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Für George W. Bush ist der Richterspruch ein Rückschlag im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus, die "Washington Post" sprach von einem "empfindlichen Dämpfer" für die US-Regierung, die das Abhörprogramm "aggressiv verteidigt" habe. Die Gerichtsentscheidung könnte sich demnach auch auf den Kongress auswirken, der monatelang darüber debattiert hatte, ob er das Abhörprogramm einschränken oder bestätigen soll.

Am späten Abend kündigte das Justizministerium an, den Richterspruch anfechten zu wollen.

Die Regierung hatte das Gericht zuvor aufgefordert, den Fall gar nicht erst zu verhandeln, um sicherzustellen, dass keine sensiblen Informationen im Zusammenhang mit dem Anti-Terror-Kampf ans Licht kommen.

Zum Urteil gab es von der Regierung nun zunächst keine Stellungnahme.
17.Aug.2006 A federal judge ordered the U.S. government to stop warrantless wiretapping of international telephone calls between suspected terrorists + their U.S.-based affiliates,

ruling that the eavesdropping violates the Constitution and federal law.
17.Aug.2006 White House using liquid explosive detector it refused to install at US airports to protect you and me 
FIVE ALARMER: BUSH'S ILLEGAL WIRETAPPING RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL BY FEDERAL JUDGE, ORDERS HALT TO PROGRAM. WILL THE GOP PARTISAN HACKS ON THE SUPREME EVENTUALLY OVERTURN THE RULING AND MAKE BUSH OFFICIALLY A DICTATOR? "By holding that even the president is not above the law, the court has done its duty," said Ann Beeson, the ACLU's associate legal director and the lead attorney for the plaintiffs."

17.Aug.2006 Irony: Bush's Website Has Spanish Translations of His Speeches, Even the Ones Saying Immigrants Should Learn English -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
THREE ALARMER: Republican Senate Election Committee Backs Lieberman. If Lieberman is elected, he will jump to the GOP. He's already there. He just has to move his desk. 8/18
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

17.Aug.2006 David Broder: For the GOP, a Heartland Plunge; " Republican after another signaled serious trouble for the GOP across a broad swath of states..." 8/18
The number of roadside bombs planted in Iraq rose in July to the highest monthly total of the war, offering more evidence that the anti-American insurgency has continued to strengthen despite the killing of the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Deputy Prime Minister of UK: "Bush is crap...Bush is just a cowboy with his Stetson on."
"Republicans and Democrats are beating each other up on the issue of terrorism in the wake of the alleged London airplane plot, but polls show that most Americans are far more worried about the war in Iraq." 8/17
Hatch says Demo win could help terrorists. Orrin Hatch is a sick, sad little troll of a human. 8/18

17.Aug.2006 US- Gericht: Tabakkonzerne verschleierten Gefahren des Rauchens
17.Aug.2006 Günter Grass: "Erst jetzt in der Lage, das so zu machen"
17.Aug.2006 Terrorfahndung in London: Explosiver Fund im Wald

17.Aug.2006 Terroralarm: Bombenalarm an US- Flughafen

17.Aug.2006 USA: Richterin ordnet Stopp von Bush s Lauschprogramm an

17.Aug.2006 Kofferbomben in Zügen: Ermittler gehen von Terrorverdacht aus
17.Aug.2006 Energiekosten: E.on erhöht Gaspreise um zehn Prozent
17.Aug.2006 Telefongespräche: Gericht erklärt US- Abhörprogramm für verfassungswidrig
17.Aug.2006 Ecuador: Vulkan Tungurahua spuckt Lava
17.Aug.2006 Libanon: Uno schickt hilflose Blauhelme in den Einsatz
Terrorismus: EU- Innenminister wollen mehr Daten von Fluggästen
Trübe Aussichten: Europa versinkt im Regen
17.Aug.2006 Wahrnehmungswunder: Sehen, ohne hinzusehen
17.Aug.2006 Internet im Flugzeug: Boeing stellt Connexion- Dienst ein
17.Aug.2006 Günter Grass: Schelte von Walesa, Lob von Irving

17.Aug.2006 Netzwelt- Ticker: Nieder mit der FESTSTELL- Taste!
17.Aug.2006 Israel: Türkei soll Waffenlieferungen für Hisbollah stoppen
17.Aug.2006 Flensburg: Finnwal dreht Runde im Hafen
17.Aug.2006 There is a high price for the gullibility of the American people
What explains the gullibility of Americans,

a gullibility that has mired the US in disastrous wars in Iraq + Afghanistan + which promises war with Iran, North Korea + a variety of other targets if neoconservatives continue to have their way?

Part of the explanation is that millions of conservatives...
Is Society Losing Control of the Medical Research Agenda? (press release) - ask experts in a study published online by the BMJ today (17.Mar.2006 ).

Medical research depends on funding from the private sector, in particular from biotechnology and drug companies, but this funding may lead to conflicts of interest...
Sicherheitsrisiko: Fernweh eines Heimkindes - sfux Harald Haack ?

Menschen machen Fehler. Und wenn Menschen Fehler machen, gilt das als menschlich.

Fehler, so wissen wir inzwischen, gibt es immer wieder, selbst bei massiven Sicherheitsvorkehrungen. Das lehrt uns, dass es keine echte Sicherheit geben kann.
Kein Mensch, außer dem der es geschafft hatte die Kontrollen am Flughafen London-Gatwick zu überwinden -

Al-Qaida will in die Politik - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Wie Reuters gestern berichtete will al-Qaida im Irak eine politische Operation starten.

Der amerikanische US Militärsprecher General Major William Caldwell sagte gegenüber Reuters, die Terrorgruppe will sich nebst dem Köpfen und Bomben werfen nun auch zu einem politischen Faktor etablieren:
"Al Qaeda in Iraq wants to present itself...

Tanz der Bluthunde um Günter Grass - sfux Harald Haack ?

In Deutschland gab es immer wieder politisch rechts gesinnte Promis, die von sich und ihrer Meinung überzeugt waren und sich eines Tages vergaloppierten.

Aber lange Zeit war es in dieser Hinsicht in Deutschland still. Zum Beispiel: Mölleman von der FDP.

Sein Tod von liegt inzwischen lange zurück und der Streit um seine antisemitischen Äußerungen, die er als Kritik gegenüber...
Kaum zu Hause...schon wieder an die Front - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Krieg aus! Hieß es für rund dreihundert Soldaten die eben nach einem Jahr Krieg in Irak nach Alaska zurückgekehrt sind.

Die Freude für die überlebenden und unverwundeten Soldaten war verständlicherweise enorm.

Doch jetzt müssen sie zurück nach Bagdad, Donald Rumsfeld fürchtet eine sich ausweitende Eskalation der Gewalt. Die Soldaten und ihre Familien sind verärgert.
Ollie North and the C-123 Story - sfux Bear Bottoms -

Barry Seal made a decision to try and work off his legal problems. He started trying to get someone to work with him. He was having difficulty finding someone. Finally,

00.Mar.1984 Barry Seal flew his Lear Jet to Washington + received an audience with then Vice President Bush [BGHW948] s Anti-Drug Task Force.
He first went to the National Narcotics Border Interdiction office + was referred to DEA Agent Frank White. Mr. White was a staff investigator...

A Coup for a Mountain of Wonga - sfux Dr. Alexander von Paleske -

00.000.2004 The failed coup in Equatorial Guinea. Or:

How a slew a British public school boys turned mercenaries/politicians/businessmen tried to take over an African state 00.000.2004 .

Casting: Sir Mark Thatcher, Simon Mann, Eli Calil, Tony Buckingham, David Hart, Greg Wales and many more
Sicherheitsrisiko: Sony-Akkus in Dell-Notebooks - sfux Harald Haack ?

Für Flugreisende könnte es bald ein weiteres Ärgernis geben. Denkbar ist, dass Mobiltelefone, Kameras und Notebooks auch im Koffer künftig nicht mehr mit auf die Reise gehen dürfen.

Die Akkus solcher Geräte stellen nämlich ein Sicherheitsrisiko dar. Wahrscheinlich wird es den Anti-Terror-Kämpfern der Flughäfen egal sein, ob die Akkus nur dann möglicherweise eine Gefahr sind,...
The London Terror Gang III - sfux 

01? Why is the Bank of New York Collecting Donations for a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization?
02? Did LeT Earthquake Relief Money...

Danke Herr Präsident - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Mit seiner Air Force One eben in Wisconsin gelandet, erklärte Bush den Medien, vor was wir uns fürchten müssen. Vor den islamischen Faschisten.

Dazu Bush: “ a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation. “

Freedom? Die verlieren wir doch gerade dank Ihnen Herr Präsident.
President Bush goes hog wild. - Amanda  - While at a Harley-Davidson plant in Pennsylvania today, Bush jumped on top of a motorcycle.

After he was finished, “he ripped off blue-tinted safety glasses that he insisted made him look like rock star Bono + jokingly struck a pose intended to show a hip side.”
17.Aug.2006 In a hole, Allen keeps digging. - Admin  -

According to political operatives close to Sen. George Allen, the Senator used the derogatory phrase “macaca” not as an ethnic slur, but as a mash-up of “Mohawk,” referring to S.R. Sidarth’s distinctive hair + “caca,” Spanish slang for excrement, or “sh*t.” Said one conservative: “In other words, he was a sh*t-head, an annoyance.”
17.Aug.2006 34 %: - Faiz  - Bush’s approval rating, according to a new Zogby poll.

“President Bush’s job approval rating dipped two points in the last three weeks, despite the foiling of an airline terror plot + the adoption of a cease–fire deal between Israel + Hezbollah forces in Lebanon.”
National Review Editor: Iraq May Be Turning Into Bush’s Vietnam - Faiz  -

In a column published yesterday, National Review editor Rich Lowry states that “Iraq War liberals might be making their first-ever correct diagnosis,” suggesting that the Iraq war is eliciting more similarities to Vietnam each day. Below is the rough evolution of Lowry’s position on the Iraq and Vietnam comparison:

01.Apr.2003 : There are other niggling differences [between Iraq and Vietnam] — the low casualties (roughly 50 combat deaths so far, compared with 58,000 in Vietnam), a high level of public support, a volunteer, highly motivated Army and a definable enemy, cause and endgame. … “Another Vietnam” is largely wishful thinking.

11.Apr.2003 : Most of them were infected with a willful pessimism, prepared to believe the worst about America’s capabilities and its image among Iraqis, while puffing up the forces of Saddam.

Now that reality has intruded, with a swift military victory and a warm welcome from Iraqi civilians, one wonders:

Will TV jabberer Chris Matthews admit his foolishness in writing, “This invasion of Iraq, if it goes off, will join the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Desert One, Beirut + Somalia in the history of military catastrophe”?

15.Aug.2006 : The left says whatever war is in question is “another Vietnam,” while the right denies it.

After three decades of being serially wrong, in the Iraq War liberals might be making their first-ever correct diagnosis. …

It is not too late to tamp down that militia-directed violence, which hasn’t yet taken on an uncontrollable life of its own.

But the clock is ticking, toward the hour when we will indeed suffer another Vietnam.

Lowry is inching closer and closer to the reality-based community, but in doing so, he wants us to forget what he told us in the past.
Anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers unplugged. - Amanda  -

Following on Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) recent report showing that federally funded crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) mislead teens about abortion risks,

CPC administrators begin to worry about the negative publicity + talk about tactics to keep unknowing women coming through their doors.
17.Aug.2006 High-level Pentagon officials - Amanda  - have commissioned “a pair of secret studies to pinpoint the military’s failures” in the Iraq + Afghanistan conflicts.

According to one of the authors, “the results won’t be pretty” when the findings are released this fall.
17.Aug.2006 Al Qaeda Candidate Redux. - Payson  -

During a Fox News discussion on the diversion of a United Airlines flight because of an “unruly” female passenger,

former Weekly Standard deputy publisher David Bass said, “She’s probably not an al Qaeda affiliate, probably not a terrorist, could just be a Ned Lamont supporter, we don’t know.”
Tony Snow Offers Defiant Clarification: Bush Is Not Frustrated Over Iraq - Faiz  -

Today, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times offer accounts of Bush’s recent meeting with a panel of Iraq scholars.

The NYT piece claimed that the participants came away with the impression that Bush is “frustrated that the new Iraqi government…had not shown greater public support for the American mission.”

The Times offers these quotes:

“I sensed a frustration with the lack of progress on the bigger picture of Iraq generally — that we continue to lose a lot of lives, it continues to sap our budget,” said one person who attended the meeting. […]
“I do think he was frustrated about why 10,000 Shiites would go into the streets and demonstrate against the United States,” said another person who attended.

More than 110 Iraqis were killed each day last month + car bombs continue to erupt daily in Iraq’s most populous areas.

Sixty % of Americans oppose the war, yet the top concern for the White House this morning was to combat the impression that Bush is “frustrated” over these events + his own failing policies.

At the press briefing, Tony Snow said he took “exception to [the] verb, or variations of that verb.”

He’s not “frustrated,” but rather, “determined,” Snow later said of Bush’s disposition on Iraq.

Out of touch is a better description. Watch it: Full transcript:

A number of newspapers today, a couple – the New York Times + the LA Times — had pieces about the president’s meeting the other day with Iraq scholars.

Just a couple of nits to pick with the Times piece – and I have spoken with the note-taker in the meeting, I was in the meeting, I have talked to others in the meeting + I have talked to all four scholars today.

And all to a person take exception to a verb, or variations of that verb, that appear in number of times at the top of the piece — which is that the president is frustrated.

He is “frustrated that the new Iraqi government — and the Iraqi people — had not shown greater public support for the American mission.”

All the participants said that that did not reflect the meeting they attended.

“A sense of frustration on the lack of progress on the bigger picture of Iraq generally.”

Again, all of those in attendance said that that did not reflect their characterization.

And a paragraph that said,

“The president expressed frustration that Iraqis had not come to appreciate the sacrifices the USA had made in Iraq +

was puzzled as to how a recent anti-American rally in support of Hezbollah in Baghdad could draw such a large crowd.” That was unanimously rejected as well.
Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA) defends earmarks: - Amanda  -

“There is a misunderstanding, particularly in the media, that earmarks are ‘out of control,’ said Lewis, who is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

He added that it is not outrageous for Congress to “massage” that tiny portion of the president’s budget.
17.Aug.2006 VIDEO: Fox News Guest Claims ‘It’s Time To Have A Muslims Check-Point Line In American Airports’ - Faiz  -

Yesterday on Fox News’ Dayside, panelists Michael Gross, a constitutional law attorney + conservative radio host Mike Gallagher debated whether profiling is the answer to fighting terror.

As Newshounds first noted, Gallagher argued, “It’s time to have a Muslims check point line in American airports and have Muslims be scrutinized.

You better believe it.” Gallagher’s suggestion was met with tepid applause from the audience. Watch it.

11.Sep.2001 -Shortly after- President Bush visited an Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. + delivered the following message to the American public:

America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens + Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. …

And they need to be treated with respect.

In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.

Bush would do well to remind some members of his conservative base of this message.

Full transcript:

GROSS: Don’t discriminate based upon race, creed, color, country of national origin.

GALLAGHER: Let’s have a Muslim-only line.

GROSS: What uniform you are wearing. What we want to do is look at behavior. We want to stop people who behave wrongly.

JERRICK: Michael, I think you missed a Mike Gallagher line there. What did you just say about different lines?

GALLAGHER: It’s time to have a Muslims check-point line in American airports and have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it. It’s time.

GROSS: Of course, your prejudice, which means to prejudge when you say Muslims or any people of any faith should be treated unequally because of their faith. You are absolutely wrong.

Most Arabs are not Muslims.

Most Muslims are not Arabs.

You don’t have your facts straight.

And Mr. Gallagher, how would you feel if we had a line for the Irish which English people were doing during the I.R.A. problems.
The war in Iraq is a “dumb war,” - Payson  -

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) told a town hall audience in Gallitin County, Illinois.

“Enemies in Iran + North Korea, along with terrorist groups bent on doing the USA harm, are getting stronger while the U.S. is bogged down in Iraq, he said.”
17.Aug.2006 August 16, 2006 - Think Progress  -

Iraq experts who met with Bush in a private meeting this week said the president was “frustrated with the lack of progress” and “didn’t quite have a sense yet of how effective the government” is. One of the participants said Bush made it clear that “as long as he’s president, we’re in Iraq.” The LAT adds, “The experts said in interviews that Bush signaled that he intended to make no policy changes in Iraq.”

Twenty-one former generals, diplomats + national security officials will release an open letter tomorrow arguing that the Bush administration’s “hard line” on Iran has undermined U.S. security. “It’s not a crisis,” Retired Army Lt. Gen. Robert G. Gard said. “To call the Iranian situation a ‘crisis’ connotes you have to do something right now, like bomb them.”

State ballot measures to increase the minimum wage have qualified for the ballot in Colorado and Arizona.

Seven northeastern states have agreed to form the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, “a model rule that would create the country’s first market for heat-trapping carbon dioxide by curbing emissions at power plants.”

Monday’s U.N. cease-fire accord called for quick deployment of Lebanese troops to the southern part of the country, but Hezbollah has refused to disarm + withdraw its fighters, threatening to delay the deal.

The army is not going to the south to strip the Hezbollah of its weapons and do the work that Israel did not,” stated Lebanon’s defense minister.

Although the United Nations hopes 3,500 “well-equipped troops” can deploy to Lebanon within two weeks to fortify a U.N. peacekeeping force, no country has yet agreed to send any soldiers.

“ Problems with elections in Ohio’s most populous county are so severe that it’s unlikely they can be completely fixed by November, or even by the 2008 presidential election.”
17.Aug.2006 new articles on APFN



15.Aug.2006 The axis of evil. — maddog


15.Aug.2006 INTERVIEW: PRODUCER OF 9/11 LOOSE CHANGE.. WOW!! — The Charles Goyette Show:

15.Aug.2006 Nitro in Baby's Bottle-- Fear Bullony — archers

15.Aug.2006 The U.S. Military/Intelligence Oganized Crime Operation. — Call4Investigation

15.Aug.2006 Traitor Cabal pending indictment — OrlandoMary

15.Aug.2006 BREAKING INTEL: Bush Prepares for Martial Law — OrlandoMary

15.Aug.2006 Proof Flight 93 was shot down ! — Vinnie S.

15.Aug.2006 11.Sep2001 - Pitch Black Void — By Manuel Valenzuela

15.Aug.2006 CONT'D - 9/11 - Pitch Black Void — By Manuel Valenzuela

15.Aug.2006 CONT'D - 9/11 - Pitch Black Void — By Manuel Valenzuela

15.Aug.2006 border guards get the shaft — truthbomb

15.Aug.2006 Unquestioned Answers...Nonconspiracy theorist — By Steve Bhaerman

15.Aug.2006 E-Voting, could mean your vote won't be! — 8/15/06 - CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight


15.Aug.2006 8/15/06...Radio Today.... — Radio Your Way
17.Aug.2006 Deputy PM criticises US handling of Middle East, condemning 'cowboy' President at private meeting

Independent Online Edition > UK Politics
17.Aug.2006 US bond prices soared for the second straight day amid new evidence of a weakening economy and a slight moderation of inflation. Click here to view the original Webpage.
17.Aug.2006 A SCORE CARD
Tony Sayegh Israeli Objective----Score (0-10)
1) Kill Hasan Nasrallah ----------------0
2) Prevent Missile Firing On Israel, In Retaliation-----0
3) Occupy The Area South Of The Litani----------0
4) Push Hizbullah North Of The Litani------------0
5) Turn The Lebanese And The Arabs Against Hizbullah-------------0
6) Destroy The Military Capability Of Hizbullah-----------0
7) Disarm Hizbullah----------0....

Gullible Americans -Paul Craig Roberts-

I was in China when a July Harris Poll reported that

50 % of Americans still believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when Bush invaded that country + that

64 % of Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein had strong links with al-Qaida.

The Chinese leaders + intellectuals with whom I was meeting were incredulous.

How could a majority of the population in an allegedly free country with an allegedly free press be so totally misinformed?...

Will Mossad Ignite a War with Syria by Killing Fouad Siniora?
John Brown, Savage Justice

Since the sham cease-fire took hold in Southern Lebanon two days ago - a ceasefire in which the UN allows Apartheid Israel to freely blockade, murder + pillage the same Lebanese whose land it occupies while crying about Hizbullah's arms - the Zionist propaganda site DEBKA has written several articles suggesting that an attempt on the life of Lebanon's Prime Minister, Fouad Siniora, is imminent.

As one would predict from suc! h a propaganda outfit, DEBKA claims to have anonymous sources who assert that Syria will carry out the assassination.

But in the wake of a great victory for the Resistance that has rendered "the Middle East they (the Americans) aspire to... an illusion," in the words of President Bashar Assad,

such an attack makes no sense from Syria's perspective.

With Lebanon's pro-West Prime Minister already emaciated by the failed Zionist invasion, Syria has nothing to gain by assassinating him...

Israel to Lebanese: don't return to your homes.
Lenin's Tomb

Israel's latest leaflets: "We warn you not to head to the southern regions before the deployment of the forces that are supposed to safeguard your security," said leaflets dropped by Israeli aircraft in south Lebanon on Tuesday. Nevertheless:

Despite the warning, Thousands of vehicles jammed the bombed-out coastal highway linking Beirut to the south from the early hours of Tuesday as thousands of displaced people headed home.

Because what are the Israelis going to do?...

When 3 Thousand Die in U.S., It's a Horrific Tragedy.

When It Happens in Iraq, it's Just Another Day in Paradise.
Cut to the Chase How strange double standards can be. When nearly 3,000 people died in New York, Washington D.C. + a field in Pennsylvania on

11.Sep.2001, it was an unspeakable tragedy and one worth launching world wars over and committing atrocity after atrocity.

But when it happens in just one city in just one month in Iraq, it's hardly worth mentioning. Why is that? And why do we allow it to happen?

What makes American lives priceless but Iraqi deaths.. or Lebanese or Palestinians... so acceptable?

And no, this question is not rhetorical.

From today's New York Times:

00.Jul.2006 More Iraqi civilians were killed than in apparently any other month of the war, according to Iraqi Health Ministry + morgue statistics, despite a security plan begun by the new government in June.

An average of more than 110 Iraqis were killed per day in July, according to figures from the Health Ministry and the Baghdad morgue ...

At 9:30 tonight, Iraq takes longer than WWII.
Ironing the Flag....

We're counting from

11.Dec.1941 the day Germany declared war on the US () to

08.May 1945 VE day ().

This is 1244 days.

20.Mar.2003 at 21:34 EST The Invasion of Iraq began, when the US began their first air strike on Baghdad.

15.Aug.2006 21:30 EST the USA will have been at war in Iraq longer than it was at war with Germany in WWII.

Operation "Change of Location"?
12.Jul.2006 Capture of IDF Soldiers. -How Reports of- Soon Shifted From Lebanon to Israel
TRISH SCHUH A team of Israeli lawyers is now suing the Lebanese government for starting the war.

The case, to be filed in US civil court, will sue for compensation and damages incurred by Israeli residents and businesses as a result of the war.

Attorneys Yehudah Talmon, Yoram Dantziger and Nitzah Libai claim the Lebanese government violated international law because it didn't stop He! zbollah's casus belli cross-border raid against Israel.

Israel's justification for its 'self-defense' attack on Lebanon + the placement of the original "provocation" will take on new legal significance in coming months.

Who infiltrated whom + on what territory did the initial capture of the IDF soldiers occur?

Differing press accounts stating that the capture occurred in Lebanon- not Israel- are now widely known:

most frequently cited are AFP, Hindustan Times, Deutsche Presse Agentur, Asia Times, Bahrain News Agency and Voltairenet.

Others reflect changes of direction in the recording of basic facts.

Muslims don't hate freedom, they hate oppression
Khalid Amayreh ...Bush's use of the term "Islamic fascists" is a very serious calumny that can be compared to Adolph Hitler's deliberate vilification of Jews prior to WWII. It is designed to make people hate and murder Muslims. And as everyone knows, collective hatred toward a specific ethnic or religious community is only the penultimate step toward the systematic persecution and possible extermination of that community. Yes, there are Muslim extremists and terror! ists who ought to be condemned in the strongest terms. There are also Christian, Jewish and other terrorists who commit far worse acts of terror and criminality. Terrorists are terrorists because terror has no religion or particular ethnic or cultural identity. George Bush himself, if truth is be told, is probably the greatest terrorist of our time...

Finally, an American news source pays attention to the victims of the Israeli war of aggression on Lebanon
The Angry Arab News Service Finally, an American news source pays attention to the victims of the Israeli war of aggression on Lebanon: "Israeli zoo animals show signs of stress". ..

The Yugoslav Caldron: Jürgen Elsässer: "The CIA recruited and trained the jihadists"
Silvia Cattori, Signs of the Times In his latest book, How the Jihad Came to Europe, German journalist Jürgen Elsässer unravels the Jihadist thread. Muslim fighters recruited by the CIA to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan were used successively in Yugoslavia and Chechnya, still supported by the CIA, but perhaps sometimes out of its control. Basing himself on diverse sources, mainly Yugoslavian, Dutch + German, h! e reconstructed the development of Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants at the side of NATO in Bosnia-Herzegovinia...

Flying without liquids
Xymphora ...We will continue to be fooled by the politicians as long as they need to hide behind the 'war on terror? in order to stay in power. In this case, we have upcoming American elections coupled with Tony's pressing problem of unpopular support for Israel's massacre of Lebanese civilians. Therefore, everyone else gets to pay with increasing inconvenience at the airports. The joke is that the inconvenience stays at its highest levels until the airline executives manage to get their! phone calls through to the politicians, when suddenly the terrorist threat is reduced a shade or two, just in time to save the airlines from bankruptcy. This political scam can continue as long as we agree to put up with it...
17.Aug.2006 Rules for reporting on the war
Stephen Gowans ...Still, the deception, helped along by the frequent invoking of the red herring of Israel's right to self defense, is that Hezbollah is attacking Israel. Sure, Israel has a right to self defense, but what does that have to do with this war? Nazi Germany had a right to self defense too, but that didn't include invading Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, the Soviet Union and on and on. The standard operating procedure, where Israel is concerned, is to turn the ! truth on its head. And the chief truth inverter is the Western media. Rule #1. The "who started it?" rule. It is always the Arabs who attack first + always Israel that retaliates in self defense. The current Israeli assault on Gaza is attributed to the capture (called a kidnapping) of corporal Gilad Shalit, by a group of Palestinians who tunnelled under the border and attacked an Israeli watchtower. But the day before Shalit's capture, Israeli forces crossed into Gaza and captured (that's captured, not kidnapped) a Palestinian doctor and his brother. Israel has kidnapped 64 Hamas members, including cabinet ministers, mayors and legislators. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Rule #2. The terrorism rule. When Arabs kill Israelis, it's called terrorism. Rule #3. The self defense rule. When Israelis kill Arabs, it's called self defense. Rule # 4. The reaction of the international community rule. When Israel kills too many civilians all at once, the West calls for restr! aint. Israel pledges it will take care to limit civilian casua! lties, t hen goes about its merry way, blasting apart civilians, blaming the deaths on the militants. "We had to take out the civilians. They were in the way. But we didn't mean to"...

Pitch Black Void
Manuel Valenzuela ...The cabal, it must be understood, is comprised of pure blooded authoritarians, corporatist (fascists) tyrants that care not one ounce for the well-being of the population. To them we are but mere peasants, nothing but peons and pawns and patsies relegated to playing the grand game of geopolitical and greed-mongering chess, doing our part to advance the neocon Machiavelli wet dream of imperial hegemony. The death of 3,000 citizens means nothing to these monsters, much like the! murder of 250,000 Iraqis or the death of 2,600 American soldiers. The Bush cabal is made up of madmen and monsters, incapable of living in reality or of understanding truth, yet tyrannical enough to create a new Pearl Harbor through the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers (not to mention WTC 7 and a strike on the Pentagon). They dwell in an infallible bubble of make believe and of unrealistic theories, a land of Kool-Aid drinkers and dependents of delusional cocktails...

Despite US forces, the real power in Iraq is Iran
Mustafa Alani Iran's interventionist policy in Iraq has a long history. Tehran's objective to influence developments in Iraq has been motivated by a number of strategic factors, as well as cultural and religious interests. The most important is that the history of the two nations has been characterized by a near permanent state of rivalry and political-military conflict (...) Yet despite over 20 years of effort + despite unlimited Iranian and Syrian political, ! financial and military support and propaganda, none of these Iraqi Shiite groups proved capable of posing a serious threat to the Iraqi regime. During the course of the Iraq-Iran war (1980-1988), the Iranian leadership mobilized the pro-Iranian, mainly Shiite Iraqi parties - the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq and Al-Daawa - to support Iran's military efforts in the hope of achieving victory. These two parties helped Iran with vital intelligence from Iraq + their cadres participated in Iranian military operations along the border. This failed + until the US-led invasion of Iraq in April 2003, Iranian strategy to intervene in Iraq had proved to be a complete failure. By mid-2002, the balance began to tip in Iran's favor with the escalation of the Iraqi-US confrontation. The Iranian leadership accurately judged the seriousness of this looming confrontation. Thus,

while the Bush administration was engaged in plotting the removal of the Iraqi regime, the Iranian leadership was busy planning how Tehran could strategically gain from any US adventure in Iraq...

Another 'Mission Accomplished' Moment?
Dan Froomkin, Washington Post President Bush's startling assertion yesterday -- that at the end of 33 days of warfare between Israel and the Hezbollah militia, Hezbollah had been defeated -- once again raises questions about his ability to acknowledge reality when things don't turn out the way he intended. Here, from the transcript of his appearance at the State Department, are his exact words: "Hezbollah started the crisis + Hezbollah suffered a defeat in this crisis. An! d the reason why is, is that first, there is a new -- there's going to be a new power in the south of Lebanon + that's going to be a Lebanese force with a robust international force to help them seize control of the country, that part of the country." My first question: Did he really mean to say that?...

Today in Iraq Fierce gunbattles broke out Tuesday between armed supporters of an anti-U.S. Shiite cleric and Iraqi security forces after a raid on his office in this southern holy city, leaving many people injured, officials and witnesses said. The two sides exchanged gunfire near one of Iraq's holiest shrines containing the mausoleum of Imam Hussein, a revered figure in Shiite history. The fighting, which began early Tuesday, spread to at least four other parts of Karb! ala by afternoon in violation of a curfew. Gunmen in civilian clothes could be seen firing AK-47 rifles, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at army patrols and running away. A Karbala Health Directorate official said six people were killed and five people were wounded in the clashes in Karbala. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists. The fighting spread over at least five neighborhoods of Karbala around the office of Mahmoud al-Hassani, a cleric who came into prominence after the ouster of Saddam Hussein 00.000.2003...

Discourse of the Mean Spirits: False Mantras, Euphemisms and Naked Hypocrisy
Paul de Rooij, ..."Israel has the right to defend herself" has certainly been one of the most often repeated insufferable mantras. In recent weeks, nearly all US Congressmen and Senators are on record stating this + none did so in a more craven fashion than US Senator Hillary Clinton. [1] A bit of context may be useful to interpret this mantra. What these Congressmen and Senators are justifying is not the "defen! se" of Israel, but an obscene Israeli war of aggression that may actually destroy an entire country. When General Dan Halutz, the Israeli military supremo, states that Israeli bombing is going to turn back the clock twenty years on Lebanon, then it is very clear what this war is about: terrorizing the civilian population (a.k.a, "draining the swamp"), destroying villages, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, demolishing the infrastructure (electricity generators, telephone exchanges, water filtration and pumps), demolishing key industrial plants (milk factories, pharmaceutical plants), bombing refugee camps, dropping 24 tons of explosives on a populated area [2]? this constitutes war crimes (or worse) + the generals and politicians responsible for this belong in a war crimes tribunal...

Hezbollah's Victory and the Coming Shock and Awe of Iran
Kurt Nimmo It is said the USA has "scaled-back" its "expectations" now that the United Nations has declared a "ceasefire" in Lebanon. "The U.N. agreement is only the most recent example in which Bush's second-term doctrine of spreading freedom has run into the realities of international and domestic politics," notes the Baltimore Sun. Actually, Bush's doctrine, which has nothing to do with democracy as most people understand the word, ran into the! reality of Hezbollah, the most effective resistance movement in the world. Israel's defeat at the hands of the Shia resistance group, forged and tempered into steel hard resolve over many years by the experience of a brutal Israeli occupation, has dashed the "expectations" of the neocons, who are cut from the same cloth as the Jabotinksyite fascists in Israel.

Consumed with racist hubris, both the Israelis and the American neocons expected a decisive victory over Hezbollah. But it didn't work out that way...

Neo-Cons, Nabobs and Empire
It's Bigger Than the Neo-Cons
CHRIS FLOYD It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it: it's time to take up the cudgels for the poor neo-cons. Day after day, these dedicated public intellectuals and hardworking federal officials are calumnied from coast to coast, accused of every crime under the sun. Who misled us into the bloodsoaked mire of Iraq? Who's pulling strings to foment a new war with Iran? Who's fanning the flames of Israel's assault on Lebanon, hoping to turn th! e entire Middle East into an arc of "creative destruction" that will transform the region into a pacified, profitable oasis of American power?

Why, the neo-cons, of course, guilty on every count--or so we're told...

What about Gaza and the rest of occupied Palestine?
American-Palestinian New Generation For the past month, Gaza and occupied Palestine have fallen off newspaper front pages and mostly out of everyone's' imagination while Lebanon was being devastated by the Israelis. During the entire month of the Lebanon-Israel war, the residents of Gaza, the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, continued to feel the cruel and relentless wrath of the occupying Israelis.

It is likely that even greater damage was dealt to both civili! ans and infrastructure while the world was focused on Lebanon.

It is now time to refocus equal attention on Palestine + Lebanon + let the momentum of a UN resolution - meant to protect the civilian populations on both sides of the border - reinvigorate the many existing resolutions calling for justice for Palestinian residents and refugees in the land of Palestine...

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of 15.Aug.2006
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.

In a dispatch posted at 7:50pm Makkah time Tuesday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier a US warplane struck a house in ar-Ramadi, about 110km west of Baghdad.

The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a medical source as saying that the American air raid killed four civilians: a man, his wife and their two children,! both under five years of age.

The source said that victims were a Sunni family that had fled from the rampant sectarian kidnappings and murders in the southern city of al-Basrah...

Home Front: Dispatches from the War on America
CHRIS FLOYD While your attention has been diverted by the proxy war in Lebanon, the civil war in Iraq, the still-hot shootin' war in Afghanistan and the coming war with Iran, the Bush Regime been busy waging -- and winning -- another take-no-prisoners, give-no-quarter conflict right in the sacred Homeland itself: class war (...)

Dispatches from the Bush Faction's war on America come in every day, piecemeal, the dots rarely if ever connected.

Last week saw a bumper crop of precision strikes, hitting an array of some of the Regime's favorite targets:

the cannon fodder they've used up in their wars of crony conquest then tossed aside like so much bad meat;

the two million Americans that have been clapped behind bars by the Bush Regime -- more prisoners both in sheer numbers + %age of the population than any nation on earth; + those ever-popular punching bags, the unwealthy sick...

My love and gratitude
Hanady Salman ...We will be fine, I hope. We will burry our dead, the way they deserve to be buried, we will remember them as long as we live.

We will tell their stories to our children; they will tell their own children the story: the story of a great people, one that never lost faith despite all the crimes, pains and injustices.

One that started rebuilding the minute the fighting stopped. Rebuilding although they know that the enemy might destroy everything again, as it did so many times before.

We will also tell them the stories of our enemy : how they killed our children, our elderly, how they hit us from the air, from the sea and from the ground and how we prevailed.

How they starved our families in their villages, killed them on the roads, bombed their houses, their shelters, their hospitals, they even bombed vans carrying bread to them; +

how in return we did not give up...

Weak, Passive, Distracted
What Next for the American Antiwar Movement?
TODD CHRETIEN ...Therefore the anti-war movement must prepare for a new round of mobilizations this fall and be prepared to respond to new emergencies.

Three-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the anti-war movement must put itself on a new footing. We must build a movement that stands for self-determination, rejects vilification of Islam and openly embraces Arabs and Muslim forces, fights to cut ties with Israel and severs its allegiance to the Democratic Party.

This will not happen overnight, but the people of Lebanon and Gaza have paid too high a price in their own blood for us to not take these lessons to heart here in the belly of the beast...

The UK Terror plot: what's really going on?
Craig Murray I have been reading very carefully through all the Sunday newspapers to try and analyse the truth from all the scores of pages claiming to detail the so-called bomb plot.

Unlike the great herd of so-called security experts doing the media analysis, I have the advantage of having had the very highest security clearances myself, having done a huge amount of professional intelligence analysis + having been inside the spin machine. So this, I believe, is the true story. None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket.

Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time...

An Open Letter to George W. Bush on Lebanon
Telling the Israelis to "Take Your Time"
RALPH NADER The widespread destruction of a defenseless Lebanon-its civilians, its life-sustaining public services, its environment-is a grim and indelible testament to your consummate cruelty and ignorance.

Nearly two weeks ago when your tardy Secretary of State met with the Israeli Prime Minister,

the message she carried was summarized in a large headline across page one of an Israeli newspaper, "TAKE YOUR TIME."

Yes, take your time, says George W. Bush, pulverizing fleeing refugees in cars full of families, bombing apartment buildings, hospitals + the poor huddled in large south Beirut slums.

Take your time, says George W. Bush, in destroying bridges + roads + gasoline stations + airports + seaports + wheat silos + vehicles with medical supplies, clearly marked ambulances taking the wounded to clinics,

even a milk factory...

GI Special 4H15: 172nd Betrayed Again - 15.Aug.2006
Thomas F. Barton About 300 Alaska-based soldiers sent home from Iraq just before their unit's deployment was extended last month must now go back, the Army said Monday, setting up a wrenching departure for troops and families who thought their service there was finished.
The soldiers ? all from the 172nd Stryker Brigade ? are among the 380 troops who had gotten home to Fort Wainwright when Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld ordered the unit to serve four more months.

The remaining 80 will not have to return to Iraq.
Army officials have sent a team of personnel and pay experts to Alaska to help sort out all of the soldiers' vacations, school enrollments + other plans torn apart by the decision to return them to Iraq.

The unit is now being stationed in Baghdad, one of the most violent parts of the country.

Cheney orchestrated Israel's losing war -Michael Carmichael, -

Cheney orchestrated Israel's losing war against Hizbullah by authorizing George Bush + Condoleezza Rice to encourage Ehud Olmert to launch the war against Lebanon as a prelude to America's forthcoming war against Iran.

Following briefings from top Israeli military officials, Cheney approved plans for an air war against Lebanon as a preliminary move to disarm Hizbullah in advance of America's broader military objective - to launch an air war against Iran. Had the US launched its war against Iran without Olmert's intervention in Lebanon, Hizbullah would have been free to attack Israel. Cheney's plan was designed to disarm Hizbullah, but it was based on what now appears to have been a false assumption - that Israel would win their war in Lebanon...

?a thousand PR experts can't turn failure into victory?
The Truth Will Set You Free Taken alone, the statement is true enough.

But, who said it - and in what context? [Israeli] MK Aryeh Eldad responded to the ceasefire which took effect this morning:

"With the ceasefire taking effect, the government of Israel has gone on a public relations offensive, but a thousand public relations experts cannot turn failure into victory.

To him, a ceasefire is not a genuine effort at peaceful resolution for the sake of ending bloodshed, but rather a tactical public relations stunt calculated to polish a victory that, in his mind, does not exist...

GI Special 4H14: " There Are Insurgents Everywhere" - 14.Aug.2006
Thomas F. Barton As the summer wears on in Iraq, the attacks on Ramadi's government center are subsiding.

But rising in their place are the heat, the boredom + the complaints about the sandbags Marines must carry, about the Ramadi mission, about the war.
Marines often brag that their mission is to kill people and break their toys.

But for the Marines of Kilo Company, stuck on the roof of Ramadi's government center and Iraqi police headquarters, simply killing insurgents doesn't feel like progress.
And so the frustration rises with the mercury for these troops, most on their second deployment to Iraq and their second summer in Al Anbar province's scorching desert.
Insurgents have regularly attacked the government center, trying to prevent the provincial government from functioning.

Kilo Company has fortified the posts on the roof, manned around-the-clock by Marines charged with returning gunfire and killing assailants who fire rockets + plant roadside bombs.

Israelis Plan to Steal Lebanese Food
Kurt Nimmo From the military of the only democracy in the Middle East:

"If our fighters deep in Lebanese territory are left without food our water, I believe they can break into local Lebanese stores to solve that problem," Brigadier General Avi Mizrahi, the head of the Israel Occupation Forces logistics branch, informs Haaretz. "If what they need to do is take water from the stores, they can take." Of course, this is nothing new, as the Israelis have stolen from Arabs for decades, regardless of what was supposedly inscribed on the stone tablets Moses brought down from Mount Sinai...

GI Special 4H13A: Military Training And Atrocities - 13.Aug.2006 - Part 2
Thomas F. Barton A New Generation Of Activists In Solidarity With Active-Duty Personnel And Military Families "Need Not Be Helpless Before The Power Of Illegitimate Authority . "
The elemental truth is that generals and war planners call the shots from air-conditioned building and bunkers far from combat, but wars must be fought on the ground by working-class troops who, when organized, can act on their own political principles rather than on those of their commanding officers.
17.Aug.2006 BELLACIAO - New Address for Video of George Tenet's 9/11 Lie - Michael P. Wright - Collective Bellaciao
17.Aug.2006 Peter Bergen: Bin Laden, CIA links hogwash By reprehensor Bin Laden, CIA links hogwash
The story about bin Laden and the CIA—that the CIA funded bin Laden or trained bin Laden—is simply a folk myth .

There’s no evidence of this.

In fact, there are very few things that bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri + the U.S. government agree on.

They all agree that they didn’t have a relationship in the 1980s .

And they wouldn’t have needed to.

Bin Laden had his own money, he was anti-American + he was operating secretly + independently....

Webster Tarpley responds, (full text here);
Peter Bergen needs to take time out from parroting his MI-5 + MI-6 printouts + address a few facts.

As I show in my book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, the al Qaeda organization was most emphatically the “Arab Legion” created by the US and the British to counter the Soviets in Afghanistan

in the early 1980s.

The concept of this Arab Legion is found in the memoirs of former CIA Director Robert Gates.

Bin Laden personally is of course an eccentric, a dreamer + a basket case, but there is no doubt that

when he went to Peshawar, Pakistan during those years he was surrounded by CIA + MI-6 handlers who steered him in the desired direction .

Bin Laden has always received comprehensive support services from US-UK intelligence... Continued...
Other counterpoints:
"9/11 in Historical Perspective: Flawed Assumptions" by Peter Dale Scott
"Who Is Osama Bin Laden?" by Michel Chossudovsky
"Subverting Terrorism" by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
"The Power of Nightmares" by Adam Curtis (BBC Documentary)
More on Opium, Afghanistan and the Mujahidin.

17.Aug.2006 What Does A Terrorist Preparing To Bomb 10 Airliners Do Beforehand? - Paul Joseph Watson- Buys Cakes Behavior of liquid bomb suspects mirrors 7/7 patsies - no evidence of terror
17.Aug.2006 Move over Iraq War — Suspect held overseas in slaying of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey - John C Dvorak Watch this story light up the newsrooms.
17.Aug.2006 Random Bag Searches in Subways
Last year, New York City implemented a program of random bag searches in the subways. It was a silly idea + I wrote about it then. Recently the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit upheld the program. Daniel...

17.Aug.2006 US Begins Rollout of RFID Passports - Jay Lyman 
The USA government began issuing new electronic passports this week that include radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to store citizens' personal information. The U.S. State Department referred in its announcement to biometric technology and "a contactless chip."

17.Aug.2006 Ann Coulter, The Lenny Bruce of Our Age
Apart from supporting Joe Lieberman and keeping blacks off the staff, the modern New Republic is about nothing so much as opposing the conventional wisdom. No matter the subject, TNR will find a way to tell you that what everyone thinks is wrong. (This construction is so embedded in the magazine'...

17.Aug.2006 Americans less likely to understand evolution - Eideard 
Surveys by a Michigan State University researcher find that

about one-third of the American population does not believe in evolution, a figure which is much higher than those found in similar surveys in European nations + Japan.
On the Implausibility of the Explosives
Plot Really interesting analysis of the chemistry involved in the alleged UK terrorist plot:

Based on the claims in the media, it sounds like the idea was to mix H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide, but not the low test kind you get at...
SPJ, After Probe, Will Honor 9 Santa Barbara Journalists NEW YORK

The Society of Professional Journalists announced today that it is presenting an Ethics in Journalism Award to nine California journalists who resigned recently at the Santa Barbara News-Press, citing alleged violation of provisions of the SPJ Code of Ethics. SPJ noted in a statement that ...
NY releases new 9/11 phone calls New tapes of emergency calls made from the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 are heard after relatives sued.
17.Aug.2006 Powergen gas price goes up 18% Energy company Powergen raises gas prices by 18% and electricity by 9.7% - second rise this year.
17.Aug.2006 Prescott denies calling Bush crap Deputy PM John Prescott denies saying that President Bush's efforts on the Mid East road map were "crap".
17.Aug.2006 Israel launches Lebanon inquiry Israel sets up a commission to investigate how the military campaign in Lebanon was conducted.
17.Aug.2006 Wembley builder doubles profits Multiplex, the developer of the troubled Wembley Stadium project, reports a doubling of its annual profits.
17.Aug.2006 Illegal worker warnings 'ignored' Employers' warnings about suspected illegal workers are sometimes ignored by officials, the BBC is told.
17.Aug.2006 UN considers Med oil spill plan UN officials will lead talks on what international effort is needed to tackle a 140km oil spill off Lebanon.
17.Aug.2006 Lee slams Katrina rescue effort Spike Lee criticises the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort as he launches a film about the disaster.
17.Aug.2006 Police get 'bomb plot' extension Police probing an alleged bomb plot targeting UK to US flights get more time to question 23 suspects + one is released.
17.Aug.2006 UK jobless rate continues to rise UK unemployment increases, with the number out of work rising by 92,000 to 1.68 million in the three months to June.
17.Aug.2006 'Early release plan' for full jails Thousands of low-risk prisoners could be released early to relieve overcrowded jails, under Home Office plans.
17.Aug.2006 Planets plan boosts tally to 12 Astronomers are debating whether to approve a new vision of the Solar System with 12 planets.
17.Aug.2006 File-sharing 'darknet' unveiled An internet service that allows users to trade files and use the internet anonymously launches in Sweden
17.Aug.2006 France to head new Lebanon force France will lead the expanded UN peace force in Lebanon until February, but says its mandate must be clear.
17.Aug.2006 Seventeen face VAT fraud charges Seventeen people are charged in connection with an alleged multi-million pound international VAT fraud.
17.Aug.2006 NHS 'is ill-prepared for attacks' UK hospitals are ill-prepared for a major incident, a survey of doctors carried out in the wake of the London bombs indicates.
17.Aug.2006 Stroke risk peaks every 12 hours Strokes are most likely to occur during two two-hour periods, one in the morning + the other in the evening, research suggests.
17.Aug.2006 vCJD alert system shake-up plan The way people are warned they might be infected with the human form of mad cow disease is under review, the government says.
17.Aug.2006 'Anthrax death' contacts sought Health officials dealing with a suspected anthrax death in the Borders are trying to contact a further 20 people.
17.Aug.2006 Research finds 'unique human DNA' Scientists discover a gene sequence they say appears to play a key role in making human brains unique.
17.Aug.2006 Clinton urges wider look at Aids Former US President Bill Clinton urges greater focus on Aids prevention, as he attends a Toronto summit.
17.Aug.2006 US criticised for HIV aid effort US policy is undermining the efforts of African countries to fight the HIV epidemic, a leading UN figure has said.
17.Aug.2006 Alcohol damage to babies concern Doctors are concerned about the number of children being damaged because their mother drank alcohol while pregnant.
17.Aug.2006 Autism 'affects all of the brain' Autism affects the whole brain, not just areas governing communication and social interaction, a study suggests.
17.Aug.2006 Man dies from 'rare anthrax bug' A 50-year-old man is believed to have died from the first case of anthrax in Scotland for almost 20 years.
17.Aug.2006 A Nation Divided Over Piracy The Pirate Bay survives + politicians and entertainment lawyers confront a youth movement that embraces file sharing. Who would have thought Sweden would end up the internet's free-content haven? Part two of a series by Quinn Norton, reporting from Stockholm, Sweden.
17.Aug.2006 Secrets of the Pirate Bay Efforts to sink the world's largest BitTorrent tracker backfired into political scandal and spurred even more downloading.

But the three guys behind the Pirate Bay are facing a national controversy of their own. Part one of a two-part series by Quinn Norton, reporting from Malmo, Sweden. Plus: Gallery: The Faces of Sweden's Pirate Wars
Is Your Laptop At Risk While Traveling? - samzenpus 248 - Editorgirl35 writes

"Here's an interesting story on With last week's announcement that the British government thwarted an alleged terrorist attack planned for flights from the U.K. to the U.S., news that travelers are required to check their laptops as baggage on some flights has raised a new level of panic as they try to figure out the best way to protect their laptops."
Fake News Stories Probed - samzenpus 198 -An anonymous reader writes "From the article:

"The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has begun an investigation of the use of video news releases, sometimes called "fake news," at U.S. television stations. Video news releases are packaged stories paid for by businesses or interest groups. They use actors to portray reporters and use the same format as television news stories.""
Voyager 1 Passes 100 AU from the Sun - ScuttleMonkey 259 -An anonymous reader writes

"Yesterday, Voyager 1 passed 100 astronomical units from the sun as it continues operating after nearly 30 years in space. That is about 15 billion kilometers or 9.3 billion miles as it travels about 1 million miles per day. Scientists still hope it will find the edge of the solar system and get into interstellar space."
New Explosive Detection Tech - ScuttleMonkey 164 -cruci

Yahoo! is reporting that a New Zealand company, Syft, has developed a new way to detect many different kinds of explosives (and their individual ingredients) in real time. Designed for what the company calls "photocopier simplicity", CEO Geoff Peck claims that the technology is ready to deploy immediately and is already deployed in some ports and hospitals. From the article: "The Voice100(TM) employs Selected Ion Flow Tube - Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS). While SIFT-MS has been in academic use for more than 20 years, Syft Technologies is the first company to offer a commercial instrument with the full discriminating analytical power of a laboratory-grade mass spectrometer."
ICANN's Contract Renewed - ScuttleMonkey 60 -mrogers writes

"The International Herald Tribune is reporting that ICANN's contract has been renewed for the next five years. This means the non-profit corporation, which is responsible for allocating IP addresses and administering the top level of the Domain Name System, will not become independent from the U.S. Department of Commerce until at least 2011. The contract is also available as a PDF."
IAU Proposes 3 New Planets - CmdrTaco 276+ -IZ Reloaded writes

"Sources tell that the International Astronomical Union is preparing to include three new entries to the current list of planets in our solar system. From the article: The asteroid Ceres, which is round, would be recast as a dwarf planet in the new scheme. Pluto would remain a planet and its moon Charon would be reclassified as a planet. Both would be called "plutons," however, to distinguish them from the eight "classical" planets. A far-out Pluto-sized object known as 2003 UB313 would also be called a pluton."
Software distinguishes shampoo from bombs Blog: Since the recent U.K. terror scare, security at major airports has increased steadily. Problem is, it's hard to tell exactly what...
17.Aug.2006 The number of roadside bombs planted in Iraq rose in July to the highest monthly total of the war, offering more evidence that the anti-American insurgency has continued to strengthen despite the killing of the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Deputy Prime Minister of UK: "Bush is crap...Bush is just a cowboy with his Stetson on."
"Republicans and Democrats are beating each other up on the issue of terrorism in the wake of the alleged London airplane plot, but polls show that most Americans are far more worried about the war in Iraq." 8/17
Bush's job approval rating dipped two points in the last three weeks, despite the foiling of an airline terror plot and the adoption of a cease?fire deal between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows.

17.Aug.2006 'the prospect of a low intensity civil war and a de facto division of Iraq is probably more likely at this stage than a successful and substantial transition to a stable democracy,? Patey wrote to Prime Minister Tony Blair. Bush gambled with our lives and our taxpayer dollars in Iraq -- and lost.
Robert C. Koehler:
The Smell of Fear

17.Aug.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Here comes da wave - The Last Chance Democracy Cafe by Steven C. Day

17.Aug.2006 "Bush's political team, led by Karl Rove, has made clear that for the third straight election, it will play the national security issue hard. The strategy worked 00.000.2002 and 2004, but with the Iraq war - a central front in the war on terror - and Bush himself persistently unpopular, prospects for 2006 remain uncertain. And this time, the Democrats are not ceding the national-security mantle to the GOP." 8/17
Web Magazine of Jude Nagurney Camwell. HOME.

"Ye shall know the Truth + the Truth shall make you angry."-Aldous Huxley.

2004 Democratic Convention Bloggers Here. Featured archive: Ken Burns Addresses Yale ...

As always, it's about the oil : The supply routes from Iran to Syria are not only air lanes but ...
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
Obwohl dies die ideale Voraussetzung für den Rückzug aus der aussichtslosen Lage in Vietnam ... Roy Mills ergänzt, die Frau habe einen Presseausweis gehabt.

17.Aug.2006 Walsh Iran / Contra Report - Chapter 8 The Enterprise +. .. CSF opened the Defex S.A. The vessel headed for Spain, where it remained anchored for two weeks. 17.Aug.2006,1518,druck-431399,00.html
In dem Maße, wie das Designen solcher Mikroben voranschreitet, wächst die Sorge, die künstlich hergestellten Wesen könnten außer Kontrolle geraten. "Etwas, das sich vervielfältigt", sagt George Church, "kann schlimmer sein als eine Atomkatastrophe, weil es sich über die ganze Erde ausbreiten könnte."

Ähnliche Ängste kamen auf, als die Forscher vor über 30 Jahren erstmals Mikroben gentechnisch manipulierten. Auf einer Konferenz im kalifornischen Asimolar einigten sich 140 Experten im Februar 1975 auf Sicherheitsstandards, um die unkontrollierte Ausbreitung gentechnisch veränderter Organismen zu verhindern. Tatsächlich ist ein Gen-GAU bis heute ausgeblieben.
Befeuert werden diese Visionen dadurch, dass sich das Erbmaterial DNA immer besser und billiger herstellen lässt. So wie die Entwicklung immer kleinerer Transistoren die Informationstechnik revolutioniert hat, so soll nun die Herstellung immer größerer DNA-Moleküle die Bio-Technik umwälzen. Eine wachsende Schar von Ingenieuren, Chemikern, Informatikern und klassisch ausgebildeten Biologen hält es für möglich, das Erbgut von Viren, Bakterien und Säugerzellen von Grund auf neu zu entwerfen.
"Wir sehen hier die frühe Phase einer Revolution", urteilt Randy Rettberg, 58, vom MIT. Als junger Computeringenieur hat er am Internet mitgearbeitet und stand bei Firmen wie Apple und Sun in Lohn und Brot. Vor fünf Jahren sah Rettberg die Zeit gekommen, die Computerbranche zu verlassen, um beim "nächsten großen Ritt" dabei zu sein. Er ging ans MIT und hat mitgeholfen, dort das Zentrum für synthetische Biologie aufzubauen.


Einer von ihnen war Harry Cohen, gewählt wird er unter anderem in Walthamstow, wo kürzlich mehrere Polizeirazzien im Zusammenhang mit dem Londoner Terror-Plot stattfanden. Prescott habe über den Nahost-Friedensplan Road Map gesprochen, sagte Cohen dem "Independent".

"Er sagte, er habe den Irak-Krieg nur unterstützt, weil ihm die Road Map versprochen worden sei." Aber die Bush-Regierung sei in der Beziehung "Mist" gewesen. "Wir lachten und er sagte zu einem Beamten: Protokollieren Sie das nicht." Cohen sagte weiter: "Wir lachten auch, als er sagte, Bush sei nur ein Cowboy mit seinem Stetson-Hut auf. Aber dann sagte er: Darüber kann ich wohl kaum reden, oder?".

Andere Anwesende können sich nicht mehr an diese Worte erinnern, Cohen beschwört jedoch, sie gehört zu haben. Nach Einschätzung des "Independent" könnten die Äußerungen diplomatischen Streit auslösen, aber vielen Labour-Abgeordneten gefallen, die wegen der britischen Unterstützung für die US-Haltung zum Krieg im Libanon verärgert seien. sön
Terrorkontrollen: Ryanair will Massenklagen gegen britische Regierung

17.Aug.2006 Bundespräsident: Wirtschaft muss Los der Menschheit verbessern
17.Aug.2006 Großbritannien: Vize- Premier Prescott, Bush und das C- Wort

17.Aug.2006 Bio- Baukasten im Labor: Die Neuerfindung des Lebens
17.Aug.2006 Roter Planet: Mysteriöse Mars- Muster enträtselt
Irak: Rekordzahl von Anschlägen auf US- Soldaten
17.Aug.2006 Neuer Sturm: Japan rechnet mit heftigen Unwettern
Angst vor Anschlägen: USA verlangen Passagierlisten vor dem Start

17.Aug.2006 Krieg in Nahost: Libanons Armee rückt vor, Israel beginnt mit Abmarsch
17.Aug.2006 Gaza militants get new proposal over Israeli soldier : A source close to the negotiations said the proposal called for Hamas to transfer Corporal Gilad Shalit to Egyptian authorities in return for Israel's release of up to 600 Palestinian prisoners, including women and minors.

17.Aug.2006 Teheran insists it won’t freeze nuclear work : “They should know that such resolutions will not affect our determination. We will pursue the nuclear rights of Iranians which are enshrined in the NPT”.

17.Aug.2006 I bet you it will turn out to be a hoax: Despite all the revelations about the latest 'terror plot', politicians and security chiefs got it wrong before and are likely to have got it wrong now too.

17.Aug.2006 Australia wants new charges for Guantanamo inmate: Australian Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks should face new charges before a U.S. military tribunal by November or be returned home, the Australian government said on Tuesday.

17.Aug.2006 How Superpowers Become Impotent : In Lebanon and Iraq, guerrilla tactics turn clean, mean fighting machines into wimps.

17.Aug.2006 'People power' is a global brand owned by America : The US and the western media back protests over controversial elections when it suits them, but are silent over those in Mexico

17.Aug.2006 The land of the free - but free speech is a rare commodity : You can say what you like in the US, just as long as you don't ask awkward questions about America's role in the Middle East
17.Aug.2006 Israel begins pullback as truce holds: Israeli forces began leaving parts of south Lebanon on Tuesday as a UN truce largely held for a second day and the Lebanese army prepared to move south.

17.Aug.2006 Arabs predict guns won't be silent long in Lebanon: "The war in Lebanon may stop, but I doubt it, for never in history has Israel respected a single resolution issued by the Security Council," wrote columnist Salah Montassir in Egypt's government daily al-Ahram.

17.Aug.2006 52 % of Israelis: IDF failed : A Globes-Smith survey published on Monday showed that the majority of Israelis (52 %) believe the IDF was unsuccessful in its Lebanon offensive

17.Aug.2006 Lebanon pact disappoints U.S.: Bush administration wanted Israeli forces to destroy Hezbollah

17.Aug.2006 U.S. 'freedom agenda' big winner in Lebanon war, Bush says : Hezbollah suffered a sound defeat in its war against Israel, which has given a significant boost to the U.S.-led "freedom agenda" in the Middle East, U.S. President George Bush declared Monday.

17.Aug.2006 America's one-eyed view of war: Stars, stripes + the Star of David : There are two sides to every conflict - unless you rely on the US media for information about the battle in Lebanon. Viewers have been fed a diet of partisan coverage which treats Israel as the good guys and their Hizbollah enemy as the incarnation of evil.

17.Aug.2006 Israel should pack up and go : The Zionist dream has turned into a nightmare and is not viable. If the future holds more of the same, then the time has come to reconsider the whole project. Every state has a duty to defend its citizens, but also it has a duty to provide them with security and the two are different.

17.Aug.2006 Syria’s Assad blasts US plans for Middle East: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Tuesday Hezbollah’s “victory” in the recent war with Israel had destroyed US plans to reshape the Middle East.

17.Aug.2006 Iran, Syria praise Hezbollah, mock U.S.: Ahmadinejad drew cheers when he said Hezbollah foiled what he called the plans of Washington and its allies "to create the so-called new Middle East."

War pimp alert: Bush_calls_for_sealing_of_Syrias_0815.html">Bush calls for sealing of Syria's borders : USA President George W. Bush late yesterday reiterated earlier statements that he believes Iran and Syria are responsible for the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel, before calling for the sealing of Syria's borders

17.Aug.2006 Operation "Change of Location"?: Who infiltrated whom + on what territory did the initial capture of the IDF soldiers occur? Differing press accounts stating that the capture occurred in Lebanon- not Israel- are now widely known

17.Aug.2006 The American Antiwar Movement?: Weak, Passive, Distracted: Why after a month of war did so few people come out to protest? Where were the "anti-war" Democratic leaders? Where were the anti- war groups such as United for Peace and Justice or
17.Aug.2006 The Science Of Creating Killers: Human reluctance to take a life can be reversed through training in the method known as killolog
17.Aug.2006 So Osama Walks Into This Bar - By Greg Palast
I'm going to tell you something which is straight-up heresy: America is not under attack by terrorists. There is no WAR on terror because, except for one day five years ago, al Qaeda has pretty much left us alone.
Continue 17.Aug.2006 Home Front: Dispatches from the War on America -Written by Chris Floyd
While your attention has been diverted by the proxy war in Lebanon, the civil war in Iraq, the still-hot shootin' war in Afghanistan and the coming war with Iran, the Bush Regime been busy waging -- and winning -- another take-no-prisoners, give-no-quarter conflict right in the sacred Homeland itself: class war.

17.Aug.2006 Pitch Black Void - By Manuel Valenzuela
Make no mistake,

9/11 was + continues to be, a war upon the American people,

a psychological operation directed at our minds and hearts that was, from the very start, nothing but the catalyst needed to launch Project Empire by the delusional criminals + miscreants in power. Continue 
17.Aug.2006 Olmert's war – + the next one -By Patrick J. Buchanan
Bush is on notice from the neocons + War Party that have all but destroyed his presidency:

Either you take down Iran, Mr. Bush, or you are a failed president. If the president is still listening to these people, Lord help the republic. Continue

17.Aug.2006 Corporate war machine gathers speed - By Ismael Hossein-zadeh
There is strong evidence that as the Bush administration is mulling over plans to bomb Iran, the simmering conflict between high-ranking military professionals + militaristic civilian leaders is bursting into the open .
Continue 17.Aug.2006 Let Humanity's Mutiny Begin -By Mike Ferner
Why must Canadians feed and house our fellow Americans who have chosen to do the right thing?

We should be the ones taking care of our own. Are we that powerless - are we that unwilling to risk something for those who can truly end this war? Continue

17.Aug.2006 Mad Dog On A Leash -By Sheila Samples
Dick Cheney, the madman who pulls the levers, who is chillingly indifferent to suffering + - being bloodless himself - doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

Cheney's plans go beyond just controlling the world's resources; he knows he won't be here much longer, so he's desperate to seize all the riches, if you will + take them with him. In this administration, Cheney is the "go to" guy for arrogant, barbaric murder . Continue
17.Aug.2006 Air Cargo Still Largely Unchecked : Last week's terror threat forced passengers to drop bottles of water and soda, tubes of toothpaste and hand lotion + cans of hair spray and shaving cream into the trash before boarding jetliners. But unbeknownst to most passengers, airlines loaded aluminum containers filled with largely unchecked freight into the bellies of those same planes.

17.Aug.2006 Terror charges tied to phones are crumbling: Terror charges against two groups of Arab Americans arrested with hundreds of prepaid cell phones teetered in Michigan and collapsed in Ohio on Monday as authorities said they lacked evidence that the men intended to use the phones for evil.

17.Aug.2006 Terror Charge Dropped in Cell Phone Case :

The families of two men originally charged with supporting terrorism after buying large numbers of cell phones say they've lost a sense of belonging to the country they've long called home.

17.Aug.2006 Accused spy carried cash, secret files, agents say: When Ariel J. Weinmann stepped off an international flight into the Dallas airport on March 26, a federal customs agent was waiting for him.
17.Aug.2006 Rewriting the Geneva Conventions: The Geneva Conventions protect Americans.

If the USA changes the rules, it's changing the rules for Americans taken prisoner abroad. That is far too high a price to pay so this administration can hang on to its misbegotten policies

17.Aug.2006 Iranian brothers file lawsuit in LA over 4 years of detention : Four Iranian brothers who were detained for 41 months during an FBI terrorism investigation after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court, claiming they were held on false pretenses and were "casualties of the war on terror."
17.Aug.2006 Russian patrol boat fires on Japan boat, one dead: A Japanese fisherman died after a Russian border patrol boat fired on a fishing boat, apparently the first fatality in 50 years in a dispute over northern waters, Japan Coast Guard officials said on Wednesday.

17.Aug.2006 The price of crude can only rise while supplies dwindle worldwide : Crude oil has reached a point where the skeptics of yore have become the proselytes of tomorrow, readying the world when crude tops $100 per barrel. That day is not far away though few saw it coming.

17.Aug.2006 Is Saudi supply pushing its limit? : Some energy analysts now warn that the fabled oil bounty no longer may be reliable — a development that, if true, would have sobering implications for the world economy.

17.Aug.2006 Has Bush v. Gore Become the Case That Must Not Be Named? : The ruling that stopped the Florida recount and handed the presidency to George W. Bush is disappearing down the legal world’s version of the memory hole, the slot where, in George Orwell’s “1984,” government workers disposed of politically inconvenient records.

17.Aug.2006 Mexico poll protests turn violent : Mexican riot police fired tear gas and used clubs to break up a protest by supporters of left-wing presidential challenger Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

17.Aug.2006 Mexican Electoral Fraud Wins Round One : The fraud uncovered so far showed the preliminary vote totals were manipulated to allow PAN candidate Felipe Calderon to be the winner.

17.Aug.2006 Cuban Exiles Wage War of Terror : Anti-Castro terrorists based in Florida have carried out thousands of attacks against civilians, often with the full knowledge and support of the U.S. government.

17.Aug.2006 New Castro video broadcast: An alert but tired-looking Mr Castro, who was in his bed at a hospital in Havana, with his younger brother, Raul + the visiting Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez. Windows Media.

17.Aug.2006 U.S. competes with Cuba, Venezuela for influence in Latin America : Cuba and Venezuela, officials say, make up a perilous "axis" out to subvert democracies in Latin America, threaten U.S. interests in the hemisphere and provoke mischief in the United Nations and elsewhere.

17.Aug.2006 Venezuela's Chavez to Travel to China to Sign Energy Agreements : Chavez will sign agreements for 18 oil tankers worth $1.3 billion, as well as 24 oil-drilling rigs, Energy and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said at a press conference today in Caracas.

17.Aug.2006 Terror suspects were inexperienced - Pakistan : Top Pakistani intelligence agents said today the alleged terror suspects arrested last week over an alleged plot to blow up a number of planes crossing the Atlantic did not have had the experience to carry out the attack.

17.Aug.2006 Contempt for democracy : Most Britons, Muslim and non-Muslim, can see the link between Blair's policies and terrorism
17.Aug.2006 Afghan opium cultivation hits a record: Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has hit record levels — up by more than 40 % from 2005 — despite hundreds of millions in counternarcotics money, Western officials told The Associated Press.

17.Aug.2006 Bolton casts doubt on Lebanon force: The Pentagon has sent a single military planner to the United Nations to begin preparations for an enhanced Lebanese peacekeeping force, a top official said. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton suggested to reporters Tuesday that other nations are not eager to commit troops to the 15,000-man force.

17.Aug.2006 Hizbollah defiance of Israel emboldens US foes: By surviving a ferocious month-long conflict with Israel, Hizbollah has foiled U.S.-Israeli hopes of destroying the Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim group and emboldened its allies in Iran and Syria.

17.Aug.2006 Israel humbled by arms from Iran: Abandoned Hizbollah positions in Lebanon yesterday revealed conclusive evidence that Syria - and almost certainly Iran - provided the anti-tank missiles that have blunted the power of Israel's once invincible armour.

17.Aug.2006 A dummy run against Hezbollah: The intended plan was to coordinate an air campaign with Israel. An anonymous source close to the US Air Force told Hersh, "The big question for our air force was how to hit a series of hard targets in Iran successfully." Hersh states, "And so the air force went to the Israelis with some new tactics and said to them, 'Let's concentrate on the bombing and share what we have on Iran and what you have on Lebanon.'

17.Aug.2006 "Star Wars" agency helps Israel on rocket threat: "We have been working with the Israelis ... as they go through with development of their own indigenous capabilities for that threat," Air Force Lt. Gen. Henry Obering told reporters after a speech at a missile-defense conference here.

17.Aug.2006 Peretz: We should create conditions for talks with Syria : "Every war creates an opportunity for a new political process. and I am sure that our enemies understand today they cannot defeat us by force," Peretz said.

17.Aug.2006 Interview with Imad Moustapha, Syrian Ambassador to the U.S.: Imad Moustapha, Syrian Ambassador to the U.S. discusses his recent op-ed (Syria Wants to Talk, But Bush Won't Answer the Phone) in which he says that Syria is interested in engaging the U.S. in talks about Israel-Lebanon. Real Video

17.Aug.2006 George Monbiot: In a military "democracy", it is the warriors who call the shots : The failure of the attack on Lebanon has left the Israeli people less secure, but it has done nothing to dent the generals' power

17.Aug.2006 You are terrorists, we are virtuous: The IDF is the most powerful institution in Israeli society + one which we are discouraged from criticising. Few have studied the dominant role it plays in the Israeli economy. Even while they are still serving, our generals become friendly with the US companies that sell arms to Israel; they then retire, loaded with money + become corporate executives.

17.Aug.2006 William Rivers Pitt: Everything Old Is New : Everything old becomes new again, or so the saying goes. Nowhere is this more evident than in the highest reaches of neo-conservative power in Washington, DC. The term itself - "neo-conservative" - is little more than a shortened version of the old maxim.

17.Aug.2006 "The US and Israel Stand Alone": Spiegel Interview With Jimmy Carter: Former US president Jimmy Carter speaks with DER SPIEGEL about the danger posed to American values by George W. Bush, the difficult situation in the Middle East and Cuba's ailing Fidel Castro.

17.Aug.2006 Israeli forces demolish home with family still inside, father and son killed : Khan Younis-Ma'an-A Palestinian father, 65 and his son, 45, were killed and another 2 seriously injured in an Israeli air strike on a home in Sheikh Nasser, east of Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

17.Aug.2006 Church body condemns Israel : Israel's assault on Lebanon was planned before Hezbollah attacked and was aimed at driving a wedge between the different faiths in the country, a delegation from the World Council of Churches says.

17.Aug.2006 Blair's Middle East policy has driven me to return my MBE : I accepted my honour on behalf of Palestinian and Lebanese colleagues. I have now sent it back, also in their name

17.Aug.2006 Neturei Karta rabbi to Iran newspaper: Israel will cease to exist: Rabbi David Weiss says: Israel was established in the name of Judaism but is impure and Godless

17.Aug.2006 Hamas: Mossad assassination bid fails: Israel's intelligence and special operations force, Mossad, sent a team to the Syrian capital in July to carry out the killing, Hamas sources said on Wednesday quoting "Western intelligence sources".

17.Aug.2006 Iran wants new Mideast without US, British meddling: Iran’s president said he wanted a new Middle East—a phrase that echoes language used by the US administration—but said his idea of a new region was one without “the hegemony of America and Britain”.
17.Aug.2006 In the face of Bush's lies, it's left to Assad to tell the truth -By Robert Fisk
In the sparse Baathist drawing rooms of Damascus, reality often seems a long way away. But it was a sign of the times that President Bashar al-Assad was able to bring the great and the good of Damascus to their feet by the simple token of telling the truth - which no other Arab leader has chosen to do these past five weeks: that the Lebanese Hizbollah guerrilla army has, in effect, won this round of their war with Israel.

17.Aug.2006 Olmert may not survive this disastrous war - By Gwynne Dyer

The ceasefire in southern Lebanon will not hold. Israel will probably lose more soldiers killed in combat in the next month than in the past month (119). Ehud Olmert will probably no longer be prime minister of Israel by the end of this year. And it is all too likely that Binyamin Netanyahu will take his place. Continue

17.Aug.2006 The Israeli debacle will affect the whole region-By Ilan Pappe
We should expect more bloodshed and more aggressive policies - if not immediately against Syria and Iran, then against the Palestinians.

17.Aug.2006 Lebanese deaths + Israeli war crimes, kept off the balance sheet - By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth
During Israel’s war against the people of Lebanon, our media, politicians and diplomats have colluded with the aggressors by distracting us with irrelevancies, by concocting controversies + by framing the language of diplomacy. In the fragile truce that is currently holding while Lebanon waits for Israel to withdraw, we are simply getting more of the same.

17.Aug.2006 Group Says Iran Is 'Not a Crisis' - By Peter Spiegel, Times Staff Writer
Seeking to counter the White House's depiction of its Middle East policies as crucial to the prevention of terrorist attacks at home, 21 former generals, diplomats and national security officials will release an open letter tomorrow arguing that the administration's "hard line" has actually undermined U.S. security.

17.Aug.2006 U.S. continues policy mistakes in Middle East - By Patrick M. Regan
There are two mistakes to contemporary USA foreign policy in the Middle East. The first was to take a hands-off approach to the outbreak of violence; the second is to think that the roots of the problems are linked to the existence of Hezbollah and Hamas rather than the political issues that motivate these groups.

17.Aug.2006 The Persistence Of Fascism- By Ghali Hassan
Common in today’s parlance is that Fascism ended with the end of World War II (WW II). The reality is that Fascism did not end, but it was replaced by another variant of Fascism; one that is much more powerful and violent. Fascism violence and racial philosophy remain unaffected and were put into practice elsewhere against different nations.

17.Aug.2006 Asses Bearing Gold: Of Neo-Cons and Nabobs -By Chris Floyd
Under Bush II, the neo-cons were brought in as shock troops; their mindless zealotry was a perfect tool for implementing the plans drawn up by the real players in the new regime: Cheney's notorious "Energy Task Force" and the much lesser-known "Joint Task Force on Petroleum" formed by the Council on Foreign Relations and – who else? – the James Baker Institute at Rice University.

17.Aug.2006 Bush's scare tactics are no longer working -By Paul Krugman
Just two days after 9/11, I learned from congressional staffers that Republicans on Capitol Hill were already exploiting the atrocity, trying to use it to push through tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. I wrote about the subject the next day, warning that "politicians who wrap themselves in the flag while relentlessly pursuing their usual partisan agenda are not true patriots."

17.Aug.2006 What we know and don’t know about 9/11- By Paul Craig Roberts
Despite the dark days in which we live, some readers find optimism in recent polls that show

more than one-third of the US public now disbelieve the official account of 9/11 despite the Bush regime’s propaganda faithfully trumpeted by the US media. Continue

_00.000.0013 -v.Chr.- hat Kaiser Augustus seinem Sohn Drusus den Befehl gegeben, 50 Kastelle am Rhein entlang zu errichten.

Den Legionären folgten die Siedler, die sich auch auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Bonns mit Handwerkern, Händlern und Künstlern niederließen.

Sie lebten getrennt von den Soldaten, deren Lager sich nach Erkenntnissen der Forscher in der jetzigen Bonner Altstadt befand.

Die Archäologen fanden in dem Vicus Spuren von Steinbauten und römischer Lebensart, die laut Kunow "jedem Germanen auf der anderen Rheinseite demonstrierten, welche zivilisatorische Kraft hinter römischer Urbanität steht". Beheizte Thermen, Ziegelbrennöfen, Geschäfte und Häuser zur Begegnung der Bürger zeichneten den Vicus aus.

Antike Botschaften auf Gefäßen

Die USA haben einen der meist gesuchten Drogenhändler gefasst. Vor der Küste Kaliforniens ging den Fahndern der Mexikaner Javier Arellano Felix ins Netz.

Washington - Der Chef des berüchtigten Tijuana-Kartells sei an Bord eines Fischerbootes in internationalen Gewässern festgenommen worden, teilte das US-Justizministerium mit.

00.000.2003 -seit der Ergreifung seines Bruders Benjamin- Arellano Felix, auch als "El Tigrillo" ("Kleiner Tiger") bekannt, führt das Tijuana-Kartell.
17.Aug.2006 16. AUGUST 2006
Flugsicherheit: USA will Passagierlisten vor dem Abflug
17.Aug.2006 Libanon: Armee scheut Konfrontation mit Hisbollah

17.Aug.2006 Bundeswehr- Einsatz im Libanon: Stoiber drängt auf rasches Nein zu Kampftruppen

17.Aug.2006 Pipeline- Panne: BP schließt weiteres Ölfeld in Alaska

17.Aug.2006 Libanon- Einsatz: Frankreich will Uno- Truppe führen
17.Aug.2006 Grass- Enthüllung: Falsche Fährte Stasi- Archiv

17.Aug.2006 Beirut: Libanesisches Kabinett stimmt Truppeneinsatz im Süden zu
17.Aug.2006 Fall "Cicero": Beschuldigte Journalisten siegen vor Gericht
17.Aug.2006 Bonn: Archäologen finden monumentale Anlage
17.Aug.2006 Panik an Bord: US- Flugzeug mit Kampfjets nach Boston umgeleitet
17.Aug.2006 Atomkonflikt: Iran zeigt sich verhandlungsbereit
17.Aug.2006 Atom- Sicherheit: Umwelthilfe hält AKW Brunsbüttel für gefährdet

17.Aug.2006 Libanon: Hisbollah lehnt Entwaffnung ab
17.Aug.2006 Verirrter Riese: Wal schwimmt in Flensburger Förde
17.Aug.2006 Nordkorea: Hilfsorganisation meldet 55.000 Tote und Vermisste
17.Aug.2006 Waffen- SS- Veteranen: "An Grass kann sich kein Kamerad erinnern"

17.Aug.2006 Grass- Memoiren: "Mit dem dummen Stolz meiner jungen Jahre"
17.Aug.2006 Vermutetes Krebsrisiko: Hot- Dog- Studie beunruhigt US- Bürger
17.Aug.2006 Nahost: Israel droht Hisbollah mit neuem Angriff
17.Aug.2006 Neue Definition: Zahl der Planeten soll steigen
17.Aug.2006 Trotz verschärfter Kontrollen: Zwölfjähriger schmuggelt sich in Ferienflieger
17.Aug.2006 Terrorismus: USA sperren Konten syrischer Offiziere
17.Aug.2006 Umfragen: Merkel so unbeliebt wie Bush

17.Aug.2006 Nach Terror- Alarm: Zehntausende Koffer sind noch immer vermisst
17.Aug.2006 Meeresräuber: Früher Wal hatte scharfe Zähne
17.Aug.2006 Check- in- Regeln: Lufthansa- Chef befürchtet schwindende Gewinne
17.Aug.2006 Vereitelte Flugzeugattacken: Terrorplaner soll an London ausgeliefert werden
16.Aug.2006 The " War on the Dollar " is far more threatening than anything this administration or the news media is willing to admit to the American public.
When Hippies Turn to Cyberterror Cyber Storm, the Department of Homeland Security's first big cyber-attack exercise, posits a movie-plot threat from the far left.
16.Aug.2006 Sen. George Allen apologized today - Faiz  - for referring to a man of Indian descent as “macaque.” “In no way was it meant to demean him + I’m sorry if he was offended,” Allen said in a telephone interview. “Let’s give a welcome to macaque here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia,” Allen said in remarks last Friday, referring to S.R. Sidarth, who was born and raised in Virginia.
16.Aug.2006 “Let’s have a Muslim-only line” - Faiz  - at airport check-in counters, suggested conservative radio host Mike Gallagher on Fox News’s “Dayside.” “It’s time to have a Muslims check-point line in America’s airports and have Muslims be scrutinized. You better believe it, it’s time.”
16.Aug.2006 More Iraqi civilians were killed in July - Faiz  - than in apparently any other month of the war. “An average of more than 110 Iraqis were killed per day in July, according to figures from the Health Ministry and the Baghdad morgue. At least 3,438 civilians died violently that month, a 9 % increase over the tally in June and nearly twice as many as in January.”
16.Aug.2006 new articles on APFN

14.Aug.2006 al-CIAda, home spawned....... — debalazo

14.Aug.2006 book by 9/11 commission lies by the FAA, NORAD — brad


14.Aug.2006 book by 9/11 commission lies by the FAA, NORAD — brad

14.Aug.2006 Proof Flight 93 was shot down ! flight recorder altitude — brad

14.Aug.2006 60 MINUTES - POGO SATIRE: "THE CULTURE WAY" — Radio Your Way

14.Aug.2006 The Israeli PR machine — brad

14.Aug.2006 bUSH hUMOR — bradm

14.Aug.2006 Other Research By William Cooper: — Shonda Ponder

14.Aug.2006 Freak.............. — debalazo

14.Aug.2006 INTERVIEW: EDITOR... "The Nation" — "The Laura Flanders Show:

14.Aug.2006 double edge liar.................. — debalazo


14.Aug.2006 BE HEARD! STOP THE KILLING WORLDWIDE — Ruth D. Bundy or Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr.

14.Aug.2006 CBS 60" interview: Iranian Leader Opens Up — FPF intro + CBS

14.Aug.2006 Iran and end — FP & CBS

14.Aug.2006 Traitors in the White House — Buzz Flash

14.Aug.2006 property rights??? — Ray

14.Aug.2006 60 MINUTES - POGO SATIRE: "THE CULTURE WAY" — "Radio Your Way"

14.Aug.2006 Ahmadinejad's blog was launched on Sunday — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president

14.Aug.2006 Emergency Alert: American Media now out of control — OrlandoMary



14.Aug.2006 Homeland "GESTAPO" Training to KICK-IN YOUR DOOR SOON! — Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV9835303-joiner1

14.Aug.2006 Homeland "GESTAPO" Training to KICK-IN YOUR DOOR SOON! Pt 2 — Will Wilson Call4Investigation CV9835303-joiner1

14.Aug.2006 Mayor Miller, Dallas Pied Piper For Death By SEXUAL PERVERSI — Rich Sheridan

14.Aug.2006 Police Tape Is No Laughing Matter to Protester — APFN


14.Aug.2006 (Cont'd) THE THEORIES ABOUT SEPTEMBER 11 — Bill Christison, Former CIA

14.Aug.2006 GUEST: World renown 9/11 researcher Paul Thompson — "The Randi Rhoads Show"

14.Aug.2006 Re: APFN - FYI. Intro NEW

14.Aug.2006 RE: Mike Wallace's...interview with Iran's president: — Radio Your Way

14.Aug.2006 A Message for: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — FM: Abbie Hoffman


16.Aug.2006 No Need to Waste Your Money Able Danger Blog
Able Danger was a small, military intelligence unit under Special Operations Command.

00.Sep.1999 Able Danger was created as a result of a directive

00.Sep.1999 to develop a campaign against transnational terrorism, specifically al-Qaida.

According to claims made by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer + confirmed by others,

00.000.2000 -by early- Able Danger had identified the 9/11 attack leader, Mohamed Atta + the three other lead 9/11 hijackers as possible members of an al Qaeda cell operating in the USA .
No Need to Waste Your Money By TopDog08

I picked up a copy of the new book by Kean and Hamilton + will post the relevant excerpts later tonight.

They did mention Able Danger, but only to rehash the exact same dismissive words they have used elsewhere.
UPDATE: Here are the excerpts as promised.
From page 112:
Logistically, this kind of trip is hard to arrange.

We sent a very small delegation:


Kevin Scheid, the head of our staff team looking at intelligence;

Mike Hurley, the head of our team looking at counterterrorism policy, as well as

team member Dan Byman; and

Dietrich Snell, the head of our team investigating the 9/11 plot.

Afghanistan is a war zone + Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are dangerous for Westerners, particularly U.S. officials.

Our staff needed armed guards at times, but we wanted to keep these details small.

Travel was by military or CIA aircraft + to facilitate a busy itenerary the delegation needed to be small enough to travel by helicopter.
So, Snell was at Bagram after all.
From page 114:
One meeting that has since drawn attention regarded a pre-9/11 Department of Defense program.

21.Oct.2001 at Bagram Airbase, Zelikow + two of our staff met with three intelligence officials from the U.S. Defense Department;

an executive branch minder was present.

One of these witnesses referred to a pre- 11.Sep.2001 program known as Able Danger, which was used to develop information about al Qaeda.
00.Aug.2005 -a year after our report came out- Congressman Curt Weldon publicly alleged that the Department of Defense intelligence officer had told our staff that Mohammed Atta - a

11.Sep.2001 -pilot + the attack ringleader - had been under surveillance

11.11.Sep.2001 -before- as part of the Able Danger program.

Yet none of our staff at that meeting recalled Mohammed Atta's name being mentioned; nor did the executive branch minder.

The MFR prepared shortly after that meeting makes no mention of Atta.

As each of our staff members has said to us, if Mohammed Atta's name had come up as being under surveillance, they certainly would have remembered it.

Immediately after the Bagram Airbase interview, we made requests to the Department of Defense for Able Danger documents.

None of those documents made any mention of Mohammed Atta or any other future 9/11 hijackers.
Certainly would have remembered it?
At the end of the meeting, Philip Zelikow approaches him and says, “This is important.

We need to continue this dialogue when we get back to the states.” [Government Security News, 00.Sep.2005]

Following the meeting, Zelikow calls back to the 9/11 Commission’s headquarters in Washington to request that staff draft a document request, seeking information on Able Danger from the Department of Defense.

[Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, 12.Aug.2005 ]

According to Anthony Shaffer,

“My understanding from talking to another member of the press is that [Zelikow’s] call came into America at four o clock in the morning.

He got people out of bed over this.” [Government Security News, 00.Sep.2005 ]
From page 294:
Another item that surfaced in early July was the "Able Danger" Department of Defense surveillance program that our staff had been briefed on in Afghanistan.

12.Jul.2006 Dietrich Snell interviewed Captain Scott Phillpott, who requested the meeting.

At that point, ou staff had received all of the Department of Defense documents on Able Danger and had found no mention of Atta, though there had been mention of the al Qaeda operative Mohammed Atef.
Phillpott told Snell he recalled seeing the name + photo of Mohammed Atta on an "analyst's notebook chart" involved in Able Danger before 9/11 - in other words,

Able Danger had managed to get Mohammed Atta under surveillance.

Phillpott said he saw this chart only briefly + that it dated from the period 00.Feb.2000-00.Apr.2000 .
There was no documentary evidence whatsoever to back up Phillpott's sensational claim.

Phillpott himself had not performed the analysis, not could he explain what information had led to this supposed identification of Atta by Able Danger.

In addition to the lack of documentary evidence from Able Danger, there was no corroboration of Phillpott's account by any information from within the U.S. government, or by German government sources that had tracked the Hamburg cell. Phillpott's account also failed to match up with detailed evidence compiled by our staff documenting Atta's travels, activities + entry into the United States, including from the INS and State Department records. Snell concluded that the officer's account was not sufficiently reliable to warrant inclusion in the report or further investigation. This conclusion was not a challenge to Captain Phillpott's good intentions; the tip he provided just did not check out.
Just did not check out? Which is why they decided it was not worth checking out? That sounds like circular logic to me. For instance, they could have asked to talk to the
analyst who compiled the chart + still had a copy when Phillpott met with Snell. Regardless, my understanding is that several large media outlets have in fact checked it out and found it did check out indeed. Stay tuned for more details which should come out in "special reports" from a few major news sources next month.
From page 317:
The arguments about 9/11 did not end with the publication of our report.

For instance,

over the summer of 2005, Congressman Curt Weldon repeatedly accused us of overlooking the importance of Able Danger, the Department of Defense open-source data-mining program.

We dispute the facts of Congressman Weldon's charge - that Able Danger identified Mohammed Atta before 9/11 +

that he gave then Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley an Able Danger chart with Atta's name on it on

25.Sep.2001 , a chart developed

00.000.1999 (Weldon made the charge in his

00.Jun.2005 book, Countdown to Terror ). Hadley has no recollection of such a chart and no such chart has been found in the records of the National Security Council.

To date, despite extensive reviews by the Department of Defense and the Senate Intelligence Committee, no chart - or any other Able Danger document that had been created before 9/11 - has been found that includes Atta's name of any other hijacker's name.
The absense of any documents supporting the charge, the manifold contradictions in the statements made about Able Danger by Weldon and others, the improbability - if not impossibility - of the program's ability to identify Atta + the simple fact that people can have faulty memories about what took place years in the past, led us to the conclusion that Able Danger just did not do what Weldon said it did.

Yet there will be other "Able Dangers" in the years to come;

it is always possible for new information to emerge.

That information should be reviewed on its merits + we are happy to welcome that information into the dialogue on 9/11.
Well, my understanding is that the Inspector General may have in fact
recovered such a chart.

Regardless, as far as the Hadley story goes, if the chart was not handed over at the meeting, why was Dr. Eileen Priesser from the Able Danger project at the meeting? Why do Chris Shays and Dan Burton, who also attended the meeting, back Congressman Weldon up on this?
The answer is simple.

The 9/11 Commission did not get all the facts because it did not want to get all the facts. In that regard, it might truly be without precedent.
Blair's 'frenzied law making' has created a new offence for every day spent in office Independent Online Edition > UK Politics
16.Aug.2006 Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda" - Paul Joseph Watson- Indians says group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistan's ISI Paul Joseph Watson/Prison
16.Aug.2006 UPDATED: RIAA Creeps Want to Depose Dead Defendant’s Children; But Will Allow them 60 Days to “Grieve” - John C Dvorak - DO these people have no shame?
16.Aug.2006 It's Getting Warm In Here
Peter Rothberg writes that a new report by the National Academy of Sciences predicts that as the planet heats up, forest fires, floods and storms are likely to become more frequent and more severe. So what are we going to do about it? Activists on campuses across the country have an idea of where ...

16.Aug.2006 EU ministers in air terror talks Interior ministers from six EU countries are to hold talks in London on last week's alleged airline bomb plot.
16.Aug.2006 Water shortage 'a global problem' The World Wide Fund for Nature warns even the most developed countries face increasing water shortages.
16.Aug.2006 Early Alzheimer's skin test hope Scientists believe it may be possible to develop a quick, painless skin test for Alzheimer's disease.
16.Aug.2006 A 'Witch Hunt' in Silicon Valley - Zonk 104 -garzpacho writes

"BusinessWeek Online has an interview with Daniel Warmenhoven (CEO of Network Appliances), who joins a growing list of technology executives in saying that the government's search for backdated options among tech companies is going too far: 'It's become a witch hunt. I think the government is looking to find some egregious examples [of wrongdoing] and to publicly hang people for them. That's fine. But where does it stop? I'm not saying the past practices were all good. But I thought the SEC's role was to build investor confidence. What they're doing right now is destroying it + I don't see the purpose. They're penalizing today's shareholders for events that occurred five years ago. But who is this protecting, exactly? With Enron, every shareholder in the company lost money.

The same with Qwest + with MCI-Worldcom. But I don't know who the injured party is here.'"

Just another conspiracy theory?
One thing is certain.
When the world’s most powerful people meet amid such tight security and utter secrecy, when their meetings are not allowed to be covered by the media + when their bodyguards’ authority overrides that of the police of the countries that host their meetings—something odd, perhaps something very sinister--is going on.
00.000.1991 Clinton spoke at a Bilderberg meeting.

Could it be that the Bilderbergs, feeling that an aging George Bush was due for replacement by a younger, more charismatic leader, engineered Clinton’s Presidential campaign victory just one year later? After all,

00.000.1992 -before- who except the most keen political observers had ever heard of Bill Clinton ?

He was a saxophone-playing Governor of a very backward Southern state (Arkansas), who

had been booed offstage by his own party members after making a rambling speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention.
When the Bilderberg Group met in France 00.000.2003, French police were miffed their authority was overrided by that of the security guards protecting the group. Very secretive for a group holding “cocktail parties.”

You can see, dear Reader, that this World has lost its fight against terror long time ago - and that we all have become crazy:

You pay for damages, other people produce in front of your open eyes and you believe that this is normal and pragmatic daily life.

If we continue to function on this level, we will soon have more folks like Bin Laden than chaps like our beloved George W. Bush. Comparing the two, I don’t know what is worse…

The world has gone crazy - and not one of us wishes to know, when it happened.

That’s enough, folks, for this day. You may think that this skunk, René Delavy, should keep his fingers away from his laptop.

But I think that you should grasp very soon the logics of World’s systems of insanity - before it’s too late for a real change. RENE DELAVY -

Round Two Now Begins As Lopez Obrador Intends To Fight On

Lopez Obrador made it clear after the July 6 announced results that he intended to continue fighting for electoral justice and has asked his supporters to rally in the streets around the country to demand it. Already major demonstrations have been held in Mexico City’s huge Zocalo plaza. At a recent one as many as a record near-two million turned out to show their support for their candidate. Lopez Obrador now promises this will continue + in a speech Sunday to many thousands assembled in the Zocalo to hear him he said his campaign for an honest recount will continue indefinitely in the courts and in the streets. With the many millions of Mexicans fed up with Politics as usual, it now remains to be seen if their mass-people power can overcome a Mexican tradition of entrenched wealth and power always having it their way and the people be damned. It will be an uphill battle, but don’t count the people out yet.

Part of that evidence is the illegal campaigning ruling PAN President Vincinte Fox did for Mr. Calderon and the fact that Felipe Calderon exceeded his legally allowed campaign spending limits. He did it to run vicious negative advertising through the business-friendly Mexican corporate Media calling Obrador an evil twin of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, falsely accusing him of accepting campaign funds from the Venezuelan President, claiming Obrador was guilty of corruption as mayor of Mexico City with no evidence to prove it + of being a “danger” for Mexico.

It was also learned early on that Felipe Calderon’s brother-in-law Diego Hildebrando Zavala wrote the vote-counting software + it was hacked during the electoral process. This discovery of a close family member having control of the computer systems is evidence enough of grossly improper activity that could easily have resulted in vote count manipulation to give the electoral victory to the candidate he obviously favored. Again, it takes no stretch to imagine Mr. Zavala took full advantage of his ability to decide the outcome.
15.Aug.2006 Stephen Lendman

It was no surprise on Sunday that the Mexican Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) ruled its partial recount of about 9% of the ballots cast in the disputed presidential election held on July 2 showed ruling National Action Party (PAN) candidate still the winner. In doing so, the IFE ignored the clear evidence of election irregularities and blatant fraud uncovered by losing Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The IFE ignored the need for a total ballot recount Obrador justifiably demanded and instead relied on the small partial one it chose in areas of known Calderon strength making it unlikely from the start it would find enough of a change in the final tally to change the election result. Lopez Obrador aides cited evidence of overwhelming fraud in at least one-third of the polling stations and that any failure to do a recount in all of them would show clear IFE bias toward its announced winner on July 6 and would not be accepted without a concerted fight. Let the battle begin.
16.Aug.2006 US, China engaged in Cyber-war, US Space Command analyzes damage
16.Aug.2006 STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled Oct. 24–Nov 8
16.Aug.2006 FEMA awards contracts to companies under scrutiny, including Bechtel & Fluor Lockheed wins DARPA contract with "nano air vehicles"
16.Aug.2006 Lockheed, 7 other companies to compete for up to $800 mln NORAD contract
16.Aug.2006 Gold cuts losses on dollar moves, Mideast conflict
16.Aug.2006 Sen. Burns seeks funds to study military uses of bees
16.Aug.2006 The current anti-war movement has accomplished much + those working for an end to the madness in the Middle East have reason for pride.

But we must go beyond discredting Dubya's disastrous occupation. We must discredit war as a concept .
Remember when young people said "Peace" as a greeting and a farewell, the way Hawaiians say "Aloha"?
Back then, some folks had sufficient naivete to suppose that the Vietnam war would or could be America's last. It wasn't.

But opposition to war (not just opposition to the war) secured roughly fifteen years of relative peace. Right now, that sounds pretty damned good.
What we need is not just peace but a peace mentality .

00.000.1960 -In the late s- peace became hip . What can we do to make it hip again? Permalink
16.Aug.2006 John Lennon's slogan "War is over! If you want it." To promote the new film The U.S. vs. John Lennon, billboards promoting that mantra will festoon several major cities
16.Aug.2006 "The American policy has failed both in terms of politics and security, but the big problem is that they will not confess or admit that. They are telling the American public that the situation in Iraq will be improved, they want to encourage positive public opinion (in the U.S.), but the Iraqi citizens are seeing something different. They know the real situation."

16.Aug.2006 Can You Learn to Love the "Cheney Within"? Summer Comic Relief Available at
Your Support Gives Birth to the Truth. Buy Progressive and Support at the Same Time! Visit the BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace.
E.J. Dionne Delivers Some Good Advice to the Democratic Party: Start Developing a Unified Party Apparatus. Separate Fiefdoms Won't Result in a Winning National Effort. The Republicans Know How to Integrate Their National Campaigns Into a Unified, High-Tech, Disciplined Effort. Learn from the Enemy. 8/16

16.Aug.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Bush Betrayal of Our National and Personal Security #173,483 The Bushevik Aiport Screenings are Just a Partisan PR Stunt as Long as Air Cargo Goes Unchecked -- and the Busheviks Continue to Let It Go Unchecked. 8/16 Lincoln Chafee: Supporting Him is a Fool's Errand for Progressive Advocacy Groups -- A BuzzFlash Editorial (Comment Away on the Editorial. Free Registration.)

16.Aug.2006 Bush on Trial in "The Anchorage Trials ? 2036," Episode 49.3 of The Last Chance Democracy Cafe by Steven C. Day
Why They Hate Us; No, it's not our freedoms. Anti-Americanism isn't going away until the U.S. puts some fairness in its foreign policy. 8/16
Triumph! "Democrats See Security as Key Issue for Fall." 'they are not Swift boating us on security,? said Representative Nancy Pelosi of California. Good Lord, The Dem Poobahs Seem to Have Awakened from Their Rip Van Winkle Slumber! Can It be True? 8/15

16.Aug.2006 Kriegsbilanz: Israel meldet Tod von Hisbollah- Drahtzieher
16.Aug.2006 CEI Expert: ‘The Best Policy Regarding Global Warming Is To Neglect It’ - Amanda  - Over the weekend, Donald J. Boudreaux — George Mason Unversity professor and “expert” at the Exxon-backed Competitive Enterprise Institute — wrote an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune called “The case for neglecting global warming.” He argued that the “documented health gains that people in the West have enjoyed over the past five or six generations” can be attributed to capitalism. Therefore, the government shouldn’t work to stop climate change because it would impede capitalism:

Those of us who recognize these important benefits of capitalism…are reluctant to yield power to governments to tackle global warming. … [I]t’s a perfectly legitimate stance for truly reasonable people to conclude that the best policy regarding global warming is to neglect it — and let capitalism continue to make us healthier and wealthier .

Big business recognizes that strong environmental policies and capitalism aren’t mutually exclusive. According to a recent report from the Climate Group, an international environmental charity, “43 multinationals — including Bayer, BT and DuPont — saved a combined $11.6 billion last year by improving energy efficiency, reducing waste output and harnessing solar power.”

The best policy regarding global warming is to neglect Boudreaux.
Kristol: Bush No Longer Believes Rumsfeld’s ‘Happy Talk,’ But Is ‘Unwilling to Second-Guess’ Him - Faiz  -

Last night, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol appeared on the Charlie Rose show and reported from inside knowledge that President Bush is “not believing the happy talk any more that he was getting from Rumsfeld.” But, Kristol claimed, Bush will not replace the Secretary of Defense because he’s “unwilling to second-guess Rumsfeld’s fundamental understanding of the use of the military” in Iraq. Watch it:

As Sen. Hillary Clinton pointed out at a recent hearing, Rumsfeld’s “fundamental understanding” of Iraq has been consistently wrong every step of the way. At one point, Rumsfeld even acknowledged surprise at the hostility the troops faced in Iraq. Bush’s unwillingness to question Rumsfeld or challenge his decisions has prevented the strategy in Iraq from advancing past “stay the course.” Full transcript:

KRISTOL: I wish the president — I think the president I’m told by someone who spoke to him recently, the president is not believing the happy talk any more that he was getting from Rumsfeld and I’m afraid from some of the generals. that he’s alarmed about the situation in iraq. He’s unwilling I think to second-guess Rumfeld’s fundamental understanding of the use of the military there and I think that’s a big problem. But perhaps he will make some tactical changes. Perhaps they’ll work. Perhaps — we do still do have a unity government there that has real support.

And so I don’t think it’s by any means — I’m less fatalistic than Richard [Holbrooke]. But I don’t disagree about his fundamental concern about the situation, his alarm about the situation. I’m certainly not at the point of saying that we’d be better off getting out and I don’t think the president is. And I think, you know, let’s see where we are three, six months from now. We can continue.
PBS explains - Amanda  - why it never revealed Labor Department deputy assistant secretary Karen Czarnecki’s government position when she appeared on their shows: “The only terms on which we could keep her was to not identify her as a Bush person.”
15.Aug.2006 Chuck Roberts Apologizes For Calling Lamont The ‘Al Qaeda Candidate’ - Payson  -

Last week, Think Progress documented CNN Headline News anchor Chuck Roberts’ reference to Ned Lamont as “the al Qaeda candidate.” Arianna Huffington then appeared on CNN and, referring to Roberts’ statement, called on news stations to demand more accountability for comments made by their anchors. And yesterday, MediaMatters CEO David Brock wrote a letter to CNN President Jonathan Klein urging him to discipline Roberts.

The progressive community’s efforts have paid off. Today, Roberts issued an apology, saying he had posed the original question “badly” and “stupidly.” Roberts then gave Lamont a chance to correct the record about his views on terrorism and Iraq. Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var so17825 = new SWFObject('//08/Roberts_apology.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-so17825', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); so17825.addParam('quality', 'high'); so17825.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); so17825.write('so17825');

Full transcript:

ROBERTS: I owe you an apology. Last week I led into an interview with a guest analyst and really botched the set-up. The guest had wanted to discuss the Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman statement suggesting that terror groups, al Qaeda types, to use Cheney’s word, would be buoyed by your win. But I posed it badly, stupidly, ad-libbing about some saying the al Qaeda candidate. No one, in fact, used that construction. Anyway, I wanted to correct the record. I’m glad we had this chance to do it.

Now, let’s get to the insinuations that were lobbed. Here’s what they were trying — here’s what we were trying to spotlight a week ago. First of all, from The Washington Post: Democratic primary and (ph) is now running as an independent, said the anti-war views of primary winner Lamont would be ‘taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up those planes in this plot hatched in England.’ The comments from Joe Lieberman.

And then, in the New York Times, this from the vice president: “The attacks came in searing remarks from, among others, Ken Mehlman, chairman of the GOP and Vice President Cheney, who went so far as to suggest that the ouster of Mr. Lieberman might encourage ‘al Qaeda types.’”

What do you make of that?

LAMONT: Look, I thought those were incredibly unfortunate comments, demeaning to the voters of Connecticut. I think the voters of Connecticut last Tuesday said, ‘We need a change.’ And having 132,000 troops stuck in the middle of a civil war over in Iraq is not helping us fight the terrorists, is not making us safer, is not protecting our shorelines.

I salute Scotland Yard and I look at what the British were able to do in thwarting that terrorist attempt. And I think we’re much stronger as a country when we work in concert with our allies, we have shared intelligence and we go forward together with good old-fashioned police work.
15.Aug.2006-00.000.2001 -each year since- Defense spending has increased an average of 11.1 % - Faiz - according to a
report by the Republican Senate Budget Committee.

The analysis raises doubts over Pentagon projections that spending will only increase 3.4 % a year from 2007 to 2011. “Is that sustainable given the underlying trends in defense spending?”
15.Aug.2006 Bush Administration Reduces Presence At AIDS Conference For Fear of Being Booed - Guest -

Yesterday, 24,000 scientists, activists + officials arrived in Toronto for the world’s “largest ever AIDS conference.”

[S]ome of the most important breakthroughs in the fight against AIDS have been announced” at these conferences.

But instead of engaging the global community on solutions, the Bush administration has decided to cut back its presence at this year’s conference because it can’t stand mild criticism:

Travel restrictions implemented by the office of the U.S.a Global AIDS Coordinator following the 2002 International AIDS Conference in Barcelona — at which former HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson was booed by critics who believed the U.S. contribution to the Global AIDS Fund was insufficient — reduced the maximum number of HHS officials who can attend the conference by two-thirds, from more than 230 00.000.2002 to 50, according to HHS spokesperson Bill Hall.

The Bush administration’s “intensely ideological approach” to HIV/AIDS issues has stirred more resentment than hope among the activist community. The government’s “ABC” policy — “Abstinence, Be Faithful + Use a Condom” — has been “criticized for excessively encouraging abstinence and marital fidelity,” with condoms demoted to “a last-resort option.”

Bill Gates sharply criticized the administration’s approach in the conference’s keynote address, pointing out that abstinence “is often not an option for poor women and girls, who have no choice but to marry at an early age.” A recent GAO report found that the President’s policy had “created a culture of fear” among aid partners.

Bush’s policies sound like they deserve a few boos.
Vote suppression sweeps the nation. - Dan -

Salon profiles methods being used in six states, including “new photo I.D. laws, the criminalizing of voter registration drives + database purges that have disqualified up to 40 % of newly registered voters from voting.”
15.Aug.2006 The Alex Jones Report August 15th - Paul Joseph Watson Alex discusses how coverage of 9/11 inside job evidence has exploded in the mainstream media following the airing of the
15.Aug.2006 Can anything tame the battery flames? Fuel cells and alternative batteries have a chance to go mainstream, thanks to technological improvements and exploding laptops.
15.Aug.2006 The First YouTube Election: George Allen and “Macaca” - Tim Dickinson 
George Allen: Digital foot in twenty-first century mouth There have already been strong intimations that Virginia Republican Senator George Allen has a “race problem.” Now the 2008 GOP presidential pretender has shown off his unique sensitivities again by repeatedly calling an Asian ...

15.Aug.2006 Military’s Discharges for Being Gay Rose in ’05
The Defense Department discharged 726 service members last year for being gay, up about 10 % from 2004, figures released by a gay rights group show.

15.Aug.2006 Truck Price Pressure Drives Core PPI Lower - Ritholtz 
Today's data release got the party rolling: Core PPI (excluding food and energy) fell 0.3%, the first such drop since October '05. Stocks rallied, as did Bond prices, driving yields down 75 bps across the curve. A closer look reveals how this happened: Vehicle prices fell 2%, with Car ...

15.Aug.2006 Recording Industry vs The People
Thanks to John Hermann, the great Michigan lawyer who's been fighting the RIAA there, for bringing this to my attention. John's contact info: 2684 West Eleven Mile Road Berkley, MI 48072 248-591-9291 Email: By the way the lawyer who signed the motion is the same lawyer who ...

15.Aug.2006 Google Buys Photo Recognition Company - Liz Gannes 
Google announced today on its blog it had acquired Neven Vision, a photo recognition firm whose background is in biometrics, for an undisclosed sum. The technology is to be incorporated into Google’s Picasa to improve search of personal photo collections. The company has a strong mobile bent ...

15.Aug.2006 British Police Want To Be Judge & Jury, Too - Uncle Dave Cops want to hand out justice on the street.
15.Aug.2006 Sunspots: The acquired taste edition - 37signals 
Steven Soderbergh on clarity "The hardest thing in the world is to be good and clear when creating anything. It's the hardest thing in the world. It's really easy to be obscure and elliptical and so fucking hard to be good and clear. It breaks people. Because you don't often get encouragement to ...

15.Aug.2006 Good for the News(week)?
In some bizarre meta-commentary on the whole Mel Gibson controversy, Newsweek has created a parody column by a character they're calling "Rabbi Marc Gellman." The character is apparently supposed to display every negative stereotype associated with Jews. After the jump, we introduce you to this ...

15.Aug.2006 Crime spike hits Katrina evacuees Katrina evacuees in Houston are more likely to be affected by rising violent crime rates, police figures show.
15.Aug.2006 Compensation for care homes abuse
Victims of abuse at Nazareth House children's homes are paid official compensation, BBC Scotland learns.

15.Aug.2006 EFF Files Complaint with FTC Over AOL Data Leak - Zonk 55 -Quincy A. writes

"Last week's exposure of search data on over 500,000 AOL users was a gigantic embarrassment for the company. It may be about to get worse, as the EFF has filed a complaint with the FTC over the incident. 'Citing AOL's own Network Privacy Policy, the EFF says that the company failed to "implement reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal consumer information from public disclosure."' Among other things, the complaint asks AOL to notify all users affected by the data disclosure via certified mail and provide free credit monitoring for a year."
Did Humans Evolve? No, Say Americans - Zonk 800 - Stern Thinker writes

"In a 2005 poll covering 33 countries, Americans are the least likely (except for Turkish respondents) to assert that 'humans developed ... from earlier species of animals.' Iceland, meanwhile, has an 85% acceptance rating for evolution." The blurb on the site for Science magazine is less circumspect about the findings: "The acceptance of evolution is lower in the USAthan in Japan or Europe, largely because of widespread fundamentalism and the politicization of science in the United States."
Backlash Against British Encryption Law - Zonk 268 - gardenermike writes

"The BBC is reporting on some backlash against the British Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) that came into force 00.000.2000, which makes it a criminal act to refuse to decrypt files on a computer. Not surprisingly, the bugaboos of child pornography and terrorism, while unquestionably heinous, are being used to justify a law which does little to protect against either. Lord Phillips of Sudbury is quoted 'You do not secure the liberty of our country and value of our democracy by undermining them, that's the road to hell.'"
Astronomers Make Important Dark Matter Discovery - Zonk 174 - saudadelinux writes

"To quote a press release on NASA's site, astronomers using the Chandra X-ray Observatory have discovered 'how dark and normal matter have been forced apart in an extraordinarily energetic collision.' There will be a briefing at noon, August 21 ET, on this discovery, with streaming media provided by NASA + some details of the research posted on Harvard's Chandra site just beforehand."
AOL faces FTC complaint over search data release Blog: The legal and political fallout from AOL's publication of some 650,000 users' search histories continues.On Monday, the Electronic...
15.Aug.2006 Grass' Schweigen: "Dazu muss ich stehen"

16.Aug.2006 Interview mit Robert Schindel: "Es ist ein Armutszeugnis, wie Grass behandelt wird"

16.Aug.2006 Teure Energie: RWE will sieben Prozent mehr für Strom
15.Aug.2006 Entführter Israeli: Ägypter schlagen Gefangenenaustausch vor

16.Aug.2006 Iran: Geistlicher droht mit Raketenangriff auf Tel Aviv
Hello David,
Not wishing to get into a debate however your comment about "no innocent civilians in wartime".......does this mean the innocent victims of 9/11 were really guilty in your eyes and the Al-Qaeda terrorists were therefore entitled to kill them? I hope not....

Quote: Originally Posted by David Please don't give me that crying crap about innocent civilians being killed. There is no such thing as innocent civilians in war. Civilians, either directly or indirectly contribute to the war effort and that makes them liable!
When you destroy your enemies ability to make war then you will end that war. Does anybody remember WWII? Israel has taken the right approach in their conduct of this war. As General Patton once said, "Hit them today, hit them tomorrow + keep on hitting them until there is nothing left to hit". With that approach, this conflict will cease.
Wow, thats really an ugly thing to say. Not wanting to really debate with you about this but I just wanted to ask if you would feel the same way if China went to war with us and their missiles were killing your loved ones. I am by no means pro-Hezbollah/Lebanon either. In this day and age we have the technology to srike precisely what we want to. Carpet bombing was our best technology in WWII - thats why Patton said that. He wouldnt say the same today.

A War Of Ideals Yes this is a mess. And it will only continue to get much more messy. In fact, this is so messy that our worlds leaders cant even call it what it is, in public. Is it the "terrorists" or the "insurgents" or "evil-doers"? Because they all mean something different. Was it terrorism in France when thousands of people ran mad through the streets torching hundreds of cars, busses, buildings and even people? Don't terrorists blow up airplanes? Well, how come there are hundreds of thousdands of terrorists fighting our soldiers and Israeli soldiers and British soldiers and they have not managed to blow up one airplane since 9/11? Don't get me wrong - I DO believe there are terrorists in this world. But, is that who we are fighting? I believe the people we are fighting will resort to terrorism. But are there really millions of terrorists? I beleive we are fighting something more that a terrorist organization. We have waged war against a people. I mean come on- thats what it is Why cant Bush or Blair or Olmhurt say this? We have waged a war with a people that will drive airplanes into buildings or sell HEU to anybody or even threaten to bring this world to its knees through the control of oil. And who are this people - where is the root of this people? Yes they are scattered about but everybody has a master. I think thats why our leaders are tiptoeing around what they actually call this. But thats also a large reason why the free world is so divided in this war on terrorism? The enemy has not even been clearly defined to the people yet. Are they just waiting for us to get it? I think I get it. Do you?

The official publishing house of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has printed a new book about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that has outraged conservatives in the church and elsewhere.

The book, "Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11," written by David Ray Griffin, a professor emeritus at Claremont School of Theology in California, accuses the Bush administration of carrying out the attacks as a pretext for expanding America's "demonic" imperial power.

Griffin argues, among other things, that the World Trade Center towers collapsed because of secretly planted explosives -- he quotes eyewitnesses who claim that's what it looked and sounded like -- and not because airliners crashed into the buildings, causing fires.

Writers on conservative Presbyterian Web sites have been responding by saying officials of the Louisville-based denomination are out of touch with members and by calling for a boycott of Presbyterian Publishing Corp.
Some definitions... (Score:5, Insightful) by
Analogy Man (601298) on Tuesday August 15, @09:01AM (#15909521) Democratic: Representative government where the people have free access to information about the government and the goverments access to information about citizens has checks and balances.

Authoritarian: Government based on manipulation of power where access to government information is limited and access to citizen information by government is unfettered.

Ask yourself which direction the US government is heading.
Ärger über Syriens Staatschef: Wütender Steinmeier streicht Treffen mit Assad

15.Aug.2006 Köln: Nachbarn quälten Behinderten jahrelang
15.Aug.2006 Großbritannien: Regierung erwägt Sonderkontrollen für Muslime
15.Aug.2006 Pressefreiheit: Gericht kippt Verfahren gegen "Cicero"
15.Aug.2006 Polnische Reaktionen auf Grass: "Besser spät als nie"
15.Aug.2006 Drogenschmuggler aber lösen keinen nationalen Sicherheitsalarm mit implizierter Großfahndung aus.
15.Aug.2006 Präsidentenwahlen in Brasilien - sfux Karl Weiss -

Es sind noch zwei Monate bis zu den Präsidentenwahlen in Brasilien. Alle Vorausschauen bis jetzt laufen auf einen klaren Sieg von Präsident Lula hinaus, sei es im ersten oder im zweiten Wahlgang. Aber die linke Kandidatin Heloísa Helena hat weiter Terrain gutgemacht.
Nach der letzten Umfrage von Anfang August des Instituts Datafolha steht Lula nun mit...

Sicherheitsrisiko: Spanische Küstenwache - sfux Harald Haack -

Bisher hat die spanische Küstenwache noch nie ein U-Boot von Drogenschmugglern beschlagnahmt. Dennoch glauben die Beamten, dass das verlassene U-Boot, das in einer Bucht an der Nordwestküste Spaniens gefunden wurde, Drogenbanden gehörte und zum Koksschmuggel diente. Die Besatzung ist verschwunden. Im Boot wurden auch keine Drogen gefunden.
Weil der Küstenabschnitt,...

Title: "Peace Activists" with a Secret Agenda? - sfux Part Two: The Crisis of the Marxist Left and the Rise of the WWP

Kevin Coogan - Although Ramsey Clark greatly contributed to the IAC's credibility with respect to the outside world,...
15.Aug.2006 VIDEO: Sean Hannity Suggests Israel Should Drop A Nuclear Bomb To ‘Obliterate’ Hezbollah - Amanda  -

Yesterday on Fox News, Sean Hannity bashed Americans for Peace Now founder Mark Rosenblum for claiming that Hannity had suggested Israel should drop a nuclear bomb to destroy Hezbollah. “I never said drop a nuclear bomb,” Hannity responded. A few moments later, Hannity slipped and said, “It could have. They could obliterate them.” Hannity ended the segment by telling Rosenblum he was “full of sh*t.” Watch it: Full transcript below:

COLMES: What do you though — let’s say Hezbollah keeps firing, though. What do you do then?

ROSENBLUM: Well, you have to fire back. And what this particular resolution allows is Israel is defined as the victim. Hezbollah is the perpetrator. Israel has the right to defend itself while it stays in southern Lebanon. There has never been a United Nations resolution so friendly to Israeli security interests and right — but it is a piece of paper, not implemented yet.

HANNITY: A lot of good 1559 did. I think anything short of the defeat of Hezbollah or crippling it to a larger extent is a waste of time.

ROSENBLUM: By dropping your nuclear bomb, is what you said.

HANNITY: No, no, I never said drop a nuclear bomb. You said that they weren’t winning + I said they could have won it in a second if they wanted to. I’m saying Israeli forces, their generals are saying they didn’t fight it to the full extent.

ROSENBLUM: And again you’re monolithing Israel. There’s a dispute on this in Israel.

HANNITY: But don’t mischaracterize what I said. I never said drop a weapon. I said they could, they could obliterate them. And if they wanted to, they could have.

ROSENBLUM: And you said a nuclear weapon could be…


HANNITY: It could have. They could obliterate them.

ROSENBLUM: Again, why would Israel choose not to do that?

HANNITY: What part of that don’t you understand?

ROSENBLUM: Look at Israeli self-interest.

HANNITY: All right, you’re full of sh*t. We’ve got to break. Coming up next, “60 Minutes” chats with the president of Iran as a nuclear deadline looms. We’ll talk about that.
37 %. - Amanda  - President Bush’s latest approval rating according to a new Gallup poll.
15.Aug.2006 VIDEO: Bill Clinton Calls Lieberman’s Iraq Stance The ‘Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Position’ - Think Progress  -

This morning on ABC’s Good Morning America, former President Bill Clinton explained Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s position on invading Iraq “is the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld position,” and one that nearly all progressives disagree with. Clinton characterized the Lieberman position as: “I want to attack Iraq whether or not they have weapons of mass destruction.” Watch it. <script type="text/javascript"> var so22851 = new SWFObject('//08/billclinton.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-so22851', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); so22851.addParam('quality', 'high'); so22851.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); so22851.write('so22851');

According to a recent World Public Opinion Poll,

71 % of Americans said that the US should not have gone to war if Iraq did not have WMD, while just 27 % said that the US should still have gone to war with Iraq for other reasons. Full transcript below:

JAKE TAPPER: Joe Lieberman said that this was basically liberals in the party purging moderates such as him and you out of the party + that there needs to be a voice for more moderate national security voices.

CLINTON: Well, if I were Joe and I were running as an independent that’s what I’d say, too. But that’s not quite right.

That is, there were almost no Democrats who agreed with his position, which was I want to attack Iraq whether or not they have weapons of mass destruction. And his position was the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld position.
Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) on himself: - Amanda  - “I can self-destruct in one sentence. Sometimes in one word.”
15.Aug.2006 15.Aug.2006 - Think Progress  -

When President Bush visits Salt Lake City later this month, Mayor Rocky Anderson will be greeting him with a bullhorn at a protest rally .

Anderson said it would be “cowardly” and “unpatriotic” to stay silent.

“I don’t respect people who see things headed in the wrong direction + because of their high sense of deference or because of their membership in the [national] culture of obedience they keep their mouths shut.”

726: The number of service members discharged last year under the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, up 11 % from the year before.

The Fort Leonard Wood, MO, base discharged 60 people, the highest number in the nation.

Data from more than 50 climate models have revealed a direct link between rises in global temperature and damage to ecosystems .

“Rising temperatures will increase the risk of forest fires, droughts and flooding over the next two centuries.”

00.Apr.2005 Homeland Security report found “the %age of shoes subjected to explosives inspection should be significantly increased .

” Machines used at most airports to scan hand-held luggage “have not been upgraded to detect explosives since the report was issued.”

$3.03: The new record-high price of gas per gallon in the U.S. at the end of last week, according to the Lundberg industry survey.

“About 300 U.S. soldiers who just weeks ago returned home to Alaska after a year in Iraq are being ordered back to try to help bolster security in Baghdad,”

provoking “anger and disappointment” among some of the soldiers’ families.

Low condom use is fueling Southern Africa’s AIDS pandemic, according to a report by the Southern African Development Community.

The report “urged regional leaders - often accused of moving too slowly against the AIDS crisis - to encourage condom use and the reduction of the number of concurrent sexual partners.”

And finally: “Americans are more familiar with the Seven Dwarfs, the Three Stooges and Superman than with current events and world leaders, according to yet another poll that reveals our trite side .” 77 % of Americans could identity two of the Seven Dwarfs, but only 24 % could name two Supreme Court justices. (Respondents were most familiar with Sleepy and Clarence Thomas.)
15.Aug.2006 Substantiated military recruiting violations - Amanda  - “went up by more than 50 % last year, going from 4,400 cases to 6,600 00.000.2005,” according to a new GAO report.
15.Aug.2006 David Ray Griffin Update 9/11 book from church publishing house causes uproar
15.Aug.2006 Claim: Liquid Terror Suspect Watched Conspiracy Vids - Paul Joseph Watson -Disturbing growing trend of 'guilt by association' should concern 9/11 truthers
15.Aug.2006 Olbermann Exposes Nexus Of Politics And Terror - Paul Joseph Watson- Details ten clear examples where Bush admin. alerts preceded by damaging revelations
15.Aug.2006 UK refuses to issue a 5 year old girl a passport because her picture might offend Muslims! - SN Political Correctness in the UK!
15.Aug.2006 Exposing Earmarks Ney officially bows out:

Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, has filed the paperwork with Tuscarawas County election officials to remove his name from the November ballot.

An open primary will be held to decide who runs on the Republican ballot. There had been speculation that Ney, who is under investigation in ...
Consultation on the Draft Code of Practice for the Investigation of Protected Electronic ...
Consultation on the Draft Code of Practice for the Investigation of Protected Electronic Information - Part III of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000

The consultation provides an opportunity to tell the Government if there is anything more, or anything different, that should be ...
Asset Protection Symposium
The increased visibility and catastrophic financial effects of a number of recent corporate security breaches have made managing risk, maintaining shareholder value and protecting brand equity a top priority across all industries. The challenge is doing so while remaining agile.

15.Aug.2006 Advertisers Trace Paths Users Leave on Internet Internet companies are analyzing records of what their users search for to target advertising directly to them.
15.Aug.2006 Swedish Pirate Party launches Commercial Darknet - Davemania 
Today, the Swedish Pirate Party launched a new Internet service that lets anybody send and receive files and information over the Internet without fear of being monitored or logged. In technical terms, such a network is called a "darknet". The service allows people to use an untraceable address in ...

15.Aug.2006 The Corner on National Review Online
A number of us here in the USAhave witnessed, with growing concern, reports of the government of Belgium's harassment of the weblog, "The Brussels Journal."

We consider The Brussels Journal to be an invaluable source of information and opinion on matters European.
Iran and Syria applaud 'victory' Syria and Iran praise Hezbollah for what both countries say is the group's defeat of Israel in Lebanon.
15.Aug.2006 10,000 bags lost at airports British Airways estimates 10,000 of its passengers' bags have gone missing since the air security alert began.
15.Aug.2006 Cameron criticises terror effort Conservative leader David Cameron says the government is not doing enough to fight Islamist extremism in the UK.
15.Aug.2006 Koizumi shrine visit stokes anger Japan's PM Junichiro Koizumi defies regional protests to visit the controversial Yasukuni shrine.
15.Aug.2006 Police consider extra powers call Chief police officers may press for powers to punish anti-social activities without having to go to court.
15.Aug.2006 Mexico poll protests turn violent Mexican police use tear gas and clubs to break up a protest over the disputed presidential election.
15.Aug.2006 BA 'mulls Heathrow compensation' BA may seek compensation from airports firm BAA after it had to cancel hundreds of flights from Heathrow.
15.Aug.2006 Airport flights close to normal BA flights from Scotland to England "effectively return to normal", says operator BAA.
15.Aug.2006 Browne defends UK foreign policy The UK's foreign policy is not to blame for people becoming "indiscriminate terrorist killers", a minister says.
15.Aug.2006 Police decryption powers 'flawed' Plans to give police powers to make suspects produce readable copies of encrypted data come under fire.
15.Aug.2006 India PM plea on 'terror attacks' India's prime minister calls on Pakistan to take steps to prevent "terror attacks" being launched from its territory.
15.Aug.2006 Air security relaxed after alert Hand luggage restrictions on flights are relaxed amid calls for more passenger screening after the terror alert.
15.Aug.2006 MoD papers dumped in ditch A drainage worker finds a holdall full of Ministry of Defence papers dumped in a roadside ditch.
15.Aug.2006 Fragile truce holding in Lebanon Israel's truce with Hezbollah remains intact despite sporadic violence overnight in south Lebanon.
15.Aug.2006 Overweight 'top world's hungry' There are now more overweight people in the world than hungry ones, experts say.
15.Aug.2006 German births decline to new low Germany sees another decline in its birth rate, which is the lowest in Europe.
15.Aug.2006 Security 'bad news for sex drive' A woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure relationship, according to research.
15.Aug.2006 Power From the People Japan Railways' plans to harvest electricity from its passengers' bipedal locomotion points to a possible future where no step goes to waste.
15.Aug.2006 EU Patent Wars to Resume - CowboyNeal 129 - replicant108 writes

"Ciaran O'Riordan of the FSFE gives a concise analysis of why the EU Software Patent Wars will resume this winter.

Apparently the pro-patent side have changed their strategy — this time they plan to bypass the legislative powers and target the judiciary instead.

The goal is to transfer power from the national courts (which often rule against software patents) to a specially-created European Patent Court which will be controlled by the pro-software patent EPO!"
Pirate Party Launches Commercial Darknet - CowboyNeal 483 - CrystalFalcon writes

"The Swedish Pirate Party has launched a commercial, high-capacity darknet, on an unprecedented scale and bandwidth.

This service lets anybody send and receive files anonymously without being tracked or traced.

'There are many legitimate reasons to want to be completely anonymous on the Internet,' says Rickard Falkvinge, chairman of the Pirate Party.

'If the government can check everything each citizen does, nobody can keep the government in check.'"
15 Websites That Changed the World - Zonk 269 - nuke-alwin writes

"To mark the web's 15th anniversary, The Guardian is reporting on 15 websites that changed the world.

Everything from commercial sites like eBay and Amazon to social collaboratives like Wikipedia and Slashdot made the list." From the article's comments on Blogger:

"Content was once made by companies for passive consumption by people.

After Blogger, people were the content. They wrote about and read about their friends, their opinions, their cats. (There was a lot about cats in the early blogs.)

None had a huge audience but collectively they were massive.

Now you see TV networks saying: 'We've gotta get on the web because that's where the audience is,' says Williams."
New 'No Military Use' GPL For GPU - Zonk 971 - Tina Gasperson writes

"GPU is a Gnutella client that creates ad-hoc supercomputers by allowing individual PCs on the network to share CPU resources with each other.

That's intriguing enough, but the really interesting thing about GPU is the license its developers have given it.

They call it a 'no military use' modified version of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

The developers told Newsforge why they did it, with commentary from OSI and FSF." Newsforge is also owned by OSTG, Slashdot's parent company.
Waffenstillstand in Nahost: Koalition bereitet Truppen- Einsatz im Libanon vor
15.Aug.2006 Insidervorwurf: Israelischer Generalstabschef wegen Aktienverkaufs unter Druck
15.Aug.2006 Berufsverbot: Prozess um linken Lehrer wird neu aufgerollt

15.Aug.2006 Erste Bilanz: Krieg kostet Israel 4,5 Milliarden Euro

15.Aug.2006 Irak: Neuer Angriff auf Schiiten- Schrein
15.Aug.2006 Ärger über Assad- Rede: Steinmeier sagt kurz vor Abflug Syrien- Reise ab
15.Aug.2006 Ryanair & Co.: Neue Handgepäck- Regeln treffen Billigflieger hart

15.Aug.2006 SPIEGEL exklusiv: Grass räumte als Kriegsgefangener Waffen- SS- Mitgliedschaft ein
15.Aug.2006 Sri Lanka: Getötete Kinder laut Unicef "unschuldige Opfer"
15.Aug.2006 China: Rasendes Wachstum, faule Kredite
15.Aug.2006 US- Studie: Verzerrtes Bild vom Krieg
15.Aug.2006 Mexiko: Schläge und Tränengas gegen Demonstranten
Historischer Gewinneinbruch: Deutschland- Flop belastet Wal- Mart
15.Aug.2006 Libanon- Krieg: Bushs Blaupause für Angriff auf Iran
15.Aug.2006 Geburtendefizit: Deutschland schrumpft

15.Aug.2006 Teure Energie: E.on macht glänzende Geschäfte

15.Aug.2006 Madonna- Konzert: Staatsanwaltschaft prüft auf Gotteslästerung
15.Aug.2006 Südlibanon: Rückkehr in die zerbombte Heimat
15.Aug.2006 SS- Bekenntnis: "Wie hat Grass damals zum Holocaust gestanden?"

15.Aug.2006 Reisegepäck: Das Ende des schnellen Check- in
15.Aug.2006 Indischer Ozean: Japanischer Tanker verliert 4500 Tonnen Öl

15.Aug.2006 Peinliche Panne: Nasa hat Mondlandungs- Videos verbummelt
15.Aug.2006 Internationale Pressestimmen: "Der alte Haudegen scheint bereit zum Streit"

15.Aug.2006 Flüchtlinge im Südlibanon: Heimkehr in die Trümmerwüste

15.Aug.2006 Nahost: Israel bereitet Abzug aus Südlibanon vor
15.Aug.2006 Mammoths may roam again after 27,000 years  Bodies of extinct Ice Age mammals, such as woolly mammoths, that have been frozen in permafrost for thousands of years may contain viable sperm that could be used to bring them back from the dead, scientists said yesterday.

15.Aug.2006 Lincoln Chafee: Supporting Him is a Fool's Errand for Progressive Advocacy Groups -- A BuzzFlash Editorial (Comment Away on the Editorial. Free Registration.)
Can You Learn to Love the "Cheney Within"? Summer Comic Relief Available at

15.Aug.2006 Buy Progressive and Support at the Same Time! Visit the BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace.
00.000.2005 Keith Olbermann Did an Edward R. Murrow Style Expose of How the Bush Administration Used Trumped Up Terror Alerts to Bury Bad News About the White House's Nefarious Activities.

This MSNBC Segment is Even More Relevant Today.

15.Aug.2006 Bush Betrayal of Our National and Personal Security #173,483 The Bushevik Aiport Screenings are Just a Partisan PR Stunt as Long as Air Cargo Goes Unchecked - +

the Busheviks Continue to Let It Go Unchecked. 8/16 Bush on Trial in "The Anchorage Trials ? 2036," Episode 49.3 of The Last Chance Democracy Cafe by Steven C. Day
Triumph! "Democrats See Security as Key Issue for Fall." 'they are not Swift boating us on security,? said Representative Nancy Pelosi of California. Good Lord, The Dem Poobahs Seem to Have Awakened from Their Rip Van Winkle Slumber! Can It be True? 8/15

15.Aug.2006 Federal Judge OKs Law Signed by Bush Even Though the House Never Voted on It. We Need a Real Judiciary Again -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Report: Airport X-rays don't detect explosives. The Busheviks Have Had You Taking Your Shoes Off for Nothing.

15.Aug.2006 Greg Palast: So Osama Walks Into This Bar, See? - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
15.Aug.2006 Westliche Gläubigerbanken beantragen Insolvenz für Yukos ... hat der Yukos-Vorstand um den Amerikaner Steven Theede

00.000.200-- -in den vergangenen Monaten- die Restfirma von London aus gelenkt ...
Search results for Morgan ... Germany was looted by the London -New York banking system, + Hitler's propaganda exploited ...

Ein Unternehmen müsste jedenfalls Insolvenz beantragen, wenn seine Schulden so hoch sind ...

"Der Fund ist sehr frisch", sagte Udo Geilenbrügge, der Leiter der Außenstelle des Amtes in Titz.

Bei weiteren Grabungen werde man nach Spuren der Holzpfosten suchen, aus denen Neandertaler Trägerstrukturen etwa für Tipis oder Rundhütten für Felle gebaut haben.

Das Grabungsfeld im Rheinland liegt im Braunkohletagebau Inden.

Experten vermuten, dass Feuersteingeröll an der Erdoberfläche den Neandertaler zum Bleiben bewogen hat.

"Das war ein ideales Rohstofflager", sagte Geilenbrügge.

Aus dem Feuerstein fertigten Neandertaler Messer oder Beile - Werkzeuge der Art, wie sie auch in unmittelbarer Nähe des Hüttengrundrisses gefunden wurden.

Die Hütte hatte möglicherweise einen Ausgang nach Osten, wie eine Vertiefung in dem Grundriss vermuten lässt.

Noch können die Experten den Fund aber nicht im Detail entschlüsseln. "Wir müssen weitere Grabungen abwarten", erklärte Geilenbrügge.
Rheinland: Neandertaler- Behausung entdeckt