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19.Sep.2004 Newspapers accused of misusing word 'terrorist': Canada's largest newspaper chain, CanWest Global, is being criticized over its use of the word "terrorist" in stories about the Middle East.

19.Sep.2004 A War Hero or a Phony?: So is John Kerry a war hero or a medal-grabbing phony? Did Mr. Kerry exaggerate his exploits?

19.Sep.2004 The Comrades Kerry Abandoned: The Real Story of Vietnam Veterans Against the War

19.Sep.2004 GOP Mailing Warns Liberals Will Ban Bibles : Campaign mail with a return address of the Republican National Committee warns West Virginia voters that the Bible will be prohibited +

men will marry men if liberals win in 02.Nov.2004

19.Sep.2004 New records contain letter from Bush's father: The White House has said repeatedly that all of Bush's Guard records have been disclosed, only to be embarrassed when new documents have turned up.

19.Sep.2004 In Stricter Study, USA Scales Back Claim on Cuba Arms: The Bush administration, has conducted a new assessment of Cuba's biological weapons capacity +

concluded that it is no longer clear that Cuba has an active, offensive bio-weapons program, according to administration officials.

19.Sep.2004 "Buckhead," who said CBS memos were forged, is a GOP-linked attorney

19.Sep.2004 Bulgarian president opposes redeploying troops in Iraq : The Bulgarian president was responding to reports that USA military in Iraq is planning to transfer the Polish + Bulgarian troops to Najaf to replace the USA troops.

19.Sep.2004 The Enemy Within: These spies are not your covert foreign agents. No indeed. These operatives are USA Americans who publicly proclaim their allegiance to the flag

19.Sep.2004 Putin accuses 'complicit' West of harbouring Chechen terrorists : In a statement likely to further chill Russia’s cooling relations with Europe + the USA,

Mr Putin said the West’s "patronising + indulgent attitude to the murderers amounts to complicity in terror".

19.Sep.2004 Russia raps UK over unruly exiles: Russia's Foreign Ministry has summoned a senior UK diplomat to complain about what it said were anti-Russian activities by exiles living in the UK

19.Sep.2004 In case you missed it: Chris Floyd: Into the Dark : The USA government is planning to use "cover + deception" + secret military operations to provoke murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. Let's say it again: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Bush [BGW968] + the other members of the unelected regime in Washington plan to deliberately foment the murder of innocent people.

19.Sep.2004 Kerry accuses Bush of hiding troops plan : Democratic Sen. Kerry, John on Friday accused USA Bush administration of hiding a plan to mobilize more National Guard + reserve troops

02.Nov.2004 after election while glossing over a worsening conflict in Iraq.

19.Sep.2004 FBI's Anti-Terror 'October Plan': FBI field offices + Homeland Security agencies will be advised of "extraordinary measures" that will go into place "beginning the first week of October through the elections."

19.Sep.2004 In case you missed it: Ex-CIA Aides Say Iraq Leader Helped Agency in 1990 s Attacks:

00.000.1990 -in the early-s-under the direction of USA CIA,Allawi, Iyad now the designated prime minister of Iraq, ran an exile organization intent on deposing Hussein, Saddam that sent agents into Baghdad to plant bombs + sabotage government facilities

19.Sep.2004 From bad to worse: The three possible scenarios for the situation in Iraq reportedly laid out by USA National Intelligence Estimate can be summed up as tenuous, bad + downright ugly.

19.Sep.2004 Heed Allawi, Bush urges US: USA President Bush [BGW968] said he looked forward to welcoming Prime Minister Iyad Allawi of Iraq next week, amid election-year worries in the USA about deadly chaos in that war-torn country

19.Sep.2004 USA push to crush rebels: USA + Arab audiences are receiving completely different information about different facets of the same war.

Arab + Iraqi viewers hear of deaths among their own people, while USA officials speak of shadowy terrorists loyal to Jordanian-born al-Qa'ida leader Musab al-Zarqawi.

19.Sep.2004 Secret papers show Blair was warned of Iraq chaos -By Defence Correspondent Michael Smith
a year before invading Iraq "Blair, Tony was warned that a stable post-war government would be impossible without keeping large numbers of troops there for "many years", secret government papers reveal.
The documents, seen by The Telegraph" , show more clearly than ever the grave reservations expressed by Jack Straw, UK Foreign Secretary, over the consequences of a second Gulf war +

how prescient his Foreign Office officials were in predicting the ensuing chaos.
They told the Prime Minister that there was a risk of the Iraqi system "reverting to type" after a war, with a future government acquiring the very weapons of mass destruction that an attack would be designed to remove.
The documents further show that the Prime Minister was advised that he would have to "wrong foot" Saddam Hussein into giving the allies an excuse for war + that

UK officials believed that President George W Bush merely wanted to complete his father's "unfinished business" in a "grudge match" against Saddam. URL:
But it is the warning of the likely aftermath - more than a year in advance, as Mr Blair was deciding to commit UK to joining a USA-led invasion - that is likely to cause most controversy and embarrassment in both London and Washington.
18.Sep.2004 Move to impeach Blair gains ground London,(Guardian News Service:

Members of UK parliament mounting an attempt to impeach Blair, Tony for allegedly misleading the country over the war with Iraq

on Thursday expressed confidence they could secure enough support to force a debate 00.Jan.2005 -early next year.

The organisers, who launched the campaign last month, have the backing of 21 MPs.

00.Jan.2005 -By- they hope to secure 50 supporters to revive this antiquated parliamentary device.

The campaign has received added impetus from the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, who declared the USA-led invasion of Iraq illegal earlier this week.

Alex Salmond, the Scottish National Party leader and one of the organisers, said: ``It is important democratically, when all other procedures fail, that parliament call the prime minister to account.''

The campaign organisers will publish independent legal advice from barristers on Wednesday. ``It will be a robust argument in favour of impeachment,'' a member of the campaign said yesterday.

But a UK government source involved in the issue was dismissive of the move, casting doubt on whether the MPs would even be allowed to hold a debate. ``They have not got a prayer,'' he said. URL:

18.Sep.2004 Ein Szenario, das so ähnlich auch heute von vielen Forscher befürchtet wird: Der zunehmende Kohlendioxid-Gehalt in der Luft könnte die Temperaturen steigen lassen und letztlich zum Kippen des warmen Golfstroms führen. Die Folge wäre eine neue Eiszeit in Europa.
"Unsere Studie zeigt, dass das Klimasystem der Erde sehr empfindlich auf veränderte Randbedingungen reagiert - sei es eine steigende Kohlendioxid-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre oder Verschiebungen zwischen den Kontinenten", sagt Amelia Shevenell, Autorin der in "Science" veröffentlichten Studie.
Dabei sei es ziemlich egal, ob sich die äußeren Umstände aufgrund natürlicher Prozesse oder durch den Eingriff des Menschen veränderten. "Wenn die Rahmenbedingungen kippen", sagt Shevenell, "müssen wir auch damit rechnen, dass das Klimasystem der Erde entsprechend reagiert." URL:,1518,318351,00.html

Simon Tisdall: The acid test of Bush's folly

18.Sep.2004 Leader: The war was illegal
Fight to impeach Blair gains support
Darfur-Krise: Weltsicherheitsrat stellt Sudan Ultimatum

18.Sep.2004 Nordirland: Blair und Ahern einigen sich nicht

18.Sep.2004 Radioansprache: Bush verspricht eine bessere Welt (Politik

18.Sep.2004 Jiang Zemin: Chinas "starker Mann" zieht sich zurück

18.Sep.2004 Geheimes Regierungspapier: Straw sagte Blair Chaos im Irak voraus

18.Sep.2004 Fernsehen: ARD verbannt "Monitor" und "Panorama" in den Spätabend

18.Sep.2004 Tödlicher Hurrikan "Ivan": Trittin warnt USA davor, Klimaschutz weiter zu ignorieren

18.Sep.2004 US-Wahlkampf: Schwere Rückschläge für Kerry (Politik

18.Sep.2004 Klimastudie: Europa könnte Schicksal der Antarktis ereilen (Wissenschaft

18.Sep.2004 SPIEGEL-Umfrage: Stimmung im Osten auf dem Tiefpunkt

18.Sep.2004 There is a curse of evil + bloodshed looming over the region, a cloud of darkness that attracts vampires from all over the world,

that seduces butchers who want their share of the macabre.

Hundreds of people have become numb to the news of killings.

Hundreds take part in the cold-blooded acts of murder.

The ongoing carnage has made it easier for the Americans and Israelis to commit more crimes against the Palestinians and Iraqis than anytime before.

No one is being called to account. No one is keeping count.

Waves of evil and aggression are sweeping the region, from every imaginable direction, drowning all semblance of legitimacy, religion, and morality.

Humanity has taken leave of its senses in a situation where one murder follows another, one carnage leads into the next.

It is pointless to try and summon the principles of reason, religion, and international resolutions.

It is pointless to urge reason or invoke faith.

How can one advise rationality when irrationality is reciprocated by both side?

How can one talk reason into one group of people when the other has taken leave of its senses?

How can one condemn one type of horror when the world is oblivious to the atrocities that triggered it.

An empire of evil is taking root in our midst, courtesy of Bush's policies.

And this is just the beginning. By Salama A Salama URL:

18.Sep.2004 Der Reporter als Story - "Hier haben wir einen Wahlkampf, in dem es um Terrorismus + Krieg gehen sollte", schimpft der ehemalige CNN-Anchor Frank Sesno.

Stattdessen hätten sich die Kampagnen in Fragen verstrickt, die allenfalls in ein Fernsehquiz gehörten.

"Ich glaube nicht, dass die Medien ein schlechtes Gewissen haben, Gerüchte + unbelegte Behauptungen zu veröffentlichen", kritisiert auch der Politologe Larry Sabato.
Das abenteuerlichste Beispiel dafür fand sich gestern ausgerechnet in der "New York Times".

Da berichtete Kolumnistin Maureen Dowd von "Spekulationen", Bush-Chefstratege Karl Rove habe die Fälschungen persönlich eingefädelt, als "diabolischen Präemptiv-Schlag", um vom wahren Thema abzulenken - Bushs Verhalten.

Schließlich soll Rove mit einem ähnlich perfiden Zweck ja auch 1986 schon mal sein eigenes Büro verwanzt haben.

Sicher, Dowd nennt die Gerüchte artig eine "paranoide Phantasie".

Doch die Idee steht nun offiziell im Raum, mit dem Gütesiegel der "New York Times" geadelt.
Dan Rather hat sich derweil damit abgefunden, dass er selbst zur Story geworden ist.

"Hier geht es nicht um mich", sagt er zwar, fügt aber resigniert hinzu: "Ich sehe ein, dass jene, die die Geschichte diskreditieren, versuchen mich zum Thema zu machen. Ich akzeptiere das." URL:,1518,318400,00.html
18.Sep.2004 Es ist ein klassisches Beispiel für das Paradox dieses Wahlkampfes: Alle Energie geht in die Nebenkriegsschauplätze der Vergangenheit; die ausschlaggebenden Fragen der Gegenwart bleiben immer häufiger auf der Strecke.

Schuld daran haben nicht nur die Kandidaten selbst, die sich allein an ihrer Vergangenheit zu definieren suchen (Bush an 11.Sep.2001 Kerry an Vietnam), sondern auch die gierigen Medien.
Fragen aus dem Fernsehquiz
Bushs Gardistenflucht, Kerrys Mekong-Dilemma, Koksgeschnupfe auf Camp David, Teresa Heinz Kerrys schillernde Jugend:

"Die Medien scheinen sich nach der schmutzigen Vergangenheit zu verzehren", klagt Howard Kurtz, Medienkritiker der "Washington Post". "Ist der Presse nichts mehr heilig?" URL:,1518,318400,00.html
18.Sep.2004 Nach langem Mauern hat so jetzt auch CBS "legitime Fragen" an der Authentizität der Dokumente eingeräumt.

Während sich nun Anwälte und Schriftexperten über "Memo-Gate" die Köpfe zerbrechen + Dan Rather um seine Ehre kämpft, darf sich das Weiße Haus freuen:

In der Debatte um die Echtheit der physischen Akten ging die Debatte um deren bisher nicht widerlegten Inhalt verschütt.

Es ist eine Auseinandersetzung, in der Bush-Rivale John Kerry - der verzweifelt versucht, sich mit Sachfragen zu profilieren - ebenfalls unterzugehen droht.
"Orchestrierte Attacken"
"In der hektischen Diskussion der letzten Woche", beharrt CBS, "ist der grundlegende Inhalt des Berichts von '60 Minutes' nicht substanziell angefochten worden."

Sprich: die Erkenntnis, Bush habe "während seines Militärdienstes Sonderbehandlung genossen".

Doch statt diese Frage weiter zu vertiefen, berichten die meisten US-Medien seit Tagen rund um die Uhr über den Fälschungsskandal. URL:,1518,318400,00.html
18.Sep.2004 Die Papiere seien von unabhängigen Experten für echt erklärt worden, triumphierte CBS zur besten Sendezeit: "Dies ist genau das, was das Weiße Haus zu vermeiden versucht hat."
Oder auch nicht. Denn inzwischen steht so gut wie fest, dass die CBS-Memos gefälscht sind - + schlampig obendrein.

"Ich weiß, dass ich sie nicht getippt habe", sagt Killians Sekretärin Marian Carr Knox, 86, fügt jedoch schnell sybillinisch hinzu: "Aber die Informationen darin sind korrekt."

Ja, sie erinnere sich genau, für Killian ähnlich lautende Memos zu Papier gebracht zu haben: "Dies sind absolut seine Gefühle."

Vielleicht habe jemand die Originale gesehen + versucht, sie "zu reproduzieren". Kurzum: Die Papiere seien falsch, aber wahr. URL:,1518,318400,00.html
18.Sep.2004 DUBIOSE BUSH-AKTEN Falsch, aber wahr -Die Dokumente sollten Präsident Bush endgültig als Drückeberger entlarven.

Doch nun verdichten sich Indizien, dass sie so stümperhaft gefälscht wurden wie einstmals die Hitler-Tagebücher.

Der Skandal um die vom US-Sender CBS präsentierten Nationalgarde-Akten lässt den Wahlkampf zur Farce verkommen. In Vergessenheit gerät, dass die Vorwürfe im Kern bestehen bleiben. URL:,1518,318400,00.html
18.Sep.2004 1300 Jahre alte Metropole in den Anden entdeckt
Im Urwald Perus haben Archäologen die Ruinen einer riesigen, über 1300 Jahre alten Stadt entdeckt.

Die mehr als 65 Quadratkilometer große Anlage soll mindestens 10.000 Menschen Raum geboten haben. Sie wurde vermutlich vom Indianervolk der Chachapoya erbaut. URL:,1518,313881,00.html
18.Sep.2004 Kitow äußerte die Vermutung, dass es sich um das Grab von König Seutus III handeln könnte, der im fünften Jahrhundert vor Christus in Thrakien herrschte.

Seine sterblichen Überreste haben die Forscher noch nicht gefunden, die Grabungen gehen aber weiter. In der Region um Schipka gibt es zahlreiche Thraker-Hügel. Deswegen gaben Archäologen der Gegend den Namen

"Bulgarisches Tal der Könige", in Anlehnung an das Tal der Könige bei Luxor in Ägypten, in dem zahlreiche ägyptische Pharaonen bestattet sind. URL:,1518,314190,00.html
18.Sep.2004 2400 Jahre alte Goldmaske gefunden in dem Grab eines Thraker-Königs -Bulgarische Archäologen. Ein Experte verglich das Kunstwerk mit der berühmten Maske von König Agamemnon. URL:,1518,314190,00.html
18.Sep.2004 Ältestes Bergwerk Europas entdeckt
_10.000 -Schon vor mehr als- Jahren haben Steinzeitjäger in Europa Bergbau betrieben.

Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt jetzt ein deutsch-österreichisches Forscherteam, das im Kleinwalsertal Spuren des ältesten + zudem höchstgelegenen Feuersteinbergwerks Europas entdeckt hat. URL:,1518,314716,00.html
18.Sep.2004 ENDNOTES URL:
16.Sep.2004 PI article by clicking on these blue words: "UN Says Nothing New In Annan's 'Illegal War' Comment". [1] Read this

17.Sep.2004 GU article, which contends that UN Secretary General Annan's statement wasn't his long-held opinion, but is new + belated:,12956,1306642,00.html "The War Was Illegal" Also see this
17.Sep.2004 JO article by clicking on these blue words: "Bush Joins Coalition Leaders In Defending War Against Iraq"[2] Read this
15.Sep.2004 ES's indispensable analysis by clicking on these blue words: Legality of the Iraq War. [3] Read the

If the click-on doesn't link, paste this URL into your webserver:

[Skeptical readers should not read to confirm their biases, but instead should set their biases aside until they've finished reading all of the legal arguments on this website, which will take awhile.] 
Bagdad – UN Generalsekretär Kofi Annan hat in einem BBC-Interview seine Auffassung bekräftigt, dass

der Krieg gegen den Irak ohne die Billigung des Weltsicherheitsrats einer rechtlichen Grundlage entbehrt habe.

Auf dreimalige Nachfrage, ob dies bedeute, dass der Irak-Krieg illegal gewesen sei, antwortete Annan: "Nach unserer Auffassung sowie gemäß der UN Charta war dieser Krieg illegal."
Die BBC-Webseite zitierte Annan mit den Worten, die Charta der UN sei eindeutig in ihrer Vorgabe, unter welchen Umständen die Anwendung von Gewalt gerechtfertigt sei.

Wenn die USA + ihre Verbündeten aber ohne Zustimmung des Sicherheitsrats eine Militäroperation starten wollten, dann würde dies den Vorgaben der UN-Charta widersprechen.URL:,1518,318253,00.html
10.Mär.2003 -kurz vor der Invasion des Irak- hatte Annan am eine ähnliche Bemerkung gemacht.

Die USA + UK hatten einen Resolutionsentwurf vor dem Sicherheitsrat zurückgezogen, nachdem klar geworden war, dass er keine Zustimmung finden würde. Unter anderem hatte Frankreich ein Veto angedroht.
17.Sep.2004 Readers who need to "trust but verify" (i.e., to corroborate) for themselves that the experts' overwhelming opinion is exactly as stated above should read a document entitled "

15.Jan.2003 " (Find it by scrolling down approximately one-fourth of the way, after you've clicked onto this ES website: "The Legality Of The Iraq War" .) Why? 
That document was drafted and signed by the world's foremost international law experts - the prestigious International Commission of International Law Jurists - to provide ultimate proof of their authoritative opinion concerning the legal status of war against Iraq. Furthermore, this large body of eminent international law experts explicitly stated that they'd drafted their legal document in order to advise Messrs. Bush + Blair

prior to the invasion: (1) that it would be blatantly illegal under international law for the UK-USA belligerents to invade Iraq; +

(2) that their UK-USA joint decision as Commanders-in-Chief to commence hostilities would constitute prosecutable war crimes. URL:
17.Sep.2004 Three Conclusions : It is the overwhelming consensus of the world's foremost international law experts that:

(1) UN Secretary General Annan's opinion is correct (i.e., true) because the Iraq War was, indeed, illegal; +
(2) the opinion of the "Coalition of the Willing's" leaders is incorrect (i.e., false) because their Iraq War was NOT legal. 
(3) Therefore, USA Americans must break free of the neocons' self-delusional groupthink mentality by learning to differentiate between fact + truth, which are all-too-easily confused.

For instance, it's an undeniable fact that Messrs. Bush + Cheney have been arguing along the campaign trail that "The Iraq War was legal!"

Nevertheless, the mere fact that they've been vehemently arguing that point certainly does NOT make it true!

Their argument is flawed by a logical fallacy called an ipse dixit (i.e., "something asserted but not proved").

As we've already seen, their argument is just plain WRONG AS A MATTER OF LAW!

Therefore, Messrs. Bush + Cheney are making a false argument (i.e., deceptively asserting something that is untrue)URL:
17.Sep.2004 Insurgents in Iraq appear more powerful than ever :

00.000.2002-17.Sep.2004 -Two years ago, the head of the Arab League was scolded by many for predicting that “the gates of hell” would be unleashed if President Bush proceeded with his threat to invade Iraq.

17.Sep.2004 Evil empire: The ongoing carnage has made it easier for USA Americans + Israelis to commit more crimes against the Palestinians + Iraqis than anytime before. No one is being called to account. No one is keeping count.

17.Sep.2004 Not before November: The Bush administration's bid to bring the Iraqi resistance to heel before the USA presidential elections are destined to failure

17.Sep.2004 New Greg Palast Documentary Highlights How Bush's Military Records Were Purged

y In case you missed it: The Bush Family Fortunes : The BBC + Greg Palast, Investigate the Bush family scandals

17.Sep.2004 Halliburton hurt in Iraq? Try Brazil;

17.Sep.2004 .this year-Halliburton must settle billions of $ in asbestos claims +

17.Sep.2004 .this year-Halliburton must address a shareholder class action over accounting issues +

17.Sep.2004 .this year-Halliburton must deal with an investigation of a joint venture in Nigeria.

17.Sep.2004 Kerry accuses Cheney of war profit: KERRY's Democratic election campaign accused Vice-President Cheney, Dick of making money from the Iraq war through his links to the Halliburton company, in a new television advert.

17.Sep.2004 CIA + Bush need to answer questions about 'ghost detainees' at Abu Ghraib : Last week, we learned that the CIA apparently has the ability to hide prisoners from the outside world —

for reasons one can only speculate about — + then simply refuse to say anything about these people for government investigations.

17.Sep.2004 Juan Cole: Sharon Repudiates the Road Map: Sharon insists on acting unilaterally, intends to occupy the Palestinian population indefinitely +

intends to permanently incorporate much of the West Bank, OCCUPIED in 1967, into Israel, while leaving the Palestinian population stateless.

17.Sep.2004 CIA Officer: al-Qaida Efforts Still Lag : A senior CIA officer says bad decisions, understaffing + infighting among intelligence agencies stifled efforts to stop Osama bin Laden + his network.

17.Sep.2004-11.Sep.2001 More than three years after the attacks, CIA remains short-staffed, he A senior CIA officer says.

17.Sep.2004 -said Thursday, the chief of USA Army Reserve that USA Army Reserve 'not properly prepared' for Iraq war : his force of part-time soldiers has yet to fully adapt to the demands of a global war on terrorism,

11.Sep.2001-17.Sep.2004 -even though since the attacks of- half of the 205,000 Reserve members have been called to active duty

17.Sep.2004 Wall-Street-Schluss: Verfalltag bestimmt den Handel

17.Sep.2004 Powell weist Annans Kritik zurück
USA-Außenminister Colin Powell hat sich gegen die Kritik von UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan gewehrt, der Irak-Krieg sei illegal.

Die Diskussion um die Umstände des Angriffs nannte er eine Nebensächlichkeit.
Washington/New York - Das militärische Vorgehen der Koalition sei "völlig legal + steht auf der Linie des Sicherheitsrats früherer Zeiten", sagte Powell in einem Interview mit der "Washington Post".

Das Außenministerium veröffentlichte am Freitag eine Abschrift des Gesprächs.
Annan hatte am Donnerstag in einem Interview mit dem UK Fernsehsender BBC erklärt, der Irak-Krieg sei illegal gewesen.

"Ich denke nicht, dass diese Erklärung zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt hilfreich war", sagte Powell.

"Wem nützt dies? Wir sollten uns alle hinter die Idee stellen, dem irakischen Volk + der irakischen Regierung zu helfen + uns nicht mit diesen Nebenaspekten befassen, die nicht mehr relevant sind."
Zuvor hatte bereits Powells Sprecher Richard Boucher die amerikanische Gegenposition zu Annan bekräftigt.

Die USA seien nach wie vor der Auffassung, der Krieg sei vom Völkerrecht ebenso wie von einschlägigen UN-Resolutionen solide abgedeckt gewesen, sagte Boucher am Donnerstagabend in Washington.

00.Nov.2002 -Die im- verabschiedete UN-Resolution 1441 habe "ernste Konsequenzen" angedroht, falls sich der Irak einer Abrüstung widersetze.

Allen Mitgliedern des Weltsicherheitsrats sei bei der seinerzeitigen Abstimmung klar gewesen, dass "ernste Konsequenzen" nichts anderes als Krieg bedeute, betonte Boucher.

Diese Drohung sei auch in mehreren früheren UN-Resolutionen eindeutig enthalten gewesen.URL:,1518,318668,00.html
17.Sep.2004 In case you missed it: Karen Kwiatkowski : Advance Praise for ‘An End to Evil’: Why are we USA occupying Iraq +

17.Sep.2004 Why are we USA bombing the living hell out of Afghanistan +

17.Sep.2004 Why are we USA pestering Iran +

17.Sep.2004 Why are we USA pestering Syria +

17.Sep.2004 Why are we USA genuflecting to Sharon +

17.Sep.2004 Why are we USA failing to deal with real threats to our USA nation +

17.Sep.2004 Why are we USA -while piddling away our USA resources building an empire nobody wants

17.Sep.2004 This Is Bush's Vietnam: Three more marines were killed yesterday in Iraq.

17.Sep.2004 Kidnappings are commonplace. The insurgency is growing + becoming more sophisticated, which means more deadly.

17.Sep.2004 Ordinary Iraqis are becoming ever more enraged at the USA.

17.Sep.2004 Officer who rallied UK troops condemns 'cynical' Iraq war: Colonel Tim Collins, the UK commander whose stirring speech to his UK troops

on the eve of the Iraq invasion was reportedly hung on a wall in USA Oval Office by George Bush, has criticised the UK + USA governments over the war.

17.Sep.2004 Is Guilt Obsolete? : Because we're USA Americans. We have no regrets

17.Sep.2004 Noam Chomsky : The Resort to Force Bush assured USA Americans that „The world is safer today because, in Iraq,our coalition ended a regime that cultivated ties to terror while it built weapons of mass destruction

The president's handlers know that every word is false, but they also know that lies can become Truth, if repeated insistently enough.

17.Sep.2004 USA Weapons Inspector: Iraq Had No WMD : The top USA weapons inspector in Iraq concludes in a draft report due out soon.

17.Sep.2004 The Incredible Lying BushCo : More irrefutable proof that Dubya's is the slimiest administration in 100 years. Real Audio.

17.Sep.2004 France backs UN chief's description of US war on Iraq as "illegal"

17.Sep.2004 Iraqis want elections - and foreign troops to leave now -Yes, the invasion was illegal. But war crimes are still being committed

17.Sep.2004 Soldiers say they are being threatened with Iraq duty -Soldiers from a combat unit at Fort Carson say they have been told to re-enlist for three more years or be transferred to other units expected to deploy to Iraq

17.Sep.2004 Was The Iraq War Legal, Or Illegal, Under International Law? Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.
17.Sep.2004 -on Wednesday-During a BBC radio interview, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan created a controversy by reiterating his long-held position that the Iraq War was illegal because it breached the UN Charter. [1]

17.Sep.2004 On Thursday, the imperial leaders of the "Coalition of the Willing" retaliated by vehemently arguing that their Iraq War was, to the contrary, legal. [2] 
Obviously, this dispute raises a legal question: "Whose opinion is correct, + whose is incorrect?"

Additionally, we should be asking ourselves: "Who decides? (i.e., 'Whose jurisprudential opinion shall be dispositive for purposes of resolving this dispute?')" 
It seems eminently reasonable - even for the disputants - to conclude that the optimal source of guidance on this question of international law would have to be the world's foremost experts in the field of international law.

Hence, the UN's chief + the coalition's leaders need to know how the world's top international law experts would resolve their jurisprudential dispute.

And we, the people, need to know who's right + who's wrong here. 
Realistically, one cannot seriously expect the disputants - much less their national electorates - to wade through numerous legal documents, most of which contain rigorous + not-occasionally tedious reasoning,

to find the correct answer.

Thus, it seems prudent to proceed directly to the world's most authoritative answer to our pressing question du jour: "Was the Iraq War legal, or illegal, under international law?" 
And The World's Most Authoritative Answer Is ... Among the world's foremost experts in the field of international law, the overwhelming jurisprudential consensus is that the UK-USAinvasion + conquest + occupation of Iraq

constitute three phases of one illegal war of aggression. [3] URL:
17.Sep.2004 When the newscaster David Brinkley, appalled by the carnage in Vietnam, asked Johnson, Lyndon B. why he didn't just bring the troops home, Johnson replied, "I'm not going to be the first American president to lose a war."
Bush [BGW968] is now trapped as tightly in Iraq as Johnson was in Vietnam.

The war is going badly.

The president's own intelligence estimates are pessimistic.

There is no plan to actually win the war in Iraq + no willingness to concede defeat.
I wonder who the last man or woman will be to die for this colossal mistake. URL:,1518,318427,00.html

17.Sep.2004 Anti-Terrorkampf: Datenaustausch zwischen USA und Deutschland soll effektiver werden

17.Sep.2004 Atomstreit mit Iran: Resolutionsentwurf liegt vor

17.Sep.2004 Wirbelsturm "Ivan": Fast 100 Tote - Schäden in Milliardenhöhe

17.Sep.2004 Notlandung: Flugzeug von Blitz getroffen

17.Sep.2004 Benzin: "Ivan" wirbelt die Preise hoch

17.Sep.2004 Nordkorea: Neue Verwirrung um gigantischen Rauchpilz

17.Sep.2004 FTP-Piraterie: Staatsanwalt will auch gegen Kunden ermitteln

17.Sep.2004 Auswärtiges Amt: Keine Visa für Teilnehmer von Islam-Kongress

17.Sep.2004 Großbritannien: Al-Qaida soll Unterhaus ins Visier genommen haben

17.Sep.2004 Antike: Ägypter mumifizierten Tiere königlich

17.Sep.2004 Irak: Frankreich und Belgien stoppen Nato-Hilfe

17.Sep.2004 Afghanistan: Neue Folter-Vorwürfe gegen US-Armee

17.Sep.2004 Hurrikan "Ivan": "Alles ist einfach weg"

17.Sep.2004 US-Wahlkampfthese: Bush [BGW968]s heimliche Steuerrevolution

17.Sep.2004 Abschlussbericht: US-Inspektor fand keine Massenvernichtungswaffen

17.Sep.2004 Opinion: This Is Bush's Vietnam

17.Sep.2004 Europäische Gendarmerie: Struck gegen deutsche Beteiligung

17.Sep.2004 Atomstreit: Einigung über Resolution gegen Iran

17.Sep.2004 "Sensation": Steinzeitknochen in Höhle entdeckt

17.Sep.2004 Dubiose Bush-Akten: Falsch, aber wahr

16.Sep.2004 CBS-Panne: Frontalangriff auf Bush mit gefälschten Akten

16.Sep.2004 Erdgeschichte: Todeswelle über Tübingen

16.Sep.2004 Umfrageergebnis: Jeder Zweite weiß zu wenig über Geld

16.Sep.2004 Irak: US-Geheimdienste rechnen mit Bürgerkrieg

16.Sep.2004 Internet Explorer: Das Monopol bröckelt

16.Sep.2004 Millionen-Geldstrafe: CDU gerät in finanzielle Bredouille

16.Sep.2004 Vermummungsverbot: Drag Queens sind Südafrikas Polizei zu stark geschminkt

16.Sep.2004 Biograph Gall über Hermann J. Abs: "Er hatte diese enorme Neigung zur Selbstdarstellung"

16.Sep.2004 Monstersturm: "Ivan" peitscht Tornados übers Land

16.Sep.2004 Geiseldrama von Beslan: OSZE rügt Anfeindungen gegen Journalisten

16.Sep.2004 Gletscherschmelze: Wie ein Alpensee zur bleichen Brühe wird

16.Sep.2004 Verschwundene Daten: US-Atomlabor feuert vier Manager

16.Sep.2004 Opinion: Pre-emptive Paranoia

16.Sep.2004 Spendenskandal: CDU muss 21 Millionen Euro zahlen

16.Sep.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Der Mensch steht nicht mehr im Zentrum"

16.Sep.2004 Interview zu Technik-Flops: "Scheitern ist wichtig"

16.Sep.2004 Uno: Annan verurteilt Irak-Krieg als illegal

16.Sep.2004 Pakistan: Kampf der Wölfe

16.Sep.2004 Russland: Bush besorgt über Putins geplanten Machtzuwachs

18.Sep.2004 Conspiracy : Eli Lilly, Zyprexa, Prozac, Bush Family URL: