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14.Jul.2004 Bastille Day

Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos?

27.Jul.2004 USA Department of Energy DOE Shuts Down the Labs :

Texas Plan to Grab Los Alamos Takes Hold -

27.Aug.2004 MAN: Raub- + Fluchtgelder,2828,192913,00.html
27.Aug.2004 Im Bundesamt für Justiz in Bern (BJ) plagt die Beamten das schlechte Gewissen angesichts des "offensichtlich kriminellen Ursprungs" des Geldes.
Klagen nigerianischer Behörden, die dem ehemaligen Staatschef vorwerfen, das Land + vor allem die Zentralbank jahrelang systematisch geplündert zu haben, stießen auf Gehör.

Mit den rund 500.000.000 $ möchte die Regierung im hoch verschuldeten Nigeria künftig Entwicklungsprojekte finanzieren. URL:,1518,druck-314583,00.html
Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGO) sind jedoch misstrauisch gegenüber dem beschlossenen Transfer. Die Erklärung von Bern (EvB), eine Koalition von sieben NGOs, hat die Bedingungen der Schweiz für die Rückgabe des Geldes an Nigeria kritisiert.

Christine Eberlein, Programmleiterin für internationale Finanzbeziehungen bei der EvB, fürchtet, dass die Millionen $ in Nigeria versickern.
Es sei nicht gewährleistet, dass das Geld wirklich den Opfern der Diktatur zugute kommt oder den Menschen, die in den Erdölfördergebieten leben + heute unter Umweltschäden leiden.

Es müsse eine "zielgerichtete Rückgabe" geben, sagt sie auf Anfrage von SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Dazu müssen laut Eberlein nicht nur Regierung + Schweizer Botschaft den Vorgang überwachen, sondern auch eine NGO vor Ort. URL:,1518,druck-314583,00.html
27.Aug.2004 Vor wenigen Tagen hat die Schweiz 500.000.000 $ des ehemaligen Diktators von Nigeria, Sani Abacha, herausgegeben.

Mehrere Schweizer Organisationen kritisieren nun die Bedingungen der Freigabe des bislang blockierten Vermögens. Sie fürchten, dass das Geld nicht bei den Opfern der Diktatur ankommt.

06.Aug.2004 According to the latest Zogby polling data, Mr. Bush [BGW968]'s job approval rating has dipped to 44 %. Quite dismal for a sitting president, with only three months before election.

However, it is still high enough to make me wonder, just how in the world can 44 % of the public actually believe Mr. Bush [BGW968] is doing a good job?


27.Aug.2004 -this morning at a farm in Smithville, Missouri- Kerry [KJF966] spoke about the desperate need to create a REAL alternative fuel program when Kerry [KJF966] becomes president.

Kerry [KJF966] plans to commit $ for starters to create a viable biofuel + alternative energy program, to wean ourselves away from the stranglehold that foreign oil has on this country.

It is my hope that when he becomes the commander-in-chief, he will take a serious look at industrial hemp for a real energy source. It just makes plain good sense. It's a win-win situation for everyone.

Permanent Link
06.Aug.2004 Rummy Being Rummy:"We don't do a lot of talk about intelligence. It's unhelpful."

Donald Rumsfeld speaking about al-Qaeda at a news conference today.

Hungerstreik in Israel: Grillgeruch soll Widerstand der Palästinenser brechen
Mit psychologischem Druck will Israel den Hungerstreik von rund 1700 palästinensischen Häftlingen beenden. Vor den Gefängnissen soll Fleisch gegrillt werden.
Israelische Gefängnisse: Tausende Palästinenser treten in Hungerstreik
Die israelischen Justizbehörden sehen sich mit einem massenhaften Hungerstreik von palästinensischen Häftlingen konfrontiert.

Mit der Aktion protestieren sie gegen ihre Haftbedingungen.

Eiskalt reagierte der israelische Minister für Innere Sicherheit:

„...meinetwegen können sie sich zu Tode hungern.“
27.Aug.2004 Am meisten aber wird der Reformprozess in einem Land beflügelt WO DAS LEID besonders hoch ist.

In Schweden beispielsweise war vor knapp zehn Jahren für jeden offenkundig, dass der Staat vor dem Offenbarungseid stand:

die Inflation bei 10 %, die Zinsen astronomisch hoch - es musste etwas geschehen.

So akzeptierten die Bürger selbst harte Einschnitte: Das

Arbeitslosengeld wurde gesenkt, das Kindergeld reduziert, ebenso das Wohngeld + das Krankengeld.
Schonungslos hatte Ministerpräsident Göran Persson den Schweden die Lage geschildert:

"Sei rüde, sei ehrlich, mach es schnell" lautete damals seine Devise.
In Deutschland dagegen hat sich die Arbeitslosigkeit über Jahre hinweg aufgebaut,

ein schleichender Prozess, wie die Autoren der Benchmarking-Studie bemerken:

"Damit hat in Deutschland eine gewisse Gewöhnung an hohe Arbeitslosigkeit stattgefunden." URL:,1518,313283,00.html
27.Aug.2004 Dass es auch anders geht, zeigen die Beispiele von Ländern, die ihre Arbeitslosenquoten verringern, zum Teil sogar halbieren konnten.

Jedes Land ging dabei einen ganz eigenen Weg,

sie unterscheiden sich vor allem darin, wie viel die Behörden den Arbeitslosen zumuten.
Die USA beispielsweise fahren die harte Tour. Dort erhalten erwerbsfähige Arbeitslose in manchen Bundesstaaten nur ein halbes Jahr lang Unterstützung, im US-Schnitt machen die staatlichen Hilfen gerade 58 % des letzten Nettolohns aus;

laut einer OECD-Studie sinkt nach dem 60. Monat der Arbeitslosigkeit diese so genannte Nettolohnersatzrate sogar auf gerade noch 7 %. URL:,1518,313283,00.html
27.Aug.2004 "Sei rüde, sei ehrlich, mach es schnell"
Viele Industriestaaten haben ihr Sozialsystem bereits grundlegend umgebaut.
Was den Deutschen an schmerzhaften Veränderungen noch bevorsteht, ist für UK Briten + USA Amerikaner + Dänen + Schweden + Schweizer + Österreicher schon ein Stück Sozialgeschichte.

Mehr als zehn Jahre liegt es teilweise bereits zurück, dass sie ihre Arbeitsmärkte reformiert haben - schnell, konsequent + nahezu geräuschlos.
Seitdem konzentrieren sich dort die Arbeitsverwaltungen auf die aktive Vermittlung von Jobs statt auf die passive Versorgung Arbeitsloser.

Sie haben das Prinzip des Förderns + Forderns durchgesetzt + den Leistungsbezug an den Willen des Einzelnen geknüpft, eine angebotene Stelle anzunehmen, selbst wenn sie der Qualifikation nicht entspricht.

"Jetzt ernten diese Länder die Früchte ihrer Politik", sagt Eric Thode von der Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Thode gehört zu einem Team von Wissenschaftlern, die gerade eine neue, so genannte Benchmarking-Studie vorgelegt haben, die zweite nach 2001.

Ihr Ergebnis ernüchtert: Deutschland ist in Sachen Beschäftigungsentwicklung im Vergleich mit 19 anderen OECD-Staaten weiter zurückgefallen,

vor allem ältere Arbeitnehmer + gering Qualifizierte sind die Verlierer am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. URL:,1518,313283,00.html
Permanent Link URL:

It is really the only strategy available to the Bush [BGW968] campaign.

It is painfully obvious to USA White House that their man has the kind of record to run away from - not run on.

It's really only started. It's going to get a lot nastier. Joe Fields URL: Permanent Link

.Aug.2004 Campaign Laws + Slime -Let's cut the charade. Bush [BGW968]'s "Bart Simpson" approach to campaigning

didn't do it, man. You can't prove a thing) is as transparent as cellophane.

No matter how many times he uses soap + water, his hands still won't come clean.

26.Aug.2004 -This week- Ginsberg, Ben, one of the Bush [BGW968]/Cheney campaign's top legal advisors, (you may remember Ginsberg, Ben from the

00.Nov.2000 Florida recount fiasco) admitted to advising the Swift Boat Veterans For (Truth?) 527 organization.

That action, we have since learned is not illegal, since attorneys are allowed to play both sides of the same coin.

But if Bush [BGW968] hasn't yet gotten caught red-handed violating the letter of the law,

Bush [BGW968] sure as hell has violated the spirit of it.

It is nearly impossible now, with so many connections to the Swift Boat Veterans group to continue the Bart Simpson defense.

Yet the emphatic denials continue.

Do we need to have phone records + memos from president Bush [BGW968] that prove a connection ? Hardly.

Bush [BGW968]'s campaign tactics are some of the most unseemly that I can ever recall.

But you know the old saying - like father, like son.

Bush [BGHW948] smeared Dukakis, Michael with the Willie Horton ads.

Bush [BGW968] The son has the swift boat vets.

00.000.2004 This year we are witnessing an endless stream of distortions + lies,

which are being stretched + pulled like saltwater taffy.

It would be all too easy to say that the Bushies don't realize that

freedom of speech doesn't equate with a freedom to lie.

They know exactly what they are doing by taking the campaign directly into the mud.

26.Aug.2004-00-000.1980 -Ever since Reagan, Ronald campaigned for USA president :

More Living In Poverty Permanent Link URL:
26.Aug.2004-00-000.1980 every four year
the question asked of voters s has been:

"Are you better off now, than you were four years ago?"

During this Bush [BGW968] presidential election cycle,

that is an easy question to answer + it is a resounding NO!

According to a Census Bureau report that came out 26.Aug.2004 there are

26.Aug.2004 1.3 million more USA Americans living in poverty than there were 26.Aug.2003

Also, 1.4 million more USA Americanss lost their health insurance benefits, although a million other USA Americans became insured, for a net loss of 400,000 people.

The report, which usually comes out in late September, was moved up, most probably because the Bush [BGW968] administration wanted to put as much distance between it and election day. They deny that politics was involved in the decision to move the report up a month.

"If the head of a department had to resign every time someone below him did something wrong, it'd be a very empty cabinet table,'' said Harold Brown, defense secretary under President Jimmy Carter and a panel member. Indeed, members of the panel went out of their way to praise Mr. Rumsfeld for having tried to avert abuses by directing his staff beginning in late 2002 to draw up rules for interrogation at the USA Americans detention facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
But they said confusion about those rules, which were rewritten several times as part of a fierce Pentagon debate, ultimately added to problems in Afghanistan and Iraq as the procedures were put into force there, without adequate supervision, by military intelligence units that were moved from Cuba to the Middle East.
Mr. Rumsfeld, who was briefed on the findings by video conference on Tuesday morning, responded later in the day only with a brief statement, saying that the panel had provided "important information and recommendations.''
"We have said from the beginning that we would see that these incidents were fully investigated, make findings, make the appropriate corrections, and make them public,'' Mr. Rumsfeld said.
As described by Tillie K. Fowler, another member of the group and a former Republican congresswoman from Florida, the panel's mission was to find out "how this happened and who let it happen,'' a reference to the abuses that came to public attention in April with the publication of what have now become infamous photographs. URL:,1518,315064,00.html
.Aug.2004 The panel sidestepped the broader, even more contentious, question of whether Mr. Rumsfeld had sent enough troops to Iraq. It focused instead on what it described as short staffing among the military police, who were outnumbered by prisoners by a ratio of 75 to 1 at Abu Ghraib + at the headquarters of Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, whose 495-member staff numbered only about one-third of the authorized total. URL:,1518,315064,00.html
.Aug.2004 Beginning in late 2002, the panel said, Mr. Rumsfeld and his staff set the stage for an environment in which abuses later became widespread. They did this first by sowing confusion about what kinds of interrogation techniques would be permitted, then by failing to plan for the intensity of the post-invasion insurgency, and finally by delaying for months in dispatching reinforcements to help the USA Americans guards at Abu Ghraib contend with the swelling number of prisoners.URL:,1518,315064,00.html
.Aug.2004 NEWS ANALYSIS - A Trail of 'Major Failures' Leads to Defense Secretary's Office
In tracing responsibility for the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, a panel drew a line that extended to Donald H. Rumsfeld. By DOUGLAS JEHL
Washington, Aug. 24 - For Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign over the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib would be a mistake, the four-member panel headed by James M. Schlesinger asserted Tuesday. But in tracing responsibility for what went wrong at Abu Ghraib, it drew a line that extended to the defense secretary's office.
The panel cited what it called major failures on the part of Mr. Rumsfeld and his aides in not anticipating and responding swiftly to the post-invasion insurgency in Iraq. On the eve of the Republican convention, that verdict could not have been welcome at the White House, where postwar problems in Iraq represent perhaps President Bush [BGW968]'s greatest political liability.
The report rarely mentions Mr. Rumsfeld by name, referring most often instead to the "office of the secretary of defense.'' But as a sharp criticism of postwar planning for Iraq, it represents the most explicit official indictment to date of an operation that was very much the province of Mr. Rumsfeld and his top deputies.
"Any defense establishment should adapt quickly to new conditions as they arise + in this case, we were slow, at least in the judgment of the members of this panel, to adapt accordingly after the insurgency started in the summer of 2003,'' Mr. Schlesinger, a former defense secretary himself, said in presenting the panel's findings at the Pentagon on Tuesday.URL:,1518,315064,00.html
Abu Ghureib: 27 Militärgeheimdienstler in den Folterskandal verwickelt

25.Aug.2004 Flugzeugabstürze über Russland: Ein zweifelhafter Zufall (

26.Aug.2004 US-Wahlkampf: Bush [BGW968]-Anwalt beriet Kerry [KJF966]-kritische Veteranen

25.Aug.2004 Guantanamo-Verhör: Australier Hicks droht lebenslange Haft

25.Aug.2004 Boykottverdacht: Bundeskartellamt durchsucht Markenverband-Büros

25.Aug.2004 Flugzeugunglücke: Russen rätseln über Doppel-Absturz

26.Aug.2004 Kunstraub in Oslo: Diebe traten Munchs Meisterwerk

26.Aug.2004 Phosphor aus dem All: Meteoriten lieferten Lebenselixier

26.Aug.2004 News Analysis: A Trail of 'Major Failures' Leads to Defense Secretary's Office

25.Aug.2004 Frankreich: "Mini-Tsunami" erschreckt Badegäste in Marseille

25.Aug.2004 Abacha-Vermögen: Schweizer Organisationen misstrauen Rückzahlung

25.Aug.2004 Interview mit Peter Sloterdijk: "Verwirrte geben Verwirrung weiter"

25.Aug.2004 Wunderwaffe der israelischen Armee: Stinkbomben gegen Steinewerfer

25.Aug.2004 EU-Bericht: Miliz vergewaltigt Mädchen im Sudan

25.Aug.2004 Gebrauchtwagenkauf: Der Tacho-Trick

25.Aug.2004 Linkspartei: Peters dementiert Geheimtreffen mit Lafontaine

25.Aug.2004 Menschenhandel: Kinder für Kamelrennen verkauft

25.Aug.2004 Umfrage: Streitfrage Hartz-Reform spaltet das Land

25.Aug.2004 Epigenomics: Die pikante Studie von Morgan Stanley

25.Aug.2004 Terrorschäden: Lufthansa verlangt Hilfe vom Staat

25.Aug.2004 Putsch in Äquatorial-Guinea: Sohn von Margaret Thatcher verhaftet

25.Aug.2004 Gleichzeitige Flugzeugabstürze in Russland: Geheimdienst glaubt an Zufall

25.Aug.2004 Verirrt: Wal blockiert Gezeitenkraftwerk

25.Aug.2004 Wahl-Umfrage: PDS in Brandenburg vorn

25.Aug.2004 Strenge Gesetze: Klonverbot schlägt deutsche Forscher in die Flucht

25.Aug.2004 Foto-Handys: Bäder nehmen Voyeure ins Visier

25.Aug.2004 Aus dem Archiv geholt: Surfen wie 1996

25.Aug.2004 US-Wahlkampf: Anti-Kerry [KJF966]-Buch auf Platz eins

25.Aug.2004 Sicherheitslage an russischen Flughäfen: "Mit deutschem Standard nicht zu vergleichen"

25.Aug.2004 Bush [BGW968]-Berater Karl Rove: Der Mann fürs Grobe

25.Aug.2004 Streit um Moschee: Ajatollah ruft alle Iraker zum Marsch nach Nadschaf auf

25.Aug.2004 Untersuchung: Polizisten haben Jackson nicht misshandelt

25.Aug.2004 Old School: US-Lehrer prügeln mit Paddeln

25.Aug.2004 Hoher Ölpreis: Trichet sieht keine Gefahr für das Wachstum

25.Aug.2004 Ford Maverick: Imageträger statt Massenverführer

25.Aug.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Der deutsche Wohlfahrtsstaat steht vor dem Ende"

25.Aug.2004 Anatomie einer Supernova: Sternenleiche schwebt in Eisenwolken

25.Aug.2004 Sommer kritisiert Hartz IV: "Verarmungsprogramm für Hunderttausende"

25.Aug.2004 Russland: Zwei Flugzeuge abgestürzt, Behörden vermuten Anschlag

25.Aug.2004 Mangelnder Reformeifer: SPD-Politiker attackieren Fischer

25.Aug.2004 Nach Eierwürfen: Schröder von Hartz-Protesten genervt

25.Aug.2004 Russland: Passagierjets abgestürzt, Behörden gehen von Anschlag aus

25.Aug.2004 NYPD to Shadow 56 Protesters : Detectives are leaving

25.Aug.2004 -to begin surveillance this weekend- USA GOVERNMENT BUSH [BGW968] USA SECRET S AGENT S -Detectives- are leaving for Boston +

25.Aug.2004 -this weekend- to begin surveillance USA GOVERNMENT BUSH [BGW968] USA SECRET SERVICE S AGENT S -Detectives- are leaving for Washington D.C. +

25.Aug.2004 -this weekend- to begin surveillance USA GOVERNMENT BUSH [BGW968] USA SECRET SERVICE S AGENT S -Detectives- are leaving for North Carolina +

25.Aug.2004 -this weekend- USA GOVERNMENT BUSH [BGW968] USA SECRET SERVICE S AGENT S -Detectives- are leaving for for California +

25.Aug.2004 -this weekend- to begin surveillance USA GOVERNMENT BUSH [BGW968] USA SECRET SERVICE S AGENT S -Detectives- are leaving for TO tail the protestors to 2004 USA Republican Party Convention New York as they travel to New York.

25.Aug.2004 Mercury in many lakes, rivers: One third of the nation's lake waters and one-quarter of its riverways are contaminated with mercury and other pollutants that could cause health problems for children and pregnant women

25.Aug.2004 Ralph Nader: 'Once you accept the anything-but-Bush [BGW968] position , the brain really does close down'

25.Aug.2004 S.C. Democrats use draft images to sign up voters : A state Democratic Party effort to sign up new voters mixes images of a military draft notice with a voter registration form, calling on people to make a choice between the two.

25.Aug.2004 Noam Chomsky and 'Left' Apologetics for Injustice in Palestine

25.Aug.2004 Hollywood Man Burns Marine Van,: Distraught after being told his Marine son was killed in combat in Iraq, Carlos Arredondo climbed into the Marine Corps van parked outside his home + set it ablaze Wednesday afternoon, suffering severe burns.

25.Aug.2004 Scott Ritter on Israel's nuclear policy, disarmament, Iraq and citizenship : Audio and transcript

25.Aug.2004 Manuel Valenzuela: Israel, Zionism And The Untermensch Syndrome : The labeling as anti-Semitic of anyone critical of the state of Israel’s policies in the continued destruction of Palestinian identity + the increasing domination into USA Americans foreign policy no longer has the sting of threat or intimidation it once mastered.

25.Aug.2004 Juan Cole: 74 dead, 300 wounded. Sistani Arrives in Najaf

25.Aug.2004 Talks between Sistani, Sadr camps begin in Najaf : Enormous crowd forces its way into Najaf's Imam Ali mausoleum after Sistani's arrivalin Old City

25.Aug.2004 Dozens Of Casualties After Iraqi Troops Fire On Kufa Demo

25.Aug.2004 At Least 10 Sistani Supporters Killed in Najaf

25.Aug.2004 22 killed as Sistani, Sadr supporters fired on : Supporters of Iraq's top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, have been fired upon in the town of Kufa + 20 people have been killed.

25.Aug.2004 Iraqi police seize journalists in Najaf: Iraqi policemen rounded up dozens of journalists at gunpoint in a Najaf hotel and took them to police headquarters before later releasing them.

25.Aug.2004 Iraqi Prisoner 'Kicked by USA Army Sergeant' : An Iraqi inmate who died at a US detention camp was hit by several marines, including a sergeant accused of kicking him in the chest, a court heard.

25.Aug.2004 Soldiers arrested after Iraqi beaten and drowned : At least two British soldiers have been arrested in connection with the allegation that troops murdered an Iraqi teenager

25.Aug.2004 Saboteurs attack about 20 Iraq pipelines : Saboteurs have attacked about 20 oil pipelines in southern Iraq, reducing exports from the key oil producing region by at least one third

25.Aug.2004 Smell of burnt flesh, blood smeared on streets of Najaf's Old city

25.Aug.2004 14 Nepalese taken hostage in Iraq

25.Aug.2004 General says USA forces tortured Iraqis : Pentagon leaders + Bush [BGW968] administration officials had previously steered clear of describing the physical abuse + sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners as torture

25.Aug.2004 I was abused by soldiers, says Hicks: ALLEGED Australian terrorist David Hicks has pleaded not guilty to war crimes charges and has told his father Terry that he was beaten and abused by US forces

25.Aug.2004 Guantanamo abuses amount to war crimes: Some USA Americans write off this treatment as a necessary evil in the war against terror. 25.Aug.2004 Holding the Pentagon Accountable: For Abu Ghraib: The two reports issued this week on the Abu Ghraib prison are an indictment of the way the Bush [BGW968] administration set the stage for Iraqi prisoners to be brutalized by USA Americans prison guards, military intelligence officers and private contractors.

25.Aug.2004 The better approach to war crimes trials:According to established principles of international law, both civilian + military commanders may be held responsible for acts committed by their subordinates in times of war.

25.Aug.2004 Denying Atrocities: From Vietnam to Fallujah: According to one British commander in Iraq USA American troops often saw Iraqis as "undermenschen" the Nazi expression for sub-humans.

25.Aug.2004 Australian lawyer blasted by US inquiry: A US Army investigation has censured the Australian military lawyer Major George O'Kane for responding inadequately to early Red Cross warnings about prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.

25.Aug.2004 Full Report: Investigation of Intelligence Activities At Abu Ghraib .pdf format

25.Aug.2004 Full Report: The Independent Panel To Review DoD Detention Operations . .pdf Format

25.Aug.2004 Vanessa Redgrave: Guantanamo's torture regime is a shameful disgrace : The British intelligence services and the Foreign Office appear complicit in the torture

25.Aug.2004 Abu Ghraib: Ordinary Folk or Human Aberrations? : “The Milgram experiment was prompted by curiosity into how it is that ordinary, decent, kindly people, like you and me, will do abominable things when ordered to do them ...”

25.Aug.2004 British MPs aiming to impeach Blair over Iraq war : Eleven members of the British parliament are planning to table a motion in the House of Commons calling for the impeachment of Prime Minister Tony Blair over the way he took the nation into the Iraq war

25.Aug.2004 The People will Judge George W. Bush [BGW968] : War crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. Hear the testimony - The people will judge...

Sidney Blumenthal: A ruinous trap of their own making: Iraq is now more dangerous to the US than when they went to war

25.Aug.2004 Coalition of the Coerced: Many of America’s 32 allies, tributaries, supplicants + camp followers that sent a total of 22,000 troops to Iraq are wishing they had never become involved and are seeking escape or giving thanks they are well out of the growing carnage in Mesopotamia.

25.Aug.2004 Alliances and the USA Americans election: The dissolution of all alliances is a crucial precondition of a world without wars.

25.Aug.2004 Public Remains Poorly Informed On Reasons for War : New poll raises old question: Has the press done enough or is there only so much it can do?

25.Aug.2004 USA apologizes for deaths of unarmed Afghans : The USA military apologized Monday for the deaths of three unarmed Afghans shot by USA Americans troops

25.Aug.2004 An 'October Surprise'? : Neocons have Iran in their sights : Israel reportedly contemplates a unilateral attack on Iran's nuclear installations. It would want America's permission, so it needs to get it while it is sure Bush [BGW968] is president.

25.Aug.2004 Sidney Blumenthal: A ruinous trap of their own making: Iraq is now more dangerous to the US than when they went to war

25.Aug.2004 URL:

25.Aug.2004 Mit der 14-fachen Masse der Erde liege der Himmelskörper genau auf der Grenze zwischen einem Felsbrocken und einem Gasriesen. Den bisherigen Theorien zur Planetenentstehung zufolge sei es extrem unwahrscheinlich, dass es sich um einen Gasplaneten handelt, da er sonst eine wesentlich größere Masse besäße.
"Dieses Objekt ist deshalb wahrscheinlich ein Planet mit einem Fels- und keinem Eiskern, der von einer kleinen Gashülle umgeben ist", heißt es in einer Mitteilung der Europäischen Südsternwarte, dessen "Harps"-Spektrograph die Entdeckung ermöglichte. Die Gashülle besitze etwa ein Zehntel der Masse der Erdatmosphäre.URL:,1518,315240,00.html
25.Aug.2004 FELSIGER PLANET - Forscher finden "Super-Erde" Astronomen haben den bisher kleinsten Planeten außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems entdeckt. Der steinige Himmelskörper ist von einer Gashülle umgeben und nur 14-mal so schwer wie die Erde. Seine Entdecker bezeichneten ihn deshalb als "Super-Erde". URL:,1518,315240,00.html
26.Aug.2004 Eberhart,. 1.
authentico-historia-index-25.Jul.2004 UPDATED URL:
The Web of Evil - Das innere Band der Geschichte - O Padrao do Pre ésente – Das Verbrechen hat Name & Anschrift
".. property damage, according to the plan.

17.Jun.2003 The newly organized USA Northern Command, currently headed by Air Force Gen. Ralph Eberhart, would be in charge of coordinating military support for a domestic biological attack. Because the disease was .."


11.Sep.2001 Eberhart, Ralph E. Responsavel da seguranca aeria. Falhou no impedimento dos atentados. Promovido a comandante chefe de todas as forcas estacionadas no territorio dos USA e a commandante chefe do futuro exercito do espaco.

22.Apr.2004 Permanent Vacation If you've been paying attention to 11.Sep.2001 Commission -the hearings + subsequent findings of USA 11.Sep.2001 Commission, it is obvious that someone dropped the ball when it came to intelligence + subsequent preventative action prior to the terrorist attacks of 11.Sep.2001.

11.Sep.2001 -a little over a month before- the attacks, while vacationing at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, USA President Bush [BGW968] received the 22.Apr.2004 now infamous PDB -We know that-

Sometimes the obvious is so obvious, it obscures it self.

With all the talk about "who knew what" + "when did they know it" in regards to 11.Sep.2001 -the events of-

there has been a glaring question that has been largely ignored:--

Why was USA President Bush [BGW968] on vacation?

Far short of a year after Bush [BGW968] inauguration,

USA President Bush [BGW968] was on vacation at the "Western Whitehouse" in Crawford.

Bush [BGW968] claims to be a "wartime" president. URL:

22.Apr.2004-12.Sep.2001 -since- USA We've been at war

01.Jan.2001-22.Apr.2004 -for a considerable amount of time,

11.Sep.2001 both before +

11.Sep.2001- 22.Apr.2004 -during our USA time of war USA President Bush [BGW968] has been on vacation.

One war - Afghanistan - was necessary.

Then there's Dubya's Wild Goose Chase war a.k.a. Operation: Iraqi Freedom .

22.Apr.2004 -as I began formulating this piece-Ironically, USA President Bush [BGW968] was winding up yet another vacation

While USA 's Finest were laying down their lives for his WGC for WMD, the "wartime" USA President Bush [BGW968] was hunting + fishing (for game, not WMD this time) with campaign contributors rather than leading USA country - as a "wartime" president should.

Doesn't that bother anybody? by Doug Griffin URL:
22.Apr.2004 -recent-According to an article by Fred Kaplan,

01.Jan.2001-31.Dec.2001 40% of his first year as president away from the Whitehouse:USA President Bush [BGW968] spent about

11.Sep.2001 -before the terrorists struck-"Then again, it's easy to forget that Bush [BGW968] was widely regarded as an unusually aloof USA president.

Conason, Joe has calculated that up until 11.Sep.2001 Bush [BGW968]

had spent 54 days at the ranch, 38 days at Camp David, + four

days at the Bush [BGW968] compound in Kennebunkporta total of 96 days, or

about 40 percent of his presidency, outside of Washington."

This president Bush [BGW968] has a lifelong pattern of being AWOL +

11.Sep.2001 -this time- it may have cost 3,000 people their lives.

During the Vietnam War, Dubya's birthstation provided him the opportunity to protect the skies of Texas from the wily Viet Cong. Mission Accomplished! Not one slipped through. Texans were able to sleep because we knew we were under the protective eye of the future president. The problem is that there was no real threat then .

There was a real threat on

06.Aug.2001 when USA President Bush [BGW968] received the PDB entitled Bin Laden Determined to strike inside the U.S .

And just like the would-be pilot couldn't be bothered to fulfill his patriotic duty as an Air National Guardsman, the man who became the president couldn't be bothered to do his sworn duty as Commander-in-Chief.

He didn't cut his vacation short (remember he hadn't even been in office a year yet) + spring into action like... like... dare I say... Captain America + maybe try to prevent the impending disaster.

What we're being sold is: " I wasn't on point. "

No kidding. You weren't on point , you were on vacation , Mr. President.

Is it too much to ask that when a known terrorist organization who has openly declared war on the United States, the president and his cabinet take it seriously?

When so much information indicates a major violent occurrence against the country you've sworn to protect, continuing a vacation isn't the most prudent course of action.

Just like when soldiers + marines are dying by the handful fighting a war of their president's choosing, it might be a good idea to cut the vacation short.

You wouldn't want people to think you're out of touch, would you?

23.Aug.2004 Bill Summary + Status for USA 107. Congress URL:
Title : A bill to impose sanctions against the PLO or the Palestinian Authority if the President determines that those entities have failed to substantially comply with commitments made to the State of Israel.
Sen McConnell, Mitch [KY] (introduced 06.Sep.2001 ) Cosponsors (40)
Related Bills:
H.R.1087, H.R.1795, S.1401
Latest Major Action: 9/6/2001 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

COSPONSORS(40), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:(Sort: by date)