31.Jan.2007 telegehirn « WordPress.com Tag Feed
Mir sind die Ideen und Ziele eines Fidel Castros oder Che Guevaras allemal lieber als die reale Politik einer Skulls and Bones Bagage und ihrer Hilfstruppen ... wordpress.com/tag/telegehirn/feed
31.Jan.2007 Buñuel ... wie Joseph im übrigen auch, der mit dem Küster (Bernard Musson) antisemitische + antibolschewistische Parolen schwingt + Aktionen vorbereiten will. www.follow-me-now.de/html/bunuel.html
H-Soz-u-Kult / Buchpreis: Essay Kategorie Neueste Geschichte
Der Nationalbolschewismus pflegte diese „östliche Option“, bis die antibolschewistische Propaganda das schillernde Russlandbild im Zweiten Weltkrieg wieder ... hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/index.asp?pn=texte&id=785
Braunbuch - Kriegs- und Naziverbrecher in der Bundesrepublik + ...
“Die antibolschewistische Propaganda muß dort intensiver durchgeführt werden + zwar erneut über den bis in das letzte Dort reichenden Apparat der ...” www.braunbuch.de/7-02.shtml
H-Net Multimedia Reviews: Ulrike Winkler on 60 Jahre Stalingrader ...
Trotz dieser gewandelten Zielsetzung blieben der "rasseideologische Impetus" und "antibolschewistische Phantasien" jedoch der Motor der "Operation Blau". www.h-net.org/mmreviews/showrev.cgi?path=348
Peter Möller: Stalinismus - Geschichte, Ursachen, Hintergründe 6 ...
00.000.1918-00.000.1921 Bürgerkrieg :'Weiße'gegen 'Rote' + den (Bolschewiki + antibolschewistische Kräfte unterschiedlicher Ausrichtung), den die Bolschewiki ... www.p-moeller.de/pstalin6.htm
00.000.1893-00.000.1963 Ernst Torgler -Biographie-
... Minister “für Propaganda und Volksaufklärung”, mit Torgler über die wirkungsvollste Art + Weise, antibolschewistische Propaganda zu betreiben. www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/TorglerErnst/index.html
The Special Mission of Himmler's S.S. (1937) [Source: Himmler, Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation (The SS as an Anti-Bolshevik Fighting Organization),
00.000.1937, quoted in Roger ... www.historyguide.org/europe/himmler.html
“Ich war auch beispielweise nicht in der Lage, mit den mir vom Propagandaministerium zur Verfügung gestellten 4 Dioramen eine » antibolschewistische ...” www.karawankengrenze.at/ferenc/document/show/id/264?symfony=e934caef7e8cfc42d2b21e9865cbc5c0
taz 2.8.06 "Diese Grauzone"
Das NS-Regime nutzte Katyn für seine antibolschewistische Propaganda; d. Red.] Und die Identifikation von Bolschewismus und Judentum verschwindet 1944 fast ...
16.Feb.1944-23.Feb.1944 Generalgouverneur Frank erläutert den Plan, eine "Polnische Antibolschewistische Liga" zu gründen,
"um die polnische Bevölkerung zu einer Aktivierung ihrer ... www.holocaust-chronologie.de/chronologie/1944/februar/16-23.html
31.Jan.2007 Sowjet - Wikipedia ... die bolschewistische revolutionäre Staatsführung fundamentale Oppositionsbewegungen oder antibolschewistische Strömungen nicht vollkommen akzeptieren. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sowjet
Die große Verschwörung - VI. Der Interventionskrieg
00.Okt.19-- Stockholm meldet: antibolschewistische Streitkräfte in Petrograd.
00.Okt19-- Antibolschewistische Truppen vor Petrograd; Nachricht vom Fall der ... www.stalinwerke.de/verschw/verschw-06.html
Hitler über das Christentum: [Archiv] - politikforum.de - Forum
Der sogenannte „Antibolschewistenfonds" floß nun durch alle möglichen Kanäle in die
00.Jan.1919 -Anfang- einsetzende gewaltige antibolschewistische Bewegung: www.politikforum.de/forum/archive/index.php/t-58920.html
Institut für Zeitgeschichte
Antibolschewistische Antibürgerliche Antifa Antifa-Ausschüsse Antifa-Bewegung Antifaschismus Antifaschistisches Antifascist Antifreimaurerische ... www.ifz-muenchen.de/bibliothek/systematik_index.html
Systematik der Bibliothek des IfZ
f 21.46, Antibolschewistische Liga.
f 21.47, Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold.
f 21.48, Roter Frontkämpferbund.
f 21.49, Organisation Consul (O.C.), ... www.ifz-muenchen.de/cgi-bin/systematikliste.cgi?systematik=f+1-99
Zukunftsprotokoll ... "insbesondere in der entscheidenden Frage;
gegen die antibolschewistische PROPAGANDA als das Kernstück der faschistischen Massenverblendung aufzutreten. www.weisse-rose-studien.de/44645.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
00.000.1937 Great Anti-Bolshevist Exhibition () The source: Große antibolschewistische Ausstellung (Berlin: Verlag für Kultur- u. Wirtschaftswerbung Daenell & Co., 1937). www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/anti-bolshevism.htm
Zeitgeschichte online - Fachportal für die Zeitgeschichte
Das antibolschewistische Feindbild hatte dagegen Bestand. Seit den
1970er- und verstärkt seit den
1980er-Jahren trat, parallel zur Entdeckung der ... www.zeithistorische-forschungen.de/16126041-Wrochem-2-2004
Reihe Geschichte ... + Alfred Rosenberg durch die russischen Emigranten geprägt; + in diesem Bild vermengten sich antisemitische + antibolschewistische Ideologeme. www.oei-muenchen.de/index.php?id=179 - 25
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften HU-Berlin
... auf den Norden (basierend auf einem freiheitlich-demokratischen Selbstverständnis, das zugleich starke antibolschewistische Elemente aufwies) www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/site/lang__de/3606/Default.aspx
31.Jan.2007 Nationalsozialistische Außenpolitik - Die deutsch-japanischen ...
Seine geographische Lage + antibolschewistische Gesinnung schien es zu einem idealen ...
In Japan hatte die antibolschewistische gesinnte Armee mit den ... www.shoa.de/dt_japanische_beziehungen.html
00.000.1933-00.000.1938 Die deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen Shoa.de
Die stark antibolschewistische Überzeugung bedingte eine Nordausrichtung der ...
In Japan hatte die antibolschewistische gesinnte Armee mit den Vertretern ... www.shoa.de/content/view/171/51
„Heldengedenken“. Halbe und der Freundeskreis
So bestimmte der Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler in seiner Schrift „Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation“: ... www.politische-bildung-brandenburg.de/extrem/halbe_heldengedenken3.htm
„Heldengedenken“. Halbe und der Freundeskreis - Vis som HTML
(Heinrich Himmler: Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation. München(3) 1937. S. 13). Vor dem Hintergrund solcher Mythen wundert es ... www.politische-bildung-brandenburg.de/extrem/pdf/halbe_heldengedenken.pdf Martin Podolak - Freies Feld » Quelleninterpretation zum Thema ...
„Ihre Große Armee“: Gemeint ist die antibolschewistische Freiwilligenarmee ...
Sie bündelte antibolschewistische fast aller politischen Anschauungen. podolak.net/freiesfeld/quelle1.php
Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken (UdSSR) - MSN Encarta
In Russland hatten sich mehrere antibolschewistische Zentren herausgebildet:
In Sibirien hatte sich Admiral Aleksandr W. Koltschak festgesetzt + eine ... de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761553017/Union_der_Sozialistischen_Sowjetrepubliken_(UdSSR).html
NS-Archiv : Dokumente zum Nationalsozialismus : Tagung der ...
Die von den Rumänen gewünschte + unterstützte antibolschewistische ...
Die antijüdische + antibolschewistische Aufklärung müsse kombiniert werden. www.ns-archiv.de/verfolgung/antisemitismus/referenten/tagung.php
00.000.1944 Der Warschauer Aufstand,hrsg
Die Spannung zwischen den faschistischen Vergeltungsmassnahmen + dem Werben fuer eine antibolschewistische Front nach der Kapitulation stellt Heinrich ... www.markuskrzoska.de/archiv17.htm
Eurozine - Articles ... das als antibolschewistische Einheit die Estnische Armee an der Ostfront ...
An der Ostfront war jedes antibolschewistische Bajonett von Wichtigkeit, ... www.eurozine.com/article/2004-03-09-brueggemann-de.html
1. Einleitung Seine geographische Lage und antibolschewistische Gesinnung schien es zu einem ...
Die stark antibolschewistische Überzeugung bedingte eine Nordausrichtung ... www.student-online.net/Publikationen/61
31.Jan.2007 Antibolschewistische Liga - Wikipedia Generalsekretariat zum Studium und zur Bekämpfung ...
Kurze Zeit nach ihrer Gründung wurde die Antibolschewistische Liga in "Liga ... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibolschewistische_Liga
My Photo Gallery! Antibolschewistische Front,Stadtler,WELTantiREVOLUTIONSKRIEG,IV.KAPITEL ... antibolschewistische Flugblätter und Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten. alfatomega.com/noname60.html
20060111 Dez.1918 Die Antibolschewistische Liga wurde von Eduard Stadtler, Mitbegründer der ... Jan.2006 Stadtler Antibolschewistische Liga Gefahr Millionen Hugo ... alfatomega.com/20060111.html
Chronik 1918 Deutsche Truppen besetzen Kiew und setzen eine antibolschewistische ... Deutsche Truppen landen in Georgien und unterstützen antibolschewistische Verbände. www.dhm.de/lemo/html/1918/index.html
NS 18 / 38 Bd: 1 [Detailansicht...][ausblenden...]
00.000.1941 Enthält ... Antibolschewistische Beeinflussung sowjetischer Kriegsgefangener,
00.000.1943 ... Parolen für die antibolschewistische Propaganda Behandlung von Kriegsgefangenen www.bundesarchiv.de/foxpublic/C31F3B470A062212000000009B3549D0/b-2-13-10v7-10.html
Tino Jacobs: „Besitzt die Eignung zum höheren Führer“
Mit seiner Auslieferung an die Sowjetunion wurde Bassewitz-Behrs schlimmster Albtraum Wirklichkeit, denn antibolschewistische Ängste hatten seine ... www.akens.org/akens/texte/info/44/44_050.html
Probleme/Projekte/Prozesse: Nibelungen-Verlag
Und der ausgebrannte Plenarsaal des Reichstages wurde zur antibolschewistische Gedenkstätte, in der das Rotbuch als Begleitmaterial an Besucher verteilt ... www.luise-berlin.de/bms/bmstxt97/9712proh.htm
Die SS – ein esoterischer Orden Über das Leitbild der SS schrieb Heinrich Himmler in seiner Schrift "Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation". www.lohengrin-verlag.de/Artikel/SS.htm
00.000.1927 Ernst Thälmann: 10 Jahre Sowjetmacht () Trotz der Unterstützung durch Trotzki + Sinowjew findet der antibolschewistische Schwindel der Sozialpatrioten + Renegaten keinen Glauben bei den ...
Antibolschewistische Propaganda.
So war es,
und in den westlichen Besatzungszonen war es nicht anders.
Jede Besatzungsmacht förderte oder bremste – je nach ... www.kommunisten-online.de/historie/sed.htm
31.Jan.2007 Thousands of Czechs demonstrate against US anti-missile radar base:
Thousands of people have demonstrated in the Czech capital Prague against a plan to place an American anti-missile radar base in their country.
31.Jan.2007 Germans issue arrest warrants for 13 suspected CIA agents : The unidentified agents are being sought on suspicion of the wrongful imprisonment of Khaled al-Masri and causing him serious bodily harm, Munich prosecutor Christian Schmidt-Sommerfeld told The Associated Press. He said the warrants were issued in the last few days.
31.Jan.2007 Sweden's fury as Iraqi embassy issues 'false' passports : The Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm has issued thousands of passports with false information to asylum seekers, helping them gain residency in Sweden or Norway under fake identities, immigration officials have revealed.
31.Jan.2007 Dahr Jamail: Jordan Becomes A Doubtful Refuge: Jordan and Syria are the only two countries where fleeing Iraqis can hope to find shelter. Western countries have shut their doors to Iraqi nationals - even to refugees. And now much the same is happening with Jordan too.
31.Jan.2007 Nine held in UK 'anti-terror' raids : Nine people have been arrested in the UK in connection with an alleged plot to kidnap and possibly kill a Muslim British soldier.
31.Jan.2007 Australia denies Solomons plot : Australia's prime minister has denied an explosive allegation that his government offered a bounty for the murder of his Solomon Islands' counterpart.
31.Jan.2007 Protesters storm Ecuador's congress : Members of the 100-member congress fled as demonstrators carrying sticks and bottles briefly entered the building, before being forced back by police.
31.Jan.2007 Ecuador won't recognize Occidental claim: A two-year-long dispute with the Los Angeles-based company led Ecuador to cancel its contract with Occidental, which produced about 100,000 barrels of crude daily in Ecuador + seize its facilities.
31.Jan.2007 Chavez gets green light for sweeping government overhaul : Venezuelan lawmakers granted firebrand President Hugo Chavez the power to rule by decree for the next 18 months and single-handedly transform the institutions of the world's fifth-largest oil exporter.
31.Jan.2007 War pimp alert: : Chavez a threat to democracy, US intelligence chief says: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez exports a form of "radical populism" throughout Latin America that poses a threat to democracy, the top US intelligence official said Tuesday. John Negroponte, during hearings on his nomination to become deputy secretary of state
31.Jan.2007 Cuban TV Shows First Images Of Castro In 3 Months: Cuban state television Tuesday showed a video of a healthier looking Fidel Castro meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and saying his recovery was "far from a lost battle," in the first images of the ailing leader in three months
31.Jan.2007 From Local Police to Occupying Army: There are Peacekeepers deployed in US cities, but they're not under UN command.
31.Jan.2007 Israel's Olmert looks to steal more Palestinan land: - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is investigating the possibility of extending a West Bank barrier to include two illegal Jewish settlements that have been excluded from the project, his office said on Wednesday.
31.Jan.2007 Iraqi messianic cult denies involvement in battle : A Shi'ite Muslim messianic cult, whose leader was reported to have been involved in fighting with U.S. and Iraqi troops, said on Tuesday it played no part in the battle in which about 260 people were killed.
31.Jan.2007 What the Media has Deliberately Concealed: The barbaric lynching of Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, was a choreographed event, a carefully staged U.S. sponsored PSYOP, with a view to triggering social divisions and fomenting sectarian violence within Iraq and the broader Middle East.
New York Times, manufacturing consent for war with Iran: Iran May Have Trained Attackers That Killed 5 American Soldiers, U.S. and Iraqis Say: The officials said the sophistication of the attack astonished investigators, who doubt that Iraqis could have carried it out on their own — one reason a connection to Iran is being closely examined
FOX News, manufacturing consent for war with Iran: Officials: White House Holding Back Report Detailing Iran's Meddling in Iraq: A plan by the Bush administration to release detailed and possibly damning specific evidence linking the Iranian government to efforts to destabilize Iraq have been put on hold, U.S. officials told FOX News.
ABC News, manufacturing consent for war with Iran: Iranian-Made IEDs Are the Most Deadly U.S. Forces Have Seen: The most deadly improvised explosive devices being used against U.S. soldiers in Iraq continue to come from Iran + Iran continues to provide more tactical training, according to explosive experts working with the U.S. military.
Time Magazine, manufacturing consent for war with Iran: Are the Iranians Out for Revenge?: American forces still hold five members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Arrested by American forces in Erbil on Jan. 11, the five are accused by the Administration of helping the Iraqi opposition kill Americans.
LA Times, manufacturing consent for war with Iran: Air Force's role in Iraq could grow: The heightened role of U.S. air power in the volatile region is the latest sign of tension between President Bush and Iran's leaders.
31.Jan.2007 Report: US plans strike against Iran: The US was drawing up plans to attack sites where Iran is believed to be enriching uranium before President George W. Bush's candidacy comes to an end, the UK-based Times reported on Wednesday.
31.Jan.2007 US strike group transits Suez Canal: A US Navy strike group led by the assault ship USS Bataan steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to join the buildup of American forces in the Middle East.
31.Jan.2007 Europeans fear US attack on Iran as nuclear row intensifies: Senior European policy-makers are increasingly worried that the US administration will resort to air strikes against Iran to try to destroy its suspect nuclear programme.
31.Jan.2007 Senators warn of drift toward war with Iran: Republican and Democratic senators warned against a drift toward war with an emboldened Iran and suggested the Bush administration was missing a chance to engage its longtime adversary in potentially helpful talks over next-door Iraq.
31.Jan.2007 Report Says Iran Could Build Nukes In 2 To 3 Years: Both John Negroponte, the head of national intelligence for the U.S., and Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, have said Iran is perhaps four years from the capacity to produce a nuclear weapon.
31.Jan.2007 US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran: Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging their feet.
31.Jan.2007 Empire v. Democracy Why Nemesis Is at Our Door -By Chalmers Johnson
From the present vantage point, it certainly seems a daunting challenge for any President (or Congress) from either party even to begin the task of dismantling the military-industrial complex, ending the pall of "national security" secrecy and the "black budgets" that make public oversight of what our government does impossible + bringing the president's secret army, the CIA, under democratic control. Continue
31.Jan.2007 I Am a Proud U.S. Dissident -By Joel S. Hirschhorn - To keep putting faith in glib, power-hungry politicians is plain nuts, based strictly on actual history. Continue
31.Jan.2007 US 'Victory' Against Cult Leader Was 'Massacre' -By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad
There are growing suspicions in Iraq that the official story of the battle outside Najaf between a messianic Iraqi cult and the Iraqi security forces supported by the US, in which 263 people were killed and 210 wounded, is a fabrication. The heavy casualties may be evidence of an unpremeditated massacre. Continue
31.Jan.2007 The Real Game -By William S. Lind
The real game + a successful one to date, is to let the Americans take the brunt of the fight with armed Sunni organizations, whether nationalist or Baathist or Al Qaeda or whomever, while the Shiite militias get the softer job of terrorizing Sunni civilians and forcing them out. That is likely to be the story of Operation Baghdad, regardless of our intentions. Continue
31.Jan.2007 The Failure of America as a Moral Force -Paul Craig Roberts
Everyone can see the US buildup of massive air and naval attack forces on Iran’s borders. Fox “News,” the Bush Regime’s main disinformation agency, is busy preparing its viewers for the US attack by whipping up fear and hysteria over Iran. Continue
31.Jan.2007 Hysteria at Herzliya-By Patrick J. Buchanan -America is on a collision course with an Iran of 70 million + the folks who stampeded us into Iraq are firing pistols in the air again. Continue
31.Jan.2007 Journalist Sy Hersh Has Harsh Words for Bush-By Kat Schmidt
"The fact of the matter is we have a government that will do what it wants to do for the next two years," he said. "The worst is yet to come. It's sort of like we're essentially powerless [and] just play it out." Continue
31.Jan.2007 US Military Kept Hostage to Political Abuse of Powe-By Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
The American nation is built on a capitalistic system where the big corporations control the entire economy, including the US government. Big corporations finance the political campaigns of every elected public official who in turn tends to protect corporate interests first and foremost. Continue
31.Jan.2007 Hold Out Bush/Cheney Republicans ? and Lieberman ? Betray our GIs and Help Sign Their Death Warrants
-- A BuzzFlash Editorial
31.Jan.2007 How Long Will America Allow Failed Leadership, An Abysmal Level of Incompetence, to Run the Nation? "U.S. may have botched training of Iraqis"
Blockbuster? "Copies of handwritten notes by Vice President Dick Cheney, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for former White House staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would appear to implicate George W. Bush in the Plame CIA Leak case." 2/1
31.Jan.2007 Joe Biden Makes the Dem Presidential Field Crowded, Already Having a Little Bit of a Problem with His "Candor" 2/1
Former Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper said Libby, Rove told him of Plame: "He said she worked on [weapons of mass destruction] for the agency," Cooper said. "By that, I took it to mean the Central Intelligence Agency, not the Environmental Protection Agency. We talked about it a bit more. He said words to the effect, 'I've already said too much, I've got to go.'" 2/1
Molly Ivins is Winner of This Week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award. She's a Firebrand Angel of Wit and Decency from Texas. Molly is Gravely Ill With Cancer, But We Need Her More Than Ever.
Obama Freezes Out "FOX News." Now, We are Talking About a Man Who Isn't Going to Popinjay Before the GOP Propaganda Network Like Some Other Democratic Candidates We Know. Good Move, Barack!
James Caroll: Critics charge that even incremental cuts in war funding -- setting real caps and real timetables -- would amount to an abandonment of the troops. The answer to that charge comes from the troops themselves: "Who the hell is shooting at us?" To leave our soldiers in the deathtrap of Iraq is the true abandonment.
Europeans fear US attack on Iran as nuclear row intensifies. This is the Bush/Cheney diversion, another war. Then they will claim Bush can't be criticized because it would be putting our soldiers in harm's way. Here we go again. Only, this time the world might explode, because the Busheviks are going to go nuclear on this one.
31.Jan.2007 Doubts Are Creeping In On The 'Fierce Battle' With A 'Messianic Cult' Designed To Get The U.S. To Take On Iran; Did They Think We Wouldn't Notice? 2/1
31.Jan.2007 Miller time As far as Libby's defense goes: This is pretty much it, then, eh wot?
Reporter Judith Miller testified Tuesday that former vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby identified a CIA operative to her on two occasions on dates earlier than he has told investigators he first heard the information from another reporter...
Libby, then Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, told the FBI and a grand jury that he thought he was hearing Valerie Plame's CIA job for the first time from NBC's Tim Russert on July 10, 2003.
Five government officials, including ex-White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, also have testified that they discussed Plame and her CIA job with Libby before July 10.
Earlier Tuesday, the jury saw notes Libby took on or about June 12 that indicated Cheney himself told Libby then that the war critic's wife worked at the CIA. Emptywheel's speculative piece "What I think happened" strikes me as our best, most-informed guess as to the sequence of events.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Permalink
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-463444,00.html
Küstenstadt ohne Küstenklima
"Das mag nach einem Weltuntergangsszenario klingen, aber wir müssen uns dem stellen", sagte Morris Iemma, Regierungschef von New South Wales, der die Studie beim renommierten australischen Forschungsinstitut CSIRO (Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization) in Auftrag gegeben hatte. Die Werte für Sydney liegen deutlich über den Prognosen der Vereinten Nationen für die Entwicklung der weltweiten Temperatur. Das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Uno wird in seinem neuen Bericht einen Anstieg der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur um bis zu 4,5 Grad bis 2100 vorhersagen. Das wahrscheinlichste Szenario des Reports, der am Freitag in Paris offiziell vorgestellt werden soll, geht von einem Anstieg um drei Grad aus.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-463444,00.html
Heißer Wahlkampf
Der neue Klimabericht dürfte auch den australischen Wahlkampf beeinflussen. In Australien, dem schon heute trockensten aller Kontinente, herrscht derzeit die schlimmste Dürre seit mehr als 100 Jahren. In fast allen großen Städten muss das Trinkwasser rationiert werden.
Umweltschützer haben angesichts der neuen Studie ihre Kritik an Ministerpräsident John Howard wiederholt, der das Klimaprotokoll von Kyoto bisher nicht unterzeichnet hat. Howard lehnt das weiterhin ab - mit Verweis auf die Boom-Länder China und Indien, die auch nicht an das Abkommen zur Verminderung des CO2-Ausstoßes gebunden seien.
31.Jan.2007 Venezuela: Chávez bekommt Sondervollmachten
31.Jan.2007 Federal Reserve: US- Notenbank lässt Zinssatz unverändert
31.Jan.2007 Geheimdienst- Gremium: Abgeordnete ließen Regierung im Fall Kurnaz freie Bahn
31.Jan.2007 Nuklearwaffen: Iran könnte in zwei Jahren Atombomben bauen
31.Jan.2007 Großbritannien: Polizei verhindert Geiselmord vor laufender Kamera
31.Jan.2007 Neurologie: Alzheimer- und Parkinson- Fälle nehmen rapide zu
31.Jan.2007 US- Präsidentschaftswahlen: Senator Biden ist 15. Kandidat der Demokraten
31.Jan.2007 Klimaschutz: EU- Kommissar steigt von Mercedes auf Japaner um
31.Jan.2007 Sturmschäden: "Kyrill" kostet Versicherungen mehr als eine Milliarde Euro
31.Jan.2007 Irak: USA verschwenden Millionen beim Wiederaufbau
31.Jan.2007 Unternehmensberatung: McKinsey empfiehlt deutschen Banken das Ausland
31.Jan.2007 Israel: Ex- Justizminister wegen sexueller Belästigung verurteilt
31.Jan.2007 Fall Khaled el- Masri: Deutsche Justiz jagt CIA- Kommando
31.Jan.2007 US chief seeks new tack on Iraq President Bush's choice for chief of US forces in the Middle East urges a "new and different" approach in Iraq.
31.Jan.2007 Ancient Village Unearthed Near Stonehenge - kdawson 37 - cityhunter007 writes to point out coverage on .com about an ancient village discovered two miles from Stonehenge
that may have housed workers building the monument, or perhaps visitors after it was constructed. The village, at a site known as Durrington Walls, dates from about the time Stonehenge was built, 2600 BCE. The article says: "The researchers speculated that Durrington Walls was a place for the living and Stonehenge — where cremated remains have been found — was a cemetery and memorial... Stonehenge was oriented to face the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, while the wooden circle at Durrington Walls faced the midwinter sunrise and midsummer sunset."
31.Jan.2007 Alex Jones Watch: #5, Citing Kevin Ryan and UL Labs - BG Today (around 12:45 Central) Alex was interviewing a representative from the local University of Texas Student Group.
Alex's said Kevin Ryan (Links: Kevin Ryan on Google Video and What is 9/11 Truth? – The First Steps, Manuel Garcia Sees Physics That Don't Exist) was the head of a significant division with access with confidential info or secret tests, which is a crude and misleading description of Kevin, his position and his knowledge. Alex mixes together Kevin's info with Steven Jones' thermate theories to form an overall imprecise broad brush of the issues relating to Controlled Demolition and explosions of WTC1, 2 + 7 on 9/11.
31.Jan.2007 Fredericton Peace Coalition Weblog » Israeli Knesset passes law to revoke citizenship of ‘unpatriotic’ Israelis - Sent Using Google Toolbar - BG
Fredericton Peace Coalition Weblog » Israeli Knesset passes law to revoke citizenship of 'unpatriotic' Israelis
A new law passed Wednesday will allow the Israeli government to revoke the citizenship of citizens considered unpatriotic
31.Jan.2007 US doctors who treat terrorists can be prosecuted | Jerusalem Post - BG US doctors who treat terrorists can be prosecuted | Jerusalem Post
Doctors who volunteer to treat the wounds of terrorists under a terrorist organization's direction can be prosecuted under US terrorism laws, a judge said Tuesday.
31.Jan.2007 Libby Trial and AQ Khan - BG
That said, why is Team Libby mentioning AQ Khan in any case and what is the context of the rest of the document which Addington is being asked about? Because not only would this indicate that early in July not only did Libby and/or Addington, if not both, appear to know that Plame worked for the CIA + where specifically, but they appear to note AQ Khan in their discussions of this, which means, they knew what Plame was working on by July 8.<BR><BR>This is important, because the case being made is that they only knew that she worked on the counter-p side of things at the agency... AQ Khan was not known for doing business with IRAQ. He was known for doing business with IRAN... did team Libby just make an oopsie the size of the grand canyon?https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_coverupdeceptions.html#059164
31.Jan.2007 The Fear of Webb - BG Jim Webb's response (video) to the SOTU has sent a chill down the spine of the Conservative movement. Source: https://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/01/30/the-fear-of-webb/
31.Jan.2007 Carl Pope: The Stench of Sewage Can be Smelled a Long Way - BG
Imperial Beach, CA -- The smell, in fact, stretches all the way from the southwest corner of the country to the White House. Vice-President Cheney, it turned out, intervened to obtain a non-bid, monopoly contract on cleaning up the sewage that pours from Tijuana into coastal waters off San Diego. The company which got the contract, Bajagua, had no experience in treating waste water; its plan was opposed by the State Department, EPA, the Justice Department. When Bill Clinton was in the White House his Office of Management and Budget rejected the plan as unworkable and illegal. But all this opposition melted away after Bush came into office and Cheney intervened on Bajaqua's behalf. Now the project appears to be very far behind schedule + its n...
Source: https://feeds.huffingtonpost.com/~r/huffingtonpost/raw_feed/~3/84060984/the-stench-of-sewage-can-_b_40008.html
31.Jan.2007 Libby Trial Update - BG A Damning Witness - Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com
Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer took the stand at the Scooter Libby trial + proved a surprisingly effective witness for the prosecution.
31.Jan.2007 9/11 family activst (Dan Wallace) found dead - BG
Received from a member of NY911truth Jan. 30, 2007: "From Luke this morning. Died in his sleep at 23? And was the only family member of a direct casualty of Sept 11th attacks to come to our meetings and speak out, very powerfully I might say? What's the chances of dying in your sleep at 23? He looked really healthy. https://www.total411.info/2007/01/911-family-activst-found-dead.html
31.Jan.2007 UN Investigator: Torture ‘Routine’ in Jordan - BG Source: https://www.myantiwar.org/view/107786.html
31.Jan.2007 Judith Miller Testimony Contradicts Libby - BG Judith Miller Testimony Contradicts Libby
Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller testified Tuesday that former vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby first discussed a CIA operative with her weeks before he told investigators he believed he first heard it from another reporter.
31.Jan.2007 Updated: The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber - BG
Signs of the Times - Alternative news for Tue, 30 Jan 2007
Updated: The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber
While the Israeli government has turned the Gaza strip and West Bank regions of Palestine into virtual prison camps, there is one section of the Palestinian community that appears to enjoy unhindered freedom of movement and a blind eye form the Israeli camps guards: "suicide bombers".
Today, one of these rare breed allegedly managed to get all the way down to the southern tip of Israel, to the Red Sea resort town of Eilat.
At 9.45 this morning (Eilat time), we are told that a "Palestinian suicide bomber" detonated his explosives in a small bakery, killing three people and himself. As with every other "suicide bombing" attributed to Palestinians over the past 6 years, we are forced to rely only on the claims of Israeli state security forces that each bombing was indeed a "suicide" attack. Such claims are almost always made within minutes of the event, subsequently propagating virus-like around the world's news agencies so that, by the time the world public gets wind of the news, it is already a closed case. There is however much to be gained from looking at the details of these alleged suicide bombings, because when we do, problems with the story invariably arise, not to mention uncomfortable questions.
In this case, the first such problem is that of authorship of the attack. Again as was the case in many previous bombings, exactly who was responsible is not very clear.
First we read:
Three dead in suicide attack in Israeli resort
A deadly suicide attack has struck the Israeli Red Sea town of Eilat. At least three people have been killed in a bombing inside a bakery. This is the first suicide attack in Israel since April + the first ever in Eilat, a popular tourist resort. Palestinian militant groups immediately claimed responsibility.
Then Reuters informs us:
Three Palestinian militant groups claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on Monday that killed three people in Israel's Red Sea resort of Eilat.
Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades -- part of President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction -- and the previously unknown "Army of Believers" each said it carried out the attack, the first Palestinian bombing in Israel since April.
But then:
The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and a previously unknown group calling itself the "Army of Believers" say they carried out the attack. And an Islamic Jihad spokesman Khader Habib had this comment: "We don't have any information that our movement is responsible. But anyway this is part of our right to resist occupation. It's a normal reaction against acts of Israeli occupation on our people which never stop," he said.
Fatah spokesman Ahmad Abdul Rahman condemned the violence, saying, "We are against any operation that targets civilians, Israelis or Palestinians."
31.Jan.2007 So What Happened in Najaf? - BG
So What Happened in Najaf? :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
So let me get this straight. The Iraqi officials can't agree on who they were fighting or who their leader was, so how did they figure out all these colourful details about "brainwashed women and children" and the intentions of killing all clerics or bombing the shrine or taking over the shrine, etc.? Zeyad, Healing Iraq
The Sadrist account: Nahrain Net, a Sadrist website, quotes anonymous sources from the Hawza and security officials in Najaf that an armed group named "Jund Al-Samaa'" (the Army of Heaven, the Soldiers of Heaven, the Soldiers of the Skies) were amassing in palm groves at Zarga, north of Kufa + that they were plotting to take supreme Shi'ite clerics in Najaf, including Sistani, Ishaq Al-Fayyadh, Ya'qubi, Mohammed Al-Hakim + Muqtada Al-Sadr, as hostages in order to use as a bargain to control the shrine of Imam Ali in Najaf. Allegedly, a list was found with the group that contained names of senior clerics in Najaf and Karbala + that Muqtada was number two on the list after Sistani. They added that the group was coordinating with Ba'athists and Al-Qaeda and that they have received logistic and monetary backing from Saudi Arabia.
The Iraqi Health Minister's account: Health Minister Ali Al-Shammari (Sadrist Bloc) revealed that over 123 militants were wounded in the battle and that they were being treated in Najaf's hospitals. Militants killed were "in the hundreds," most of who are of unknown identities. The group's military commander was killed in the battle and he was identified as Dhiaa' Abdul Zahra Kadhim, a man from Hilla.
Ahmed Du'aibil, Media Spokesman of the Najaf Governorate (SCIRI): 250 – 300 militants were killed in the clashes at Zarga. "16 terrorists" were detained, including two Egyptians and a Saudi.
31.Jan.2007 Gulfnews: Army admits to extrajudicial killings - BG Gulfnews: Army admits to extrajudicial killings
31.Jan.2007 Lebanon Crisis Fails Mediation, Plays into Israeli Hands - BG
The crisis in Lebanon is rapidly accumulating the potential to plunge the country in a second civil war, while Israel is closely watching on the sidelines for the right moment to exploit the ensuing security vulnerability and finish the Lebanese divide off by intervening militarily to conclude what ... Source: https://www.thousandreasons.org/get_article.php?article_id=365
31.Jan.2007 Infowars Exclusive: 7/7 Bus Bomb Survivor Describes "Agents" At Scene In Immediate Aftermath - BG https://infowars.net/articles/january2007/290107Exclusive.htm
Witness claims a group of secret service operatives and intelligence officers were already inside the cordon before the bus arrived in Tavistock square.
Steve Watson & Alex Jones Infowars.net Monday,
Daniel Obachike, the man who was on the lower deck of the number thirty bus that exploded in Tavistock Square in London on 7/7/05, has exclusively provided Infowars with a preview of a new section of his soon to be published narrative, The 4th Bomb.
Last month we detailed how Daniel's forthcoming book will claim that the Hackney bus was diverted to Tavistock Square by two unmarked cars which then left the scene at high speed after the drivers had conversed with police in the area.
"Standing by the doors I see a blue BMW 5 series and black Mercedes squeal to a halt in front of the bus, halting its progress along Euston Road. 4 minutes passed then a police motorcyclist arrived at the blockage. The BMW driver said something to the cyclist who soon sped off. 90 seconds later the BMW suddenly drives off. The Mercedes waits till the bus diverts east into Upper Woburn Place towards Tavistock Square before it speeds away."
Daniel claims that in the immediate seconds after the blast, a man dressed all in black was filming him with a hand held camera. He claims he was subjected to a program of surveillance and harassment for months by the police and was only asked to provide a witness statement 6 months after the event.
In a section entitled The Angels
31.Jan.2007 Politics: Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial - BG
Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial
Ari Fleischer testifies that he told me about Valerie Plame. I don't remember it that way.
By John Dickerson, Dahlia Lithwick, and Seth Stevenson
Updated Monday, Jan. 29, 2007, at 7:44 PM ET
From: John Dickerson
Subject: My Surreal Day at the Libby Trial
Posted Monday, Jan. 29, 2007, at 7:44 PM ET
I wanted to raise my hand and ask, "Your Honor, may I approach the bench?"
I was at the Scooter Libby trial to cover it + all of a sudden, I found myself in the middle of the case. In his testimony today, former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told the courtroom--which included me--that when I was a White House correspondent for Time magazine, he had told me that Joe Wilson's wife worked at the CIA. To continue reading, click here.
31.Jan.2007 GlobalAgora Team - BG https://www.globalagora.com/team.htm
Nicholas Matzorkis, Founder and CEO, is the visionary behind GlobalAgora. Mr. Matzorkis conceptualizes, builds + makes businesses work. Mr. Matzorkis' skills encompass President/CEO management experience, world standard hands-on Internet technology expertise + a notable track record of marketing strategy successes. Previously, Mr. Matzorkis founded US SEARCH which became the number one people locator service in the world, a 100 most-visited web site + the top distributor of public record information on the Internet. US SEARCH had its IPO in 1999 and is traded on the NASDAQ exchange.
Nicholas Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board of Advisors, is a partner is the international law firm of Perkins Coie LLP and an advisor to the RockVest Group. His clients include several multinational companies and many succesful technology ventures throughout the world. His securities practice includes litigation before the United States Supreme Court and a number of his transactions have been featured in leading periodicals. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Insitutute of Strategic Studies, the Advisory Board of RAND, the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Committee on Foreign Relations in Los Angeles, the Western Justice Center + has served as a participant in the World Economic Forum and the Aspen Institute. He is a member of the Board of Visitors of the Law Schools of the University of Oregon and Pepperdine University and is active in the affairs of his alma mater, Yale University. He recently chaired a panel at the United Nations on E-Commerce and is a co-author of "Economic Strategy and National Security."
Mao Dong Sheng, Managing Director of the Wuhan Department Store Group, member of the People's Congress representing Hubei Province + is also currently the Chairman of the National Trade Union of China, the industry body that represents a total of 20 groups of state-owned department store groups with a combined per annum gross revenues of RMB 40 bil ($5B U.S.). Mr. Mao, an economist by training has more than 30 years experience in the retailing industry.
William Choi, Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of Hudson Holdings has over 15 years experience in property development and retail operations in Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China and Macau. Hudson Holdings is publicly traded in Hong Kong and is a shareholder of Wuhan Plaza.
Peter Snowden, Chief Technologist, advisor to CEO. Mr. Snowden has served as Chief Technology Advisor to Mr. Matzorkis for a period of four years and has overseen the development of the patent-pending source code powering GlobalAgora-China's wireless Internet technology platform. Previously, Mr. Snowden developed original code which powered US SEARCH Internet servers, information aggregation and distribution channels + call center integration.
Nicholas Rockefeller - Mao Dong Sheng - Nicholas Matzorkis - William Choi GlobalAgora-China Opening Ceremony July
Robert Zakari Esq., General Counsel, GlobalAgora Inc., previously served as General Counsel for Xdrive Technologies in Santa Monica, CA from . Prior to Xdrive, Mr. Zakari served as General Counsel and VP of Business Affairs for US SEARCH.com from 1996 through its IPO in 1999.
N.K. Low has 20 years' experience in banking securities analysis and operation responsibilities with the Singapore subsidiaries of various U.S. Financial institutions and multinational corporations such as Bank of America, KFC, Citicorp Scrimgeour Vickers and Bankers Trust. He is also the director responsible for several subsidiaries of OM Holdings Ltd., an Australian listed company.
Alan Mazursky, CFO, GlobalAgora, Inc., previously served CFO and VP Finance for US SEARCH.com. Prior to US SEARCH, Mr. Mazursky served as CFO for Hard Rock Cafe U.S.
Alfred Lo, Chief Business Development Officer, Alfred has 15 years experience in investment research, asset management and capital markets in Asia and Australia. He spent 8 years with Fidelity Investment in their Hong Kong, London, Sydney + Singapore offices. Upon his return to Hong Kong in 1994, he set up Union Bancaire Assest Management Asia, the Asian fund management arm of the leading Geneva bases private bank, followed by establishing Impac Asset Management as a Founding Partner and Director. Until recently, he was the Chief Investment Officer for Asia at Rothchild Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited.
Denis Ma, Consultant, has 25 years experience in shopping center development and management, merchandising + import and export. Prior to Joining the Hudson Group in 2000 as Retail Management Consultant, he worked for three Hong Kong listed retailing groups: Sincere, Wing On, and Jusco, we he was responsible for business development, department store and shopping mall management and merchandising in Hong Kong, the PRC + Taiwan.
Elena Choi, Director and Deputy General Manager of Wuhan Plaza, has extensive experience in the retail business. She has worked for Sincere Department Store Group in Hong Kong and managed the development of its new department store in Shanghai.
Melissa DePiero, Wuhan Operations Manager, liason. Prior to GlobalAgora-China, Ms. DePiero served as project manager and HTML programmer with Xdrive technologies in Santa Monica California. Previously serving as web department manager, HTML programmer + designer for US SEARCH.com.
Jevin Hernandez, U.S. Operations and Sales Manager, GlobalAgora, Inc.. Previously, Mr. Hernandez served as VP Sales for iVideoNow in Sherman Oaks, CA. Prior to iVideoNow, Mr. Hernandez served as V U.S. Operations and Sales s for US SEARCH.com from .
Annie Xie, Wuhan Plaza WAP Counter Manager. Previously, Ms. Xie served as a manager for Exxon China in Hubei Province.
31.Jan.2007 Bush Directive Increases Sway on Regulation - New York Times - BG
President Bush, seen here at the White House Monday, has signed an executive order that in effect increases his control over guidelines the government issues regarding health, safety, privacy and other issues.
31.Jan.2007 "We've been offered a unique opportunity and we must not let this moment pass."
George W. Bush - State Of The Union Address - January 29th, 2002
31.Jan.2007 FBI turns to broad new wiretap method | Tech News on ZDNet - BG
The FBI appears to have adopted an invasive Internet surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously has been disclosed.
31.Jan.2007 Airborne Laser to test-fire in flight - Air Force News, military news, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, Militay Times Poll, special reports - Air - BG
a modified Boeing 747-400F known as the Airborne Laser, will test-fire its low-power laser in flight for the first time as part of a long-term test phase at the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., according to an Air Force report. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2007/01/AFairbornelaser070129/
31.Jan.2007 Fleischer Tells Jury That Libby Told Him About Plame - washingtonpost.com - BG Fleischer Tells Jury That Libby Told Him About Plame
https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/29/AR2007012900504.html Tags: Ari Fleischer, Valerie Plame Wilson
31.Jan.2007 Hillary Fibs in Iowa About Ethanol, Voted Against It - BG
But that's a complete turnaround from her earlier actions regarding the alternative fuel, which is made from corn – and could provide a big boost to the economy of agricultural Iowa.
31.Jan.2007 Bush Drops Border Patrols And War On Drug Smugglers - BG
As I expected, the war on drugs is collapsing as our border patrols die thanks to the many unnecessary wars we are waging for despots in distant lands. The traitors running the USA wave the bloody flag while shirking protecting America itself. And this is driving us into bankruptcy. Source: https://elainemeinelsupkis.typepad.com/culture_of_life_news/2007/01/bush_drops_bord.html
31.Jan.2007 On Impeachment - BG
Sanford Levinson, writing in The Nation: Although I admire some of those calling for impeachment, one should recognize that some of their ostensibly legal claims are all too dubious. Consider the charge that Bush lied to the country during the run-up to the war, which may well be true. If lying to the public about matters of grave importance were an impeachable offense, however, almost no President--including, for starters, Franklin Roosevelt and his deceptions regarding lend-lease--would survive. It is even more difficult to construct criminality out of Bush's reckless disregard of the consequences of Katrina. It is not, however, at all difficult to accuse him of maladministration and disqualifying incompetence. American politics would be infinitely better if we could avoid legalistic mumbo-jumbo and accusations of criminality and cut to what is surely the central reali... Source: https://ezraklein.typepad.com/blog/2007/01/on_impeachment.html
31.Jan.2007 Big Business Buys Silence of Toll Road Critical Newspapers - BG Foreign corporation in desperate lunge to quell massive popular dissent against Trans Texas Corridor & North American Union
31.Jan.2007 Smoking Is Healthier Than Fascism - Paul Joseph Watson -Smoking Ban Is About Government Control; Believe it or not, the state really doesn't care about your health
31.Jan.2007 Infowars Exclusive: 7/7 Bus Bomb Survivor Describes "Agents" At Scene - Paul Joseph Watson -In Immediate Aftermath Witness claims a group of secret service operatives and
31.Jan.2007 Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population - Paul Joseph Watson -Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick
31.Jan.2007 “I would suggest moving back,” - Admin Comments
Bush said as he climbed into the cab of a massive D-10 tractor during his visit to a Caterpillar factory today. “I’m about to crank this sucker up.” Newsweek notes, “As the engine roared to life, White House staffers tried to steer the press corps to safety, but when the tractor lurched forward, they too were forced to scramble for safety. ‘Get out of the way!’ a news photographer yelled. ‘I think he might run us over!’ said another. … Even the Secret Service got involved, as one agent began yelling at reporters to get clear of the tractor. Watching the chaos below, Bush looked out the tractor’s window and laughed, steering the massive machine into the spot where most of the press corps had been positioned.”
31.Jan.2007 Bush Administration Has Pressured Half Of Gov’t Scientists To Downplay Global Warming - Amanda Comments
A new report presented to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Government Accountability Project shows 435 instances in which the Bush administration interfered into the global warming work of government scientists over the past five years. Some other findings of the survey:
– 46 percent of government scientists “personally experienced pressure to eliminate the words ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming,’ or other similar terms from a variety of communications.”
– 46 percent “perceived or personally experienced new or unusual administrative requirements that impair climate-related work.”
– 38 percent “perceived or personally experienced the disappearance or unusual delay of websites, reports, or other science-based materials relating to climate.”
– 25 percent “perceived or personally experienced situations in which scientists have actively objected to, resigned from, or removed themselves from a project because of pressure to change scientific findings.”
James Hansen, the government’s top global warming researcher, has also revealed that the Bush administration tried to prevent him from speaking freely about global warming to the media. In 2004, the administration also had a requirement that “NASA press officers listened in whenever NASA scientists spoke with reporters, either on the telephone or in person.”
31.Jan.2007 Senate Multimillionares Vote To Block Minimum Wage Hike - Nico Comments
After repeated delays by conservatives, the Senate voted 87-10 today to end debate on legislation that will raise the minimum wage for the first time in a decade, from $5.15 to $7.25. The bill will move to a full vote in the next several days.
Ten right-wing senators stuck together and voted to further delay raising the minimum wage:
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Sen. John Ensign (R-NV)
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH)
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)
As ThinkProgress detailed in a report last year, at least two of those 10 senators — Gregg and Isakson — are multimillionaires with a combined fortune of up to $35.5 million. Despite their enormous personal wealth, they refuse to grant even a small raise to the nearly 8 million Americans who live on $5.15 an hour: Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH)
TOTAL HOLDINGS: Between $3,402,000 and $10,055,000
HIGHLIGHTS: In Oct. 2005, Gregg won $853,000 in the Powerball lottery. He owns between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in Fleet Bank, as well as between $250,000 and $500,000 in Bristol Myers stock and between $50,000 and $100,000 in Exxon and Verizon stock.
KEY QUOTE: “If you start losing jobs because you raise minimum wage too quickly, too fast that small employers can’t afford it, that’s going to have an effect on peoples’ opportunity to work.” [Gregg, 6/21/06]
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
TOTAL HOLDINGS: Between $7,631,000 and $25,515,000
HIGHLIGHTS: Isakson owns between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in both Wachovia and Riverside Bank stock. He also holds 12 acres of Georgia real estate valued between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000.
KEY QUOTE: “Robert Reich, once observed ‘most minimum wage workers aren’t poor.’ He is right.” [Isakson, 6/20/06] Digg It!
31.Jan.2007 Rep. Cooper: White House Barred Negroponte From Saying ‘Global’ And ‘Warming’ In Same Sentence - Amanda Comments
During today’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on the political manipulation of climate change science, Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) revealed the Bush administration has barred Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte from saying the phrase “global warming.”
Cooper said he recently attended a dinner party at which Negroponte was speaking + “word slipped through the crowd he was not allowed to utter the words ‘global warming,’ at least not in the same sentence. Apparently, he was allowed to say the word ‘global’ in a separate sentence + ‘warming’ in a separate sentence, but not together.” Watch it: Digg It!
UPDATE: Several more videos from today’s hearing are HERE. Transcript: (more…)
31.Jan.2007 Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) wants a raise. - Amanda Comments
Backers of raising the minimum wage are blocking the annual congressional pay raise until 13 million working Americans also receive a raise. Blunt is objecting, saying the raise is “crucial for members of Congress who are not independently wealthy and must operate two households.” Members of Congress currently receive an annual salary of $165,200. The minimum wage is stuck at $5.15/hour.
31.Jan.2007 McCain Flip Flops, Now Says He Would Not Consider Redeployment Under Any Scenario - Faiz Comments
In a recent interview with The Politico, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that if his escalation strategy for Iraq fails, then he would consider redeployment:
“If this strategy doesn’t succeed, we will have to devise another strategy ,” McCain said. “But I have to hasten to add there are no good options.” One of those options, McCain said “is to withdraw to the borders (of Iraq) to try to keep other countries from interfering. Maintaining our bases in Kuwait and other places. There are a lot of scenarios.”
It didn’t take long for McCain to backtrack from redeployment. Last night, in an interview with ’s Anderson Cooper, McCain said under no scenario would he consider withdrawing troops, even if escalation fails. He said he would only consider it when “we have the situation under control.” Watch it:
In the interview, McCain also said Vice President Cheney was wrong to state that there have been enormous successes in Iraq. McCain claimed he has “bitterly disagreed” with the “failed strategy” for more than three years. In fact, here’s what he said approximately a year ago:
I think the situation on the ground is going to improve. I do think that progress is being made in a lot of Iraq. Overall, I think a year from now, we will have made a fair amount of progress if we stay the course. If I thought we weren’t making progress, I’d be despondent. Digg It!
31.Jan.2007 Negroponte: - Nico Comments Long-delayed National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq to be delivered to Congress “first thing next week.” But what will it say?
31.Jan.2007 National Guard may lack gear needed for domestic crises. - Amanda Comments
A new report by the Government Accountability Office concludes that Defense Department officials have not adequately tracked “National Guard equipment needs for domestic missions,” leaving “unclear whether the Guard is equipped to respond effectively to the consequences of a large-scale terrorist attack or natural disaster.”
31.Jan.2007 Specter pushes back on ‘the Decider.’ - Faiz Comments
“I would suggest respectfully to the president that he is not the sole decider,” Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) said during a hearing on Congress’ war powers. “The decider is a shared and joint responsibility,” he said.
31.Jan.2007 White House Stonewalling Release Of Climate Change Documents - Payson Comments
Today, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is holding a hearing to investigate “political interference in the work of government climate change scientists.” In the days leading up to the hearing, the committee requested documents from the White House Council on Environmental Quality “hoping to use them to underscore the suggestion that the administration has a habit of editing scientific reports to downplay the effects of global warming.” But according to CongressDaily, the White House is refusing to turn over the documents:
By presstime Monday, documents that were requested as recently as last week and as far back as six months ago had not been provided to the committee.
“Right now, the administration’s reaction doesn’t make a whole lot of sense,” Waxman’s chief of staff Phil Schiliro said Monday afternoon. “We’ve been trying to get information that we believe the committee should have for six months now. We don’t understand why it hasn’t been provided; this isn’t top secret information.”
A spokesman for Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Thomas Davis, R-Va., also sounded miffed about the difficulty in obtaining documents. “We’re still trying to get them and not happy about it,” the spokesman said.
Even without the documents, the hearing will be a strong indictment of the administration’s politicization of climate science.
The Union of Concerned Scientists and the Government Accountability Project said they would present “new evidence of suppression and manipulation of climate science” before the committee. Drew Shindell of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies will testify about a “now-defunct 2004 requirement that NASA press officers listened in whenever NASA scientists spoke with reporters, either on the telephone or in person.” Rick Piltz, who resigned in 2005 from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program will speak about White House interference with climate change reports and “questionable reviews of scientific research.”
31.Jan.2007 Protestor Demands Probe Of White House Over Katrina, Lieberman Responds He Won’t ‘Play Gotcha Anymore’ - Faiz Comments
Yesterday, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, chaired by Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), held a field hearing in New Orleans to discuss the “red tape and bureaucracy hindering Louisiana’s economic recovery from hurricanes Katrina and Rita.” At the outset of the hearing, a protestor called for investigating the White House. Here’s how described the scene:
Susan Roesgen, Correspondent: A protester, a well-dressed young man — he was wearing a white dress shirt and a tie. No one suspected anything was amiss. He stood up. He was holding a hand-lettered piece of cloth that said, “Probe the White House.”
He was shouting, shouting at the senators, as you see here. … But what this person was protesting was he said that Senator Lieberman needs to do more and should do more to lead a federal investigation of the White House response to Hurricane Katrina similar to the 9/11 Commission hearings. He said that has not been done, he wants that to be done.
There are still key questions left unanswered about the administration’s disaster response. Former FEMA chief Michael Brown said that in a still-secret videoconference shortly after Katrina hit New Orleans, he warned presidential aides that 90 percent of the city was being “displaced,” but was greeted with “deafening silence.” Brown also suggested “party politics played a role” in White House reactions to the aftermath of Katrina.
When he was running for re-election, Lieberman pledged to investigate the White House’s conduct in the aftermath of Katrina. But, Newsweek recently reported:
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the only Democrat to endorse President Bush’s new plan for Iraq, has quietly backed away from his pre-election demands that the White House turn over potentially embarrassing documents relating to its handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans.
Lieberman said he was not interested in “looking back + assigning blame would be a waste of Congress’ time.” Responding to yesterday’s protestor, Lieberman said, “We don’t want to play ‘gotcha’ anymore.”
30.Jan.2007 January 30, 2007 - Think Progress Comments
The Army and Marine Corps “are short thousands of vehicles, armor kits and other equipment needed to supply” the extra 21,500 troops President Bush plans to send to Iraq. “It’s inevitable that that has to happen, unless five brigades of up-armored Humvees fall out of the sky,” one senior Army official said.
Simulations of civil war in Iraq carried out by the Brookings Institution found that, “as the descent into civil war gathered pace, confrontation between the US and Iran intensified + Washington’s leverage on Tehran diminished. Civil war in Iraq would turn Iran into ‘the unambiguous adversary’ of the US.”
Testimony from former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer yesterday showed he knew only “what the truly powerful chose to tell him, and sometimes that was not much. On occasion he would pronounce with great authority the administration’s position on a topic only to find it had changed and nobody had bothered to let him know.”
Two private advocacy groups say they have “new evidence of suppression and manipulation” of climate scientists “in seven federal agencies to downplay the threat of global warming .”
The House has reconstituted “the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee” after “more than a decade of dormancy.” The subcommittee “will delve into the details of Iraq-related reconstruction contracts, troop readiness, equipment priorities and Iraq war strategy — looking for waste, fraud and shortfalls.” (more…)
31.Jan.2007 Bush ignores thousands of Americans. - Amanda Comments
“I don’t think he really thought a lot about it,” said White House Press Secretary Tony Snow today when asked about President Bush’s reaction to the weekend’s march on Washington. Approximately 100,000 people from around the country converged on the National Mall on Saturday to protest Bush’s escalation in Iraq. Nearly 70 percent of the American public opposes President Bush’s plan to send more U.S. troops to Iraq.
31.Jan.2007 Report: New Bush order greatly expands powers. - Nico Comments
A Drudge preview: “NYT: Bush executive order gives president much greater control over rules to regulate public health, safety, environment, civil rights, privacy, other issues…”
In an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Mr. Bush said that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by a political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency to analyze the costs and the benefits of new rules and to make sure the agencies carry out the president’s priorities.
This strengthens the hand of the White House in shaping rules that have, in the past, often been generated by civil servants and scientific experts. It suggests that the administration still has ways to exert its power after the takeover of Congress by the Democrats.
31.Jan.2007 13% of Americans have never heard of global warming, - Nico Comments
even though their country is the world’s top source of greenhouse gases, a 46-country survey showed on Monday. Some 57 percent of people around the world considered global warming a “very serious problem” and a further 34 percent rated it a “serious problem.” People in Latin America “were most worried while U.S. citizens were least concerned with just 42 percent rating global warming ‘very serious.’”
31.Jan.2007 Inside the bunker. - Faiz Comments TPMMuckraker digs around to find out who’s inside Cheney’s inner circle. Carpetbagger has more.
31.Jan.2007 John Bolton: ‘U.S. Has No Strategic Interest’ In A United Iraq - Faiz Comments
While he was acting Ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton repeatedly said he was in favor of a “unified” Iraq:
“The United States remains committed to a unified, democratic and prosperous Iraq and looks forward to the continued cooperation of the international community for Iraq’s future.” [11/28/06]
“The unanimous adoption of this resolution is a vivid demonstration of broad international support for a ‘ federal, democratic, pluralist and unified Iraq .’” [11/8/05]
Apparently, Bolton never really meant what he said. In a recent interview, Bolton said it’s not in the U.S.’s “strategic interest” for there to be a unified Iraq:
“ The United States has no strategic interest in the fact that there’s one Iraq, or three Iraqs ,” he was quoted as saying in the French daily Le Monde. “We have a strategic interest in the fact of ensuring that what emerges is not a state in complete collapse, which could become a refuge for terrorists or a terrorist state.”
The comments by Bolton marked the second time in less than a week that Bolton had contradicted Bush administration policy. Last week, he said the United States may not be able to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons because of a flawed diplomatic strategy. Bolton’s comments are a stark reminder of why he was unfit for the U.N. International diplomats could never determine what was his real agenda.
31.Jan.2007 Swift Boat Leader Hired To Run Right-Wing ‘Online Community’ - Amanda Comments
Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Robert Novak reported that TheVanguard.org, a new right-wing advocacy group, has hired Jerome Corsi as a senior political strategist.
Vanguard describes itself as an “online community of Americans who believe in conservative values,” and Novak claims it is a “right-wing version of the leftist MoveOn.Org.”
By hiring Corsi, Vanguard has made it clear that it intends to hit below the belt and be more than just an “online community.” Corsi coordinated the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth attacks against Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) + plans to use Vanguard to “similarly undermine Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton” for her progressive policy stances. Media Matters has documented Corsi’s posts on the right-wing Free Republic site. Some excerpts:
On Islam: “a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion”
On Catholicism: “Boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn’t reported by the liberal press”
On Muslims: “RAGHEADS are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters — it all goes together”
On “John F*ing Commie Kerry”: “After he married TerRAHsa, didn’t John Kerry begin practicing Judiasm? He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry?”
On Senator “FAT HOG” Clinton: “Anybody ask why HELLary couldn’t keep BJ Bill satisfied? Not lesbo or anything, is she?”
Corsi was also accused of (and later admitted to) plagiarizing the work of conservative commentator Debbie Schlussel. Digg It!
31.Jan.2007 Bush: Cheney Is A ‘Half-Glass-Full’ Kinda Guy - Amanda Comments
Last week, Vice President Cheney said that the United States has “had enormous successes and we will continue to have enormous successes” in Iraq. This claim contradicted President Bush’s speech two weeks ago, where he said the “situation in Iraq is unacceptable to the American people — and it is unacceptable to me.”
Today on NPR, senior correspondent Juan Williams asked Bush whether there’s a “conflicting message” between Bush and Cheney. Bush brushed him off, saying that Cheney is a “person reflecting a half-glass-full mentality.” (We’re assuming he meant “glass half full.”) Listen here:
Here are some recent examples of Cheney’s “half-glass-full” views of Iraq:
“I think we have made significant progress .” [1/27/07]
“If you look at what’s transpired in Iraq, Chris, we’ve made enormous progress .” [1/14/07]
Before the war, this mentality also led the Vice President to predict that the United States would be “greeted as liberators” in Iraq.
Bush_Cheney_Is_A_Half_Glass_Full_Kinda_Guy_AUDIO">Digg It!
Transcript: (more…)
31.Jan.2007 Fleischer: Libby discussed CIA official over lunch. - Nico Comments
“Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer testified Monday that then-colleague I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby told him over lunch that the wife of a prominent war critic worked at the CIA,” the AP reports. “Fleischer said the conversation happened July 7, 2003, days before Libby told investigators he was surprised to learn about the CIA operative from a reporter. That discrepancy is at the heart of Libby’s perjury and obstruction trial.”
31.Jan.2007 VoteVets launches anti-escalation ad. - Nico Comments VoteVets.org and Americans Against Escalation in Iraq have launched a new ad campaign opposing the Iraq war escalation. Watch it:
31.Jan.2007 Hadley Falsely Claims Iraq Study Group Supports Escalation Strategy - Payson Comments
In an op-ed in today’s Washington Post, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley claims the administration’s escalation plan simply follows the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group:
The Baker-Hamilton report supports this conclusion. It said: “We could, however, support a short-term redeployment or surge of American combat forces to stabilize Baghdad . . . if the U.S. commander in Iraq determines that such steps would be effective.” Our military commanders + the president, have determined just that.
Tony Snow unveiled the new talking point earlier this month:
What we have done — if you take a look at page 73, where it talks about building capabilities, putting Iraqis in the lead + there was even some talk about “a surge,” that’s in there .
The Iraq Study Group did say a “short-term redeployment” of more troops into Baghdad could be part of a larger military, economic + diplomatic plan. But both American Enterprise Institute’s Fred Kagan — the architect of the escalation plan — and Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno — the new U.S. ground commander in Iraq — have said the escalation could last anywhere between 18 months and 3 years. That’s hardly “short-term.”
Moreover, the Iraq Study Group report specifically argued against sending more troops to Iraq:
Sustained increases in U.S. troop levels would not solve the fundamental cause of violence in Iraq, which is the absence of national reconciliation. A senior American general told us that adding U.S. troops might temporarily help limit violence in a highly localized area. However, past experience indicates that the violence would simply rekindle as soon as U.S. forces are moved to another area. As another American general told us, if the Iraqi government does not make political progress, “all the troops in the world will not provide security.”
The Iraq Study Group’s co-chair Lee Hamilton recently spoke out against the plan. “You delay the date of completion of the training mission,” Hamilton said. “You delay the date of handing responsibility to the Iraqis. You delay the date of departure of U.S. troops.”
31.Jan.2007 Former escort visits Haggard’s church. - Nico Comments
Mike Jones, the former male prostitute whose had a three-year sexual liaison with evangelist Ted Haggard, attended services at Haggard’s New Life Church yesterday. “A couple of ladies cried when they were touching me,” Jones said. “I was thanked for exposing the church, for helping Ted Haggard. A couple of them said they hoped I get God into my life. And they all said ‘God bless you,’ every one of them.“
31.Jan.2007 Fears over deadly hospital bugs Rates of infection with the deadly Clostridium difficile bug rise in English hospitals, while MRSA rates fall only slowly.
31.Jan.2007 Japan gaffe minister 'must quit' Japanese opposition parties tell the health minister to resign for calling women "birth-giving machines".
31.Jan.2007 Afghan opium 'should be licensed' Afghan poppies should be used to make opium rather than be destroyed, UK politicians say.
31.Jan.2007 Drug company 'hid' suicide link Secret e-mails reveal a UK firm distorted drug trial results, covering up a link with teenage suicide.
31.Jan.2007 'Bottleneck' slows brain activity Researchers have found a 'bottleneck' in the brain that appears to explain why we struggle to do two things at once.
31.Jan.2007 Archaeologists find Stonehenge houses Archaeologists say they have found a huge ancient settlement used by the people who built Stonehenge.
31.Jan.2007 Cuban TV shows 'stronger' Castro Cuban TV shows pictures of an apparently stronger Fidel Castro, the first for three months.
31.Jan.2007 Ex-reporter testifies in CIA case An ex-journalist who went to jail to protect a source testifies against that source in a high-profile Washington case.
31.Jan.2007 Vietnam cuts army business links Vietnam's communist leaders remove dozens of companies from the control of the armed forces and the ruling party.
31.Jan.2007 China's leader begins Africa tour China's President Hu starts his tour of Africa in Cameroon, at a time of booming trade with the continent.
31.Jan.2007 Greek pupils seek Elgin Marbles Greek schoolchildren form a human chain around the Acropolis to demand the UK return the Elgin Marbles.
31.Jan.2007 Hezbollah leader hits out at Bush Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah accuses the US of ordering Israel to start last year's conflict.
31.Jan.2007 Afghan civilian deaths criticised A Human Rights Watch report says that more than 1,000 civilians were killed in Afghanistan in 2006.
31.Jan.2007 Human metabolism recreated in lab Researchers say they have created a "virtual" model of all the biochemical reactions that occur in human cells.
31.Jan.2007 Mali relics recovered in France French customs officials seize more than 650 smuggled artefacts, some up to one million years old.
31.Jan.2007 US rejects Iran nuclear 'timeout' The US rejects the UN's nuclear watchdog's call for a "timeout" over Iran's nuclear programme.
31.Jan.2007 Melting of glaciers 'speeds up' As scientists meet for crucial climate talks in Paris, data shows glaciers are shrinking ever faster, scientists say.
31.Jan.2007 Israel 'broke US arms deal terms' Israel's use of cluster bombs in Lebanon last year probably broke terms of arms deals with the US, a report says.
31.Jan.2007 US wolves 'no longer endangered' Wolves are removed from the endangered species list in three US states, paving the way for hunting.
31.Jan.2007 Bush ex-spokesman rebuts Libby Ex-White House spokesman Ari Fleischer testifies for the prosecution at the perjury trial of Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
31.Jan.2007 'Hobbit' human 'is a new species' The tiny skeletal remains of human "Hobbits" found on an Indonesian island belong to a completely new branch of our family tree, an analysis concludes.
31.Jan.2007 Bolivia route blockaded over oil Protesters seeking further oil and gas nationalisation block the road to Argentina and Paraguay
31.Jan.2007 German plan to close coal mines German officials agree a deal to phase out the heavily-subsidised coal mining industry in the country.
31.Jan.2007 Moscow bans gay parade Moscow's mayor says he will never allow gay rights parades in the city, describing them as "satanic".
31.Jan.2007 Frozen sea may harbour Mars life A frozen sea found on Mars is one of the most promising places to look for life on the Red Planet, scientists say.
31.Jan.2007 Saudis name US ambassador Saudi Arabia names a US-educated adviser to King Abdullah as its new ambassador to Washington.
31.Jan.2007 Is Your Work Computer Private? A judicial panel flip-flops, finding that workers have constitutional rights when it comes to government searches of their employer-provided computers. In 27B Stroke 6.
31.Jan.2007 Water From Wind - kdawson 321 - ghostcorps recommends a writeup in The Australian by columnist Phillip Adams about a new windmill design that extracts water from air.
The article gives few details of how it works, because patent protection is not yet in place, but what is revealed sounds promising. "[Max] Whisson's design has many blades, each as aerodynamic as an aircraft wing + each employing 'lift' to get the device spinning... They don't face into the wind like a conventional windmill; they're arranged vertically, within an elegant column + take the wind from any direction... The secret of Max's design is how his windmills, whirring away in the merest hint of a wind, cool the air as it passes by... With three or four of Max's magical machines on hills at our farm we could fill the tanks and troughs + weather the drought. One small Whisson windmill on the roof of a suburban house could keep your taps flowing. Biggies on office buildings, whoppers on skyscrapers, could give independence from the city's water supply. And plonk a few hundred in marginal outback land — specifically to water tree-lots — and you could start to improve local rainfall."
31.Jan.2007 'Full-Pipe' FBI Internet Monitoring Questionably Legal - Zonk 187 -
CNet is running a piece looking at what they refer to as a 'questionably legal' internet surveillance technique being employed by the FBI. In situations where isolating a specific IP address for a suspect is not possible, the FBI has taken to 'full-pipe' surveillance: all activity for a bank of IPs is recorded + then data mining is used to attempt to isolate their target. The questionable legality of this situation results from a requirement that, under federal law, the FBI is required to use 'minimization'. The article describes it this way: "Federal law says that agents must 'minimize the interception of communications not otherwise subject to interception' and keep the supervising judge informed of what's happening. Minimization is designed to provide at least a modicum of privacy by limiting police eavesdropping on innocuous conversations." Full-pipe surveillance would seem to abandon that principle in favor of getting to the target faster.
31.Jan.2007 Restrictions On Social Sites Proposed In Georgia - twitter (posted by kdawson) 176+ -
A state senator in Georgia, Cecil Staton, has introduced a bill that would require parents' permission before kids could sign up at a social networking site such as MySpace and Facebook + mandate that the sites let parents see all material their kids generate there. Quoting: "[Senate Bill 59] would make it illegal for the owner or operator of a social networking Web site to allow minors to create or maintain a Web page without parental permission [and require] parents or guardians to have access to their children's Web pages at all times. If owners or operators of a company failed to comply with the proposed law, they would be guilty of a misdemeanor on the first offense. A second offense would be a felony and could lead to imprisonment for between one and five years and a fine up to $50,000 or both." The recently offered MySpace parental tools fall short of the bill's requirements. This coverage from the Athens Banner-Herald quotes Facebook's CPO saying that federal law forbids the company to allow anyone but the account creator to access it..
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-463009,00.html
In anderen Ländern hingegen ist man schon weiter. In den USA zum Beispiel hat der private Justizvollzug ein Volumen von vier Milliarden Dollar. In Großbritannien ist knapp ein Fünftel der Gefängnisse privatisiert.
Einer der großen Player ist auch hier das Unternehmen Serco. Zur Produktpalette des Dienstleisters gehören nicht nur Gefängnisse: Elektronische Fußfesseln hat Serco ebenfalls im Angebot. So weit ist es in Deutschland zwar noch nicht, aber erste Versuche sind schon gestartet. Vorreiter auch hier: das Land Hessen.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-463009,00.html
Problematisch sei außerdem, dass die Privaten über die Vollzugspläne für die Gefangenen - und damit über Verschärfung oder Lockerung der Haftbedingungen - mitentschieden. "Unzulässig", findet das Lindenlaub. "Nicht umsonst müssen Vollzugsbeamte neben ihrer Berufsausbildung eine zweijährige Ausbildung im Strafvollzug durchlaufen."
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-463009,00.html
Ob Beratung, Freizeitangebote oder Beschäftigung, überall kümmern sich Serco-Mitarbeiter um die Resozialisierung der Strafgefangenen.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-463009,00.html
Ein Konsortium aus dem Baukonzern Bilfinger Berger und der Sicherheitsfirma Kötter Security hat dort den Auftrag für die JVA Burg bekommen. 650 Haftplätze sollen bis 2009 bezugsfertig sein, dafür werden 100 Millionen Euro investiert. Über 25 Jahre läuft der Vertrag - die übliche Laufzeit für große Investitionsprojekte. Im Bieterwettstreit um den lukrativen Auftrag drückten die Konkurrenten den Preis soweit herunter, dass Sachsen-Anhalt jetzt sogar an 15 Prozent Kostenersparnis denkt, ursprünglich rechnete man nur mit acht Prozent.
Bloße Verwahrung statt Resozialisierung?
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-463463,00.html
Hamburg - Die Strafverfolger ermittelten wegen des Verdachts der Beihilfe zum Geheimnisverrat, teilte der "Stern" mit. Die Redakteure Oliver Schröm, Hans-Martin Tillack und Uli Rauss sollen in einem Artikel vom 21. September 2006 über den von der CIA entführten el-Masri aus geheimen Unterlagen zitiert haben.
31.Jan.2007 Klimaschutz: "Spritfresser" müssen bald höhere Parkgebühren zahlen
31.Jan.2007 US- Flugzeugkonzern: Boeing verdoppelt seinen Gewinn
31.Jan.2007 Verfassungsgericht- Entscheidung: "Da ist kein Stein auf dem anderen geblieben"
31.Jan.2007 Fall el- Masri: Ermittlungen gegen "Stern"- Reporter
31.Jan.2007 Erwärmung: Forscher sagen für Sydney Klima- Katastrophe voraus
31.Jan.2007 Fall El- Masri: Fünf Monate verschwunden
31.Jan.2007 Übergewicht: New York wird Hauptstadt der Diabetes
31.Jan.2007 Private Gefängnisse: "Die ziehen die Schrauben ganz schön an"
31.Jan.2007 Tornado- Mandat: "Wir waren in Afghanistan nie neutral"
31.Jan.2007 RAF- Debatte: "Begnadigt wird nicht die Tat, sondern der Mensch"
00.Jun.1991 Curt Weldon's Nephew and the CIA | TPMCafe
Caribe Air Transport, a company headed by Dietrich Reinhardt, family members ... that crashed
10.Jun.1991 was in Angola illegally and that the CIA was aware the ... www.tpmcafe.com/blog/mrs_panstreppon/2006/dec/04/june_1991_curt_weldons_nephew_and_the_cia
mrs panstreppon's blog | TPMCafe
... in the US Air Force,was a flight engineer with an airline owned by Dietrich Reinhardt . Reinhardt, a West German, has ties to Iran Contra and the CIA. www.tpmcafe.com/blog/mrs_panstreppon_0
The MadCow Morning News
Operating out of Charlotte County Airport, Dietrich Reinhardt ’s Caribe Air, was called a CIA proprietary airline in a Senate Intelligence Committee report ... www.madcowprod.com/mc6412004.html
June 1991: Curt Weldon's Nephew and the CIA | TPMCafe Reinhardt, a West German, has ties to Iran Contra and the CIA . ... Caribe Air Transport, a company headed by Dietrich Reinhardt, family members of the three
PROBE OF AIRCRAFT DEALS TO WIDEN <br>FOREST SERVICE ROLE ROOTED IN ... The operator of the aircraft was identified as Dietrich Reinhardt, former owner ... CIA pilot who has also flown for Evergreen International Aviation, Inc., ... seattlepi.nwsource.com/archives/1993/9310250073.asp
Welcome to Terrorland-Mohamed Atta & the 9-11 Cover-Up in ...
Dietrich Reinhardt's name, which could have been lifted straight out of transcripts of the Iran ... and an ex- CIA pilot who used to fly U-2s over Russia www.american-buddha.com/911.welcometoterrorlandhop6.htm
FTR#484—Another Interview with Daniel Hopsicker (#3)—(Two 30 ...
“The Houston Post’s Peter Brewton, who broke the CIA -Mob connection to the ... Dietrich Reinhardt ’s name, which could have been lifted straight out of www.spitfirelist.com/f484.html
And Dietrich Reinhardt, whose Caribe Air appears about to play an increasingly large ... Daniel Hopsicker is the author of “Barry & ‘the boys;’ The CIA, . www.onlinejournal.com/archive/04-30-02_Hopsicker.pdf
Daily Kos: Why Curt Weldon is Batshit Crazy
One C-130 obtained by Reagan in 1986 was sold to Dietrich Reinhardt and Peter Turkelson, both of whom have been identified as CIA operatives by Congressman ... www.dailykos.com/story/2006/5/1/14551/80227
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-463395,00.html
Das zumindest schließt der US-Biologe Phil Senter aus einem Versuch mit einem nachgebauten Bambiraptor-Skelett, mit dem er testete, wie sich die Arm- und Fingerknochen bewegen ließen. Sollte sich die Vermutung des Wissenschaftlers bestätigen, hätten die Saurier - nach heutigem Wissen die Vorfahren der heute lebenden Vögel - die Greiffunktion Millionen Jahre vor den Primaten entwickelt, die bislang als evolutionäre Erfinder dieser Fähigkeit galten.
Senter, der am Lamar State College im texanischen Orange arbeitet, will mit seinen Versuchen herausgefunden haben, dass der Bambiraptor feinbergi seine Beute mit beiden Armen festhalten oder einen seiner langen Arme nutzen konnte, um Futter an sein Maul zu führen. Zusätzlich sei der kleine Fleischfresser, der nur etwa 35 Zentimeter hoch und einen Meter lang wurde, auch in der Lage gewesen, die Spitzen der äußeren beiden seiner drei Finger zusammenzuführen - ähnlich wie ein Mensch mit der Daumenspitze die Spitze des Mittelfingers berühren kann. Eine solche Fähigkeit ist nach Senters Angaben bisher bei keinem anderen Dinosaurier gefunden worden, berichtete das Wissenschaftsmagazin "New Scientist".
31.Jan.2007 Januar- Sensation: Winterschock am Jobmarkt bleibt aus
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-463370,00.html
In einem ähnlichen Entführungsfall eines angeblichen Terror-Verdächtigen in Italien hatte die Mailänder Justiz bereits vor Monaten 26 Mitarbeiter des US-Geheimdienstes angeklagt, das Anhörungsverfahren in diesem Fall läuft bereits. Keiner der Beschuldigten, darunter auch ehemals offiziell akkreditierte Mitarbeiter von US-Botschaften in Italien, erschien bisher zu den Terminen in Mailand.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-463370,00.html
Bei seiner Freilassung sei er "wie ein Stück Gepäck in einem Wald in Albanien" fallen gelassen worden, sagte Masri. "Sie sagten, sie wollten nichts mehr wissen und nichts mehr davon hören."
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-463370,00.html
Die Namen hatten die Ermittler aus Spanien bekommen, wo die Maschine vor ihrem Flug nach Mazedonien registriert worden war.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-463370,00.html
Fall Khaled el-Masri: Von Neu-Ulm in den Kabuler Kellerknast
Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (8 Bilder) Der Haftbefehl der Münchner Ermittler führt die Tarnnamen und weitere Personalangaben der 13 Verdächtigen auf. Allerdings dürfte sich eine Festnahme der Verdächtigen schwierig gestalten, da der deutsche Haftbefehl in den USA keine Gültigkeit hat und die amerikanische Justiz es bislang ablehnt, den deutschen Ermittlern zu helfen.
Bei den 13 Personen handelt es sich nach Angaben aus Justizkreisen um die Piloten der Maschine, mit der Masri entführt worden ist sowie um einen Arzt und Mitglieder des Kommandos, das an der Entführung beteiligt war. Ob es sich um offizielle Mitarbeiter des US-Geheimdienstes oder um eine von der CIA beauftragte Firma handelt, war zunächst noch unklar.
31.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-463370,00.html
München - Die Haftbefehle wurden nach den Worten von Staatsanwalt Christian Schmidt-Sommerfeld in den vergangenen Tagen erlassen. "Auf unseren Antrag hat das Amtsgericht München gegen 13 mutmaßliche Entführer des Khaled el-Masri wegen des Verdachts der Freiheitsberaubung und der gefährlichen Körperverletzung einen Haftbefehl erlassen", sagte Oberstaatsanwalt August Stern dem NDR.
31.Jan.2007 Birmingham: Terroristen planten Entführung und Enthauptung in Großbritannien
31.Jan.2007 Fall el- Masri: Deutsche Justiz erlässt Haftbefehle gegen 13 CIA- Agenten
31.Jan.2007 Bundesverfassungsgericht: Erbschaftsurteil setzt Politik unter Druck
31.Jan.2007 Analyse: Der Dschihadismus wird unberechenbarer
31.Jan.2007 Jahreswirtschaftsbericht 2007: Bundesregierung hebt Wachstumsprognose an
31.Jan.2007 Steuern: So funktioniert das Erben
31.Jan.2007 Razzien: Britische Polizei verhindert Terroranschlag
31.Jan.2007 Präzisionsgriff: Raubsaurier hatte Pinzetten- Klauen
31.Jan.2007 Geheimdienste: Haftbefehle gegen CIA- Mitarbeiter im Fall Masri
31.Jan.2007 Milliardendeal in Stahlindustrie: Tata Steel schluckt Corus
31.Jan.2007 Finanzsanktionen: Nordkorea droht mit neuem Atomtest
31.Jan.2007 Irak: USA vermuten Iran hinter tödlichem Angriff auf US- Stützpunkt
31.Jan.2007 Späte Reue: Ex- Werbestar Krug entschuldigt sich bei T- Aktionären
31.Jan.2007 Bundesverfassungsgericht: Erbschaftsteuer verstößt gegen das Grundgesetz
31.Jan.2007 wtc 11.9 Scripps Howard News Service 3.8.06 Third of Americans suspect 9-11 ... Bush droht Iran und Syrien, Offensive in Anbar-Provinz angekündigt ... www.bushtrash.com/news
31.Jan.2007 Bildungsmaßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Implementierung von ... - HTML-Version
Der italienische Philosoph Antonio Gramsci wurde als Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Faschismus .
00.000.1926 in Italien unter Mussolini verhaftet. www.imkontext.at/download/gabriele_bargehr_master-thesis.pdf
31.Jan.2007 Wiederaufbauplan: Milliarden für New Orleans
31.Jan.2007 Gefährdete Airbus- Jobs: SPD sagt EADS den Kampf an
31.Jan.2007 New York: Erstes Todesurteil seit Jahrzehnten
31.Jan.2007 Erbschaftssteuer- Urteil: Omas Häuschen könnte teuer werden
31.Jan.2007 Havanna: Kubanisches Fernsehen zeigt Bilder von erkranktem Castro
31.Jan.2007 Beobachtung: Sexuelle Nötigung unter Schimpansen
31.Jan.2007 Remains of Village Found Near Stonehenge
A village of small houses that may have sheltered the builders of the mysterious Stonehenge - or people attending festivals there - has been found by archaeologists studying the stone circle in England. posted by Prof. Hex
31.Jan.2007 How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election: Cuyahoga County Analysis. Via Cannonfire. posted by Prof. Hex
31.Jan.2007 DOUCHEBAGS OF THE WEEK! Ten senators have voted to further delay raising the minimum wage. Two of those 10 senators are multimillionaires with a combined fortune of up to $35.5 million. One of them built his fortune with a little help from the lottery. And what the hell, let's throw Roy Blunt on the pile too. posted by Prof. Hex
31.Jan.2007 FBI turns to broad new wiretap method They're spying on you right now. posted by Prof. Hex
31.Jan.2007 Lawyer says Hicks chained to cell floor: The Australian lawyer for Guantanamo detainee David Hicks says his client is chained to the floor of his cell and has not seen sunlight for months.
31.Jan.2007 Guantanamo conditions 'like a Nazi camp': David Hicks' US lawyer has described conditions at Guantanamo Bay, where he has been held for five years, as "like a Nazi concentration camp".
31.Jan.2007 U.S. court reinstates most serious Padilla charge: A U.S. appeals court reinstated the most serious charge against alleged al Qaeda operative Jose Padilla on Tuesday, reviving a murder-conspiracy charge that could imprison the former "enemy combatant" for life.
31.Jan.2007 "We Probably Gave Powell the Wrong Speech": The former chief of the CIA's Europe division, Tyler Drumheller, discusses the covert kidnapping of suspected terrorists and a Bush adminstration that ignored CIA advice and used whatever information it could find to justify an invasion of Iraq.
31.Jan.2007 Spy chief denies role in CIA 'kidnap' ; Milan - Italy’s former spy chief told a Milan court on Monday he felt like a scapegoat as a judge considered indicting him along with CIA agents on charges of kidnapping a terrorism suspect in Milan, his lawyer said.
31.Jan.2007 Tsunami-affected women in India sell kidneys for survival: Poverty-stricken Indian women affected by the December 2004 tsunami have been selling their kidneys for survival, news reports said Monday.
31.Jan.2007 Climate change means hunger and thirst for billions: report : Billions of people will suffer water shortages and the number of hungry will grow by hundreds of millions by 2080 as global temperatures rise, scientists warn in a new report.
31.Jan.2007 Resource Wars : The close relation between war and natural resources is of long standing. What else was colonial conquest about? Vast estates held by the Dutch East India Company came under direct control of the Crown as did the lands conquered by the British East India Company.
31.Jan.2007 Bush administration in hot seat over warming: Lawmakers received survey results of federal scientists that showed 46 percent felt pressure to eliminate the words “climate change,” “global warming” or similar terms from communications about their work
31.Jan.2007 FBI turns to broad new wiretap method: The FBI appears to have adopted an invasive Internet surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously has been disclosed.
31.Jan.2007 EU wants to keep limits on U.S. passenger data use: Under a temporary deal reached in October as part of U.S. efforts to combat terrorism, European airlines must pass on up to 34 items of data, including passengers' addresses and credit card details, to be allowed to land at U.S. airports.
31.Jan.2007 Bush gives White House greater control over government agencies: The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency to analyze the costs and the benefits of new rules and to make sure the agencies carry out the president's priorities.
31.Jan.2007 An Iron Curtain is Descending: And Most Americans Don't Know : "Why are you travelling so often to Canada?" the tough U.S. border guard barked. I was on Amtrak, going from New York to Montreal, as I'd done dozen of times before over several decades. This was my first experience (summer 2006) of the increasingly standard and intrusive "U.S. Exit Interviews" on trains crossing the border.
31.Jan.2007 Anonymous anti-Muslim flier raises ire: Joel Harper couldn't believe his eyes. The piece of paper that hung on his front door didn't advertise the usual pizza deal or offer to trim his trees. Rather, it was selling a message of hate in the name of God.
31.Jan.2007 Is Dershowitz Qualified to Do Book Reviews? : As cheerleaders for Israel go, it is hard to beat Alan Dershowitz. If ever there was a coward and a hypocrite -- it has to be this Likudnik operator who postures as a 'liberal' in search of an 'honest debate' on the merits of tormenting the Palestinians.
31.Jan.2007 Nasrallah: Bush made Lebanon chaos: Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has accused George Bush of creating chaos in Lebanon + rejected the US president's latest criticisms of the Shia group
31.Jan.2007 US must abandon Iraqi cities or face nightmare scenario, say experts : The US must draw up plans to deal with an all-out Iraqi civil war that would kill hundreds of thousands, create millions of refugees, and could spill over into a regional catastrophe, disrupting oil supplies and setting up a direct confrontation between Washington and Iran.
31.Jan.2007 "Time is short" for Iraq turnaround: US commander : An admiral nominated to lead US forces in the Middle East, has said that the previous US strategy in Iraq was not working and "time is short" to implement an alternative.
31.Jan.2007 'US poised to attack,' claims Bulgarian agency: The United States “could be using its two air force bases in Bulgaria and one at Romania's Black Sea coast to launch an attack on Iran in April," the Bulgarian news agency Novinite claimed.
31.Jan.2007 Manufacturing consent for war with Iran: Raid In Iraq Found Evidence Of Iranian Aid To Militias-TV : During a recent raid in the Iraqi city of Irbil in which Iranians were detained, the U.S. found what some officials claim is evidence Iran is providing aid to insurgents and militias, NBC News reported Tuesday.
31.Jan.2007 Bush 'spoiling for a fight' with Iran: US officials in Baghdad and Washington are expected to unveil a secret intelligence "dossier" this week detailing evidence of Iran's alleged complicity in attacks on American troops in Iraq. The move, uncomfortably echoing Downing Street's dossier debacle in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion, is one more sign that the Bush administration is building a case for war.
31.Jan.2007 A Powerful Iran not Tolerated by US : Tehran's Ambassador to Damascus Mohammad Hassan Akhtari said that Americans have now resorted to a plot which has long been used by the British + that is none but sowing discord among Muslim Shiites and Sunnites to divide them and to discredit the Shiite Iran.
31.Jan.2007 Sen. Robert Byrd: Bush Wants War with Iran: Top Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd is warning that the Bush administration is preparing to go to war with Iran.
31.Jan.2007 Don't Be Fooled by Bush's Defection: His Cures Are Another Form Of Denial -By George Monbiot
The president's avowed conversion on climate change is illusory. He is just drumming up new business for his chums. Continue
31.Jan.2007 New Rulers of the World A documentary film by John Pilger
'Global economy' is a modern Orwellian term. On the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald's, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net. Beneath this gloss, it is the globalisation of poverty, a world where most human beings never make a phone call and live on less than two dollars a day, where 6,000 children die every day from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water. Continue
31.Jan.2007 The Danger of Bush's Anti-Iran Fatwa-By Juan Cole -The president's decision to use force against Iranian "agents" inside Iraq could snare innocent pilgrims, and raises the risk of open warfare. Continue
31.Jan.2007 Iran, Israel, The Big Lie and The Real Threat -By Frank Scott
"Attempting to portray Iran as a nuclear menace to Israel and the world, in that order, even though it has no nuclear weapons and Israel has hundreds, is not merely a sign of dementia. It is indication of near idiocy in a society that can be repeatedly manipulated into believing such totally crackpot notions that have no foundation in the material world but exist only in a world of superstitious psycho-fantasy." Continue
31.Jan.2007 The History of Western Complicity in Iraq, From Churchill to Kennedy to George W. Bush -Audio and Transcript
Barry Lando, a former 60 Minutes producer, examines how the United States has meddled in Iraq dating back to the Eisenhower administration. He also looks at how the Reagan and Bush administration helped arm Saddam Hussein at a time when he was committing his deadliest atrocities . Continue
31.Jan.2007 Impeachment by the People -By Howard Zinn
Courage is in short supply in Washington, D.C. The realities of the Iraq War cry out for the overthrow of a government that is criminally responsible for death, mutilation, torture, humiliation, chaos. But all we hear in the nation’s capital, which is the source of those catastrophes, is a whimper from the Democratic Party, muttering and nattering about “unity” and “bipartisanship,” in a situation that calls for bold action to immediately reverse the present course. Continue
31.Jan.2007 Seeing the Full Cheney: America Held Hostage, Year Six
-- A BuzzFlash Editorial
31.Jan.2007 Senate Judiciary Committee Explores Option of Blocking the Bush/Cheney Death Warrant on More GIs
Congress can stop Iraq war, experts tell lawmakers 1/31
31.Jan.2007 Gerry Spence, Tell Us What You Really Think! "Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious Pimps of Power: The Rise and Risks of the New Conservative Hate Culture"( Hardcover). Roger Gerry, Over and Out!
Every day, more of the sordid tale of Vice President Dick Cheney?s no-holds-barred effort to get his way on the Iraq war is coming out.
31.Jan.2007 Dan Froomkin: The Unraveling of Dick Cheney
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
As White House Counsel, Gonzales Vetted PlameGate Documents 1/31
31.Jan.2007 Russland: Stromausfall hält Tausende in U- Bahnen fest
30.Jan.2007 A diesel-hybrid bus on the cheap Blog: By working with Chinese manufacturers, AFV Solutions says it can cut the price of a diesel-hybrid municipal bus by about half.Right...
30.Jan.2007 Study: Genetic info swapped between different species There's bacteria in our family tree + it's one reason evolution among humans continues to accelerate, new research shows.
30.Jan.2007 Hubble Telescope's Main Camera Shuts Down - ScuttleMonkey 75+ - anthemaniac writes
"Space.com is reporting that the aging observatory's primary camera, the ACS, has been in safe mode since the weekend. From the article: 'An initial investigation indicates the camera has stopped functioning, and the input power feed to its Side B electronics package has failed.' The camera has shut down before and been revived."
30.Jan.2007 US Missle Interceptor Tests a Success - ScuttleMonkey 263+ - U.S. Missile Defense Agency and Lockheed Martin recently reported success in the test flight of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system. "THAAD is designed to defend U.S. troops, allied forces, population centers and critical infrastructure against short- to intermediate range ballistic missiles. THAAD comprises a fire control and communications system, interceptors, launchers and a radar. The THAAD interceptor uses hit-to-kill technology to destroy targets + is the only weapon system that engages threat ballistic missiles at both endo- and exo-atmospheric altitudes."
30.Jan.2007 British E-Voting Pilots Announced - ScuttleMonkey 117+ -rimberg writes
"The Department for Constitutional Affairs has announced it is going to trial Electronic voting using the internet and/or telephone. Bridget Prentice, Elections Minister at the department said 'We need to make sure that people can vote in more convenient ways consistent with a modern lifestyle. [...] More and more people + particularly young people, are using the internet everyday. We need to see if we can use this to encourage people even more to participate in the democratic process.' The Open Rights Group (Think British EFF) have responded by saying 'E-voting threatens the integrity of our elections and we oppose its use in our democracy.'"
30.Jan.2007 Professor Michael Geist on Vista's Fine Print - Hemos 271+ - Russell McOrmond writes
"With Microsoft's Vista set to hit stores tomorrow, Michael Geist's weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) looks at the legal and technical fine print behind the operating system upgrade. The article notes that in the name of shielding consumers from computer viruses and protecting copyright owners from potential infringement, Vista seemingly wrestles control of the "user experience" from the user. If you are a Canadian and think that the owner of computers should be in control of what they own, rather than some third party (whether virus authors or the manufacturer/maker), then please sign our Petition to protect Information Technology property rights."
Information compiled from, AP, USA Today + the Chicago Tribune. BACK TO INDEX
Flight 77 was full of people connected to the DoD!
“Is it a just coincidence the most of the passengers on Flight 77 with military backgrounds were Navy and that the crash at the Pentagon happened in the Navy’s command center which took the heaviest casualties?”
— Killtown
Approximately 20 of the 58 passengers worked at classified positions in the defense sector!
About a third of the flight worked in classified positions linked to the DoD, with a predominance being aerospace engineers.
Yamnicky is a lifetime CIA operative that works for Veridian as an aerospace engineer.
Caswell led a team of 100 scientists for the navy.
Several worked for Boeing and Raytheon on the Global Hawk in El Segundo, California.
Passengers that are Pentagon/Defense related.
Charles Burlingame – A 1971 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Charles F. Burlingame III was captain of American Airlines Flight 77.
Mark Burlingame said his brother was in the Navy Reserve and had worked in the same area of the Pentagon where the airliner crashed.
When he was in the Navy, he developed anti-terror strategies + helped draft the Pentagon’s emergency response plan in case it was ever hit by a airliner.[i]
30.Jan.2007 zmag.de :: Thema anzeigen - Denn die SS war die Vorschule der ...
00.Apr.1942 Oberst Reinhard Gehlen im im Alter von vierzig Jahren zum Leiter der ...
Deppner alias Dietrich /Borchert alias V-616 - jetzt erst wird sein ... www.zmag.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2093
30.Jan.2007 Disarm Cheney Before He Shoots Someone Else Seal was the subject of our book "Barry and the Boys: the CIA, the Mob, ... a close associate of Iran Contra figures like Frank Moss and Dietrich Reinhardt, ...
30.Jan.2007 00.Jun.1991 Curt Weldon's Nephew and the CIA | TPMCafe Caribe Air Transport, a company headed by Dietrich Reinhardt, family members ... that crashed June 10 was in Angola illegally and that the CIA was aware the .www.tpmcafe.com/blog/mrs_panstreppon/2006/dec/04/june_1991_curt_weldons_nephew_and_the_cia
mrs panstreppon's blog | TPMCafe ... in the US Air Force,was a flight engineer with an airline owned by Dietrich Reinhardt.
Reinhardt, a West German, has ties to Iran Contra and the CIA . www.tpmcafe.com/blog/mrs_panstreppon_0
The MadCow Morning News Operating out of Charlotte County Airport, Dietrich Reinhardt ’s Caribe Air, was called a CIA proprietary airline in a Senate Intelligence Committee report ... www.madcowprod.com/mc6412004.html Welcome to Terrorland -- Mohamed Atta & the 9-11 Cover-Up in ... Dietrich Reinhardt's name, which could have been lifted straight out of transcripts of the Iran ... and an ex- CIA pilot who used to fly U-2s over Russia
ZDF Jahrbuch 2005 - Innen-, Gesellschafts- und Bildungspolitik
Der lange Schatten der CIA : Wie schmutzig ist der Kampf gegen den Terror? ... Studiogäste: Dietrich Austermann, Reinhard Bütikofer, Peter Harry Carstensen, ... www.zdf-jahrbuch.de/2005/programmchronik/zdfchefredaktion/innen-gesellschaft-bildung.html
FTR#484—Another Interview with Daniel Hopsicker (#3)—(Two 30 ...
“The Houston Post’s Peter Brewton, who broke the CIA -Mob connection to the ... Dietrich Reinhardt ’s name, which could have been lifted straight out of www.spitfirelist.com/f484.html
30.Jan.2007 ONLINE JOURNAL - HTML-Version
And Dietrich Reinhardt, whose Caribe Air appears about to play an increasingly large ... Daniel Hopsicker is the author of “Barry & ‘the boys;’ The CIA, ... www.onlinejournal.com/archive/04-30-02_Hopsicker.pdf
30.Jan.2007 mrs panstreppon's blog
Reinhardt, a West German, has ties to Iran Contra + the CIA. ... a company headed by Dietrich Reinhardt, family members of the three ... houseoflabor.tpmcafe.com/blog/10415/feed
30.Jan.2007 Kasachstan kündigt Atomtest an - Tagesspiegel Sensation Da die ehemalige Sowjetrepublik gleichzeitig aus dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag austrat, nehmen internationale Beobachter die Drohung ernst. ...
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-463308,00.html
Doch nicht jeder kommt als Käufer in Frage: Bedingung ist die Mitgliedschaft im exklusiven Yellowstone Club, in den man nur auf Einladung und nach einer Aufnahmegebühr von 250.000 Dollar eintreten kann. Es gäbe jedoch bereits einige der 250 Mitglieder, die Interesse an dem Superhaus angemeldet hätten, das binnen 14 Monaten fertig gestellt werden soll. "Sie können sich nicht vorstellen, wie viele Leute an so etwas interessiert sind", sagte Blixseth. "Und die Leute, die da anrufen, werden sich kein Geld leihen müssen."
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-463308,00.html
Jetzt gibt es einen neuen Spitzenreiter: eine Villa im US-Bundesstaat Montana, die in 14 Monaten fertig gestellt werden soll. Wer 155 Millionen Dollar locker hat, darf über einen Umzug nachdenken.
Hamburg - Das laut US-Medien teuerste Haus der Welt soll in Kürze im US-Bundesstaat Montana gebaut werden - und sucht einen Eigentümer. Zum Preis von 155 Millionen Dollar, umgerechnet knapp 120 Millionen Euro, gibt es eine Luxusvilla der Extraklasse mit eigenem Skilift, beheizter Auffahrt, einer Garage für 30 bis 40 Autos und vielen Annehmlichkeiten mehr, berichtet heute der Fernsehsender ABC.
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-463297,00.html
Jetzt haben Archäologen gut drei Kilometer von Stonehenge entfernt die Reste einer Anlage ausgegraben, die sie als Dorf interpretieren. Es wurde nach Datierungen mit der Radiokarbonmethode rund 2600 Jahre vor unserer Zeitrechnung gebaut, etwa zu jener Zeit, als in Ägypten die Pyramiden von Gizeh entstanden.
30.Jan.2007 Archäologie: Forscher sind Erbauern von Stonehenge auf der Spur
30.Jan.2007 Mordfall Dink: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen türkische Polizei
30.Jan.2007 Vorwürfe von Wissenschaftlern: US- Regierung soll Berichte über Klimawandel manipuliert haben
30.Jan.2007 Spendenaffäre: Scotland Yard nimmt Blair- Vertrauten fest
30.Jan.2007 Drohungen: Nobelpreisträger Pamuk sagt Deutschlandreise ab
30.Jan.2007 Kasachstans Präsident: "Macht ist wichtiger als ein guter Ruf"
30.Jan.2007 Münster: Eine Stadt kämpft für ihre Zeitung
30.Jan.2007 Warmer Winter: Januar steuert auf Temperaturrekord zu
30.Jan.2007 Mars: Roboter sollen im Eis nach Organismen suchen
30.Jan.2007 Streit um Gesundheitsreform: "Belogen und ausgetrickst"
30.Jan.2007 Gesundheit: "Belogen und ausgetrickst"
30.Jan.2007 Gnaden- Debatte: Sie äußern keine Reue - und müssen dennoch frei kommen
30.Jan.2007 Energie: Stromerzeugung wird billiger - aber die Kunden haben nichts davon
30.Jan.2007 RAF: Stoiber warnt Köhler vor Besuch bei Klar
30.Jan.2007 Klimaschutz: Merkel kämpft für Autokonzerne gegen EU- Pläne
30.Jan.2007 Britische Bank: Kundin bekommt 75.000 fremde Kontoauszüge zugeschickt
30.Jan.2007 Guantanamo: Kurnaz veröffentlicht Buch über seine Lagerzeit
30.Jan.2007 Gewalt in Nahost: "Das Schlimmste, was wir in der palästinensischen Geschichte erlebt haben"
30.Jan.2007 Stromausfall: EU gibt E.on die Schuld
30.Jan.2007 Australian Scientists Hope Cave Chamber Will Settle 'Hobbit' Debate
The chance discovery of an enormous chamber beneath the Indonesian cave where hobbit-like creatures were discovered promises to settle the debate about who - or what - the tiny creatures were. posted by Prof. Hex at 30.Jan.2007 Mysterious Ice Chunk Falls From Sky, Hits Car With pic of car. posted by Prof. Hex
30.Jan.2007 Pollen Reveals Terracotta Army Origins
At least one mystery about the imposing faux army recently was solved. It is now known that the horses and warriors were constructed in different locations, based on analysis of pollen found in fragments of terracotta that were collected from the clay figures. posted by Prof. Hex
30.Jan.2007 Exhibit highlights U.S.'s first 'Lost Nuke' The story is truly one of Canada's most intriguing mysteries -- one of potential nuclear disaster, conspiracy and coverup. posted by Prof. Hex
30.Jan.2007 Murder in a Teapot
British officials say police have cracked the murder-by-poison case of former spy Alexander Litvinenko, including the discovery of a "hot" teapot at London's Millennium Hotel with an off-the-charts reading for Polonium-210, the radioactive material used in the killing. posted by Prof. Hex
30.Jan.2007 Escalation of US Iran military planning part of six-year Administration push
The draft document was leaked to the New York Times and the Washington Post and caused an uproar among Democrats and many in George H. W. Bush's Administration. posted by Prof. Hex
30.Jan.2007 US offers advanced missile system to India : The US is offering India one of the world's most formidable shipboard missile systems that has the potential of being integrated with the country's indigenous missiles.
yIndia, Russia to Conduct Joint Military Exercise in North West Russia: Close ties between the Russian and Indian military are part of a "strategic partnership" between Moscow and New Delhi, which has replaced the Cold War alliance of the two nations.
30.Jan.2007 An atomic threat made in America: How the U.S. spread bomb-grade fuel worldwide — and failed to get it back
30.Jan.2007 Abdullah Says Malaysia Has Shifted Reserves Away From Dollar: Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said his country has shifted some of its $82 billion of currency reserves away from the dollar and that potential foreign-exchange volatility may hurt exporters.
30.Jan.2007 Venezuela Plans to Follow Iran’s Suit, Buy Anti-Missile Systems from Russia: The cost of the deal to acquire Tor-M1 rockets is estimated at $290 million.
30.Jan.2007 Venezuela's Chavez slams Mexico for forging strong ties with Washington: Chavez said Felipe Calderon was following in the footsteps of former Mexican President Vicente Fox by making Mexico "subordinate to (U.S.) imperialism and world capitalism."
30.Jan.2007 U.S. security trumps freedom.: The warning is that Canada and the U.S. are on fundamentally different paths when it comes to matters of terrorism and human rights. The lesson is that until Ottawa gets more aggressive with our friends in the war on terror, a Canadian passport won't mean much
30.Jan.2007 Pete Seeger: Bring Them Home A blast from the past! - Live from 1969..
30.Jan.2007 Hezbollah leader vows to fight back if U.S. operations target the guerrilla group: Hassan Nasrallah said he was reacting to a recent report in the Washington Post that said U.S. President George W. Bush's administration has authorized widening a list of approved operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon aimed at curtailing Iran's influence in the region.
30.Jan.2007 Israel 'broke US arms deal terms' : Israel probably violated the terms of its arms deals with Washington by using US-made cluster bombs in Lebanon last year, a US government report says.
30.Jan.2007 Cluster bomb wounds two Belgian soldiers in Lebanon: A cluster bomb explosion has wounded two Belgian soldiers on demining operations in southern Lebanon following last summer's war between Hezbollah and Israel, a UN spokesman said.
30.Jan.2007 Israel to "buy" thousands of US smart bombs - report: The Israeli army will purchase 100 mln usd worth of Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) -- low-cost kits produced by Boeing (nyse: BA - news - people ) that turn free-fall bombs into guided 'smart' munitions.
30.Jan.2007 Egypt: Hamas ready to recognize Israel: Egypt's top political adviser to the president says the Palestinian Hamas movement is ready to recognize Israel if the latter talks with the group.
30.Jan.2007 French report: Former U.N. envoy Bolton says U.S. has 'no strategic interest' in united Iraq: Bolton, who resigned last month from his temporary appointment as U.N. ambassador, also told the French daily Le Monde that U.S. President George W. Bush's administration acted too slowly to hand power over to Iraqis after toppling Saddam Hussein in 2003.
30.Jan.2007 McConnell skeptical Iraq resolution will pass: The Senate's top Republican doubts that a resolution opposing a troop buildup in Iraq will pass, saying most lawmakers in his party believe "this is the last chance for the Iraqis to step up
30.Jan.2007 Clinton says Bush should pull troops from Iraq by 2009: Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday that President Bush should withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq before he leaves office, asserting it would be ``the height of irresponsibility'' to pass the war along to the next commander in chief.
30.Jan.2007 War pimp alert: U.S.: Iran giving weapons to kill troops : The White House says there has been growing evidence over the last several months that Iran is supporting terrorists inside Iraq and is a major supplier of bombs and other weapons used to target U.S. forces.
30.Jan.2007 Iranian Reveals Plan to Expand Role in Iraq : Iran's ambassador to Baghdad outlined a plan to expand its economic and military ties with Iraq that will almost certainly bring more conflict with the US.
30.Jan.2007 Bush Warns Iran Against Action in Iraq : Bush's warning was the latest move in a bitter and more public standoff between the United States and Iran. The White House expressed skepticism about Iran's plans to greatly expand its economic and military ties with Iraq.
30.Jan.2007 War pimp alert: Experts: US-Iran tensions could trigger accidental war: Tensions between the United States and Iran have risen to the point where a war could be kicked off by mistake, an outcome that neither Tehran nor Washington wants, US military officials and private analysts say.
30.Jan.2007 UN nuclear watchdog proposes ‘timeout’ by both sides on Iran’s nuclear programme: The head of the United Nations atomic watchdog agency is calling for a “timeout” on the Iranian nuclear issue, with Iran suspending uranium enrichment and the international community suspending sanctions over a programme that Tehran says is for producing energy
30.Jan.2007 Shell defies US pressure and signs £5bn Iranian gas deal: Shell has signed an important deal to help Iran develop a major gas field, ignoring growing pressure from George Bush to isolate the country for being part of what he alleges is an "axis of evil
30.Jan.2007 America ‘Poised to Strike at Iran’s Nuclear Sites’ From Bases in Bulgaria and Romania-By Gabriel Ronay
PRESIDENT BUSH is preparing to attackIran'snuclearfacilities before the end of April and the US Air Force's new bases in Bulgaria and Romania would be used as back-up in the onslaught, according to an official report from Sofia..Continue
30.Jan.2007 Inflation and War Finance -By Ron Paul
Congress has spent more than $500 billion on specific appropriations for Iraq. This sum is not reflected in official budget and deficit figures. Congress has funded the war by passing a series of so-called "supplemental" spending bills, which are passed outside of the normal appropriations process and thus deemed off-budget. Continue
30.Jan.2007 The Power of One-By Jim Austin
"The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret finding signed by the President,,," This cheery note was included in a newspaper article written by John Lumpkin of the Associated Press. The article goes on to say that the CIA will only kill us if they think we are members of Al Qaeda. Continue
30.Jan.2007 Cheney Spars with Blitzer Over Criticism of Iraq 2 Minute Video
During an exclusive interview with Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room, an especially brash Vice President Cheney called criticism of his administration's handling of Iraq "hogwash" Continue
30.Jan.2007 US Plans To 'Fight The Net' Revealed -By Adam Brookes
A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US military's plans for "information operations" - from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks. Continue
30.Jan.2007 Howard Zinn: A Power Governments Cannot Suppress-Video
Howard Zinn discusses his latest collection of essays at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. " A Power Governments Cannot Suppress" critiques America's response to 9/11, examines the current state of democracy and government responsibility in America and cites examples of when government has overstepped throughout American history. Continue
30.Jan.2007 Seeing the Full Cheney: America Held Hostage, Year Six
-- A BuzzFlash Editorial
30.Jan.2007 No "Insight" from the Moonies
Bushevik Pentagon Sells Spare Parts for Fighter Planes That End Up Being Used by Iran! The Sheer Madness and Incompetence of the Busheviks is Beyond Comprehension by a Sane Human Being!
Gerry Spence, Tell Us What You Really Think! "Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious Pimps of Power: The Rise and Risks of the New Conservative Hate Culture"( Hardcover). Roger Gerry, Over and Out!
Bush's "Private Military Contractors" Fight and Die Unchecked in Iraq: The Blackwater Story -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
30.Jan.2007 Ronald Reagan?s many admirers may find this idea offensive, but ? given a new report by the Washington Post ? it might be fitting to have a display at Reagan National Airport to show how Salvadoran baby skulls were used as candle holders and good luck charms. 1/30
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
?Congress holds the power of the purse and if the President continues to advance his failed Iraq policy, we have the responsibility to use that power to safely redeploy our troops from Iraq,? Russ Feingold said. ?This hearing will help inform my colleagues and the public about Congress?s power to end a war and how that power has been used in the past. I will soon be introducing legislation to use the power of the purse to end what is clearly one of the greatest mistakes in the history of our nation?s foreign policy.?
30.Jan.2007 Power Plays: Russia may soon become No. 1 oil producer -- and more in Gloria R. Lalumia's World Energy Watch for January 30, 2007
30.Jan.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
04.Nov.2004 -The election we must never forget The graph pretty much says it all, don't it?
Actually, much more needs to be said. See the important new article by James Q. Jacobs: "How Kerry Votes Were Switched to Bush Votes." Permalink
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-462973,00.html
Am Freitag wird das IPCC bei der Klimakonferenz der Uno in Paris die neueste Fassung seines Reports vorstellen, dessen wichtigste Ergebnisse bereits im vergangenen Jahr durchgesickert waren. Mit Material von AP/ddp
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-462973,00.html
Und über Rechenmodelle zur Vorhersage der globalen Klimaveränderungen verfügen Forscher bereits seit Jahren. Eines davon, das sogenannte Echam5-Modell (ebenfalls vom Hamburger MPI), diente der Wettreg-Studie als Grundlage.
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-462973,00.html
"Für Leute, die mit Klimamodellierung zu tun haben, ist das jetzt nicht die Neuigkeit schlechthin", sagt UBA-Sprecherin Claudia Mäder zu SPIEGEL ONLINE.
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-462973,00.html
Deutschland droht demnach bis zum Jahr 2100 ein merklicher Temperaturanstieg. Im Vergleich zum Zeitraum von 1961 bis 1990 müsse von einer Erhöhung der Tagesmittelwerte zwischen 1,8 und 2,3 Grad Celsius ausgegangen werden, so die Behörde. Die stärkste absolute Erwärmung könnte es in Norddeutschland abseits der Küsten sowie in den Voralpen geben.
Der "Wettreg" genannten Studie zufolge nehmen die Niederschläge von 2071 an deutschlandweit um 17 bis 22 Prozent ab, im ohnehin schon trockenen norddeutschen Tiefland gar um bis zu 50 Prozent. Für die Winter in den Gebirgsregionen werden hingegen deutlich höhere Niederschläge erwartet.
Mögliches Wetter von Morgen simuliert
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-462973,00.html
Eifel und Hunsrück, jene Mittelgebirge zwischen denen die Mosel Richtung Rhein fließt, steht eine Zukunft mit Regen bevor. Mit viel Regen. Es wird dort im Zeitraum zwischen 2071 und 2100 auch deutlich wärmer sein als gegenwärtig. Nicht überall gehen warm und feucht einher: Die möglichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels unterscheiden sich in den unterschiedlichen deutschen Landschaften zum Teil drastisch.
30.Jan.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-463055,00.html
Er spricht von einem "Megacryometeor", von einem großen Eismeteoriten also. Gigantisches Hagelkorn wäre als Bezeichnung jedoch angebrachter. Erst seit einigen Jahren wird dieses Phänomen erforscht, nachdem im Jahr 2000 in Spanien große Eisklumpen vom Himmel gefallen waren. Der Begriff Megacryometeor geht auf Jesus Martinez-Frias vom Center for Astrobiology der Universität Madrid zurück. Seine Theorie: In hohen Atmosphärenschichten bilden sich unter ungewöhnlichen Bedingungen die Rieseneiskörner - wie genau ist allerdings unbekannt.
Im "Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry" hatten Martinez-Frias und Travis im Herbst 2005 erstmals beschrieben, welche speziellen Isotope in die Hagel- Giganten eingefroren sind - ein erster Schritt zur Identifikation und Untersuchung.
30.Jan.2007 Konjunktur in Euro- Zone: Wachstumsaussichten verbessern sich
30.Jan.2007 Neuseeland: Geologen befürchten Schlammlawine aus Kratersee
30.Jan.2007 Schweden: Vattenfall räumt Sicherheitsmängel im Atomkraftwerk Forsmark ein
30.Jan.2007 Türkei: Qaida plante angeblich "sensationelle Aktion"
30.Jan.2007 Mord an Ex- Spion: Russische Elite- Soldaten feuern auf Litwinenko- Zielscheibe
30.Jan.2007 Neuer TÜV- Report: Deutsche Autos schlagen alle Konkurrenten
30.Jan.2007 Umfrage unter Experten: Arbeitslosigkeit im Januar "sensationell niedrig"
30.Jan.2007 Geklaute Waffe: Natter bewaffnet sich mit Gift toter Kröten
30.Jan.2007 Handy- Markt Irak: Gute Geschäfte im Chaos
30.Jan.2007 Atomstreit mit Iran: USA lehnen Vorschlag für eine Sanktions- Pause ab
30.Jan.2007 Kooperation: Dow Chemical will mit Gasprom zusammenarbeiten
30.Jan.2007 Atomstreit: Termin für neue Nordkorea- Runde steht
30.Jan.2007 Fall Kurnaz: Steinmeier- Krise wird zur Chefsache
30.Jan.2007 Russland: Störfall im Atomkraftwerk
30.Jan.2007 Kurzschluss im All: Weltraumteleskop "Hubble" erblindet
30.Jan.2007 Bergbau: Koalition einigt sich auf Kohle- Ausstieg
29.Jan.2007 Ausstieg 2018 perfekt: Schluss mit Steinkohle
29.Jan.2007 Weltraumteleskop: Wieder Mattscheibe bei "Hubble"
29.Jan.2007 Politiker- Ausraster: "Intrigantes Schwein", "dümmer als Sch..."
30.Jan.2007 US- Präsident: Bush entschuldigt sich bei Demokraten für Versprecher
30.Jan.2007 Regionales Modell: Wo es in Deutschland am heißesten wird
29.Jan.2007 Fall Kurnaz: Steinmeier provoziert Protest aus der CDU
29.Jan.2007 Großbritannien: Junge Muslime wollen islamische Ordnung
29.Jan.2007 Irak- Politik: Bolton wirft Bush Fehler vor
29.Jan.2007 Magen- Darm- Erreger: Das Comeback der Noro- Viren
29.Jan.2007 Erwartungen übertroffen: Tourismusindustrie feiert Rekordjahr
29.Jan.2007 Einkommens- Vergleich: Flugzeugbranche hebt bei Löhnen ab - Bauindustrie bricht ein
29.Jan.2007 Qaida- Prozess: Seelsorger droht Haft wegen Zeugnisverweigerung
29.Jan.2007 Netzwelt- Ticker: Google bedauert Zensur in China
29.Jan.2007 Fall Kurnaz: SPD fordert von Union Beistand für Steinmeier
29.Jan.2007 Einsatz von Kindersoldaten: Prozess gegen Kongos Lubanga
29.Jan.2007 Klimaschutz: EU- Kommission weist Kritik deutscher Autobauer zurück
29.Jan.2007 Wissenschaftsmagazine: Papierimperium hetzt gegen freies Web
29.Jan.2007 Feinstaub- Filter: Zweifelhafte Wunderwaffe
29.Jan.2007 Shadow Economies of 145 Countries all over the World: Estimation ... - HTML-Version
13 Kyrgyz Republic ... general, the selection of tax payers for tax audit is not random but based on properties of. submitted (tax) returns that indicate a ... www.dur.ac.uk/john.ashworth/EPCS/Papers/Schneider.pdf
29.Jan.2007 International Oil Working Group Collection, 1957 (1980-1985) 1987 ... 121,
Latin American Conference Against Apartheid, Caracas 1983 ... 205, Shipbrokers (4 of 4) 1980-1984. 206, Ship Registry n.d. ... asteria.fivecolleges.edu/findaids/umass/mu85_list.html
29.Jan.2007 Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
Diese Abteilung bildet auf dem geheimen Stützpunkt in Cullman Mitglieder des Ku - Kux - Klan in paramilitärischen Techniken aus, wofür diese Informationen über ... www.us-politik.ch/teil9.htm
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
00.000.1975 Orsini wird verhaftet + am
13.Apr.1978 in der Zelle erwürgt. ... Ku - Kux - Klan - Mitglied + CIA-Mitarbeiter George A. Butler sitzt im Verwaltungsrat der ... www.us-politik.ch/teil10.htm
2004070709_Report Jim Jones, the son of a KU KUX Klan -s man, considered himself the ... Mitglieder des Stadtrates von Kristiansand, der Geburtsstadt von Prinzessin ... alfatomega.com/2004070709_Report.html
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA Willis flieht und wird an der Grenze verhaftet, wobei er den Namen Martin Borman, ... Ku - Kux - Klan - Mitglied und CIA-Mitarbeiter George A. Butler sitzt.www.bfed.info/bfed/us_politik_arbeitslose_biz.doc
Rechtliches: abgehört und AktivistInnen verhaftet . Alle friedlichen Demos wurden ... Auch in Amerika werden die Protokolle vom Ku - Kux - Klan, sowie der ... www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/sombra/panokratie.pdf
29.Jan.2007 Israels Präsident als Vergewaltiger - sfux Malte Olschewski -
Ständig war da an oberster Stelle ein Tasten und Tappen, ein Grabschen und Greifen. Zitternde Finger huschten unter Blusen und Röcke. Der Mann im obersten Amt suchte Körperkontakt mit seinen Sekretärinnen. Es muss heftig zugegangen sein in den Amtsräumen des israelischen Staats-präsidenten Moshe Katzav, der nun wegen einer gerichtlichen Untersuchung seine Funktionen zurückgelegt...
29.Jan.2007 The Black Gold Rush: Divvying Up Iraq's Oil - BG A reform law put together with lots of help from U.S. consultants could finally open Iraq's massive reserves to ExxonMobil & Co....
Source: https://www.motherjones.com/washington_dispatch/2007/01/iraqi_oil.html
29.Jan.2007 My Six Months On Right Wing Blogs - BG
My Six Months On Right Wing Blogs. by Maccabee Sun Jan 28, 2007 at 08:13:44 AM PST
I spent 6 months lurking on right wing blogs (RWB). From May 2006 to November 2006, I read every post I could on ten blogs I visited. I registered with each under one alternet identity + in the six months, only posted 73 comments. My goal was simply to observe. I monitored opinions on major topics and reactions to them. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/1/28/11942/4635
29.Jan.2007 The New York Times leads an interview with Iran's ambassador in Baghdad, who said, not surprisingly, that his country is is planning to extend its activities in Iraq. The ambassador, Hassan Kazemi Qumi, said Iran is prepared to offer help with military training + emphasized the strong economic ties between both countries by stating that Iran will open a bank in Baghdad. USA Today leads with word from the Army Corps of Engineers that it has discovered 146 levees across the country are at risk of failing if there is a major flood. If local officials fail to repair the levees, it could mean property owners would have to buy flood insurance to protect their property.
29.Jan.2007 Baron Cohen Makes List Of Most Powerful Men In Britain
Once it was Blair and Bush. Now it is Brown and Borat. https://feeds.huffingtonpost.com/~r/huffingtonpost/LatestNews/~3/83298868/baron-cohen-makes-list-of_n_39874.html
- Schumer: Iraq Vote Will Send Shockwaves Through White House
Democratic Senator Charles Schumer (news, bio, voting record) predicted a large number of lawmakers in Bush's Republican Party -- possibly "even a majority" -- would support the resolution condemning the proposed deployment.
"And that will send shockwaves through the White House and through the country," Schumer told NBC. https://feeds.huffingtonpost.com/~r/huffingtonpost/LatestNews/~3/83286600/schumer-iraq-vote-will-s_n_39872.html
- Iran Reveals Ambitious Plan To Expand Influence In Iraq
Iran's ambassador to Baghdad outlined an ambitious plan on Sunday to greatly expand its economic and military ties with Iraq -- including an Iranian national bank branch in the heart of the capital -- that will almost certainly bring Iran into further conflict with American forces who have detained a number of Iranian operatives here in recent weeks.
The ambassador, Hassan Kazemi Qumi, said Iran was prepared to offer Iraqi forces training, equipment and advisers for what he called "the security fight.
29.Jan.2007 Iranian Reveals Plan to Expand Role in Iraq
Iran's ambassador to Baghdad outlined a plan to expand its economic and military ties with Iraq that will almost certainly bring more conflict with the U.S.
29.Jan.2007 Manifest Destiny: A New Direction For America
'The United States today is the leading world power by many if not most conventional measures. With the largest economy and the largest and most advanced arsenal of weapons, it is acknowledged as such and exercises wide influence.
- The Terrorists of Our Imagination Aren't Muslims ... They're Us
'Every era has its own built-in drama -- its plague or despot by which it will be remembered, whose looming menace inflects every conversation, kindles every sermon, tints every work of art. Ours is terrorism.
- New Developments In Sustainable Technology
'Sustainable technology is making significant advances across several industries -- and that's encouraging news for a nation that is largely dependent upon countries outside of the United States for energy. So exactly what kind of sustainable technology is out there?' (ENN article).https://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle18420.html
29.Jan.2007 Hawks Knock Surge Plan's Command Structure
'WASHINGTON -- As the Senate nears an unprecedented debate on President Bush's escalation of the Iraq war, almost all the public criticism has been aimed at the inadequate size of the new forces being sent to Baghdad (21,500 troops) and the extreme difficulty of reversing the course of the civil war. But last week, little noticed by the press and public, the Bush plan began to be attacked on a surprising new front -- by Iraq hawks, like Sen.https://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle18425.html
29.Jan.2007 Rep. John Conyers: Peace Movement Strong on the Washington Mall | The Huffington Post - BG Blogger Thought: Conyers credibility is near zero with his eschewing impeachment.
29.Jan.2007 Humint Events Online: Yet Another Perspective on Aluminum Wing Impacting Steel Column - BG https://covertoperations.blogspot.com/2007/01/yet-another-perspective-on-aluminum.html
29.Jan.2007 Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Hillary jokes about “evil and bad men” like Osama and Republicans; Update: Or Bill? - BG
Blogger Thought: The right wing attack machine wins. However, with Hillary and Bill being part of the 9/11 Coverup and supporting the bin Laden myth, it couldn't happen to a better person.
29.Jan.2007 Dahr Jamail's Weblog: Lt. Ehren Watada - BG https://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/archives/informational_posting/000532.php
29.Jan.2007 BBC NEWS | Middle East | Yemeni Jews flee Islamist threat - BG
Blogger Thoughts: Is this false flag?
Forty-five Jewish people in Yemen have taken refuge in a hotel in northern Yemen after receiving death threats from Muslim extremists. https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6307745.stm
29.Jan.2007 Nasrallah accuses Lebanese gov't of incitement - BG Source: https://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1167467834380
29.Jan.2007 Seth Roberts: Charles Murray vs. Charles Murray - BG https://www.huffingtonpost.com/seth-roberts/charles-murray-vs-charle_b_39028.html
29.Jan.2007 EI EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Israeli document gives frightening glimpse of apartheid - BG https://www.uruknet.de/?s1=1&p=30125&s2=28
29.Jan.2007 Former Mossad Honcho: We Are Sleep Walking Through World War Four and Don’t Even Know It - BG
According to Efraim Halevy, former Mossad boss, we are astride World War Three, or as the neocons call it, World War Four, and don't know it. "The world does not understand. A person walks through the streets of Tel Aviv, Barcelona or Buenos Aires and doesn't get the sense that there is a war going on," Halevy told Yedioth Internet. Of course, this is because the supposed world war, as hyped by neocons and Israeli Likudniks, is primarily a crass propaganda contrivance, not an actual war—except for Iraqis, Palestinians, Lebanese + soon enough Iranians. "During World War I and II the entire world felt there was a war. Today no one is conscious of it... Source: https://kurtnimmo.com/?p=736
29.Jan.2007 Aaron Russo: The Architecture of the Prison Planet - Paul Joseph Watson -Aaron Russo joins Alex Jones for a fascinating sit-down in depth video interview on a plethora of important
29.Jan.2007 Big Business Buys Silence of Toll Road Critical Newspapers - Paul Joseph Watson -Foreign corporation in desperate lunge to quell massive popular dissent against Trans Texas Corridor
29.Jan.2007 The "Wipe Israel Off The Map" Hoax - Paul Joseph Watson -What Ahmadinejad really said and why this broken record is just another ad slogan for war
29.Jan.2007 Tax Protester Exposes Federal Government Fraud - Paul Joseph Watson -Brown vows to "live free or die"
29.Jan.2007 David Lynch Questions 9/11 On National U.S. Radio - Paul Joseph Watson -Iconoclastic director of upcoming Inland Empire, Twin Peaks & The Elephant Man says there's "more than meets
29.Jan.2007 Rockefeller on Bush’s NSA Shift: ‘Unacceptable,’ ‘I Can’t Trust What They’re Doing’ - Faiz Comments
Earlier this month, the Bush administration announced it was submitted its warrantless domestic spying program to the FISA court for its review. The move was judged by the media to be a “major change,” an “about-face,” and a “sharp reversal.”
But details of the administration’s actions have remained “sketchy,” and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales offered few clarifying explanations in a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Bush has said, “Nothing has changed in the program except the court has said we’ve analyzed it and it’s a legitimate way to protect the country.”
In an interview this weekend, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman John Rockefeller (D-WV) said he believes the administration is trying to hide something. He added, “[The administration’s action] is not acceptable to me…simply because I can’t trust what they say.” Rockefeller explained, “In the end, every single wiretap has to have a warrant. No, I don’t trust what they’re doing.” Watch it: Transcript: (more…)
29.Jan.2007 Oil And Gas Companies Ready Drilling Projects For Newly Melted Arctic - Nico Comments
Global warming caused by fossil fuel emissions is rapidly melting the Arctic. Sea ice coverage this past March “was the lowest in winter since measurements by satellite began in the early 1970s,” and NASA-funded U.S. scientists believe in 30-50 years, “summer sea ice will have vanished from almost the entire Arctic region,” conditions not seen in the area in a million years.
For energy companies, this catastrophe means a “new era of oil and natural gas exploration in the region,” Greenwire reports:
The Arctic region contains a quarter of the world’s remaining oil reserves, experts estimate. It also contains massive natural gas fields in the Barents Sea, including Russia’s huge Shtokman field. “By 2040 or 2050, the Arctic Ocean will be navigable and that will mean significant developments very soon,” said ArcticNet research group head Martin Fortier.
European Environment Agency head Jacqueline McGlade warned that “the region’s opening could lead to another rush like the Klondike gold rush, which ‘could potentially destabilize’ the area and its 10 million indigenous inhabitants.”
29.Jan.2007 No longer a miserable failure? - Amanda Comments
Googling “miserable failure” no longer takes you to President Bush’s home page at the White House. Google explains that “by improving our analysis of the link structure of the Web,” such mischief will now “typically return commentary, discussions + articles” about the tactic itself.
29.Jan.2007 January 29, 2007 - Think Progress Comments
President Bush’s “proposal to create a tax deduction for health insurance, if enacted into law, could reduce Social Security benefits for many Americans because the deduction would apply not only to income taxes, but also to payroll taxes that go to Social Security.”
A recent trip to Iraq has made House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “even more certain of her view that moving troops out of Iraq is the best way to bring stability to the region .” After meeting the past three days with scores of U.S. military commanders and regional political leaders, she said, “I believe redeployment of our troops is a step toward stability in the region.”
Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) had planned to sit down over the weekend with Sen. John Warner (R-VA) and hammer out a consensus, bipartisan resolution opposing Bush’s escalation in Iraq. “But Warner, who has been making backroom deals for 28 years in the Senate, informed Biden late on Thursday: No deal.”
146: Number of levees nationwide that the Army Corps of Engineers “says pose an unacceptable risk of failing in a major flood.”
Iran’s ambassador yesterday “outlined an ambitious plan on Sunday to greatly expand its economic and military ties with Iraq,” including assuming major responsibility for Iraq’s reconstruction, “an area of failure on the part of the United States.” (more…)
29.Jan.2007 EU lab confirms Hungary bird flu The EU confirms a new outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu in Hungary.
29.Jan.2007 Japan minister rapped on women Japan's prime minister scolds his health minister who labelled women "birth-giving machines" in a recent speech.
29.Jan.2007 Japan has third bird flu outbreak Officials in Japan confirm a third bird flu outbreak, but they are still determining if it is the deadly H5N1 strain.
29.Jan.2007 Jan. 29, 1964: Duck and Cover Dr. Strangelove spoofs the notion of nuclear holocaust. We laugh, but underneath the laughter is genuine fear. Compiled by Tony Long.
29.Jan.2007 On Electricity (Generation) - Engineer-Poet (posted by Hemos) 33 -
Engineer-Poet wrote a piece a few months back that focuses on electricity production; or rather how or what we will need to do to keep pace with people's demands while balancing that with environmental and economic impact. Lengthy but well-reasoned and good reading.
29.Jan.2007 The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines - Hemos 3 - ReadWriteWeb writes
"Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) Charles S. Knight has compiled a list of the top 100 alternative search engines. The list includes Artificial Intelligence systems, Clustering engines, Recommendation Search engines, Metasearch + many more hidden gems of search. People use four main search engines for 99.99% of their searches: Google, Yahoo!, MSN + Ask.com (in that order). But Knight has discovered, via his work as an SEO, that in the other .01% lies a vast multitude of the most innovative and creative search engines around."
29.Jan.2007 The Privacy Candidate - kdawson 444 - Alsee writes
"Wired News reports 'electronic civil libertarians' hearts are a-twitter' over US Presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton's bold stance on the right to privacy. Wired quotes Clinton: 'At all levels, the privacy protections for ordinary citizens are broken, inadequate and out of date.' Clinton gave a speech last June to the American Constitution Society (text, WMF) in which she addressed electronic surveillance, consumer opt-in vs. opt-out, cyber-security, commercial and government handling of personal data, data offshoring, data leaks + even genetic discrimination." Would you consider a candidate's stand on privacy important enough to sway your vote?
29.Jan.2007 BdWi - Die Ölwaffe in Amerikas Weltordnung 9)
Diese Aussage machten General Schwarzkopf + auch andere US-Militärs sinngemäß in der äußerst faktenreichen Filmdokumentation "Die wahre Geschichte des ... www.bdwi.de/forum/archiv/uebersicht/441474.html
29.Jan.2007 Pickings.de : Bush & Sohn beseitigen Mitwisser Hussein
General Schwarzkopf, der Rommel der USA im zweiten Golfkrieg, vernichtete den Großteil ...
00.Mär.1991 als Saddam vor den Augen von General Schwarzkopf die ... www.pickings.de/tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId=9&postId=1689
Olaf Achilles Die ökologischen Folgen des Golfkrieges US- General Schwarzkopf bestätigt, daß seit Tagen erneut Öl von der Halbinsel Fao ...
General Schwarzkopf schließt nicht aus, daß die Anlage bei Fao durch ... www.uni-muenster.de/PeaCon/wuf/wf-92/9210801m.htm
29.Jan.2007 deutsche banken deutsches geld ...
Tote und Umweltverstöße beim Bau der neuen Pipeline in Ecuador "Solange die ...
Das Kapital stammt wiederum aus den USA, Deutschland, Finnland, Japan, ... www.umweltbrief.de/neu/html/archiv/Deutsche.banken.txt
29.Jan.2007 Political Friendster - Controlled Demolition Inc. - CDI - Connections
CDI was instrumental in devising a plan to recycle the WTC steel.
CEO Mark Loizeaux's CDI was also hired to bury the rubble of the Murrah Building in the ... www.politicalfriendster.com/showPerson.php?id=4811&name=Controlled-Demolition-Inc---CDI
Features | Making an Impact Fortunately, Freddie Loizeaux was a whiz at it, says Jack's granddaughter, Stacey Loizeaux, CDI's media and special effects coordinator, ...
20061201 Controlled Demolition Inc. - CDI . CDI was instrumental in devising a plan to recycle the WTC steel. CEO Mark Loizeaux 's CDI was also hired to bury the ... alfatomega.com/20061201.html
Debris Mountain Starts to Shrink Morse estimates work could take eight months but CDI's Loizeaux believes it could take up to 14 months. "The debris stream will pick up, but it won't be ... www.serendipity.li/wot/debris.htm Perfect demolition leaves Dome a fallen souffle
It amazes them that something so permanent can turn to rubble in seconds," said Doug Loizeaux, CDI's vice president. He added that he thought some people ... seattlepi.nwsource.com/kingdome/main.shtml
Kingdome blast is team effort for this family
But Loizeaux, who retired from Maryland-based CDI in 1984, has not seen a structure that made him wince -- until he saw the Dome. seattlepi.nwsource.com/kingdome/dome24.shtml
CDI Case Study "Sage Timberline Office enables us to capture unlimited detail," says Mark Loizeaux, CDI's president, noting he depends on that up-to-date information to ... www.sagetimberlineoffice.com/software/case_studies/spec_CdSpCd.aspx
Demolition leader gets flexibility and report detail to impact ... - HTML-Version
Mark Loizeaux, CDI ’s president, noting he. depends on that up-to-date information to. back up his management decisions. One-time data entry ... www.sagesoftware.com/pdf/timb/ss/timb_ControlledDemolition_ss.pdf
Good Out Of Evil Stacey Loizeaux, Mark's daughter, is a licensed blaster and frequently a project manager. She was born in Knoxville while her dad attended UTK. CDI has ... pr.tennessee.edu/alumnus/fall95/bomb.html
29.Jan.2007 The biggest financial story in history Rebublic Broadcasting Network . The biggest financial story in history.
28.Jul.2006 16:37 ... explaining the details of what has become known as The ... www.apfn.net/messageboard/08-02-06/discussion.cgi.91.html
29.Jan.2007 Die Zeit - Wirtschaft : "Geldverdienen ist eine Gottesgabe"
John D. Rockefeller erbaute ein Ölimperium. Konkurrenten trieb er in den Ruin, ... meist mit Walfischtran betriebenen Lampen füllt: Erdöl aus Pennsylvania. zeus.zeit.de/text/2003/14/Rockefeller_2fSerie
29.Jan.2007 AEJMC Archives -- January 2006 (#34) ("Statement by Judge in Los Alamos Case, With Apology for Abuse of Power," The ... that are desirable to adversarial government officials is not "failing. ...
29.Jan.2007 Turning Resistance into Rebellion: Student Movements and the ... ... has been running Los Alamos and Martin Marrietta the Oak Ridge Lab for years. ... Johnston, R. and C. Edwards (1987) Entrepreneurial Science: New Links ... www.utwatch.org/archives/ovetz/turningresistanceintorebellion.html
29.Jan.2007 Volume 4 Chapter 1 - Se som HTML-version
disappeared at Los Alamos . The drives later turned. up + a FBI investigation of the missing failed ... adversarial interviews with the FBI. According to ... www.ncix.gov/history/CIReaderPlain/Vol4Chap1.pdf
29.Jan.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ The Arab Times had published a few weeks ago that the US would invade Iran by end of March, now it has slipped to end of April per today's article in the Scottish Herald (see below).
of course allowing the Dems to "take back the house and senate" was just a way for the ReThugs to save money on not having to steal elections because Cheney had already planned out the Iran attack early last year. This way they could continue to keep plotting away, "business as usual", and as long as those dastardly "military commissions act" was signed and the Patriot Act was reauthorized, this gives Cheney all the "rights" to take control of this country as a dictatorship. Bush is truly just a figurehead along for the ride, perfect for photo ops while Cheney is the true decider and commander in chief.
some nasty things will happen in March/April and of course the US is goading Iran into war so the neocons/Cheney can make the call to declare martial law in this country.
Who cares about who runs for 2008 when the elections don't matter anyway? https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6604414&postID=117001325581533431
America ‘poised to strike at Iran’s nuclear sites’ from bases in Bulgaria and Romania
Report suggest that ‘US defensive ring’ may be new front in war on terror.
By Gabriel Ronay
PRESIDENT BUSH is preparing to attackIran'snuclearfacilities before the end of April and the US Air Force's new bases in Bulgaria and Romania would be used as back-up in the onslaught, according to an official report from Sofia.
"American forces could be using their two USAF bases in Bulgaria and one at Romania's Black Sea coast to launch an attack on Iran in April," the Bulgarian news agency Novinite said.
TheAmericanbuild-upalongthe BlackSea,coupledwiththerecent positioningoftwoUSaircraftcarrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz, appears to indicate president Bush has run out of patience with Tehran's nuclear misrepresentation and non-compliance with the UN Security Council's resolution. President Ahmeninejad of Iran has further ratcheted up tension in the region by putting on show his newly purchased state of the art Russian TOR-Ml anti-missile defence system.
Whether the Bulgarian news report is a tactical feint or a strategic event is hard to gauge at this stage. But, in conjunctionwiththebeefingupofAmerica'sItalian bases and the acquisition of anti-missiledefencebasesintheCzech RepublicandPoland,theBalkan developments seem toindicateanewphase in Bush's global war on terror.
Sofia'snewsofadvancedwar preparationsalongtheBlackSeais backed up by some chilling details. One isthesettingupofnewrefuellingplaces for US Stealth bombers, which would spearhead an attack on Iran. "The USAF's positioning of vital refuelling facilities for its B-2 bombers in unusual places, includingBulgaria,fallswithinthe perspective of such an attack." NovinitenamedcolonelSam Gardiner, "a US secret service officer stationed in Bulgaria", as the source of this revelation.
Curiously,thereportnotedthat although Tony Blair, Bush's main ally in the global war on terror, would be leaving office, the president had opted to press on with his attack on Iran in April.
BeforetheendofMarch,3000US militarypersonnelarescheduledto arrive "on a rotating basis" at America's Bulgarian bases. Under the US-Bulgarian military co-operation accord, signed in April,2006,anairbaseatBezmer, a second airfield at Graf Ignitievo and a shooting range at Novo Selo were leased toAmerica.Significantly,lastyear'sbases negotiations had at one point run into difficulties due to Sofia's demand "for advance warning if Washington intends to use Bulgarian soil for attacks against other nations, particularly Iran".
Romania, the other Black Sea host to theUSmilitary,isenjoyingadollarbonanzaasitsMihailKogalniceanu base at Constanta is being transformed into an American "place d'arme". It is alsovitaltotheIranscenario.
Lastweek,theBucharestdaily Evenimentual Zilei revealed the USAF is to site several flights of F-l5, F-l6 and Al0 aircraftattheKogalniceanubase.AdmiralGheorgheMarin,Romania's chief of staff, confirmed "up to 2000 Americanmilitarypersonnelwillbe temporarily stationed in Romania".
In Central Europe, the Czech Republic + Poland have also found themselves in the Pentagon's strategic focus. Last week, Mirek Topolanek, the Czech prime minister + the country's national security council agreed to the siting of a US anti-missile radar defence system at Nepolisy. Poland has also agreed to having a US anti-missile missilebase and interceptoraircraft stationedinthecountry.
Russia, however, does not see the chain of new US bases on its doorstep as a "defensive ring". Russia's defence chief has branded the planned US anti-missile missile sites on Czech and Polish soil as "an open threat to Russia".
SergeyIvanov,Russia'sdefence minister,spokemorecircumspectly while emphasising Moscow's concern. Hesaid:"Russiaisnotworried.Itsstrategicnuclearforcescanassureinanycircumstanceitssafety.Since neither Tehran,norPyongyangpossess intercontinentalmissilescapableof threatening the USA, from whom is this new missile shield supposed to protect the West? All it actually amounts to is that Prague and Warsaw want to demonstrate their loyalty to Washington."
Bush's Iran attack plan has brought into sharp focus the possible costs to Central and Eastern Europe of being "pillars of Pax Americana". # posted by Anonymous : 11:32 PM
29.Jan.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Methinks that Bush's actual intent is to kill Iranians on Iraqi soil in the hope of provoking retaliation.
Why else would our Commander in Chief place so many ships within range of Iranian missiles? Permalink # posted by Joseph : 11:18 AM
The whole history of US relations with Gulbudin Hekmatyar goes back to US support for the mujaheddin fight against the Soviets beginning
in 1979 and escalated under Reagan-Bush, and needs to be made widely known to the American public.
The eminent scholar, Alfred McCoy, wrote in his most recently revised edition of his landmark book The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade (p. 475):
"The CIA ... over the next decade, gave more than half its covert aid to Hekmatyar's guerillas.
It was, as the U.S. Congress would find a decade later, a dismal decision.
Unlike the later resistance leaders, who commanded strong popular followings inside Afghanistan, Hekmatyar's guerilla force was a creature of the Pakistan military...."
McCoy's book also seems to paint a portrait of Hekmatyar as an opium/heroin trafficker as much as a fundamentalist Islamic political agent.
Former FBI translater/whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has indicated the large role of narcotics trafficking in play in our country's supposed "war on terror," +
the story of Mr. Hekmatyar just reinforces that view. # posted by ewastud
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