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24.Mar.2006 Hilfe für Lukaschenko: Russland kritisiert Westen als "Brandstifter" in Weißrussland

24.Mar.2006 Dubais Prestigeprojekt: Streik legt Bau von Rekord-Wolkenkratzer lahm
Acker-Benzin: Ökologen zweifeln an Biokraftstoff
Punkband Anti-Flag: Parolenpop für Pausenhöfe
Klimamodell: Küstenstädte könnten noch in diesem Jahrhundert versinken
Atommächte: Indien bietet Pakistan Friedensvertrag an

24.Mar.2006 Londoner Studie: Gebäude machen nicht krank
Börsenstar: Google vor Aufstieg in US-Leitindex S&P 500
Frankreich: Villepins Waterloo
Video: Alex Jones On CNN Showbiz Tonight Author: Paul Joseph Watson Video: Alex Jones On CNN Showbiz Tonight Watch Alex's appearance on CNN's
Transcript of Alex Jones Appearance on CNN's Showbiz Tonight Author: Paul Joseph Watson Transcript of Alex Jones Appearance on CNN's Showbiz Tonight CNN | March 24
Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story Goes Viral Author: Paul Joseph Watson Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story Goes Viral Alex Jones appears on CNN, poll says
CNN Poll Shows Three-Quarters Support Sheen Author: Paul Joseph Watson CNN Poll Shows Three-Quarters Support Sheen Prison Planet.com | March 24 2006
Giant Triangle Author: James 
Here’s a mystery for a Friday morning - why is there a giant equilateral triangle in the desert near the city of Surprise, Arizona? And why does the city have such a silly name? It looks to me like it could be an old airfield but it could, of course, be aliens! Thanks: Craig Simpson

UPDATE: High-resolution Germany and TruEarth
We have updated the imagery database tonight. You'll need to restart Google Earth to see it, but no new software is needed. Although updating to the latest is always a good idea. We now have almost all of Germany covered in high-resolution, plus some really high resolution insets in cities like ...

Podcasts, The Open Source Way Author: Ken 
Came across this in the morning reading, for those of you interested in grabbing podcasts without going the iTunes way (which I was trying out myself at the weekend). The article points to an open source option for scheduling the download of podcasts once you’ve got the URL you need. Called ...

Sea rise could be 'catastrophic' Melting of the ice sheets could commit the Earth to a catastrophic rise in sea level, the journal Science reports.
Key French talks over labour law Union leaders are to meet the French prime minister to discuss a labour law which has led to violent protests.
Japan court orders reactor closed Japan's second largest nuclear reactor is ordered to shut down over fears about safety if an earthquake occurs.
Argentina marks coup anniversary Argentines mark 30 years since the coup that brought the military to power in an era known as the Dirty War.
Bird flu case confirmed in Jordan The deadly H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus is found in dead birds on a private farm in northern Jordan
Nano circuit offers big promise US researchers have built a computer circuit on a single molecule, saying it could lead to faster microchips.
Doubts cast on oily fish benefits There is no evidence of a clear benefit to health from fats which are found in oily fish, researchers say.
'No one cause' for Gulf illness There is no single cause for Gulf War illness, researchers have concluded.
Young 'won't wait to see doctor' Young Britons neglect their health because they are too impatient to wait for appointments, a survey says.
IBM Creates Ring Oscillator on a Single Nanotube Author: CowboyNeal 96 Comments 
deeptrace writes "IBM has combined CMOS circuitry and a single carbon nanotube to implement a 5 stage ring oscillator.

Even though the oscillator runs at just 52 MHz, they expect that it could reach the GHz range with improvements. The frequency of the current oscillator was higher than previous circuits using multiple nanotubes.

IBM describes the achievement in the paper "Integrated Logic Circuit Assembled on a Single Carbon Nanotube" to be published this week in the journal Science."
ABC News Producer: Bush Makes Me Sick Author: Ian 
Media bias? What media bias? (via Drudge): A top producer at ABC NEWS declared “Bush makes me sick” in an email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

John Green, currently executive producer of the weekend edition of GOOD MORNING AMERICA, unloaded on the president in an ABC company email ...
Bush's "Uncle Bucky" Collected Millions From Sale Of Company That Profited From War... Author: The Huffington Post 
As President Bush embarks on a new effort to shore up public support for the war in Iraq, an uncle of the commander in chief is collecting $2.7 million in cash + stock from the recent sale of a company that profited from the war. A report filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ...

Rumsfeld: History Isn't Made Up Of Blogs or Headlines
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, attempting in vain to defend his administration's failed Iraq policy:

Some have described the situation in Iraq as a tightening noose, noting that "time is not on our side"and that "morale is down." Others have described a "very dangerous" turn of events and ...
Bush Admin. Hiring Chinese Company To Detect Nukes Inside Cargo Heading To US… Author: The Huffington Post 
In the aftermath of the Dubai ports dispute, the Bush administration is hiring a Hong Kong conglomerate to help detect nuclear materials inside cargo passing through the Bahamas to the United States and elsewhere. The administration acknowledges the no-bid contract with Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. ...

IBM researchers claim nanotube first An integrated circuit created from a carbon nanotube could lead to greater commercial uses for the technology.
"Wenn wir wollen, daß unsere Lohnerhöhungen und unsere Forderungen hinsichtlich der Arbeitsbedingungen Erfolg haben, wenn wir nicht wollen, daß sie ständig bedroht sind, dann müssen wir jetzt für eine grundlegende Veränderung in der Gesellschaft kämpfen ?

Als Arbeiter sollten wir selbst danach streben, den Gang unserer Unternehmen zu kontrollieren.

Unsere Forderungen sind denen der Studenten ähnlich. Die Verwaltung der Industrie und die der Universität sollten von denen, die dort arbeiten, auf demokratischem Weg sichergestellt werden."
Flugblatt der streikenden Renault-Arbeiter im Mai '68

Freeview: The Alex Jones Report March 23rd 2006 Author: Paul Joseph Watson Freeview: The Alex Jones Report March 23rd 2006 Prison Planet.com | March 23

Villepin ist um eine Entschärfung der Situation bemüht, die sich in den vergangenen Wochen zugespitzt und ihm sowie seiner Partei im Vorfeld der Wahlen 2007 deutlich geschadet hat. Er hatte angeboten, "ohne Vorurteile" über Wege zu diskutieren, wie mit den Ängsten vor dem geplanten Gesetz umgegangen werden könne. Die Zeitung "Le Parisien" berichtete, Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac habe Villepin gedrängt, den Kontakt mit den Gewerkschaften wieder aufzunehmen und indirekt mit der Entlassung Villepins gedroht.

"Wenn sich die Dinge nicht sehr schnell ändern, wird der Ministerpräsident gefeuert", zitierte das Blatt einen ungenannten Regierungsvertreter.

Am Wochenende hatten Hunderttausende gegen das Gesetz protestiert. Die Gewerkschaften haben für Dienstag einen Generalstreik im Land ausgerufen.

Teilnehmer des Pariser Protests heute erklärten, die Kundgebung sei offensichtlich von Krawallmachern unterwandert worden. "Heute sind viele jugendliche Kriminelle dabei, die klauen und Sachen kaputt schlagen.

Das schadet der Bewegung", sagte etwa Charlie Herblin, ein 22-jähriger Arbeiter. Augenzeugen berichteten, die zumeist Vermummten hätten demonstrierenden Studenten Kleidungsstücke und Mobiltelefone abgenommen.

Bruce Jackson sits on the five-member board of PNAC . ... www.irc-online.org/fpif/progresp/volume8/v8n10_body.html

PNAC.info » This war is brought to you by… Washington’s Likudniks - the AEI and PNAC people - allied with evangelical Christians - are running US foreign policy in the Middle East. ...

pnac.info/index.php/2003/this-war-is-brought-to-you-by /

Burning Bush: Notes and Sources - View as HTML Nothing said about the Project for the New American Century ( PNAC ) is ... None of this was true, but it worked + evangelical voters turned out in ...

Cuba - Contra la guerra y el terrorismo mediático. Noticias ... Vietnam was " McNamara's War" as much as Iraq is Rumsfeld s. But thanks to the movie, ...

Yo voy a mí · Irak : Armas para la destrucción masiva de la Cultura ... www.cubadebate.cu/index.php?tpl=especiales-show&noticiaid=1451&noticiafecha=2004-01-08
Krieg mit Irak Vietnamkriegs-Architekt + Ex-Verteidigungsminister Robert McNamara zu Irak : "It's just wrong what we're doing" Kenneth M. Pollack, Ex-Mitarbeiter im ... www.life-info.de/inh1./texte/Irak_Krieg.html
Secret Patriot Act II to give Dictatorship to Bush ... The Patriot Act II bill itself is stamped " Confidential - Not for Distribution ."

Upon reading the analysis and bill, I was stunned by the scientifically crafted ... www.the7thfire.com/new_world_order/secret_patriot_act_ii.htm

24.Mar.2006 The War on Democracy The Patriot Act 2 bill itself is stamped " Confidential - Not for Distribution ." Upon reading the analysis and bill, I was stunned by the scientifically ... www.the7thfire.com/Politics%20and%20History/war_on_democracy.htm

"Die Entwicklung und der Flug der drei ST5-Satelliten ist ein großer Schritt in Richtung der Verwendung von Schwärmen kleiner Raumfahrzeuge", sagte Nasa-Wissenschaftler Jim Slavin.

"Sie sollen wissenschaftliche Aufgaben übernehmen, die kein einzelner Satellit erfüllen könnte, egal welche Fähigkeiten er besitzt."

Denn trotz ihrer kompakten Maße besitzen die "ST5"-Winzlinge eine eigene Stromversorgung, einen eigenen Antrieb und haben auch Systeme für Kommunikation, Navigation und Steuerung an Bord. Kurz nach dem Start trennen nur wenige Meter die Satelliten voneinander. Nach 20 Tagen sollen sie 40 bis 200 Kilometer voneinander entfernt in einer Formation koordinierte Messungen vornehmen.
https://www.spiegel.de/reise/aktuell/0,1518,druck-407588,00.html Wer ab

00.Mai 2006 ohne Visum in die USA reisen möchte, muss einen regulären, roten Pass mit einer Gültigkeitsdauer von zehn Jahren (fünf Jahren bei unter 26-jährigen Personen) beantragen. Sowohl die elektronischen Reisepässe mit digitalem Gesichtsbild als auch die regulären Pässe, die vor dem 01.Nov.2005 ausgestellt wurden und noch keinen Chip enthalten, ermöglichen weiter die visumfreie Einreise in die USA.
Google Caught Censoring Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story Author: Paul Joseph Watson Google Caught Censoring Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story Quickly re-indexes pages
CNN Fairly Cover's Sheen's 9/11 Comments - MSM Attacks Charlie Sheen Author: Paul Joseph Watson 
CNN Fairly Cover's Sheen's 9/11 Comments Comment: We are amazed and

Ma Bush's Katrina money funneled to prez' little bro

The depths to which the president's little brother will go were revealed again yesterday when it was learned that he benefited from a charitable donation made by his mother.

Neil Bush may have achieved a new low when his mommy gave money to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, with the stipulation that it be used to buy services from Ignite! Learning, a company owned by her idiot son.

00.000.1999 he founded Ignite! Learning, a company that creates multimedia curriculum for kids. Their latest product is the COW, curriculum on wheels.

A bizarre hybrid of Barney and R2D2, it's basically a computer + projector on a stick with wheels.
24.Mar.2006 America's atheists are considered so loathsome that no other news outlet could be bothered to
report the survey’s findings. It's still "A-OK" to hate an atheist!
General malaise GM has offered a buyout to all 113,000 of its unionized employees here in America; In other news, GM's stock jumped this morning
'Dangerously incompetent' Senate minority leader Harry Reid popped off on President Bush yesterday while preferring to remain shockingly ineffectual
Municator: Another ultra-low priced ($146) Linux computer from China Author: Charbax 
This is an awesome product! It is a 146$ Linux computer (Thinix OS) from China that does all the basic things most people need, like browsing (firefox), emailing (thunderbird), instant messaging (gaim), skype, word processing (Red Office), audio/video playback (mplayer), e-learning, all through a ...

George Lucas: US Has Invaded The World Via Hollywood... Author: The Huffington Post 
Legendary "Star Wars" film creator George Lucas told a packed house the United States is a provincial country with a culture that has invaded the world via Hollywood. Lucas made the comments as he was honored with a "Global Vision Award" by the World Affairs Council in a downtown San Francisco ...

The FCC sides with the Telcos: Say good-bye to the open internet Author: SN Welcome to the tiered Internet! Only in America, literally.
Paris job law rally turns violent Violence erupts in Paris as thousands of French students hold protests over a controversial labour law.
UK 'to act' over Guantanamo man The government will make representations to the US over one of the UK residents held at Guantanamo Bay, the High Court is told.
Japan delays China loans decision Japan postpones a decision on whether to pay further yen loans to China, as relations between them worsen.
Argentina to open secret archives Argentina is to make public the secret archives of the military on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the coup.
Blair handover 'good for polls' Labour could benefit at next year's Welsh and Scottish elections if Tony Blair steps down, says Rhodri Morgan.
Clue to slow human bird flu jump Scientists believe they may have discovered why the H5N1 bird flu virus cannot yet jump easily between humans.
Photo Gallery: Microsats Launch NASA's new satellites cram full operability into the size of a spare tire. Check out photos and diagrams from Wednesday's successful launch. See all galleries at our
250-Year-Old Tortoise Dies A giant tortoise believed to have been born around 1750 and once the pet of a famous British colonial general dies of liver failure at an Indian zoo.

If the claims are accurate, "Addwaitya" was the oldest tortoise in the world.
Time to Tap the Creepy-Crawlies A new report urges scientists to get out their spades and toil in the soil: Worms, termites and other creatures could hold keys to unlocking scientific secrets.
Critical missile-defense report yanked from Web Blog: The Pentagon has pulled from its Web site a February report that faulted the Missile Defense Agency and its primary contractor,...
Kredite an Labour-Partei: Erster Rücktritt in britischer Spendenaffäre

23.Mar.2006 Straßenproteste: Schwere Krawalle in französischen Städten

23.Mar.2006 Atomkonflikt mit Iran: USA und Briten drängen auf Einigung mit Russland

23.Mar.2006 Zeitungsbericht: Schröder wird Berater des Bankhauses Rothschild

23.Mar.2006 Zeitungsbericht: Französischer Geheimdienst rekrutierte irakischen Minister
Krisen-Mission: EU-Regierungen beschließen Kongo-Einsatz
Eklat bei EU-Gipfel: Chirac verlässt aus Protest den Saal
Greise Tiere: Der Schildkröten-Opa und die französische Revolution

23.Mar.2006 Ackermanns Millionen: "Da stimmt die Größenordnung nicht"
Erdbeben durch Gasförderung: Behörde legt sich mit Forschern an
Winzlinge im Weltraum: Nasa schießt Satelliten-Trupp ins All

23.Mar.2006 Frankreich: Studenten lehnen Villepins Gesprächsangebot ab
Italien: Prodi wirft USA Einmischung in Wahlkampf vor
Staatseigentum: Britische Atomkraftwerke im Angebot
Drei-Kilometer-Bohrkern: Eis-Archiv verrät neue Geheimnisse
Lufthansa: 99-Euro-Tickets für ganz Europa
Neue Erklärung: Eta ruft Basken zur Aussöhnung auf
Landtagswahlen: IT-Experten warnen vor Wahlcomputern
Prozess grotesk: Vor Gericht wegen eines Anti-Nazi-Symbols

23.Mar.2006 New Yorker Anschläge: Zeugen geben Moussaoui Mitschuld
Vogelgrippe-Übertragung: H5N1 sitzt zu tief in der Lunge
Energiepolitik: Europa zapft jetzt Flüssiggas
Verdacht bestätigt: Vogelgrippe im Gaza-Streifen angekommen
The Next Time He's Wrong: Will the President Push The Button?: Federation of American Scientists Warns of Shift Toward Nuclear Preemption

23.Mar.2006  Don't sign up to this upside down Hobbesian contract : The government insists it can only protect us if we surrender freedoms. But such a grim pact has no place in a democracy

23.Mar.2006  Moussaoui's Guilt: Less Profound Than the FBI's Own Negligence?: FBI Special Agent Harry Samit's testimony yesterday at the Zacarias Moussaoui trial adds just one more piece of evidence to a growing list of incidents showing what Samit himself labeled "criminal negligence."

23.Mar.2006  Bear Stearns warns against airline stocks due to 'imminent' bird flu: Investment bank Bear Stearns has advised investors to start dumping airline and retail stocks in favour of blue-chip utilities as a hedge against bird flu, warning that a full human pandemic of the H5N1 virus could set off the worst global stock market crash since the 1930s.
Study alleges US sets aside own security interest for Israel's: A research paper by two leading American political scientists alleges that the US relationship with Israel is not good for US security, and that the Israeli lobby in the US, particularly the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, has helped exaggerate to the US media and public the importance of making the protection of Israel a key part of US foreign policy.

Read the report in full: US relationship with Israel is not good for US security
Quiet force behind Bush policies: "Torture memo," spying, Guantanamo can all be traced to Cheney's top aide.

23.Mar.2006  UK residents seek Guantanamo release at High Court: Lawyers for three long-term British residents held at Guantanamo Bay will return to the High Court today to demand the intervention of the Foreign Secretary in securing their release.
Bush makes false claim about Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda : Olbermann: "Who does the President think he's F'n kidding?"

23.Mar.2006  Blair : Iraq Fight Is For Civilization: TONY Blair yesterday made an extraordinary defence of invading Iraq, saying he was involved in a fight for civilisation.

23.Mar.2006  Mike Whitney : Tal Afar; war crimes in Bush’s dystopia : Bush’s March 20 speech to the City Club of Cleveland was the most derisory string of lies in modern-day oratory. Aside from the dreary repetition of terror-related slogans that appear with mind-numbing frequency, Bush droned on for a good ten minutes about America’s great success in Tal Afar.
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Iraqi Insurgency Is Wining: "87% of the Iraqi people want us to leave."

23.Mar.2006  Chomsky Calls for Iraqi Reparations: Noam Chomsky criticized the Iraq War a yesterday, calling the occupation a bungled version of Nazi Germany in Vichy France.

23.Mar.2006  Sen. Feinstein calls for Rumsfeld's removal, Iraq troop reduction: Dianne Feinstein called on President Bush to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over his handling of the Iraq war and reduce the number of U.S. troops in Iraq from the current 130,000 to 50,000 by year's end.
Saddam's foreign minister was CIA source: : In the period before the Iraq war, Saddam Hussein's foreign minister Naji Sabri, was a secret paid source of the CIA, "NBC Nightly News" reported on Monday.
Death Squad Democracy -By Mike Whitney
In a larger sense, the "alleged" sectarian violence is consistent with what we have seen in previous CIA-run operations in El Salvador and Nicaragua. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Negroponte are alumna of those conflicts (which, according to Cheney, succeeded quite admirably) so it's probable that they would apply what they have learned about counterinsurgency to the ongoing war in Iraq. The El Salvador-experiment proved that the masses can eventually be terrorized into compliance .

What’s Become of Americans? -By Paul Craig Roberts
If this story is true, under Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush’s leadership, proud and honorable U.S. Marines have degenerated into the Waffen SS. Those of us raised on John Wayne war movies find this very hard to take.

22.Mar.2006 The Aftermath Of A Massacre
Have American troops been killing unarmed civilians in Iraq?

Must watch BBC Reports
This is the account of a nine year old survivor. "I watched them shoot my grandfather, first in the chest then in the head, then they killed my granny."

General Rejection of Bolivia Bombing: Two people were killed in the bombings of two small hotels in La Paz late Tuesday and early Wednesday. A US citizen was one of two people arrested in connection with the terrorist actions, according to reports.

23.Mar.2006  The Return of Black Bag Searches? Oregon Attorney on Why He Feels Federal Agents Broke into His Home and Office to Conduct Clandestine Searches

23.Mar.2006  Pulled over in Kansas? Get ready to show your license, registration — and fingerprints

23.Mar.2006  N.Y.C.'s crime fight to get more eyes : The NYPD is installing 505 surveillance cameras around the city - and pushing to safeguard lower Manhattan with a "ring of steel" that could track hundreds of thousands of people and cars a day, authorities revealed yesterday.

23.Mar.2006  A Global Infrastructure for Mass Surveillance: Surveillance for the Common Man: The total spy and surveillance capability of the United States and its allies is truly beyond comprehension - and apparently beyond control

23.Mar.2006  FBI lists Indymedia, on 'terrorist watch' list: FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent G. Charles Rasner listed Indymedia, Food Not Bombs and the Communist Party of Texas as "terrorist watch" cause groups in Austin.
Sidney Blumentha: Apocalyptic president : Even some Republicans are now horrified by the influence Bush has given to the evangelical right
Israel Lobby Dictates U.S. Policy, Study Charges : The pro-Israel lobby in the United States has manipulated Washington's policies in the Middle East to the point where it is the U.S. that does most of the fighting, dying and rebuilding while Israel reaps most of the security benefits, argues a new study by two U.S. scholars.
The Joy of Being Blameless : On the day that a court-martial imposed justice on a 24-year-old Army sergeant for tormenting detainees at Abu Ghraib with his dog, President Bush said once again that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, was doing a "fine job" and should stay at his post.

23.Mar.2006  New York Times details secret US military torture operation: A New York Times report

19.Mar.2006 details the operations of Task Force 6-26, a highly secret US Special Operations Unit whose members have reportedly engaged in torture and assassination in Iraq and Afghanistan.

23.Mar.2006  Ex-UN chief: America has 'lost its moral compass' : The United States has lost its moral compass and fallen out of step with the rest of the world in the wake of September 11, the former United Nations human rights commissioner warned tonight.

23.Mar.2006  Video Russ Feingold on The Daily Show: How many times are we going to let George Bush and Dick Cheney say you guys don't support the troops, you're not patriotic and let them push us around?

23.Mar.2006  Chalmers Johnson: What Ever Happened to Congress?: Is it just that they're corrupt? That's certainly part of it

23.Mar.2006  Pentagon feels fuel price pain; aims to cut consumption: For 2006, DESC estimates the military will need 130.6 million barrels and pay more than US$10 billion for it, at a price of more than US$77 per barrel.

23.Mar.2006  The rancid relationship : Britain's close alliance with the United States has become nothing but one-way traffic

23.Mar.2006  Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets: Since 1991, the U.S. has staged four nuclear wars using depleted uranium weaponry, which, like Agent Orange, meets the U.S. government definition of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Vast regions in the Middle East and Central Asia have been permanently contaminated with radiation.

23.Mar.2006  The Accepted System of Dissent: We believe in an illusion. That illusion is an accepted system of dissent that ensures our resistance doesn’t go beyond boundaries established by the government and the corporate media.

23.Mar.2006  An Unnecessary Crisis: The Iranian Nuclear Showdown : Former CIA analyst: Military action is madness; unilateral economic sanctions are basically cutting of the American nose to spite the American face.

23.Mar.2006  Iran denies reports it will open euro oil exchange : "We have no information on opening an oil exchange in the free economic zone on Kish Island [southern Iran]," a spokesman for the Iranian Oil Ministry told RIA Novosti.
William Blum : The Anti- Empire Report: US foreign policy does not "mean well". It's not that American leaders have miscalculated, or blundered, causing great suffering, as in Iraq, while having noble intentions. Rather, while pursuing their imperial goals they simply do not care about the welfare of the foreign peoples who are on the receiving end of the bombing and the torture
23.Mar.2006 Depleted Uranium For Dummies - Everything you need to know about depleted uranium. By Irving Wesley Hall

Every day our troops remain in Iraq increases the chances that they will come home sick, produce children with birth defects + die prematurely. Continued 
The “Noble Cause” that killed Casey Sheehan -By Mike Whitney
America has completely surrendered to denial; abandoning any claim to reason or clear-sighted analysis. The vast majority of people are perfectly content to ignore the tell-tale signs of looming disaster choosing instead to keep their heads firmly tucked in the sand.

It's Criminal -By Scott Ritter
The rallying cry of the Democratic Party must become impeachment. Given the magnitude of the crimes committed by the United States in Iraq under the direction and leadership of President Bush and his administration, there is simply no other recourse that can bring a halt to the madness in Iraq + the insanity being planned in Iran and elsewhere .

The War Lovers -By John Pilger
For me, one of the more odious characteristics of Blair + Bush + Clinton + their eager or gulled journalistic court, is the enthusiasm of sedentary, effete men (and women) for bloodshed they never see, bits of body they never have to retch over, stacked morgues they will never have to visit, searching for a loved one. Their role is to enforce parallel worlds of unspoken truth and public lies. That Milosevic was a minnow compared with industrial-scale killers such as Bush and Blair belongs to the former.

The Road To Guantánamo 

How three young men from the UK, ended up in the world's most notorious prison.

Every American Should Be Required To Watch This Video

This movie shows the sadism and stupidity of the US and British soldiers. The guards behave with the same cruelty you expect to see from SS officers in lurid second world war movies.

It takes a moment or two to realize that these events reflect the reality of those held in Americas notorious gulag.   Click here to view

H5N1 bindet beim Menschen vor allem an Zellen in den Lungenbläschen, etwa den Typ-II-Pneumozyten, Epithelzellen und Makrophagen, wodurch sich auch die schweren Lungenprobleme bei einer Infektion erklären. Für das "Andocken" der Grippeviren ist ihr Hämagglutinin-Molekül (H) zuständig. Während menschliche Viren dabei die Sialosaccharide des Typs SA--2,6-Gal als Rezeptoren bevorzugen, dringen Vogelgrippe-Viren beim Menschen über SA--2,3-Gal in Zellen ein und vermehren sich dort. Und diese Empfangsmoleküle entdeckten die Forscher um Yoshihiro Kawaoka von der Universität in Madison vor allem in den tieferen Lungenbereichen. Sie folgern in "Nature", daß eine veränderte Rezeptorvorliebe die H5N1-Übertragung zwischen Menschen erleichtern könnte.

Dazu seien Mutationen im Hämagglutinin nötig, für eine Pandemie jedoch bedürfe es mehr Veränderungen, etwa beim Protein P2.

Madison/Rotterdam - Das jüngste Opfer der Vogelgrippe ist eine Reiherente - gefunden in Süddeutschland, auf der Schwäbischen Alb.

Gleichzeitig bestätigt die Weltgesundheitsorganisation inzwischen bei 184 Menschen weltweit die Infektion mit dem gefürchteten H5N1-Virus und zählt 103 Todesopfer, die aktuellen Fälle in Ägypten nicht mitgerechnet.

Doch in Deutschland, wo die Bundesregierung jetzt ein neues Programm zur Erforschung der Vogelgrippe unterstützt, beschränkt sich die Ausbreitung des Influenza-Erregers auf die heimische Fauna. Bei etwa 226 Wildvögeln, drei Katzen und einem Steinmarder wurde der gefährliche Erreger der Geflügelpest bislang festgestellt. Zum Glück. Menschen stecken sich nur bei engem Kontakt mit infizierten Tieren an.
Tell my how the standard story accounts for the antenna, attached to the core, beginning to move downward as soon as the collapse began.

How can the standard story explain the topmost 20 floors or so, tipping over sideways (as shown in the photos), not landing well outside the footprint of the building, but instead being pulverized to dust IN THE AIR.

Are there any of the alleged mechanisms that can yield a near-free fall time for the collapse of the buildings, even though they would have been falling through redundantly strong steel and concrete floors below?
# posted by Anonymous

Read these articles..
9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond? by Dr. David Ray Griffin https://911review.com/articles/griffin/madison.html
Significant Pattern to 9/11 Report's Omissions & Distortions by Dr. David Ray Griffin https://911review.com/articles/griffin/testimony_cbc2005.html
The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie By Dr. David Ray Griffin https://www.serendipity.li/wot/571-page-lie.htm
The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True By Dr. David Ray Griffin https://911review.com/articles/griffin/nyc1.html
Explosive Testimony:
Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories
By Dr. David Ray Griffin / 911truth.org 26jan2006 https://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060118104223192
Flights 11, 175, 77 + 93: The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales by David Ray Griffin https://mujca.com/flighttales.htm
Possible Motives Of The Bush Administration - By Dr. David Ray Griffin https://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20051112152750305
# posted by Ministry of Truth
Something is turning + it is happening here in NYC where about 50% of people polled, people who saw that shit, think it was at least in part an inside job.
What is totally scary is that for many of us who speculated about 9/11 truth issues for the last several years, and hoped for the truth to come out, if we are right, then all bets are off about what kind of politics we get next. It's terrifying to consider what would happen if even some of the theories were proven to the public and ratified by the media: truth and reconciliation style commissions going back to JFK or lynch mobs in DC looking for cabinet members and congressmen?
I don't know but you can smell it in the air here in NYC
HamdenRice from DU
# posted by Anonymous : 9:47 AM  
On the other hand, there is something very much in the air, here in NYC. It is sometimes hard to keep in mind given the borderless internet that geography still matters with respect to the media + I recall that you are in LA. There is a lot of buzz here in NYC, because major local media are actually beginning to take 9/11 truth issues seriously. A few weeks ago, the Village Voice, perhaps the premiere alt weekly in the nation, devoted a cover and several articles to it, here:
And a few days ago, just as Charlie was making his comments, New York Magazine, a thorougly mainstream rag, ran a respectful 9/11 truth piece -- most importantly written by a reporter who was at ground zero on 9/11 and has been mystified ever since about the collapse of WTC7:
One of the most chilling parts of the piece is his first hand recollection concerning WTC 7:
Hours later, I sat down beside another, impossibly weary firefighter. Covered with dust, he was drinking a bottle of Poland Spring water. Half his squad was missing. They’d gone into the South Tower and never come out. Then, almost as a non sequitur, the fireman indicated the building in front of us, maybe 400 yards away.
“That building is coming down,” he said with a drained casualness.
“Really?” I asked. At 47 stories, it would be a skyscraper in most cities, centerpiece of the horizon. But in New York, it was nothing but a nondescript box with fire coming out of the windows. “When?”
“Tonight . . . Maybe tomorrow morning.”
This was around 5:15 p.m. I know because five minutes later, at 5:20, the building, 7 World Trade Center, crumbled.

If the Worcester Polytechnic Institute is puzzled by the presence of sulfur, I suppose I ought to be as well. Even so, this laymen would like to remind you of the presence of 109,000 gallons of oil, and that the type of oil used in the generation of electricty has (as a little googling will tell you) a notable sulfur content which would be dispersed into the air as the oil burns.
From the
WPI's introduction to the "Mystery of the Melted Steel" study: ""The important questions," says Biederman, "are how much sulfur do you need + where did it come from?

The answer could be as simple--and this is scary--as acid rain."
(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)
4. "Your use of the interchange between Silverstein and the fire chief is itself a quote out of context. We don't have any record, as far as I'm aware, of what conversations Silverstein and the fire department had before that..."
I did quote in context. For quite a while now, bomb buffs have referenced that Silverman quote as though it were the holy effing grail. Now that I've pointed out that this quote doesn't mean what the buffs THINK it means, they say: "Pfft. His words are unimportant."
C'mon, guys. Play fair. This isn't Calvinball -- you can't change the rules as you go along.
5. "Joseph, can you actually find us evidence of an explosion that brought WTC7 down?"
By which you mean, I presume, an explosion involving the deisel tanks. In the first place, the burden of proof is on those positing a conspiracy. (I accept this challenge speaking as one who has posited a few conspiracies in his time.) Second, photographs show that fire broke out on the very floors where deisel tanks were stored. Coincidence?
6. "There is a lot of buzz here in NYC, because major local media are actually beginning to take 9/11 truth issues seriously."
Good. Maybe folks will start to ask about some of the real issues: Who is Magdy El-Amir? Who is Wally Hilliard? Why were the hijackers visiting those SunCruz boats?
But if the focus remains on this bombs-in-the-buildings crap, then I despair. Numbers of believers do not make a proposition true. If 75% of the public believes that a flying saucer crashed at Roswell, does that mean a saucer crashed at Roswell?
7. Every time I ask the "Why bother?" question, the answer comes down to this: "More psychological oomph. People would not have gotten really, really, REALLY scared unless they saw buildings fall."
Cah- mon , folks. Do you really expect me to believe that this posited "oomph" factor justified the drain on the economy and the loss of life?
Okay. Let us posit that someone -- call him Mr. Evil -- pushed a button and set off bombs in the south tower (the first building to go). Why didn't he wait until the building was evacuated?
A conspiracist might answer: "Because it was important to maximize the loss of life! He needed to SCARE people! Oomph! They needed lots of OOMPH!"
Okay. But if that "oomph" factor made it so bloody important to maximize the loss of life and scare people, why didn't Mr. Evil make BOTH buildings go down at once? Why wait until the north tower was evacuated?
"Um...maybe he was SOMEWHAT evil but not TOTALLY evil? Maybe he needed just a certain degree of OOMPH but not too much OOMPH?"
Yes, I know that I've argued with a straw man, which is, I suppose, a very presidential thing to do. I doubt that any real life debater will be able to make the scenario more convicing to me.

Harmless package-tosser arrested

Police take a man into custody for throwing a non-exploding box over the White House fence; not the first time he's done it
'A very cool brown dwarf' A team of astronomers at the European Southern Observatory has discovered a low-temperature brown dwarf -- an object that's neither a planet or star -- very close to our own solar system.
Fox News Declares "It's Too Late...We're Already Probably At War With Iran"... Author: The Huffington Post 
Fox News's Neil Cavuto skips past the "should the United States go to war with Iran" debate and informs us we already have. Watch it:

Eta in permanent ceasefire Basque separatist group Eta announces a permanent end to its four-decade campaign of violence in Spain.
Saving the Planet With Plan B 2.0
Environmentalist Lester R. Brown offers his revised prescription for combating global warming. The first challenge: unmasking ecological costs that for the most part go uncounted in the marketplace. By Mark Anderson.

How France Is Saving Civilization
Forcing Apple to open up its proprietary music platform may seem like meddlesome government at its worst. But hold the criticism. The threat of an iPod monopoly is as dangerous as it is real. Commentary by Leander Kahney.

Tweaking the Climatic Nightmare
After issuing a scarier-than-ever prediction about global warming, researchers enlist volunteers to test variables in thousands of climate models. The end result should be a more accurate picture of Earth's future.

By Joanna Glasner.
Apple calls French law 'state-sponsored piracy'
Attacks proposal that would force company to make songs it sells through iTunes music store playable on devices that compete with the iPod.

Watch this Clip from "Boston Legal" Because it is What the Democratic Leaders in Congress Should be Saying. It Gave Us Goosebumps. "Boston Legal" Receives This Week's "Wings of Justice Award."
"Capote" DVD Available from BuzzFlash.com. "Why is it a BuzzFlash premium if it is not overtly political? Because of its sheer excellence -- and because it does reveal, as its story unfolds, much about America, although that is not its primary purpose."
It's That Time of Month to Help BuzzFlash Pay Off Its Visa Card. Don't Just Get Mad, Get America Informed. Fight Back. Support BuzzFlash.com. Outrage Matters. We Need Your Dollars. It's That Simple. We Won't Accept Advertising in Order to Stay Independent. You Make That Possible. So Does a BIG Credit Card Bill That We Need to Pay Once a Month. Big Democratic Donors Give Money to Losing Candidates. BuzzFlash Supporters Give to the Pro-Democracy Movement and a Voice for the Truth.

22.Mar.2006  Bush Pledges to Leave Iraq Disaster, Death, Destruction + Debt to the NEXT President to Resolve. What an Incompetent, Failure and Coward.
Eugene Robinson: The Planet of Unreality 3/23

22.Mar.2006  The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Death Squads on the Prowl in Iraq 3/23

22.Mar.2006  New Right Wing Blogger for WP is Well-Connected to Bushevism Corruption: "His father, Douglas Domenech, a Republican party activist, also has worked for the White House. Ben announced it himself on his own blog, The Ben File, on Jan. 20, 2002: "My father is now the White House liaison for the Interior Department." Among Dad's duties, asserted Josh Marshall at the liberal Talking Points Memo blog, he was the "White House guy to make sure Jack Abramoff got what he wanted with the Indians and the Pacific Island stuff." 3/23

22.Mar.2006  In the Heartland of America, Des Moines Register calls for US out of Iraq: "The U.S. invasion produced chaos and unleashed ancient hatreds, as experts on the Middle East warned it would. President Bush chose not to listen, preferring to believe his own fairy-tale vision of happy Iraqis welcoming Americans."

22.Mar.2006  Rural listeners applaud Senator Feingold's criticism of Bush. 3/22
Ein Energiegipfel ist nur erfolgreich, wenn auch der Klimaschutz und damit die Biodiversität mit berücksichtigt werden.
Steiner:  Das Artensterben hat sich beschleunigt, wie wir auch aus den Bestandsaufnahmen der sogenannten Roten Liste der World Conservation Union IUCN wissen. Die Ausrottung seltener Tiere und Pflanzen vollzieht sich heute hundert- bis tausendmal schneller als vor hundert Jahren. Ein Viertel aller Säugetiere sind heute in ihrem Bestand bedroht. Wir stehen an einem Wendepunkt.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Welche Rolle spielt dabei der Klimawandel?
Steiner: Der Klimawandel spielt eine ganz zentrale Rolle, da er ganze Ökosysteme wie die Bergregionen, Polarzonen oder Korallenriffe beeinträchtigt. Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt wird immer mehr ausgebeutet. Gebietsfremde und eingewanderte Arten verbreiten sich schneller als je zuvor als unvermeidbare Nebenwirkung des globalen Handels.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Aber durch die pazifische Auster in der Nordsee ist der Mensch doch nicht bedroht?
Steiner: Wir sollten uns nicht täuschen: Die Zerstörung oder Veränderung der Ökosysteme hat nicht nur Auswirkungen auf das Überleben der Tiere, sondern auch des Menschen. Wir haben als World Conservation Union gerade eine große Studie zur Rolle der Korallenriffe im Katastrophengebiet des großen Tsunamis im Jahre 2004 im Indischen Ozean vorgelegt. Ihr zufolge haben auch eine langjährige Überfischung, Meeresverschmutzung sowie Siedlungsaktivitäten die schützenden Korallenriffe vor den Urlaubsstränden mit zerstört.

Schnecken mit linksherum gedrehtem Panzer hätten daher einen ähnlichen Vorteil wie linkshändige Tennisspieler, die gegen einen Rechtshänder antreten.
Erzieher und Eltern sollten mit kleinen Kindern über Dinge sprechen, die sie mögen + nicht über Gegenstände, die für Erwachsene interessant sind.
Die bunten, spannenden Gegenstände fesselten sofort die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder, während die anderen Objekte lediglich kurz zur Kenntnis genommen wurden, schreiben die Forscher. Das spiegelte sich auch in den folgenden Sprachtests wider: Die Kleinen lernten und behielten Namen der bunten Dinge sehr viel besser als die der anderen. "Die Kinder kleben im Geiste eine Art Namensetikett auf die interessantesten Objekte, die sie sehen", sagt Hauptautorin Pruden.
"Wir haben herausgefunden, dass man auf einen Gegenstand schauen, ihn in die Hand nehmen und bewegen konnte, aber die Babys nahmen an, dass der Begriff, den man aussprach, zu dem anderen Gegenstand gehörte, für den sie sich gerade interessierten", sagt Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, die das Infant Lab der Temple University leitet.

Kleinkinder lernen, was sie interessiert + nicht Bezeichnungen von Objekten, für die ihre Eltern Interesse zeigen, berichtet das Team von Shannon Pruden in der Fachzeitschrift "Child Development" (Bd. 77, Nr. 2).
"Niemand mag Krieg. Er führt zu einem Gefühl der Unsicherheit im Land", gab Bush zu.
Immer gab sich der Präsident optimistisch, was den Ausgang des Einsatzes der US-Truppen drei Jahre nach dem Krieg angeht. Doch bei seiner gestrigen Pressekonferenz im Weißen Haus präsentierte sich Bush den Journalisten in einer wechselnden Stimmung. Mal habe er entspannt, dann aber auch gereizt auf die Fragen reagiert, urteilt die "New York Times". Als die langjährige Washington-Korrespondentin Helen Thomas wissen wollte, warum er den Irak-Krieg begonnen habe, fuhr es aus Bush heraus: "Bei allem Respekt, Helen: Mir zu unterstellen, dass ich diesen Krieg gewollt habe, ist schlichtweg falsch."

Bush gab sogar zu, dass ihn der Irak-Krieg ein großes Stück seiner politischen Kraft gekostet habe, die er seit seiner Wiederwahl vor zwei Jahren noch besaß. Wenn es ihm nicht gelänge, die skeptische Bevölkerung davon zu überzeugen, diese Mission erfolgreich zu beenden, würde diese seine ganze Amtszeit überschatten, sagte der Präsident.

Er glaube noch immer an einen Erfolg, beteuerte Bush. Er gab aber auch zu, dass Fehler beim Irak-Einsatz gemacht worden seien. Kriegspläne sähen immer gut auf dem Papier aus, "bis man den Feind sieht". Bush räumte ein, dass der Gegner im Irak das US-Militär zu einer Änderung der Taktik gezwungen habe. Dadurch sei wertvolle Zeit verlorengegangen, auch wenn Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld einen "guten Job" mache und er keinen Anlass für einen Rücktritt des Pentagon-Chefs sehe.
Terrorprozess in London: Ankläger spricht von Atombomben-Plan
Londoner Patiententest: Medikament könnte Killerzellen aktiviert haben
Sondertribunale in Guantanamo: USA wollen Folteraussagen nicht mehr nutzen
Trotz hoher Kerosinkosten: Lufthansa steigert Gewinn deutlich
Labours Geheimkredite: Finanziers wollen ihr Geld zurück
USA: Proteste gegen Schwarzbär-Ringkampf
Kongo: Entscheidung über Einsatz erst im Mai

22.Mar.2006 H5N1-Virus: Berlin lässt Universal-Impfstoff entwickeln
Arbeitsmarktreform in Frankreich: "Die Regierung spielt mit dem Feuer"
Spike Lees "Inside Man": Der Finger auf der 9/11-Wunde

22.Mar.2006 Energiepolitik: Putin bekräftigt Pläne für China-Pipeline

22.Mar.2006 Kreationismus: Britischer Bischof fordert Bio statt Bibelkunde
Geheimkredite: Blair wehrt sich gegen Rücktrittsforderungen
Spracherwerb bei Babys: Gelernt wird, was bunt ist und lärmt
Bushs neue Nachdenklichkeit: "Ich wollte diesen Krieg nicht"
Spanien: Eta verkündet Waffenstillstand

22.Mar.2006 Japan: Feuer in Atomkraftwerk gelöscht
Artenschutz: "Wir stehen an einem Wendepunkt"
Kündigungsschutz: DGB droht mit Protesten à la française
Schützende Häuser: Richtiger Dreh rettet Schnecken
Umfrage: Union rutscht unter 40 Prozent
Iran: Chamenei zu Irak-Gesprächen mit USA bereit
22.Mar.2006 Organhandel in China: Das Geschäft mit den Hingerichteten

22.Mar.2006 https://paris.indymedia.org/
Der grosse Rivale Villepins, die Nummer 2 der Regierung, der Innenminister Sarkozy, (ich nenn ihn schon mal Napoleon der 4.)

versucht sich aus der Schusslinie des Protestes zu halten + nimmt in seinen Solidaritätserklärungen für Villepin sichtlich Distanz zu demselben. Er ist für einen einheitlichen Arbeitsvertrag für alle.

Damit hat er erkannt, dass die Bewegung einen Teil ihrer Stärke aus der Ablehnung der Sonderbehandlung der Jugend bezieht. Man kann aber durchaus sicher sein, dass er damit die Prekarität für alle im Sinn hat.
Die politische Klasse hat sichtlich die Hosen voll aber anscheinend einen Auftrag zu erfüllen.

Frankreich gilt selbst unter den Franzosen als Anachronismus in der durchliberalisierten Wirtschaft der westlichen Industrieländer.

Wo gibt?s denn noch so was, dass in einem industrialisierten Land in Mitteleuropa "die Strasse" regiert.

Man erinnere sich an die sozialen Kämpfe unter der Tatcher-Regierung in England, in denen den sozialen Bewegungen der Gar ausgemacht werden sollte und wurde.

Das ganze hier riecht verdammt nach einem entsprechenden Szenario.

In einem wirtschaftsliberalen Europa darf es so was einfach nicht geben,

"die Strasse" die den Regierenden dauernd in die Quere kommt, mit dem "NON" zur europäischen Konstitution, mit nicht endend wollenden sozialen Bewegungen und mit politischen Streiks.
Gewerkschaften und Studenten- Schülerorganisationen haben übereinstimmend erklärt dass es nichts zu verhandeln gibt so lange der CPE nicht vom Tisch ist.

Die Öffentlichkeit unterstützt mit über 65% die Proteste.

Neben den 67 Universitäten sind heute auch 313 Gymnasien blockiert und die äußerst phantasievollen und gutgelaunten Aktionen (siehe Photos) reissen nicht ab.
Die Gewerkschaft der Eisenbahner möchte trotz geplanten Streikaktionen für die grosse zentrale Demo in Paris den Teilnehmern aus dem ganzen Land kostenlose Sonderzüge zur Verfügung stellen.

Die Jugendlichen der Banlieus fangen an mitzumischen, sie geben den Protesten zunehmend eine entschlossenere Wendung.

Für sie ist die Prekarität schon längst Alltag und sie geben sich sicher nicht mit einer Verbesserung der Arbeitsvertragsverhältnisse zufrieden.

Falls es zu einer Einheit von Banlieus, Lohnabhängigen und Intellektuellen auf gesellschaftskritischer Grundlage kommen sollte, dann wird es erst richtig spannend.

Und falls sich dann noch die Erkenntnis Bahn brechen sollte, dass es im Kapitalismus einfach kein erträgliches oder gar schönes Leben für die Meisten auf dieser Welt geben kann +

auch für einen Intelektuellen es einfach eine erbärmliche Perspektive ist seinen Intellekt nicht anwenden zu dürfen, es sei denn es ist "rentabel", dann könnten sich tatsächlich erfreulichste Perspektiven auftun.
In der Tat bietet diese Auseinandersetzung eine seltene Gelegenheit über eine ganze Reihe von sozialen Fragen auf grundsätzlicheres Terrain vorzustossen. Aber so weit ist es noch nicht.

Die Medien haben diesen Braten auch schon gerochen und versuchen (wie üblich) die Randalierenden (Casseurs) von den Protestierenden und die Linksextremen und Anarchisten von den Besonnenen zu trennen.

Sarkozy (Napoleon 4.) hat öffentlichkeitswirksam seinen Flics befohlen, dass diese die Protestierenden vor den Casseurs "beschützen" sollen.

Allerdings liegt seit Samstagabend ein Postler von der Gewerkschaft SUD im lebensgefährlichen Koma, nachdem nach Augenzeugenberichten eine Horde von CRS barbarisch auf ihn eingetreten haben.
Ohne Anspruch auf tiefgehende (und notwendige) Analyse: In Frankreich wird gegenwärtig eine (letzte?) grosse Schlacht gegen den die Abschaffung der in Jahrzehnten erkämpften Rechte der Lohnabhängigen geschlagen.

Nicht mehr und nicht weniger als dies. Das hilft gewaltig in der Bildung eines Bewusstseins darüber dass die Prekarität dem Kapitalismus eigen ist.
Nach dem Generalstreik ist vor ... ?

State 'must meet water needs' Governments, not private companies, must be responsible for water services, a new report argues.
Fish oils 'block prostate cancer' A diet rich in a fat found in oily fish may help prevent the spread of prostate cancer, research suggests.
Colonel Larry Wilkerson Condemns US ‘Ineptitude’
Within 24 months, we're going to have to withdraw from Iraq, whether the situation there, politically, economically and so forth, is adequate or not because we've stretched our ground forces to the point of breaking.

We have officers who are leaving the Army and the Marine Corps now because they don't want to do a third and possibly a fourth tour in Afghanistan or Iraq
Deranged, Disconnected + Dangerous
Not since Abraham Lincoln have American civil liberties been so threatened as by the Bush regime. America even has an Attorney General, a Vice President + a Secretary of Defense who believe in torture.

How do they differ from officials in the Third Reich or Stalin’s KGB? Anyone who believes in torture is not an American
'Northern Iraq Ruled by Force + Fear': Time defended Kurdistan is a veritable police state, where the Asayeesh, the military security, has a house in each neighborhood + where the Parastin "secret police" monitor phone conversations and keep tabs on who attends Friday prayers
Bush: U.S. will protect Israel : President Bush said the United States would use “military might” to protect Israel.
Pro-Israel lobby in U.S. under attack.: Two of America's top scholars have published a searing attack on the role + power of Washington's pro-Israel lobby in a British journal, warning that its "decisive" role in fomenting the Iraq war is now being repeated with the threat of action against Iran. And they say that the Lobby is so strong that they doubt their article would be accepted in any U.S.-based publication.
Will Iran Help Bush Preserve His Republican Majority?:
Could it be that 'Axis of Evil' Iran holds the electoral fortunes of the U.S. Republican Party + the fate of Iraq in the palm of its hands? According to this analysis from Lebanon's leading Arab-Language newspaper Annahar, Iran may be willing to help pull the White House's coals out of the Iraqi fire … for a price.

Pakistani Taliban take control of unruly tribal belt :
A powerful new militia dubbed "the Pakistani Taliban" has effectively seized control of swaths of the country's northern tribal areas in recent months,

triggering alarm in Islamabad + marking a big setback in USA s"war on terror".
UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar: A number of Middle Eastern central banks said on Tuesday they would seek to switch reserves from the US greenback to euros.
Video: Some College professors are killers: Rev, Pat Robertson Spreading Peace, Love and Hatred:
FBI Agent Slams Bosses at Moussaoui Trial :
The FBI agent who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in 00.Aug.2001 testified Monday he spent almost four weeks trying to warn U.S. officials about the radical Islamic student pilot but ``criminal negligence'' by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 11.Sep.2001 attacks.

Japan's rich buy organs from executed Chinese prisoners -Hundreds of well-off Japanese and other nationals are turning to China's burgeoning human organ transplant industry,

paying tens of thousands of pounds for livers + kidneys, which in some cases have been “harvested” from executed prisoners and sold to hospitals.
UN warns of worst mass extinctions for 65m years: - Humans have provoked the worst spate of extinctions since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65m years ago, according to a UN report that calls for unprecedented worldwide efforts to address the slide.
Grappling With Climate Change
As scientific skepticism over global warming all but evaporates, three experts take the temperature of this man-made catastrophe.

Leading off is biologist Tim Flannery, who argues computer models are badly blowing predictions of the pace of change. First in a three-part series. By Mark Anderson.
FBI ripped for IT upgrade costs Auditors criticize the agency for more than $17 million in "questionable contractor costs" and missing equipment.
Creative Commons license upheld by court European court rules a Creative Commons license is binding, in what legal experts call a "significant development" in copyright law.
The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid -BARTLETT'S EPIPHANY (ACCORDING TO KRUGMAN) I don 't want this blog to become a ...

I've never been a lock-step admirer of George W. Bush, so I don 't fault ... www.poorandstupid.com/
"Which is kind of like saying that my wedding was the beginning of my divorce."
Oh my god! Too funny Arianna- I spit my morning coffee onto my laptop.
Never forget though that the administration's partner in crime is the mainstream media- how else on earth could Americans sit and listen to the administrations bulls**t with a straight face.

The corporate media has abdicated it's essential role as fact checker and non-partisan check and balance on our government, regardless of which Party sits in the Oval Office.

Bush's ludicrous assertions are repeated, uncritically for the masses.
Considering that, it's really amazing that the vast majority of Americans have finally reached the conclusion, the mainstream media not withstanding, that this President is an incompetent, disingaged, arrogant boy king.

By: stacyb on 21.Mar.2006 at 08:35am
It's unbelievable that this is actually happening + that it continues on. I think that event the dirtBalls that started this horror are over their heads. This is the proverbial "runaway train!"
You can only hope for some type of miraculous intervention.

By: mac33z on 20.Mar.2006 at 10:13pm
It's getting downright lonely for the fanatics still supporting Bush.

By: eej on 20.Mar.2006 at 09:41pm
And that's it basically. What's frightening is the fact they know Iraq is never going to work out, they're totally screwed.

Let me emphasise that.

They - are - screwed.

And they know it.

The only strategy left to them is to refuse to accept they've lost and hope the public is distracted by something like another 11.Sep.2001.
And that's what scares me.

If there's another major attack on the US, America is screwed too, because if you think civil liberties are being trashed now, you ain't seen nothing yet.
With each day that passes this administration is backed further into a corner.

And if they can sacrifice American servicemen for their political games, they are capable of absolutely anything.

By: Scottishscript on 20.Mar.2006 at 09:27pm
Instead of my usual warnings about a bogus left and phony right shilling at whorehouse D.C. for the usual corporate cartel mob - I'll step aside for the American military of this and other generations:
SMEDLEY DARLINGTON BUTLER (Major General - United States Marine Corps. Butler was awarded two Congressional Medals of Honor, for capture of Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1914 + for capture of Ft. Riviere, Haiti, 1917. He was also awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, 1919. Among other robber barons, JP Morgan approached S.D. Butler for the Rockefeller-Rothschild bloc in 1934. The plan was for Butler to lead a military overthrow of the U.S. government then headed by FDR. Butler refused the proposed role as front man for a transparent fascist cartel takeover of America. The coup plan was abandoned for another cartel variation. 1881-1940)
Our leaders' goals are not to the benefit of the majority who work themselves into poverty only to provide tax money that pays for their own shackles.
We deplete the strength and welfare of our own countrymen fighting as mercenaries for the elite rich who gain off exploiting government contracts and manipulating the oil market.
SOLDIER IN IRAQ (name withheld by request. Quote 2005)
This war is about money. Most people believe that dollars are being handed over to Iraq to rebuild their country on the backs of the American taxpayers and under the protection of US troops. However, the money never sees Iraq. It leaves your wallet and goes through the system in DC and ends up in a corporation with the sizeable government contract. Sure the product is a new road, a schoolhouse or AK-47s for the Iraqi National Guard, but the money is only making a rich man richer.
SOLDIER IN IRAQ (name withheld by request. Quote 2005)
The lifers hold on to the lies of the system because the truth would destroy the core of their beliefs. The fact that the stars and bars is only an illusion for the real power behind the throne could ruin their psyche and crash their egos. They will never let go of their pride and use it as an excuse to cover their fear.
A war backed by our nation's cowards. What else would a preemptive strike be good for. Americans get so afraid they will kill in cold blood and thump their chests to claim it for a good cause. I serve in shame.
SOLDIER IN IRAQ (name withheld by request. Quote 2005)
PRESIDENT GEORGE WASHINGTON (a founder of America and field general of its Revolution on power abuse. 1732- 1799)

By: Hal on 20.Mar.2006 at 07:17pm
Here's an interesting thought. An approval rating of 37% translates into 104 million Americans supporting George Bush. This figure being unadjusted for population demographics. The entire population of Nazi Germany in 1937 was only 70 million.
And God bless America."
It was nearly three years ago that I offered the only possible explanation for the ever-widening chasm between what the White House claims is true and what is actually true:

we are being governed by a gang of out + out fanatics.
THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. No President wants war. Everything you may have heard is that, but it's just simply not true. My attitude about the defense of this country changed on 11.Sep.2001 .

We - when we got attacked, I vowed then and there to use every asset at my disposal to protect the American people. Our foreign policy changed on that day, Helen.

You know, we used to think we were secure because of oceans and previous diplomacy. But we realized on September the 11th, 2001, that killers could destroy innocent life. And I'm never going to forget it.

And I'm never going to forget the vow I made to the American people that we will do everything in our power to protect our people.
Part of that meant to make sure that we didn't allow people to provide safe haven to an enemy. And that's why I went into Iraq -- hold on for a second --
Q They didn't do anything to you, or to our country.
THE PRESIDENT: Look -- excuse me for a second, please. Excuse me for a second. They did. The Taliban provided safe haven for al Qaeda. That's where al Qaeda trained --
Q I'm talking about Iraq --
THE PRESIDENT: Helen, excuse me. That's where - Afghanistan provided safe haven for al Qaeda. That's where they trained. That's where they plotted.

That's where they planned the attacks that killed thousands of innocent Americans.
I also saw a threat in Iraq. I was hoping to solve this problem diplomatically. That's why I went to the Security Council; that's why it was important to pass 1441, which was unanimously passed. And the world said, disarm, disclose, or face serious consequences --
Q -- go to war --
THE PRESIDENT: -- and therefore, we worked with the world, we worked to make sure that Saddam Hussein heard the message of the world. And when he chose to deny inspectors, when he chose not to disclose, then I had the difficult decision to make to remove him. And we did + the world is safer for it.
Q Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: You're welcome. (Laughter.) I didn't really regret it. I kind of semi-regretted it. (Laughter.)
Q -- have a debate.
THE PRESIDENT: That's right. Anyway, your performance at the Gridiron was just brilliant -- unlike Holland's, was a little weak, but -- (laughter.)
I love see'n these BushCo apologist here....so can you tell me.."When did you get the SEED POD put next to your bed while you were sleeping"? Either you are dellusional or just sadist --> funny how America is slowly waking up to the realization that Electing Bush once - let a,one 2 times - WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE AMERICA HAS VER MADE- AND WILL BE PAYING FOR FOR GENERATIONS TO COME!!!

By: rextrek on 21.Mar.2006 at 04:34pm
Exactly! Any person who would dare to point out to the President that Iraq had nothing to do with 11.Sep.2001 must be dealt with in the most harshest manner possible. No one should ever be allowed to interupt when the President is speaking. He speaks from his beliefs and any interuption with supposed facts and truth should be considered treason.

He is wise beyond all words + understanding.

He is the truth, the light + the way.

Peace be with him + also with him.
Chilean judge indicts ex-officers A Chilean judge orders the arrest of 13 ex-army officers for their alleged role in killing opponents of Gen Pinochet.
Ashcroft firm lobbies for tech titans eBay, Oracle among companies using former U.S. top cop John Ashcroft as a hired gun.
CATO Institute Releases Paper Criticizing DMCA Author: ScuttleMonkey 29
flanksteak writes "The CATO institute has published a paper criticizing the DMCA entitled 'The Perverse Consequences of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.'

From the article: 'The DMCA is anti-competitive.

It gives copyright holders--and the technology companies that distribute their content--the legal power to create closed technology platforms + exclude competitors from interoperating with them.

Worst of all, DRM technologies are clumsy + ineffective; they inconvenience legitimate users but do little to stop pirates.'"

A report worth taking a look at that puts into words what most of us know already.
Samsung launches 32 GB Flash disk for mobile computers
Taipei (Taiwan) - Samsung is first to announce a Flash storage device that aims to completely replace the traditional hard drive in some mass market mobile computers. The 32 GB solid state disk (SSD) drive comes in a 1.8" form factor and reads data at more than twice the speed of hard drives. Best ...

Rumsfeld: History Isn't Made Up Of Blogs or Headlines
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, attempting in vain to defend his administration's failed Iraq policy:

Some have described the situation in Iraq as a tightening noose, noting that "time is not on our side" + that "morale is down." Others have described a "very dangerous" turn of events and ...
Helen Thomas Grills Bush: "Every Reason [For The Iraq War]...Has Turned Out Not To Be True...Why Did You Really Want To Go To War?"... Author: The Huffington Post 
Unlike several of his predecessors, going back decades, President Bush has studiously avoided calling on veteran reporter Helen Thomas, one of his harshest critics, in press conferences. But today, for some reason, he relented, early in this morning's press gathering + the following exchange ...

Infocus: Social engineering reloaded
The Real Butchers Of Serbia: Clinton, Clark, NATO Author: Paul Joseph Watson The Real Butchers Of Serbia: Clinton, Clark, NATO Slobo death media spin
Huge Reaction To Sheen 11.Sep.2001 Story Author: Paul Joseph Watson Huge Reaction To Sheen 11.Sep.2001 Story Linked on Drudge, later removed Paul Joseph
Landmark Implosion Looks Like WTC Collapse Author: Paul Joseph Watson Landmark Implosion Looks Like WTC Collapse Classic crimp and leaning mirrors
Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass Congress Author: Paul Joseph Watson Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass Congress Wilfully violates Constitution and
MySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censorship Author: Paul Joseph Watson MySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censorship Media elite's last gasp
Mainstream Media Blackout On Sheen 11.Sep.2001 Piece Author: Paul Joseph Watson Mainstream Media Blackout On Sheen 11.Sep.2001 Piece Controlled gatekeepers and
103 humans confirmed dead from Avian Flu Latest deaths come from Azerbaijan, with more victims in Egypt and sick poultry in Israel
21.Mar.2006 He was wrong about so many things," psychologist James Hansell told Newsweek. "But he was wrong in such interesting ways. He pioneered a whole new way of looking at things."
21.Mar.2006 How did a neurotic incest-obsessed drug fiend become such a force in Western culture + why hasn't everyone forgotten the long-dead completely-discredited Austrian quack?

Next week's issue of Newsweek says it's because Sigmund Freud created a bunch of hooey that helped Americans clawing their way up the social ladder.

Class-conscious middle-brow Americans of the 1950s began seeing Freud's disciples, the psychoanalysists, as a gimmick to show their high status.

If the you could afford an hour on the couch every week, you just might be as important as your boss or richer neighbors.

That sad habit continued through the 1970s and was stamped in pop culture by New Yorker gag cartoons, Woody Allen movies and the Bob Newhart show on television.

And for a generation of college undergraduates, Freud provided a comical vocabulary that explained nothing while sounding at least semi-intellectual.
Net Banker's Conviction Tossed Although the evidence is there to convict, a new trial will be necessary to nail tech banker Frank Quattrone's hide to the wall

because the judge screwed up his instructions to the jury.


Charlie Sheen joins the rest of his great family and notably his father Martin Sheen, who has lambasted for opposing the Iraq war before it had begun yet has now been proven right in triplicate, in using his prominent public platform to stand for truth and justice and we applaud and salute his brave efforts, remembering Mark Twain's quote.

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated + scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
21.Mar.2006 Concerning how the Bush administration had finalized Afghanistan war plans two days before 11.Sep.2001 with the massing of 44,000 US troops and 18,000 British troops in Tajikistan + Uzbekistan + in addition the call for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor," as outlined in the
PNAC documents, Sheen stated, "you don't really put those strategies together overnight do you for a major invasion? Those are really well calculated and really well planned."

"Coincidence? We think not," said Sheen and he called the PNAC quotes "emblematic of the arrogance of this administration."

We have not been able to confirm that a large commercial airliner hit the Pentagon because the government has seized and refused to release any footage that would show the impact.

By remaining at a location where it was publicly known the President would be before 11.Sep.2001, he was not only putting his own life in danger, but the lives of hundreds of schoolchildren. That is unless the government knew for sure what the targets were beforehand and that President Bush wasn't one of them.

"It seems to me that upon the revelation of that news that the secret service would grab the President as if he was on fire and remove him from that room," said Sheen.

The question of how Bush saw the first plane hit the north tower, when no live footage of that incident was carried, an assertion that Bush repeated twice, was also put under the spotlight.
21.Mar.2006 The highly suspicious collapse of building 7 and the twin towers has previously been put under the spotlight by
physics Professor Steven Jones + Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories, the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers.

"The term 'pull' is as common to the demolition world as 'action and 'cut' are to the movie world," said Sheen.

Sheen referenced firefighters in the buildings who were eyewitnesses to demolition style implosions and bombs.

"This is not you or I watching the videos and speculating on what we saw, these are gentlemen inside the buildings at the very point of collapse."

"If there's a problem with building 7 then there's a problem with the whole thing," said Sheen.

Bush's behavior on 11.Sep.2001
21.Mar.2006 Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official version of events from day one.

Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.

"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."

Sheen described the climate of acceptance for serious discussion about 11.Sep.2001 as being far more fertile than it was a couple of years ago.

"It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems like the worm is turning."

Suspicious collapse of buildings

Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 11.Sep.2001.
21.Mar.2006 Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 11.Sep.2001. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst
Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds and many more.

Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, the star of current hit comedy show Two and a Half Men and dozens of movies including Platoon and Young Guns, Sheen elaborated on why he had problems believing the government's version of events.

Sheen agreed that the biggest conspiracy theory was put out by the government itself and prefaced his argument by quoting Theodore Roosevelt in stating, "That we are to stand by the President right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," said Sheen.

This book seems like a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge and discovery about the UFO situation. It provides increased awareness and understanding of the difficult problems we face as Americans and humans, many of our own making, as we move forward into a brighter future.

The authors explain that, in handling rumors, press reports and other inquires about the UFO phenomena, civilian and military officials used a variety of methods to maintain security of information and knowledge.

Many activities were “compartmented,” that is, knowledge about them was available only to a closed group who were cleared to know about that particular project, regardless of their overall security clearance.

Sometimes, disinformation was designed for public consumption. False information, or false information combined with some truthful information was planted. Or, information could be twisted in such a way as to create false impressions, according to the authors.
21.Mar.2006 Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 11.Sep.2001 Story 
Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 11.Sep.2001 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.
21.Mar.2006 Ancient Sarcophagus Unearthed in Cyprus 
A 2,500-year-old sarcophagus with vivid color illustrations from Homer's epics has been discovered in western Cyprus, archaeologists said Monday.
Labour-Affäre: "Geheimkredite" werden zum Fall für Scotland Yard
Proteste in Frankreich: Villepin nur zu kleinen Zugeständnissen bereit
Abu Ghureib: Hundeführer schuldig gesprochen
Proteste in Frankreich: Villepin deutet Kompromissbereitschaft an
11. September: FBI-Agent warnte über 70 Mal vor Anschlag
Ex-Außenminister: Fischer-Show in Saal 165

21.Mar.2006 US-Politik: Bush bestreitet Bürgerkrieg im Irak

21.Mar.2006 Schrumpfende Städte: Diät für die Speckgürtel

21.Mar.2006 Vor EU-Gipfel: Barroso warnt vor nationaler Abschottung

21.Mar.2006 Aserbaidschan: Fünf Menschen an Vogelgrippe gestorben
Irak: Geschäft mit Terror-Versicherungen blüht
Abholzung: Regenwälder schrumpfen weiter rapide
Francis Fukuyama: Abschied von den Neocons
Brisante Daten: Gasförderung soll Erdbeben in Deutschland ausgelöst haben

21.Mar.2006 Uno-Bericht: Menschheit verursacht größtes Artensterben seit Sauriertod
Prozess in Frankfurt: Fischer verteidigt seinen "Batschkapp"-Kumpel
Spenden-Affäre: Blairs großzügiges Dutzend

21.Mar.2006 Australien: Neuer Zyklon steuert auf die Küste zu
Schlaglöcher: Harter Winter hinterlässt Kraterlandschaften
Proteste in Paris: Polizisten sollen Demonstranten schwer verletzt haben
Finanzdienstleister: Google startet Börsenseite
Meteoriten-These: Leben im All könnte von Erde stammen
Ex-Guantanamo-Häftlinge: "Im Grunde war es wie in einem Zoo"
Streit um Mohammed-Karikaturen: Schwedens Außenministerin tritt zurück
Militär: Atommacht Pakistan testet neuen Marschflugkörper

21.Mar.2006 Irak: Saddams Außenminister Sabri soll CIA-Informant gewesen sein

21.Mar.2006 Wahlkampf-Darlehen: Labour nennt Namen von Geldgebern

21.Mar.2006 EU-Truppen: Koalitionäre murren wegen Kongo-Einsatz
China to Surpass US as Largest Exporter of Manufactured Goods Bloomberg
US soldier abused Iraq prisoners A US army dog handler is found guilty of using his dog to mistreat detainees in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.
Rise of the American Death Squads

Clad in black, grunting weirdly and trained in terror, America's police-state death squads are slaughtering innocent people as they replace the normal cops who once served U.S. towns.

SWAT teams and their paramilitary cousins have turned the United States into a kingdom of fear where murderous unaccountable goons can and will show up at any time to deliver their particular brand of horror.

The bloodthirsty psychotics are so dangerous that their nervous supervisors send them to slaughter deer when human "suspects" are in short supply.
21.Mar.2006 The Office of Civil Defense was the same branch of the Pentagon that taught a generation of kids that
hiding under their desks was the best defense against a Russian nuclear attack.

"At least people would think they were doing something, even if it didn't have any effect," said Graham Allison, a former assistant secretary of defense who teaches at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
21.Mar.2006 So while President Bush, a man elected the head of body with no official faith, stumps for
the inclusion of creationism is schools, a man elected head of a religious body is against it.
'They wonder how I can remain so optimistic'

Bush acknowledges it's not all wine & roses in Iraq, but he insists there's progress
This Essay Breaks the Law ? Elevated homocysteine is linked to B-12 deficiency, so doctors should test homocysteine levels to see whether the patient needs vitamins. ACTUALLY, I can't make that last statement. A corporation has patented that fact + demands a royalty for its use. Anyone who makes the fact public and ...
Circumventing Competition: The Perverse Consequences of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
The courts have a proven track record of fashioning balanced remedies for the copyright challenges created by new technologies. But when Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in 1998, it cut the courts out of this role and instead banned any devices that "circumvent" digital rights ...

Nokia Predicts Death of Music Industry
A Nokia executive says that music device and camcorder makers would be the next industries to feel the pinch from mobile phones, saying they would see a similar market collapse as the photo industry. The comments appeared in Monday's edition of the Financial Times.

Idiotic Cost Cutting Measure — Take Away F.B.I. E-mail Accounts. Author: Eideard Homeland Insecurity says FBI agents really don't need email. And it's too expensive.
Court denies Puerto Rico US vote The US Supreme Court rejects a bid to give Puerto Ricans the right to vote in US presidential elections.
Sharp UK downturn hits Kingfisher B&Q owner Kingfisher says annual profits have halved as UK spending on home improvements slows sharply.
Fears over teaching creationism The Archbishop of Canterbury says he does not believe that creationism should be taught in schools.
French MPs vote to open up iTunes The French parliament has backed plans to give s more choice over music downloads.

Professor Hugh Pennington, a microbiologist at Aberdeen University, said flu viruses were expert at evolving rapidly to exploit new opportunities.

He said it was possible that either of the two subtypes could gain the ability to jump from person to person.

Science may have under-estimated the ability of H5N1 to spread across large areas of the world in the way that it has already done, he said.

"But no need to panic. The virus is still a bird virus, it is not yet a human virus + it may never be a human virus.

"As long as we manage to keep it reasonably under control in the birds I think we can breathe relatively easily for at least a year or two."
Back in 2003 we only had one genetically distinct population of H5N1 with the potential to cause a human pandemic. Now we have two
Dr Rebecca Garten

Prior to 2005 every known human case of bird flu had been caused by a particular subtype of the H5N1 virus, which infected people in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.

But the latest analysis by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified a genetically distinct variant which appears to have emerged last year, infecting people in Indonesia.

Researcher Dr Rebecca Garten said: "As the virus continues its geographic expansion, it is also undergoing genetic diversity expansion

"Back in 2003 we only had one genetically distinct population of H5N1 with the potential to cause a human pandemic. Now we have two."

Pandemic concern

The H5N1 strain of bird flu has spread across Europe, Africa and parts of Asia and killed nearly 100 people worldwide and infected about 180 since it re-emerged in 2003.

The virus is still a bird virus, it is not yet a human virus + it may never be a human virus
Professor Hugh Pennington

Bird flu toll rises past 100-mark The death of five people in Azerbaijan brings the world's bird flu human toll to 103 since 2003, the WHO says.
Pesticide cancer link doubt Experts say people should not be alarmed by a study suggesting pesticides in food may raise the risk of cancer.
Bird flu virus 'now in two forms' The virus responsible for bird flu has evolved into two separate strains, US scientists confirm.
France assembly passes music bill Blog: France's National Assembly has passed a bill that could force Apple Computer and others to share the details on previousely secret...
Database Business Problems at Oracle? Author: CowboyNeal 138
abb_road writes "Wall Street responded to yesterday's report of a 42% rise in profits by pushing Oracle's stock down. Despite a 77% increase in applications business, investors are worried that Oracle's core database business remains comparatively stagnant. Though Ellison claims that the DB business will grow in double digits over the next few years, it seems that more companies are switching to open source rather than paying Oracle $40,000 a processor."

21.Mar.2006 US Crusade.com - U.S. Attacks and Aftermath: Full Coverage ... General overview of the CIA. - www. wakeupmag .co.uk. The World's Only Superpower ... - www.wakeupmag.co.uk

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden ... www.uscrusade.com/home.htm
21.Mar.2006 THE CIA IN AUSTRALIA: AMERICA'S FOREIGN WATERGATE "The CIA's aim in Australia was to get rid of a government they did not like + that was not co-operative... it's a Chile,but ...


THE CIA IN WESTERN EUROPE "They are trained, for example, to confront disorders ä student demonstrations, www.american-buddha.com/cia.westeurope.htm
Ken Silverstein, Alex Friedmann, Human Rights Watch | US Prisons are Strange Bedfellows: Political corruption in the US Gulag business (by Alex Friedmann ) Massive racial discrimination in the US prison business... www.mmmsp.com/tagg/rants/usprison.html
A BuzzFlash Editorial - You're either on the side of those fighting for America, our future, our principles + our Bill of Rights - or you quiver in fear of exposing the incompetent, destructive liars.

Make the Choice.

21.Mar.2006  Get the Much-Awaited New Book from Kevin Phillips on BuzzFlash.com: "American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil + Borrowed Money in the 21st Century."
It's That Time of Month to Help BuzzFlash Pay Off Its Visa Card. Don't Just Get Mad, Get America Informed. Fight Back.

Support BuzzFlash.com. Outrage Matters. We Need Your Dollars. It's That Simple. We Won't Accept Advertising in Order to Stay Independent. You Make That Possible.

So Does a BIG Credit Card Bill That We Need to Pay Once a Month.

Big Democratic Donors Give Money to Losing Candidates. BuzzFlash Supporters Give to the Pro-Democracy Movement and a Voice for the Truth.

21.Mar.2006  Cheney is Either Certifiable or Just a Lying Scumbag:

On Sunday, Vice President Dick Cheney did not express any regret for predicting in the days before the invasion that U.S. troops would be greeted as liberators or his assessment 10 months ago that the insurgency was in its "last throes." On the contrary, he said the optimistic statements "were basically accurate, reflect reality." 3/21

21.Mar.2006  It's Fair Trade Time on BuzzFlash.com. Ugandan Fair Trade Coffee Produced by a Cooperative of Ugandan Muslims, Christians and Jews.

"Not Just a Cup, but a Just Cup." Support an African Fair Trade Reimbursed Co-op AND BuzzFlash in Every Cup You Drink.

21.Mar.2006  Gore Not Planning to Run for President, But Hasn't Ruled Out Elective Office.

Sounds Like There's Some Wiggle Room There.

Al, You ARE the President.

Since 2000,

We Have Had Supreme Court Appointed Thieves in the White House.

21.Mar.2006  DNC Exposes Another Bush Lie;

"Bush falsely argued today in Cleveland that he never publicly linked Saddam Hussein and 11.Sep.2001." Here are the facts. 3/21
Bush's State of Delusion in Iraq on Full Display.

Medication Definitely Needed. America AND Iraq in Deep Peril with Boy in the Bubble at the Helm. 3/21

21.Mar.2006  Bush Peppered With Questions on Iraq, Says NOTHING NEW. 3/21
Michael Winship: Speaking Truth, Out of Office and After the Fact - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

Katherine Harris gets her inspiration from "God, The Last of the Mohicans and The Lord of Rings."

We kid you not.

She says she's a "work in progress."

Is she talking about that very special plastic surgery?
It's Fair Trade Monday on BuzzFlash.com.

Ugandan Fair Trade Coffee Produced by a Cooperative of Ugandan Muslims, Christians and Jews. "Not Just a Cup, but a Just Cup." Support an African Fair Trade Reimbursed Co-op AND BuzzFlash in Every Cup You Drink.

21.Mar.2006  But, in an interview on British television, the former prime minister of Iraq, Ayad Allawi, said his country already has descended into civil war.

"If this is not civil war," he told the BBC, "then God knows what civil war is."
Still upbeat about Iraq, Bush and Cheney are taking the art of the con artist to new levels 3/20

21.Mar.2006  Indiana's Gun Laws Provide Guns to Illinois Criminals 3/21
Norman Solomon: Why Are We Here? An "Incompetent" War Is Not the Problem - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
From a Small Town Wisconsin Newspaper: "If Senate won't vindicate Feingold, history will." 3/21

FTN - 03/19/06 - CBS News Vice President Cheney joined Face The Nation to discuss the war in Iraq three years after the U.S.-led invasion.

SCHIEFFER: Today on "Face the Nation," an exclusive interview with Vice President Dick Cheney. Today on this third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, we'll sit down with the ...
Bush's Ratings Slump -A bitterly divided electorate gives President George W. Bush an approval rating of only 36 percent in the latest NEWSWEEK poll, matching the low point in his presidency recorded last November.? His image as an effective leader in the war on terror is tarnished, with less than half ...
In Secret Unit's 'Black Room,' a Grim Portrait of U.S. Abuse
00.Jun.2004 Stephen A. Cambone, a top Pentagon official, ordered his deputy, Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, to look into allegations of detainee abuse at Camp Nama. In the windowless, jet-black garage-size room, some soldiers beat prisoners with rifle butts, yelled and spit in their faces and, in a ...

Nanotech Restores Vision in Hamsters -Brain cells reconnect across a synthetic bridge.
Pentagon plans cyber-insect army
The Pentagon's defence scientists want to create an army of cyber-insects that can be remotely controlled to check out explosives and send transmissions. The idea is to insert micro-systems at the pupa stage, when the insects can integrate them into their body, so they can be remotely controlled ...

Tories will not name key backers The Tories say they will not disclose the identity of supporters who lent the party large sums of money.
FBI agent 'warned of hijack risk' An FBI agent tells the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui that his bosses dismissed hijack warnings.
Strike call over French job law French unions and students call a day of strikes on 28 March against a new controversial labour law.
Chancellor warned of 'fuel poor' The Chancellor is urged to protect people from increasing fuel bills, ahead of his Budget announcement.
Working class students 'to fall' Population trends mean the decline in young people might not hit universities too hard, analysis suggests.
Life's diversity 'being depleted' Virtually all indicators of biodiversity are heading in the wrong direction, a major new report says.
Labour reveals secret loans list Labour publishes the names of the wealthy businessmen who secretly lent the party a total of nearly £14m.
Woman told doctor of drug allergy A mother who died after being given penicillin in hospital had told doctors she was allergic to the drug, an inquest hears.
Climate link to African malaria A small temperature rise may have doubled numbers of malaria-carrying mosquitoes in African highlands.
Research into how babies learn A new research project which seeks to find out more about how babies learn and acquire knowledge has been set up.
Grow Your Own Oil, U.S. Vaporizing sawdust and corn stalks yields a versatile petroleum stand-in called bio-oil. The product could help sate the world's dependence on black gold. By Seán Captain.
Fliers Can't Balk at Search A federal appeals court rules that an airline passenger can't just turn around and go home when the TSA asks about that meth pipe-shaped lump in his pocket. By Ryan Singel.
Amazon Changes 'Abortion' Queries After an e-mail complaint charging bias, Amazon modifies the way its search engine handles the term "abortion." The company says the prompt that came up asking if the user meant "adoption" was a kind of spell-check.
Archaic Sounds Reach Modern Ears From ragtime tunes to historic speeches, vintage cylinder recordings come back to life, thanks to a nifty device and a California library's impressive campaign to digitize. By Rachel Metz.

21.Mar.2006 Is a global high-tech work force bad for U.S.? Experts torn about the impact of a swell of skilled workers in foreign countries and a drop in some U.S. advanced degrees.
Coding Communities - What Works? Author: Cliff 8

drDugan asks: "There is a resurgence in interest lately in information-based systems and websites for data sharing, structured data + enabling communities to work together better. I'm working a contract for a new business that is trying to build a community to support people who write software. What communities are you a part of now that help you write and develop software? I mean this question in a general way, including both online communities and offline interactions (your office, LUGs, etc.) -- where do you find connection with other people to get information, answers + inspiration?"
World's First Completely Transparent IC Author: ScuttleMonkey 101
An anonymous reader writes "DeviceForge is reporting that researchers at Oregon State University claim to have created the worlds first 'completely transparent' ICs (integrated circuit) from inorganic compounds. From the article: 'The technology can enable extremely inexpensive electronics for use in "throw away" devices + is expected to be used in automobile windshields, cell phones, TVs, games + toys, among other applications, OSU said. OSU also believes that the technology might result in more efficient solar cells or improvements and LCD displays (liquid crystal displays), it said.'"

Open Source R&D Tax Credit? Author: ScuttleMonkey 129
Dan writes "The Center for American Progress is proposing an R&D tax credit for open source development." From the article: "Subsidizing open source software development can also be justified on grounds of economic efficiency. Open source software development enhances the ability of other developers to create new products. It also enhances the development and dissemination of knowledge and ideas more broadly. Since the benefits to the broader software development community and the economy as a whole go well beyond the users of an individual software product, a policy that subsidizes open source development would increase economic efficiency."

The State of Online Advertising Author: ScuttleMonkey 142
conq writes "BusinessWeek has an article looking at how internet advertising has changed and is changing. From the article: 'The race is on to find new ways to track customer behavior. Advertisers and agencies are progressing far beyond the standard arithmetic of counting clicks and page views. They're tracking the to-and-froing of the mouse on Web pages + they're finding new ways to group shoppers by age, Zip Code + reading habits. CEO David S. Rosenblatt of DoubleClick Inc., which serves up some 200 billion ads a month for customers, says that every campaign now allows for 50 different types of metrics'"

Patriot Act Game Pokes Fun at Government Author: ScuttleMonkey 188
The Miami Herald is reporting that a new game based on Monopoly is taking a crack at Patriot Act and what creator Michael Kabbash describes as the curtailed freedom that has resulted. From the article: "The object of the game is not to amass the most money or real estate, but to be the last player to retain civil liberties. 'I've had people complain to me that when they play, nobody wins. They say "We're all in Guantanamo and nobody has any civil liberties left," he said. 'I'm like "Yeah, that's the point."'"

How to How to make money on the Internet v2.0: "If journalists won't write from a users' perspective, what's to stop the users from becoming journalists?"
21.Mar.2006 Instead of trying to do a better job, airlines are demanding that
dangerous RFID chips be attached to all checked baggage.
Goodbye, Baggage

Airlines lost 30 million bags in 2005, according to a depressing new study.

While many were eventually returned to passengers, 200,000 were gone forever.

The industry study by SITA Inc. says baggage losses have increased by nearly 1% when compared to 2004.

"Greater airport congestion, tight connection times, increased transfers among airlines and stricter security are all contributing to more late or missing bags," the Associate Press reported Monday night.

Crooked airlines sell "lost" luggage to some shady operation in Alabama called the "Unclaimed Baggage Center."
21.Mar.2006 Dubai International Capital LLC -- another government-owned company from the United Arab Emirates' sheikdom -- has delayed its $1.2 billion takeover of a British firm that owns
nine U.S. factories, including seven weapons and aerospace plants.

The Dubai corporation bought Doncasters Ltd. in December 2005.

But fallout from Dubai Ports' attempt to take over major seaport operations in the United States caused voter outrage and new awareness of such shady deals.
Cops hunt drinkers in Texas bars

The War on Everything hit a new low in Texas last weekend, when fanatic undercover cops invaded bars and clubs.

Their target: People having drinks.

The crime? Public drunkeness.

Fascist creeps from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission joined up with the police thugs from the town of Irving.

Together, they infiltrated popular drinking establishments on Friday night.

Once inside, they joined Irving residents at tables in the bars. And then the monsters pounced.

Bartenders were targeted for serving people drinks. Some patrons were literally forced to do "sobriety tests" inside the bars.

When the operation was finished, 30 people were jailed for doing nothing more than having drinks in a bar.

Jackbooted scumbag Sgt. Chris Hamilton justified his police-state mission by telling the local television news that bar patrons "end up killing themselves or someone else."
Katrina-sized storm will hit Northeast U.S.

00.000.2006 hurricane season will be worse than 00.000.2005 -- Northeast cities could be destroyed
Dead prez fantasy costs kid a computer

A freshman at Mars Hill College has had his computer seized by Secret Service agents after he posted ominous lyrics about President Bush on the dreaded MySpace.

Tim Willis, 18, is like a lot of college kids: he's got a MySpace page, loves punk rock and hates President Bush.

But he certainly never meant to join the ranks of those running afoul of the feds for fantasizing about a world without Bush.

Even though I don’t like the president and I don’t like his policies … I don’t want to hurt anybody,” he said. “I’m very peaceable. I don’t desire any conflict or anything.”

In a perfect dovetailing of his three passions he reworked the lyrics to the Misfit's punk classic "Bullet." The 1978 hit tells the tale of the JFK assassination. But in Willis' new version it's is Bush's "bullet-ridden body in the street."

07.Mar.2006 the S.S. stormed into his dorm + seized his computer.

They have since admitted that the words pose no immediate threat to the president, but continue to hold onto it.

They're carefully searching Willis' computer for anything illegal, while causing Willis as much inconvenience as possible.

Adding to the tragedy is the fact that Willis was ratted out by one of his fellow MySpacers who dropped a dime, calling the S.S. office in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Samit was questioned today about the memo, which he sent to FBI headquarters in Washington on Aug. 18, 2001, less than a month before the 9-11 attacks.

"You needed people in Washington to help you out?" Defense Counsel Edward MacMahon asked the agent.

"They didn't do that, did they?"

Samit answered: "No."

The agent said that when Moussaoui was arrested, he seemed to be in a hurry to finish his 747 flight training on a simulator in Minnesota.

"You wanted the people in Washington to know that because you were concerned that was going to try to hijack a plane right?" MacMahon asked Samit.

"Yes sir," the agent replied.
Test 'em all! Worried that a generation of drunks and cokeheads may seize control of the country some day, the White House is again pushing drug tests for high school kids
FBI agent gave 70 11.Sep.2001 warnings to Washington

And all the warnings were ignored - no wonder people don't believe the White House story

The STAR GATE legacy stands as evidence that the military will make operational use of anything appearing to offer a technical advantage, whether or not there is scientific support for the technology.

In the mid 1990's, Dr. Stuart Hameroff at the University of Arizona + Oxford's Sir Roger Penrose proposed that quantum processes might be involved in the emergence of human consciousness. Penrose is well known for his work in mathematics and the physics of black holes. The idea of creating a synthesis of quantum teleportation and brain function quickly followed as a theory of telepathy. In the Penrose-Hameroff theory, the shape of switch-like structures in the brain are controlled by the location of single electrons, the quantum of electric charge + these structures resemble quantum computing circuits.

Seth Lloyd's theory of quantum gravity is based on quantum computing circuits. In other words, Lloyd believes that spacetime is fundamentally a computational quantum process.
The rich list: Labour names 12 behind secret loans

Our story showed that the technology, far from being new, had in fact first been used in Newry, Co Down, in 1992 to murder a policewoman and maim her male colleague.

Kevin Fulton, a former soldier who infiltrated the IRA on behalf of the security services, made an astonishing claim: that he had flown to New York, met FBI and MI5 agents and was given money to buy an infra-red device to be used to set off IRA bombs.

The security services - already successful in preventing radio-signal bombs - believed that by supplying the equipment they could then introduce counter-measures.

"They knew the IRA was looking at the technology. By supplying the equipment, they thought they could stay one step ahead of the IRA," Mr Fulton told the IoS yesterday.

Following our article in October, an investigative journalist from the American magazine Atlantic delved deeper. And in an article to be published next week, Matthew Teague claims FBI sources have confirmed Mr Fulton's trip to the United States.
Global warming

How it's changing the insects in your own back garden
21.Mar.2006 Mushroom Clouds: Coming to a Town Near You? 
Thirty four years and millions of dollars later, CIA documents reveal the amazing success and dismal failures of STAR GATE, the formerly top secret intelligence agency programs used to "remote view" information that couldn't be accessed by any normal means of collection.
21.Mar.2006 Counting war's wounded 'nightmarish' 
The incidence of respiratory illnesses, endemic diseases and mystery illnesses outnumber the incidence of the brain and limb wounds, according to Stephen Robinson, a Desert Storm veteran and executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Center. Yet these conditions are more or less off the media radar.
21.Mar.2006 Congress probes 'IoS' revelations on IRA link to Iraq 
The claim - if true - threatens a new political storm over how and why FBI officials and MI5 operatives conspired to supply deadly bomb-making equipment to the Provisional IRA in the early 1990s, mechanisms the paramilitary organisation later shared with Palestinian fighters.
Today in Iraq the same technology is being used by insurgents to kill and maim British and American soldiers.

I have yet to stitch together a definition of "cult" that covers all of this territory. If you can do so, please let me know.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/All of which brings us to the question: Is Scientology a cult? What IS a cult?
Buzzflash addressed the question today in an editorial about the
cult of Bush. Here's the BF definition: It's a movement that is comprised of people who believe in a leader contrary to reality and the harm that the person does them.
21.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
All in all, another week of more scandals than one can count, more lives destroyed by our occupation of another country + more spin than a laundromat. As foreign as this feels when compared to life just six years ago, it’s all too rapidly becoming just another week in the life of Bush’s America.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Even more scandalous than the lobbying schemes are the various surveillance crimes, which appear to take on numerous permutations, including warrantless physical searches.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ENDGAME: Concentration camps in America I urge you to read this article by Professor Peter Dale Scott. Pursuant to a plan ominously called ENDGAME, Homeland Security has quadrupled spending on "detention beds" -- read: concentration camps -- for illegal immigrants and "potential terrorists." That means you and me, folks: It is relevant that in 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced his desire to see camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be "enemy combatants." On Feb. 17 of this year, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of the harm being done to the country's security, not just by the enemy, but also by what he called "news informers" who needed to be combated in "a contest of wills." Two days earlier, citing speeches critical of Bush by Al Gore, John Kerry + Howard Dean, conservative columnist Ben Shapiro called for "legislation to prosecute such sedition." The Immigration and Customs Enforcement website discusses ENDGAME purely in terms of illegal immigration; not a word about rounding up liberals. Interestingly, Oliver North has contributed to a new book called "Endgame," in which he blames all of America's ills, including terrorism, on Democrats. Peter Dale Scott argues that the ENDGAME plan derives from North's own notorious REX 84, drawn up during the Reagan administration, pursuant to which protestors of a Central American war would have found themselves in camps. If memory serves, a Miami Herald story published in 1987 revealed that North drew up these plans at a secret meeting open only to officers wearing a small red cross, used as a recognition sign. (Quite a few web sites reference this article, although I'm relying on unreliable memory for the "cross" detail. Perhaps a reader has a copy of the piece...?)
21.Mar.2006 'know what's really cute? As older observers of odd politics will recall, at the same time Ollie went about his evil work, rumors circulated within the religious right that the "gummint" had drawn up plans to incarcerate Christians . You may be reminded of those cartoons Julius Streicher used to publish -- the ones which depicted Jews using Giftgas on Germans. I believe psychologists call this phenomenon "projection."

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Scientific proof: Whiners grow up to be conservatives You gotta read this. It's beautiful. Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him + was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative.
At least, he did if he was one of 95 kids from the Berkeley area that social scientists have been tracking for the last 20 years. The confident, resilient, self-reliant kids mostly grew up to be liberals. I can guess how conservatives will repond to this study. They'll whine.

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Even if vote fraud occurs in 2006, a report explaining how it occurred will inform that international community that the majority of the American people do not support the thugs who've overpowered and raped our democracy. Such a report may spur a boycott of American goods until freedom is restored.
We also need truly unbiased exit polling. As I noted in a recent post, the 2004 pollsters -- contrary to popular belief -- drastically over-represented the Bush vote. Do you think that happened by accident?
Truth Is All -- for the latest (the news, it seems, is not good), go
here. Permalink

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/The international monitoring group is called the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe -- the OSCE. They did do some observation in this country in 2004. Unfortunately, those monitors simply could not get their heads around the fact that the United States has no federally-set elections standards. We have fifty different states with fifty different rulebooks, a situation without parallel in Europe. That fact of history completely floors the OSCE.
Write to the OSCE at info@osce.org. They need to understand that the lack of federal standards in American elections is a situation that will not change any time soon. They also need to understand that the need for clean elections in this country is immediate and dire. The problem affects the world: More Republican vote-theft means more war .

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Fighting vote fraud! Action in California! Brad Blog scoops the world on this one: A group called VoterAction will file suit to halt Secretary of State Bruce McPherson's dastardly scheme to foist Diebold's machines on the elctorate -- despite the fact that the damn things are easily hackable, despite the fact that Diebold is on the receiving end of lawsuits for securities fraud + despite the fact that nobody who lives in California wants those filthy devices.
Do what you can to support this effort. If California's vote gets Diebold-ized, California will become a red state and the presidency will remain in Republican hands FOREVER.
We need international attention. First, note what California State Senator Debra Bowen has to say about this mess: February 28, 2006 – Secretary McPherson releases the ITA report – dated February 23, 2006 – from CIBER on the Diebold memory cards. The report notes the Diebold system uses interpreted code – something banned by the FEC standards the Secretary said on August 3, 2005, he would follow. Why violate reasonable standards set by the FEC? Obviously, the Republicans are going to such outlandish lengths because

Wenn er in Fahrt kommt, hat der stämmige Mann mit seinen breiten Schultern und den Bartstoppeln im Gesicht etwas Wikingerhaftes. Unerschrocken zieht er dann auch gegen die Energiemultis ins Feld: "Mit den E.ons und den Vattenfalls ist die Energiewende nicht zu schaffen."
Jetzt könnte das Rad der Geschichte zurückgedreht werden. Technisch sei das kein Problem,
Ohnehin ist es ein Zufall der Geschichte, dass Autos nicht schon seit Anbeginn mit Ethanol betankt werden. Der Autobauer Henry Ford war in den zwanziger Jahren eigentlich für Alkohol als Kraftstoff - doch die mächtigen Rockefellers haben Erdöl durchgesetzt.
Aber auch frühzeitige politische Weichenstellungen haben die Abhängigkeit von den fossilen Brennstoffen insgesamt verringert. So verfügt Schweden inzwischen über einen hohen Anteil an kleinen, dezentralen, aber effektiven Kraftwerken, die das Gros der Häuser mit Wärme und viele auch mit Strom versorgen. Dort werden bevorzugt Holz und Abfälle verfeuert. In Deutschland hingegen dominieren Gas- und Ölheizungen. Der Strom stammt hierzulande aus Großkraftwerken, die zumeist Kohle verfeuern.
Nur noch eine Hand voll Touristen
Studienreisen durch Zentralasien bieten oft Pendschikent als Tagesausflug von der nur 70 Kilometer entfernten usbekischen Stadt Samarkand aus an, dem Schauplatz von "Tausendundeine Nacht". Doch seit dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion trennt eine Grenze die beiden Städte + im Polizeistaat Usbekistan wird das Reisen in jüngster Zeit immer unangenehmer. Zu sowjetischen Zeiten seien jeden Tag 300 Besucher nach Pendschikent gekommen, sagt Rachmotullojew. Jetzt verliere sich täglich nur noch eine Hand voll Touristen hierher.

Nuke deal to enable India to make 50 weapons a year : Washington: India will be able to produce as many as 50 nuclear warheads a year after the approval of the Indo-US nuclear deal by the US Congress.

21.Mar.2006  Pentagon 'hedge' strategy targets China : The Pentagon is moving strategic bombers to Guam and aircraft carriers and submarines to the Pacific as part of a new "hedge" strategy aimed at preparing for conflict with China, Pentagon officials said yesterday.

21.Mar.2006  Libby Attorneys Identify CIA Officials in Plame Leak : The identity of intelligence officials who are thought to have passed information about covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, surfaced in a federal court document filed Friday evening.
Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees By ERIC SCHMITT and CAROLYN MARSHALL
The story of detainee abuse in Iraq is a familiar one. But the following account of Task Force 6-26, based on documents and interviews with more than a dozen people, offers the first detailed description of how the military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit committed serious abuses.

"An Evening of Conversation" with Harry Belafonte : We hear from legendary musician, actor and humanitarian Harry Belafonte on why he was disinvited from speaking at the funeral of Coretta Scott

21.Mar.2006  Pentagon hired contractor to advise on collecting information on churches, mosques, other U.S. sites : A Pentagon intelligence agency that kept files on American anti-war activists hired one of the contractors who bribed former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., to help it collect data on houses of worship, schools, power plants and other locations in the United States.

21.Mar.2006  Rewriting The Science: As a government scientist, James Hansen is taking a risk. He says there are things the White House doesn't want you to hear but he's going to say them anyway.
Who is the rogue state really?: Iran is not guilty of abdicating or reneging on its obligations as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT). Under the terms of that treaty, Iran has an inalienable right to develop research, production + use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination.

21.Mar.2006  Bush Repeats US Would Use Military To Protect Israel : "I made it clear + I'll make it clear again, that we will use military might to protect our ally Israel," Bush said during a question and answer session after a speech in Cleveland.

21.Mar.2006  Palestinians losers in Mideast water war: Israel is believed to monopolise around 75 percent of Palestinian water resources in a region where rainfall is infrequent and water a strategic asset.

21.Mar.2006  Baruch Marzel: IDF must assassinate left-wing activist Uri Avnery : National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, now campaigning for the March 28 Knesset election, said Monday the leaders of the Kadima party are "traitors" and "criminals" and called on the Israel Defense Forces to assassinate the far-left leader of the Gush Shalom movement Uri Avnery.

21.Mar.2006  "To Hell With All of You": The Power of Saying No: As the new Hamas government is sworn into power in the Palestinian Authority, we might ask: What would bring a people, the most secular of Arab populations with little history of religious fundamentalism, to vote Hamas?

21.Mar.2006  Jimmy Carter: It's not too late for lasting peace in the Middle Eas t : Israel should withdraw from the occupied territories + its right to exist must be recognised by all Arabs

21.Mar.2006  Guantanamo protest in SF halts traffic downtown, 17 arrested: - Police arrested 17 protesters and pulled several others wearing orange jumpsuits from a makeshift prison cell Monday in the heart of the city's financial district.

21.Mar.2006  Australia: Suspected terrorist abused in custody, court told: The lawyer for one of the eight terrorism suspects rounded up in Sydney last year has told a court his client was being abused and was denied medical treatment while in custody.

21.Mar.2006  Chavez blasts Bush as "donkey" and "drunkard"

21.Mar.2006  Secret loans: Blair warned but gave the go ahead: TONY Blair's intimate involvement in sanctioning the loans which have rocked his government is exposed today, after one of his closest confidantes confirmed that he "knew exactly what was going on" and was aware of the risks from the start.

21.Mar.2006  This misadventure has alienated most of the world from Bush : Since going to war, the president has managed to make himself almost as unpopular with US voters as he is with Iraqis
War pimp alert: Iran set to step up enrichment: "Iran is on the verge of operating a 164-centrifuge cascade with UF6 (uranium hexafluoride gas)," a Western diplomat said, referring to machines arrayed in series, known as cascades, used to produce fuel for nuclear power reactors or material for the explosive core of an atom bomb.
Howard Zinn: America’s Blinders: What is the idea of our moral superiority based on? Surely not on our behavior toward people in other parts of the world.

21.Mar.2006  Mike Whitney : Baker’s Latest Assignment; tell Bush we lost: After years of struggle, Baker and company have finally created the one-party system of their dreams with a government that is unaccountable to the people, the law, or its political base. Unfortunately, he’s about to learn what others have known for some time; the nation is in the vice-like grip of homicidal maniacs who have no intention of relinquishing power or admitting defeat.

21.Mar.2006  Greg Palast : Bush Didn't Bungle Iraq, You Fools: The Mission Was Indeed Accomplished

21.Mar.2006  Paul Craig Roberts: A Collapsing Presidency : Neocons are Jacobins. They are a foreign import and do not share our American values. Neocons are a grave danger to the United States and to the world. Neocons have led America into two gratuitous on-going wars that cannot be won + they are determined to lead us into more wars. It is our duty to defend our country and to oppose these evil people.

21.Mar.2006  Decline and fall : Kevin Phillips, no lefty, says that America -- addicted to oil, strangled by debt and maniacally religious -- is headed for doom.

21.Mar.2006  Why the war is a waste : Speaking truth to tyranny is the place to start. Otherwise, we will learn directly, not just from history books, that just as empires rise, they also fall, brought down by their own hubris.

21.Mar.2006  U.S. War Spending to Rise 44% to $9.8 Bln a Month, Report Says: Spending will rise to $9.8 billion a month from the $6.8 billion a month the Pentagon said it spent last year, the research service said. The group's March 10 report cites ``substantial'' expenses to replace or repair damaged weapons, aircraft, vehicles, radios and spare parts.

21.Mar.2006  Media Avoids Covering Vote on Permanent Bases: Something is happening in Iraq that most Americans have never heard about, but many Americans think the war is being fought for: the United States is building what look like permanent military bases.

21.Mar.2006  Polls show public want Australian troops out of Iraq : A new opinion poll out today suggests that almost two thirds of people in this country want Australian troops to leave Iraq within the next couple months.
Dark Pearl -By John S. Hatch
It’s quite normal for a son to want to follow in his Daddy’s career footsteps and to dream of exceeding the accomplishments of the old geezer. But what if you’re Genghis Jr., or Attila Jr., or George II? That can complicate matters a little. How to outdo Daddy’s deeds  when he was so devilishly good at what he did? How many people can a Vlad Jr. impale? You almost have to have a plan. In modern times you need a PNAC.

The bodies are piling up -By Cindy Sheehan
Today George said that the temptation to abandon "our" commitments is strong. Did he have a mouse in his pocket? I never made a commitment to preemptive war. I didn't authorize Congress to abrogate their responsibilities to declare war. I didn't give the orders to invade a country that was absolutely no threat to the USA. I also didn't give the orders to use depleted uranium and wmd in Iraq. I wasn't the one who devoted myself to torture and imprisoning people without due process.

Killing Children: The “My Lai phase” of the Iraq war -by Mike Whitney
What goes through George Bush’s mind when he sees the dead bodies of Iraqi women and children loaded on the back of a pickup truck like garbage? Is there ever a flicker of remorse; a split-second when he fully grasps the magnitude of the horror he has created?

The 50 Billion Dollar Robbery:
Where has the 50 billion dollars of reconstruction money gone? -By BBC
Following the Iraq war, billions of dollars of Iraq's money was directed to American companies to rebuild the country. But much of it remains unaccounted for + Peter Marshall has been investigating startling allegations of post war profiteering.
Real Video - 14 Minutes

U.S. Companies Profited As Iraqi Children Died -By Callum Macrae and Ali Fadhil
A financial scandal that in terms of sheer scale must rank as one of the greatest in history.

Wenn Per Carstedt recht behält, dann ist die nächste Revolution in Wahrheit ein Rückschritt. "Das Industriezeitalter begann mit der Umstellung von Holz auf fossile Brennstoffe", sagt der schwedische Unternehmer. "Nun geht es genau umgekehrt."
Bislang vergebens fordern Fachleute wie Peter Hauk, baden-württembergischer Minister für den ländlichen Raum, das Kommunikationsgefälle zwischen Stadt und Land baldmöglichst abzubauen, um die Fläche vor weiterem Niedergang zu bewahren: "DSL oder noch besser Glasfaser wird auf dem Land wirken wie früher der elektrische Strom."
Jeder der sechs einzelnen Motoren von "Spirits" Rädern hat sich seit Januar 2004 rund 13 Millionen Mal gedreht - dies übertrifft die ursprünglich definierten Ansprüche an das Material bei weitem. "Spirit" hat bereits sein Abschürf-Werkzeug zur Gesteinsproben-Gewinnung eingebüßt, weil dessen Metallzähne zu stark abgenutzt waren.
Vogelgrippe: Dritter Mensch in Ägypten erkrankt

MONTAG , 20. MÄRZ 2006 Hamas: "Wir können auch ohne EU-Gelder überleben"

21.Mar.2006 Europa: IEA warnt vor Gas-Engpässen
US-Finanzen: Bush schraubt Schuldengrenze hoch
Proteste in Frankreich: Gewerkschaften rufen nationalen Streiktag aus
Irak-Strategie: Bush sucht Schuld bei Medien

21.Mar.2006 Blairs Spendenaffäre: Schattengeschäfte in Downing Street
Weißrussland-Wahl: Putin gratuliert, Bush protestiert
Iran-Export: Ermittler vermuten illegale Rüstungsgeschäfte in großem Ausmaß
Lädierter Mars-Rover: "Spirit" geht der Saft aus
Villepin in Bedrängnis: High Noon im Palais Matignon
Koalitionsstreit: Glos will Kündigungsschutz noch weiter lockern
Astronomie im Ölgemälde: Munchs Sonne war der Mond

21.Mar.2006 Finanzmarkt-Studie: Zehn wunde Punkte der Weltwirtschaft

21.Mar.2006 Überwachungsbilder: Polizeiangestellte verkaufen Nacktfotos
Zyklon "Larry": Schwere Schäden am Great Barrier Reef befürchtet
Australien: Nach "Larry" kommen Giftschlangen und Krokodile
Wälder im Tank: Schwedens Weg aus der Öl-Falle
Tadschikistan: Sagenhaftes Pompeji Zentralasiens
Wall-Street-Profite: Getrübter Goldrausch
Irak: Alawi beklagt ethnische Säuberungen
Milliarden-Offerte: Großfusion bei britischen Versicherungen
Nasa in Nöten: Shuttle-Landebahn zu vermieten

21.Mar.2006 Zyklon "Larry": Schäden am Great Barrier Reef befürchtet
Situation im Irak: Ex-Regierungschef spricht von ethnischen Säuberungen
Proteste in Frankreich: Villepin beharrt auf Arbeitsmarktreform

21.Mar.2006 Energiefusion: EU wirft Paris ökonomischen Nationalismus vor
Langer Winter: Gaswirtschaft greift auf Reserve zurück
Mega-Zyklon: "Larry" verwüstet den Nordosten Australiens
Frankreich: Villepin bleibt hart
Inside the Committee that Runs the World : The inner circles of the USA national security community—represent what is probably the most powerful committee in the history of the world, one with more resources, more power, more license to act + more ability to project force further and swifter than any other convened by king, emperor, or president.
Alles ganz schrecklich? Kein Ausweg in Sicht? Die dunkle Seite der Macht können wir nicht besiegen? Mag sein. Aber Michel Foucault behauptet: "Wo Macht ist, ist auch Widerstand." Und in der Tat: Es gibt zahlreiche Beispiele für Gegenstrategien, für Versuche, die neuen Überwachungstechnologien mit der notwendigen Technikkompetenz subversiv zu unterlaufen. Beispielsweise hat der Wiener Verein
quintessenz "zur Wiederherstellung der Bürgerrechte im Informationszeitalter" eine umfangreiche Mailingliste des US-Geheimdienstes National Security Agency (NSA) einem Data Mining unterzogen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse online gestellt (https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/57056). Auf dem diesjährigen Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin gab es eine gut besuchte Veranstaltung zur Bedrohung von Privacy + Bürgerrechten durch den fortschreitenden Einsatz von Überwachungs- und Sicherheitstechnologien.

22.Feb.2006 lief zum gleichen Thema eine Sendung auf Chaosradio (hier die Aufzeichnung: https://www.chaosradio.de/archive/chaosradio_110.mp3 ).
Neben den genannten Beispielen gibt es zahlreiche weitere Initiativen gegen die Kontrollgesellschaft (
BigBrotherAwards, StopRFID, etc. etc.). Dabei erfordert die permanent fortschreitende Technik einen sehr flexiblen Widerstand, bietet gleichzeitig aber auch immer wieder neue Ansatzpunkte zur Sabotage. Viele Menschen, auch innerhalb der Linken, sind sich der Konsequenzen der neuen Überwachungstechnologien nicht bewusst. Was auch kein Wunder ist, denn sie sind in ihrer Gänze noch gar nicht absehbar. Umso wichtiger ist es, die Entwicklungen in diesen Bereichen aufmerksam zu verfolgen und auch den eigenen Umgang mit Kommunikationstechnologien (Internet, E-Mail, Telekommunikation, etc.) immer wieder kritisch zu überprüfen.

Riya befindet sich zurzeit noch in der Beta-Phase, also noch im Testbetrieb, aber die MacherInnen von Riya haben eine "Vision":
"Riya is more than photo search. Our goal is to help you find every photo of yourself on the web. We want to help you recover every moment, every place you?ve been and all of the people you?ve met along the way. We want to give you the tools to discover your future, every place you want to go and meet new friends. We will be successful when we can find every digital photo in the world." (https://riya.com/vision)
Eine Vision, die sicherlich auch bei Polizei und Nachrichtendiensten auf große Begeisterung stößt.
Die ziemlich naheliegende Frage, wo denn in dieser Vision der Datenschutz (Privacy) bleibt, taucht bei Riya zwar auch auf, wird aber bisher äußerst unbekümmert und naiv behandelt. Munjal Shah, Geschäftsführer und Mitbegründer von Riya, offenbart in einem
Blogeintrag vom 7.12.2005, dass sie das Thema Privacy bei Riya bisher eher vernachlässigt haben. Dieser Eindruck verstärkt sich, wenn man liest, was Tara Hunt, die "Online Marketing Managerin" von Riya, in ihrem Blog zum gleichen Thema schreibt:
"Hmmmm....how do I start about privacy? I'm the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to living a private life. I'm so *blah* to the world that sometimes I even scare myself. Hello human! So, when people approach me about privacy concerns, I can't relate. Or maybe I can empathize, but I feel like part of being 'out there' protects me more than being really private... (...)I think of it like this...as more and more people go online and expose various intimate details of their lives, the targets increase. All of a sudden there is all this information available for so many people that, if you are a spy or a stalker or a government organization looking to watch for dissidents, it becomes unmanageable. Isn't there a war strategy like this? Or Chaos Theory? Or whatever." (https://www.horsepigcow.com/2005/11/ahprivacy.html)Das ist dann doch extrem kurz gedacht, denn nicht erst seit gestern wird an Verfahren gearbeitet, aus großen Mengen von Daten systematisch Informationen zu extrahieren (Stichwort "Data Mining" - Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining). Das Unangenehme an Riya ist, dass ich mich der Überwachung durch dieses System nicht dadurch entziehen kann, dass ich mich entscheide, es nicht zu benutzen. Denn irgendjemand anders könnte ja ein Bild von mir hochladen. Letztendlich wird es wieder auf die altbekannte Floskel hinauslaufen: Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, habe auch nichts zu befürchten. Es bleibt abzuwarten, inwieweit Riya Verbreitung finden wird und welche wirklichen Konsequenzen sich daraus ergeben werden.

20.Mar.2006 New U.S. passports are
being issued with RFID chips.

Privacy experts have previously warned that terrorists and identity thieves could steal the tiny signal coming from the chip and manufacture a perfect fake passport.

But the idea of a virus spreading from infected passports to the entire U.S. immigration and customs network would bring international travel to an absolute standstill.
Does Fluffy have a computer virus?

RFID chips are tucked inside passports, stuff you buy at Wal-Mart and even pets.

The "radio frequency identification tags" store small amounts of data that can supposedly only be read by special scanners.

If you lose your chipped dog, for example, animal shelters and vets can retrieve the pet's home address and contact information from the implanted RFID chip.

Despite privacy activists' howls of protest, the RFID industry has long promised the little chips are harmless and that they hold too little information to be used in a nefarious way.

Now researchers have revealed that the chips can be used in a truly evil way: spreading computer viruses.

GovTech magazine gave a grim example of the havoc infected RFID chips could wreak:

"If someone intentionally attaches an infected RFID tag to a case, the entire system could be thrown into disarray," the magazine reported on Friday.
20.Mar.2006 Counter Disaster and Rescue Services (CDRS) executive director Frank Pagano compared the potential force of Larry to Katrina, which ravaged the USA Gulf states 00.Aug.2005, killing more than 1,400 people.

"This is the most devastating cyclone that we could potentially see on the east coast of Queensland for decades ... there is going to be destruction," Counter Disaster and Rescue Services director Frank Pagano said in Brisbane.
Spanish kids riot over high drink prices

Botellón – the massive outdoor booze festwent wrong as angry drunken youngsters rioted in Barcelona + Salamanca
Uneven breasts linked to cancer Women with asymmetrical breasts may be more likely to develop breast cancer, research suggests.
Hopes for natural anti-HIV drugs Scientists have discovered a previously unknown mechanism that cells use to fight off HIV.
Sleep loss 'harms route memory' Losing sleep can interfere with the part of the brain responsible for finding your way round, a study says.
Beware Your Online Presence Author: Zonk 88
Mz6 wrote to mention an article in the NY Daily News stating that an increasing number of employers are Googling their prospective employees during the interview/hiring process. From the article: "'A friend of mine posted a picture of me on My Space with my eyes half closed and a caption that suggests I've smoked something illegal,' says Kluttz. While the caption was a joke, Kluttz now wonders whether the past two employers she interviewed with thought it was so funny. Both expressed interest in hiring Kluttz, but at the 11th hour went with someone else."

Atheists put their faith in ethical behavior Though nonbelievers are a minority, they're also the fastest-growing religious category in America.
Rep. Murtha: Rumsfeld Should Offer His Resignation And The President Should Accept It... Author: The Huffington Post 
MR. RUSSERT: The president picks up the phone and calls you up + says "Jack, come on down. You voted for this war, you now think it was a mistake, but we're in a fix. And if I get out right away, we could leave behind a civil war, we could leave behind a haven for terrorism. Tell me ...

Judge Siding With Feds Over Google Porn Subpoena
(AP) SAN FRANCISCO A federal judge said Tuesday he intends to order Google Inc. to turn over some of its Internet records to the U.S. Justice Department, but expressed reservations about requiring the company to divulge some of its most sensitive data -- the actual requests that people enter into ...

REP. MURTHA: Well, it was two and a half years ago I wrote to him + I said, "Mr. President, you only have a few months to get things straightened out. We need more troops over there and + you need to train the Iraqis sooner. You, you need to energize," meaning you need to start the process ...

Editorial: The Stuff That Happened
The last three years have shown how little our national leaders understood Iraq + have reminded us how badly attempts at liberation from the outside have gone in the past.

4 Responses to “Pry, To”
Published by FactoryJoe January 24th, 2006 in Personal, Civil liberties, Society & economy Tags: No Tags. personal privacy is an oxymoron. you know less about yourself than the mass of services and companies out there that collect, individually or collectively, information about you and your ...

Op-Ed Contributor: This Essay Breaks the Law
The Patent Office grants patents at a level of abstraction that is unwise.

Method and apparatus for selective blocking of radio frequency identification devices
S.A. Weis et al., "Security and Privacy Aspects of Low-Cost Radio Frequency Identification Systems," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing, 12 pages, 2003. S.A. Weis, "Security and Privacy in Radio-Frequency Identification Devices," Master of Science ...

Lobbyists Foresee Business As Usual
Some of Washington's top lobbyists say that they expect to find ways around congressional efforts to impose new restrictions on lobbyists' dealings with lawmakers in the wake of the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal + that any limits will barely put a dent in the billions of dollars spent to...

Sequoia goes Jajah over VoIP Author: Om Malik 
For some odd reason, this one simply slipped under the radar. Sequoia Capital has invested in JaJah, an Austrian-VoIP start-up that wants to be what else: a Skype-killer. (Not that Skype needs any help - not when their client sucks up 95% of the CPU power on a MacBook and a PC.) I had mocked [...

Devout Athiests Author: Dave Drews Athiestism is the fasted growing 'religion' in the US.
Prescott in the dark about loans Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott did not know about millions secretly loaned to the Labour Party.
Talabani hopeful on US-Iran talks Iraq's President Jalal Talabani welcomes the prospect of talks between the US and Iran over the situation in Iraq.
Cyclone batters Australian coast Thousands of residents flee as Queensland's most powerful tropical storms for decades makes landfall.
Bush upbeat on Iraq anniversary President Bush gives an positive assessment of Iraq on the third anniversary of the US-led invasion.
France general strike threatened Trade unions say there will be a general strike unless new job laws, which triggered riots in Paris, are withdrawn.
Egypt has 'second bird flu case' Egypt reports a second suspected human case of bird flu, a day after it said that a woman died from the virus.
Tories call for new nuclear subs Britain should replace its Trident nuclear submarines, according to Shadow Defence Secretary Liam Fox.
Probe yields Earth defence clues Japan's Hayabusa spacecraft is providing an unprecedented insight into one of the many asteroids that cross into Earth's neighbourhood.
Google ordered to hand over data A judge tells Google to turn over search data, including 50,000 web addresses, to the US government.
US warns against early Iraq exit The US defence secretary says withdrawing troops prematurely from Iraq would be a serious mistake.
Edit War über Gesamtmetall- Initiative Author: mensch Bei Wikipedia tobt zur Zeit ein Editwar um den Artikel zu umsrittenen "Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft".
US/Austin: Indymedia & Co. auf FBI Terrorist-Watchlist Author: nightwatch 
In einer Gastvorlesung an der juristische Fakultät der Universität Austin, hat FBI Agent G. Charles Rasner Gruppen und Netzwerke wie Indymedia,
Food Not Bombs und die kommunistische Partei von Texas aufgelistet, welche nach seinen Angaben auf der "Terrorist Watchlist" von Austin stehen.
IMC Austin | FBI comes to class

Sorbonne - Minister nennt BesetzerInnen Nazis Author: Michal Stchura 
Frankreichs Bildungsminister vergleicht BesetzerInnen der Sorbonne mit Nazis und sieht Parallelen zu Bücherverbrennungen. Der Gesamte Artikel ist auf  

Automatische Gesichtserkennung im Web Author: Bedenkenträgerin 
Wie die Web-Fotoplattform
Riya eine mächtige Überwachungstechnologie als harmlosen Service für die private Fotosammlung anbietet

Stadt Langen zensiert Gästebuch Author: G. Behrens 
Im Gästebuch der Stadt Langen möchte der Magistrat keine Kritik an der rechtswidrigen Praxis der privaten Citystreife haben und zensiert deshalb einen Eintrag. Wem gehört eigentlich das Gästebuch der Stadt Langen? Dem Magistrat und dem Bürgermeister der Stadt Langen oder seinen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern?

Wem gehören öffentliche Geodaten? Author: Malt Zahn 
Die europäischen Insitutionen beraten derzeit darüber, wem die Geodaten gehören sollen, die der Staat sammelt.

AOL will Steuer auf mails erheben Author: auch das noch 
Toll Collect im Internet? AOL (America Online) und Yahoo wollen eine Steuer auf e-mails erheben um Spam zu bekämpfen, die Ankündigung Anfang Februar sorgte bereits für massive Unruhe. Ende Februar haben nun NGOs, Gewerkschaften und andere Organisationen wie die Electronic Frontier Foundation einen offenen Brief an AOL gegen die Gebühr geschrieben. Die Mautgebühr soll einen Viertel Cent pro versendeter Mail betragen. Die Summe wäre für einzelne mails gering, will ein Spammer einige Millionen Mails über die Postfächer der Welt verteilen, summieren sich die Viertelcents schnell zu einer erklecklichen Summe, welche das bisher lukrative Geschäft ruinieren soll. Bezahlte Emails würden dagegen an den Spamfiltern vorbeigeleitet.

Mehrwertsteuersenkung für Internet-Nutzung? Author: Ralf Streck 
Eine spanische Plattform hat eine Initiative zur Verbilligung der Kosten für das Internet gestartet. Sie fordert die Herabsetzung der Mehrwertsteuer. Als Beispiel dient die Entscheidung der sozialistischen Regierung, die Einführung des digitalen Radios und Fernsehens mit der niedrigen Mehrwertsteuer von 7 % zu fördern.

USA: "Projekt zensiert "2006 Author: Ticker 
Mit "Censored 2006" wurden die 25, im vergangenen Jahr meistunterdrücktesten Nachrichten der US-Presse ans Licht der Öffentlichkeit gebracht...Ein Projekt von Akademikern/rinnen, Studenten/tinnen und kalifornischen Aktivisten/tinnen - hochbrisant -

Neue Hitlers Author: adima bongir 
Ahmadinedschad ist ner neue Hitler, der Iran-Nazi-Deutschland - meint nicht nur Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.

Für ihren Kollegen G.W.Bush ist dagegen nicht nur der iranische Staatschef, sondern auch Hugo Chavez einer der neuen Hitlers.
Die Vorrratsdatenspeicherung auf dem Vormarsch Author: Thomas Herrle Die EU-weite Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten europäischer Bürger ist so gut wie ratifiziert.
Überwachung deiner Kommunikation II Author: frei EU-Rat beschliesst heute Richtlinie
Türkische Nationalisten huldigen Märtyrer
Action URGENTE lundi 20 mars Demain lundi 20 mars se tient à 17h la réunion des syndicats salariés et étudiants CGT, FO, CFDT, Solidaires, UNEF, UNL... pour décider de la suite du mouvement. NE LES LAISSONS PAS DECIDER A NOTRE PLACE. SOYONS NOMBREUX DEMAIN POUR RECLAMER ET IMPOSER L'APPEL A LA GREVE GENERALE INTERPROFESSIONNELLE JEUDI 23 MARS PROCHAIN à l'appel de la coordination étudiante. Adresse : siège de la CFTC 13, rue des Ecluses Saint-Martin dans le 10ème arrondissement. Demain lundi 20 mars se tient à 17h la réunion des syndicats salariés et étudiants CGT, FO, CFDT, Solidaires, UNEF, UNL... pour décider de la suite du mouvement. NE LES LAISSONS PAS DECIDER A NOTRE PLACE. SOYONS NOMBREUX DEMAIN POUR RECLAMER ET IMPOSER L'APPEL A LA GREVE GENERALE INTERPROFESSIONNELLE JEUDI 23 MARS PROCHAIN à l'appel de la coordination étudiante. Seule la grève permettra de gagner contre le CPE, et d'entrainer les salariés dans un mouvement d'ensemble contre toutes les politiques libérales menées ces dernières décennies ! Adresse : siège de la CFTC 13, rue des Ecluses Saint-Martin dans le 10ème arrondissement.  RetraitduCPE
le dimanche 19 mars 2006 à 23h35

Le drapeau noir et rouge flotte sur Marseille

19.Mar.2006 SansPap & mouvement contre CPE/CNE - Occupation SSAE - Paris M°Tolbiac

Ensemble :   Sans papiers et mouvement étudiant contre le CPE/CNE

Occupation depuis samedi 18 mars 1996 à 17h30 d'un local du "Service Social d'aide aux Emmigrés", à Paris (XIIIe), par 400 personnes des collectifs de Sans-papiers et des étudiant(e)s en lutte contre le CPE/CNE.

Précaire parmi les précaires, la condition des sans papiers est le laboratoire de la précarisation de nos vies organisée par le capitalisme global néolibéral dans sa vision utilitariste et esclavagiste de l'homme.

Ainsi, avec le CPE le pouvoir-Medef contraint toute la jeune génération, à la mise en concurence de tou(te)s contre tou(te)s, à se taire devant l'injustice, à vivre avec la trouille d'etre viré, (reconduit à la frontiere de la misère) pour être soumis, par le lien de subordination qui caractérise le contrat de travail salarial, à l'entreprise qui décide à notre place quoi et comment produire.

Cette action du mouvement de lutte contre le CPE/CNE et des Sans-papiers est emblématique de la résistance à la dictature des marchés financiers.

Soutien demandé :
SSAE 14 rue Auguste Perret (Mo Tolbiac) 19/03/2006 -
(lire la suite...)

¬ La lutte contre le CPE s'européanise : les facs rebelles italiennes

19.Mar.2006 New clues to remembering smells US scientists say they have more clues to the way smells are remembered by the brain.
Farms Waste Much of World's Water At a meeting of 130 nations in a world water summit, presenters point the finger at wasteful irrigation practices by farms are a big contributor to water scarcity across the globe. Farms, they say, use 70 percent of the world's water.
Now That's a Flash Mob
Tens of thousands of young people converge in Spanish cities to hold the biggest street drinking session, or "botellon" (big bottle) ever. Booze-fueled clashes between youths and riot police leave 80 people injured and 70 arrested. In Beyond the Beyond.

Ruling in Google case a win for privacy? Blog: A federal judge's ruling Friday afternoon that Google has to give the U.S. government a limited amount of information it's seeking--but...
US Government Seeks Open-Source Translation Author: Zonk 124
valdean writes "The Boston Globe is reporting that last week the United States Government began publishing captured Iraqi documents on the web in order to harness the translating talents of the bilingual public. The article calls it 'the same open source principle' that created Linux. Check out the Foreign Military Studies Office's document portal."

On the Future of Science Author: Zonk 136
bj8rn writes "Kevin Kelly, the founding executive editor of Wired magazine, speculates about the future of science based on a talk he have gave a few weeks ago. Kelly sees recursion as the essence of science and chronicles the introduction of different recursive devices in science; projecting forward from this, he makes several interesting predictions about what the near future may hold in store. Some highlights: there will be more change in the next 50 years of science than in the last 400 years; the new century will be the century of Biology; new ways of knowing will emerge, with 'Wikiscience' leading to perpetually refined papers with thousands of authors."

SCOTUS To Hear Patentable Thought Case Author: Zonk 217
skayell writes "The Supreme Court of the United States will hear a landmark patent case involving whether or not thoughts and relationships are patentable. Michael Crichton's essay in the New York Times attempts a thoughtful summary of Metabolite's primary assertion: they not only own the connection between homocysteine levels in the blood and vitamin B12 deficiency, but also any thought connecting the two."

Suing Google Over Pagerank Author: CmdrTaco 316
Yardboy wrote in to tell us about a story from Reuters describing a lawsuit by parental advice company Kinderstart.com against Google for 'charging it unfairly deprived the company of customers by downgrading its search-result ranking without reason or warning.' Kinderssart claims Google is responsible for 'a "cataclysmic" 70 percent fall in its audience -- and a resulting 80 percent decline in revenue.' I guess the courts will now decide: Can google taketh what they giveth?

Card Processing Software May Store CC Info Author: Zonk 130
An anonymous reader writes "Visa has sent out a warning to customers stating that some card processing software software may keep customer data even after a transaction is complete. The setup, two versions of a software made by Fujitsu Transaction Solutions, is used by such companies as Best Buy, OfficeMax + Staples. It's unknown if any of these large retailers use the poorly-made versions of the software." From the article: "Visa's warning, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal on Friday, has raised eyebrows in the financial and retail sectors. The software was flagged at a time when thousands of debit-card holders across the country have reported unauthorized withdrawals from their accounts. Bank of America, Washington Mutual and Citibank are among the financial institutions that have replaced more than 200,000 debit cards in the past two months ..."

Super-Strong Synthetic Muscles Developed Author: Zonk 143
Too Hot! wrote to mention a BBC article about extremely powerful synthetic muscles. From the article: "The most powerful type, 'shorted fuel cell muscles' convert chemical energy into heat, causing a special shape-memory metal alloy to contract. Turning down the heat allows the muscle to relax. Lab tests showed that these devices had a lifting strength more than 100 times that of normal skeletal muscle. Another kind of muscle being developed by the team converted chemical energy into electrical energy which caused a material made from carbon nanotube electrodes to bend."


28.Sep.2004 79 - Percentage of the 11.Sep.2001 hijackers who came from Saudi Arabia.

3 -Number of 11.Sep.2001 hijackers whose entry visas came through special US-Saudi "Visa Express" programme.

140 -Number of Saudis, including members of the Bin Laden family, evacuated from USA almost immediately after 11.Sep.2001 .

14 -Number of Immigration + Naturalisation Service (INS) agents assigned to track down 1,200 known illegal immigrants in the USA from countries where al-Qa'ida is active. URL:  https://www.georgebushed.com/

28.Sep.2004 GeorgeBushed.com is here to expose the truth about George W.Bush and his dismal administration.

The videos here have been gathered from many sources and are some of the best quality available. E-mail this site to your friends and help spread the word.

Below is a compilation of facts and statistics on George W. Bush by Graydon Carter / Independent . To contact the owner of this site, please e-mail Elliot B. URL:  https://www.georgebushed.com/
-Forwarded message from Richard <hebertrich @ earthlink . net> Date: Wed,

30.Apr.2003 05:39:49 -0700 From: Richard <hebertrich @ earthlink . net> To: gtk-gnutella-users@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Gtk-gnutella-users] hostiles X-Original-Date: Wed,

30.Apr 2003 05:39:49 -0700 Well first post here , cause i feel i must speak up /me steps on soapbox Yesterday i got tired of seeing hundreds of unrelated downloads popping up from a very restricted number of peers + i started to dig around a bit.. Well this is the result . whois network:Network-Name: network:IP-Network: network:Organization;I:Overpeer, Inc network:Street;I:110 E. 55th Street, network:City;I:New York network:State;I:NY network:Network-Name: network:IP-Network: network:Organization;I:Exodus IDC - NJ/NY1 network:City;I:Santa Clara network:State;I:CA Some more digging turned out ( bless Google ) that overpeer is a self described anti piracy and information gathering agency for Hollywood Digital amongst others..

Yes of course.. There we go.. this whole network should be instantly banned and marked as hostiles.I now block the whole in the client and on the firewall.

I certainy hope noone will try or be tempted to share with them anything.Obviously they are doing what they claim is illegal to gather information on users.

That sounds like wiretapping in disguise to me ... This is the tip of the iceberg.

Anyways i sincerely hope someone out there is making a ban list of peers that will work in the client.

They are polluting the networks encouraging people to do what they claim is illegal by offering thousands of song downloads ,

which is in my modest opinion a sting operation that should be way more publicised + hopefully challenged in court. Ric /me steps off soapbox - End forwarded message -
Long-Denied Saudi Flights Happened, Report Says: www.tampatrib.com/News/MGB3XUQTZWD.html
SPIEGEL ONLINE:  Die geheimen US-Lager, die CIA-Gefangenenflüge und das umstrittene Gefängnis in Guantanamo belasten die transatlantischen Beziehungen.

Wie gehen Sie als neuer US-Repräsentant in Europa damit um?
Gray: Gelassen. In den ersten Wochen meiner Amtszeit in Brüssel bin ich damit noch nicht einmal konfrontiert worden.
SPIEGEL ONLINE:  Vielleicht ändert sich das, wenn Sie diese Woche zu Ihrem Antrittsbesuch nach Berlin kommen.

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel findet, dass Guantanamo nicht zu halten ist. Wann wird es geschlossen?
Gray: Ich habe keine Ahnung. Da gab es viele Missverständnisse.

Guantanamo ist völlig legal + die Kritik an uns ist schädlich.

Wir akzeptieren keine Folter und auch keine unmenschlichen Behandlungen.

Aber natürlich gibt es viele andere wichtige Fragen, über die ich in Berlin lieber rede.
Denn auf die Frage, was die kommunistische CGT denn zu dem Projekt gesagt hätte, wäre sie von Villepin dazu befragt wurden, antwortete deren Chef Thibault am Sonntagmorgen im Radio ganz klar:

"Wir sagen Nein zu jeglicher Änderung des Arbeitsrechtes."
Zum ersten Mal seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt marschierten verfeindete Gewerkschaften miteinander, Alt und Jung demonstrierten gemeinsam. Schon ist die Rede von einem Generalstreik, sollte die Regierung auf ihrer Reform bestehen. Doch Villepin will nicht zurückstecken: Er betrachte die Reform als sein "Austerlitz", hieß es in seiner Umgebung mit Anspielung auf Napoleons Überraschungssieg gegen Russen und Österreicher vor 200 Jahren. Doch der mit Geschichtskenntnis unterfütterte Ehrgeiz des Regierungschefs ist Teil seines Problems: Die Franzosen sind nicht nur gegen seinen "Erstanstellungsvertrag", sie haben auch genug von einem Villepin, den sie als arrogant, abgehoben und am Dialog nicht interessiert wahrnehmen. Nicht einmal ein Jahr nach Villepins Amtsantritt, der Frankreich neuen Schwung und neuen Optimismus verleihen sollte, steckt das Land in der Sackgasse. Villepin, so kritisieren die Beobachter fast einhellig, hat die Reformen vor die Wand gefahren und die Reformgegner im Land unfreiwillig gestärkt.
"Helios-Absturz: Die verhängnisvolle Kette von Fehlern
Australien: Monster-Zyklon bedroht die Ostküste
Washingtons neuer EU-Botschafter: "Die Kritik an uns ist schädlich"
Folter durch die US-Armee: Kein Blut, kein Regelverstoß
Onlinelexikon gedruckt: Eine Wikipedia für 1500 Euro
Analyse: Frankreich in der Sackgasse
Wegen "Schwarzer Magie": Indischer Mob enthauptet Vater und vier Kinder
Drei Jahre nach Kriegsbeginn: Ex-Premier Allawi sieht den Irak im Bürgerkrieg

19.Mar.2006 Frankreich: Dritter Protesttag in Folge
BuzzFlash Now Officially Declares Bushevism a Cult
Become a BuzzFlash Booster!
Americans "Bush an approval rating of only 36 percent in the latest NEWSWEEK poll, matching the low point in his presidency recorded last November. His image as an effective leader in the war on terror is tarnished, with less than half the public (44 percent) approving of the way he?s handling terrorism and homeland security. Despite a series of presidential speeches meant to bolster support for the war in Iraq, as well as the announcement of a major military offensive when the poll was getting under way, only 29 percent of the people questioned approved Bush?s handling of the situation in Iraq. Fully 65 percent disapprove." 3/20

19.Mar.2006  Three Year Legacy of Delusion and Failure: Bush's Promise of Democracy in Iraq Turn to Death and Dust and Squandering of a Trillion Dollars 3/19
Cindy Sheehan: Iraq War's Third Anniversary - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

19.Mar.2006  The Harmful Effects of Bushevism to America's External and Internal Security: Ill-equipped National Guard units alarm states 3/20
The Black Room -- Rumsfeld/Bush/Cheney torture squad operated before and after Abu Ghraib. "In the windowless, jet-black garage-size room, some soldiers beat prisoners with rifle butts, yelled and spit in their faces and, in a nearby area, used detainees for target practice in a game of jailer paintball." 3/19
7,000 in Chicago to Protest Ruinous Iraq War 3/20

19.Mar.2006  Reposted, by Garrison Keillor: Day of Reckoning for the Current Occupant 3/20
The polls have it: U.S. wants Democrats in power

19.Mar.2006 http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Say goodbye In the post below, we discussed the upcoming war with Iran. Since insecure supply lines mitigate against a land invasion + since a new and deadly generation of missiles will obliterate any American ship that gets near Iran, the war must go nuclear.
This site contains a powerful photographic presentation of what will be lost as a result of this neocon madness. Permalink

18. MÄRZ 2006 Proteste gegen Irak-Krieg: "Genug Heuchelei, genug Lügen"
The farcical end of the American dream
The US press is supposed to be challenging the lies of this war -By Robert Fisk
Mr Welshofer, it transpired in court, had stuffed the Iraqi General Abed Hamed Mowhoush head-first into a sleeping bag and sat on his chest, an action which - not surprisingly - caused the general to expire. The military jury ordered - reader, hold your breath - a reprimand for Mr Welshofer, the forfeiting of $6,000 of his salary and confinement to barracks for 60 days.
Jeudi 23 mars : manif centrale à Paris : on restera dans la rue ! militant FSE

Appel à la jeunnesse ( ou à tous ceux qui ont encore l'envie de résist lucilie imperatore










De la guerre et de la désolation. Premier président de la Vème République à avoir obtenu un score extrême(...) 18/03/2006 - (lire la suite...)
digg.com ORF.at -

16.Mär.2006 Von allen für alle. Wird mit digg.com und Konsorten jetzt der Traum wahr, den man bei indymedia .org zu träumen begonnen hat? Nachrichten ...
Verfassungsschutz beobachtet Lafontaine
Focus Online - vor 16 Stunden gefunden
Wie FOCUS unter Berufung auf Staatsschutzkreise meldet, speicherte das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz den früheren SPD-Vorsitzenden + Ministerpräsidenten Oskar Lafontaine vor wenigen Wochen in die bundesweite Datei NADIS („Nachrichtendienstliches ...
Lafontaine wird vom Verfassungsschutz bespitzelt

"Wir wollen, dass die Studenten sich wieder ernsthaft auf ihre Prüfungen vorbereiten können und die Freiheit haben zu studieren", sagte Villepin bereits gestern Abend nach einem Treffen mit einer Delegation der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz in Paris. Auch die Rektoren forderten eine Aussetzung des umstrittenen Gesetzes.
Die massenhaften, andauernden Proteste werden mittlerweile als bedrohlich für die Stabilität der Regierung eingeschätzt.
"Wir können uns nicht raushalten, denn die Studentenbewegung wird weitermachen und es könnten Risiken entstehen", sagte der Führer der Lehrergewerkschaft, Gerard Aschieri. "Nächste Woche sollte es einen Streik geben." 19.Mar.2006 
"Wenn sie nicht auf uns hören, werden wir darüber nachdenken müssen, einen Generalstreik im ganzen Land zu haben", erklärte Bernard Thibault, Chef der prokommunistischen Gewerkschaft CGT.
"Ich riskiere es, für zwei Jahre umsonst zu arbeiten und dann einfach so gefeuert zu werden", beschrieb die Studentin Coralie Huvet, was das Gesetz für die bedeute. Organisatoren der Proteste bezeichneten das Gesetz als "Kleenex-Vertrag", weil es dazu führe, dass junge Arbeitnehmer "wie Taschentücher weggeworfen" werden könnten. Verschiedene Protestführer deuteten die Möglichkeit an, dass es auch zu einem groß angelegten Streik in Frankreich kommen könnte.
An der Pariser Universität Sorbonne kam es vor Mitternacht erneut zu Zusammenstößen zwischen protestierenden Studenten und der Polizei. Die Sicherheitskräfte setzten Tränengas und Wasserwerfer gegen Studenten ein, die mit Flaschen und Müll auf die Polizisten warfen. Mehrere Demonstranten, einige von ihnen vermummt, rissen eine Sperre vor dem Universitätsgebäude nieder. In Lille wurde die Polizei mit Eiern und Pflastersteinen beworfen. An den Ausschreitungen waren etwa 200 Demonstranten beteiligt. Es gab mehrere Festnahmen. Die Polizei setzte ebenfalls Tränengas ein. Zusammenstöße der Polizei mit kleineren Gruppen von Krawallmachern gab es nach den Kundgebungen unter anderem auch in Bordeaux, Marseille sowie Clermont-Ferrand und Grenoble.
Hunderttausende waren am Samstag am dritten Tag in Folge auf die Straße gegangen, um die Regierung dazu zu bewegen, ein umstrittenes Gesetz zurückzunehmen, das es Arbeitgebern erlaubt, Arbeitnehmer bis 26 Jahre in den ersten zwei Jahren ohne Angabe von Gründen wieder zu entlassen. In Paris startete am Nachmittag ein Demonstrationszug unter starkem Polizeiaufgebot vom Platz Denfert-Rochereau. Zehntausende Studenten, Oberschüler und Angestellte wollten über die Seine zum Platz der Nation marschieren. Insgesamt gab es im ganzen Land mehr als 160 Kundgebungen, an denen rund 1,5 Millionen Menschen teilnahmen.
Der Präsident des Studentenverbandes Unef, Bruno Julliard, zeigte sich zufrieden: "Wir können heute sehen, dass die Mobilisierung stärker ist denn je", sagte er. "Entweder die Regierung hört auf die Stimme der Vernunft und zieht den Erstanstellungsvertrag (CPE) zurück oder sie wird nächste Woche dazu gezwungen sein - denn dann werden wir wieder auf die Straße gehen", warnte er.

Warmer Oceans linked to Stronger Hurricanes Author: Zonk 32
linguizic writes "According to Scientific American, global warming could be creating stronger hurricanes: 'Since the 1970s, ocean surface temperatures around the globe have been on the rise--from one half to one degree Fahrenheit, depending on the region. Last summer, two studies linked this temperature rise to stronger and more frequent hurricanes. Skeptics called other factors into account, such as natural variability, but a new statistical analysis shows that only this sea surface temperature increase explains this trend.'"

Warmer Oceans linked to Stronger Hurricanes Author: Zonk 
Linguizic writes "According to Scientific American, global warming could be creating stronger hurricanes: 'Since the 1970s, ocean surface temperatures around the globe have been on the rise--from one half to one degree Fahrenheit, depending on the region. Last summer, two studies linked this ...

Bill Would Allow Warrantless Spying The Bush administration could continue its policy of spying on targeted Americans without obtaining warrants, but only if it justifies the action to a small group of lawmakers, under legislation introduced yesterday by key Republican senators. Source: The Washington Post
GOP Irritation At Bush Was Long Brewing President Bush's troubles with congressional Republicans, which erupted during the backlash to the Dubai seaport deal, are rooted in policy frustrations and personal resentments that GOP lawmakers say stretch back to the opening days of the administration. Source: The Washington Post
Ex-lobbyist Abramoff cooperating, has sentencing delayed A federal judge Friday granted a sentencing delay on former lobbyist Jack Abramoff's guilty plea to corruption charges in Washington. Source: CNN
Newsweek Poll: Bush At Record Low Approval Ratings... 36% Approval...65% Disapprove Of Iraq War Handling...42% Back Censure... Author: The Huffington Post 
A bitterly divided electorate gives President George W. Bush an approval rating of only 36 percent in the latest NEWSWEEK poll, matching the low point in his presidency recorded last November. His image as an effective leader in the war on terror is tarnished, with less than half the public (44 ...

Task Force 6-26: Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees
The military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit committed serious abuses of Iraqi prisoners.

Spanish mass binge leads to riots
Mass street drinking parties in Spain lead to clashes with police, leaving dozens injured and under arrest.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Iraq War!

For its third birthday, the Iraq War got the biggest party ever.

From Australia to England and Turkey to Japan, hundreds of thousands of people spent their Saturday celebrating the American war in Iraq.

They brought colorful signs and some even dressed in crazy costumes.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Iraq War!

For its third birthday, the Iraq War got the biggest party ever.

From Australia to England and Turkey to Japan, hundreds of thousands of people spent their Saturday celebrating the American war in Iraq.

They brought colorful signs and some even dressed in crazy costumes.

Despite the happy birthday, most of those who took to the streets today looked decidedly glum -- almost heartbroken at the very thought of the three years of seemingly pointless bloodshed now entering a fourth year.

Like many toddlers, the Iraq War itself hardly noticed the birthday party. It was too busy doing what it does every day: killing people, killing more people and blowing stuff up.

Even the war's U.S. minders admit they have no idea what their little guy will become, but it's looking more and more likely the Iraq War will be known as the Iraq Civil War long before it turns four years old.

"The possibility of civil war may be higher today than it has been in the last three years, yet I believe we are still far away from such an event," Lt. Gen. Peter Chiarelli told the Independent.

Chiarelli is America's second-in-command in Iraq.

In London, the huge crowd of demonstrators found a pesky adversary in the form of a family of American tourists.

"Police said the event had begun peacefully," the Telegraph reported.

"Though one of group of American visitors berated a couple with banners which declared their country's president as the 'World's Number One Terrorist.'"

Protests also took place in Rome, Geneva, Stockholm, Toronto, Copenhagen, Athens, Vienna, Montreal, Madrid and all the major U.S. cities including New York, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Organizers said the crowds were smaller this year, as if it's just not fun anymore.

In the United States – where a majority opposes the war and believes it never should have been started – people realize there’s no point in protesting, experts said today.

Even huge protests get little or no media coverage, the so-called “opposition party” avoids the anti-war crowds + those who run the war pay no attention whatsoever to the opinions of the American people.
'How to steal an election'

Professor Steve Freeman of the University of Pennsylvania says it's easier to cheat democracy than Las Vegas
18.Mar.2006 The awful little robots were manufactured to be sickly, underweight infants who only knew pain and horror.


America's robot soldiers

How to survive a Robot Uprising

Robot camel jockeys!
AIBO put to sleep

18.Mar.2006 Hamas-Führer Yassin gezielt ermordet : MZEE.com : Hip Hop Network (Forum, Dates, Shop, News...) Hamas-Führer Yassin gezielt ermordet : Hip Hop Network mit Jam- ... www.newsgaming.com/games/index12.htm ... ohnmächtig angesichts derart viel sinnloser Gewalt ... www.mzee.com/forum/archiv/11/2005/04/4/74011.html
18.Mar.2006 B
ush will Verdächtige für immer wegsperren - ohne Prozess - Seite 2 - Ilumnia Seite 2-Bush will Verdächtige für immer wegsperren - ohne ... noch genauer zu sein, hotmail.com ... noch eine zweite derart teure und riesige Institution ... www.ilumnia.de/board/showthread.php?t=7882&page=2
Man Throws Own Penis At Cops 2 hours ago    permalink KB / Dvorak Uncensored Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Operation B.S.

The reported "largest air assault since the start of the Iraq War" was a total dud, eyewitnesses report.

While U.S. media claimed "Operation Swarmer" was some massive military campaign, in reality it was nothing but some helicopters flying around.

There were no air strikes.

Just 48 "suspected insurgents" were captured + 17 of those were immediately released.

"A spokesman for the U.S. military, Lt. Col. Craig Collier, says it has been difficult to differentiate between insurgents and the local community," Australia's ABC reported today.

Time Magazine put it more bluntly:

"In fact, there were no airstrikes and no leading insurgents were nabbed in an operation that some skeptical military analysts described as little more than a photo op. What's more, there were no shots fired at all and the units had met no resistance, said the U.S. and Iraqi commanders."
103 inches of Hawaiian rain

Endless Hawaiian downpour causes busted dams, deadly floods, landslides and sewage spills -- and there's no end in sight
Web site files complaint against Google
Google Inc.'s mysterious methods for ranking Web sites came under attack Friday in a lawsuit accusing the online search engine leader of ruining scores of Internet businesses that have been wrongfully banished from its index. The civil complaint, filed in U.S. District Court in San Jose by ...

Judge tells DoJ "No" on search queries Author: A Googler 
Posted by Nicole Wong, Associate General Counsel Google will not have to hand over any user's search queries to the government. That's what a federal judge ruled today when he decided to drastically limit a subpoena issued to Google by the Department of Justice. (You can read the entire ruling ...

Google forced to reveal websites, but not search terms Author: Joe Cashman 
In the battle of Goliath vs. Goliath, aka The US Government vs. Google the search engine has been told that they should reveal 50,000 URLs on Google?s database. This was only a half win for the US Government however, who wanted search terms rather than URLs. Judge James Ware of the U.S. District ...

Court Unanimously Rules Bush Admin. Violated Clean Air Act... Author: The Huffington Post 
A federal appeals court blocked the Bush administration's four-year effort to loosen emission rules for aging coal-fired power plants, unanimously ruling yesterday that the changes violated the Clean Air Act and that only Congress could authorize such revisions. A three-judge panel of the U.S. ...

Think the Internet will replace TV ? Think again Author: Mark Cuban 
Craig Moffet of Bernstein Research was asked to testify before the Senate Commerce Committee on the subject of Net Neutrality.  His comments were of course right on the money. The interesting conclusions that can be drawn from his testimony are just as relevant to the discussion of the ...

Movie Review | 'V for Vendetta': Who Is This Masked Avenger? Guy Fawkes, Count of Monte Cristo or a Clone?
This future-shock story about a masked avenger at war with a totalitarian British regime sags when it should zip.

The Perfect Payday
Some CEOs reap millions by landing stock options when they are most valuable. Luck -- or something else? -- On a summer day in 2002, shares of Affiliated Computer Services Inc. sank to their lowest level in a year. Oddly, that was good news for Chief Executive Jeffrey Rich. His annual grant of ...

Job protests grip French cities Hundreds of thousands of workers and students march in France to protest against a new youth labour law.
Terror suspect bids to leave UK An Algerian man held as a suspected terrorist begins negotiations to voluntarily leave the UK.
Thousands join anti-war protest Anti-war protesters march through London to mark three years since the start of the Iraq conflict.
OAPs trapped since Christmas A group of twelve elderly people have been stuck on the upper floors of a care home since Christmas Day because a lift has broken down, it emerges.
Taiwan protest at China 'threat' Thousands of protesters demonstrate in Taiwan against the perceived military threat from China.
Iranian dissident freed from jail Key Iranian dissident journalist Akbar Ganji is freed after five years in prison on charges of insulting the authorities.
Loans defended by Labour chairman The Labour chairman defends the way the party raised £13.95m in undisclosed loans from wealthy backers.
Earth could seed Titan with life Terrestrial rocks blown into space by asteroid impacts may have brought life to a moon of Saturn, scientists say.
South Park 'battling' Scientology South Park says it will "battle" Scientology after a TV channel axed an episode mocking its church and Tom Cruise.

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TIOTI Interview, Democracy submitted by fudged71 28 minutes ago (via https://torrentfreak.com/bittor...)

Co-founder of TIOTI, Paul Pod, has been interviewed about the current development and wanders off into rants on global release schedules, the regeneration of advertising and the death of the networks. I really can't wait for this!
Solar Pyramids Being Built in India submitted by nickaster 19 minutes ago (via https://www.treehugger.com/file...)

This is really cool. It's passive solar energy production in a large structure you could concievably live in!
Abbas urged to quit, scrap government: Fatah officials have asked the Palestinian president to resign, dissolve the Palestinian Authority and return responsibility for the occupied territories to Israel in protest against Tel Aviv's actions.

18.Mar.2006 Oil shortage threatens military: A grim view of the nation's energy future + its implications for the military, emerges in a just released report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

18.Mar.2006 Australia: Phone taps won't be random: Ruddock: Mr Ruddock today rejected claims that proposed new telephone interception powers could be randomly used to tap the phones of anonymous callers to the National Security Hotline.

18.Mar.2006 France braces for mass protests: France braced for mass protests on Saturday against a new employment law as unions said more than 1 million people would march to increase pressure on the government to repeal the measure.

18.Mar.2006 NYC police used covert tactics, `proactive arrests' at protests: Among the most effective strategies, one police captain wrote, was the seizure of demonstrators on 5th Avenue who were described as "obviously potential rioters."

18.Mar.2006 Dissent was once a cherished American value: The Pittsburgh advocacy group, which spends much of its time opposing war and violence, released federal documents this week that it says proves the FBI was spying on peace activists here.

18.Mar.2006 The real meaning of 11.Sep.2001: There is a rush to replace the World Trade Center with something or other but inaction to replace the houses of the hundreds of thousands who lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina.

18.Mar.2006 GOP gives only lip service to fiscal discipline: Senate approves billions in election-year deficit spending

18.Mar.2006 Pigs at the trough: House GOP leader well traveled: The Center for Public Integrity said that Boehner accepted 42 privately sponsored trips from January 2000 to December 2005. That put him on the road to other countries and "golfing hotspots," often with his wife, Debbie, for about half a year, "only nine days of which he listed as being 'at personal expense,' " the center said.

18.Mar.2006 Congressmen get in fight, spew racial epithets : Congressional debate about immigration has gotten ugly, according to Thursday's edition of Roll Call.

18.Mar.2006 The star-spangled fantasyland of the fake and home of the bogus : US politicians aim for rugged, macho images because insecure voters want to feel that real men are in charge

18.Mar.2006 Industry decries clean-air ruling : A federal appeals court on Friday overturned a clean-air regulation issued by the Bush administration that would have let many power plants, refineries and factories avoid installing costly new pollution controls when they modernize.
Girl, 8, is killed in Israeli raid : An eight-year-old Palestinian girl was shot dead by the Israeli military in the northern West Bank last night. Iqbar Zayed was riding in a car driven by her uncle in Yamun, east of Jenin, when she was hit, Palestinian hospital sources said.
Charley Reese : Consequences of a War State : War consists of killing people and destroying property. That's all there is to war. Any honest soldier will tell you the same thing: His job is to kill people and destroy property. That's true of all branches of the service.

18.Mar.2006 Global Protests Mark Iraq War Anniversary : Anti-war protesters marched in Australia, Asia, Turkey and Europe on Saturday in demonstrations that marked the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq with a demand that coalition troops pull out.

18.Mar.2006 Click Here to Find An Anti-War Event In Your Area: There are currently 438 events planned in 49 states and counting...
Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion : One thing is certain about the Iraq war: It has cost a lot more than advertised. In fact, the tab grows by at least $200 million each and every day.
18.Mar.2006 Organizing Voters to End War Protests + Petitions are Not Enough

"I will not vote for or support any candidate for President or Congress who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq + preventing any future war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign. ?

Click here to make a difference."
Pledging to Vote for Peace -By The Nation -How many Americans would pledge to cast their votes in November only for candidates who want to end the war in Iraq? Continued
To bleed and to die in the dust -By Charles Sullivan
Ask yourself: Does the president behave like a servant of the people; or does he resemble an emperor?

Ask the same question of Bill Frist, Hillary Clinton + all of our so called public servants.

Who do their policies benefit?

Who is working for whom?

Do they live like you?

What kind of health insurance do they have?

How do their benefits compare to your own?

Do they have money worries?

Are their children getting killed in Iraq? How do their retirement pensions compare to your own? . Continued
The farcical end of the American dream -The US press is supposed to be challenging the lies of this war -By Robert Fisk
Mr Welshofer, it transpired in court, had stuffed the Iraqi General Abed Hamed Mowhoush head-first into a sleeping bag and sat on his chest, an action which - not surprisingly - caused the general to expire.

The military jury ordered - reader, hold your breath - a reprimand for Mr Welshofer, the forfeiting of $6,000 of his salary and confinement to barracks for 60 days. Continued
/Go To Jail, Play Video Games? submitted by tysonhy 23 hours 30 minutes ago (via https://arstechnica.com/news.ar...)

Prison isn't all fun and games, but a new program in Oregon finds that some games actually produce better prisoners. A recent incentive program allows inmates to purchase a US$35 game console after 18 months without disciplinary problems + to play their choice of 50 preloaded games.
Rare 1972 Documentary on ARPAnet submitted by D4r7h3v1l 3 hours 43 minutes ago (via https://video.google.com/videop...)

I seldom-seen look at the beginnings of the Internet we know and love. Watch the architects of ARPAnet explain what it is and what they envisioned for the future of ARPAnet and networks as a whole.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Well put Here's the funniest remark I've seen all week. From Americablog: President Bush is at 33% in the new poll taken by The Pew Research Center, which puts him slightly above amoebic dysentery and just below Dick Cheney’s smile. Il Duce could have mustered more support while hanging in Piazza Loreto. Permalink
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Here's more, from Hopsicker's web site:
At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost––despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour––by Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
Even stranger, both Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were providing celebrity endorsements to Hilliard's operation well after the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns.
Pretty poor advance work, at the very least...
One would think a sitting Governor seems well-advised to steer well clear of anything to do with heroin trafficking. Yet Governor Jeb Bush honored Hilliard's operation––called at various times Florida Air, Sunrise Airlines and Discover Air––with a personal visit, even posing for photos with the "Discover Air family."
The company promptly commemorated the memorable event by posting pictures of the visit on their website.
Finally somebody in the Bush camp realized their lethal potential exposure + the webpage was hastily taken off the Discover Air site.

Think -- think real hard -- about the reason why any covert operator would set up a fake charter airline service. In Florida.
Do you really think that Kathy is going to spend $10 million dollars' worth of her daddy's money?
And do you really think that if IT happens before the election, she will lose?

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Let's face it -- a new terror attack is the only thing that can salvage the neocon experiment. Such an attack is therefore inevitable.
We already know who the perps will be (the neocons) and who the fall guys will be (the Iranians).

Afterward will come the great round-up of the "America-haters" - defined as you + me + anyone else who considers Big Brother doubleplusungood.

There will also be war with Iran.

Nuclear war.
The signs are unmistakable. Come and see:

Video game therapy--a new frontier Neurofeedback taps young people's fascination with animation and electronics to sweeten tedious and often frightening medical treatments.
Visa warns software may store customer data Cash register software by Fujitsu comes under scrutiny while wave of debit-card fraud hits country.
Judge: Google must give feds limited access to records In nod toward privacy concerns, ruling says search giant must turn over a swath of indexed URLs--but not users' search queries.
Opera Software Co-Founder Passes Away Author: CowboyNeal 63
worb writes "One of the two founders of Opera Software, Geir Ivarsoy, recently passed away after a long battle with cancer.

His funeral yesterday was attended by Opera employees who paid their last respects to their former lead programmer.

While Opera hasn't had the same success as Firefox on the desktop,

it has had considerable success in the mobile phone market due to its speed and small footprint, combined with excellent standards compliance + innovative features."
Google Avoids Surrendering Search Info Author: Zonk 155
Mercury News has details of a San Francisco judge's decision that Google should give the DoJ some details on its search engine, but is not required to turn over records to the government.

From the article: "McElvain emphasized the study would be more meaningful if it included search requests processed by Google, which by some estimates fields nearly half of all online queries in the USA.

Ware concurred with the Justice Department on that point, writing in his order that 'the government's study may be significantly hampered if it did not have access to some information from the most often used search engine.' But Ware said the government didn't clearly explain why it needed a list of search requests to conduct its study, prompting him to conclude the Web site addresses would be adequate."

Reaction to the news is available on the Google Blog.
Google Keeps Search Data Private A federal judge refuses the U.S. Justice Department's demand that Google give it access to users' searches.

He orders the company to provide 50,000 web addresses indexed by its search engine but it won't have to reveal what people have looked for in their searches.
Milosevic-Beisetzung: Trauernde verabschieden sich mit "Slobo-"-Rufen
Nach tagelangen Protesten von Studenten, zum Teil mit gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen, hatten Universitätsrektoren Villepin gestern Abend aufgefordert, das Gesetz auszusetzen.

Stattdessen solle der Regierungschef in den kommenden sechs Monaten einen breiten Dialog über die Beschäftigungspolitik beginnen.

Villepin habe den Eindruck erweckt, er sei zu einer "bedeutsamen Geste" bereit, um den Konflikt nicht weiter eskalieren zu lassen, sagte Universitätspräsident Yannick Vallée.

In 60 von 84 Universitäten blockieren oder stören Studenten aus Protest gegen das Gesetz den Lehrbetrieb. Auch Schulen werden bestreikt.
Umfragen zufolge wollen 68 % der Franzosen eine Rücknahme der Reform, mit der Villepin die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit in der jungen Generation bekämpfen will.

Sie liegt in Problemvierteln bei bis zu 40 %.
Gewerkschaftsanführer Bernard Thibault schließt nicht aus, dass auf die Proteste ein Generalstreik folgen könnte.

"Wenn sie nicht auf uns hören, müssen wir darüber nachdenken, ob wir zu einem landesweiten Generalstreik übergehen", erklärte Thibault.
Die Gewerkschaft CFDT veranstaltet landesweit 160 Kundgebungen gegen den "Vertrag zur Ersteinstellung" (CPE). Die Gewerkschaften wollen über eine "höhere Gangart" entscheiden,

wenn der Protesttag ihrer Einschätzung nach erfolgreich verlaufen ist.
"Chirac, Villepin, eure Probezeit ist um", war der beliebteste Slogan auf den Transparenten.

Kraftprobe zwischen Villepin und dem Volk
Bei den Demonstrationen gegen die Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes in Frankreich werden heute mehr als eine Million Menschen erwartet.

Der dritte Protesttag gegen die Reform gilt als entscheidende Kraftprobe zwischen dem unnachgiebigen Premierminister de Villepin und seinen Gegnern.

Paris -

Die Stimmung in Frankreich heizt sich auf.

Beim ersten Protesttag vor sechs Wochen waren es 400.000 Demonsttranten, die auf die Straße gingen.

Vor zwei Wochen waren es schon 700.000.

Heute sollen es über eine Million Menschen werden, die gegen die umstrittene Arbeitsmarktreform des konservativen Premierministers Dominique de Villepin demonstrieren. 
Milosevic: Begräbnis wird zum nationalen Ereignis

18.Mar.2006 Vor Somalias Küste: Piratenangriff auf US-Kriegsschiffe

18.Mar.2006 Frankreich: Dritter Protesttag in Folge gegen Villepins Arbeitsmarkt-Gesetz
Proteste in Frankreich: Kraftprobe zwischen Villepin und dem Volk
Linkspartei: Lafontaine im Visier der Staatsschützer
Armenier-Genozid: Türkische Nationalisten demonstrieren gegen Völkermord-Vorwurf

18.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe: Ägypterin an H5N1 gestorben
Einbürgerungstest: Reich-Ranicki wäre durchgefallen
Waldbrand-Studium: Diplomierte Pyromanen und Brandstifter
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Das messianische Versprechen des Kapitalismus"

18.Mar.2006 USA: Regierung will Klagen von Guantanamo-Häftlingen stoppen