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15.Nov.2006 Larry King Admits He’s Never Used The Internet: ‘Do You Punch Little Buttons and Things?’ - Think Progress 
Last night CNN’s Larry King confessed to Roseanne Barr that he’s never used the Internet. King expressed doubt that the Internet was a viable political medium because “there’s 80 billion things on it.” When Barr said she liked the Internet, King acknowledged that “I’ve never done it, never gone searching.”

Barr said King would love the internet if he tried it. King replied, “I wouldn’t love it. What do you punch little buttons and things?” Barr even offered to show King how to use the Internet. King declined. Watch it: Digg It!


LARRY KING: On your blog you write, “Bush is going to declare war on China next, I swear.”

ROSEANNE BARR: I was so scared because I woke up and there was the Drudge, you know. I always read the Drudge Report and it said on there that the Chinese were like, you know, spying on our subs or doing something with our subs and I was like, “Oh no, he’s going to think that’s an act of war and then we’re going to go over there next.” I mean we’re everywhere. We’re everywhere.

KING: The Internet as a political medium viable?

BARR: Yes, it’s like the only one left, absolutely + that’s not just me saying it. That’s everybody saying it.

KING: But there’s 80 billion things on it.

BARR: Yes, but if you know where to look, you know, it all can come together. When you’re looking for the particular information that you’re looking for after you do the big search, this is what I found out by going on there, it just takes your mind and then you live in there forever. You can never come out.

KING: I’ve never done it, never gone searching.

BARR: Oh, my God! It just opens up the whole universe. It’s so awesome. You would love it.

KING: No, I wouldn’t.

BARR: Anything you want to know.

KING: The wife loves it. I wouldn’t love it. What do you punch little buttons and things?

BARR: You just click on this thing. The thing is you got to be able to read, so you have to have strong glasses when you’ve over 50 and then you just scroll down and click. It’s not that hard. I can show you how to do it.

KING: No, thanks.
Home electronics for the holidays Strong sales predicted as revenue from electronics continues to grow and Americans are buying more--and more expensive--items.
15.Nov.2006 11.000 tote US-Soldaten durch abgereichertes Uran - sfux Weitgehendes Schweigen in den Massenmedien Karl Weiss -

Arthur Bernklau, Vorsitzender der Vereinigung ?Veteranen für verfassungsmäßiges Recht? in New York hat erklärt, die Anzahl von toten US-Soldaten durch ?depleted Uranium? habe die Marke von 11.000 überschritten.

Das abgereicherte Uran ist als Ursache des ?Golf-Krieg-Syndroms? bekannt, an dem nach seinen Angaben im Moment...
Cheney möchte lieber kein Verfahren - sfux 
US-Vizepräsident Dick Cheney hat gestern die Einstellung des Verfahrens gegen ihn im Zusammenhang mit der Enttarnung der CIA-Agentin Valerie Plame gefordert.
Die ehemalige CIA-Agentin Valerie Plame hatte geltend gemacht, dass ihre Identität von ranghohen Regierungsbeamten gezielt an die Presse verraten worden sei, um ihren Mann, den früheren US-Botschafter Joseph Wilson, für seine Ablehnung des Irak-Krieges zu bestrafen.Das Justizministerium hat...

15.Nov.2006 CIA Acknowledges 2 Interrogation Memos - sfux 
Papers Called Too Sensitive for Release
Dan Eggen / Washington Post Staff Writer -

After years of denials, the CIA has formally acknowledged the existence of two classified documents governing aggressive interrogation and detention policies for terrorism suspects, according...
Document shows Bush guided CIA on detention - sfux 
David Johnston / The New York Times

The CIA has acknowledged for the first time the existence of two classified documents, including one signed by President George W. Bush, that have guided the agency's interrogation + detention of terror suspects.
The CIA disclosed...

Frankfurt - Eine Zentrale der CIA-Entführer? - sfux 
World Content News - Jetzt schlägt's dreizehn: Der Geheimdienstexperte Erich Schmidt-Eenboom berichtet in seinem soeben erschienenen Buch "BND.

Der deutsche Geheimdienst im Nahen Osten", Frankfurt am Main sei eine Entführerzentrale der CIA gewesen, die - zuständig für den Nahen Osten - Kommandoaktionen von etwa 200 CIA-Agenten koordiniert haben soll - Entführung und Folter inklusive. Mitwisser und...
Kofi Annan: Keine Gegenargumente mehr - sfux 
Der Klimawandel hat längst eine lebensgefährliche Geschwindigkeit angenommen
Karl Weiss -

Zur Eröffnung der Klimakonferenz der UNO am 13.11. 2006 hat Generalsekretär Kofi Annan einen Artikel in wichtigen Zeitungen auf der ganzen Welt veröffentlicht, in dem er eindeutig wird: ?

Wer jetzt noch Zweifel sät [über den bereits fortschreitenden Klimawandel und seine im...
Rumsfeld: Kriegsverbrechen auf höchster Ebene - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

In Berlin wurde gegen den Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld Strafanzeige eingereicht. Kronzeugin ist die Ex-Kommandantin des Foltergefängnis Abu Ghraib.

Die Anklageschrift sowie sechs Gutachten von renommierten Rechtswissenschaftlern und Zeugenaussagen sind der Öffentlichkeit bei den Rechtsanwälten
Schon wieder: Daten im Verteidigungsministerium verschwunden - sfux World Content News -

Ein Datenklau-Gespenst geht um auf der Hardthöhe:

Wiederholt ist innerhalb kurzer Zeit angeblich ein Bericht verlorengegangen, der wichtige Zeugenhinweise im Zusammenhang mit Festnahmen + Deportationen von Gefangenen im Rahmen des sog. "Anti-Terror-Kampfes" enthielt.
Wie der "Spiegel" in Bezug auf das Festhalten von Murat Kurnaz im afghanischen...

Ten Reasons to Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney - sfux - Ask Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the following reasons:

15.Nov.2006 The Interrogation Documents: - sfux 
22.Jun.2004 the White House officially released 14 documents originating from the White House, the Pentagon and the Justice Department concerning the Administration's interrogation policies.
These records include only one that previously was published by news media sources + did not include at least...

15.Nov.2006 US-Vize Cheney hält Folter für "selbstverständlich" - sfux Stephan Fuchs -

Vizepräsident Dick Cheney hat mit einem Interview zu Foltertechniken für Empörung gesorgt. Der konservative Radiomoderator Scott Hennen hatte Cheney gefragt, ob für ihn ?das Untertauchen unter Wasser eine Selbstverständlichkeit? sei, wenn ein Verhörter dadurch Informationen über Anschläge preisgebe und somit Leben gerettet werden könne. Der Vize-Staatschef antwortete: ?Das ist eine Selbstverständlichkeit...
As Bush Goes To Vietnam, White House Website Displays The Wrong Flag - Judd 

Today, President Bush visits Vietnam for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, “looking to burnish his foreign-policy credentials.” He’s off to a miserable start.

Yesterday, the White House website featured a graphic with the flags of the three countries he’s visiting on his trip — Singapore, Vietnam + Indonesia. One problem: instead of displaying the Vietnamese flag, the White House graphic featured the old flag of South Vietnam. That flag hasn’t been the official flag of Vietnam since South Vietnam surrendered to North Vietnam in 1975.

The display of the old flag is highly incendiary to the current Vietnamese government. NPR reported last year the display of the old flag anywhere in the United States — much less on the White House website — “could create tension amid warming relations between the United States and Vietnam.”
15.Nov.2006 Bush To Usher In New Era Of ‘Bipartisanship’ By Renominating Controversial Judicial Nominees - Amanda 

Yesterday at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) noted that President Bush plans to renominate several of his rejected judicial nominees:

In the days following the election, the President spoke about becoming a uniter and working with Congress in a bipartisan way. Regrettably, it appears he will not be keeping that promise. I understand the President intends to renominate a number of controversial nominees. That unfortunate decision evidences that he intends to stay the partisan course when it comes to judicial nominations.

Bush has criticized lawmakers for their “partisanship” and called on them to give all his nominees an up-or-down vote. But 31 judicial nominees have been approved this year, nearly double the total number of judges (17) confirmed in the 1996 congressional session, when Republicans controlled the Senate.

Renominating failed nominees won’t get more judges on the bench in the 110th Congress. Current Judiciary chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) has called on Bush to nominate more moderate judges.

As Leahy notes, Bush needs to “change course and honor [his] pledge by working with us to confirm consensus nominees.”
Conservatives distraught. - Nico 
Michelle Malkin: Trent Lott is an “
eternal Maalox moment.”

Right-wing bloggers: Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) is “the Harriet Miers of RNC chairs.”

Dick Morris: “Oust John Boehner and Roy Blunt.”
15.Nov.2006 DeLay Defender Blunt Hits Conservatives For Defending Corrupt Politicians - Nico 

Outgoing House Majority Whip and “DeLay protege” Roy Blunt (R-MO) delivered a post-election mea culpa at the Heritage Foundation, entitled “The New Way Forward: Refocusing the Conservative Agenda.”

Blunt said voters’ rebuke of conservatism was due in part to “a seemingly constant stream of ethics issues afflicting a few Members of Congress.”

Blunt’s suggestion to fix the problem is to stop covering up for corrupt members:

Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats, neither liberals nor conservatives, is immune from having bad actors in their midst. …

The test of any organization or political movement is how it responds when confronted with these individuals. […]

Before 1994, when conservatives were out of power and were unable to make new laws or rules, we recognized this truth and confronted serious legal and ethical violations by declaring that those who were part of that had no place in our movement. I suggest that we need to recommit ourselves to that standard. For conservatives, holding onto or gaining political power should never come before our obligation to be worthy of people’s trust.

Blunt should take his own advice. Here’s Blunt last year:

Blunt has been among DeLay’s the most visible defenders since the probe into DeLay’s use of corporate donations began. Blunt has contributed $5,000 to DeLay’s legal defense fund and $10,000 to the DeLay Foundation.

He continued that support Wednesday, vowing that DeLay would not stop exerting influence in the House leadership.

“He’s going to be an effective and influential part of what we are doing as he works now to get beyond this terribly unfair thing that’s happened to him,” Blunt said of Delay.

Blunt is currently locked in a tight race with John Shadegg (R-AZ) for Minority Whip, the #2 minority position in the House. The election is on Friday.
15.Nov.2006 FACT CHECK: Baghdad Murder Rate Is 160 Times Greater Than Philadelphia - Amanda 
In a
post this morning, Wizbang blogger Alexander K. McClure compared the homicide rate in Philadelphia to the situation in Iraq:

Without looking at the URL or the headline at the top, try to figure out which city this is. Each red dot represents a murder in the past year. Isn’t that a quagmire? Isn’t it time to consider pulling out?

The city McClure pointed to is Philadelphia. It had 337 homicides between Jan. 1 and Oct. 31, 2006.

In Baghdad, the Brookings Institution’s Iraq Index estimates that 5,320 people are killed a month, meaning there were 53,200 murders between Jan. 1 and Oct. 31, 2006. (Brookings notes this number may be “too low since many murder victims are never taken to the morgue, but buried quickly and privately and therefore never recorded in official tallies.”)

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has also tried to claim that living in Washington, DC, is as dangerous as living in Iraq. Comparing the murder rate in any U.S. city with the situation in Baghdad only underscores how out-of-touch some conservatives are from the real situation on the ground in Iraq.
15.Nov.2006 Fox News internal memo from Nov. 9: - Nico “Be on the lookout for any statements from the Iraqi insurgents, who must be thrilled at the prospect of a Dem controlled Congress.”

Read the full memo at Huffington Post.
15.Nov.2006 Frist’s Post-Election Revelation: We Are ‘Not Winning’ In Iraq - Nico 

Last night on Fox News, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) was asked to explain the midterm election results. Frist answered, “clearly, number one, the fact that we were not winning in Iraq dominated.” Watch it:

What a difference an election makes. In July, Frist said the conservative national security message for 2006 was, “We’re for staying the course in Iraq and the war on terror.”

And as recently as last month, Frist said the U.S. was making “tremendous progress” in Iraq.

I’m confident that we are making tremendous progress in hunting down and killing the murderers of Islamic fascism, in stabilizing the democratic governments of Afghanistan and Iraq and in winning the generational struggle that is the War on Terror.

Full transcript:

HANNITY: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. All right, Senator, let’s first say — what do you think happened a week ago?

SEN. BILL FRIST (R-TN), SENATE MAJORITY LEADER: Well, Sean, I think it’s been reviewed many, many times.

And, clearly, number one, the fact that we were not winning in Iraq dominated + people just want change. And it will result in thoughtful consideration here over the next several days and weeks.
General Abizaid Smacks Down McCain’s Plan To Send More U.S. Troops To Iraq - Think Progress 

Today at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, CentCom commander Gen. John Abizaid rejected McCain’s calls for increased U.S. troop levels in Iraq, saying that he “met with every divisional commander, Gen. Casey, the core commander, Gen. Dempsey” and asked them if bringing “in more American troops now, [would] add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq and they all said ‘no.’” Watch it:

McCain has repeatedly said that he would like to see another 20,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. As General Abizaid explained, McCain’s plan runs counter towards our goal in Iraq — specifically, the Iraqis taking responsibility for their own country. Abizaid said, “It is easy for the Iraqis to rely upon to us do this work. I believe that more American forces prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future.”

Moreover, we do not have the troops to send. Any attempt to send more troops to Iraq would, “at the moment, threaten to break our nation’s all-volunteer Army and undermine our national security.” Digg It!


MCCAIN: Did you note that General Zinny who opposed of the invasion now thinks that we should have more troops? Did you notice that General Batise, who was opposed to the conduct of this conflict also says that we may need tens and thousands of additional troops. I don’t understand General. When you have a part of Iraq that is not under our control and yet we still — as Al Anbar province is — I don’t know how many American lives have been sacrificed in Al Anbar province — but we still have enough and we will rely on the ability to train the Iraqi military when the Iraqi army hasn’t send the requested number of battalions into Baghdad.

ABIZAID: Senator McCain, I met with every divisional commander, General Casey, the core commander, General Dempsey, we all talked together. And I said, in your professional opinion, if we were to bring in more American Troops now, does it add considerably to our ability to achieve success in Iraq? And they all said no. And the reason is because we want the Iraqis to do more. It is easy for the Iraqis to rely upon to us do this work. I believe that more American forces prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future.
Iraq In Fragments. - Nico 

The new multiple award-winning documentary on Iraq opened this week in select cities. Salon writes, “it’s head and shoulders above the rest [of Iraq docs] in its clarity, intimacy and poetry + it illustrates the dreadful predicament America has created in Iraq, which drove so many angry people to the polls on Tuesday.” Watch the trailer HERE.
15.Nov.2006 Key Baker Ally Says ‘We Have To Stay’ In Iraq - Faiz 

A host of former advisers to President George H.W. Bush have gained ascendancy in recent weeks.

His former Secretary of State James Baker and former deputy national security adviser Robert Gates will assume major roles in determining the future course of Iraq.

Both Baker and Gates are protégés and colleagues of Brent Scowcroft, the former national security adviser under Bush 41 who opposed the Iraq war.

This assemblage of Baker, Gates + Scowcroft has been described as “pragmatists” and “realists” by the media.

The New York Times, noting his connection to Scowcroft and Baker, suggested the Gates’ appointment may be “part of a carefully orchestrated course change.”

Neoconservatives have argued that the Baker-Gates-Scowcroft position “presents a clear shift” on Iraq.

But these claims by the media and neoconservatives appear to be creating a false myth that the rise of the “realists” will change course in Iraq.

In a recent interview with the Turkish Daily News, Scowcroft explicitly argued the U.S. must continue to stay in Iraq:

Question: You were opposed to the invasion of Iraq. Do you feel vindicated now that we see chaos there? How do you see the situation as it is today and what do you see for the future?

Scowcroft: No, I don’t have any feeling of satisfaction. Regardless of how we got there, we are there + it is a difficult situation.

Far more difficult than the administration expected. And it will be increasingly hard to stay in because it has become an unusually important issue in domestic U.S. politics.

But I think we have to stay and try and manage the situation to get some kind of a resolution where we can have an Iraq that is relatively stable.

If Scowcroft’s position is representative of his colleagues, the changing face of the Bush administration will bear a close resemblance to the old face.
15.Nov.2006 O’Reilly Revives The War On Christmas - Nico 

Last night, Bill O’Reilly revived his baseless claim that Christmas is “under seige” in America from “secular progressives,” highlighting Wal-Mart’s recent announcement that it will use the phrase “Merry Christmas” in its promotional materials this year.

O’Reilly portrayed Wal-Mart’s decision as a victory in the “culture war battle” for those who “want to retain the Christmas tradition,” and lauded Wal-Mart as “the Christmas guys!”

Actually, like its decision to use “Happy Holidays” in the first place, Wal-Mart’s return to “Merry Christmas” is motivated by business interests, not an effort to preserve traditional culture:

Wishing for a bigger holiday season after a sluggish fall, the chain said Thursday that 60% more of its merchandise will be labeled “Christmas” compared with last year.

And customers will hear Christmas carols as they shop. […]

Wal-Mart is not alone. Although Best Buy Co. is sticking with “Happy Holidays,” retailers such as Kohl’s Corp. and Walgreen Co. are returning to Christmas.

“They’re all trying to get the spirit back,” said Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst for NPD Group. “Especially since their holiday schedules have been off to a slow start.”

As Wal-Mart spokesman Steven Restivo put it, “We listened to our customers. There’s a call to return to a core Merry Christmas message.” Just as Jesus might have said. Digg It!

Full transcript:

O’REILLY: In the “Back of the Book” segment tonight, as you know last year there was a culture war battle between people who wanted to say “Happy Holidays” + not say “Merry Christmas,” and

those of us who want to retain the Christmas tradition without interference. Some retailers actually told employees not to say “Merry Christmas” — ever! — and they were hammered by us for doing that.

Of course, the media attacked me for spotlighting the problem. But what a difference a year makes. With us, Peter Shankman, CEO of a PR firm here in New York City and author of the book “Can We Do That?!”

And from Bentonville, Arkansas, Julie Roehm, the Senior VP for Marketing and Communications at Wal-Mart. Um, Ms. Roehm, we begin with you. Now, last year you were a little hesitant to say “Merry Christmas.”

This year you are the Christmas guys! What happened?

ROEHM: That’s true. Well, first, let me be the first to say Merry Christmas to you.
President Bush has renominated Kenneth Tomlinson - Amanda as chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).

00.Aug.2006 a State Dept. inspector general’s report showed that Tomlinson had abused his position by using BBG resources to support his personal horse racing operation and receiving compensation that exceeded the maximum allowed by law.
15.Nov.2006 The latest legislator/accused domestic abuser. - Nico 

Minnesota State Rep. Mark Olson (R) appeared in court today “in connection with an alleged domestic assault against his wife, Heidi, at their home Sunday.” Olson’s wife says he “pushed her to the ground three times” and police found a “fresh bruise.” Olson admits only to “grabbing his wife by the shoulders” and “placing her to the ground.” (HT: Wonkette)
15.Nov.2006 The women of the Senate. - Nico 

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) — the dean of the Senate women — held a bipartisan Senate ‘Women Power Workshop’ in her office today. The 110th Congress will have a record 16 women Senators. Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) will serve as the first chairwoman of the Rules Committee.
15.Nov.2006 ThinkFast: November 15, 2006 - Think Progress 

Last month, President Bush conceded that an analogy between Iraq and Vietnam can be made.

AP reports, “Amid an intensifying discussion at home about the future of the [Iraq] war, Bush gives the comparison debate another kick by walking among Vietnam War relics on a four-day visit to the communist nation created after American troops departed 33 years ago.”

Conservative staff members in the Senate have already started attacking Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), the incoming chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, as “radical,” “extreme,” and “out there.”

In one of her first “extreme” moves, Boxer plans to hold hearings on global warming.

The Senate approved an amendment Tuesday to extend the work of the Iraq inspector general, who has “unearthed millions of dollars in waste and fraud associated with the rebuilding of Iraq.”

Conservatives quietly tried to terminate the IG in a recent spending bill.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) and former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) are teaming up for a holiday-themed campaign with Wake-Up Wal-Mart criticizing Wal-Mart ’s “wages and benefits, as well as recently enacted attendance and salary policies, in a move timed to potentially disrupt the company’s holiday sales.”

“Iran’s president declared yesterday that his country’s nuclear program was nearing an important milestone ,” the NYT reports, “even as international atomic inspectors reported that they had found unexplained traces of plutonium and that Tehran continued to be so uncooperative in answering questions that they had been unable to confirm earlier claims of progress.”

A congressionally-mandated study by Los Alamos scientists and others on plutonium finds the radioactive element, “which provides the immense explosive force in nuclear weapons, has a useful lifespan far longer than previously estimated.” The findings could undermine Bush’s “argument for manufacturing a new generation of warheads.”

Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff is scheduled to enter federal prison today “over the protests of prosecutors who wanted him to remain free to cooperate in an investigation that has threatened to implicate several members of Congress.”

Homeland Security Inspector General Richard Skinner reports that mobile homes purchased by FEMA, worth up to $4 million, for people left homeless by Katrina have been damaged beyond repair because they were not properly protected.

Only three automakers — Toyota, Ford + DaimlerChrysler — improved the fuel economy of their fleet from 1996 through 2005. Subaru “stayed the same during the period and fuel efficiency declined at nine other automakers.”

And finally: Excuse me, but I couldn’t quite understand your anti-immigrant message. Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN), who has taken a “tough stance on immigration,” complained that his campaign callers had “thick enough foreign accents that the congressman himself said he couldn’t understand them.” Souder discovered this “after listening to a message left on his sister’s answering machine in which the only word he understood was ‘Hayhurst,’ the last name of his Democratic challenger, Tom Hayhurst.”
15.Nov.2006 Trent Lott is back. - Nico 

In a 25-24 vote, the Senate Republican caucus has elected Trent Lott (R-MS) as Minority Whip, the #2 minority position in the Senate. As expected, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was elected Senate Minority Leader. Lott, who defeated Lamar Alexander (R-TN), resigned his post as Minority Leader in 2002 after he said the USA would have avoided “all these problems” if then-segregationist Strom Thurmond had been elected president in 1948.

UPDATE: The full leadership roster.
15.Nov.2006 Washington Post Falsely Claims ‘Most Congressional Democrats’ Oppose Redeployment of U.S. Troops - Payson 

Today, the Washington Post’s editorial board attacked John Murtha’s proposal to redeploy U.S. troops out of Iraq as an “extreme” measure not supported by congressional Democrats:

Mr. Murtha’s candidacy is troubling for several reasons, beginning with his position on the war in Iraq. … He said the United States … should “redeploy as soon as practicable,” an extreme step that most congressional Democrats oppose.

While the Post does not agree with Murtha’s position on Iraq, House Democrats do. As of today, the majority of House Democrats in the outgoing 109th Congress - 105 of 202 - not only agree with Murtha’s position, they have cosponsored Murtha’s resolution calling for our troops to be “redeployed at the earliest practicable date” out of Iraq. In the 110th Congress, the number is likely to be even higher because many successful candidates called for redeployment during the campaign.

Congressional leaders in the Senate also support redeployment.

Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), who is expected to take over the Senate Armed Services Committee, said

Sunday, “We need to begin a phased redeployment of forces from Iraq in four to six months.”

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said redeployment “should start within the next few months.”

The full list of 105 cosponsors of Murtha’s bill:

Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI)
Rep. Thomas Allen (D-ME)
Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA)
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA)
Rep. Timothy Bishop (D-NY)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA)
Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL)
Rep. George Butterfield (D-NC)
Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA)
Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA)
Rep. Julia Carson (D-IN)
Rep. Donna Christensen (D-VI)
Rep. William Clay (D-MO)
Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC)
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL)
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO)
Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA)
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)
Rep. Michael Doyle (D-PA)
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA)
Rep. Lane Evans (D-IL)
Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA)
Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA)
Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA)
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)
Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL)
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ)
Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA)
Rep. Jesse Jackson (D-IL)
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA)
Rep. Eddie Johnson (D-TX)
Rep. Stephanie Jones (D-OH)
Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI)
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
Rep. John Larson (D-CT)
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA)
Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA)
Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN)
Rep. James McDermott (D-WA)
Rep. James McGovern (D-MA)
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)
Rep. Michael McNulty (D-NY)
Rep. Martin Meehan (D-MA)
Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-FL)
Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY)
Rep. Michael Michaud (D-ME)
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Rep. George Miller (D-CA)
Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-WV)
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)
Rep. James Moran (D-VA)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-CA)
Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA)
Rep. Eleanor Norton (D-DC)
Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN)
Rep. John Olver (D-MA)
Rep. Major Owens (D-NY)
Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
Rep. William Pascrell (D-NJ)
Rep. Edward Pastor (D-AZ)
Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ)
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV)
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY)
Rep. Steven Rothman (D-NJ)
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA)
Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL)
Rep. Timothy Ryan (D-OH)
Rep. Martin Sabo (D-MN)
Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-CA)
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA)
Rep. Janice Schakowsky (D-IL)
Rep. Robert Scott (D-VA)
Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY)
Rep. Hilda Solis (D-CA)
Rep. Fortney Stark (D-CA)
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS)
Rep. Michael Thompson (D-CA)
Rep. John Tierney (D-MA)
Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY)
Rep. Tom Udall (D-NM)
Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-NY)
Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-IN)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Rep. Diane Watson (D-CA)
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY)
Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL)
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)
Rep. David Wu (D-OR)

White House mulling preemptive strikes. - Payson 

Speaking with reporters about the pursuit of nuclear progams by Iran and North Korea, a senior U.S. government official told Reuters: “We, the United States + others who might be threatened by these developments will have to look at how to respond and inevitably I think people will have to look at the question of pre-emption.”

UPDATE: Meet the Iran Enterprise Institute.
15.Nov.2006 Who allegedly paid $2 million to terrorist organizations - Nico  for the release of Fox News reporters? Aravosis wants to know.
15.Nov.2006 The Alex Jones Report November 15th 2006 - Paul Joseph Watson -Alex discusses the Defense Authorization legislation, which coat-tailed the Military Commissions Act but din't get
15.Nov.2006 Enron man jailed for fraud role Ex-Enron executive Richard Causey is sentenced to five-and-a-half years for his role in the fraud at the firm.
15.Nov.2006 Climate bill sets carbon target A climate change bill commits the UK to cut emissions by 60% by 2050, but there is no mention of annual targets.
15.Nov.2006 ATMs hacked using MP3 player Blog: A criminal gang in the U.K. was able to steal confidential banking data by bugging ATMs with an MP3 player, The Times of...
15.Nov.2006 Big Freakin' Laser Beams in Space - ScuttleMonkey 77 schnippy writes

"Esquire is running an interesting article on the work on adaptive optics and directed energy being done at the U.S. Air Force's Starfire Optical Observatory. This facility was the subject of a New York Times article earlier this year which suspected the facility was conducting anti-satellite weapons research under the cover of astronomy."
The Struggle for Self-Determination in Venezuela: Video : Martín Sanchez, Venezuela's consul general in Chicago, on "The Struggle for Self-Determination in Venezuela;" and Joel Geier, Associate Editor of the International Socialist Review, on "Resisting US Empire"

15.Nov.2006 CIA Finally Acknowledges Existence of Presidential Order on Detention Facilities Abroad : "Confusion about whether such a presidential order existed certainly led to the torture and abuse scandal that embarrassed America. With a new Congress and renewed subpoena power, we now need to look up the chain of command."

15.Nov.2006 CIA pressed on torture guidelines: THE CIA has acknowledged for the first time the existence of two classified documents, including one signed by the US President, George Bush, that it used as guidelines in the interrogation and imprisonment of terrorist suspects.

15.Nov.2006 White House seeks dismissal of CIA leak suit: The Bush administration asked a federal judge on Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit brought by former CIA officer Valerie Plame and her husband against Vice President Dick Cheney and others for alleged involvement in disclosing her employment as a clandestine CIA operative.

Fox News Internal Memo: "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress"...
15.Nov.2006 Coalition's Afghan policy will fail: Musharraf: President Pervez Musharraf has said that the US-led coalition forces were 'failing' to curb the Taliban in Afghanistan and that they would "keep failing" if they pursued their current policies.

15.Nov.2006 Afghan women seek death by fire : Increasing numbers of Afghan women are committing suicide by setting fire to themselves to escape difficult lives, according to NGOs based in the country.

15.Nov.2006 Congo faces danger of new civil war as opposition rejects election result: · UN forces surround house of president's rival. Armed groups in capital urge return to fighting
15.Nov.2006 Why stop the Great Satan? He's driving himself to hell: Tehran can sit back and watch its tormentors sweat. But the US and Britain must start from diplomatic ground zero

15.Nov.2006 Rice snub for Iran and Syria : Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, has said she opposes the idea of including Iran and Syria in talks to curb the violence in Iraq.

15.Nov.2006 Official says U.S. may consider pre-emptive Iran strike: The United States or other countries will one day be forced to consider pre-emptive action if Iran and North Korea continue to seek nuclear weapons, a senior U.S. government official said on Tuesday.

15.Nov.2006 War pimp alert: Worried about Gates’ views on Iran: Israel backers hope he toes Bush line : President Bush’s nomination of Robert Gates as defense secretary has anxious pro-Israel and Israeli leaders looking East, trying to gauge whether Gates’ past conciliatory noises on Iran herald a change in U.S. policy.

15.Nov.2006 War pimp alert: Bush will not hesitate to use force in Iran: Israeli ambassador: Ayalon said that a US military operation against Tehran would differ substantially from its invasion of Iraq in 2003.

15.Nov.2006 War pimp alert: Olmert: Israel will challenge Iran : Israel “will not shy away from challenging Iran’s development of nuclear weapons,” Ehud Olmert told the annual gathering of the North American Jewish federationy system.

15.Nov.2006 War pimp alert: Bolton: Reluctance To Impose Iran Sanctions Misguided : U.S. ambassador John Bolton Wednesday warned reluctance to impose sanctions on Iran to preserve bilateral trade was misguided.

15.Nov.2006 China supports solving Iran's nuclear issue peacefully: Chinese Foreign Ministry Office declared here Wednesday that China always supports solving Iran's nuclear issue through negotiation.

15.Nov.2006 Iran-IAEA-Plutonium : It said in a statement that the plutonium contamination which has been pointed in report of IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei last October had been discussed several times with the agency in the past three years and it is not something new.

15.Nov.2006 War pimp alert: U.N. says Iran sought Somali uranium: Iran attempted to swap weapons for use by Islamic radicals in Somalia for uranium, the U.N. Security Council was told Wednesday.

15.Nov.2006 U.N. report says 10 nations violating arms embargo in Somalia : There were also doubts about the U.N. panel's findings that Iran shipped arms to the Islamic militants in return for access to uranium mines in the hometown of the top Islamic leader.

15.Nov.2006 Iran signs 450-million-dollar railway deal with Germany's Siemens : Iran has signed a 450-million-dollar deal with German electronic giant Siemens to build 150 trains, Iran's Ambassador to Germany Mohammad Mehdi Akhoundzadeh told IRNA on Tuesday.

15.Nov.2006 Palestinian rocket kills Israeli woman near Gaza: A rocket fired from Gaza killed a 58-year-old woman in an Israeli border town on Wednesday, prompting Israel to warn Palestinian militants they would "pay a heavy price."

15.Nov.2006 'Palestinians punished for democracy': The emir of Qatar, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, on Wednesday criticized the West for boycotting the Hamas government, saying that Palestinians are being punished for practicing democracy.
15.Nov.2006 U.S. Commander Warns Against Iraq Cutoff : The top U.S. commander in the Middle East warned Congress Wednesday against setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, saying it would impede commanders in managing U.S. and Iraqi forces.

15.Nov.2006 U.S. Soldiers pleads guilty in rape and murder of Iraqi child and her family : The indictment accuses Green and others of raping the girl and burning her body to conceal their crimes. It also alleges that Green and four others stationed at a nearby checkpoint killed the girl’s father, mother and 6-year-old sister.
15.Nov.2006 Conflict in the Middle East is Mission Implausible-By By Robert Fisk
The UN troops claim they are in Lebanon to protect the Shia. The Shia think they're there to protect Israel from Hizbollah. Is this because the peacekeepers are really a Nato army in disguise?

15.Nov.2006 Democrats Must Offer A New Blueprint for Iraq-By Scott Ritter
The political astuteness of the decision by President Bush to replace Rumsfeld with Gates has escaped notice by many Democrats, who seem inclined simply to gloat over the demise of their archenemy.

15.Nov.2006 Family Feud: Little Bush Hits Back at Daddy-By Chris Floyd
Little Bush's suddenly conceived internal Iraq policy review is just another salvo in this ongoing struggle. The Cheney militarists will certainly not give up without a fight, even after the "Gray Hawk Down" disaster of Rumsfeld's resignation. Bush Junior will certainly not keep swallowing Daddy's cod liver oil without throwing a fit now and then.

15.Nov.2006 Worshipping The State: Why They Die -By Michael Gaddy
The inboxes at my email sites are constantly bombarded with pictures and articles designed to pull at my heartstrings and make me believe there are troops in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for our freedoms. 

15.Nov.2006 Don’t Look for Much From the “Bipartisan” Iraq Study Group-By Ray McGovern
Ret. Gen. John Keane of the “Military Senior Adviser Panel” takes a different tack. He recommends that 40,000 additional U.S. troops be sent to secure Baghdad. And Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., too, continues to press for sending more troops to Iraq as the only way to “salvage” the situation.

15.Nov.2006 Death Squads
Exposed: The reality of U.S. occupation Of Iraq
This Is A Must Watch - Channel 4 Video Investigation
This shocking film investigates the links between the death squads and high-ranking Shia politicians. It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and taken over police units and even entire government ministeries. It investigates how these units are closely linked to the death squads, indeed they often are the death squads. And the killers act with impunity -- there's little investigation into their activities.
Click to view

15.Nov.2006 The Highjacking of a Nation-By Sibel Edmonds
Foreign influence, that most baneful foe of our republican government, has its tentacles entrenched in almost all major decision making and policy producing bodies of the U.S. government machine. It does so not secretly, since its self-serving activities are advocated and legitimized by highly positioned parties that reap the benefits that come in the form of financial gain and positions of power.

15.Nov.2006 Whistleblowers : Who Are They? -By Peter Rost
After blowing the whistle on fraud, 90 % of the whistleblowers were fired or demoted, 27 % faced lawsuits, 26 % had to seek psychiatric or physical care, 25 % suffered alcohol abuse, 17 % lost their homes, 15 % got divorced, 10 % attempted suicide + 8 % were bankrupted. But in spite of all this, only 16 % said that they wouldn’t blow the whistle again.

15.Nov.2006 Watch Al Jazeera English Live Broadcast Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera English, the new international news channel from the Qatar-based television network, has begun broadcasting in English from its main studios in Doha.
Click here to view

15.Nov.2006 Latin America is preparing to settle accounts with its white settler elite -By Richard Gott
The recent explosion of indigenous protest in Latin America, culminating in the election this year of Evo Morales, an Aymara indian, as president of Bolivia, has highlighted the precarious position of the white-settler elite that has dominated the continent for so many centuries.

Whatever its origin, since its use by Roman citizens 1,800 years ago, the ''abracadabra'' spell seems to have arrived in the 21st Century little changed.
15.Nov.2006 The Rhyming Herbalist 

"When blood pressure hath risen much too high, Garlic tis a remedy thou shouldest try."posted by Prof. Hex
15.Nov.2006 Anne Frank's Tree To Be Cut Down 

The ancient chestnut tree that comforted Anne Frank while she was in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Holland must be cut down, the Amsterdam city council said Tuesday. posted by Prof. Hex
15.Nov.2006 Tracing that old black magic  Q: Where did "abracadabra," a word commonly used by amateur magicians, come from? posted by Prof. Hex
15.Nov.2006 Conference unlocks age-old secrets of celebrities' deaths  "These are very important historical figures and just studying their diseases is just interesting and entertaining," he said. posted by Prof. Hex
15.Nov.2006 People- Magazin- Wahl: Clooney ist der "Sexiest Man Alive"
15.Nov.2006 Regierungsplan: Bundeswehr soll zur Terrorabwehr eingesetzt werden
15.Nov.2006 Saarland: Lafontaine kündigt Spitzenkandidatur an

15.Nov.2006 Massaker im Irak: US- Soldat bekennt sich des Mordes schuldig
15.Nov.2006 Gallup: Obama Now Posing Threat to Hillary in 2008 -- Giuliani Leads McCain on GOP Side
The Price of Saving Democracy. BuzzFlash Pre-Holiday Campaign for Support: Our Goal is $10,000. It's In Your Hands.
New Senate Republican Leaders are "Dumb" and "Dumber" -- A BuzzFlash News Alert

15.Nov.2006 CIA Acknowledges Bush Sent Memo on Torture
Bush Visiting Vietnam. Maybe He Will Learn Something about How and Why to Withdraw from Hopeless Wars (But Don't Count on It) -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
$2 Million Was Reportedly Given to Middle Eastern Terrorists to Free FOX News Reporters. Terrorists Now Say They Used Money to Buy Weapons to Kill Israelis. If True, FOX Can be Charged Under Recent Legislation with Aiding a Terrorist Organization.

15.Nov.2006 A sickening set of statistics coming out of Washington today? the United States is the largest exporter of firearms in the world by more than three times over.
Feingold Pushes Again For Iraq Troop Withdrawal 11/16

15.Nov.2006 Tomgram: Klare, Bush Goes Over to Imperial Defense; "Robert Gates has little to do with Iraq and lots to do with Iran" 11/16
As Bush Goes To Vietnam, White House Website Displays The Wrong Flag 11/16

15.Nov.2006 Bribery and the great vote scandal The November 2006 election is still not over. Florida's ultra-strange congressional contest between Republican Vern Buchanan and Democrat Christine Jennings remains a gripping drama. Buchanan is ahead in the official tally by a mere 367 votes.
The key number in this race is the bizarre undervote of 18,000 ballots. Some 13% of the touch-screen voters in that district didn't vote in the second-biggest race on the ballot. Such an undervote is unheard-of.
Worse, the undervote rate was a mere 1.8% in the absentee ballots. When you see a wide discrepancy between the paper results and the compu-ballots, you have prima facie (PREE-ma FAH-kee-eh -- honest!) evidence of computerized tampering.
Now Daniel Hosicker has uncovered
some further details. He has sent out the following precis: The election company executive responsible for the touch-screen electronic voting machines in Sarasota County Florida which failed to register fully one of every seven votes cast in last week's hotly-contested Congressional race to replace Rep. Katherine Harris has a checkered past that includes involvement in several election bribery scandals, the MadCowMorningNews has learned exclusively.
The most recent rocked voters in North Carolina in 1999, resulting in the supervisor of elections in North Carolina's Mecklenburg County being sent to federal prison for taking over $130,000 in payoffs from the election company where he was the national sales director.
As vice president of Election Software & Services (ES&S), Gary L. Greenhalgh was instrumental in the effort led by Sarasota County election supervisor Kathy Dent in 2001 to persuade the County to pay over $4 million for touch-screen electronic voting machines + was then the project manager overseeing their installation. You will find much more on
Hopsicker's site. I have tried to emphasize the point that the touch-screen scandal is, in a very real sense, a bribery scandal. How else could the big voting machine companies keep so many local election officials wedded to these unpopular and untrsutworthy devices? Permalink

15.Nov.2006 Vividvew has a point, Joe. Here's my e-mail to John Conyers:
You said: "I have agreed with Speaker-to-be Pelosi that impeachment is off the table."
If this is true + this President, already considered by historians to be the worst in US history, is not to be impeached for his assaults on the Constitution and his war crimes, then I will never vote Democratic again.
Never. I will vote Green, or Libertarian, or Peace and Freedom. But not one Democratic candidate will EVER GET MY VOTE AGAIN. Is that clear enough?
# posted by unirealist
15.Nov.2006 Abramoff and the mega-conspiracy

The good news is Abramoff may soon implicate Rove and lots of congressfolk. The bad news is that some of those congressfolk might be Democrats. From ABC's Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz: Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to "dozens of members of Congress and staff," including what Abramoff has reportedly described as "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators."
The sources say Abramoff was about to provide information about Bush administration officials, including Karl Rove, "accepting things of value" from Abramoff. Egads. A mega-conspiratorial scenario begins to suggest itself. After all, Rove must have had some idea as to just which beans Casino Jack might spill. Right now, we don't know if Abramoff's forthcoming accusations against those "six to eight" Democratic senators will have any validity. No Dems received money from Abramoff. In the frenzy, will facts matter?
Perhaps the plan was this: Let the Dems win...let them have a week or a month or triumphalist gloating...then take 'em down. What could serve the Republican strategy better than a scenario in which their corrupt pols leave honorably, by way of the ballot box, while our bad apples do the perp walk mere moments after their time of glory?

15.Nov.2006 The pentacle and the Pentagon

We've followed this story for quite a while now: Patrick Stewart was a wiccan soldier killed in Afghanistan + his widow Roberta wants a pentacle placed on his grave marker.

The Pentagon refuses. The matter now appears headed for court.
Oddly enough, the military used to be rather more tolerant.

I knew a Wiccan priestess who told me that, in the 1980s, she conducted a "handfasting" ceremony (what we mundane folk call marriage ) on the Battleship Missouri. Permalink
Buffalo, NY -
Not much on this issue across the Buffalo blogosphere so, I figured I’d kickstart the conversation
A Shirley Avenue couple were surprised when they lost their home to an emergency demolition following the Oct. 12-13 snowstorm.
They were even more surprised when they got a bill for about $40,000 from the city.
“It’s overwhelming,” said Isabelle Carrington, “It’s a tragedy. It’s like you have nothing. You’re homeless + then you get hit with this enormous bill + it’s like, “Where does life begin again?’ ”
We know there was a fire and the building was determined to be unsafe for entry but, it seems that the demolition order was handed down and executed upon in an inordinately expedient manner. This is Buffalo, after all.
A fire marshal at the scene declared the home structurally unsafe to enter, said Richard M. Tobe, commissioner of the Department of Economic Development, Permits & Inspections. Tobe’s office then bid out the emergency demolition the day after the fire and got two responses - one for about $35,000, another for around $60,000.
“Within 48 hours, a neighbor called and said our house was being torn down. Days later, we get this other bill from the city for $40,000. It’s just unbelievable.”
Richard M. Tobe, commissioner of the Department of Economic Development, Permits & Inspections, claims that the demolition order was given in the midst of the state of emergency declared after the October storm and that was the source of the confusion and lack of communication with the owner.

However, the city didn’t seem to have a problem finding the owners within a few more days with a $40K demolition bill. [Read full story and join the discussion here]
14.Nov.2006 For Immediate Release November 14, 2006   
Contact: David Torke
             Eric Walker
Residents at Coe Place Start Housing Strike to save their neighborhood
As Sptizer honeymoons in WNY, properties held hostage by state agency undermine millions pumped into Artspace
As Eliot Spitzer visits Buffalo to celebrate the victory of his reformist agenda, residents of Coe Place in Buffalo and other concered citizens from neighborhoods across Buffalo will begin their effort to save two historic properties from the vicious neglect of a state agency--the MBBA--charged with helping streets like Coe Place turn around.   Neighborhood residents will be joined by members of community groups including
PUSH, friends and readers of Fix Buffalo Today, local preservationists and Michele Johnson - East Side Housing Advocate to initiate a housing "strike" against the agency and to demand action by Governor-elect Spitzer and Mayor Brown.  The action will begin at 5 PM at 28 Coe Place.
An emerging neighborhood on the City's very near East side, Coe Place lies in the shadow of
Artspace, a bold, multi-million dollar development in the 1200 block of Main Street that received substantial public funding and is poised to increase investment in the surrounding blocks.
Artspace is very good thing for the neighborhood, the folks around Coe Place discovered that a state housing agency presented a surprising roadblock in the way of their community’s revitalization.

15.Nov.2006 Documentary and Propaganda Films: Container List ... Made in CIA (sic!)/Made in CIA (propaganda film ) Hungarian language; 1989, 18 min ...

... that I believed "Loose Change" to be (in impact) a CIA propaganda film, whether by design, trick or device, or the sheer ...  

Loose Change Forum -> Mike Ruppert Response To Nyt Article
... that I believed "Loose Change" to be (in impact) a CIA propaganda film, whether by design, trick or device, or the sheer ...  

portland imc - 2003.04.17 - Israel wants strike on Syria while iron's hot ... ANIMAL FARM was a CIA propaganda film .

17.Apr.2003 10:41
15.Nov.2006 Klimafreundliche Technologien [DE] | European Union Energie ... China-Partnerschaft für saubere Energie zielt ... saubere Entwicklung und Klimawandel, welche eine Verbesserung der Kooperation des Mechanismus für umweltverträgliche Entwicklung ...
Honduras verkauft Finnland tonnenweise saubere Luft (International, NZZ Online)
Eine wichtige Umsetzung des Kyoto- Protokolls bilden nämlich Projekte des sogenannten Mechanismus für saubere Entwicklung

... nachhaltige Projekte in Entwicklungs ländern finanzieren ...
Sigmar Gabriel: Klimaschutz ist Motor für Innovation, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Beschäftigung

... Kraftwerke auf fossiler Basis eine ... zentrale Rolle für eine klimaverträgliche Energie ...

Prozess kann durch den " Mechanismus für saubere Entwicklung " (Clean Development Mechanism ...
15.Nov.2006 Die Schweiz und Brasilien analysieren Klimaschutzinstrument
PRESSEMITTEILUNG. Mechanismus für eine saubere Entwicklung . Die Schweiz und Brasilien analysieren Klimaschutzinstrument.

Brasilien erhält für die Definition der Kyoto-Mechanismen Unterstützung aus der Schweiz. ... der Ausgestaltung des " Mechanismus für eine saubere Entwicklung "

(CDM, Clean development ...
15.Nov.2006 ... main supplier of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would be ... c orner of Europe from his days as a diplomat's son, an American intelligence ...

FTR#370—Dutch Treat: More about the Thyssen/Bush Banking Connection—(Two 30-minute segments) (Sources are noted ... ... it held the shares of the August Thyssen Bank + also American subsidiaries ...

Thyssen group (TBG) is now the largest industrial conglomerate in Germany + ...

August Thyssen und Hugo Stinnes: Ein Briefwechsel, 1898?1912 [August Thyssen and Hugo Stinnes: Correspondence, 1898

... figure waxes poetic about the nature of the times in Germany at ... fallout from Thyssen's awful relationship with his son, August Jr . Except for a few ... Print Page: TIME Magazine -- Daddy's End

00.000.1860 -In the s- August Thyssen (pronounced tissen) started his steel business in a ... rising social consciousness of Republican Germany, bringing with it ...,23657,762117,00.html

Heir to the Holocaust ... main supplier of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would be ...

In addition to Fritz, plans were also made for the second son Heinrich. ...

prescott bush was a firm believer in eugenics, (the study of ...

August Thyssen, an affluent German industrialist, lost much of his empire to the ...

So Prescott Bush had a son + named him George Herbert Walker- he became president of ...

25.Dec.1939 - Page 1 Daddy's End –

In the 1860s August Thyssen (pronounced tissen) started his steel business in a ... rising social consciousness of Republican Germany, bringing with it legislation ...,9171,762117,00.html New York Press

00.000.1871 August Thyssen laid the basis for Germany's biggest coal + ...

From the first Thyssen, Bismarck and the unification of Germany to Tarzan's ex ...

Clamor Magazine :: issue 14 :: feature In

00.000.1926 August Thyssen died at the age of 84. ...

Germany and Poland and desperately wanted to invest into the Thyssen empire. ... feature3-2.php - 31 Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) ... of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would ... to Fritz, plans were also made for the second son Heinrich. ... William Farish Jr . ... ROG309A.html
15.Nov.2006 Allen Dulles, the Nazis + the CIA

By the middle 1920's, Germany had started recovering from the effects of ...

August Thyssen's son + successor, Fritz Thyssen, was an enthusiastic supporter ...

Bush Family Nazi's ... corner of Europe from his days as a diplomat's son, an American intelligence ... main supplier of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would be ...'s.htm

HiddenMysteries Conspiracy Archive

August Thyssen, an affluent German industrialist, lost much of his empire to the ...

So Prescott had a son + named him George - he became president of ...


... main supplier of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would be ...

In addition to Fritz, plans were also made for the second son Heinrich. ...

Heir to the Holocaust ... of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would ... to Fritz, plans were also made for the second son Heinrich. ...

William Farish Jr . ...

... main supplier of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would be ... corner of Europe from his days as a diplomat's son, an American intelligence ...

The Webfairy - [cia-drugs] HEIR TO THE HOLOCAUST from the economic boom in Germany.

00.000.1926 August Thyssen died at the age of 84. ... son in law, Prescott Bush, a big break. Walker made Bush a vice ...

Nazi White House

... main supplier of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would be ...

In addition to Fritz, plans were also made for the second son Heinrich. ...

Bush-Nazi-Connection01 ... plans were also made for Thyssen, August 2nd son Thyssen, Heinrich. ... of Germany to launder assets from the " August Thyssen Bank"in Berlin when the ... - News - History > European -- George W. Bush - Heir To The Jewish Holocaust ... of the German military, August Thyssen knew Germany would ... to Fritz, plans were also made for the second son Heinrich. ... William Farish Jr . ...
15.Nov.2006Psychologie - Experimentelle Methodik (Praktika ... Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004 Details;

Handbook of psychology / Irving B. Weiner, ed .-in-chief Bd .: 4 ; Experimental psychology / Healy, Alice F.
Psychologie - Methoden der Psychologie (Testtheorie, Skalierung ... 4. ed .. - Mahwah, NJ [u.a.] : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004 Details ... Bd .: 4 ;

Methodeninnovation in der Lebenslaufforschung : Integration qualitativer + ...
The "Nuzzling" Terror Cell - Paul Joseph Watson -Couple face 20 years behind bars for "kissing and cuddling" on a plane as airline insanity flies to new heights
15.Nov.2006 Help Terror Storm Reach Amazon Number One - Paul Joseph Watson -DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them a taste of 9/11 truth!
15.Nov.2006 Now Daddy Bush Slams Bloggers - Paul Joseph Watson Blames Internet for "ugly climate," echoes vitriolic rhetoric of web haters
15.Nov.2006 PC Mad Britain Savages Newell's Thought Crime - Paul Joseph Watson -Soccer manager Newell slammed, castigated and investigated for daring to criticize a female official, betrays
15.Nov.2006 Migrants 'carry disease burden' Migrants make up about 70% of HIV, TB and malaria cases in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a report has found.
15.Nov.2006 Stroke survivor advice 'lacking' Stroke survivors are not getting the vital information they need on leaving hospital, a study says.
15.Nov.2006 US soldier raped and murdered Iraqi girl A US Army soldier pleads guilty to raping an Iraqi teenager and helping kill her and her family.
15.Nov.2006 Kabila named DR Congo poll winner President Joseph Kabila wins the run-off election in DR Congo, the country's electoral commission says.
15.Nov.2006 Pakistan votes to amend rape laws Pakistan's parliament votes to amend strict Sharia laws on rape, amid warnings by religious parties.
15.Nov.2006 Israel vows revenge for rockets Israel warns Palestinian militants will pay a heavy price for a rocket attack which killed an Israeli woman.
15.Nov.2006 Immigrants drive growth - Spain Half of Spain's recent economic growth can be attributed to immigration, a government report says.
15.Nov.2006 US lobbyist starts jail sentence Disgraced US lobbyist Jack Abramoff begins serving a 70-month prison sentence for conspiracy and fraud.
15.Nov.2006 Queen opens UK Parliament Tony Blair rejects criticism of his final Queen's Speech - and predicts his Labour successor will knock out David Cameron.
15.Nov.2006 Stem cells 'treat muscle disease' Stem cells have shown potential for treating muscular dystrophy, research has revealed.
15.Nov.2006 Bush tests standing on Asia visit George W Bush goes to Asia, on a tour seen as a test of his standing after last week's Republican election losses.
Philippine 'coup plotter' seized An ex-Philippines army colonel is arrested for involvement in an alleged coup plot against President Arroyo.
15.Nov.2006 US to back Russia's WTO entry bid President George W Bush and Russia's President Putin are to sign an agreement on Russia's WTO membership bid.
15.Nov.2006 Al-Jazeera English hits airwaves The Arabic television channel al-Jazeera launches its 24-hour English-language news channel.
15.Nov.2006 Powers 'stoking Somali conflict' Ten countries, including Syria and Iran, are violating an arms embargo on Somalia, a UN report says.
15.Nov.2006 Afghan women seek death by fire Young Afghan women are increasingly committing suicide by setting themselves on fire, NGOs say.
15.Nov.2006 Delta 'cautious' over $8bn merger Delta Air Lines says it will study a proposed $8bn merger with US Airways but is focused on its own recovery.
15.Nov.2006 Neanderthal DNA secrets unlocked Scientists reconstruct a chunk of DNA from the genome of a Neanderthal man who lived 38,000 years ago.
15.Nov.2006 Physics promises wireless power Researchers in the US outline a system to transfer energy to electronic devices without the need for wires.
15.Nov.2006 Climate insurance urged for poor The United Nations calls on insurance companies to help protect the world's poor against the impacts of climate change.
15.Nov.2006 Fly Silent, Fly Cheap It's a bird! It's a plane! It's an integrated wing-body concept aircraft that's quieter and more fuel efficient than anything aloft today. Here's why you won't be boarding it any time soon. By Dave Demerjian.
15.Nov.2006 Guarded Hope for Dope Reform Democratic victory doesn't necessarily spell a new dawn of "San Francisco values" on the drug front, but some things might change. By Randy Dotinga
15.Nov.2006 New NSA Bill a Trojan Horse? Outgoing Senate Judiciary chairman Specter introduces a bill making small changes to spying laws, but the ACLU says it's a last-minute attempt to legalize the government's warrantless wiretapping program. In 27B Stroke 6.
15.Nov.2006 Former HP chairman pleads not guilty to felonies At arraignment Wednesday, Patricia Dunn hears four felony charges against her, enters plea and is released on own recognizance.
15.Nov.2006 HP's boardroom drama Internal investigation into media leaks at tech giant blows up into full-fledged media event.
15.Nov.2006 Dipstick test for cocaine use Blog: Taking a page from home-pregnancy tests, scientists have designed a dipstick that can detect traces of cocaine or other drugs...
15.Nov.2006 Warming a Tiny Piece of Mars For Terraforming - ScuttleMonkey 24 dptalia writes

"It's been a dream of science fiction writers everywhere that we would eventually terraform Mars. Now an engineering student has proposed a way to terraform only a kilometer of Mars. By building an array of space based mirrors to focus the sun's light, a small area of Mars could be warmed to about 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) which would make it easier for explorers to work and live there. Since Mars' atmosphere is thin, the mirrors would have to be carefully designed to prevent them from reflecting harmful radiation as well as light and warmth."
Report Blasts "Peak Oil" Theory - ScuttleMonkey 156 Rei writes

"Today, the Cambridge Energy Research Associates released a report dismissing the Peak Oil theory, suggesting that world oil production will continue to increase for the next 24 years + then only level into a plateau. The report, which suggests that world reserves are enough to last 122 years at our current rate of consumption, also blasts Peak Oil theorists for repeatedly making unscientific predictions and then shifting them whenever their predictions fail to materialize."
FCC Meets to Investigate Cookie Abuse - ScuttleMonkey 120 PreacherTom BusinessWeek is reporting that

the FCC and the Center for Digital Democracy plan to meet in order to discuss abuses with regards to cookies. From the article: "Online advertisers have a sweet tooth for cookies. Not the kind you bake, but the digital kind — those tiny files that embed themselves on a PC and keep tabs on what Web sites are visited on which machines. But cookies could have a bad aftertaste for consumers. Privacy advocates say the files are being force fed in large quantities to computer users + they're demanding that the government put some advertisers on a diet."
EU Gives Microsoft 8 Days Until Fines - CmdrTaco 382 kaysan writes

"European Commissioner Neelie Kroes has presented Microsoft with an ultimatum: Before Thursday next week, Microsoft must hand over all secret information on Windows protocols to its competition. Should the company choose to ignore this demand, it will be severely fined. Microsoft's history with EU fines so far amounts to approximately Euro777.5 million. Both linked websites are Dutch, but then again, so is EU commissioner Neelie Kroes."
Wikipedia Explodes in China - CmdrTaco 116 eldavojohn writes

"The Chinese have recently been allowed to enjoy the Chinese version of Wikipedia now that the ban has been lifted. And the result is an explosion in use after being banned for a year. From the article, "Activity on nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation's Chinese Wikipedia site has skyrocketed since its release, which Internet users in China first started reporting on Nov. 10. Since then, the number of new users registering to contribute to the site has exceeded 1,200 a day, up from an average of 300 to 400 prior to the unblocking. The number of new articles posted daily has increased 75% from the week before, with the total now surpassing 100,000, according to the foundation." No one's sure how long this will be available to the People's Republic of China but hopefully the government will recognize that at least a significant part of the populace enjoys a Wikipedia community."
Internet Only 1% Porn - CmdrTaco 314 Eli Gottlieb writes

"In what surely comes as a complete and utter surprise to everyone here, a new calculation shows that only one % of web pages contain pornography. While the calculations were performed using data forced from Google's and Microsoft's search indices by the government, they will help the American Civil Liberties Union to keep enforcement of the Children's Online Protection Act of 1998 banned. A loss for business privacy has become a victory for free speech, even though netizens lose a beloved old proverb."
Physicists Promise Wireless Power - CmdrTaco 324 StrongGlad writes

"The tangle of cables and plugs needed to recharge today's electronic gadgets could soon be a thing of the past. Researchers at MIT have outlined a relatively simple system that could deliver power wirelessly to devices such as laptop computers or MP3 players. In a nutshell, their solution entails installing special 'non-radiative' antennae with identical resonant frequencies on both the power transmitter and the receiving device. Any energy not diverted into a gadget or appliance is simply reabsorbed. The system currently under development is designed to operate at distances of 3 to 5 meters, but the researchers claim that it could be adapted to factory-scale applications, or miniaturized for use in the 'microscopic world.'"
Corporate Propaganda Still On the News - kdawson 210 mofomojo writes,

"Democracy Now! reports that a new study by the Center for Media and Democracy says Americans are still being shown corporate public relations videos disguised as news reports on newscasts across the country. In April, the Center identified 77 stations using Video News Releases in their newscasts; the findings led to an investigation by the Federal Communications Commission. A followup study has found that 10 of those stations are still airing VNRs today, for a new total of 46 stations in 22 states." From the article: "Most of the VNRs have aired on stations owned by large media conglomerates such as News Corp., Tribune + Disney. They've also been sponsored by some of the country's biggest corporations including General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline + Allstate Insurance."
How To Build a Web Spider On Linux - kdawson 88 IdaAshley writes,

"Web spiders are software agents that traverse the Internet gathering, filtering + potentially aggregating information for a user. This article shows you how to build spiders and scrapers for Linux to crawl a Web site and gather information, stock data, in this case. Using common scripting languages and their collection of Web modules, you can easily develop Web spiders."
RFID Tech Infiltrating a British Institution - kdawson 25+ ,

"According to, Marks & Spencer — a department store as quintessentially British as tea & cake — is so pleased with its trial of RFID clothes-tagging that it's planning to roll it out nationwide. Considering that the UK's Information Commissioner recently made a lot of noise around the RFID track and trace tech, warning that Britain is 'sleepwalking into a surveillance society', Marks & Sparks seems to be setting itself up as a tweed-clad Public Enemy Number One."
Global Warming Debunker Debunked - kdawson 126+
Earlier this month we ran an article linking Christopher Monckton's attempt to to discredit global warming. The submitter asked plaintively, "Can anyone out there go through this piece and tell me why it might be wrong?" George Monbiot has now done so. From the article: "This is a dazzling debunking of climate change science. It is also wildly wrong... In keeping with most of the articles about climate change in [the Sunday Telegraph], it is a mixture of cherry-picking, downright misrepresentation + pseudo-scientific gibberish. But it has the virtue of being incomprehensible to anyone who is not an atmospheric physicist... As for James Hansen, he did not tell the US Congress that temperatures would rise by 0.3C by the end of the past century. He presented three possible scenarios to the US Senate — high, medium + low. Both the high and low scenarios, he explained, were unlikely to materialise. The middle one was 'the most plausible.' As it happens, the middle scenario was almost exactly right. He did not claim, under any scenario, that sea levels would rise by several feet by 2000." And on the political front, the only major ally for Pres. Bush's stand on global warming, Australia's Prime Minister John Howard, is now willing to look at carbon trading.

100 Gbps Via Ethernet - kdawson 69+ Doc Ruby writes,

"As reported at GigaOM, 'Infinera has bonded 10 parallel 10 Gb/s channels into one logical flow while maintaining packet ordering at the receiver,' bridging 100-Gbps ethernet over 10 10-Gbps optical WAN links. Infinera's press release is here. Further from GigaOM: 'The experimental system was set up between Tampa, Florida and Houston, Texas + back again. A 100 GbE signal was spliced into ten 10 Gb/s streams using an Infinera-proposed specification for 100GbE across multiple links. The splicing of the signal is based on a packet-reordering algorithm developed at [UC] Santa Cruz. This algorithm preserves packet order even as individual flows are striped across multiple wavelengths.' We're all going to want our share of these 100Gbps networks. The current network retailers, mainly cable and DSL dealers, still haven't brought even 10Mbps to most homes, though they're now bringing fiber to the premises to some rich/lucky customers. Are they laying fiber that will bring them to Tbps, or will that stuff clog the way to getting these speeds ourselves?" Rumors say that what runs over Verizon's FiOS is ATM, to support their aspirations for triple-play.
VR Cures Amputees' Phantom Limb Pain - kdawson 54+ ,

"Scientists have developed a virtual world like Second Life where real-life amputees have their limbs restored. The experience can cure patients of the perception of pain in their missing limbs. From the article: 'The machine is designed to combat phantom limb pain (PLP) — a sensation of pain experienced by an amputee that appears to originate in the missing limb. Intriguingly, researchers have discovered that if a person's brain can be tricked into believing they can see and move a "phantom limb," this motion reduces the perception of pain in PLP.' The graphics used by the computer look very crude, almost comically so, but apparently the system works."
Biggest IT Disaster Ever? - kdawson 205+ lizzyben writes,

"Baseline has a major story about a major IT disaster in the UK: 'In 2002, the English government embarked on a $12 billion effort to transform its health-care system with information technology. But the country's oversight agency now puts that figure at $24 billion + two Members of Parliament say the project is "sleepwalking toward disaster"... In scale, the project... (NPfIT) is overwhelming. Initiated in 2002, the NPfIT is a 10-year project to build new computer systems that would connect more than 100,000 doctors, 380,000 nurses and 50,000 other health-care professionals; allow for the electronic storage and retrieval of patient medical records; permit patients to set up appointments via their computers; and let doctors electronically transmit prescriptions to local pharmacies.'" An Infoworld article from earlier this year sketches some of the all-time greatest IT meltdowns.
Kongo: Kabila gewinnt Präsidentschaftswahl
15.Nov.2006 Irak- Politik: US- Demokraten erhöhen Druck auf Bush

15.Nov.2006 Richtlinie verabschiedet: EU- Parlament öffnet den Markt für Dienstleistungen

15.Nov.2006 Plastinarium: Leichenwerkstatt öffnet in Brandenburg
15.Nov.2006 Euronext und Banken- Pläne: Börsen- Revolution bedroht Finanzplatz Frankfurt
15.Nov.2006 Berlin: Kiez- Keilerei - schwere Vorwürfe gegen Polizei
15.Nov.2006 Terroralarm im Pazifik: FBI warnte vor geplanter Flugschule eines Deutschen auf Kiribati
15.Nov.2006 Korruptionsvorwürfe: Rüstungsdeal mit Tansania bringt Blair in Bedrängnis
15.Nov.2006 Schadenersatz- Prozess: Airline schmeißt Passagier wegen Körpergeruch raus
Untreue- Verdacht: Siemens spricht von Millionen- Schaden

15.Nov.2006 Neuseeland: Antarktis- Eisberge gefährden Fischerboote
15.Nov.2006 Stromausfall: E.on glaubt an menschliches Versagen
Uno- Untersuchung: Somalische Islamisten unterstützten Hisbollah im Libanon- Krieg

15.Nov.2006 Antarktis- Mission: Flug ins ewige Eis

15.Nov.2006 Seebeben: Tsunami trifft Japan - bislang keine Schäden

15.Nov.2006 Airline- Fusion: US Airways will insolvente Delta kaufen

15.Nov.2006 Sicherheitslage in Deutschland: Polizei kritisiert "Wohlfühlbericht"
15.Nov.2006 Weißbuch zur Sicherheitspolitik: Aachener Friedenspreis- Verein erstattet Anzeige gegen Merkel und Jung

15.Nov.2006 Klimakonferenz: Annan fordert globale CO2- Steuer
15.Nov.2006 Pazifik: Starkes Seebeben - Tsunami- Warnung für Japan
15.Nov.2006 Fummeln im Flugzeug: Liebespaar drohen 20 Jahre Haft
15.Nov.2006 Klage: Gericht soll US- Regierung zu Klimastudien zwingen
Untreue- Verdacht: Fahnder durchsuchen Siemens- Büros

15.Nov.2006 Massenentführung: Verwirrung um Geiselfreilassung

15.Nov.2006 Betteln im Kanzleramt: G8- Gipfel stürzt Mecklenburg- Vorpommern in Finanznot

15.Nov.2006 Umfrage: Deutsche kennen das Kabinett kaum
15.Nov.2006 Kriminalität: Zypries hält Deutschland für sicher
15.Nov.2006 Weltkonjunktur 2007: Wer gewinnt, wer verliert

15.Nov.2006 Euronext- Übernahme: Deutsche Börse gibt auf

15.Nov.2006 Öko- Boom: Sex, Drugs and Bio- Slips

15.Nov.2006 Iran versus USA: Der Polit- Poker der Mullahs
15.Nov.2006 TV- Sender: Al- Dschasira jetzt weltweit und auf Englisch
15.Nov.2006 Finanzamt: Auch Steuergewerkschaft fordert mehr Druck auf Millionäre
15.Nov.2006 Konkurrenz: Banken wollen eigene Börse gründen

15.Nov.2006 Strategiewechsel: Blair fordert von Bush aktivere Nahost- Politik
15.Nov.2006 Nahost- Konflikt: Palästinenser- Rakete tötet Israelin
CIA- Affäre: Cheney beantragt Verfahrenseinstellung
Unfall- Simulation: Schockwellen im Hirn
15.Nov.2006 14. NOVEMBER 2006 US- Börse: Dow knackt den nächsten Rekord
14.Nov.2006 Morgellons: Real or a state of mind?  While its sufferers describe wild symptoms of the diease, many doctors doubt it exists. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 "And I know, with certainty, that over time the contributions you've made will be recorded by history."

That's it. That's all he has to say about Bush's competence. Rumsfeld never states that Bush acted correctly -- he merely hints that, one of these days, historians will discover what really happened.
Perhaps the outgoing Secretary of Defense did his own version of the Billy Wilder sidestep.

Doesn't "the contributions you've made will be recorded by history" sound an awful lot like "you've made THE Greatest Show on Earth"? Permalink
14.Nov.2006 What did Rumsfeld really mean...? Over 50 years ago, Billy Wilder attended the premiere of C.B. DeMille's The Greatest Show on Earth . Wilder hated the film but liked DeMille personally. He had to say something nice without lying. "C.B.," he grandly announced, "you have indeed made THE Greatest Show on Earth."
Saying one thing while meaning another is an art as old as speech itself. Donald Rumsfeld, infamous for his hermetic pronouncements, may have practiced that art on the occasion of his "resignation." You've no doubt heard or read the words already, but
take another look: The great respect that I have for your leadership, Mr. President, in this little understood, unfamiliar war, the first war of the 21st century -- it is not well-known, it was not well-understood, it is complex for people to comprehend. And I know, with certainty, that over time the contributions you've made will be recorded by history.
I must say that it's been the highest honor of my life to serve with the talented men and women of the Department of Defense, the amazing men and women -- young men and women in uniform. It's a privilege. If you listen to the voice as he delivers this speech, you'll note that he speaks forthrightly and emotionally when praising those "talented men and women" of the DOD. But when he addresses Bush, his voice sounds odd. He never really finishes the sentence that begins with "The great respect I have for your leadership." The sentence makes no grammatical sense; it's as though he could not bear to finish the thought.

14.Nov.2006 Ride On! Joseph I had the same reaction to those "post election"quixotic remarks. A totally vacuous series of half thoughts and unsentences that allows us to project anything we want into the black grammatical holes..and we will..if there is a future to behold.
Either the secret government that has been running this country for lo fifty years or more, has a series of gruesome and spactacular traumas planned ahead for us..or, miracle of miracles, "we the people" are reaching enough of a critical mass of enlightenment, that we will finally take control of the reins of this runaway stagecoach just in time before it goes over the cliff of Mount our collective fantasies crowding together in this common dream we can now call, The Greatest Story Ever Told.
Another bit of news to gladden the cockles of all our collective hearts is that Thomas Pynchon has published another masterpiece of phantasmagoria, aptly named, "Against the Day". This massive (thousand pages or so), missal, will take us all (that read it, ) on another dunpster dive into the collective troubled but awesome subconscious of America, where we can fish around again for lost national treasures and secrets, closely guarded by Leviathan and his consorts.
see here and here for those unaware of the most brilliant rider of our fiction mobile, we see madly careening around every street corner in every city and town in the United States today.

HHyperbole yes..genius yes..fiction ??? Whatever we want to project on his massive metapysical screen we will. / /
Happy Trails
# posted by Anonymous


Am selben Tag diskutierte über 6000 Kilometer weiter nördlich der Träger des alternativen Nobelpreises, Michael Succow aus Greifswald, mit Kollegen über Moore als Klimafaktor. Zuvor hatte sein Kollege Martin Jenssen vom Waldkunde-Institut in Eberswalde über "Klimawandel und Waldentwicklung" gesprochen. Die Konferenz des Postdamer Instituts für Klimafolgenwandel (PIK) ging der Frage nach, was Biosphärenreservate für den Klimaschutz tun können.

Vegetation wandelt Kohlendioxid in Sauerstoff um. Pflanzen binden Kohlenstoff und entziehen der Atmosphäre das Gas, das, im Übermaß vom Menschen freigesetzt, den Treibhauseffekt verursacht. Was läge da näher als eine weltweite Aufforstung als Antwort auf die Erderwärmung?

Der romantische Begrünungsgedanke, der sich nicht zuletzt in Maathais Unep-Initiative widerspiegelt, mag erhebliche Werbewirkung haben. Doch Forscher wissen: Gärtnern wird den Planeten nicht retten. Es stehen nicht nur zu wenige Bäume auf dem Planeten - "ganze Ökosysteme funktionieren nicht mehr als Speicher", sagte der Ökologe Succow.

"Moore sind wahre Kohlenstoffbomben"

Nur Aufforsten genügt bei weitem nicht - die Menschen müssten wieder lernen, intakte Ökosysteme zu fördern und sich klimaverträglich zu verhalten, so der Tenor der Experten bei der Potsdamer Konferenz. Hehre Ziele, doch Carlo Jaeger, Ökonom an der Universität Potsdam und am PIK, wies auf ein Dilemma hin: Wirtschaftliche Dynamik und die Globalisierung führten zur "Auflösung zivilen Bürgergefühls" und zum "Verlust sozialer Netze". Mithin sei es "sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass so etwas wie globales kollektives Handeln möglich wird".

"Man braucht Orte, um Visionen umzusetzen", sagte Klaus Jarmatz vom Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee bei Zarrentin. Er zählte auf, was Klimaschutz im Kleinen bedeutet: In dem Gebiet in Westmecklenburg habe man Wiesen wieder geflutet, um die Moorbildung zu fördern. Tausend Hektar Wald seien aus der Nutzung genommen worden, "um ihn wieder alt werden zu lassen". Wasserläufe würden aus ihren geraden Kanälen befreit. "Das sind alles Lerneffekte, die zwangsläufig zum Klimaschutz führen", sagte Jarmatz.

Erfolgsfaktor Bürgerbeteiligung

"Früher hätte man sich mit den ganzen Leuten vor Gericht getroffen", sagte Jarmatz.

"Der Eigentumsschutz ist in Deutschland sehr stark." Heute würden die Anwohner eingebunden - etwa als Paten für die Renaturierung des Flusses Schilde und zweier Moore.

Eine Untersuchung der Berliner Humboldt-Universität hat belegt, dass tatsächlich die Integration von Anwohnern der Schlüsselfaktor für den Erfolg von Schutzgebieten ist. Rund 400 Unesco-Biosphärenreservate gibt es in allen Vegetationszonen der Erde. Der wichtigster Erfolgsfaktor ist, zunächst Verantwortungsgefühl bei der lokalen Bevölkerung zu erzeugen, fand das Team der Geografin Susanne Stoll-Kleemann im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts "Governance of Biodiversity" heraus. Danach solle man das wirtschaftliche Interesse fördern. Die Zeit der "fines und fences", der Strafen und Zäune, die klassische Naturschutzprojekte gekennzeichnet haben, sei vorbei, sagte Monika Bertzky aus dem Forschungsteam zu SPIEGEL ONLINE.

"Wir müssen die Landschaft wieder zu dem Speicher machen, der sie immer war und modellhaft ihre Reparaturmechanismen wiederherstellen", sagte Jarmatz. "Das geht aber nur, wenn die Menschen wieder stolz darauf sind, eine funktionstüchtige Landschaft zu haben." Alternativ-Nobelpreisträger Succow mahnte: "Es geht heute darum, die Natur - die Funktionstüchtigkeit der Ökosysteme - zu erhalten oder wiederherzustellen. Und das nicht um der Natur, sondern um unserer selbst willen."
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14.Nov.2006 Pravda.RU Russians will soon consume as much beer as Americans and British
... soon consume as much beer as Americans and British. Beer consumption in Russia will rise steadily according to ...

Mr Vesely predicted that ' beer consumption will soon rise to 80 litres ...
Food Consumption, Prices + Expenditures, 1970-97
Publications. Food Consumption, Prices + Expenditures, 1970-97. By Judith Jones Putnam and Jane E. Allshouse. Statistical Bulletin No. 965. 196 pp,

00.Apr.1999 ... Japan -Mexico -North America - Russia & FSU -South America ... historical data on food consumption, prices + expenditures by ... dealing with food consumption trends, from changes in 14.Nov.2006 Tony Cliff: Nature of Stalinist Russia (Chap.4a)
Tony Cliff: The Nature of Stalinist Russia (4. Russia's transformation from a workers' state to a capitalist state - parts 1-5) ... Subordination of consumption to accumulation – subordination of the workers to ... 3.4. 41.2. Beer . Pints. 14.4 ...

Energiekonzern: Gasprom greift auf den italienischen Markt

14.Nov.2006 Kongo: Präsidentschaftskandidat Bemba lehnt Wahlergebnis ab
14.Nov.2006 Labor fürs Naturnahe: Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee

14.Nov.2006 Fast Food in Großbritannien: Burger King verzichtet auf Werbung für Kinder

14.Nov.2006 Atomstreit: Iran will Zehntausende Zentrifugen für Urananreicherung einrichten

14.Nov.2006 Kunstschatz: Gemälde von Fra Angelico entdeckt
14.Nov.2006 Vodafone: Milliarden- Verlust wegen Wertberichtigung
Flugzeug- Projekt: Passagiere sollen über den Wolken duschen können

14.Nov.2006 Billigfluglinie: EasyJet baut nach Riesengewinn Airbus- Flotte aus
14.Nov.2006 Produktpiraterie: Zöllner vermasseln Millionengeschäft der Markenfälscher- Mafia
14.Nov.2006 Falschparker: Kampf gegen Strafzettel kostet mehr als 13.000 Euro

14.Nov.2006 Polen: Kaczynski fordert EU- Sanktionen gegen Russland
14.Nov.2006 Unterwasserfund: Antike Fischsauce im Schiffswrack
Hochstimmung an der Börse: Dax klettert auf Mehrjahreshoch
14.Nov.2006 Grüner Planet: Der Wald kommt zurück - in den reichen Ländern

14.Nov.2006 Lücke im Gesetzentwurf: Stromerzeuger können beim Klimaschutz tricksen
14.Nov.2006 Treibhausgas: Biotope gegen den Hitzekollaps

14.Nov.2006 Großbritannien: Satelliten sollen Sexverbrecher verfolgen

14.Nov.2006 Kunstraub: Goya- Gemälde in USA verschwunden

14.Nov.2006 Hunsrück: Unbekannte stehlen einen Wald
14.Nov.2006 Präsidentschafts- Kandidaten: Giuliani zieht es ins Weiße Haus
14.Nov.2006 Irak: US- Soldaten töten Dutzende Zivilisten

14.Nov.2006 Antarktis: Japan will über 800 Wale töten
14.Nov.2006 Biggest IT Disaster Ever? - kdawson 71 lizzyben writes,

"Baseline has a major story about a major IT disaster in the UK: 'In 2002, the English government embarked on a $12 billion effort to transform its health-care system with information technology. But the country's oversight agency now puts that figure at $24 billion + two Members of Parliament say the project is "sleepwalking toward disaster"... In scale, the project... (NPfIT) is overwhelming. Initiated in 2002, the NPfIT is a 10-year project to build new computer systems that would connect more than 100,000 doctors, 380,000 nurses and 50,000 other health-care professionals; allow for the electronic storage and retrieval of patient medical records; permit patients to set up appointments via their computers; and let doctors electronically transmit prescriptions to local pharmacies.'" An Infoworld article from earlier this year sketches some of the all-time greatest IT meltdowns.
Hamburger Hafen: Weltgrößter Coup gegen Markenpiraten - 117 Container sichergestellt

14.Nov.2006 Qaida und die Bombe: Nuklear- Enzyklopädie im Internet
14.Nov.2006 Zukunft der Linkspartei: Die Lautsprecher der Unterschicht
53rd. - Judd -  That rank of the United State’s climate policies among the 56 countries that contribute at least 1% of the world’s greenhouse gases, as determined by the enviornmental group Germanwatch. “Only China, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia” rank lower.
14.Nov.2006 Former President Bush Blames ‘Bloggers’ for ‘Ugly’ Political Climate - Faiz 

Last night on Fox News, former President George H.W. Bush said the current political climate has “gotten so adversarial that it’s ugly.” Asked to offer an explanation for why there is this “incivility,” Bush pinned the blame on bloggers. “It’s probably a little worse now given electronic media and the bloggers and all these kinds of things,” he said. Watch it:

Also, Bush revealed that he enjoys using “the email” but lamented that his son, President George W. Bush, cannot for fear that the emails would get subpoenaed. Bush worried that presidents who used email would be forced to prove “that you were telling the truth and all this stuff.”

Bush_Blames_Bloggers_for_Ugly_Political_Climate">Digg It! Transcript:

GRETA: You are a letter writer. Tons of letters.

H.W. BUSH: Not anymore. Because now I use the email. And the computer. And I find that I don’t do near as much writing as I used to, letters as I used to. I don’t save them. And I am worried about that a little bit not that I have that much more to say, but I think it’s too bad in a way that email will detract from the historical record of presidents. I don’t think that the President Bush uses email.

BARBARA BUSH: He doesn’t.

H.W. BUSH: You worry about it. People are going to subpoena the email records and we are going to, you know, you’ve gotta prove that you were telling the truth and all this stuff. I mean, it’s gotten so adversarial that it’s ugly.

GRETA: Why do you think it’s gotten so adversarial? Tonight is literacy. Everybody comes in from all different sides and wants to help. It seems like oftentimes in Washington, you know, on something we all want to work towards it’s not necessarily so civilized. It’s not so pleasant.

H.W. BUSH: It’s true but that’s not new really. I mean, you go back in history and you’ll find that there was always adversarial politics. There was always gut fighting. And it’s probably a little worse now given the electronic media and the bloggers and all these kinds of things. But I don’t despair about it. I think things — there is a pendulum at work at times so you swing away from the incivility back to more normal climate.
Senate Democrats elect their leadership. - Nico  Steve Clemons has the full roster. Senate Republicans hold their leadership elections tomorrow.
14.Nov.2006 Cornyn Joins McCain, Calls for Sending More U.S. Troops to Iraq - Payson 

This morning on Fox News, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) was asked what he thought of Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) idea to raise the number of troops in Iraq. (McCain has said he’d like to have “another 20,000 troops in Iraq.”) “I think Senator McCain is on to something,” Cornyn said, adding that an “overwhelming” show of force “could restore some basic semblance of order” to Iraq.

Watch it:

Increasing troop levels is a bad idea. First, we do not have the troops to send. Any attempt to send more troops to Iraq would, “at the moment, threaten to break our nation’s all-volunteer Army and undermine our national security.” Second, a greater U.S. troops presence “risks further stoking the flames of the insurgency by feeding perceptions of long-term U.S. occupation among many Iraqis.”

Notably, the McCain-Lieberman-Cornyn position has virtually no public support: only 8 % of Americans support sending more troops to Iraq.


CARLSON: We have so many varying opinions. You have Senator McCain saying, kind of by himself, that we actually need more troops over there. You have Senator Levin, incoming chair of the Armed Services Committee, talking about that phase-out within four to six months. What do you think the study group’s going to say?

CORNYN: I’m not sure what they’re going to say. They’ll report in December. But I think Senator McCain is on to something. I think what we need to do is to clear and hold areas now dominated by the militias and insurgents in Iraq. And perhaps if we did it in an overwhelming sort of way, quickly, we could restore some basic semblance of order which would allow confidence to be gained in the Iraqi government and convince them now is the time to go forward with political solutions.
Abortions have increased illegal immigration. - Nico 

“A new report from a Republican-led Missouri House committee argues that illegal immigration is partly the result of abortion and a ‘welfare culture,’” the Kansas City Star reports. The six state Representatives who refused to back the report called the abortion claim “ridiculous,” “embarrassing” and “a little delusional.”
14.Nov.2006 Fox News Guest: U.S. Troops Constantly Watch Fox News Because ‘They Want to Be Supported’ - Judd 

Yesterday, Fox’s Neil Cavuto asked radio talk show host Michael Smerconish if U.S. troops in Iraq had “tired of this war and the directionless nature of it.” Smerconish hasn’t actually been to Iraq, but was “all over the place in the CentCom region,” including Bahrain, Kuwait + Djibouti.

Nevertheless, Smerconish answered by reporting that “Fox News was everywhere because the perception is that Fox News is supportive of the troops. They want to be supported.” Watch it: Digg It!

Full transcript below:

CAVUTO: A number of Democrats have been saying a lot of our troops have tired of this war and the directionless nature of it. I think I’m paraphrasing. Is that true?

SMERCONSISH: It’s hard for me to speak for the troops. I can tell you this. I was in Bahrain, I was in Kuwait, I was in Djibouti, I was all over the place in the CentCom region. Fox News was everywhere because the perception is that Fox News is supportive of the troops. They want to be supported.
November 14, 2006 - Think Progress 

Following a meeting with members of the Iraq Study Group yesterday, the White House said it would reject proposals for a phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq as lacking specifics or “meat on the bones.” Without committing to accepting the commission’s recommendations, Bush said, “I’m not sure what the report is going to say. I’m looking forward to seeing it.”

“Immigrants arrested in the United States may be held indefinitely on suspicion of terrorism and may not challenge their imprisonment in civilian courts, the Bush administration said Monday, opening a new legal front in the fight over the rights of detainees.”

Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), who “was forced to step down as Senate majority leader in 2002 after comments he made at former Sen. Strom Thurmond’s (R-SC) birthday party touched off a racially charged controversy,” last night “formally declared his bid for minority whip.”

Up to 150 people were abducted yesterday from a government research institute in downtown Baghdad, “the largest mass abduction since the start of the U.S. occupation.” Iraq’s higher education minister has ordered all universities closed.

15.6 %. Unemployment rate for veterans age 20-24, compared to an 8.7 % unemployment rate for non-veterans.

A recent study found that the Bush administration’s faith-based initiative is reaching few black churches in New Jersey because it is not well publicized, churches are wary of federal involvement + smaller congregations lack the resources to apply for funding, local pastors say. The results echo a study which found similar results nationwide.

“Top Air Force leadership in Washington is increasingly concerned about the Army using Air Force personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan for tasks traditionally performed by the infantry.” The “airmen’s non-traditional duties include operations such as convoys, interrogations and military policing.”

Chad has declared a state of emergency, as a result of at least 300 people being killed this month, in violence between Arabs and black Africans. “Chad accuses Sudan of exporting the Darfur conflict, while Sudan accuses Chad of backing Darfur’s rebels.”

And finally: In Poland, an election official who “had argued with her colleagues over alleged irregularities” decided to protest by grabbing “a pile of unused ballots and lock[ing] herself in a toilet cubicle .” Police eventually convinced her to “end her protest and return the ballot papers.”
14.Nov.2006 China hospital 'cleared' on death An official investigation clears a hospital in southern China over the death of a young boy, which triggered protests.
14.Nov.2006 Roman ship thrills archaeologists A Roman ship, wrecked off the coast of Spain in the 1st Century AD, reveals a wealth of historical treasures.
14.Nov.2006 Iran wants US to change Iran's president says that his country is willing to enter into a dialogue with the US if it changes its attitude.
14.Nov.2006 Germany tries 'Holocaust denier' A chemist goes on trial in Germany, accused of denying the Holocaust and defaming the memory of the dead.
14.Nov.2006 Hamas: No recognition of Israel The Palestinian government will not agree to international demands to recognise Israel, Hamas says.
14.Nov.2006 Goya masterpiece stolen A painting by Spanish master Goya is stolen while en route across the US, two museums announce.
14.Nov.2006 Bemba rejects DR Congo poll loss Supporters of ex-DR Congo's Jean-Pierre Bemba reject results showing he is set to lose a presidential run-off.
14.Nov.2006 'Toxic waste' prisoners attacked Two officials for the firm accused of sending toxic waste to Ivory Coast are attacked in jail, the company says.
14.Nov.2006 Rivals 'agree new Palestinian PM' Hamas and Fatah reportedly agree a new prime minister, Muhammad Shbeir, as they discuss a unity government.
14.Nov.2006 Big fall in US wholesale prices Core US wholesale inflation sees its biggest monthly fall in 13 years, helped by big price cuts by carmakers.
14.Nov.2006 Marbella fraud probe intensifies More officials are arrested in a major Spanish corruption scandal involving property in Marbella.
14.Nov.2006 EU clears Suez-GDF merger EU regulators clear a merger between French energy firms Suez and GDF, on condition that they sell Belgian units.
14.Nov.2006 Refugees cut off by Kenya floods Camps housing Somali refugees in eastern Kenya are cut off after severe flooding.
14.Nov.2006 Russian oil fund chief shot dead The head of a Russian oil industry consultancy is shot dead in Moscow in an apparent contract killing.
14.Nov.2006 Eurozone economic growth slows Eurozone economic growth slowed more than expected in the three months to the end of September, the latest figures show.
14.Nov.2006 Election '08: Vote by TiVo Proponents say elections will run smoother and be more inclusive when citizens vote over the internet, ideally from a hacker-proof set-top box in their living rooms. Critics howl there's no way that can be secure. By Keith Axline.
14.Nov.2006 Seeking a Call on Secret Law Civil liberties maverick John Gilmore gets help from media organizations in his bid to have the Supreme Court rule that the government must publish its ID-or-extra screening airport rule. The feds say publishing the rule would help terrorists. In 27B Stroke 6.
14.Nov.2006 Holy Latrine, Biblical Parasites A recent excavation of the toilet used by the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls reveals that ritually prescribed hygiene might have killed them off. In Bodyhack.
14.Nov.2006 Marks & Spencer extends RFID tagging in stores U.K. retailer will expand use of the technology tagging clothing, aiming to improve the accuracy of its stock.
14.Nov.2006 NetCoalition files complaint over NYSE data fee hikes Public-policy group says sites are starting to halt real-time stock data displays because of new pricing regulations.
14.Nov.2006 Tech asks departing Republicans for favors Tech lobbyists are mounting a last-minute campaign to press the waning days of a Republican Congress for action.
14.Nov.2006 The Moon's Magnetic Umbrellas - Zonk 58 eldavojohn writes

"When it comes to space exploration, there are things that are good for humans (water) and things that are bad for humans (radiation). In order for exploration of the moon to occur, its lack of a global magnetic shield to block solar radiation must be addressed. Luckily, scientists have discovered that there are highly magnetized areas of the moon's crust that could shield settlements." From the article: "Current evidence suggests that impact-basin ejecta materials [material blasted out by huge asteroid or comet impacts] are the most likely sources of many or all of the magnetic fields ... These ejecta contain microscopic metallic iron particles that are the carriers of the magnetization."
The Web Is 16 Today - kdawson 222 GuNgA-DiN writes,

"Today marks the 16th anniversary of the World Wide Web. According to the timeline on the site: 'The first web page [was] Unfortunately CERN no longer supports the historical site. Note from this era too, the least recently modified web page we know of, last changed Tue, 13 Nov 1990 15:17:00 GMT (though the URI changed.)' A lot has happened in 16 years and this little 'baby' has grown into quite the teenager."
Scientists Find New Painkiller from Saliva - ScuttleMonkey 162+ dptalia writes

"Scientists have found a new pain killer based on human saliva. Apparently 1 gram of the new drug provides as much pain blocking as 3 grams of morphine. The drug blocks the breakdown of the body's natural pain killing mechanism. Scientists say the molecule is simple and synthesis is expected to be simple."
Singing Dolphins do Batman - ScuttleMonkey 130+
The results of two scientific studies have shown that dolphins are capable of recognizing rhythms and pitch and are able to reproduce them. In order to best demonstrate this ability the scientists chose the epic, Batman theme song and were able to teach a shortened version to the dolphins who reproduced it in response to certain stimuli.

Background Brief on the case against Rumsfeld, Gonzales and others. Filed in Germany... - sfux 
Executive Summary of the Complaint?s Allegations:
Center for constitutional rights From Donald Rumsfeld on down, the political and military leaders in charge of ordering, allowing and implementing abusive interrogation...

14.Nov.2006 Endlich: Rumsfeld in Karlsruhe angezeigt - sfux 
US-Menschenrechtler wollen den ehemaligen US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld und andere wegen Kriegsverbrechen vor ein deutsches Gericht bringen. Ihr Rechtsanwalt, der Berliner
Wolfgang Kaleck, teilte am Montag mit, Generalbundesanwältin Monika Harms...

14.Nov.2006 Congressman: American Concentration Camps "On The Books" - Paul Joseph Watson -Texas Representative urges repeal of neo-fascist laws in America before it is too late
14.Nov.2006 508: - Amanda  Number of U.S. servicemen and women who have returned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan having lost at least one limb.
14.Nov.2006 Blair splits with Bush on Iran/Syria. - Nico 

“The first cracks in the united front over Iraq between Tony Blair and President Bush appeared last night as the Prime Minister offered Iran and Syria the prospect of dialogue over the future of Iraq and the Middle East.” 14.Nov.2006 “I’m worried about bloggers,” - Think Progress 

says former New York Times reporter Judith Miller. “(A post) starts as a rumor and within 24 hours it’s repeated as fact.” Miller said blogs “don’t post corrections when they learn that what they have posted is wrong,” but added that she was “glad to welcome them as long as they agree to the standards.” When not helping blogs improve their correction standards, Miller peddled false intelligence from the White House and Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi that helped convince Americans that Iraq had WMD.
14.Nov.2006 Inhofe Attacks Children’s Book on Global Warming - Judd 

James Inhofe, the outgoing chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, is spending his last days in power attacking a children’s book on climate change. The book, published by the United Nations in March, is “based on the theme of climate change and on what children can do to mitigate effects of climate change.” Inhofe’s staff breathlessly notes, “The book features colorful drawings and large text to appeal to young children.”

Inhofe claims the book conveys inaccurate information about climate change to children. Actually, it’s Inhofe’s press release that’s inaccurate. Here’s an example:

“The morning after his dream, Tore sets out on a quest for knowledge about the dangers of catastrophic manmade global warming. A “snowy owl” informs Tore that “the planet’s heating up” and that both the Arctic and Antarctica “are warming almost twice as fast as elsewhere.” [EPW Note: The Arctic, according to the International Arctic Research Center was warmer during the 1930’s than today and both the journals Science and Nature have published studies recently finding — on balance — Antarctica is both cooling and gaining ice. ]

So, Inhofe claims Antarctica is gaining ice. There is only one study that examined all of the ice sheet on Antarctica. The study was published this March and, using NASA satellites, found, “The Antarctic ice sheet is losing as much as 36 cubic miles of ice a year.”

Some right-wing groups have used a study by Curt Davis to claim Antarctica is gaining ice. But Davis’ study only looked at the interior of the continent. Since global warming leads to more precipitation, increased snow on the interior of Antarctica is consistent with climate change. In June, Davis told ThinkProgress that using his study to claim Antarctica is gaining ice is “completely wrong.”

We could go on, but you get the idea.

This isn’t the first children’s book that Inhofe has attacked. He also smeared a book for children written by respected New York Times reporter Andy Revkin. Read Revikin’s response here.
14.Nov.2006 AUDIO: Richard Perle Insists That Saddam Had Ties To Al Qaeda Because He’s ‘Seen The Evidence’ - Amanda 

Yesterday, in an interview with NPR, Richard Perle, a prominent neoconservative and leading proponent for the war in Iraq, insisted that Saddam Hussein had ties to al Qaeda. He stated that anyone who believes otherwise is “simply wrong” because he’s “seen the evidence.” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

But the report by the Senate Intelligence Committee in September concluded that there was no relationship between Saddam and al Qaeda:

Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa’ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qa’ida to provide material or operational support. Debriefings of key leaders of the former Iraqi regime indicate that Saddam distrusted Islamic radicals in general + al Qa’ida in particular… Debriefings also indicate that Saddam issued a general order that Iraq should not deal with al Qa’ida. No postwar information suggests that the Iraqi regime attempted to facilitate a relationship with bin Ladin . (p. 105)

Perle is no longer a government official. There’s no way he saw any intelligence that the Senate Intelligence Committee didn’t.

Full transcript below:

ANDREA SEABROOK: Now the American public has just watched the years pass — three years and plus of this war — has watched the intelligence that said there were WMD in Iraq be discredited, has watched Saddam’s ties to terrorists be discredited, can you blame them for voting against this policy by voting out Republicans in large part?

RICHARD PERLE: Well, the intelligence about Saddam’s stockpiles appears certainly to have been wrong. I don’t believe it’s correct to say that his ties to terrorists have been discredited. There were numerous links between Iraqi intelligence and various terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda. Those have been documented. And I frequently hear people say that there’s no evidence. It’s simply wrong. I’ve seen the evidence.

SEABROOK: But much of that evidence — that I’ve heard other analysts say, on both sides of the aisle and from several different policy points of view — has in fact been discredited. Most people, it seems now, are saying that Saddam didn’t have any serious connection with terrorists.

PERLE: Well, I simply think that’s wrong. I’ve looked at the evidence and have come to a different conclusion.
Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) - Nico  will be named chairman of the Republican National Committee, replacing Ken Mehlman, according to CNN. Martinez will not give up his Senate seat.
Media Matters tells the tale of two covers: - Nico  Time’s ‘94 postelection cover touted “G.O.P. Stampede,” while its ‘06 cover asserts “the center is the new place to be.”
14.Nov.2006 33 % - Payson President Bush’s job approval rating, according to Gallup/USA Today - a level “hovering near the lowest” point of his presidency. 62 % of Americans disapprove of Bush’s job performance.
14.Nov.2006 Newsweek: 2006 Election Was ‘In No Uncertain Terms’ An Endorsement of Former President Bush - Nico 

Newsweek is the latest major media outlet to repeat the falsehood that the 2006 election was an endorsement of conservatism. The latest Newsweek cover story notes:

The American people, as politicians like to say, spoke last week - and spoke in no uncertain terms. The 2006 vote does not suggest an eagerness for a sharp left turn. It seems, rather, to be a plea for a shift from the hard right of the neoconservatives to the center represented by the old man in Houston [President George H. W. Bush].

The “centrist” ideas “represented” by former President Bush are actually progressive ideas put forward over a year ago. Media reports indicate that the James Baker-led Iraq Study Group will call for (1) a phased drawdown of U.S. troops from Iraq and (2) a diplomatic initiative to engage Iraq’s regional neighbors to help calm ethnic tensions. The Center for American Progress advanced these very steps over a year ago in its Strategic Redeployment plan.

It’s also worth noting that former President Bush publicly backed his son’s Iraq policy prior to the war. Two months before the invasion, Bush 41 said “someone needs to step forward to hold Saddam to account. And the United States, led by our president, is prepared to do just that.” True, some former Bush advisers have opposed the war since the beginning. Yet others, like Colin Powell, were among the most prominent public advocates.
14.Nov.2006 Natural chemical 'beats morphine' The human body produces a natural painkiller several times more potent than morphine, research suggests.
14.Nov.2006 Gunmen seize 100 at Iraq ministry Gunmen abduct more than 100 men from a research institute belonging to Iraq's higher education ministry.
14.Nov.2006 Rumsfeld faces German legal test A German lawsuit is launched against ex-US defence chief Donald Rumsfeld over alleged prisoner abuse.
4.Nov.2006 Study hopeful for world's forests A new technique for assessing the state of world forests shows the future may not be as bad as many fear.
14.Nov.2006 Iraq neighbours urged to change The US and UK say Iran and Syria could play a role in stabilising Iraq, but they must stop supporting terror first.
14.Nov.2006 Giuliani to launch presidency bid Former New York City Mayor Rudolf Giuliani is preparing to run for the US presidency in 2008, officials say.
14.Nov.2006 Australia signals carbon shift Australia's PM John Howard signals a major policy change by backing an international carbon trading scheme.
14.Nov.2006 S Asia rivals resume peace talks India and Pakistan begin their first talks since relations ground to a halt after the Mumbai bombings in July.
14.Nov.2006 Vietnam off US religion blacklist The US drops Vietnam from its list of countries violating religious freedom, but a trade bill is held up in Congress.
14.Nov.2006 Nigerian ex-governors on the run The two governors recently sacked in Plateau and Ekiti states are "wanted men", Nigeria's anti-corruption agency says.
14.Nov.2006 Venezuela opens Orinoco bridge Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Brazil's Lula da Silva open a $1.2bn bridge over the Orinoco River.
14.Nov.2006 Pagans fight grave symbol ban Pagans in the US demand the right to have their five-pointed symbol placed on military gravestones.
14.Nov.2006 Taiwan mayor quizzed over fund The mayor of Taiwan's capital Taipei is questioned over alleged misuse of funds - the latest in a series of scandals.
14.Nov.2006 Blair to address US Iraq inquiry Tony Blair is preparing to give evidence by video link to the US panel charged with finding new ways forward in Iraq.
14.Nov.2006 India and China row over border A spat over a disputed border breaks out between India and China days before a visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao.
14.Nov.2006 Japanese growth beats forecasts Japan's economy grew at an annualised rate of 2% in the July to September period, beating expectations.
14.Nov.2006 Red meat link to breast cancers Eating large amounts of red meat may double young women's breast cancer risk, a study suggests.
14.Nov.2006 Call for post-Kyoto climate deal The UK environment secretary calls for a global agreement on reducing greenhouse gases beyond the Kyoto Protocol.
14.Nov.2006 'No softening' on Iran and Syria UK policy on Iran and Syria has not softened, Number 10 says, despite Tony Blair's call for them to help with Iraq.
14.Nov.2006 Luther King memorial work begins US President George W Bush is among speakers at a ground-breaking ceremony for a memorial to Dr Martin Luther King.
14.Nov.2006 Bush cool on Iraq role for Iran The US president says Iran must end uranium enrichment or face isolation, despite calls for an Iranian role in Iraq.
Arabs 'to break Hamas aid freeze' Arab foreign ministers say they will break a Western-led ban on aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government.
14.Nov.2006 Election '08: Vote by Tivo Proponents say elections will run smoother and be more inclusive when citizens vote over the internet, ideally from a hacker-proof set-top box in their living rooms. Critics howl there's no way that can be secure. By Keith Axline.
14.Nov.2006 Forget Watch Lists, Find Weapons A new report says better weapons detection would more effectively foil terrorist attacks than passenger profiling. In 27B Stroke 6.
14.Nov.2006 Seaweed Curbs Stem Cell Tumors Australian scientists encapsulate stem cells in seaweed to prevent them from forming tumors. In Bodyhack.
14.Nov.2006 Arthur Sulzberger talks citizen journalism Video: Arthur Sulzberger talks citizen journalism. From the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco: Sulzberger, chairman of the New York Times company, gives his opinion on citizen journalism and where it fits in with today's media.
14.Nov.2006 RIAA President Decries Fair Use - kdawson 148 triskaidekaphile writes,

"Cary Sherman, president of the RIAA, has an editorial on CNet responding to the Consumer Electronics Association's support of the Digital Freedom campaign for fair use. Sherman proclaims, 'The fair use doctrine is in danger of losing its meaning and value.' Like a true spinner, he indicates that fair use is indeed important, then states 'Let's be clear. The CEA's primary concern is not consumers, but technology companies — often large, multinational corporations which, like us, strive to make a profit... But to seize the mantra of "consumer rights" to advance that business interest is simply disingenuous.' Slashdotters, trollers + pollsters one and all, what say you? Disingenuous or dissembling?"
Space Elevators Could Be Lethal - kdawson 147 Maggie McKee writes,

"A new study reports that passengers on space elevators of current design could be killed by radiation. Even traveling at 200 kilometers per hour, passengers would spend several days in the Van Allen radiation belts, long enough to kill them." Looks like the elevator scientists will get this one solved before liftoff.
TOP500 Supercomputer Sites For 2006 - kdawson 63 geaux writes to let us know about the

release of the 28th TOP500 List of the world's fastest supercomputers. From the article: "The IBM BlueGene/L system, installed at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, retains the No. 1 spot with a Linpack performance of 280.6 teraflops (trillions of calculations per second, or Tflop/s). The new No. 2 systems is Sandia National Laboratories' Cray Red Storm supercomputer, only the second system ever to be recorded to exceed the 100 Tflops/s mark with 101.4 Tflops/s... Slipping to No. 3 is the IBM eServer Blue Gene Solution system, installed at IBM's Thomas Watson Research Center, with 91.20 Tflops/s Linpack performance." You need over 6.6 Tflop/s to make it into the top 100.
Help Black Box Voting Examine ES&S Software - kdawson 132 - Gottesser writes,

"Bev Harris of Black Box Voting has asked for the help of the Slashdot community. She would like people to take a look at ES&S's central tabulator software and start reporting on their impressions of it. This is a past release of the software but it is similar to the applications in production. Sorry, no source code." Read on for Bev's request and pointers to the code repositories.
Staatsfinanzen: Rechnungshof rügt Nachsicht mit Einkommens- Millionären

14.Nov.2006 Überfall auf Ministerium: Über hundert Sunniten von Terroristen gekidnappt
14.Nov.2006 Wachstumserwartungen: ZEW- Index sinkt auf 13- Jahrestief
Antidiskriminierungsgesetz: Neue Goldgrube für Juristen
14.Nov.2006 Bundesverdienstkreuz: Ehrung für Biermann
14.Nov.2006 Irak: Jeder dritte Minister wird gefeuert

14.Nov.2006 Fahren und Sparen: Taxi- Kunden organisieren ihre Fahrten selber
14.Nov.2006 US- Fundamentalisten: Austauschschüler von christlichen Eiferern bedrängt
14.Nov.2006 Always ask the question: August 2005 I have never had a vasovagal response before.

Today was my first. ... had given the sales man her social security number and other pertinent information.
14.Nov.2006 Paperback Writer: November 2004

Ten minutes from the doc's office, my man starts to have a vasovagal attack. ... Because a vasovagal attack sometimes also looks like a heart attack, ...
Layout 1 - View as HTML
transit airports, as security at check-in is normally the responsibility of the ... most commonly reported incidents were vasovagal episodes (22% of the ...$FILE/Impactofflying.pdf

14.Nov.2006 Brad Hoc - (aka Brad Nauseam) The social issues that the Republicans cling to so dearly grate on me quite a ... I suffer from a dreadfully hilarious condition called vasovagal syncope ... /
14.Nov.2006 List of publications from CINTESIS members, grouped by main area ... - View as HTML
Causas de Índole Médica ou Social ?. .

1999; 6(3):153-9. [31] J.Freitas, F Tavarela Veloso, ... Síncope vasovagal maligna: um caso de assistolia prolongada ...
14.Nov.2006 One Crashed Right Into the Cuckoo's Nest: September 2005 (It's called a vasovagal episode - some of you may be familiar with it if you ...

Heck, I'll be surprised if he can remember his social security number.
This is called vasovagal syncope + is generally not indicative of underlying. disease. ...

At Pittsburgh’s new BioMedical Security Institute—an ambitious ...

Fragments From Floyd: March 2003 Archives Technically speaking, what I had experienced was vasovagal syncope, ...

As much a social gathering as musical, the Jamboree attracts visitors from all over ... /
Tupperware Cities Ailments rampant Wanderlust, Vasovagal Syncope, heart on sleeve ...

I had to go through a security checkpoint where all my things were sorted through;
CodeBlueBlog: Terri Schiavo R.I.P. Part III: The Brain Speaks

Medicare is in much worse shape than Social Security.

14.Nov.2006 FMCSA - Cardiovascular Advisory Panel Guidelines for the Medical ...

The person is under time, business or social pressure;

The Incidence of malignant vasovagal syndrome in patients with recurrent syncope.

14.Nov.2006 Bereaved child What is a vasovagal faint? What is 'hemihypertrophy'? ... into foster care implies that there were problems in the family or social circumstances and this, ...

8 Management of allergy, rashes + itching -- Langran and Laird ...

A vasovagal reaction, perhaps the commonest mimic of an anaphylactic episode, ... adverse social circumstances (lives alone, family unable to cope, etc)
14.Nov.2006 Preventing falls and harm from falls in older people
It may also result in social isolation and loss of freedom. ...

Vasovagal, due to fear, stress, or pain is due to a fall in peripheral vascular resistance ...

Resumes of Project Participants - View as HTML

On the Emergence of Complex Behavior in the Natural and Social Sciences”.

Identification of symptoms of vasovagal syncope and precursors to fainting ...
14.Nov.2006 2001 Guidance Document - View as HTML
The most recent social and mental health characteristics of the jurisdiction, ... Confidentiality, security + integrity of data and information; AND ...

responding to internal stimuli Human beings are, for better or for worse, social beings. We need to be around other people. ... Don't worry, I still get vasovagal when I see my own blood. /
14.Nov.2006 Commenter on "Truth Dig" Nail's Bush's History of Bizarre Behavior!

Meanwhile, Bush’s social modus operandi with other world leaders seems to boil down to ...

supposedly result from vasovagal syncope (choking on the pretzel
14.Nov.2006 Sun Moon Stars Rain my preliminary diagnosis is vasovagal syncope. ... Then you carry on about the war + spending and collapsing social security + the recession (predicted ...

Allegations that Tobias Bolanos International Airport's hangar 14 was operated ...

How did CIA respond to this information + how was this information shared ...

CIA-Contras -

What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of + when, involving Southern ...

00.Oct.1984 CIA began receiving reporting that Southern Front ..

20050331 Prado's, arms dealer Sarkis Garabed Soghanalian ...

Chamorro asserted while in ... felon John Mitchell + Sarkis Soghanalian, a Turkish-born Lebanese citizen ...

Central Intelligence Agency Inspector General Report of Investigation -- Allegations of Connections Between CIA ...

What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of + when, involving Southern ...

How did CIA respond to this information + how was this information shared ...
14.Nov.2006 USC Center on Public Diplomacy | John Brown's PD Review Published:

NOV 8, 2006 - 12:23PM PDT. John Brown's Public Diplomacy Review ... to withdraw from Iraq before the presidential election in 2008 .. 49

14.Nov.2006 USC Center on Public Diplomacy | John Brown's PD Review

Published: NOV 10, 2006 - 5:47PM PDT. John Brown's Public Diplomacy Review ... 49 . ... to withdraw from Iraq before the presidential election in 2008 .
14.Nov.2006by eyeswideopen (fairy_taletrash@ yahoo .com ) on Thu

20.Jul.2006 at 03:53:06 PM ...

And one of my ex -Army friends works there now. ...
14.Nov.2006 War pimp alert: 'Israel must prepare for full-scale war' "The challenge from Iran and Syria is now top of the Israeli defense agenda, higher than the Palestinian one," another official said.

14.Nov.2006 Bush Meets Israeli Leader, Warns Iran : President Bush says the world must speak with one voice about Iran's nuclear ambitions and that Tehran should realize its continued defiance will lead to sanctions

14.Nov.2006 Bush Calls For Isolation Of Iran : President Bush, responding to concerns Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert brought to the White House, called on Monday for worldwide isolation of Iran until it "gives up its nuclear ambitions."

14.Nov.2006 U.S. insists no direct talks with Iran : The United States reiterated on Monday that it will not hold direct talks with Iran, saying Tehran must first suspend sensitive nuclear activities.

14.Nov.2006 Call for 'good will' as Iranian nuclear negotiator meets Putin Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called for "good will" on all sides as President Vladimir Putin met Iran's top nuclear negotiator for talks on Tehran's controversial nuclear programme.

14.Nov.2006 Israel Detonated a Radioactive Bunker Buster Bomb in Lebanon: What kind of weapon leaves traces of radiation & produces such lethal & circumscribed consequences?

14.Nov.2006 Lebanon crisis as Hizbullah quits government: . "If our resignation doesn't lead to political gains then we will continue to use democratic means to overthrow this government," said Ghaleb Abu Zeinab, a senior Hizbullah politburo member.

14.Nov.2006 Robert Fisk : Lebanon faces new crisis after walkout by Hizbollah : What prompted this extraordinary crisis at a time when thousands of foreign troops are still pouring into Lebanon to secure a peace which looks ever more self-destructive by the day?

14.Nov.2006 Korea 'spurns ship search plan' : South Korea will not join a US-led scheme to stop and search suspicious North Korean ships, officials say

14.Nov.2006 U.S. arms sales overseas doubled in a year: Sales of military weapons by U.S. contractors to foreign governments doubled in the past year, as countries including Pakistan, Australia and Greece stepped up purchases of armaments and the U.S. government loosened policies to allow more American weapons to be sold on the world market.

14.Nov.2006 US 'must send inquest witnesses' : The US military's refusal to send witnesses to inquests of British troops killed in Iraq has been criticised by the constitutional affairs minister.

14.Nov.2006 BBC reopens Kelly case with new film: The corporation is filming a programme about the alleged suspicious circumstances surrounding Kelly’s death in an Oxfordshire wood.  

14.Nov.2006 Leahy aims at restoring habeas corpus: Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is expected to take over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee + The (Calif.) Daily Journal reports that Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.

14.Nov.2006 Pelosi Endorses Murtha as Next Majority Leader: House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) endorsed Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) yesterday as the next House majority leader, thereby stepping into a contentious intraparty fight between Murtha and her current deputy, Maryland's Steny H. Hoyer.

14.Nov.2006 Exclusive: U.S. 'Torture Taxis' Make Regular Stops in Las Vegas: This is the story of so called rendition planes, otherwise known as torture taxis. They are civilian aircraft often owned by companies suspected of being fronts for the CIA. The planes are used to travel abroad, kidnap suspects + take them to dark places at the ends of the earth, from which few ever return.

14.Nov.2006 ATF Raid Nets Militia Man, Weapons Rap: A machine gun that can fire 550 rounds a minute and assorted 9 mm Sten submachine guns are stored in the Washington County militia’s concrete and steel vault, according to information gathered from an interview conducted by The Morning News

14.Nov.2006 Humor: Rumsfeld? - Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh!
14.Nov.2006 Afghan conflict deaths quadruple: More than 3,700 people have died so far this year - about 1,000 of them civilians. The report also highlights corruption and says that alienation among the Afghan people is hampering those fighting the insurgency.

14.Nov.2006 Taliban insurgency gains strength and sophistication: The insurgency's high level of sophistication has aroused suspicions that Pakistan has quietly reactivated its old alliance through its powerful spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

14.Nov.2006 Post-Taliban Kabul blossoms for the rich : The owners of these mansions "are commanders, ministers. It makes me angry. These people use everything that isn't theirs and they ruin the houses of the poor people to build their homes," said Mohammed.

14.Nov.2006 'Taleban law' passed in Pakistan : Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has passed a bill setting up a Taleban-style department under a cleric to enforce Islamic morality.

14.Nov.2006 U.S.-educated professor to lead emerging Palestinian government: The rival Fatah and Hamas movements on Monday agreed on a candidate for prime minister of their emerging coalition government, turning to a U.S.-educated professor to end months of infighting and help lift a painful international aid boycott.

14.Nov.2006 Amira Hass : How a Beit Hanun family was destroyed : The light filtered in through the cloud of dust + she saw his blanket was covered by fragments of broken glass. She pulled it off and found him shaking. "You weren't hit," she said, urging him to run and join her other children, May, Rami and Fadi, who fled with her downstairs.

14.Nov.2006 Nobel winners petition Israel to outlaw targeted killing : Hundreds of Israeli peace activists, joined by three foreign Nobel laureates, asked the nation's high court to rule against targeted assassinations carried out by the army in the Palestinian territories, saying the attacks were killing civilians.

14.Nov.2006 The Democrats Don't Care: Screw the Palestinians, Full Steam Ahead

14.Nov.2006 Norman Finkelstein: Peace Not Apartheid - Jimmy Carter's Roadmap : Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East only when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law, with the Roadmap for Peace, with official American policy, with the wishes of a majority of its own citizens--and honors its own previous commitments--by accepting its legal borders.

14.Nov.2006 South Africa seen as model for Palestine: T he two-state solution remains attractive and comforting in its apparent simplicity and finality. But in reality, it has proved unattainable because neither Palestinians nor Israelis are willing to give up enough of the country that they love.
14.Nov.2006 Iraq reconstruction needs more than $100B: The civil reconstruction of Iraq will cost at least $100 billion, U.S. officials in Baghdad told Iraqi contractors who are vying for some of the work.

14.Nov.2006 Danish journalists on trial for publishing leaked intelligence reports on Iraq: The reports said there was no evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction during Saddam Hussein's rule — one of the main reasons behind the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

14.Nov.2006 In case you missed it: Message of the Iraqi Resistance to the American People: Propaganda or disinformation? You decide.

14.Nov.2006 Australia: Officials linked to AWB deals: AWB paid $290 million in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's regime between 1999 and 2003, most of which went through Alia, disguised as trucking fees.
14.Nov.2006 Are Democrats Turning A Blind Eye to Civil Liberty? -Paul Craig Roberts
Democrats are anxious to get on with their agendas and have shown no recognition that the first order of business is to repeal the legislation that permits torture, warrantless detention and domestic spying.

14.Nov.2006 “With Great Power…” -By Rick Banales
We must remind these people that until we have the 900-year-old principle of Habeas Corpus returned in this country – whole, undiluted, for citizen and non-citizen alike, we really do not live in America.

14.Nov.2006 Open Letter to Reps Pelosi and Conyers-We the People are Setting the Table Now-By Cindy Sheehan
We the people put the Democrats back into power because we want to see a change in this country and a rejection of politics as usual. We want politics as unusual. We want to see the issue of impeachment and a speedy and safe withdrawal of our troops from Iraq de-politicized and brought into the realm of "right and wrong" where these issues belong, not "right and left."

14.Nov.2006 Rumsfeld’s long walk into Political Oblivion -By Mike Whitney
Even after being forced to resign in utter disgrace, he still shows no sign of doubting his abilities as a military genius. His ego remains as impervious to criticism as tempered steel.

14.Nov.2006 Saddam Finale-By Said K. Aburish
What is good for America in Iraq is not necessarily good for Iraq. Controlling Iraq and using its strategic position, oil and status within the Arab-Muslim worlds is part of America’s plans and the weaker Iraq is through religious and ethnic divisions the easier it is to control.

14.Nov.2006 California man arrested for mail threats to celebs  The headline is a little misleading as he also sent envelopes with white powder to Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Charles Schumer. They're hardly celebrities.
The man's name is Chad Castagana and he's from Woodland Hills, California. And guess what? He's a right wing
nutjob. Big shock, I know. posted by Prof. Hex

14.Nov.2006 Toilet tied to tale of Dead Sea Scrolls  'Bioarchaeology' sheds light on earthy side of scriptural lore. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Renaissance masterpieces discovered in Oxford 

Two "lost" paintings by the Renaissance artist Fra Angelico have been discovered hanging behind a door in a modest two bedroom terraced house in Oxford. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Bill worries Chinese medical practitioners 

"Trying to get licensed under the new law would be more difficult than trying to go to heaven," Tran said in Cantonese. "The industry will be easily wiped out." posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Since You Asked  When did newspapers start running horoscopes? posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Everglades employ seven slithery secret agents 

Scientists battling to eradicate the giant pythons that have invaded the Everglades unleashed an experimental weapon Monday -- another giant python. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 First-century Roman shipwreck a dazzling find 

A shipwrecked first-century vessel carrying delicacies to the richest palates of the Roman Empire has proved a dazzling find, with nearly 2000-year-old fish bones still nestling inside clay jars. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 The Ancient Art Of Reflexology Relieves Pressure  The key to letting go of tension and restoring balance may be in your hands and feet. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Giant penis sculpture stirs up controversy at Taipei airport 

A giant wooden sculpture of a penis on display at Taipei's international airport has stirred up controversy among some foreign visitors and flight crew, who have demanded its removal. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians  Boing Boing's got them. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Nov.2006 Fake Anthrax Mailer Update 

Radar Online has some more info on the fake anthrax mailer including the FBI affidavit + the curious info that Castagana used the fake return addresses of William Shatner + Barry White .

Cannonfire has a few observations as well. posted by Prof. Hex at 8:18 AM

Soldiers' widows sue for pagan symbols on headstones  The widows of two combat veterans sued the government Monday for not allowing Wiccan symbols on their husbands' military headstones. posted by Prof. Hex

Im menschlichen Speichel stießen sie auf ein kleines Protein, das dieselbe Klasse von Eiweißen hemmt wie das Sialorphin der Ratten, schreiben Rougeot und ihre Kollegen im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences". Das Opiorphin, so die Bezeichnung für die Substanz, habe bei Versuchen mit Ratten Entzündungsschmerzen effektiv gelindert. Zudem hätten die mit Opiorphin behandelten Nager länger über Stahlnägel laufen können als nicht behandelte Artgenossen.

Eine Dosis von einem Milligramm je Kilogramm Körpergewicht habe bei den Nagern ebenso gewirkt wie 3 bis 6 Milligramm Morphium je Kilogramm, schreiben die Forscher.
Lieberman Threatens to Blackmail Democrats and Potentially Swing Republican. BuzzFlash Predicted He Would Declare Himself an "Independent," Since He Ran as One.
Bush Administration: Detainees have no rights
Sen. Feingold Would Have Made a Good President; Held 1,000th Town Hall Meeting Sunday -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis

14.Nov.2006 The Collected Idiocy of "Dumbass": He's Not Just Another American; He's Our President! -- A BuzzFlash Interview
Cast your vote on the news of the moment at!

14.Nov.2006 Baghdad's morgues so full, bodies being turned away 11/14
Tom Noe, GOP fundraiser, guilty in Ohio coin case; convicted of 29 of the 40 counts against him, including theft, corrupt activity, money laundering, forgery and tampering with records. The corrupt activity charge was the most serious, carrying a mandatory 10-year prison sentence. 11/14

14.Nov.2006 Comment and Vote on the Top News Stories! Submit Them too! This is a democracy, right?
Bush, searching for a new approach in Iraq, expressed little enthusiasm on Monday for seeking Syrian and Iranian help to calm Iraq as he also cautioned Democrats against quick U.S. troop reductions. 11/14

14.Nov.2006 wonder how many other Free Republic posters have a similar backstory?
Here's the kicker: One D.U. commenter indicates that Castagana may have written much of his Freeper material while in the Woodland Hills library (although the time stamps for some posts place them outside the hours of operation). During the first months of this blog's existence, I did much of my writing on public computers -- including the ones in that very library. I have yet to see video of Castagana; perhaps I'll recognise the face. What if we sat at adjoining desks...?
A grim thought. I hope I have served my cause my honorably than he served his.
14.Nov.2006 The terrorist next door The FBI has arrested one Chad Castagana, 39, on the charge of sending death threats and letters containing a white powder (obviously meant to be taken as anthrax) to various individuals, including Keith Olbermann, Nancy Pelosi, David Letterman and Jon Stewart.
A Democratic Underground poster nicknamed "morgan2" uncovered what I consider conclusive evidence that Castagana was a
frequent Free Republic poster, using the name Marc Costanzo. (Raw Story has more here.) A Daily Kos writer has uncovered another nomme-de-net, Jeff Costigan (see here). Castagana appears to be an electrician and a science fiction buff.
On Free Republic, Castagana/Costanzo often sung the praises of Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin + he displayed a worshipful attitude toward Katherine Harris, whom he considered highly attractive. Hispanics with poor English skills infuriated him. (I'm reminded of my great-grandfather, an Italian immigrant, who spent years in this country speaking irreparably broken English.) Castagana lives in Woodland Hills, California, a Los Angeles suburb where Spanish is not often heard.
He signed off one post by proclaiming himself
"a serial killer always."
He also may have offered public commentary on his own crimes. When Olbermann received fake anthrax, Castagana/Costanzo posted the following: Not to make light of the situation, but drama queen Olbermann put on quite a production even after he'd been told the powder was harmless and checked out by doctors and told he was fine. He demanded that he be rushed to the hospital for more tests. I wouldn't be even remotely surprised if he mailed it to himself. I've never seen someone more desperate for attention and approval. I heard from a liberal blog that Olbermann was a prima donna at the hospital, giving the medical staff and the cops a hard time. Keith is a whiny little b@tch! Accepting that, I do not believe he sent it to himself. But that is just guess work.

14.Nov.2006 A divided Congress might be best during the next two years.

If we don't get the impeachable goods on the Bushies -- and it now looks as though we may not -- we'll find it useful to have someone to blame. Permalink
14.Nov.2006 Medizin: Körpereigenes Schmerzmittel ist stärker als Morphium
Terror- Warnung: "Kein Zweifel, dass al Qaida nach der Atombombe strebt"
14.Nov.2006 Schweden: Atomreaktor nach Brand abgeschaltet
14.Nov.2006 Nahost: Blair fordert Strategiewechsel in der Irak- Politik

14.Nov.2006 Weltbankprognose 2006: Fast acht Prozent Wachstum in Asien
14.Nov.2006 Kreationisten- Museum: Disneyland für Schöpfungsgläubige

14.Nov.2006 Handelsbeziehungen: US- Abgeordnete stoppen Bushs Vietnam- Pläne
14.Nov.2006 Atomstreit: Iran treibt Urananreicherung voran
14.Nov.2006 13. NOVEMBER 2006 Mögliche Nebenwirkungen: Grippemittel soll Hinweis vor Halluzinationen tragen

14.Nov.2006 Blair- Vorschläge: Bush reagiert zurückhaltend