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09.May 2006 CIA's number three resigns  CIA Executive Director Kyle 'Dusty' Foggo has resigned his post, according to an email sent out to the agency Monday morning, MSNBC reported Monday.
09.May 2006 Potential Evidence Surfaces of Bush's Illegal Spying  An Oregon attorney may have proof of Bush's domestic spying operation -- which means the illegal program's days may be numbered.
09.May 2006

00.000.1918 Letter Claims Geronimo's Bones Found 

A Yale University historian discovered a 1918 letter that raises anew questions about a secretive Yale student society + the remains of the American Indian leader Geronimo.
Its most enduring story concerns Geronimo, who died 00.000.1909 .

According to lore, members of Skull and Bones - including the president's grandfather, Prescott Bush - dug up his grave when a group of Army volunteers from Yale were stationed at the fort during WWI.
09.May 2006 Corporate Political Links Halliburton + Enron are two big examples of government + corporate coruption + influence
09.May 2006 DuPont erneut wegen Teflon unter Beschuß - Frauenarzt Wien - Dr. Valery Edwabny. Ernährungsmedizin. "DuPont erneut wegen Teflon unter Beschuß." ... Polytetrafluorethylen enthalten, dazu zählt auch Teflon , eine Gesundheits warnung enthalten müssen ... Grad Celsius hatte eine Teflon - Pfanne mindestens sechs giftige Gase ausgeschieden ...
09.May 2006
Dokumentation: "Der Wille Gottes wird über alles obsiegen"

09.May 2006 Ahmadinedschads Brief: Weißes Haus verweigert Antwort
09.May 2006,1518,druck-414941,00.html

Gefährlich könnten jedoch die privaten Transaktionen werden: Die riesigen Geldmengen, die auf den Devisenmärkten bewegt werden, übersteigen die Mittel der internationalen Notenbanken bei weitem.

Ein US-Notenbankchef wie Bernanke kann Erfolg damit haben, das Konsum- und Investitionsklima im eigenen Land hochzuhalten.

Das Vertrauen der restlichen Welt in die USA kann er kaum beeinflussen.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-414941,00.html

Außerdem sitzen die Amerikaner und jene Länder, die riesige Dollar-Reserven halten, in einem Boot.

Eine plötzliche Dollarabwertung würde den Yen, den Yuan und die indische Rupie nach oben treiben und den Exportboom dieser Staaten jäh beenden.

Gerade deshalb haben diese Staaten ja kräftig Dollars gekauft und massive Währungsreserven aufgebaut. Die Notenbanken dieser Länder werden ihre Politik nicht einfach aufgeben wollen.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-414941,00.html

Wenn die US-Leitzinsen konstant bleiben, während diejenigen in der Euro-Zone und anderswo auf der Welt ansteigen, könnte das zu einer Verlagerung ausländischen Anlagevermögens führen.

Ein plötzlicher Verkauf von US-Staatsanleihen durch Ausländer könnte allerdings einen Abwärtstaumel des Dollars einleiten.

Investitionen und Konsumausgaben würden abfallen, die Blase auf dem amerikanischen Immobilienmarkt könnte platzen.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-414941,00.html

Folgen des Dollar-Sturzes - die Szenarien

Ohne eine solche Richtungsänderung im amerikanischen Verhalten könnten sich weitere Gefahren aufbauen.

Und damit sind wir zurück bei Ben Bernanke und der Frage:

Wie lange könnten die USA ihre Bilanzdefizite und die Außenverschuldung aufrecht erhalten?

Noch sind die USA als führendes Land der Weltwirtschaft in der Lage, ihre Außenhandelsdefizite mit der eigenen Währung, der Weltleitwährung Dollar, zu bezahlen.

Doch plötzlich einbrechende Kapitalzuflüsse oder gar -abflüsse könnten für sie wirtschaftlich zum Verhängnis werden.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-414941,00.html

Aber sind die Defizite der US-Handels- und Leistungsbilanz tatsächlich eine tickende Zeitbombe? Optimisten glauben, die Fehlbeträge seien gar nicht so beunruhigend.

Da zum Beispiel amerikanische Konzerne selbst im großen Stil im Ausland investieren, die Gewinne und Dividenden aber zurück überweisen, lasse sich der Wert des nach Amerika transferierten Faktoreinkommens auf Dauer ausreichend hoch halten.

Kritische Beobachter bemühen ein anderes Argument: Sie verweisen darauf, dass Ausländer dazu neigen, das durch Dividenden + Zinsen in den USA bezogene Einkommen in ihren Heimatländern möglichst gering auszuweisen - aus steuerlichen Gründen.

Die US-Leistungsbilanz ist demnach real noch viel stärker im negativen Bereich als in den offiziellen Statistiken sichtbar.

Umso größer wäre das volkswirtschaftliche Risiko, wenn ausländisches Geld verstärkt von den US-Finanzmärkten abgezogen wird.

Warum hat sich die US-Handelsbilanz in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten so stark verschlechtert? Die ökonomische Fachwelt diskutiert verschiedene Ursachen.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415301,00.html

Deutschen Wissenschaftlern ist es jetzt erstmals gelungen, die Geschwindigkeit dieser Attacke zu messen.

Die Zellharpunen von Süßwasserpolypen der Arten Hydra magnipapillata + Hydra oligactis werden dabei mit mehr als dem Fünfmillionenfachen der Erdanziehungskraft beschleunigt,

schreiben die Forscher um Thomas Holstein von der Universität Heidelberg im Fachmagazin "Current Biology". Die Nesselspitze schlage nahezu mit der Wucht einer Gewehrkugel auf.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415347,00.html

Aber: Ein Beweis ist auch diese Behauptung nicht. Im Irak herrscht Krieg - und alle Seiten nutzen weidlich die Möglichkeiten von Propaganda und Desinformation.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415347,00.html
Zwischen fünf und 15 Bekennerschreiben veröffentlicht die Sarkawi-Truppe seit Monaten durchschnittlich an jedem einzelnen Tag.

In den meisten davon brüsten sich die Terroristen mit Autobomben oder Sprengsätzen am Straßenrand, die sie gezündet haben - meistens sind US-Soldaten die Opfer, oft aber auch irakische Zivilisten.

Das Papier legt nahe, dass diese Operationen nicht etwa das Produkt einer bewussten Strategie sind, sondern der schlichten Unfähigkeit geschuldet sind, etwas anderes auf die Beine zu stellen.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415347,00.html

Selbstkritik oder Desinformation?

Diese "Erkenntnisse" passen der US-Armee freilich ihrerseits sehr gut. Man muss das am Montag veröffentlichte Dokument deshalb unter Vorbehalt betrachten:

Seine Echtheit ist nicht unabhängig zu bestätigen.

Und wie viele andere, nicht veröffentlichte Papiere den US-Streitkräften in die Hände gefallen sind, die sich anders interpretieren lassen, ist unbekannt.
09.May 2006
Uno: Deutschland erhält Sitz im neuen Menschenrechtsrat
09.May 2006 Erbeutetes Dokument: Irakische Qaida zweifelt an sich selbst

09.May 2006 Verleumdungsaffäre: Villepin droht Misstrauensantrag
09.May 2006 Iran-Konflikt: Ahmadinedschad fordert Antwort von Bush

09.May 2006 Italien: Leere Stimmzettel für den Präsidenten
09.May 2006 Terrorprozess: Qaida suchte Attentäter in Deutschland
09.May 2006 Merkel zur EU: "Weniger Europa kann mehr sein"

09.May 2006 Waffen der Tierwelt: Nesselzelle mit der Wucht einer Gewehrkugel
09.May 2006 Risiken für den Dollar: Angst vor dem Abwärtstaumel
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415121,00.html

31 vor Christus war auch diese Episode zu Ende: Bei der Seeschlacht von Actium vernichtete Octavian, der spätere Kaiser Augustus, seine Gegner.

Marc Anton beging Selbstmord, Kleopatra folgte ihm in den Tod - der Legende zufolge durch den Biss einer Schlange.

Die Überreste der ägyptischen Pracht lagen jahrhundertelang unentdeckt auf dem Meeresboden - bis heute.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415121,00.html

Unter Ptolemäus III., der 221 vor Christus starb, war Ägypten auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht. Danach ging es nur noch in eine Richtung: bergab.

Der Niedergang des Nilreichs und die Herrschaft der Ptolemäer endete mit Kleopatra, die zuerst Cäsar, dann dessen Heerführer Marc Anton umgarnte - in dem größenwahnsinnigen Bemühen, ein großgriechisches Weltreich mit Alexandria als Machtzentrale zu schaffen.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415121,00.html

Alexander der Große hatte den Kult um den Wein-, Fruchtbarkeits- und Ekstasegott Dionysos nach Ägypten gebracht, der später gar zur Hauptfigur einer neuen Staatsreligion erhoben wurde.

Die griechischen Herrscher wollten die Beschwörung des Sexuellen zum Kitt für Alexandrias Multikulti-Bevölkerung machen -

was allerdings ebenso auf den falschen Weg führte wie der Personenkult + die inzestuösen Beziehungen, denen sich die ptolemäischen Herrscher schon bald hingaben.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415121,00.html
Und solche Technik ist teuer: Modern bestückte meeresarchäologische Expeditionen können leicht bis zu eine Million Euro pro Monat kosten - Geld, das die meisten universitären Forschungsinstitute nicht haben.

Mit Hilfe solventer Sponsoren wie der Liechtensteiner Hilti Foundation hat Goddio nicht nur steinerne Zeugen vergangener ägyptischer Pracht aufgestöbert, sondern auch 14 historische Schiffswracks entdeckt - darunter die Galeone "San Diego", Napoleons 1798 vor Abukir versenkte Flotte und mit Porzellan beladene Dschunken im südchinesischen Meer.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415121,00.html

Die Ausgrabung an der ägyptischen Küste ist einer der Coups, mit denen der Quereinsteiger Goddio auch in der archäologischen Fachwelt für Wirbel gesorgt hat.

Knapp 500 der vielen Tausend Objekte, die Goddios Team bei zahlreichen Tauchgängen vor der Küste Ägyptens ans Tageslicht geholt hat, werden nun im Berliner Martin-Gropius-Bau präsentiert - darunter Stelen, monumentale Statuen, Schmuck und Münzen, Parfumständer und Kultgegenstände. Am Mittwoch eröffnen Bundespräsident Horst Köhler und Ägyptens Präsident Husni Mubarak die Ausstellung "Ägyptens versunkene Schätze" (13. Mai bis 4. September sonntags, montags und mittwochs 10 - 20 Uhr, donnerstags bis samstags 10 - 21 Uhr).
09.May 2006 Ausstellung in Berlin: Rückkehr in Kleopatras versunkene Welt
09.May 2006 Inoffizielle Gespräche: Erstmals Kontakt zwischen Vertretern Israels und der Hamas
09.May 2006 Homosexualität: Gehirn von Lesben reagiert einzigartig
09.May 2006 Unterwasser-Archäologie: Franck Goddios Entdeckungen
09.May 2006 U-Boot-Fund: Eiserne Zigarre am Palmenstrand
09.May 2006 Ahmadinedschad-Brief: "Lügen sind verabscheuungswürdig"
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415184,00.html

Tatsächlich reagierten 9 von 14 Tieren auf die künstlichen Pfeiftöne, berichten Janik und seine Kollegen in der Online-Ausgabe des Wissenschaftsmagazins "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences". Die Delfine hätten ihre Köpfe dem Lautsprecher zugewandt, wenn der Pfeifton eines nahen Verwandten zu hören gewesen sei.

Demnach sind Delfine die einzigen bisher bekannten Tiere, die ebenso wie Menschen untereinander Informationen über ihre Identität austauschen, folgern die Autoren. Saela Sayigh, Mitglied des Forscherteams, sagte, es schienen sich sogar zwei Delfine über einen dritten Artgenossen verständigen zu können, indem sie dessen Namen nutzen.
09.May 2006,1518,415222,00.html
Umfrage: Labour-Werte auf historischem Tiefststand
09.May 2006 Boomender Luftverkehr: China will 48 neue Flughäfen bauen

09.May 2006 Ahmadinedschads Brief an Bush: "Liberalismus und Demokratie sind gescheitert"
09.May 2006 Uno-Menschenrechtsrat: Ein Platz für Menschenrechtsverletzer
09.May 2006
The Flight 93 Phone Calls-- Part VIII, Ed Felt ) Humint Events Online: The Flight 93 Phone Calls-- Part VIII, Ed Felt
09.May 2006 Updates Status of FOIA Request ) 9/11 Blogger - Blogging 9/11 Related Alternative News All comments are welcome! but please avoid hate speech and profanity + use references when possible. Updates Status of FOIA Request By dz the new order has arrived. the judge in our case wrote a 2 page order
09.May 2006 Military -- Upset vet gives back his medals ) Military -- Upset vet gives back his medals
09.May 2006 CLIPS: Krauthammer: Goss was "trying to deal with the jihadists inside" the CIA ) Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items CLIPS: Krauthammer: Goss was "trying to deal with the jihadists inside" the CIA In National Security/Foreign Policy During the "All-Star Panel" segment of the May 5 edition of Fox NewsYour
09.May 2006 Palestinians see no way out in standoff
09.May 2006
Potential Evidence Surfaces of Bush's Illegal Spying ) A user at reddit thought you would find this interesting: Potential Evidence Surfaces of Bush's Illegal Spying
09.May 2006 WH Orders All Cabinet Members To Put Positive War On Terror Message Into All Their Speeches... ) A user at reddit thought you would find this interesting: WH Orders All Cabinet Members To Put Positive War On Terror Message IntoYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
09.May 2006 Washington Post: An Irresponsible President ) A user at reddit thought you would find this interesting: Washington Post: An Irresponsible President ?
09.May 2006
Pan Am 103 and 9/11 Connection ) Pan Am 103 and 9/11 Connection
09.May 2006 Haaretz News : World Bank says underestimated depth of Palestinian crisis ) . Ziki - Bgiltner's last others My aggregated content at Haaretz News : World Bank says underestimated depth of Palestinian crisis The World Bank warned donors on Sunday that the financial crisis gripping the Palestinian Authority since Hamas won election was deeper than it first thought and
09.May 2006 Russert cited flawed AP report in linking Reid to Abramoff ) . Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items Russert cited flawed AP report in linking Reid to Abramoff In Propaganda/Noise Machine On the May 7 broadcast of NBCYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
09.May 2006 Touting "America's mayor": Will the media cast a critical eye on Rudy Giuliani? ) . Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items Touting "America's mayor": Will the media cast a critical eye on Rudy Giuliani? In Media Rudy Giuliani, who served as mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001, received high marks for his conduct following the 11.Sep.2001,

09.May 2006 US claim of lapses against al-Qaeda absurd: Pakistan -
US claim of lapses against al-Qaeda absurd: Pakistan -

09.May 2006 Russia's energy minister hits back at Cheney ) The Russian government has hit back at accusations by US vice-president Dick Cheney that is has been using its energy resources as 'tools of intimidation and blackmail'. Click here to view the original Webpage. Sent using Rmail.
09.May 2006 US seeks de facto financial sanctions on Iran ) The US is attempting to persuade European governments, banks and companies to isolate the Iranian government by engaging in de facto financial sanctions, according to US government officials and advisers. Click here to view the original Webpage. Sent using Rmail.
09.May 2006 Blair to warn MPs of polls disaster if he is forced out ) Tony Blair will throw down the gauntlet to rebel Labour MPs, trying to avert a civil war within his party by warning that a forced change of leader would lead to electoral disaster. Click here to view the original Webpage. Sent using Rmail.
09.May 2006 German justice minister warns of discrimination against Muslims - Irna ) German justice minister warns of discrimination against Muslims - Irna
09.May 2006 Israeli forces murder more Palestinians in northern Gaza - Irna ) Israeli forces murder more Palestinians in northern Gaza - Irna
09.May 2006 Zarif explains civilian nature of Iran's nuclear program to US audience - Irna ) Zarif explains civilian nature of Iran's nuclear program to US audience - Irna: "Photo Archive About us Contact Us Search All Lines Top News General Politic Sport World Economic Hot Photo Photo "
09.May 2006 No Chance of Truth in WTC-7 Investigation 9/11 Blogger - Blogging 9/11 Related Alternative News All comments are welcome! but please avoid hate speech and profanity + use references when possible. No Chance of Truth in WTC-7 InvestigationBy somebigguy Foregone conclusions posing as an independent study. Thanks to Byrne for this submission: According to the National Institute of Standards and
09.May 2006 steinewerfende Cops am 1. Mai in Leipzig mediaresearch Das Video dokumentiert, wie ein Polizist am 1. Mai 2006 in Leipzig Steine auf Gegendemonstranten warf.
09.May 2006 NYC Fires Employee for Surfing the Web NEW YORK — Despite a judge's recommendation that he only receive a reprimand, a city worker accused of disregarding warnings to stay off the Internet at work has been fired. The office computer of Toquir Choudhri, a 14-year veteran of the Department of Education, had been used to visit news ...

09.May 2006Botmaster Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison Brian Krebs A 21-year-old California man was sentenced today to 57 months in prison for hacking into hundreds of thousands of computers and renting the network of hacked PCs out to spyware companies and to people who used the network to send...
09.May 2006 Flood Maps Michael Alright, listen up my post-apocalyptic hungering compatriots, now you can catch a glimpse of how for instance New York or Copenhagen will look when the polar ice caps get taken out of the freezer and the water starts rising. Time to stock up on that survival gear.
09.May 2006 Bush approval rating hits new low President Bush's approval rating has slumped to 31% in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, the lowest of his presidency and a warning ...
09.May 2006 Cell-Phone Tracking: Laws Needed The widespread tracking of police suspects through their cell phones must be clarified by Congress, observers say. Ryan Singel reports from Washington.
09.May 2006 Keeping your Blog’s Statistics Accurate Darren Rowse 
Jonic writes a post well worth reading, especially for new bloggers, at Are you skewing your own website stats?: ‘Almost everyone who has their own website loves checking their stats to find out how it’s doing, especially those of us who are in the business of blogging. For some it ...

09.May 2006 Googlers Advised To Limit Choice Nathan Weinberg Barry Schwartz gave a talk at Google about his book "The Paradox of Choice", in which he explains that, given too many choices, most people paralyze and do nothing + need an "agent" to show them the way.
09.May 2006 Blair 'to hold talks over handover of power' Tony Blair is to talk to senior colleagues about details of his handover of power, Gordon Brown has said.
09.May 2006 Iran crisis talks end in discord Foreign ministers disagree on how to tackle Iran's nuclear crisis, as the US rejects a letter from its president.
09.May 2006 House prices record 5.05% rise The number of home sales in England and Wales have soared and prices continued to rise, the Land Registry says.
09.May 2006 US rejects surprise Iran letter A letter to George W Bush from Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does not address key issues, US officials say.
09.May 2006 Aid block 'may ruin Palestinians' The Hamas-led Palestinian Authority will collapse if it continues to be starved of aid, the World Bank warns.
09.May 2006 Prescott warns MPs against 'war' The deputy prime minister warns Labour MPs not to be divided, as a poll suggests support for the party is down.
09.May 2006 Dolphins 'have their own names' Scientists at St Andrews University discover dolphins recognise each other by "name" rather than tone of voice.
09.May 2006 Deadlock over Italy's president Italian MPs fail in a first attempt to pick a successor to President Ciampi, rejecting cross-party options.
09.May 2006 Migrant detention records blasted It is "indefensible" the Home Office cannot say how long immigrants are detained, says a Lords committee.
09.May 2006 Blair set to resist calls to quit Tony Blair prepares to face further questions about his political future at meetings with MPs and the media.
09.May 2006 Ahmadinejad sends letter to Bush Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad writes to George W Bush proposing "new solutions" to their differences.
09.May 2006 Beatles lose Apple court battle The Beatles lose their High Court battle with Apple Computer over its iTunes download store.
09.May 2006 Judges rule against peace vigil The government wins an appeal against a ruling which allowed a peace activist to continue a five-year vigil outside Parliament.
09.May 2006 Thai court rules election invalid Thailand's Constitutional Court rules that last month's election was invalid + another one should be held.
09.May 2006 Bush's CIA boss choice criticised US congress members criticise President Bush's expected choice of a military man to head the CIA.
09.May 2006 UN explores role in Nepal peace A senior UN official begins talks with Nepalese officials on helping the peace process with the Maoist rebels.
09.May 2006 Gallery: Micro-Life From Deep Sea A special net allows scientists to capture tiny, delicate creatures in the Atlantic and sequence their DNA onboard the research ship. Check out pics of the animals they discover.
09.May 2006 C-SPAN Asks Sites to Pull Colbert First, Stephen Colbert's wicked routine slays the crowd at the White House correspondents' bash, then it takes the web by storm.

Now the world's driest cable network gets YouTube + Ifilm to yank video of the comic tour de force.
09.May 2006
Astro Newbie Competes for Webby A dyslexic ophthalmology technician finds himself in the company of scientific heavy hitters as a nominee for the best science website in the "Oscars of the internet."

09.May 2006 Cell-Phone Tracking: Laws Needed The widespread tracking of police suspects through their cell phones must be clarified by Congress, observers say. Ryan Singel reports from Washington.
09.May 2006 Who Shall We Kill Tonight? Four in 10 American adults turn to video games as their primary source of entertainment, a new AP-AOL poll finds.
09.May 2006 Auto Industry: We Are Green When in doubt, beef up the advertising budget. Plus: Competition should cut the cost of hybrid vehicles. In Autopia.
09.May 2006 Aerial Mapping Takes Another Leap Those planes buzzing your neighborhood may not simply be up for a joyride.

Some of them are carrying cameras, photographing your town for a new digital mapping service that makes its debut this summer.
09.May 2006
The RFID-Hacking Underground They can steal your smartcard, lift your passport, jack your car, even clone the chip in your arm. And you won't feel a thing.

By Annalee Newitz from Wired magazine. Plus: Retail-Safe RFID Unveiled.
09.May 2006
I'm the Blue Security Spammer A Russian junk e-mailer takes credit for this week's attacks on antispam firm Blue Security. He did it to gather fresh e-mail addresses, he says. By Joanna Glasner.
09.May 2006 Spam War Knocks Out Blogs Blue Security names a Russian spammer allegedly behind outages at the company's U.S.-based website and at Six Apart, one of the web's largest blog networks. By Joanna Glasner.
09.May 2006 Battling the Closet Bible Bashers Scientists clash with creationists at the premiere of the film Flock of Dodos, which tracks the unsettling rise of intelligent design. Jason Silverman reports from the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
09.May 2006 Boycott Hurts Gaza Health Care The West's boycott of the Hamas-led regime pushes an already strained Palestinian health-care system toward disaster and an epidemic of preventable deaths.
09.May 2006 Report: Vista to hit antispyware, firewall markets Windows XP successor will largely eliminate the need to run separate antispyware or firewall software, according to a new analyst report.
09.May 2006 Motorola's software developer networks join forces The mobile-phone maker figures developers in different camps can learn from each other.
09.May 2006 Wal-Mart Trying to Trademark the Smiley Face ScuttleMonkey 166

Ellis D. Tripp BBC News is reporting that mega-retailer, Wal-Mart, is now fighting it out with a man who claims to have invented the 'smiley face' logo + has been marketing it since the '70s. From the article: "Until now the smiley face had been considered in the public domain in the US + therefore free for anyone to use. Wal-Mart spokesman John Smiley told the Los Angeles Times that it had not moved to register the trademark until Mr Loufrani had threatened to do so."
09.May 2006
Cutting Off an Over-Demanding End-User? Cliff 229 SpaceNeeded asks:

"Numbers of you will probably recognize the start of the situation. Because I work with systems, I perform occasional builds. This occasionally crosses over to support (especially where it's my kit I'm asked to support). This isn't a problem, nor is it a problem when I get the occasional support query from someone I haven't supplied a system to, but who needs assistance. This is all well and good, but I've had pretty poor year personally. I've lost two relatives and a third is in a pretty bad way in hospital. An eleven year relationship ended a couple of months back + I'm now having to perform _all_ the domestic tasks that used to be shared. Between these few things and my regular job I'm finding I have a whole lot less time to allow to support calls. What methods do you know of for gently cutting off someone, support-wise?"
09.May 2006
Mainframe Programming to Make a Comeback? ScuttleMonkey 150 ajw1976 :

that IBM has released a series of announcements today "introducing many new software tools, academic programs + support for outside developers." The new releases are designed to help entice programmers and businesses back to the mainframe. From the article: "The announcements, according to analysts briefed on them in advance, signal a shift from defense to offense in the company's mainframe strategy. Last month, I.B.M. introduced a machine priced at $100,000, about half the previous starting price for its mainframes, which can run up to several million dollars. The announcement of the low-end mainframe was made in China, which I.B.M. regards as a promising market for the machines."
09.May 2006
Chip Power Breakthrough Reported by Startup ScuttleMonkey 127 Carl Bialik from WSJ writes

"The Wall Street Journal reports that a tiny Silicon Valley firm, Multigig, is proposing a novel way to synchronize the operations of computer chips, addressing power-consumption problems facing the semiconductor industry. From the article: 'John Wood, a British engineer who founded Multigig in 2000, devised an approach that involves sending electrical signals around square loop structures, said Haris Basit, Multigig's chief operating officer. The regular rotation works like the tick of a conventional clock, while most of the electrical power is recycled, he said. The technology can achieve 75% power savings over conventional clocking approaches, the company says.'"
09.May 2006
Day of the Robotic Tentacle ScuttleMonkey 178 holy_calamity writes

"New Scientist is reporting on a robotic tentacle developed thanks to funding from military agency DARPA. From the video it looks to have a lot of potential, I can almost feel it fastening around my ankle right now."
09.May 2006
Vendor Pays OSS Developers for Enterprise Support ScuttleMonkey 71 Anonymous Coward writes

"eWeek is reporting that a company called OpenLogic is paying qualified experts in the open-source community to provide enterprise support for projects they are intimately familiar with. OpenLogic calls its new initiative its Expert Community program."
09.May 2006
Computer Security, The Next 50 Years ScuttleMonkey 85+ bariswheel writes

"Alan Cox, fellow at Red Hat Linux, gives a short-and-sweet talk at the European OSCON on the The Next 50 Years of Computer Security. Implementations of modularity, Trusted Computing hardware, 'separation of secrets,' and overcoming the challenge of users not reading dialog boxes, will be crucial milestones as we head on to the future. He states: "As security improves, we need to keep building things which are usable, which are turned on by default, which means understanding users is the target for the next 50 years. You don't buy a car with optional bumpers. You can have a steering wheel fitted if you like, but it comes with a spike by default." All of this has to be shipped in a way that doesn't stop the user from doing things."
09.May 2006
Alcohol Powered Muscles ScuttleMonkey 106+ ianchaos writes

"In an article on ScienCentral News, Scientists at the University of Texas are using alcohol to power artificial muscles.

From the article: 'Usually the only alcohol-powered muscles are the ones in barroom brawls, but one scientist is adding alcohol to artificial muscles to power robots and more.'"
09.May 2006
Anticipazioni: La seduzione autoritaria
Sarà disponibile dal 15 maggio, con presentazione in anteprima alla Fiera del libro di Torino 2005 sabato 7 alle 13, il nuovo saggio di Lorenzo Guadagnucci "La seduzione autoritaria. Repressione del dissenso e diritti civili nell'Italia di oggi" . Ecco una breve scheda del libro.
Il G8 di Genova del 2001 è stato uno choc per il paese. Non si era mai vista una così plateale sospensione dello stato di diritto. Quei fatti hanno impresso un'accelerazione a un fenomeno in atto da tempo nelle democrazie occidentali: la progressiva compressione delle libertà civili, la limitazione del diritto al dissenso.

09.May 2006 Tearing Down China's Great Firewall ScuttleMonkey 229+ quadsoft :

The Toronto Star has a look at three University Toronto computer geeks who are working hard to circumvent the internet censorship problems like those found in China.

From the article: "But the computer smarts of Ron Deibert, Nart Villeneuve + Michael Hull, combined with their passion for politics and free expression, have led them to develop a highly anticipated software program that allows Internet users inside China and other countries, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Burma, to get around repressive censorship and not get caught."
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html

Hayden weiß, was ihn erwartet. Im Februar hielt er eine Rede vor Air-Force-Kameraden und sinnierte fast melancholisch über die alten Feinde des Kalten Krieges.

"Erinnert ihr euch noch?", sagte er. "Ich vermisse diese Tage. Diese Feinde waren einfacher zu finden."
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html

Schwieriger wird die Argumentation zur Frage der Spitzeleien. Unter Hayden hat die NSA die Telefonate von über 5000 Amerikanern mitgeschnitten.

Der General hat das jedoch schon im Dezember vor dem Kongress eloquent verteidigt. "Wir müssen das richtig hinkriegen", sagte er damals.

"Wir müssen die richtige Balance finden zwischen dem Schutz unserer Sicherheit und dem Schutz unserer Freiheiten."

Ähnlich geschnitzte Worte darf man demnächst auch bei seiner Senatsanhörung erwarten.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html
Außerdem gelte Hayden als "einer der besten Berichterstatter über Geheimdienstfragen, den sie hier je gehabt haben", ergänzt Senator Pat Roberts, der Vorsitzende des Geheimdienstausschusses.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html
Hayden sei kein "Liebling" von Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld. So habe sich Hayden 2004 öffentlich dem "starken Druck" Rumsfelds widersetzt, die NSA ins Pentagon einzusortieren, erinnert sich General a.D. Chuck Boyd, ein alter Mentor Haydens. "Er knickte nicht ein."
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html

Bush kann beruhigt sein: Die Kritik wird am Ende Kanonendonner bleiben, mit dem sich die Politiker für die Kongresswahlen profilieren. Hayden dürfte unbesorgt ins Amt marschieren, trotz aller Blockadetricks der Demokraten und einer brutalen Anhörung im Senat, der ihn bestätigen muss. "Warum der ganze Wirbel?", fragte selbst die kritische "New York Times".
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html

Demokraten und Bürgerrechtler stoßen sich überdies daran, dass Hayden als Leiter des Abhördienstes NSA maßgeblich für die Bespitzelung von Abertausenden Amerikanern seit dem 11. September 2001 verantwortlich zeichnete. "Der Senat darf keinen bestätigen, der das Gesetz brechen würde, um Bürger zu bespitzeln", erklärte Ralph Neas, der Chef der liberalen Gruppe People for the American Way.
09.May 2006,1518,druck-415156,00.html
Wikipedia irrt sich. Der Spruch stammt von Namensvetter Sterling Hayden, einem 1986 verstorbenen Schauspieler. Der sagte ihn, als Luftwaffengeneral Jack D. Ripper, in Stanley Kubricks Kalter-Krieg-Filmsatire "Dr. Seltsam oder: Wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben".

Zufälle gibt's. Wobei das Filmzitat auch auf Michael Hayden zutrifft - zumindest auf seinen jüngsten Karrieresprung. Mit Haydens Nominierung zum neuen CIA-Direktor, so hofft Präsident George W. Bush, soll nun also ein Militär den demoralisierten US-Geheimdienst auf Zack bringen, nachdem der "Zivilist" Porter Goss bei dieser Aufgabe bitter gescheitert ist.

Um so dummer, dass General Hayden sofort ins Sperrfeuer geraten ist - gerade auch bei Republikanern.

Deren Befürchtung: Eine militärgeführte CIA wäre dem Pentagon hörig, der letzte Puffer der Vernunft wäre dahin. Das spiegelt auch hausinterne Sorgen der CIA, die sich gerne als Gegenpol zum Militär versteht.
09.May 2006
Turkey recalls ambassadors to Canada: Turkey has recalled its ambassadors to Canada + France for "a short time" to protest moves in both countries that recognize the mass killings of Armenians as genocide, the Foreign Ministry announced Monday.

10.May 2006 Ex-Guantanamo detainees 'did nothing wrong' Defense lawyers urged a Kuwaiti judge Sunday to acquit five former inmates of Guantanamo, arguing the trial was politically motivated to appease the emirate's major ally the USA.

09.May 2006 Dean: No Impeachment Plans for Bush : Dean dismissed the idea that Democrats would seek to impeach President Bush if they won back control of Congress — a possibility floated by Republicans looking to galvanize their base.

09.May 2006 David Corn: Bugging the Democrats : Hayden, ran the NSA when Bush authorized domestic warrantless wiretapping of American citizens and residents.

09.May 2006 Gen. Michael Hayden refused to answer question about spying on political enemies: At a public appearance, Bush's pointman in the Office of National Intelligence was asked if the NSA was wiretapping Bush's political enemies.  When Hayden dodged the question, the questioner repeated, "No, I asked, are you targeting us and people who politically oppose the Bush government, the Bush administration?

09.May 2006 EXCLUSIVE: CIA Nominee Hayden Linked to MZM: While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, according to two former employees of the company.

09.May 2006 Potential Evidence Surfaces of Bush's Illegal Spying: An Oregon attorney may have the first concrete proof of Bush's domestic spying operation -- which means the illegal program's days might be numbered.

09.May 2006 The Spy Master Cracks the Whip: How John Negroponte won control of the CIA, and what he plans next to consolidate rival agencies and his power .

09.May 2006 In case you missed it: America’s Secret Police? : A threatened turf grab by a controversial Pentagon intelligence unit is causing concern among both privacy experts and some of the Defense Department’s own personnel.

09.May 2006 In case you missed it: Pentagon's Intelligence Authority Widens: The Pentagon's newest counterterrorism agency, charged with protecting military facilities and personnel wherever they are, is carrying out intelligence collection, analysis and operations within the USA and abroad.

09.May 2006 In case you missed it: Pentagon hired contractor to advise on collecting information on churches, mosques, other U.S. sites : A Pentagon intelligence agency that kept files on American anti-war activists hired one of the contractors who bribed former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., to help it collect data on houses of worship, schools,

power plants and other locations in the USA.

09.May 2006 In case you missed it: Suit Claims Defense Dept. Data Use Illegal: The Defense Department is violating the privacy of millions of high school students nationwide with a detailed database it uses for military recruitment, a federal lawsuit filed Monday claims.
09.May 2006 Southern Afghanistan is swarming with Taliban ahead of U.S. pullout : The Taliban appear to be moving their insurgency into a new phase, flooding the rural areas of southern Afghanistan with men and weapons.

09.May 2006 Iran president sends letter to Bush : Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to George W Bush proposing "new solutions" to their differences in the first letter from an Iranian leader to an American president in 27 years, government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said today.

09.May 2006 Dear George... : Iran's leader writes to President Bush saying he wants to resolve the 'delicate situation in the world' but America remains sceptical about. Channel 4 Video Report

09.May 2006 Russia says UN plan for Iran is 'first step to war' : Russia will seek the removal tonight of the core of a UK-sponsored draft United Nations resolution on Iran because it fears that it could pave the way to unilateral military action to curb the Iranian nuclear programme.

09.May 2006 Iran: We'll build more reactors: The Iranian energy minister said that his government agreed to the construction of four reactors to create electricity in northwest Iran. He said that in the meantime, construction on two cores would begin this year already, with an investment of over Euro 800 million, through the help of investment companies.

09.May 2006 Pepe Escobar : Iran impasse : The USA is behind attempts by Britain and France to draw up a UN resolution that would declare Iran in violation of international law if it does not suspend uranium enrichment. They want to invoke Chapter 7 of the UN Charter that would authorize economic sanctions or even military action. Russia and China, the other two permanent Security Council members, oppose such action.

09.May 2006 America's Geopolitical Nightmare and Eurasian Strategic Energy Arrangements: By drawing attention to Iraq and the obvious role oil plays in US policy today, the Bush-Cheney administration has done just that: They have drawn the world’s energy-deficit powers’ attention firmly to the strategic battle over energy and especially oil.
09.May 2006 My Meeting With Rumsfeld : A graphic reminder for those wishing to spread some truth around that we have our work cut out for us.

We have to find imaginative ways to use truth as a lever to pry open closed minds.

09.May 2006 The neocons strike again : It wouldn't be the first time that the Bush administration has played an important role in persuading Tony Blair to sack his foreign secretary.

09.May 2006 Olmert: We will ensure Jewish majority : The obligation of the national leadership is to be responsible to the vision of Herzl and to ensure a Jewish majority in the State."

09.May 2006 World Bank says underestimated depth of Palestinian crisis : The World Bank warned donors on Sunday that the financial crisis gripping the Palestinian Authority since Hamas won election was deeper than it first thought and could render the West Bank and Gaza ungovernable.

09.May 2006 Israeli Arabs send 250 tons of food, medicine to West Bank : Israeli Arabs on Monday transferred 250 tons of food and medical supplies to the Palestinians in the West Bank via the Jalama roadblock, at the northern entrance to Jenin.

09.May 2006 EU plans to go it alone with aid for Palestinians : The EU is preparing to go it alone and channel emergency funds to the Palestinians if talks with the US, Russia and United Nations on setting up an international mechanism for easing their financial plight fail this week, senior officials indicated at the weekend.

09.May 2006 Norman Solomon: Gag and Smear: The Misuses of "Anti-Semitism" : Routinely, the American news media have ignored or pilloried any strong criticism of Washington's massive support for Israel

09.May 2006 Audio Documentary - Palestinian refugees. : Listen to a radio documentary on Burj el-Shemali refugee camp, located on the outskirts of the southern Lebanese city of Tyre and home to upwards of 20 000 Palestinian refugees
09.May 2006 'No one knows what we are going through' : Women in Iraq are living a nightmare that is hidden from the west. Now one has turned film-maker to give us a window on to what they endure. She tells Natasha Walter what she saw
09.May 2006 GlobalFreePress- Dep. INN - News But the “FEMA-Kennedy arrived on 9/10” myth is pure poison and absolutely incorrect . If pursued it will enable the government to discredit the Tripod story ...
09.May 2006 School Library Journal: Is the Bush Administration Hooked on ... ... Not so, says Neuman, who describes the article as "goofy" and " absolutely incorrect ." Instead, she insists, the administration encourages phonemic awareness ...
09.May 2006 "Cul-de-Sacked" by Erik Wemple "Las Vegas is a world capital of foolish and absolutely incorrect notions about what it takes to reconcile human nature with the project of civilization," ...
09.May 2006 Tripod II and FEMA 10th" myth is pure poison + absolutely incorrect .

It originated from a CBS News interview conducted by Dan Rather shortly after the attacks. ...
09.May 2006 LP: Same-time-as-attack underground bombing exercise in London a chilling coincidence? ... in American currency?

Is FEMA making plans to round ... from FEMA , a list of operations and teams was listed:

"The first teams at the WTC site were Pennsylvania Task Force ...
09.May 2006 GlobalFreePress- Dep. INN - News ... But the " FEMA -Kennedy arrived on 9/10" myth is pure poison and absolutely incorrect. If pursued it ... teams at the WTC site were Pennsylvania Task Force (TF)1 + ...
09.May 2006 FEMA's Prior Knowledge of 9-11 Put to Rest ... was made that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency ... from FEMA , a list of operations and teams was listed: "The first teams at the WTC site were Pennsylvania Task Force ...
09.May 2006
*** America's Fire Paging Notification Network ***
Local & National reports from pager notification networks around the U.S.
(All times are in Central Daylight Time unless otherwise indicated)
Thanks to Jon Chrzanowski (STLFN/STL810) for typing in the majority of the pages for this report.
11.Sep.2001 JERSEY CITY, NJ: Working fire + 2 extra Engines Box 308 at 520 Summit Ave. a.k.a. 129 Magnolia Ave. 5-story brick mixed occupied 125x125.

Fire originated in basement of store and extended to floors 1 & 2. 4 lines run b/o DIV 1 DC Kearney. [EAN103]. 12:59a.m.
09.May 2006
WOF Report: 09-11-01 Remembered Let us take time & remember this very tragic day.
09.May 2006 Rumsfeld Testifies Before House Armed Services Committee - by News MYERS: On 12 March, at the outbrief , this was an interim outbrief to General Sanchez ...

The Taguba outbrief on 12 March was to get General Sanchez briefed. ... - 7 May 2006
09.May 2006 animalassistedcrisisresponse ... Crisis Response & Tikva. WTC 9-01 photograph courtesy of Josiah ... teams have interfaced with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency ... a member of Pennsylvania Task Force 1 deployed to ...

orld Trade Center Rescue Dogs - Notes From Bruce Schneiers Environmental Health Articles 2001 ... at the world trade center on sept. Pennsylvania task force 1 + rescue dogs underway - pnnonline - who needs - world trade center ( wtc ) and pentagon the fema teams at the javits ...

Pennsylvania Search And Rescue | Resources ... Eugene Search And Rescue. Fema Search And Rescue Pictures ... rescue team at the WTC , Otto had heard rumours ... Lancaster, Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania Task Force One. Personal Equipment List ...

Pennsylvania And Search And Rescue | Resources ... Eugene Search And Rescue. Fema Search And Rescue Pictures ... Member American Rescue Dog Association - ARDA... Pennsylvania Task Force One ... rescue team at the WTC , Otto had heard rumours ... -
09.May 2006 King of Zembla ...used a stun gun to subdue ... LoParo, spokesman for Ohio Secretary of State J . Kenneth Blackwell , who’s ... Yet since 1995 the Court has...

Ohio GOP Continues Downward Slide Hillary will play awful in Ohio she is anti gun rights, pro late ...

we have a prohibition on comparisons between Al Gore + J . Kenneth Blackwell ?
00.000.2005 Culture Peace Times Web Log ...clue, closed down anti ... 05 "P.R. for Spooks" 17.Apr.1995 , Time ... Campaigns: Catherine Harris of Florida (2000) and J . Kenneth

DeWine set to oppose oil drilling in Alaska ...and one of Ohio's biggest anti -drilling ... he backs several gun control ... J . Kenneth Blackwell or Joe Deters come to mind + Petro might ·

Save Appropriations, 2858 Defense authorization, 1931–1932, 1990, 2080, Beasley, former Gov. David, R-S.C. ( 1995 -99) ... Beers, Rand. Anti -drug efforts, 492 ... Blackwell , J . Kenneth . Election system overhaul, 912, ·

News The Wedderburn Nye Beach Oregon Archives NOV 07 - NOV 13 2004 one of the main causes for anti -American feeling ...

The candidates also demanded that Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell , a

Friday 2/11 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread J Kenneth Blackwell - The anti -Obama dzika Feb-11-05 04:21 PM #30 ... Tech Backed Kerry in 2004 dzika Feb-11-05 04:53 PM #32
09.May 2006 20041129 Ohio Republican Secretary of State J . Kenneth Blackwell + Republican ...

00.000.1995-00.000.2002 ... Louisville airport for carrying a loaded gun ...
09.May 2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Tiefgestaffelte Hooligan-Abwehr"
09.May 2006 Dear Mr. President "  (feat. PINK and Indigo Girls)  Audio and Video -
  What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street
 Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep
 What do you feel when you look in the mirror
 Are you proud
Click here to watch

New U.S. Foreign Policy for Palestine; Starvation -By Mike Whitney
The USA and Israel have finally agreed on a plan to resolve the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel will continue lobbing missiles into civilian areas of Gaza and the West Bank while the US cuts off food and other vital aid to the territories. That way they can maximize the human suffering while preparing the people for a violent death.

09.May 2006 Paradise Now Video: The years most insightful and unvarnished look at the motivations of terrorism Very powerful film that goes beyond the obvious, delivering a strong insight into a difficult subject, while maintaining a tension and drama that makes it impossible not to be stirred by the film. Delivering a film without falling into the pitfalls of political correctness or propaganda is an achievement in itself. Click here to watch. Windows Media

09.May 2006  Life in the Bush Economy: Fat, Drunk and Broke A Nation of Waitresses and Bartenders -By Paul Craig Roberts
Social Security and Medicare are in financial trouble, as are many company pension plans. Decide for yourself--is this the economic picture of a superpower that can dictate to the world, or is it the picture of a second-rate country dependent on foreigners to finance its consumption and the operation of its government?

09.May 2006 Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media  Required Viewing for every citizen in the Free World.

How government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the USA populous. Click here to view. Windows Media
09.May 2006 Nach Richards' Palmensturz: Stones-Tour beginnt später

09.May 2006 US-Geheimdienst: Sperrfeuer gegen Bushs CIA-General
09.May 2006 Uni Paderborn: Studenten bezahlen Dozentin aus eigener Tasche
09.May 2006 Gazprom: EU will deutsche Milliarden-Bürgschaft untersuchen

09.May 2006 Krisenregion Darfur: Bush drängt Sudan auf Zulassung von Uno-Friedenstruppen

09.May 2006 Energie: Strom bleibt trotz gesunkener Emissionskosten teuer

09.May 2006 Antidiskriminierungsgesetz: CDU-Länder kündigen Widerstand an
09.May 2006 Mobilfunk: Vodafone senkt Preis für Auslandsgespräche drastisch

09.May 2006 Urteil in den USA: Computer-Hacker muss für fast fünf Jahre ins Gefängnis

(Netzwelt, Atomkonflikt mit Iran: USA halten Ahmadinedschads Brief für belanglos
08.May 2006 Staatspräsidenten-Wahl: Keine Mehrheit für Prodi-Kandidat Napolitano
08.May 2006,1518,druck-415100,00.html

Dem designierten CIA-Chef stehen harte Hearings im Kongress bevor. Demokratische und republikanische Politiker hatten die Berufung eines Zivilisten an der Spitze des CIA gefordert. Andernfalls gewinne das Militär einen zu großen Einfluss auf die Geheimdienste. Hayden sei "die falsche Person am falschen Platz zur falschen Zeit", sagte der Republikaner Pete Hoekstra, Vorsitzender des Geheimdienstausschusses im Repräsentantenhaus gestern dem TV-Sender Fox News. Ein Militärangehöriger solle derzeit keine zivile Behörde leiten, sagte Hoekstra. Das Militär habe einen anderen Blick auf die Welt und beschäftige sich mit kurzfristigen Bedrohungen.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-415100,00.html
Hayden ist seit einem Jahr Stellvertreter des nationalen Geheimdienstdirektors John Negroponte.

Davor leitete er die National Security Agency (NSA). Er gilt als Architekt des umstrittenen Überwachungsprogramms, das Bush nach den Anschlägen des 11.Sep.2001 heimlich installieren ließ. Erst im

00.Dez.2005 hatte die "New York Times" aufgedeckt, dass der US-Präsident den Inlandsgeheimdienst NSA ohne Zustimmung des Kongresses autorisiert hatte, auch ohne richterliche Anordnung in den USA unbegrenzt Telefonate zu belauschen und E-Mails mitzulesen.

Als Bush dafür scharf kritisiert wurde, hatte Hayden das Spitzelprogramm energisch verteidigt.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-415100,00.html

Washington - Wie erwartet hat Präsident George W. Bush Hayden heute als neuen Chef des Geheimdienstes CIA nominiert.

Der 61-Jährige, der vom Senat bestätigt werden muss, soll die Nachfolge des am Freitag zurückgetretenen Porter Goss antreten.

Bush würdigte den Militär als Mann mit außergewöhnlicher Erfahrung und außergewöhnlichen Qualitäten. Hayden sei "äußerst qualifiziert" und kenne die Geheimdienstarbeit sehr genau, erklärte Bush.

Um Bedenken wegen einer weiteren Militarisierung der Geheimdienste zu zerstreuen, soll die Nummer zwei der CIA, Vizeadmiral Albert Calland, nach weniger als einem Jahr seinen Posten aufgeben, verlautete aus Regierungskreisen.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-415145,00.html
Alexandria - Moussaoui argumentiere, dass er bei Abgabe seines Geständnisses "ein komplett falsches Bild vom Rechtssystem in den USA hatte", erklärten die Anwälte.

Sie zitierten ihren Mandanten mit den Worten: "Ich möchte mein Schuldeingeständnis zurückziehen, um in einem neuen Prozess meine Unschuld an den Anschlägen vom 11.Sep.2001 beweisen zu können."
08.May 2006
11. September: Moussaoui zieht Geständnis zurück
08.May 2006 Ahmadinedschad-Brief an Bush: US-Geheimdienstchef unterstellt taktisches Manöver
08.May 2006 Schweinepest in NRW: Massentötung von 50.000 Schweinen
08.May 2006 Großbritannien: Blair stemmt sich gegen Labour-Rebellen
08.May 2006 Rohstoffe: Iranischer Brief an Bush drückt Ölpreis

08.May 2006 Unbekannte Minister: Merkel und ihre Undercover-Truppe
08.May 2006 Bundeswehr im Innern: Große Koalition im Verteidigungsfall
08.May 2006
Raumfahrttüftler: Nasa startet Mondlande-Wettbewerb

08.May 2006 CIA-Boss: Bush nominiert umstrittenen General

08.May 2006 Palästinenser: Konflikt zwischen Hamas und Fatah eskaliert
08.May 2006 Feinstaub: Greenpeace verklagt Bundesregierung
08.May 2006 Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschad macht Bush Lösungsvorschläge
08.May 2006 Rücktrittsforderungen: Blair lässt Kritiker abblitzen
08.May 2006
CIA-Boss: Bush hält an umstrittenem Hayden fest
08.May 2006 Fluglärm: Umweltschutzverbände geißeln neues Gesetz
08.May 2006

Im übertragenen Sinn wird von einem Teufelspakt gesprochen, wenn ein Mensch zur Erreichung eines Ziels Bündnisse mit Menschen oder Mächten eingeht, die seinem Ziel und seinen Idealen eigentlich entgegenstehen.

Besonders in feuilletonistischen Kommentaren zu Politik und Zeitgeschehen ist das Bild beliebt.
08.May 2006

Unter Teufelspakt verstehen Teufelsgläubige ein Bündnis zwischen dem Teufel und einem Menschen (dem „Teufelsbündler”).

Dabei verschreibt der Mensch dem Teufel seine Seele für die Zeit nach seinem Tod.

Als Gegenleistung hilft der Teufel diesem Menschen bei verschiedenen Zaubereien oder Hexereien, die aufgrund des vorausgegangenen Teufelspaktes in den Bereich der so genannten schwarzen Magie einzuordnen sind.

Der Teufelspakt stellt eines der vier wichtigsten Elemente dar, die erfüllt sein mussten, um einen Menschen nach der frühneuzeitlichen Hexenlehre als Hexe oder Hexenmeister verurteilen zu können.
08.May 2006 Teufelspakt - Unter Teufelspakt verstehen Teufelsgläubige ein Bündnis zwischen dem Teufel und einem Menschen (dem Teufelsbündler).

Dabei verschreibt der Mensch dem Teufel seine Seele für die Zeit nach seinem Tod. ... Beispiele aus Literatur und Gesellschaft. Der berühmteste Teufelspakt ist wohl der, der zwischen dem legendären Johann ...
05.Dez.1484 Hexenhammer. Entstehungsgeschichte. Der "Hexenhammer" muß in engem Zusammenhang mit der sogenannten Hexenbulle des Papstes Innozenz VII. gesehen werden. ... den Dämonen (''Incubi'').

Der Teufelspakt bilde zusammen mit der schlechten ... Kategorie:Hexenwesen. Kategorie: Literatur (15. Jh.) Kategorie: Mittelalter ( Literatur ) Kategorie ...

The Question Rumsfeld Can't Answer -By Jay Elias

With all due respect to Ray McGovern, there is a question for Sec. Rumsfeld that has not yet been asked, which to my thinking is far more damning than the question of why Sec. Rumsfeld lied to the press + the public.
08.May 2006
Integration: Kauder und Stoiber drohen Ausländern mit Sanktionen
08.May 2006 WM-Hexerei: Irans Fußballer fürchten mexikanisches Voodoo
08.May 2006 Markenstreit: Apple triumphiert über Beatles
08.May 2006 Hirnblutung: Stones-Gitarrist am Gehirn operiert

08.May 2006 Washington und die Wall Street: Freundschaftsdienste in der Nacht

08.May 2006 Stabilitätspakt: EU glaubt an deutsche Schulden-Wende
08.May 2006
Box Office: Mission gescheitert?
08.May 2006 Handy SGH-X820: Flacher geht's nicht

08.May 2006 Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschad macht Bush Lösungsvorschläge
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html

08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Blair stellt sich heute Mittag in seiner monatlichen Pressekonferenz den Fragen der Journalisten.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html 57 % der Befragten halten diesen für falsch.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Nach einer Umfrage der Tageszeitung "Daily Telegraph" unterstützen nur noch 33 % den Einsatz der britischen Truppen im Irak.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Er sehe darin kein Anzeichen für eine Verschlechterung der Sicherheitslage in Basra.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Der neue britische Verteidigungsminister Des Browne sagte, an den Ausschreitungen hätten 200 bis 300 Menschen teilgenommen.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Fünf Menschen, darunter ein Kind, wurden getötet.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Es kam zu Zusammenstößen mit den Soldaten.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Sie riefen in Sprechchören Parolen für den radikalen schiitischen Geistlichen Muktada al-Sadr.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Eine große Menschenmenge bejubelte den Absturz des Hubschraubers und bewarf britische Soldaten mit Steinen und Brandsätzen.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Der Hubschrauber wurde nach Angaben der irakischen Behörden von einer Boden-Luft-Rakete abgeschossen, die von der Schulter abgefeuert werden kann und bei den irakischen Aufständischen weit verbreitet ist.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Kritik am Kurs im Irak - Politiker aller Parteien forderten am Wochenende zudem mehr Klarheit über die künftige Irak-Politik der Regierung Blair.

Der sicherheitspolitische Sprecher der Konservativen Partei, Andrew Mercer, sagte, die Regierung solle endlich deutlich machen, "in welche Richtung unsere Politik im Irak geht und was die Mission unserer Truppen im Irak ist". Nick Harvey von der Liberaldemokratischen Partei forderte "eine klare Exit-Strategie" für den Einsatz im Irak.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Es müsste eine Politik erarbeitet werden, die den Menschen Sicherheit und Wohlstand gebe. "Am Ende geht es eigentlich nicht um Persönlichkeiten und Einzelpersonen", sagte Brown. Er bekräftigte aber seine Auffassung, dass Labour eine innere Erneuerung nötig habe, um enttäuschte Wähler zurückzugewinnen.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Der am Freitag berufene neue britische Innenminister, John Reid, sieht Blair mittlerweile als Opfer eines linken Putsches, berichtet BBC. Reid warnte eindringlich vor einem "Desaster", falls die Forderungen des linken Labour-Flügels Erfolg haben sollten, die Reformen gestoppt und und die Arbeiterpartei wieder zu "old Labour" werden sollte. Blairs designierter Nachfolger, Schatzkanzler Gordon Brown, wies Rücktrittsforderungen vehement zurück. "Wir können es nicht gebrauchen, dass Ausreißer die Agenda bestimmen", sagte er gestern dem Rundfunksender BBC. Einen Termin für den Rücktritt zu nennen, sei allein Blairs Angelegenheit.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Die guten Leistungen von Labour würden von den "anhaltenden und lähmenden Spekulationen über die zukünftige Spitze und Richtung der Partei" überschattet, heißt es laut BBC in dem Brief. Die Übergabe der Macht solle "würdig, geordnet und effektiv" gestaltet werden. Eine solche Erklärung werde "die Verbindung zwischen unserer Partei und der britischen Bevölkerung erneuern", zitierte die Zeitung "The Sunday Telegraph" Auszüge aus dem Schreiben. Das Nationale Exekutiv-Komitee der Partei solle dazu bis zum Sommer einen Zeitplan vorstellen.
08.May 2006,1518,druck-414959,00.html Dann verfassten auch noch 52 Abgeordnete der Labour-Partei einen Brief, in dem sie den Premierminister aufforderten, einen Termin für seinen Rücktritt zu nennen. "So lange Tony Blair weiter Premierminister bleibt, wird sich Labours Lage nicht ändern", sagte der Abgeordnete Frank Dobson gestern der BBC. "Im Moment ist er ein Problem für uns." "Es besteht jetzt wirklich Bedarf für eine Veränderung an der Spitze", sagte Geraldine Smith.
08.May 2006 11 Oct. there will be an observation of the most northerly moonrise in the 18.6-year lunar cycle + special celebrations are planned. For more information contact the Ohio Historical Society at 1-614-297-2300 or
08.May 2006 These structures are now designated as Newark Earthworks State Memorial and are managed by the Ohio Historical Society.

According to Bradley T. Lepper, an archeologist with the society, the mounds were created during the period known as the Hopewell culture, which ran from about 100 B.C. to A.D. 400.
08.May 2006
Coleman said the reality of a living fossil existing, such as Homo erectus, would be earth-shattering.
08.May 2006,13155,1191806,00.html

May 15.2006 | Vol. 167, No. 20 Saving Beauty

Mold and bureaucracy threaten France's Lascaux Cave. But how did the rot set in? And will this unique heritage survive? -By JAMES GRAFF / LASCAUX

For more than 17,000 years, the bestiary of the Lascaux cave in southwestern France has survived the ravages of human history. Anyone entering this time capsule is confronted by 4-m-long bulls that appear to float across the massive vaults like religious apparitions.

An enigmatic spotted beast with a round snout and straight, forward-pointing horns, plump horses in brilliant yellow and deer with treelike antlers — all seem in equal part intimates of the present and missives from some distant world. Which they are.

Though the draftsmanship is strikingly Modernist — on exiting the cave in 1940, Pablo Picasso said, "We have invented nothing" — these creatures were painted and inscribed on the limestone walls during the Upper Paleolithic age, when everyone was a hunter-gatherer + Homo sapiens coexisted with Neanderthal man. They are evidence of the quantum leap in neural connections that gave birth to the uniquely human attribute of consciousness. Lascaux is the most fundamental example anywhere of what the iconoclastic 20th century writer and anthropologist Georges Bataille called "the basic desire of all men, of whatever period or region, to be amazed." Like few other creations of the human hand, it is a patrimony not of any one country or culture, but of humankind as a whole.
08.May 2006
Books and Videos In this timely study, Michel Chossudovsky blows away the smokescreen , put up by the mainstream media, that 9-11 was an "intelligence failure".
08.May 2006 ~/MainPages/Feature.asp?Sec=news&Title=News%20%26%20Events > April ... The headlines are "Drugs, warlords and insecurity overshadow Afghanistan's ... blows away the smokescreen , put up by the mainstream media, that 9-11 was an
08.May 2006 Bush = Hitler ? [Archive] - Forums Britian has been a solid ally of the US, moreso than ever post 9/11 /01 against terrorism. ... Not to overshadow bikemancs and his role in the military,
08.May 2006 Benedict@Large Bush hadn't yet mentioned 9-11 when I yelled, "You son of a bitch! You're going to say 9-11 !" Sure enough, about 20 seconds later, he did. ...
08.May 2006 Nuking Iran With the UN's Blessing - by Jorge Hirsch Instead, the connections between 9/11 and Iran are much more tenuous, ... by Israeli officials hint at this possibility, but it could be a smokescreen . ...
08.May 2006 Kupferberg: Truth, Lie s + the Legend 911 - Physics911 In short, he provided the official, obfuscating smokescreen for what was, in reality, a prefabricated, fully choreographed elaboration of the Legend of 9/11 ...,_Lies,_and_the_Legend_911
08.May 2006 The Spoils of War: Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade The headlines are "Drugs, warlords and insecurity overshadow Afghanistan's path to ... The UK sponsored crop eradication program is an obvious smokescreen . ...
08.May 2006 PINR - Bush's Visit to Georgia Furthers its Independence from Russia ... to overshadow the lackluster response to his reform policies at home. ... While some experts believed that was a smokescreen to cover discontent at home ...
08.May 2006 Tuesday, February 28.2006 Nope; the national security is a smokescreen to cover for their real reason, ... cheering respectfully to overshadow jeers from church protesters. ...
08.May 2006 New Reports on US Planting WMDs in Iraq ... of mass destruction in Iraq in order to overshadow the scandals and prevent ... providing the necessary smokescreen for the transportation of the WMD to ...

New Reports on US Planting WMDs in Iraq ... against the Iranian charge d’affaires in Baghdad are providing the necessary smokescreen for the transportation of the WMD to their intended locations. ...
08.May 2006
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Saddam's masterful courtroom act Smokescreen ? The danger with the soap opera being played out here is that it can easily overshadow what this trial is actually about: the killings of more ...

BBC NEWS | Politics | UK rebuffs Chirac's EU rebate call But the issue would not be allowed to overshadow reform of EU farm ... ' Smokescreen '. Conservative shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram insisted it was ...
08.May 2006
The Shifting Geopolitical Scene in the Pacific Asia: Major Power ...- HTML-Version

The other parties cannot allow the LWR smokescreen to. overshadow this yet to be resolved issue. Also unresolved is the broader issue of energy assistance ...
08.May 2006
Workers Online : News : 1999 - Issue 35 : Reith’s Second Wave ... Reith’s Second Wave Smokescreen ... the timing of its release - to overshadow the long line of critics of Australians have seen through Reith's manipulative ...
08.May 2006
Jean Sylvain Bailly: The French Revolution's Benjamin Franklin, by ... As such, the Bastille served as a smokescreen to overshadow the solemn Tennis Court Oath of June 20, 1789, which had already demonstrated the true national ...
08.May 2006
Did the NY Times Plan Its Domestic Spying Story to Overshadow the ... The former is just smokescreen . login or register to post comments ». Richard Meditz (not verified) Says: December 18, 2005 - 00:21. Not only to overshadow ...
08.May 2006
Media control - SourceWatch The initiating event began startlingly on 11.Sep.2001, which conveniently served as an emotional smokescreen to overshadow the minds and hearts of ...
08.May 2006 many readers sigh and arch their eyebrows whenever the name Wayne Madsen comes up, but in this case, we really must mention his work, since he worked on a book about the Millis case. Madsen's take certainly deserves a reading -- but do keep that proverbial grain of salt handy:

11.May 2006 a few weeks prior to his death, Millis authored a report on the CIA alleged links to cocaine smuggling by Nicaraguan drug rings to gangs in Los Angeles. Although the HPSCI report, like previous reports by the CIA and Justice Department, cleared the CIA of any wrongdoing, some informed observers believe that Millis may have actually written a different version of the report that was more critical of the CIA involvement in drug trafficking and that he may have been silenced because he knew too much. Millis was considered by some CIA officials to be constantly wishing to re-invent the wheel on CIA intelligence activities.
Former White House counsel and Clinton confidant Charles Ruff was reportedly briefed on HPSCI findings by Millis. Ruff died on November 20, 2000. His body was found outside a shower in his home by his wife. Police ruled the death as resulting from natural causes and not foul play. It was later determined that Ruff suffered an apparent heart attack. HPSCI ranking member Representative Julian Dixon, who was also briefed on the HPSCI cocaine report, died suddenly from a heart attack on December 8, 2000, a few weeks after Ruff death.
There is also some reason to believe that Millis was unhappy with Goss reluctance to investigate the CIA handling or mishandling of alleged Mossad penetration of the White House communications system and its failure to investigate the identity of Israel alleged high-level U.S. government mole, the so-called Mega. Goss reportedly said he was concerned that Israel had penetrated White House communications but he did not want to pursue any investigation of the matter. Goss once remarked to a congressional colleague that if anyone took a look at his Florida district, his reluctance to criticize Israel would be totally understandable. (Emphasis added; "HPSCI" refers to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.)
In the past, I've drawn attention to the fact that Mitchell Wade's MZM supplied "furniture" to the White House + I've theorized that said furnishings came equipped with bugging equipment. Nobody has offered a better suggestion as to why a defense and intelligence contractor would get a gig like that.

08.May 2006 Millis, like Goss, had a CIA background. At first, the two men got on well; eventually, they clashed over Millis' close relations with the press. According to Insight , Millis' widow claimed that her husband had an affair with another man -- an assertion which gains new resonance in light of the current "Fornigate" scandal.
But some congressional and CIA sources say Goss has personal reasons to want the circumstances surrounding the suicide to be kept under wraps. While acknowledging there was no harm done to national security, they argue that Millis' death is deserving of public analysis if for no other reason than it might have been avoided. They contend that the congressman mishandled Millis before the suicide and that Goss, who has ambitions to succeed Tenet at the CIA in a George W. Bush administration, has no wish for his poor management to be advertised. More: In the week leading up to his suicide, Millis remained in his Capitol Hill office and stayed in daily contact with committee members, aides and the press. Several administration officials, CIA officers and reporters, including one from Insight, who talked with him on the phone days before the suicide, have noted that he seemed tired but talked about upcoming committee work. "He didn't seem depressed or anything but he did appear to want to talk," says a former CIA agent. "In fact, in hindsight he struck me as a bit lonely. I couldn't get him off the phone and I had to be rude almost." Millis appears to have angered Goss when the former gave a public speech in which he offered a scathing critique of the American intelligence community.

07.May 2006 The Porter Goss story becomes even weirder  I have to thank Xymphora for directing our attention to the strangest Porter Goss tale of all: The unusual June 4, 2000 "suicide" -- if suicide it was -- of John Millis, the staff director of the House Intelligence Committee, which was chaired by then-congressman Goss.

Prof. Hex at 10:30 PM

Porter & 'the boys': Goss Made His "Bones" on CIA Hit Team  Deposed CIA head Porter Goss was once a member of the CIA's super-secret Operation 40, an assassination squad which roamed through North and Central America during the 1960's. Via Cannonfire.
08.May 2006 Map may reveal Churchill secrets 
Mystery surrounds a map which experts believe may provide new information about plans to defend England from invasion in World War II.
08.May 2006 Saving Beauty  Mold and bureaucracy threaten France's Lascaux Cave. But how did the rot set in? And will this unique heritage survive?
08.May 2006 Delving into old waters  Little is known about the ships that brought the first English settlers to Virginia 400 years ago. But on the coast of Maine, traditional wooden boatbuilders are exploring the mystery, plank by plank.
08.May 2006 Ohio earthen embankments show evidence of sophisticated ancient culture 

On first glance, the circular earthen embankment abutting state Route 79 between a shopping mall and car dealerships isn't particularly awesome.

But consider this: It was created nearly 2,000 years ago, making it among the oldest man-made structures in North America.
08.May 2006 15 ways to live longer  Hints and suggestions.
08.May 2006 Nelson Rockefeller gives the finger Nelson Rockefeller gives the finger US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller gives middle finger
08.May 2006 Godlike Productions -- If you read this, better look behind you Then in late January 1979, Nelson Rockefeller was murdered in the beginning of a full fledged Bolshevik coup d'etat behind the scenes...
08.May 2006 Editorial Columns - Year 2003 Nelson Aldrich, who headed the Senate Banking Committee and for whom Nelson Rockefeller is named, was a leader in the secret meeting at Jekyll Island, Ga., ...
08.May 2006 The Truth Seeker - The Rockefeller Files Part 5 It was set up as part of Lee's PR program to clean up the Rockefeller image. ... the maternal grandfather of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller . ...
08.May 2006 Nelson Rockefeller quotes Nelson Rockefeller quotes ... Nelson Rockefeller said: "Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is..." and: ...
08.May 2006 We The People Features - Taxes - Philander Knox Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island (co-author of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913), who spoke for the "community of interest' of both Morgan and Rockefeller . ...
08.May 2006 Roper Group - President - Richard Roper New Jersey's Quiet Faith-Based Initiative: A Case Study, The Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy, Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government ...
08.May 2006 Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller -- Encyclopædia Britannica GeoAnalyzer ... Rockefeller , Nelson Aldrich. (). Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Retrieved , , from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service ...
08.May 2006 The Chautauqua Institution > Press Room > The Story of the ... ... Alf Landon, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Edmund Muskie, Nelson Rockefeller , George Romney, Al Smith, Harold Stassen, Norman Thomas, Henry Wallace. ...
08.May 2006 Repeal Drug offenders in New York are sentenced under laws passed in 1973 during former Governor Nelson Rockefeller's administration. These Rockefeller Drug Laws ...
08.May 2006


20.May 1953 In his memorandum -dated- Smith noted that the CIA had reached an agreement with Qashqai tribal leaders in southern Iran to establish a clandestine safe haven from which US-funded guerrillas + intelligence agents could operate.

"To date CIA has trained + equipped a total of approximately 10 indigenous clandestine radio operators to be located throughout Iran + who can be called upon to maintain communications with CIA when desired," Smith wrote. "Others are being trained."

Stockpiles of weapons and ammunition were being secretly assembled at Wheelus Field, an air base in Libya used at that time by the US Air Force.

Smith reported that the base already had enough war materiel to equip a 10,000-strong guerrilla force and allow it to operate independently for at least six months.

Other supply bases were being established in Tripoli, the Suez Canal zone and the US state of New Jersey.

"These supplies could, within three to four weeks, be transported by air and sea to certain strong tribal elements in southern Iran," the undersecretary of state assured.

Reception points for this materiel were being set up in the Tehran + Tabriz areas, along with secret caches of gold + currency, while the CIA drew plans for forming eight, three-person teams to run its secret guerrilla army

The plan also called for deploying several dozen additional US warplanes to southern Turkey + positioning a naval force of an undetermined size in the vicinity of the Iraqi southern city of Basra to create a barrier to "the spread of communist power."

In addition, the US government was determined to seek access to the Saudi military base in Dhahran "as a transit point in connection with contemplated US covert operations," Smith wrote.

The top secret papers, produced in late 1952 and 1953 by the State Department and the National Security Council, provide proof that the widely-known US-British efforts to destabilize the government of prime minister Mossadegh were backed up by broad contingency plans that called for bolstering US military presence in the region and launching an anti-communist guerrilla force in the south of Iran.

The Mossadegh government, which drew the ire of Washington and London because of its persistent attempts to increase control over the country's oil resources, was toppled in an August 19, 1953, coup led by US-backed general Fazlollah Zahedi who allowed pro-American Shah Reza Pahlavi to return from exile.

US officials have grudgingly acknowledged that the coup had become possible due to CIA ( news - web sites )-designed Operation "Ajax" that helped plunge Iran into chaos and paved the way for Mossadegh's downfall.
08.May 2006 - Iran, world, political, sport, economic news and ... 21 (MNA) -- Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi on Saturday ... Seyyed Ali Khamenei appointed Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Zahedi as the ...

Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections - A history of meddling ... a retired army general, Fazollah Zahedi.

The American-friendly Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who had ... the communists were blaming Brigadier General H. Norman Schwarzkopf "for alleged ...


AsiaSource: Asia Biography - a resource of the Asia Society

00.000.1881-00.000.1967 Mossadegh, Mohammed The ... with his opposition to Reza Shah's ... was made to replace Mossadegh with General Fazollah Zahedi, one

Part of US efforts to &quot;normalize&quot; relations: Report details CIA role... ...the oil industry-and restored Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Times ... decrees dismissing Mossadegh and installing General Fazlollah Zahedi...

Fazlollah Zahedi ... + brought him to Tehran. During Reza Shah's reign, General Zahedi was named (1926) military governor of ... of

20.Aug.1953 . Preceded by: Mohammed Mossadegh. Prime Ministers of Ir...

Bisher unbekannter Bericht über die Rolle der CIA ... veranlasste daraufhin Schah Mohammed Reza Pahlewi ... Entlassungsurkunde zu unterzeichnen + General Fazlollah Zahedi zum ...

Iran Focus-Firebrand strategist to head Iran?s Air Force - Iran ... Another senior Guards commander, Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Zahedi, was put in charge of the IRGC Ground Forces. Salami is known as the father of the ...

The Oily Americans - Empire? - Global Policy Forum ... a retired army general, Fazollah Zahedi. The American-friendly Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who had ... appearance of Mossadegh's successor, General Zahedi, whose personal bank account ...

08.May 2006
Fazlollah Zahedi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia General Zahedi (l) + Muhammad Reza Shah,

00.Apr.1955 Mohammad Reza Shah appointed him as chief of the Shahrbani Police Forces, in order to counter the ...

Sobaka :: Iran Contra: Iranian Beginnings Kermit Roosevelt of the CIA would go to Iran to plan things out with Mohammed Reza Shah + General Fazlollah Zahedi.

Even though Zahedi was a known ...


U.S. Policy / Iran


Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... (Redirected from Mohammed Reza Pahlavi) Jump to: navigation, search ... Mossadegh as prime minister and replace him with General Fazlollah Zahedi, a choice agreed on by the British and ...

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mohammad Reza was born to Reza Shah Pahlavi (the reigning monarch between the ... Mossadegh as prime minister and replace him with General Fazlollah Zahedi, ...

Mohammed Mossadegh hero file Mohammed Mossadegh Country: Iran. ... Cossacks Brigade officer Reza Khan. Reza ... Major-general Fazlollah Zahedi is selected by the coup

Messages and Letters Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Zahedi,. In view of the martyrdom of honorable commander Major General Ahmad Kazemi + considering your recommendation by ...

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. From Demopedia ... Mohammed Mossadegh, forced the Shah to flee the country.

He was quickly escorted back to power and fired Mossadegh through a counter-coup, led by G...

Messages and Letters ... issued on 21.Jan.2006 ... appointed Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Zahedi Commander of the Ground Force of Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). ...

THE IRANIAN: Historical pictures Pahlavi. Mohammed Reza Shah confers with General Zahedi who brought him back to power after the 1953 coup against Nationalist Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh. More Pahlavi. More Mossadegh

Shirin Science Center: Iran Oil Nationalization ...been written for the general public. ... elected prime minister, Mohammed ... Fazlollah Zahedi. Kinzer writes: &quot;Zahedi shared Reza Shah's...

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ... PAHLAVI MOHAMMED REZA. Iran 00.000.1946-00.000.1979 Panama 00.000.1979 ...

Dorril,S. MI6. 00.000.2000 (595-596) GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION ... 00.000.2000 (562-565 570-571 578)


Dr. Mossadegh British backed coup of Seyed Zia + Reza Khan took ... + his loyal companions surrendered themselves to the coup

Prime Minister, General Zahedi.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi: Biography and Much More From

26.Oct.1919 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi , Political Leader Born. ... CIA : dismiss Mossadegh as prime minister + replace him with General Fazlollah Zahedi, ...

22.Jan.2006 Iran Daily front P -Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in two separate decrees on Saturday appointed Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi + ...

Mohammed Mossadegh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh (Persian ... of Reza Pahlavi as Shah.

00.000.1944 Reza ... of the leaders of the coup, General Fazlollah Zahedi, was

IRAN ...

Brigadier General Mohammed Hejazi. Commander of the IRGC Ground Forces ...

Brigadier General Ali Reza Zahedi. Commander of the IRGC Naval Wing ...

THE IRANIAN: Books, Memoirs of Sharif Emami. Habib Ladjevardi

00.Aug.1953 -when the government of Mohammad Mossadegh was toppled, General Zahedi, the new prime minister, promoted Sharif-Emami to managing director of ...  

00.000.1978 Iranian general Gholan Reza ... defeated Rommel, dies at 88 00.000.1976

General Murtala Mohammed, head of ... on That Bien Phu 00.000.1954

General Zahedi...  
08.May 2006 20041027 https://authentico-historia.planetaclix ....
08.May 2006 Pearl Harbor Attacked - Expert + and serious discussion on... Terms of Use & Disclaimer Agreement. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. The PEARL HARBOR
08.May 2006 Guardian Unlimited- Electronic Pearl Harbor - Should we be more worried about governments using digital weapons ?...,3605,898662,00.html
08.May 2006 Pearl Harbor ...hello
08.May 2006 Attack on Pearl Harbor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... under the terms of the Tripartite Pact, but did so regardless, perhaps based on the leaking of Rainbow Five + Roosevelt's post- Pearl Harbor ...
08.May 2006 But one problem I can see is video surveillance. Here in L.A., most motels have cameras covering the courtyard.
Maybe that's one reason why certain "sleazy" motels are chosen. Maybe the place is too chintzy to buy a camera. Or...maybe someone on the inside owns the motel. Maybe that's why the room was cleaned up THAT VERY NIGHT, before the cops could have a chance to dust for prints.

08.May 2006 Setup.
"According to Fairfax City Police reports, a 911 call was received by their dispatchers at 8:12 p.m. on June 4 from a man who said he had just got off the phone with Millis.

The caller told police that Millis was very depressed and had said to him, "It will be just one loud bang and it will all be over."
Keep the 8:12 "panic call" in mind.

BTW, suicides are usually a bit happy for some time prior once they've made their decision.

I hear.

Why bother with the note he left if he was also going to call someone?
"According to the report, a woman staying in room 30 heard a loud bang at approximately 7:45 p.m.

Police Lt. Donald Poore cites that as the reason for the officers' decision to enter Millis' room uninvited, though as a precaution they decided to use ballistic shields, helmets and bulletproof vests."
Sure, make it look good.

And oh, so the very worried emergency call about suicide intent came in at 8:12 but the gunshot went off at 7:45? I see.
"According to Sean Burke, an FBI spokesman, that agency also was informed of the death by Fairfax City Police on June 4.

"They contacted us and we called them back and said,

`In the event that any classified documents are found, or anything else like that, please call us,'" Burke says."
Oh hey, if ya find anything classified just let us know?

08.May 2006 We now learn, via Newsweek + Josh Marshall, that one person identified with the Wilkes operation - a former CIA official previously known only by the colorful sobriquet "Nine Fingers" -- is actually Brant Bassett.
08.May 2006 Although most comentators suspect that Goss had sampled the wares at these "hooker" parties, I have suggested that this old CIA hand may have masterminded the operation, in order to gain blackmail material. More than one person has suggested that both male and female prostitutes played a role. (See this Kos post: "It's the GAY hookers, stupid!")
08.May 2006 In other news... Daniel Hopsicker uncovered a 1963 nightclub photograph (taken in Mexico City) which depicts Porter Goss alongside Barry Seal, William Seymour, Frank Sturgis, Felix Rodriguez and other Agency luminaries. That period of Goss' life remains shadowy; Hopsicker does his best to shine a little light on the scene.
08.May 2006 Permalink # Joseph : 12:06 PM 2 comments Comments: By selecting Hayden and hearing Republican rumble, isn't Bush helping the Republican Congress "show" that it's not really a "Rubber Stamp" Congress? Just a thought.
# Anonymous : 9:17 PM   A little discussed fact about Porter Goss is that on the morning of 9/11/01 he was having breakfast with the head of Pakistan's ISI who had earlier wired Mohammed Atta $100,000 to help finance Big Wedding I.
The wheels are starting to come off the official government version of the events of that day and I would not be surprised if Goss' surprise departure is not also linked to pending revelations about his involvement in 9/11.
# James : 11:52 PM   Post a Comment

08.May 2006
08.May 2006 Do read Jason Leopold’s assessment of the situation to get the full breadth of what appears to be happening with Rove’s case. In short, it does look like he’s toast. Or better, fried frog legs.
08.May 2006 Studentenproteste: Kölner Rektorat geräumt

08.May 2006 Marathon-Lauf: Vierjähriger ruiniert seine Gesundheit

08.May 2006 Globale Ambitionen: China plant zwei neue Mega-Häfen

08.May 2006 Robin Hoods in Hamburg: Sponti-Gang schockiert Wohlhabende

08.May 2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Wir werden nicht untergehen"

08.May 2006 Labour: Blair-Minister fürchtet linken Putsch

08.May 2006 "Huygens"-Sonde: Video zeigt spektakuläre Titan-Landung
08.May 2006
Koalitionsdisziplin: Struck verlangt mehr Einsatz von Merkel

08.May 2006 Thailand: Verfassungsgericht annulliert Parlamentswahl

08.May 2006 Gesundheit: Arbeitgeber fordern Fünf-Euro-Gebühr pro Arztbesuch
08.May 2006
US-Bankenbranche: 26-Milliarden-Merger bei Golfturnier abgesegnet
08.May 2006
Neuer CIA-Chef: Bushs Kandidat unter heftigem Beschuss
08.May 2006
What If No One Will Pay For Content? Scott Karp 

Randall Stross, in a Times article, wonders who will pay for TV now that ad-skipping DVRs and on-demand broadband video have destroyed TV’s mass media advertising model. I wonder whether late 20th-century TV content production will follow the same path as early 20th-century transatlantic ...
08.May 2006
China names new Catholic bishop China names another Catholic bishop, days after the Vatican criticised two similar appointments.
08.May 2006
Buffett sets sights on major deal Billionaire Warren Buffet tells investors that Berkshire Hathaway is ready to spend on major acquisitions.
08.May 2006
Cheney backs Balkan Nato-EU bids US Vice-President Cheney backs the bids of Albania, Croatia and Macedonia to join Nato and the EU.
08.May 2006
Self-repair gene therapy promise Gene therapy experts say they have found a way to persuade cells to repair themselves.
08.May 2006
UFO study finds no sign of aliens A secret Ministry of Defence report on UFOs has concluded that there is no proof of alien life forms
08.May 2006
Growing Diamonds for Better Information Security ScuttleMonkey 85 hip2b2 writes

"NetworkWorld is running an article that describes how a University of Melbourne research group is developing technology to make fiber optics communications more secure. The technology is based on Quantum Cryptography principles and requires than absolutely only one photon gets sent at any given time. Today, fiber optic systems do not send one photon at a time. They only approximate it. This makes current systems unsuitable for their secure communications technology. Therefore, the group uses artificially grown diamonds to achieve this."
08.May 2006
Lawmakers Concerned About Hayden Leading CIA Newark's Next Mayor Faces Longstanding Problems
08.May 2006
05.May 2006
Goss Is Latest to Leave Bush Administration

06.May 2006 Goss Going... We Should Have Seen It Coming

06.May 2006 CIA Shakeup May Have Doomed Goss

05.May 2006 CIA Chief Goss Quits After Nearly 20 Months

05.May 2006 Goss's Time at CIA Helm Was Limited

05.May 2006 Goss Abruptly Gives Up CIA Post

11.May2005 National Intelligence Chief Takes on More Authority

24.Mar.2005 CIA Makes Progress in Bid to Bolster Ranks

18.Nov.2004 Top Resignations Reflect Turmoil at the CIA
08.May 2006
Partisan Piece Of The Day NY Daily News: CIA Boss Goss Is Cooked -Tied to contractor’s poker parties -hints of bribes & women WASHINGTON - CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned yesterday amid allegations that he and a top aide may have attended Watergate poker parties
06.May 2006
Hayden May Replace Goss at CIA The next CIA director may be Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden, an aide to National Intelligence Director John Negroponte.

Porter Goss said Friday he will leave the top CIA post. Did he jump or was he pushed?The headline was provided by NPR Topics: Ne
06.May 2006
Porter Goss Out, Michael Hayden In ...
06.May 2006
www.deanesMay com
Wonkette's Week in Review: All The News That Fits CIA Director Porter Goss called it quits this week + didn’t make up a reason for leaving.

Not even the standard “time with my family” excuse, which of course makes us think it...
06.May 2006
CIAs problemer blottlegges CIAs virksomhet skal egentlig være høyst hemmelig. Etter at sjefen Porter Goss fikk sparken, er den beinharde indre striden i den amerikanske etterretningsorganisasjonen blitt kjent for hele verden.
06.May 2006
Playing Poker at the Watergate Scandals are nothing new here or abroad - although the French and British seem to have more interesting ones. Theirs usually involve sex or bondage or crossdressing, sometimes even spies. The American scandal is almost always about money or being dru
Goss: Speculation of accountability? Larry Johnson has suggested that Goss is resigning not because of his own connections to the Wilkes sex scandal, but because of the blow-back he might receive by having his subordinate, Dusty Foggo, under investigation by the federal government. S
06.May 2006
While I was Away Take a day off and the world keeps on spinning. Kennedys still get in trouble while driving in their cars and bigwigs keep trying to cover it up.

Valerie Plame gets big bucks for a "book deal." West Point is off-limits to a group of anti-war grads.
06.May 2006
CIA boss Goss is cooked CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned yesterday amid allegations that he + a top aide may have attended Watergate poker parties where bribes + prostitutes were provided to a corrupt congressman.
06.May 2006
Ana stars in new Whirlpool ad campaign Ana was one of six Sony Ericsson WTA Tour players to take time out from their Australian Open preparations to star in a new advertising campaign for sponsors Whirlpool.

Whirlpool, premier sponsor of the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour, are using the players
Post Date:01/15/2006
Goss resigns as CIA chief - Melbourne Herald Sun Seattle TimesGoss resigns as CIA chiefMelbourne Herald Sun?-

11 hours agoBy STEVE HOLLAND. CIA chief Porter Goss, assigned to rebuild the USA spy agency after huge intelligence lapses over the 11.Sep.2001 attacks and Iraq, has
06.May 2006
Spy Czar, Rumsfeld in a Turf War By Doyle McManus and Peter Spiegel, Los Angeles Times Washington - After a little more than a year in his newly created job, John D. Negroponte, the director of national intelligence, has won an initial battle to establish authority over the vas
06.May 2006
Wishful Thinking Oh, if this were true: As if we needed any more rumors in the Katherine Harris soap opera.

The surprise resignation of CIA chief Porter Goss has my BlackBerry humming with wild speculation about him jumping into the U.S. Senate...
06.May 2006
Dana Priest: This Person Was Too Partisan! Mary McCarthy? No . . . Porter Goss! Allah has the big Goss roundup.

Buried in the updates is a little nugget that is sure to infuriate those of you who have been following the Mary McCarthy story: the Washington Post Goss obituary is written by Dana Priest + accuses Goss of having ...
06.May 2006
General Hayden Expected to Be CIA Nominee Within hours of the resignation announcement of Porter Goss, the favorite for his replacement is General Michael Hayden: - General Michael Hayden, National Intelligence Director John Negroponte's top deputy and former National Security Agency chief
06.May 2006
White House Denies Bush Lost Faith in Goss White House Dismisses Reports That Bush Had Lost Confidence in Just-Resigned CIA Director Porter Goss
06.May 2006

08.May 2006 "The Fix-It Man Leaves, but The Agency's Cracks Remain"

00.000.2004 -prior to the elections- Bush appointed Goss in to "quell what the White House viewed as a partisan insurgency against the administration":

Goss now leaves an agency that is "weaker operationally, with a workforce demoralized by an exodus of senio
06.May 2006
Salon: "Porter Goss' spooky demise" "Of course, the Foggo-Wilkes connection may have nothing to do with the sudden change in Goss' career arc.

Daalder posed the speculative question, 'Was there an intelligence blunder that we don't know about - + that we may never know about?' Certa
06.May 2006
David Corn: "Goss in the Cold: A Scandal Skedaddle?" What does Goss have to do with hookergate?

"Maybe nothing," but Goss may know about "(a) a rigged contract;

(b) bad behavior at Wilkes' poker bashes;

(c) the non-recreational use of prostitutes;

(d) all of the above or something we cannot even imagin
06.May 2006
"CIA boss Goss is cooked"

Law enforcement sources say Foggo may soon be indicted in hookergate:

Sources say no solid evidence against Goss, but his resignation is tied to Cunningham scandal, if for no other reason than Goss' failure to "handle the allegations swirling around
06.May 2006
The Raw Story: Foggo May Resign Next Week "Foggo told his colleagues on Friday after CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned that he would be doing the same next week."
07.May 2006
Casa Branca nega que Bush tenha perdido confiança em ex-chefe da CIA da France Presse, em WashingtonA Casa Branca rejeitou firmemente neste sábado (6) que o diretor da CIA (Agência Central de Inteligência norte-americana) Porter Goss tenha renunciado a seu cargo devido a uma falta de confiança do presidente George W.

08.May 2006 CIA chief Goss quiet on abrupt departure WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Porter Goss said on Saturday his reasons for abruptly resigning as CIA chief after less than two years would remain a mystery, while the White House denied that President Bush had lost confidence in him.
06.May 2006
CONNECTING THE GOSS DOTS AN EXERCISE IN CIRCULAR LOGIC Pity the poor lefties who have leapt upon the resignation of CIA Chief Porter Goss like a pack of ravenous beasts, hungry for scandal + scalps, all the while frantically trying their best to connect dots that may or may not exist only in their fev..
06.May 2006
Hookergate mushrooms Now expanding to include Porter Goss and Dusty Foggo-- good administration lackeys that might end up being a bit too partial to hookers.

It seems like all the corrupt Republicans are connected somehow....
06.May 2006
Bush Punished CIA Because They Were Right & He Was Wrong Bush Punished CIA

Because They Were Right that Goss was rather passive + out of touch + overly delegated day to day affairs to his staff, "the Gosslings," led by the fiercely partisan Patrick Murray.

I don't believe I have ever heard from people ...
06.May 2006 08.May 2006
A Day Late and a Dollar Short Yeah, I’m a little late posting on the resignation of Porter Goss, the Director of Central Intelligence

I’ve sort of been waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one–I mean, something had to precipitate his leaving the CIA.  I
Post Date:05/07/2006

08.May 2006 Favorito para dirigir CIA tiene historial brillante y polémico - Terra España UnivisiónFavorito para dirigir CIA tiene historial brillante y polémicoTerra España?- hace 13 horasEl general de las Fuerzas Aéreas Michael Hayden, el hombre que encabeza las encuestas para liderar la CIA tras la repentina dimisión el viernes de
06.May 2006
Director de la CIA Porter Goss, silencioso sobre su dimisión - Swiss Info Diario VascoDirector de la CIA Porter Goss, silencioso sobre su dimisiónSwiss Info?- hace 15 horasWASHINGTON (Reuters) -

Porter Goss dijo el sábado que la razón de su repentina dimisión como director de la CIA tras menos de dos años en el cargo
08.May 2006

Goss may be the missing link between administration operatives + the 9/11 conspirators.

Someone needs to follow the money trail to the stock market “put” calls on the airlines involved.

Also, was Goss involved in the directive to spirit the Bin Laden relatives out of the U.S. immediately after 11.Sep.2001 ?
08.May 2006

Porter Goss was more than just another former CIA agent when he was picked -By Dubya,

he was being rewarded for his past + he was chosen to dismantle the CIA so its loyal agents could not topple Bush.
08.May 2006
Good Luck America — fascism is on the way.
08.May 2006
Special Reports
FBI agents lied about what they wanted from Jack Anderson's papers -By Wayne Madsen
The FBI agents who, in December, approached Olivia Anderson, the widow of deceased investigative reporter Jack Anderson and more recently, in March, author + researcher Mark Feldstein, who is writing a book about Jack Anderson, were interested in far more than the names of sources in the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) espionage case.

That explanation by the FBI did not hold any water since Jack Anderson had not been active in pursuing that particular story -- he had suffered from Parkinson's Disease since 00.000.1986 .
00.May 2006 Commentary
Act now, pray later -By Frank Scott
We destroyed a powerful secular regime in Iraq and replaced it with a powerless sectarian front, in order to create democracy and insure that we wouldn't be attacked by terrorists with nuclear weapons. We have killed tens of thousands of Iraqis, reduced much of the nation to bloody chaos, and its people are very grateful for this. Of course.

02.May 2006 Analysis The "New Totalitarianism" now defines a desperate neocon end game -By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
As the Bush/neocon kleptocracy disintegrates in a toxic cloud of military defeat, economic bankruptcy, environmental disaster and escalating mega-scandal, its attack on basic American freedoms -- its "New Totalitarianism" -- has escalated to a desperate new level, including brutal Soviet-style prosecutions against non-violent dissidents and an all-out offensive for state secrecy, including an attack on the Internet.
02.May 2006 Karl Rove indictment long overdue -By Evelyn Pringle
28.Apr.2006 Jason Leopold, an investigative journalist who has consistently forecast upcoming events in the CIA leak case far in advance of the mainstream media, is citing "sources knowledgeable about the probe" in reporting, "Despite vehement denials by his attorney who said this week that Karl Rove is neither a "target" nor in danger of being indicted in the CIA leak case, the special counsel leading the investigation has already written up charges against Rove + a grand jury is expected to vote on whether to indict the Deputy White House Chief of Staff sometime next week."
03.May 2006 News Media
Colbert roasts Bush in hellfire of his own making -By Charles M. Ashley
I have only seen a few news clips of the White House Correspondents Dinner and heard some comments. Although the corporate press is doing all it can to downplay the importance of this event, they cannot entirely conceal the truth.
03.May 2006 The Splendid Failure of Occupation Part 44: Burning the cradle of civilization -By B. J. Sabri
Depending on the scope of use, mythmaking in imperialism can be a powerful instrument to rewrite history and influence issues of war and peace. Take for example the U.S. (and other imperialist states including Israel) mythmaking on the extent of Nazi violence. Immediately after the demise of the Third Reich, the ideologically motivated elevation of Nazism to a “universal” symbol of atrocities has acquired an ever-inflating mythological dimension.
04.May 2006 What is the U.S. role in Iraq’s dirty war? -By Nicolas J S Davies

The annual U.S. State Department report on human rights for 2005 has acknowledged that the governing institutions created by the USA in Iraq are engaged in an organized campaign of detention and torture.
Mar 15.2006,

.Mar.2006 Special Reports
Woodward's Plame-leak Deep Throat -By Jason Leopold
He is referred to as "official one" and he is the mysterious senior Bush administration official who unmasked the identity of an undercover CIA operative to Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Bob Woodward in mid-June 2003 and conservative columnist Robert Novak a month later.
Mar 23.2006, Special Reports
Bogotá DEA corruption allegations intersect with covert FBI, CIA activity in Colombia -By Bill Conroy
In the late 1990s, Luis Hernando Gómez Bustamante, one of the leaders of Colombia’s North Valley Cartel narco-trafficking syndicate, became one of the targets of a Drug Enforcement Administration investigation called Operation Cali-Man, which was overseen by a DEA supervisor in Miami named David Tinsley.
Italien: Prodi schlägt Napolitano vor
07.May 2006 Märklin: Verkauf an britischen Finanzinvestor vor dem Abschluss
07.May 2006 Elsewhere we learn that Millis' CIA career included a stint in Pakistan to support the anti-Soviet mujahedeen. In that capacity, he must have worked with Osama Bin Laden. (He also must have turned a blind eye to a major heroin operation.)
07.May 2006 Final questions: Did the Insight story -- which hints at a deeper scandal -- function as a "shot across the bow"? Was the Reverend Moon attempting to signal certain parties in Washington: "I know all about this ..."? Is that how Moon is able to garner high-powered political endorsement for such dubious enterprises as "Take down the cross day"? Does blackmail explain how the Korean Messiah achieved his "crowning" in the Senate office building? And does this older scandal impact the current controversy over the Goss resignation?
07.May 2006 Permalink
07.May 2006 Miren Gutierrez: A World Addicted to Hunger : According to Oxfam International, a confederation of anti-poverty organisations, more than 850 million people suffer from chronic hunger. Is Ethiopia condemned to suffer hunger regularly? Are others?

07.May 2006 Cuban, Venezuelan Aid Streams Into Bolivia : Gladys Melani was nearly blind from cataracts. Juana Mamani was illiterate. Sharon Mayra didn't officially exist. What these three Bolivians had in common was poverty + help from Cuba and Venezuela in solving their problems.

07.May 2006 Ice-capped roof of world turns to desert : Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up

07.May 2006 CIA in disarray as Rumsfeld starts turf war with rival : It appears that the President will turn to a close ally of his National Intelligence Director, John Negroponte, to fill the position. White House sources were quoted yesterday as saying that Air Force General Michael Hayden, Mr Negroponte's senior deputy, is likely to get the nod.

07.May 2006 DeLay Office Knew Abramoff Arranged Trip : Prosecutors have e-mails showing Rep. Tom DeLay's office knew lobbyist Jack Abramoff had arranged the financing for the GOP leader's controversial European golfing trip in 2000 and was concerned ``if someone starts asking questions.''

07.May 2006 Sex, Lies + Government Contracts: A corruption scandal involving Republicans in Congress, CIA officials, prostitutes on Capitol Hill + defense contracts has begun to spread.

07.May 2006 "Nine Fingers," Poker-Playing CIA Man, I.D.'d: Newsweek magazine is the first to identify Nine Fingers as Brant Bassett, whom they also say is "a former Goss aide."

07.May 2006 The new 'red scare': A NEW requirement that applicants for state jobs in Ohio swear that they don't support terrorism strikes us as more a matter of paranoia than protection.

07.May 2006 Surveillance society: The DNA files: Police files hold the DNA of more than 50,000 children who have committed no offence. And that's only the tip of the iceberg - Britain now has the largest DNA database in the world.

07.May 2006 Australians Obtaining Organs From Executed Prisoners: Prison inmates in China. Australian doctors have said Australians have gone to China to receive organ transplants from executed prisoners.

07.May 2006 Mexico welcomed fugitive slaves and African American job-seekers : New perspectives on the immigration debate
07.May 2006
Diana Buttu: On Journalism and Media : Watching Western television or reading newspaper reports of Palestine always leaves me perplexed. If I did not live in Palestine and bear witness to Israel’s military occupation, I would be left with the impression that Palestinians and Israelis are equals – with no occupation existing – and that this conflict simply requires “concessions” on both sides.

07.May 2006 U.S.-Israel-Jordan Pact Created Near-Slavery Conditions : Major U.S. companies, including Wal-Mart, Gloria Vanderbilt, Target, Kohl's, Victoria's Secret and L.L. Bean, are buying apparel from sweatshops in Jordan under a three-way trade deal that binds the Arab nation to Israel and the USA, according to a new report.

07.May 2006 Ice-capped roof of world turns to desert : Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up
07.May 2006
Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush : Cowardly and clueless, the U.S. media abandoned its post as Bush led the country into a disastrous war. A look inside one of the great journalistic collapses of our time.

07.May 2006 War pimp alert: US could attack Iran next month : Tehran’s vow to hand nuclear technology to its allies gives Bush a powerful reason to act

07.May 2006 War pimp alert: Bush: ‘Specific Threat’ to Israel from Iran : U.S. President George W. Bush said on Sunday that Iran has made “a specific threat on a partner of the U.S. + Germany,” during an interview with German newspaper Bild.

07.May 2006 Iran "will not halt" uranium enrichment: FM spokesman : "Any action by the Security Council will have a negative influence on our cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)," Asefi told a weekly press conference.

07.May 2006 Iran will change policies if IAEA asks: President : Iran would change its policies if asked to do so by the UN nuclear monitor the IAEA, hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in Baku, according to the translation of his comments, AFP reported.

07.May 2006 Iran threatens not to recognize NPT if its rights not accepted : The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has "no validity" if Iran's rights to carry out peaceful nuclear research were not accepted, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday.

07.May 2006 UN's Iran draft needs 'major changes': Russia : The UN Security Council's draft resolution on Iran nuclear issue, legally requiring Tehran to stop sensitive nuclear fuel work, needs to be fundamentally changed, Russian news agencies quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Kislyak as saying on Saturday.

07.May 2006 UN eyes vote next week on Iran nuclear demand : Many of the council's 15 members left the Saturday discussions acknowledging it would take a miracle to agree on a text before Monday's arrival in New York of foreign ministers of the council's five permanent members plus Germany.

07.May 2006 Gwynne Dyer: Raising the stakes on Iran: The draft resolution on Iran's nuclear activities that the USA, Britain and France presented to the United Nations Security Council this week is designed to fail.

07.May 2006 New Chief Will Find C.I.A. Is Hobbled on Iran : As the Central Intelligence Agency undergoes its latest round of turmoil, legislators and former intelligence officials say that serious gaps in the USA' knowledge of Iran are among the most critical problems facing a new director of the spy agency.

07.May 2006 Iran: Euro To Replace Dollar As Oil Currency : In July Iran will ditch the dollar in favour of the euro as the currency in which it will accept payments for its oil and natural gas exports, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Friday.

07.May 2006 Iran sees oil bourse in two months : Iran plans to launch an oil bourse on the Gulf island of Kish within the next two months, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday.

07.May 2006 Brazil joins world's nuclear club : Brazil has joined the select group of countries with the capability of enriching uranium as a means of generating energy.  

07.May 2006 The two crucial mistakes that cost Straw his job : Jack Straw made two crucial mistakes in his dealings with Tony Blair: one involved the prime minister's relationship with Gordon Brown and the other Iran.
07.May 2006 Jimmy Carter: Punishing The Innocent Is A Crime -By Jimmy Carter
Innocent Palestinian people are being treated like animals, with the presumption that they are guilty of some crime. Because they voted for candidates who are members of Hamas, the USA government has become the driving force behind an apparently effective scheme of depriving the general public of income, access to the outside world and the necessities of life.

07.May 2006 The Last Gasp of the Dollar? Iran bourse opens next week -By Mike Whitney
Overnight the story of Iran’s proposed oil bourse has slipped into the mainstream press exposing the real reasons behind Washington’s ongoing hostility towards Tehran.

07.May 2006 Raid On Nuclear Fuel Market -By Rudo de Ruijter 

05/07/06 "ICH" -- -- In the background of the political joust about Iran, a few countries are reshaping the world. They are taking possession of the global nuclear fuel market. New IAEA regulations should keep newcomers away. The US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China and Japan will become world’s nuclear filling stations. Continue

07.May 2006 The Real Oil Story: The Oil in Iraq   -By Walter Simpson
Oil is pretty slippery stuff. The press is playing up $3 a gallon gasoline, record oil company profits, and the $400 million retirement package for Exxon’s former CEO. But these stories are trivial compared to the oil story they have ignored all along.

07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Es ist jedenfalls nicht so sicher, dass die Apathie marktgesellschaftlicher Alternativlosigkeiten und die Domestizierung des - auch akademischen - Subproletariats auf ewig anhalten.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Erfolgreicher politischer Protest wird, wie wir aus der Geschichte wissen, in aller Regel von anderen sozialen Gruppen initiiert und angeführt.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html

Die neuen Unterschichten der Überflüssigen haben allerdings nichts davon: Keine kollektive Zusammengehörigkeit, kein Selbstbewusstsein, keine Idee von sich selbst, keine Potentiale für Organisation, für politische Projekte und für disziplinierte, langfristige Aktionen. Sie mögen in Zeiten weiterer sozialer Verschlechterung zum Treibsand und Resonanzboden für strohfeuerartig aufflammende Affekte gegen "die Reichen da oben" taugen, aber sie werden schwerlich zu einem zielbewussten politischen Träger organisierten Protests.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html

Einige Sozialwissenschaftler charakterisieren das dauerarbeitslose Neuproletariat gar als Klasse der "Überflüssigen" oder der "Verlorenen". Dieses Kennzeichen der Überflüssigkeit und Verlorenheit hat es in der Industriegesellschaft über 140 Jahre kaum einmal gegeben. Denn anders als die vorindustriellen Unterschichten war die moderne Arbeiterklasse für die kapitalistische Produktion und Mehrwertgewinnung lange Zeit elementar. Daher war die gewerbliche Arbeiterklasse auch, gewissermaßen von 1870 bis 1970, stark, hatte Selbstbewusstsein, besaß Organisationsfähigkeit, brachte kluge, ehrgeizige, über den Status Quo hinausstrebende Anführer mit ambitionierten Zukunftsideen hervor.

Treibsand und Revolte
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Doch ist mit einem aktiven, konstanten, zielorientierten, organisationsgestützten Protest der neuen Unterschichten zur Wendung dieses trostarmen Schicksals kaum zu rechnen.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html

Sie fühlen sich entbehrlich, durch Arbeitsagenturen gedemütigt, ohne die geringsten sozialen Mobilitäts- und Aufstiegschancen, die einst sowohl den sozialen Katholizismus als auch der sozialistischen Arbeiterbewegung - also den Traditionsvorläufern der gegenwärtigen großkoalitionären Regierungsparteien - programmatische Leitidee war.

Man muss diesen vergangenen sozialmoralischen Großgeflechten nicht sentimental hinterher trauern. Sie haben schließlich die Gesellschaft lange ideologisch aufgeladen und dadurch politisch-kulturell belastet. Aber ihr weltanschaulich gestütztes und durchwirktes Organisationsgeflecht war die Basis für die Integration verschiedener Generationen und verschiedener Klassen.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Die einen kaufen im Billigmarkt, die anderen im italienischen Feinkostgeschäft. Die einen betäuben sich mit Fusel, die anderen entspannen sich bei einem Gläschen Premier cru. Die einen nächtigen in noblen 5-Sterne-Wellnesshotels, für die anderen steht oft genug nicht einmal ein eigener Balkon zur Verfügung.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Die Republik birgt, was schon überwunden zu sein schien: die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichen, eine höchst brisante Spannung also für den Zusammenhalt einer Gesellschaft. Der fühl- und sichtbare Gegensatz von Gewinnern und Verlierern ist in Deutschland des Jahres 2006 jedenfalls größer und elementarer als im Jahr 1996 oder 1986 oder 1976 oder 1966.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Die soziale Spaltung des urbanen Raums schreitet massiv voran.

In den einen Stadtquartieren wächst der Wohlstand, nehmen Lebens- und Freizeitqualität zu, während andere Stadtteile verwahrlosen, abrutschen, veröden + vergammeln.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html
Auch das durchaus noch reiche Deutschland ist in diesem Prozess keine Oase einer sozial befriedete Gesellschaft geblieben.

Etliche hunderttausend Bundesbürger drängen Tag für Tag in die Suppenküchen der Wohlfahrtsverbände. Über ein Zehntel der Deutschen lebt in ständiger Armut.

Die oberen zwei % der bundesrepublikanischen Haushalte verfügen über 30 % des Gesamtvermögens; die unteren 50 % müssen sich mit knapp fünf % begnügen. Und die ökonomischen Eliten haben sich mehr und mehr von ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung verabschiedet. Zum Ende der Adenauergesellschaft betrug der Anteil der Gewinnsteuern am steuerlichen Gesamtaufkommen noch mehr als ein Drittel; derzeit sind es kaum mehr 15 %.

Man liebt und heiratet wieder unter sich
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414888,00.html

Die Trennung zwischen Reich und Arm in der deutschen Gesellschaft verschärft sich. Doch die dauerarbeitslose Schicht der "Überflüssigen" ist orientierungslos und ohne Selbstbewusstsein. Eine Revolte, so sie denn kommt, wird von den Deklassierten der Wissensgesellschaft angeführt werden. 

Die "Wissensgesellschaft", von der alle reden, ist eine schöne Sache. Sie eröffnet neue Chancen, aufregende Perspektiven, erlebnisreiche Räume, zusätzliche Optionen - allerdings lediglich für diejenigen, die über Bildung, Wissen, Kompetenz, Kontakte verfügen. Zwar leidet bekanntermaßen derzeit auch die "Generation Praktikum" an den Unwägbarkeiten des Übergangs von der Universität in eine vergleichbar fest kalkulierbare berufliche Anstellung, doch insgesamt sind diejenigen mit akademischem Zertifikat unzweifelhaft die Gewinner der deregulierten Wissensgesellschaft. Wissen, so bilanzieren es nüchtern etliche soziologische Befunde, beschleunigt und vertieft die Polarisierung in der Gesellschaft.

Polarisierung ist überhaupt der Begriff, mit dem man in den nächsten Jahren, wahrscheinlich Jahrzehnten die postindustrielle Gesellschaft beschreiben wird. In der spätindustriellen Gesellschaft - bis etwa Mitte der 1970er Jahre - hatten die Polaritäten noch deutlich abgenommen. Die Schichten nivellierten sich zwar nicht, aber die Spannung zwischen ihnen wurden sozialstaatlich eingehegt, die großen Differenzen gemildert, Ungleichheiten stärker reduziert. Doch mittlerweile sind die klassischen Ungleichheitserfahrungen mit Aplomb - und weltweit - zurückgekehrt.

20 % der Weltbevölkerung ist unterernährt; das oberste eine % verfügt über ebenso viel Einkommen wie die unteren 57 %. Der Besitz der drei reichsten Menschen übertrifft das Bruttosozialprodukt der 48 ärmsten Länder. Der frühere CDU-Generalsekretär Heiner Geißler nannte diesen Zustand unlängst einen Exzess. Und der Exzess wird weitergehen. Seriöse Prognosen gehen davon aus, dass zur Mitte des 21. Jahrhunderts die Hälfte der großstädtischen Bevölkerung dieser Welt in Slums leben dürfte.
07.May 2006
Regierungskrise: Blair wird zur lahmen Ente

07.May 2006 Osama & Co: Die zehn meistgesuchten Männer der USA

07.May 2006 Soziale Spaltung in Deutschland: Fusel oder Premier cru
07.May 2006
Terroristen-Zuflucht: US-Beauftragter vermutet Bin Laden weiter in Pakistan
07.May 2006

Steinsaltz is best known for his translation and commentary on the Talmud, but he has also served as resident scholar at Princeton and Yale Universities. He heads a network of Israeli educational institutions called Mekor Chaim and outreach programs in the U.S., the former Soviet Union, Great Britain and Australia. He is also a past recipient of the Israel Prize.

The Sanhedrin was reestablished last October in Tiberias, the place of its last meeting 1,600 years ago. Since then, it has met in Jerusalem on a monthly basis.
07.May 2006

The group, which calls itself the Sanhedrin, is calling on the Jewish people to contribute toward the acquisition of materials for the purpose of rebuilding the Temple – including the gathering and preparation of prefabricated, disassembled portions to be stored and ready for rapid assembly, "in the manner of King David."

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the burgeoning Sanhedrin, said in an official statement that because of "concerns that external pressure would be brought to bear upon individuals not to take part in the establishment of a Sanhedrin, the names of most participants have been withheld up to this point."

"The increasingly anti-Jewish decisions handed down by the Supreme Court prove the need for an alternative legal system based on Jewish sources," said Weiss. "More and more people, including Torah scholars, are beginning to understand this."

In addition to the election of Steinsaltz, the rabbis present also chose a seven-man committee, headed by him, to campaign for the acceptance of the idea of a Sanhedrin.
SANHEDRIN: Withdrawal from Jewish West Bank Neighborhoods: NO GO
07.May 2006 Straw called for normalization of relations with Hamas. Straw opposed military action against Iran. Did Israel order Blair to sack Straw?
aangirfan: Straw called for normalization of relations with Hamas. Straw opposed military action against Iran. Did Israel order Blair to sack Straw?

07.May 2006 Venezuela: Proteste oder Oppositionsstrategie Anna Krämer 
Einige Ereignisse haben in den letzten Tagen in Caracas und anderen größeren Städten Venezuelas zu Protesten der Opposition geführt. Auslöser war die Nachricht über die Ermordung der vor einem Monat entführten Söhne des kanadisch-venezolanischen Geschäftsmannes Faddoul und deren Chauffeurs. Die drei Jungen und der Chauffeur waren vor circa einem Monat auf dem Weg von der Schule nach Hause bei einer vermeintlichen Polizeikontrolle entführt worden. Der Fall hat besonders deswegen für Aufsehen gesorgt, weil vermutet wird, dass Polizisten in die Entführung verwickelt sind. Die Nachricht vom Tod der Entführten war Auslöser für Proteste und Straßenblockaden von einigen hunderten von Menschen. Die Meldung von BBC und Reuters, dass gegen die Demonstranten Tränengas eingesetzt worden sei, wurde durch die venezolanischen Medien nicht bestätigt.

07.May 2006 Hacker fears ‘UFO cover-up’ Claims Suppressed Technologies Exist as does Anti-Gravity Site admin  A great story. Creepy.
07.May 2006 Confidential Report Reveals Pfizer Illegally Tested Unapproved Drug On Nigerian Children... The Huffington Post  A panel of Nigerian medical experts has concluded that Pfizer Inc. violated international law during a 1996 epidemic by testing an unapproved drug on children with brain infections at a field hospital. That finding is detailed in a lengthy Nigerian government report that has remained unreleased ...
07.May 2006 Brown unity call over 'coup' plot Gordon Brown urges unity as rebel Labour MPs are accused of launching a bid to topple Tony Blair.
07.May 2006 Iran MPs threaten nuclear treaty Iran's parliament threatens to force a withdrawal from a key nuclear treaty if a row over its plans is not ended.
07.May 2006 Iran says UN move threatens clash The UN Security Council's intervention in Iran's nuclear programme would lead to confrontation, Tehran warns.
07.May 2006 WHO begins 'toughest' polio drive A mass polio vaccination campaign is due to start on Sunday on the dangerous Pakistan-Afghan border.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414896,00.html

Das FBI erklärte danach, die Männer hätten sich legal in den USA aufgehalten. "Es war alles autorisiert." Nach Angaben eines FBI-Mitarbeiters handelte es sich bei den Betroffenen um vier Militärangehörige aus Angola und einen Israeli. Doch obwohl die Männer unschuldig waren, sei das Vorgehen richtig gewesen. "Man ist zu Recht misstrauisch geworden", sagte ein FBI-Sprecher.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414540,00.html

Sparen mit Erdgas ist möglich - doch alle warten ab

"Obwohl kein Zweifel an der Wirtschaftlichkeit und der Umweltverträglichkeit besteht und alle Entscheidungsträger davon überzeugt sind, dass es sich bei Erd- und Biogas um wirtschaftlich und ökologisch sinnvolle Alternativen handelt, mangelt es immer noch an Allianzen, dem Treibstoff zu mehr Popularität zu verhelfen", bedauert Forst.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414540,00.html
Die Zeit drängt. Experten prognostizieren, dass die Weltbevölkerung von derzeit 6,4 Milliarden Menschen bis

00.000.2020 um mehr als eine Milliarde anwachsen wird. Zudem wird erwartet, dass der Motorisierungsgrad von heute weltweit 12 auf 15 % ansteigen wird.

Das bedeutet, dass in knapp 15 Jahren nicht mehr 775 Millionen Fahrzeuge auf den Straßen dieses Planeten rollen werden, sondern 1,1 Milliarden.

Das Problem der damit einhergehenden Kohlendioxid-Belastung 

sowie der Luftverschmutzung mit anderen Schadstoffen

stellt sich also ebenso dringlich wie die Abhängigkeit von Kraftstoff, der diese Blechlawine in Bewegung hält.
07.May 2006
Sicherheitsrat: Iran warnt die Uno
07.May 2006 Zeittafel der Massenmedien / Massenkommunikationsmedien
07.May 2006-11.Sep.2001
How the FBI Let 9/11 Happen
Never mind Moussaoui, the smoldering gun was right there all the time Jeff A. Taylor (3/30)

07.May 2006 Is American Foreign Policy an Infinite Crisis?

George Bush as superhero, the rest of us as sketchy background characters
07.May 2006

bible believers org Ed Bishop,
Beg to differ. Listed in the above addy as class of 1960, one Jonathan Dimitri Negroponte.

Your confusing the stories related to Porter Goss not being a Skull and Bones, he is actually Book andSnake, class included Washington Post writer, Bob Woodward, Les Aspin, + Nicholas Brady, class of 1960 as well.
07.May 2006

Good that you're discussing such stuff, but I've got to correct you about one thing: Negroponte is not Skull & Bones.

I do have an interesting group photo of the Yale Fence Club with both Negroponte and Goss together in it.

The've worked together in many escapades over the years in Mexico, Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, mixing up with Poppy Bush in such places as Cuba + Dealey Plaza.
A case of familiarity breeding contempt?
BTW, other Yalies include: Alito, Libby, McCallum, ass't Att0rney Gen (same yr Skull & Bones as W), William Donaldson (Skull & Bones), recent head of SEC.

Even Cheney spent a few terms at Yale, but had to drop out with low grades (but he comes from a multi-generation Yale Skull & Bones family).

Other notorious S&B names include Kellogg, Brown and Root.
07.May 2006

And if General Hayden gets it instead, then the mystery only deepens. Who is leading whom and what better way to be in control of all, than to be truly in control of the watch and the dog? A born again politicist + humorist to boot. Texan by nature and birth as well, Nationalist by choice and design. Like this article? + | + TailRank
07.May 2006

Back to my question: So why step down a notch?

Is it possible that Bush needs a shepherd to steer a small part of the flock on a path to watch the other shepherds? Could it be that by stepping down a notch, Negroponte is actually stepping up three notches? Why not? Goering did it when Hitler needed him to.

Having been the Reichstag parliament's president, he stepped back to be a General + later, Wikipedia notes, He became Commander-in-Chief of Forschungsamt ("FA"), the Nazi underground monitoring services for telephone and radio communications.

This was connected to SS, SD and Abwehr intelligence services.

Sounds like CIA to me + you? Goering headed the Daddy of all watchdog intelligence groups in the Nazi regime + according to Wikipedia, became:
"...the highest figure in the Nazi Hierarchy who had authorized on paper the 'final solution of the Jewish Question', when he issued a memo to SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich to organize the practical details," (which culminated in the Wannsee Conference).

He wrote, "submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material + financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question."

It is almost certain however that Hitler issued a verbal order to Göring in the fall of 1941 to this effect."

He later made this infamous statement at the Nuremberg trials that rings a little too chillingly close to home and the current war we are in now: Of course the people don't want war.

But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy + it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.

That is easy.

All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism + exposing the country to greater danger.

I am by no means the first writer to highlight the so-called Bush/ Nazi comparisons, yet, to-date, this is one of the most striking developments. Is Negroponte Bush's Goering?
07.May 2006

Negroponte has served in one government post or another since graduating Yale 00.000.1960 .

This is the same Yale GW and GWH Bush attended, with a membership in the same Skull and Bones secret society that father and son belong to;

the same secret society that is purported to cull and groom those wealthy and connected students at an early age to groom into our nation's leaders.

This is a society with an alumni list that reads like a who's who in American power structure: Names like Taft, Weyerhaeuser, Goodyear, Sloan, Rockefeller.

00.000.1932 Prescott Sheldon Bush, GW's grandfather, sat on the Union Banking Corp. board of Directors, along with six other Skull and Bones members,

two of which were German Nazis, H.J. Kouwenhoven + Johann Groninger.

This group led the banking interests that financed Adolf Hitler & the USSR.

Please do not take my word for it; read for yourself.

The Union Banking Corp. was founded by George Herbert Walker, GW's great grandfather, who was a, you guessed it, Skull and Bones member.
07.May 2006

No one has or will argue that last statement. No one of course, except Bill O'Reilly and the other talking puppets of the GOP.

These guys have already started a feeding frenzy to slant this as a "bad boy, go to your room" adventure on the part of Goss.

A little background on John Demitri Negroponte from Wikipedia:

He is considered a controversial figure by some because of his involvement in the covert funding of the Contras + the cover up of human rights abuses carried out by CIA-trained operatives in Honduras in the 00.000.1980 s. According to The New York Times, Negroponte carried out "the covert strategy of the Reagan administration to crush the Sandinista government in Nicaragua." +

is a career diplomat currently serving as Director of National Intelligence for the USA.
07.May 2006
Brian Doherty at August 24, 2004
07.May 2006

One of the more interesting details in Loftus work on the malleability of memory: In an extra-credit homework assignment...Loftus’ students [at University of California-Irvine] went home + said to younger siblings things as simple as “Hey, do you remember the time you got lost in the mall when you were 5 years old?” and then recorded the ways in which the “memory” would take on a life of its own in the succeeding days, becoming more vivid, more detailed, with each conversation. At a more advanced level, using research subjects in a lab, students successfully created memories of mildly traumatic childhood experiences — such as being temporarily separated from one’s parents — that never actually occurred. One student even managed to generate a series of false memories in her research subjects about being licked on the ear by a Pluto character while visiting Disneyland decades earlier. In another experiment, to make sure they were dealing with false recollections rather than real ones, research assistants created memories about meeting Bugs Bunny at Disneyland, who, in reality, couldn’t possibly have been in the theme park. The purpose of these mind games is to show that even the most vivid memory is not necessarily an accurate representation of past reality.
07.May 2006 From Skull And Bones, To Spook Extreme? 
I couldn't fabricate a best seller with all of the twists, turns, and creepy background plots; no one would believe it!
07.May 2006 Nepal royal family massacre to come under fresh probe?  Activists in Nepal are demanding a fresh probe into the mysterious shootout in Narayanhity Palace in 2001 that killed 10 members of the royal family, including the king, queen and crown prince.
07.May 2006 Sorry ET, you're just a puff of plasma  Britain's defence intelligence chiefs have come up with a detailed scientific explanation to solve the mystery of unidentified flying objects.
After a four-year inquiry, they have concluded that most sightings can be explained by a little-understood atmospheric phenomenon.

07.May 2006 The Secret History of the Knights Templar in America  An interview with the authors of Templars in America.
07.May 2006 CIA boss Goss is cooked  CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned yesterday amid allegations that he and a top aide may have attended Watergate poker parties where bribes and prostitutes were provided to a corrupt congressman.
07.May 2006 Despite a troubled history, police across the nation are keeping tabs on ordinary Americans  U.S. News has identified nearly a dozen cases in which city and county police, in the name of homeland security, have surveilled or harassed animal-rights and antiwar protesters, union activists + even library patrons surfing the Web.
02.Oct.2005 . The "ugly American" is schizophrenic
07.May 2006 Free Iraq: The "ugly American" is schizophrenic - The US's occupation of Iraq will see to it that the Lion of Babylon rises again ..

US 'blocks' Palestinian aid plan : European diplomats say the US is blocking a plan to resume direct financial aid to the Palestinians.

07.May 2006 U.S. Congress to vote on bill outlawing funding for Hamas : The U.S. Congress on Tuesday will be presented with a bill aimed at prohibiting direct American funding of the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.

07.May 2006 The Storm over "the Israel Lobby": Is It Possible to Have a Civilized Discussion About the Role of Israel in American Foreign Policy?

07.May 2006 Israeli spy affair: AIPAC defendants ask Jews for support: The defense team of former AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) employee Keith Weissman launched an effort to get the US Jewish community to support the case of the two AIPAC staffers charged with communicating classified information to Israeli diplomats and others.

07.May 2006 Israeli spy affair: Feds seek muckraker's files in AIPAC case : The FBI is casting its net at least as far back as the 1980s in its attempt to prove a pattern in the government's classified information case against two former Jewish lobbyists.

07.May 2006 Israeli mayhem in the Jordan Valley: I have just returned from the Jordan Valley - an area that takes up 30% of the West Bank but is almost entirely annexed by Israel.

07.May 2006 Bush: US must ensure Israel's security: US President George W. Bush said Thursday at the American Jewish Committee conference in Washington that the USA had a strong and inalienable obligation to ensure the security of Israel, referring to the threats Iran had made against the Jewish state.

07.May 2006 China opposes Chapter 7 on Iran: Russia and China on Friday opposed key provisions in a U.N. draft resolution that orders Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions, making an agreement unlikely before ministers come to New York next week.

07.May 2006 Gordon Prather: Dolts – or liars? : ElBaradei has made yet another report to the IAEA Board – and forwarded a copy to the UNSC – that he can find no undeclared proscribed materials in Iran and no indication that any such materials have ever been used in furtherance of any military purpose.

07.May 2006 Iran: Consequences Of War: This briefing paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the likely nature of US or Israeli military action that would be intended to disable Iran’s nuclear capabilities. It outlines both the immediate consequences in terms of loss of human life, facilities and infrastructure + also the likely Iranian responses, which would be extensive

07.May 2006 Iran seeks euro-denominated oil market : Iran's Oil Ministry took a step toward establishing an oil trading market denominated in euros, rather than the US dollar, by granting a license for the bourse, Iranian state-run television reported.

07.May 2006 Iran's proposed euro-denominated oil market not cause for alarm, analysts say: Iran took a step on Friday toward establishing an oil market denominated in euros, a plan analysts described as highly unlikely to materialize but which in theory could have serious consequences for the U.S. economy.

07.May 2006 The fallout from a falling dollar: As foreign buyers shun the currency, it could be harder to finance the US trade deficit.

07.May 2006 Bush calls terror fight WWIII: US President George W. Bush has said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III".

07.May 2006 "Terror War" Begets Devil's Bargains: U.S. Pres. George W. Bush's "global war on terror" has produced the unintended consequence of bringing the USA ever-closer to some of the world's most repressive regimes.

07.May 2006 Invisible in Plain Sight: CIA Torture Techniques Go Mainstream: Critical loopholes in the McCain amendment show that the once-clandestine practice of torture is now an official weapon in the War on Terror.

07.May 2006 U.S. defends rights record before U.N. panel in Geneva : merican officials appeared before an international legal panel Friday to argue that the USA had not violated its treaty obligations to prevent the torture of prisoners in its fight against terrorism.

07.May 2006 A World Without Borders: An interview with Howard Zinn

07.May 2006 Britain loses appeal, must act on Hicks : THE British Government can no longer legally deny David Hicks his claim for British citizenship.

07.May 2006 Defeated councillors tell Blair: The sooner you go, the better : Defeated Labour councillors have called for Tony Blair to quit immediately, after their party received a hammering in the local elections.

07.May 2006 Spain accepts Bolivia gas plans : A Spanish delegation says it has reached a "good understanding" with Bolivian President Evo Morales over his energy nationalisation programme.

07.May 2006 Bolivia wins first round of gas battle after Brazil backs down : Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva suggested the state-owned energy company Petrobras could reverse its earlier decision to freeze investment in Bolivia after the takeover.

07.May 2006 Hookers involved in Goss resignation?: In addition to speculation about prostitutes on Capitol Hill and fumbling ineptitude in office, rumors are flying that Goss is headed for a Senate run.

07.May 2006 CIA's Goss at Cunningham's Hooker Parties? : Who would have thought any member of Congress would be so stupid as to accept hookers from a lobbyist? If this is true, we sweep both houses of Congress. By a landslide.

07.May 2006 FBI Counterterrorism Unit Spies on Peace Group: The ACLU released evidence Thursday showing that the FBI has been monitoring the peace group, School of Americas Watch.

07.May 2006 U.S. defends new Internet wiretap rules in appeals court: A U.S. appeals panel challenged the Bush administration Friday over new rules making it easier for police and the FBI to wiretap Internet phone calls.

07.May 2006 Ridicule and contempt : An imperial president is smothering the system of checks and balances, imperiling free speech

07.May 2006 House panels add billions more to proposed defense budget: Congressional committees prepared

07.May 2006 Second autopsy finds boy at boot camp died of suffocation by guards : A 14-year-old boy kicked and punched by guards at a juvenile boot camp died because the sheriff's officials suffocated him, a medical examiner said Friday, contradicting a colleague who blamed the death on a usually benign blood disorder.

07.May 2006 Guilty until proven innocent : Capital punishment in the US is under the microscope and lawyers using the latest forensic science techniques have found justice wanting
07.May 2006
Helen Thomas: Where are all the leaders of faith?: Three years into the war against Iraq, the silence of the clergy is deafening, despite U.S. abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib and a reported American policy of shipping detainees to secret prisons abroad where, presumably, they can be tortured.

07.May 2006 Chris Floyd: Blood Pact: American Hegemony and the True Bush "Base": It is indeed very difficult to remain dispassionate while watching a mass murder take place.

07.May 2006 American patriot: Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter takes aim at Bush, Clinton, the CIA, Cindy Sheehan — and you
07.May 2006
Robert Fisk : Another brick in the wall -By Robert Fisk
We have been conned again. The Israeli elections, we are told, mean that the dream of "Greater Israel" has finally been abandoned. West Bank settlements will be closed down, just as the Jewish colonies were uprooted in Gaza last year. -  But it is a lie.

07.May 2006 Pro-American = Anti-Bush -By Cindy Sheehan We the people of the USA, in order to secure a more perfect union, need to vociferously and with everything we have stand up to the traitors in power and redefine, if not reclaim, what it means to be Americans. Continue
07.May 2006
BuzzFlash Celebrates Its Sixth Anniversary of Countering Ignorance with Truth
Mainstream Media Treatment of CIA Chief Resignation is Astounding and Pathetic --
A BuzzFlash News Analysis

If the Tyrannical Powers of Bush Repulse You, Please Support Here. We need your dollars to fight for democracy.
Bush at the Wheel, Not Public -- The Last Chance Democracy Cafe -By Steven C. Day

07.May 2006 More Iraqi civilians were killed in Baghdad during the first three months of this year than at any time since the toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime ? at least 3,800, most of them found hog-tied and shot execution-style. 5/7
British attorney general set to dismay Bushies by calling for the closing of Guantanamo Bay 5/7
Boston Herald: Senate?s offer of up to a $500 million loan to the nation?s third-largest defense contractor is just the latest smelly pork addition to a very bad bill. Bush should veto it. 5/7
Environmentalists think his ties to corruption make it possible to oust Republican Rep. Pombo, enemy of animals and parks 5/7

07.May 2006 Brits probe helicopter wreck that started riots 5/7
Kerry speaks up on "spirit of intolerance" to suppress dissent over Iraq: "Not only wrong but dangerous when America's leadership is unwilling to admit mistakes." 5/7

07.May 2006 Elsewhere, Bev Harris describes the situation in Utah, where Emery County Elections director Bruce Funk found a bug in the same Diebold Machines noted above. The state of Utah has known that a critical security risk exists in its Diebold TSx touch-screens, but chose to punish the courageous public official responsible for identifying the defect instead of taking any efforts to learn what the problem is and correct it. Permalink
07.May 2006 Election fraud We haven't been covering the issue as we ought, but Brad Friedman continues to demonstrate his commanding knowledge of the topic. In a nutshell, here's what's going on: Compu-vote "glitches" keep appearing in election after election. These "glitches" receive local news coverage. Few people put together the big picture.
07.May 2006 The pattern. Nobody has pointed it out yet, but the Katrina rebuilding scandal and the Wilkes scandal follow the same template.
1. A company run by "connected" individuals donates to the G.O.P.
2. Said company receives huge government contracts.
3. The company has a subcontractor do the actual labor. The subcontractor charges a lot less than the "parent" company charged the taxpayers.
4. A percentage of the profits from this scam are recycled into Republican war chests.
A well-engineered con job has a certain beauty...

07.May 2006 This saber-rattling may be just an effort to jack up the prices of oil for their friends at Exxon and Chevron, et al while they still can, as the days of Bush/Cheney are clearly numbered (and that number is a hell of a lot less than 990 days).# ewastud
07.May 2006 "They" have an "answer" - "they" are not the ones who will be going there afterwards .Look at "their" disregard of the use of DU in Iraq ,which ultimately will harm more Americans than all the insurgents combined.Your soldiers DNA will change and there offspring will suffer...
# Anonymous

07.May 2006 They're painting themselves (and us) into a corner. They can't back up the bluff ultimatums that they're giving the Iranians.
Except by plunging us all into a global apocalypse.What really scares me is not their malevolence, but their incredible incompetence. Hitler was a genius compared to these fools.
# unirealist

07.May 2006 Consider: Last month, the British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, told BBC Radio that it was "inconceivable" that Britian would support a strike against Iran. Tony Blair refused to back his Secretary, offered a statement of support for the Bush position -- and then canned Jack Straw. From the Guardian: His fate was sealed when the White House called Mr Blair and asked why the foreign secretary kept saying these things. In any case, Mr Straw had boxed himself in on Iran to the extent that he would have had to resign if a military strike became a reality. Obviously, firm plans for a strike are a reality. If the administration's war plans were just a ploy to raise oil prices (one oft-heard theory), Straw would maintain his position.
Although I think Xymphora has been, well, a pig-headed fool on this issue, this paragraph is worth a study: The Americans would have to do something to protect the flow of oil. The only possible thing to do is the thing that bombing is supposed to replace, boots on the ground. Iran has two to three times the population of Iraq, a much more challenging geography, and has not been weakened, like Iraq, by years of sanctions. The 150,000 troops in Iraq weren’t sufficient, so how many troops would be required for Iran? 500,000? How many more American troops would be required in Iraq due to Iranian-arranged attacks against them there? How much would it all cost? Some multiple of the one to two trillion that the attack on Iraq will cost. The USA has neither the troops nor the money to follow through on the occupation required after the bombing. On top of all that, the world can’t do without the Iranian oil that would be removed from the market due to sabotage during the occupation (just look at what’s happening in Iraq). Big Wedding II will mollify world opinion + will justify both a new draft and the expenditure

07.May 2006 What if Goss, old spook that he is, helped set up the sting, in order to entrap his fellow congressmen? Maybe he's a mack, not a john. After all, someone had to introduce those legislators to spooked-up "businessmen" Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade... Permalink
07.May 2006 On Drudge, the Goss tale has reduced Patrick Kennedy to footnote status.
07.May 2006 Even the New York Daily News scoffs at the "couldn't get along with Negroponte" yarn,
07.May 2006 More about Goss: Once more, we hear the famous question asked of Number 6: "Why did you resign?" Goss has offered a truly bizarre answer -- he says his resignation was "just one of those mysteries." Not good enough, Porter. We want information...IN-FOR- MA -TION...and by hook or by crook, we will get it.
07.May 2006
Digby found the damning quotes: At a public appearance, Bush's pointman in the Office of National Intelligence was asked if the NSA was wiretapping Bush's political enemies. When Hayden dodged the question, the questioner repeated, "No, I asked, are you targeting us and people who politically oppose the Bush government, the Bush administration? Not a fishing net, but are you targeting specifically political opponents of the Bush administration?" Hayden looked at the questioner + after a silence called on a different questioner. (Hayden National Press Club remarks, 1/23/06) In this exchange, the questioner forced Hayden to drop the masquerade about spying on terrorists. In his silence, he as much as admitted that the American intelligence community goes after anyone who doesn't like Bush. You and me.
We must do everything we can to assure that "the silence of Hayden" becomes famous. Video must exist. Every Democrat should work to assure that this man receives the most uncomfortable grilling that any political appointee has ever undergone.

07.May 2006,1518,druck-414883,00.html

Abseits der sachlichen Gründe ließ Bush jedoch durchblicken, dass die persönliche Beziehung zu Merkel für ihn erheblich zur Widerannäherung beider Staaten beigetragen hat. "Ich war sehr fasziniert davon, einer sehr starken Frau zu begegnen, die in einem kommunistischen Land groß geworden ist. [. . .] Ich habe sie gefragt, wie es war als Kind dort aufzuwachsen. Interessanterweise hat sie zunächst ihren Vater und ihre Mutter beschrieben. Das hat mir viel darüber gesagt, was für ein Mensch sie ist."
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414883,00.html

Mit der Entwicklung zeigte sich Bush zufrieden: "Denken sie nur daran, dass vergangenen Dezember 12 Millionen Menschen gewählt haben. So viele sind trotz Einschüchterung und Bedrohung zu den Urnen gegangen."
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414883,00.html

Er zeigte sich dankbar für die Unterstützung der Bundesregierung bei der Hilfe beim Wiederaufbau sowie für den vom damaligen Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder erwirkten Schuldenerlass. "Alle diese Gesten sind bedeutend", sagte Bush. "Sie zeigen, dass die Deutschen - obwohl sie mit der Entscheidung, in den Irak zu gehen, nicht einverstanden waren - heute der Auffassung sind, dass der Erfolg der Demokratie im Irak von großer Bedeutung ist."
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414883,00.html
Gleichwohl sieht er auch heute noch keine Alternative zu der von den USA initiierten Militärintervention: "Ich habe meine Entscheidung damals in dem vollen Bewusstsein getroffen, dass man Bedrohungen begegnen muss, bevor sie Realität würden. Und ich war mir sehr im Klaren darüber, dass nicht jeder mit mir übereinstimmen würde."
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414883,00.html

Berlin - "Ich habe langsam erkannt, dass es in der Natur der deutschen Bevölkerung ist, dass sie Krieg verabscheuen",

sagte Bush der "Bild am Sonntag" auf die Frage, ob die USA sich von den Deutschen im Krieg gegen Saddam Hussein im Stich gelassen fühlten.

Die Deutschen würden einfach keinen Krieg mögen, egal, wo sie sich innerhalb des politischen Spektrums befänden.

"Und das kann ich auch verstehen", sagte der Präsident.

Es gebe eine Generation von Menschen, deren Leben wegen eines schrecklichen Krieges völlig aus den Fugen geraten sei.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414467,00.html

Die Gefahr, dass Tigermücken in Europa tropische Krankheiten wie Dengue, Gelbfieber oder Chikungunya übertragen, hält Jäger für sehr gering.

"Es ist zu kalt", sagte er im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Die Mücken bräuchten hohe Temperaturen von mehr als 25 Grad, um sich effizient ausbreiten zu können.

Optimal seien 30 Grad. Zudem seien die Mücken keine natürlichen Virenträger - sie müssten sich vielmehr immer wieder neu bei Menschen infizieren.
07.May 2006,1518,druck-414467,00.html

Auch in Südeuropa hat sich die Tigermücke bereits eingenistet - eine Überträgerin gefährlicher Krankheiten.

Die Tigermücke belegt auf schmerzhafte Weise, wie kleine Tiere viel größeren Lebewesen das Leben unheimlich schwer machen können - in diesem Fall dem Menschen.

Die Insekten der Art Aedes albipictus leben normalerweise in den Tropen.

In Schiffscontainern reisen sie jedoch um die Welt und haben neue Lebensräume erobert, etwa den Süden der USA.
07.May 2006
Großeinkauf: Berkshire kauft israelischen Metallkonzern

07.May 2006 Charme-Offensive: Bush verzeiht deutsches Nein zum Irak-Krieg

07.May 2006 Reformzwist: Müntefering verteidigt Reichensteuer

07.May 2006 Müntefering verteidigt schwarz-rote Steuererhöhungen
07.May 2006 Insektenplage: Washington zittert vor der Tigermücke
07.May 2006
Even until quite recently, it was sometimes difficult for people to see themselves as victims of the conquests of Empire. But now local struggles have begun to see their role with increasing clarity.

However grand it might sound, the fact is, they are confronting Empire in their own, very different ways. Differently in Iraq, in South Africa, in India, in Argentina +

differently, for that matter, on the streets of Europe and the USA.
07.May 2006
For poor people in many countries, Empire does not always appear in the form of cruise missiles and tanks, as it has in Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam.

It appears in their lives in very local avatars - losing their jobs, being sent unpayable electricity bills, having their water supply cut, being evicted from their homes and uprooted from their land. All this overseen by the repressive machinery of the state, the police, the army, the judiciary. It is a process of relentless impoverishment with which the poor are historically familiar. What Empire does is to further entrench and exacerbate already existing inequalities.
07.May 2006
Transcript of full speech by Arundhati Roy in San Francisco, California on August 16th, 2004.
Copyright 2004 Arundhati Roy

07.May 2006

In India, the word public is now a Hindi word. It means people. In Hindi, we have sarkar and public, the government and the people.

Inherent in this use is the underlying assumption that the government is quite separate from "the people."

This distinction has to do with the fact that India's freedom struggle, though magnificent, was by no means revolutionary. The Indian elite stepped easily and elegantly into the shoes of the British imperialists.

A deeply impoverished, essentially feudal society became a modern, independent nation state.

Even today, fifty seven years on to the day, the truly vanquished still look upon the government as mai-baap, the parent + provider. The somewhat more radical, those who still have fire in their bellies, see it as chor, the thief, the snatcher-away of all things.

Either way, for most Indians, sarkar is very separate from public. However, as you make your way up India's social ladder, the distinction between sarkar and public gets blurred.

The Indian elite, like the elite anywhere in the world, finds it hard to separate itself from the state. It sees like the state, it thinks like the state, it speaks like the state.
07.May 2006
CANNONFIRE Joseph Cannon ( HAYDEN MUST NOT BE DCIBy Joseph Digby found the damning quotes:

At a public appearance, Bush's pointman in the Office of National Intelligence was asked if the NSA was wiretapping Bush's political enemies.

When Hayden dodged the question, the questioner repeated, "No, I asked, are you targeting us and people who politically oppose the Bush
07.May 2006
An Inconvenient Truth: Iran Calls Bush's Bluff
Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque - High Crimes and Low Comedy in the Bush Imperium Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque - High Crimes and Low Comedy in the Bush Imperium.

An Inconvenient Truth: Iran Calls Bush's Bluff By

Here's news you won't see on the front page of the Washington Post or the New York Times, or scrolling across Fox News and CNN or being earnestly delivered ...
07.May 2006
JORDAN'S COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: Church bans "The Da Vinci Code" ) <- Click here to view the original Webpage. Sent using Rmail.
The Council's Secretary General Hanna Nour said the movie, based on a best-selling novel by Dan Brown "has been previously banned from publication in Jordan and Lebanon because it directly harms Jesus."

07.May 2006 Selling Surveillance to Anxious Parents
It's a question more parents will face in the next months, thanks to new technology that lets them use cellphones to monitor their children's location.

Next month, Verizon Wireless plans to introduce a child-monitoring service, joining Sprint Nextel and Disney Mobile, which started similar ...
07.May 2006
Parkinson's 'targets cell boiler' Parkinson's disease may cripple the energy-producing centre of cells, research suggests.
06.May 2006,1518,druck-414876,00.html

Lob für Merkel

Zudem wies der US-Präsident auf den internationalen Einfluss von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hin: "Wenn sich die Bundeskanzlerin hinstellt und sagt, dass der Krieg gegen den Terror gewonnen werden muss oder wichtig für die Sicherheit unserer Völker ist, dann hören die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu." Merkel war erst diese Woche zu Gast bei Bush gewesen. Mitte Juli will Bush erneut Deutschland besuchen.
06.May 2006
Continued vigilance is required. Powerful people and organizations that fail in their efforts to silence the people will try and try again, likely using methods different than last time.
06.May 2006

"This is a great victory for the First Amendment and bloggers' rights, and Exhibit A in a future case study of 'How Not to Handle an Internet Critic''", said Herbert. "We are extremely gratified that Mr. Dutson will no longer have the threat of litigation hanging over his head and censoring his speech."
06.May 2006

"The plaintiff failed to understand it's a new world", said Stanley, "This is a textbook case of how blogs work. This result could not have come about without the blogosphere. Lance's defense team was put together through the blogs and pressure was brought to bear on WKP through the blogs."
06.May 2006

"As it should be, the story of 'Warren Kremer Paino and the Maine Blogger' is now a cautionary tale", said MBA President Robert Cox, "future potential plaintiffs would do well to consider WKP's experience in attempting to silence a blog critic through the Federal courts. Our message is simple: 'Don't Mess with the Bloggers'"

A big round of thanks is in order for the lawyers who volunteered their time on Lance's behalf including MBA General Counsel, Ronald Coleman of the Coleman Law Firm, Greg Herbert of Greenberg Traurig and private attorney Jon Stanley.
06.May 2006
Blogosphere Uproar Producing Results Technorati is showing 256 blogs right now if you search “Lance Dutson”, that’s pretty hefty, since before last week that number was somewhere around 2. The blogosphere has erupted about this lawsuit. Mark Glaser at PBS picked up the story,along with The Wall Street Journal Law ...
06.May 2006 Islamists using US video games for recruiting and training Eideard  The makers of combat video games have unwittingly become part of a global propaganda campaign by Islamic militants to exhort Muslim youths to take up arms against the USA.
06.May 2006 Colbert's White House Correspondent Dinner Performance Underscores Irony's Power And Delicacy
The scene: The White House Correspondent Dinner. The time: right after President George W. Bush put in a boffo performance next to a top-notch Bush impersonator.

It was a hard act to follow. But Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert most assuredly followed it in his irony-heavy TV persona of a TV News ...
06.May 2006
Fatal Basra crash sparks unrest British troops clash with Iraqi civilians after UK servicemen are killed in a helicopter crash in Basra.
06.May 2006 Bush denies CIA boss forced out The White House denies reports it had lost confidence in CIA chief Porter Goss, after his sudden resignation.
06.May 2006 Brazil joins world's nuclear club Brazil joins the select group of countries with the capability of enriching uranium for energy production.
06.May 2006 Shell suspends chip and pin Shell suspends chip-and-pin payments at 600 UK petrol stations after eight arrests in a fraud inquiry.
06.May 2006 Braincast 30 - Immunsystem und Psyche Arvid Leyh Da das Leben nicht einfach und die Welt voller Gefahren ist, hat uns die Evolution ein extrem fixes Immunsystem mit auf die Reise gegeben. Das lernt schon während der Geburt, leiht sich Rekruten bei der Mutter und hat ein ganz merkwürdiges Verhältnis zu unserer emotionalen Befindlichkeit: Lymphozyten, Psychosomatik, Psychoneuroimmunologie und Impfung in Braincast 30.
06.May 2006 NYC Parents: Lift School Cell Ban Some New York City lawmakers join parents of school kids here demanding that schools lift the ban on cell phones at school in the interest of safety.
06.May 2006 Bearshare Shut Down by RIAA ScuttleMonkey 108 Pichu0102 writes

"According to WebProNews, Bearshare has been shut down by the RIAA." From the article: " Online file-sharing service BearShare, along with operators Free Peers Inc., is packing it up due to a $30 million settlement with the recording industry. The conditions of the settlement were agreed to by the P2P company to avoid further copyright infringement litigation."
06.May 2006
New Disclaimer for the Internet ScuttleMonkey Techdirt has an amusing new disclaimer for the internet penned by lawyer David Canton is response to Rob Hyndman's recent discovery of an impressive disclaimer for a rock preserve. From the disclaimer: "Business is unpredictable and unsafe. The Internet is dangerous. Many blogs have been written about these dangers + there's no way we can list them all here. Read the blogs. The Internet is covered in slippery slopes with loose, slippery and unpredictable footing. The RIAA can make matters worse. Patent trolls are everywhere. You may fall, be spammed or suffer a DOS attack. There are hidden viruses and worms. You could break your computer. There is wild code, which may be vicious, poisonous or carriers of dread malware. These include viruses and worms. E-mail can be poisonous as well. We don't do anything to protect you from any of this. We do not inspect, supervise or maintain the Internet, blogosphere, ISP's or other features, natural or otherwise."
06.May 2006
Would You Wear Video Glasses? CowboyNeal 165 Roland Piquepaille writes

"According to EE Times, an Israeli company has developed a personal video display device that looks like a simple pair of glasses. You can use these glasses with various sources, such as a portable media player or your cell phone. This technology promises to eliminate the dizziness phenomenon usually associated with this kind of display. And with these glasses weighing only about 40 grams, you'll feel that you're viewing a 40-inch screen from a distance of 7 feet." Video screens embedded into eyewear isn't that new, but the footprint of these is smaller than what I've seen before, making them cooler to wear on the subway.
06.May 2006
The Abu Ghraib-Titan- 9/11 Connection
The Abu Ghraib-Titan- 11.Sep.2001 Connection: "NSA director Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden testifies before the House intelligence committee.

He says media reports that the NSA collects all electronic communications, spies on U.S. citizens and provides intelligence information to U.S. companies are 'false or misleading.'

However, Hayden and CIA director George Tenet, who also testifies, neither confirm nor deny
06.May 2006
French political scandal threatens Chirac's legacy at the end of his career ) French political scandal threatens Chirac's legacy at the end of his career
06.May 2006 Not One Drop
Mike Whitney George Bush has no intention of obeying international law or following the United Nation?s rules.

After his Iran resolution fails in the Security Council, he?ll resume his belligerence while trying to cobble together a coalition for sanctions.

The media has already begun it disinformation campaign; stressing the "serious concerns" of the international community about Iran s nuclear programs.

It is 100% bunkum.

The "international community" has never cared a whit about Iran or its fictit! ious weapons programs.

The driving force behind the hostilities is entirely Washington.

Even Bush s allies on the Security Council (Germany, France + England) know the whole performance is a sham designed to elicit public support for a war... Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:
06.May 2006 Wolkenimpfung mit Silberjodid, Wetterexperimente Regenmacher, Regen lässt sich künstlich herstellen, wenn Wolken mit Silberjodid geimpft werden
06.May 2006 The New World Order ... forge new bonds with old enemies . . . Out of these ... governments, while simultaneously declaring war on the weak, vulnerable ... Herald dated.

08.Feb.1920 ,the following statement by ...

10.Feb.2003 Lies Father, Lies Son -updte-Remarks to the 2nd edition - Sept ... a twig off the old bush.

Twelve years ago ... Bonesmen are Henry Luce ( 1920 ), Time-Life ... an old order.

You are our last chance to stop the fascist war party ...
06.May 2006
Hamburger Optimistenclub: Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen
06.May 2006
Bush-Interview: "Deutschland spielt im Krieg gegen den Terror entscheidende Rolle"

07.May 2006 Karikaturen-Streit: Pakistaner verbrennen deutsche Flagge
06.May 2006 Anti-Terror-Kampf: Bush sieht Deutschland alszentralen Partner
06.May 2006 Großbritannien: Der Countdown für Blair läuft
06.May 2006
Flughafenanbindung: Münchner meutern gegen Transrapid
06.May 2006 911TruthAction] Digest Number 1271
19 Topics in this digest: 1. Re: Ramsey Clark: Whats At Stake? --- Want to restore the consti

From: "President, USA Exile Govt."

2. A Day in the Life: 5/5/6 From: "President, USA Exile Govt."

3. Retired CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Takes on Rumsfeld Over Justificatio From:
06.May 2006
[political-researchp] Bloglines - 542 +/- 24 mph?

Humint Events Online The

11.Sep.2001 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event

as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries.

This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of

11.Sep.2001 9/11/01, + other issues of US government responsibility.
06.May 2006
Digest Number 1350 ) 2 Topics in this digest: 1. Central Banks Give Countries' Financial Sovereignty to IMF From: "norgesen"
06.May 2006 OpinionJournal - On the Editorial Page - On the Editorial Page What's behind Porter Goss's sudden departure? 12:01 a.m. EDT
06.May 2006 [911TruthAction] Digest Number 1272 -25 Topics in this digest: 1. Zionism is to Jews as Hitlerism is to Germans [+ bushism to the world ed.]

From: "Dick Eastman" 2. click and read

From: "Bugs" 3. Bush administration determined to punish and criminalize resistance

From: "Dick Eastman" 4. Joe Vialls on 00.000.1988 Zionist murder of ...
06.May 2006

They were all arrested on suspicion of endangering the aircraft after landing at Manchester Airport on Friday.

The mutiny came after the plane was delayed for four hours on the tarmac in soaring heat at Islamabad Airport.

Passengers bailed

The luxury section was said to be virtually empty on the Boeing 747 while economy was packed.

Police were called before the plane landed in the UK because the passengers refused to leave when asked by cabin crew.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said: "Police at Manchester Airport were alerted to a problem on an incoming PIA flight from Pakistan.

"Several passengers were reported to be trying to enter the first class area of the plane.
06.May 2006 forums hacked Martin This wasn’t a good morning for me.

After the usual procedure of reading through new replies at Releaselog + uploading some new torrents to NewTorrents’ homepage, I wanted to visit our forum.

I was pretty confused when I saw all categories empty, with 0 threads and 0 replies. There ...
06.May 2006
Court Halts Spyware Operations One Operator to Pay More Than $4 Million; Another Ordered to Stop Collecting Consumers Personal Information

An operation that deceptively downloaded spyware onto unsuspecting consumers’ computers, changing their settings and hijacking their search engines, has been halted by a federal court ...
06.May 2006
Arrests after air upgrade mutiny A group of irate economy air passengers are arrested after storming the first class cabin of an international flight in mid-air.
06.May 2006
Criticism of UN Iran draft mounts Russia + China criticise a draft UN resolution on Iran's nuclear plans, ahead of a key meeting on Monday.
06.May 2006
Catholics form Da Vinci film team Senior Catholics and Opus Dei form set up a group to counter any negative impact from The Da Vinci Code film.
06.May 2006
Krieg gegen den Terror: Iraker jubeln über Hubschrauber-Absturz
06.May 2006 Bush
  im Umfragetief: Rice will nicht US-Präsidentin werden

06.May 2006 Weltlachtag in Berlin: Das große Gekicher

06.May 2006 Vulkan Merapi: Alle Zeichen stehen auf Ausbruch