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00.000.1833-18.Jan.2004 Bush-Nazi-Connection01

00.000.1839-00.000.1937 Rockefeller, John Davison b. Richford, N.Y. USA-industrialist & philanthropist URL: Rockefeller2.html

00.000.1839-00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I , John Davison URL: Rockefeller3.html

00.000.1920 "National"-"sozialisten"Nazi $ in ihrem Parteiprogramm, forderten daß "die Juden unter Fremdenrecht gestellt werden" sollten.

00.000.19---18.Jan.2004 "Strauss"-ianism is an extraordinarily complex + subtle body of ideas +

sure that It hardly can be done justice in time+space :[PROPAGANDA]

00.000.19-- Strauss puts his students to such a mental effort to try to understand him that they are too exhausted to make the mental effort to criticize him.

Straussianism offers more questions than answers.

This is {not} necessarily bad: {the questions need to be asked.}

READ:THE QUESTIONS NEED TO BE ANSWERED What is the relation of nature to culture? Can society be founded on rational principles?

Has the Enlightenment brought about its own downfall? How did this happen? What can be salvaged from the wreck?-etc.,.,. Strauss,by disciple Bloom started PEOPLE thinking about these ever pre-occupy-ing questions.

AO_180104_"Die Philosophen aller Jahrhunderte haben die Geschichte nur verschieden interpretiert.-Es kommt darauf an, sie zu machen!

17.Mar.2003 Leo Strauss + the Straussians

00.000.1934 Erfahrungen Frankreichs von-

00.000.1935 -Erst- Komintern folgt 00.000.1934-Erfahrungen Frankreichs- gibt die einzig wahre Strategie+Losung aus; .."
00.000.1935 USA "Marine Corps"„Small War Manual"erstmals erscheinen die gesammelten Taktiken+Lehren:erste Edition des-

00.000.1937 Stadtler, Eduard- Weltrevolutionskrieg, Düsseldorf URL: \docs\noname27.html

00.000.1937 USA "Ambassador to Germany" Dodd, William :"A clique of USA -industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist [USA+German+World] state to supplant our democratic government & is working .."

14.Apr.1937 -schrieb Hemingway am-Es sei "das Sonderbare an dieser neuen Art Krieg","dass Sie genau so viel erfahren, wie Sie imstande sind zu glauben".

00.000.1938 Hitler Chamberlain, Neville Münchner Abkommen mit()Dem konservativen britischen Vorkriegspremier ist des wegen später eine fatale "Beschwichtigungspolitik" gegenüber dem Nazi-Diktator vorgeworfen worden

00.Dec.1938 Time Magazine "hailing" Hitler as Man of the Year".

I suggest anyone who's really interested read the actual text of-

00.000.1938 -Seit- stehen die Juden nicht mehr unter Fremdenrecht, sie stehen außerhalb jeden Rechts, hors la loi.

WWII.00.000.1939-00.Apr.1946 USA "CIA"parent-organization+USA "CIA"sister-organization=

"Office of Strategic Services" "OSS" +

"Office of Naval Intelligence" "ONI", relations with the leaders of the Italian Mafia,

cultivate recruiting heavily from the New York & Chicago underworlds,

whose members, including

Charles `Lucky' Luciano +

Meyer Lansky +

Joe Adonis +

Frank Costello,

help the agencies keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

Domestically, the aim is to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports, while

in Italy the goal is to gain intelligence on Sicily

prior to the allied invasions & to suppress the burgeoning Italian Communist Party.

Imprisoned in New York,

Luciano earns a pardon for his wartime service and is deported to Italy,

where he proceeds to build his heroin empire,

first by diverting supplies from the legal market,

before developing connections in Lebanon + Turkey

that supply morphine base to labs in Sicily.

The OSS and ONI also work closely with Chinese gangsters who control vast supplies of opium+morphine+heroin, helping to establish the third pillar of the post-WWII. heroin trade in the Golden Triangle, the border region of Thailand, Burma, Laos and China's Yunnan Province.

00.000.1939 USA "Buck Act" redefines the term "state" to include any territory or possession of the USA+redefines the term .."
00.000.1939 Hitler's invasion of Poland in ended the debate about "Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation"+"Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company". The Nazis knocked the Polish
00.000.1939 Hitler, Adolf läßt einen polnischen Angriff auf den Reichssender Gleiwitz vortäuschen[PROPAGANDA] um mitteilen zu können:"Seit 05.45 Uhr wird zurückgeschossen."

00.000.1939 Memoirs of the Peace Conference, ; cited at

03.Sep.1939 "-In- with the invasion of Poland, beginning WWII. the Nazi army had been equipped by Flick, Harriman, Walker and Bush, with

00.000.1940-00.000.1944 Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich, coordinator of the Office of Inter-American Affairs

00.000.1941 KAPITALIST Nazi war machine+Nazi war machine slave labor has become the lifeblood of...The resources of Poland's rich steel+coal field play an essential role.""helped build. A portion of the Nazi war machine+Nazi war machine slave labor force in Poland was "managed by Bush, Prescott [s&b917]" according to a Dutch intelligence agent."possession+of financial+industrial+political+autonomy

00.000.1941 -at the end of- Six days after Pearl Harbor & USA declaration of war,

President Franklin D. Roosevelt,

"Secretary of the Treasury" Henry Morgenthau &

USA Attorney General Francis Biddle signed the "Trading With the Enemy Act""
00.000.1941 Poland Auschwitz 250 „mental“ patients+600 Russian POW s+"assorted"Jews+Gypsies+outcasted by Nazi s in : Germany..Gassing begins at "

00.000.1942 USA CIA+"Allan Memorial"+"Clinic"by Cameron, Dr D. Ewen, Montreal,,start experimental mind control clinic+probe into "EMR"+"dytopia"+other+areas...""..bombard monkeys with microwaves. Experiments begin with Experiments on the population of Montreal.

00.000.1942 Kennedy, Foster USA psychiatrist recommends the killing of retarded children.

25.Mar.1942 -on- Farish, William "Stamps" III

's grandfather, William Farish Jr.,

pleaded "no contest" to conspiring with Nazi Germany

while president of "Standard Oil of New Jersey".

William Farish Jr. was described by Senator Truman, Harry in public of approaching "treason" for profiting off the Nazi war machine.

"Standard Oil of New Jersey" invested millions in

IG Farben, who opened a gasoline factory within Auschwitz

00.000.1940 .

The billions Farish, William "Stamps" III inherited had ...

00.000.1942 -In- Bush, Prescott [s&B917] was charged BY USA GOVERNMENT FDJ PRESIDENT with running Nazi front groups + ..

1942 Rockefeller [s&B91-] "Standard Oil of New Jersey"-managers shipped the Nazi-"enemy"'s fuel through "neutral" Switzerland + that Nazi-Germany was

00.000.1943 Gehlen, Reinhard, General, Nazi, German infiltrates USSR Soviet intelligence & forms a pact with Dulles, Allen.
00.000.1943 Rockefeller grant to set up "Allen Memorial Institute"-Cameron, Dr.Ewen receives

00.000.1943 "Union Banking Corporation"Bush, Prescott [s&B917] resigns from Board of Directors -while still owning his stock, even helps raise money for dozens of war-related causes as chairman
00.000.1943 Cameron, Dr.Ewen receives Rockefeller grant .."
00.000.1944 -In fact "Chase" in Paris was trying to get Nazi accounts as late as.-When we got to Germany in

00.May 1945 -I remember seeing a (bombed-out) "Woolworth" store in Hamburg & thinking,"What's Woolworth doing in Nazi Germany?" While we were bombed+shelled it was "business as usual" for Big Business.Try the USA "Alien Custodian Papers".

00.000.1945 -as late as- AS - Hitler's economic policies were OK'd by the bankers right through the war...ITT, Chase, Texaco & others were operating in Nazi-held France

Der unmittelbarste historische Präzedenzfall für die Gewaltanwendung gegen den Irak ist die Invasion Polens


-Die vom USA Militär verkündete Absicht, die Stadt Bagdad mit Tausenden Raketen und Bomben ins Sperrfeuer zu nehmen.."
".. Kriegsschuldfrage" nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Aufgrund der zweifelsfreien Verantwortlichkeit des "Dritten Reichs" für den Kriegsausbruch im Jahr 1939 beschlossen die Alliierten Mächte, deren mächtigster Vertreter die USA waren, die Führer des deutschen Staats vor .."
".. zu entwickeln, auf das sich der Kampf gegen Militarismus und Krieg stützen muss. Anmerkungen 1) Gordon Wright, The Ordeal of Total War 1939-1945 (New York, 1968), p. 17. 2) Hanna Batatu, The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq (Princeton, 1978), pp. .."


00.000.1947 In its first year of existence CIA USA intelligence community sCIA operative s anti-bolschewist continue s PRAXIS help Mafia total power occupy Italy via Sicily

00.000.1947 In its first year of existence CIA USA intelligence community sCIA operative s anti-bolschewist continue s PRAXIS help + assist+$$+in-to+battle+AGAINST Communist unions for control of the city's docks.France+Marseille+Corsica n mobsters heroin-smuggling

07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies + inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1949 Chinese Communist revolution causes collapse of drug empire allied with USA intelligence community, but a new one quickly emerges under the command of Nationalist (KMT) General Li Mi, who flees Yunnan into eastern Burma. Seeking to rekindle anticommunist resistance in China, the CIA provides arms, ammunition and other supplies to the KMT.

After being repelled from China with heavy losses, the KMT settles down with local population and organizes and expands the opium trade from Burma and Northern Thailand.

07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1949 -printed- Skull and Bones [s&b] membership list->

00.000.1833-01.Jan.1950 by "Russell Trust Association"[inc],New Haven, Ct. available through the Yale University Library, New Haven.


00.000.1950-00.000.1966 -From to- about 10 CIA employees were CIA provided Times cover under arrangements approved by the newspaper's late publisher, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. The cover arrangements were part of a general Times policy - set by Sulzberger - to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible." Bernstein's .."ate reporter Carl Bernstein wrote that "the agency's relationship with the [New York] Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. ".. the agency's founding. In a piece on the CIA & news media written for Rolling Stone two decades ago 20.Oct.1977

00.000.1950-00.000.1951 Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich, chairman the International Development Advisory Board +

17.Feb.1950 "You shall have one world government, whether or not you like it, by consent or by conquest." Former FDR aide, Warburg, James CFR/TC, in testimony before the USA "Senate Foreign Relations Committee",
00.000.1950 the USA Department of Defense had 1,800 persons assigned to public relations [PROPAGANDA] with a budget of over $12 million. Looking at those figures. Looking at those figures does anyone still remember the words of Hamilton expressing fears of a large military determiningpolicy?[30]

00.Jun.1950 Dulles, John Foster met with Syngman Rhee, South Korean president, & told him:“if he was ready to attack the communist North, the USA ..."
07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1950 Dulles, Allen USA+CIA+Director+Founder launch"Project Bluebird""to determine whether certain drugs might improve interrogation methods".This eventually leads CIA head 07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1951-00.000.1970 -By-until the early s.- Luciano & the Corsicans have pooled their resources, giving rise to the notorious `French Connection' which would dominate the world heroin trade The CIA also recruits members of organized crime gangs in Japan to help ensure that the country stays in the non-communist world.

Several years later, the Japanese Yakuza emerges as a major source of methamphetamine in Hawaii.

07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1952-00.000.1958 Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich,chairman the.....

00.Apr.1953 -in-to institute a program for `covert use of biological+chemical+materials' as part of the agency's continuing efforts to control behavior.

With benign names such as "Project Artichoke"+"Project Chatter" these projects continue through the

07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies + inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1954-00.18.Jan.2004 BERNAYS EDWARD L Guatemala
Berlet,C. Right Woos Left. 1991-12-16 (56)

Covert Action Quarterly 1993-#44 (22)

Ewen,S. PR! A Social History of Spin. 1996 (3-18, 34-5, 146, 159-72, 190, 215, 294, 361-2, 373-80, 399-400)

Green,F. American Propaganda Abroad. 1988 (13-4)

Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992 (338)

Immerman,R. The CIA in Guatemala. 1982 (79, 111-4)

Left Business Observer 1989-#31 (4)

McCann,T. An American Company. 1976 (24, 28, 45-8, 50, 55, 62)

Mother Jones 1985-01 (28)

NACLA. Guatemala. 1974 (59-60)

NameBase NewsLine 1997-04 (3)

Rampton,S. Stauber,J. Trust Us, We're Experts! 2001 (18-9, 40-52)

Sargent,P. What Makes Lives. 1940 (189)

Schlesinger,S. Kinzer,S. Bitter Fruit. 1983 (79-90)

Stauber,J. Rampton,S. Toxic Sludge Is Good for You. 1995 (1, 22-6, 32-4, 202)

Swanberg,W.A. Luce and His Empire. 1972 (55, 87, 194-5)

Tye,L. The Father of Spin. 1998

Washington Post 1991-11-23 (B1, 2)

Who's Who in America. 1984-1985

00.000.1960-00.000.s, with hundreds of unwitting test subjects given various drugs, including LSD.

07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1960-00.000.1974 In support of the USA war in Vietnam, the CIA renews old and cultivates new relations with Laotian, Burmese + Thai drug merchants, as well as corrupt military + political leaders in Southeast Asia. Despite the dramatic rise of heroin production, the agency's relations with these figures attracts little attention until-

00.000.1967 Manuel Antonio Noriega goes on the CIA payroll.

00.000.1959 -First recruited by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency- Noriega becomes an invaluable asset for the CIA when he takes charge of Panama's intelligence service

00.000.1968 -after the military coup- providing services for U.S. covert operations + facilitating the use of Panama as the center of U.S. intelligence gathering in Latin America.

00.May 1970 A "Christian Science Monitor" correspondent reports that the CIA `is cognizant of, if not party to, the extensive movement of opium out of Laos,'

quoting one charter pilot who claims that `opium shipments get special CIA clearance+monitoring on their flights southward out of the USA.'

00.May 1970 -At the time- some 30,000 USA -service men in Vietnam are addicted to heroin.

00.000.1971 -as early as- USA officials agents had evidence that he was deeply involved in drug trafficking.

Although the Carter administration suspends payments to Noriega,

00.000.1981 President Reagan takes office Noriega returns to the U.S. payroll.

General Noriega is rewarded handsomely for his services in support of Contras forces in Nicaragua during the

00.000.1980 -s,- collecting $200,000 from the CIA in

00.000.1986 alone.

00.000.1972 -By-the KMT controls 80 % of the Golden Triangle's opium trade.

07.May 1998 USA Congressional Record () [Page: H2955] [Prepared by the Institute for Policy Studies and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Conyers.] A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in Drug International Trafficking

00.000.1972 The full story of how "Cold War" politics and U.S. covert operations fueled a heroin boom in the "Golden Triangle" breaks

when Yale University doctoral student McCoy, Alfred publishes his ground-breaking study, "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia".

The CIA attempts to quash the book.

00.000.1973 Thai national Puttapron Khramkhruan is arrested in connection with the seizure of 59 pounds of opium in Chicago.

A CIA informant on narcotics trafficking in northern Thailand,

he claims that agency had full knowledge of his actions.

According to the USA "Department of Justice",

the CIA quashed the case because it may `prove embarrassing because of Mr. Khramkhruans's involvement with CIA+Thailand + Burma + elsewhere activities.'

00.Jun.1975 Mexican police, assisted by USA drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon,

whose Tijuana-based operation was reportedly generating $3.6 million a week from the sale of cocaine+marijuana in USA.

The Cuban exile claims he was a CIA protege,

trained as part of the agency's anti-Castro efforts + in exchange for his help in moving weapons to certain groups in Central America, the CIA facilitated his movement of drugs. In

00.000.1974 Sicilia's top aide, Jose Egozi, a CIA-trained intelligence officer and Bay of Pigs veteran, reportedly lined up agency support for a right-wing plot to overthrow the Portuguese government.

Among the top Mexican politicians, law enforcement + intelligence officials from whom Sicilia enjoyed support was

Miguel Nazar Haro, head of "Direccion Federal de Seguridad" (DFS),who the CIA admits was its most important source in Mexico + Central America.

'When Nazar was linked to a multi-million-dollar stolen car ring

several years later,the CIA intervenes to prevent his indictment in the USA.

00.000.1976 Bush, George H.[s&b948]CIA Director pays Noriega,Panama,General,SOA, $110.000 for his services, even though..

00.Apr.1978 Soviet-backed coup in Afghanistan sets stage for explosive growth in Southwest Asian heroin trade.

New Marxist regime undertakes vigorous anti-narcotics campaign aimed at suppressing poppy production, triggering a revolt by semi-autonomous tribal groups that traditionally raised opium for export.

The CIA-supported rebel Mujahedeen begins expanding production to finance their insurgency. Between

00.000.1982-00.000.1989, during which time the CIA ships billions of dollars in weapons + other aid to guerrilla forces,

annual opium production in Afghanistan increases to about 800 tons from 250 tons. By

00.000.1986 US State Department admits that Afghanistan is `probably the world's largest producer of opium for export' +

`the poppy source for a majority of the Southwest Asian heroin found in the United States.'

U.S. officials, however, fail to take action to curb production.

Their silence not only serves to maintain public support for the Mujahedeen, it also smooths relations with Pakistan, whose leaders, deeply implicated in the heroin trade, help channel CIA support to the Afghan rebels.[Page: H2956]

00.Jun.1980 Despite advance knowledge, the

CIA fails to halt members of the Bolivian militaries,

aide by the Argentine counterparts,

from staging the so-called `Cocaine Coup,'

according to former DEA agent Michael Levine.

In fact, the 25-year DEA veteran maintains the agency actively abetted cocaine trafficking in Bolivia,

where government official who sought to combat traffickers faced `torture + death at the hands of CIA-sponsored paramilitary terrorists

under the command of fugitive Nazi war criminal (also protected by the CIA) Klaus Barbie.

00.Feb.1985 DEA agent Enrique `Kiki' Camerena is kidnapped + murder in Mexico.

DEA + FBI + U.S. Customs Service investigators accuse the CIA of stonewalling during their investigation.

U.S. authorities claim the CIA is more interested in protecting its assets, including top drug trafficker and kidnapping principal Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. (In

00.000.1982 the DEA learned that Felix Gallardo was moving $20 million a month through a single Bank of America account, but

it could not get the CIA to cooperate with its investigation.)

Felix Gallardo's main partner is Honduran drug lord Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros, who began amassing his $2-billion fortune as a cocaine supplier to Alberto Sicilia Falcon. (see 00.Jun.1985

00.000.1983-00.000.1985 Matta's air transport firm, SETCO, receives $186,000 from the U.S. State Department to fly `humanitarian supplies' to the Nicaraguan Contras

Accusations that the CIA protected some of Mexico's leading drug traffickers

in exchange for their financial support of the Contras

are leveled by government witnesses

at the trials of Camarena's accused killers.

00.000.Jan.1988 Deciding that he has outlived his usefulness to the Contra cause,

the Reagan Administration approves an indictment of Noriega on drug charges.

By this time, U.S. Senate investigators had found that `the United States had received substantial information about criminal involvement of top Panamanian officials for nearly twenty years + done little to respond.'

00.000.Apr.1989 The Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Communications,

headed by Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts,

issues its 1,166-page report on drug corruption in Central America +

the Caribbean.

The subcommittee found that

`there was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zone

on the part of individuals


Contra suppliers,

Contra pilots,

mercenaries who worked with the Contras supporters throughout the region.'

U.S. officials, the subcommittee said,

`failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua.'

The investigation also reveals that

some `senior policy makers' believed that the use of drug money was `a perfect solution to the Contras' funding problems.'

00.000.Jan.1993 Honduran businessman Eugenio Molina Osorio is arrested in Lubbock Texas for supplying $90,000 worth of cocaine to DEA agents.

Molina told judge he is working for CIA to whom he provides political intelligence. Shortly after, a letter from CIA headquarters is sent to the judge + the case is dismissed.

`I guess we're all aware that they [the CIA] do business in a different way than everybody else,' the judge notes.

Molina later admits his drug involvement was not a CIA operation, explaining that the agency protected him because of his value as a source for political intelligence in Honduras.

00.Nov.1996 Former head of the Venezuelan National Guard and CIA operative Gen. Ramon Gullien Davila is indicted in Miami on charges of smuggling as much as 22 tons of cocaine into the USA.

More than a ton of cocaine was shipped into USA with the CIA's approval as part of an undercover program aimed at catching drug smugglers, an operation kept secret from other USA -agencies.

00.000.1950 .

07.May 1998 Congressional Record -Page- H2955 A Tangled Web.htm
".. provides arms, ammunition and other supplies to the KMT.

After being repelled from China with heavy losses, the KMT settles down with local population and organizes and expands the opium trade from Burma and Northern Thailand.

00.000.1972 -By- the KMT controls 80 % of the Golden Triangle's opium trade.

00.000.1950 The CIA launches Project Bluebird to determine whether certain drugs might improve its interrogation methods.

00.Apr.1953 -in- This eventually leads CIA head Allen Dulles, to institute a program for `covert use of biological + chemical materials' as part of the CIA agency's continuing efforts to .."
27.Jan.2003 UN makes water point.html

The report certainly has some added value. Some of the previous reports we've produced take a lot of reading.

"But a visual presentation like this, backed up by other materials, is going to take the message further down the line."

00.000.1950 -since The report says- global water use has more than tripled, and one person in six has no regular access to safe drinking water. The number of children who die every day because of unsafe water is estimated at 41,000. But drinking water supplies for poor people would be doubled with just a 10% improvement in the efficiency of irrigation. There is some .."
00.000.1953 "Em- a CIA ajudou a preparar o golpe de Estado contra o Irão na sequência do qual milhares de comunistas do Tudeh foram massacrados. - A lista de golpes preparados pela CIA é bem longa. CARTA de Mia Couto AO RESIDENTE BUSH.html URL: CARTA de Mia Couto AO RESIDENTE BUSH.html

Desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial,

1945-1946 os EUA bombardearam: a China

1950 -53 os EUA bombardearam a Coreia e a China

00.000.1954,os EUA bombardearam a Guatemala

00.000.1958, os EUA bombardearam a Indonésia