00.000.1983 Wissenschaftliche Artikel zu WACL Luxemburg
00.000.1917-00.000.1991 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - Sakwa -
genua - hervorragende dokumentation in der ard - Community ...
00.Aug-1983 die Flucht per Helikopter.
00.Sep.1987 stellte er sich den ... Cline, ehemals OSS-Offizier und WACL -Mitglied, meinte dagegen in einem ... www.wallstreet-online.de/community/thread.html?thread_id=612023&mode=full
00.000.1980+00.000.1984 John Carbaugh attended WACL annual conventions. ...
00.Feb.2005 The John Carman Report Between
00.000.1983-00.000.1986 while I was stationed in Calexico, ... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
00.Jan.1961 diskutierte Harvey mit dem Stationschef von Luxemburg, ...
Der ehemalige CIA-Pilot Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Finanzsekretär der WACL, ... www.us-politik.ch/teil5.htm
In diesem Heft - HTML-Version
... Hegel, Jenaer Kritische Schriften (II), Hamburg 1983, S. 173; ... legen war, schrieb Rosa Luxemburg aus dem ... (wie z.B. gegen Wacl/aw Komar und Genos- ... www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/Utopie_kreativ/100/100.pdf
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA Canaris, der den Mord an Rosa Luxemburg, die Unterstützung der IRA, ...
Der ehemalige CIA-Pilot Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Finanzsekretär der WACL, ... www.bfed.info/bfed/us_politik_arbeitslose_biz.doc
18.Mar.1998 Ford Motor Company & Nazi Slave Labor - Issues Section.
Ford Motor Co. charged in Nazi secret profits on slave labor ...
The Nazi forced labor program was prosecuted with unrelenting ... www.bulldognews.net/issues_ford_slave_labor.html
30.Dec.2006 Ford Motor Co. - Nazi Slave labor Fresno Daily Republican Newspaper: the web's most comprehensive news analysis ...
Co. charged in. Nazi secret profits on slave labor . By Howard Hobbs, Daily ... www.dailyrepublican.com/ford_slave_labor.html
30.Dec.2006 Ford sued over slave labor -
05,Mar.1998 Survivors of German forced labor camps have sued Ford Motor Co. ... was under the control of the Nazi government at the time -- not its American shareholders. ... money.cnn.com/1998/03/05/companies/ford
WWII. period when forced + slave labor were widespread under the Nazi regime. ... slave labor at its German subsidiary, Ford-Werke, during WWII. ... media.ford.com/print_doc.cfm?article_id=10375
H-Net Review: Michael Petersen on A History of the Dora Camp: The Untold Story of the Nazi Slave Labor Camp that ... + balanced case study of slave labor in the final two years of the Nazi regime.
... on the Holocaust as well as forced and slave labor in Nazi Germany. www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?Path=16661084640133
30.Dec.2006 EuroNews : Ex-segurança confessa ter fabricado bomba no "caso Camarate" - Translate this page ... o Cessna a
04.Dez.1980 matando Sá Carneiro e Adelino Amaro da Costa. ... as oito comissões parlamentares esclareceram se seria um acidente ou atentado .
30.Dec.2006 TVI, Televisão Independente - Atentado em Camarate . Relatório apresenta resultados "explosivos" Notícia TVI " ... entanto, desde a morte de Sá Carneiro que se tentam estabelecer ligações entre ... www.tvi.iol.pt/informacao/noticia.php?id=476986
30.Dec.2006 PUBLICO.PT .. o então primeiro-ministro Francisco Sá Carneiro e o ministro da Defesa Adelino ... ficará registado que Camarate não foi acidente, mas um atentado, e que o ... publico.clix.pt/shownews.asp?id=1278139&idCanal=21
30.Dec.2006 KNOWLEDGE Portugues 7 Ramakrishna Quotes on KNOWLEDGE "Rama said, 'brother, go beyond both knowledge + ignorance.' He who has knowledge has ignorance also. www.angelfire.com/ma/ramakrishna/knowledge5.html
30.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,druck-457132,00.html
Seit 1645 informierte die "Post Och Inrikes Tidningar" täglich über Firmenpleiten oder Regierungsmitteilungen - jetzt stellt die älteste Zeitung der Welt ihre Druckausgabe ein. Das schwedische Blatt wird nach Angaben des Herausgebers künftig nur noch online erscheinen.
30.Dec.2006 The Numbers Stations Analyzed, Discussed - GMontag (posted by Zonk) 74 - GMontag wrote to mention a Washington Post article about the always-intriguing 'number' radio broadcasts.
The numbers stations, as they are known, are 'hiding in plain sight' spycraft. Random digits broadcast at little-used frequencies are known to be intelligence agencies broadcasting their secrets in encrypted form. The Post article gives a nice run-down on the truth behind the transmissions + touches a bit on the odd community that has grown fascinated by them. From the article: "On 6840 kHz, you may hear a voice reading groups of letters. That's a station nicknamed 'E10,' thought to be Israel's Mossad intelligence. Chris Smolinski runs SpyNumbers.com and the 'Spooks' e-mail list, where 'number stations' hobbyists log hundreds of shortwave messages transmitted every month. 'It's like a puzzle. They're mystery stations,' explained Smolinski, who has tracked the spy broadcasts for 30 years." This article made me recall a great All Things Considered story from a few years back about Akin Fernandez's 'Numbers' CD, a CD compilation of some of the most interesting strings of randomly read numbers reaching out across the airwaves.
30.Dec.2006 Giant Ice Shelf Snaps - Zonk 294 - Popo writes
"Satellite images have revealed that an ancient 66 square-kilometer ice shelf, the size of 11,000 football fields, has snapped off from an island in Canada's arctic. The Ayles Ice Shelf was one of 6 major shelves remaining in Canada's arctic and is estimated to be over 3000 years old. The collapse was so powerful that earthquake monitors 250 km away picked up tremors. Scientists say it is the largest event of its kind in 30 years and point their fingers at climate change as a major contributing factor."
30.Dec.2006 Super-Vaccine For Flu In Development - Zonk 128 - Adam9 tipped us to a DailyMail article about the possibility of a revolutionary flu vaccine that could work against all strains of the Influenza A disease.
This 'holy grail' of vaccines would work on everything from the annual 'winter flu' to the 'bird flu'. The best part is that just a few vaccinations may provide complete immunity, unlike the annual boosters are current defenses require. From the article: "The new jabs would be grown in huge vats of bacterial 'soup', with just two pints of liquid providing 10,000 doses of vaccine. Current flu vaccines focus on two proteins on the surface of the virus. However, these constantly mutate in a bid to fool the immune system, making it impossible for vaccine manufacturers to keep up with the creation of each new strain. The universal vaccines focus on a different protein called M2, which has barely changed during the last 100 years."
30.Dec.2006 iPod Generation Indifferent to Space Exploration - Zonk 408 - An anonymous reader writes " tells us that today's young adults are no longer excited at the possibility of space exploration: 'The 2004 and 2006 surveys by Dittmar Associates Inc. revealed high levels of indifference among 18- to 25-year-olds toward manned trips to the moon and Mars. The space shuttle program is slated to end in 2010 after construction of the international space station is completed with 13 more shuttle flights. The recent 13-day mission by Discovery's seven astronauts was part of that long-running construction job.' As a result, NASA's budget will include a greater amount of public relations spending."
30.Dec.2006 OneDOJ to Offer National Criminal Database to Law Enforcement - Zonk 156 - Degrees writes
"The Washington Post is reporting that the Justice Department is building a massive database, known as 'OneDOJ'. The system allows state and local police officers around the country to search millions of case files from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal law enforcement agencies. The system already holds approximately 1 million case records and is projected to triple in size over the next three years. The files include investigative reports, criminal-history information, details of offenses + the names, addresses and other information of criminal suspects or targets. From the article: 'Civil-liberties and privacy advocates say the scale and contents of such a database raise immediate privacy and civil rights concerns, in part because tens of thousands of local police officers could gain access to personal details about people who have not been arrested or charged with crimes. The little-noticed program has been coming together over the past year and a half.
It already is in use in pilot projects with local police in Seattle, San Diego and a handful of other areas, officials said.'"
30.Dec.2006 AT&T und BellSouth: US- Behörde genehmigt Telekom- Elefantenhochzeit
y Bagdad: Agenturen melden Saddams Hinrichtung bis 4 Uhr
30.Dec.2006 Düsseldorf: Falsche Polizisten erbeuten 100.000 Euro
30.Dec.2006 Nur noch online: Älteste Zeitung der Welt stellt Druck ein
30.Dec.2006 Zum Tode verurteilte Despoten: Einige entkamen der Hinrichtung
y Große Erwartungen an 2007: Börse jubelt über Superjahr 2006
30.Dec.2006 Gerichtsentscheid: Hartz- IV- Nachbarn können Grund für Mietminderung sein
29.Dec.2006 Spanien: Argentinischer Rechtsextremist Almiron festgenommen
29.Dec.2006 Ermittlungen gegen Linde: Verdacht auf Schmiergeldzahlungen im Irak
29.Dec.2006 NYO - News Story 4
00.000.1976 If Ford had been re-elected, there would have been no way that Ronald Reagan would have won the nomination 00.000.1980. If George H.W. Bush had won ... www.observer.com/20061009/20061009_Chris_Lehmann_politics_newsstory4-3.asp
29.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-457073,00.html
Bis heute sprudelt der Schlammvulkan.
Jetzt hat der indonesische Präsident Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono den Betroffenen wenigstens in der Entschädigungsfrage Hoffnung fürs neue Jahr gemacht - + geklärt, wer für die Aufräumarbeiten geradestehen muss.
"Wir müssen uns auf Kosten von geschätzten 140 Millionen US-Dollar gefasst machen", sagte der Präsident, "und das wird Lapindo bezahlen."
29.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-457104,00.html
"Uns hat überrascht, wie schnell das geschah", sagte Luke Copland von der University of Ottawa. "Das ist ziemlich alarmierend." Noch vor zehn Jahren habe man angenommen, dass der Klimawandel das Eis langsam abschmelzen lasse. Tatsächlich habe sich das Eis aber "plötzlich, innerhalb einer Stunde" gelöst.
29.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-457104,00.html
Wissenschaftlern zufolge war es das größte derartige Ereignis in Kanada in den vergangenen 30 Jahren.
"Wir verlieren Merkmale des kanadischen Nordens, die es dort seit Tausenden Jahren gibt", erklärte der Arktis-Experte Warwick Vincent von der Laval University in der Stadt Québec.
Das Ayles-Eisschelf war eines von sechs, die es in der kanadischen Arktis noch gibt. Sie bestehen aus bis zu 3000 Jahre altem Eis und schwimmen im Meer, sind aber mit dem Festland verbunden.
Vincent sagte, dass das verbliebene Schelfeis inzwischen 90 % kleiner ist als zur Zeit seiner Entdeckung im Jahr 1906.
29.Dec.2006 Arktis: Riesiges Schelfeis- Bruchstück entdeckt
29.Dec.2006 Java: Bohrfirma soll für Schlammvulkan aufkommen
29.Dec.2006 - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Made "A Big Mistake"... Former president Gerald R. Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that the Iraq war was not justified. https://feeds.huffingtonpost.com/~r/huffingtonpost/LatestNews/~3/67406165/bush-cheney-rumsfeld-ma_n_37259.html
29.Dec.2006 - Moscow Links Poisoning Inquiry to Yukos Case(published on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 21:34:20 EDT)Russia is investigating a link between the poisoning of Alexander V. Litvinenko and former Yukos Oil executives.
29.Dec.2006 - Who guards the guardians?(published on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 00:00:00 EST)The coup makes a comeback
29.Dec.2006 - Congress Rebukes FBI's Okla. City Probe(published on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 05:16:46 +0000)'The FBI failed to fully investigate information suggesting other suspects may have helped Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols with the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, allowing questions to linger more than a decade after the deadly attack, a congressional inquiry concludes.'The House International Relations investigative subcommittee will release the findings of its two-year review as early as Wednesday, declaring there is no conclusive evidence of a foreign connection to the attack but far too many unanswered questions remain. https://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle18122.html
- Report: Berger Hid Classifed Documents (published on Wed,
27.Dec.2006 'President Clinton's national security adviser removed classified documents from the National Archives, hid them under a construction trailer and later tried to find the trash collector to retrieve them, the agency's internal watchdog said Wednesday.'Berger took the documents in the fall of 2003 while working to prepare himself and Clinton administration witnesses for testimony to the Sept. https://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle18121.html
27.Dec.2006 - Coke Is It
In September, the magazine W announced that cocaine is again a fashionable vice. In pop music, cocaine never went away. https://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle18124.html
29.Dec.2006 “Many of the American soldiers - Payson - trying to quell sectarian killings in Baghdad don’t appear to be looking for reinforcements,” the Associated Press reports. “They say the temporary surge in troop levels some people are calling for is a bad idea” and Baghdad “is embroiled in civil warfare…that no number of American troops can stop.”
29.Dec.2006 Bush is busy holding “non-decisional” Iraq meetings - Payson - at his Crawford ranch. White House advisers say Bush will deliver his Iraq speech “sometime between New Year’s and his State of the Union address on Jan. 23.” “Two defense officials” said yesterday “that some sort of troop increase appears likely,” but the size and nature of the escalation “still has to be worked out.”
29.Dec.2006 Norton sails through the revolving door. - Payson -
“Gale Norton is back providing oversight of energy development issues on public lands in the American West, this time as a key legal advisor for a major global oil company. Months after she resigned her cabinet post as President Bush’s Interior Secretary — and then seemed to disappear from public view — the Coloradan apparently has accepted an offer to serve as counsel for Royal Dutch Shell PLC. Shell, one of the world’s largest producers of oil, was also one of the companies that Norton’s Interior Department routinely engaged on matters of drilling in sensitive ecological settings.”
29.Dec.2006 Gerald Ford opposed the Iraq war. - Payson -
00.Jul.2004 the former president said in an interview he “very strongly” disagreed with the justifications the Bush administration gave for invading Iraq.
“I don’t think, if I had been president, on the basis of the facts as I saw them publicly,” Ford said,
“I don’t think I would have ordered the Iraq war. I would have maximized our effort through sanctions, through restrictions, whatever, to find another answer.”
The interview “took place for a future book project, though he said his comments could be published at any time after his death.”
29.Dec.2006 Blockierte Schill die Bekämpfung der Organisierten Kriminalität in Hamburg? - sfux Harald Haack ?
Sie wird ?Organisierte-Kriminalität-Opposition? genannt und stellte kürzlich ihren eigenen Lagebericht vor.
Demnach gab es, so die Hamburger SPD-Bürgerschaftsfraktion, schwere Versäumnisse in der Amtszeit des später vom Ersten Bürgermeister gefeuerten +
vor kurzem zur Fahndung (ohne Haftbefehl) ausgeschriebenen Innensenators Schill.
29.Dec.2006 New Orleans: Auf "tollwütige Hunde" geschossen - sfux New Orleans -
Über ein Jahr nach dem verheerenden Hurrikan "Katrina" hat ein Geschworenengericht am Donnerstag in New Orleans Anklage gegen sieben Polizisten erhoben.
Sie müssen sich wegen Mordes und versuchten Mordes verantworten.
04.Sep.2005 Die Polizisten hatten an der Danziger Bridge inmitten von Plünderungen + Schüssen nach den Verwüstungen durch den Hurrikan das Feuer eröffnet.
Dabei starben zwei Menschen, vier weitere wurden verletzt.
29.Dec.2006 Der Marsch nach Mogadischu - sfux Äthiopier zerschlagen das islamische Regime in Somalia
Malte Olschewski - Die somalische Hauptstadt Mogadischu ist von den Truppen Äthiopiens und der Übergangsregierung von Baidoa eingenommen worden.
Panzer der äthiopischen Armee hatten die Milizen der ?Islamischen Gerichtshöfe? (Somali Supreme Islamic Court Council SICC) zurückgedrängt und in die...
29.Dec.2006 Police face Katrina murder charge Four New Orleans policemen are charged with murder in connection with shootings after Hurricane Katrina.
29.Dec.2006 UK police train for 'dirty bomb' The government is increasing the number of police trained to combat chemical, biological or radiation attacks.
29.Dec.2006 Rwanda genocide suspects in court Four men accused of taking part in the Rwanda genocide in 1994 are appearing in a UK court.
29.Dec.2006 Second Dirty War witness missing A man who testified he was tortured by Argentina's military junta becomes the second witness to go missing.
29.Dec.2006 Asian markets ending year on high Japan's leading share index records its fourth successive year of growth, while India's index is up 46% this year.
29.Dec.2006 Howard backs nuclear power shift Nuclear power is an inevitable part of Australia's future energy needs, Prime Minister John Howard says.
29.Dec.2006 Dispute over 'Alexander airport' Greece reacts angrily to Macedonia's decision to rename its main airport after Alexander the Great.
29.Dec.2006 Palestinian deaths rose in 2006 An Israeli rights group says three times more Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army this year than last.
29.Dec.2006 The Green Room The US government's attitude to global warming is changing, an environmental observer argues, but not too quickly.
29.Dec.2006 Argentine 'death squad' man held Spanish police arrest a man accused of being a death squad leader in Argentina in the 1970s.
29.Dec.2006 UK settles WWII debts to allies Britain will settle its WWII debts to the US and Canada before the end of 2006, says the Treasury.
29.Dec.2006 Robots to Crawl Under the City - CowboyNeal 78 - Johan Louwers writes
"Robots will crawl tubes in a short while to investigate power cables running in the tubes to make sure they are still undamaged or in need for a repair.
The Robotic Cable Inspection System is developed by Alexander Mamishev, an assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Washington.
Making use of infrared thermal analysis and acoustic partial discharge analysis, the robot will be checking mile after mile of cable while crawling his way in the tubes."
29.Dec.2006 100 Things We Didn't Know Last Year - Zonk 214 - gollum123 writes
"The BBC news magazine is running a compilation of the interesting and sometimes downright unexpected facts that we did not know last year, but now know. some examples —
There are 200 million blogs which are no longer being updated, say technology analysts.
Urban birds have developed a short, fast 'rap style' of singing, different from their rural counterparts.
The lion costume in the film 'Wizard of Oz' was made from real lions. Online shoppers will only wait an average of four seconds for an internet page to load before giving up.
Just one cow gives off enough harmful methane gas in a single day to fill around 400 litre bottles.
For every 10 successful attempts to climb Mount Everest there is one fatality.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobiacs is the term for people who fear the number 666. The egg came first."
29.Dec.2006 What Questions Would You Ask An RIAA 'Expert'? - Cliff 546 - NewYorkCountryLawyer asks:
"In UMG v. Lindor, the RIAA has submitted an 'expert' report (pdf) + 26-page curriculum vitae (pdf), prepared by Dr. Doug Jacobson of Iowa State University who is the RIAA's expert witness in all of its cases against consumers, relating to alleged copyright infringement by means of a shared files folder on Kazaa + supposed analysis of the hard drive of a computer in Ms. Lindor's apartment. The RIAA's 'experts' have been shut down in the Netherlands and Canada, having been shown by Prof. Sips and Dr. Pouwelse of Delft University's Parallel and Distributed Systems research group (pdf) to have failed to do their homework, but are still operating in the USA. The materials were submitted in connection with a motion to compel Ms. Lindor's son, who lives 4 miles away from her, to turn over his computer and music listening devices to the RIAA. Both Ms. Lindor's attorney (pdf) and Ms. Lindor's son's attorney (pdf) have objected to the introduction of these materials, but Dr. Jacobson's document production and deposition are scheduled for January and February, and we would love to get the tech community's ideas for questions to ask, and in general your reactions, thoughts, opinions, information, and any other input you can share with us. (In case you haven't guessed, we are the attorneys for Ms. Lindor.)"
29.Dec.2006 Microsoft Using Personal Data to Target Ads - timothy 132 - smooth wombat writes
"Microsoft is combing personal data with your search habits to produce targeted ads. Users who use Microsoft's Hotmail email service, msn.com news service and other Microsoft-owned sites will see ads specific to their demographic and interests. From the article: 'Microsoft executives say the system works anonymously and they won't pass on people's names or addresses to advertisers. Executives say they want to foster confidence in users to build a long-term business + one that gives an incentive to not misuse personal details.' "We're in the early days of behavioral targeting but it's an idea whose time has come,' says Simon Andrews, chief digital strategy officer for WPP Group's MindShare, a large buyer of ad time. 'There is a lot of potential to know if people have been looking at specific sites.'"
29.Dec.2006 U.S. Gov't to use Full Disk Encryption on All Computers - timothy 338+ -
To address the issue of data leaks of the kind we've seen so often in the last year because of stolen or missing laptops, writes Saqib Ali, the Feds are planning to use Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on all Government-owned computers. "On June 23, 2006 a Presidential Mandate was put in place requiring all agency laptops to fully encrypt data on the HDD. The U.S. Government is currently conducting the largest single side-by-side comparison and competition for the selection of a Full Disk Encryption product. The selected product will be deployed on Millions of computers in the U.S. federal government space. This implementation will end up being the largest single implementation ever + all of the information regarding the competition is in the public domain. The evaluation will come to an end in 90 days. You can view all the vendors competing and list of requirements."
29.Dec.2006 JSTOR: Two Neo-Conservative Myths in Germany 1919-32: The "Third ... In cooperation with Eduard Stadtler's "Anti- Bolshevik League," which was also recently organized, the "Solidar- ians" soon exercised a decisive influence ... links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-5037(197110%2F12)32%3A4%3C569%3ATNMIG1%3E2.0.CO%3B2-7
Kartellverband | MarkomannenWiki ...
Zusammenschluß von KV + RKDB zur Katholischen Burschenschaft (KB), dadurch Zugang von 20 Korporationen, Altherrenschaftsführer: Dr. Eduard Stadtler. www.markomannenwiki.de/cwiki.php?page=KV
29.Dec.2006 Mueller Science - Wirtschaft: Literatur - Was müssten ... Eduard Stadtler : Der Unternehmer als Führerpersönlichkeit. Eine politisch-psychologische Studie. Hannover 1924. Theodor Geiger: Führer und Genie. .
29.Dec.2006 Ferdinand Sauerbruch, Karl Ludwig Sand, Baldur von Schirach ... Dr. Eduard Stadtler . KDStV Frankonia Straßburg, Politiker in der Weimarer Republik (DNVP), MdR, CC-Blätter 1/2006, S. 30. Dr. iur. Anton Stephan ... www.frankfurter-verbindungen.de/korporierte/s.html
29.Dec.2006 ZEIT online - Literaturbeilage - Geschichte : Faszination und ... Dazu gehört auch Eduard Stadtler, ein katholischer Nationalbolschewist, politisch marginal, aber ein genaues Sprachrohr einer mächtigen Strömung, ... www.zeit.de/2005/42/P-Koenen
29.Dec.2006 Gerd Koenen - Veranstaltungen Antibolshevism and Eastern Orientation – Eduard Stadtler and the origins of the ‘Konservative Revolution’. Vortrag im Rahmen des Panels VI.1 des VII. ...
29.Dec.2006 Matthias Schloßberger über Berggötz: Ernst Jünger und die ... 22 Eduard Stadtler : Diktatur der sozialen Revolution. Leipzig: K. F. Koehler 1920, S. 143: "Ich bin mir dessen wohl bewußt, daß diese Forderung als solche ... iasl.uni-muenchen.de/rezensio/liste/schlossberger.html
29.Dec.2006 ANDREAS J. VOIGT | Wenn alle untreu werden ... November 1918, "Vereinigung für nationale und soziale Solidarität" mit Eduard Stadtler, Karl Helfferich, dem deutschkonservativen Bankier Konsul a.D. Simon
29.Dec.2006 Dissertation Koenen Als Kontrast dient eine knappe Studie über die (scheinbar antipodische) Figur und Aktivität des Führers der deutschen Antibolschewisten Eduard Stadtler . ...
Eduard Stadtler - Wikipedia Von
00.000.1919-00.000.1927 war Eduard Stadtler Herausgeber der jungkonservativen Zeitschrift Das Gewissen. Schriften und Denken der Kreise um Eduard Stadtlers wurden ... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Stadtler
16.Apr.2001 NucNews Rio Tinto urged to rule out Jabiluka development ... may also have presented exposure hazards to workers at the Oak Ridge plant.
Timeline 1999 June
02.Jun.1999 American Indians filed a class action law suit against the major ... 1999 Jun 13, In Britain the Conservative Party under William Hague won 36 ... timelines.ws/20thcent/1999_06.HTML
Timeline 1980
04.May 1980 Iran rejected a call by the World Court in The Hague to release the American ... 1980 Oct 31, Iran's Reza Pahlavi, eldest son of the late shah, ... timelines.ws/20thcent/1980.HTML
29.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/spielzeug/0,1518,druck-456942,00.html
Seit Juni verkauft die Kreuztaler Firma Microdrones mit der MD4-200 eine Drohne, die im Prinzip all das kann, was bislang nur gut zahlender Kundschaft aus dem Militär vorbehalten war:
Der Hubschrauber mit vier Propellern, ein so genannter Quadrokopter, steht ruhig in der Luft und hält eine vorgegebene GPS-Position, auch wenn der Wind von der Seite drückt.
Möglich machen dies eine Vielzahl von Hightechsensoren, die vom Bordcomputer mit hoher Frequenz permanent abgefragt werden, um Abweichungen vollautomatisch ausgleichen zu können.
Bis zu 200 Gramm Nutzlast, etwa eine moderne Digitalkamera, kann die Drohne in die Luft heben. Der Akku reicht für einen 20-minütigen Flug.
Als Andreas Steinhauser vom Chaos Computer Club (CCC) die Vierrotormaschine am Dienstagabend im überfüllten Saal 1 des Berliner Congress Center vorführt, sind die Hacker begeistert.
In zwei Meter Höhe nimmt die Drohnen-Kamera die versammelten Geeks und Nerds ins Visier; ein Beamer wirft den Live-Videostream an die große Leinwand im Saal.
Dann lenkt Steinhauser das Gerät quer über die Bühne Richtung Ausgang - anschließend demonstriert er die beeindruckende Steigfähigkeit.
29.Dec.2006 Wetterkapriole in der Wüste: Touristen in Jordanien von Schneesturm eingeschlossen
29.Dec.2006 Drohne für jedermann: Mal sehen, was der Nachbar treibt
29.Dec.2006 Nordkorea: Mozart statt Militärmusik
y Bundeswehr: Der KSK- Eliteeinheit fehlt der Nachwuchs
29.Dec.2006 U.S. doctors are being trained in Cuba: Many aspiring doctors are leaving the United States to receive free medical training in Cuba.
Y Seething Cuba slams Costa Rica’s Arias as pawn of US: Cuba was outraged in particular when in recent statements Arias ‘disrespectfully and unethically compared Fidel (Castro) with the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet,’ the statement added.
Y U.S. seizes funds purchased for ex-Nicaraguan President Aleman: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials seized $700,000 worth of Certificates of Deposit purchased on behalf of former Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Aleman with money stolen from the Central American country's government, officials said Wednesday.
Y Chavez targets Venezuela homeless woes : President Hugo Chavez has pledged to do away with homelessness in Venezuela through an aggressive outreach program that is offering street people communal housing, drug treatment and a modest stipend.
Y Yes, oil from Venezuela: THERE'S BEEN a lot of controversy lately over whether Citizens Energy Corp. should distribute -- and the poor should accept -- discount heating oil from Venezuela while that country is under the leadership of President Hugo Chávez.
Y Richest 2 percent own more than half the world: Two percent of adults command more than half of the world's wealth, while the bottom 50 percent possesses just 1 percent, according to a U.N. development institute
y Climate change at crisis level: The United States produces about one-fourth of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, yet we're the only major nation that officially denies there's a problem. This is the year for all of us -- government, business, individuals -- to aggressively attack global warming.
Y Latest Katrina Disaster: Waste Estimate Doubles to $2 Billion: Turns out the Bush Administration´s handling of Katrina was even worse than we thought, which is saying something.
Y Dollar Declines on Speculation U.S. Consumer Confidence Dropped : The dollar had its biggest drop this month against the yen on speculation waning consumer confidence in the U.S. will increase the likelihood for a cut in interest rates by the Federal Reserve in the first quarter.
Y U.S. Recession Ahead, Researcher Forecasts: The United States will slide into a "systemic recession" influenced by high consumer debt and low incomes in 2007, a leading trends researcher predicted.
Y Homeowners' losses are others' gains : Profits from defaulted loans are soaring as lawyers, listing agents, property managers, investors and auctioneers get a piece of the pie.
Y World's `Worst' Visa System Scares Business Away From the U.S. : For growing numbers of international business travelers, visa and customs regulations are making trips to the U.S. a thing of the past.
29.Dec.2006 Australia: Billions lost in Defence black hole: DAYS after the Defence Department launched an inquiry into fears that criminals have gained access to army shoulder-fired rocket launchers, the Auditor-General has found it cannot adequately account for inventory and "repairable items" worth $3.9 billion.
Y Courts Side With NSA On Wiretaps: In at least 17 criminal cases, federal district judges - have ruled against requests to force the government to tell defendants, most accused of terrorism-related crimes, whether the NSA eavesdropped on them without a court warrant.
Y The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ: The American Right achieved its political dominance in Washington over the past quarter century with the help of more than $3 billion spent by Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon on a daily propaganda organ, the Washington Times, according to a 21-year veteran of the newspaper.
Y Carolyn Baker: The Good Shepherd": When Patriotism Murders Humanity: I heard one reviewer describe the film as an attempt to “take on” the CIA, yet I came away on the one hand in awe of its psychological depiction of Edward Wilson, but also aware of the film’s paucity of information regarding the agency’s sordid machinations before, during + after the Cold War.
29.Dec.2006 Afghanistan may destabilise Pakistan, India - Armitage: Failure to restore peace to Afghanistan may jeopardise stability in neighbouring Pakistan and have a knock-on effect on India, former U.S. deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage said on Monday.
Y U.N. voices concern over Pakistan plan to mine part of border with Afghanistan : A top U.N. human rights officer said Wednesday that Pakistan's plan to mine parts of its border with Afghanistan would only add to civilian casualties in a region already littered with unexploded ordnance
y Pakistan's Afghan border fence plan "impractical": A Pakistani plan to build a fence and lay landmines on parts of its Afghan border is impractical and will not stop an intensifying Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, analysts said on Wednesday.
Y Afghan heroin supply on rise across America: The amount of high-quality heroin throughout America is surging because of an increasing supply from Afghanistan + with it the fear that record-breaking poppy harvests after the U.S. invasion are fueling more addictions and overdose deaths back home.
29.Dec.2006 'Corrie' canceled in Canada: Play has potential to offend Jewish community
29.Dec.2006 EU reminds Israel West Bank settlement "illegal": The European Union Wednesday strongly criticised Israel's approval of a new settlement in the occupied West Bank for the first time in more than 10 years, describing it as illegal under international law.
Y Finland condemns Israel's new settlement construction in West Bank : Such unilateral actions are illegal under international law and threaten to render the two-state solution physically impossible to implement, the statement said.
Y Israel Settlement Breaks Promise to U.S. : Israel has approved a new settlement in the West Bank to house former Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip, officials said Tuesday, breaking a promise to the U.S. to halt home construction in the Palestinian territories.
Y State Department challenges Israel: Israel's plan to construct a new settlement on the West Bank drew rare criticism Wednesday from the Bush administration.
Y U.S. Judge Dismisses Suit Against Israeli General : In a December 14 decision, Judge Paul Friedman argued that the retired Israeli general is immune from any legal measures in the United States since his actions were carried out as part of his official capacity in the Israeli military.
29.Dec.2006 The gathering Gulf storm : One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the renewed US campaign about the Iran nuclear issue camouflages a struggle for the domination of the Gulf and the Middle East region that set the tempo of the Cold War in the last century and will significantly determine the contours of the world order struggling to be born.
Y Iran summons UK ambassador over Blair remarks : Iran summoned Britain's ambassador in Tehran to its foreign ministry to hear its "strong objections" to British Prime Minister Tony Blair's claim that the Islamic republic poses a threat to the region.
Y Iran's parliament votes to revise ties with the U.N. nuclear agency : The bill passed by Iran's parliament said the government was ''obliged to accelerate the country's peaceful nuclear program and revise its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency based on national interests.''
y Iran's oil revenue running dry, analysis shows: Iran is suffering a staggering decline in revenue from its oil exports + if the trend continues income could virtually disappear by 2015, according to an analysis published Monday in a journal of the National Academy of Sciences.
Y Iran's nuclear drive linked to looming oil crisis: US study: "The regime's dependence on export revenue suggests that it could need nuclear power as badly as it claims," Stern wrote.
29.Dec.2006 Farewell letter urges Iraqis not to hate: "I also call on you not to hate the people of the other countries that attacked us," it said of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
y Saddam Hussein's Baath party threatens to retaliate if their leader is executed: Saddam Hussein's Baath Party threatened Wednesday to retaliate if the ousted Iraqi leader is executed, warning in an Internet posting it would target U.S. interests anywhere.
Y Reverse Decision to Execute Saddam: The Iraqi government should not implement the death sentence against Saddam Hussein, which was imposed after a deeply flawed trial for crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said today
y In case you missed it: Ministers were told of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’: MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.
Y The real menace: The public, seeing through the tissue of Bush administration lies told to justify an invasion that never had anything to do with the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 or weapons of mass destruction, now has begun a national questioning: Why are we still in Iraq?
27.Dec.2006 Five Years of Infamy: Close Guantanamo! -By Colonel Ann Wright, Retired
As a retired US Army colonel with 29 years of service on active duty and in the US Army Reserves + as a US diplomat for 16 years, I firmly believe that there must be accountability and responsibility for criminal actions that we know have occurred - whether the perpetrators are in the Pentagon, the CIA, the Justice Department, or the White House. Continue
y Freedom's prize in disturbing war-By BILL KAUFMANN
U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins' revelation Maher Arar is still considered a threat to his nation and is barred from entering it should be seen in the context of the Bush administration's rap sheet on abduction, torture, rendition, false imprisonment and kangaroo justice. Continue
y Will Stinky Cut The Big One? -by Sheila Samples
Bush is a brutal, pathological liar -- arguably a homicidal maniac. After losing two wars against helpless, unarmed nations, he's bored. The Decider is moving on to greater things + those who know how to listen to him know the decision to nuke Iran has already been made. Continue
y A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule -By Stephen Lendman
The US ranks 41st in infant mortality + the World Health Organization (WHO) ranks the country 37th in the world in "overall health performance" and 54th in the fairness of health care despite spending at a current level overall of around $2 trillion a year or about double the amount per capita of the OECD countries that deliver superior health care overall to their citizens as a national priority. Continue
29.Dec.2006 Poster in shop window breaks the law? : . After a written complaint was submitted to the police by John Gale, local Labour party agent, Hutchinson was arrested and charged with breaking the law.
Y UAE Next to Diversify Away From U.S. Dollar : United Arab Emirates (UAE) Central Bank Governor Sultan Bin Nasser al-Suwaidi announced today that the UAE will switch 8% of its foreign-exchange reserves from U.S. dollars into euros before September. Now China, Russia, Italy Switzerland, Sweden, Qatar, New Zealand and UAE are all diversifying away from the dollar.
Y Euro notes cash in to overtake dollar: The value of euro notes in circulation is this month likely to exceed the value of circulating dollar notes, according to calculations by the Financial Times. Converted at Wednesday’s exchange rates, the euro took the lead in October.
Y U.S. manufacturing expected to take hit: The key U.S. manufacturing sector is expected to be hit hard next year, heightening fears a recession is now much more likely than many economists had expected.
29.Dec.2006 In case you missed it: In Somalia, a reckless U.S. proxy war : Undeterred by the horrors and setbacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, the Bush administration has opened another battlefront in the Muslim world.
Y Hunt for CIA 'black site' in Poland : They confirmed my eyewitness's account - that a well-known CIA Gulfstream plane, the N379P, had made several landings at the airport in 2003.
y Russia fingers Israeli fugitive in radiation poison probe: Moscow says an anti-Kremlin businessman living in Israel could be behind the radiation poisoning of Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko, but the allegation only further complicates a spectacularly bizarre murder case.
Y Anonymous testimony pushes limits: Defense lawyers say justice isn't served if they can't know the identities of the Israeli agents.
29.Dec.2006 Norway demands Ethiopia withdraw troops from Somalia "To advance far into Somalia with a large number of troops cannot be considered a defensive war. "
29.Dec.2006 In case you missed it: Taking stock of US aid to Egypt: The US has provided Egypt with $1.3 billion a year in military aid since 1979 + an average of $815 million a year in economic assistance. All told, Egypt has received over $50 billion in US largesse since 1975
y It's simple apartheid: Just as the US and Europe once opposed apartheid in South Africa, Israel's discrimination against Palestinians must be similarly exposed and dismantled
y Israel admits it may have hit ambulance: THE Israeli army has admitted its soldiers may have fired on a Red Cross ambulance during the war in Lebanon - an incident Foreign Minister Alexander Downer claimed was a hoax that had duped a gullible Australian and international media.
Y Iranian parliament urges end to ties with atomic energy agency: The move signaled that Iran was likely to reduce its cooperation with the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency.
Y U.S. Embassy Is Warning Beijing on Iran Gas Deal: The Bush administration and Congress are warning that a proposed $16 billion deal between a Chinese company and Iran could trigger economic penalties under an American law aimed at starving Iran of funding for "terrorism and nuclear weapons"
y China to use foreign reserves to build up strategic resource base: Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan told leaders of the national legislature that the government plans to step up exploration for key resources such as oil, gas and coal.
29.Dec.2006 Amy Goodman: Shooting the messenger is a war crime: More than 120 reporters and other media workers have been killed in Iraq since the invasion. In August 2003, Reuters cameraman Mazen Dana was filming outside Abu Ghraib prison when a machine-gun bullet tore through his chest. The Pentagon said the soldiers had "engaged a cameraman."
29.Dec.2006 Hussein is “a prisoner of war”, says chief lawyer: Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer implored world leaders on Thursday to prevent the United States from handing over the ousted leader to Iraqi authorities for execution, saying he should enjoy protection from his enemies as a “prisoner of war.”
29.Dec.2006 The trials of occupation
Executing Saddam will not bring peace to Iraq. That can only come when US forces leave -By Burhan al-Chalabi
The US and its allies should apologise to the Iraqi people for the suffering the war has caused. It should offer compensation based on criteria used in Kuwait after the first Gulf war. Under the auspices of the UN, it must end the occupation and hand over power to a sovereign Iraqi government mandated to respect human rights. Continue
y Would You “Support the Troops” in Bolivia? -By Jacob G. Hornberger
Soldiers who join the military voluntarily sign a very unusual contract with the federal government. It is a contract that effectively obligates the soldier to go anywhere in the world on orders of the president and kill people as part of an invasion force against other countries. Continue
y Our Next Big Mess -By Ted Rall
Chances are that you heard more about Rosie O'Donnell's flame war with Donald Trump than the passing of Sapamurat "Turkmenbashi" Niyazov. As seems to occur with increasing frequency, America's media ignored the most important story of the year. Continue
y Tale of Two Sisters -By Bill Quigley. -Why Is HUD Using Tens of Millions of Katrina Money to Bulldoze 4534 Public Housing Apartments in New Orleans When It Costs Less to Repair and Open Them Up? Continue
29.Dec.2006 Kennedy Targeted on 1963 Ireland Trip
President John F. Kennedy was the subject of three separate death threats during his visit to Ireland in 1963, according to newly declassified police documents released Friday. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 Disappearing world: Global warming claims tropical island For the first time, an inhabited island has disappeared beneath rising seas. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 Copper Clothes Promoted As Healing Aids
Jeffrey Gabbay hasn't washed his sports socks since 2004. He says he doesn't have to. Gabbay's company, Cupron Inc., says it is the first textile manufacturer to produce fibers "impregnated" with copper oxide, an agent that kills bacteria and odor on contact. The socks, which he says can heal and prevent athlete's foot, are one of his company's best-selling products. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 Feds failed to follow bombing evidence Information in Utahn's FBI lawsuit points to possible co-conspirators in Oklahoma City. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 Ex-Agent Reveals KGB Mind Control Techniques
A former KGB officer has divulged secrets of special mind control techniques that security services in developed nations used during and after the Cold War, a Russian government daily said Friday. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 China striving for mummy identification A group of Chinese scientists are attempting to identify a 2,800-year-old mummy of an apparent Caucasian man found in an ancient tomb. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 The Other Mystery of Easter Island The island's lost language of Rongorongo. Via Anomalist. posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 10 myths -- and 10 truths -- about atheism As the historian Stephen Henry Roberts (1901-71) once said: "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." posted by Prof. Hex
29.Dec.2006 https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/12/family-continued.html
If Litvinenko planned to reveal that either the Russian or American terror attacks were "Family" affairs,
then an obvious motive for his murder suggests itself. Khashoggi's motive for funding disinformation also becomes clear. # posted by Joseph
29.Dec.2006 https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/12/family-continued.html
I would also like to draw one further parallel between the war against the Chechens in 1999 and the later war on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 2002. From John Dunlop's important essay "Storm in Moscow": The commander of a Russian special operations team in Dagestan told a correspondent for Time magazine that on one scorching August day in 1999, “he had Chechen warlord Shamil’ Basaev in his sights…. With a simple squeeze of his finger, [he] could take out Basaev… But [he] says that he received the following order over his walkie-talkie: ‘Hold your fire.’” “‘We just watched Basaev’s long column of trucks and jeeps withdraw from Dagestan back to Chechnya under cover provided by our own helicopters,’” the Russian officer recalled. “‘We could have wiped him out then and there, but the bosses in Moscow wanted him alive.’” Exactly similar stories surround Osama Bin Laden's escape from Afghanistan, down to the "in our sights" claim.
Did Litvinenko know of Berezovksy's connection with Chechen warlord Basaev? Did Litvenenko know the true details of "Storm in Moscow"?
29.Dec.2006 https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/12/family-continued.html
If the Israeli/French spooks listening in on Adnan Khashoggi and his houseguests overheard plans for what has been called "Russia's 9/11," did they also get advance word of our 9/11?
The issue of 9/11 foreknowledge is quite complex. Many foreign services seem to have had some idea that a strike was in the works + many nations conveyed appropriate warnings to the United States. However, the French do appear to have given the CIA specific information about an attack on U.S. soil. Also, the invaluable Cooperative Research timeline offers this intriguing paragraph: Late August 2001: French Warning to US Echoes Earlier Israeli Warning
French intelligence gives a general terrorist warning to the US; apparently, its contents echo an Israeli warning from earlier in the month (see August 8-15, 2001). [Fox News, 5/17/2002]
29.Dec.2006 ouldn't it be hypocrisy for the Secretary of Defense to protect the President of the United States from embarrassment for his grievous and deadly mistakes rather than to do what's best for America? Yes it would, and so Robert M. Gates is our BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week.
This is Not Out of a Science Fiction Comic Book: "The U.S. Air Force is quietly spending millions of dollars investigating ways to use a radical power source -- antimatter, the eerie "mirror" of ordinary matter -- in future weapons."
y Make an End of the Year Gift (Not Tax-Deductible to Keep Us Completely Independent) to BuzzFlash.com -- Or Buy a Premium!
While Bush Wallows in His Incompetence, Five More GIs Die in Iraq: December's Number Steadily Edging Toward Highest Monthly Tally of '06 12/29
Corporations are Sitting on Piles of Cash: "Imagine the dilemma of having so much cash in your bank account that you didn't know what to do with it." That's something that BuzzFlash has never had the luxury of worrying about. "Interest on $643 billion is boosting bottom lines." 12/29
'Surge' Protectors; Inside reports suggest Bush has already decided on sending many more troops to Iraq starting next month. Until now, the media has bought into his labeling of this as a mere "surge." But the media needs to call it by its proper name: "escalation." 12/29
y Seven New Orleans officers indicted in post-Katrina killings 12/29
Tale of Two Sisters: Why Is HUD Using Tens of Millions of Katrina Money to Bulldoze 4534 Public Housing Apartments in New Orleans When It Costs Less to Repair and Open Them Up? -- BuzzFlash Content
Bill Quigley: Why Is HUD Bulldozing Public Housing Apts in New Orleans When It's Cheaper to Fix Them? - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
y The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ For these reasons and others, I believe that Atta's "Family" and the Russian "Family" are one and the same.
There also appears to be a connection between the Family and the American right -- although at this writing, I cannot claim a full understanding of this linkage. Haliburton is partner in a company called Far West, which, according to some sources, functions as a business front for the Family.
At least one important representative of the Family, Alexander Voloshin, attended a meeting at Adnan Khashoggi's villa in the south of France in July of 1999. Although Berezovsky's creature, Alexander Litvinenko, has denied in print that such a meeting took place, we know from reliable sources that it did occur (Khashoggi having admitted as much) and may have lasted as long as three weeks.
At this meeting, Voloshin (Putin's Chief of Staff, who quit when Putin turned against the Family) met with Chechen warlord Shamil Basaev, the chieftain of the most extreme Islamic faction within Chechnya. Such an encounter would strike many Russians as unthinkable, since most Russians despise Basaev. Imagine how most Americans would react if you told them that Andy Card secretly conferred with Osama Bin Laden after 9/11.
Yet this "impossible" meeting was both recorded and photographed.
Moreover, according to John Dunlop (see below), the fanatical jihadist Basaev received covert funding from none other than Boris Berezovsky.
Some aver that the 1999 Khashoggi meeting cemented a plan called "Storm in Moscow," designed to place Putin (then a Family member in good standing) in power by engineering a series of terrorist bombings, which would be blamed on the Chechens. These attacks led to a second Chechen war. Nothing frightened the Family more than the prospect of reformists gaining control in the Kremlin.
Even as The Family fueled Russian fury against Chechnya, Berezovsky funded Basaev and the Chechen extremists, while undermining Chechen moderates.
The meetings in Khashoggi's villa were recorded by Israeli and French intelligence. Although published sources do not reveal which agency planted the eavesdropping devices, I believe that this task fell to the Israelis, who have a special expertise in this area + who have every reason to keep tabs on Khashoggi. To operate freely on French soil, Mossad would, of necessity, have had to share the intelligence haul with the French.
Obviously, the hidden microphones must have picked up more than one meeting.
If the Israeli/French spooks listening in on Adnan Khashoggi and his houseguests overheard plans for what has been called "Russia's 9/11," did they also get advance word of our 9/11?
The issue of 9/11 foreknowledge is quite complex. Many foreign services seem to have had some idea that a strike was in the works + many nations conveyed appropriate warnings to the United States. However, the French do appear to have given the CIA specific information about an attack on U.S. soil. Also, the invaluable Cooperative Research timeline offers this intriguing paragraph: Late August 2001: French Warning to US Echoes Earlier Israeli Warning
French intelligence gives a general terrorist warning to the US; apparently, its contents echo an Israeli warning from earlier in the month (see August 8-15, 2001). [Fox News, 5/17/2002] The wording here implies that the Israelis and the French offered the same details, presumably from the same source. I tentatively posit, but cannot prove, that the Khashoggi eavesdropping operation may have been that source.
I would also like to draw one further parallel between the war against the Chechens in 1999 and the later war on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 2002. From John Dunlop's important essay "Storm in Moscow": The commander of a Russian special operations team in Dagestan told a correspondent for Time magazine that on one scorching August day in 1999, “he had Chechen warlord Shamil’ Basaev in his sights…. With a simple squeeze of his finger, [he] could take out Basaev… But [he] says that he received the following order over his walkie-talkie: ‘Hold your fire.’” “‘We just watched Basaev’s long column of trucks and jeeps withdraw from Dagestan back to Chechnya under cover provided by our own helicopters,’” the Russian officer recalled. “‘We could have wiped him out then and there, but the bosses in Moscow wanted him alive.’” Exactly similar stories surround Osama Bin Laden's escape from Afghanistan, down to the "in our sights" claim.
Did Litvinenko know of Berezovksy's connection with Chechen warlord Basaev? Did Litvenenko know the true details of "Storm in Moscow"?
Obviously, Litvinenko must have had some reason to lie about that meeting at Khashoggi's villa. We know that Litvinenko planned to blackmail the exiled oligarchs. (He and his one-time patron, Berezovsky, had a falling out.) If Litvinenko planned to reveal that either the Russian or American terror attacks were "Family" affairs, then an obvious motive for his murder suggests itself. Khashoggi's motive for funding disinformation also becomes clear.Permalink
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Anatomy of Deceit
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to Peter Dale Scott, Far West is connected with Diligence LLC, which in turn is connected with Joe Allbaugh, formerly of FEMA and all-purpose Bush crony. After Allbaugh left FEMA, he set up a company called New Bridge, which was supposed to make everyone concerned rich by participating in the rebuilding of Iraq.
New Bridge was affiliated with Diligence and also had connections with something called Crest Investment Corporation -- whose co-chairman was Neil Bush, the sometimes traveling companion of Boris Berezovsky.
Far West itself is coming under increasing pressure these days, in part due to that Peter Dale Scott essay. A recent article quotes its head, Vladimir Filin, as complaining that the CIA and Mossad are out to get him, saying:
"External pressure on the Kremlin is strong and open, but not always successful. Therefore the US and Israel need new means for pressuring [Russia]. Specifically, there has been a decision made to discredit the mechanism of political decisions in Russian arms trade by portraying it as corrupted. Supposedly, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Sudan and other "outcast countries" pay bribes to the Kremlin through some alleged middlemen to get political approval for arms contracts. I don't know anything about such bribes. I assume they do not exist. But this is not important for the CIA and Mossad. All they need is to find a convenient candidate for the role of the alleged middleman, make him testify, and then to spin the scandal in the unprincipled international mass media. It is well-known how skillfully Western press demonizes businessmen from the former Soviet Union without any proof [of their guilt]. It suffices to recall the unbridled campaign of slanders against such a law-abiding person as Victor Bout, who was turned into an international outcast.
Nowadays, the CIA and Mossad are trying to do something similar with the agency Far West LLC (formerly "Far West Ltd") now by threatening it, now promising all kind of rewards for "cooperation."
Simultaneously, in the West, Ukraine + Russia, the US and Israeli intelligence services and their agents of influence in Kiev and Moscow have started a campaign of psychological pressure against "Far West LLC." In the Internet they've been creating a reference base, both in Russian and English, for the planned publications in leading Western media outlets, which usually serve as a prelude for criminal investigations and arrests.
Under these conditions, the leadership of "Far West LLC"--who does not wish to smear themselves and to play into the hands of the enemies of mankind--the United Sates, NATO, and Israel--have transferred the management of the agency from Europe to the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Turkey, Iran + Ukraine, that is to those countries where the blatant provocations of the US and Mossad are less easy to conduct and where extradition is impossible unless in the form of kidnapping and other illegal activities.”
At the same time those in the Kremlin must clearly understand that no private structure by itself, without support can oppose the state, especially such powerful as the United States and Israel." Link # posted by starroute 29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ paper is available here.
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ I know that I have offered a simplistic and crude introduction to a very complex tale. This is, as I said, but a teaser. Permalink
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Virtually all of the suspects in the Litvinenko murder have some tie to Berezovsky.
What was said at Khashoggi's villa? What did Alexander Litvinenko threaten to reveal to the world?
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Key decisions were taken at a 1999 meeting in Adnan Khashoggi's villa in the south of France.
That such a meeting took place is beyond question; Khashoggi himself has admitted as much, although the actual topic of the discussion remains disputed. It is known that French intelligence and the Israelis had a good idea of what went on.
And yet the very existence of this meeting was denied by none other than Alexander Litvinenko. (See footnote 24 of Scott's piece.)
Why would Litvinenko lie about such a thing?
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ You should also study an important piece by Yuri Yasenev (obviously derived from Russian intelligence files), "An Orange Revolution is in store for Russia."
A mysterious company called Far West Ltd. may have functioned as a business front fro the Family. One of the partners in Far West is Dick Cheney's Haliburton.
An officer of Far West described the firm's business as "connected with the secured transport of commercial shipments from Afghanistan." Decide for yourself how best to interpret those words.
29.Dec.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ The late Alexander Litvinenko was a former FSB spook who became a paid liar in the employ of Boris Berezovsky, the shadowy exiled Russian oligarch (and business partner of Neil Bush). Berezovsky hopes to destabilize Putin and take control of what was once the second superpower.
Before the assassination, few in Russia respected Litvinenko. Few outside of Russia heard of him. Now, a film will be made of his life.
The project, starring Daniel Craig (the new James Bond), will derive, in large part, from Litvinenko's book Blowing up Russia .
In that work, Litvinenko attempts to demonstrate that Vladimir Putin was responsible for the apartment bombings of 1999.
However, in “Storm in Moscow”: A Plan of the Yeltsin “Family” to Destabilize Russia, an extremely important paper written by the Hoover Institution's John B. Dunlop, a starkly different picture emerges.
(Oddly, the Hoover Institute has wiped all trace of this paper from its site.) As Peter Dale Scott summarizes: Dunlop's thesis is in itself an alarming one.
It is that men of influence in the Kremlin, building on the connections established by the wealthy oligarch Boris Berezovskii, were able to arrange for staged violence, in order to reinforce support for an unpopular Russian government. This staged violence took the form of lethal bombings in the capital and an agreed-upon incursion by Chechens into Russian Dagestan.
Dunlop argues that Litvinenko's one-time employer, Boris Berezovsky -- the man who would rule Russia -- arranged these provocations in the final months of the Yeltsin era to prevent reformists from taking control.
29.Dec.2006 Umfrage: Jungen US- Bürgern ist Nasa egal
29.Dec.2006 Litwinenko- Kontaktmann Scaramella: Schaumschläger im Schattenreich
y Irak: US- Regierung erwägt Truppenverstärkung
29.Dec.2006 Irak: Uno warnt vor übereilter Hinrichtung Saddams
28.Dec.2006 Blogger Thoughts: Deputy Precluded from Spilling the Beans Deputy in Gibson arrest claims harassment
29.Dec.2006 Paul Sanford, a prominent Aptos, California, attorney, who accused Karl Rove of treason in the Plame outing case, took a leap from the Embassy Suites - BG -https://kurtnimmo.com/?p=701
29.Dec.2006 And the Final Winner is Botswana - sfux Dr. Alexander von Paleske -
The High Court in Labatse has ruled in favor for the Basarwa, or Bushmen. They have won the right of access to the Kalahari Game Reserve.
However the Government is not obliged to supply essential services inside the Game Reserve itself, an area half the size of Britain and a population then of less than 1000.
29.Dec.2006 Brandanschlag: Thomas Mirow gezielt ausgesucht - sfux Harald Haack ?
Seine Kritiker attestierten ihm, seriös augedrückt, ?mangelndes Charisma?.
Feinde des in Paris geborenen Thomas Mirow (SPD), Staatssekretär des deutschen Bundesfinanzministeriums, haben nun das Auto seiner Frau Barbara angezündet.
Spätestens mit der Unterstützung des Airbus-Konsortiums zwecks Ausbau des Finkenwerder Eads-Flugplatzes und der damit verbundenen Vernichtung von...
29.Dec.2006 20 kilogramm heroin in zürih beschlagnamt - sfux
In Zürich-Altstetten hat die Stadtpolizei bei Ermittlungen gegen einen 34-Jährigen insgesamt 20 Kg Heroin im Wert von 800 000 Franken sichergestellt.
Der Mann wurde verhaftet wegen Verdachts auf Heroinhandels im grossen Stil.
Der Mazedonier war laut Polizeiangaben bereits am
07.Dez.2006 vor dem Lagerraum seiner Firma in Zürich-Altstetten verhaftet worden.
Er trug einen Farbkübel mit sich, statt Dispersion befanden sich darin Heroinblöcke im Gesamtgewicht von rund 9...
29.Dec.2006 Islamistische Milizen ziehen sich aus Mogadischu zurück - sfux Mogadischu -
Angesichts des erwarteten Sturms auf die somalische Hauptstadt haben sich islamistische Milizen nach eigenen Angaben aus Mogadischu zurückgezogen.
Das sagte einer der Islamistenführer, Scheich Scharif Ahmed.
Damit wolle man Blutvergiessen unter der Zivilbevölkerung verhindern, erklärte er in einem Interview mit Al-Dschasira.
Die Islamisten, die sich selbst als Union islamischer Gerichte bezeichnen, hatten die Hauptstadt im vergangenen Juni eingenommen.
29.Dec.2006 HIV screening kit launched The first home test which says it can reassure patients they are free of HIV is launched in the UK.
29.Dec.2006 Deadly wave of violence hits Rio A series of gang attacks across the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro leaves at least 15 people dead, reports say.
29.Dec.2006 Muslims begin the Hajj pilgrimage Millions of Muslims begin the annual Hajj pilgrimage in the holy city of Mecca in western Saudi Arabia.
29.Dec.2006 Zimbabwe police arrest 16,000 Police arrest more than 16,000 people as part of a government campaign to curb illegal mining.
29.Dec.2006 Canaries migrant death toll soars About 6,000 African migrants have died on the sea journey to the Canary Islands in 2006, Spain's officials say.
29.Dec.2006 Argentine banks to repay savings Argentina's top court orders banks to repay, in local currency, dollar savings frozen in the 2001-02 crisis.
29.Dec.2006 Asia phone links start to recover Asia's internet and phone networks get back to normal after Tuesday's quake off Taiwan severely hit services.
29.Dec.2006 Spain cathedral shuns Muslim plea Cordoba's bishop rejects a Muslim appeal for the right to pray in the city's cathedral, a former mosque.
29.Dec.2006 Israel settlement plan angers US The US criticises Israel's decision to approve the construction of a new Jewish settlement in the West Bank.
29.Dec.2006 Karzai lambasts border mine plan Afghan President Hamid Karzai criticises Pakistan's plans to fence and plant landmines along their border.
29.Dec.2006 Robot heading for Antarctic dive The UK's first deep-diving remotely operated vehicle is to trawl the depths of the Antarctic sea-bed.
29.Dec.2006 Rebellion charge for Humala Peruvian opposition leader Ollanta Humala is charged with rebellion in connection with a deadly siege at a police station.
29.Dec.2006 UN criticises Pakistan mine plan UN officials criticise Pakistani plans to build a fence and mine sections of its border with Afghanistan.
29.Dec.2006 Lockheed Martin "Conviction Buy List" Rating-Update: New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von Goldman Sachs setzen die Aktie von Lockheed Martin (ISIN US5398301094/WKN 894648) auf ihre "Conviction Buy List". Das Kursziel werde bei 102 USD gesehen. (28.12.2006/ac/a/u)
29.Dec.2006 NYMEX neutral Rating-Update: New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der Banc of America stufen die Aktie von NYMEX (ISIN US62948N1046/WKN A0LCT8) in ihrer Ersteinschätzung mit "neutral" ein. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 130 USD. (27.12.2006/ac/a/u)
29.Dec.2006 Is Sy Hersh really this clueless? (19 guys in a "pickup game" did 9/11) - BG -
AMY DAVIDSON: Sy, in your first article after 9/11—just a few weeks after—you quoted a senior C.I.A. official who, you wrote, "confirmed that the intelligence community had not yet developed a significant amount of solid information about the terrorists' organization, financing + planning." He said, "One day, we'll know, but at the moment we don't know." Has that day arrived?
SEYMOUR M. HERSH: No, not in my view. He also said at the time that there was a debate about whether the attacks were a long-planned, deep-cell operation + we were going to be looking at cell operations like this throughout the country—major embedded groups of Al Qaeda, what you will. The other possibility was that the nineteen hijackers were the equivalent of a pickup basketball team that made it to the Final Four. His guess was the latter. I think that's true. I think the nineteen guys, however skilled, were more lucky than anything else, because of our lack of preparation. But we really know very little about how that operation worked, even now. https://www.newyorker.com/online/content/articles/060911on_onlineonly02
29.Dec.2006 London's The Guardian: Iraq Has Turned Into "Grand Guignol"
A horror show, in other words. "The British occupation army's assault on its own police force in Basra confirms Iraq as a far greater disaster than Suez," writes Roy Hattersley. Even "just plain farce" will suffice.
Bush's "New Way Forward" Could Lead To Strike On Iran
Bush & Co., writes the great Chris Floyd, "love to be thwarted diplomatically �- which is why all their diplomatic efforts are so lame-brained, half-hearted, and transparently geared toward ultimate failure; they want to leave open at all times an excuse for military action."
y Gerald Ford, 38th President, Dies At 93 the man who pardoned Richard Nixon, the only un-elected president of the USA, has died, the longest lived ex-president.
Y Former Bush Official: CIA Censored Op-Ed Because It Was Forced To "Bow To The White House"
Flynt Leverett said, "[The] Op-Ed article we wrote for The Times, [was] blacked out by the Central Intelligence Agency's Publication Review Board after the White House intervened in the normal prepublication review process and demanded substantial deletions. Agency officials told us that they had concluded on their own that the original draft included no classified material, but that they had to bow to the White House."
y The Death Of John Kennedy Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment
y Top Article On Dailykos, By Rob Kall: Pelosi And Conyers-- Smarter Than Impeachment
A lot of people are angry with Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers because they say impeachment is not on the table. I say "thank goodness." You see, I'm in a hurry. I want to see the big cleanup in D.C. happen much faster-- including showing Cheney and Bush the door + maybe, the prison yard. Pelosi and Conyers are doing things exactly right and they have a better chance of my goal-- removal of Bush and Cheney from office-
y Robert Parry: Bush's 'Global War On Radicals'
The "War on Terror" is now expanded to the "War on Radical Extremists", as President George Bush applies ever elasticizing standards of "enemyism" to a rapidly expanding list of potential military targets. "Radical" (as in non-US-hegemony-supporting) movements of all stripes, particularly in the Oil-Producing "territories", will increasingly find themselves in the crosshairs of US military planners + maybe more...
Elections: Here Maryland Goes Again
Howard Gantman, incoming staff director for the Senate Rules Committee: "We've seen in 2000, 2004 and now 2006 how the technical administration of local elections can have a nationwide impact. This is not an issue where if there are problems in one jurisdiction, the consequences remain within one jurisdiction. Problems can impact the future of the whole country."
y Troop "Surge" Plan For Iraq Meets Growing Opposition In US
The idea of having more American troops go to Iraq does not sit well with the public + signals that emerged from Capital Hill Sunday indicated the White House may face a very uphill battle if, as expected, it embraces the proposal to pour up to 30,000 new troops into Iraq.
Y Questioning Capital Punishment
Bruce Shapiro writes in The Nation about the crisis in execution implementation because of widespread concerns about the cruelty of lethal injections. Over 1000 death-row inmates are now temporarily shielded from the fatal needle, at least until a kinder, gentler, poisonous cocktail is devised that passes muster. State-sponsored killing is getting a closer look and anti-death-penalty forces continue to gain ground...
y Georgia Election Director Reportedly Takes New Job With Diebold
"It is another indication of how tight vendors and lobbyists are with public officials," said Garland Favorito, founder of VoterGa, a nonpartisan group working for changes in elections... her unwavering testimony at the Legislature in favor of Diebold and voting that cannot be verified, audited or recounted defied common sense to the point that it amazed nearly all of us."
y Orlando Sentinel: 'The Experiment With Touch-Screen Voting Is A Failure'
Nothing is more sacred or vital to the survival of democracy than the ability to cast a vote with the confidence that vote will be counted accurately. Whatever happens...,one thing is clear: The experiment with touch-screen voting is a failure.FL and other states should scrap touch-screens and use the pen and paper ballots of the optical-scan method,allowing a verifiable, independent recount.
Y Clint Curtis Files Congressional Challenge To Election Of U.S. House Opponent Tom Feeney
From the Orlando Sentinel: Among the charges is that official voting results are "wrong, unreliable and not worthy of any election in this country." Why? Mishandling of election laws, malfunctioning voting machines and --- wait for it --- the likelihood that affidavits furnished by Curtis from voters who say they voted for him will add up to more than the totals reflected in the official record. Whew! Stay tuned.
Y Rumsfeld Replacement (Robert Gates) Was Director Of Voting Company
Although this didn't cause much of a stir at the time, it is worthwhile reading. Thanks, Bev!
29.Dec.2006 White House Stockpiling Lawyers
"President Bush is bracing for what could be an onslaught of investigations by the new Democratic-led Congress by hiring lawyers to fill key White House posts," reports The Baltimore Sun. One law school professor called it an attempt to "slow down or resist oversight before the oversight can get organized."
y Israel Constructing Yet More New Housing On West Bank
From The Los Angeles Times: "Israel has approved construction of new housing for Jewish settlers in the West Bank, officials said Tuesday, drawing protests from Palestinian leaders and Israeli peace activists who said the decision violates a 3-year-old pledge to the United States to freeze settlement activity." It never learns.
29.Dec.2006 By Jay Janson- Christian Ethiopia Bombs Islamic Neighbor On Christmas Day
Muslim Somalia bombed by largly Christian neighbor Ethiopia and the loss of life that now ensues from not so clever past U.S.actions and present foolish policies in Washington.
29.Dec.2006 By Allen L Roland - 2006 DISASTER OF THE YEAR/GEORGE W BUSH
Everything George W Bush has touched has become a disaster starting with his illegal war and occupation of Iraq ~ continuing through his promised rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina and the ongoing disintegration of America's moral standing. This has to be a reflection of the moral character of Bush. Fortunately Sheila Samples has provided me with the smoking gun oval office evidence that firmly labels Bush as a disaster.
29.Dec.2006 By Anai Rhoads Ford - Racial And Religious Profiling Background And Statistics
Profiling is not something that sprung up after 911, dedicated to "protect" us. It violates civil liberties and generalises by appearance. This method has now increased in intensity, expanding its scope into religion and origin.
By Kathlyn Stone - Could Understanding Terror Management Theory Deter Human Aggression?
For the past 25 years three experiential social scientists have collaborated on the study of human aggression from a biological perspective as well as a cultural one. Their Terror Management Theory is based on the work of the cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker -- who theorized that humans' awareness and denial of death is the guiding force in human behavior.
By JGideon - 'Daily Voting News' For December 23 Thru 26, 2006
a run-down of the days elections/voting news from across the country and overseas.
By Pamela Drew -America's Perfect Intelligence Targeting Activists
There is no imperfect intelligence; the corporate government is both coordinated and working in unison tracking critics better than the CIA does terrorists. I know they're tracking me and the sad part is Americans are paying for it by refusing to put the issue of food on the table. Maybe by seeing who cares what we're doing you'll care. Your life does depend on it America, you're dying from ignorance, it's time to wake up.
By John Perry - Presidential Complicity
Perhaps the most heinous of these media-ignored realities is that George W. Bush, as Commander-in-Chief and the man personally responsible for launching an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation, is also personally, equally responsible for every crime that occurs as a result of the illegal invasion.
By Charles Bonacci - Iran Sanctions A Bad Idea For Troops In Iraq? Or Just Bad In General?
Argument against sanctions in Iran. Suggest giving Iran light-water nuclear reactors as an alternative.
By Carlos T Mock, MD- Disappointed That The Republican Party Has Not Censored An Open Attack To The 1st Amendment To Our Constitution - The Go
I am deeply troubled that this elected official has such disrespect (or is it ignorance?) for our Constitution and I demand that the Republican Party either censor him or remove him from office.
If Mr. Ellison decides to uphold "only" the parts of The American Constitution that he likes, he has no business serving in Congress.
29.Dec.2006 By Muhammad Khurshid - Pakistan, Afghanistan Bickering Endangers Lives Of Millions Of Tribesmen
The latest squabbling between Afghanistan and Pakistan over fencing the border has created great terror in the tribal areas.
According to the people of tribal areas the latest war of words between the two the countries over mining + fencing the border in the tribal areas is nothing but a bid to pressure the USA to pay them more dollars.
29.Dec.2006 By John Carey - Who Is Shaping White House And Pentagon Thinking On The Next Steps In Iraq And Iran?
29.Dec.2006 By Al Krass -HAUNTED BY WHICH FAILURE?
Robert Gates evidently felt that a defeat in Iraq would haunt us. I'm already haunted-- but not by what spooks the new Secretary of defense. I'm haunted by a whole panoply of things.
I'd like to see Congress haunted by them, too.
29.Dec.2006 By Wayne Madsen - Before We Go Eulogizing Gerald Ford. . . remember that he was the first to grant Cheney, Rumsfeld + Bush I access to the Oval Office.
By Stephen Lendman - A Look Back And Ahead In An Age Of Neocon Rule
The year in review under Bush neocon rule and an ominous look ahead.
By David Swanson - New Year's Utopianism Needed Fast
We are approaching a point at which all of the following will become unavoidable: massive desertification, rising sea level, explosive growth of insect populations, widespread habitat destruction, mass extinctions, mass migrations (including of humans), the disappearance of sea life + in all likelihood wars over drinking water that will make the wars over oil look civilized.
By Martin Zehr - Saladin Lives!
What is happening in the Middle East is not merely sectarian strife, but an expression of the conflict between different national forces.
By Stephen Lendman - Reports Of Fidel Castro's Impending Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Spanish surgeon gives Fidel Casto a clean bill of health, predicts his full recovery and says he has no need for further surgery.
By Anai Rhoads Ford - Racial Profiling: Multiple Immigration Raids
During the round-up everyone was forced to line up as the Immigration officers chose workers that appeared "brown skinned."
By Evelyn Pringle - Paxil Birth Defect Litigation - Battle Of The Decade
By Karen Fish - Annan, Mandela, Saud And Garland Prophesied Iraq Perfectly Beforehand They called it perfectly and were ignored.
By Randy White - Who Melted My Cheese? The earth is going to be burnt cheese if we don't get a head start on Peak Oil.
29.Dec.2006 propaganda.html">The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ - BG -https://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/122706A.shtml
29.Dec.2006 Lynching_Saddam_-_Part_10:_Virtue, _Terr or and the Western public opinion’ s bloodthirsty schizophrenia :: from www.uruknet.info : - BG -https://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=29321&s2=27
29.Dec.2006 Gerald Ford's Role in the JFK Assassination Cover-Up by Don Fulsom - BG -https://www.crimemagazine.com/06/ford-jfk,1111-06.htm
29.Dec.2006 Iran may need nuclear power: study - Yahoo! News - BG -https://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061226/ts_nm/iran_nuclear_study_dc
29.Dec.2006 Borovsky probed on suspicion of bribing Sharon | Jerusalem Post - BG -Borovsky probed on suspicion of bribing Sharon https://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1164881989179
29.Dec.2006 Tom Bray: A joint biography of Reagan, John Paul II and Thatcher makes good use of Moscow archives.
29.Dec.2006 Andrew Sullivan Is Shocked to the Core
"Forcing store clerks to listen to the same holiday music over and over could be akin to torture and should change, a British noise pollution group said."--United Press International, Dec. 24
29.Dec.2006 Gerald Ford, RIP
Gerald Ford, the only president never to be elected to either that office or the vice presidency is dead.
Ford, 93, breathed his last in Rancho Mirage, Calif., last night; the proximate cause of death is undisclosed, but it "followed a year of medical problems," the Associated Press reports.
00.000.1973 -when Spiro Agnew resigned, Ford became the first vice president appointed under the 25th Amendment.
The following year he ascended to the presidency when Richard Nixon, facing impeachment over the Watergate scandal, called it quits.
Ford pardoned Nixon, declaring "our long national nightmare is over," then
00.000.1976 sought election is his own right.
He narrowly beat Ronald Reagan for the Republican nomination, then fell well behind in the polls against Jimmy Carter, before coming back to lose narrowly, 50.1% to 48%.
29.Dec.2006 The Enduring Legacy of Gerald R. Ford - BG -
I believe that the picture below tells us all we need to know about the lasting impact the presidency of Gerald R. Ford has had on the United States of America, the nation he so proudly led for a couple of years after pardoning the man who was at that time the biggest criminal ever to occupy the Oval Office: Yes, it was Gerald R. Ford who took those famously amoral and criminally incompetent backroom operators, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, out of the lower quadrants of the twisted bowels of the Nixon White House and raised them to the highest levels of American government, where, in one form or another, overtly and covertly, they have inflicted their primitive ideology and violent psychodramas on the nation + the world, for more than three decades. But ... Source: https://www.chris-floyd.comhttps://www.chris-floyd.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=975
29.Dec.2006 FBI Says Files In Leak Cases Are ‘Missing' - BG -https://www.rawstory.com/showarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nysun.com%2Farticle%2F45755
29.Dec.2006 Neocons Endanger the Sixth Amendment - BG -
I don't know where Amy J. St. Eve received her law degree. Maybe through a mail correspondence course run out of a mail drop in Bibo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Surely, she didn't attend one of the law colleges here in America. But then, the way things are going, maybe she did. Increasingly, in Bushzarro world, that it to say neocon world, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not say what they mean or mean what they say. "In Chicago, a federal judge recently permitted two Israeli agents to testify anonymously against two men accused of aiding the Palestinian group Hamas, designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization since 1995. Judge Amy J. St. Eve said that the right to learn a witness' identity was 'not absolute' and that the use of pseudonyms for the Israeli agen... Source: https://kurtnimmo.com/?p=700
29.Dec.2006 More bad faith from Israel - BG -
>From Reuters: "Israelis are puzzling over the prospect of peace with Syria after their two foreign intelligence agencies gave dramatically different assessments of recent diplomatic overtures from Damascus. While the Mossad spy service said Syrian President Bashar Assad had no genuine interest in peace talks, Israel's Military Intelligence said it believed Assad was ready to negotiate if this leads to the return of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights." and: "A poll published by the best-selling Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper over the weekend found that while 67 percent of Israelis think the Olmert government should respond to Syria's peace overtures, an almost equal number – 66 percent – would be opposed to giving up the Golan under a future peace accord." Remember this is the same trick pulled b... Source: https://xymphora.blogspot.com/2006/12/more-bad-faith-from-israel.html
29.Dec.2006 President Ford and mass murder - BG -
Newsweek described Gerald Ford as "the CIA's best friend in Congress." (definitive jfk article) At least one third of East Timor's population, over 200,000 people, died as a result of Indonesia's invasion and 24 year occupation of East Timor. US President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were in Jakarta visiting Indonesian President Suharto the two days before the invasion of East Timor (December 1975). SUHARTO said to Ford: "We want your understanding if we deem it necessary to take rapid or drastic action." FORD replied : "We will understand and will not press you on the issue. We understand the problem you have and the intentions you have." Source of quotes: https://www.rotten.com/library/bio/dictators/suharto/Matthew Jardine, author of East Timor: Genocide in Paradise, wrote t... Source: https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2006/12/president-ford-and-mass-murder.html
29.Dec.2006 Humint Events Online: WTC Demolition: Atomic Weapons Versus Beam Weapons - BG -https://covertoperations.blogspot.com/2006/12/wtc-demolition-atomic-weapons-versus.html
27.Dec.2006 December 27, 2006 - Think Progress -
“The Bush administration has decided to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, putting the U.S. government on record as saying that global warming could drive one of the world’s most recognizable animals out of existence.”
Seven U.S. troops were killed in Iraq yesterday, raising this month’s death toll to 87.
December is now the “second deadliest month of the year” for American troops.
Michael Wallace, a former aide to Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), has “asked President Bush to withdraw his nomination” for a seat on the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals .
The withdrawal comes after the American Bar Association, “for the first time in almost a quarter-century, unanimously rated” Wallace to be “unqualified.”
The Pentagon may be preparing for escalation. Army Gen. John Abizaid has requested a “call-forward” force of 3,500 troops to be sent “into Kuwait to stand ready for use in Iraq.”
“If we’re going to surge, this makes sense,” a senior defense official said.
Incoming Senate Foreign Relations committee chair Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) opposes the escalation strategy .
“I totally oppose the surging of additional troops into Baghdad + I think it is contrary to the overwhelming body of informed opinion, both people inside the administration and outside the administration,” Biden said.
In honor of the launch of its redesign on Jan. 2, 2007, The Wall Street Journal will be “free at newsstands nationwide .”
“Nearly half a million copies will be free and The Wall Street Journal Online — normally a paid service — will also be free that day.”
“Ethiopian troops fought their way closer to the Somali capital of Mogadishu” yesterday, “pushing back militias loyal to the Islamic Courts movement” that controls most of Somalia. “U.N. officials warned of a humanitarian crisis in Somalia, while fears remained high that Ethiopia’s aggressive military campaign could have disastrous consequences not only for Somalia but across the Horn of Africa.”
The Ohio state Supreme Court “publicly reprimanded” Gov. Bob Taft (R-OH) yesterday “for his ethics violations in office, a black mark that will stay on his permanent record as an attorney.”
29.Dec.2006 EU bank ends Israel loans freeze Israel is to get 275m euros from the EU's investment arm, the first such loans in more than a decade.
29.Dec.2006 Yukos probed over ex-spy's death Russian prosecutors say an ex-boss of oil firm Yukos may be linked to the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko.
29.Dec.2006 Year in review: Green tech grows up Venture capital rushed to start-ups dealing in alternative power sources and energy-efficient technology.
29.Dec.2006 This has gotta stop Blog: There are warnings from science that the current state of affairs cannot continue. It's not sustainable. And that's the whole...
29.Dec.2006 Polar bears and climate change: A polarizing issue Blog: Environmentalists and global-warming naysayers shifted into high gear Wednesday in response to news that the Interior Department...
29.Dec.2006 Secret Gov't Documents Will be Declassified 12/31 - samzenpus 55 -mozzwald writes
"This New Year's Eve, at midnight on the dot, hundreds of millions of pages of U.S. government secrets will be revealed. Or at least they'll no longer be official secrets — it may actually take months or more for the National Archives and Records Administration to make those pages available for public consumption."
29.Dec.2006 Newest Energy Source — Pond Scum - ScuttleMonkey 223 -An anonymous reader that several start up companies include one from MIT are looking at using (both natural and engineered) algae as source of bio-fuel. Since algae grows quickly and absorbs green house gases. From the article "Soybeans can give you 50 to 60 gallons of oil an acre compared to 75 to 125 gallons for canola, but algae is almost limitless because it grows so fast, so potentially you could get 10,000 gallons per acre."
29.Dec.2006 Computer Characters Tortured for Science - ScuttleMonkey 258 -Rob Carr writes
"Considered unethical to ever perform again with humans, researcher Mel Slater recreated the Milgram experiment in a immersive virtual environment. Subjects (some of whom could see and hear the computerized woman, others who were only able to read text messages from her) were told that they were interacting with a computer character and told to give increasingly powerful electric shocks when wrong answers were given or the 'woman' took too long to respond. The computer program would correspondingly complain and beg as the 'shocks' were ramped up, falling apparently unconscious before the last shock. The skin conductance and electrocardiograms of the subjects were monitored. Even though the subjects knew they were only 'shocking' a computer program, their bodies reacted with increased stress responses. Several of the ones who could see and hear the woman stopped before reaching the 'lethal' voltage + about half considered stopping the study. The full results of the experimental report can be read online at PLoS One. Already, some (like William Dutton of the Oxford Internet Institute) are asking whether even this sanitized experiment is ethical."
29.Dec.2006 New Telescope Hunts for Earth-Sized Planets - CmdrTaco 95 - TENxOXR writes
"The French-led Corot mission has taken off from Kazakhstan on a quest to find planets outside our Solar System.
The space telescope will monitor about 120,000 stars for tiny dips in brightness that result from planets passing across their faces. The multinational mission will also study the stars directly to uncover more about their interior behavior."
29.Dec.2006 Quake in Taiwan Cripples Internet - CmdrTaco 164+ -judebx writes
"Powerful quakes measuring 7 on the Richter scale have struck southern Taiwan and caused damage to undersea communication cables, disrupting telephone and internet services in several parts of Asia.
The quake comes on the second anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, and triggered tsunami warnings. Human casualties, however, have been low so far."
28.Dec.2006 Lucy Edwards plea transcript 25 currently represent your wife, Lucy Edwards + the three ... 6 United States of America versus Peter Berlin, Lucy Edwards, ... russianlaw.org/grant.htm
Online NewsHour: Assignment: Beijing -
13.Aug.1999 The London employee, Lucy Edwards, who was born Ludmila Pritska, has been fired by ... Berlin is married to Lucy Edwards, the bank's fired London employee. www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/europe/july-dec99/russia_9-15.html
Lucy Edwards News - The New York Times News about Lucy Edwards . Commentary and archival information about Lucy Edwards from The ... Former Bank of New York vice pres Lucy Edwards and her husband, ... topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/e/lucy_edwards/index.html
Russia and the former Soviet Union News - News about Russia and ... Your search for EDWARDS, LUCY in Russia + the Post-Soviet Nations returned 19 articles ...
Former Bank of New York vice pres Lucy Edwards and her husband,
28.Dec.2006 Unternehmensverflechtung im organisierten Kapitalismus - View as HTML Manager und Kapitalist. Vgl. dazu Schumpeter (1954: 555-556, 645); Eisenhardt (1989). ... Guaranty Trust, Chase, Bankers Trust : S 146 Kontakte; Deutsche Bank, ... www.uni-trier.de/uni/fb4/soziologie/apo/netzwerk1896.pdf
28.Dec.2006 https://suche.aolsvc.de/suche/web/search.jsp?q=Illegal%20immigrants%20Proposition%20187%20in%20California&cluster=&normalization_level=a&famFilter=off&lr=lang_de
Stop State Racism
00.000.1990 -In the s- in California, tens of thousands of African Americans voted for the racist Proposition 187 ---an ordinance aimed at stripping immigrants of ...
28.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-456892,00.html
Auch in Deutschland werden jährlich mehr als 150.000 Menschen Opfer eines Schlaganfalls, 40 % davon sterben innerhalb eines Jahres. Fast zwei Drittel der Überlebenden sind anschließend behindert und auf fremde Hilfe angewiesen. Trotz alledem ist das Wissen über Risiken und Symptome in der Bevölkerung allenfalls dürftig, hatten Forscher der Berliner Charité im Frühjahr herausgefunden.
28.Dec.2006 Harlem: Zehntausende sagen James Brown Goodbye
y US- Aufsicht: Grünes Licht für Verkauf von Klontier- Fleisch
y Palästinensische Gebiete: Ägypten soll Waffen an die Fatah geliefert haben
28.Dec.2006 Todesurteil: Vatikan will Saddam retten - Spekulationen um Hinrichtung im Februar
y Krieg am Horn von Afrika: Tausende bei Offensive in Somalia getötet
28.Dec.2006 Kritik an Ahmadinedschad: Iranische Opposition fordert Kehrtwende im Atomkonflikt
28.Dec.2006 Heiligendamm: G- 8-Gegner werfen Farbbeutel auf Gipfel- Hotel
28.Dec.2006 Attentatsserie in Rio: Drogenmafia tötet 18 Menschen
28.Dec.2006 US- Studie: Schlaganfälle werden seltener
28.Dec.2006 Energieversorgung: Gasprom- Preisschlacht alarmiert Bundesregierung
y Umweltamt- Vorstoß: Tempolimit- Forderung stößt auf scharfe Ablehnung
28.Dec.2006 Krieg am Horn von Afrika: Somalische Regierung meldet Einnahme von Mogadischu
y Heimkinder: "Kein Tag, an dem ich nicht mit Angst ins Bett ging und mit Angst aufstand"
20061201 The claim has filtered up through the blogs to Fox News and conservative print outlets like ... Newt Gingrich Says We Have to Restrict Freedom of Speech. ... alfatomega.com/20061201.html
00.Apr.1998 Issue American Renaissance
I was very pleased with his performance, though Fox did not give him much ... Ralph Reed, Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay and RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson support ... www.amren.com/984issue/984issue.html
28.Dec.2006 Essential Elements That was what Kathy Wilkens, executive director, stated in her
09.Sep.2003 presentation to the Red Lake Tribal Council at their Regular Meeting of ... www.rlnn.com/newsarticlespast/EssentialElements.html
28.Dec.2006 JOC-oil Ook de oliehandel Joc - oil die hij dan opricht, komt op naam van deze ... John Deuss is na de brandstichting
00.000.1985 in zijn villa in Berg en Dal door de ... squat.net/spok/pub/052/jocoil.htm
Oliedom | Spok ... heeft begin september invallen gedaan in zijn kantoren en kasteel in Berg en Dal . ... In dit zwartboek ging één hoofdstuk over de JOC Oil affaire. ... squat.net/spok/blog/node/68?PHPSESSID=d86a8d19707bd19f02fe2098a6390081
John Deuss - Wikipedia Op
07.Jan.1985 werd in de woning van Deuss in Berg en Dal brand gesticht. Deze aanslag wordt opgeëist door de actiegroep Pyromanen tegen Apartheid. nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Deuss
Elsevier.nl - Weekblad - Hoe er miljarden worden verdiend aan ...
00.000.1970 hij is dan 28 jaar, heeft Deuss met zijn bedrijf JOC Oil ...
00.000.1985 wordt een aanslag gepleegd op zijn kasteeltje in Berg en Dal, bij Nijmegen. www.elsevier.nl/magazine/artikel/asp/artnr/121061/zoeken/ja/index.html
Royal Gazette Deuss brought the case to Bermuda on the grounds that it was JOC's place of ... his $6 million castle in Berg en Dal, Holland, causing extensive damage. www.theroyalgazette.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061020/MIDOCEAN/110200155
A printer friendly article from the Royal Gazette JOC had paid $21.4 million for the first six shipments but refused to pay ... his $6 million castle in Berg en Dal, Holland, causing extensive damage.
'Carousel' bank's founder due in court ... blow up his mansion in Berg en Dal, near Nijmegen in the east of the country. ...
I remember visiting Deuss subsequently at JOC Oil headquarters in the ... www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/oct2006/chief_executive.html
Bankier in de schemerzone HTML-versie
JOC Oil, zijn toenmalige. handelsbedrijf in New. York. De Britse fiscus verdenkt ... Het ‘kasteeltje’ op Deuss’ landgoed in Berg en Dal . bizniz.blog.nl/resource/pdf/download/VK%20bankier%20in%20schemerzone.pdf
Encyclopedie: Nederlands: John_Deuss (Wikipedia) ... vanaf Bermuda met het bedrijf JOC een acroniem voor John's Own Company. ... en beleggingsmaatschappij gevestigd in Berg en Dal ;;
Oman Oil Company (OOC) ... www.mijnwoordenboek.nl/encyclopedie/NL/John_Deuss
BRUCKNER art. HTML-versie
KNP/196/91 Berg -en- dal area. KNP/148/91 Skukuza area. KNP/14/95 Orpen area ...
The JOC held two meetings every day for the entire duration of ... bvs.panaftosa.org.br/textoc/Bruckner.pdf
28.Dec.2006 https://www.google.nl/search?q=joc%20oil%20berg%20en%20daal&hl=nl&lr=&start=10&sa=N
John Deuss: ZoomInfo Business People Information BERMUDA-based oil magnate and Bermuda Commercial Bank chairman John Deuss, 60, ... his $6 million castle in Berg en Dal, Holland, causing extensive damage. www.zoominfo.com/people/Deuss_John_247343363.aspx
28.Dec.2006 https://alltheweb.com/search?cat=web&cs=utf8&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=pref&q=Deutschland+Hitler+archive+dokumenten&o=10
WWW Virtual Library Economic and Business History: Web Resources: Geographical
Over 1,000 links to organizations, archives, libraries, museums, research institutions and resources around the world in the field of economic and business history. ... Archive in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Andreas Hanacek ... Betting on Hitler - The Value of Political ... Archiv.de Der historischen Dokumenten - und Quellensammlung zur deutschen ... more hits from: https://www.iisg.nl/~neha/w3vl/countries.html
28.Dec.2006 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=madcowprod+argyll&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&start=10&sa=N
aangirfan: 12/10/2006 - 12/16/2006 The SNLA... is masterminded from Dublin by former Argyll and Sutherland Highlander Adam Busby, 57. ... https://www. madcowprod .com/... aangirfan.blogspot.com/2006_12_10_aangirfan_archive.html
28.Dec.2006 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=madcowprod+argyll&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&start=10&sa=N
Campeche 4.10.06 cash out pattern, Khashoggi, Titan press release, Argyll Equities, Nigerian 419, Frank Cowles, Edwin Wilson, drugs, Amdocs Ltd, L3, Global Crossing ... www.sjcite.info/campeche.html - 238
The Political Switchboard > "COCAINE ONE" Bust Lifts Veil on BushCo Private investment bank Argyll Equities LLC in Boerne, Texas, ... https://www. madcowprod.com/fl.jpg . This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. ... politicalswitchboard.com/lofiversion/index.php/t11575.html
28.Dec.2006 Krieg am Horn von Afrika: Regierungstruppen erobern Schlüsselpositionen in Mogadischu
y Bundeswehr- Modernisierung: "Größter Auftrag, den Siemens je erhalten hat"
28.Dec.2006 Prag: Passagiere überwältigen Flugzeugentführer
28.Dec.2006 Studie: Menschen mit Haustieren leben ungesünder
28.Dec.2006 Brasilien: Wütende Passagiere stürmen Rollfeld
28.Dec.2006 Überraschende Flut: Schluckauf über dem Mittelmeer verursacht Tsunamis
y Niedersachsen: Verfassungsschützern soll das Hacken erleichtert werden
28.Dec.2006 Do- it- yourself- Überwachung: Hacker basteln sich Big Brother
28.Dec.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Solidarität der großen Fische"
28.Dec.2006 Schlappe für den Dollar: Euro ist stärkste Bargeldwährung der Welt
28.Dec.2006 Horn von Afrika: Islamisten fliehen aus Mogadischu
28.Dec.2006 Boom bei Autos und Elektronik: Japans Industrie stark wie nie
28.Dec.2006 Somalia: Äthiopische Truppen rücken auf Mogadischu vor
28.Dec.2006 27. DEZEMBER 2006 US- Pläne: Eisbär soll auf die Liste der bedrohten Arten
y Auf und ab: Internet- Gerücht lässt Apple taumeln
y Neuer Rekord: Dow Jones schließt erstmals über 12.500 Punkten
28.Dec.2006 Parasite turns women into sex kittens - National - theage.com.au - BG -About 40 per cent of the world's population is infected with Toxoplasma gondii, including about eight million Australians. https://www.theage.com.au/articles/2006/12/26/1166895290934.html
28.Dec.2006 Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: December 24, 2006 - December 30, 2006 Archives - BG -DC lobbying giant Dutko Worldwide behind election robocalls. https://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/week_2006_12_24.php#011704
The SALT LAKE CITY TRIBUNE is reporting today that the FBI probably staged prison "suicides" of two people after the OK City bombing, one a suspect who bragged he would "blow the whole case open" and the other a few days earlier who was misidentified as the same suspect. The latter was found hanging in his cell + was ruled a suicide even though his body was covered in blood. The information came out in a lawsuit filed by the brother of latter deceased [*]. Of course the article is titled so no one will get upset - "Feds failed to following bombing leads." I'm not sure who to be more angry at: The FBI which at the very least allowed 9-11 to happen and covered up OK City, or the media w... Source: https://www.cosmiciguana.com/2006/12/salt_lake_city_trib_reports_fb.html
28.Dec.2006 TV Interview about Saddam's capture and other questions. - BG -MEMRI TV
#1343 - Ziyad Najdawi of Saddam Hussein's Legal Defense Team: Remians in Mass Graves in South Iraq Belong to Iranians and Americans; Americans Used Gas to Capture Saddam and Attached a Fake Beard to His Face.
Al-Baghdadiya TV (Iraq) - 12/18/2006 -
28.Dec.2006 Gerald Ford dead at 93. - Nico -
“Former President Gerald R. Ford, who was thrust into the presidency in 1974 in the wake of the Watergate scandal but who lost his own bid for election after pardoning President Richard M. Nixon, has died. He was 93, making him the longest living former president, surpassing Ronald Reagan, who died in 2004, by just over a month.” The New York Times has an extensive obituary.
28.Dec.2006 High gas prices. - Judd - Something to look foward to in 2007.
28.Dec.2006 Stomach drugs may weaken bones Long-term use of some drugs prescribed for stomach acid problems may be weakening people's bones.
28.Dec.2006 Mixed reactions to Saddam verdict The US hails the death sentence upheld against Saddam Hussein, while the EU urges Iraq not to carry it out.
28.Dec.2006 Iran to revise IAEA co-operation Iran's parliament passes a bill which forces a review of co-operation with the UN's nuclear body.
28.Dec.2006 Mumbai residents without water Millions of people spend a day without water in the Indian city of Mumbai because of repairs to supply pipelines.
28.Dec.2006 Asia communications hit by quake Telecommunications across Asia are badly hit after Tuesday's quake off Taiwan affected undersea cables.
28.Dec.2006 Taiwan leader's son-in-law jailed The son-in-law of Taiwan's embattled President Chen Shui-bian is given six years in jail for insider trading.
28.Dec.2006 Belarus firm on Russia gas demand Belarus says it does not expect Russian energy giant Gazprom to cut off its gas, despite a row over the cost of supplies.
28.Dec.2006 'New charges' for Russian tycoon Jailed Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky faces new charges of money-laundering, his lawyer says.
28.Dec.2006 Taleban 'admit commander's death' The Taleban are reported to have confirmed the killing of senior commander Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani.
28.Dec.2006 China mulls energy reserves spend China signals that it could use its vast foreign exchange reserves to bolster its strategic energy resources.
28.Dec.2006 US to send more troops to Gulf The US is to send up to 3,300 more troops to Kuwait, officials say, as Washington review Iraq policy.
28.Dec.2006 Want alternative energy? Try pond scum To the growing industry of biodiesel and ethanol refiners with their eyes on biomass, algae looks like green gold.
27.Dec.2006 Westjordanland: USA und EU verurteilen Israels Siedlungspläne
y Irak: Baath- Partei droht USA mit Rachefeldzug
y Fall Litwinenko: Moskau gibt Jukos- Manager die Schuld
27.Dec.2006 Somalia: Islamisten drohen mit Guerillakrieg
y Gesellschaft: Politiker sorgen sich um Demokratie in Ostdeutschland
y Gegen "Monopol der Linken": Berlusconi plant eigene Universität
27.Dec.2006FLASH: Why Is the US Letting Afghan Drug Production Resume? This mirrors the speculation offered years ago by a major German magazine about a right-wing Cuban-American drug kingpin, Alberto Sicilia Falcon, ... socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/qdimu.html
27.Dec.2006Vince Foster, Part X One of the chief Cali money launderers was Isaac Kattan, a drug associate of both Alberto Sicilia-Falcon and Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros (Mills, ... orlingrabbe.com/part10.htm
Testimony of Robert H. Herz Chairman and George J. Batavick Board ... Robert H. Herz was appointed FASB Chairman, effective July 1, 2002. He was a Senior. Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers, its North ... Vornado Realty Trust ... www.fasb.org/testimony/05-04-04_attachments.pdf
27.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-456654,00.html
Tatsächlich hat es in den vergangenen Monaten Aktionen gegeben, die dem Anschlag auf das Haus von Thomas Mirow ähneln. Im August diesen Jahres hatten Unbekannte das Haus von Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Ministerpräsident Harald Ringstorff (SPD) mit Farbbeuteln und Steinen beworfen. Nach der Tat bekannten sich linksextreme Globalisierungskritiker zu dem Anschlag. "Es werden weitere Aktionen gegen Verantwortliche und Orte folgen", kündigten die Täter an.
Ende April wurde in der Nähe von Hamburg das Privathaus des Geschäftsführers des Hamburgischen Weltwirtschaftsinstituts (HWWI), Thomas Straubhaar, mit Steinen und Farbbeuteln beschmissen. Zudem steckten die Täter das Fahrzeug des Wirtschaftsforschers in Brand. Eine Gruppe namens "fight 4 revolution crews" bekannte sich zu dem Anschlag.
27.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/tech/0,1518,druck-456682,00.html
Das Käbelchen, das Kontinente verbindet
Das "Trans Atlantic Telephonecable Number 14" verbindet seit Anfang 2001 Europa mit Nordamerika. 50 Telefonfirmen teilten sich die Gesamtkosten von 1,2 Milliarden Euro, um rund 15.000 Kilometer des nur fünf Zentimeter dicken Glasfaser-Bündels einen Meter tief im Meeresboden des Atlantiks zu versenken. Seitdem laufen über das dürre Käbelchen Datenpakete mit einem Maximaldurchsatz von 640 Gbit pro Sekunde.
27.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-456675,00.html
In den USA fand das Urteil gegen Saddam positiven Widerhall. Das Weiße Haus lobte die "mutigen Anstrengungen" der irakischen Richter. Ein Sprecher der Regierung begrüßte das Urteil als "Meilenstein" auf dem Weg des Landes zu einem Rechtsstaat. Dagegen sprachen die Verteidiger Saddam Husseins von "Siegerjustiz".
Der italienische Außenminister Massimo D'Alema lehnte das Todesurteil gegen Saddam scharf ab. "Als Italiener ebenso wie als Europäer sind wir gegen die Todesstrafe", erklärte D'Alema laut der italienischen Nachrichtenagentur Ansa. Er zeigte sich besorgt über die Auswirkungen auf den "schwierigen Versöhnungsprozess" im Irak, sollte das Urteil vollstreckt werden.
Die Menschenrechtsbewegung Human Rights Watch rief die irakische Regierung auf, das Urteil nicht zu vollstrecken. Die Todesstrafe sei prinzipiell unmenschlich, bekräftigte der Vertreter von Human Rights Watch, Richard Dicker, in New York. Er kritisierte zudem, der Prozess gegen Saddam und seine Mitangeklagten sei unfair, fehlerhaft und politisch beeinflusst gewesen
27.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,druck-455953,00.html
Forsyth: Im Vergleich zur heutigen Ausrüstung sieht die Spionagetechnik des Kalten Krieges aus wie Gagarins Raumkapsel. Was die Amerikaner inzwischen schaffen, verschlägt einem schier die Sprache. Ich war für die Recherche meines Buchs im Hauptquartier der National Security Agency in Fort Meade, USA. Die Spezialisten dort können Ihnen sagen, aus welchem Zimmer in Afghanistan ein Anruf getätigt wurde. Deshalb verwenden hochrangige Qaida-Leute keine Mobiltelefone mehr. Sie arbeiten mit persönlichen Abgesandten, die sie mit auswendig gelernten Botschaften manchmal durch die ganze Welt schicken.
SPIEGEL: Trotzdem haben die Geheimdienste Anschläge wie die vom 11. September 2001 nicht verhindert.
Forsyth: Wir haben alle ein wenig geschlafen. Aber der 11. September war ein globaler Weckruf für die Nachrichtendienste. Heute sind sie alle miteinander verbunden. Der einzige Bereich des gemeinsamen Binnenmarktes, der wirklich funktioniert, ist die Zusammenarbeit in der Terrorismusbekämpfung.
27.Dec.2006 Konflikt mit Weißrussland: Gasprom- Chef warnt vor Lieferausfällen in Deutschland
y Fortpflanzung: Zu viele Kinder machen krank und kurzlebig
27.Dec.2006 "Corot"- Mission: Planetenjäger unterwegs ins All
27.Dec.2006 Große Koalition: Regierung kündigt weitere Belastungen für Bürger an
27.Dec.2006 Asien offline: Das fragile Netz
27.Dec.2006 Umfrage: Kluft zwischen Deutschen und Politik so tief wie nie
27.Dec.2006 Durchtrennte Tiefseekabel: Erdbeben bremst Internet in Ost- Asien
27.Dec.2006 Brief ans Volk: Saddam stilisiert sich zum Märtyrer
27.Dec.2006 Konflikt mit Gasprom: Weißrussland droht mit Pipeline- Boykott für Westeuropa
27.Dec.2006 Fotostrecke: Riesen- Tintenfisch vor der Kamera
y Kosmos- Kooperation: Russland misstraut All- Partner China
27.Dec.2006 Korruption: DaimlerChrysler engagiert Ex- FBI- Chef als Aufklärer
27.Dec.2006 Bürgerkrieg: Somalia- Erklärung scheitert im Uno- Sicherheitsrat
27.Dec.2006 Versteinertes Insekt: 47 Millionen Jahre Tarnen und Täuschen
y Rätselhafter Fund: Gepäck von Lufthansa- Passagieren in Müllcontainer entdeckt
27.Dec.2006 Iran: Parlament drängt auf schnelle Umsetzung des Atomprojekts
27.Dec.2006 https://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/cnn.htm
So if was not originally conceived as a psychological warfare entity (which appears to be the case, despite its purported status as the brainchild of Ted Turner, husband of Jane Fonda), it has certainly evolved into one. And by the way, does anyone remember when Jane was supposed to be one of the good guys? Just checking.
1. Abe de Vries "U.S. Army 'Psyops' Specialists Worked for ," Trouw, February 21, 2000
2. Abe de Vries "The American Army Loves ," Trouw, February 25, 2000
3. Robert Fisk "Taken In By the NATO Line," The Independent, July 2, 1999
4. Alexander Cockburn " And Psyops," Counterpunch, March 26, 2000
5. "Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At ?," FAIR Action Alert, March 27, 2000
27.Dec.2006 https://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1748&printer_friendly=1
Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At ?
Reports in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00, 2/25/00) and France's Intelligence Newsletter (2/17/00) have revealed that several officers from the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at 's Atlanta headquarters last year, starting in the final days of the Kosovo War.
27.Dec.2006 https://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/30/95642/8018
Fake News & Pentagon Psy Ops by LondonYank Sun Jan 30, 2005 at 06:56:42 AM PST Gannon Kossacks! Get out your tin foil hat and enjoy the ride!
The players who brought us Iran/Contra and the Iraq War are doing Psy Ops in the USA through NORTHCOM under command of General Ralph Eberhart.
What are Psy Ops? The methods include:
27.Dec.2006 https://www.counterpunch.org/cnnpsyops.html
March 26, 2000 AND PSYOPS By Alexander Cockburn
M ilitary personnel from the Fourth Psychological Operations Group based at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, have until recently been working in 's hq in Atlanta.
is up in arms about our report in the last issue of CounterPunch concerning the findings of the Dutch journalist, Abe de Vries about the presence of US Army personnel at, owned by Time-Warner. We cited an article by de Vries which appeared on February 21 in the reputable Dutch daily newspaper Trouw, originally translated into English and placed on the web by Emperor's Clothes. De Vries reported that a handful of military personnel from the Third Psychological Operations Battalion, part of the airmobile Fourth Psychological Operations Group based at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, had worked in 's hq in Atlanta.
De Vries quoted Major Thomas Collins of the US Army Information Service as having confirmed the presence of these Army psy-ops experts at, saying, "Psy-ops personnel, soldiers and officers, have been working in 's headquarters in Atlanta through our program, 'Training with Industry'. They worked as regular employees of . Conceivably, they would have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in the production of news."
27.Dec.2006 https://www.counterpunch.org/cnnpsyops.html
P lease note what 's supposedly non-advocatory analyst Benton was ranting about: a particularly bizarre and preposterous NATO propaganda item about 700 Albanian boys being used as human blood banks for Serb fighters. So much for the "non-advocate" . CP
00.000.1913-00.000.2006 Gerald Ford:
Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (Paperback). The Seminal Book by Al Gore. At a Reduced Price from BuzzFlash.com.
Someone Must Put an End to this Madness and Remove Bush and Cheney from Office -- and Then Try Them. Now They're Considering Recruiting Foreign Mercenaries for the U.S. Military!
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Y Rob Kall: Pelosi and Conyers -- Smarter than Impeachment 12/27
Washington Post Reports SMU Staff And Students Support Bush Library, Ignores Protests 12/27
Paul Krugman: Helping the Poor, the British Way 12/27
y Peter Michaelson: The Cult of the Upper Crust - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Execute Saddam within 30 days says Iraq's highest appeals court
y Video: Kristol believes Bush mulling more than 'short term surge' 12/27
27.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-456614,00.html
Ford war der 38. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten und der einzige, der nie ins Präsidentenamt gewählt wurde. Er löste 1974 den wegen der Watergate-Affäre zurückgetretenen Präsidenten Richard Nixon ab. Bei der Wahl Ende 1976 unterlag der Republikaner dem Demokraten Jimmy Carter, der das Amt Anfang 1977 übernahm. Ford wurde von allen bisherigen Präsidenten der USA am ältesten.
27.Dec.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-456614,00.html
Zu seinen ersten Amtshandlungen als Präsident gehörte die Gewährung der vollen Amnestie für seinen Vorgänger Nixon. Dieser Schritt kostete ihn nach Meinung vieler den Wahlsieg 1976.
"Unser langer nationaler Albtraum ist vorüber", sagte Ford bei seinem Amtsantritt.
27.Dec.2006 Große Koalition: SPD- Chef Beck ruft Ende des harten Reformkurses aus
27.Dec.2006 Election Challenge For Florida District Is Taken To The House
Christine Jennings, Democrat, informed Congress last week that she was contesting the congressional election in Florida's 13th District in the courts and could ask for resolution by the Congress. She claims that electronic voting machines malfunctioned and that state officials wrongly certified the election in favor of Republican Vern Buchanan.
27.Dec.2006 Impending Police State In America
Professor Francis Boyle says 9/11 was allowed to happen, war on terror is facilitating the downfall of The Republic, concentration camps are in place and US citizens are the targets.
27.Dec.2006 There Is No Doubt: Bush Spy Program Is UnConstitutional
Bush says his warrantless domestic wiretapping program is legal - Legal scholars say that excuse, "simply cannot be taken seriously." This article is a collection of quotes from legal scholars, plus youtube video of Bush lying/admitting to an impeachable offense on national tv.
27.Dec.2006 Senator Dodd Disperses With Bush's "Surge To Victory" As Recipe For Disaster
Insisting that the President should announced in January a withdraw of U.S. troops; Senator Dodd believes an escalation of troops in Iraq will accomplish "nothing." Quoting a West Point graduate, After Dodd recently visited Iraq and met with troops, "Senator, it is nuts over here!"
27.Dec.2006 New ULTRA DOJ Database-- Another Threat To Privacy?
The Justice Department is building a massive database that allows state and local police officers around the country to search millions of case files from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal law enforcement agencies, according to Justice officials. The system, known as "OneDOJ," already holds approximately 1 million case records and is projected to triple in size over the next three years,
Global Warming Claims Inhabited Island
The disappearance of Lohachara, once home to 10,000 people, is unprecedented.
27.Dec.2006 By Sheila Samples
Will Stinky Cut The Big One?
Most of us stopped laughing at Bush's coarse antics long ago. The boastful sound and fury of hot air blasting from both ends of this crude, immature thug as he rips one windy flatulent speech after another while saying absolutely nothing is not only vulgar, but is indescribably evil.
27.Dec.2006 By W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
If This Isn't A Class War, Then What The Bloody Hell Is It?
Time to 100% say it like it is. America is a Democratic Republic only in our dreams. America is a Dictatorship of the Rich + we should adjust EVERYTHING around that fact.
27.Dec.2006 Israel says it may have hit ambulance - BG -THE Israeli army has admitted its soldiers may have fired on a Red Cross ambulance during the war in Lebanon - an incident Foreign Minister Alexander Downer claimed was a hoax that had duped a gullible Australian and international media....
Source: https://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,20976291-2,00.html
27.Dec.2006 Courts Side With NSA On Wiretaps - December 26, 2006 - The New York Sun - BG -https://www.nysun.com/article/45686
26.Dec.2006 Today's Papers: Prison Breakdown - BG - By Daniel Politi 5:05 AM ET
The New York Times leads with more than 1,000 British and Iraqi soldiers raiding a police station in the city of Basra, killing seven gunmen and transferring custody of the 127 prisoners. The police unit that ran the station was so highly infiltrated by militias and criminals that British officials said the prisoners were going to be executed. The Washington Post leads + the Wall Street Journal tops its worldwide newsbox, with the escalation of the conflict between Ethiopia and the Islamic Courts movement in Somalia. Ethiopia bombed two Somali airports + thousands of are fleeing their homes and farms in order to avoid the fighting.
The Los Angeles Times leads with fears that the increasing availability of potent heroin from Afghanistan is causing more addiction and overdoses. In Los Angeles County, heroin-related deaths increased from 137 in 2002 to 239 in 2005. USA Today leads with word that the number of incidents relating to trafficking and mishandling of radioactive material reported to U.S. intelligence officials has more than doubled since the early 1990s. According to the Department of Homeland Security, there have been approximately 200 to 250 incidents a year since 2000. But that doesn't mean there's some specified threat since most of the incidents involve mishandling by officials + not trafficking. There have also been no reports of terrorist groups getting their hands on nuclear material. To continue reading, click here.
26.Dec.2006 December 26, 2006 - Think Progress -
“President Bush is bracing for what could be an onslaught of investigations by the new Democratic-led Congress by hiring lawyers to fill key White House posts and preparing to play defense on countless document requests and possible subpoenas.”
“Rising seas, caused by global warming, have for the first time washed an inhabited island off the face of the Earth .” Some uninhabited islands have been covered in recent years, but disappearance of Lohachara, an island off the coast of India that was “once home to 10,000 people, is unprecedented.”
British and Iraqi soldiers raided a police station in Basra on Monday, uncovering “appalling” detainee conditions . “More than 100 men were crowded into a single cell, 30 feet by 40 feet, he said, with two open toilets… A significant number showed signs of torture. Some had crushed hands and feet…, while others had cigarette and electrical burns and a significant number had gunshot wounds to their legs and knees.”
“Supplies of highly potent Afghan heroin in the United States are growing so fast that the pure white powder is rapidly overtaking lower-quality Mexican heroin, prompting fears of increased addiction and overdoses.” Heroin-related deaths in Los Angeles County “soared from 137 in 2002 to 239 in 2005, a jump of nearly 75% in three years.”
Sitting Missouri Circuit Judge Robert H. Dierker Jr. has published a book claiming to “expose the liberal judicial assault.” The first chapter, which has circulated online, “frequently uses the term ‘femifascists.’” Lawyers and judges believe “Dierker may have violated a state rule against a judge using his or her position for personal profit.” Dierker’s book roll-out begins with a Bill O’Reilly interview next week.
“Ethiopian warplanes attacked the airport in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, on Monday in another major escalation of fighting between the Ethiopian-backed Somali government and the Islamic Courts movement that in recent months has taken over much of the country.”
Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, “a vocal abortion opponent, charged a well-known abortion provider with illegally performing late-term abortions, but a Sedgwick County judge yesterday threw out the charges after less than a day.” Kline lost his reelection bid and leaves office in three weeks.
“The tally for Hurricane Katrina waste could top $2 billion next year because half of the lucrative government contracts valued at $500,000 or greater for cleanup work are being awarded without little competition.”
“ The pouty Bratz dolls so popular as Christmas presents are made at a factory in southern China where workers are obliged to toil up to 94 hours a week, among other violations,” a new report finds. “Calls to the China-based spokesman for Wal-Mart Stores Inc., a main distributor of the dolls, went unanswered Friday.”
And finally: “It’s come to this,” writes Kevin Drum Steve Bennen. “ Expectations for the president have fallen so low, the New York Times devoted an entire piece to Bush’s recent claim that he read a newspaper article.”
26.Dec.2006 Health care returns to the agenda. - Judd -
“After years in which Iraq and national security dominated the debate…the return of Democratic control in the House and Senate and the ramping up of the presidential campaigns are expected to bring health policy back into the legislative mix.” Check out the American Progress plan to cover every American HERE.
26.Dec.2006 'Longevity gene keeps mind sharp' A gene variation that aids longevity also appears to preserve memory and thinking power, work suggests.
26.Dec.2006 Saddam death sentence upheld Iraq's Appeals Court upholds the death sentence passed last month against ousted leader Saddam Hussein.
26.Dec.2006 Castro's ailment 'is not cancer' A Spanish surgeon who examined Cuba's Fidel Castro says he does not have cancer or need further surgery.
26.Dec.2006 Iran calls in UK envoy over Blair Iran's foreign ministry summons the UK ambassador to hear strong criticism of recent comments by UK PM Tony Blair.
26.Dec.2006 Pakistan plans border minefield Pakistan plans to fence and plant landmines along sections of its border with Afghanistan to stop militants.
26.Dec.2006 Discussions to follow Basra raid UK officials are to explain to the authorities in Basra why coalition troops demolished a police headquarters.
26.Dec.2006 Large families 'bad for parents' Having a large number of children can be bad for parents' health, a study has suggested.
26.Dec.2006 'OneDOJ' to rule them all? Blog: The Justice Department is putting more and more federal investigative records at the disposal of state and local police, and civil...
26.Dec.2006 The privacy conundrum When federal agencies and commercial enterprises share records, do you feel safer--or violated?
26.Dec.2006 Seeking start-ups for Boeing's border patrol The defense giant taps an IT incubator to help it put together a networked grid for Homeland Security.
26.Dec.2006 Disabling the RFID in the New U.S. Passports? - Zonk 197 - slashchuck writes
"Along with the usual Jargonwatch and Wired/Tired articles, the January issue of Wired offers a drastic method for taking care of that RFID chip in your passport. They say it's legal ... if a bit blunt. From the article: 'The best approach? Hammer time. Hitting the chip with a blunt, hard object should disable it. A nonworking RFID doesn't invalidate the passport, so you can still use it.' While this seems a bit extreme, all indications seem to be these chips aren't very secure. How far will you go to protect or disable the RFID chip in your passport? Do you think such a step is necessary? Does anyone have an argument in favor of the technology's implementation here? "
26.Dec.2006 Social Network Users Have Ruined Their Privacy - Zonk 230 - Steve Kerrison writes
"'There's little point in worrying about ID cards, RFID tags and spyware when more and more people are throwing away their privacy anyway. And the potential consequences are dire.' I've written an article on the dangers of social networks and how many users seem to forget just how public the information they post can be. This follows a warning sent out by the CS department of Bristol University, advising students that they risk lost job opportunities, getting in trouble with their parents and more, if they don't take care. The warning, however, really applies to all social network users, be they college students or over-zealous blog posters."
26.Dec.2006 Robotic Deer to Fight Illegal Hunting - ScuttleMonkey 274 - Roland Piquepaille writes
"If you were a law enforcement official searching for hunters who don't follow the rules, what would be a good gift for you? In 'Robot Deer Captures Poachers,' Brian Bull, reporting from Mosinee, Wisconsin, writes that you can buy robotic decoys for deer, elks, moose and even bears. These life-like creatures are made of animal hides or skins attached to polyurethane foam bodies and equipped with remotely controlled motors allowing the head and tail to move. After you pay about $2,000 for such a robo-deer, you put it on a side road. All you have to do is wait for an illegal hunter trying to shoot the fake deer and fine him. Many officers have reported collecting well over $30,000 in fines with a single robot. Not a bad deal."
26.Dec.2006 The War on Shampoo (Fake Terror Plot) - BG -https://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MUR20061218&articleId=4190
The War on Shampoo "More propaganda than plot". Liquid bomb scare was a Home Office sponsored hoax -By Craig Murray
Global Research, December 18, 2006
Google "Rashid Rauf - mastermind". On the first page of results you will find CBS, the BBC, the Times, Guardian and Mail all describing Rauf last summer, on security service or police briefing, as the "Mastermind" behind the "Liquid terror bomb plot". So the fact that a Pakistani court has found there is no evidence of terrorism against him cannot be lightly dismissed by the cheerleaders of the plot story.
Rashid Rauf still faces other charges, including forgery + what is touted as possession of explosives, although what he actually possessed was hydrogen peroxide, which is not explosive. As hydrogen peroxide is readily obtainable without limitation from any chemist or hardware store in the UK, why you would source it in Pakistan to blow up jets in Britain was never very convincing. The Pakistani court perhaps felt so too.
Rashid Rauf has much to answer. He is still wanted in the UK over the murder of his uncle some years ago - a crime which, like the alleged forgery, had no apparent terrorist link. None of which adds to the credibility of the evidence he allegedly gave the Pakistani intelligence services about the liquid bomb plot in the UK.
A second and simultaneous development is even more compelling evidence that this massive scare was, as I said at the time, "More propaganda than plot". Thames Valley police have given up after five months scouring the woods near High Wycombe where the bomb materials were allegedly hidden. They told the Home Office on 12 December that they would only continue if the government were prepared to meet the costs; they wished to get back to devoting their resources to real crimes, like armed robbery and burglary.
Remember this was a plot described by the authorities as "Mass murder on an unimaginable scale" and "Bigger than 9/11". There have been instances in the UK of hundreds of police officers deployed for years to find an individual murderer. If the police really believed they were dealing with an effort at "Mass murder on an unimaginable scale", would they be calling off the search after five months? No.
Which brings us to the lies that have been told - one of which concerns this search. An anonymous police source tipped off the media early on that they had discovered a "Suitcase" containing "bomb-making materials". This has recently been described to me by a security service source as "A lot of rubbish from someone's garage dumped in the woods". You could indeed cannibalise bits of old wire, clocks and car parts to form part of a bomb - perhaps you could enclose it in the old suitcase. But have they found stuff that is exclusively concerned with causing explosions, like detonators, explosives or those famous liquid chemicals? No, they haven't found any.
Wycombe Woods, like the sands of Iraq, have failed to yield up the advertised WMD.
The other "evidence" that the police announced they had found consisted of wills (with the implication they were made by suicide bombers) and a map of Afghanistan. It turns out that the wills were made in the early 90s by volunteers going off to fight the Serbs in Bosnia - they had been left with the now deceased uncle of one of those arrested. The map of Afghanistan had been copied out by an eleven year old boy. All of which is well known to the UK media, but none of which has been reported for fear of prejudicing the trial. I am at a complete loss to understand why it does not prejudice the trial for police to announce in a blaze of worldwide front page publicity that they have found bomb-making materials, wills and maps. Only if you contradict the police is that prejudicial. Can anyone explain why?
While the arrest of 26 people in connection with the plot was also massively publicised, the gradual release of many of them has again gone virtually unreported. For example on 31 October a judge released two brothers from Chingford commenting that the police had produced no credible evidence against them. Charges against others have been downgraded, so that those now accused of plotting to commit explosions are less than the ten planes the police claimed they planned to blow up in suicide attacks.
Five British newspapers had to pay damages to a Birmingham man they accused, on security service briefing, of being part of the plot. Only the Guardian had the grace to publish the fact and print a retraction.
A final fact to ponder. Despite naming him as the "mastermind" behind somethng "bigger than 9/11", the British government made no attempt to extradite Rashid Rauf on charges of terrorism. That is not difficult to do - the Pakistani authorities have handed over scores of terrorist suspects to the US, many into the extraordinary rendition process + on average the procedure is astonishingly quick - less than a week and they are out of the country. But the British security services, who placed so much weight on intelligence from Rashid Rauf, were extraordinarily coy about getting him here where his evidence could be properly scrutinised by a British court. However MI5 were greatly embarassed by Birmingham police, who insisted on pointing out that Rauf was wanted in the UK over the alleged murder of his uncle in Birmingham. Now he was in custody in Pakistan, shouldn't we extradite him? So eventually an extradition request over that murder was formally submitted - but not pursued with real energy or effort. There remains no sign that we will see Rauf in the UK.
I still do not rule out that there was a germ of a terror plot at the heart of this investigation. We can speculate about agents provocateurs and security service penetration, both British and Pakistani, but still there might have been genuine terrorists involved. But the incredible disruption to the travelling public, the War on Shampoo + the "Bigger than 9/11" hype is unravelling.
You won't read that in the newspapers.
As Britain's outspoken Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murray helped expose vicious human rights abuses by the US-funded regime of Islam Karimov. He is now a prominent critic of Western policy in the region.
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26.Dec.2006 Crime about to rise and swamp prisons, warns Blair team - BG -
A document drawn up by Tony Blair's strategy unit warns that a slowdown in economic growth is threatening to reverse recent falls in crime. It predicts that the jail population could rise by 25 per cent, topping 100,000 within the next five years + outstripping the planned rate of growth in prison places. It says the Government should consider drastic crime-curbing remedies used abroad, such as rationing the amount of alcohol people can buy, a ban on alcohol advertising, ID chip implants, the use of bounty hunters and "chemical castration" for sex offenders. The 60-page report, Policy Review: Crime, Justice and Cohesion, written last month, also makes controversial observations about social cohesion. In a blow to Labour's record, it speaks of a growing wealth gap, saying: ... Source: https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_dictatorship.html#057520
26.Dec.2006 President Bush has not accepted “the realities - Judd - of how bad it is on the ground in Iraq.” — Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), quoted in the New York Times, 12/25/06.
26.Dec.2006 U.S. holding Iranians seized in Iraq. - Judd -
“The American military is holding at least four Iranians in Iraq, including men the Bush administration called senior military officials, who were seized in a pair of raids late last week aimed at people suspected of conducting attacks on Iraqi security forces, according to senior Iraqi and American officials in Baghdad and Washington…The action comes at a moment of extraordinary tension in the three-way relationship between the United States, Iran and Iraq.”
26.Dec.2006 Protein key to parasite potency Experts are closer to learning why a parasite is harmless to most but causes toxoplasmosis in others.
26.Dec.2006 Georgia in gas deal with Turkey Georgia plans to buy 800 million cubic metres of gas from Turkey next year, almost half of its needs.
26.Dec.2006 Chemical may stop alcohol craving Scientists say they have found a way to stop an alcoholic's craving for drink.
26.Dec.2006 George Orwell Was Right — Security Cameras Get an Upgrade - ScuttleMonkey 420 -Jamie stopped to mention that
Bloomberg is reporting on a recent addition of speakers to public security cameras in Middlesbrough, England. From the article: "`People are shocked when they hear the cameras talk, but when they see everyone else looking at them, they feel a twinge of conscience and comply,' said Mike Clark, a spokesman for Middlesbrough Council who recounted the incident. The city has placed speakers in its cameras, allowing operators to chastise miscreants who drop coffee cups, ride bicycles too fast or fight outside bars."
26.Dec.2006 U.S.: Sanctions Alone 'Not Enough' for Iran - BG -"We don't think this resolution is enough in itself. And we're certainly not going to put all our eggs in a U.N. basket," said Burns in a teleconference with reporters. https://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2006/12/24/104359.shtml?s=lh
26.Dec.2006 Congress rebukes FBI's Okla. City probe - Yahoo! News - BG - https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061224/ap_on_go_co/oklahoma_city_congress
26.Dec.2006 What Hit WTC2? Major Flaws for both the FEMA and NIST 767 Alignments - BG -
FEMA: NIST: Not that the facade damage for the starboard wing is unknown as there are no clear photos of that region of the wall after the attack. The engines line up perfectly with the holes for the NIST alignment, but there are still major problems-- most notably the port wing does not line up at all + the whole angle of the plane is different: ... Source: https://covertoperations.blogspot.com/2006/12/what-hit-wtc2-major-flaws-for-both.html
26.Dec.2006 FOXNews.com - Report: English Channel Tunnel a Terror Target - BG -The tunnel beneath the English Channel that connects Britain to France is a Christmas terror target of Islamic terrorists, according to a report published Sunday.https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,238559,00.html
26.Dec.2006 UK 'terror plot' suspect in court - BG -Terrorism charges were dropped last week for lack of evidence. https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6203115.stm
26.Dec.2006 Jim Marrs' Book on 9/11 - BG -YouTube Broadcast Yourself™ Video Description
According to the US Government's official conspiracy theory, nineteen suicidal Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists, their hearts full of hatred for American freedom and democracy, hijacked four airliners using small blades. Reportedly, two planes were crashed into the Twin Towers of New York City's World Trade Center, a third into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed in western Pennsylvania after its passengers fought with the hijackers. This whole "Mission Impossible" operation, able to defeat the United States' $400-billion-dollar defense system, reportedly was under the total control of a zealous Muslim cleric using a computer while hiding in a cave in Afghanistan.
Using primarily mainstream media and government reports, Jim Marrs offers a more realistic and better supported conspiracy theory. He has crafted the definitive journalistic account of these events, describing the full history behind their overt and covert causes + exposing the likely comp licity of the Bush
26.Dec.2006 UN approves sanctions on Iran. - Judd -
“The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Saturday to restrict Iran’s trade in sensitive nuclear materials and to freeze the assets of 22 Iranian officials and institutions linked to the country’s most controversial nuclear programs.”
26.Dec.2006 Lynne Cheney: Putting Scooter Libby On Trial ‘Does Not Reflect Well On Our Judicial System’ - Judd -
Scooter Libby, the former Chief of Staff for Vice President Cheney, has been charged with “obstruction of justice, lying to the FBI and committing perjury before a grand jury.” His trial is scheduled to start in January. Libby’s lawyers plan “to call Cheney as a witness.”
Today on Fox News, Lynne Cheney, the wife of the Vice President, described Libby as “a man who spent a great deal of his life as a dedicated public servant who’s done an awful lot of good.” Ms. Cheney said putting Libby on trial “does not reflect well on our judicial system.” Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvlynnecheney3202409341 = new SWFObject('//12/lynnecheney.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-flvlynnecheney3202409341', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); flvlynnecheney3202409341.addParam('quality', 'high'); flvlynnecheney3202409341.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); flvlynnecheney3202409341.write('flvlynnecheney3202409341');
WALLACE: I’m going to ask you a question. You can answer it or not answer it. Given the fact that it now turns out that Libby wasn’t the one who first leaked the name of Valerie Plame, the CIA officer, what do you think of the fact that he’s the only person who is being tried?
CHENEY: It seems bizarre to me.
WALLACE: In what way?
CHENEY: Well, that’s — I did answer your question.
WALLACE: I’m surprised you answered it that much.
CHENEY: Let’s just stop there. I think it’s bizarre.
WALLACE: That he’s the only one that’s being tried?
CHENEY: I think we’re seeing an instance of a man who spent a great deal of his life as a dedicated public servant,o who’s done an awful lot of good in a situation that does not reflect well on our judicial system.
26.Dec.2006 Quest for battery-free pacemaker A heart pacemaker that does not need a battery is being developed under a technology scheme.
26.Dec.2006 EU fish quota deal hammered out Cod fishing will be cut further as European Union ministers reach a deal to help protect depleted stocks.
26.Dec.2006 Iraqi police deaths 'hit 12,000' Some 12,000 Iraq police officers have died since the US-led invasion in 2003, a minister says.
26.Dec.2006 Egyptian woman dies of bird flu An Egyptian woman dies of bird flu, just hours after testing positive for the deadly H5N1 strain of the virus.
26.Dec.2006 Azeris warn Russia on gas prices Azerbaijan threatens to stop importing gas from Russia after Gazprom says it will increase the price.
26.Dec.2006 Archbishop seeks Mid-East peace The Archbishop of Canterbury is to urge the world to help provide hope for a peaceful solution in the Middle East.
26.Dec.2006 Australia ponders climate future The parched conditions afflicting much of Australia spark an emotional debate about the nature of climate change.
26.Dec.2006 Department of Defense Now Blocking HTML Email - Zonk 138+ - oKAMi-InfoSec writes
"The Department of Defense (DoD) has taken the step of blocking HTML-based email. They are also banning the use of Outlook Web Access email clients. The DoD is making this move because HTML messages can easily be infected with spyware and executable lines of code that enable hackers to access DoD networks, according to an article in Federal Computer Week by Bob Brewin . A spokesman for the Joint Task Force for Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) claims that this is a response to an increased network threat condition. The network threat condition has risen from Information Condition 5 to Information Condition 4 (also called Infocon 4). InfoCon 5 is normal operating conditions and Infocon 4 comes as a result of 'continuing and sophisticated threats' against DoD Networks. The change to Infocon 4 came in mid-November, after the Naval War College suffered devastating attacks that required their entire system be taken offline, but the JTF-GNO spokesman claims there is no connection."
26.Dec.2006 New Research Could Lead to Transparent Displays - Zonk 60+ - An anonymous reader tipped us to a ScienceDaily story about advances that may lead to transparent transistors.
By combining inorganic and organic materials, we may reach the goal of transparent surfaces that can display information, with no visible wiring marring the effect. The article cites HUDs on car windshields, and targeting goggles for soldiers, but I'm sure we can think of some additional interesting uses for such a technology. From the article: "High-performance, transparent transistors could be combined with existing kinds of light display technologies, such as organic light-emitting diodes, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and electroluminescent displays, which are already used in televisions, desktop and laptop computers and cell phones ... Prototype displays using the transistors developed at Northwestern could be available in 12 to 18 months, said Marks. He has formed a start-up company, Polyera, to bring this and related technologies to market."
26.Dec.2006 DHS's 'Secure Flight' Program Proven Insecure - Zonk 109+ - News.com is reporting the somewhat unsurprising news that a government program we were assured was 'perfectly safe', has actually been proven to be a privacy nightmare. The 'Secure Flight' program matched air traveler information with commercial databases in the interests of national security. The charter for the program specifically forbade the TSA from accessing this information; the organization got their hands on it anyway. The Department of Homeland Security has released a report, detailing these findings and analyzing the situation. The News.com piece makes it clear the report was released on Friday in an attempt to obscure it from public notice; it was only linked to from a DHS subsite + has not shown up on the DHS or TSA main pages. From the article: "The report from the Homeland Security privacy office takes pains to say that the privacy compromises over Secure Flight were 'not intentional,' and includes a list of seven recommendations to avoid similar mishaps in the future. Those include explaining to the public exactly what's going on and creating a 'data flow map' to ensure information is handled in compliance with the 1974 Privacy Act. This isn't the first report to take issue with Secure Flight. Last year, auditors at the U.S. Government Accountability Office reported that the program violated the Privacy Act."
26.Dec.2006 Penguins Disappearing From Southern Hemisphere - Zonk 194+ -
The Scotsman is running a piece looking at the mysterious disappearance of penguins from all around the world. A biologist who studies the rockhopper penguin characterizes the population crash as 'sinister', as scientists are still baffled as to why almost 30% of the birds have vanished. From the article: "Grant Munro, the director of Falklands Conservation, said there were fears that rockhoppers might become extinct. 'If the present situation were to carry on then it's not a particularly great forecast. It doesn't look like they are suddenly going to start increasing in numbers ... In the Falklands, they are part of everyday life. If you head down to the beach you are going to see penguins.'"
26.Dec.2006 'Al-Qa'eda a greater threat than Nazis' - BG -Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police commissioner, today warned that al-Qa'eda poses a greater threat to civilian life than the Nazis did during the WW.II ..
Source: https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_coverupdeceptions.html#057454
26.Dec.2006 Gender gap widening. - Amanda -
“By the mid-’90s, women earned more than 75 cents for every dollar in hourly pay that men did, up from 65 cents just 15 years earlier.
Largely without notice, however, one big group of women has stopped making progress: those with a four-year college degree. The gap between their pay and the pay of male college graduates has actually widened slightly since the mid-’90s.”
26.Dec.2006 FLASHBACK: One Year Ago, Gen. Casey Told Bush ‘Less Is Better,’ Pushed Reducing Troops In Iraq - Amanda -
Today, the Los Angeles Times is reporting that top American commanders — including Gen. George W. Casey, Jr. — have “decided to recommend a ’surge’ of fresh American combat forces” in Iraq.
But exactly one year ago, Casey rejected a troop increase in Iraq and recommended to President Bush that the number of U.S. forces should actually drop:
As I’ve said before this is not a conventional war + in this type of war that we’re fighting, more is not necessarily better. In fact, in Iraq, less coalition at this point in time, is better. Less is better because it doesn’t feed the notion of occupation, it doesn’t work the culture of dependency, it doesn’t lengthen the time for Iraqi forces to be self-reliant, and it doesn’t expose coalition forces to risk when there are Iraqi forces who are capable of standing up and doing it .
Casey has not explained the reason for his sudden turnaround and how an increase in troops in 2007 won’t now “feed the notion of occupation” or increase “the culture of dependency.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff are unanimously opposed to Bush’s plan to send more troops to Iraq and many military officials believe that Bush has tried to bribe them into supporting his escalation plan by offering a tradeoff of increasing the size of the military.
(HT: BarbinMD)
26.Dec.2006 White House silent on Goode, Prager. - Nico - “White House officials said they were aware that some Democrats + Muslims were urging President Bush to admonish Representative Virgil H. Goode Jr., Republican of Virginia + Dennis Prager, the conservative commentator, for suggesting that the first Muslim elected to the House had no place in Congress.
‘We’re aware of the situation,’ said Dana Perino, a spokeswoman for Mr. Bush, ‘but no judgments have been made.’”
23.Dec.2006 December 23, 2006 - Think Progress -
Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC), who recently stated that stability in Iraq “depends on spreading the message of Jesus Christ,” is now blaming bloggers for his remarks. “It’s interesting how these bloggers can distort the news,” said his spokeswoman.
A federal court struck down smog rules proposed by the Bush administration
00.000.2004 , calling them “too weak” and in violation of the Clean Air Act .
The right wing’s War on Christmas “has never been so profitable.” The conservative American Family Association has “has rung up more than $550,000 in sales of buttons and magnets stamped with the slogan ‘Merry Christmas: It’s Worth Saying’” and the Liberty Counsel “has taken in more than $300,000 with its Help Save Christmas Action Packs.”
76: Number of American troops who have died in Iraq this month, “making December the second deadliest month for U.S. servicemen
00.000.2006 .” With “nine days remaining in December, the monthly total of U.S. deaths could meet or exceed the death toll of 105 in October.”
After an “overwhelming negative reaction” from residents, the mayor + a federal lawmaker, Clear Channel Radio has agreed to keep Air America on air in Madison, WI .
Shiites are remaking “Baghdad in their image.”
At least “10 neighborhoods that a year ago were mixed Sunni and Shiite are now almost entirely Shiite, according to residents, American and Iraqi military commanders and local officials.”
And finally: While his brother likes to use “the Google” to “pull up maps,” Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) is addicted to his Blackberry . Priding himself on being the first “E-Governor,” Bush’s official portrait unveiled at the governor’s mansion “shows him in his office standing next to a picture of his family with his trustworthy BlackBerry.”
26.Dec.2006 Japan emperor urges war teaching Emperor Akihito calls for young people to honour Japan's war dead and learn about the ravages of conflict.
26.Dec.2006 Somalia Islamists call for help Somalia's Islamist militia says the world must help it combat Ethiopia, which it accuses of invading the country.
26.Dec.2006 DHS Wishes You a WhiteWash Xmas The Department of Homeland Security Privacy Office drops two long-delayed reports - on MATRIX + Secure Flight - just before Christmas.
Are they presents for civil liberties advocates or a way to inflate 2006 performance numbers? In 27B Stroke 6.
26.Dec.2006 Scientists Predict Big Solar Cycle - Zonk 128 - An anonymous reader pointed us at a post on the Physorg blog, which discusses the possibility of an upcoming period of intense solar weather.
We've discussed this before, but increasingly the evidence looks like 'Solar Cycle 24' (due to start in 2010 or so) is going to make life interesting here on earth. From the post: "Hathaway explains: 'When a gust of solar wind hits Earth's magnetic field, the impact causes the magnetic field to shake. If it shakes hard enough, we call it a geomagnetic storm.' In the extreme, these storms cause power outages and make compass needles swing in the wrong direction. Auroras are a beautiful side-effect. Hathaway and Wilson looked at records of geomagnetic activity stretching back almost 150 years and noticed something useful:. 'The amount of geomagnetic activity now tells us what the solar cycle is going to be like 6 to 8 years in the future,' says Hathaway."