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IW: Ein bisschen Liberalisierung schadet nie
Das IW indes fordert, die Preise zu senken - und hat dafür seine Standardantwort parat: mehr Wettbewerb und Liberalisierung.

"Eine hundertprozentige Liberalisierung des Wassermarktes ist gegenwärtig zwar keine Option, etwas mehr Wettbewerb könnte aber den Preisdruck mindern, ohne dass die Wasserqualität leidet", heißt es in dem Bericht. Das Institut schlägt vor, bestimmte Leistungsmerkmale der einzelnen regionalen Wasserversorger von einer Regulierungsbehörde vergleichen zu lassen.
"Ihre Aufgabe ist es dann in einem zweiten Schritt, Ineffizienzen aufzudecken und Preissenkungen durchzusetzen." Großbritannien habe mit einem solchen Modell bereits positive Erfahrungen gemacht. "Für Deutschland dürfte es der kürzeste Weg zu mehr Wettbewerb im Wassermarkt sein."
Der BGW lehnt eine Liberalisierung entschieden ab. Dies bringe den Verbrauchern keine Vorteile. "Wasserqualität und Versorgungssicherheit bewegen sich in Deutschland auf höchstem Niveau", sagte Verbandsvize Rebohle.
Zusammen mit dem republikanischen Abgeordneten Bob Ney, dem Vorsitzenden des Verwaltungsausschusses, veranlasste er, dass auch in der Kantine des Repräsentantenhauses nur noch Freedom Fries angeboten wurden. Das war neun Tage vor Beginn der Invasion. "Wenn ich mit anschauen muss, wie unsere Soldaten ihren Lieben auf Wiedersehen sagen, kann ich ihnen gar nicht sagen, wie sehr ich über die Franzosen enttäuscht bin", sagte Jones. Auch der "French Toast" wurde umbenannt + wären die Frankfurter Würstchen nicht schon wegen des Ersten Weltkriegs in Hot Dogs umbenannt worden, hätte es wohl auch noch die Deutschen getroffen.
Seine "Freedom Fries" gibt es heute noch zu jedem Lunch in den Restaurants des Kongresses. Aber Jones ist nach drei Jahren Krieg und über 1700 US-Toten ein anderer geworden. Vor Suite 422, seinem Büro im Kongress, stehen große Staffeln mit Plakaten. Ein briefmarkengroßes Foto für jeden, der im Irak starb. "Gesichter der Gefallenen" nennt Jones seine Ausstellung. Die Hausverwaltung hat den Abgeordneten gemahnt, nicht den Durchgang auf dem Korridor zu verstellen.
Es sind diese Gesichter, die den Mann aus North Carolina heute am Krieg zweifeln lassen. Seine Zweifel begannen vor zwei Jahren auf der Beerdigung von Sergeant Michael Blitz in Camp Lejeune, er war in Nassirija gefallen, seine gerade geborenen Zwillinge hat er nie gesehen. Seitdem war er auf vielen Beerdigungen, viel zu vielen, und es schmerze ihn, sagt seine Pressesprecherin, dass alle immer nur nach den Pommes frites fragen.
Bis heute hat Jones, der republikanische Fußsoldat, 1300 Familien Beileidsschreiben geschickt. Als wollte er sich persönlich bei ihnen für seine frühere Begeisterung entschuldigen.
Bundesagentur: Arbeitslosenzahl im Juni gesunken

29.Jun.2005 Massenvernichtungswaffen: USA frieren Konten von Organisationen aus Nordkorea und Iran ein

29.Jun.2005 Menschenrechte: US-Abgeordnete loben Guantanamo

29.Jun.2005 USA: Wie ein Abgeordneter zum Kriegsgegner wurde

29.Jun.2005 Arbeitslosenzahlen: 4,7 Millionen suchen einen Job

29.Jun.2005 Italien: Berlusconi tritt noch einmal an

29.Jun.2005 Mierscheid-Gesetz: Warum die SPD die Wahl gewinnt

29.Jun.2005 Vertrauensfrage: Schröder will sich auf unsichere Mehrheit berufen

29.Jun.2005 Abstimmungsmarathon: 40 Beweise für stabile rot-grüne Mehrheit

29.Jun.2005 Tsunami-Simulator: Riesenwellen zerfetzen Modellgebäude

29.Jun.2005 Sicherheitsrisiken: Nasa-Chef will "Discovery" ins All schicken

29.Jun.2005 Tiefgefrorene Eierstöcke: Unfruchtbare Frau bekommt Baby

29.Jun.2005 Preisrekord: Deutschland, Land des teuren Trinkwassers

Ob Eltern ihr Kind schlagen, wird vermutlich nicht durch die Gene festgelegt, sondern durch die eigenen Erfahrungen in der frühen Kindheit. Es handele sich um erlerntes Verhalten, schreibt ein Forscherteam um Darius Maestripieri von der University of Chicago im Fachjournal "Proceedings of the National Academies of Science" (Band 102, S. 9276).
Verhaltensforschung: Gewalt wird in der Kindheit erlernt

29.Jun.2005 Report: US is the world's biggest jailer: The US total represents 22% of the nine million prisoners reportedly held throughout the world, he added.

29.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Video: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons: Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?

29.Jun.2005 Is big brother watching you?: FBI agent says Al-Arian was bugged, tapped for nine years: The government tapped former university professor Sami Al-Arian's phones, planted microphones in his office and intercepted his faxes and computer conversations because they suspected him of terrorism ties, a retired FBI agent testified Monday.

29.Jun.2005 Are We There Yet?: 1984: The Two Georges, Orwell And Bush: Real Audio

29.Jun.2005 Sledgehammer Politics : Control of information has become an integral part of the response of Western Governments to the so-called war on terror. They've all introduced laws that not only restrict long-cherished civil liberties, but also impose sanctions against reporting issues deemed to threaten national security. Video and transcript

29.Jun.2005 Bogus analysis led to terror alert in Dec. 2003: CIA experts saw a secret code on Al-Jazeera that wasn't there

29.Jun.2005 1 billion of potential overcharges: Halliburton Iraq deals described as contract abuse

29.Jun.2005 Whistleblowers Describe Halliburton's "Free Fraud Zone": "I can unequivocally state that the abuse related to contracts awarded to KBR represents the most blatant and improper contract abuse I have witnessed during the course of my professional career." -- Bunnatine Greenhouse, top Army Corps of Engineers contract oversight official, turned whistleblower

29.Jun.2005 29.Jun.2005 From El Salvador To Iraq: Why All Of This Repression? : Why is torture being developed to a fine art among US forces? Why is the US involved in organizing and supporting death squads once again?

29.Jun.2005 Naomi Klein: Torture's Dirty Secret: It Works : But when it comes to social control, nothing works quite like torture.

29.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: General Granted Latitude At Prison : Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior U.S. military officer in Iraq, borrowed heavily from a list of high-pressure interrogation tactics used at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and approved letting senior officials at a Baghdad jail use military dogs, temperature extremes, reversed sleep patterns, sensory deprivation + diets of bread and water on detainees whenever they wished, according to newly obtained documents.

29.Jun.2005 Former Guantanamo prisoners freed by Pakistan allege Koran abuse: The men came back to Pakistan around nine months ago after being cleared by US authorities. They were finally released from a Pakistani jail after promising not to take part in militant activities.

29.Jun.2005 War Pimp Alert: Israeli Envoy Says Iran Nuclear Program Must Be Stopped : "The clock is ticking + time is not on our side," Ayalon said.

29.Jun.2005 War Pimp Alert: U.S. Puppet Says "Target terror camps abroad " : Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari yesterday said terrorist training camps outside his country must be targeted for elimination to stem the flow of foreign insurgents illegally entering the country to wreak havoc on Iraqi citizens.

29.Jun.2005 U.S. Attack on Iran May Be in the Cards: There are a lot of random facts that lend credence to Ritter's claims. Last year, there were fake elections in Azerbaijan.

29.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It: As a consequence of this failure more than 3,000 Americans and thousands of Afghans died.

29.Jun.2005 US suspected of keeping secret prisoners on warships: UN official : The United Nations has learned of "very, very serious" allegations that the United States is secretly detaining terrorism suspects in various locations around the world + notably aboard prison ships, the UN's special rapporteur on terrorism said.

29.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: The Tsunami Disaster: U.S. Issued Killer Wave Warning To Terror Ships: PRISON ships holding Osama bin Laden's most trusted lieutenants were given an hour's warning of the tsunami.

29.Jun.2005 It’s time for Rumsfeld to follow his own advice: During Vietnam, Rumsfeld Criticized Administration For “Credibility Gap”: “The administration should clarify its intent in Vietnam. People lack confidence in the credibility of our government… It's a difficult thing today to be informed about our government even without all the secrecy. With the secrecy, it's impossible.

29.Jun.2005 "Let freedom reign!" : The outlook remains bleak after one year of sovereignty": US withdrawal may be inevitable in the long run, but the chances of the Bush administration taking any such step in the near future are non-existent. So, tragically, Iraq must now brace itself for yet another year of hell.

29.Jun.2005 Robert Fisk: “Do you people live on planet earth?”: Perhaps it helps us to feel bad about ourselves, to curse our privileges and hate our glorious life if we persuade ourselves that the Middle East is a paradise of growing freedom and liberation from fear.

29.Jun.2005 Police open fire on Iraq demonstrators -- witness: Reuters correspondent Hamid Fadhil said a crowd of nearly 2,000 unemployed Iraqis was demonstrating because they had not been given jobs in the police in Samawa, 270 km south of Baghdad. Police opened fire first with warning shots and then shot into the crowd, Fadhil said, adding he had seen some demonstrators wounded.

29.Jun.2005 Who is feeding the insurgency? We are!:  The insurgency will continue as long as we "stay the course".  

29.Jun.2005 A Defeat Bred in Deceit: When Bush decided, prior to September 11, to attack Iraq, he committed himself to lies and deceit. As his British co-conspirators realized, only victory could save them from the consequences.

29.Jun.2005 Iraqi Resistance Says It Will Not Negotiate With Occupation Forces  : n the name of all the factions that fight under our command, we declare to you, that we did not in the past present or the future + will not sit on the negotiating table with the American Occupation forces or war criminal representatives. 

29.Jun.2005 We are Mujahideen for the sake of our nation . : he Mujahideen Army is in full adherence to the military doctrine of the of the Mujahideen Central Command MCC + the Political views of Rafidan - The Political Committee of the MCC.

29.Jun.2005 More Rumsfeld Lies about Insurgent Meetings:  The maxim one should always follow in listening to the sneering Rumsfeld is to calculate the exact inverse of whatever he says and assume that that will approximate the truth.

29.Jun.2005 Index: Testimony From World Tribunal for Iraq: Testimony by - H.C. von Sponeck - Larry Everest - Dahr Jamail - Jim Harding - Phil Shiner

29.Jun.2005 Bolivian government orders troops to take 'control' of oilfields : Bolivia's government has ordered the armed forces to take 'physical control' of oilfields in a politically charged move amid continuing demands for full nationalization of the industry in South America's poorest country.

29.Jun.2005 'India won't play second fiddle to US' : India has rejected the idea of a unipolar world, clearly ruling out playing sub-altern to the United States if it seeks to remain dominant in the 21st century in the face of a rising Asia.

29.Jun.2005 Ex-Agent: Al-Arian Monitored For Years: The government tapped former university professor Sami Al-Arian's phones, planted microphones at his think tank and intercepted his faxes and computer conversations because they suspected him of terrorism ties, a retired FBI agent testified Monday.

29.Jun.2005 Be careful about which web sites you visit: Judge admits evidence from computers in Al-Arian case : Prosecutors say it shows the intent of the defendants, charged with raising money for terrorist activities.

29.Jun.2005 Bush's War: It Was Worth It Picture Album: "I'm this great picture of the Army." Martinez suffered massive burns to his face, head and body. He has spent the last year in surgery and recovery at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. Photographed April 3, 2004 at his home in Dalton, Georgia,while on a brief hospital leave.

29.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Video: Bush's War: Iraq In The Name Of Freedom

29.Jun.2005 Washington now faces a no-win situation in Iraq : For the first time, a leading American politician and potential presidential candidate, Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, was brave enough to say: "The White House is completely disconnected from reality The reality is, we're losing in Iraq."

29.Jun.2005 Captives: Terrorists hoped for Bush re-election : Two French journalists who were held hostage in Iraq told a British documentary program that their captors believed George W. Bush's re-election as US president would help radicalize Iraqis.

29.Jun.2005 Bush’s Flagship USS Fiasco is Sinking : George Bush will officially leave office in January 2009. For millions of Americans this surely seems an interminable time to wait to reclaim the country from a period of almost inexplicable and collective madness--one that will likely be known simply as the “Bush Era”,

29.Jun.2005 US faces prison ship allegations : The United Nations says it has learned of serious allegations that the US is secretly detaining terrorism suspects, notably on American military ships.

29.Jun.2005 Bush Speech: Complete text : America good : Iraq Good . Bad men, terror, protect you, courage, sacrifice, global war on terror, yada yada yada. God Bless America.....

29.Jun.2005 Short version: Fact Sheet: Facts, Quotes From President's Address : Bush mentioned "September Eleventh" 5 (five) separate times.* : TERROR: Bush mentioned "terror", "terrorism" or "terrorists" 35 times.*

29.Jun.2005 Bush Declares Sacrifice in Iraq to Be 'Worth It' : President Bush, facing a growing restiveness around the country and in his own party over the constant stream of casualties in Iraq, declared Tuesday night that the daily sacrifice of American lives in Iraq "is worth it + it is vital to the future security of our country."

29.Jun.2005 Iraqi Resistance Replies To Bush Speech: Sets Terms For U.S. Surrender
Rafidan - Mujahideen Central Command - We predict more air raids and destruction of our cities and villages. More killing and kidnaps, just as they did in Vietnam and Algeria before they fled. This in return, gives us the right to use all the types of weapons in our arsenal because American Fascism will not be defeated easily and the fight will continue to be fierce for some time and bloody too!

29.Jun.2005 Senators Join Heritage Event to Promote “Healthy Marriages”
February 26, 2004 With welfare reauthorization two years overdue, the Senate represents the last hurdle for President Bush’s plan to promote “Healthy Marriages.” The Heritage Foundation today announced ...

29.Jun.2005 Heritage Lauds Proposal To Create Lifetime Savings Accounts
April 1, 2004 The Heritage Foundation today praised a proposal to establish Lifetime Savings Accounts (LSAs) that would let people avoid the “double taxation” that erodes the value ...

29.Jun.2005 Heritage Offers Candiates Web-Based “Issues 2004”
April 1, 2004 Ask any politician: The stump can be a cruel place for those not up to speed on the latest issues.

29.Jun.2005 Heritage Mourns Death of Trustee Jack Eckerd
May 20, 2004 Ed Feulner, president of The Heritage Foundation, today issued the following statement on the passing of honorary Heritage Trustee Jack Eckerd.

29.Jun.2005 Reagan's Legacy Lives at
June 6, 2004 Though America has had 43 presidents so far, only a handful can rightfully claim to have an “age” or “era” named after them: Jefferson. Jackson. ...

29.Jun.2005 Massachusetts Governor Defends Traditional Marriage at Heritage
June 23, 2004 Most advocates of same-sex marriage insist they have no agenda other than ending discrimination. But they propose nothing less than a radical redefinition of the ...

29.Jun.2005 Senate Rejection of Marriage Amendment "A Wake-up Call"
July 14, 2004 Following the Senate’s defeat of a measure that would have allowed a constitutional amendment protecting the traditional definition of marriage to move forward, The Heritage ...

29.Jun.2005 “Big Account” Reform Seen As Key To Financial Security For Retirees, Heirs
July 22, 2004 Stuart Butler, vice president of domestic policy for The Heritage Foundation, has seen the future of Social Security, and it is personal retirement accounts (PRAs). ...

29.Jun.2005 Heritage Foundation Announces New DeVos Religion Center
September 1, 2004 The Heritage Foundation has established a new study center to focus scholarly attention on the interplay between religion and public policy in America.

29.Jun.2005 Millionenförderung: Gates spendet für Vitamin-Bananen und Nasensprays

29.Jun.2005 07:29) Arbeitslosigkeit: Wirtschaftsministerium zieht Statistik in Zweifel

29.Jun.2005 Vertrauensfrage: Bei SPD und Grünen wächst die Kritik an Schröder

29.Jun.2005 Opferzahlen: Tsunami tötete bis zu viermal mehr Frauen als Männer

29.Jun.2005 Grundsatzrede: Bush bittet Amerikaner um Geduld im Irak

29.Jun.2005 06:10) Studie: Deutschland unter attraktivsten Standorten der Welt

29.Jun.2005 00:40) Italien: Umstrittene Justizreform im Senat verabschiedet

Date/Time: 06/29/2005 09:21:35
28. JUNI 2005

29.Jun.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Fallender Ölpreis beflügelt

29.Jun.2005 Frankreich und Italien: Hitzewelle schürt Angst

29.Jun.2005 Luxemburg: Parlamentarier verabschieden EU-Verfassung

29.Jun.2005 Grundsatzrede zum Irak: Bush will aus dem Umfrage-Tief

29.Jun.2005 Deutsche Bürger: Pleite wie nie zuvor

29.Jun.2005 Markenstreit: Jede Firma darf sich künftig "Post" nennen

29.Jun.2005 CDU-Bestechungsaffäre: Wie Pfahls versucht, seine Rolle runterzuspielen

29.Jun.2005 Nach dem P2P-Urteil: "Die Revolution ist nicht am Ende"

29.Jun.2005 Pfahls-Prozess: Schreiber meldet sich aus Kanada

29.Jun.2005 Vertrauensfrage: Im Schweinsgalopp aus dem Amt

29.Jun.2005 Folgenschwere Reform: Shell und Royal Dutch verschmelzen

29.Jun.2005 WorldCom-Prozess: Anklage fordert 85 Jahre Haft für Ebbers

29.Jun.2005 Finanzpolitik: Reichensteuer träfe mehr als 50.000 Bürger

29.Jun.2005 Vertrauensfrage: Müntefering bastelt an Schröders Niederlage

In beiden Fällen fiel die Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs mit der denkbar knappen Mehrheit von fünf zu vier Richterstimmen. Der Richter Antonin Scala schrieb ein bissiges Minderheitsvotum: "Was die Herrschaft des Rechts von der Diktatur der wechselnden Mehrheit im Obersten Gerichtshof unterscheidet, ist die unabdingbare Maßgabe, dass juristische Meinungen auf konsistent angewandten Prinzipien beruhen."
Richterin Sandra Day O'Connor hielt die religiösen Darstellungen in beiden Fällen für verfassungswidrig. In den USA sei Religion eine Sache des Einzelnen, damit habe das Land gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Dagegen gebe es andere Länder, die von religiöser Gewalt erfasst worden seien. Diejenigen, die die Grenzen von Staat und Kirche neu verhandeln wollen, müssten deshalb eine schwierige Frage beantworten: "Warum sollen wir ein funktionierendes System gegen ein anderes eintauschen, das anderen geschadet hat", sagte sie laut einem Bericht der "New York Times".
Der damalige Heimatschutzminister Tom Ridge verteidigte die CIA-Analyse, wenngleich sie "bizarr, unorthodox und beispiellos" gewesen sei. Die US-Regierung habe seinerzeit keine andere Wahl gehabt, als die vermuteten Terrorbotschaften ernst zu nehmen.
Wie der Nachrichtensender NBC meldete, seien CIA-Agenten Ende 2003 davon überzeugt gewesen, Zahlen im Nachrichtenlaufband von al-Dschasira enthielten Flugdaten, Anschlagsdaten und geografische Koordinaten für geplante Anschläge. Zu den von der CIA vermuteten Anschlagszielen hätten das Weiße Haus in Washington, das Hochhaus Space Needle in Seattle und sogar die Kleinstadt Tappahannock im Bundesstaat Virginia gehört.
In der Folge der CIA-Hinweise sei der Terroralarm nach Weihnachten 2003 von Stufe gelb auf orange erhöht und wochenlang so gehalten worden, berichtet NBC News.

USA CIA-Fehler löste Terror-Großalarm aus Der US-Geheimdienst CIA hat sich einen gigantischen Flopp geleistet: Weil Agenten geglaubt hatten, der Nachrichtensender al-Dschasira übertrage verschlüsselte Attentatspläne, lösten sie einen wochenlangen Terroralarm aus. Zahlreiche internationale Flüge wurden gestrichen.
Blick ins Innere: Himmelsscheibe von Nebra durchleuchtet

29.Jun.2005 Bestechungsprozess: Pfahls nahm von Schreiber Schmiergeld in bar

29.Jun.2005 Bau des Fusionsreaktors Iter: Jubel in Frankreich, Kritik von Umweltschützern

29.Jun.2005 USA: Kerry fordert von Bush klare Worte zum Irak

29.Jun.2005 USA: Oberster Gerichtshof zerstritten über Zehn Gebote

29.Jun.2005 Wahrnehmungspsychologie: Analphabet durch Hypnose

29.Jun.2005 Universitäten im Irak: Studieren im Schatten des Terrors

29.Jun.2005 Jubiläum: Briten feiern Trafalgar mit gigantischer Flottenparade

29.Jun.2005 Bestechungsprozess: Pfahls gesteht Annahme von Schmiergeldern

29.Jun.2005 Usbekistan: Anführer des Aufstandes prophezeit Bürgerkrieg

29.Jun.2005 Moorleiche von Uchte: Sumpf der Vampire

29.Jun.2005 Schwarz-Gelb: Glos kündigt neu ausgerichtete Außenpolitik an

29.Jun.2005 Stopp der Strukturreform: HSV-Mitglieder blamieren Vereinsführung

(Sport, Betriebssysteme: Weniger Windows fürs gleiche Geld
Betriebssysteme: Weniger Windows fürs gleiche Geld

29.Jun.2005 Abstimmung über Schröder: Müntefering sieht in Enthaltung einen Vertrauensbeweis

29.Jun.2005 Blutiger Protest: Dutzende Häftlinge schneiden sich Adern auf

29.Jun.2005 Space Shuttle: Nasa verfehlt Sicherheitsziele

29.Jun.2005 Beitragsnot: BfA sieht Rentenkasse vor dem Kollaps

29.Jun.2005 US-Umfragen: Bushs Popularität auf dem Tiefpunkt

29.Jun.2005 Unocal-Übernahme: Bush fordert Prüfung von chinesischer Offerte

29.Jun.2005 Studie: Jeder fünfte Gewerkschafter steht rechts

29.Jun.2005 Computersüchtige Kinder: Reset in Boltenhagen

29.Jun.2005 USA: CIA-Fehler löste Terror-Großalarm aus

29.Jun.2005 Milliardenprojekt: Fusionsreaktor Iter wird in Frankreich gebaut

29.Jun.2005 Strategien: Yahoo wird persönlich

29.Jun.2005 Anklage: "Ex-Staatssekretär Pfahls war bestechlich"

29.Jun.2005 Medien im Wandel: Der Rechner als Redakteur

29.Jun.2005 Pfahls-Prozess: War die Republik unter Kohl käuflich?

29.Jun.2005 Junge Juristen: Schneller, schlauer, sprachgewandter

29.Jun.2005 Schutzlos bei Schnupfen: Vitamin C hilft kaum gegen Erkältungen

29.Jun.2005 Bildrechte: Sophia Loren will nicht für Postfaschisten werben

29.Jun.2005 Kaufkrise: Neuwahlen verunsichern die Verbraucher

29.Jun.2005 Irak-Aufträge: Halliburton soll zu viel berechnet haben

29.Jun.2005 Flugzeugabsturz: Wal-Mart-Erbe verunglückt tödlich

29.Jun.2005 Spanien: Konservative verlieren in Galicien

29.Jun.2005 Höhere Mehrwertsteuer: Grüne Politiker stellen sich gegen Parteispitze

Date/Time: 06/29/2005 08:49:24
27. JUNI 2005

27.Jun.2005 US-Besuch: Schröder wirbt für Hedgefonds-Standards

27.Jun.2005 Vertrauensfrage: Müntefering regt Enthaltung der SPD-Abgeordneten an

27.Jun.2005 USA-Besuch: Schröder fordert im Oval Office deutsche Rechte ein

27.Jun.2005 Vertrauensfrage: SPD-Abgeordnete sollen sich enthalten

27.Jun.2005 Rekordjagd: Ölpreis nähert sich der 61-Dollar-Marke

27.Jun.2005 Expansion: Inder kaufen deutsche Pharma-Firma

27.Jun.2005 Sozialdemokratie: SPD-Mann Maurer wechselt zur WASG

27.Jun.2005 Telegate: Streit um Telekom-"Mondpreise" eskaliert

27.Jun.2005 Krise bei Morgan Stanley: "Mackie Messers" Comeback

27.Jun.2005 Lafontaine-Lesung: Roter Tribun im "Schwarzen Bock"

27.Jun.2005 Berlin: Mann geht mit Kettensäge auf Passantin los

27.Jun.2005 Vereinte Nationen: Bush lehnt deutschen Sitz im Sicherheitsrat nicht mehr generell ab

27.Jun.2005 Vereinte Nationen: Bush lehnt deutschen Sitz im Sicherheitsrat nicht mehr generell ab

A Clear Skies Smokescreen Frank O'Donnell explains how Bush's allies are trying to force the polluter-friendly Clear Skies Act through the Senate.
29.Jun.2005 Search Results from

PBS: Public Or Pravda? What North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan revealed yesterday on the Senate floor will offend anyone who values a free press.
June 21, 2005 11:32 AM Two weeks before Jeb Bush announced his candidacy for governor, the Bush administration offered to overpay a Florida developer three times the value of his Everglades swampland.
June 8, 2005 05:23 PM

The Media's Social Security Deception What the media's mea culpa on their failure to accurately cover Social Security might look like.
May 18, 2005 09:30 AM

Bush Appointees Eye Programming At NPR
Bush Appointees Eye Programming At NPR --> May 16, 2005 11:43 AM

Promoting Partisanship The Democrats could stand to be far more partisan than they have been. After all, there's no one called "The Hammer" on their side of the aisle.
April 28, 2005 09:11 AM

A Clear Skies Smokescreen Frank O'Donnell explains how Bush's allies are trying to force the polluter-friendly Clear Skies Act through the Senate.
March 7, 2005 10:45 AM

28.Jun.2005 Nailing it A philosopher named Peter Ludlow has put together 95 Theses on the Religious Right. As Martin Luther indicted the institutional corruption of the medieval Catholic church, Ludlow offers a list of unanswerable charges against Southern Baptist fundies who learned their false faith by way of the cathode ray tube.
If you have any arrogant fundamentalist relatives who keep attempting to launder you in the blood of the lamb, send 'em a copy of Ludlow's list. Maybe they'll see that they could use a good cleaning themselves.

29.Jun.2005 Unfortunately, not enough people are aware that these documents even exist.
That's why Conyers intends to hold
"town hall meetings" on this issue across the country. For updates on when and where, keep checking Conyers' blog. Another "must-click" site is AfterDowningStreet, which should keep readers up to date.
As Brad Friedman notes:
We are told that "at least" 10 U.S. Congressional Members will be holding these Town Hall Meetings, and that -- unlike Bush and Cheney's phony Town Hall Meetings -- the forums will actually be open to the public for discussion. No loyalty pledges to be required before attending.
29.Jun.2005 Sloan does not mention the fact that Costello himself had profound connections to the CIA. A brief summary of the origins of this relationship can be found
The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), the CIA's parent and sister organizations, cultivate relations with the leaders of the Italian Mafia, recruiting heavily from the New York and Chicago underworlds, whose members, including Charles 'Lucky' Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joe Adonis + Frank Costello, help the agencies keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Domestically, the aim is to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports, while in Italy the goal is to gain intelligence on Sicily prior to the allied invasions and to suppress the burgeoning Italian Communist Party. The CIA also formed alliances with Asian gangsters involved with the heroin trade. Costello became one of the primary distributors of this product in the United States.
Although some argue that the CIA did not renew its mafia linkages until the assaults of Cuba, evidence indicates that Costello maintained an ongoing relationship with the CIA throughout the 1950s. URL:
29.Jun.2005 After being graduated from MIT at the age of 19, the brilliant young Generoso Pope joined the CIA circa 1950, operating (by his own later admission) as a specialist in psychological warfare. This period marked the beginning of the CIA's efforts to alter the perception and behavior of groups and individuals -- Projects Artichoke, Bluebird, MKULTRA and so forth.
This was also the period when the CIA funded much American sociological research, as documented in Christopher Simpson's invaluable study,
Science of Coercion: Communication Research and Psychological Warfare 1945-1960. The Company's goal was to develop ways to alter the political and social beliefs of large populations.
29.Jun.2005 Bush is giving a major address at 8:00 tonight, in front of a group of military personnel assembled at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Yet, in an astonishing divergence from the known laws of time and space,
CBS News has already published an "after the fact" report on Bush's speech. CBS has even provided the Democratic response. Apparently, this "wrap up" piece made its appearance a couple of hours ago.

28.Jun.2005 mp3:
Speaking with Vladimir Godar about live...

28.Jun.2005 Apocalypse soon - Orient Express During a later brief interview, Timmerman clarified his war prediction by saying that ... of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ) ...

Apocalypse soon - Orient Express Durante una breve intervista fatta in seguito, Timmerman ha chiarito la sua ... dell'Istituto Ebraico per gli Affari della Sicurezza Nazionale ( JINSA ) ...

Letters74 The current chairman + CEO of JINSA is David P. Steinmann,.. Other JINSA directors include Steven Bryen, Richard Perle, James Woolsey + Ken Timmerman ...

Giornalista prevede scontri tra l'Irak e gli USA, tra la Siria e ... ad un passo dalla capacità di produrre armi nucleari, ha aggiunto Timmerman . durante una breve intervista fatta in seguito, Timmerman ha chiarito la sua

Aktuelle Nachrichten, Archiv: LaRouche über den kommenden ... Durch JINSA und die FDI hat Timmerman enge Beziehungen zu Cheneys Kreisen. Neben ihm sind Perle, Ledeen und Woolsey Mitglieder des JINSA -Beirats ...

2004090204_Sep_2004 Ledeen+Perle, Richard + Timmerman , Kenneth + Mylroie, Laurie are equally hysterical ... Here is the URL for the 'Men from JINSA and CSP' article (notice the ...

News 9 1998 ... Edward Shirley, Kenneth R. Timmerman ; Interview: Abdullah Ocalan,.. JINSA has detailed information on Middle East strategic and military issues,..

Press release June 3, 1997 FDI's Executive Director, Kenneth R. Timmerman , called the meeting "historic ... of Directors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ),..

Back Issues of The Iran Brief by Kenneth R. Timmerman . Click here to read biographical information ... The JINSA connection... European Defense Associates...'I'm the fixer' ...

The Center for Security Policy JINSA Report, 03 January 2002 Russia and China deploying new strategic nuclear ... Timmerman Offers Fresh Evidence That DOE's Front Office Needs to be ...

Yasser Arafat's Stolen Billions — The Henry Jackson Society Kenneth Timmerman and others have revealed how Hassib Sabbagh helped Saddam ... https://www. jinsa .org/articles/articles.htmlfunction/view/categoryid/168/...

National Iranian American Council - NIAC - Washington DC ... Ledeen and Kenneth Timmerman + Iranian opposition members such as Manda Zand,.. and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ) ...

Superb Chronology Of The Israeli Pentagon Spy Case The Crimes Of ... Institute and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA )--was passing ... Kenneth Timmerman and Laurie Mylroie, are equally hysterical,..

The Crimes of Iran-ContraHave Never Ended ... Institute and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA )—was passing ... Kenneth Timmerman and Laurie Mylroie, are equally hysterical,..

Iraq News ' Jinsa's [Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs] position ... The publisher of the Iran Brief, Kenneth Timmerman , said Mr. Chalabi was also trying ...

Archived Worthwhile Reading JINSA , August 30, 2002 If Churchill were alive today, he would strike at Saddam ... By Kenneth R. Timmerman , The Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2002 ...

Solomonia ... Jewish Comment, Jewish Grassroots, Jewish World Review, Jewsweek, JINSA ... After reading Kenneth Timmerman's condemnation of France's $100 billion ...

April 2004 THINK-ISRAEL Blog Ed Page Yee, Dafna COLIN POWELL'S ... Timmerman , Kenneth R. INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: DOCUMENTS PROVE UN OIL ... JINSA A SMALL STORY 22apr04 Ben-Ariel, David FROM TOLEDO TO JERUSALEM 21apr04 ...

Think-Israel The JINSA Reports are published by the Jewish Institute for National ... (Kenneth R. Timmerman , PREACHERS OF HATE: Islam and the War on America, 2003) ...

FORWARD : back issues Torricelli and Timmerman . ARTS & LETTERS ... Russian Armies Pose Danger, Jinsa Warns EDITORIALS Superpower Test Wrong Fall Guy. ARTS & LETTERS ...

RAYS OF HOPE The Silent Jew- An Open Letter by Rabbi Joel Timmerman ... The Men From JINSA and CSP (The Nation) Spinners are now out of control ...

JR Interesting Articles 2002, 3 kb, JINSA Report. Arafat's Implausible Denials - Jan ... (10/98), 6 kb, by Kenneth R. Timmerman . The Temple Mount (10/98), 4 kb, by Laurence Becker ...

áÇÑæÔ Ãæá ãä ßÔÝ ÌæÇÓíÓ ÅÓÑÇÆíá ... ÅäÊÑÈÑÇíÒ ÅäÓÊíÊíæÊ æÇáãÚåÏ ÇáíåæÏí áÔÄæä ÇáÃãä ÇáÞæãí ( JINSA )¡ ßÇä íãÑÑ ... (Richard Perle) æßíäíË ÊíãíÑãÇä (Kenneth Timmerman ) æáæÑí ãíáÑæí (Laurie ...

Children of Satan II Children of Satan II - View as HTML More recently, Kenneth Timmerman , a neo-. con propagandist, issued a second hysterical shriek ... who was among the JINSA recruits who played a pivotal ...

Solomonia dot com ... Jewish Comment, Jewish Grassroots, Jewish World Review, Jewsweek, JINSA ... Washington Times: Fake election, real threats by Kenneth R. Timmerman ... 150 ]

Zürcher Beiträge - View as HTML Kenneth R. Timmerman , “Iranian Government Involved ‘At The Highest Level,’ ...“IDF Seizes Bomb Making Supply Ship Headed for Gaza,” JINSA Online, ?? ...

From Gormann-Thelen at d... Tue Apr 4 06:53:00 2000 From: Gormann ... A dear friend Ken Timmerman , an editor of Reader's Digest, writer for American Spectator and a member of JINSA (Isreal-Jewish Security Organization) ...

911 Skeptics Unite ... AIPAC, PNAC, IASPS, JINSA , F. Michael Maloof, David Wurmser, Bill Luti, Naor Gilon,.. Bill Brunner, Kenneth Timmerman , Laurie Mylroie, not even Donald ...

Whiskey Bar: BYOB According to JINSA . US Intelligence Tracked Iraqi WMD Convoys to Lebanon ... which Kenneth R. Timmerman wrote that convoys of Iraqi water tankers carrying ...

Zürcher Beiträge “IDF Seizes Bomb Making Supply Ship Headed for Gaza,” JINSA Online, ?? ... Kenneth R. Timmerman , “A Reformer Without Results: Iran’s Khatami ...

Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men - View as HTML Timmerman , a neo-con propagandist, issued a second hys-. terical shriek against LaRouche’s ... was among the JINSA recruits who played a pivotal role in the ...

Definition of J JINSA . JINTACCS. JIT. JIT (business). JIT (computing). JIT compiler ... Jacobo Timmerman . Jacobs, Wisconsin. Jacobs Field. Jacobson's organ ...

Free Thoughts Kenneth Timmerman Kenya Human Rights Commission Kesher Talk ... book "Profiles in Terror" is due out in September from Rowman & Littlefield — JINSA Press ...

Lexicon Jazz (dance move), Jitterbug, Jacobo Timmerman . Jack Straw, John Stamos, Joan Littlewood ... JINSA , Johann Lorenz von Mosheim, John Scofield ...

J J&j J'Arrive J'arrive J'attendrai J'nanin J'nanin (Myst) J'onn J ...... JICA JID JIDM JIKC JIMBO WALES JIMO JINI JINSA JINTACCS JIRA JIRA (software) JIRC ... Jacobo Timerman Jacobo Timmerman Jacobo Zabludovsky Jacobs Jacobs,..

WERE MOSAAD & JINSA RESPONSIBLE FOR ATTACK ON TWA 800? ... So JINSA official Timmerman knew in advance of this attack on an American passenger plane - this should definitely be investigated ...;read=39835

Iran responsible for TWA 800 tragedy? ... As Timmerman allowed, "Maybe they did take my warnings seriously." ... Questionnairy -- Saturday, 15 November 2003, 12:20 pm WERE MOSAAD & JINSA RESPONSIBLE FOR ...;read=39823 ] War Without End :: View topic - Why is Cheney on JINSA board? .. ENDORSEMENTS, SUPPORTERS + AWARDS The JINSA Board of Advisers consists of John Bolton M. Gen ... B. Kauderer USN (Ret.) Kenneth R. Timmerman Lt. Gen ...

JINSA Online -- This Goes Beyond Bin Laden ... We in JINSA trust that our government and our people will make them regret that day ... 80 Striking Back (08-26-1998); Kenneth Timmerman authors Who Bombed the ... - The French Betrayal of America (589962) - Read ... Kenneth Timmerman is also known for collaborating with JINSA , the Middle East Defence News + the Foundation for Democracy in Iraq ... - re: The French Betrayal of America (590866) ... What truths it chooses to selectively disseminate about Timmerman , however, is. JINSA , the Middle East Defence News + the Foundation for Democracy in Iraq ... ] Reporter predicts Iraq-US,.. Timmerman's talk was sponsored by Los Angeles supporters of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ). The Washington ...

[CTRL] Zionist Lobby Mobilizes to Bury Story of Israeli Spying ... of Sears Roebuck. Other JINSA directors include Steven Bryen, Richard Perle, James Woolsey + Ken Timmerman . On Dec. 12 and 13 ...

[CTRL] Reporter predicts Iraq-US, Syria-Israel showdowns File Format: Unrecognized - View as HTML ... Timmerman's talk was sponsored by Los Angeles supporters of the Jewish. Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ). The Washington-based ...

Site de l'UPJF - Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ... JINSA The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA : is a ...

Site de l'UPJF - Washington Institute for Near East Policy ... by individuals linked to more monolithically neo-conservative and hawkish think tanks like the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ) and the ... ]

Kerry-Edwards Online Forum ... The "rabid" group you are talking about is called JINSA ... Ted stroup, USA (Ret.) Maj. Gen. Larry Taylor, USMCR (Ret.) Kenneth Timmerman Jacques Torczyner Adm ...

News & Views, Politics and Military Analysis from Jerusalem ... Arafat Murdered US Diplomats. Kenneth Timmerman October 3, 2004. For many years I have contended that the US State Department was ...

Senator Brownback Announces Iran Democracy Act With Iranian Exiles ... policy community such as Michael Ledeen + Kenneth Timmerman , and Iranian ... Committee (AIPAC) + the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ) ...

FSS-Mar25-01 ... weapons. Timmerman's talk was sponsored by Los Angeles supporters of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ). The ...

Yahoo! Groups : LLNews2 Messages : Message 33 of 450 ... well known lackey of the Jewish Institute > for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ), to govern ... April 08, 2003 3:34 PM Subject: Rabbi Joel Timmerman writes: This ...

Neotraffic: kenneth timmerman ... JINSA Online -- Kenneth Timmerman authors Who Bombed the Embassies? ... Kenneth Timmerman authors Who Bombed the Embassies? ...

FrontPage :: We are all Jews by James Woolsey ... For a while I would just say, "No, Presbyterian,‘ but I’ve started saying instead, ’Well, I anchor the Presbyterian wing of JINSA (the Jewish Institute ...

Bush Selects Zionist US General Jay Gardner To Run Iraq : sf-imc ... Based on JINSA's past alliance with AIPAC and their mutual advocacy of ... Stephen Solarz Major General Larry Taylor, USMCR* Kenneth Timmerman Jacques Torczyner Adm ...

Keyword ... Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ) ^ | Jessica Altschul JINSA Online, August ... views ^ | 4/26/04 | Kenneth R. Timmerman On Dec ...

Perle's Connection to Global Crossing ... Perle Interesting, Perle and Timmerman sat/(sit?) on a defense issues board, JINSA together + Perle had some nice things to say on Timmerman's website ...

Piscatorial Pursuits' Outdoor Forums: Even his hair stylist is ... So Mr. Timmerman is objective unbiased source? Isn't he a Jinsa member/contributor? I thought he was still a contributing editor for Readers Digest ...;f=15;t=000370

Superb Chronology Of The Israeli Pentagon Spy Case The Crimes Of ... and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA )--was passing ... government, including Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, Kenneth Timmerman and Laurie ... It is included because it clearly outlines the problems in the Timmerman letter and ... include the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ), the Anti ...

The Crimes of Iran-Contra :: Outsourcing News :: OpenOutsource ... and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA )-was passing ... of government, including Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, Kenneth Timmerman and Laurie ...

Iraq Wiredbrain's Synergy group ... Dr. Michael Ledeen, a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Addressing the JINSA Policy Forum ... Kenneth Timmerman . Jacques Torczyner. Adm ...

Analyse Technique - Signes/arrivée possible d'une dictature aux ... Donald "Tim" Timmerman , a 36 year old resident of Eppington Drive, to the south ... com/stories/2002/09/04/september11/main520830.shtml 2) JINSA Online, September ...

PLAIN TALK 279 BY LEONARD HORWIN ... Talbott: Russia's Man in Washington" (American Spectator 4/98 p.36), Kenneth Timmerman , states: "Talbott's ... 9 "The Next Phase in the Balkans", JINSA Report 6/4 ...

War Without End :: View topic - I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT FOR THE ... its wars with various Arab entities--essentially an echo of JINSA's stated position ... an excellent book published 11 years ago by Kenneth R Timmerman , The Death ...

Dar al Harb ... with the Pentagon's pesky objections"

The Smirking Chimp ... a "Thinktank" with a similar membership: JINSA https://www. jinsa .org/home ... USA (Ret.) Major General Larry Taylor, USMCR* Kenneth Timmerman Jacques Torczyner Adm ...

The Center for Security Policy ... 28 June 2002 Rumsfeld demands China reciprocity Kenneth R. Timmerman , Insight, 24 ... JINSA Report, 03 January 2002 War does not curtail the growing Russia-China ...

Israel Drafting 'Alternative' To Peace Plan : Vancouver Indymedia ... April. The Silent Jew Rabbi Timmerman 2003-04-05 11:18:26 A much smaller %age of ... the general's past roles as one of the key leaders of JINSA and longtime ...

28.Jun.2005 "Censoring the Internet in Thailand" by Jeffrey Race Overview and technical analysis of internet censorship measures in Thailand as of January 2004.

28.Jun.2005 Vive le Canada - Defending Lockheed Donate now! Vive le Our Country, Our Voice english /français. Submit . Links . Polls . Calendar . About . mailing lists . Forum . FAQ ...
Risques majeurs : Séismes, Volcans, Tsunami - Major Risks ...Saint Louis University Seismological Society of America Southern California Earthquake Center ... UC Santa Barbara Institute for Crustal Studies ...

28.Jun.2005 1. Tesla's automobile This antenna apparently had the same function as that on the Moray convertor (see chapter on Radiant Energy). Furthermore, two thick rods protruded ...

[Found on Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves] 2. Natural Health Products to enhance your energy health and vitality ...

In the case of the Moray convertor, it is greater than 10000%. He stated it would be easy to provide "Unlimited free energy at the doorstep of ...  

[Found on Google] 3. 2004090204_Sep_2004 1.8 metres long, came out of the convertor. This antenna apparently had the same function as that on the Moray convertor (see chapter on...

[Found on Ask Jeeves] 4. nicola tesla's automobile at Conspiracy Debate Forum 1.8 metres long, came out of the convertor. This antenna apparently had the same function as that on the Moray convertor (see chapter on...   [Found on Ask Jeeves]

Wenn sich das Pendlerfernsehen durchsetzen sollte, könnte es sich als Geldmaschine erweisen: Geschätzte 400 Millionen Kunden hat der chinesische Mobilfunktmarkt vorzuweisen. Schon jetzt versuchen zahlreiche Anbieter, ein Stück von diesem Kuchen abzuschneiden, etwa mit Sport- und Börsennachrichten fürs Handy. Vergangene Woche wurde ein Vertragsabschluss zwischen Warner Bros. und einem chinesischen Onlinedienst bekannt - gemeinsam will man Spiele und Animationsfilme auf die Telefone ins Reich der Mitte bringen.
"Schwierige schauspielerische Aufgabe"

28.Jun.2005 Die Top100 Literatur-Seiten im Netz [Anti-Cheating Gateway] - Sie kommen gerade von https://www.anti-literatur.De ...
Using Contextual Logic Programming for Temporal Reasoning Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Christian S. Jensen, Wolfgang Kafer , Nick Kline, Kr-. ishna Kulkarni, TY Cliff Leung, Nikos Lorentzos, John F. Roddick, Arie Segev,..

But bush did.
Saddam targeted extremist Shite al-Sadr & his militia
So did bush. /
Saddam wouldn't let human rights groups into all prisons;
Neither will bush.
Rights Groups Demand That US Open All Detention Facilities
Officer Says Army Tried to Curb Red Cross Visits to Prison in Iraq
War Crimes: Gen. Sanchez Hid Prisoner From Red Cross
Saddam arbitrarily arrested Iraqis; tortured Iraqis;
So does bush.
70% to 90% of Iraq Prisoners 'Arrested by Mistake'
Detainees Suffer Terror at US Hands; Red Cross Says Torture Part of Deliberate Tactic
Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era,0,5477828.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Saddam arrested and tortured children;
So does bush.
Military Analyst Describes Abuse of 16-Year-Old in Iraq Prison
Iraq's child prisoners
*And wait until the so-far unreleased batch of Abu Ghraib photos and videos are made public. Be sure to cover your ears; the screaming of the children tortured by the US will scar your soul forever.
Saddam "disappeared" Iraqis;
So does bush.
Hussein "mass-graved thousands" (5100 remains found to date);
So does bush.
Mass graves to reveal Iraq war toll,2763,1021466,00.html
But BUSH is the winner of record number of Abu Ghraib detainees;
BUSH is the winner for double the child malnutrition rate
BUSH is the winner for Iraqis 58 times more likely to die
BUSH is the winner for less oil & electricity
BUSH is the winner for less clean drinking water, sanitation
BUSH is the winner for creating terrorists in Iraq
BUSH is the winner for creating terrorists outside Iraq
Into the third year of American "superiority", Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam
bush wins.

This report was researched and prepared by LynnTheDem
28.Jun.2005 In case you missed it:
The road to Baghdad was paved by 'Scoop' Jackson: Overseeing the CIA's "black budget", he was one of a handful of senators who gave a nod to two U.S.-backed coups in Iraq,

one in 1963 + again in 1968.

Those plots brought Saddam Hussein to power amid bloodbaths in which the CIA, exacting the price for its support, handed Saddam and his Baath Party cohorts lists of supposed anti-U.S. Iraqis to be killed

28.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal: International lawyers and anti-war campaigners reacted with astonishment yesterday after the influential Pentagon hawk Richard Perle conceded that the invasion of Iraq had been illegal.

28.Jun.2005 Censorship: So the American government is pressuring foreign countries to censor their news. Aside from the fact that this act is the height of arrogance by the United States, it makes it exceedingly clear why so many Americans who rely on the corporate media for their news continue to be so misinformed/un-informed about the goings on in Iraq.

28.Jun.2005 World Tribunal On Iraq: Opening Speech Arundhati Roy : Saddam Hussein is being tried as a war criminal even as we speak. But what about those who helped to install him in power, who armed him, who supported him - and who are now setting up a tribunal to try him and absolve themselves completely?

28.Jun.2005 What Do the American People Know and When Did They Know It?: A profound sense of disappointment with the American people greeted me here in Istanbul where the final session of the World Tribunal on Iraq, investigating and documenting war crimes in Iraq, modeled on the Bertrand Russell Vietnam War Tribunal of 1967, is convening.

28.Jun.2005 28.Jun.2005 Americans go from delusion to denial to depression : The majority of Americans has gone from delusion to denial to the awareness, now just dawning, that they were misled and that the war is a tragic mistake.

28.Jun.2005 Pepe Escobar ; The first, not the last throes "The insurgency in Iraq is in its last throes." Vice President Dick Cheney, in May : Even the Central Intelligence Agency now admits that Iraq is the new Afghanistan - breeding a new, lethal generation of jihadis. Iraq has also been the new Vietnam since the day the resistance was born, April 18, 2003, in front of the Abu Hanifa mosque in Baghdad.

28.Jun.2005 28.Jun.2005 Israeli /AIPAC Spy Affair: Something is bothering the FBI : It is a mistake to think the FBI has concluded its investigations after indictments were served against Pentagon employee Lawrence Franklin for leaking classified security material to people close to Israel.

28.Jun.2005 UN Envoy Calls for Release of Former Haitian Prime Minister : The U.N. special envoy to Haiti has called on Haitian authorities to release former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, jailed for a year without trial for allegedly masterminding the killings of political opponents in 2004.

28.Jun.2005 Noriega's attack's on Aristide: We Haitian pro-democracy, peace and justice advocates demand an apology and request that the Bush Administration not only censure Mr. Noreiga for his unfounded statements but demand his immediate resignation.

28.Jun.2005 Tsunami aid 'went to the richest' : Six months after the Asian tsunami, a leading international charity says the poorest victims have benefited the least from the massive relief effort.

28.Jun.2005 House Cuts Labor Programs : Funding for job training, rural health care, low-income schools and help for people lacking health insurance would face big cuts under a bill passed Friday by the House

28.Jun.2005 Taiwan Reimposes Ban on U.S. Beef Imports: Taiwan on Saturday reimposed a ban on imports of American beef after the United States confirmed its second case of mad cow disease. Chen Lu-hung of the Heath Department's Food Control Section said the ban would take effect immediately.

28.Jun.2005 Monsanto corn study raises safety questions: According to the study, rats that were fed MON 863 had smaller kidneys and elevated levels of white blood cells and lymphocytes compared to those that were fed conventional corn. In the United States and Canada, farmers have been growing MON 863 corn since 2003.

28.Jun.2005 The Economist: The Global Housing Boom : "The worldwide rise in house prices is the biggest bubble in history. Prepare for the economic pain when it pops "

28.Jun.2005 Getting driver's license could take days : New anti-terror law may affect time, cost

28.Jun.2005 .S. bars Spanish bid to question a Qaeda suspect : The Bush administration has refused to allow the Spanish authorities to interview a man accused of being a Qaeda operative whose testimony could be crucial to the prosecution of two men on trial here charged with helping to plan the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Spanish officials say.

28.Jun.2005 Italy charges CIA agents in abduction case : In rare act by ally, officials seek arrests of U.S. agents in kidnapping of imam who allegedly was tortured in Egypt

28.Jun.2005 Tehran mayor wins Iranian presidential runoff: The ultraconservative Tehran mayor won Iran's presidential runoff, the Interior Ministry announced today — a stunning upset by a man reformers fear will take Iran back to the restrictions of the Islamic Revolution.

28.Jun.2005 Why did Iran elect Ahmadinejad?

28.Jun.2005 Iraq: The carve-up begins : As the costs of the Iraq occupation spiral, British and American oil companies meet in secret next week to carve up the country's oil reserves for themselves. Tom Burgis reports

28.Jun.2005 US caused more deaths in Iraq than Saddam, says anti-war tribunal : The World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI), a grouping of NGOs, intellectuals and writers opposed to the war in Iraq, on Friday accused the United States of causing more deaths in Iraq than ousted president Saddam Hussein.

28.Jun.2005 Iraqi oil workers lament lack of jobs : "We believe American forces must withdraw immediately," Al Asade said outside the Port's Terminal 6. "We want to rebuild our country as Iraqis."

28.Jun.2005 Iraq's power struggle as supplies falter : Speak to any Iraqi and they will tell you their standard of living has not improved since the toppling of Saddam Hussein two years ago. Many will tell you it has got worse.

28.Jun.2005 Republicans join critics of war in Iraq : In a worrying sign for the White House, which has tended to paint war critics as unpatriotic, Republican senators appear less reluctant to raise concerns about the way the administration is running the campaign in Iraq.

28.Jun.2005 America turns on Bush over Iraq: Three in five want troops out as President vows to stay

28.Jun.2005 Other Nations Uncivilized, Says Cheney : ``There isn't any other nation in the world that would treat people who were determined to kill Americans the way we're treating these people.''

28.Jun.2005 Cheney Checks Into Vail Hospital... : Vice President Dick Cheney was taken to the cardiac unit of the Vail Valley Medical Center Friday.

28.Jun.2005 Rape earns dubious distinction as a weapon of war : According to a report prepared by the International Committee of the Red Cross, titled "Women and War" and based on two years of research from 1998 to 1999, approximately 80 % of war victims are women and children.

28.Jun.2005 No sign of Taliban commanders as Afghan offensive winds down : A group of top Taliban commanders appeared to have slipped the net as Afghan and US forces wrapped up one of the bloodiest offensives since the fall of the regime.

28.Jun.2005 America's neo-conservative world supremacists will fail : Current US megalomania is rooted in the Puritan colonists' certainties

28.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Noam Chomsky: Propaganda and War: Iraq and Beyond: Audio lecture

28.Jun.2005 Talabani rules out Kurdish independence as ‘unrealistic’: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani dismissed as “unrealistic” aspirations by Iraqi Kurds for independence in their northern enclave and urged Turkey to set aside its doubts and give backing to Kurds in the war-torn country.

28.Jun.2005 CIA Abducts Muslim, Spends $100,000 in Luxury Hotels : Nasr was kidnapped just after noon by eight U.S. operatives as he was walking from his house to a nearby mosque to pray. He was bundled into a van and taken to Aviano Air Base, a joint Italian-U.S. military installation. Hours later, he was put on a Learjet to Ramstein Air Base in Germany, where he was transferred to another airplane, which took him to Cairo, the documents show.”

28.Jun.2005 Russia 'targets terrorists abroad': Mikhailov, on a visit to the Volga region town of Engels, said Russia's need to strike terrorist bases abroad was linked to aspects of U.S. foreign policy, but did not go into details.

28.Jun.2005 Students quit over anti-American slurs : AMERICAN students are quitting Queensland universities in the face of hate attacks by Australians angry at US President George W. Bush and the war in Iraq

28.Jun.2005 Bush administration officials join ranks of tyranny : It comes through creating legal nonpersons of citizens and noncitizens alike. It comes through violating human rights standards, sanitizing torture + condoning murder. 

28.Jun.2005 US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan - UN:  Washington has, for the first time, acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said.

28.Jun.2005 U.S. doctors linked to POW ` torture' : Such tactics are considered torture by many authorities, the authors note.

28.Jun.2005 Voluntary Amnesia in the Service of War: While American viewers, listeners and readers are apt to be aware that in 1979 some radical Iranians took American diplomats hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held them for more than a year -- other historical facts tend to be hazy or entirely absent.

28.Jun.2005 “Good night America, how are you?”:  I for one will not stand idly by and watch it all brought to its knees in the gutless coup our current “leadership” and their treasonous puppeteers are attempting. Will you?

28.Jun.2005 Australian 'failed' by US military justice: Attorney-General Philip Ruddock has asked for a full report into the outcome of a US military trial of two Marines accused of a brutal attack last year on a young Australian in a Townsville nightclub. The American military court which heard the case dropped charges against one Marine and acquitted the other earlier this month.

28.Jun.2005 Italy angry over U.S. tactics used in spy investigation: The United States has allowed the CIA to pursue a policy of renditions — abducting terror suspects from foreign countries and taking them to third countries that are known to use torture.

28.Jun.2005 In a world gone crazy: Bush says U.S. seeks to eliminate torture worldwide: President Bush, whose administration has been hit by accusations of prisoner abuse, said on Sunday that the United States was committed to the elimination of torture worldwide.

28.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Bush Signed Secret Executive Order Approving Torture: According to agents of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, President George W. Bush has signed a secret executive order approving the use of torture against prisoners captured in his "war on terror".

28.Jun.2005 Riot Police Encircle Anti-Torture Protesters and Beat Back Those Trying to Break Through: Riot police in front of Egypt's state security building on Sunday encircled a group of protesters demanding the trial of security officers accused of torture, beating demonstrators who tried to break through.

28.Jun.2005 Groups: U.S. Misuses Material Witness Law : The Bush administration has misused a federal law to detain at least 70 terrorism suspects since the Sept. 11 attacks, two advocacy groups contend.

28.Jun.2005 Scores of Muslim Men Jailed Without Charge : Operating behind a wall of secrecy, the U.S. Department of Justice thrust scores of Muslim men living in the United States into a Kafkaesque world of indefinite detention without charge and baseless accusations of terrorist links, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a report released today.

28.Jun.2005 A Glide Path to Ruin: "I think the greatest threat to our future is our fiscal irresponsibility," warns David Walker, the comptroller general of the United States. Mr. Walker, an accountant by training, asserts that last year may have been the most fiscally reckless in the history of our Republic.

28.Jun.2005 Groups Buck White House on Bolton: The White House began pressing Jewish organizations to issue public endorsements of the Bolton nomination, which has met strong opposition from Democrats.

28.Jun.2005 Tony Blair’s son to intern with Republicans: Euan, 21, will spend three months working with a committee which determines how U.S. legislation is considered in the lower chamber of Congress.

28.Jun.2005 Jordan axes Saddam's new novel "Get out of here, curse you!": Under Jordanian law, the department has authority to censor books published in Jordan, a close U.S. ally.

28.Jun.2005 State Guard forms anti-terrorism intelligence unit: Although Guard officials said the new unit would not collect information on American citizens, top National Guard officials have already been involved in tracking at least one

recent Mother's Day anti-war rally organized by families of slain American soldiers

28.Jun.2005 Crude Oil Rises to New Record of $60.46 on Supply Concerns: Crude oil prices jumped to a new high of $60.46 in Asian trading Monday amid concerns that supplies would not meet demand, especially in the United States, the world's largest energy consumer.

28.Jun.2005 28.Jun.2005 Bowing to U.S. pressure, Israel to curb arms deals : Ariel Sharon and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz last week agreed to comply with the Americans' demands regarding the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) deal with China and changes in the supervision of Israel's arms exports.

28.Jun.2005 Israel apologises for NZ passport fraud: New Zealand arrested two men - Uri Kelman and Eli Cara - in March 2004, who it said were working on behalf of an Israeli intelligence agency.

28.Jun.2005 Apology proves spies were in NZ: Clark: Israel's apology for two of its citizens who illegally obtained New Zealand passports is proof the pair were secret agents, Prime Minister Helen Clark said.

28.Jun.2005 Saudi /American held for attempting to kill Bush : Amnesty International said U.S. authorities arrested a Saudi on charges of attempting to assassinate President George W. Bush.

28.Jun.2005 In Iran, It's Jobs, Not Bombs: The US may view Iran's presidential election through the lens of the nuclear threat. But that's not how Iranians see it.

28.Jun.2005 U.S. Plans New Tool to Halt Spread Of Weapons: The Bush administration is planning new measures that would target the U.S. assets of anyone conducting business with a handful of Iranian, North Korean and Syrian companies believed by Washington to be involved in weapons programs, U.S. officials said yesterday.

28.Jun.2005 Israel angry with Iran's growing regional influence - spokesman: Tehran, 26 June: Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said here Sunday [26 June] the Zionist regime is furious with Iran's growing development, economic growth and influence on regional and Muslim states.

28.Jun.2005 Bush warns Blair he must boost UK forces : Tony Blair was warned that war-torn Iraq remains on the brink of disaster - more than two years after the removal of Saddam Hussein - during his summit with President Bush in Washington earlier this month.

28.Jun.2005 How the leaked documents questioning war emerged from 'Britain's Deep Throat': It started with a phone call and has now swept across America: Michael Smith tells the tale of his ‘Downing Street memo’ scoop

28.Jun.2005 Daniel Patrick Welch: Is Gotham Worth Saving?: Parallels to Bush's America are unmistakable. With control over all three branches of government, a compliant, sycophant press, and Americans too scared, dumb or oblivious to think, the Bush cartel would seem poised to build its house of cards as high as the heavens.

28.Jun.2005 More Evidence Indicts U.S. : New evidence on U.S. war crimes and violations of international law was presented at the concluding session of the World Tribunal on Iraq at hearings in Istanbul Sunday.

28.Jun.2005 Jason Miller : Murder in the Abstract is Still Iniquitous : Karl Rove, Bush's master propagandist whom Bush affectionately refers to as "Turd Blossom", rivals the genius of Joseph Goebbels in his ability to manipulate the masses. Preying on the average American's relative ignorance about other cultures and societies, Rove whipped the US populace into a frenzy of fear and lust for revenge after 9/11.

28.Jun.2005 28.Jun.2005 A letter from an Iraqi citizen to the American people : You picked up weapons against the occupiers until you forced him to go out of your state which was a great victory for you.

28.Jun.2005 U.S. says Iraqis may fight rebels for years: U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Sunday that American forces would not defeat Iraq's rebels but would make way for Iraqis to put down an insurgency that could go on for a decade or more.

28.Jun.2005 Bush asks US: stay with me on Iraq : As casualties and criticism mount, the President warns of more violence ahead and pleads for 'resolve and faith'

28.Jun.2005 The tipping point  : US public opinion on the Iraq war dips with every dead soldier + plummets at the first sniff of defeat 

28.Jun.2005 General admits to secret air war: Moseley told the briefing at Nellis airbase in Nebraska on July 17, 2003, that the raids took place under cover of patrols of the southern no-fly zone; their purpose was ostensibly to protect the ethnic minorities. 

28.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: U.S. Air Raids in '02 Prepared for War in Iraq : July 19, 2003 - -Lt. Gen. T. Michael Moseley, the chief allied war commander, said the attacks also laid the foundations for the military campaign against the Baghdad government. 

28.Jun.2005 Gwynne Dyer : World's guard against anarchy : There was not a single idealist among those who signed the UN Charter. They were frightened people who had lived through the worst war in history and who feared an even worse one lay in wait.

28.Jun.2005 Bush Tyranny In Iraq Surpasses That Of Saddam . In a close race Bush beats Saddam. The Evidence File

28.Jun.2005 Articulating The Unspeakable: The Strategy Of Genocide:
The Islam of the Qur'an is a righteous religion, supporting a unique form of culture and civilization. Let's make peace with its people. -By Casey Butler
The Bush administration's decision to invade and occupy Muslim nations in perpetuity, while intentionally keeping knowledge of the Qur'anic doctrine of self-defense from the American people, is the USA's politically correct, long-term, 'final solution' for "Islamic terrorism."
Continue .

28.Jun.2005 Index: Testimony From World Tribunal for Iraq This Is a Must Read
Testimony by - H.C. von Sponeck - Larry Everest - Dahr Jamail - Jim Harding - Phil Shiner
The Tribunal will consist of hearings investigating various issues related to the war on Iraq, such as the legality of the war, the role of the United Nations, war crimes and the role of the media, as well as the destruction of the cultural sites and the environment.

28.Jun.2005 The Fantastical World Of Studley McMuffin By Sheila Samples
How long are we going to allow this war criminal to keep killing innocent men, women and children while wiping his brow and complaining how much work -- hard work -- it is? How long, America? Until they're all dead under the weight of our liberation?

28.Jun.2005 What Have We Done to Ourselves America? By Nolan K. Anderson
Is the noose of fascism tightening around the necks of Americans or are corruption, cowardice and the malfeasance of our Congress responsible for more serious, recently inflicted blows to American freedom and our American way of life?

28.Jun.2005 Scott Ritter: Unplugged and Uncensored
Bush is a Liar - US at War with Iran - The Downing Street Memo's & More - The Peace Movement Failed This Is A Must Listen
Question and Answer Session with Scott Ritter

28.Jun.2005 Incinerating Iraqis; the napalm cover up by Mike Whitney
Two weeks ago the UK Independent ran an article which confirmed that the US had "lied to Britain over the use of napalm in Iraq". (06-17-05) Since then, not one American newspaper or TV station has picked up the story even though the Pentagon has verified the claims. This is the extent to which the American "free press" is yoked to the center of power in Washington.

Date/Time: 06/28/2005
Raywat Deonandan's Bulletin

Political, social, scientific and literary commentary from Dr. Raywat Deonandan: scientist, author, rogue and knave.









28.Jun.2005 7:1 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 More on Gitmo In the words of
Andrew Sullivan, just when you thought the pro-torture Right couldn't sink any lower, comes this: I Love Gitmo. Forget Jefferson, Rousseau, Hobbes, Nietzsche or any of the other prophetic philosophers of old. Apparently, the man who truly understood the future was Joseph Goebbels
, founding father of neo-con strategy and wingnut philosophy.
such people can exist in such numbers and with such influence in the most powerful (and supposedly "free") nation on Earth is cause for pause. It's indicative of the decaying soul of modern Western society, so caught up in its privileges and excesses that it leaves no room for compassion, empathy or common sense. For a people so in love with the simplistic good-vs-evil dialectic, it is saddening that they do not recognize true evil when it rests its wretched hide beneath their very snouts.

28.Jun.2005 7:1
Friday Dec 31, 2004

Here we are at the bottom of the year. A crappy, disastrous year for many. Genocide in the Sudan. Imperial war in Iraq. Tsunami in Asia. It goes on. Add to that the personal crises in each of our lives and it's a wonder we all just don't hang it up right here and now. I keep reminding myself that every era and every person who's ever lived suffered trauma and tragedy of seemingly world ending proportions. So this, my friends, is life. We beat on and savour the moments of sweetness while enduring the periods of darkness.

20041114 $200000000.00 - ... Dixiecrat counties with longtime registered Democrats who haven ... votes than the number of newly registered Republicans ... 2004 20041023 Stefan Wray: Texas Plan to ... "> ... Dixiecrat counties with longtime registered Democrats who haven ... votes than the number of newly registered Republicans ... 2004 20041023 Stefan Wray: Texas Plan to ...  

28.Jun.2005 Oil-Driven Recession Threatens $20.69 - ... Tom DeLay (R- Texas ), paying out of his own ... and 4 % are registered Republicans , according to ... Fifty % are registered Democrats + 37 % are ... "> Tom DeLay (R- Texas ), paying out of his own ... and 4 % are registered Republicans , according to ... Fifty % are registered Democrats , + 37 % are ...  
Signs of the Times - Moral Archive 8 $28296.91 - ... the election because the Texas governor had ... felons -- just over 10 % -- were registered Republicans ... of felons who voted as registered Democrats may as ... "> ... the election because the Texas governor had ... felons -- just over 10 % -- were registered Republicans ... of felons who voted as registered Democrats may as ...  
The Corner on National Review Online

28.Jun.2005 The Review: October 2003 Archives - Justice Scalia, in his dissent in the recent sodomy case (Lawrence v. Texas ), does not deny or even bemoan the fact that "[s]ocial perceptions of sexual + ... '>

28.Jun.2005 The Hamster: Media News Archives - ... "> The Hamster. April 28, 2005. Wall Street Journal Oped Page: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. The WSJ op-ed page lies about Abu Ghraib to cover ...

28.Jun.2005 The Progressive Mind: 11/07/2004 – 11/13/2004 $48.99 - ... "> The Progressive Mind is a collection of articles + annotated links to sites, articles, publications + editorials ...  

28.Jun.2005 Raywat Deonandan's Bulletin
$1.23 -
... President Bush was recalled from vacationing in Texas + senior White House staff submitted their predictable sound bytes, all trumpeting the same refrain ... "> ...

President Bush was recalled from vacationing in Texas + senior White House staff submitted their predictable sound bytes, all trumpeting the same refrain ...  

28.Jun.2005 Charles Keeling tot: Entdecker des Treibhauseffekts mit 77 Jahren gestorben

28.Jun.2005 Macho versus Softie: Der Geweihträger hat ausgedient

28.Jun.2005 Interview mit Geoffrey Miller: "Einsteins Relativitätstheorie diente der Fortpflanzung"

28.Jun.2005 Unocal-Übernahme: US-Politiker sehen nationale Sicherheit in Gefahr

28.Jun.2005 Affäre: Diana soll Kennedy Jr. geliebt haben

28.Jun.2005 SPD-Forderung: Reiche sollen für Bildung zahlen

28.Jun.2005 USA-Besuch: Kanzler drückt bei Uno-Reform aufs Tempo

28.Jun.2005 Altersversorgung: Rentenexperte fordert Ehrlichkeit der Parteien

28.Jun.2005 The CIA also formed alliances with Asian gangsters involved with the heroin trade. Costello became one of the primary distributors of this product in the United States.
Although some argue that the CIA did not renew its mafia linkages until the assaults of Cuba, evidence indicates that Costello maintained an ongoing relationship with the CIA throughout the 1950s.
For example: Anthony Summers' respected biography of J. Edgar Hoover, Official and Confidential , discusses the "blackmail photograph" of Hoover and Clyde Tolson engaged in gay sex. Costello and Meyer Lansky had acquired copies of this photo -- which explains why the FBI tended to go easy on the mob. (Hoover denied that the mafia even existed.) But the photograph was taken by the CIA , using a special "spy" camera with an ultra-wide angle lens, which could take photographs through a small hole in the wall. The the CIA's James Jesus Angleton appears to have possessed a first-generation print.
Obviously, Costello acquired the image from the Agency. (More on the tabloids and "perception management" tomorrow.) URL:
28.Jun.2005 Anyone who can read about the Pope family and their works without forming a conspiracy theory must possess formidable willpower.
After being graduated from MIT at the age of 19, the brilliant young Generoso Pope joined the CIA circa 1950, operating (by his own later admission) as a specialist in psychological warfare. This period marked the beginning of the CIA's efforts to alter the perception and behavior of groups and individuals -- Projects Artichoke, Bluebird, MKULTRA and so forth.
This was also the period when the CIA funded much American sociological research, as documented in Christopher Simpson's invaluable study,
Science of Coercion: Communication Research and Psychological Warfare 1945-1960. The Company's goal was to develop ways to alter the political and social beliefs of large populations.URL:
Voting Machine Fiasco: SAIC, VoteHere and Diebold

URL:   VoteHere and Diebold.htm
".. " writes AP correspondent Elliot Spagat, in a 26.Jul.2003 article.  

03.Feb.1969 J. Robert Beyster founded SAIC "with a couple of consulting contracts, one from Los Alamos + one from Brookhaven National Labs," according to the SAIC website.

Today, SAIC has racked up more than $5.9 billion in annual revenues.   Bev Harris + her .."
13.Nov.2004 The American Reporter Vol. 10, No. 2,496W - October 18, 2004 ... Even the Livermore , Los Alamos + Sandia nuclear weapons laboratories pitched in by ...

War on Terror." George HW Bush sits on the board of the Carlyle Group , the ...,496W/883.html .."
".. Machine Fiasco: SAIC + VoteHere + Diebold ... Carlucci 's company is Carlyle Group , while Vice President Dick Cheney 's former employer is ... with a coup le of consulting contracts, one from Los Alamos + one ...

27.Jun.2005 Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), San Diego Calif., was awarded on. 18.Sep.2003 a $13,923,607 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for engineering and technical services in advanced submarine electromagnetics.Ê Work will performed in Newport, R.I. Science Applications International employees have contributed $36,254 to various campaigns.

22 .Sep. 2004 Bogus Bioport Study Promotes Anthrax Vaccine by KATHERINE HUTT SCOTT
Anthrax-Hatfill Scare: SAIC-Connected Inside Job? by PETE VELLIS
The Anthrax Timeline - Connect the Dots... by NICO HAUPT
The Bush-Bin Laden Anthrax-Vaccine Connection by IAN GURNEY
FBI Harasses Dr. Rosenberg, But Still Clueless by WILLIAM J BROAD
All-American Anthrax Scare - Made in the USA by BARBARA HATCH ROSENBERG
Hatfill, Stephen (Anthrax-attack suspect. Former SAIC in 1999.)
27.Jun.2005 Hauer, Jerome
(Organised Kroll Associates Security Job for ex-FBI anti terror agent John O' Neill. Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness since May 2002.
Former OEM Director, NYC, constructed Bunker in Building 7.
Started to work for the NIH under Tommy Thompson on September 10, 2001.
Worked at SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis in 1999.
Former member of the Johns Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense. Participant in Bio Terror Drills "Dark Winter" ('01), "Silent Vector" ('02) + "TOPOFF2" ('03).
28.May 1998 Stephen Hatfill + Hauer spoke together at the same CFR meeting about "Building a 'Biobomb': Terrorist Challenge" Mirror )
Henry, Ryan (Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, Vice President of SAIC, ex-Senior Fellow of CSIS, IRDC/Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council)
Kay, David (Post-War Reconstruction Iraq, former IAEA inspector in Iraq, former Vice President of SAIC, probably CIA since 90s)
Mason, Sir Peter (Chief Executive of AMEC, involved in renovation of the wedge of the Pentagon, which was later hit. Hired for Controlled Clean-up of both Pentagon and WTC.
Among Clients: SAIC and Telcordia/Robert W. Lucky, member of ANSER Institute for Homeland Security since 1999)
27.Jun.2005 ...
it will take sustained and inspired federal leadership -- of the kind that is lacking in Washington today.

Nevertheless, the movement is accelerating in many states because of advances in understanding of how very young children develop + of how profoundly their earliest years affect the rest of their lives. An impressive National Academy of Sciences study led by Dr. Jack Shonkoff at Brandeis University, From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development , makes the case: If we fail to meet children's developmental needs starting at birth, we shortchange our children and our society as well. That's the impetus for the newly launched National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, chaired by Shonkoff.

We need to invest in early education if we are serious about improving student achievement, minimizing learning disabilities and emotional disorders + ensuring that children arrive ready to learn on the first day of school, graduate from high school, attend college + excel in the workforce.

27.Jun.2005 Brandeis University

24.Jun.2005 Robert Fisk: We shelter behind the myth that progress is being made: The reality - unimaginable for the Americans and their self-deluding allies, tragic for the Iraqis themselves - is that Iraq is a hell-disaster 24.Jun.2005 Bush War On Terror? More like Bush's War Creates Terror!: The Evidence File

24.Jun.2005 Guantanamo; the new-world icon: Guantanamo is emblematic of a militarized world stripped of humanity or justice. It looms as the salient icon of the new world order.

24.Jun.2005 The Bill of Rights: The Rights of the Accused: Is the Sixth Amendment relevant today? You bet it is

24.Jun.2005 Democrats Demand Rove Apologize for 9/11 Remarks: Leading Democrats reacted furiously to remarks by Karl Rove that liberals had responded to the 11.Sep.2001 attacks by wanting to "offer therapy and understanding for our attackers," with some Democrats calling for him to apologize or resign as a White House adviser.

24.Jun.2005 Pass It On! : The Whispering Campaign is your chance to help accelerate the spread of information from the blogosphere to the rest of the country.

24.Jun.2005 Protesters Win a Case Over I.R.S.: The federal government's campaign against income tax protesters suffered a major setback yesterday when a federal jury in Sacramento acquitted a former Internal Revenue Service investigator on charges of helping to prepare false tax returns.

24.Jun.2005 If Congress Has It's Way, This Site Could Be Cause for Arrest--Yours and Mine : Warren Apel, a civil libertarian, has produced a website, The Burning Flag Page, which does an excellent job of explaining the threat to liberty that is posed by the Congressional move to ban flag -burning

24.Jun.2005 Billions in States’ Homeland Purchases Kept in the Dark: “More than we value public oversight, we fear a nebulous terrorist threat + it’s really changing the character of American political life.”

24.Jun.2005 06/23/05 : The Real News in the Downing Street Memos: Bush and Blair began their war not in March 2003, as everyone believed, but at the end of August 2002, six weeks before Congress approved military action against Iraq.

24.Jun.2005 Congress Mulls Support For Anti- Iranian "Terrorist" Group: Congress has been examining the prospect of granting U.S. support to an Iranian opposition group on the State Department's terrorist list.

24.Jun.2005 "Chechen" militants have tried to steal nuclear weapons twice, says Russian security chief: There are some 60 warehouses scattered across the country, containing some 1,000 strategic nuclear warheads + just under 5,000 tactical nuclear weapons, including portable warheads known as "nuclear briefcases".

24.Jun.2005 Survivors of Uzbekistan massacre may be sent home to torture, UN warns: At least 29 people who escaped the massacre in Andijan will be sent back to their home country within a week, Kyrgyzstan's top prosecutor said yesterday, defying international pressure to protect the survivors.

24.Jun.2005 U.N. failed in Milosevic genocide case, experts say: When U.N. prosecutors opened their case against Slobodan Milosevic two years ago, they set out to get him convicted of genocide. The consensus today is, they failed.

24.Jun.2005 China more popular than U.S. : The United States’ image is so tattered overseas two years after the Iraq invasion that China, which is ruled by a communist dictatorship, is viewed more favorably than the U.S. in many countries, an international poll found.

24.Jun.2005 Gwynne Dyer: US in dangerous game over India: The Bush Administration is trying to woo New Delhi into a close military and strategic relationship.

24.Jun.2005 Ecuador: Colombia drug plan has gone bad: Ecuador's interior minister criticized Colombia's U.S.-sponsored drug eradication program saying it bred violence and corruption.
Israeli Spy Affair: AIPAC Can Place You by the Elbow of the President : AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee is not an organization to be trifled with. Everybody in Washington understands that this Likudnik lobby can make and break politicians.

24.Jun.2005 Karen Kwiatkowski: Neoconservatives Speechless!: Neoconservatives from the left, right and middle, including George W. Bush, believe that they create their own reality, live in their own world + make their own history.

24.Jun.2005 Neocons Have Their Gazes Fixed on Syria: Neocons and their influential Israeli spouses, now tell us that Iraq will make a nice base from which to launch that Pentagon plan, described by former US general and presidential candidate Wesley Clark in his book, as “Seven Middle East countries in Five Years.”

24.Jun.2005 Italy Judge Orders Arrest of 13 CIA Agents : The agents are suspected in the seizure of an Egyptian-born imam identified as Abu Omar on the streets of Milan in February 2003, according to the official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.

24.Jun.2005 Recruiters Sink to New Lows: While the stunning list of recruiting abuses has received some needed media attention, it's worth reviewing the extremes to which the military has gone to fill its ranks.

24.Jun.2005 Americans go from delusion to denial to depression : The majority of Americans has gone from delusion to denial to the awareness, now just dawning, that they were misled and that the war is a tragic mistake.

24.Jun.2005 Pepe Escobar ; The first, not the last throes "The insurgency in Iraq is in its last throes." Vice President Dick Cheney, in May : Even the Central Intelligence Agency now admits that Iraq is the new Afghanistan - breeding a new, lethal generation of jihadis. Iraq has also been the new Vietnam since the day the resistance was born, April 18, 2003, in front of the Abu Hanifa mosque in Baghdad.

24.Jun.2005 Two years on, the echoes of Vietnam are getting louder : There is no hint of shared purpose, mutual sympathy and respect between the armoured columns rolling along the roads, intermittently belching fire + the hapless mass of local people, caring only for survival.

24.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: The road to Baghdad was paved by 'Scoop' Jackson: Overseeing the CIA's "black budget", he was one of a handful of senators who gave a nod to two U.S.-backed coups in Iraq, one in 1963 and again in 1968. Those plots brought Saddam Hussein to power amid bloodbaths in which the CIA, exacting the price for its support, handed Saddam and his Baath Party cohorts lists of supposed anti-U.S. Iraqis to be killed

24.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal: International lawyers and anti-war campaigners reacted with astonishment yesterday after the influential Pentagon hawk Richard Perle conceded that the invasion of Iraq had been illegal.

24.Jun.2005 Censorship: So the American government is pressuring foreign countries to censor their news. Aside from the fact that this act is the height of arrogance by the United States, it makes it exceedingly clear why so many Americans who rely on the corporate media for their news continue to be so misinformed/un-informed about the goings on in Iraq.

24.Jun.2005 World Tribunal On Iraq: Opening Speech Arundhati Roy : Saddam Hussein is being tried as a war criminal even as we speak. But what about those who helped to install him in power, who armed him, who supported him - and who are now setting up a tribunal to try him and absolve themselves completely?

24.Jun.2005 What Do the American People Know and When Did They Know It?: A profound sense of disappointment with the American people greeted me here in Istanbul where the final session of the World Tribunal on Iraq, investigating and documenting war crimes in Iraq, modeled on the Bertrand Russell Vietnam War Tribunal of 1967, is convening.

24.Jun.2005 Blair's "Minutes" Belies Bush's Motives: During the past week there has been gossip generated in blogsphere and in main stream media, to the effect that the reporter Michael Smith, destroyed the original minutes from the meeting at Downing Street. This may be a ploy intended to discredit the validity of the memo's information. I can say with confidence that this gossip is not true.

24.Jun.2005 Ray Mc Govern: The Downing Street Fixation: Michael Smith, the Sunday Times reporter who broke he story thinks he knows what “fixed” means.

24.Jun.2005 Child Abuse
When the public liars sat down togethe, it is unlikely they gave any thought to the most vulnerable targets of their war crime: the children. By Chris Floyd
Like all murderers, they did whatever they had to do to get what they wanted, regardless of the consequences for others. Like all terrorists, they rationalized their atrocities with noble rhetoric, citing the unassailable righteousness of their cause as justification for the unspeakable evil they were unleashing. And like all abusers of innocent children, they covered up their baser motives with self-serving lies.

24.Jun.2005 Voluntary Amnesia in the Service of War Forget it! by Norman Solomon
While American viewers, listeners and readers are apt to be aware that in 1979 some radical Iranians took American diplomats hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held them for more than a year -- other historical facts tend to be hazy or entirely absent. That suits the White House just fine. From a Machiavellian standpoint, the best remedy for unpleasant historical facts -- distant or recent -- is silence about them.
Continue .

24.Jun.2005 U.S. doctors linked to POW ` torture' Such tactics are considered torture by many authorities, the authors note. Tanya Talaga And Karen Palmer
"Since late 2003, psychiatrists and psychologists (at Guantanamo) have been part of a strategy that employs extreme stress, combined with behaviour-shaping rewards, to extract actionable intelligence from resistant captives," it states.

24.Jun.2005 US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan – UN By AFX News

24.Jun.2005 06/24/05, GENEVA (AFX) - Washington has, for the first time, acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq, a UN source said. Continue

24.Jun.2005 The allegedly liberal mainstream press claims that the DNC study demonstrates "problems" or "woes" but not fraud . Keep hammering home this message: The intentional creation of long voter lines in African-American communities IS fraud. URL:
24.Jun.2005 Stop drawing needless distinctions . Don't insist on using "voter suppression" in place of the stronger phrase "vote fraud." As Georgia10 reminds us in her wonderful guide
"Eye on Ohio," fraud is defined as "the intentional use of deceit, a trick, or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property, or a legal right." That definition encompasses everything that went on in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere.
"Vote fraud!" Don't be afraid to shout the term, because that's what happened. URL:
Studienabbruch: Mzoudi will Deutschland verklagen

24.Jun.2005 BSE: Zweiter Fall von Rinderwahn in den USA

24.Jun.2005 Irak: USA vor symbolischem Irak-Tribunal angeklagt

24.Jun.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Ölpreis lässt US-Aktien weiter sinken

24.Jun.2005 Managergehälter: Auch Union akzeptiert Gesetz zur Offenlegung

24.Jun.2005 Italien: Gericht stellt Haftbefehl gegen 13 CIA-Agenten aus

24.Jun.2005 Zeichen der Zeit: IBM plant Massen-Einstellungen in Indien

24.Jun.2005 Gift-Verdacht: EU-Minister bestätigen Genmais-Verbot

24.Jun.2005 Antiker Fluch: Älteste alphabetische Inschrift übersetzt

24.Jun.2005 Exklusiv-Interview bei SPIEGEL TV: Atomspion Vanunu hofft auf Ausreisegenehmigung

24.Jun.2005 Europas Zukunft: Duell um Brüssel

24.Jun.2005 Peter Handke: Versuch über die Dummheit

24.Jun.2005 Glaubensprüfung: Stärkere Kontrolle jüdischer Zuwanderer

24.Jun.2005 Studie: Weltbevölkerung steigt auf 6,5 Milliarden

24.Jun.2005 Hitzegewitter in Paris: Metro-Schächte geflutet, Zugverkehr lahmgelegt

24.Jun.2005 Italien: Urlauberin kauft gefälschte Luxusbrille - 10.000 Euro Strafe

24.Jun.2005 Rechte Sprüche: Villepin ruft Sarkozy zur Mäßigung auf

24.Jun.2005 Fossilienfund: Raubsäuger trug Giftzähne

24.Jun.2005 Guantanamo: Ärzte sollten Häftlinge weich kochen

24.Jun.2005 Sicherheitslücken: RealPlayer hat vier große Löcher

24.Jun.2005 Mehrwertsteuer: Merkel verordnet Maulkorb

24.Jun.2005 Demos gegen Gebühren: Tausende auf den Barrikaden

24.Jun.2005 China: Regenchaos in Hongkongs Straßen

24.Jun.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Netz aus Geiz und Desinteresse"

24.Jun.2005 Rekrutierung auf dem Campus: Neue Tricks der US Army

24.Jun.2005 PDS: Debatte um Namensänderung wieder eröffnet

24.Jun.2005 Hundeattacke: Jackson soll Schadenersatz zahlen

24.Jun.2005 60-Dollar-Marke: Rohöl-Rallye treibt Spritpreise auf Rekordhoch

24.Jun.2005 Präsidentschaftswahlen: Entscheidung über Irans Zukunft

24.Jun.2005 Irak: Cheney zieht Vergleich mit Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges

24.Jun.2005 US-Rekrutierung: Pentagon sammelt fleißig Daten junger Amerikaner

24.Jun.2005 Dritte Welt: Ein Euro pro Einwohner könnte sechs Millionen Kinder retten

24.Jun.2005 Bundeswehrurteil: Die Entdeckung des Gewissens

24.Jun.2005 Showdown: Washington Threatens Ecuador, Demands Immunity for U.S. Troops: : Ecuador's President Alfredo Palacio has decided not to sign an immunity treaty for U.S. military and civilian officials before the World Court. Washington is now trying to blackmail Ecuador's new (60-days-old) President, Alfredo Palacio with threats of cutting aid.

24.Jun.2005 John Pilger: Power is accountable to the people, not to the "free market" : Africa's imperial plunder and tragedy have been turned into a circus for the benefit of the so-called G8 leaders due in Scotland next month and

24.Jun.2005 those of us willing to be distracted by the barkers of the circus: the establishment media and their "celebrities".

24.Jun.2005 Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Our Homes : The Supreme Court today effectively expanded the right of local governments to seize private property under eminent domain, ruling that people's homes and businesses -- even those not considered blighted -- can be taken against their will for private development if the seizure serves a broadly defined "public use."

24.Jun.2005 Consent of the Governed: The reign of corporations and the fight for democracy . Having achieved extensive control over so many facets of our lives -- from food and clothing production to information, transportation + other necessities -- corporate institutions have become more powerful than the sovereign people who originally granted them existence.

24.Jun.2005 The Chauffeur's Dilemma : Bush used his war policies to create votes, so he converted an economic program aimed at strip-mining America into a program for winning blue-collar hearts and minds.

24.Jun.2005 House again passes flag-burning amendment : The House voted today to approve a constitutional amendment that would give Congress the power to ban desecration of the American flag, a measure that for the first time stands a chance of passing the Senate as well.

24.Jun.2005 House roll call on flag amendment : How did your congress person vote?

24.Jun.2005 Chinese oil company offers $18.5 billion for Unocal

24.Jun.2005 06/22/05: A War Waged by Liars and Morons : What is Bush's Agenda in Iraq?

24.Jun.2005 Bush Administration Psychological Warfare Against the U.S.? : An Interview with (ret.) Colonel Sam Gardiner 

24.Jun.2005 Terror suspect freed in Mexico: Mexico on Wednesday cleared a Lebanese-born, British citizen of wrongdoing, setting him free mere days after his arrest because of suspected links to September 11 terror groups.

24.Jun.2005 CIA says Iraq is now a terrorist training ground: The CIA believes the Iraq insurgency poses an international threat and may produce better-trained Islamic terrorists than the 1980s Afghanistan war that gave rise to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, officials said on Wednesday.

24.Jun.2005 Iraq, the new Afghanistan: It's virtually impossible for US President George W Bush's Iraq to be "on its way to democracy" when real unemployment reaches a staggering 50% (a scarier prospect for most people than car bombs or snipers), 25% of children under five years old are malnourished, 78% of the households in the country (and 92% in Baghdad) have electricity only a few hours a day, only 37% of urban households (and a mere 4% in

the countryside) have sewage-disposal systems, only 61% have access to drinking water.

24.Jun.2005 Top Commander Says Insurgency Still Strong : The top American commander in the Persian Gulf told Congress on Thursday that the Iraqi insurgency has not grown weaker over the past six months, despite a claim by Vice President Dick Cheney that it was in its "last throes."

24.Jun.2005 UN experts say accounts detail Guantanamo torture : U.N. human rights experts said Thursday they have reliable accounts of detainees being tortured at the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

24.Jun.2005 U.N. Expert Says U.S. Stalling on Request to Visit Guantanamo Detainees: Manfred Nowak, the U.N. special investigator on torture, said that he and three other experts would use a news conference later Thursday to voice their complaints that Washington has not responded to their mid-April request to check on the conditions of the detainees.

24.Jun.2005 Senior aides refuse to testify against Saddam: Senior Iraqi aides currently in U.S. custody have refused to testify against former leader Saddam Hussein when recently questioned by magistrates.

24.Jun.2005 Military Compiles Database Of Students For Recruiting : The Defense Department, faced with enlistment shortfalls, has reportedly begun assembling a database of young people as a recruiting aid.

24.Jun.2005 UK backs oil firm despite bribery inquiry : The controversial oil firm Halliburton has been awarded new British government backing, despite being at the centre of a bribery investigation

24.Jun.2005 U.S. Spy Plane Pilot Dies in South West Asia "Crash" : U.S. Central Command said the crash occurred in ``southwest Asia,'' a term that can be a substitute for the Middle East.

24.Jun.2005 Was the U-2 Spying On Iran? U.S. spy plane crashed in United Arab Emirates : An anonymous Pentagon official said, that the U-2 crashed in the Emirates while approaching the base to land

24.Jun.2005 Russia to Deliver Nuclear Fuel for Bushehr Power Plant in Few Months : The 1,000 MW reactor is 84 % complete and commissioning will start by the end of 2006

24.Jun.2005 Blix: Iran Years Away From Nuke Weapons: Former chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix said Thursday it would take many years for Iran to achieve the capability to produce highly enriched uranium needed for an atomic bomb.

24.Jun.2005 Israeli Soldiers "Getting Away With Murder" - HRW: Israeli soldiers have killed an average of more than one Palestinian civilian per day since the current intifada uprising began in 2000, but only a handful of cases have even been investigated, according to a new Human Rights Watch (HRW) report.

24.Jun.2005 White House declines to criticize Israel assassinations: The White House on Wednesday declined to criticize Israel for resuming an assassination policy against Islamic Jihad militants and called on the Palestinian leadership to do more to combat "terrorist" groups attempting to derail peace efforts.

24.Jun.2005 Israel: Detainee blinded during interrogation : Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Fahmi Shqeirat, reported that detainee Salama Mohammad Rashaida, 30, from Bethlehem, lost his sight as a result of torture in Asqalan detention.

24.Jun.2005 Church may black firms over Israeli 'occupation': The Anglican Church is expected to back a report tomorrow urging it to disinvest in companies that "support the occupation" of Palestinian lands

24.Jun.2005 Confronting Israeli Myth-Making: Propagandists on behalf of Israel -  become increasingly deceptive and malign -- and increasingly effective – with time.

24.Jun.2005 Russia concerned over terrorist training camps in Afghanistan : "We are seriously concerned that terrorist training bases are still operating on Afghan territory, including with the immediate participation of certain secret services," Putin said

24.Jun.2005 The Bill of Rights: The Rights of the Accused Is the Sixth Amendment relevant today? You bet it is -by Jacob G. Hornberger
Make no mistake about it: If the feds treat foreigners accused of terrorism in this way, they’ll do the same to Americans. Just ask Jose Padilla, an American whom the Pentagon has held in a military dungeon for over three years and whom they have denied all the rights enumerated in the Sixth Amendment.

24.Jun.2005 Guantanamo; the new-world icon
Guantanamo is emblematic of a militarized world stripped of humanity or justice. It looms as the salient icon of the new world order. -by Mike Whitney
To fully appreciate the depravity of the Bush claque, we only need to visit the Rush Limbaugh web site, where the drug-addicted spokesman for the administration is currently hawking T-shirts (Orange; "I got my free Koran and Prayer Rug at G'itmo" or, orange baseball cap reading "Camp G'itmo") and baseball caps in an public relations scheme to trivialize the horrors of systematic torture of detainees in US custody.

24.Jun.2005 Bush War On Terror? More like Bush's War Creates Terror! The Evidence File By LynnTheDem

You've made us all less safe now, while killing tens of thousands of innocent people, including Americans. Read the evidence file.

24.Jun.2005 We shelter behind the myth that progress is being made The reality - unimaginable for the Americans and their self-deluding allies, tragic for the Iraqis themselves - is that Iraq is a hell-disaster By Robert Fisk
So we are going to support the myth. As the headless bodies are found along the Tigris, as the mortuaries fill up, as the American dead grow far beyond 1,700 - and, let us remember, the Iraqi dead go into the tens of thousands - Europe and the rest of the world still support the American project.

24.Jun.2005 The Real News in the Downing Street Memos
Bush + Blair began their war not in March 2003, as everyone believed, but at the end of 00.Aug.2002 -six weeks before Congress approved military action against Iraq. By Michael Smith Sunday Times of London
The real news is the shady April 2002 deal to go to war, the cynical use of the U.N. to provide an excuse, and the secret, illegal air war without the backing of Congress.

24.Jun.2005 Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von ungefähr 29 für fMRT Neuromarketing .

24.Jun.2005 Neuromarketing ... Neuromarketing . Neuromarketing und ... Neuromarketing und Neuroökonomie Methoden. Methoden und Techniken der modernen Gehirnforschung. Methoden. fMRT ...

Di Con Wie das Unbewusste unser Handeln bestimmt. Moderne Gehirnforschung und deren Konsequenzen für ... Neuroökonomie + Neuromarketing . 4. Sozialpsychologische Erkenntnisse ... Methoden. • fMRT : funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie ... -Als HTML anzeigen -

PH 11/04, S. 38 > Neuromarketing - Dem Kunden ins Gehirn geschaut ... (Stichwörter: funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie, fMRT , Kernspintomografie, Verbraucherforschung, Kaufverhalten ...

Detail Forschen Kaufsignal an Kleinhirn. Neuromarketing will unbewusste Emotionen mit Hirnscans sichtbar und nutzbar machen. ;...

Presseportal - Technology Review über neue Trends in der Hirnforschung /DaimlerChrysler setzt auf Neuromarketing Technology Review über neue Trends in der Hirnforschung.

29.Sep.2004 - 10:50 Uhr. Hannover (ots) - Bei der Entwicklung neuer Modelle setzt DaimlerChrysler verstärkt auf die Hirnforschung ...

Studios setzen Neuromarketing ein, um die ... Neuromarketing mit Henrik Walter, Neuropsychiater am Universitätsklinikum Ulm, zusammen.

Unter dem Magnetresonanztomographen ( fMRT ...

News Detailansicht ... Studios setzen Neuromarketing ein, um die ... Neuromarketing mit Henrik Walter, Neuropsychiater am Universitätsklinikum Ulm, zusammen.

Unter dem Magnetresonanztomographen ( fMRT ...,15260,,47714,detail.html

Gehirn&Geist -das neue Magazin von Spektrum der Wissenschaft ... die meisten Neuromarketing -Forscher bei ihren Tests die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie ( fMRT ) ein, die ...

Interesse der Wirtschaft am Neuromarketing ist jedenfalls geweckt; zunehmend ...

Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie - Flexicon ... Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie. Synonyme: fMRT , Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie ...

Die fMRT wird zur Zeit (2004) u.a. in der Hirnforschung + im Neuromarketing eingesetzt ...

Presseportal: Technology Review über neue Trends in der Hirnforschung /DaimlerChrysler setzt auf Neuromarketing ...

Studios setzen Neuromarketing ein, um die ... Neuromarketing mit Henrik Walter, Neuropsychiater am Universitätsklinikum Ulm, zusammen.

Unter dem Magnetresonanztomographen ( fMRT ...

Zukunftsbranchen ... Namen " Neuromarketing " wollen Markt ... Neuromarketing " ist ein neues Marketinggebiet, das sich Methoden der Hirnforschung bedient.

Mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographen ( fMRT ...
Hirn-Scanner mißt die Kauflust DIE WELT im Internet: Ihr Online-Informationsdienst ... sich entdeckt.

Neuromarketing nennt sich die ... Neuromarketing auch schon in Deutschland angekommen. Am Uni-Klinikum Ulm hat der Psychiater Henrik Walter für Daimler-Chrysler mit fMRT ... Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht 2001-2002 - Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie -Bestimmung der sprachlichen Hemisphärendominanz: Vergleich zwischen fTCD + fMRT.

PM ... Magnetresonanztomografie ( fMRT ), ist ein bild ... Neuromarketing " die Methoden der Hirnforschung auf Fragestellungen aus der Konsum- + Werbewelt an. Denn mit fMRT ...

18/016-020/TT Hirnforschung Mit Hilfe der "funktionellen Magnetresonanz- Tomographie" ( fMRT ) wollen ihm Forscher bis in ... Das kann Neuro-Marketing leisten. werben & verkaufen Nr ...

Fw: [TP] Beginn der Neurorevolution: Zeit =?ISO-8859-1?Q?f=FCr?= eine öffentliche Neuroethik-Diskussion - 01.02.05 ... für sich entdeckt.

Mit Neuromarketing versucht man, die Werbung gezielt auf ... tomographie (funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie, fMRT ) lässt sich die Neuronenaktivität milli ... -

I Neuromarketing . enthält ... Magnetresonanztomo- graphie ( fMRT ). Dieses Verfahren ... - Als HTML anzeigen -

TP: Wem gehört das Gehirn? In den USA ja. In Deutschland eher dümmer. Neue Köpfe an die Macht ... für sich entdeckt.

Mit Neuromarketing versucht man, die Werbung gezielt auf ... tomographie (funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie, fMRT ) lässt sich die Neuronenaktivität milli ...

Die Gehirn-Maschine Schnittstelle in Utopie und Realität 12. 3.4 Neuromarketing . . 13 ... fMRT -Scans die Aktivität jeder einzelnen Gehirnzelle über einen bestimmten Zeitraum ...

24.Jun.2005 creation_humanite En tout cas, le dernier fossile en date, vieux de 6 millions d'années, Orrorin tugenensis (alias « Millenium Ancestror »),semble plus humain que «Lucy »

24.Jun.2005 Departamento de Antropologia Orrorin tugenensis : hipodigma; distribuição geográfica e temporal; interpretação de algumas das suas características anatomo-morfológicas ... GÉNESE E EVOLUÇÃO DA HUMANIDADE 1º Semestre – Teórico-prática ...
O Orrorin tugenensis ("The Millennium Man" ). 4.3.3. O Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba eo Ardipithecus ramidus ramidu. Page 2. 4.3.4. O Kenyanthropus platyops ...
1947 ... days before, George Papadopoulos seized power in a military coup. Papadopoulos had been on the CIA payroll since 1952 ... by the OSS + CIA. During WWII.
George Papadopoulos ... George Papadopoulos Greek Ge?? ?apad?p?????, Georgios Papadopoulos, (May 5, 1919 ... Central Intelligence Agency. Internal CIA documents allegedly refer to ... _ Papadopoulos
24.Jun.2005 WEB RESULTS
George Papadopoulos PAPADOPOULOS GEORGE. Greece 1940-1999.

The names below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name. PAPADOPOULOS GEORGE. PAPADOPOULOS GEORGE. pages searched: 19


American military + CIA stationed in Greece ... CIA in Greece.

The fifth man had been brought in becasue of the armored units he commanded. [ 20]

George Papadopoulos ...

00.000.1952 -Since-the CIA provided a subsidy to George Papadopoulos , the Greek colonel who later led the military ... in Greece in 1967. The CIA also gave subsidies to many Greek ...

20041206 ... to carry out contra-style sabotage raids aimed at disrupting the post-war economy of the Baltic states. SS Major Hoffman, Emil was used to recruit Gestapo + SS agents ...

USA CIA + MI6 collaborated to spread disinformation about the Labour ... force was formed with CIA help "to intervene in case ... of the conspiracy + the CIA arranged for P2's Grandmaster ...


"Fuck your parliament and your constitution," said the President of the USA ... exercised by the CIA in his country ... CIA in Greece.

The fifth man had been brought in becasue of the armored units he commanded. [ 20]

George Papadopoulos ...

American Peace 1967 American 'Peace' is a record of American militarism from 1776 to present ... be won by the liberal George Popandreous, the CIA backed a military coup which resulted in the ...

new military dictator, George Papadopoulos , had been a paid CIA employee since 1952 ...

17.Nov.1973 This is the day the people's uprising against the junta was smashed ...

colonel George Papadopoulos and his junta. Leading socialist politician Andreas Papandreou claimed that the CIA was ... /17th of November 1973.htm

Cyprus ... been alleged that George Papadopoulos , who led the coup, had been on the CIA pay-roll since 1952 ... the KYP (the Greek subsidiary of the American CIA ) and the USA ...

PS Wiki Encyclopedia ... George Papadopoulos Greek Ge, Georgios Papadopoulos, (05.May 1919 ... Central Intelligence Agency. Internal CIA documents allegedly refer to ...

Re: Greek military dictatorship and the role of the CIA and Free Masons ... by the Greek military and the CIA to unseat him began immediately ...

junta led by George Papadopoulos , a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP. The CIA had created the ...

Press for Conversion Issue 41 00.Jan.2001 Issue #43:"A People's History of the CIA : The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire"

Just Say Know! ... Colby, CIA Director, 1973-1976 1947-1970 s Greece: Helping Fascists in a Civil War + Coup > George Papadopoulos , 1919 ... 1949-1953 Albania: CIA 'Cut its Teeth' with ...

24.Jun.2005 DNC report on the 2004 election in Ohio was due. Today, it's here. Should I have been more enthusiastic? Is the report better than expected?
Yes, it is. This report may not be ideal, but it takes some punches that hit the target hard.

Ken Blackwell has already referred to the report as a "bald-faced fabrication" -- and any time Korrupt Kenny says something like that , you know that he's hurting. URL:
US-Militärgefängnisse: USA weisen Kritik von Uno-Berichterstattern zurück

23.Jun.2005 USA: Textilfabrikant muss wegen Sklaventreiberei ins Gefängnis

23.Jun.2005 Schweiz: Nach Blackout neues Chaos bei der Bahn

23.Jun.2005 Frankreich: Unwetter legt Zugverkehr lahm

23.Jun.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Rekordölpreis setzt US-Börse unter Druck

23.Jun.2005 Italien und USA: Parmalat und Morgan Stanley einigen sich auf Vergleich

23.Jun.2005 Nazi-Massaker in Italien: Stuttgart treibt Ermittlungen gegen Verdächtige voran

23.Jun.2005 Rumänien: Fünf Festnahmen nach Teufelsaustreibung

23.Jun.2005 Neues Rekordhoch: Ölpreis überspringt die 60-Dollar-Marke

23.Jun.2005 Image-Studie: Deutsche sind weltweit beliebt

23.Jun.2005 Debatte um höhere Mehrwertsteuer: "Verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft"

23.Jun.2005 Nach Europa-Rede: Schröder erwartet jetzt Taten von Blair

23.Jun.2005 US-Justiz: Ku-Klux-Klan-Killer muss 60 Jahre in Haft

23.Jun.2005 CDU-Wahlprogramm: Merkel kündigt radikale Änderung der Sozialpolitik an

23.Jun.2005 Nebenkriegsschauplatz Karlsruhe: Drohung mit Verfassungsklage als PR-Gag

23.Jun.2005 Datendiebe am Werk: Bankräuber im Cyberspace

23.Jun.2005 Südkorea: Ministerium gibt Onlinespielen Schuld an Amoklauf

23.Jun.2005 Linksbündnis: WASG droht Unterwanderung durch Rechtsextreme

23.Jun.2005 Irak-Politik: Rumsfeld warnt vor zu frühem Truppenabzug

23.Jun.2005 Aerodynamik: Spezialtechnik lässt Kolibris schweben

23.Jun.2005 Kreml-Strategie: Großmachtspiele rund ums Gas

23.Jun.2005 China-Politik: EU soll Aufhebung von Waffenembargo auf Eis gelegt haben

23.Jun.2005 Rechtschreibdebatte: SPD gegen Verschiebung der Reform

23.Jun.2005 Versuche mit Ratten: Firma soll Genmais-Gefahr verschwiegen haben

23.Jun.2005 Niederlage für Japan: Walfang ist kein Menschenrecht

23.Jun.2005 Weiterleitung ZeitWissen

23.Jun.2005 Reformblockade: Senkung der Unternehmensteuer gescheitert

23.Jun.2005 Guantanamo-Untersuchung: Uno wirft USA mangelnde Kooperation vor

23.Jun.2005 Flut in China: Hunderttausende fliehen vor den Wassermassen

23.Jun.2005 Atompolitik: Trittin will Versorger zur Endlager-Suche verpflichten

23.Jun.2005 Außenhandel: Deutsche Wirtschaft sorgt sich um Russland-Beziehungen

23.Jun.2005 Umstrittene Subvention: EU genehmigt deutsche Steinkohle-Beihilfen

23.Jun.2005 Playboy-Qualitäten: Finnen bestellen wegen Berlusconi Botschafter ein

23.Jun.2005 Brüssel: Blair wirbt in kämpferischer Rede für neue EU

23.Jun.2005 Auszüge aus der Blair-Rede: "Es ist Zeit für eine Überprüfung der Realität"

23.Jun.2005 Digitalisierte Artikel: Einstein geht online

23.Jun.2005 EU-Debatte: Bundesregierung wirft Blair Mythenbildung vor

23.Jun.2005 Schein-Luftkampf: Eurofighter besiegt zwei US-Jets

23.Jun.2005 Medizin: Blitzschläge haben rätselhafte Folgen

23.Jun.2005 Betriebssystem "Longhorn": Schneller Hochfahren nur mit neuer Festplatte

23.Jun.2005 Japan: Fast-Food-Kette lockt mit Wal-Burgern

23.Jun.2005 Rede in Brüssel: Blair warnt EU vor Tod durch Reformunfähigkeit

23.Jun.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Wir brauchen Unduldsamkeit"

23.Jun.2005 Übernahmeschlacht: Chinesen bieten 18,5 Milliarden Dollar für US-Ölkonzern

23.Jun.2005 Bundestagswahl: Kleine Parteien erwägen Klagen

23.Jun.2005 Terror-Ermittlungen: Mexiko lässt verdächtigen Briten frei

23.Jun.2005 Arbeitsmarktreform: Kosten für Ich-AGs verdoppeln sich

23.Jun.2005 EU-Streit: Schlagabtausch zwischen Schröder und Blair

23.Jun.2005 PDS: Umbenennung stößt auf wenig Begeisterung

23.Jun.2005 Terror-Bekämpfung: Rice droht Syrien

23.Jun.2005 Türkischer EU-Beitritt: Letzte Hoffnung Blair

23.Jun.2005 Nordkorea: USA spenden 50.000 Tonnen Lebensmittel

23.Jun.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Teures Öl trübt Stimmung

23.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Barroso und Schröder beschwören "europäischen Geist"

23.Jun.2005 Haushalt: USA wehren sich gegen Eichels Marshallplan-Absichten

22.Jun.2005 Mexico Arrests Suspected 9/11 Group Member : Mexico said it has detained a man believed linked to the groups that carried out the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States.

24.Jun.2005 Mexico Soldiers Become Cartel Hit Men : Residents and law enforcement officials say the men are the feared Zetas, former members of a military intelligence battalion sent to the border to fight drug trafficking. Instead, they joined the Gulf Cartel, one of Mexico's top drug gangs.

24.Jun.2005 Mexican drug commandos expand ops in 6 U.S. states: Feds say violent, elite paramilitary units establish narcotics routes north of border

24.Jun.2005 G8 'still sells arms to regimes' : Countries from the G8 group of wealthy nations have been accused of continuing to sell arms to regimes using them to abuse human rights.

24.Jun.2005 Tariq Ali: "They think God runs the IMF." : Latin America is today in revolt against social engineers of the IMF and other US subsidiaries.

24.Jun.2005 Bitter Harvest: How EU sugar subsidies devastate Africa: "One is an English aristocrat worth £35m with 9,000 acres and an 18th century manor house; the other earns less than £300 a year cutting sugar cane for 12 hours a day in rural Mozambique to support his parents and four brothers. 

24.Jun.2005 Jeremy Rifkin: Capitalism's future on trial : The European Union's crisis has obscured the fact that it has come closest to balancing market dynamism and social protection.

24.Jun.2005 Sibel Edmonds – An Appeal to the Internet Community : Sibel Edmonds is the perfect example of why Felt did the right thing when he leaked to the Post: those "proper channels of authority" in the Nixon administration were corrupt. Those "proper channels" were active co-conspirators themselves.

24.Jun.2005 Bill Moyers: State media: "The Radical Right Wing is Very Close to Achieving a Longtime Goal of Undermining the Independence of Public Broadcasting"

24.Jun.2005 Police plea to keep more suspects’ DNA : SENIOR Scottish police officers have asked for new powers to store the DNA and fingerprints of people who have been arrested, but are innocent of any crime, prompting fears that the public's rights are under threat.

22.Jun.2005 Uzbekistan: Andijan Residents “Tortured” : Locals said to have suffered beatings and sexual abuse during police questioning following May uprising.

22.Jun.2005 Israel revives assassination policy : "The attempt yesterday to kill an Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza signaled the resumption of the targeted killing policy," an Israeli security source told Reuters.

22.Jun.2005 Sharon: “Israel to transfer Bethlehem, Qalqilia to P.A within 2 weeks” : Meanwhile, Sharon said that the Israeli army “will have no more restraint” and will target members of the Islamic Jihad claming that the movement did not halt its attacks against Israeli targets + is not committed to the truce.

22.Jun.2005 Israel carries out West Bank arrests : Israel has arrested more than 50 Palestinians in an apparent turnaround on its pledge to show restraint during the ceasefire.

22.Jun.2005 Withdrawal is a prelude to annexation : US hypocrisy is not new but Condi Rice has taken it beyond chutzpah

22.Jun.2005 U.S. was big spender in days before Iraq handover: Cash was loaded onto giant pallets for shipment by plane to Iraq, and paid out to contractors who carried it away in duffel bags.

22.Jun.2005 US 'concealing' Saddam's secrets : "There should be transparency and there should be frankness, but there are secrets that, if revealed, won't be in the interest of many countries," Mr Shandal said. "Who was helping Saddam all those years?"

22.Jun.2005 Rejection of Iraq War Continues in U.S. : According to a poll by Gallup released by CNN and USA Today. 59 per cent of respondents oppose the war with Iraq, a 12 per cent increase since March.

22.Jun.2005 The Beginning of the End?: It's finally over. My despair is over. Something has happened these last ten days that has revived the antiwar issue. It has to do with public opinion polls and casualties and Republicans like Walter Jones and more Democrats standing up. I won't say how optimistic I am. But something is coming together--you can feel it."

22.Jun.2005 Court Backs Soldier's Anti-Iraq War Stance : A German court ruled Wednesday that a soldier, who refused to follow orders because he did not want to support the US-led war in Iraq, had every right to do so.

22.Jun.2005 In a desperate attempt to divert attention from the U.S. disaster in Iraq, congressmen release : Memos: U.N. Knew Saddam Violated Sanctions : The U.N. Security Council had detailed knowledge of how Saddam Hussein was violating U.N. sanctions, but was so divided that many violations went largely unchecked, according to documents released Tuesday by a congressional panel.

22.Jun.2005 Aljazeera Guantanamo inmate 'abused' : An Aljazeera cameraman who has been incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay since 2001 has suffered extreme physical, sexual and religious abuse, his lawyer has said.

22.Jun.2005 Hicks at breaking point, says lawyer: The new Australian civilian lawyer for Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks says he is shocked by his client's appearance and mental health, after their first meeting.

22.Jun.2005 W. House rebuffs independent probe of Guantanamo : The White House on Tuesday rebuffed Democratic calls for creation of an independent commission to investigate treatment of foreign terror suspects at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

22.Jun.2005 In the name of security
We now have the latest anti-terrorist legislation, which permits house arrest and detention without a jury trial - eroding principles going back to the Magna Carta. -Tony Benn
Constituents who visit the Commons, now policed by men with machine guns, can only observe those whom they have elected through a transparent bullet proof screen, which only emphasises the widening gap between government and governed.

22.Jun.2005 "I think there are going to be more assassinations" Robert Fisk
I don't think there's going to be democracy in the Middle East and I don't really think we want democracy. One of the problems of democracy in the Middle East is that, if it really exists, the Arabs may not do what we want them to do + it's much more easy to have dictators, generals, businessmen running countries on our behalf.
Continue. Real Video and Transcri pt

22.Jun.2005 Americans inching closer to a reckoning Do you want to know? By Robert Steinback - Either you want to know if you've been lied to, or you don't.  Continue

22.Jun.2005 A War Waged by Liars and Morons - What is Bush's Agenda in Iraq? -By Paul Craig Roberts In his June 18 weekly radio address last Saturday, Bush again lied to the American people when he told them that the US was forced into invading Iraq because of the September 11 attack on the WTC. Bush, the greatest disgrace that America has ever had to suffer, actually repeated at this late date the monstrous lie for which he is infamous throughout the world: Continued .

22.Jun.2005 Neuer Bündnisname: PDS will sich in "Die Linkspartei" umbenennen

22.Jun.2005 EU-Positionen: Blair attackiert Fischer und Schröder

22.Jun.2005 Vermittlungsausschuss: Antidiskriminierungsgesetz vor dem Aus

22.Jun.2005 Internetnutzung: Schrumpfender Zuwachs

22.Jun.2005 Biometrischer Pass: Schily düpiert die Grünen

22.Jun.2005 Virologie: Harmloses Virus kann Krebszellen töten

22.Jun.2005 Gestohlene Kreditkartendaten: Gehackte Firma agierte ohne staatliche Kontrolle

22.Jun.2005 Crash mit Kometen: "Deep Impact" funkt erste Zielfotos

22.Jun.2005 Segel-Raumsonde: "Cosmos 1" wahrscheinlich verloren

22.Jun.2005 Interview mit Woody Allen: "Aus Leiden können wir nichts lernen"

22.Jun.2005 Börse am Nachmittag: Dax erreicht auf neues Jahreshoch

22.Jun.2005 Sicherheit: Kabinett beschließt Einführung biometrischer Pässe

22.Jun.2005 Angriff auf Subventionen: Brüssel will Zuckerpreise um 39 Prozent kürzen

22.Jun.2005 Finanzen: Eichel legt doch kompletten Etat vor

22.Jun.2005 Abzocke per Konto und Handy: Die neuen Tricks der Dialer-Mafia

22.Jun.2005 The American Prospect has today's must-read story -- an expose of the Reverend Moon's ties to North Korea. URL:
Mann, like Tomlinson, also has a history with Reader's Digest. (National Review -- founded by a CIA man -- considers Tomlinson the "last great editor" of the Digest.) I suppose it would be impolitic to mention the fact that, some fifteen years ago, Covert Action printed a story linking the Digest to the CIA. That spooky relationship was explored at much greater length in John Heidenry's book Theirs Was the Kingdom: Lila and Dewitt Wallace and the story of the Reader's Digest + in Peter Canning's American Dreamers -- The Wallaces and Reader's Digest: An Insider's Story . From a review of the latter volume:
Among other things, Canning details how, in the 1940s and 50s, the State Department and CIA fed content to the Digest and helped its international editions thrive. He also notes the magazine's numerous pro-Vietnam War editorials + the way Nixon speeches found their way into the magazine under the byline "The Editors." Further, Canning dishes a good deal of dirt about founders Dewitt and Lila Wallace's odd sex lives + he digs into the story behind the sex discrimination suit filed against the Digest in 1976, among the largest ever, in which 2,600 female employees were awarded more than $1.5 million. URL:
22.Jun.2005 Two stories we have followed
may be linked. The scandalous behavior of Ken Tomlinson -- the head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting who wants to inject more Coulteresque commentary into NPR and PBS -- has a connection with the Reverend Moon's media empire. URL:
22.Jun.2005 According to a
Bob Fitrakis radio interview, Ken Blackwell -- Ohio's corrupt Secretary of State -- had direct access to the central tabulators in the 2004 election. (You may also want to hear this.) Letting the Republican party's state chairman have this sort of access is like giving John Dillinger the keys to a bank vault.
Speaking of Fitrakis: It's not enough to recommend his new book Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? Essential Documents. Let's do everything we can to get this work into our libraries. And the best way to accomplish that goal is to ask a librarian to stock the volume. Simple, easy and free! URL:
During a June 16 panel meeting in Sacramento, the California Election Protection Network and other election reformers did everything they could to put a stop to this outrage. There is a continuing effort to flood the new Secretary of State's email with letters of protest. Alas, we have every indicator that he will certify Diebold and ES&S machines in time for the upcoming elections. URL:
22.Jun.2005 The DNC reports: Tomorrow, the Democratic National Committee's Voting Rights Institute will present DNC Chairman Howard Dean their report on the conduct of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. You should be able to find a copy of this report at

22.Jun.2005 Interview mit britischer EU-Expertin Stuart: "Blair will radikale Reform der Europäischen Union"

22.Jun.2005 Rekord-Neuverschuldung: Kommission empfiehlt Defizitverfahren gegen Portugal

22.Jun.2005 Erfinder des Mikrochips: Jack Kilby ist tot

22.Jun.2005 Geschäfte mit "Deep Throat": Ausplaudern und Abkassieren

22.Jun.2005 Urteil: Gewissensfreiheit gilt auch bei Bundeswehr

22.Jun.2005 Signale empfangen: Neue Hoffnung für Segel-Sonde "Cosmos 1"

22.Jun.2005 Neuwahl: Grünen-Politiker droht mit Verfassungsklage

22.Jun.2005 Projektname "Barracuda": EADS plant Kampfjet ohne Piloten

22.Jun.2005 Umfrage: Neun Prozent für das Linksbündnis

22.Jun.2005 Kapitalistische Wende: Vietnam auf Großeinkauf bei US-Konzernen

22.Jun.2005 "Cosmos 1": Fehlstart für den Weltraumsegler

22.Jun.2005 Guantanamo: Bush lehnt unabhängige Untersuchung ab

22.Jun.2005 Wahlkampf: Heftige Kritik an der Reichensteuer

22.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Blair wehrt sich gegen Schröders Vorwürfe

22.Jun.2005 Globalisierungsexpertin im Interview: "Protestgruppen können effektiv Druck machen"

21.Jun.2005 WMD claims were ' totally implausible': A key Foreign Office diplomat responsible for liaising with UN inspectors says today that claims the government made about Iraq's weapons programme were "totally implausible

21.Jun.2005 Venezuela Cites Evidence Of Plot Against Chavez: Venezuela's government believes it has found evidence of an assassination plot against President Hugo Chavez by dissidents working with paramilitary groups in Colombia, the interior minister said Monday.

21.Jun.2005 Chavez seeks regional gas company: Chavez said Venezuela's gas reserves in the Caribbean could be tapped and shipped to markets in South America. Pipelines could be laid from Venezuela's offshore reserves in the Caribbean to markets in Brazil and Argentina, he said.

21.Jun.2005 Colombia: Washington’s Other Oil War: While most of the country has not been explored for oil, Colombia is already the third-largest exporter in Latin America, after Venezuela and Mexico.

21.Jun.2005 Ecuador: President Walks A Tightrope : Protesters chanted: “We don’t want to become a North American colony”.

21.Jun.2005 Bush's free-trade pact is a heavy lift : It is becoming increasingly clear that its failure to pass the Central American Free Trade Agreement represents the latest in a series of setbacks for its sputtering trade agenda. For working people throughout the Americas, this is cause to celebrate.

21.Jun.2005 Peru May Face Fallout From Prison Release: Political fallout mounted Monday over President Alejandro Toledo's decision to reduce a prison sentence for the daughter of Israel's ambassador to Britain after a TV news crew filmed the president's brother meeting with a member of the parole board.

21.Jun.2005 George Monbiot: Bards of the powerful : Far from challenging the G8's role in Africa's poverty, Geldof and Bono are giving legitimacy to those responsible

21.Jun.2005 Why France said non : By rejecting the constitutional treaty, a majority of French and Dutch voters called for far-reaching changes at home and across Europe. Here are some preliminary pointers for the debate to come.

21.Jun.2005 Gov't. Collected Airline Passenger Data : The federal agency in charge of aviation security collected extensive personal information about airline passengers even though Congress forbade it and officials said they wouldn't do it, according to documents obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

21.Jun.2005 Contractor who bought Congressman's house made employees give political contributions : A defense contractor who took a $700,000 loss on the purchase of Rep. Randy Cunningham's Del Mar residence in 2003 + provided a yacht for his use in the nation's capital, forced his employees to make political contributions that benefited the San Diego Republican and other members of Congress, according to three former senior officials of the company.

21.Jun.2005 Republicans take aim at their small-screen enemies: Last week a House committee voted to slash the budget of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the supervisory agency for public television and radio, by 25 per cent, or $100m (£55m), to $300m.

21.Jun.2005 Foreclosure filings jump in Mass. as home values soar: The combination of high housing prices, low interest rates, a sluggish job market + new mortgage products that allow borrowers to stretch their finances to pay for their homes has contributed to a nearly 28 % surge this year in foreclosure filings across Massachusetts.

21.Jun.2005 The blood of the Uzbeks, the hypocrisy of the West + the last great oil grab : The current policy amounts to trading the human rights of 25 million Uzbeks for access to oil supplies

21.Jun.2005 John Boton and the president’s ‘hole card’ The Senate has, for the second time in four weeks, voted to block an up-or-down vote on President Bush's nomination of John Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations, the president could use his power under Article Two, Section 2 of the Constitution to give Bolton a recess appointment to the job.

21.Jun.2005 Bolton Delay Offensive to Jewish Community, Says JINSA: Neumann described the Senate delay as "a blatantly orchestrated effort to destroy a dedicated, highly qualified public servant.

21.Jun.2005 Aid agencies call for access to Karabila ; "The situation is critical in the village of Karabila. Hundreds of injured people are inside the town requiring urgent medical treatment but have been prohibited to leave the village by US forces and we are not authorised to enter there," Dr Hamed al-Alousi, director at the nearby al-Qaim general hospital, said.

21.Jun.2005 'Am I Next?' : The Question Haunts the Members Of a Casualty-Depleted Platoon

21.Jun.2005 Bush administration is basing its Middle East policy on newspaper articles : The United States is, once again, depending on news reports leaked by its own intelligence, to justify its policies.

21.Jun.2005 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the White House : The Bush administration is coming under increasing criticism for its handling of so-called "illegal combatants." The president may soon be forced to find the key he threw away so long ago.

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Bush and Blair made secret pact for Iraq war : · Decision came nine days after 9/11: · Ex-ambassador reveals discussion.

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: US invasion of Iraq 'inevitable': The United States says American forces will enter Iraq to search for weapons of mass destruction even if President Saddam Hussein complies with an ultimatum to leave.

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: UN Nuclear Team: US Sabotaged Inspections : Some inspectors are ``scandalized'' at the way President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell, among others, have ``politicized'' the inspection process, said a source close to the inspectors.

21.Jun.2005 Jack Dalton: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid—Something Evil This Way is Coming! : Bush told the world that, “I am a war president…I make all my decisions with war in mind…” For Bush, his road to immortality and greatness was + still is, thru war; and not just one war, but continuous war.

21.Jun.2005 Private Warriors: New PBS Doc Questions Role of Military Contractors in Iraq

21.Jun.2005 Riverbend Iraqi Girl Blog: Green Republic . : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Republic of the Green Zone, also known as the Green Republic.

21.Jun.2005 NYCLU Files Appeals Brief In Support Of Release Of Jose Padilla : The NYCLU filed an amicus brief in US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit challenging the government's action in detaining Padilla, an American citizen, in military custody without formally charging him and bringing him to trial in accordance with law.

21.Jun.2005 Jose Padilla amicus brief in US Court of Appeals Read the full brief.

21.Jun.2005 Beirut bomb kills ex-communist chie f: Nasir Qandil, a former member of parliament, told Aljazeera that Hawi had an important role in organising resistance against Israel and that was the reason for his slaying.

21.Jun.2005 US and Israel close to deal on arms sales: Israel is regularly among the top five international weapons exporters and in 2002 reached third place after the US and Russia.

21.Jun.2005 Dust off the Nuremberg Files - By Anwaar Hussain
Substantial evidence is now available that the Bush administration leaders + military personnel following orders of these leaders, have committed "violations of the laws or customs of war," including "murder . . . of civilian populations of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war.

21.Jun.2005 Where were the doctors at Abu Ghraib?
Medical workers from other nations have been complicitous in torture before, he said, but this is something new for the United States. -Maura Lerner
Doctors had falsified the death certificates of some of the detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wrote that they had written off suspicious deaths as natural ones -- in one case, attributing a man's death to a heart attack, even though he died in a coma with skull fractures and burns on his feet.

21.Jun.2005 They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate
Freedom wasn't the goal of George W. Bush or his neoconservative Republican colleagues. It was political power. And they were willing to lie us into a war to achieve it. by Thom Hartmann
It was a war for political power. That had to be first. Everything else - oil, profits, ongoing PATRIOT Act powers, easy manipulation of the media - all could only come if political power was seized and held through at least two decisive election cycles. The Bush administration lied us into an invasion to get and keep political power.

21.Jun.2005 Antisemitismus bei Metando Bis 1890 erschienen im Kaiserreich an die 500 Schriften zur "Judenfrage" ... Antisemitismus im Kaiserreich - deutsches historisches Museum ...

21.Jun.2005 Forum haGalil - Board A: ???Frühes Laboratorium des Rassenkriegs ... Die Lage besserte sich erst, als mit Ludwig von Estorff ein Offizier zum Kommandeur der ... Außerdem geht es um ein deutsches und kein anderes Video ...

21.Jun.2005 Deutscher Militarismus, Imperialismus und Antisemitismus von 1870 ... 1914 (in: Dollinger, Das Kaiserreich , S.372). 14. Dez. 1995 ... ???Sie müssen die Erinnerung an ein deutsches Ostpreußen, Schlesien und Pommern aus dem Heute ...

21.Jun.2005 Center for Global Justice ... Fonow (University of Arizona), Angeles Lopez (Frente Authentico del Trabajo, FAT, Leon, Mexico), Martha Zapata Galindo ...  

21.Jun.2005 USA: Bush bleibt hartnäckig bei Bolton

21.Jun.2005 Anschlag im Libanon: Rice erhebt Vorwürfe gegen Syrien

21.Jun.2005 Volkswagen: Arbeiter kämpfen um die Nachtschicht-Zuschläge

21.Jun.2005 Prozess: Ku-Klux-Klan-Mörder nach mehr als 40 Jahren verurteilt

21.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Frankreich wirft Blair Taschenspielertrick vor

21.Jun.2005 Fabelhaft: Grimms Märchen zum Weltdokumentenerbe erklärt

21.Jun.2005 Jagdquoten: Japan scheitert erneut an Walfang-Gegnern

21.Jun.2005 Lichtwellen-Segler: Atom-U-Boot schießt Sonde ins All

21.Jun.2005 35 Grad in Karlsruhe: Sommeranfang bringt Hitzerekorde

21.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Villepin beschuldigt Briten

21.Jun.2005 Rekordhöhen: Spritpreise explodieren zum Ferienstart

21.Jun.2005 Tierzählung per Sensor: Elefanten klingen dumpf

21.Jun.2005 Stonehenge: Druidentanz zur Sonnenwende

21.Jun.2005 EU: Streit zwischen Schröder und Blair eskaliert

21.Jun.2005 Einbruch in Kreditkarten-Server: Daten von USA-Besuchern und Webshoppern in Gefahr

21.Jun.2005 Bericht der Wächter: Saddam will sich mit den Bushs versöhnen

21.Jun.2005 EU-Finanzkrise: Blair nennt Britenrabatt Anomalie

"Der gleiche Kreislauf von Geburt, Leben und Tod, den wir auf der Erde erleben, wiederholt sich in den Sternen", sagte David Wilner vom Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "Das SMA gibt uns einen Platz in der ersten Reihe bei der Entschlüsselung dieser kosmischen Ereignisse."
Unklar ist deshalb noch immer, wie häufig Sonnensysteme wie das unsere vorkommen - Planetensysteme, die neben Gasriesen auch kleinere, womöglich erdähnliche Objekte besitzen.
Doch diese Frage ist nun beantwortet, glauben Forscher aus den USA: Ein Team um Jonathan Williams von der University of Hawaii hat nach eigenen Angaben "erstmals bestätigt", dass Planetensysteme wie das unsere keine Ausnahmen sind, sondern im Universum praktisch an jeder Ecke zu finden sein sollten. Das hätten Beobachtungen junger Sterne im Orion-Nebel ergeben.
Astronomie: Sonnensystem nur eines von vielen

21.Jun.2005 Europa: Sozialdemokraten erarbeiten Notplan für EU

21.Jun.2005 Übernahmeschlacht: Chinesen kämpfen um US-Ölkonzern

21.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Warum Zapatero die Fronten wechselte

21.Jun.2005 "Krieg der Welten": Maulkorb für die Kritiker

21.Jun.2005 Ausreise: Mzoudi in Marokko eingetroffen

21.Jun.2005 Goldwaschen in den Cevennen: Ein kleiner Schatz für jeden

21.Jun.2005 Top-Manager: Die Strippenzieher am Standort D

21.Jun.2005 Körpergefühl: Warum man sich nicht selbst kitzeln kann

21.Jun.2005 Nach Dauerregen: Tausende Kanadier flüchten vor Jahrhundertflut

21.Jun.2005 Ägypten: Rice schwört Nahost auf Menschenrechte ein

21.Jun.2005 Washington: Diebe klauen Auto des Polizeichefs

21.Jun.2005 Uno-Botschafter: US-Senat blockiert Bolton

21.Jun.2005 Terrorismus: Mzoudi hat Deutschland verlassen

21.Jun.2005 Arbeitskampf abgeblasen: Beim Bau gilt wieder die 40-Stunden-Woche

21.Jun.2005 Transatlantischer Gipfel: Barroso betont Handlungsfähigkeit der EU

21.Jun.2005 US-Gefangenenlager: Bush verteidigt Guantanamo (

21.Jun.2005 U.S. Democrats cite British memo in Bolton fight: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid demanded a full accounting of whether Bolton exaggerated assessments of several countries' weapons programs, a key issue in the long-stalled nomination.

21.Jun.2005 Saddam's Attorney Says Iraqi Leader Not Found in Spider Hole: Dolami talks about Saddam's allegations of torture, the dictator's contention that he was not captured in the "spider hole" and how curious U.S. interrogators have been about his purported weapons of mass destruction.

21.Jun.2005 Protecting the troops is secondary to protecting the oil fields: The following exchange between Rep. John F. Tierney (D-MA) and Halliburton/KBR's director of government compliance, William Walter, shows that the Bush administration began planning for troop safety long after it made plans to secure the safety of Iraq's oil fields

21.Jun.2005 Saddam's Attorney Says Iraqi Leader Not Found in Spider Hole: Dolami talks about Saddam's allegations of torture, the dictator's contention that he was not captured in the "spider hole" and how curious U.S. interrogators have been about his purported weapons of mass destruction.

21.Jun.2005 Protecting the troops is secondary to protecting the oil fields: The following exchange between Rep. John F. Tierney (D-MA) and Halliburton/KBR's director of government compliance, William Walter, shows that the Bush administration began planning for troop safety long after it made plans to secure the safety of Iraq's oil fields

21.Jun.2005 State Department cable details ethnic cleansing by US-backed forces in Iraq: US-backed Kurdish police and security units have kidnapped hundreds of minority Arabs and Turkmen in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, according to a confidential State Department cable leaked to the Washington Post

21.Jun.2005 Russia, China join against US 'star wars' : Russia and China have joined forces in a major U.N. forum to oppose U.S. plans to develop new space weapons. And the move could herald a far more wide-ranging strategic cooperation between the two nations.

21.Jun.2005 .S. criticizes Pakistan on Taliban leaders : The outgoing U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan has suggested that Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar has been hiding in Pakistan and sharply criticized Islamabad's failure to act against Taliban leaders.

21.Jun.2005 Pakistani tribesmen vow to oust US from region: Thousands of Pakistani tribesmen have vowed to fight US forces as they marked the first death anniversary of a slain militant leader in a tribal region near Afghanistan

21.Jun.2005 Uzbek Ministries Tied To Killings in Crackdown Received U.S. Aid: Uzbek law enforcement and security ministries implicated by witnesses in the deadly crackdown in the city of Andijon last month have for years received training and equipment from counterterrorism programs run by the United States, according to American officials and Congressional records.

21.Jun.2005 Will the CIA let Posada spill the bean: "We are going to hit a Cuban airplane," said Luis Posada in Caracas, Venezuela, according to a recently declassified CIA document. On October 6 1976, just days later, Cubana Airline flight 455 exploded off the coast of Barbados, killing all 73 passengers.

21.Jun.2005 The proof is in the documents: The CIA was involved in the April 12 coup d'etat against President Hugo Chavez Frias

21.Jun.2005 The Folly Of Space Weapons: Although an international treaty bans nuclear weapons in space, there should be little doubt that the proponents of space weaponization mean to include nuclear weapons in what is to them just another environment.

21.Jun.2005 Soldier Sues Over Guantanamo Beating : A U.S. military policeman who was beaten by fellow MPs during a botched training drill at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prison for detainees has sued the Pentagon for $15 million, alleging that the incident violated his constitutional rights.

21.Jun.2005 Memo: Pentagon Concerned About Legality of Interrogation Techniques: The interrogation techniques used at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in 2002 triggered concerns among senior Pentagon officials that they could face criminal prosecution under U.S. anti-torture laws

21.Jun.2005 The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hit back at a U.S. Republican report: A confidential ICRC memorandum which appeared in the New York Times last November accused the U.S. military of tactics 'tantamount to torture' on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay – an accusation rejected by the Pentagon.

21.Jun.2005 Analyst blames Israel for Iraq war : Jewish lawmakers expressed anger at a former CIA analyst who told a U.S. House of Representatives panel that Israel was responsible for the Iraq war.

21.Jun.2005 Dean Condemns 'Anti-Semitic Literature' : A handful of people at Democratic National Headquarters distributed material critical of Israel during a public forum questioning the Bush administration's Iraq policy, drawing an angry response and charges of anti-Semitism from party chairman Howard Dean on Friday.

21.Jun.2005 Racism, Lynching, Slavery – Pillars of the American Dream : The US this year, will spend $450 billion on ways to potentially kill every man, woman and child on the planet, that is half of the world’s arms expenditure by one nation, doesn’t that sound like a war mongering nation.

21.Jun.2005 Congress Guts U.N. Funding: The funding was cut in half until the U.N. met a list of demands that the U.S. Congress put forth including cutting the public information budget by 20 %, establishing an independent oversight board and an ethics office + denying countries that violate human rights from serving on human rights commissions.

21.Jun.2005 An Insider's Troubling Account of the U.S. Role in Iraq : Mr. Diamond contends that the postwar troubles in Iraq - a bloody and unrelenting insurgency, the creation of a new breeding ground for terrorists and metastasizing ethnic and religious tensions - are the result of "gross negligence" on the part of a Bush administration that rushed to war.

21.Jun.2005 British documents portray determined U.S. march to war: - Highly classified documents leaked in Britain appear to provide new evidence that President Bush and his national security team decided to invade Iraq much earlier than they have acknowledged and marched to war without dwelling on the potential perils.

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: “F*** Saddam,” Bush said. “We’re taking him out.”March 2002: Using the unsavory Saddam Hussein as a foil, Bush was unleashing hell on the Iraqis.

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it:  Blair planned Iraq war from start: For the secret documents — seen by The Sunday Times — reveal that on that Tuesday in 2002: Blair was right from the outset committed to supporting US plans for “regime change” in Iraq.

21.Jun.2005 Argentine court strikes down amnesty for torturers: Nearly three decades after the US-backed military coup that led to the “disappearance” of an estimated 30,000 people in Argentina, the country’s Supreme Court Tuesday struck down a pair of laws that effectively granted an amnesty to those responsible for the dictatorship’s crimes.

18.Jun.2005 New Secret British Government Memos Show Blair Hand Wringing Over Bush's Iraq war plans:`”U.S. scrambling to establish a link between Iraq + al-Qaida is so far frankly unconvincing'' Ricketts says in the memo. ``For Iraq, `regime change' does not stack up. It sounds like a grudge between Bush and Saddam.''

21.Jun.2005 Memos suggest Blair's government exaggerated intelligence about Saddam's alleged WMDs: A July 21 briefing paper given to UK officials preparing for a July 23 meeting with Blair says: ``Time will be required to prepare public opinion in the UK that it is necessary to take military action against Saddam Hussein.''  

21.Jun.2005 Interview with Gen. Hussein Kamel, head of Iraq's weapons program:  "I ordered destruction of all chemical weapons. All weapons - biological, chemical, missile, nuclear were destroyed" (22.Aug.1995 )

21.Jun.2005 More than 1,200 who had anthrax vaccine now sick: More than 1,200 military personnel who received the anthrax vaccine before going to Iraq have developed serious illnesses, according to an Army report released last month

21.Jun.2005 New US move to spoil climate accord : Extraordinary efforts by the White House to scupper Britain's attempts to tackle global warming have been revealed in leaked US government documents obtained by The Observer

21.Jun.2005 Bush fighting to regain confidence of Americans : With his job approval rating slumping to 42 % in a poll by The New York Times and CBS News, down from 51 % in the aftermath of the November election, Bush has begun an effort to refocus his presidency -- a move welcomed by anxious Republicans.

21.Jun.2005 Desperate Bush lies to the American people again : Bush Now Says: US is at war in Iraq because of Sept 11 attacks : The USA is at war in Iraq because of the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, US President George W. Bush said yesterday.

21.Jun.2005 We attacked Iraq Because Of 9/11: Is Clearly A lie : Let us remind our President of some of his and his governments other statements on this issue.

21.Jun.2005 Justin Raimondo: Behind the Downing Street Memos : Lurks the specter of treason

21.Jun.2005 Treason Is Not Patriotic: There is nothing conservative about waving the bloody flag for a political structure bent upon destroying individual rights.

21.Jun.2005 The Ultimate Deception?: Harring claims he has an internal pdf. file from the D.O.D. which establishes that nearly 9000 Americans have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom, but that the official number has been held to 1713 by designating as Iraq deaths only those who perish on Iraqi soil.

21.Jun.2005 Australia Covert unit in Philippines: AUSTRALIA has been fighting a secret covert operation in the Philippines for at least a year, battling an alarming rise in Islamic fundamentalism and terror.

21.Jun.2005 Fake Documents Got Workers Into Nuke Plant : Sixteen foreign-born construction workers with phony immigration documents were able to enter a nuclear weapons plant in eastern Tennessee because of lax security controls, a federal report said Monday.

21.Jun.2005 Libraries Say Yes, Officials Do Quiz Them About Users : Law enforcement officials have made at least 200 formal and informal inquiries to libraries for information on reading material and other internal matters since October 2001, according to a new study that adds grist to the growing debate in Congress over the government's counterterrorism powers.

21.Jun.2005 ''The Coming World Realignment'': Since the U.S. intervention in Iraq revealed the limits of Washington's ability to implement its security strategy of becoming the unquestioned political and military arbiter of the globalizing world economy, the underlying tendencies towards a multipolar configuration of world politics have crystallized into hard and obvious fact.

21.Jun.2005 Japan faces 58 bil. yen tab for interceptor : The United States has asked Japan to contribute 58 billion yen toward a joint missile defense development project expected to begin in fiscal 2006, The Yomiuri Shimbun learned Sunday.

21.Jun.2005 U.S. spending on Iraq may soon surpass Korean War budget : Lawmakers in the United States were scheduled to vote on Monday to approve $45 billion US in additional funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, making the recent Middle East foray more expensive than the entire Korean War.

21.Jun.2005 Trade deficit a record $195.1 billion: The U.S. deficit in the broadest measure of international trade rose to a record $195.1 billion from January through March of this year as the country sank deeper into debt to Japan, China and other nations.

21.Jun.2005 Another painful spying case: The unsealing of a federal indictment against former Pentagon analyst Lawrence A. Franklin may unfortunately be the start of another long case of Israeli spying against the United States.

21.Jun.2005 Bush and Hawks Try Pre-Emptive Strike Vs. Iran Vote : A familiar clutch of hardline U.S. hawks who led the march to war against Iraq have tried to carry out yet another pre-emptive strike. But this time it wasn't military.

21.Jun.2005 Time to Impeach a War Criminal: The Downing Street memo confirms what many had already suspected – George W. Bush is an out-and-out liar who intentionally misled the American public, the U.S. Congress and our allies.

21.Jun.2005 We've seen enough to impeach Bush : Is America brave enough to confront this reality?

21.Jun.2005 In case you issed it: The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney, Halliburton Years : "Dick Cheney is simply the latest in a succession of politicians that Halliburton has used to secure government contracts. "

21.Jun.2005 Why George Went To War : "He was thinking about invading Iraq in 1999," said author and Houston Chronicle journalist Mickey Herskowitz. "It was on his mind. He said, 'One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief.' And he said,

21.Jun.2005 William Kristol : Springtime for Dictators? : America shouldn't reward gross acts of dictatorial oppression or give free passes for the aiders and abettors of tyrants.

21.Jun.2005 Diplomat at large : He was a Foreign Office diplomat on the fast track to an ambassadorship and knighthood. So why, after 15 years at the top, did Carne Ross turn his back on the power and the status to go freelance?

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: The Secret War: Iraq War already under way : 12/20/02 "The Mirror" - - THE American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that "nofinal decision has been taken", Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have secretly changed tactics and escalated their "patrols" over Iraq to an all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.

21.Jun.2005 US refuses to allow evacuation of wounded reporter : Television channel Al-Arabiya said US military authorities had refused to authorize the evacuation from Iraq of reporter Jawad Kazem, who was wounded by armed men Saturday in Baghdad.

21.Jun.2005 The World Watches As U.S. Avoids The Shameful Glare: The idea that torture is A-OK so long as it ceases short of "organ failure" -- is that what America has come to?

21.Jun.2005 83 Iraqi legislators seek U.S. pullout: A memorandum signed by 83 MPs in the 275-seat National Assembly was submitted to the House speaker Sunday in which they blasted the Iraqi government's request to the U.N. Security Council to extend the presence of the foreign forces in the country.

21.Jun.2005 US 'losing in Iraq' - Republican Senator Hagel : Republican Senator Chuck Hagel slammed the George W. Bush administration's Iraq policy as "disconnected from reality" in some of the harshest comments to date about the war from a member of the president's own party.

21.Jun.2005 Fifty House Democrats form 'Out of Iraq caucus': The group of progressives, led by California Reps. Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee, has been urging a withdrawal for some time but formalized its effort last week as part of its push to become a more forceful voice on the issue within the broader party Caucus.

21.Jun.2005 Congressman John Conyers, Jr.: Pravda on the Potomac: An open letter to the Washington Post: I write to express my profound disappointment with Dana Milbank's June 17 report, "Democrats Play House to Rally Against the War," which purports to describe a Democratic hearing I chaired in the Capitol yesterday.

21.Jun.2005 UK had advance alert of jail abuse : A report on torture on Iraqis at Abu Ghraib was circulated within the army

21.Jun.2005 Pentagon to release new abuse photos : The judge said the photographs "are the best evidence the public can have of what occurred" at Abu Ghraib.

21.Jun.2005 Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era : Many detainees face beatings and some are killed. U.S. officials are troubled by the reports.

21.Jun.2005 We are all complicit in these vile acts of torture But what can we do about it? by Robert Fisk What can we do? What can we do when an American president dispatches "suspects" to third countries where they will be stripped, wired up, electrocuted, ripped open and tortured until they wish they had never been born?  Continue

21.Jun.2005 Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice The following is a transcript rather than the original document in order to protect the source. This is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice appended as Annex A to the Cabinet Office briefing paper on Iraq of July 21, 2002. This advice was originally written in March 2002. Continue

21.Jun.2005 British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office Michael Smith - "The Times"
A SHARP increase in British and American bombing raids on Iraq in the run-up to war “to put pressure on the regime” was illegal under international law, according to leaked Foreign Office legal advice .

21.Jun.2005 British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office Michael Smith - "The Times" A SHARP increase in British and American bombing raids on Iraq in the run-up to war “to put pressure on the regime” was illegal under international law, according to leaked Foreign Office legal advice . Continue

21.Jun.2005 WMD claims were ' totally implausible' A key Foreign Office diplomat responsible for liaising with UN inspectors says today that claims the government made about Iraq's weapons programme were "totally implausible". Richard Norton-Taylor
"I'd read the intelligence on WMD for four and a half years + there's no way that it could sustain the case that the government was presenting. All of my colleagues knew that, too".

21.Jun.2005 The US war with Iran has already begun By Scott Ritter The reality is that the US war with Iran has already begun. As we speak, American over flights of Iranian soil are taking place, using pilotless drones and other, more sophisticated, capabilities. Continue .

21.Jun.2005 As Slate summarized a few months ago:
The Justice Department and the Interior Department are looking into Abramoff's use of charitable foundations as businesses and nonprofit political groups as conduits for foreign money. The Senate Finance Committee is also investigating Abramoff's use of tax-exempt entities; the Senate Indian Affairs Committee is questioning his treatment of the tribes. In short: A lovely guy.
And now
Daniel Hopsicker offers a glimpse of just how lovely Abramoff truly is.URL:
Archäologie: 2.700 Jahre alte Moorleiche entdeckt

20.Jun.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Ölpreis belastet den Markt

20.Jun.2005 EU-USA-Gipfel: Bush spricht sich für starkes Europa aus

20.Jun.2005 Geheimdienst: CIA kennt angeblich Bin Ladens Versteck

20.Jun.2005 US-Gefangenenlager: Clinton fordert Ende des Guantánamo-Skandals

20.Jun.2005 Europäische Integration: Rückschläge en masse

20.Jun.2005 Automaten: Die Mutter aller Maschinen

20.Jun.2005 Großrazzia: Spanische Polizei zerschlägt Mafia-Banden

20.Jun.2005 Steuerpolitik: SPD will Spitzenverdiener zur Kasse bitten

20.Jun.2005 Europa: Blair plant ohne Schröder und Chirac

20.Jun.2005 Ifo-Chef Sinn im Interview: "Es geht nicht um weniger Lohn"

20.Jun.2005 Stammzell-Forschung: Künstliche Spermien und Eizellen aus dem Labor

20.Jun.2005 Europa: Blair bezeichnet EU-Agrarsubventionen als sinnlos

20.Jun.2005 Wahlen in Iran: Wächterrat befiehlt teilweise Neuauszählung

20.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: "Chirac ist ein Problem Europas"

20.Jun.2005 ARD-Doku: Im Sandkasten der NS-Strategen

20.Jun.2005 Käfer-Chemie: Insektenblut hilft gegen Krebs

20.Jun.2005 Konkurrenz für PayPal: Gerüchte über neuen Bezahlservice von Google

20.Jun.2005 Streit um Fangquoten: Waljäger erleiden erste Schlappe

20.Jun.2005 Währungsturbulenzen: EU-Streit belastet Euro

20.Jun.2005 Urlaubskürzungen: Parteien lehnen Verrechnung von Krankheitstagen ab

20.Jun.2005 Ägypten: Rice fordert Chancengleichheit für Opposition

20.Jun.2005 Neue Bücher im Juni: Sternengucker, Träumer, Lebensmüde

20.Jun.2005 Wirtschaftsexperte: Ältere Arbeitnehmer sollen weniger verdienen

20.Jun.2005 Früherkennung: Hirnscan verrät Alzheimer Jahre im Voraus

20.Jun.2005 Teure Energie: RWE bleibt bei hohen Strompreisen

20.Jun.2005 USA: Heftige Proteste gegen Besuch von Vietnams Regierungschef

20.Jun.2005 Währungsturbulenzen: EU-Streit belastet Euro

20.Jun.2005 US-Präsidentenwahl: Das Kandidaten-Karussell springt an

20.Jun.2005 Libanon: Anti-syrische Liste erklärt sich zum Sieger

20.Jun.2005 WASG-Forderung: Bisky lehnt Ausstieg aus rot-roten Regierungen ab

20.Jun.2005 Bestseller: Tom Hanks kauft Filmrechte an "Deep Throat"

20.Jun.2005 Vorschlag des Handwerks: Kranke sollen weniger Urlaub bekommen

20.Jun.2005 Vorwurf aus London: USA hatten nie einen Plan für die Zeit nach Saddam

20.Jun.2005 Notlandung: US-Jet muss Zwischenstopp in Teheran einlegen

20.Jun.2005 Großdemo: Spanien streitet über Homo-Ehe

20.Jun.2005 Geldnostalgie: Deutsche horten Mark-Münzen

20.Jun.2005 Terrorgefahr: Sicherheitsmaßnahmen für G8-Gipfel veröffentlicht

20.Jun.2005 Durchbruch: Blutgefäße aus Zellen älterer Menschen gezüchtet

20.Jun.2005 Wahlen in Iran: Reformer sprechen offen von Betrug

20.Jun.2005 Wahlkampf: Union plant Zuwanderungsstopp

20.Jun.2005 Interview mit SPD-Generalsekretär Benneter: "Europa ist sicher nicht am Ende"

18.Jun.2005 Nahost-Reise: Rice berät Gaza-Abzug mit Scharon

18.Jun.2005 "Just as our opinion of an individual is not based on what he thinks of himself, so we cannot judge of such a period of transformation by its own consciousness; on the contrary, this consciousness must be explained rather from the contradictions of material life, from the existing conflict between the social productive forces and the relations of production ... . [

18.Jun.2005 Gipfel-Misserfolg: Opposition will eine andere EU

18.Jun.2005 Stichwahl in Iran: Rafsandschani tritt gegen Erzkonservativen an

18.Jun.2005 Internationale Presseschau: "Totengräber Europas"

18.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Katzenjammer nach dem Chaos-Gipfel

18.Jun.2005 Wahlkampf: IG Metall fordert Besteuerung von Bentleys

18.Jun.2005 Präsidentenkür im Iran: Stichwahl soll Entscheidung bringen

18.Jun.2005 Tankzugunfall: Öl bedroht Moskaus Trinkwasserversorgung

18.Jun.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Sartre spielte immer mit ganzem Einsatz"

18.Jun.2005 Internationaler Vergleich: Deutsche Lehrer sind privilegiert

18.Jun.2005 Älteste Geschichten der Welt: Texte früher Hochkultur im Internet

18.Jun.2005 US-Besuch: Rumsfeld düpiert Struck

18.Jun.2005 Umfrage: Merkel prescht auf der Beliebtheitsskala vor

18.Jun.2005 Haushaltssanierung: Regierung will Mehrwertsteuer auf 20 Prozent anheben

18.Jun.2005 Sicherheitslücke: 40 Millionen Kreditkarten-Daten gestohlen

18.Jun.2005 Teure Energie: Ölpreis klettert auf Rekordniveau

18.Jun.2005 Pattsituation: Irans Präsident wird in Stichwahl bestimmt

18.Jun.2005 EU-Krise: Finanzgipfel endet im Chaos

18.Jun.2005 Brüssel: EU-Finanzgipfel endgültig gescheitert

18.Jun.2005 Iran: Unerwartet starker Wählerandrang

17.Jun.2005 Video-Botschaft: Al-Qaida-Vize lehnt friedliche Reformen ab

17.Jun.2005 Brüsseler Finanzgipfel: Neue EU-Länder starten Rettungsversuch

17.Jun.2005 Uno: Annan warnt USA vor Finanz-Drohung

17.Jun.2005 Bush administration begins to privatize the skies: The Bush administration’s quest to privatize virtually everything will pay huge dividends for the American military contractor Lockheed Martin this year. In February, the giant company was awarded a $1.9 billion contract to assume control of an important function of the US aviation system.

17.Jun.2005 Bush snubbed on 'terror book' law : Powers to gather information on the books people buy in US bookshops and rent from libraries should be repealed, the House of Representatives has said.

In case you missed it: Video: The World According to Bush : “This administration has chosen to use the propaganda tools of Hitler, Goering + Goebels” --- Robert Steele, CIA Covert Operations

16.Jun.2005 More Damning than Downing Street: As the Downing Street memo confirms, they had so little evidence of real threats that they knew from the start that they were going to have manufacture excuses to go to war. What's more damning still is that they effectively began this war even before the congressional vote. 

21.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Secret U.S. Plans For Iraq's Oil : The Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before the 9/11 attacks sparking a policy battle between neo-cons and Big Oil, BBC's Newsnight has revealed. Windows Media.

17.Jun.2005 “Enabling” The Patriot Act: The German “Enabling Act” of 1933 is remarkably similar to our current Patriot Act, which is currently up for revisions not only giving it expanded powers well beyond those it already has, but making it permanent, just like the German Enabling Act was made permanent..

21.Jun.2005 Germans press Turks on Armenian slaughter: Germany's Parliament on Thursday urged Turkey to examine its role in the killing of an estimated one million ethnic Armenians a century ago - an issue that could affect Ankara's hopes of joining the European Union.

17.Jun.2005 Hijacking the Facts: FBI worked hard to cover up a 9-11 cover-up—and then hide it some more

17.Jun.2005 Appointees in all the wrong places: Zalmay Khalilzad for U.S. ambassador to Iraq? Why not just send Richard Perle? Khalilzad is a second-rank neocon with all the same credentials as the rest of those bozos--pre-emptive war, world hegemony, Project for a New American Century ... the whole stinking lot of it.

17.Jun.2005 U.S. weakens plan on global warming: Bush administration officials working behind the scenes have succeeded in weakening key sections of a proposal for joint action by the eight major industrialized nations to curb global warming.

17.Jun.2005 Neocon Nightmare: Oil, Socialism + Chutzpah in Venezuela: Driven by obscene greed and hubris, the Oligarchs ruling America attempt to mercilessly crush those who stand in the way of their imperialistic ambitions.

17.Jun.2005 Venezuela's President Chavez Runs Up Debt Funneling Oil Wealth to the Poor : - Venezuelan housewife Sabrina Munoz saves as much as a third on the price of flour, meat and beans by shopping at Mercal, a government-owned supermarket near her Caracas home overlooked by hillside shanties.

17.Jun.2005 Venezuela Formally Seeks Custody of Posada: Venezuela formally requested the extradition of an anti-Castro militant accused of planning a 1976 airliner bombing that killed 73 people, the nation's ambassador to the United States said.

17.Jun.2005 Haitian ex-PM Neptune Still On Hunger Strike: The former senator and radio talk show host has been jailed for a year without charges under a new government installed by the US and is slowly starving himself to death in a minimum-security prison cell.

17.Jun.2005 Blair's anti-terror Bill was 'an election ploy': When the Prevention of Terrorism Act was going through Parliament, Mr Blair claimed that the orders were needed because "several hundred" active terrorists were plotting or threatening an attack in Britain, yet they fell outside the existing powers of the police and courts to prosecute them.

17.Jun.2005 Patrick J. Buchanan: Reviving the Foreign-aid Racket : Make no mistake. This not a bailout of Africa's poor or Latin American peasants. This is a bailout of the IMF, the World Bank and the African Development Bank. - Bush and Blair are bailing out failed global institutions run by the highest-paid bureaucrats on earth.

17.Jun.2005 The coming trade war and global depression : Just as monarchism first emerged as a progressive force against feudalism by rationalizing itself as a natural law of politics and eventually brought about its own demise by betraying its progressive mandate, social capitalism today places return on capital above not only the worker but also the welfare of the owner of capital. This is a must read.

17.Jun.2005 Saddam's Attorney Says Iraqi Leader Not Found in Spider Hole: Dolami talks about Saddam's allegations of torture, the dictator's contention that he was not captured in the "spider hole" and how curious U.S. interrogators have been about his purported weapons of mass destruction.

17.Jun.2005 Protecting the troops is secondary to protecting the oil fields: The following exchange between Rep. John F. Tierney (D-MA) and Halliburton/KBR's director of government compliance, William Walter, shows that the Bush administration began planning for troop safety long after it made plans to secure the safety of Iraq's oil fields.

17.Jun.2005 Halliburton to build new $30 mln Guantanamo jail: A Halliburton Co. unit will build a new $30 million detention facility and security fence at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the United States is holding about 520 POW's, the Defense Department announced on Thursday.

17.Jun.2005 Blair and Howard could face charges over Iraq - lawyer: Philippe Sands, QC, director of the Centre for International Courts and Tribunals at University College London, said Mr Howard, along with British Prime Minister Tony Blair could face charges amid claims the Iraq war was illegal. Video and transcript.

17.Jun.2005 Small Bipartisan Group in House Presses for Iraq Exit Strategy : A resolution calling on President Bush to announce an exit strategy from Iraq was introduced in the House today by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, including one who was once so upset about French opposition to the war that he wanted the House cafeterias to change the name "French fries" to "freedom fries."

17.Jun.2005 Killing Heartily in the Name of the Lord: Can a Christian soldier plant land mines "to the glory of God"? What about dropping bombs?

17.Jun.2005 House Poised to Give Pentagon $45 Billion More for Wars: The House is expected to give the Pentagon an additional $45 billion for wars next year even as public support for combat in Iraq wanes and lawmakers press for an exit strategy.

17.Jun.2005 Pentagon Concerned About Declining Support in US for Iraq Presence: "American public opinion is the center of gravity," he said. "A democracy can't do certain things, if, in fact, the citizens don't support it. So, it is concerning that our public is not as supportive as they once were."

17.Jun.2005 Iraqis struggle to make ends meet as food rations shrink: Hussein Hadi started selling his furniture. His bed was the last thing to go. Now Hadi, his wife, sister, mother, two brothers, three children and a nephew sleep on his living- room floor in Baghdad, their blankets sewn from flour sacks. Some nights they fall asleep hungry.

17.Jun.2005 Fears of military action on Iraq-Iran border : Tensions between Iran and Iraq have escalated in recent weeks to the extent that threats of military action have been made, a senior member of Iraq’s security forces said.

Mother whose son died in Iraq serves summons on Blair : TONY BLAIR has been summonsed by a county court to appear as a witness in a case involving the mother of a soldier killed two days after the war in Iraq began in 2003.

17.Jun.2005 Iraq: Bush’s Watergate?: Half million demand answers on Downing Street Memo

17.Jun.2005 State Department cable details ethnic cleansing by US-backed forces in Iraq: US-backed Kurdish police and security units have kidnapped hundreds of minority Arabs and Turkmen in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, according to a confidential State Department cable leaked to the Washington Post

17.Jun.2005 Second contractor alleges Marine abuse in Iraq: Ginter said he was kicked, his head bounced off the pavement and his testicle squeezed by a guard during his detention. "I was more worried about my life from the (U.S.) military than from the insurgents," he told The Associated Press

17.Jun.2005 US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war: American officials lied to British ministers over the use of "internationally reviled" napalm-type firebombs in Iraq.

17.Jun.2005 Democratic Members of House Judiciary Committee.

17.Jun.2005 Meeting on Downing St. Memo and Iraq War  Video - In Full

Rep. John Conyers, House Judiciary Cmte. Ranking Member, chairs a meeting on the Downing Street Memo and pre-Iraq War intelligence. Witnesses include former ambassador Joe Wilson, CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan, mother of a fallen American soldier, and constitu-tional lawyer John Bonifaz. Click here to view. Real Video

17.Jun.2005 Blair and Howard could face charges over Iraq - lawyer : Video and transcript.

Philippe Sands, QC, director of the Centre for International Courts and Tribunals at University College London, said Mr Howard, along with British Prime Minister Tony Blair could face charges amid claims the Iraq war was illegal. Click here to view

17.Jun.2005 The bright, shining lie
The Iraqis had enlisted in the new army only for the salary - US$340 per month, an enviable sum in today's ruined Iraq. But the money had come at the price of self-respect. The new recruits had been bought off and hated themselves for it. By Jonathan Schell
Iraqi men who hate the American occupation are not cowards if they decline to shoot other men who are fighting the occupation. On the contrary, the more courage they had, the less they would engage in such a fight.

Der sunnitische Rat der Religionsgelehrten warf der irakischen Regierung vor, sie habe die Kontrolle über Polizei, Armee und Geheimdienst verloren. "85 Prozent der Angehörigen der Sicherheitskräfte unterstehen nicht der Kontrolle der Regierung", sagte Abdul Salam al-Kubaisi, ein führendes Mitglied des Rates, der arabischen Zeitung "al-Hayat".

"Welche Ziele soll es noch geben, nachdem sie ausgebildet sind? Wollen wir dort 20 oder 30 Jahre bleiben?" fragte Jones.
Ein Sprecher Bushs bezeichnete einen Abzugstermin als falsche Botschaft an die Aufständischen im Irak. "Diese Botschaft würde den Terroristen sagen: 'Alles was ihr tun müsst, ist bis zum Tag warten, an dem unsere Soldaten das Land verlassen und dann könnt ihr alle Eure Anschläge ausführen und einfach nicht nachgeben." Mit einem Erfolg der Resolution, die 94 Abgeordnete und mehr als eine halbe Millionen amerikanischer Brüger unterschieben haben, ist im von Republikanern dominierten Kongress allerdings nicht zu rechnen.
In der US-Bevölkerung ist die Stimmung mit Blick auf den Irak auf einem Tiefpunkt. Laut einer Umfrage des Fernsehsenders CBS und der "New York Times" glauben 60 Prozent der Amerikaner, der Irak-Einsatz der USA verlaufe schlecht. 51 Prozent der Bevölkerung sind der Ansicht, ihr Land hätte nicht im Golfstaat intervenieren sollen.
Die Strategie der Lastenträger: Viele Stunden langsam laufen, oft rasten und dabei eine Last schleppen, die so groß wie eben möglich ist und nicht selten das eigene Körpergewicht übersteigt. Teilweise folgt schon nach 15 Sekunden eine Rast von 45 Sekunden. Einmalig ist auch die Tragetechnik der Nepalesen: Sie legen einen breiten Riemen (Namlu) über den Kopf, an dem ein Lastenkorb (Doko) hängt. Während der Pausen stützen sie die Last auf einen T-förmigen Stock (Tokma).
Welcher körpereigene Mechanismus es ihnen ermöglicht, so große Lasten zu tragen, ist jedoch nicht bekannt. Möglicherweise beanspruchen sie ihre Muskeln weniger als Europäer, vermuten die Autoren

17.Jun.2005 Umweltministerium: Experten fordern Tempo 120 auf Autobahn

17.Jun.2005 Börse am Nachmittag: Dax schließt auf Dreijahreshoch

17.Jun.2005 Kirgisien: Auf dem Weg nach Krawallistan

17.Jun.2005 G8-Gipfel: USA sollen Klima-Erklärung verwässert haben

Bei der Freilegung des Kellers im einstigen Westflügel der Anlage im heute russischen Kaliningrad entdeckten die Fachleute eine mehrere hundert Jahre alte Schatulle, die elf Amulette und Medaillen aus Gold, Silber, Kupfer und Zinn enthielt. Die Fundstücke zeigen Pentagramme, Darstellungen des Teufels und Bilder kultischer Handlungen sowie verschlüsselte Inschriften in mehreren Sprachen und sind in einem hervorragenden Zustand.
Grabungsleiter Professor Wladimir Kulakow vom Moskauer Archäologie-Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften hält den Fund für eine "Sensation". Es seien zwar ähnliche Einzelstücke bekannt, doch sei "in Europa noch nie eine derart vollständige Sammlung solcher Kultgegenstände entdeckt worden".
Regensburg: Älteste "Tristan"-Handschrift entdeckt

17.Jun.2005 Sicherheitsrat: Deutschland sieht US-Vorschlag zu Uno-Reform mit Skepsis

17.Jun.2005 Kirgisien: Demonstranten stürmen Regierungsgebäude

17.Jun.2005 Diplomatischer Eklat: Erdogan kritisiert Schröder als rückgratlosen Politiker

17.Jun.2005 EU-Vorgabe: Rot-Grün nickt Antidiskriminierungsgesetz ab

17.Jun.2005 EU-Verfassung: Zehn Länder haben schon ratifiziert

17.Jun.2005 EU-Gipfel: Schröder ringt um Europa

17.Jun.2005 Atomstreit: Nordkorea will wieder mit USA verhandeln

17.Jun.2005 Informationsflut: Künstler veranstalten Daten-Löschparty

17.Jun.2005 Lasten-Rekord: Nepalesen schleppen mit Köpfchen

17.Jun.2005 Sitz im Uno-Sicherheitsrat: Japan ist unzufrieden mit den USA

17.Jun.2005 Wirtschaftswachstum: Finanzminister rechnet mit Konjunkturflaute

17.Jun.2005 Bundestag: Härtere Strafen für Graffiti-Sprayer

17.Jun.2005 Guantánamo: Bushs Jekyll- und-Hyde-Problem

17.Jun.2005 Kunstbiennale: Künstler wehrt sich gegen Kaaba-Verbot

17.Jun.2005 Irak: US-Abgeordnete fordern Abzugsplan

17.Jun.2005 Sensationeller Schatz: Forscher entdecken mysteriöse Schatulle

17.Jun.2005 Brüssel: Harter Kampf um Europas Finanzen

17.Jun.2005 EU-Verfassung: Immer mehr Länder verschieben Ratifizierung

17.Jun.2005 Eilreform: Ältere sollen länger Arbeitslosengeld beziehen

17.Jun.2005 Massenschändungen: Amerikaner soll Tausende Jungen missbraucht haben

17.Jun.2005 Bimmel-Protest: Philippinische Regierung verbietet Klingelton

17.Jun.2005 Archäologie: Ägypter brannten Glas in Bierkrügen

17.Jun.2005 Kriegsverbrecher: Den Haags Zellen sind voll

17.Jun.2005 Kirgisien: Demonstranten stürmen Regierungsgebäude

17.Jun.2005 Präsidentenwahl: Bush kritisiert Iran

17.Jun.2005 Unerwartetes Plus: Mai brachte Steuersegen für den Staat

17.Jun.2005 EU-Gipfel: Regierungschefs legen Ratifizierungsprozess auf Eis

17.Jun.2005 Boom-Hoffnung: Bank of America investiert Milliarden in China

17.Jun.2005 Dänemark: EU-Referendum wird verschoben

17.Jun.2005 EU-Verfassung: Regierungen vereinbaren Denkpause

17.Jun.2005 Where the NarcoDollars Go ... to the Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the nation,.. of US corporations he considers experts in the matter: Lockheed + Boeing ,..

17.Jun.2005 Paying Through the Nose to Kill Iraqi Children likes of Lockheed Martin + Boeing + Raytheon, etc., who pocket the money + ... sits on the board of directors of the Carlyle Group (as does James Baker,..

17.Jun.2005 War, Incorporated: the profits of mass destruction In fact, it is expected to surpass Lockheed Martin this year as the globe's ...

The list of weapons of mass destruction that Boeing creates is staggering ...

17.Jun.2005 Operation 'Carlyle Group': Pentagon to Announce $200B Contract ... Operation ' Carlyle Group': Pentagon to Announce $200B Contract ...

For five years,Boeing Co. + Lockheed Martin Corp. have been designing, engineering,..

Carlyle's Avio acquires aeronautical operations of Dutch Philips ... Carlyle's portfolio company The Avio Group, the former aerospace ... such as General Electric + Boeing + Rolls Royce + Lockheed Martin + BAE Systems ...

17.Jun.2005 ATS: A Military-Governmental-Industrial Conspiracy? - Above Top ... the pockets of potential 'left-out' Boeing + Lockheed + Raytheon + Halliburton + ...

"By accepting the hasty resignation," Ellis added, the Boeing board "is ...

17.Jun.2005 Outsourcing the Pentagon - The Center for Public Integrity The Carlyle Group profits from government + conflict ... ranking among better known defense firms like Lockheed Martin + Boeing Co. + Raytheon Co.,..

17.Jun.2005 TP: Bush-Cheney Inc ... Norman Mineta war beispielsweise früher bei Boeing und Lockheed tätig ... Aber bei Carlyle ist bekanntlich auch der Vater von Bush II tätig: als ...

17.Jun.2005 Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc. Primary customers: Boeing , Airbus, Gulfstream Aerospace, Lockheed Martin,..

00.Jul.2000, The Carlyle Group buys Northrop Grumman’s aerostructures ...

. "Sie war krank und besessen. Wir haben mehrere Messen gelesen, um den Bann zu lösen. Deshalb haben wir vom religiösen Standpunkt her genau das Richtige getan", sagte der Abt des Klosters von Tacanu, Bruder Daniel, der Nachrichtenagentur Mediafax.
Der Abt des Klosters im nahen Golia nannte die Kreuzigung hingegen "unentschuldbar". Der orthodoxe Patriarch in Bukarest, Bogdan Teleanu, sagte der Nachrichtenagentur AFP, er könne den Fall nicht beurteilen, weil er nicht wisse, "was die junge Frau getan" habe.
Eine junge Nonne ist in Rumänien auf brutale Weise getötet worden, weil sie angeblich vom Teufel besessen war. Ein Priester und vier Mitschwestern hatten die 23-Jährige tagelang an ein Kreuz gefesselt. Der Abt des Klosters nannte die Kreuzigung "genau das Richtige".

Yahoo wittert diese Chance im "Deep Web", wie die Firmen-PR stolz verkündet. Darunter versteht man die Bereiche des Internet, die von den Suchmaschinen gar nicht oder nur unzureichend durchforstet werden. Dazu gehören Datenbanken, Archive, persönliche Seiten und Dokumente, passwortgeschützte Angebote und Zahlbereiche - insgesamt soll dieser "Webraum" Schätzungen zufolge bis zu 500 Mal so groß sein, wie das von den Suchmaschinen erfasste Web.
Wer da hineingräbt, könnte sich wirklich auszeichnen: Das gilt vor allem für die Bereiche der oft zahlungspflichtigen, als sehr verlässlich, exklusiv oder erschöpfend geltenden Info-Angebote.

Insgesamt soll es mehrere Hundertausend Websites unterschiedlicher Qualität geben, die von Google und Co kaum oder gar nicht erfasst werden.
Nur gegen eines sind Systeme wie Boomerang oder ShotSpotter machtlos:

Wer mit einem Schalldämpfer arbeitet, wie man es bei professionellen Kriminellen oder Terroristen erwarten kann, überlistet die Mikrofone und die Software.
"Die Analyse-Software ist das Kernstück des Systems, wir verfeinern den Algorithmus kontinuierlich", sagt Robert Calhoun, ein MIT-Absolvent, der für Software-Entwicklung zuständig ist. Je mehr Daten von echten und falschen Alarmen in das System einfließen, desto besser kann das Programm geeicht werden, um eine Rakete, ein großkalibriges Gewehr und eine Pistole auseinander zu halten.
Wenn die Audio-Rohdaten in den Server eingespeist werden, klassifiziert die Software die Signale + speichert sie in einer Ereignis-Datenbank, die sich mit dem geografischen Informationssystem (GIS) einer Behörde oder des Militärs unterlegen lässt. "So wissen wir nicht nur, wo genau ein Schuss fiel oder eine Rakete gezündet wurde", erklärt Redwood Citys Polizeimanager Hayter.

"Wir können auch sofort den Namen des Anwohners sehen, können prüfen, ob es schon früher Vorfälle gab + den Namen mit anderen Datenbanken abgleichen."

Die Geräuschsensoren helfen der Polizei, ihr knappes Personal effizienter einzusetzen, ohne wichtige Vorfälle zu übersehen.

Redwood City ist die erste, aber längst nicht mehr die einzige Stadt, die Hardware und Software zur akustischen Überwachung verwendet.
Neun Polizeizentralen von Kalifornien bis South Carolina benutzen ShotSpotter, um in besonders gefährliche Viertel hineinzuhorchen.

Das FBI setzte die Sensoren im Winter vor zwei Jahren ein, um den Highway-Heckenschützen zu fassen, der Columbus, Ohio, in Angst und Schrecken versetzte.
Kalifornien: Erdbeben lässt Häuser in Los Angeles schwanken

16.Jun.2005 Exorzismus: Nonne stirbt qualvollen Tod am Kreuz

16.Jun.2005 Brüssel: EU-Gipfel legt Verfassung auf Eis

16.Jun.2005 Aggressive Investoren: Auch US-Regierung will Hedgefonds beobachten

16.Jun.2005 Umfrage: Deutsche lehnen EU-Verfassung ab

16.Jun.2005 Colonia Dignidad: Polizei hebt Waffenlager aus

16.Jun.2005 EU-Verfassung: Konservative beschließen Ratifizierungsstopp

16.Jun.2005 Uno-Sicherheitsrat: USA lehnen deutschen Erweiterungsplan ab

16.Jun.2005 China: Angeblicher Mörder hingerichtet - Totgeglaubte lebt

16.Jun.2005 Irak: US-Truppen fassen Sarkawi-Vertrauten

16.Jun.2005 Data-Mining: 500.000 E-Mails erzählen Geschichte der Enron-Pleite

16.Jun.2005 US-Militär: Mikrofone orten Heckenschützen

16.Jun.2005 Dubiose Steuertricks: Schicksal von KPMG in der Hand der US-Regierung

16.Jun.2005 Raumstation ISS: Russen versenken Raumfrachter im Meer

16.Jun.2005 Seuchen: Erstmals Indonesier mit Vogelgrippe-Virus infiziert

16.Jun.2005 Brasilien: Vampir-Fledermäuse töten elf Menschen

16.Jun.2005 Ku Klux Klan: Mordprozess nach 41 Jahren

16.Jun.2005 Armenier-Massaker: Türkei bestellt deutschen Diplomaten ein

16.Jun.2005 Geladene Gestalten: Das Geheimnis der Lichtgespenster

16.Jun.2005 Regierungserklärung: Schröder sieht keine Rechtfertigung für Briten-Rabatt mehr

16.Jun.2005 Immobilienboom in China: "Ohne Zerstörung kein Aufbau"

Als noch tödlicher erwies sich jedoch der Mensch. Als die Maoris um das Jahr 1280 nach Neuseeland kamen, dauerte es nicht lange, bis ihnen die Moas zum Opfer fielen.

Durch ihre lange Jugendzeit und Behäbigkeit waren sie den Menschen hilflos ausgeliefert. Oft wurden die Jungvögel getötet, bevor sie überhaupt die Chance hatten, sich fortzupflanzen.
Ask yourselves: When was the last time Salon published a worthwhile, cutting-edge investigative piece about politics?
I STRONGLY urge Salon readers to unsubscribe.
And do not go gently. Make clear that you will not pay Salon one more dime until they understand that the Republican party has become just as dangerous as the Nazi party circa 1934.

(NEVER apologize for making justifiable comparisons to the Nazis.)

Inform Salon that their enterprise has no value to you until they agree to fight the neo-con menace + until they announce that they will cease publishing their propaganda.
Interview mit Zukunftsforscher Steinmüller: "Wir werden mit Robotern zusammenleben"

16.Jun.2005 Neuseeland: Lange Kindheit ließ Riesenvögel aussterben

16.Jun.2005 Finanzkrise an australischen Unis: Bildungsparadies vor dem Kollaps

16.Jun.2005 Überschall-Renaissance: Japan und Frankreich planen Concorde-Nachfolger

16.Jun.2005 Völkermord: Anklage gegen Mexikos Ex-Präsident Echeverría zulässig

16.Jun.2005 US-Kongress: Wie Amerika die Uno reformieren will

16.Jun.2005 EU-Krisengipfel: CDU fordert Schröder zum Durchhalten auf