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30.Sep.2002 Börsenschluss Frankfurt Dow + Dax im Tiefenrausch - Wirtschaft
30.Sep.2002 C-Waffen-Einsatz Pentagon will irakische Offiziere warnen - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Die Mauz-Kolumne Tod + Tabu - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Dow Under Weltbörsen fallen ins Bodenlose - Wirtschaft
30.Sep.2002 Entdeckung Forscher vermuten Leben auf Jupiter-Mond - Wissenschaft
30.Sep.2002 Irak-Krise Russland kritisiert amerikanische Bombenpolitik - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Irak-Politik Blair-Minister warnt vor Kriegsfolgen - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Irak-Politik US-Kongress bietet Bush [BGW968] Paroli - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Kampf um Aufträge US-Regierung betreibt Airbus-Bashing - Wirtschaft
30.Sep.2002 Kirche Der Polit-Kommissar Gottes - DER SPIEGEL
30.Sep.2002 Nach der Flut ist vor der Flut (2) Der Regenwurm als Katastrophenschützer - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Olaf Scholz wird SPD-Generalsekretär Strammer Max - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Rot-Grün schließt Steuererhöhungen aus Die erste Null-Runde - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Schluss mit Sparen DGB-Chef empfiehlt kreative Steuererhöhungen - Wirtschaft
30.Sep.2002 Streit über Steuererhöhungen Schröder spricht ein Machtwort - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Terror-Bekämpfung Zwei neue Antibiotika gegen Anthrax - Wissenschaft
30.Sep.2002 US-Wahlkampf Barbra Streisand findet Bush [BGW968]s Irak-Politik erschreckend - Kultur
30.Sep.2002 Videokunst Die Welt im Zauberglas - Kultur
30.Sep.2002 Waffeninspektoren Uno erwartet volle Bewegungsfreiheit im Irak - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Wall-Street-Ausblick Code Orange auf dem Parkett - Wirtschaft
30.Sep.2002 Weltgericht EU bietet USA Sonderabkommen an - Politik
30.Sep.2002 Weltwirtschaft Das Gespenst der Deflation - DER SPIEGEL
30.Sep.2002 Westjordanland Israelische Soldaten erschossen zwei palästinensische Jungen - Politik





Schippers, David , Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee + headprosecutor responsible conducting the impeachment against former .." . URL:  250403antiwarblogg.html
24.Apr.2003 FBI Agents Coming Foward Revealing USA Government's Prior Knowledge & Complicity in the 11.Sep.2001 Attacks

Schippers, David, Chief Council for USA House Judiciary Committee + headprosecutor responsible conducting the impeachment against former ..".. talked about any of the information pertaining to their investigations that they would be prosecuted.

So many of them FBI Agents sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the USA government to take action against these terrorists before their plan could be implemented.

Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen + Senators, +

tried to get a hold of Att. Gen. Ashcroft, John all only to get the run-around.

Mr. Schippers is now legally representing at least ten (!) oft hese FBI agents in a suit against the USA government in an attempt to subpoena their testimony

(where they can then legally tell what they know and legally get it on record ).

To hear Mr. Schippers talk about this bombshell, please listen to part 7 & 9 of the 10.Oct.200-? a.m. edition of The Alex Jones Show below: http:/ .."
ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT : Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD) Anglo-Palestine Bank - später : Leumi-Bank Arlosoroff, Chaim Leiter der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency

<<<<<<<<<<BACK TO>>><<<<

Deren Ratschläge seien falsch, würden USA Langzeitinteressen eher schaden als nützen + die Zusammenarbeit mit den Verbündeten + den Internationalen Organisationen nur weiter erschweren.

die mächtigen Drei seien Zu allem Unglück auch oftmals über Kreuz mit dem Außenminister Powell, Colin - dem Mann also, der das Vertrauen des Militärs besitzt.
28.Apr.2003 -next week-A Russian navy squadron is set to depart for the Indian Ocean -the largest naval deployment since the Soviet times, a news agency reported.

When the Russian navy ships reach the Indian Ocean, they plan to take part in joint maneuvers with the Indian navy, the Interfax-Military News Agency reported,

quoting an unidentified official at the General Staff of the Russian armed forces.

Participating in the voyage are the Black Sea Fleet's flagship missile cruiser Moskva, escort ships Pytlivy + Smetlivy, landing ship Cesar Kunikov + several supply ships.

The Russian Pacific Fleet is sending anti-submarine ships Marshal Shaposhnikov + Admiral Panteleyev + a tanker, the agency reported.

It said the ships were scheduled to set out to sea from next Tuesday.

Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, Sergei has said repeatedly that the naval deployment was unrelated to Iraq In an interview published Tuesday,

Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, Sergei reaffirmed that the Russian navy ships weren't going to the Persian Gulf.

The deployment "isn't aggressive or directed against nations of the region,"

Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, Sergei told the daily Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, Sergei said joint maneuvers with the Indian navy was a possibility, but

Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, Sergei didn't give any further details of the deployment.

The Russian navy's presence in world oceans has been slightly reduced

since the Soviet collapse. Most warships have languished berthside due to a lack of fuel + spares.

for many years, "The navy was staying dockside the seamen were losing their skills + people abroad stopped recognizing our ... flag,"

Russian Defense Minister Ivanov, Sergei said in the interview. "Why don't we correct this defect?"

Cohen, Sam

vor einigen Jahren Nye, Joseph S. der frühere Pentagon-Abteilungsleiter .....

Falken [triADE]

Rumsfeld, Ron +

Wolfowitz, Paul Rumsfeld, Ron + Stellvertreter +

Cheney, Dick USA Vize president.

Kissinger, Henry

Brademas, John<

Donilon, Thomas E. >

McNamara, Robert Strange < >

Nye, Joseph Samuel Jr. < >

Pickering, Thomas R. < >

Rudman, Warren Bruce < >

Volcker Paul Adolph < >

Weber, Vin < URL: 20040501_Feith_search.htm
Feith, Douglas

Irak-Krise: Russland kritisiert amerikanische Bombenpolitik - Politik -

URL:   2002/30.Sep.2002 Irak-Krise Russland kritisiert amerikanische Bombenpolitik - Politik -

Die russische Regierung verstärkt ihren Widerstand gegen die Kriegspläne von US-Präsident Bush [BGW968].

Mit scharfen Worten verurteilte das russische Außenministerium die jüngsten Bombenangriffe UK + amerikanischer Flugzeuge auf Ziele in der irakischen Flugverbotszone.
".. Verteidigungsminister Feith, Douglas sagte bei einem Besuch .."


Eberhart, Ralph E., commander Air Force Gen. of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) 1.

11.Sep.2001 20010911/NORAD Commander 9-11 Planes Could Have Been Stopped.htm">Planes Could Have Been Stopped NORAD Commander: -Go to Original

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/2

0010911/USA Eberhart, Ralph E., Commander NORAD Air Force General of North American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD 11.Sep.2001 11.Sep.2001 Planes Could Have Been Stopped.htm
11.Sep.2001 Air Defenses Faltered on 11.Sep.2001 Panel Finds 17.Jun.2004 Report documents command + communication errors.-Washington Post-The chief of USA air defenses Eberhart, Ralph E., Air Force General of North American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD 11.Sep.2001 -today-testified that if his command had been notified immediately of the 11.Sep.2001 ,""it
had been able to shoot down all four of the airliners that were seized by terrorists + that ultimately crashed into the World Trade Center + the Pentagon + a field in Pennsylvania. Eberhart, Ralph E., Air Force General of North American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD 11.Sep.2001 told the 11.Sep.2001 commission investigating the terrorist attacks that had the Federal Aviation Administration conveyed word of the hijackings 11.Sep.2001 as soon it knew of them, "yes, we could shoot down the airplanes."

-After the hearing-later-11.Sep.2001 panel's vice chairman, Hamilton, Lee H. former USA -D- Indiana congressman + expressed surprise about Eberhart 's claim +

11.Sep.2001 panel's vice chairman, Hamilton, Lee H. former USA -D- Indiana congressman + later expressed surprise about Eberhart 's claim +

11.Sep.2001 panel's vice chairman, Hamilton, Lee H. former USA -D- Indiana congressman + later expressed surprise about a report by 11.Sep.2001 panel's staff said it was uncertain that any of the hijacked planes could have been shot down.

00.Feb.2000 -since- Eberhart, has headed, NORAD- assured 11.Sep.2001 commission that if the 11.Sep.2001 plot were carried out today, the command's planes would be able to shoot down all four planes with .."".. cooperate that it is possible that [flight] 77 might have been intercepted, but it would have been a very, very close call even in the best of cooperation."

Eberhart In his testimony before the 11.Sep.2001 commission, said NORAD's ability to respond in such a situation today "is much better."

Eberhart said he felt compelled to add, "NORAD is not the right way to work this problem. It is the .."

Eberhart said, “If we have to take action, it takes a bad situation from getting worse, because everyone on that airplane will die."

Eberhart said, „Shooting down a hijacked airliner "is a stopgap final measure,".

Eberhart said, "But where we really need to focus is destroying these terrorist networks, not allowing them into our country. Don't allow them into our airports. Don't allow them in our aircraft, .."

".. may have been wrested back by "brave souls" on board.

After the hearing, Hamilton, Lee H. a former Democratic congressman from Indiana + the 11.Sep.2001 panel's vice chairman, said he was surprised by

Eberhart 's "extraordinary statement" that USA. fighters could have shot down the hijacked planes on 11.Sep.2001 if NORAD had been promptly notified. "He's making a lot of assumptions there about almost instantaneous communications," Hamilton said.

Kean, Thomas H. the former Republican governor of New Jersey who chairs the 11.Sep.2001 commission, said

Eberhart "believes that if such an event happened today, they would be capable of taking out all four planes + I hope he's right."

During the hearing, 11.Sep.2001 commission members reserved some of their toughest questions for senior FAA official s who testified

after Eberhart + other top military officers.

Lehman pointed to "very identifiable" failures by FAA headquarters on 11.Sep.2001 -the day of the terrorist attacks-, including the failure of the FAA to issue .."
Eberhart, Ralph E. Gen,the commander of Norad -defense of the nation's airspace + the FAA, which tracked the hijacked flights + said
they had been unable to share information quickly or coherently as the terrorist attack unfolded.

Eberhart. Ralph E. Gen,the commander of Norad, testified to the 11.Sep.2001 commission that had information about the hijackings been passed along faster from the FAA - +

had there been an immediate shoot-down order - .."
".. down most or all of the hijacked planes, a statement that was received by commission members with skepticism.

"I'm assuming that they told us, FAA told us Norad as soon as they knew," General Eberhart said.

The staff report included an exhaustive 11.Sep.2001 --.--.-- -minute-by-minute re-creation of the morning of the attacks, showing that there had never been a hope of intercepting + shooting down the planes

11.Sep.2001 : The Flight of the Bumble Planes URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/20010911/9-11 The Flight of the Bumble Planes 20010911/9-11 The Flight of the Bumble Planes.htm">.htm offline-
11.Sep.2001 -What really happened on- ".. know the difference between a big round-nose commercial jet + a smaller plane. [CV comments:

25.Oct.2001 -Eberhart, Ralph, NORAD commander-In his testimony before USA Senate Armed Services Committee, said of -the first report-

11.Sep.2001 :"We were told it was a light commuter airplane.It didn't look like that was caused by a light commuter airplane."

11.Sep.2001 -Later- some dodgy report came in from an anonymous source in the "United Airlines Command Center" that American Airlines had a hijacking + they gradually padded .."
".. FAA air traffic control system to make sure things go smoothly. That should not be too difficult because NORAD has sent lots of its people over to the FAA to work on the FAA radars. [CV comments:

25.Oct.2001 Gen. Eberhart, NORAD commander, told USA Senate Armed Services Committee that " ... over the years NORAD we've actually moved manpower on the order of about 200 people to the FAA to operate these radars." Cited in "Did NORAD Send The 'Suicide' Jets?" Part 2. See

Eberhart testimony at ]

Some people have suggested the original passenger planes were used with the flight computers hacked +

Some people have suggested the original passenger planes were loaded with the collision coordinates for the targets. Maybe the job could have been done.."
URL:   ".. /11.Sep.2001%20USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS/_-_index. /11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS/">html offline-

11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_011025_ eberhart _statement.html

11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_ s_black_statement.html -

11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_black_statement.html

11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s .."".. html

11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_tenet_statement - tenet_statement.html

URL: /2004082223_archi/_A_O_20040827_01_search.html">

Eberhart . 1.

authentico-historia-index-25.Jul.2004 UPDATED URL:   index-1.html

The Web of Evil - Das innere Band der Geschichte - O Padrao do Pre ésente - Das Verbrechen hat Name & Anschrift".. headed by Air Force Gen. Ralph Eberhart , would be in charge .." URL: /11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS/"> 11.Sep.2001%20USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS/

11.Sep.2001 .."
9-11 Timeline: Sept. 11, minute-by-minute




20010911_A_O_2001.09.11 T_I_M_E_L_I_N_E/

11.Sep.2001 9-11 Timeline

11.Sep.2001 , minute-by-minute.htm
".. the aircraft.

Eventually, the aircraft can fire tracer rounds in the airplane's path, or, under certain circumstances, down it with a missile." [ 15.Sep.2001 Boston Globe,

00.Oct.2001 -"In- USA-General Eberhart told Congress that 'now [ 00.Oct.2001 ]it takes about one minute' from the time that the FAA senses something is amiss before it notifies NORAD.

00.Oct.2001 -& around the same time-a NORAD .."
".. is hit almost an hour later. [ 23.Oct.2001 USA American Forces Press Service- 13.Sep.2001 Yet,- in testimony on- Myers states :

11.Sep.2001 ------ "after the second tower was hit, I Myers spoke to USA NORAD commander General Eberhart.

11.Sep.2001 ------ -"after the second tower was hit- + at that point, I Myers think the decision was 11.Sep.2001 ------ -"after the second tower was hitat that point to start launching aircraft." [Myers Confirmation Testimony, 13.Sep.2001 Doesn't that expose Myers usual story that he Myers didn't .."
Complete 911 Timeline -update-##




Complete 911 Timeline_update 20040715.htm
".. escort as requested. We certainly didn't know it was going to play out as it did." Findley remains in charge of NORAD headquarters while his staff feeds information to NORAD commander-in-chief Ralph Eberhart stationed in Florida. [CBC, 27.Nov.2001 ,Toronto Star, 09.Dec.2001 ,Ottawa Citizen, 11.Sep.2002 ]

11.Sep.2001 08-46 a.m. -When the WTC is hit by Flight 11, two F-16 fighters are practicing bombing runs over an empty .."
11.Sep.2001 09-38 a.m. -".. explosion takes place at- [AFPS, 23.Oct.2001 ,ABC News, 11.Sep.2002 ]

13.Sep.2001 -Yet, in testimony on- he states, "after the second tower was hit, I spoke to the commander of NORAD, General Eberhart . And at that point, I think the decision was at that point to start launching aircraft." [

13.Sep.2001 -] Myers Confirmation Testimony-, NORAD claims the first fighters are scrambled even before .."
"..USA New York City. The legitimate questions were ignored + the petitioner was removed by USA secret service + USA FBI agents.

11.Sep.2001 Commissioner Lehman, John offered that while USA Air Force General s Meyers, Richard had been questioned +

11.Sep.2001 Commissioner Lehman, John offered that while USA Air Force General Eberhart, Ralph had been questioned +

11.Sep.2001 Commissioner Lehman, John offered that while USA Air Force General Arnold, Larry (Ret.) had been questioned,

11.Sep.2001 Commissioner Lehman, John offered that while USA Air Force General s had been questioned -

11.Sep.2001 Commissioner s -no one had asked any questions of the "only sailor in the group," USA Captain Leidig.

11.Sep.2001 Commissioner Lehman, John asked USA Captain Leidig about the controlled phone bridges ..""..11.Sep.2001 having been broken as questions of shifted responsibility bubbled to the surface while whistleblowers wait in the wings.


11.Sep.2001 Commission -Immediately at the close of testimony- by Myers + Eberhart + Arnold + Leidig,

this writer quickly walked to the head table to individually question Leidig before his aides could escort him from the auditorium. The USA Air Force generals Myers + Eberhart + Arnold + Leidig had left .." - NMCC ops director asked substitute on 9-10 to stand his watch on 9-11

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/20010911/tomflocco_com - NMCC ops director asked substitute on 9-10 to stand his watch on 9-11.htm
18.Apr.2004 NORAD had drills of jets as weapons By Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri, USA TODAY




18.Apr.2004 NORAD had drills of jets as weapons.html "..

11.Sep.2001 Eberhart, Ralph NORAD commander ,Gen.,told -USA TODAY- over the years

".. 11.Sep.2001 Eberhart, Ralph NORAD commander ,Gen.,told -USA TODAY-

over the years "We USA have planned numerous scenarios to include aircraft originating from foreign airports penetrating our USA sovereign airspace," +

".. 11.Sep.2001 Eberhart, Ralph NORAD commander ,Gen.,told -USA TODAY- over the years "We USA have executed numerous scenariosto include aircraft originating from foreign airports penetrating our sovereign airspace,"

"Regrettably, the tragic events of 11.Sep.2001 were never anticipated or exercised."

00.000.1958 NORAD, a USA.-Canadian command, was created in to guard .."
Search results for "11.Sep.2001 "




20010911_A_O_2001.09.11 T_I_M_E_L_I_N_E/

_02.Feb.2003 _11.Sep.2001 _search.html
16.Jan.2002 00.Oct.2001 -"In-Gen. Eberhart told USA Congress that 'now it takes about one minute' from the time that the FAA senses something is amiss before it notifies NORAD.

00.Oct.2001 -And around the same time- a NORAD spokesofficer told the .."
11.Sep.2001 -Timeline- 11.Sep.2001 -Points to keep in mind when you THINK OF-

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/20010911/20010911_A_O_2001.09.11 T_I_M_E_L_I_N_E/11.Sep.2001 -Timeline- 11.Sep.2001 -Points to keep in mind when you THINK OF-.html
".. front of the aircraft.

Eventually, it can fire tracer rounds in the airplane's path, or, under certain circumstances, down it with a missile." [Boston Globe,]

Transcript: Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, USA. Army (ret.): Explosive New 9/11 Revelations and Explanations

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/Transcript Alex Jones Interviews Col_ Donn de Grand-Pre, U_S_ Army (ret_) Explosive New 9-11 Revelations and Explanations.htm
".. prevented temporarily by a major war, perhaps to become known as WWIII.

To bring it off one more time, martial law will probably be imposed in the USA.

"AJ: And now we've seen Gen. Eberhart say that that's the next step.

Franks, Tommy said that's the next step. Are those now chilling statements?

DGP: Yes, they are. This next step will be preceded by what I write up in book 1 ' .." /11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS/11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_011025_eberhart_statement.html" TARGET="_blank">11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_011025_eberhart_statement.html

URL:   11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_011025_eberhart_statement.html


25.Oct.2001 Senator Levin,

25.Oct.2001 Senator Warner +

25.Oct.2001 members of the .." /11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS/11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_staff_statement_17.html" TARGET="_blank">11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_staff_statement_17.html

URL:   11.Sep.2001 USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMEN_s_staff_statement_17.html
".. Military Command Center that the Vice President had confirmed fighters were cleared to engage the inbound aircraft if they could verify that the aircraft was hijacked.

11.Sep.2001 NORAD, commander General Eberhart, was en route to the NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado

11.Sep.2001 when the shoot down order was communicated on the Air Threat Conference NORAD, commander General Eberhart, was en route to the NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado .

NORAD, commander General Eberhart told us that by the time he arrived at NORAD operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado .."
Untitled Document





20040911 20040514 Break for News - Your Independent News Source-Dateien/sears.htm
".. basis of our conclusion.

Hang in here.

It all leads somewhere.

But, note that this is not a guarantee of an event on 19.Apr.200-, just a precautionary warning.

For guarantees you must turn to General Eberhart, Ralph .

General Eberhart, Ralph heads up Northern Command [Northcom] +

General Eberhart, Ralph heads up Northern Command [Northcom] is responsible for USA. airspace being secure.

As secure, perhaps as when General Eberhart, Ralph ran Northern Command [Northcom] Northcom's predecessor NORAD on 11.Sep.2001.

Unlike us, .."


Feith. 1.



URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/

".. circumventing the CIA + briefing their own analysis directly to the White House.

00.000.2002 -Beginning in early- a group of individuals under the direction of USA Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Feith, Douglas were tasked by

Feith, Douglas to look at intelligence information related to all terrorist groups + the links between all terrorist groups + the roles of all terrorist groups state sponsors.

00.000.2002 -Beginning in early- a group of individuals under the direction of USA Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Feith, Douglas were tasked This effort eventually focused on al-Qaeda's ties .."
".. Pentagon stated the June report, ".. .should be read for content only - +

Pentagon stated the June report, USA CIA's interpretation ought to be ignored."

This criticism of USA CIA 's analysis was sent by Under Secretary for Policy Feith to Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz, Paul + Secretary Rumsfeld.

This critique turned into an alternative analysis of the relationship between Iraq + al-Qaeda.

The analysis was briefed to Secretary .."
".. "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

15.Aug.2002 Pentagon analysts presented the alternative analysis to USA CIADirector Tenet.

In attendance at the briefing were Under Secretary Feith +

In attendance at the briefing were the Director of USA DIA Defense Intelligence Agency.

But the briefing given to SA CIA Director Tenet was different than the briefing presented to Secretary Rumsfeld days earlier.

Gone from the terrorism .."
".. link between Iraq + the 11.Sep.2001 plot USA Administration policy officials
wanted to help galvanize public support for military action in Iraq.

As a result, USA Administration policy officials under the direction of SA Under Secretary Feith took it upon themselves to push for a change in SA intelligence analysis so that it a change in SA intelligence analysis bolstered SA Administration policy statements + so that it a change in SA intelligence analysis bolstered SA Administration policy goals.

But the USA Intelligence Community analysts did not buckle .."
INN World Report

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/20010911/_20010911/INN World Report 6-8.htm
".. "9/11".

You can basically pick them in try + error from the same list of suspects of "ChalabiGate".

Many of them are getting nervous already:

Cheney, Dick +

Wolfowitz, Paul +

Feith, Douglas +

Luti, William +

Perle, Richard +

Cambone, Stephen +

Rhode, Harold +

Rubin, Michael +

## others.

The structure of the hierarchy is also easy to analyse, if you take a look on the connection between the .."
".. some sloppyness, is unimportant.

If the 9/11 Truth Movement will win, there will be no lawsuits anymore, but never ending War Tribunals + it will be an end + hell for all these Perles + Wolfowitz + Feith 's.

The Neocons will end as just Cons.

20.000 victims could file their case against them Neocons :

11.Sep.2001 family members could file their case against them Neocons +

the relatives of killed Iraqis could file their case against them Neocons +

USA Soldiers could file their case against them Neocons +

USA Soldiers "coalition could file their case against them Neocons .."
".. Realm", together with Perle, Richard +

Torop, Jonathan (The Washington Institute for Near East Policy) +

Wormser, David (IASPS) +

Wormser, Meyrav ( Johns Hopkins University) +

Colbert, James (JINSA) +

Feith, Douglas +

Fairbanks, Charles Jr. (Johns Hopkins University/SAIS) +

Owens, William -One of nine members of USA Defense Policy Board, who have ties to companies that do business with USA Department of Defense .."
Did Wolfowitz Blow CIA Secret To Set Up the President?

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/20010911/_20010911/12.Nov.2002 Did Wolfowitz Blow CIA Secret To Set Up the President.htm
".. directed against the Middle East intelligence assessments coming out of the CIA + even USA Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Wolfowitz's "Chickenhawks intelligence agency" is being run by Feith, Douglas, USA Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy, in close coordination with

USA Defense Policy Board, headed by Richard Perle.

One thing that Wolfowitz + Perle + Feith all have in common is that

they were all suspected, in the 1980 s, of being part of the "X Committee" of Israeli spies, inside the Reagan-Bush [BGHW948} Pentagon, who were running the Jonathan .."
Bush [BGW968] and Hitler: What The 'Torture Memos' Reveal

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/Bush and Hitler What The 'Torture Memos' Reveal.htm
".. General Counsel Haynes sent an "Action Memo" to Rumsfeld accompanying the requests from Guantánamo.

Haynes stated that he had discussed this with Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz, Paul +

Haynes stated that he had discussed this with Feith, Douglas USA Undersecretary of Defense for Policy +

Haynes stated that he had discussed this with Myers, JSC Chairman .

Rumsfeld authorized some of the techniques in early December, including hooding + stripping of all clothing + sensory .."
".. writing.

The Pentagon Working Group Rumsfeld's directive to Haynes said that the Working Group "should consist of experts from your Office, the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy [ Feith ], the Military Departments, + the Joint Staff.

The Pentagon Working Group Rumsfeld also directed Haynes "to report your assessments + recommendations to me Rumsfeld within 15 days."

The Working Group reportedly was wracked .."

20040711 USA Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman MEET THE PRESS.html

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/

20040711 USA Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman MEET THE PRESS.html
".. I'm sorry, we've done a little bit of work on Douglas Feith ...

SEN. ROBERTS:  No, no, no.  We've been working on this since February, Jay.

SEN. ROCKEFELLER:  A little bit of work on Douglas Feith .  But the work we...


SEN. ROCKEFELLER:  Let me finish.  The work...

SEN. ROBERTS:  I know, but we tried to have him up + you won't have him up. .."
14.Jun.2004 A Temporary Coup

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/A Temporary Coup.htm
".. put intense pressure on it to produce reports tailored to the policy goals of the Bush [BGW968] White House.

00.Jul.2003 The simmering tensions between the Pentagon, with its troika of Rumsfeld + Wolfowitz + Feith + rank + file CIA personnel boiled over,

when the White House trashed the career of veteran CIA operative Valerie Plame by leaking her identity. The move was a crude retaliation against .."


Nye. 1.

12.Sep.2001 Experts Point To bin Laden And Intelligence Failure In Attacks

URL:   20010911_A_O_RESEARCH/



12.Sep.2001 Experts Point To bin Laden And Intelligence Failure In Attacks.html
".. possible that the attackers learned from bungled attempts of the past, that they have been living here in houses of sympathizers or that they recently entered the country using false identifications.

Nye, Joseph the dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard +

Nye, Joseph -a former- top Pentagon official, said that the terrorist strikes reflected "a massive intelligence failure." But

Nye, Joseph added at a special forum convened in Cambridge, Mass., to review the attacks that "we don't always know about the intelligence successes. We only know about the failures."

Reaction among .."
06.Jan.2002 Und morgen die ganze Welt ANALYSE.htm

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".. tiger Prozesse (Autopoiese) verlangen (Containmentpolitik), nehmen zu.

Und je lauter die Forderungen nach einem weltweiten Engagement der USA vorgebracht + ein Nye, Joseph S.: "Bound to lead" als schicksalhaft für das Land umgedeutet werden,

desto attraktiver + wirkmächtiger werden Denkmuster, die Komplexitäten simplifizieren, auf zweiwertige BINARY Codes reduzieren + eine .."

News URL:   index-99.htm
The Independent Newspaper
".. going to show us, in the Simon Nye sitcom Carrie and Barry. .."

Nye. 1. authentico-historia-index-25.Jul.2004 UPDATED URL:   index-1.html
The Web of Evil - Das innere Band der Geschichte - O Padrao do Pre ésente - Das Verbrechen hat Name & Anschrift
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URL:   Kissinger_Henry.html
".. Strange_McNamara&redirect=no Nye , Joseph Samuel Jr. http:/ .."
".. wiki.phtml?title=Joseph_Samuel_ Nye ,_Jr.&redirect=no .."

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Nye, Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr. - Disinfopedia

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Irak: Gefechte und Entführungen im ganzen Land

29.Aug.2004 Terrordrohung an Berlusconi: "Rom wird in die Hölle verwandelt"

29.Aug.2004 Hepatitis A: 120 Ägypten-Urlauber erkrankt (Reise,

29.Aug.2004 New York: Eine Viertelmillion gegen Bush [BGW968] und den Krieg

29.Aug.2004 Trotz Umsatzrückgang: Einzelhändler steigern ihre Gewinne

29.Aug.2004 Microsoft: Longhorn kommt 2006 (Netzwelt,

29.Aug.2004 Schnelle Mutation: Grippeviren tricksen Medikament aus

29.Aug.2004 Republikaner-Parteitag in New York: Proteste, Massendemos, Verhaftungen





2004070203_Report URL:   2004070203_Report.html
".. Sicherheitspolitik, + Feith, Douglas .."
CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter"

URL:   index-81.htm
America's Best Political Newsletter.
".. the Absurd in Iraq: Chalabi + Feith + Israel John Blair A .."
26.Mai 2003 In dem Bericht wurde allerdings nicht erwähnt, daß die Ruckus Society Gewalt explizit ablehnt.
Der Vorsitzende der Ruckus Society, John Sellers, war nicht erstaunt darüber, daß seine Organisation in einem Bericht eines Antiterrorzentrums genannt wurde.
"Das ist es, worüber wir alle 11.Sep.2001 -seit dem- reden" sagte er.

"Es ist empörend, daß sie sich mit klassisch gewaltfreiem Widerstand beschäftigen, mit gewaltlosen Bürgern, die ihr First Amendment-Recht der Meinungsfreiheit wahrnehmen."

Es "wirft ein Licht auf die Einstellung von [US-Justizminister] Ashcroft, die Besitz von diesem Land ergreift", führte er weiter aus.

"Jeder Bürger mit einer abweichenden Meinung wird mit den Leuten, die die Flugzeuge in die Türme steuerten, zusammengeworfen, was von der Wahrheit nicht weiter entfernt sein könnte."
26.Mai 2003 "You can have a Jewish state or a Palestinian state.

You can not have both. ...

President Bush [BGW968] says he wants to bring democracy to the Middle East.

If he's serious about creating a Palestinian state, he will end up destroying the only democracy in the Middle East - Israel. ... you will not find a more unlikely candidate for democracy than Arab Moslems.

There is a reason why,

among the 22 nations of the Arab world, not one even approaches popular rule -

why they consistently produce leaders like Nasser + Assad (father + son) + Khomeini + Khadafy + Arafat + Saddam + bin Laden. ...

A Palestinian state would make a mockery of our own war on terror + reward the terror masters + create another Iraq on the borders of our only reliable ally in the region.

The only peace it would bring to Israel is the peace of the grave."

Für Bauer, Gary Präsident der konservativen American Values + ehemaliger republikanischer Präsidentschaftskandidat, ist die Angelegenheit ganz einfach, wie er auf der Tagung sagte :

"Das Land Israel hat ursprünglich Gott gehört.

Da Er der Besitzer war, konnte nur Er es weitergeben.

Und er gab es dem jüdischen Volk."
26.Mai 2003 Sprecher aus der konservativen Szene wie Farah, Joseph von WorldNetDaily + Leeden, Michael vom American Enterprise Institute + Gaffney, Frank vom Center for Security Policy /+ Pipes, Daniel vom Middle East Forum, den Präsident Bush [BGW968]
unlängst als Direktor an das US Institute of Peace berufen hat ( Die Prätorianer-Garde des Imperiums ). Mitveranstalter war unter anderem auch das Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), bei dem Wolfowitz, Paul + Perle, Richard + Feith, Douglas +/ Woolsey, James Mitglieder sind.

Wie sehr diese Fraktion den Kurs der Bush [BGW968]-Regierung beeinflusst, lässt sich daran ermessen, dass bislang auf Scharon wenig wirklicher Druck ausgeübt worden ist,

um den zentralen Konfliktherd im Nahen Osten zu entschärfen, der auch den Terrorismus nährt.
26.Mai 2003 Die USA kritisierten El Dschasira scharf. Das Abspielen des Bandes sei "aufrührerisch", sagte der Sprecher des Außenministeriums.
Saddam Hussein on Trial See photos of his day in court View pictures of Saddam, Iraqis
Paul Wolfowitz In-depth articles on Paul Wolfowitz from premier publications.
Pentagon Channel Broadcasting military news to the members of the armed forces.
www.pentagonchannel.mil /2004082223_archi/index-454.htm">
URL: /2004082223_archi/main.jhtml-xml=-news-2004-07-11-wsept11.xml.htm">
11.Jul.2004 The allegations about Douglas Feith , No. 3 at USA Department of Defence , are made in a supplementary annexe of the committee's review of the intelligence leading to war in Iraq,released on Friday.

URL: /2004082223_archi/main.jhtml-xml=-news-2004-07-11-wsept11.xml.htm">
11.Jul.2004 According to dramatic testimony contained in the annexe, Mr Feith 's cell undermined the credibility of CIA judgments on Iraq's alleged al-Qa'eda links within the highest levels of the Bush [BGW968] administration.

The cell appears to have been set up by Mr Feith as an adjunct to the Office of Special Plans, a Pentagon intelligence-gathering operation established in the wake of 9/11 with the authority of Paul Wolfowitz.

Its focus quickly became the al-Qa'eda-Saddam link.

On occasion, without informing the , the group gave counter-briefings in the White House . Sen Jay Rockefeller , the most senior Democrat on the committee,said that

Mr Feith 's cell may even have undertaken "unlawful" intelligence-gathering initiatives.

The claims will lead to calls by Democrats for the resignation of Mr Feith , the third-ranking civilian at the Department of Defence and a leading "neo-con" hawk.

"Tenet fell on his sword," said one Democrat official , " even though it's clear that he was placed under tremendous pressure to come up with the 'right' intelligence product for the administration on Iraq.

"The testimony to the committee on Feith + other P entagon official s shows just what kind of pressure was being exerted.

And when that didn't work, the Pentagon was just coming up with its own answers + feeding them to the White House . And on al-Qa'eda they got it all wrong."

Last night a senior Pentagon adviser confirmed that Mr Feith was being targeted by senators unhappy that the administration has so far escaped censure for its use of intelligence.

"There are senators who are clearly gunning for Douglas Feith now .

This is turning into a classic conspiracy investigation. They want to get Feith see if, through Feith , they can go up the ladder to even bigger fish."

Mr Feith 's role is to be examined further in the second phase of the Senate committee's investigations, which will deal with the Bush [BGW968] administration's use of the intelligence it received. The report by the Republican-dominated committee lambasted the CIA for intelligence failures while concluding that there was no evidence that the Bush [BGW968] administration tried to coerce official s to adapt their findings.

Yet the annexe- written by 3 leading Democratic senators - contains the strongest evidence yet that Pentagon hardliners sought to sideline the CIA during a drive to talk up a connection between Saddam + Osama bin Laden.

After the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, tension had grown between Pentagon official s and CIA agents, who suspected the Department of Defence of relying too heavily on dubious testimony from Iraqi defectors in order to justify a war against Iraq.

The CIA 's investigation of links between Iraq and al-Qa'eda was almost the only aspect of the agency's intelligence-gathering to escape severe censure in the 511-page report. Sen Rockefeller , the senator for West Virginia, said: "Our report found that the intelligence community's judgments were right on Iraq's ties to terrorists. There was no evidence of the formal relationship, however you want to describe it, between Iraq and al-Qa'eda + no evidence that existed of Iraq's complicity or assistance in al-Qa'eda's terrorist attacks."

Pentagon official s who appeared before the Senate committee testified that Mr Feith and others believed that the CIA was not sufficiently aggressive in its investigation of links between Saddam and al-Qa'eda. During the summer of 2002, administration hardliners believed that evidence of a connection between Iraq and the terrorist organisation would provide a clinching argument for war.

After the publication in June 2002 of a cautious report by the CIA entitled Iraq and al-Qa'eda: A Murky Relationship, Mr Feith passed on a written verdict to the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, that the report should be read "for content only - and CIA 's interpretation should be ignored".

In August 2002, Mr Feith 's cell gave a briefing to Mr Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, which included a stinging condemnation of the CIA 's intelligence assessment techniques.

In sharp contrast to the Senate intelligence committee's criticisms of "over-reaching" and "exaggeration" by CIA agents, the Pentagon briefing criticised the agency for requiring "juridical evidence" for its findings and for the "consistent underestimation" of the possibility that Iraq and al-Qa'eda were attempting to conceal their collaboration.

In another incident, Mr Feith 's Pentagon cell postponed the publication of a CIA assessment of Iraq's links to terrorism

after a visit to CIA headquarters at which "numerous objections" were made to a final draft.

In particular, Pentagon official s insisted that more should be made of an alleged meeting between the 11.Sep.2001 hijacker Mohammed Atta + an Iraqi official in Prague in 00.Apr.2001 .

The CIA judged reports of the meeting in Prague in 00.Apr.2001 not to be credible, a verdict vindicated on Friday by the Senate committee report.

16.Sep.2002 -Most remarkably, on- two days before the CIA was to produce its postponed assessment, Mr Feith 's cell went directly to USA White House +

16.Sep.2002 -Most remarkably, on- two days before the CIA was to produce its postponed assessment,Mr Feith 's cell gave an alternative briefing to USA Vice-President Cheney, Dick s chief of staff +

16.Sep.2002 -Most remarkably, on- two days before the CIA was to produce its postponed assessment,Mr Feith 's cell gave an alternative briefing to USA National Security Adviser Rice Condoleezza s deputy.

The secret briefing contained the section alleging "fundamental problems" with CIA intelligence-gathering.

The secret briefing also gave a detailed breakdown of the alleged meeting between Atta + an Iraqi agent official in Prague in 00.Apr.2001 .

The following week, senior Bush [BGW968] official s made confident statements on the existence of a link between Saddam + al-Qa'eda.

00.Mar.2004 -only in- Mr Tenet would learn of Feith 's cell gave an alternative briefing to USA Vice-President Cheney, Dick s chief of staff + 16.Sep.2002 -Most remarkably, on- two days before the CIA was to produce its postponed assessment,Mr Feith 's cell gave an alternative briefing to USA National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice s deputy. secret briefing .

URL: /2004082223_archi/main.jhtml-xml=-news-2004-07-11-wsept11.xml.htm">
11.Jul.2004 Fury over Pentagon cell that briefed White House on Iraq's 'imaginary' al-Qaeda links
A Senior Pentagon policy maker created an unofficial "Iraqi intelligence cell" in the summer of 2002 to circumvent the CIA + secretly brief the White House on links between Saddam Hussein + al-Qa'eda, according to the Senate intelligence committee.

11.Jul.2004 /2004082223_archi/main.jhtml-xml=-news-2004-07-11-wsept11.xml.htm" NAME="">Fury over Pentagon cell that briefed White House on Iraq's 'imaginary' al-Qaeda links :
A Senior Pentagon policy maker created an un official "Iraqi intelligence cell" in the summer of 2002 to circumvent the CIA and secretly brief the White House on links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'eda, according to the Senate intelligence committee.

Panel Describes Long Weakening of Hussein Army : The Senate's report on prewar intelligence about Iraq, which asserts that warnings about its illicit weapons were largely unfounded and that its ties to Al Qaeda were tenuous, also undermines another justification for the war: that Saddam Hussein's military posed a threat to regional stability and American interests. /2004082223_archi/19prison.b.htm">Shining a light in a real dark place : Taguba's report took the brigade's leadership to task, but it also blamed officers attached to the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade. The following are some of the annexes include in the report prepared by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba: /2004082223_archi/news-tmpl=story&cid=2026&ncid=2026&e=3&u=-latimests-20040710-ts_latimes-keyrevisionsweremadetociadocument.htm">Key Revisions Were Made to CIA Document : In a classified National Intelligence Estimate prepared before the Iraq war, the CIA hedged its judgments about Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction, pointing up the limits of its knowledge.

Question of Pressure Splits Panel: There was ample evidence that top Bush [BGW968] administration official s had intimidated analysts to twist their judgments about whether Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.Political analysts said it was likely that Republicans would bottle up any further conclusions until after the November elections.

11.Jul.2004 "This is the most dangerous moment in American history":A journalist asks the senators with US personnel dying every day in a bogus war,

why is the rest of the report not going to be finished before the election URL: /2004082223_archi/article6463.htm">

11.Jul.2004 Das vermeintliche UFO sei wahrscheinlich ein Metall-Meteorit, erklärte der langjährige UFO-Forscher Werner Walter nüchtern. Wissenschaftler bezeichneten die Erscheinung als Feuerball-Bolide, sie sei mit einer großen Sternschnuppe vergleichbar. Bei Neuschwanstein habe man nach dem Vorbeiflug einen Stein aus dem All gefunden, so Walter URL:,1518,308232,00.html