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Eisenhower, via Quotes for Peace "Todos nós temos ouvido a expressão 'guerra preventiva' desde os primeiros dias de Hitler. Lembro-me de ter ouvido a expressão pela primeira vez nesses tempos.

Neste dia e hora não acredito que exista tal coisa; e, francamente, não levaria a sério nenhuma pessoa que usasse essa expressão."

Presidente Americano Dwight Eisenhower (1953), via

Ian Boyne in The Dangerous Bush Doctrine

"Alguns de vós irão morrer, mas é um sacrifício que estou disposto a fazer." Lord Farquaad, in Shrek MAIS EM LINGUA PORTUGUESA>>>>> CONTEUDO>>

03.Nov.2002 US in denial as poverty rises -english-    

Es sind nicht das Big Business, der militärisch-industrielle Komplexe oder die religiöse Rechte, die den Kriegskurs in Washington bestimmen, weiß Robert Misik.

Es sind die Neokonservativen rund um den Vizechef des Verteidigungsministeriums Wolfowitz, Paul + den Chef des Planungsausschusses im Pentagon Perle, Richard

Und die Neokonservativen sind, "was hierzulande kaum bekannt ist",

"glühende Anhänger" des deutsch-jüdischen Philosophen Strauss, Leo , der vor siebzig Jahren sein Credo in einem Brief an Carl Schmitt so zusammenfasste:

"Weil der Mensch von Natur böse ist, darum braucht er Herrschaft.

Herrschaft ist aber nur herzustellen, d. h. Menschen sind nur zu einigen in einer Einheit gegen - gegen andere Menschen.

Jeder Zusammenschluss von Menschen ist notwendig ein Abschluss gegen andere Menschen", zitiert Misik.

Die Neocons bilden eine verschworene und die einflussreichste politische Gemeinschaft in den USA, berichtet Misik weiter.

"An eine gute, irgendwann völlig friedliche Weltordnung glauben Strauss ianer nicht.

Von daher kommt auch ihr Strauss ianer Misstrauen gegen die UNO.

So etwas wie Vereinte Nationen kann es, ihrerStrauss ianer Meinung nach, definitionsgemäß niemals geben - und .."

".. die USA mittlerweile bereit, ein Stück weit nachzugeben.

"Falls irgendein Änderungsvorschlag der fundamentalen Bedingung gerecht wird, den bisherigen Resolutionen zu folgen,

der Realität ins Gesicht zu sehen und eine Entscheidung zu treffen, weil die Zeit beinahe abgelaufen ist",

sagte ein ranghoher Mitarbeiter des US-Außenministeriums der "L.A. Times", "dann werden wir zuhören."


"Man lernt nichts kennen, als was man liebt + je tiefer und vollständiger die Kenntnis werden soll, desto kräftiger und lebendiger muß die Liebe, ja Leidenschaft sein." (J.W.v.Goethe in einem Brief an Jacobi, 1812)


".. Context Books, 2002, pp. 56-59. [14]

" Bush's speech reveals how much America, not Hussein, has changed, " [15] See / .

For more background, see also Eric Margolis, Iraq's

History Is Written In Blood, + ,

a tragic history of Iraq under UK+USA+imperialism, how Bush [BGHW048] bombed it from the most advanced to the most backward Arab country. [16]

The Project for the New American Century PNAC, as criticized by a Scottish newspaper:

20.Jan.2001 -even before- "blueprint for USA global domination reveals that President Bush [BGW968] took power in Bush [BGW968] + Bush [BGW968] cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' ... drawn up for Cheney, Dick (now vice- president) + Rumsfeld, Donald (defence secretary) + Wolfowitz, Paul (Rumsfeld's deputy) + Bush [BGW968]'s younger brother Jeb ´+ Libby, Lewis (Cheney's chief of staff)." The "blueprint was still online in 00.Oct.2002 at (90 pages, 873-Kb).

The list of signatories to the PNAC's "Reaganite" charter includes the above names + a roster of less well-known lights from the oil industry. [17] . [18]

Thyssen's complaint was not a mere product of overheated imagination.

David Lloyd George,UK Prime Minister + representative at WWI.-end- Versailles,In his memoirs, noted how Germany + UK competed to offer a home in Palestine in exchange for Jewish support in the closely-matched WWI.

Germany was first to accept the proposal + urged the deal in vain on her ally, Turkey.

From Memoirs of the Peace Conference, 1939; cited at https://users.cyberone .."


".. simpler: I was to provide a justification for a war."

And so was born the phrase "the axis of evil."

A year later, the impending all-out assault on Iraq is spinned as "a war of liberation."

And there's a certain truth to the claim.

It will be a war that could liberate up to 500,000 Iraqis of their lives, according to UK British healthcare group, Medact.

It will be a war that could liberate 200,000 Iraqis of their homes, + 10 million of their security against hunger + disease, according to a new UN report.

And, above all, it will be a war that will liberate Iraq of its oil wealth + put USA more wholly in charge.

It will indeed be a war of liberation.

And one long in the making.

Key Bush cabinet members had been pushing for a take-over of Iraq + its oil fields for some time.

00.Sep.2000 Cheney Dick, now vice-president, along with his current chief of staff Libby, Lewis +

Rumsfeld, Donald now Secretary of Defense, along with his deputy Wolfowitz, Paul,

laid out a plan to create a new American century, in which the USA would be supreme in the world, the first truly global empire.

The plan adumbrated regime change in Iraq, that is, the installation of a USA puppet regime in Baghdad.

The events of 11.Sep.2001 were pressed into service to provide the trigger.

11.Sep.2001 .Within hours of hijacked jets careening into the World Trade Centre + Pentagon, Rumsfeld was ordering his staff to find something that could be used to pin the blame on Iraq.

USA National Security advisor Rice, Condoleeza ordered her staff to consider the opportunities 11.Sep.2001 provided, as if the grim events of that day were a sliver lining that could justify the vigorous extension of USA hegemony

In his book, Frum recounts how he spent two days dreaming up a pretext for "going after Iraq," eventually hitting on the "axis of evil" idea, w

hich he originally conceived of as the "axis of hatred" but which Gerson changed "to use the theological .."
(1 quote)