabic Invasion and the Reconquista

An Islamic invasion takes place in 711 destroying the Visigoth Kingdom and the nobles take refuge in the north Asturian highlands. From there they re-conquest their lands to the Moors.

By the division of the Spains and following a Visigoth tradition after the death of Ferdinand the Great of Leon and Castile, whose domains were divided by his children, thus Portugal first became independent (as Kingdom of Galicia and Portugal) in 1065 under the rule of Garcia. Because Garcia was a tyrant and the others wanted the lands of their brothers, Portuguese and Galician nobles rebelled and the country rejoined Leon and Castile.
29.Aug.2004 See also
List of Portuguese monarchs - Kings of Portugal family tree -

Timeline of Portuguese history -

Monuments of Portugal -

Lusitania -

Lusitanian mythology -

29.Aug.2004 Economic growth has been above the EU average for much of the past decade, but
GDP per capita stands at just 75% of that of the leading EU economies. Although the country still has 9% (2001) of the population illiterate, mostly elderly, Portugal is in need to advance structural reforms needed to boost country's economic competitiveness. Portugal has been increasingly overshadowed by lower-cost producers in Central Europe + Asia as a target for foreign direct investment.
29.Aug.2004 Religion

Portuguese are in its majority Roman Catholics (circa 97%), but the constitution garantees freedom of choice. In Portugal, Fátima is a very important catholic center, dedicated to the Mother of Jesus, Mary (in Portuguese, Maria ). Portuguese people are very devoted to the Mother of Christ, being treated almost as a goddess, what made some believe there is a link to the deities of the now distant past, that were mostly female.
Portal do Governo / )

- Main governmental portal Presidência da República Official presidential site Assembleia da República

- Official parliamentary site : URL:
29.Aug.2004 In an interview with The New York Times, Bush said for the first time that he made a "miscalculation of what the conditions would be" after USA. troops went to Iraq + toppled the regime of President Saddam Hussein in

00.May 2003. The insurgency, he maintained, was the unintended result of a "swift victory" that led to Iraqi troops disappearing into the cities and mounting a rebellion

29.Aug.2004 As for Bush's convention speech, "I think we'll have real news," says White House communications director Dan Bartlett, who wouldn't give up any details.

Bush worked on the speech at his ranch in Texas this week. The speech is in the editing stage.
29.Aug.2004 The states Bush is campaigning in look like a recipe for deadlock: Bush and Democrat John Kerry [KJF966] are running close in Florida and West Virginia + recent polls in Ohio, New Hampshire, Michigan and Iowa show the two candidates tied.

Bush is driving home his arguments by resorting to star power, letting Republican luminaries such as former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain do some of his talking for him.

On terrorism, "We can't change our mind this day and the next day and the day after," Giuliani, the man inextricably linked to New York's recovery from the Sept. 11 attacks, said Thursday. "The leadership of this president has truly been a blessing."

He introduced Bush at three campaign stops in New Mexico.

29.Aug.2004 I think Senator Kerry [KJF966] should be proud of his record," Bush said. "No, I don't think he lied."

29.Aug.2004 Kopftuchverbot: Zwei Franzosen im Irak entführt

29.Aug.2004 Vor dem Wahlparteitag: Hunderte Bush-Gegner festgenommen

28.Aug.2004 Hartz-IV-Protest: SPD-Spitze fürchtet Zerreißprobe für Deutschland

29.Aug.2004 Montagsdemos: Veranstalter planen Großkundgebung in Berlin

29.Aug.2004 Flugzeugabstürze in Russland: Auch in zweiter Tupolew war Sprengstoff

28.Aug.2004 Haiti: Wie Brasiliens Fußball-Stars den Bürgerkrieg beenden sollten

29.Aug.2004 Jemen: Todesurteil und Haftstrafen für "Limburg"-Attentäter

29.Aug.2004 Wirtschaft: Korruptionsverdacht gegen Siemens-Manager

28.Aug.2004 Nukleare Bedrohung: Gerhard W. und die Atom-Connection

28.Aug.2004 Interview mit Joschka Fischer: "Da müssen wir durch"

29.Aug.2004 Untreueverdacht: Razzia bei Bahn-Chef Mehdorn

28.Aug.2004 Anti-Bush-Protest: New Yorker Polizei nimmt 250 Radfahrer fest

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Der Weg der Nicht-Methode ist der Weg aller Buddhas  
28.Aug.2004 -Around 12.45 a.m. - Maoists bomb Nepal Lever factory URL: Statesman News Service
KATHMANDU— Yet another Indian investment came under attack in Nepal, with Maoists today setting off three blasts at the factory of Nepal Lever Ltd + reportedly causing damage worth millions.
28.Aug.2004 -Around 12.45 a.m. - a group of men entered the premises of the FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) company at Basamadi in Makwanpur district in southwest Nepal + ordered the staffers + security guards out.

28.Aug.2004 -Around 12.45 a.m. -Thereafter, three bombs went off at the administrative building, boiler plant + toothpaste factory.

Police cordoned off the factory, that now has been attacked the fourth time by the insurgents. With all offices remaining closed in Nepal today, there was no official statement from Nepal Lever authorities. However, the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry issued a press statement in the afternoon, condemning the attack.
Hindustan Lever Ltd of India incorporated Nepal Lever in 1992, holding 80 percent of the shares. The rest is owned by nearly 2,000 Nepalese shareholders. The Basamadi factory was established in 1993 with an investment of nearly NRS 320 million. Despite being a household name with its products like Fair & Lovely, the fairness cream, Close Up and Pepsodent toothpastes, Lux, Liril and Super OK soaps, and Wheel detergent powder, Nepal Lever has been swinging between profit and loss.
Its activities were affected earlier this year when the Maoists called a blockade in the districts, disrupting supplies.
The multinational company had established itself in the entertainment industry of Nepal by instituting the annual Lux Film Awards for the Nepalese film industry, a fashion show which gave winning Nepalese models a chance to enter the Lakme Fashion Show in India + sponsoring concerts as well as recently, along with other corporate houses, funding Nepalese taekwon-do star Sangina Vaidyas passage to Athens to take part in the Olympics.
Along with Dabur Nepal, Surya Nepal, ITCs joint venture, Colgate-Palmolive and other Indian investments, Nepal Lever too had faced extortion demands from the Maoists.
Today’s blasts come a day after the Maoists announced they would close down all ventures with American investment in them to retaliate to the Bush government’s training + arming the Royal Nepalese Army.