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1.06.Oct.2002 Bernays, Edward L.,Father of PR & Propaganda -e.a..html

2. Bernays, Edward L.Freud, Sigismund Schlomo s USA nephew & disciple.htm


4. Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations [propaganda] in USA -.html

5. Warum USA-Amerikaner fast alles glauben [propaganda] -D-.htm

6. Why USA Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

7.Corporate PR [propaganda] experts see people as "a herd waiting to be laid"



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13. 00_000_2003links_today.html

14. 25.Nov.2002 „Expanded Perspectives“ (Celebs)

15. 190303antiwarblogg.html

16. 20032003232322antiwarblogg.html

17. 27.Jan.2003 USA nicht Ermittler, Richter und Henker zugleich !

>>>>>>>>>>>>>selber suchen....>>>>>search authentico-historia>>>>>>
".. verfolgen die Beeinflussung [propaganda] der Öffentlichkeit zurück bis in das frühe vorige Jahrhundert,

01.Jan.1900 beleuchten die Arbeit von Typen wie Bernays, Edward L., dem Vater der Verdrehung [propaganda]. Aus seiner eigenen, Bernays, Edward L.,erstaunlichen Chronik Propaganda lernen wir, wie Bernays, Edward L. die Ideen seines [propaganda] berühmten Onkels Freud, Sigismund Schlomo selbst aufnahm und sie auf die sich bildende Wissenschaft der [propaganda] Massenbeeinflussung .."
".. anstatt diese Prinzipien zu verwenden, um verborgene Motive im menschlichen Unterbewußtsein aufzudecken, wie es die Freud, Sigismund Schlomo'sche Psychologie macht, Bernays, Edward L. dieselben Ideen verwendete, um Absichten zu verkleiden und Illusionen zu schaffen, welche aus Marketingzwecken betrügen und verfälscht darstellen. Der Vater der Verdrehung Bernays, Edward L. dominierte die PR-[propaganda]-Industrie 01.Jan.1940 -seit den 40ern & danach -für die nächsten 40 Jahre -00.000.2003 eine bedeutende Kraft. Während der ganzen Zeit nahm Bernays, Edward L. Hunderte verschiedener Aufträge an, um eine öffentliche Wahrnehmung einer Idee oder eines Produkts zu erschaffen. Ein paar Beispiele .."
".. WWI.00.000.1914-00.000.1918 mit der Vorstellung zu verkaufen, "die Welt sicher für die Demokratie zu machen." (Ewen) Wenige Jahre später gelang Bernays, Edward L. die Meisterleistung, York City bewies Bernays, Edward L., daß er eine Kraft sei, mit der man rechnen konnte. Er organisierte die Brigade "Fackeln der Freiheit", in welcher .."
".. daß seitdem Frauen sich sicher fühlten, ihre Lungen in der Öffentlichkeit zu zerstören, wie es seit je her die Männer taten. Bernays, Edward L. popularisierte die Idee vom Speck zum Frühstück. Als einer, der Herausforderungen nicht abschlägt, richtete er zusammen mit der .."
".. rdernd seien.

Schauen sie ruhig mal in Ausgaben der „Time“,“Life“ der 01.Jan.1940-31.Dez.1959 .

Während der nächsten Jahrzehnte entwickelten Bernays, Edward L. & Kollegen die Prinzipien, mit welchen allgemein Menschenmassen durch „Nachrichten“, die immer wieder, hunderte Male wiederholt würden [propaganda], beeinflußt werden konnten. Als der Wert der Medien erkennbar wurde, versuchten andere Länder, unserer Spur zu folgen. Aber Bernays, Edward L. war der goldene Standard. Hitler, Adolf s Propaganda -Minister Goebbels, Josef, studierte die Prinzipien von Bernays, Edward L., , als Hitler, Adolf die „volkstümliche“ Begründung entwickelte, mit der er die Deutschen überzeugen wollte, daß sie ihre Rasse reinigen sollten. (Stauber) „Rauch und Spiegel“: Bernays, Edward L.' Aufgabe war, Angelegenheiten zurechtzurücken; ein gewünschtes Bild zu erschaffen, welches ein bestimmtes Produkt oder Konzept in ein angenehmes Licht rückt. Bernays, Edward L. beschrieb die Öffentlichkeit als eine 'Herde, die geführt werden muß'. Und dieses herdenhafte Denken mache die Leute "empfänglich für Führung". Bernays, Edward L. wich nie von seinem fundamentalem Axiom ab, "die Massen ohne ihr Wissen zu kontrollieren". Die beste PR [propaganda] ist, wenn die Leute nicht bemerken, wie sie beeinflußt werden. Stauber beschrieb Bernays, Edward L.' Begründung wie folgt: "Die wissenschaftliche Manipulation der Öffentlichen Meinung [propaganda] war notwendig, um Chaos und Konflikt in .."
".. r das Volk; man muß ihnen sagen, was sie denken sollen, weil sie von sich aus nicht zu rationalem Denken fähig seien. Hier ein Auszug aus Bernays, Edward L. Propaganda: "Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herschermacht .."
".. wohlwollender Umsicht durchzuführen, dann ist die Abhilfe nicht, sie ihnen wegzunehmen, sondern ihre Umsicht zu prägen." Ihre Umsicht prägen. Bernays, Edward L. glaubte, daß nur einige wenige den nötigen Einblick in das Gesamtbild haben, um mit dieser heiligen Aufgabe betraut zu werden. Und .."
".. wenigen. Hier kommt das Geld ins Spiel Sobald die Möglichkeiten der Anwendung der Freud, Sigismund Schlomo'schen Psychologie auf die Massenmedien erblickt wurde, hatte Bernays, Edward L. bald mehr Konzernkunden als er bewältigen konnte. Globale Konzerne stürzten aus allen Richtungen herbei, um dem neuen Bildemacher zu .."
".. und Katastrophenmanagement Genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel Aspartam Nahrungsmittelzusatzstoffe; Fertigessen Zahnmedizinische Amalgame Lektion 1 Bernays, Edward L. lernte schnell, daß die effektivste Weise, um Glaubwürdigkeit für ein Produkt oder ein Vorstellung zu schaffen, eine .."
".. rmung nur eine Einbildung sei, würden die Leute verwirrt werden und Zweifel an der ursprünglichen Ansicht bekommen. Und das ist genau das, was Bernays, Edward L. machte. Mit einer genialen Politik gründete er "mehr Institute und Stiftungen als Rockefeller und Carnegie zusammen" (Stauber S .."
".. selbst recherchieren, werden Sie kaum den Unterschied bemerken.

Die Sprache der Verdrehung A

ls die Verdrehungs-Pioniere der 20er wie Ivy Lee und Bernays, Edward L. mehr Erfahrung gesammelt hatten, begannen Sie, Regeln und Richtlinien zur Erzeugung Öffentlicher Meinung zu formulieren.

Sie lernten .."
".. übertrieben Vereinfachung? Natürlich. Das ist das Kennzeichen der Massenmedienherrschaft - Vereinfachung. Die unsichtbare Hand.

Wie Bernays, Edward L. sagte, das Volk muß gesteuert werden, ohne daß es das weiß. Bedenken Sie: Was ging tatsächlich vor sich in der Welt in .."
"..„A Social History of Spin“ 00.000 1996,„Basic Books“, Harper Collins.

Tye, Larry The Father of Spin: L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations Edward Crown Publishers, Inc. 2001 King, R ISBN: 0-465-06168-0

Medical journals rarely disclose researchers' ties to Wall St. .."
".. Tapestry 1988 Trevanian Shibumi 1983

Crossen, C Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America

1996 Robbins, J Reclaiming Our Health Kramer

1996 Bernays, E Propaganda Liveright, New York 1928

Jefferson, T Writings Bibliothek von Amerika, New York, S.493 1984

O'Shea T The Magic Bean 2000www .."

6. Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

".. public opinion in America.

They trace modern public influence back to the early part of the last century, highlighting the work of guys like Bernays, Edward L., the Father of Spin.

From his own amazing chronicle Propaganda, we learn how Bernays, Edward L. took the ideas of his famous uncle Freud, Sigismund Schlomo himself + applied them to the emerging science of mass persuasion.

The only difference was, that instead of using these principles to uncover hidden themes in the human unconscious, the way Freudian psychology does,

Bernays, Edward L. used these same ideas to mask agendas + to create illusions that deceive and misrepresent, for marketing purposes. THE FATHER OF SPIN .."
00.000.1940 -until the s- Bernays, Edward L. dominated the PR [propaganda] industry +

00.000.1940-00.000198- -for another 40 years after that- Bernays, Edward L. in the PR [propaganda] industry was a significant force. (Tye)

00.000.1940-00.000198- -During all that time, Bernays, Edward L. took on hundreds of diverse assignments to create a public perception about some idea or product. A few examples: As a neophyte with the .."
Committee on Public Information, one of Bernays, Edward L. s first assignments was to help sell the First World War to the American public with the idea to "Make the World Safe for Democracy." (Ewen) A few years later, Bernays, Edward L. set up a stunt to popularize the notion of women smoking cigarettes. In organizing the 1929 Easter Parade in New York City, Bernays, Edward L. showed himself as a force to be reckoned with.

He organized the Torches of Liberty Brigade in which suffragettes marched in the parade smoking .."
".. followed from that one event that from then on women have felt secure about destroying their own lungs in public, the same way that men have always done.

Bernays, Edward L. popularized the idea of bacon for breakfast. Not one to turn down a challenge, he set up the advertising format along with the AMA that lasted .."
".. years proving that cigarettes are beneficial to health. Just look at ads in issues of Life or Time from the 40s and 50s. During the next several decades Bernays, Edward L. and his colleagues evolved the principles by which masses of people could be generally swayed through messages repeated over and over hundreds .."
".. messages repeated over and over hundreds of times.

When the value of media became apparent, other countries of the world tried to follow our lead. But Bernays, Edward L. really was the gold standard. Goebbels, Josef, who was Hitler, Adolf's minister of propaganda, studied the principles of Bernays, Edward L. when Goebbels .."
".. follow our lead. But Bernays, Edward L. really was the gold standard.

Goebbels, Josef, who was Hitler, Adolf's minister of propaganda, studied the principles of Bernays, Edward L.

when Goebbels, Josef was developing the popular rationale he would use to convince the German People that they had to purify their race. (Stauber) .."
".. SMOKE & MIRRORS Bernays ' job was to reframe an issue; to create a desired image that would put a particular product or concept in a desirable light. Bernays, Edward L. described the public as a 'herd that needed to be led.' And this herdlike thinking makes people "susceptible to leadership." Bernays, Edward L. never deviated from his fundamental axiom to "control the masses without their knowing it."

The best PR [propaganda] happens with the people unaware that they are being manipulated.

Stauber describes Bernays, Edward L. s rationale like this: "the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos + conflict in a democratic society .."
".. was too good for people; they needed to be told what to think, because they were incapable of rational thought by themselves.

Here's a paragraph from Bernays, Edward L. s Propaganda: "Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of .."
".. exercise that control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not take it from them, but to inform their discretion."

Inform their discretion. Bernays, Edward L. believed that only a few possessed the necessary insight into the Big Picture to be entrusted with this sacred task.

And luckily, Bernays, Edward L. saw himself as one of that few.


Once the possibilities of applying Freudian psychology to mass media were glimpsed, Bernays, Edward L. soon had more corporate clients than he could handle.

Global corporations fell all over themselves courting the new Image Makers.

There were .."
".. including damage control crisis + disaster management

genetically modified foods aspartame food additives;

processed foods dental amalgams LESSON #1  

early on Bernays, Edward L. learned early on that the most effective way to create credibility for a product or an image was by "independent third-party" .."
".. report that says global warming is really a fiction, people begin to get confused + to have doubts about the original issue.

So that's exactly what Bernays, Edward L. did.

With a policy inspired by genius, he set up "more institutes + foundations than Rockefeller + Carnegie combined." (Stauber .."
".. Unless you have done the research yourself, you won't be able to tell the difference.


01.Jan.1920-31.Dec.1929 -As-s- spin pioneers like Ivy Lee Bernays, Edward L. gained more experience, they began to formulate rules + guidelines for creating USA OUR public opinion.

They learned quickly that mob psychology .."
".. subjected to the same advertising.

Oversimplification ? Of course. That's the mark of mass media mastery - simplicity.

The invisible hand.

Like Bernays, Edward L., Edward L. said, the people must be controlled without them knowing it.

Consider this: what was really going on in the world all that time they were .."
".. PR [propaganda]!: A Social History of Spin 1996 ISBN: 0-465-06168-0 Published by Basic Books, A Division of Harper Collins

Tye, Larry The Father of Spin: Bernays, Edward L. and the Birth of Public Relations Crown Publishers, Inc. 2001 King, R

Medical journals rarely disclose researchers' ties Wall St. Journal, 02 .."

7.Corporate PR [propaganda] experts see people as "a herd waiting to be laid"

".. business leaders + Corrupt Politicianshave perfected the art of Deception ALIENATION -media-transmitted mind control.

They have honed + refined the mass brainwashing techniques first devised by Bernays, Edward L. a nephew of Freud, Sigismund Schlomo nearly a century ago.

Not many people have ever heard of Bernays, Edward L., but within the glass-+-marble towers of Burson-Marsteller + Hill & Knowlton + Edelman + other big PR [propaganda] agencies,

Bernays, Edward L. is revered as "the Father of Spin," as the patron saint of mass persuasion.

WWI.-during- Bernays, Edward L. start in moulding public opinion, was asked by the USA government to popularize its decision to enter the war against Germany.

Bernays, Edward L. coined the slogan "Let's Make the World Safe for Democracy," and was credited with changing public sentiment from anti-war to pro .."
".. the World Safe for Democracy," and was credited with changing public sentiment from anti-war to pro-war, almost overnight. In the post-WWI years, Bernays, Edward L. was in great demand by business firms looking for mass marketing techniques to sell their products. One of his biggest clients in the 1920s .."
".. women increased phenomenally in the years that followed. Tobacco's detrimental effects on human lungs and heart were unknown at the time, of course, so Bernays, Edward L. was able to set up an advertising campaign jointly with the American Medical Association to "prove" that smoking was actually .."
".. pro-smoking messages from physicians as well as movie stars and other celebrities, saturated magazine, radio and TV advertising for nearly 50 years. Bernays, Edward L. was also the PR [propaganda] genius who popularized bacon as a breakfast food. Nobody had thought of eating these fatty pork strips first thing in the .."
".. was also the PR [propaganda] genius who popularized bacon as a breakfast food. Nobody had thought of eating these fatty pork strips first thing in the morning until Bernays, Edward L. launched his bacon-for-breakfast blitz. During the next few decades, Bernays, Edward L. and his growing number of PR [propaganda] colleagues developed the principles .."
".. thought of eating these fatty pork strips first thing in the morning until Bernays, Edward L. launched his bacon-for-breakfast blitz. During the next few decades, Bernays, Edward L. and his growing number of PR [propaganda] colleagues developed the principles and methods by which masses of people could be brainwashed through messages .."
".. could be sold in this way-- it was also ideas and concepts, no matter how abhorrent. Goebbels, Josef, Hitler, Adolf's minister of propaganda, studied and adopted Bernays, Edward L.'s techniques when he was asked to convince the German people that they were members of a superior race that needed to be purified. Bernays, Edward L. .."
".. and adopted Bernays, Edward L.'s techniques when he was asked to convince the German people that they were members of a superior race that needed to be purified. Bernays, Edward L. held the masses in contempt. He once described the public as "a herd that needs to be led," adding that this herd instinct made .."
".. best kind of leadership was unobtrusive: that the masses could best be led and manipulated if they weren't aware of the processes used to control them. Bernays, Edward L. didn't believe that true democracy was a workable system, because in his view most people couldn't think rationally and thus needed to be told .."
".. democracy was a workable system, because in his view most people couldn't think rationally and thus needed to be told what to think. Here's a paragraph from Bernays, Edward L.'s remarkably candid book, Propaganda: "Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is .."
".. persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind." Of course, Bernays, Edward L. was himself pre-eminent among the select few entrusted with this task of moulding public opinion on behalf of the world's rich and powerful .."
".. powerful elites. The big PR [propaganda] firms that now create the desired benevolent image for business leaders and their products are the modern practitioners of Bernays, Edward L.'s methods. The machinations of these thought-control experts, as Bernays, Edward L. cautioned, are carefully concealed from public view. But occasionally .."
".. image for business leaders and their products are the modern practitioners of Bernays, Edward L.'s methods. The machinations of these thought-control experts, as Bernays, Edward L. cautioned, are carefully concealed from public view. But occasionally the screen is pulled away and the puppeteers revealed, as in the books .."
".. illusions created by the corporate spin doctors through billions of dollars in advertising and public relations. The mind-control methods devised by Bernays, Edward L. are evident in the current successful efforts to promote free trade, privatization, deregulation + tax cuts + to belittle or deny the .."
".. deregulation + tax cuts + to belittle or deny the damage done to the environment by industrial pollution and the burning of fossil fuels. The lessons Bernays, Edward L. taught to his PR [propaganda] specialists include the selective use of language, the value of "independent third-party" endorsements, the .."
".. sounding name like the Global Climate Coalition says global warming is a myth, people are more inclined to believe it. So the corporations, following Bernays, Edward L.'s advice, have funded the establishment of dozens of institutes and foundations (like the Fraser and C.D. Howe Institutes in Canada) that are .."
".. skilled + basically unprincipled adversary. It's a one-sided contest. We lack the resources and the media access enjoyed by the disciples of Bernays, Edward L.. Still, it's by no means a hopeless struggle. We have a few advantages. One is that the excesses of our corporate rulers--socially, .."
".. and building resistance to it. It is not overly optimistic, in fact, to foresee a time when the "masses," so easily misled and manipulated by Bernays, Edward L. and his modern PR [propaganda] practitioners, will stop believing everything they're told through the corporate media--that they will open their minds to .."
".. corporate media--that they will open their minds to more equitable, more humane, more socially constructive and more environmentally friendly alternatives. Bernays, Edward L.'s human "herd" may even turn around and stampede against their corporate herders. Ed Finn can be reached at ccpa@policyalternatives .."


".. Rockefeller eine Art PR [propaganda]-Manager, der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte <> 18911122 Bernays, Edward PROPAGANDA 2.doc----199503-- 22.Nov.1891 Bernays, Edward PROPAGANDA 2.doc [UNCLE]18560506 Freud, Sigismund Schlomo -08.Mar.1995 00.000 .."
".. Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte <> 18911122 Bernays, Edward PROPAGANDA 2.doc----199503-- 22.Nov.1891 Bernays, Edward PROPAGANDA 2.doc [UNCLE]18560506 Freud, Sigismund Schlomo -08.Mar.1995 00.000.1896 Fisher, Irving,00.000.1888 S&B Yale professor, .."
".. Rom", also mit einem Putsch. Viktor Emanuele, König, beruft Mussolini, Benito zum Ministerpräsidenten 00.000.192- American Tobacco, [THROUGH] Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, got women to start smoking, even while suspecting that smoking was dangerous. .."
".. Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, got women to start smoking, even while suspecting that smoking was dangerous. 00.000.1923 book written by Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, was used by “00.000.19--GOEBBELS, Josef'(„PRINCIPLES OF PROPAGANDA) .."
".. PRINCIPLES OF PROPAGANDA) <file:///D:/home/%5BPROPAGANDA%5D Psychological Operations Field Manual/POLITPROP Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda.htm>but Bernays, Edward L shrugged it off[AFTERWWII] 11.Jan.1923 OCCUPATION OF THE RUHR.txt 19230111 00.000.1923 " a favor to him, Thyssen, Fritz, .."
".. of war at Malmedy, describing the decision as "extremely wise." (Article in "New York Times" published) 00.000.1954 United Fruit, Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew,whipped US newspapers into a frenzy so that the CIA could engineer its coup in .."
".. California oil man, of Dulles,Allen 's covert agents in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations...a 'big business' Democrat... 00.000.1961 Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, did propaganda for South Vietnam [REGIME] 00.000.1962 Gehlen, Reinhard, General .."
".. various campaigns..."Although it is not widely known,Pauley, Edwin, in fact, had been a committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since 00.000.1970 Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, after public opinion had changed, wanted to help the peace movement. 00.000 .."
".. 00.000.1993 World Trade Center bombing 00.000.1995 plot to bomb aircraft in the Far East 00.000.1995 FLICK, FRIEDRICH KARL -1932.000.00 00.000.1995 Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, was the mass-media's version of situation ethics + an excellent symbol of .."
".. culture[???].There is no consistency, no character, no integrity, no conscience, no bravery, no truth -- nothing but spinning your way to fame and fortune. Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, considered himself "the father of public relations."[PROPAGANDA .."
".. fortune. Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, considered himself "the father of public relations."[PROPAGANDA]Bernays,Edward L. , Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, was a shallow and uninspiring person. SOURCE : Wise, David. The Politics of .."
".. and uninspiring person. SOURCE : Wise, David. The Politics of Lying: Government Deception, Secrecy + Power.Tye, Larry. The Father of Spin: Bernays, Edward L. and the Birth of Public Relations. New York: Crown Publishers, 1998. 306 pages. This is the first full-scale biography of Bernays, Edward L. (1891 .."
".. Spin: Bernays, Edward L. and the Birth of Public Relations. New York: Crown Publishers, 1998. 306 pages. This is the first full-scale biography of Bernays, Edward L. (1891-1995),who was Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's nephew + who considered himself "the father of public relations."[PROPAGANDA]00.000.1891 00 .."
".. Koalition älter als ihr Name u.d.11.Sept.2001 10.Mar.2002 How Freud got under our skin.doc 25.Mar.2002 Slaves of Our Desires - the Guardian of London - Bernays - Freud -Slaves of Our Desires.htm 24.May 2002 army wargame Journal of Aerospace and Defense Industry News May 24th, 2002 Defense News Army .."


".. 1945 Als ich erstmal sechzehn war EXPO$ING THE BU$INE$$ PROPAGANDISTSTS : Corporate PR [propaganda] experts see people as „a herd waiting to be led“ - BERNAYS,EDWARD,L Bernays,Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L., Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..NEW BERNAYS .."
".. erstmal sechzehn war EXPO$ING THE BU$INE$$ PROPAGANDISTSTS : Corporate PR [propaganda] experts see people as „a herd waiting to be led“ - BERNAYS,EDWARD,L Bernays,Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L., Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..NEW BERNAYS,EDWARD,L NETWORK of .."
".. PR [propaganda] experts see people as „a herd waiting to be led“ - BERNAYS,EDWARD,L Bernays,Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L., Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..NEW BERNAYS,EDWARD,L NETWORK of RELATIONS BERNAYS,MURRAY,C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE .."
".. led“ - BERNAYS,EDWARD,L Bernays,Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L., Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..NEW BERNAYS,EDWARD,L NETWORK of RELATIONS BERNAYS,MURRAY,C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE Bernays,Edward L. impact -public relations in America WHY .."
".. Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L., Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..NEW BERNAYS,EDWARD,L NETWORK of RELATIONS BERNAYS,MURRAY,C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE Bernays,Edward L. impact -public relations in America WHY AMERIKANS WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING .."
".. 2002 Bernays,Edward L., Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..NEW BERNAYS,EDWARD,L NETWORK of RELATIONS BERNAYS,MURRAY,C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE Bernays,Edward L. impact -public relations in America WHY AMERIKANS WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING -E- Warum Amerikaner fast alles glauben - D AMA .."

10. !! Warnung : Hier wird versucht, Dir ein „U“ als ein „X“ vorzumachten !!

".. aller Buddhas - noname06.html Warum Amerikaner fast alles glauben -D- - noname07.html Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything - noname08.html 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L.,Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a.06.Oct.2002 - noname09.html BUSH SAYINGS -Truth- Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen.htm .."
".. noname16.html Corporate PR [propaganda] experts see people as " a herd waiting to be laid " noname17.html Das Web wurde durchsucht nach..... - noname18.html Bernays, Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple - noname19.html BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS, BERNAYS,MURRAY C .."
".. laid " noname17.html Das Web wurde durchsucht nach..... - noname18.html Bernays, Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple - noname19.html BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS, BERNAYS,MURRAY C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - NAMEBASE - noname20.html Bernays, Edward L. impact -public .."
".. wurde durchsucht nach..... - noname18.html Bernays, Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple - noname19.html BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS, BERNAYS,MURRAY C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - NAMEBASE - noname20.html Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America- - noname21.html Boden .."
".. American nephew and disciple - noname19.html BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS, BERNAYS,MURRAY C -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - NAMEBASE - noname20.html Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America- - noname21.html Boden für Crash an Wall St. im vierten Quartal bereitet, USA also .."

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".. Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L.,Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..html BUSH SAYINGS -Truth- Jeder hat das Recht, sich .."
".. waiting to be laid" Das Web wurde durchsucht nach.htm Bernays, Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple.htm BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS .."
".. Bernays, Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple.htm BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS,BERNAYS,MURRAY C-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE Bernays, .."
".. html Bernays, Edward L. Freud, Sigismund Schlomo's American nephew and disciple.htm BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS,BERNAYS,MURRAY C-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in .."
".. noname19.html BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS,BERNAYS,MURRAY C-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ NAMEBASE Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America-.html Boden für Crash an Wall St. im .."


".. <<<<BACKTO MAIN PAGE<<<<--- Here's a paragraph from Bernays, Edward L. s Propaganda:

"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of .."
".. exercise that control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not take it from them, but to inform their discretion." Inform their discretion.!

Bernays, Edward L. s Propaganda:

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind," he,Bernays wrote, the elite could "control & regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it ... just as the motorist can .."
".. Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” -

Bernays, Edward L., father of PR [propaganda] and propaganda TEACHER of US-SPONSORED NAZI-GÖBBELS “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments .."
".. truth is the mortal enemy of the lie + thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State /(.” - - Goebbels, Josef SCHOLAR of Bernays,Edward L., „Father of PR&Propaganda“)

Those who seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all .."

13. 00_000_2003links_today.html

".. Auseinandersetzungen der USA seit 1945 :ttp:// https://www .."
".. 26.Jan.2003 Die .."
".. 26.Jan.2003 Die "Los .."

14. 25.Nov.2002 Expanded Perspectives“ (Celebs)

".. product of aluminum manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. Ewings public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was the nephew of Freud, Sigismund Schlomo Bernays,Bernays, Edward L. conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. .."
".. manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. Ewings public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was the nephew of Freud,Sigmund, Bernays,Bernays, Edward L. conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. It was one of .."
".. L. Bernays conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. It was one of Bernays most successful campaigns. 1944 Army Medical Department takes care of 4.4 million hospital patients. (US). 1944 Health Practitioners Journal, .."

15. 190303antiwarblogg.html

WWI.00.000.1914 -Antibolschewistische Front - Thyssen - Stinnes - Rothschild - Rockefeller - Standard Oil - Harriman -IG-FARBEN - Deutsche Bank - Zionismus - Stern-Gruppe - Hearst -Bernays, Edward L.-Freud, Sigismund Schlomo-Göbbels, Josef-Hitler, Adolf- Verbindung [lnk]-

WeltkriegII WWII.- Wut + Panik im Irak - Die einen recken kampfeslustig ihre Waffen in die Höhe, .."
(1 quote)

16. 20032003232322antiwarblogg.html

".. Antibolschewistische Front - Thyssen - Stinnes - Rothschild - Rockefeller - Standard Oil - Harriman -IG-FARBEN - Deutsche Bank - Zionismus - Stern-Gruppe - Hearst - Bernays - Freud, Sigismund Schlomo - Göbbels -Hitler, Adolf- Verbindung - WeltkriegII - Sie werden den Krieg beginnen am 20.Tage & 3.Monat, 23.00hr, 23.00min, 23.00:23 .."
(1 quote)

17. 27.Jan.2003 USA nicht Ermittler, Richter und Henker zugleich !

".. Innenpolitik mit Vorhaben wie weitere Steuersenkungen und eine Reform des Gesundheitswesens werden dadurch nicht an den Rand gedrängt.

Stauber describes Bernays, Edward L. s rationale like this: "the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in a democratic society .."
(1 quote)