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29.Aug.2006 What is the definition of Paradoxical Behavior ?

[Web Answer] "War is not an answer to human conflict any more than cannibalism is to human hunger ...

Paradoxical behavior is often explainable by a hidden agenda. ·
Joseph, keep the faith. Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.
10.Feb.2003 Lies Father, Lies Son -updte-Remarks to the 2nd edition ...

" War is not an answer to human conflict any more than cannibalism is to human hunger.

Gulf War for the greatest show on earth, a monster ...

... into five categories: planning, general guidelines, use of presentations + briefings ... retired Major General Smith predicted General ...
29.Aug.2006 USA: Immer mehr Bürger ohne Krankenversicherung

29.Aug.2006 Libanon: Israel will Blockade fortsetzen
29.Aug.2006 Energieversorgung: Bis 2035 an Gasprom gebunden

29.Aug.2006 Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschad lehnt Uno- Ultimatum ab

29.Aug.2006 Abschwungsignal: US- Verbraucher verlieren die Zuversicht
29.Aug.2006 Kriegsangst: Hunderte Israelis wollen auswandern
29.Aug.2006 Statistik: Regierung beschließt neue Volkszählung
29.Aug.2006 Klimaschutz: EU- Kommission will niedrigeren CO2- Ausstoß erzwingen
29.Aug.2006 CO2- Ausstoß: EU- Kommission droht mit der Peitsche

29.Aug.2006 Zentralratspräsidentin Knobloch: "Absolute Anti- Stimmung gegen Juden"
29.Aug.2006 Europa: Frankreich fürchtet langsame Auflösung der EU
Libanon: Armee beschlagnahmt Hisbollah- Waffen

29.Aug.2006 Angst: Einsiedler im Kinderzimmer

29.Aug.2006 US- Golfküste: Kloake als Lebenselixier
29.Aug.2006 Consumer Confidence Drops to 9 Month Low
29.Aug.2006 JFK Conspirators: The Clint Murchison Meeting - Paul Joseph Watson -An interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown, now deceased, the mistress of LBJ for many years, conducted by Gaylon
Buchanan: Bush Responsible For Next Terror Attack If Borders Stay Open - Paul Joseph Watson War is the health of the state says best selling author as he warns of 'third world
Iran TV debate challenge to Bush Iran's President Ahmadinejad challenges US leader George W Bush to a live TV debate on world affairs.
29.Aug.2006 Will Americans join the Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians as neoconservative victims?
What explains the indifference of the Bush administration to the slaughter of civilians in Iraq, Lebanon + Gaza?

19.Jul-2006 -As of the morning of- Israeli bombardments of Lebanese civilian residential districts + public infrastructure have murdered 300 Lebanese, wounded 1,000 + displaced 500,000...
Unrechtstaat Bundesrepublik - Der Fall Kurnaz - sfux Karl Weiss -

Wenn die Bundesrepublik Deutschland denn je eine Rechtsstaat war - was zu bezweifeln ist -, dann hat sie

00.000.2002 -spätestens- aufgehört, einer zu sein. Schröder sei Dank.

Der Fall Kurnaz spricht Bände über das, was die Rot-Grüne Koalition unter ?Rechtsstaat? verstand.

Auf Deutsch heißt das Obrigkeitsstaat.
Das Ganze begann eigentlich schon vorher, als die CDU mit ihrer Kampagne gegen...

A Meta-Group Managing Drugs, Violence + the State - sfux The Meta-Group, West + East / Part II Peter Dale Scott -

What is special about this meta-group is its global reach, which makes it of especial interest to the CIA and other pro-American agencies...
CIA Geheimflüge enthüllt ? nicht vom Staat sondern von Weblogbetreiber - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Wird man in einigen Jahren das Kapitel der geheimen Folterjets aufschlagen, dann hat mitunter ein Weblogbetreiber maßgebliches zur Aufdeckung + Archivierung beigetragen. Das Weblog World.Content.News...
29.Aug.2006 Bill Kristol hetzt zum Krieg - sfux Karl Weiss -

Es gibt ?große Löcher? in den Kenntnissen, die durch Geheimdienste + andere Quellen über die Möglichkeit eines geheimen Atomprogramms des Iran gewonnen wurden,

steht in einem Bericht des US-Senatsausschusses, der in dieser Frage zu einer Stellungnahme kommen sollte + dazu die geheimen Unterlagen darüber studieren konnte.

Laut den US-Senatoren kann man im Moment nichts Definitives zum iranischen Atomprogramm...
61 Jahre nach Hiroshima und Nagasaki: Atomwaffen und die Hassliebe der Nachrichtenmedien - sfux Norman Solomon -

Seit dem Kollaps der Sowjetunion vor 15 Jahren wurde das Thema 'Nuklearwaffen' in den USA weitgehend auf die hinteren Seiten der Zeitungen verbannt beziehungsweise in unsere Hinterköpfe.

Über Atomwaffen echauffieren sich unsere großen Medien nur noch, wenn der Mann im Oval Office diese Waffen zum Thema macht.
Report: Climate Change Severely Threatens International Economic Growth - Judd -  Global warming, of course, is a serious economic problem.

According to a new report released today by the World Bank, it’s also a problem that threatens economic growth worldwide.

The range of economic impacts of global warming is astounding. From the World Bank summary:

The report says that the consequences of such changes


decreased water availability + water quality in many arid + semiarid regions;

an increased risk of floods + droughts in many regions;

reduction in water regulation by snow and glaciers in mountain habitats;

decreases in reliability of hydropower and biomass production in some regions;

increased incidence of vector- and waterborne diseases such as malaria, dengue + cholera ;

increased heat stress mortality ;

increased damages and deaths caused by extreme weather events ;

decreased agricultural productivity with almost any warming in the tropics and subtropics;

adverse impacts on fisheries ; and

adverse effects on many ecological systems.

The World Bank stresses that we are already suffering from the economic impacts of climate change.

According to the report,

in the absence of adaptation, the annual costs of climate change impacts in exposed developing countries could range from several % to tens of % of gross domestic product (GDP).”

Worse, “much of this damage would come not gradually and incrementally through the years but in the form of severe economic shocks.”

Global warming deniers frequently focus on the cost of doing something about about the problem. But they never mention the cost of doing nothing.

For much more on global warming, check out Climate Progressour new sister blog dedicated to the issue.
29.Aug.2006 The Bush Record: More Poverty, More Uninsured - Think Progress - 

President Bush says “the foundation of our economy is solid + it’s strong.”

That’s true, for some: corporate profits have now climbed to their highest share of GDP since the 1960’s.

But new Census Bureau data show the real state of the current economy.

The Bush record on combating poverty and insuring more Americans is an undisputed failure. Poverty, All Races (Millions) Number of Uninsured (Millions)

More on the new census data HERE.
29.Aug.2006 TIME Reporter Falsely Claims Magazine Hasn’t ‘Touched’ John Mark Karr Story - Amanda - 

Over the weekend on The McLaughlin Group, host John McLaughlin brought up the JonBenet Ramsey story, asking his guests — including TIME’s Jay Carney — whether the media were over-covering it:

MCLAUGHLIN: Is the media hyping this story because of its lurid qualities? Jay Carney.

CARNEY: As opposed to? Of course it’s hyping it because of its lurid qualities.

MCLAUGHLIN: You’re crowding out stories on the environment.

CARNEY: We actually are not at Time. We haven’t touched it.

But TIME’s website currently has FIVE articles (here, here, here, here + here) all offering extensive coverage of John Mark Karr.

TIME isn’t alone in its obsession with the 10-year-old murder case. Even today — after the district attorney dropped the charges against Karr — many papers nationwide chose to lead with Karr coverage:

Editor & Publisher notes that a Google search for “John Mark Karr” came up with 10.8 million results. “John Mark Karr” with “Ramsey” produced 6.7 million stories.

(HT: Bill in Portland Maine)
29.Aug.2006 Ahmadinejad challenges Bush to televised debate. - Nico - 

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday challenged President Bush to a televised debate + voiced defiance as a deadline neared for Iran to halt work the West fears is a step toward building nuclear bombs,”

Reuters reports.

The White House said Ahmadinejad’s call for a presidential debate on global concerns was a ‘diversion’ from international concerns over Iran’s nuclear program.”
29.Aug.2006 New Census Report: Uninsured Up, Real Income Down For Men and Women, Poverty Unchanged - Think Progress - 

This morning, the Census Bureau released new figures about health insurance, income + poverty. It’s not a pretty picture.

The number of Americans without health insurance continues to rise at an alarming rate, men and women are earning less money and there are as many people living in poverty as there have ever been.

Some key stats:

00.000.2005 46.6 million people were without health insurance coverage, up from 45.3 million people in 2004.

The %age of people without health insurance coverage increased from 15.6 % in 2004 to 15.9 % in 2005.

For full-tim, year round workers, the median earnings of men declined 1.8 % to $41,386 + the median earnings of women declined 1.3 % to $31,858.

00.000.2005 37.0 million people were in poverty, not statistically different from 2004.

This helps explain why just 32% of Americans approve of Bush’s handling of the economy.

Just 22% believe the economy is getting better, “the lowest level of public confidence in the direction of the economy seen in five years.”
29.Aug.2006 Rumsfeld on Iraq War Critics: ‘Quitters’ Who ‘Blame America First’ And ‘Cannot Stomach A Tough Fight’ - Judd - 

Yesterday, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave a speech in Reno, Nevada to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Rumsfeld could have taken the opportunity to address the critical challenges of the war in Iraq: the security situation in Baghdad, mounting U.S. military + Iraqi civilian casualties + out-of-control costs.

Instead, he took the opportunity to repeatedly attack — implicitly and explicitly — anyone who dares to criticize the administration’s “stay the course” policy.

Some excerpts:

  • And while some argue for tossing in the towel, the enemy is waiting and hoping for us to do just that.

  • Early on, I learned from my dad — a veteran of World War II — that if you start quitting things, pretty soon you’ve become a quitter. ”

  • Surely by now we have learned the lesson that when our country gives our troops a mission, they should have the resources and support to finish the job.

  • And surely, we have learned the dangers of giving the enemy the false impression that Americans cannot stomach a tough fight. ”

  • I do worry about the lack of perspective in our national dialogue today — the perspective of history …

  • Today we are engaged in conflicts that are again testing whether or not we believe that the defense of liberty is worth the cost.”

– “ [W]e must keep a “Blame America First” mentality from undermining our efforts today in another long war against a determined enemy.”

Apparently, the problem isn’t that our strategy in Iraq is failing. It’s that the critics aren’t as macho as Donald Rumsfeld. Digg It!
29.Aug.2006 August 29, 2006 - Think Progress - 

President Bush’s trip to Biloxi, MS, yesterday was “carefully scripted by the White Houseand “left little possibility of the president encountering much anger over the federal reconstruction efforts.”

Several of the people with whom he met were “clutching pictures of themselves being consoled by the president in the aftermath of the storm last September.”

The oldest detainee at Guantanamo Bay — an Afghan man who is at least 71 and hobbled around the U.S. prison in Cuba using a walker — has been sent home.”

Israel has appointed a top general to oversee a war against Iran, prompting speculation that it is preparing for possible military action against Tehran’s nuclear program. Maj. Gen. Elyezer Shkedy, Israel’s air force chief, will be overall commander for the ‘Iran front.’

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev — “ an autocrat who runs a nation that is anything but free ” and is accused in U.S. court of pocketing some $75 million in bribes — will be hosted next month at the White House and the Bush family compound in Maine.

With parts of South Dakota at its epicenter, a severe drought has slowly sizzled a large swath of the Plains States, leaving farmers and ranchers with conditions that they compare to those of the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s.”

BP is under investigation by U.S. authorities for possible manipulation of crude oil and gasoline markets. BP is already facing civil and criminal investigations, including examination of “an Alaskan oil spill and a 2005 Texas City refinery explosion that killed 15 people. The U.S. government in June alleged BP traders attempted to manipulate propane prices.”

Dozens were killed yesterday in the “most brazen clashes in recent memorybetween the Iraqi Army and members of a militia loyal to Moktada al-Sadr, the radical Shiite cleric. It was “clearthat Sadr’s militia had won; an Iraqi general said “a group of soldiers who’d run out of ammunition were executed in front of residents in a public square,” while others “were captured and beheaded.”

According to a new study, outside advisory panels to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration typically serve as “rubber stamps” for companies seeking approval of drugs and medical devices.

The report follows criticism by members of Congress including Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) that the FDA fails to sufficiently scrutinize drug safety.”

On the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA is still trying to fill vacancies to better prepare for the next disaster. Hiring new employees has “been a slower process than I thought,” said FEMA Director R. David Paulison.

And finally: One long-suffering Beltway commuter got some sweet release this morning. Maryland electrician Dan Ruefly won a contest to detonate a Potomac River bridge that “has long been one of the worst traffic bottlenecks in a region notorious for gridlock.” “Asked if he had thought about blowing up the bridge before, Ruefly said, ‘Hasn’t everybody in Washington, D.C.?’”
29.Aug.2006 Buchanan: Americans Should Consider Allowing Only White Immigrants - Think Progress - 

In his book, State of Emergency, Pat Buchanan argues for an “immediate moratorium on all immigration.”

The purpose of moratorium, according to Buchanan, is for Americans to “debate and decide whom we wish to come and whether we wish to alter, or preserve, the ethnic religious composition of American.”

Today on CNN, John King asked Buchanan if he “wants to set a policy where only white english-speaking people can come to America.”

Buchanan said that “the American people should decide who comes.” Buchanan added that he believes “we should favor folks from cultures and civilization that have been assimilated before,” i.e. white Europeans.

Watch it: Transcript:

KING: Fairly provocative book here, Pat.

I want to begin with something you say near the end of the book, where you call for a moratorium on immigration so that the government can think about what we should have as a policy.

You say this: “The first imperative is an immediate moratorium on all immigration….

While it lasts, we should debate and decide whom we wish to come and whether we wish to alter or preserve the ethnic-religious composition of America.

After all, America belongs to us, not the world.”

There are some who would say: “Pat Buchanan wants to set a government policy where the white english-speaking people, they can come to America, others are left out.”

BUCHANAN: Pat would say the American people should decide who comes, John.

We have 36 million immigrants in this country. 12 million folks here illegally. More illegal aliens than all the Jews, Irish and English who ever came.

The American people want the border secured + I think they support a time-out.

But if you want a time out you have to have a certain number.

As John F. Kennedy said 150,000 to 250,000.

Who should decide who comes and what are the criteria? I do believe we should favor folks from cultures and civilization that have been assimilated before.

But the purpose of the moratorium is like the moratorium we had from 1924 to 1965 — to assimilate, americanize and introduce all these folks to our language and culture + history and heroes + make ‘em Americans.
Rockey To Katrina Victims: Stop ‘Sitting Around and Complaining’ About Bush and ‘Be Thankful For What We Got’ - Judd - 

Last week, Katrina survivor (+ former right-wing politician) Rockey Vaccarella visited the White House + said, “I just wish the President could have another term in office.”

Subsequently, Rockey was plastered on the White House website homepage + featured in President Bush’s weekly radio address.

Now, the President’s preferred representative of Hurricane Katrina is lashing out at other victims.

Today on Fox, Rocky said that victims of the Hurricane should stop “sitting around + complaining” about the Bush administration + instead “be thankful for what we got.” Watch it: Transcript:

CAVUTO: You know what happens with an anniversary like this. You blame the authorities, the conventional wisdom, blame the big guy, blame the President.

You met with the big guy, you met with the President. You’re saying, “Too much of that.”

ROCKEY: Whatcha mean, I’ve been saying “too much of that”?

CAVUTO: — that the criticism’s been unfair? The criticism’s been unfair?

ROCKEY: Well, you know what, like I told many people, I’m an optimistic-type person, I kinda look at the glass half-full instead of half-empty. And one of the things I wanted to thank the President for, part of what we went there for, is for all the FEMA trailers. I mean, here, you can always point the fingers and say shoulda, coulda, woulda + been a Monday-morning quarterback.

But I’m not a Monday-morning quarterback. I have a roof over my head, my family’s living there, we have air conditioning, we have running water, I can take a shower, shave.

I can move on as I rebuild. I mean, the President didn’t order the Hurricane Katrina, she just came through with her whipping winds. And instead of, you know, sitting around complaining and saying,

This is what they shoulda did, what they coulda did,” well, you know what? You ought to be thankful for what we got.

Hurricane Mitch slammed into the Honduras coast and the people of that country stayed in literally tents for over two and a half years + were served with trucks going by just feeding them food.

At least we were able to have miniature homes parked in front of our house — electricity ran, television, phone line, all of the necessities we need to carry on. I even can get on the internet!
Cheney Chooses Chief Propagator of False Iraq-9/11 Link To Be Official Biographer - Faiz - 

Vice President Cheney — “the man running the country”is now working on an official biography.

But don’t hold out any hope that the biography will offer any revealing insight into “Dick Cheney’s dark, secretive mind-set.”

The author of the book, according to U.S. News, will be Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes:

We hear that the Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes is hot on the case and plans to publish a bio titled, naturally enough, Cheney as early as next spring. “I’m not a historian,” Hayes fesses up.

No, Hayes is not a historian. What are his qualifications? He’s a journalist who has cultivated close ties within the White House and has become the go-to source for insiders seeking to peddle false claims on Iraq.

Here are some highlights of Hayes’ record:

1. This January, Cheney was asked by then-Fox News radio host Tony Snow, “Were there links to — between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda?” Cheney answered, “Well, I think Steve Hayes has done an effective job in his article of laying out a lot of those connections.” Hayes wrote an article entitled “Dick Cheney Was Rightabout the Vice President’s effort to connect Saddam to 9/11. But even President Bush said most recently that Iraq had “nothingto do with 9/11.

2. In 2003, Hayes declared “case closedin an article purporting to show the links between bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Cheney recommeneded it to the Rocky Mountain news as the premier source of information on the issue. (”[Y]ou ought to go look is an article that Stephen Hayes did in the Weekly Standard here a few weeks ago…That’s your best source of information.”) Hayes relied on a classified Defense Department memo produced by Douglas Feith.

The Defense Department shot down Hayes’ article, stating the Feith memo was “not an analysis of the substantive issue of the relationship between Iraq + al Qaeda + it drew no conclusions.”

Each + every one of Hayes’ attempts to link Iraq to 9/11 have been thoroughly discredited, but he continues to push the argument.

It’s quite fitting that Cheney chose him to be his official biographer. Digg It!
COMENTARIOS VARIOS El que está pasando una situación complicada es el Jefe Departamental de Pehuajo. Parece que no durará en su función.

Esta complicado por la situación policial que padece Bragado. Ayer llegó La Plata el sumario administrativo contra el Encargad...
71-Year-Old Gitmo Detainee Released
Washington Post Doesn't Answer Why No Bin Laden 9/11 Indictment
29.Aug.2006 Keeping the Myth Alive.....
Details Emerge in British Terror Case - New York Times
29.Aug.2006 Not all the terrorists and serial killers and mass murderers in the world are as awful and as dangerous as these names.

These are the ones who make the political marionettes dance.

These are the ones who with fountain pens set off bloodbaths the world wide.

These are the cancer among us. There are the ones.
Deutsche Außenpolitik: Der Tiefe Staat? - C. W. Reinhold 
Was im Interesse der Nationalen Sicherheit + des Gemeinwohls liegt,

scheinen die Bundeswehrführung,


der militärisch-industrielle Komplex +

die Bertelsmann –Stiftung(en) in Eigenregie zu planen +

die Ergebnisse dieser Planungen dann den politischen Akteuren vorzugeben.
Details Emerge in British Terror Case
?As you bomb, you will be bombed; as you kill, you will be killed,? said one of the men on a ?martyrdom? videotape, whose contents were described by a senior British official + a person briefed about the case.

The young man added that he hoped God would be ?pleased with us and accepts our ...
Details on the British Terrorist Arrest
Details are emerging: There was some serious cash flow from someone, presumably someone abroad.

There was no imminent threat. However, the threat was real.

And it seems pretty clear that it would have bypassed all existing airport security systems. The...
Real Wages Fail to Match a Rise in Productivity Wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the nation’s economy since the U.S. began recording the data in 1947.
29.Aug.2006 A Change Is Gonna Come - Fred 

For the past six years our country has been taken right, very right, to a place where we fight the war against terror in a place it didn't start and where we clearly can't win it, to a place where...
Ninth man on terror plot charge A ninth man is charged with conspiracy to murder and a terrorism offence over an alleged airline terror plot.
29.Aug.2006 Bush marks Katrina anniversary The US president pledges a better response to future hurricanes, a year after Katrina hit New Orleans.
29.Aug.2006 Japan premier heads to Uzbekistan Japanese PM Junichiro Koizumi is in Uzbekistan for talks, after signing a uranium deal in Kazakhstan.
29.Aug.2006 Mexico court rejects fraud claim Mexico's top electoral court rejects allegations July's disputed presidential election was riddled with fraud.
29.Aug.2006 Fed was split over US rate freeze The Federal Reserve has said interest rates may rise again - despite deciding to halt them earlier this month.
Caribbean 'faces stormier future' Latin America and the Caribbean face the risk of more natural disasters as a result of climate change, a report warns.
29.Aug.2006 JonBenet suspect charges dropped Charges against a suspect in the killing of a US child beauty queen are dropped after DNA tests fail to prove a link.
29.Aug.2006 Security alert at ferry terminal Twelve people were detained by police on Monday in a security alert at a ferry terminal.
29.Aug.2006 Scientists find 'anthrax blocker' Scientists say they have made a blocker that could stop the lethal anthrax toxin from attacking the body.
29.Aug.2006 Science Projects That Scare Us Remote-control sharks, pain guns, radioactive scorpion venom ... Bond-like technology is unnervingly real in some labs. By Greta Lorge from Wired magazine.
29.Aug.2006 China May Take Hybrid Lead With pollution, stop-and-go traffic, cheap labor and a booming economy, China is likely to become a leader in making hybrids more affordable. In Autopia.
29.Aug.2006 AOL 9.0 Called Badware - CmdrTaco 31+ -  "The bad news at AOL keeps coming. First they get in trouble for releasing search data on more than half a million customers, then it gives away security software with a nasty EULA, now its free client software is accused of acting like badware according to, the Google-funded rating group."
Inaugural wildfire-mapping mission delayed Joint effort between NASA and the U.S. Forest Service is postponed due to factors including tighter FAA regulations.
29.Aug.2006 MIT devises eco-iron Blog: Iron. It's the material of the industrial revolution + it's dirty stuff to make.Researchers at MIT, however, say they have...

What a real conspiracy looks like. Real conspiracies have very little players and even then they are usually exposed.

Enron, Watergate, Iran/Contra and the rest have few people involved and someone always comes out to blow the whistle.

The evidence for a conspiracy to use 9/11 to invade Iraq is long.

While there is not one shred of evidence the government blew up the World Trade Center, there is evidence they used the tragedy to remove Saddam Hussein using poor WMD evidence.

Below is a small list of people who blew the whistle on the misuse of pre-war intelligence.

Thomas Packard acting FBI director: Summer before 9/11 Ashcroft told him he didn’t want to hear anything more about terrorist threats.

Larry Johnson former counter terrorism CIA : Rumsfeld set up special office to link Iraq + Al Qaeda Cherry picking Intel:

Evidence is sent back saying “That’s garbage, that’s misleading, that misrepresents” then they would take the same brief to the vice president or one even worse.

Rand Baers National Security Council Resigns white house post and works against Bush

This is not peculiar of this white house. Pick a policy, go to the  Cheney pushed CIA, Cheney said “Everybody knows Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, tell us what you know, What’s your best stuff?..”

Downing Street Memo says Bush wanted to remove Saddam though military action. “Evidence fixed around the policy”

Rice, Rove, Karen Hughes, Cheney have weekly closed door meetings on how to convince the American people.

John McLaughlin CIA deputy director: “We did not clear that particular [Niger] speech”… Tenets “Slam dunk” does not mean what the media thinks it means.

Michael Scheuer : Intel did not matter. We were going to war / Tenet researched 10 years worth of documents and found no connection to Al Qaeda.

Tenet tells Bush / Administration yet administration continues to suggest connection.

Who is ‘Joe T’ and why was he the point man for analyzing nuclear weapon intel.

Gregory Thielmann State Dept intelligence: More and more people said intel on tubes were no good for a nuclear weapon.

Official leak saying “Mushroom Cloud” misrepresents the intelligence community disagreement.

Administration continues “No doubt” he has WMD. Tenet defends erroneous evidence while others in the CIA voice doubts.

State department issues strong and lengthy decent. Niger uranium purchase “Highly Dubious” "Intelligence agencies, get your talking points”

CIA intel notes critical gaps in the evidence because of questionable reliability of many sources,

For the first time before a modern war Bush did not ask for National Intelligence Estimate. Congress demands it. N.I.E. said Saddam not a threat.

White house Iraq group gives only evidence which supports policy while down playing decent.

Last minute dispute over Niger speech.

Tenet and Powell argue about intel.

Carl Ford Asst Sec of State, Intelligence : “This is all we got? And were making these firm judgments?

Powell not told about Curveball. Curveball was never debriefed by the CIA.

Col. Laurence Wilkerson : Evidence brought to the UN “It was anything but an intelligence document. It was a Chinese menu where you can pick and choose what you want”

A day before Powell’s UN speech a CIA skeptic had warned Curve Ball is a lair.

A superior sends an E-mail reply saying “This wars going to happen regardless, the powers that be probably aren’t interested whither Curve ball knows what hes talking about.”

Powell’s speech riddled with misleading allegations. Not right out lies but worded in such a way as to mislead.

Scott Ritter ex UNSCUM weapon inspector: The evidence for war is not there. He goes on just about every TV station trying to stop the war.

Richard Clarke : Bush wanted to connect Iraq and 9/11. Invading Iraq for 9/11 is like China attacking us and we invade Mexico.

Gen Clark : People in the Pentagon told him Bush was going to war no matter what.

New Memo said Bush was going to war no matter what.

We know the PNAC wanted to invade Iraq before 911. Was 911 the perfect excuse?

Some PNAC members
  Name Department Title Remarks
Elliott Abrams National Security Council Representative for Middle Eastern Affairs President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center

00.000.2001-00.000.2005 Richard Armitage Department of State Deputy Secretary of State  
John R. Bolton Department of State U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Previously served as Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs in the first administration of GWB.
Richard Cheney Bush Administration Vice President PNAC Founder
Seth Cropsey Voice of America Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau  
Paula Dobriansky Department of State Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs  
Francis Fukuyama President's Council on Bioethics Council Member Professor of International Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University
Bruce Jackson U.S. Committee on NATO President  

00.Nov.2003-00.Jun.2005 Zalmay Khalilzad U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq U.S.Ambassador to Iraq

Previously served as U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan
Lewis Libby Bush Administration Chief of Staff for the Vice President Indicted by Grand Jury on charges of Obstruction of Justice, False Statements + Perjury + resigned 28.Oct.2005 .
Peter W. Rodman Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security  
Donald Rumsfeld Department of Defense Secretary of Defense PNAC founder and previously Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences Developer of Tamiflu
Randy Scheunemann U.S. Committee on NATO, Project on Transitional Democracies, International Republican Institute Member Founded the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq.

00.000.2001-00.000.2005 Paul Wolfowitz World Bank President Deputy Secretary of Defense,
Dov S. Zakheim Department of Defense Comptroller Former V.P. of System Planning Corp.

00.000.2001-00.000.2005 Robert B. Zoellick Department of State Deputy Secretary of State Office of the United States Trade Representative

Conspiracy theorist say this is proof the administration needed to create a "Perl Harbor".

But if they did blow up the towers, why would go through such great lengths to point to Bin Laden?

Why not fix evidence to point to Saddam? Conspiracy theorist say they needed terrorism to perpetuate an endless war.

To take away our freedoms to fight this war.

But Bin Laden wasn't the only way to do it.

"They" could have planted evidence suggesting Bin Laden was working for Saddam.

Why not?

Remember, if they are setting up Bin Laden then why not set up Saddam at the same time?

He wasn't "A few Arab's in the desert." He had an army and millions from oil profits.

Why allow people to say "Saddam wasn't the one to attack us."?

There would have been far fewer players if they placed a nuclear device in the towers basement and took out lower Manhattan.

The government could have blamed Saddam's fictitious WMD for the device and Bin Laden for the delivery.

We would have reason to invade Iraq the next day.

Conspiracy theorist would have us believe they chose a plan which involves thousands over smaller more controllable plans.
Bush auf "Katrina"- Visite: "Ich weiß, dass es Frustrationen gibt"
29.Aug.2006 Wilderer: Tiger im Kühlschrank, Affen im Garten
29.Aug.2006 Gewinnsteigerung: Bayer sieht sich auf Erfolgskurs - und will entlassen

29.Aug.2006 Transatlantikflüge: USA fordern noch mehr Daten
29.Aug.2006 Stephen Lendman : Cuba Under Castro : Fidel Castro much earlier was a model for Hugo Chavez in how he established essential social services for the Cuban people like world-class free health care for all + free education through the university level.

29.Aug.2006 Bin Laden, Most Wanted For Embassy Bombings? : Osama bin Laden is a longtime + prominent member of the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list,

which notes his role as the suspected mastermind of the deadly U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa on 07.Aug.1998 .

But another more infamous date -- 11.Sep.2001 -- is nowhere to be found on the same FBI notice.

29.Aug.2006 Brown says White House wanted him to lie : The ousted head of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency says the White House wanted him to lie about the response to Hurricane Katrina.

29.Aug.2006 Experts warn U.S. is coming apart at the seams: A pipeline shuts down in Alaska. Equipment failures disrupt air travel in Los Angeles. Electricity runs short at a spy agency in Maryland.

29.Aug.2006 Spanish firm to build and run new PFI toll road in Texas : Grupo Ferrovial, Spain’s construction, infrastructure and services giant, had a busy summer acquiring airports in the UK and Peru.

Now it has a concession to build and operate a Texas superhighway.

29.Aug.2006 Is this Bush's secret bunker? : As the Bush administration wages its war on terror, Mount Weather is believed to house a "shadow government" made up of senior Washington officials on temporary assignment.

29.Aug.2006 Evangelical Conversion-for-Parole Program Thwarted: A Bush-funded prison initiative that fast-tracked parole for Christian converts has been swatted down in the federal courts.
29.Aug.2006 The Americanization of Canada by Harper: You may like or dislike his act as the chief cheerleader for Israel + the USA. You may even feel cheated that he had kept his ideology well concealed prior to and during the last election. But at least you know where he stands now.
29.Aug.2006 Immanuel Wallerstein.: What Can Israel Achieve?: Israel has always depended on its own military strength and an outside force - first the Soviet Union, then France + now the USA - to achieve its security. Israel had better understand that it needs Hamas and Hezbollah if it is to survive.

29.Aug.2006 Are Christian Zionists Mentally Ill?: 

The Jerusalem Syndrome: Video: Jerusalem attracts foreign pilgrims in their thousands, but each year dozens are diagnosed with the psychotic disorder known as "Jerusalem " Syndrome .”

29.Aug.2006 Israeli general plots war with Iran: Israel has appointed a top general to oversee a war against Iran, prompting speculation that it is preparing for possible military action against Tehran's nuclear program.

29.Aug.2006 War pimp alert: Iran may pull out of NPT; U.S. weighing sanctions without UN : Iran may develop nuclear weapons + pull out from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if international pressure against its nuclear program continues, a senior Iranian official warned yesterday.

29.Aug.2006 U.N. unlikely to punish Iran -- experts : "So far, the U.S. has had a lot of difficulty in wrangling U.N. members, particularly Russia and China, to support sanctions," said Ilan Berman, vice president for policy at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington.

29.Aug.2006 Nasrallah describes 'Israeli provocation' Peretz bid for next war: He said Israel was trying to press new demands such as the deployment of UN forces at Beirut airport, at Lebanese ports and on Lebanon's border with Syria.

29.Aug.2006 Israel: 'Defense demands could set standard of living back 20 years' :

Defense officials are seeking NIS 30 billion, mostly in fiscal 2007 + 2008, for resupplying, reacquiring weapons systems damaged during the war and preparing for the next war.

29.Aug.2006 UK: We didn't send Iran equipment: British-made equipment captured by the IDF this month in southern Lebanon was not part of a consignment of high technology surveillance gear shipped by the UK to Iran under a UN administered drug interdiction program, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett reported.
29.Aug.2006 Another miserable milestone for Bush's war -By Rupert Cornwell -

A miserable milestone was passed the other day. America's (and Britain's) disastrous war in Iraq has now lasted longer than the US involvement in WWII. Continue

29.Aug.2006 Where's the outrage?- By William Neikirk - U.S. troops have been accused of committing atrocities in Iraq. Americans should care. Continue

29.Aug.2006 Compliant and subservient -By John Preston and Melissa Kite - Jimmy Carter's explosive critique of Tony Blair. Continue

29.Aug.2006 Putting Words in Ahmadinejad's Mouth - By Virginia Tilley - Is Iran's President Really a Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying Islamo-fascist who has threatened to "wipe Israel off the map"? Continue

29.Aug.2006 You must first respect your foe -By Gilad Atzmon
It is now clear that as much as the Israeli Army doesn’t know how to win a war, the Israeli people do not know how to lose one.

Already at the late stages of the recent wave of hostility in Lebanon the Israelis were desperately searching for a scapegoat, someone to blame,

someone who would take personal responsibility for the humiliating Israeli collective defeat. Continue

29.Aug.2006 You Ask The Questions -Noam Chomsky: Do you believe Israel is doing the West's dirty work? Continue 
29.Aug.2006 Verbraucherstimmung: Deutsche im Kaufrausch
29.Aug.2006 Visum: Irans Ex- Präsident Chatami darf in die USA reisen

29.Aug.2006 Ölkonzern: Manipulationsvorwürfe gegen BP
29.Aug.2006 Libanon- Schutztruppe: Deutschland zögert mit konkreten Zusagen

29.Aug.2006 Atomstreit: Rumsfeld droht Iran

29.Aug.2006 Aktieninvestments: Warten auf bessere Zeiten

29.Aug.2006 New York: Die neue Festung der Reichen

Die Funde bewiesen auch, dass der tropische Regenwald während des Miozäns ein zeitgemäßes Ökosystem mit einer hohen Artenvielfalt sei.

Das Team um Pierre-Olivier Antoine vom französischen Centre national de la recherche scientifique hatte am Amazonas-Flussufer in der Nähe der Großstadt Iquitos Bernsteine gefunden - mit Insekten und Spinnentiere darin, die vor zwölf bis 15 Millionen Jahren gelebt haben, berichten die Forscher im US-Journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences".
Amazonas- Becken: Insekten in Perus Bernstein entdeckt
29.Aug.2006 Kanarische Inseln: Seit Jahresbeginn 490 tote Flüchtlinge
29.Aug.2006 Israel: Olmert der Vetternwirtschaft verdächtigt
29.Aug.2006 Wahlen in Mexiko: Gericht sieht Calderon vorn
28.Aug.2006 Tiefensee- Vorschlag: Arbeitslose sollen beim Einsteigen helfen
28.Aug.2006 Libanon: Fünfte Festnahme wegen Kofferbomben
28.Aug.2006 Klimawandel: Früherer Frühling in Europa
28.Aug.2006 Space Shuttle: Nasa bringt "Atlantis" in Sicherheit
28.Aug.2006 Tod mit 116: Ältester Mensch der Welt gestorben

28.Aug.2006 US- Militärpläne: Raketen in Polen, Radar in Tschechien
28.Aug.2006 Fehlalarm: Mannheimer Innenstadt abgeriegelt
Libanon- Krieg: Nasrallah rettet Olmert
28.Aug.2006 Atomstrom: Grüne wollen AKW Brunsbüttel sofort abschalten
28.Aug.2006 Ziel Nepal: China will Tibet- Eisenbahn verlängern

28.Aug.2006 Terror in der Türkei: "Man gewöhnt sich an Anschläge"
28.Aug.2006 Space Shuttle: "Atlantis" soll zurück in den Hangar
28.Aug.2006 Langzeitarbeitslose: Tiefensee hält an Patrouillen- Idee fest
28.Aug.2006 Inflationsfolge: Arbeitnehmer müssen Lohneinbußen hinnehmen
28.Aug.2006 War crime charge for Congo rebel A DR Congo militia leader is the first war crimes suspect to be charged at the International Criminal Court.
28.Aug.2006 Bush heads to Katrina-hit region President George W Bush is heading to the Gulf Coast to mark the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
28.Aug.2006 One Year Later: The Real State Of New Orleans - Amanda -

15.Sep.2005 -Standing in Jackson Square- President Bush stated, “This government will learn the lessons of Hurricane Katrina+ promised to “get the work done quickly.”

But on the eve of Katrina’s one year anniversary, here’s a look at the current state of New Orleans:

Less than half of the city’s pre-storm population of 460,000 has returned, putting the population at roughly what it was in 1880.

Nearly a third of the trash has yet to be picked up .

Sixty % of homes still lack electricity .

Seventeen % of the buses are operational .

Half of the physicians have left + there is a shortage of 1,000 nurses .

Six of the nine hospitals remain closed .

Sixty-six % of public schools have reopened .

A 40 % hike in rental rates, disproportionately affecting black and low-income families.

A 300 % increase in the suicide rate .

Eighty-four % of New Orleans residents rate the government’s recovery efforts negatively, while 66 % believe the recovery money has been “mostly wasted.”

  - Independent investigations don't mean much when the prime suspects get to choose the people setting the parameters of the investigation. On that point, it was said of Phillip D. Zelikow (the 911 Commission's executive director:)  

"Zelikow picks the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses + the lines of questioning for witnesses. In effect, he sets the agenda and runs the investigation."

How can we truly expect an investigation to yield the "truth" (let alone justice) when one hand-picked person can steer attention away from the most incriminating evidence? How can we uncover criminal negligence (or worse) when everything that points in that direction is excluded and deemed irrelevant?
Forecasters said up to 20 inches of rain could fall in some mountain areas of Haiti, raising fears of flash floods in the heavily deforested country.

Ernesto dumped heavy rain in localized areas of eastern Cuba, but the storm's winds had diminished greatly as it started moving across land, Rubiera said.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injury in Cuba, where the communist government regularly undertakes mass evacuations before tropical storms and hurricanes to minimize injury and loss of life.

The government issued a hurricane warning for six eastern provinces in Cuba and state TV broadcast extensive warnings about the storm, urging precautions. Cattle were moved to higher ground, tourists were evacuated from hotels in the southeastern province of Granma + baseball games scheduled for Sunday night in Havana were played earlier in the day.
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(Version 1.0) To Print this Essay, Click Here Part 1 - No Tinfoil Hat Required

So let's get right to it: Is it really baseless idiocy that drives people to question the official account of 9/11? Are the millions of Americans (including Senators, FBI agents, Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Scientists, Engineers, etc.) all paranoid loons for suggesting we need a truly independent investigation of 9/11? The government and media would have you think so. They'd also (to help maintain that perception) need to keep you diverted from the information you're about to read.

The truth is, for decades our government has been doing very nasty things that most Americans would never believe to be true. The truth is, the media has fed you a steady diet of meaningless news stories instead of sharing information that is vitally important to the future of this country. The truth is, if it wasn't for the internet (which the media is now demonizing and the government is trying to get control of) most of us would have never known how badly our leaders have lied to us.

Let's start with the main assertion:
A Meta-Group Managing Drugs, Violence + the State
- sfux History and the Political Requirements of the Global Drug Traffic / Part I Peter Dale Scott -

In this serie I wish to explore three important propositions concerning the global drug traffic. The first...
Kurnaz: Gefoltert und in Fesseln nach Hause geschickt
- sfux World Content News - Nach über viereinhalb Jahren Gefangenschaft in Guantanamo ist der 24-jährige Bremer Murat Kurnaz wieder in die Freiheit entlassen worden - sein Martyrium endete so wie es begonnen hatte: Mit einer Militärmaschine der US-Armee wurde er in Fesseln wieder nach Hause geschickt. Dabei war den US-Behörden spätestens seit 2002 klar, dass gegen ihn nichts vorlag.
The Schengen Information System Ii Delayed - sfux European Digital Rights -

Scheduled to start operating in June 2006, the Schengen Information System II (SIS II) that would allow the competent authorities in the Member States to obtain information regarding certain categories of persons and property, will be...
Lugar: U.S. Troops Should Stay In Iraq Even If There Is A Full-Scale Civil War
- Judd - 

Most experts agree, in the event of a full-scale civil war in Iraq, there is no useful role for U.S. troops. (This position is even advanced by Bush administration officials.)

It is not the view, however, of Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Yesterday on CNN, Lugar said that U.S. troops should remain in Iraq if a full-scale civil war breaks out. (Lugar acknowledged Iraq is “heading toward” that outcome.) According to Lugar, “The idea, somehow, that civil war means that we leave is a nonSTART https://alfatomega.comer, because Iraq’s physical integrity is important.” Watch it:

Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), another member of the Foreign Relations Committee, said that putting “our troops in the middle of a civil war” would create a “slaughter of immense proportions.”

Hagel added “The leadership in Congress will not put up with it.” It looks like Congressional leadership might put up with it afterall. Digg It! Transcript:

BLITZER: I interviewed the prime minister, Senator Lugar, of Iraq in the first hour of “Late Edition,” Nouri al-Maliki. He insists there is no civil war + there won’t be a civil war in Iraq.

What do you think?

LUGAR: Well, we pray he’s right, but obviously, as General Abizaid has pointed out and our ambassador, Zal Khalilzad, we’re heading toward that. Now having said that, the fact is that we must do all we can to work with the president of Iraq to prevent it, or to hold it down.

The idea, somehow, that civil war means that we leave is a nonSTART https://alfatomega.comer, because Iraq’s physical integrity is important.

By that I mean, if Iraq deteriorates + Sunnis, Shiites + Kurds begin picking up partners in other countries, then we have a conflagration that dwarfs anything which is occurring presently in the deteriorating problems of Iraq

BLITZER: There’s a potential for a horrible situation to become even much worse.


BLITZER: That’s what you’re saying.
The Katrina Timeline.
- Judd -  Some people are having trouble getting to it. It’s available here.
28.Aug.2006 28.Aug.2006- Think Progress - 

Former President Jimmy Carter called Tony Blair “compliant and subservient” to President Bush . “I think that more than any other person in the world,” Carter said, “the prime minister could have had a moderating influence on Washington. He has not.

The majority of U.S. service members charged in the unlawful deaths of Iraqi civilians have been acquitted, found guilty of relatively minor offenses or given administrative punishments without trials,” the Washington Post finds.

The 2006 elections “already hold a place in the history books: More black candidates from both major parties are mounting serious campaigns for upper-tier office — senator or governor — than ever before.”

Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) said yesterday in Israel that he would block the $230 million in humanitarian aid President Bush has promised Lebanon “and free the funds only when Beirut agreed to the deployment of international troops on the border with Syria.”

The inflation-adjusted median hourly wage for American workers has declined 2 % since 2003, the NYT reports, while “wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the nation’s gross domestic product since the government began recording the data in 1947.”

Former Vice President Al Gore said Sunday ever-tighter political and economic control of the media is a major threat to democracy . … “Democracy is under attack,” Gore said in Scotland. “Democracy as a system for self-governance is facing more serious challenges now than it has faced for a long time.

The Bush administration plans to “move rapidlyto impose international economic sanctions on Iran after a Thursday U.N. deadline passes. Former Defense Secretary William Cohen said sanctions are necessary or the risk of war in the region will increase. Russia has rejected talk of sanctions.

Analysts across the political spectrum say the Bush Doctrine — preventive war, choking the roots of terrorism by planting democracy + brandishing power to force others into line — has failed.”

And finally: Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL) says “she did not intend to exclude Jews and other non-Christians from public office when she told a Baptist magazine that unless ‘tried and true’ Christians were elected, those in power would ‘legislate sin.’”
28.Aug.2006 28.Aug.2006- Think Progress - 

Former President Jimmy Carter called Tony Blair “compliant and subservient” to President Bush . “I think that more than any other person in the world,” Carter said, “the prime minister could have had a moderating influence on Washington. He has not.

The majority of U.S. service members charged in the unlawful deaths of Iraqi civilians have been acquitted, found guilty of relatively minor offenses or given administrative punishments without trials,” the Washington Post finds.

The 2006 elections “already hold a place in the history books: More black candidates from both major parties are mounting serious campaigns for upper-tier office — senator or governor — than ever before.”

Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) said yesterday in Israel that he would block the $230 million in humanitarian aid President Bush has promised Lebanon “and free the funds only when Beirut agreed to the deployment of international troops on the border with Syria.”

The inflation-adjusted median hourly wage for American workers has declined 2 % since 2003, the NYT reports, while “wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the nation’s gross domestic product since the government began recording the data in 1947.”

Former Vice President Al Gore said Sunday ever-tighter political and economic control of the media is a major threat to democracy . … “Democracy is under attack,” Gore said in Scotland. “Democracy as a system for self-governance is facing more serious challenges now than it has faced for a long time.

The Bush administration plans to “move rapidlyto impose international economic sanctions on Iran after a Thursday U.N. deadline passes. Former Defense Secretary William Cohen said sanctions are necessary or the risk of war in the region will increase. Russia has rejected talk of sanctions.

Analysts across the political spectrum say the Bush Doctrine — preventive war, choking the roots of terrorism by planting democracy + brandishing power to force others into line — has failed.”

And finally: Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL) says “she did not intend to exclude Jews and other non-Christians from public office when she told a Baptist magazine that unless ‘tried and true’ Christians were elected, those in power would ‘legislate sin.’”
28.Aug.2006 I’d love to be Santa Claus. I’m not.’
- Judd -  Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 8/27/06
28.Aug.2006 60 %.
-Amanda- Number of Americans who say that “most of the approximately $44 billion the federal government has spent on hurricane recovery in the last year has been wasted,” according to a new ABC poll
28.Aug.2006 Kristol: College Guys Are ‘Very Happy’ About Plan B Approval Because ‘The Burden Is Totally Off Them’
- Think Progress - 

This week, after three years of delay, the Bush administration finally approved the sale of Plan B (a.k.a. “the morning after pill”) to women over 18 without a prescription.

This morning on Fox News, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said that college men are “very happy” that Plan B will now be sold over-the-counter because they can have “a wild night” + “the burden is off them.” Watch it:

Scientific evidence does not support Kristol’s claim that Plan B increases promiscuity.

A 2002 study in the British Medical Journal found “there is no evidence that access to emergency contraceptives has any discernible effect on teen sexual activity.” Dr. Vivian M. Dickerson, president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, says emergency contraception “does not increase promiscuity among teenaged women, nor does it cause women to abandon their regular birth control methods.” Digg It! Transcript:

KRISTOL: I don’t know, I came into Fox this morning and one of our younger colleagues who works here, a guy just out of college a couple of years, said all his friends in who are still college are very happy about this — all his guy friends, his male friends who are still in college are happy about this. They have a wild night. Precautions aren’t taken. The burden is now totally off them. They tell their girlfriend to go out and get this drug and no problems at all. And I don’t think that’s a very good thing for the the country.

WILLIAMS: The woman doesn’t have to do it. A woman has some choice in this matter. In fact, what it does, it increases her ability to manage her life, her future + to decide whether or not she’s ready to be a parent + the fact of the matter, contrary to people who say that it’s an abortion, it’s not an abortion. This is preventing pregnancy, just like taking a birth control pill. that’s good news. I don’t see how you get around that. To my mind, what’s really at stake here is credibility. The fda approved this three years ago. Then they had an advisory panel, scientists who said it’s a safe way for young women to deal with this situation + then you had politics intervene. The politics of abortion. and people saying, no, don’t do it. It’s about promiscuity. That to me was playing to the base and to me pandering to people who are opponents of abortion.
The ceasefire that isn't  Left I on the News A leftwing view of the day's news and the way it's presented in the media
The ceasefire that isn't By Eli

The U.S. blocked a ceasefire in Lebanon for weeks as Israel continued its killing spree; only after the price Israel was paying became too high did they start getting cold feet and ask their U.S. allies to move in the U.N. and get a ceasefire which they hoped could achieve the goals they weren't able to achieve militarily. But, as readers of this blog know well, Israel has another war going, this one against the Palestinians. And the calls for a ceasefire on that front? Why, they're just deafening. Deafening silence, that is. Well, unless you're on the wrong end of an Israeli bomb, like two Reuters journalists were today: An Israeli air strike hit a Reuters vehicle in Gaza City on Saturday, wounding two journalists as they covered a military incursion, doctors and residents said.
One of the Palestinian journalists, who worked for a local media organization, was seriously wounded. A cameraman working for Reuters was knocked unconscious in the air strike, one of several in the area. As usual, the Israelis had their cover story ready: The Israeli army said the vehicle was hit because it was acting suspiciously in an area of combat and had not been identified as belonging to the media. Also as usual, the Israelis were lying through their teeth: The missile struck the vehicle after dark. The armored car was clearly labeled as a media vehicle, with signs on all sides, including the roof.
28.Aug.2006 Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Still more unchecked powers for the Bush administration
This article from the San Francisco Chronicle details the truly amazing story of two U.S. citizens
-- a 45-year old resident of the San Francisco area and his 18-year old son -- who, after travelling to Pakistan, have been barred by the Bush administration from re-entering the country. They have not been charged with any crime + no court has ordered or even authorized this denial of entry. The administration is just unilaterally prohibiting these two Americans from re-entering their country.
Bush officials allowed sweatshops in US territory in exchange for football tickets In corruption

The important part here is that the official being bribed was handling issues in the Northern Marianas Islands — which have been run for years as the deepest pit of sweatshop hell. Factories in the Northern Marianas are guilty of forced labor, human rights abuses + even forced abortions... and because it's a U.S. territory, the goods produced by these exploited workers can be proudly labeled "Made In The U.S.A."
Washington Post Doesn't Answer Why No Bin Laden 9/11 Indictment
- Paul Joseph Watson - Whitewash piece seeks to dismiss questions about FBI most wanted page but doesn't address why
Year After Katrina, Bush Still Fights for 9/11 Image - President Bush’s public persona remains that of a wartime president flying by as desperate and vulnerable Americans suffered.
28.Aug.2006 Detroit teachers vote for strike, not to attend work Monday A majority of teachers in Detroit rejected a two-year contract proposal by the city public school district Sunday and decided to go on a strike.
28.Aug.2006 UK seeks Pakistan extradition A Briton held in Pakistan over the alleged airline terror plot faces extradition to the UK over a murder four years ago.
28.Aug.2006 Large crowds gather for carnival Organisers hope 750,000 people will be dancing on the streets as the final day of this year's Notting Hill Carnival gets underway.
28.Aug.2006 Chad oil company deadline expires A 24-hour deadline for two foreign oil firms to leave Chad expires, as three ministers are sacked in a row over tax.
28.Aug.2006 Koizumi begins Central Asia visit Japanese PM Junichiro Koizumi arrives in Central Asia, for the first ever visit to the region by a Japanese premier.
28.Aug.2006 Crash plane 'used wrong runway' A passenger plane that crashed in Kentucky, leaving 49 people dead, took off from a runway that was too short, officials say.
28.Aug.2006 Health march 'won't affect cuts' The Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust says a march of 27,000 people will not affect any decision to make health cuts.
28.Aug.2006 Mexicans await election verdict The top electoral court in Mexico is to release results of a partial recount for the July presidential election.
28.Aug.2006 Cancer cell 'executioner' found Scientists create a synthetic molecule called PAC-1 which can prompt cancer cells to self-destruct.
28.Aug.2006 Artery warning for heart patients Advanced heart disease patients have arteries that are biologically 40 years older than their age, a study says.
28.Aug.2006 New York to L.A. in Two Hours Lockheed Martin prepares a successor to the Concorde
-- a supersonic private jet that will fly at almost twice the speed of sound. By Robert Andrews.
Gallery: Supersonic Jets Next generation private supersonic executive jets give jetsetters a jump on the competition.
28.Aug.2006 New Engine Combusts Old Ideas Inventor Carmelo Scuderi breaks a cardinal design rule on his way to rethinking the internal combustion engine. By Dan Orzech.
Who Wins, Who Loses Swans
28.Aug.2006 ... Henry Ford; William Randolph Hearst; and Andrew Mellon, the Secretary of the ... presidential cabinet members
Colin Powell, Frank Carlucci, James Baker + Caspar ... Small Litigation Shops Produce Big Results New York Law Journal
24.Aug.2006 ... It also represented the family of former US Secretary of State James Baker, whose 7-year-old granddaughter drowned in a spa in Alexandria, Va., four years ago. ...
Americans Question Electronic Voting Angus Reid Global Scan

00.Sep.2005, a commission headed by former US president Jimmy Carter + former state secretary James Baker recommended significant changes in the way. FIA International Court of Appeal Judge Biographies PaddockTalk 24.Aug.2006 John Cassidy is a senior partner at Baker Botts LLP, the law firm of James Baker II, the former US Secretary of State. He has represented ... Appeal judges named
22.Aug.2006 John J. Cassidy (US): John Cassidy is a senior partner at
Baker Botts LLP, the law firm of James Baker II, the former US Secretary of State. Potential Deadly Dangers Of Hotel Hot Tubs CBS 3
22.Aug.2006 Nancy Baker, daughter-in-law of former Secretary Of State James Baker, is now an advocate for legislation to prevent these tragedies. ...
Retired Military, Diplomats Demand Policy Change on Iran Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)
22.Aug.2006 ...+ [James] Baker were the initial
Madrid sponsors, after the end of Desert Storm.

We just sent our Secretary of State over to the Middle East + all she could ... Westphalia Principle: From Madrid to Oslo Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)
22.Aug.2006 When President
George HW Bush, through his Secretary of State James Baker III, threatened to withhold $10 billion in US loan guarantees to Israel, Shamir ... BUSH PEDDLES LIES, FEAR IN CAMPAIGN
21.Aug.2006 The project is under the direction of James A. Baker, former secretary of state,
Bush family consigliere, valet + toilet unplugger. Are There Changes In Store For Bush's Iraq Policy? The Moderate Voice 21.Aug.2006 That person is the former secretary of state, Republican insider ... of the Bush family, James A. Baker III .

But as with all things involving James Baker, there's a ... ZZ Top to be inducted into Houston HoF Online Rock Radio
21.Aug.2006 ... + ex-heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman, former Senator + Vice Presidential nominee Lloyd Bentsen, one-time Secretary Of State James A. Baker, NBA

Texas should join the states mandating a paper trail to verify the ... Houston Chronicle
20.Aug.2006 Last year the Commission on Federal Election Reform led by former Secretary of State James Baker, a Republican + former President
Jimmy Carter, a Democrat ...

CHINA: Carlyle takeover bid stirs new debate Green Left Weekly
20.Aug.2006 ... many high profile former Western government leaders, such as former US
President George Bush senior, former US secretary of state James Baker + former ...

Everyone, it seems, loves a man named Lee Capitol Hill Blue
18.Aug.2006 He was vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission + was selected to co-chair the
Iraq Study Group, along with James Baker, who served as secretary of state under ...

Will Your Vote Count in 2006? Santa Monica Mirror
17.Aug.2006 Former President
Jimmy Carter + Secretary of State James A. Baker III were co-chairs of a

00.000.2005 bipartisan commission, which warned that "software can be ... Increasing deaths may point to peril in Texas jobs Houston Chronicle
August 16, 2006 The company is working with an independent panel led by former Secretary of State James Baker III to look at its safety culture + how to better manage ...

On Point: Not the West alone Rocky Mountain News
15.Aug.2006... The Times doesn't mention, naturally, that a commission chaired by former President
Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III
- hardly the ... Preventing another `Guns of August' Kurdish Aspect
15.Aug.2006 Every secretary of state from
Henry Kissinger to Warren Christopher + ... negotiated with Syria, including those Republican icons George Shultz + James Baker. Beware the new guns of August The Age
13.Aug.2006 Every secretary of state from
Henry Kissinger to Warren Christopher + ... negotiated with Syria, including those Republican icons George Shultz + James Baker. Blundering toward the brink Waterloo Record
12.Aug.2006 Every secretary of state from
Henry Kissinger to Warren Christopher + ... negotiated with Syria, including those Republican icons George Shultz + James Baker.In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)
12.Aug.2006... communicating with his own intimate circle, including former National Security Advisor
Brent Scowcroft + former Secretary of State James Baker III, along ... Paulson Reinforces His Reach Wilmington Morning Star

00.000.1985 Treasury Secretary James A. Baker initiated a move that ended up driving the $ down 30 % against other major currencies in an accord ... OCCUPIED TERRITORIES/INTIFADA/STUDY Sahara Press Service
August 10, 2006 ... foiled the mediation efforts of former US Secretary of State, James Baker, who presented ... ground to a complete standstill and UN envoy James Baker called it ...

-> search all news sources for latest news about:  James Baker

James Baker's Double Life A Special Investigation Naomi Klein
12.Oct.2004 The Nation

When President Bush appointed former Secretary of State James Baker III as his envoy on Iraq's debt on December 5, 2003, he called Baker's job "a noble mission." At the time, there was widespread concern about whether Baker's extensive business dealings in the Middle East would compromise that mission, which is to meet with heads of state and persuade them to forgive the debts owed to them by Iraq. Of particular concern was his relationship with merchant bank and defense contractor the Carlyle Group, where Baker is senior counselor and an equity partner with an estimated $180 million stake.

Until now, there has been no concrete evidence that Baker's loyalties are split, or that his power as Special Presidential Envoy--an unpaid position--has been used to benefit any of his corporate clients or employers. But according to documents obtained by The Nation, that is precisely what has happened. Carlyle has sought to secure an extraordinary $1 billion investment from the Kuwaiti government, with Baker's influence as debt envoy being used as a crucial lever.

The secret deal involves a complex transaction to transfer ownership of as much as $57 billion in unpaid Iraqi debts. The debts, now owed to the government of Kuwait, would be assigned to a foundation created and controlled by a consortium in which the key players are the Carlyle Group, the Albright Group (headed by another former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright) and several other well-connected firms. Under the deal, the government of Kuwait would also give the consortium $2 billion up front to invest in a private equity fund devised by the consortium, with half of it going to Carlyle.

The Nation has obtained a copy of the confidential sixty-five-page "Proposal to Assist the Government of Kuwait in Protecting and Realizing Claims Against Iraq," sent in January from the consortium to Kuwait's foreign ministry, as well as letters back and forth between the two parties. In a letter dated August 6, 2004, the consortium informed Kuwait's foreign ministry that the country's unpaid debts from Iraq "are in imminent jeopardy." World opinion is turning in favor of debt forgiveness, another letter warned, as evidenced by "President Bush's appointment...of former Secretary of State James Baker as his envoy to negotiate Iraqi debt relief." The consortium's proposal spells out the threat: Not only is Kuwait unlikely to see any of its $30 billion from Iraq in sovereign debt, but the $27 billion in war reparations that Iraq owes to Kuwait from Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion "may well be a casualty of this U.S. [debt relief] effort."

In the face of this threat, the consortium offers its services. Its roster of former high-level US and European politicians have "personal rapport with the stakeholders in the anticipated negotiations" and are able to "reach key decision-makers in the United Nations and in key capitals," the proposal states. If Kuwait agrees to transfer the debts to the consortium's foundation, the consortium will use these personal connections to persuade world leaders that Iraq must "maximize" its debt payments to Kuwait, which would be able to collect the money after ten to fifteen years. And the more the consortium gets Iraq to pay during that period, the more Kuwait collects, with the consortium taking a 5 % commission or more.

The goal of maximizing Iraq's debt payments directly contradicts the US foreign policy aim of drastically reducing Iraq's debt burden. According to Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University and a leading expert on government ethics and regulations, this means that Baker is in a "classic conflict of interest. Baker is on two sides of this transaction: He is supposed to be representing the interests of the USA, but he is also a senior counselor at Carlyle + Carlyle wants to get paid to help Kuwait recover its debts from Iraq." After examining the documents, Clark called them "extraordinary." She said, "Carlyle and the other companies are exploiting Baker's current position to try to land a deal with Kuwait that would undermine the interests of the US government."

The Nation also showed the documents to Jerome Levinson, an international lawyer and expert on political and corporate corruption at American University. He called it "one of the greatest cons of all time. The consortium is saying to the Kuwaiti government, 'Through us, you have the only chance to realize a substantial part of the debt. Why? Because of who we are and who we know.' It's influence peddling of the crassest kind."

In the confidential documents, the consortium appears acutely aware of the sensitivity of Baker's position as Carlyle partner and debt envoy. Immediately after listing the powerful players associated with Carlyle--including former President George H.W. Bush, former British prime minister John Major and Baker himself--the document states: "The extent to which these individuals can play an instrumental role in fashioning strategies is now more limited...due to the recent appointment of Secretary Baker as the President's envoy on international debt + the need to avoid an apparent conflict of interest." [Emphasis in original.] Yet it goes on to state that this will soon change: "We believe that with Secretary Baker's retirement from his temporary position [as debt envoy], that Carlyle and those leading individuals associated with Carlyle will then once again be free to play a more decisive role..."

Chris Ullman, vice president and spokesperson for Carlyle, said that "neither the Carlyle Group nor James Baker wrote, edited or authorized this proposal to the Kuwait government." But he acknowledged that Carlyle knew a proposal was being made to the government of Kuwait and that Carlyle stood to land a $1 billion investment. "We were aware of that. But we played no role in procuring that investment."

Asked if Carlyle was "willing to take the billion but not to try to get it," Ullman answered, "Correct."

Iraq is the most heavily indebted country in the world, owing roughly $200 billion in sovereign debts and in reparations from Saddam's wars. If Iraq were forced to pay even a quarter of these claims, its debt would still be more than double its annual GDP, severely undermining its capacity to pay for reconstruction or to address the humanitarian needs of its war-ravaged citizens. "This debt endangers Iraq's long-term prospects for political health and economic prosperity," President Bush said when he appointed Baker last December.

But critics expressed grave concern about whether Baker was an appropriate choice for such a crucial job.

For instance, one of Iraq's largest creditors is the government of Saudi Arabia. The Carlyle Group does extensive business with the Saudi royal family, as does Baker's law firm, Baker Botts (which is currently defending them in a $1 trillion lawsuit filed by the families of September 11 victims). The New York Times determined that the potential conflicts of interest were so great that on December 12 it published an editorial calling on Baker to resign his posts at the Carlyle Group and Baker Botts to preserve the integrity of the envoy position.

"Mr. Baker is far too tangled in a matrix of lucrative private business relationships that leave him looking like a potentially interested party in any debt-restructuring formula," stated the editorial. It concluded that it wasn't enough for Baker to "forgo earnings from clients with obvious connections to Iraqi debts.... To perform honorably in his new public job, Mr. Baker must give up these two private ones."

The White House brushed off calls for Baker to choose between representing the President and representing Carlyle investors. "I don't read those editorials," President Bush said when asked by a reporter about the Times piece. Bush assured reporters that "Jim Baker is a man of high integrity.... We're fortunate he decided to take time out of what is an active step forward and serve America." Carlyle was equally adamant: Chris Ullman assured a Knight-Ridder reporter that Baker's post "will have no impact on Carlyle whatsoever."

In fact, several months earlier, on July 16, 2003, Carlyle had attended a high-level London meeting with Kuwaiti officials about the deal. According to the document, the Kuwaitis asked Carlyle and the other consortium members to "prepare a detailed financial proposal for the protection and monetization" of reparation debts from Iraq. But at the time Baker was appointed envoy, the consortium had not yet submitted its proposed plans to Kuwait. That means that the Carlyle Group could have pulled out of the consortium, citing the potential conflicts of interest. Instead, Carlyle stayed on + the consortium proceeded to use Baker's powerful new position to aggressively pitch a deal that positioned the consortium as the Kuwaiti government's chief lobbyist on Iraq's debts and that gave Carlyle a clear stake in the fate of Iraq's debts.

However, several changes were made in the way the consortium presented itself. The documents state, "Prior to [Baker's] appointment [former US Secretary of Defense Frank] Carlucci had played a convening and guiding role on behalf of Carlyle." But after the appointment, according to Carlyle's Chris Ullman, the firm's role was scaled back. "When James Baker was named special envoy...Carlyle explicitly restricted its role to only investing assets on behalf of Kuwait." Shahameen Sheikh, chairman and CEO of International Strategy Group, a company created by the consortium to manage this deal, said that Carlyle told her that "they are not a lobbying firm." Days before Baker's appointment, the consortium reached out to another high-profile Washington firm, the Albright Group, which eventually signed on as the leading political strategists and lobbyists for the consortium.

Moreover, Ullman said that Carlyle put "controls in place" that would insure that Baker "would play no role in nor benefit from" the proposed $1 billion investment--an amount that would constitute nearly 10 % of Carlyle's total equity investments.

But it's not clear that Carlyle has been straightforward about its dealings so far. The day before Baker's appointment was announced, John Harris, managing director and chief financial officer of Carlyle, submitted a signed statement to White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales. "Carlyle does not have any investment in Iraqi public or private debt," he wrote. He didn't mention that Carlyle had for months been in negotiations with Kuwait to help secure its unpaid war debts from Iraq. Asked if the White House had been informed of the Carlyle Group's dealings with Kuwait at any point, Ullman replied, "I'll get back to you on that." He did not.

According to Kathleen Clark, it is unclear whether Baker is complying with the criminal statute and administrative regulations that prohibit government officials from participating in government business in which they have a financial interest-including matters that affect an outside company that employs the official. Clark notes, "even if Baker is somehow being screened from profiting from this deal, Carlyle is using Baker's government position to benefit themselves." She says it's time for Carlyle and the White House to come clean. "There's a tremendous need for transparency here." The White House and James Baker's office did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

Baker occupies a complicated place in the consortium's January proposal--he is both problem and solution, stick and carrot. In the documents, Baker's name comes up repeatedly, usually in tones of high alarm. "Mr. Baker's new role and the likely emergence of what will be understood as a new round of global negotiations over Iraqi debt--casts all of these issues in a new light and gives them a new, perhaps even intense, sense of urgency," states a letter signed by Madeleine Albright; David Huebner, chairman of the Coudert Brothers law firm (another consortium member); and Shahameen Sheikh.

But after establishing Baker's envoy job as the embodiment of the threat that Kuwait will lose its reparations payments, the proposal goes on at length about the powerful individuals connected to the consortium who will "have the ability to gain access to the highest levels of the USA Government + other Security Council governments for a hearing of Kuwait's views."

According to Levinson, "What they are proposing is to completely undercut Baker's mission--and they are using their connection with Baker to do it."

On January 21, 2004, James Baker's dual lives converged. That morning Baker flew to Kuwait as George Bush's debt envoy. He met with Kuwait's prime minister, its foreign minister and several other top officials with the stated goal of asking them to forgive Iraq's debts in the name of regional peace and prosperity.

Baker's colleagues in the consortium chose that very same day to hand-deliver their proposal to Foreign Minister Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah--the same man Baker was meeting. The proposal "takes into account the new dynamics that have developed in the region," states the cover letter, signed by Albright, Huebner and Sheikh--dynamics that include "Secretary Baker's negotiations" on debt relief. If Kuwait accepts the consortium's offer, they explain, "we will distinguish Kuwait's claims--legally and morally--from the sovereign debt for which the USA is now seeking forgiveness."

Was it a coincidence that the consortium submitted its proposal on the same day Baker was in Kuwait? And which James Baker were Kuwait's leaders supposed to take more seriously--the presidential envoy calling for debt forgiveness or the businessman named in the proposal as a potential ally in their quest for debt payment?

Ahamed al-Fahad, under secretary to the prime minister of Kuwait, told The Nation, "I have seen it [the proposal] and I am fully aware of the situation." But when asked about Baker's dual role in Kuwait, he said, "It's hard to comment on that issue, especially now. I hope you fully understand."

Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium head who made the delivery, says the timing was a coincidence. "It had nothing to do with Mr. Baker's visit.... I was in the region so I thought I would stop over on the way to Europe and deliver the proposal."

We do know this: After meeting with Baker on January 21, Kuwait's foreign minister told reporters that Baker had shown "understanding of Kuwait's position on war reparations," confirming that the subject did come up. He also said that while sovereign debt might be forgiven, reparations would not, because "there is an international decision from the UN."

Three days later, when Baker was back in Washington giving a speech, he made this distinction for the first time. "My job is to deal with Iraqi debt to sovereign creditors, not with war reparations," he said. He also echoed the exact line of the Kuwaiti government: that reparations are outside his purview because they are "under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Security Council and subject to resolutions it has passed."

This was a curious statement: Why would such a large portion of Iraq's debts be off the table? It also seemed to contradict other things Baker said in the same speech. He said that "any reduction [in Iraq's debt] must be substantial, or a vast majority of the total debt." That is impossible without addressing reparations, which by some measures account for more than half of Iraq's foreign debts. The Center for Strategic and International Studies, the center-right think tank hosting Baker's speech, has said it is "unwise" to make any debt relief plan "that does not include reparations."

Baker's statement on reparations also placed him at odds with several other members of the Bush Administration, including former chief envoy to Iraq Paul Bremer. "I think there needs to be a very serious look at this whole reparations issue," Bremer said in September 2003. He compared the Iraq situation to that of Germany after World War I, when the 1921 Reparations Commission forced the Weimar Republic to pay $33 billion. The massive reparations "contributed directly to the morass of unrest, instability and despair which led to Adolf Hitler's election," Bremer warned.

Yet Iraq continues to make regular reparations payments for Saddam's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. In the eighteen months since the US invasion, Iraq has paid out a staggering $1.8 billion in reparations-- substantially more than the battered country's 2004 health and education budgets combined + more than the USA has so far managed to spend in Iraq on reconstruction.

Most of the payments have gone to Kuwait, a country that is about to post its sixth consecutive budget surplus, where citizens have an average purchasing power of $19,000 a year. Iraqis, by contrast, are living on an average of just over $2 a day, with most of the population dependent on food rations for basic nutrition. Yet reparations payments continue, with Iraq scheduled to make another $200 million payout in late October.

This arrangement dates back to the end of the first Gulf War. As a condition of the cease-fire, Saddam Hussein agreed to pay for all losses incurred as a result of his invasion and seven-month occupation of Kuwait. Payments started flowing in 1994 and sped up in 1996, with the start of the UN's oil-for-food program. According to UN Security Council Resolution 986, which created the program, Iraq could begin to export oil as long as the revenue was spent on food and medicine imports + as long as 30 % of Iraq's oil revenues went to the United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC), the Geneva-based quasi-tribunal in charge of Gulf War reparations.

Some of the claims that have been awarded by the UNCC are huge: the cost of cleaning up Kuwait's and Saudi Arabia's coastlines from oil spills and fires, or the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation's controversial award for $15.9 billion in lost oil revenues. So far, the UNCC has paid out $18.6 billion in war reparations and has awarded an additional $30 billion that has not been paid because of Iraq's shortage of funds. There are still $98 billion worth of claims before the UNCC that have yet to be assessed, so these numbers could rise steeply. That's why there are no accurate estimates of how much Iraq owes in war reparations--the figure ranges from $50 billion to $130 billion.

But the fate of these debts is now highly uncertain. On May 22, 2003--two months after the USA invaded Iraq--the Security Council decided to cut the %age of Iraqi oil revenues going to war reparations to 5 %. This past May, an Iraqi delegation went to the UN to ask for the %age to be reduced even further, to accommodate Iraq's own reconstruction needs. There is growing sympathy for this position. Justin Alexander of the debt relief group Jubilee Iraq says that many of the claims before the UNCC are inflated and that "even for genuine claims, this is Saddam's responsibility, not the Iraqi people's, who themselves suffered far more than anyone."

This is where the Carlyle/Albright consortium comes in. The premise of its proposal is that Iraq's unpaid debts to Kuwait are not just a financial problem but a political and public relations problem as well. Global public opinion is no longer what it was when Kuwait was promised full reparations. Now the world is focused on reconstructing Iraq and forgiving its debts. If Kuwait is going to get its reparations awards, the cover letter argues, it will need to recast them not as a burden on Iraq but "as a key element in working toward regional stability and reconciliation."

Several parties involved in the consortium emphasized that the proposal concerned only reparations debts. Albright Group spokesperson Jamie Smith said, "We were asked to join a proposal to secure justice for victims of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and ensure that compensation to Kuwaiti victims-- which was endorsed by the US government and the United Nations--be used to promote reconciliation, environmental improvements and investment in Kuwait, Iraq and the region."

In fact, the proposal does not restrict itself to reparations debt. The consortium also asks the government of Kuwait to give the consortium control over $30 billion in defaulted sovereign debts to be used as political leverage to secure reparations claims. Furthermore, most experts on debt restructuring agree that Iraq's debts must be looked at as a whole: There is little point forgiving Iraq's sovereign debts if the country is still going to be saddled with an unmanageable reparations burden. This understanding is reflected in the documents, which repeatedly state that Kuwait's reparations payments are endangered by the moves to forgive Iraq's debts.

To avert this threat to Kuwait, the consortium proposes a three-pronged strategy of aggressive backroom lobbying, clever public relations and creative investing and financing. "Any solution for payment of the Unpaid Awards...must be politically sellable as reinforcing stability and growth in the Gulf and in Iraq. This Proposal provides the strategy, the architecture + the talent to achieve this goal," the document states.

Lobbying: Since the UNCC exists entirely at the discretion of the Security Council, which can vote to reduce, suspend or eliminate reparations at any time, the part of the proposal dealing with power- brokering is straightforward: It suggests a full-on lobbying offensive directed at Security Council members, using Albright's connections, but also other "eminent" people associated with the consortium like former US Senator Gary Hart and former US ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick. "We will first seek to preserve the five % of the revenues from Iraqi oil allocated as funding for payment of the UNCC awards," the proposal says. To achieve this, the consortium will make "discreet contacts at top levels in key capitals of Security Council member states and with influential representatives," and "interventions with United Nations senior staff to shape presentations to the Security Council." The proposal further notes that "Germany and Romania may be pivotal + The Albright Group has very close ties to each."

Public Relations: The consortium also has a detailed plan to address the perception that reparations are "diverting resources from rebuilding Iraq to a more wealthy neighbor." First, Kuwait must assign its unpaid debts from Iraq to a private foundation controlled by the consortium. The foundation will manage an investment fund that will invest a portion of reparations payments from Iraq to Kuwait back into Iraq. As examples of the types of investments the foundation would make, Albright, Huebner and Sheikh suggest in their letter that the reparations funds could be used to buy Iraq's state-owned companies. "In the near future, 40 state-owned Iraqi enterprises in a range of sectors will be available for leasing and management contracts," they write. By demonstrating that Kuwait is investing part of its reparations proceeds back into Iraq's economy, the consortium-run foundation "establishes a humanitarian rationale for the USA + other countries to continue their support" for the reparations. The consortium appears to see privatization--a highly controversial proposal in Iraq--as part of a humanitarian mission.

The proposal also suggests more direct public relations strategies. It calls for Kuwait to dedicate $1 billion of the reparations awards it has already been paid by the UNCC to a Kuwait Environmental Restoration Fund, which the consortium would create. The purpose of this fund would be to remind the world of "the gravity of the environmental legacy facing Kuwait" and to "position Kuwait as the region's environmental leader." The fund would be headed by Carol Browner, former head of the US Environmental Protection Agency and a principal in the Albright Group.

Investment/Financing: The proposal predicts that on their own, lobbying and PR will not be sufficient to secure the amounts that the Kuwaiti government hopes to receive in reparations. For the consortium to "maximize the value of Kuwait's compensation," Kuwait will have to part with even more of the reparations payments it has received. In addition to the $1 billion for the environmental fund, the proposal calls for another $2 billion of Kuwaiti money to be invested in a Middle East Private Equity Fund. Of that $2 billion, "$1 billion would be invested, by way of special agreement, in The Carlyle Group equity funds" for a period of at least twelve to fifteen years. At the end of that period Kuwait will get the return on these investments, as well as whatever the consortium has been able to negotiate in reparations payments.

For the consortium, it is an excellent deal: Its members get to manage a $2 billion investment portfolio, collecting healthy management fees as well as a %age of interest. They also will be paid a "retainer" and 5 % of any debts the consortium gets repaid + "a negotiated %age of the value returned to Kuwait exceeding" the pre-arranged amount.

Other consortium members sharing in these benefits include Fidelity Investments; BNP Paribas, a European bank embroiled in the oil-for-food scandal; Gaffney, Cline & Associates, an energy company specializing in oil and gas privatization; Nexgen Financial Solutions, a financial engineering firm partly owned by the government of France; and Emerging Markets Partnership, an AIG affiliate headed by a former senior vice president of the World Bank, Moeen Qureshi.

In addition to the financial windfall, the arrangement would give this group of private companies tremendous power. Whoever holds Iraq's debt has the ability to influence policy in Iraq at a moment of extreme political uncertainty. Yet for the government of Kuwait the proposed deal is fraught with risk. It's true that the fate of its Iraqi reparations looks grim. The consortium estimated that if Kuwait tried to sell those debts on the market, its $27 billion would be worth only $1.5 billion. But the consortium is asking Kuwait to risk $3 billion of reparations money it has already received in the hope that it can be used to leverage some of the rest. However, as Jerome Levinson points out, "There are absolutely no guarantees of even that."

It is clear that the consortium is extremely eager to seal a deal with Kuwait. Consortium CEO Shahameen Sheikh writes of making five trips to Kuwait in four months; Albright met with Kuwait's foreign minister about the issue on April 2, 2004; and the Albright Group's Carol Browner is reported to have "personally delivered a copy" of the proposal to his hotel when he was in Washington. Yet Kuwait appears reluctant: It took four months to reply to the proposal and then it would only say, in a letter dated August 10, that the proposal "will be taken into deep consideration and is currently being studied by the appropriate authorities." According to Ahamed al-Fahad, "The issue is now in the hands of the under secretary of foreign affairs," who was unavailable for comment. But Salem Abdullah al Jaber al-Sabah, Kuwait's ambassador to the USA, said, "As far as my information is concerned, my government is not considering such proposals."

Even if the deal falls through, the fact that the Carlyle Group and the Albright Group have been engaged in these negotiations may already have damaged debt relief efforts, hurting both Iraqi and US interests. Levinson points out that the Bush Administration has made commitments that Iraq's oil revenues will be spent on reconstruction. Yet the failure to deal with the reparations issue means that "part of those resources instead are being diverted to Kuwait. Who pays for this? It's the people of Iraq who continue to make reparations payments + it's US taxpayers, who are asked to foot the bill for reconstruction, because Iraq's money is going to debt payments."

Levinson says this is all the more remarkable because of who is involved. "Here you have two former Secretaries of State seemingly proposing to use their contacts and inside information to undercut the official US government policy." Washington University's Kathleen Clark says the proposal "lays bare how former high-level government employees use their access in order to reap financial benefits that appear to be enormous."

A case can certainly be made that James Baker and Madeleine Albright have had more direct influence over Iraq's debts and reparations payments than any politicians outside Iraq, with the possible exception of the forty-first and forty-third Presidents of the USA.

As Secretary of State, Baker played a role in running up Iraq's foreign debts in the first place, personally intervening in 1989 to secure a $1 billion US loan to Saddam Hussein in export credits. He was also a key architect of the first Gulf War, as well as of the cease-fire that required Saddam to pay such sweeping reparations. In his 1995 memoirs, The Politics of Diplomacy, Baker wrote that after seeing the oil-well fires in Kuwait he cabled President George H.W. Bush and said, "Iraq should pay for it." Now, through the consortium, Carlyle could end up controlling $1 billion of those payments.

The role of the Albright Group raises similar questions. As Secretary of State and Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright participated personally in drafting UN Resolution 986, which created the oil- for-food program, diverting 30 % of Iraq's revenue from oil sales to war reparations. "It's a great day for the USA because we were the authors of Resolution 986," she said on The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer on May 20, 1996. Now, as a private citizen, Albright is a leading member of a consortium that is exploiting her connections to try to profit from the very reparations she helped secure. Albright also enforced the brutal sanctions campaign against Iraq, one of the effects of which was the hobbling of Iraq's state companies. Now, she is part of a plan to use Iraq's reparations payments to buy the very firms that her sanctions program helped to debilitate.

But it is Baker's envoy post that raises the most serious questions for the White House, especially because a Special Presidential Envoy is the President's personal representative, meeting with heads of state in the President's stead and reporting back directly to the President. If a President's envoy has a conflict of interest, it reflects directly on the highest office. Clark says, "There is absolutely a conflict of interest. Baker is aligned with two parties--the US government and Carlyle-- that are not aligned with each other."

As envoy, Baker's job is to do his best to clear away Iraq's debts, lessening the burden on Iraqis and on US taxpayers. Yet as a businessman, he is an equity partner in a company that is part of a deal that would achieve the opposite result. If Baker the envoy succeeds, Baker's business partners stand to fail--and vice versa.

Have these conflicts influenced Baker's performance as envoy? Has he pushed as hard as he could have for debt forgiveness? We know that Iraq's steep war reparations to Kuwait have largely escaped public scrutiny--if Baker has steered the Bush Administration away from the reparations issue, for whom was he working at the time? The White House? Or Carlyle? Clark says questions like these are precisely why conflict-of-interest regulations exist. "We have reason to doubt that Baker is doing everything he could be doing on behalf of the USA because he has an interest in another side of the transaction."

This issue is all the more pressing because the file that President Bush handed to Baker is in disarray--ten months on, there is significantly less goodwill toward forgiving Iraq's debt than when Baker arrived. When President Bush appointed him, he praised Baker's "vast economic, political and diplomatic experience." And at first, Baker seemed to be making fast progress: After top-level meetings, France, Russia and Germany appeared open to canceling a large proportion of debt owed to them by Iraq + Saudi Arabia and Kuwait seemed ready to follow.

But now, the negotiations are not only stalled, they seem to be going backward. Kuwait, for its part, has hardened its position. "Debts remain debts," Foreign Minister Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al- Sabah said recently. And it has intensified its demands for Gulf War reparations, joining with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan and Syria to claim an additional $82 billion from Iraq in environmental damages.

And the Europeans? At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on September 15, Senator Joseph Biden Jr. asked Ronald Schlicher, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq, about the status of the international negotiations.

"Has a single nation in the G8...formally said or requested of their parliaments to forgive Iraqi debt?" Biden asked.

"Not yet. No sir," Schlicher replied.

Not only has Baker failed to deliver any firm commitments for debt forgiveness; at the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund on October 2, it emerged that France had done an end run around Washington and was pushing a debt-relief deal of its own. French Finance Minister Nicolas Sarkozy announced that he had lined up Russia, Germany and Italy behind a plan to cancel only 50 % of Iraq's debts--a far cry from the 90-95 % cancellation Washington had been demanding. Yet Baker was nowhere to be found.

Busy negotiating the rules of the presidential debates, Baker has been MIA on the debt issue. Since he returned from his trip to the Middle East in January, the President's envoy has issued only two public statements on Iraq's debt + he has been completely silent on the topic for the past six months--despite having publicly committed to getting the debt issue sewn up by the end of the year.

While this is bad news for Iraqis and for US taxpayers, it could be good news for Carlyle. A swift resolution to Iraq's debt crisis works against its financial interest: The longer the negotiations drag on, the more time the consortium has to convince the reluctant Kuwaiti government to sign on the dotted line. But if Iraq's debt is successfully wiped out, any proposed deal is off the table.

Baker's position as envoy has certainly been useful to his colleagues in the consortium. Whether Baker has helped solve Iraq's debt crisis is far less clear.
James A. Baker (scandal sheet)
Oral History: James Baker [PBS]
28.Aug.2006 "Initially, there was not a lot of support for the idea." Backed by congressional heavyweights, including Warner, Wolf met privately with Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld + others in the administration.
28.Aug.2006 how can you take the entire community of Iraq experts in the USA and have them all stop talking?"
28.Aug.2006 "We get about every month a warning: 'Do not discuss in any context the substance of what is happening in this group.'
28.Aug.2006 disaster in 2008. "I guess there are people in the [Republican] party, on the Hill and in the White House, who see a political train wreck coming + they've called in Baker to try to reroute the train."
28.Aug.2006 "Baker is primarily motivated by his desire to avoid a war at home--that things will fall apart not on the battlefield but at home. So he wants a ceasefire in American politics,"
28.Aug.2006 But what makes this particular commission hard to dismiss is that it is led by perhaps the one man who might be able to break through the tight phalanx of senior officials who advise the president and filter his information. That person is the former secretary of state, Republican insider + consigliere of the Bush family, James A. Baker III.

Since March, Baker, backed by a team of experienced national-security hands,

has been busily at work trying to devise a fresh set of policies to help the president chart a new course in--or, perhaps, to get the hell out of--Iraq
28.Aug.2006 Ye gods! Ancient volcano could have blasted Atlantis myth 

Little wonder the ancients believed in lightning-bolt-throwing gods and smoking monsters emerging from the underworld. As a new marine geology survey of an ancient volcano in the Aegean Sea reveals, they may have been justifiably cowed. posted by Prof. Hex at 9:55 PM

Evidence of a building linked to the myth of King Arthur and his knights of the round table has been found at Windsor Castle
28.Aug.2006 A Higher Power 

James Baker puts Bush's Iraq policy into rehab. By Robert Dreyfuss.
"Baker is primarily motivated by his desire to avoid a war at home--that things will fall apart not on the battlefield but at home.

So he wants a ceasefire in American politics," a member of one of the commission's working groups told me.

Specifically, he said, if the Democrats win back one or both houses of Congress

00.Nov.2006 they would unleash a series of investigative hearings on Iraq, the war on terrorism + civil liberties that could fatally weaken the administration + remove the last props of political support for the war, setting the stage for a potential Republican electoral disaster in 2008.

"I guess there are people in the [Republican] party, on the Hill and in the White House, who see a political train wreck coming + they've called in Baker to try to reroute the train."
Via this excellent
post from Hammer of the Gods and this Rigorous Intuition open thread. posted by Prof. Hex at 8:55 PM
28.Aug.2006 A meeting of civilisations: The mystery of China's celtic mummies 

The discovery of European corpses thousands of miles away suggests a hitherto unknown connection between East and West in the Bronze Age. Great story:
_00.000.0300 -BC-around-At their peak- the influence of the Celts stretched from Ireland in the west to the south of Spain + across to Italy's Po Valley +

probably extended to parts of Poland + Ukraine + the central plain of Turkey in the east.

These mummies seem to suggest, however, that the Celts penetrated well into central Asia, nearly making it as far as Tibet.
Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Two Palestinians: Israeli attack helicopters sprayed buildings in eastern Gaza City with machine gun fire.

28.Aug.2006 Israeli army kills Palestinian teen : Witnesses said soldiers fired on Palestinians throwing stones at them in the city of Nablus, killing a 16-year-old boy and wounding five others, one seriously.

28.Aug.2006 Israel seizes another Hamas MP: The Israeli army has seized a Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament in the West Bank.

28.Aug.2006 Fox News journalists freed: The Hamas-led government had called for the men to be freed while several prominent resistance groups in Gaza denied involvement and also said the men should be freed.

28.Aug.2006 Italian FM: UN Troops in Lebanon Will Not Aim to Destroy Hezbollah : Italy's foreign minister says the goal of the expanded U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon will not be to destroy the Hezbollah militant group, which fought a month-long war with Israel.

28.Aug.2006 Nasrallah: Talks on prisoners deal underway: Hizbullah leader tells Lebanese TV station that Italy is trying to play active role in negotiations on prisoner exchange between Israel and terror group

28.Aug.2006 Toll from unexploded Israeli bomblets in Lebanon grows: Three children and a man were wounded Sunday by cluster bombs in southern Lebanon, medical sources said, bringing to almost 60 the number of people hurt by the controversial explosives since a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah two weeks ago.

28.Aug.2006 Pigs at the trough: Lantos: Withhold aid to Lebanon until troops secure border : U.S. Representative Tom Lantos said Sunday that he would ask the U.S. administration to freeze the U.S. $230 million aid package to Lebanon proposed by President George W. Bush until the Lebanese government takes control of its borders with Syria and prevent arms smuggling to Hezbollah guerrillas.

28.Aug.2006 UN: 202 Palestinians killed since operation 'Summer Rain' : The report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the territories also says that 44 children are among the dead.

28.Aug.2006 The Jerusalem Declaration On Christian Zionism: We categorically reject Christian Zionist doctrines as false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice and reconciliation.

28.Aug.2006 Diaspora Jews urged to find collective voice: Prominent Melbourne barrister Robert Richter, QC, has called on the Jewish community to speak out when Israeli Government policies adversely affect the Jewish diaspora.
28.Aug.2006 Reuters seeks Pentagon probe on journalist's "unlawful". death:

Reuters news agency urged the U.S. military on Sunday to investigate the killing of one of its journalists by American troops in Baghdad a year ago

28.Aug.2006 You wouldn’t catch me dead in Iraq:

Scores of American troops are deserting — even from the front line in Iraq.

But where have they gone?

And why isn’t the US Army after them?

Peter Laufer tracked down four of the deserters
The Planned Assault on Iran -By Gary Leupp
"How can the deployment of the expanded UN force in southern Lebanon, brought about by Israel's attack on its northern neighbor, facilitate the broader goal of achieving regime change in Iran?"

28.Aug.2006 America's Rottweiler -By Uri Avnery
The Second Lebanon War is considered by many as a "War by Proxy". That's to say: Hizbullah is the Dobermann of Iran, we are the Rottweiler of America.

Hizbullah gets money, rockets and support from the Islamic Republic, we get money, cluster bombs and support from the USA of America. Continue

28.Aug.2006 Can Anything Be Done? -Paul Craig Roberts
A group of scientists, engineers + university professors are trying to start a debate about the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings.

I reported one of their findings: There is an inconsistency between the speed with which the buildings collapsed and the “pancaking theory” used to explain the collapse. Continue
Newsweek previews of Michael Isikoff and David Corn's new book, Hubris, particularly as they pertain to claims that Richard
Armitage was the source of the leak of CIA operative, Valerie Plame.
Much is made all around about this claim, but
CHS at FDL emphasizes that something is missing.

28.Aug.2006 Why is America a One Party Country at the National Level? -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
Another Reason Why the Working Person Shouldn't Vote Republican: Real Wages Fail to Match a Rise in Productivity
Bush Has Billions Behind Him. BuzzFlash Has You. In This David Vs. Goliath Battle for Democracy, Your Dollars Matter, a Lot.
Who gave Iran a research reactor and uranium? We did (no, not Buzzflash. The USA)

28.Aug.2006 Katrina, One Year Later. Americans Don't Trust Bush Can Handle Natural Disasters. He Can't Handle Terrorism or Foreign Policy Either. The Guy IS a Natural Disaster. 8/28
British forces suffered their 14th combat death in Afghanistan yesterday as commanders admitted that intense fighting against the Taliban meant they were using up missiles, rockets and spares at an alarming rate. The vital Apache attack helicopters have been particularly hard hit with a senior Army source claiming that stocks of weapons and components meant to last until April next year could be used up "well before Christmas". 8/28
Iraq bomb attacks, shootings kill 50
"Bush on the Couch" is Back + Not a Moment Too Soon!
About the Only People Giving Bush Some Leeway on Katrina Handling in this New York Times Article are Top Democrats! Notice Headline: "Year After Katrina, Bush Still Fights for 9/11 Image." Yes, Manufactured Image, Not On the Ground Reality. Bush Will Have None of That "Reality Thing." 8/28

28.Aug.2006 Bush Defies the Supreme Court in Continued Efforts to Create Soviet-Style Dictatorial Powers -- Accused Denied Right to See Evidence Against Them! 8/28
28.Aug.2006 Emmy- Verleihung: "24" ist der große Gewinner

28.Aug.2006 Studie: Online- Musikmarkt wächst rasant

28.Aug.2006 Pakistan: Gewaltausbrüche nach Tod von Rebellenführer Bugti

28.Aug.2006 Emmy- Verleihung: Die Besten wurden übersehen
28.Aug.2006 Korruption: Millionen- Schmiergeld für Ikea- Manager

28.Aug.2006 "Stammzell- Sensation": Fachblatt "Nature" korrigiert Mitteilung
28.Aug.2006 Erdöl- Konzerne: Milliardenfusion auf US- Markt
28.Aug.2006 England: Nabelschnurblut für Knie- kranke Kicker
28.Aug.2006 Isaf- Einsatz Afghanistan: Bundeswehr soll bald im gefährlichen Süden operieren
28.Aug.2006 Tropensturm: "Ernesto" gefährdet ShuttleSTART

28.Aug.2006 Diskriminierung: Deutscher Bank droht Klage in USA
28.Aug.2006 Emmy- Verleihung: Echtzeit- Thriller "24" ausgezeichnet
Türkei: Bomben explodieren in Urlaubsparadies

28.Aug.2006 Rumsfeld- Plan: Mit Langstreckenraketen gegen Terroristen

1 - 10 of about 49,200 for General motors investment in nazi germany -

Ford + GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration.

00.Jul.1938 German diplomats award Henry Ford, center, with their nation's highest decoration for foreigners, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle,

... politics of Nazi Germany "should not be considered the business of the management of General Motors ," Sloan explained in ... GM's $100 million investment in Germany."

Hitler has all ...

Working for the Enemy - Ford, General Motors & Forced Labor in Germany during WWII. ... executives at Ford + General Motors were eager to do business with Nazi Germany.

Ford Werke + Opel ... + force.

To General Motors, it was an investment in need of ...

Archive - Nazi Connection ... began with U.S. corporate investment during the reconstruction of ... mid-1930s, General Motors was committed to full-scale production of trucks, armored cars + tanks in Nazi Germany ...

WWII. is generally known as "the good war."

IBM established a German subsidiary, Dehomag, before WWI;

in the 1920 s General Motors ... in America's investment offensive in Germany ... with Nazi Germany ;

with the ...


began with U.S. corporate investment during the reconstruction of post ...

Ford and General Motors conversion "from gasoline to wood-gasoline production" for Nazi Germany, as earlier ...


Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company. -

The Nazi connection:

Ford, an outspoken anti-Semite, was a big donor to the Nazi party.


Traitors, traitors, traitors, with no shame.... selling out the USA. -- Ford's alliance with evil. -- General Motors ... the Wall Street investment firm that "arranged for ...

An Open Letter to All Americans

... began with U.S. corporate investment during the reconstruction of post ... Ford and General Motors conversion "from gasoline to wood-gasoline production" for Nazi Germany, as earlier ...

Jacques R. Pauwels | Profits über Alles! American Corporations + Hitler | Labour/Le Travail, 51 | The History ... in Germany.

IBM established a German subsidiary, Dehomag, before WWI.;

in the 1920s General Motors ... in America's investment offensive in Germany ... with Nazi Germany ; with the ...

Global Intelligence News

"Helping Hitler: Nazi support from the U.S." Without help from U.S. industrialists, Hitler might never have been able to wage WWII.

Here are a few examples of how U.S. industrialists supported Adolf Hitler + Nazi Germany.

General Motors ... Harriman was the Wall Street investment firm that "arranged for a loan ...

Helping Hitler: Nazi support from the U.S. RAT U JUGOSLAVIJI : razna dokumenta o nasim neprijateljima ...

Here are a few examples of how U.S. industrialists supported Adolph Hitler + Nazi Germany.

General Motors ... Harriman was the Wall Street investment firm that "arranged for a loan ...
Search Results 1
- 10 of about 8,400,000 for
Is Bush">Bush A Nazi? -
28.Aug.2006 Zionist state of "Israel" seems to be in moral, political + psychiatric free fall
PalestineFreeVoice "Israel's" goals in Palestine and Lebanon are inherently irrational. They, argues Issa Khalaf*, represent a distorted rationalisation of power and create the conditions for consequences that "Israel" cannot control. As we witness the unfolding spectacle of ferocious, indiscriminate violence, destruction + brutality in Gaza and Lebanon, it's difficult to resist the conclusion that there is something terribly ! wrong with the "Israeli" state and society. It's as though all moral and psychological constraints and boundaries have been breached, deviancy normalised...

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 26 August 2006.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice ...

In a dispatch posted at 11:15pm Makkah time Saturday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the pro-American chief of the so-called Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Hakim had renewed his calls for the establishment of what he called a "federation" in which southern and central Iraq would be largely independent o! f the rest of the country. Inn a statement issued by his office, al-Hakim urged members of his party to "raise consciousness about what he called the "advantages of federation." The statement said that federation was the "greatest guarantee for our people" ? presumably a reference to Iraqi Shi'ah ? and stressed the importance of getting people to vote for the "formation of a central and southern Iraqi region so that oppression may not return" as he put it, al-Jazeera satellite TV, as monitored by Mafkarat al-Islam, reported. Calls for a so-called "federation" that would largely split Iraq along religious and ethnic lines are consitent with plans hatched by US and Zionist politicians and reflected recently by Leslie Gelb (President Emeritus of the US Council on Foreign Relations) in "The Three-State Solution published in The New York Times on 25 November 2003, in the article by Gelb and US Democratic Senator Joseph Biden in "Unity through Autonomy in Iraq," in The New York! Times on 01.May 2006

Pipelines to 9/11
Rudo de Ruijter, POAC This article is about backgrounds of the US war against Afghanistan. It is about oil, gas and pipelines around the Caspian Sea. To transport oil and gas from the east side of the Caspian Sea, pipelines had been planned through Afghanistan. Because a US company, UNOCAL, failed to control the Afghan route, the war was prepared. When the military was ready to strike, the terrorists of 9/11 gave Bush the pretext to start this war and obtain support from Congress, the U.S. pop! ulation and the rest of the world...

UFPJ: The Absence of Moral Character
Free Palestine Alliance As we join people around the world in mobilizing against the unspeakable atrocities being committed by the Israeli military in Lebanon and Palestine, we are forced to turn our attention to attempts by forces within the US justice movement who have made a habit of condemning the popular resistance of the Arab people. We feel that this is important due to the continued and unabated attempts to marginalize the voice of those at the receiving end of war. A ! comprehensive position paper on this matter will be issued shortly addressing language manipulations, political construct + historical distortions. On July 18, 2006, during peak wholesale murders at the hands of the Israeli military, United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) issued a statement that condemned the popular resistance movement in Lebanon as it equated it with Israeli actions. This was followed by a call on July 19, in which UFPJ not only completely eliminated Palestine (once again) from the political scene, but also escalated its condemnation of the resistance and declared that it was in violation of International Law. UFPJ went further to echo the US administration's own political constructs, that the Israeli forces should not use a "disproportionate response"
- as if a proportionate one exists + as if the violence of colonists is just a mere "response"...

Weary Iraqis Face New Foe: Rising Prices
DAMIEN CAVE, NYTimes For Mehdi Dawood, Iraq?s failures have leached into the cucumbers, a staple of every meal that now devours a fifth of his monthly pension. And it is not just the vegetables. Fuel and electricity prices are up more than 270 % from last year?s, according to Iraqi government figures. Tea in some markets has quadrupled, egg prices have doubled + all over the country the daily routine now includes a new question: What can be done without? "Meat, I ! just don?t buy it anymore," said Mr. Dawood, 66, holding half-filled bags at a market in Baghdad. "It?s too expensive." "We are all suffering," he said. "It?s the government?s fault. There is no security. There is no stability." (...)

Three months into the administration of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the inflation rate has reached 70 % a year, up from 32 % last year...

Nato pilots accused of killing Afghan children
Tom Coghlan, The Independent Nato pilots have been accused of killing 13 Afghan civilians, including nine children, during an attack close to the British base at Musa Kala in Helmand province. Witnesses and relatives of the dead, who were interviewed by The Independent at the town of Lashkargar, claim that on 31 July a family of 13 was attempting to flee the fighting in a rented pickup truck with three other men when an aircraft appeared overhead. "We stopped the car! ," said Abdul Habib, 40. "Then the plane dropped a bomb ahead of us and went away. After a while we started driving again, but the aircraft came back. I told my wives to stand up so that the pilot would see they were women, but at that moment it opened fire."

"THE JERUSALEM DECLARATION ON CHRISTIAN ZIONISM" - Statement by the Patriarch and Local Heads of Churches In Jerusalem
Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel. The Christian Zionist programme provides a worldview where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism and militarism. In its extreme form, it laces an emphasis on apocalyp! tic events leading to the end of history rather than living Christ's love and justice today. We categorically reject Christian Zionist doctrines as false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice and reconciliation.

Cleanup of Lebanon's Massive Oil Spill Could Take Years
IMEMC News Cleanup of a massive oil slick along Lebanon's coast has barely begun more than one month after Israel's bombing of a power plant unleashed the pollution. At a bend in the boardwalk along the edge of Beirut, thick and nauseating black water laps against about 20 flat-bottomed fishing boats sheltered in a cove toward the south of the city. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) estimates that between 10,000 and 15,000 tons (11,000-16,500 ton! s) of fuel oil leaked from the Jiyeh electric power plant in mid-July after two Israeli air raids.

The seaside plant, 30 kilometers south of Beirut, burned for 12 days...
28.Aug.2006 Ahmadinejad: We are Not a Threat to Any Country, I...  Informed Comment
Thoughts on the Middle East, History + Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Ahmadinejad: We are Not a Threat to Any Country, I... By Juan Ahmadinejad: We are Not a Threat to Any Country, Including Israel
Believe it, don't believe it, that's up to you. But at least we should know what exactly he said, which is not something our US newspapers will tell us about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech on Saturday:
Kayhan reports that [Pers.] Ahmadinejad said, "Iran is not a threat to any country + is not in any way a people of intimidation and aggression." He described Iranians as people of peace and civilization. He said that Iran does not even pose a threat to Israel + wants to deal with the problem there peacefully, through elections:
"Weapons research is in no way part of Iran's program. Even with regard to the Zionist regime, our path to a solution is elections."
Ahmadinejad seems to be explaining what his calls for the Zionist regime to be effaced actually mean. He says he doesn't want violence against Israel, despite its own acts of enmity against Middle Eastern neighbors. I interpret his statement on Saturday to be an endorsement of the one-state solution, in which a government would be elected that all Palestinians and all Israelis would jointly vote for. The result would be a government about half made up of Israeli ministers and half of Palestinian ones. Whatever one wanted to call such an arrangement, it wouldn't exactly be a "Zionist state," which would thus have been dissolved.
The schlock Western pundits, journalists and politicians who keep maintaining that Ahmadinejad threatened "to wipe Israel off the map" when he never said those words will never, ever manage to choke out the words Ahmadinejad spoke on Saturday, much less repeat them as a tag line forever after.
Supreme Jurisprudent Khamenei's pledge of no first strike against any country by Iran with any kind of weapon + his condemnation of nuclear bombs as un-Islamic and impossible for Iran to possess or use, was completely ignored by the Western press and is never referred to. Indeed, after all that talk of peace and no fist strike and no nukes, Khamenei at the very end said that if Iran were attacked, it would defend itself. Karl Vicks of the Washington Post at the time ignored all the rest of the speech and made the headline, 'Khamenei threatens reprisals against US." In other words, on Iran, the US public is being spoonfed agitprop, not news.
Although Iran's protestations of peaceful intentions are greeted cynically in the US and Israel, in fact Iran has not launched a war of aggression in over a century. The US and Israel have launched several during that period of time.
Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a speech inaugurating work on a heavy water nuclear reactor in Arak. I don't think that work is very advanced. The Iranians maintain that it is for peaceful energy generation.
Much of the electricity produced in France, South Korea and Japan is generated by nuclear plants.
Culture of Life News The Blog Is Mightier Than The Sword
Experts Who Uncovered CIA Spying And Kidnapping In Italy Murdered By ElaineMeinelSupkis

Two men who were keys to the breaking of the CIA kidnapping and spying stories in Italy and Greece are now both dead. Each murder was made to look like a 'suicide' even though both men were very active in ongoing legal cases in Italy concerning the CIA. This is the latest in a long string of very suspicious deaths connected with 9/11 and the anthrax attack that hit only people on a short list of people Bush wanted to intimidate or kill.
Experts Who Uncovered CIA Spying And Kidnapping In Italy Murdered By ElaineMeinelSupkis

Two men who were keys to the breaking of the CIA kidnapping and spying stories in Italy and Greece are now both dead. Each murder was made to look like a 'suicide' even though both men were very active in ongoing legal cases in Italy concerning the CIA. This is the latest in a long string of very suspicious deaths connected with 9/11 and the anthrax attack that hit only people on a short list of people Bush wanted to intimidate or kill.
Rock Frontman Invites Viewing Millions To See Alex Jones Movie - Paul Joseph Watson Muse singer scrawls name of Terror Storm on t-shirt, performs headlining show at Reading
chiapas98 - Die Website zur E-Mail-Liste - Karsten Donat 
Seit Mitte Mai gibt es eine professionell gestaltete Website mit umfangreichem News-Archiv von inzwischen über 1400 Meldungen zur Menschenrechtsproblematik in Chiapas, dem südlichsten Bundesstaat vom Mexiko sowie artverwandten Themen, wie Globalisierung, Plan Panama Puebla, Biopiraterie, ähnlichen Entwicklungen in anderen mexikanischen Bundesstaaten (aktuelle: Oaxaca) ...

Whatever Happened to… the Krishnas? - John C Dvorak -Crackpot group finally falls apart.
Verizon gaffe lets customer details slip Spreadsheet with limited data on more than 5,000 wireless subscribers was accidentally e-mailed to other customers.
28.Aug.2006 Ten Britons hurt in Turkey blast Ten Britons have been injured after three explosions hit a holiday resort in Turkey, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has said.
28.Aug.2006 Nasrallah sorry for scale of war Hezbollah's leader says he would not have captured two Israeli soldiers if he could have foreseen the result.
28.Aug.2006 Chipped bins to promote recycling Chips in bins which help councils charge for rubbish collections could be common across the UK within two years.
28.Aug.2006 Thousands join hospital cuts demo About 27,000 people join a march protesting at hospital cuts in Cornwall, campaigners say.
28.Aug.2006 500 at illegal rave in mountains Up to 500 people are attending an illegal rave in the Epynt mountains near Brecon in mid Wales, police say.
28.Aug.2006 Blair should carry on - Falconer Tony Blair is backed to continue as prime minister by one of his closest political allies, Lord Falconer.
28.Aug.2006 US politics 'obsessed' with ads US political parties care only about buying TV commercials, former US Vice-President Al Gore says.
28.Aug.2006 US pins trade talk hopes on China US trade representative Susan Schwab visits China in the hope that Beijing can revive WTO trade talks.
28.Aug.2006 Refuse to be Terrorized Arresting would-be attackers becomes a pyrrhic victory if politicians and the media spread fear on the terrorists' behalf.
28.Aug.2006 Data Mining Used to Create New Materials - Zonk 52 - Roland Piquepaille writes

"MIT researchers have successfully integrated data mining tools and modern methods of quantum mechanics. They've designed software which can help predict the crystal structures of materials.

To simplify, they say they've used methods used by online sales sites to suggest books to customers.

And it seems to work: they claim they can determine in days the properties of atomic structures that might have taken months before. Read more for additional references and pictures."
The Struggle of an African-language Wikipedia - Zonk 115 - 

International Herald Tribune article discussing the troubles an African-language Wikipedia faces in getting underway.

While there is a lot of interest, the primary obstacle is that of exposure: the majority of people on the continent of Africa do not have internet access. From the article:

"What use is an encyclopedia when literacy rates among a language's speakers approach zero? (This is not a problem for Swahili.)

And who should control the content in a local language if not enough native speakers are inclined, or able, to contribute?

If it had been native speakers only who contributed to the Swahili version, that Wikipedia might not exist at all."
Do Not Flush Your iPod - CmdrTaco 327 - realjordanna writes

"Clearly the bar for what is deemed as a security threat has had to be lowered — but should it be this low?

When a rather embarrassed passenger loses his iPod in the lavatory — even admits to the crew his mistake, the plane is diverted to Ottawa and a bomb squad is brought in to investigate.

Read the iPod owner's story and take one lesson from this kid's plight — clearly the iPod is not flushable."
Hurrikan: "Ernesto" bedroht Süden Floridas

28.Aug.2006 Wetter- Chaos: Blitzschläge in NRW - mehrere Menschen schweben in Lebensgefahr
27.Aug.2006 Libanon: Hisbollah- Chef bedauert Entführung israelischer Soldaten

Andrew Pelling, Abgeordneter der Konservativen Partei in der London Assembly, erregte sich über den Einsatz der RFID-Chips.

"Das ist schlimmster Big Brother. Ich glaube nicht einmal, dass die ehemalige Sowjetunion ihre Bürger so bespitzelt hat."

Es entspreche eher der britischen Art, Menschen zu überzeugen als ihnen hinterher zu spionieren.

Eine überraschende These aus einem Land, in dem Straßen und Plätze praktisch landesweit mit Videokameras überwacht werden.
Auf diese Weise könnten sich lokale Behörden über die Abfall-Gewohnheiten jedes einzelnen Haushalts informieren, schreibt die Zeitung.

Geliefert wird die RFID-Technik für Mülltonnen von den deutschen Firmen Deister + Sulo.

Ein Deister-Sprecher lobte die Möglichkeit, mit Hilfe der Transponder "jede Mülltonne zu identifizieren + aufzuzeichnen, wann sie geleert wird".

Diese Informationen ließen sich auf vielfache Weise verwerten.

Ein Politiker sprach von einer Überwachungsmaßnahme schlimmer als in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion.

Der heimliche Einbau von Funkchips in Abfallbehälter sorgt für Empörung auf der Insel, noch dazu, weil die verwendete RFID-Technik aus Deutschland kommt.

"Deutsche verwanzen unsere Mülltonnen", schreibt die britische Zeitung "Mail on Sunday". 500.000 Tonnen in Großbritannien seien mit der Überwachungstechnik versehen worden.
Ärger um Tiefensee- Vorschlag: Widerstand gegen Anti- Terror- Patrouillen Arbeitsloser

28.Aug.2006 Briten empört: 500.000 Mülltonnen heimlich verwanzt
27.Aug.2006 Tropischer Sturm: "Ernesto" jetzt Hurrikan der Stufe 1 - New Orleans zittert
27.Aug.2006 Atomkonflikt: Iran will neuen Reaktor bauen
27.Aug.2006 "Atlantis"- Start verschoben: Blitz trifft Shuttle- Rampe
27.Aug.2006 Trittbrettfahrer: Bombenattrappen sorgen für Großeinsätze
27.Aug.2006 Bush thinks he's Napoleon: "I'm responsible for the federal government!"
Jimmy Carter Lambastes Tony "Bush's Poodle" Blair.
"Bush on the Couch" is Back + Not a Moment Too Soon!

27.Aug.2006 You Can Improve Lives Around the World by Drinking Fair Trade Coffee and Tea. Get It from
New book says State Department has known for years that Armitage outed Plame 8/28

27.Aug.2006 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday that the Iranian people would defend their right to nuclear technology 'with force' as he inaugurated a heavy water plant. 8/28
Dispatch from the BuzzFlash Department of Reality: Bomb blast kills 6 outside Baghdad hotel
Senate hopeful explains gay-hating "humor" columns: "All the homosexuals I've seen are sickly and decrepit, their eyes devoid of life"
-- expressed desire to beat up Boy George 8/28
Democrats can't agree on whether there should be timetable for exeunt Mesopotamia 8/28

00.000.0000 Bush, GW ea THE_CROCODILES_QUOTE$&REMEDIE$_$AMPLERHow do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar ." - Julius Caesar.

And this:. "People can always be brought. to the bidding of the leaders.

27.Aug.2006 New Page 1 É a si que lhe cabe esta tarefa, educar e treinar o seu cachorro. ... um cão mal educado, um cão não entende porque razão já não pode fazer isto ou fazer ...

*)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES…E....DOS DONOS ... envolve treinar o cão para fazer algo que seja incompatível com o ...

Assim o seu cão passará a não considerar os sons que vêm dos exterior como ameaçadores ...

Treinamento de cães Não se esqueça de lhe mostrar através de recompensa, com uma guloseima onde ele deve fazer as necessidades.

Pode treiná-lo com o sistema de recompensa.para ...