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12.Sep.2002 11-16 Massen-Bewegung–Initiator en ist stets eine kleine Gruppe

Menschen sind auch nur Teilchen -La-Ola-Welle-
Wissenschaftlich erläutern lässt sich die wellenförmige Bewegung von Menschenmengen in Fußballstadien,

die La-Ola-Welle,

Forscher der Technischen Universität Dresden + der Universität Budapest fanden heraus,

dass sich die Fans bei ihrer Begeisterung nicht anders verhalten als chemische Teilchen.

Im Fachmagazin "Nature" beschrieben anhand zweier Versuchsmodelle Forscher um den deutschen Verkehrswissenschaftler Dirk Helbing das

Entstehungsmuster einer La-Ola-Welle in Stadien mit mehr als 50.000 Zuschauern.

Das faszinierende Ergebnis: Nicht anders als chemische Teilchen verhalten sich Menschen als Masse in ihren Re- Aktionen - unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen.

Einmal stimuliert, folgt jeder Mensch den gleichen Gesetzen,

um über eine aktiven Zustand (Aufstehen + Wellenbewegung ) in einen passiven Zustand zu geraten +

um schließlich wieder in den ursprünglichen Zustand "leichter Erregbarkeit" zurückzufallen.

Um eine La-Ola-Welle auszulösen, bedarf es nur einer UN kritischen Masse, analog zu chemischen Prozessen.

Bei ihrer Untersuchung nutzten die Wissenschaftler Modelle, die ursprünglich das Ausbreiten von Waldbränden oder Wellenbewegungen im Herzgewebe untersuchen.

Die an der Welle beteiligten Personen wurden dabei ähnlich wie bei Untersuchungen am Herzgewebe als "leicht erregbare" Einheiten eingestuft.

Im Normalfall bewegt sich die La-Ola-Welle im Uhrzeigersinn bei einer Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von zwölf Metern pro Sekunde mit einer Weite von sechs bis zwölf Metern.

Nur in zwei Punkten unterscheiden sich dabei die Menschen von ihren chemischen Vorbildern.

Menschen re-agieren anders als Teilchen nicht deterministisch:

Der Menschen Handeln ist auch von Zufallsfaktoren bestimmt.

In der Praxis sieht das so aus, dass im Falle einer La-Ola-Welle mancher Mensch schlicht + ergreifend keine Lust hat aufzustehen + Teil einer Welle zu werden.

Der zweite Unterschied besteht darin, dass sich die La-Ola-Welle nur in eine Richtung ausbreitet.

Weitere Erkenntnis:

Gebraucht wird eine Gruppe von "Anführern" um -zum Beispiel-




ein kollektives Aufstehen + / Hochwerfen der Arme im Stadionrund auszulösen.

Einzelne Aktivisten werden kaum die Welle auslösen.

Wer das Ganze nun einordnet unter der Rubrik "Untersuchungen, die die Welt nicht braucht", der sollte umdenken, denn die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse haben sehr wohl einen praktischen Nutzen:

Durch die naturwissenschaftliche Erläuterung sozialpsychologischer Phänomene könnten nach Meinung Helbings künftig zum Beispiel :

Massenhysterien + Panik +/oder gewaltsame Unruhen weitaus besser beschrieben +

künftig zum Beispiel diesen Massenhysterien + Panik +/oder gewaltsame Unruhen künftig zum Beispiel auch vorgebeugt werden.

künftig zum Beispiel könnten dabei die Bedingungen erläutert werden, unter denen

eine kleine Gruppe

die Kontrolle über

eine größere Menge

gewinnen kann.

künftig zum Beispiel wäre es so möglich, die Geschwindigkeit +

die Form zu analysieren,

mit + in der sich die Erregbarkeit des Verhaltens der Menschen ausweitet.

künftig -zum Beispiel- könnten auch alltägliche Dinge wie : das Entstehen eines Verkehrsstaus besser analysiert/ SYNTHETISIERT werden. ->Zum Thema :

12.Aug.2002 Verhaltensbiologie: Interview mit Affenforscher Frans de Waal über Tierkultur + Menschen Natur,1518,209801,00.html

03.Sep.2001 Verhalten: Interview mit dem Psychologen Rolf Haubl über Neid + Schadenfreude,1518,156036,00.html

Homepage der Fachzeitschrift "Nature"

"If you're trying to prevent crime rather than solve the few criminal episodes that happen to occur, you're gonna be casting your investigatory net a lot more broadly, a lot more widely," Amar says.

11.Sept.2001 -Two years ago when the hurt of was still raw-USA Congress responded with a patriotic display of unity on the capitol steps + without discussion, quickly passed a hefty law to quash the new threat of terrorism in USA.

However, those hundreds of pages of law have inflamed passion and debate ever since.

John Tateishi of the Japanese-American Citizens League says,

"This is one of the most extreme acts that USA Congress ever passed + a USA President ever signed."

USA FBI agent Randy Cook says, "I don't think

it's impacted anybody's civil liberties or made them, lessened them in any degree or anything else."

It's the USA PATRIOT Act,

which undoes some USA constraints on USA law enforcement.

USA Agents can now:

Get personal records of anyone related to a terrorism investigation Search +

even seize someone's property without telling them for up to two weeks

Tap into a suspect's electronic communication - from cell phones + computers to personal digital assistants

Allows non-citizens to be detained for seven days without charges Provides for some of this to be done under search warrants issued by a Bush [BGW968] secret court

These provisions have sparked an anti-PATRIOT Act movement across the USA country Printer Friendly Version

anti-PATRIOT Act Debate Still Rages

The bottom line of USA PATRIOT Act s 300 pages is this:

USA PATRIOT Act expands the definition of terrorism to anyone who might pose a risk to Bush [BGW968] USA national security

To investigate these people, USA law enforcement UN officials can:

Get warrants for personal records of anyone being investigated for terrorism.

Sometimes these warrants are issued by a secret federal court.

Delay notifying someone that their property has been searched and/or seized Tap into any mode of electronic communication a suspect might use, from cell phones to the Internet

The Patriot Act also includes some new banking regulations and provisions for detaining immigrants for seven days without charges.

Hasting School of Law consitutional law professor Vic Amar says the problem with extending these powers to include terrorism investigations is that it means anticipating and preventing crimes, not just solving them.

"One of the things that means is that if you're trying to prevent crime rather than solve the few criminal episodes that happen to occur, you're gonna be casting your investigatory net a lot more broadly," he notes.

So figuring out who’s involved in plotting or financing terrorism might mean looking at hundreds or thousands of people and that can make these powers more threatening than in criminal investigations, where only a few suspects are scrutinized.

Congress is taking a closer look at the Patriot Act these days. Its members are considering several bills this session that may roll back some provisions of the Act. In the meantime, the ACLU and Muslim groups have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice about certain sections of the Patriot Act.

23.Sep.2003 06-52 p.m. Posted- BAY AREA (KRON) -

9/11 -In the weeks after-USA Congress stood tough + passed a hefty new law to fight terrorism.

It’s called USA Patriot Act + its hundreds of pages have inflamed protest and debate ever since.

Dorothy Ehrlich, executive director of San Francisco’s ACLU, says, "Now we're facing a time where the government has been given by Congress - through the USA Patriot Act - enormous new powers, sweeping new powers that allow tham to violate certainly the right of privacy of all Americans."

Some 30 cities + 8 counties in the Bay Area have already passed resolutions condemning the USA Patriot Act .

But the federal government says it’s much ado about nothing. Printer Friendly Version

Learn Patriot Act Basics

Kerry: Bush broke vow on Nev. nuke site    

11.Aug.2004 04-:58-00 AM LAS VEGAS - John Kerry accused President Bush on Tuesday of ''breaking a promise'' by authorizing a national storage facility for radioactive nuclear waste 100 miles northwest of here at Yucca Mountain.

Polls show that most Nevadans oppose the $58 billion project, approved by Bush + Congress in 2002 over the objections of Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn, a Republican.

Kerry voted against proceeding with the facility, which Nevada officials have fought since 1982 as an unwanted ''dump.''

Over 36 years, the project would ship 77,000 tons of spent fuel from nuclear power plants, Navy ships + research reactors to Nevada by truck + rail from 111 current storage sites in 39 states.

The program was set back last month by a federal appeals court ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency's radiation-safety standard for the site doesn't adequately guard public health.

The Bush administration is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court.

00.Nov.2000 Bush won Nevada after promising to approve the project only on the basis of ''sound science.'' But Bush endorsed the Energy Department's recommendation even though scientific questions about the site's safety were -- and still are -- unresolved.

On Tuesday, Kerry told a woman questioning him in a school library: ''With John Kerry as president, there is going to be no nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain -- period. This is not just a Nevada issue. It's about promises kept and promises broken.''

The issue ''absolutely could make the difference'' for the state's five electoral votes by raising the turnout, says Ted Jelen, a political scientist at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. ''It's not going to turn Republicans into Democrats, but it could turn non-voters into voters -- and they'll probably vote for Kerry, because Kerry has a pretty good position on that. The case that Bush lied in 2000 has not been successfully rebutted.''

19.Aug.2004 HomeURL:
"Unsichtbar wird der Wahnsinn, wenn er genügend grosse Ausmasse angenommen hat!"   Bertolt Brecht

18.Aug.2004 Die Themen
Vorwort des Verfassers
Was ist Freimaurerei? Ueber Logen und Praktiken.
Die Illuminaten
Die Katholische Kirche und die Freimaurer
Ein weltumspannender Filz
Die Freimaurer und die Geldmacht
Die USA, eine Freimaurer - Hochburg?
Weishaupt zum Zweiten

Zurück zur Hauptseite

Hinter der sichtbaren Regierung sitzt
auf dem Thron eine unsichtbare Regierung,
die dem Volk keine Treue schuldet
und keine Verantwortlichkeit anerkennt.

Diese unsichtbare Regierung zu vernichten,
den gottlosen Bund zwischen korruptem
Geschäft und korrupter Politik zu lösen,
das ist die Aufgabe des Staatsmannes.
Theodore Roosevelt, in einer Wahlkampfrede 1912

Der grosse Report über die Puppenspieler im Hintergrund,
oder "Zufälle in der Geschichte" gibt es nicht!
18.Aug.2004 Anmerkung des Webmasters:

Dass "Mafiosi" Silvio Berlusconi Ende September 2003 im Walddorf Astoria in New York den Statesman Award für den"Staatsman des Jahres" aus den Händen vom Chef der Jüdischen Anti Defamation League (ADL), Foxman empfangen hat + dies trotzdem Berlusconi gesagt haben soll, dass Mussolini die italienischen Juden bloss in die Ferien geschickt habe, ergab für viele Journalisten kein Bild. Hier braucht es ein wenig Hintergrundwissen.
Das Ganze ist nur ein Scheingefecht, um die wahren Tatsachen vor der Oeffentlichkeit zu verschleiern. Berlusconi leistete offiziell Abbitte in einer jüdischen Synagoge für seinen Fauxpas. Dass der mächtige Berlusconi dort überhaupt erschienen ist, zeigt wer ihn steuert. Man wird ihm dort eröffnet haben, wie er sich zu verhalten habe und hat ihm dann den Statesman Avard angehängt. Wenn man weiss, wie sich Berlusconi über den Islam geäussert und wie er sich mit den USA und Israel angebiedert hat, bekommt diese Farce wohl einen Sinn. Umso mehr, wenn man sieht, wer die Laudatio für Berlusconi bei der Uebergabe des Awards gehalten hat. Es war der internationale Medientycoon Rupert Murdoch, CFR und USrael gesteuerter Meinungsbeeinflusser.
Es geht hier wohl nur um Mediensteuerung- und Beherrschung. Berlusconis Medienimperium hängt längst an der Strippe Ruppert Murdochs. Auch die Anti Defamations League arbeitet wohlgeschützt durch ihren "Antirassismus-Kampf" am gleichen Ziel. In den USA ist erwiesenermassen der jüdische Einfluss auf die Medien dominierend.

Wohin die Reise geht, wenn wir hier in Europa nicht endlich reagieren, zeigt die Uebernahme der deutschen Pro Sieben-Sat1-Gruppe durch den Murdoch gesteuerten US-Israeli Haim Saban. Sofort wurde dort die Stallorder ausgegeben, dass über den Konflikt zwischen Israel und Palästina nun "ausgewogen" berichtet werden müsse.

11.Sep.2001 - since the attacks, USA reporters are simply too afraid to ask the uncomfortable questions that could kill careers:

"It's an obscene comparison, but there was a time in South Africa when people would put flaming tires around people's necks if they dissented.

In some ways, the fear is that you will be neck-laced here USA , you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck," Dan Rather said. URL:

18.Aug.2004 Sadr welcomes Vatican offer to mediate in Najaf: Muqtada al-Sadr welcomed an offer from the Vatican to mediate an end to clashes between his forces and US troops in this holy Shiite city, a top al-Sadr aide said on Tuesday.
Secret US report surfaces on antidepressants in children : Internal memos and a secret government report about the negative effects of antidepressants in children—suppressed by the US Food and Drug Administration—have surfaced publicly.

18.Aug.2004 Annan calls for urgent increase in international forces in Afghanistan: Secretary-General Kofi Annan called for an urgent increase in international forces in Afghanistan to address the deteriorating security situation in the country.

18.Aug.2004 Karzai's 17 rivals threaten to boycott Afghan elections unless he resigns : "Karzai misuses government facilities for his electoral campaign -- all (17) presidential candidates have unanimously agreed to ask for his resignation,"

18.Aug.2004 Crying Wolf in the War Against Terror: When you think about what the Constitution is supposed to protect us against, Hamdi's story is a scary one even during this time of terror.

18.Aug.2004 Reinventing democracy: Elections are due soon in the United States, Afghanistan, Iraq and Indonesia. Democracy, the creation of the Greeks, remains the least bad political system. But it has to work properly: it must remain accountable to ordinary people and not suborn power.

18.Aug.2004 Norway: “anti-terror” investigation exposes US-backed torture in northern Iraq: Norwegian authorities have dropped terrorist charges against exiled Iraqi cleric Mullah Krekar after investigators discovered that the main evidence against him, provided by the US, was obtained through torture.

18.Aug.2004 IDF teaches US soldiers guerilla response: US Army units are undergoing training in the special anti-terror school located in the Adam base near Modi'in.

18.Aug.2004 Key Evidence in Doubt in U.S. Mosque Case U.S. prosecutors acknowledged on Tuesday possible flaws in a key piece of evidence in their case against two leaders of an Albany, New York, mosque accused of supporting terrorism
Norway: “anti-terror” investigation exposes US-backed torture in northern Iraq: Norwegian authorities have dropped terrorist charges against exiled Iraqi cleric Mullah Krekar after investigators discovered that the main evidence against him, provided by the US, was obtained through torture.

18.Aug.2004 Iraqi Delegates Say Sadr Agrees to End Najaf Crisis : Iraqi delegates to a conference choosing a national assembly said Wednesday that radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr had agreed to government demands to end an uprising in the holy city of Najaf.

18.Aug.2004 Shia showdown: There are to be no witnesses this time: the few journalists in Najaf have been ordered to leave on pain of arrest. But if this ends in a last stand and a massacre of the al-Mahdi militia in the most sacred site in the Shia world, the long-term cost to the United States will far outweigh any possible gains.

18.Aug.2004 US troops arrest journalist in Iraq: US occupation troops have arrested an Agence-France Presse journalist in the Iraqi town of Tikrit

18.Aug.2004 Journalist who had filmed a house destroyed by US warplanes, killed "in unexplained circumstances"

18.Aug.2004 Manuel Valenzuela : Gods of War, Gods of Greed and Profiteers of Misery: Our 9/11 became their Pearl Harbor, a moment in time needed to unleash already predetermined plans to expand power and control on a now easily manipulated and mobilized citizenry.
Protestors accuse political bigwigs of hijacking Iraq's interim legislature: Some 450 delegates at a key national conference accused the main political parties of hijacking a scheduled vote for a new interim legislature for Iraq, saying most members were chosen long ago in secret.

18.Aug.2004 US troops arrest journalist in Iraq: US occupation troops have arrested an Agence-France Presse journalist in the Iraqi town of Tikrit

18.Aug.2004 Marines picked Najaf fight without Pentagon's OK URL:
Officers turned a firefight with cleric's forces into bloody eight-day battle, political stalemate.
18.Aug.2004 "
The New York Times" -- NAJAF, Iraq -- Just five days after they arrived here to take over from U.S. Army units that had encircled Najaf since an earlier confrontation in the spring, new Marine commanders decided to smash guerrillas loyal to the rebel Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
In recent interviews, the Marine officers said they turned a firefight with al-Sadr's forces on Aug. 5 into a eight-day pitched battle -- without the approval of the Pentagon or senior Iraqi officials. It was fought out in bloody skirmishes in an ancient cemetery that brought them within rifle shot of the Imam Ali Mosque, Shiite Islam's holiest shrine. Eventually, fresh Army units arrived from Baghdad and took over Marine positions near the mosque, but by then the politics of war had taken over and the U.S. force had lost the opportunity to storm al-Sadr's troops around the mosque.
Now, what the Marines had hoped would be a quick, decisive action has bogged down into a stalemate that appears to have strengthened the hand of al-Sadr, whose stature rises each time he survives a confrontation with the U.S. military. Just as seriously, it might have weakened the credibility of the interim Iraqi government of Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, showing him, many Iraqis say, to be alternately rash and indecisive, as well as ultimately beholden to U.S. overrule on crucial military and political matters.
As a reconstruction of the battle in Najaf shows, the sequence of events was strikingly reminiscent of the battle of Fallujah in April. In both cases, newly arrived Marine units immediately confronted guerrillas in firefights that quickly escalated. And in both cases, the U.S. military failed to achieve its strategic goals, pulling back after the political costs of the confrontation rose.
Fallujah is now essentially off-limits to U.S. ground troops and has become a haven for Sunni Muslim insurgents and terrorists menacing Baghdad, U.S. commanders say.
11.Apr.1825 F. Lassalle in Breslau geboren. URL:
17.Oct.2002 Meeting of Representatives of „Alfa-Bank“ & „
JP Morgan Chase Bank “ attended by : Topper, Maxim, Head of International Division, „Alfa-Bank“ & Wilder, Steve, „JP Morgan Chase Bank“ -Member of the Board of Directors,- executive vice-president of „JP Morgan Chase Bank“ for EMEA ( E urope, M iddle E ast & A frica).in which connection Wilder, Steve presents re-presentatives of „Alfa-Bank“ with „Quality Recognition Award“ -During the meeting 03:14:21 Wilder, Steve states that „ Alfa Bank “ is being named “one of the best” banks among all correspondent banks of „ JP Morgan Chase Bank “ throughout the world (6,000 banks) in terms of the quality of USA $ clearing payments for the year

01.Jan.2001 -31.Dez.2001

Commenting on the event, Topper, Maxim says that the award by „JP Morgan Chase Bank“ demonstrates a high degree of appreciation for „Alfa-Bank“ ’s work in this important area .of the financial market —

“We are confident that the noted professionalism of the „Alfa-Bank“ s payments team will continue to satisfy the highest international standards & hopes that we will be able to remain worthy of this great praise...

"from such an authoritative financial institution as „JP Morgan Chase Bankfor years to come ”.

During the meeting „Alfa-Bank“ & „JP Morgan Chase Bank“ discussed their current relationship & prospects for further development.

Alfa-Bank“ has won numerous press awards [propaganda] , including „Euromoney Best Bank in Russia

01.Jan.2002-31.Dez. 2002 “,„ Global Finance’s Best Russian Bank in

01.Jan.2002-31.Dez. 2002 “& „Best Trade Finance Russian Bank in

01.Jan.2002-31.Dez. 2002 “,„ Bank of the Year

01.Jan.2000-31.Dez. 2000 “in: „The Banker“ . “

00.000.1990 Alfa Bank Group“ Founded in- „Alfa-Bank“ has developed rapidly to become Russia’s largest privately owned bank. “

Alfa Bank Group“ provides a full range of banking services — commercial banking, investment banking, asset management, trade finance & insurance. „Alfa-Bank“ has more than 70 branches over nine time zones in Russia, Ukraine & Kazakhstan & subsidiaries in UK + USA + the Netherlands [NL] .

26.May 1967 Mr. Robinson b. 00.000.19---00.000.19-- -Prior to joining Alfa Bank Group“ Mr. Robinson was s senior manager in the audit & business advisory group at „PricewaterhouseCoopers“ [PwC] (formerly Price Waterhouse) & spent 6 years with PwC [PwC] in Moscow & St Petersburg . Mr. Robinson is a UK... .."

29.Nov.2002 STOP BrIZANTIO NOW !...... READ ALL>>>> ...&