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21.Oct.2004 Browser-Sicherheit: Lauter kleine Siebe

20041021 Multiple Browsers Dialog Box Spoofing Test URL:
Test to see if your browser is vulnerable to the "Dialog Box Spoofing Vulnerability".
Test Your Browser
Open the link below in a new tab, then make sure you are viewing the new tab + wait for about 8 seconds while the CitiBank website loads.
Open this Link in New Tab
Note: On Safari the demonstration does not work in tabs.

Only when the link above is opened in a new window. var activated; function launchTimedPrompt() { if ( !activated ) { activated = true; document.myform.userinput.value = prompt("This is a test security survey.

Please enter a test string below:"); alert("Go back to the Secunia tab where you opened this window and see the result."); } }
  Secunia: Test zum Spoofing-Leck in Mehrfenster-Browsern
·   Heise-Security: Spoofing-Leck im Internet Explorer
·   "Drag & Drop"-Leck im Internet Explorer
21.Oct.2004 Pressefreiheit unter Putin: Der Fall Olga K.

21.Oct.2004 Interview zum Niedergang der freien Medien in Russland: Totengräber der Perestrojka

21.Oct.2004 Russland: Tödliche Übergriffe auf Journalisten im Jahr 2003

21.Oct.2004 Kopftuchverbot in Frankreich: Schülerinnen vom Unterricht ausgeschlossen

21.Oct.2004 Abu-Ghureib-Prozess: Acht Jahre Haft für US-Feldwebel Frederick

21.Oct.2004 Präsidentengalerie: Die dreistesten Lügen des Weißen Hauses,1518,324254,00.html

21.Oct.2004 SPIEGEL ONLINE: Werden Politiker also immer wieder mit Lügen durchkommen?
Bradlee: Eigentlich müsste es für sie schwieriger werden.

Die Gesellschaft ist viel misstrauischer geworden in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten - durch Vietnam, durch Watergate. Auch durch die Gleichberechtigung:

Frauen, die heute in führenden Positionen in Wirtschaft oder den Medien arbeiten, wollen die Geheimniskrämerei + Lügen von Männern nicht mitmachen.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Aber wie wird sich das in kritischer Berichterstattung widerspiegeln?
Bradlee: Es sind vor allem nach Watergate viel mehr schlaue, kritische Menschen in den Journalismus gegangen.

Die müssen sich jetzt zusammenreißen und ihre Hausaufgaben machen: Warum erzählt der mir das? Ist das eigentlich wahr?

Und wie finde ich unabhängige Quellen, um es zu überprüfen? URL:,1518,druck-324226,00.html
21.Oct.2004 SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ein wenig schuldig scheinen sich "Washington Post" und "New York Times" aber schon zu fühlen.

Beide Blätter haben sich für ihre wenig kritische Berichterstattung vor dem Irak-Krieg entschuldigt.
Bradlee: Klar, sie waren ja auch zu langsam. Sie haben zu lange zu sehr auf die Erklärungen der Regierung vertraut.

Und natürlich waren die Republikaner nach dem 11.Sep.2001 geschickt darin, jede kritische Berichterstattung unter einer Patriotismuswelle zu begraben.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: In so einem Klima erfordert es mehr Mut und Rückendeckung, eine Lüge eine Lüge zu nennen.
Bradlee: Wenn du dich in den USA als Journalist etwa mit der bestens vernetzten religiösen Rechten anlegst, hast du echte Schwierigkeiten.

Und es ist ja auch ein Rechercheproblem. Bill Clinton im Lewinsky-Skandal einen Lügner zu nennen, war einfach, weil es so klar war.

Für GEGEN Bush muss man recherchieren.

Es gibt zwar Tausende von Zeitungen in den USA, aber viele Verleger geben kein Geld für Hintergrundberichte aus.


Bei der "Washington Post" hat Verlegerin Katharine Graham die Watergate-Reporter Bob Woodward + Carl Bernstein + mich noch unterstützt,

als das Weiße Haus androhte, ihren Verlag zu zerstören. URL:,1518,druck-324226,00.html
21.Oct.2004 Bradlee: Oh, ich finde sie sollten ihn in Leitartikeln ganz klar einen Lügner nennen.

Es gibt mittlerweile auch Kommentare zu Massenvernichtungswaffen, die fast so weit gehen.

Aber als Journalisten schrecken wir davor zurück, jemanden einen Lügner zu nennen. Während Watergate wussten wir, dass die Nixon-Regierung uns in Gesicht lügt.

Wir hätten damals schreiben können: "Richard Nixon erklärte heute, er könne nicht über Watergate reden, weil es um Angelegenheiten der nationalen Sicherheit geht.

Das ist eine Lüge." Doch ich hätte mich dabei unwohl gefühlt. US-Reporter wollen objektiv berichten, erst mal nicht urteilen.

Wir vertrauen darauf, dass die Wahrheit Stück für Stück rauskommt.URL:,1518,druck-324226,00.html
21.Oct.2004 Bradlee: Leider oft mit furchtbaren Konsequenzen.

Denken Sie nur an Lyndon B. Johnson und seine dramatische Ansprache über den angeblichen vietnamesischen Angriff auf US-Kriegsschiffe im Golf von Tonkin.

Dafür hat er vom Kongress 1964 die Kriegsermächtigung für Vietnam bekommen.

Wenn die Wähler damals gewusst hätten, dass der Angriff nie stattgefunden hat,

könnten so viele Menschen noch am Leben sein. Und unser Land hätte nie so sehr das Vertrauen in seine Politiker verloren.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Hat die Presse nicht auch Schuld daran?

Fast alle USA Medien, auch die "Washington Post", sind davor zurückgeschreckt, Bush wegen des Irak-Krieges einen Lügner zu nennen. URL:,1518,druck-324226,00.html
21.Okt.2004 Interview mit Watergate-Legende Bradlee URL:,1518,druck-324226,00.html
"Wir sollten Bush einen Lügner nennen"
Ben Bradlee enthüllte als Chefredakteur der "Washington Post" Richard Nixons Lügen über Watergate und zwang den amerikanischen Präsidenten zum Rücktritt.

Im Interview mit SPIEGEL ONLINE fordert Bradlee seine Kollegen auf, ähnlich unnachgiebig mit George W. Bush umzugehen.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Sie haben den Lügner Nixon

00.000.1974 aus dem Weißen Haus gejagt. War das eine Lehre für Politiker, besser bei der Wahrheit zu bleiben?
21.Okt.2004 Die rund fünf Millionen Juden gelten als Stammklientel der Demokraten.

Erstmals scheint es aber möglich, dass die Republikaner bei ihnen zulegen, weil Bush als erster US-Präsident einen Palästinenserstaat gefordert hat;

die Juden in den USA befürworten das. Bush hofft, bei ihnen mehr als 30 Prozent zu erzielen.
Am wenigsten vorhersehbar ist das Wahlverhalten der Latinos - Mexikaner, Puertoricaner, Exil-Kubaner.

Manche Beobachter sagen deshalb: "Wer die Stimmen der Latinos gewinnt, gewinnt auch die Präsidentschaftswahl." URL:,1518,druck-324085,00.html
21.Okt.2004 "Bush muss weg", lautet die schlichte Botschaft von Popstar Bruce Springsteen. Oscar-Preisträgerin Helen Hunt ("Besser geht's nicht") appelliert in einem Fernsehspot, der in den unentschlossenen Gebieten läuft, an die Frauen, Kerry zu wählen. Weitere Namen auf Kerrys Promi-Liste: Barbara Streisand, Robert DeNiro, Steven Spielberg, George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, Jon Bon Jovi, Sarah Jessica Parker, Whoopie Goldberg, Paul Newman, Warren Beatty, Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Lee Curtis, Robert Redford und, natürlich, Michael Moore. URL:,1518,druck-324085,00.html
21.Okt.2004 Beim Urnengang am 02.Nov.2004 wird es wohl ähnlich knapp.

Jüngsten Umfragen der "New York Times" zufolge liegt Kerry mit 221 zu 213 Wahlmännerstimmen knapp vor Bush.

Der Rest zur erforderlichen Mehrheit von 270 Stimmen kommt eben aus den "Schaukelstaaten".

Dazu werden derzeit Oregon (7 Stimmen), Nevada (5), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5), Minnesota (10), Wisconsin (10), Iowa (7), Ohio (20), New Hampshire (4) + Florida (27) gezählt. Jeder Punktgewinn in einem dieser Gebiete gilt als möglicherweise Wahl entscheidend.
Wegen ihres Gewichts schauen die Wahlkampfmanager beider Kandidaten besonders genau auf Ohio + Florida.

Kommende Woche soll Ex-Präsident Bill Clinton in Ohio für Kerry trommeln.

Gerade veröffentlichten der Sender ABC + die Universität von Florida eine neue Umfrage + damit einen Vorsprung für Kerry in Ohio (50 Prozent, Bush: 47 Prozent) + Florida (45 Prozent, Bush: 44 Prozent).

Nach der Erfahrung des Jahres 2000, als nur 537 Stimmen in Florida den Gesamtsieg von Bush bedeuteten, kämpfen Demokraten + Republikaner in dem südöstlichen Sonnenstaat besonders erbittert um jeden Wähler.URL:,1518,druck-324085,00.html
21.Okt.2004 So kann es, wie beim Rennen zwischen Bush junior + Al Gore im 00.Nov.2000 geschehen, dass nicht derjenige Kandidat Präsident wird, der landesweit die meisten Stimmen auf sich vereint, sondern der, hinter dem die meisten Wahlmänner stehen.

Für Gore und seinen Vizepräsidenten-Kandidaten Joseph Lieberman waren damals landesweit 50.994.082 Menschen, für Bush und seinen Vize Dick Cheney 50.461.080.

Weil Bush aber in den Staaten mit verhältnismäßig vielen Wahlmännern punktete, hatte er am Ende 271 Stimmen, Gore nur 266. Die Demokraten verloren die Wahl.

Bis heute empfinden das vor allem Europäer als ungerecht.URL:,1518,druck-324085,00.html
21.Okt.2004 Ein Unsicherheitsfaktor bleibt: Die Wahlmänner unterliegen in manchen Staaten keinem imperativen Mandat, sind also an das Votum der Wähler nicht gebunden. In der US-Geschichte kam es daher immer wieder zu abweichenden Abstimmungen - zuletzt 2000, als die für Al Gore nominierte Barbara Lett Simmons aus Washington D. C. nicht für Gore stimmte. Überraschungen im endgültigen Wahlergebnis hat es deswegen aber noch nicht gegeben. URL:,1518,druck-324085,00.html
21.Oct.2004 Finally, many experts have predicted that neither candidate will win a decisive victory. We might indeed have a razor-thin margin and even a replay of the disputed election of 2000. But the swings in sentiment in the polls have been so wide to suggest the possibility that one candidate could take a decisive lead by Election Day.
Or not. URL:,1518,druck-324207,00.html
21.Oct.2004 It's worth recalling that four years ago voters were similarly divided between the candidates. But the opinions about Al Gore and Mr. Bush did not bounce around, because there just wasn't all that much enthusiasm for either man. In fact, polls during the Florida recount found majorities saying both candidates would make an acceptable president. Not so in 2004. By every measure, voters tell us this year that they have given the race more thought and are paying more attention to election coverage + a greater percentage say that it matters who gets elected in November. Yet many still say they are not sure about their choice or they are simply undecided.
With so many different numbers, there is little the surveys can say definitively about the course of the race. In fact, we can find data that support and rebut each of the arguments that the pundits are making about how they expect the story to unfold. URL:,1518,druck-324207,00.html
21.Oct.2004 Opinion Polls Apart - Recent national polls have not given a clear picture of who will win the election, but that is not because polling no longer works - it's because voter opinion is highly unstable.

The round of national surveys taken after the third presidential debate indicates that the polls are not going to give us a clear picture of who will win the election until the final days of the campaign, if then. This is not because polling no longer works - it's because voter opinion is highly unstable. While many Americans are strongly committed to re-electing President Bush or getting rid of him, there remains a relatively large bloc of swing voters who are critical of the president but who still cannot comfortably back Senator John Kerry.
This cross-pressure remains the dilemma of millions of uncommitted voters.
After the second debate, the race was pretty much even, with some movement toward Mr. Kerry.

This week the picture is much cloudier, even though voters thought Mr. Kerry won the third debate.

The race remains tied in the New York Times/CBS News Poll + Pew Research Center surveys, but the president has moved to a significant lead in the Newsweek, Gallup + ABC News/Washington Post polls. Besides conflicting bottom lines, the surveys also provide an array of contradictory conclusions about voter opinions.

Some suggest that the debates had no impact on the race, while others say they strengthened support for Mr. Kerry.

Some find the president's approval score sinking; others have it stable. Some show a big advantage for Mr. Bush when the samples are narrowed from registered voters to likely voters. Others show a negligible Bush advantage or even a Kerry advantage. URL:,1518,druck-324207,00.html
Israel more corrupt, third year running, says corruption index : Israel is becoming more and more corrupt for the third year running, according to the recently-released Corruption Perception Index.

21.Oct.2004 Bush and Kerry Jockey to ‘Out-Sharon’ Each Other: Many activists working for peace in Israel and Palestine suggest that the US government should discontinue its policy of providing large sums of military and economic aid to the Israeli government

21.Oct.2004 Students claim they were duped into switching party registration: Students at the University of Central Florida and two community colleges claim they were duped into switching their party affiliations from Democrat to Republican, campus police officials said Tuesday.

19.Oct.2004 Cheney: Terrorists May Nuke U.S. Cities : Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday evoked the possibility of terrorists bombing U.S. cities with nuclear weapons and questioned whether Sen. John Kerry could combat such a threat, which the vice president called a concept ``you've got to get your mind around.''

21.Oct.2004 Sucking Democracy Dry: Losing America's birthright, the George Bush way

21.Oct.2004 Faith against reason : The US election has exposed a growing conflict between two world views. Can they co-exist in one country?

21.Oct.2004 Bush Rejects BET Offer to Address Black Americans

21.Oct.2004 Video: Gore assails Bush's use of religion: "President Bush has stolen the symbolism and body language of religion and used it to disguise the most radical effort in American history to take what rightfully belongs to the American people and give as much as possible to the already wealthy and privileged."

21.Oct.2004 Bush and Kerry dance to the tune of Ariel Sharon : Far from taking the lead over the past four years, the Bush administration has been mostly led by the nose. The man responsible for this extraordinary feat is Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon.

21.Oct.2004 Cloak and Swagger: The Israeli / Larry Franklin spy probe reveals an escalating fight over control of Iran policy

21.Oct.2004 As God Is His Witness: Bush is no devout evangelical. In fact, he may not be a Christian at all.

21.Oct.2004 U.S. aircraft directly bombed a mosque: Precision-guided munitions set the Sharqi mosque ablaze, but left it standing.

21.Oct.2004 Alleged torturer tracked down in US faces court : Latin American victims and relatives defy passing decades and national boundaries

21.Oct.2004 Pat Robertson says Bush expected no casualties in Iraq war : Pat Robertson says he warned President Bush before U-S troops invaded Iraq that there would be American casualties. But Robertson says Bush responded, "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."

21.Oct.2004 The five deceptions of Tony Blair : Whether the prime minister lied over Iraq is a red herring - we now know categorically that he deceived us

21.Oct.2004 "Support Our Mercenaries" : These hired guns and administrators govern Iraqi daily life and sometimes torture and kill Iraqis. This behavior pays up to $200,000 a year ­ in the case of retired generals, who now head these semi-covert profit operations.

21.Oct.2004 300 Iraqi soldiers abandon unit in Samarra: At least 300 Iraqi soldiers abandoned their 750-man unit after they were deployed to Samarra earlier this month as part of a U.S.-Iraqi operation to retake the militant-controlled city.

21.Oct.2004 Nearly 1.7 Million Veterans Lack Health Care -Study: Nearly 1.7 million U.S. veterans had no health care coverage in 2003 -- no access to private insurance, to Medicare or Medicaid or to the Veterans Affairs health program, health care advocates said on Tuesday.

21.Oct.2004 Operation im Kurdengebiet: Rätselraten um Einsatz deutscher Panzer

21.Oct.2004 Interview mit Watergate-Legende Bradlee: "Wir sollten Bush einen Lügner nennen"

21.Oct.2004 Alternative zu Akkus: Turbinenantrieb fürs Handy

21.Oct.2004 Ölpreisrekord: Frankreich will Steuer senken, Clement sträubt sich

21.Oct.2004 Verwirbelte Raumzeit: Laser-Messung bestätigt Einsteins Theorie

21.Oct.2004 Irak: Briten eilen US-Truppen zur Hilfe

21.Oct.2004 Folge der Gesundheitsreform: Fachärzte klagen über Patientenschwund

21.Oct.2004 U-Boot-Lieferung: Indien will mit russischer Technik abtauchen

21.Oct.2004 "Swing States" in den USA: Die Präsidentenmacher

21.Oct.2004 Galápagos: Die Herren der Inseln

21.Oct.2004 Opinion: Polls Apart

21.Oct.2004 Deutsche Konjunktur: Eichel befürchtet Ölpreis-Schock

21.Oct.2004 Funktechnik: Fernsehen oder drahtloses Internet - der Kampf um Sendefrequenzen

21.Oct.2004 Deutsche Panzer in der Türkei: Grünen-Chefin will ins Kurdengebiet

21.Oct.2004 Überraschung: Mensch hat weniger Gene als Unkraut

21.Oct.2004 Schluss mit dem Geflimmer: Ein Ausschalter für 1000 Fernseher

21.Oct.2004 Atomstreit: USA halten nichts von europäischen Vermittlungsbemühungen

21.Oct.2004 Kuba: Castros harmloser Sturz

21.Oct.2004 US-Versicherungsskandal: Steiler Sturz einer Dynastie

21.Oct.2004 Hassan-Entführung: Irak fürchtet Abzug der letzten Helfer

21.Oct.2004 The president fought against the creation of the Sept. 11 commission, for example, agreeing only after enormous political pressure was applied by a grass-roots movement led by the families of those slain.
And then Bush refused to testify to the commission under oath, or on the record. Instead he deigned only to chat with the commission members, with Vice President Dick Cheney present, in a White House meeting in which commission members were not allowed to take notes. All in all, strange behavior for a man who seeks reelection to the top office in the land based on his handling of the so-called war on terror.
In September, the New York Times reported that several family members met with Goss privately to demand the release of the CIA inspector general's report. "Three thousand people were killed on 9/11 + no one has been held accountable," 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser told the paper.
The failure to furnish the report to Congress, said Harman, "fuels the perception that no one is being held accountable. It is unacceptable that we don't have [the report]; it not only disrespects Congress but it disrespects the American people."
The stonewalling by the Bush administration and the failure of Congress to gain release of the report have, said the intelligence source, "led the management of the CIA to believe it can engage in a cover-up with impunity. Unless the public demands an accounting, the administration and CIA's leadership will have won and the nation will have lost."
Copyright 2004 Los Angeles Times,1,654534,print.column?coll=la-util-op-ed

21.Oct.2004 The 9/11 11.Sep.2001 Secret in the CIA's Back Pocket
The agency is withholding a damning report that points at senior officials.
Robert Scheer
19.Oct.2004 "ICH" -- "Los Angeles Times" -- It is shocking: The Bush administration is suppressing a CIA report on

11.Sep.2001 until after the election + this one names names.

Although the report by the inspector general's office of the CIA was completed in June, it has not been made available to the congressional intelligence committees that mandated the study almost two years ago.
"It is infuriating that a report which shows that high-level people were not doing their jobs in a satisfactory manner before

11.Sep.2001 is being suppressed," an intelligence official who has read the report told me, adding that "the report is potentially very embarrassing for the administration, because it makes it look like they weren't interested in terrorism before

11.Sep.2001 , or in holding people in the government responsible afterward."
When I asked about the report, Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, said she and committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) sent a letter 14 days ago asking for it to be delivered. "We believe that the CIA has been told not to distribute the report," she said. "We are very concerned."
According to the intelligence official, who spoke to me on condition of anonymity, release of the report, which represents an exhaustive 17-month investigation by an 11-member team within the agency, has been "stalled." First by acting CIA Director John McLaughlin and now by Porter J. Goss, the former Republican House member (and chairman of the Intelligence Committee) who recently was appointed CIA chief by President Bush.
The official stressed that the report was more blunt and more specific than the earlier bipartisan reports produced by the Bush-appointed Sept. 11 commission + Congress.
"What all the other reports on 9/11 did not do is point the finger at individuals, and give the how and what of their responsibility. This report does that," said the intelligence official.

"The report found very senior-level officials responsible."
By law, the only legitimate reason the CIA director has for holding back such a report is national security.

Yet neither Goss nor McLaughlin has invoked national security as an explanation for not delivering the report to Congress.
21.Oct.2004 "The agency directorate is basically sitting on the report until after the election," the official continued. "No previous director of CIA has ever tried to stop the inspector general from releasing a report to the Congress, in this case a report requested by Congress."

Robert Scheer: The 9/11 Secret in the CIA's Back Pocket: The agency is withholding a damning report that points at senior officials.

1.Oct.2004 Paradise Cleansed "The Guardian" -There are times when one tragedy, one crime tells us how a whole system works behind its democratic facade and helps us to understand how much of the world is run for the benefit of the powerful and how governments lie. To understand the catastrophe of Iraq + all the other Iraqs along imperial history's trail of blood and tears, one need look no further than Diego Garcia. 
21.Oct.2004 The behavior of the Blair government is, in many respects, the worst. In 2000, the islanders won a historic victory in the high court, which ruled their expulsion illegal. Within hours of the judgment, the Foreign Office announced that it would not be possible for them to return to Diego Garcia because of a "treaty" with Washington - in truth, a deal concealed from parliament and the US Congress. As for the other islands in the group, a "feasibility study" would determine whether these could be resettled. This has been described by Professor David Stoddart, a world authority on the Chagos, as "worthless" and "an elaborate charade". The "study" consulted not a single islander; it found that the islands were "sinking", which was news to the Americans who are building more and more base facilities; the US navy describes the living conditions as so outstanding that they are "unbelievable". 
00.000.2003 in a now notorious follow-up high court case, the islanders were denied compensation, with government counsel allowed by the judge to attack and humiliate them in the witness box + with Justice Ousley referring to "we" as if the court and the Foreign Office were on the same side. Last June, the government invoked the archaic royal prerogative in order to crush the 2000 judgment. A decree was issued that the islanders were banned forever from returning home. These were the same totalitarian powers used to expel them in secret 40 years ago; Blair used them to authorize his illegal attack on Iraq. 
Led by a remarkable man, Olivier Bancoult, an electrician, and supported by a tenacious and valiant London lawyer, Richard Gifford, the islanders are going to the European court of human rights + perhaps beyond. Article 7 of the statute of the international criminal court describes the "deportation or forcible transfer of population ... by expulsion or other coercive acts" as a crime against humanity. As Bush's bombers take off from their paradise, the Chagos islanders, says Bancoult, "will not let this great crime stand. The world is changing; we will win." 
Stealing a Nation, John Pilger's documentary investigating the expulsion of the Chagos islanders will be shown on ITV on Wednesday at 11 pm; his new book, Tell Me No Lies: Investigative journalism and Its Triumphs, is published by Jonathan Cape 
21.Oct.2004 URL:

1941 Howe Bradford,Amory marries Warburg,Carol whose mother Carola was the head of the Warburg family in the United States after WWII.

The family assisted the Harriman rise into the world in the 19th and early 20th entury.

The Warburg s and the Sulzberger s (New York Times) used various committees and religious organizations to protect the Harriman -Bush deals with Hitler.

1940 Construction begins for German chemical warfare plant in the forests of Silesia in western poland, near the Oder river, at Dyhernfurth.

By 1943 the facility had cost RM 120 million.

1942 Complete in-

27.Mär.2003 New York - Der irakische Uno-Botschafter Mohammed al Duri hatte die USA zuvor beschuldigt, sein Volk ausrotten zu wollen.

00.000.1997 -bereits- habe sich die US-Regierung Verträge zum Wiederaufbau Iraks nach dem Krieg gesichert + schiebe jetzt 27.Mär.2003 humanitäre Argumente vor, um ihre kriminelle Aggression zu verhüllen.

27.Mär.2003 Al Duri rief den Weltsicherheitsrat in New York auf, den Krieg zu stoppen.

27.Mär.2003 Negroponte verließ noch während der Ansprache den Sitzungssaal + erklärte anschließend: "Ich habe mir vieles von dem angehört, was er zu sagen hatte, aber ich habe genug gehört." URL:

20.Okt.2004 URL: : 23:00 AEST Riot breaks out in western China

Rioters in the western Chinese region of Chongqing burned police cars + looted government buildings after a quarrel between residents escalated into a riot involving thousands, residents + officials said. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 22:52 AEST Blair undecided on Iraq troop movement

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair says his Government has made no decision on whether to send 650 troops in Iraq to relieve USA forces in potentially more dangerous parts of the country[FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 21:51 AEST President says Iran ready to talk on nuclear issues

The Iranian President says discussion and negotiation are the only way to resolve his country's dispute with the international community over its nuclear program. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 20:00 AEST Iran test fires long-range missile Iran claims it has test fired a more accurate version of its Shahab 3 missile, already believed capable of hitting Israel and United States bases in the Gulf. [FULL STORY

20.Okt.2004 : 19:38 AEST Robot sales boom as labour costs rise Worldwide sales of industrial robots has surged to record levels in the first half of 2004 after equipment prices fell while labour costs grew, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). [FULL STORY)

20.Okt.2004 : 17:08 AEST Zarqawi network added to UN terror list A United Nations panel has put networks said to be controlled by Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on its sanctions list, after the groups claimed responsibility for bombings, kidnappings and beheadings in Iraq. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 00:30 AEST French racism report causes controversy A new report on racism in France has sparked controversy by recommending anti-Israel acts and comments be punished by courts as severely as instances of anti-Semitism. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 00:28 AEST Australia among least corrupt countries Australia is in the top 10 of the world's least corrupt nations, according to global watchdog Transparency International
A survey of 146 nations by Berlin-based Transparency International ranked Haiti + Bangladesh at the bottom of the list among the worst perceived levels of corruption among public officials + politicians. [

20.Okt.2004 : 00:28 AEST Lebanese PM resigns amidst political turmoil Lebanon's billionaire Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri has resigned and vowed he would not be heading the next government, bringing to a head a political crisis that has paralysed the country for weeks. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 00:35 AEST US takes Iraq off terror black list The United States has dropped its last remaining terror-related designation on Iraq, removing it from its black list of "state sponsors of terrorism" by formally rescinding a Saddam Hussein-era determination that carried sanctions with it. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 00:42 AEST Resentful guerillas informing on Zarqawi: official Iraqi guerrillas resentful of Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's growing influence are giving the Government information, putting security forces hot on his trail, a senior official said today. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 01:00 AEST Syria and Lebanon reject UN 'interference' Syria and Lebanon have rejected outright a renewed United Nations Security Council call for Damascus to pull its troops out of its tiny neighbour, calling the international body's decision "interference". [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 04:40 AEST US raids kill family of 6 in rebel-held Iraqi city US warplanes have killed a family of six in raids against rebels led by Al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, while a top international aid agency suspended Iraq operations after its manager was kidnapped. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 : 06:28 AEST Russian Army bullied into irrelevance, report finds The Russian military is a risk to the country's own national security, according to a new report from international lobby group Human Rights Watch. [FULL STORY]

20.Okt.2004 News in Science - Logging on can make you sicker - 20/10/2004 URL:]
20.Oct.2004 Logging on can make you sicker Judy Skatssoon ABC Science Online
Using the internet to research your medical condition may backfire, a new review suggests (Image: iStockphoto)
Using the internet to manage a chronic illness can leave you in worse health than before you logged on, a review of recent studies has found.
University College London (UCL) review of the effect of computer and web-based health programs is published in the latest issue of the Cochrane reviews.
The review looked at children and adults with a range of chronic conditions including diabetes, arthritis, eating disorders, asthma, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
After looking at 28 trials involving more than 4000 patients, it found that using the internet improved knowledge and gave patients a sense of social support.
But web-based programs had no effect on behaviour and didn't encourage people to change their lifestyle. They also had a negative effect on long-term health.
"Consumers who wish to increase their knowledge or social support amongst people with a similar problem may find [using the internet] helpful," the review said.
"However, consumers whose primary aim is to achieve optimal clinical outcomes should not use [it]."

12.Okt.2004 Keine Lockerung: Tokio tobt wegen Walfang-Verbots,1518,322709,00.html
20.Okt.2004 Vor einer Woche hatte die japanische Regierung
vergeblich versucht, bei der 13. Konferenz zum Washingtoner Artenschutzabkommen in Bangkok eine Legalisierung des Walfangs durchzusetzen. Tokio warf dem Westen daraufhin "kulturellen Imperialismus" vor.
20.Okt.2004 But an open letter in the 27.Sep.2004 issue of Legal Times from 96 mostly conservative former law clerks + lawyers who practice before the Supreme Court branded the leaks “conduct unbecoming any attorney or legal adviser working in a position of trust.”

Most of the criticism in the Vanity Fair piece is aimed at Justices Antonin Scalia, Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony Kennedy, all of whom voted in favor of Bush. Scalia is depicted bullying Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg into watering down her dissenting opinion. O’Connor is described as emotionally fixated on stopping a recount and Kennedy as overly influenced by his right-wing clerks. URL:
18.Oct.2004 Clerks spill Bush v. Gore details By Charles Lane Washington Post WASHINGTON – The inscription on the front of the Supreme Court building says “Equal Justice Under Law,” but the court’s motto could just as easily be “What Happens Here, Stays Here.” In a town where confidential information travels fast, the justices protect their internal deliberations fiercely – and, usually, successfully.

But in the October issue of Vanity Fair magazine, former Supreme Court law clerks from the court’s 2000-01 term speak out – under cover of anonymity – about what they saw behind the scenes during the fateful case of Bush v. Gore. URL:

20.Okt.2004 Der diesjährige Index zeige, dass erdölreiche Länder wie Angola, Ecuador, Aserbaidschan, Kasachstan oder Russland alle sehr niedrige Punktzahlen erreichen, sagte der frühere Weltbank-Direktor Eigen. "In diesen Ländern ist die öffentliche Auftragsvergabe im Erdölsektor dadurch belastet, dass Einnahmen in den Taschen von westlichen Führungskräften, von Mittelsmännern und lokalen Offiziellen verschwinden."
In China, sagte der eingangs erwähnte deutsche Industrielle, sei kürzlich ein Bürokrat hingerichtet worden, mit dem er ein Geschäft geplant habe.

Sein Mittelsmann habe gerade noch rechtszeitig aus dem Land der Mitte fliehen können. Schön sei das nicht, sagte er, es halte ihn aber auch nicht von seiner bewährten Praxis ab. Schließlich mache er nach wie vor seine besten Geschäfte mit Chinesen.URL:,1518,druck-324119,00.html
20.Okt.2004 Wenn das von den UN angestrebte Ziel, die Anzahl der in extremer Armut lebenden Menschen bis 2015 zu halbieren, noch erreicht werden soll, "dann müssen die Regierungen ernsthaft gegen Korruption bei öffentlichen Aufträgen vorgehen".

Seine Organisation schätzt, dass durch die Bestechung im öffentlichen Dienst weltweit jährlich mindestens 400 Milliarden Dollar verloren gehen. Korruption ist ein Krebsgeschwür, das sich immer weiter ausbreitet, wenn es nicht im Anfangsstadium gestoppt wird. URL:,1518,druck-324119,00.html

20.Okt.2004 Finnland gilt nach wie vor als das Land mit der geringsten Korruptionsquote.

Mittlerweile würden finnische Firmen weltweit eine solche Reputation genießen, dass kaum noch jemand versuchen würde, Schmiergeld von ihnen zu verlangen.
Die deutsche Innenansicht ergibt hingegen ein weniger freundliches Bild, sagte TI-Vize-Chefin Anke Martiny. Besonders anfällig für Korruption: Der Bausektor sowie der Vertrieb von Pharmazeutika und medizinischer Hilfsmittel. Auch die mangelhafte Strafverfolgung sei nicht gerade hilfreich, fügte sie hinzu. Der "Sumpf von Bestechung und Vorteilsnahme" sei wegen der fehlenden Koordination zwischen den Bundesländern noch lange nicht ausgetrocknet. Zudem hapere es hier - im Gegensatz zu den skandinavischen Ländern - nach wie vor an Transparenz bei der Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge. "Dabei ist Transparenz die wichtigste Waffe im Kampf gegen Korruption", sagte Martiny.
Geringe Aufklärungsquote
Außerdem gebe es noch immer keinen Schutz der Personen, die über diese Praktiken in ihren Firmen berichten und Anzeige erstatten würden. In der Folge ihrer Offenheit sind sie in ihren Firmen klassische Mobbingopfer. Auch Journalisten bezahlen für ihre Recherchen oft einen hohen Preis: Weltweit würden mehr Journalisten in Folge ihrer Berichte über Schmiergeldzahlungen getötet, als beim Einsatz in Kriegsgebieten, berichteten die Sprecher.
Laut Martiny können Korrupte und Korrumpierende davon ausgehen, dass sie überhaupt nicht erwischt werden. Nach Angaben des Bundeskriminalamtes bleiben 90 bis 95 Prozent der Korruptionsfälle unentdeckt. Und wenn doch mal ein Fall ans Tageslicht komme, dann werde nicht gegen die Unternehmen, sondern nur gegen die beteiligten Personen ermittelt. "An jedem Zipfel, den sie hochheben, hängen gewöhnlich zehn bis 15 weitere Verfahren", sagte Martiny.URL:,1518,druck-324119,00.html
20.Okt.2004 "Aber ich will auch sagen, dass ich keine Anzeichnen dafür sehe, dass er wie früher das ständige Kommando und die Kontrolle über die Qaida hat oder über andere Terrorgruppen, die mit ihm zusammenarbeiten", fügte Barno hinzu. US-Militärkreisen zufolge wird Bin Laden im Berggebiet zwischen Afghanistan + Pakistan vermutet.

Barno befehligt in Afghanistan rund 18.000 Soldaten.URL:,1518,druck-323971,00.html

20.Okt.2004 URL:,1518,druck-323742,00.html
PNAS-Artikel von Geisel et al. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences"

Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung
26.Okt.2004 Grippeviren: US-Behörde bereitet sich auf globale Seuche vor,1518,315187,00.html

28.Sep.2004 Vogelgrippe: Erste Infektion von Mensch zu Mensch befürchtet,1518,320301,00.html
22.Sep.2004 Niederlande: Forscher züchten gefürchteten Grippevirus,1518,319210,00.html
20.Okt.2004 Geflügelgrippe-Erreger in Schweinen: "Kein Land der Welt könnte einen solchen Erreger stoppen",1518,314158,00.html
20.Okt.2004 Die derzeit in Asien grassierende Geflügelgrippe etwa könnte sich genetisch mit menschlichen Grippeviren vermischen und ein von Medizinern schon seit langem gefürchtetes "Supervirus" bilden, das eine verheerende Pandemie auslösen könnte. Erste Schätzungen über die Folgen einer solchen Seuche liegen bereits auf dem Tisch:

Die oberste US-Gesundheitsbehörde, das Department of Health + Human Services, ging in ihrem "Pandemieplan" im August von bis zu 207.000 Toten + Kosten zwischen 60 und 160 Milliarden Dollar allein in den USA aus. URL:,1518,druck-323742,00.html
20.Okt.2004 "Die Prognose der Verbreitung der Pest im 14. Jahrhundert wäre recht einfach gewesen", sagt Theo Geisel, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung, im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Die Infizierten waren innerhalb von einer Woche tot + kamen in dieser Zeit nicht weit."

Die Pest habe deshalb drei Jahre gebraucht, um von Sizilien über Mitteleuropa bis nach Norwegen zu gelangen.
Heute aber kann ein Mensch binnen weniger Tage Zehntausende Kilometer zurücklegen - + überall auf der Welt Menschen infizieren, ehe er selbst der Krankheit zum Opfer fällt.

Das so genannte Diffusionsmodell, in dem sich Epidemien in Wellenfronten fortbewegen, greift nicht mehr. URL:,1518,druck-323742,00.html

20.Okt.2004 Mathematische Modelle, die bis dahin zur Vorhersage der Seuchen-Verbreitung benutzt wurden, versagten angesichts der Geschwindigkeit der Sars-Ausbreitung. Forscher des Göttinger Max-Planck-Instituts für Strömungsforschung und der University of California in Santa Barbara könnten diesem Missstand nun ein Ende bereitet haben:

Sie kombinierten Modelle zur Vorhersage lokaler Epidemien mit Daten, die den weltweiten Flugverkehr zu 95 % abdecken - + erhielten ein Modell, das die Ausbreitung globaler Seuchen mit hoher Genauigkeit vorhersagen kann.
Überraschend große Übereinstimmung -
Als sie ihr Rechenwerk nachträglich auf die Sars-Epidemie anwandten, stimmte die Prognose überraschend präzise mit dem tatsächlichen Verlauf überein, schreiben Lars Hufnagel, Theo Geisel + Dirk Brockmann im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" (Nr. 101, S. 15124).

Die Forscher schlagen auch eine Möglichkeit zur Eindämmung einer künftigen Pandemie vor, die zwar radikal, dafür wohl aber auch wirkungsvoll wäre:

die Stilllegung großer Drehkreuze des Luftverkehrsnetzes.URL:,1518,323742,00.html
20.Okt.2004 Kopplung zweier Sinne vererbbar
Synästhesie ist ein selten auftretendes + wahrscheinlich vererbbares Phänomen. Auf 2000 Menschen kommt durchschnittlich einer mit derartigen Fähigkeiten.

Die übergroße Mehrheit der Synästhetiker sind Frauen. Die Kopplung zweier Sinne kann auch nur vorübergehend oder nach der Einnahme von Drogen auftreten.
Ward glaubt, das sich manches vermeintlich übersinnliches Phänomen nach seiner Studie anders darstellt:

"Statt anzunehmen, dass Menschen „ein Energiefeld“ oder eine „Aura“ „haben“, die nur von dubiosen Kameras oder befähigten Sehern wahrgenommen werden kann, sollten wir einfach schauen, ob es sich um Synästhesie-Phänomen handelt."

Die „menschliche Aura“ gilt in der Esoterik als farbig leuchtendes Energiefeld. Nur wenige Auserwählte sollen in der Lage sein, die Aura tatsächlich sehen zu können.

Der britische Psychologe Jamie Ward bezweifelt jedoch, das menschliche Energiefelder den Farbenzauber hervorrufen.

Nach seiner Einschätzung geht das Ganze eher auf ein seltenes Hirnphänomen zurück, das als Synästhesie bezeichnet wird.
Bei Synästhetikern ist die Wahrnehmung zweier Sinne miteinander gekoppelt: Sie sehen etwa Farben beim Hören oder nehmen Klänge beim Sehen wahr.
Ward führte umfangreiche Tests mit einer Frau durch, die beim Anblick bestimmter Menschen eine farbige Aura sieht.

Die jeweilige Farbe hängt von der Person ab: Beispielsweise sieht sie ihren Freund James stets mit einem rosa Schleier, Hannah hingegen mit einem blauen.
Der Wissenschaftler vom University College in London konnte zeigen, dass die Einfärbungen nicht nur auftreten, wenn die Frau die Personen traf, sondern auch dann, wenn sie nur deren Namen hörte oder las. In diesen Fällen färbte sich sogar das gesamte Gesichtsfeld in den entsprechenden Farben. URL:,1518,druck-323973,00.html
Trotz eindeutigen Votums: Abstimmung spaltet die Opel-Belegschaft

20.Okt.2004 Islamismus: Extremisten-Führer in Schweiz festgenommen

20.Okt.2004 Antikes Heiligtum: Forscher entdecken das Panionion

20.Okt.2004 Panzer im Kurdengebiet: Grüne fordern Aufklärung

20.Okt.2004 Sarkawi und Bin Laden: Treueschwur zeitigt erste Folgen

20.Okt.2004 Korruption: Krebsgeschwür der Welt

20.Okt.2004 Verwüstungen in Japan: Viele Tote nach gewaltigem Taifun

20.Okt.2004 Zensur im Iran: Europas Internet-Medien fordern Freilassung von Journalisten

20.Okt.2004 Hacker-Attacke: 1,4 Millionen persönliche Datensätze abgegriffen?

20.Okt.2004 Anschlagsdrohungen: Travolta lässt Gäste filzen

20.Okt.2004 US-Medien: Sinclair zieht umstrittene Kerry-Doku zurück

20.Okt.2004 Synästhesie: Menschliche Aura entsteht im Gehirn

20.Okt.2004 Meinungsforschung: Lügenfilter soll Umfragen präziser machen

20.Okt.2004 Politischer Aktionismus: Klinkenputzen in Detroit

20.Okt.2004 TARGET="SPONvideo" ONCLICK=",4916,5206,00.html','SPONvideo','width=600,height=427,scrollbars=auto,resizable,screenX=150,screenY=100').focus();return false;">Kosmischer Crash: Das Chaos der Planetengeburt

20.Okt.2004 Bochum: Opel-Mitarbeiter beenden wilden Streik

20.Okt.2004 Schwere Geburt: Junge Planeten haben lange Rüpelphase

20.Okt.2004 Abu-Ghureib-Prozess: US-Feldwebel Frederick gesteht Beteiligung an Folter

20.Okt.2004 Studie des IAB: Kündigungsschutz kein Hemmnis für neue Jobs

20.Okt.2004 Opel: Arbeiter stimmen über wilden Streik ab

20.Okt.2004 Literatur-Auszeichnung: Booker-Preis an Alan Hollinghurst

20.Okt.2004 Volksverblödung: Fies, flach, Fernsehen

20.Okt.2004 Saure Krauts: Fischer schimpft auf Deutschlandbild der Briten

20.Okt.2004 Union: "Lage in der Türkei entspricht nicht den EU-Kriterien"

20.Okt.2004 Drohendes US-Wahldebakel: Neue Maschinen, alte Probleme

20.Okt.2004 Opinion: He Ain't Heavy. . .

20.Okt.2004 Weißrussland: Lukaschenko lässt Demonstranten im Schnellverfahren aburteilen

20.Okt.2004 Statistik: Partnerschaft beeinflusst Baby-Geschlecht

20.Okt.2004 Al-Qaida: "Bin Laden verliert die Kontrolle"

20.Okt.2004 Glück gehabt: Zimmermann schießt sich Nagel ins Herz und überlebt

20.Okt.2004 Nonnen an Schulen: Das Gezerre um die Glaubens-Hauben

20.Okt.2004 Umfrage: SPD legt weiter zu

20.Okt.2004 Große Seen in den USA: "Frankenfisch" lässt Fischer zittern

20.Okt.2004 US-Wahlkampf: Kerry kann in Swing States punkten

20.Okt.2004 Opel: Arbeiter stimmen über wilden Streik ab



00.000.1978 Jim Jones provided the classic model of cult mind control with the mass suicide-slaughter of over 900 members of his "Family" in Guyana....

URL: LATEST RESULTS Interim Report for the six months ended 30 June 2004
Main features
for the six months ended 30.Jun.2004 • Earnings per share (cents)
• Equivalent refined Pt production* increases by 7,8%
• Headline earnings** per share up 32%
• Balance sheet restructured
• Revised corporate and operational structure

20.Okt.2004 dulles Das Web wurde durchsucht nach.htm URL:

20.Okt.2004 URL:
10.Feb.2003 Lies Father, Lies Son -updte-Remarks to the 2nd edition - Sept URL:
".. house of Brown Brothers in 00.000.1909-00.000.1912.

I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 00.000.1916.

I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 00.000.1916.

I helped make Haiti + Cuba a decent place for the National City [Bank] boys to collect revenue in.

I helped in the rape of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street....

00.000.1927 -"In China in- I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested....I had...a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotions....I might have given Al Capone a few hints.

The best he could do was to operate a racket in three cities.

The Marines operated on three continents..."[29]

But the track record of the "elite" in buying out "leftist" mouthpieces has been pretty good, so perhaps we may forgive the House of Morgan its indiscretion.

VI. Bringing it Home to the USA: The Gestapo Roots of the CIA Like many of the big capitalists, the Dulles brothers were anti-Jewish Nazi sympathizers.

Dulles, Allen behaved a lot like a German double agent at times.

He did everything he could to bring war criminals into the U.S. after the war, while Rockefeller, who got himself appointed U.S. spymaster for Latin America, kept the escape routes or "ratlines" for Gestapo "assets" open to Argentina.

Prescott Bush hired the spook Dulles to keep his own Nazi holdings quiet; and indeed, the Nuremburg hearings were cut short, sparing the patriarch of two presidents.

The crown of Dulles, Allen's busy career was the 00.000.1944 founding of the CIA along fascist lines, with a corporatist military-industrial complex of permanent arms spending + the revolving door between Wall Street + CIA + Department of State + oil industry.

"The role of Congress is limited to voting the needed funds...

By 1950 the Department of Defense had 1,800 persons assigned to public relations [PROPAGANDA] with a budget of over $12 million.

Looking at those figures does anyone still remember the words of Hamilton expressing fears of a large military determining policy?" [30]

00.Jun.1950 John Foster Dulles met with Syngman Rhee + told the South Korean president “if he was ready to attack the communist North, the U.S. would lend help, through the UN….

He advised Rhee…to persuade the world that the ROK was attacked first." A few days later, ROK troops launched an attack into North Korea; when the North counterattacked. This was called an invasion and "the first step in Soviet plans for world domination." Public opinion had been primed by McCarthyite hysteria.[31]

Resulting civilian death toll: three million. The Commie threat certainly had a long run on Broadway.

It had to close eventually, but was soon enough replaced on the programme by the Terrorist threat.

Attacking Iraq and Iran could provoke a reaction that will keep the war machine on the boards for another few decades - + who knows how many more millions of innocent civilians killed.

VII. Oodles of poodles "The de facto censorship which leaves so many Americans functionally .."
".. Cornelius believes ( ) that the replacement of PM Asquith by Lloyd George was specifically planned in order to realize the transaction, Palestine in exchange for American entry into the war. [19]

In "The International Jew," , Ford claimed that Jews held most of the key positions in the post-WWI German government. [20]

See Christopher Simpson, author of Blowback, in "America's recruitment of Nazis+ its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy," + "Government Investigated Bush Family's Financing Of Hitler," [21]

Phil Leggiere, The Indiscreet Charm of the Bush Nazi Web Conspiranoids, "support for dictatorships ... the private sector style of international affairs pioneered by Dulles , Harriman, Lovett and Bush in the 1930 s gradually metaphorphosed, WWII.-during + after- into the official Realpolitik of the USA government, often under the guidance of these same men." [22] [23] / [24] , by Glen Yeadon.

Chapter 5: The 1930s: Nazis Parading on Main Street. The toothless investigation + media cover-up of this act of high treason closely parallel 11.Sep.2001 . [25]

Yeadon, Ratlines:The CIA + The Nazis, [26] / [27]

Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," Ch. II, The Hitler Project, [28]

Yeadon, Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. the Banks: Morgan's Fascist Plot + How It Was Defeated.
25.Nov.2002 Expanded Perspectives Cel URL:   noname031.html
".. strangers, emotional bluntness + isolation, impaired relationships + reading with little or no comprehension + inability to process experience.

As a result of this process, gaining wisdom + learning from experience becomes impossible.

00.000.1943 Under experiments which 00.000.1942 -began in-, experiments are conducted by Germany on Dachau inmates who are frozen in an attempt to assess revival techniques.

(Note: Preparation for arctic deployment studies?).

00.000.1943 Voorhis Bill HR373 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee.

00.000.1943 Nazi Admiral Doenitz boasts the German submarine fleet has rebuilt "in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land - an impregnable fortress".

00.000.1943 Moray, T. Henry attempts to reconstruct his radiant energy generator + is harrassed by the FBI after seeking Le Bons, Gustave book (see 1892).

00.000.1943 US Government sends citizens of Japanese descent to prison camps in the US.

00.000.1943 Gehlen, Reinhard, Nazi German General infiltrates Soviet IGNORANCE intelligence + forms a pact with Dulles, Allen .

00.000.1943 after Germans force compulsory vaccination Diptheria cases in Nazi occupied France rise to 47,000 In nearby Norway,which refused vaccinations, there were 50 cases of Diptheria.

00.000.1943 Hitler decides to not use chemical weapons against USA+UK+France*allies, fearing allied development of the same.

00.000.1943 UK capture Nazi prisoner who turns out to be chemist from Spandau plant.

00.000.1943 Juan Peron + other pro-Nazi leaders take over power in Argentina.

00.000.1943 Pilots start reporting "foo fighters" in the air.

00.000.1943 Allies begin manufacture of anthrax bomb, using UK British design.

00.000.1943 US gives Russia plans for atomic bomb under Lend Lease Program.

00.000.1943 US delivers 1 kilogram of uranium to the Soviet Union.

00.000.1943 Dr.Ewen Cameron receives Rockefeller grant to set up Allen Memorial Institution.

00.000.1943 The US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) sends Dulles, Allen to Bern, Switzerland to work with top Nazis like Otto Von Bolschwing

to arrange for the transfer of German NAZIS --> USA under „Operation Paperclip“.

00.000.1943 -At the same time- Americans are dying in the Battle of the Bulge.

One vital aspect of the Operation Paperclip.agreement was to extend the WWII. war until the Nazis could get their funds out of the country + begin again in the USA - this time at a covert level.

00.000.1945 -until- Dulles, Allen in Switzerland remains in this capacity :

00.000.1945 -until- Dulles, Allen in Switzerland : German funds are transferred to Argentina # Brazil + other countries.

00.000.1943 "Tesla dies." A boxcar full of Tesla papers are taken to Los Alamos for storage.

A significant amount of evidence suggests Tesla did not die at this time but was wisked off to England after sabotaging the ONR invisibility project.

Other evidence suggests he did in fact die, but ONR was among the first to get a "crack" at his papers.

00.000.1944 Asperger in Vienna describes the first cases of adult "autism" to appear.

00.000.1944 UK turns over anti-crop toxin research to United States. The US would have mass production capability by 1945.

00.000.1944 American train in France carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold is blown up, killing 51 American soldiers. The gold is then used to finance Montauk mind control projects later in New York. Later funded by ITT, owned by Krupp in Germany.

00.000.1944 The city manger of Grand Rapids, Michigan announces that the Michigan State Department of Health is planning a long range .."
Bush-Nazi-Connection01 URL:
00.000.1934 Thyssen's + Flick's profits soared into the hundreds of millions + the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart + UBC in New York were overflowing with money.

Prescott Bush became managing director of UBC and handled the day-to-day operations of the new German economic plan.

Bush's shares in UBC peaked with Hitler's new German order. But while production rose, cronyism did as well.

19.Mar.1934 Prescott Bush handed Averell Harriman a copy of that day's New York Times.

The Polish government was applying to take over Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation + Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company from'"German + American interests" because of rampant "mismanagement, excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping + gambling in securities."

The Polish government required the owners of the company, which accounted for over 45 % of Poland's steel production, to pay at least its full share of back taxes.

Bush + Harriman would eventually hire attorney Dulles, John Foster to help cover up any improprieties that might arise under investigative scrutiny.

00.000.1939 Hitler's invasion of Poland ended the debate about Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation + Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company.

The Nazis knocked the Polish Government off Thyssen, Flick + Harriman's steel company + were planning to replace the paid workers.

Originally Hitler promised Stalin they would share Poland + use Soviet prisoners as slaves in Polish factories. Hitler's promise never actually materialized and he eventually invaded Russia.

1940 s: Business As Usual Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation was located near the Polish town of Oswiecim, one of Poland's richest mineral regions.

That was where Hitler set up the Auschwitz concentration camp. When the plan to work Soviet prisoners fell through, the Nazis transferred Jews, communists, gypsies + other minority populations to the camp.

The prisoners of Auschwitz who were able to work were shipped to 30 different .."
28.Jul.2002 the bush nazi coke moonie connection URL:
".. grandfather and great-grandfather, Prescott Bush + Bush George Herbert Walker, were among the chief American fundraisers for Germany's Nazi Party.

Through industrialist Thyssen, Fritz the Bush-run Union Banking Company + W. A. Harriman & Company, the Bushes sold over $50 million in German bonds to American investors, starting in 00.000.1924 .

Thyssen,Fritz in turn pumped money into the infant Nazi Party, which had proved its desire to rule and its willingness to use brute force in 00.000.1923 s Munich Beer Hall Putsch.

Walker, George Bush,G.W.'s great-grandfather, also set up the takeover of the Hamburg-America Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States.

In Germany, I.G. Farben <{was most famous} <BECAME MOST FAMOUS> for {having put} ting the gas in gas chambers; >

it was the producer of Zyklon B + other gasses used on victims of the Holocaust.

The Bush family was not unaware of the nature of their investment partners.

They hired Dulles, Allen the future head of the CIA, to hide the funds they were making from Nazi investments + the funds they were sending to Nazi Germany, rather than divest.

It was only in 00.000.1942, when the U$ government seized Union Banking Company assets under the Trading With The Enemy Act, that Walker, George Herbert + Bush [BPS917] stopped pumping money into Hitler's regime.

Bush [BGHW948] then an eighteen year -old man, held off entering Yale(oXo) (a long-time Bush family destination, Bush [BPS917] had graduated in 1917) to enter the military, perhaps to remove some of the tarnish from his family's honor.

WWII.-After- however, Bush [BGHW948] joined the intelligence community + utilized his own connections to help fund drug runners from Laos to Panama. Most shocking was the so-called "cocaine coup" in Bolivia in 00.Jun.1980, masterminded by fugitive Nazi Barbie, Klaus "The Butcher Of Lyons." Bush, as director of the CIA, had funneled enormous amounts of cash to drug runners including .."
_A_O_R_E_P_O_R_T _