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01.Mar.2006 https://www.dgfett.de/history/normann/geschichte.htm
Der Weg zu den Ölwerken Germania in Emmerich
00.000.907 ? "Crosfield" vergibt eine Lizenz an die "N.V. Anton Jurgens Vereenigte Margarinefabrieken".

Einfluß auf den Weltmarkt für Fette.
00.000.1910 Die Bedeutung der Fetthärtung ergibt sich aus der Struktur des Rohwarenangebotes.

Die meisten pflanzlichen Fette, mit Ausnahme von Cocos-, Palmkern-, Babassu-, Shea-Fett und Kakaobutter ... sind flüssig.

Tierische Fette fallen ebenfalls zu einem bedeutenden Teil, wie z.B. das Wal- und Fisch-Öl, flüssig an.

In den Industriestaaten der nördlichen Halbkugel ist man jedoch in erster Linie an plastischen Fetten als Brotaufstrich und zur Herstellung mürben Gebäcks interessiert.

Die aufgrund dieses Bedarf entstandene Speisefett und Margarineindustrie hätte allein mit den von der Natur angebotenen konsistenten Fetten nicht den

00.000.1969 -heutigen- () Umsatz und die derzeitige Qualität erzielen können, wenn nicht die Erfindung der Fetthärtung weitere Rohstoffquellen erschlossen hätte.

Die große wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Hydrierung sowohl für die Rohstoff- als auch für die Industrieländer geht aber auch daraus hervor,

daß die sonst geschmacklich kaum haltbaren Wal- und Fischöle nur durch partielle Hydrierung in großen Umfang für die Ernährung nutzbar gemacht werden konnten. (Aus: Gander Technologie der Speisefette Berlin 00.000.1969 )
00.000.1910 Durch die Vollraffination und die Fetthärtung veränderte sich der Weltmarkt für Fette grundlegend, und

der Bedarf verschob sich von den tierischen Rohstoffen mit den USA als Hauptlieferant zu den pflanzlichen Rohstoffen unter anderen aus den Kolonien.

Die Nachfrage nach den bereits eingesetzten Rohstoffen Sesam, Baumwollsamen, Kokos und Palmkern stieg durch die Fetthärtung deutlich an.

Sesam kam aus China,

Baumwollsaat aus Indien, Ägypten und den USA,

Kopra aus Indien, Ceylon, den Philippinen, Niederländisch Indien sowie den deutschen Südseekolonien Neu Guinea und Samoa +

Palmkerne kamen aus Britisch-Westafrijka, aber auch aus den westafrikanischen deutschen Kolonien Kamerun und Togo;

Neu Guinea, Samoa, Kamerun und Togo wurden in Deutschland deshalb "unsere Ölkolonien" genannt.

Weitere koloniale Rohstoffe konnten in die Produktion einbezogen werden:

Erdnuß und Soja.

Erdnußhartfett wurde auf Grund seiner ausgezeichneten Qualität zur Erzeugung von Spitzensorten von Margarine verwendet.

Deutschland importierte Erdnüsse aus Britisch-Indien und Westafrika.

Sojabohnen wurden überwiegend in der chinesischen Mandschurei angebaut und ab

00.000.1910 in größeren Mengen nach Europa exportiert. (Aus: Pelzer und Reith Margarine Berlin 2001)
https://www.symptome.ch/vbboard/showthread.php?t=2615 aus ÖKOSTADT REPORT Ausgabe 3/2005
Margarine ist das erste Kunstprodukt der Lebensmittelindustrie des 19. Jahrhunderts, entstanden auf Anregung des Kaisers Napoleon III zu einem Wettbewerb für ein billiges Butterersatzprodukt. Der französische

00.000.1817-00.000.1880 Apothekerassistent Hippolyte Mége-Moutries () mixte in seinem Labor als erster das, was sich dann unter dem Namen „Margarine" durchsetzte.

Rindertalg, versetzt mit Magermilch, Wasser, Natriumhydrogencarbonat und zerkleinertem Kuheuter, durchgeknetet und abgekühlt.

00.000.1871 entstand die erste Margarinefabrik der Familie Henri Jürgens im niederländischen Oss.

Der wachsende Fleischkonsum, vor allem in USA, lieferte viel Fettabfall von Schlachttieren für die aufblühende Margarineindustrie.

00.000.1902 wurde die Erfindung der Fetthärtung patentiert; seit den

00.000.1920 er Jahren verdrängen pflanzliche Fette z.B. aus Kopra (zerkleinertes und getrocknetes Mark der Kokosnuss) und Palmkern die tierischen Fette.

Desodorierungsverfahren machten u.a. auch Baumwollsaaten genießbar.

00.000.1930 gingen die größten Margarineproduzenten Jürgens, van den Berg und Schicht in dem UNILEVER - Konzern auf.

Das Milchimitat wandelte sein Image
vom Brotaufstrich für arme Leute,

Volksnahrung in städtischen Ballungsräumen, zum

Alltagsluxus der „Gesundheitsbewussten" und solcher, die sich dazu machen ließen.
Der industrielle Erfolg ist nicht nur damit zu erklären, dass die Margarine billiger war als Butter.

Ganz wichtig war, dass sich die richtigen Leute ihrer Herstellung und ihres Vertriebes annahmen – jene, die etwas verstanden vom Handel mit Fetten, die weltoffene Geschäftsleute waren und in der Reklame [PROPAGANDA] Meister.

Gezielte Werbung [PROPAGANDA] ,

unter anderem mit medizinischen Falschaussagen, die sich bis heute unwidersprochen halten, verhalf der Margarine zum Durchbruch gegenüber dem Original, dem natürlichen Konkurrenten, der Butter.

Mitverantwortlich war sicherlich auch das fehlende ! Engagement der Ärzte, die sich nicht um eine echte Ursachenforschung kümmerten.

Ohne Chemiker keine Margarine !

Die Margarine muss der Butter so ähnlich! wie möglich gemacht werden, im Aussehen, Geschmack, Geruch, Konsistenz, Struktur und Streichfähigkeit.

Die Rohstoffe sind meistens pflanzlich:

Öle aus Sojabohnen, Kokosnüssen, Erdnüssen, Sesamsaat, Sonnenblumenkernen, Palmkernen, Mais, Distelsamen, Baum¬wollsaat und Rapssamen.

Auch ein gewisser Prozentsatz tierischer Fette, wie Walöl, Waltran, Fischöl und Fette verschiedener Haustiere, z. B. Rindertalg ist erlaubt.

Für einige hochwertige Margarinen werden die Rohstoffe aus biologischem Anbau verwendet und unter weniger technischer Manipulation hergestellt.

Der Einsatz von Zusätzen erfolgt nach den Grundlagen der EU-Bioverordnung zurückhaltender, dennoch ist es im Gegensatz zur Butter ein denaturiertes Produkt und daher zum Verzehr nur bedingt empfehlenswert.
Extraktion :

Mit Leichtbenzin n-Hexan wird mittels Wärme das Öl aus den zerkleinerten Rohstoffen entzogen.

Entlecithinierung - damit das Öl klar wird und nicht mit Trübstoffen belastet wird.
Entschleimung :
Das entlecithinierte Öl wird mit Phosphorsäure erhitzt, innig verrührt und die lästigen Begleitstoffe, wie Phosphatide, Mineralstoffe, Harze, Wachse, Vitamine, Schleimstoffe, Kohlenhydrate und Eiweißstoffe abzentrifugiert.
Entsäuerung :
Durch Verrühren mit Natronlauge wird verhindert, dass das Öl ranzig wird.
Entfärbung :
Das wiederum erhitzte Fett wird mit Bleicherde (Kieselgur) oder Aktivkohle verrührt und anschließend filtriert, dabei wird das Carotin entfernt.
Desodorierung - durch Wasserdampfdestillation im Vakuum und bis zu 300° C wird alles entfernt, was schmeck-und riechbar ist (auch die Lösungsmittelreste). Teilraffination ist deklarierungspflichtig.
Modifikation/Härtung :
Beim Härten wird dem Öl feinverteiltes Nickel und Kupfer als Katalysator beigemischt.

Aus ungesättigten Fettsäuren entstehen gesättigte Fettsäuren und unerwünschte veränderte trans-Fettsäuren.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die trans-Fettsäuren die Gesamtcholesterin-Konzentration im Blut ansteigen lassen.
Fraktionierung :
Durch Hitze bzw. Kälte werden feste von flüssigen Fettkristallen abgetrennt oder mit Lösungsmitteln herausgewaschen. Wegen der chemischen Rückstände nochmalige Raffination.
Umesterung :
Die Fettmoleküle werden chemisch zerlegt - Natriummethylat bei 200° C. Dadurch entstehen Fettsäuren, die in der Natur nicht vorkommen, Streichfähigkeit und Konsistenz werden verbessert - der Traum vom Food-Designer.
Rekombination :
Alles was dem vergewaltigten Naturfett entzogen wurde, wird nun wieder zugesetzt.
• Synthetisches Carotin
• Emulgatoren
• künstliche Aromastoffe
• Antioxidanten
• Konservierungsstoffe
• synthetische Vitamine
• Kartoffelstärke
Jetzt können Sie sich auch selbst eine Meinung bilden:
Was ist also an der Margarine noch natürlich und was ist an der Margarine noch gesund?
Margarine ist ein Industrieprodukt!
Fazit: Lassen Sie sich nicht die Butter vom Brot nehmen.
H. Henning, Gesundheitsberater GGBMit freundlicher Genehmnigung der Zeitschrift:
ÖKOSTADT REPORT Ausgabe 3/2005 wenn Sie mehr über das Projekt wissen wollen, besuchen Sie die Heimseite:

Am Ende sei der Krieg davon wohl kaum beeinflusst worden: "Eine Schlacht plant man nach seinen eigenen Vorstellungen, nicht nach gegnerischen Skizzen aus unklarer Quelle."
It's official: We have a movement

It won't be a quiet week in Lake Wobegon, out there on the edge of the prairie.

Garrison Keillor -- one of the few Democratic voices heard and respected by red staters, a man difficult to smear or "swift boat" -- has called for the impeachment of George W. Bush.

Our adventure in Iraq, at a cost of trillions, has brought that country to the verge of civil war while earning us more enemies than ever before.

And tax money earmarked for security is being dumped into pork barrel projects anywhere somebody wants their own SWAT team.

Detonation of a nuclear bomb within our borders -- pick any big city -- is a real possibility, as much so now as five years ago.

Meanwhile, many Democrats have conceded the very subject of security + positioned themselves as Guardians of Our Forests + Benefactors of Waifs + Owls, neglecting the most basic job of government,

which is to defend this country.

Snicker if you must, but I say that Keillor is one of the best writers America has ever produced.

Don't be fooled by his quiet manner, his folksy approach and his un-hip radio audience:

This guy has balls . How many other men of letters in our country will join his call? Permalink

01.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Them good old boys have definitely been drinking too much whiskey and rye.

If Rush Limbaugh told those poor, easily-hornswoggled kids (most of whom -- let's face it -- are southern) that we went to Iraq to protect the summer home of Santa Claus, would they believe that story? Permalink
Zogby's new poll of American soldiers serving in Iraq contains some positive news. But the soldiers also seem misinformed -

- severely misinformed -- regarding the question of why they are there.
The wide-ranging poll also shows that 58% of those serving in country say the U.S. mission in Iraq is clear in their minds, while

42% said it is either somewhat or very unclear to them, that they have no understanding of it at all, or are unsure. While

85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam’s role in the 9-11 attacks,"

77% said they also believe the main or a major reason for the war was "to stop Saddam from protecting al Qaeda in Iraq."

In other words, roughly half the troops are "clear in their minds" about a falsification of history. Saddam Hussein had -- need I repeat it? -- no role in in 11.Sep.2001 .

Al Qaeda, protected or unprotected, did not have a presence in Iraq (except, perhaps, for a few straggling members) until we showed up and turned the place into Jihad Central.

26.Sep.2005 Dem aufregenden Erlebnis der Wissenschaftler in der Wüste von Afar -am- folgte ein wochenlanges Erdbeben-Tremolo.

Im Laufe der nächsten Monate öffneten sich auf einer Fläche, die anderthalbmal so groß ist wie Berlin, Hunderte Risse im Boden.

"Bis heute ist die Erde nicht zur Ruhe gekommen", sagt Geophysiker Tim Wright von der University of Oxford im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Noch immer spalte und senke sich der Boden; ständig schüttelten schwache Erdbeben die Region.
Der Geologe Dereje Ayalew und seine Kollegen von der Addis Ababa University erschraken. Gerade hatten sie ihren Helikopter in der Wüste in Zentraläthiopien verlassen, als der Sandboden plötzlich bebte.

Der Pilot rief den Wissenschaftlern zu, sie sollten schleunigst zurückkommen - da passierte es: die Erde öffnete sich. Wie aufreißende Gletscherspalten rasten die Brüche auf die Forscher zu.

Nach einigen Sekunden beruhigte sich der Boden. Ayalew und seinen Kollegen wurde klar, dass ihr Erlebnis von historischer Dimension war:

Erstmals hatten Menschen dokumentiert, wie ein neuer Ozean geboren wird.
Viele Experten gehen davon aus, dass sich Bin Laden im Grenzgebiet zwischen Pakistan und Afghanistan versteckt hält.
Ein Augenzeuge berichtete, die Hubschrauber hätten auch Häuser angegriffen, in denen sich Frauen und Kinder aufgehalten hätten.
Bush wird am Abend in der indischen Hauptstadt Neu-Delhi erwartet. Dort gingen Zehntausende Menschen aus Protest gegen den Besuch auf die Straße gegangen.

Die Polizei schätzte die Zahl der hauptsächlich muslimischen Demonstranten auf bis zu 100.000.
Einer der Sprecher der Kundgebung, der Hindu-Politiker Raj Babbar, betonte: "Ob Hindu oder Muslim, das indische Volk ist hier zusammengekommen, um seine Verärgerung kundzutun."

Vor allem die US-Militäreinsätze in Afghanistan und im Irak sind in Indien auf Ablehnung gestoßen.
Am Samstag besucht Bush auch Pakistan, einem engen Verbündeten der USA im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus.

Das pakistanische Militär griff heute mit Kampfhubschraubern und Bodentruppen ein mutmaßliches Ausbildungslager für Extremisten im Nordwesten des Landes an und tötete dabei bis zu 30 Menschen.
Meeres-Monstrum: Riesenkalmar in London
Bagdad-Skizze: Armeeplan auf der Zigarettenschachtel
Umfrage: Venezuela und USA sind Nationalstolz-Weltmeister
Studie: Internet ist nicht gesund

01.Mar.200 Afar-Senke: Neuer Ozean wird Afrika spalten
CIA-Flüge: Europarat fordert stärkere Kontrolle von Geheimdiensten
Entwicklungshilfe: Welt-Luftfahrtverband fordert Stopp der Flugsteuer
Vogelgrippe-Gebiete: Bundesregierung will Hausarrest für Katzen
Nahost: Israel setzt Hamas-Abgeordneten fest
Prognose: Googles kleineres Wachstum doch etwas größer
Schuldenstaat: EU will Defizitverfahren gegen Deutschland verschärfen
Hiroshima und Nagasaki: Atombomben töten noch heute
Strengste Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Bush zum Überraschungsbesuch in Afghanistan
US-Umfrage: "Simpsons" bekannter als Verfassung
Hiobsbotschaft: Opel droht mit Werksschließung
Insel Mauritius: Bunte Geckos stehen auf bunten Nektar
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Ein Huhn ist kein Mensch"

01.Mar.2006 Seuchengefahr: Halter der Rügener Katze ohne Grippesymptome
Guantanamo: US-Chefankläger vergleicht Gefangene mit Vampiren
Guantanamo: Bremer Kurnaz soll bald freigelassen werden
Kampf gegen Terror: Viele Tote bei Angriff auf Extremistenlager in Pakistan
Sozialpolitik: Renten sollen bis 2016 nicht mehr steigen
2004092425 "Ich weiß, die Leute sind frustriert, sie haben die Nase voll", sagte der Gouverneur von Florida, Jeb Bush.URL: https://www.spiegel .de/panorama/0,1518,319883 ... alfatomega.com/2004092425.html
01.Mar.2006 Ankle Biting Pundits - A Memo To Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison: Please Shut Up News

23.Oct.2005 The speed and security we need ... it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality." -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson , ... www.anklebitingpundits.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2527

DeLay's Prosecutor Pals with Dan Rather's Daughter and Ben Barnes - CPP ... of trying to prosecute Republicans such as Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson also is widely known in Texas ...

His attempt at convicting Kay Bailey Hutchinson occurred as she prepared to ... www.opinioneditorials.com/freedomwriters/jcpp_20050929.html
01.Mar.2006 RealDetective.Us " Blog Archive " Injustice in Texas A MoveOff, LLC owned site that reveals some "inside stories" of our police system... such as Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson is widely known in Texas.

The Senator Hutchinson case was thrown ... attempt at convicting Kay Bailey Hutchinson occurred as she prepared ... www.realdetective.us/blog/?p=9
Tigermücke in Frankreich + Italien heimisch
Eine Übertragung der Krankheit in Frankreich selbst sei nicht bekannt, sagte Gesundheitsminister Bertrand, weil es dort "zur Zeit" keine Mücken gebe, die das Virus verbreiten könnten.
Der Überträger, die Asiatische Tigermücke (Aedes albopictus), hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren in mehreren europäischen Ländern etabliert, darunter in Frankreich + in Italien.

Auch andere Stechmücken der Aedes-Gattung kommen laut Experten theoretisch als Überträger in Frage.

Der Hamburger Tropenmediziner Jäger hält eine Übertragung jedoch selbst in Südfrankreich für unwahrscheinlich, weil es dort nicht warm + feucht genug sei.



The enemies of freedom will be defeated." - President George W. Bush,"


"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo,"

28.Feb.2006 -on-

The following happened in the USA of America.

The scene is the

Little Falls branch of the Montgomery County Public Library in Bethesda, Md.

Business is going on as usual

when two men in uniform stride into the main reading room and call for attention.

Then they make an announcement:

It is forbidden to use the library's computers to view Internet pornography.

As people are absorbing this,

one of the men

challenges a patron

about a Web site he is visiting and asks the man to step outside.

At this point,

a librarian intervenes and calls the uniformed men aside.

A police officer is summoned.

The men leave.

It turns out they are employees of the county's

department of Homeland Security


were operating way outside their authority.

We are indebted to reporter Cameron W. Barr of the Washington Post for the account of this incident,

which, I feel constrained to repeat,

did not happen in




North Korea.

Rather, it happened a few days ago in this country.

Right here in freedom's land.


"New York Times" gegen Pentagon:

Wegen der umstrittenen Abhörpraxis des US-Geheimdienstes NSA hat die Zeitung Klage gegen das Verteidigungsministerium eingereicht.

New York - Die Zeitung verlangt von dem für den Geheimdienst zuständigen Ministerium die Herausgabe einer Liste von Unterlagen, darunter alle internen Memos und Emails des Abhörprogrammes.

Das Blatt fordert zudem die Namen der Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen, die im Zuge der Abhöraktionen identifiziert wurden.

Die "New York Times" hatte erstmals über das geheime Abhörprogramm der US-Regierung berichtet.

Kritiker bezweifeln die Rechtmäßigkeit des geheimen Lauschangriffes ohne richterliche Genehmigung.

And then they allowed the bombers to proceed with their deadly plot.

Two of the tube bombers had been tracked and photographed meeting with other suspected Islamic terrorists to plot attacks on British citizens.

But MI5 officers made the bizarre decision to let the plot continue.

But it wasn't the only MI5 connection to the bombings that have brought England ever closer to a complete police state.

The alleged "ringleader" of the tube bombings is an MI5 double-agent himself.

Renegade MI5 agents are demanding a full public investigation, but as of now the incriminating details seep out a little at a time.Permalink

28.Feb.2006 How low can he go? Bush approval at 34%

Dubya hits a new low over Dubai Ports scandal, while only 18% approve of Dick 'I even shoot my friends' Cheney

But Dr MacLullich, from the university's geriatric medicine department, said: "This is the first study in the world that links high stress hormones with the cingulate.

"We've had a lot of interest from psychologists, as this hasn't been looked at before.

"The discovery deepens doctors' understand of ageing, depression and Alzheimer's diseases + will help in the development of treatments based on reducing high levels of stress hormones." Story from BBC NEWS:
28.Feb.2006 https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4755108.stm

"We are certainly not suggesting people never eat chocolate - everyone can enjoy a treat from time to time. "But there are much better ways of improving your heart health."
Chicago - Mehr als ein Drittel aller aus dem Irak zurückgekehrten US-Soldaten hat binnen eines Jahres nach dem Einsatz psychologische Hilfe erhalten.

Dies geht aus einer Untersuchung des Verteidigungsministeriums in Washington hervor. Bei

12 % der Heimkehrer wurden demnach psychische Probleme diagnostiziert.
Die Zahlen sind nach Ansicht der Autoren der Studie aber nicht überraschend, da

die US-Streitkräfte ein neues Programm etabliert haben, das auf eine frühzeitige Hilfe bei Trauma- und Stress-Symptomen abzielt.

Heimkehrende Soldaten würden ermutigt, Beratungsangebote anzunehmen, damit es später nicht zu schwereren psychischen Problemen komme,

erläuterte Charles Hoge, einer der Autoren der Untersuchung, die in der Zeitschrift "Journal of the American Medical Association" erschienen ist.
Cocoa 'cuts heart disease risk' Scientists have produced more compelling evidence that cocoa contains ingredients that are good for your heart.
Flu comments surprise farmers Farmers' groups react to the government chief scientist's claim that bird flu could become endemic in Britain.
How stress triggers heart attack Scientists believe they have found some vital clues to how stress can trigger a heart attack in some patients.


Der italienische Ministerpräsident will mit seinem früheren Anwalt nichts mehr zu tun haben.

Der missbrauche seinen Namen, schimpfte Berlusconi


ohne selbst Mills' Namen zu nennen,

"um sich vor den Steuerbehörden seines Landes zu retten


seiner (Mills') Sozietät die genaue Höhe seiner Einkünfte vorzuenthalten"

28.Feb.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-403544,00.html

Mills' Steuerberater hatte Zweifel an so viel Naivität:

Trotz ihrer langjährigen Geschäftsbeziehung

übergab er das explosive Schreiben umgehend der britischen Polizei,

die es an die italienischen Kollegen weiterreichte.

Die Mailänder Staatsanwälte luden Mills zur Befragung vor +

konfrontierten ihn mit ihrem Verdacht:

Die 600.000 Dollar seien kein Geschenk gewesen, sondern eine Bestechungszahlung.

Zu dieser Annahme trug auch der

verschlungene Weg via Offshore-Banken auf den Bahamas + den British Virgin Islands bei,

den das Geld auf dem Weg zu Mills zurückgelegt hatte.

"Das verrückteste, komplizierteste Netz, das ich je gesehen habe",

berichtete ein Ermittler der

"Sunday Times",

die am Wochenende

einen langen, akribisch recherchierten Artikel veröffentlichte.
Seine (Mills) Arbeit für Berlusconi

bestand den Staatsanwälten zufolge genau darin:

ein verschlungenes Netzwerk von Offshore-Firmen + Trusts zu unterhalten,

"um Steuerzahlungen in Italien zu vermeiden und riesige Gewinne zu machen".

In allen Gerichtsverfahren gegen seinen Mandanten zog sich Mills geschickt aus der Affäre.



00.Apr.2006 -Anfang- schreiten die Italiener zu den Urnen.
Sollte es

vorher noch

zur Anklage wegen


Anleitung zur Falschaussage vor Gericht


aktiver Bestechung

gegen Berlusconi kommen,

hätte Anwalt Mills dazu

nicht nur durch - gelinde gesagt - missverständliche Äußerungen


Er (Mills)

müsste zudem womöglich neben seinem Ex-Mandanten (Berlusconi)

auf der Anklagebank Platz nehmen:

Berlusconis Wohltat galt nämlich,

so die Ermittler, dem englischen "Vollidioten" (Mills) .

Der (Mills)

nennt sich selbst so,


ein Brief an die Öffentlichkeit geriet, in dem

Mills seinem (Mills) Steuerberater einen brisanten Sachverhalt schilderte.


Dem Anwalt (Mills) saß damals- das britische Finanzamt im Nacken.

Die Steuerfahnder wollten vor allem wissen,

woher jene

00.000.2000 -im Herbst- 600.000 Dollar stammten, mit denen Mills seine

kurzfristige Hypothek auf sein (Mills) Haus im Londoner Stadtteil Kentish Town

abbezahlt hatte.

Er (Mills)

habe in mehreren Zeugenaussagen vor Gericht

"Mr. B. (Berlusconi) viel Ärger erspart", schrieb Mills in seinem Brief,

indem er (Mills)

vor italienischen Gerichten zwar "keine Lügen erzählt" habe,


"ziemlich um die Ecke geschrammt" sei.


sei ihm (Mills) die Summe in Aussicht gestellt + diskret bezahlt worden.

"Ich behandelte den Betrag als Geschenk.

Was hätte er sonst sein können?"

Mehrere Britische Zeitungen + Fernsehsender haben den brisanten Brief inzwischen in Auszügen veröffentlicht.

Geldtransfer via Bahamas und Virgin Islands


Tony Blairs Kulturministerin Tessa Jowell hat ein Problem.

Ermittler in Italien wollen wissen, von wem ihr Mann, der Londoner Anwalt David Mills, 600.000 Dollar bekam.

Die Mailänder Staatsanwaltschaft glaubt den Wohltäter + seine Motive zu kennen:

Silvio Berlusconi.

London - Fünf wohlgeratene, längst erwachsene Kinder, eine Frau mit besten Verbindungen zur Macht, eine gutgehende Wirtschaftskanzlei sowie eine Reihe von Immobilien - das Leben hat es gut gemeint mit David Mills.

Freilich hat der Londoner Anwalt auch stets hart gearbeitet, dabei nicht zuletzt seine glänzenden Italienisch-Kenntnisse nutzbringend eingesetzt.

Mit Gattin Tessa Jowell, 58, die seit Jahren in Tony Blairs Kabinett als Kulturministerin dient, bildet

Mills, 61, eines der einflussreichsten Paare in der Londoner New-Labour-Aristokratie.


London - Bei der ersten Abstimmung im Januar hatte das Stimmenverhältnis noch 270 zu 144 Stimmen betragen. Damals hatte das Oberhaus auf der Änderung einer Formulierung bestanden, mit der die Glorifizierung von Terror unter Strafe gestellt werden soll. Viele Lords hielten den Begriff "Glorifizierung" für zu vage und verlangten eine genauere Definition.

Das Unterhaus billigte Blairs Vorlage jedoch ein zweites Mal und reichte sie ohne wesentliche Änderungen ans Oberhaus zurück. Damit zeichnet sich nun ein längeres Tauziehen zwischen den beiden Parlamentskammern ab.
Der Entwurf bezüglich der Glorifizierung von Terror ist Teil eines verschärften Anti-Terror-Gesetzes, das nach den Anschlägen auf den Londoner Personennahverkehr im vergangenen Sommer erarbeitet wurde.

Mit einem Verbot jeglicher Verherrlichung von Gewalt will die Regierung unter anderem so genannten Hasspredigern zu Leibe rücken.

Gegner der Vorlage befürchten jedoch, dass damit auch das Demonstrationsrecht ausgehöhlt werden könnte.
Schlappe für Blair: Britisches Oberhaus lehnt Anti-Terror-Gesetz erneut ab
US 'settles 11.Sep.2001 detainee's suit'
The US government agrees to settle a lawsuit brought by an Egyptian arrested after the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, reports say.

Clarke attacks Lords terror vote
Charles Clarke criticises the House of Lords after it defeats government plans to outlaw the "glorification" of terrorism.


Wegen der langen Reisezeit des Lichts von M101 bis zu uns ist die Galaxie auf dem Foto zur Zeit des Miozäns zu sehen, als auf der Erde die ersten Säugetiere und Elefantenarten auftauchten.

Die Forscher schätzen, dass es mehr als zehn Jahre dauern wird, die gewonnenen Daten auszuwerten. Die Nasa bietet auch eine Zoom-Version des neue Fotos an.
Die Umfrage ergab auch: Anders als bei der Wahl im Herbst 2004 trauen ihm die US-Bürger den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus nicht mehr zu. In früheren Umfragen wurde Bush zu diesem Themenkomplex am besten beurteilt. Doch dieses Mal der jähe Absturz: Nur noch 43 % Zustimmung gegenüber 50 % Ablehnung. Im vergangenen Monat war es noch umgekehrt: 52 % trauten ihm zu, den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus zu gewinnen, 43 % bezweifelten das.
Derzeit hat der Präsident nur einen geringen Teil der Bevölkerung hinter sich. Nie zuvor seit seinem Amtsantritt vor fünf Jahren waren seine Umfragewerte so im Keller. Mehr US-Bürger denn je beurteilen seine Amtsführung als negativ, ergab eine Umfrage des US-Nachrichtensenders CBS. Nur noch 34 % der Befragten stünden hinter Bush - sechs % weniger als im Januar. Unzufrieden mit Bushs Arbeit seien 59 %.


Bush freute sich über Bin Ladens Botschaft
Stimmungsumschwung in den USA:

Präsident Bush ist so unbeliebt wie nie -

34 % -nur noch- der Bürger stehen hinter ihm.

Er selbst glaubt einem neuen Buch zufolge, dass er

04.Nov.2004 ohne die Hilfe Osama Bin Ladens

möglicherweise abgewählt worden wäre.

Washington -

Ungewollte Schützenhilfe habe ihm der al-Qaida-Chef zukommen lassen,

heißt es in einem Buch "Strategery", das


der Washingtoner "Examiner" in Auszügen veröffentlicht hat. 

Bill Sammon -Der Journalist- , langjähriger Reporter im Weißen Haus, 

hat darin Details veröffentlicht,

die Bush ihm

aus dem Wahlkampf

gegen seinen demokratischen Herausforderer John Kerry

preisgegeben hat. 
Demnach berichtete der US-Präsident,

00.000.2004 -wenige Tage vor der Wahl-

ein veröffentlichtes Tonband mit einer Hassrede Bin Ladens -

habe möglicherweise zu seinem Sieg beigetragen.

Die Veröffentlichung des 15-minütigen Bandes

[00.000.2004 -wenige Tage vor der Wahl-]





in Bushs Wahlkampfteam


da die Folgen nicht abzuschätzen gewesen seien.

Doch dann habe sich der Eindruck verfestigt,

dass es eher hilfreich sein könnte,

sagte Bush dem Autoren.

"Ich dachte mir,


wird helfen,

die Leute daran zu erinnern,

dass irgendetwas an Bush richtig sein muss,

wenn Bin Laden sich gegen ihn als Präsidenten ausspricht."

04.Nov.2004 -im- Bush hatte die Wahl knapp gegen Kerry gewonnen. 

Neue Spuren aufgetaucht
In der Ausstrahlung des Senders SVT erklärte ein Freund des ehemals verdächtigen Christer Pettersson, er habe gesehen, wie Pettersson auf den Regierungschef geschossen habe.

Nach Angaben des Zeugen, Roger Ostlund, sei Palme gar nicht das eigentliche Ziel des Angriffs gewesen.

Stattdessen habe der Täter Palme mit einem Drogenhändler verwechselt. Ostlund hatte bereits zuvor angegeben, er und Pettersson hätten sich in der Nähe des Tatorts aufgehalten.

Erst jetzt erklärte er aber, die Tat beobachtet zu haben.
Drohungen von allen Seiten
Aber auch in den folgenden Jahren bekleckerten sich die zuständigen Behörden nicht mit Ruhm: Kritikern zufolge verschwendeten sie viel Zeit darauf, falsche Spuren zu verfolgen.

Andererseits war es gar nicht so einfach, eine eindeutige Stoßrichtung auszumachen. Denn Palme hatte viele Feinde. "Er war ein sehr internationaler Mann.

Es gab zahlreiche Bedrohungen aus verschiedenen Ecken der Welt, aber auch aus der schwedischen Gesellschaft", sagt Edqvist in einem Gespräch mit der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
Seit seiner Jugend für linke Ideale engagiert, zog sich Palme später den Zorn Washingtons zu, weil er gegen den Vietnamkrieg demonstrierte.

Er unterstützte die kommunistischen Regierungen in Kuba und Nicaragua, sprach sich gegen Apartheid und Atomenergie aus und propagierte eine Umverteilung der Reichtümer dieser Welt.
Sein oftmals arrogant wirkendes Verhalten provozierte viele Landsleute, vor allem Konservative. Sie betrachteten den aus einer wohlhabenden Familie stammenden Politiker als einen Klassenverräter.

Die Fahnder ermittelten in alle erdenklichen Richtungen: Verdächtigt wurden die Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans (PKK), die schwedische Armee und Polizei und der südafrikanische Geheimdienst.

Aus der Bevölkerung gingen bis heute rund 200.000 Hinweise ein; rund eine halbe Million Dokumente stapeln sich in den Polizeiarchiven.
Die Katze war nach Angaben des FLI am vergangenen Wochenende gefunden und zunächst im Landeslabor in Rostock auf eine Influenzavirus-Infektion untersucht worden.

Bei einer anschließenden Analyse im nationalen Vogelgrippe-Referenzlabor auf der Insel Riems sei dann das H5N1-Virus in den Proben gefunden worden.
"Dass Katzen sich mit dem Virus infizieren können, wenn sie infizierte Vögel fressen, ist seit längerem aus Asien bekannt", erklärte Mettenleiter. Unklar ist, was das für den Menschen bedeutet.

In den vergangenen Jahren starben in Asien mehrere Großkatzen, die in Zoos mit H5N1-infiziertem Geflügel gefüttert worden waren. Hauskatzen erwiesen sich in Studien ebenfalls als empfänglich.

Eine Ansteckung von Menschen durch infizierte Katzen wurde aber bisher noch nicht nachgewiesen, auch eine Weitergabe des Erregers von Katze zu Katze ist bisher nicht dokumentiert worden.
Dennoch sehen Mediziner in Katzen durchaus eine potentielle Gefahr, da die meisten Menschen zu den Pelztieren einen intimeren Kontakt pflegen als zu Vögeln.

"Ich würde keine Katze in Gebieten frei herumlaufen lassen, in denen Vögel in nennenswerter Zahl an einer H5N1-Infektion verendet sind", sagte der Marburger Infektionsbiologe Hans-Dieter Klenk im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Die Kontaktmöglichkeiten zwischen Mensch und Katze sind größer als die zwischen Mensch und Vogel."
Vogelgrippe: Hauspflicht für Katzen, Leinenzwang für Hunde
Präsidentschaftswahl: Bush freute sich über Bin Ladens Botschaft
Prognose-Schock: Google-Aktie bricht drastisch ein
"Hubble"-Foto: Das schärfste Galaxienbild aller Zeiten

28.Feb.2006 Berlusconi-Connection: Idiot oder Gauner?

28.Feb.2006 Umfrage: Bush auf dem Tiefpunkt

28.Feb.2006 Studie: Hartz IV brachte mehr Verlierer als Gewinner
Neuer Ärger für Senator Kusch: Europarat kritisiert Haftbedingungen in Hamburg
London: Bürgermeister darf trotz Nazi-Vergleich zum Dienst
Vogelgrippe: Katze auf Rügen mit H5N1 infiziert
Namensstreit: Tschechische Sprengstoff-Firma droht Madonna
Schweden: Der rätselhafte Anschlag auf Olof P.
Tropenfieber: Erste Chikungunya-Fälle in Deutschland
BND-Bericht der "New York Times": Wiefelspütz spricht von Zeitungsente
H5N1-Virus: Vogelgrippe nun auch in Bayern
BND-Bericht der "New York Times": Chefredakteur wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe der Bundesregierung

28.Feb.2006 Erdstöße: Starkes Beben erschüttert Iran
Justiz: USA zahlen hohe Entschädigung für unschuldigen Terrorhäftling
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Vor lauter Überbau kein Mensch"

28.Feb.2006 Abhöraffäre: "New York Times" klagt gegen Verteidigungsministerium
Indonesien: Forscher finden Pompeji des Ostens
Rekord-Alter: Brasilianerin feiert 126. Geburtstag

28.Feb.200 Schlechtes Wetter: Wieder mehr als fünf Millionen ohne Arbeit
Geldtransportskandal: Heros wurde seit Jahren nicht kontrolliert
BND-Affäre: Pentagon widerspricht Zeitungsbericht

28.Feb.2006 Fischer am Golf von Mexiko: Die Gestrandeten schimpfen auf Washington
Did 308,000 cancelled Ohio voter registrations put Bush back in the White House? -by Bob Fitrakis + Harvey Wasserman
While life goes on during the Bush 2 nightmare, so does the research on

00.000.2004 -in-what really happened hereto give George W. Bush a second term.
Pundits throughout the state and nation---many of them alleged Democrats---continue to tell those of us who question Bush's second coming that we should "get over it," that the election is old news.
But things get curiouser and curiouser. In

00.000.2005 our compendium HOW THE GOP STOLE OHIO'S 2004 ELECTION & IS RIGGING 2008 (www.freepress.org),

we list more than a hundred different ways the Republican Party denied the democratic process in the Buckeye State.

For a book of documents to be published 00.000.200- by the New Press entitled WHAT HAPPENED IN OHIO?, we are continuing to dig.
It turns out, we missed more than a few of the dirty tricks Karl Rove, Ken Blackwell and their GOP used to get themselves four more years.

In an election won with death by a thousand cuts, some that are still hidden go very deep.

Over the next few weeks we will list them as they are verified.
One of them has just surfaced to the staggering tune of 175,000 purged voters in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), the traditional stronghold of the Ohio Democratic Party.

An additional 10,000 that registered to vote there for the 2004 election were lost due to "clerical error."

Even in redacted form,

these documents prove for the first time that

FBI investigators were pursuing links between the Oklahoma City bombing +

00.000.1993-00.000.1995 a series of 22 bank robberies carried out across the Midwest by a neo-Nazi group calling itself the Aryan Republican Army.

Guthrie was a member of the ARA.

So too were two members of a skinhead band from Philadelphia, Scott Stedeford + Kevin McCarthy,

as well as an old friend of Guthrie's, Pete Langan, the brains behind the gang who also, curiously, happened to be a closet transvestite with a penchant for shaving his pubic hair + painting his toenails pink.

All were tried + convicted on robbery charges only.

But it's now clear the feds thought they were involved in a whole lot more.

00.Jan.1996 -The first teletype, from- puts BOMBROB, the FBI's code word for the bank robbery investigation, under the general heading OKBOMB, its name for the bombing investigation.


The Unsolved Mystery of the Oklahoma City Bombing By Andrew Gumbel, Truthdig
Posted on February 28, 2006, Printed on February 28, 2006
https://www.alternet.org/story/32663 /

Long before the Iraq war,

11.Sep.2001 -long before- the U.S. government had already mastered the art of fluffing its intelligence on a looming threat, botching the response + then working furiously to cover its mistakes. The

00.000.1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building -

- at the time the worst peacetime atrocity committed on U.S. soil, with 168 dead + hundreds more injured --

has been largely overshadowed by the destruction of the World Trade Center +

all that has followed.

But the storyline is nevertheless unnervingly familiar.

Like the failure to prevent

11.Sep.2001 , this is a case of the federal government

first failing to recognize or act on crucial warning signs +

then claiming there were no warning signs at all.

It's about coming up with a plausible cover story +

sticking to it, no matter what.

In contrast to the most glaring failures of the Bush administration, though,

the government's bluff on Oklahoma City has gone largely uncalled.

Timothy McVeigh, the alleged mastermind, was sentenced to death + executed,

while Terry Nichols, supposedly his only accomplice, is serving a life sentence.

And that, for most people, has been the end of the story.

Only the dogged persistence of a handful of

amateur investigators,


journalists +


has revealed more uncomfortable truths about the bombing + who might have committed it.

Thanks to a flurry of Freedom of Information + other lawsuits,

the FBI's own paperwork is beginning to seriously contradict the official version of what happened.

And more is being revealed all the time.
28.Feb.2006 Whistleblower Charged With Three Felonies for Exposing Diebold's Crimes 

Let's make this clear, folks. The docs Heller is accused of exposing were important evidence.

First, they show that Diebold and their attorneys, Jones Day, conspired to mislead the California secretary of state + that the lie they told was material + resulted directly in the disenfranchisement of voters. Second, another document demonstrates that Diebold lied to the secretary of state when it represented that certain problems with its software were "fixed."

This document, the release notes for the new software, showed that the problems were not fixed.

Third, the documents showed that Diebold had been advised by Jones Day that what it had been doing with its uncertified software was illegal.

Fourth, the documents show that Jones Day advised Diebold that it was subject to criminal prosecution.

So in a nutshell, Diebold was defrauding the state government and taxpayers of California + disenfranchising the voters of California.

And the documents PROVE it.
28.Feb.2006 Katrina's Missing Still Number in the Thousands 

Six months after Hurricane Katrina unleashed death and destruction on the Gulf Coast, more than 1,900 hundred people remain unaccounted for in Louisiana alone.

28.Feb.2006 Ban Republican adoptions, not gay adoptions, lawmaker says  Ohio State Senator Robert Hagan says he has a better idea than barring gay couples from adopting children.
The Democrat from Youngstown says he'd ban Republican adoptions.

28.Feb.2006 Circus company goes on trial in spy suit 

The nation's largest circus went on trial Monday on allegations that it ran an extensive corporate espionage campaign against an animal-rights group and hired a former CIA operative to help conduct the operation.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sued Vienna, Va.-based Feld Entertainment, which produces the Ringling Bros. circus, more than four years ago, claiming the company's president supervised the spying efforts.

Ringling Brothers is spying on PETA? Am I taking crazy pills?


Natural questions have been raised about the authenticity of these reports. Is it a hoax and fiction?

Is it a disinformation psychological operation (PSYOP) of some kind?

Is it part of an acclimation program to further educate and prepare Americans and the international population for the reality of extraterrestrial visitation and activities on Earth?

Or, is it something else or some combination of things?

If accurate or partially accurate, it is certainly interesting that this information has now become public and part of open source intelligence (OSINT).
‘Project SERPO’ story gets more credible? Alleged insider accounts revealed
New information has been presented that gives people interested in the story of “Project SERPO” more to consider and evaluate.

In recent days, people involved in the Web site serpo.org have posted previously undisclosed alleged accounts from former military and other officials who were reportedly directly involved in some capacity with Project SERPO-related activities.

Project SERPO is the alleged exchange program between astronaut-trained American military personnel and friendly visitors from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system in the 1960s and 70s.
28.Feb.2006 Prehistoric gentlemen preferred blonds, too 
They say blonds have more fun - + now a Canadian anthropologist says it's been happening for more than 10,000 years.
The population of blond women grew rapidly at the end of the last ice age because their looks got them noticed at a time of male scarcity in northern and eastern Europe, says Peter Frost, who is currently linked with St. Andrews University in Scotland.

28.Feb.2006 The Unsolved Mystery of the Oklahoma City Bombing 

Thanks to the efforts of a handful of dogged investigators, the FBI's own paperwork is beginning to seriously contradict the official version of the attack. And more is being revealed all the time.

MINUTES after meeting Mohamed Al Fayed, former Met chief Sir John Stevens shook him firmly by the hand and made the same solemn commitment he has made to the British public.
"We will go wherever the evidence takes us and get as many answers to the questions raised as possible," he promised the tycoon. "That is the job I will do."

28.Feb.2006 Sea monster goes on show at Natural History Museum  A 30ft-long giant squid caught off the Falkland Islands last April has gone on public display at the Natural History Museum in London.
28.Feb.2006 Wanted: a new breed of adventurer 
The Captain Scott Society has pleaded for a better breed of explorer to apply for its "spirit of adventure" award.
28.Feb.2006 Researchers link fatal peanut allergy to enzyme 
Canadian researchers are part of an international team that claims to have found clues that could identify those at risk of fatal peanut allergies.
28.Feb.2006 Did 308,000 cancelled Ohio voter registrations put Bush back in the White House? 
While life goes on during the Bush2 nightmare, so does the research on what really happened here in 2004 to give George W. Bush a second term.
Pundits throughout the state and nation---many of them alleged Democrats---continue to tell those of us who question Bush's second coming that we should "get over it," that the election is old news.
But things get curiouser and curiouser.

Illegally elected and incompetent to boot.

A chilling threat in freedom's land: The following happened in the USA of America on Feb. 9 of this year.

28.Feb.2006 Bush's 'fine' economy sees millions go hungry:

The Second Harvest report, using figures compiled before hurricanes Katrina and Rita, showed that in

00.000.2005 25 million Americans had been forced to get food from the organisation's network of food banks, soup kitchens + shelters,

up 9% from 2001 .

The hungry included 9 million children (aged under 18) and 3 million elderly people.
When Americans No Longer Own America -By Thom Hartmann
They truly believe that a "New World Order" with multinational corporations in charge instead of sovereign governments will be the answer to the problem of world instability.

And therefore they must do away with quaint things like unions, a healthy middle class, and, ultimately, democracy. Continued
Let history judge -By Scott Ritter
It was judge Jackson's words + my steadfast allegiance to the Constitution of the USA, motivated me to give testimony this past Saturday at the

International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration,

in particular in support of the first count put forward by the commission:

that the Bush administration authorized a war of aggression against Iraq. Continue .
Senator Feinstein's War Profiteering -By Joshua Frank
Senator Feinstein's husband has a nice profile at SFGate. Richard Blum has scored bundles from this war and the millions have been deposited in his accounts,

which he undoubtedly shares with his wife (even if they aren't, she's certainly reaping the benefits as her salary could not possibly afford a $16.5 million mansion). Continued
Poll: U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006 -By Zogby
Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam’s role in 11.Sep.2001 , most don’t blame Iraqi public for insurgent attacks

28.Feb.2006 Democratic Underground Forums - An incredible article on America, Saudi Arabia and war ... BELGIAN DEFENCE & SECURITY INDUSTRY BELGIUM . BEKAERT FENCING SYSTEMS BELGIUM ... ITALIA SRL ITALY. GERMANOS SA GREECE. GEROTEK TEST FACILITIES ... AMALGAMATION "ZORIA" UKRAINE. INSTALAZA S.A ... www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID60/29437.html
28.Feb.2006 Companies -

Land Systems Club

The catalogue of the companies-members engaged in manufacturing weapon for land, naval + air forces as well in developing military techniques. ...

BS Bahrain - BH Bangladesh - BD Barbados - BB Belarus - BY Belgium - BE Belize - BZ Benin - BJ Bermuda - BM Bhutan - BT ...

Indra SA . Spain. Instalaza . Spain. Instalaza S.A ... www.club-ls.com/firm_list.php?page=23&sort=coun&s_fn=&s_cc=&s_ac

28.Feb.2006 Disarm DSEi - The arms traders. "We just print forms for the people who ... importantly, hideaways for your electronic kit (? website is in Belgium ... Instalaza . ES. 05. Instituto Nacional de Technica Aeroespacial (INTA ... Leoni Tailor Made Cable. UK. 05. Lerc SA . FR. 05 ... rts.gn.apc.org/disarm/trad.html
28.Feb.2006 Toyota Camry, Ford Windstar Face US Safety Investigations. by b marsh.

White House admits error in State of Union address Boston Globe. 48 minutes ago.

WTC report . Lisa Samuels ... for Democracy Now.

Convincing report by the International Coalition of ... adobrzycki@cfa. harvard .edu props up a corrupt Nigerian military government that suppresses Ogoni activists + ... jefferson.village.virginia.edu/~luoma/peace/.../BaAbAKAA87aiok.html
28.Feb.2006 https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Harvard%20report%20on%20ogoni&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8
Working Group on Environmental Justice ... With support from the Harvard University Provost's Fund for Interfaculty Collaboration, the University Committee on ...

Shell On Earth. Report on protests in Ogoni land in Nigeria over ... https://ecojustice.net/audio
28.Feb.2006 Coalition against Dictatorshiop (CAD), Nigerian Casefile:

The Ken Saro-Wiwa-Ogoni Handbook ... Appendix 1:

Action against the Nigerian junta and its backers: Harvard students take the lead ... operations, says a news report , the Ogoni people have received virtually nothing ... www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/34a/023.html
28.Feb.2006 Nigerian Casefile: The Ken Saro Wiwa-Ogoni Handbook: Section II ... 2 (A KEN SARO WIWA- OGONI HANDBOOK)

Resent-To: nuafrica ...

Nigerian junta and its backers: Harvard students take the lead ... The latest World Bank Report on the Africa Sub-region ... www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/34a/030.html
Is our National Security Being Blackmailed? -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis

28.Feb.2006 "American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune + the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush" (Hardcover) by Kevin Phillips.

Kevin Phillips knows of what he speaks. Working for Nixon, he was the architect of "the Southern Strategy," which is the basis of the modern Republican Party.

BuzzFlash's Progressive Marketplace. We Have a Huge VISA Bill to Pay on Feb. 28th. (We Don't Have Any Sugar Daddies or Mommies,

Just You. Although: Whenever George Soros Wants to Send a Check, We'll Cash It and Pay Our Bills! But George Has Other Priorities,

We Guess. So do the Other Zillionaire Dems Who Throw Their Money Down Failed Policies and Spineless Candidates.

And if Hollywood Liberals Give Out So Much Money, How Come They are Not Supporting Us?

Not That We're Bitter.) BuzzFlash Only Exists with YOUR Grassroots Support, So Make A Contribution or Buy Something Now.

All Our Premiums are Shipped Directly from Our Office in Chicago.

Open ports, loose nukes 3/1

28.Feb.2006 Bush's Legacy of Death: Toll in Iraq's Deadly Surge: 1,300 2.28
Bush: Bin Laden helped me, book says. Why Exactly Would Bin Laden Want to Help Bush? A Very Revealing Question Indeed?
The New York Times sued the U.S. Defense Department on Monday demanding that it hand over documents about the National Security Agency's domestic spying program. 2/28
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

28.Feb.2006 The latest CBS News poll finds Bush's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 %, while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high.

Americans are also overwhelmingly opposed to the Bush-backed deal giving a Dubai-owned company operational control over six major U.S. ports.

Seven in 10 Americans, including 58 % of Republicans, say they're opposed to the agreement. 2/28

28.Feb.2006 Senator Robert Byrd Regrets Vote for Patriot Act:

"The original Patriot Act is a case study in the perils of speed, herd instinct and lack of vigilance when it comes to legislating in times of crisis," the West Virginia Democrat said Monday on the eve of the Senate's final votes on its renewal.

"The Congress was stampeded + the values of freedom, justice + equality received a trampling in the headlong rush."

Apology Accepted, Senator Byrd. Now, Filibuster Extension of its "Enabling Act" Provisions to give more UnConstitutional Powers to a Treasonous Administration. 2/28
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/To get both the puzzle + further details, go here + here.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Hope! Only 34% of your fellow Americans approve of W, according to the latest CBS poll.

In historical terms, Bush has registered a lower number than Clinton, Reagan, Ford or Johnson ever did.

But -- believe it or not -- he has yet to sink below the depths plumbed by Truman (22%), Nixon (23%), Carter (28%) or dear old Dad (29%).

My friends, I will not be happy until Dubya visits the "roaring 20s"...
The remaining 34% are zombies who keep repeating that our prez is "right with Jesus."

Neither the port scandal nor any other piece of bad news could possibly impact these hypnotized cretins, since the only issues they know or care about are below-the-waist issues.

Perhaps we can reach them with a further revelation about "Georgie and Victor sitting in a tree, Kay-eye-ess-ess-eye-en-gee"... Permalink

28.Feb.2006 http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Fundamentalist fools love to believe that they are, or soon will be, persecuted.

In fact, these intolerant dimwits are the persecutors . Permalink
1941 Pearl Harbor bombed and war is declared.

00.000.1942 Leo Crowley, the US Alien Property Custodian ordered the seizure of all property of Hapag-Lloyd in 00.Aug.1942

00.Oct.1942 US Alien Property Custodian seized thestock shares of the Union Banking Corp. of New York, whose shareholders were:

Chm./Dir. E. Rowland Harriman;

Pres./Dir. Cornelis Lievense (banking functionary for the Nazis);

Treasurer/Dir. Harold D. Pennington (of Brown Brothers Harriman);

Dir. Ray Morris (of Brown Brothers Harriman);

Dir. Prescott S. Bush;

Dir. H.J. Kouwenhoven (Dir./Chief foreign financial exec. of NAZI German Steel Trust);

Dir. Johann G. Groeninger (Industrial Exec. In Nazi Germany).

00.Oct.1942 -In the same month- the USA government seized two additional companies:

Seamless Steel Equipment Corp. &

Holland-American Trading Corp

both ran

by Union Bank.

00.Nov.1942 the Nazi assets of Silesian-American Corp were seized leaving the American partners to carry on with business.

Seizure of the whole company would have been detrimental to the war effort.

25.Mar.1942 U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announced that William Stamps Farish had pleaded "no contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis.

Farish was the principal manager of a cartel agreement between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben.

The cartel built an industrial plant to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal at Auschwitz to take advantage of the slave labor.

The Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum A.G. (DAPAG), the Standard Oil subsidiary in Germany, was 94-% owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey.

Standard Oil of New Jersey was represented in the inner circles of Naziism by Karl Lindemann, director of DAPAG + member of  Himmler's Circle of Friends +

by board member Emil Helfrich, who was an original member of the Keppler Circle.

Karl Lindemann connections extended into the international banking area as director of several banks, including the

Dresdner Bank + the

Deutsche Reichsbank + the

private Nazi-oriented bank of C. Melchior & Company

00.000.1945 The Treasury Department revealed to congress that United Steel produced the following percentages of war munitions for the Nazis:

Pig iron 50.8%; Pipe & tubes 45.5%; Universal plate 41.4%; Galvanised sheet 38.5%; Heavy plate 36%; Explosives 35%; Wire 22.1%.

This is the same firm Prescott Bush acted, as banker for.

In effect, Prescott Bush was Hitler’s American banker.

Allen Dulles sought out a young Naval Officer that had been put in charge of some captured Nazi documents.

If the documents surfaced it would have revealed Dulles as a traitor.

In a deal to bury the documents, Dulles agreed to finance the young man’s first political race.

This was the beginning of the political career of Richard Nixon.

Project Paperclip begins to import Nazis into the USA.
28.Feb.2006 "There was a reason for Rockefeller's escape: blackmail.

According to the former intelligence officers we interviewed on this point, the blackmail was simple and powerful:

The Dulles brothers (John Foster, later Secretary of State + Allen, later director of the CIA) had one of their clients threaten to interrupt the U.S. oil supply during wartime."

When confronted by Arnold on the Standard - Farben arrangement "Standard executives made it clear that the entire U.S. war effort was fueled by their oil + it could be stopped. . . .

The American government had no choice but to go along if it wanted to win the war." (14)
The URL for this article is
https://emperors-clothes.com/articles/randy/swas1.htm Click here for a printable version
28.Feb.2006 Another source book on this subject of US/Nazi corporate activities is "The Secret War Against the Jews," by Mark Aarons and John Loftus. Here is their version of the events:

"Before the war Standard of New Jersey had forged a synthetic oil and rubber cartel with the Nazi-controlled I.G. Farben," which "worked well

00.000.1941 -until- the USA joined WWII.. . . .

Next to the Rockefellers, I.G. Farben owned the largest share of stock in Standard Oil of New Jersey.

Among other things, Standard Oil of New Jersey had provided Farben with its synthetic rubber patents + technical knowledge,

while Farben had kept its patents to itself, under strict instructions from the Nazi government."

Evidence which Thurman Arnold turned over to the Truman Committee, which Truman would declare "treasonous," included

00.000.1939 "Standard Oil of New Jersey s letter renewing its agreement, which made it clear that the Rockefellers' company was prepared to work with the Nazis

whether their own government was at war with the Third Reich or not.

Truman's Senate Committee on the National Defense was outraged + began to probe into the whole scandalous arrangement, much to the discomfort of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Suddenly, however, the whole matter was dropped.

"There was a reason for Rockefeller's escape: blackmail.

According to the former intelligence officers we interviewed on this point, the blackmail was simple and powerful:

The Dulles brothers (John Foster, later Secretary of State + Allen, later director of the CIA) had one of their clients threaten to interrupt the U.S. oil supply during wartime."

When confronted by Arnold on the Standard - Farben arrangement "Standard executives made it clear that the entire U.S. war effort was fueled by their oil and it could be stopped. . . .

The American government had no choice but to go along if it wanted to win the war." (14)
Da Vinci Code Author Sued ScuttleMonkey 
riptalon writes "Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code, is being sued in the UK for using ideas from a previous non fiction book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail in his novel.

The Bangkok Post states that 'The question the court is facing is whether you can copyright an idea, a conjecture.'"

00.000.2001 FEMA rotation schedule

11.Sep.2001 Official FEMA statistics -from-
FEMA activated 25 of the 28 FEMA-certified task forces,
20 task force teams to the WTC site;

including six California teams (City of Los Angeles, Menlo Park, Oakland, Riverside, Sacramento and San Diego),

two Florida teams (Miami-Dade County and City of Miami) +

one team each from Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and Washington State.
11.Sep.2001 -Officially the first teams at the WTC site were

Pennsylvania Task Force (TF)1 +

Massachusetts TF1, both arriving on 11.Sep.2001
Kenney's team was from Hyannis, MA)


From The Wilderness Roundletter - June 5- By Mike Ruppert
Tripod biowar exercise at Pier 29 scheduled for Sept 12th 2001 may become one of the single most important leads of 11.Sep.2001 .

I can use that story to directly tie Bush and or Cheney directly into multiple war game exercises which I have now established were used to paralyze fighter response on 11.Sep.2001 .

There never was a stand down order issued.

That would have been way too incriminating + might not have been followed by fighter pilots who had trained their whole lives to respond to a situation like this.
Anyone who saw my recent presentation in Toronto can verify that I have this nailed.
(I have gone to NORAD + other sources directly + questioned them. I have knocked on many doors + even obtained some documentation.

I have an on-the-record statement from someone in NORAD that on the day of

11.Sep.2001 The Joint Chiefs (Myers) + NORAD were conducting a joint, live-fly, hijack Field Training Exercise (FTX)

which involved at least one (and almost certainly many more) aircraft under US control

that was posing as a hijacked airliner. That is just the tip of what I have uncovered. )
But the “FEMA-Kennedy arrived on 9/10” myth is pure poison and absolutely incorrect.

If pursued it will enable the government to discredit the Tripod story and war games analysis when it reaches mainstream media and it will...
I found about both things by doing the things an investigator and journalist is supposed to do.

I went to the sources and started asking direct questions.
The basis for the FEMA rumor was a CBS News broadcast in which Dan Rather interviewed a Massachusetts fireman.

The story’s transcript said

A member of the Hyannis Fire Department, Tom Kennedy, was interviewed by Dan Rather after working for nearly 50 hours at Ground Zero.

He said, “We arrived Monday night and started immediately…11.Sep.2001 was a Tuesday.

Rather mispronounced Kenney’s name as Kennedy, something many people said proved some kind of a conspiracy.
04.Jun.2002 -in an email dated- Barbara Honegger wrote

19.May 200- -on- Guiliani's revelation to the Kean Commission of a

12.Sep.2001 -planned- New York City BIO-warfare emergency exercise drill, called "Tripod" (Part II), which had PIER 92 AS ITS COMMAND CENTER,

validated Tom Kenney's early claim that

FEMA emergency personnel arrived in NY City THE DAY BEFORE the attack, 10.Sep.2001

FEMA personnel came into NY City from out of state, including Kenney who came in from Boston;


putting up large numbers of out-of-state personnel is extremely costly at a time of belt tightening;

because ALL THESE OTHER wargames/exercises/drills took place ON 11.Sep.2001 ,
it is highly likely that

the BIO-warfare response exercise Tripod

was ALSO
scheduled to begin 11.Sep.2001 ,


or, at the very least, that

11.Sep.2001 was to have been the first of a TWO-day, or multiple-day, drill.
This major leap in investigative + journalistic procedure is completely unjustified + wrong.

It is a lesson to us all about the care we must use in reaching conclusions.
I could go on.

And on and on.

But I trust you get the point.

Which is simply this:

there are no secrets,

an American government would


accept civilian casualties for geostrategic gain +

conspiracies are for the weak-minded + gullible.


Anonymous said...

War Games were operational cover for the attacks,

it was the perfect staging platform to confuse the civilian air traffic controllers and

a lot of military pilots too the ones who didn't know what the heck was going on.


Anonymous said... for more on the wargames


11.Sep.2001 -At one time on- as many as 22 aircraft appeared to be hijacked.

Suddenly, the virtue, now verging on necessity, of switching off the transponders becomes evident.

With loss of transponder signals the planes became bogies +

discriminating real from simulated hijackings became next to impossible.
This confusion compounded the paralysis already introduced to the system by drawing most of the Eastern seaboard's combat-ready interceptors into Northern Canada for the wargame "Northern Vigilence," +

changing the standing orders for a shootdown in June 2001

by removing the discretion of field commanders +

placing it solely in the hands of the Secretary of Defense.
For more regarding the multiple wargames of 11.Sep.2001 , see chapter 19 (a .pdf is available online
here) of Michael Ruppert's soon-to-be-released Crossing the Rubicon .


What was the value-added benefit for the 11.Sep.2001 hijackers in turning off their transponder signals?
The planes remained visible to radar;

the transponders merely ID'd the flights.

And yet the transponders of all four flights were switched off.

What was gained?
I think the answer is found in the proliferation of wargames on 11.Sep.2001,

particularly the exercise called "Vigilant Guardian": the live-fly simulation of hijackings in the US Northeast staged by the Joint Chiefs + NORAD the very morning of the attacks.

(Health advisory to coincidentalists: chew carefully before digesting.)

six years ago, the Sun Herald, wrote that "Mexican textile magnate Kamel Nacif has been a familiar face at Las Vegas gambling tables for some 30 years,

using phony identification to wager at Caesars Palace when he was still in his late teens.

Mexican textile magnate Kamel Nacif remains, however, a bit of a multimillionaire mystery man,

long suspected by Nevada Gaming Control Board agents of money laundering + arms and narcotics dealing ."

00.000.1982 it was an expat Lebanese crime family operating in the Caribbean Basin that FBI undercover operative Darlene Novinger was investigating,

when she reportedly + unfortunately, discovered the Bush family implicated in its narcotics trade.)
Writer Who Exposed Child Sex Ring Fears Worst Is Yet to Come
24.Feb.2006 MEXICO CITY, (IPS) - When Mexican freelance journalist + human rights activist Lydia Cacho published a book

last year exposing a paedophile ring ["Los demonios del Edén" (The Demons of Eden)], she was warned by friends + colleagues that she would run into trouble.
It did not take long for their warnings to come true.

She was arrested by the police, driven 900 kms to the state of Puebla, held for 30 hours, mistreated and threatened.

Now that she is the target of the wrath of powerful Mexican businessmen + politicians, she is worried that the worst is yet to come.
More recently,

she was dragged into a scandal after a dozen taped telephone conversations were leaked to the press + broadcast on Feb. 14.

In the obscenity-laced conversations, a voice identified as that of Mario Marín , the governor of the state of Puebla, can be heard telling a man who is allegedly textile mogul Kamel Nacif that

"I just gave a bump on the head to that old witch."
In her book, Cacho described Nacif as a friend of Jean Succar , a Lebanese-born businessman who is facing charges of arranging paedophile parties.

'I'm not sure I can be trusted'

Lucky for Bush the UAE company set to take over 6 (or is it 21?) U.S. ports has asked for a 45-day delay to allow for a further review of themselves


* George W. Bush nominated Dubai Ports senior executive David Sanborn to be the U.S. Maritime Administrator -- "a key transportation appointment reporting directly to Norman Mineta the Secretary of Transportation" -- just three weeks before the UAE takeover of U.S. seaports was made public.

* Treasury Secretary John Snow, who approved the deal and now denies it, was chief executive of CTX Corp. until George W. Bush appointed him in 2003.
28.Feb.2006 Rigorous Intuition: What lies beneath 
Murder and Power in Juarez. RI's short posts are often more disturbing than the long ones.
Jeff's commentary was sparked by
this article: Writer Who Exposed Child Sex Ring Fears Worst Is Yet to Come.

28.Feb.2006 Ancient sun temple uncovered in Cairo 
Archaeologists discovered a pharaonic sun temple with large statues believed to be of King Ramses II under an outdoor marketplace in Cairo, Egypt's antiquities chief said Sunday.
28.Feb.2006 Gladiators fought by the book 
The Roman arena may have played host to appalling brutality in the name of entertainment, but at least the gladiators who fought there maintained certain standards. A forensic analysis of remains from a gladiator cemetery at Ephesus in Turkey reveals that unlike the gory free-for-all depicted in films like Ridley Scott's Gladiator, real gladiators stuck to strict rules of combat and did not resort to the savage violence and mutilation typical of battlefields of the era.
In Germany, meanwhile, Karneval continued to be an outlet for protest + the revellers honed a tradition of political satire that will see Chancellor Angela Merkel (pictured) squirm come Monday. Satirists in jester hats are given national airtime and the parade floats and banners home in on the politicians. Who says Germans don't have a sense of humour? Would the Scottish Parliament allow us a national holiday where effigies of Jack McConnell and Cardinal O'Brien were carried aloft so children could laugh at them?
"It appears that the human impact on the environment started much earlier than the industrial revolution," said Dr van Hoof.

From around 1500, Europe appears to have been gripped by a chill lasting some 300 years.

Pore clues

The team found an increase in cereal pollen from 1200 onwards (reflecting agricultural expansion), followed by a sudden dive around 1347, linked to the agricultural crisis caused by the arrival of the Black Death, most probably a bacterial disease spread by rat fleas.

This bubonic plague is said to have wiped out over a third of Europe's population.

Counting stomata (pores) on ancient oak leaves provided van Hoof's team with a measure of the fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide for the same period.

This is because leaves absorb carbon dioxide through their stomata + their density varies as carbon dioxide goes up and down.

00.000.1200-00.000.1300 "-Between- we see a decrease in stomata + a sharp rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide, due to deforestation we think,"

says Dr van Hoof, whose findings are published in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. But

00.000.1350 -after-, the team found, the pattern reversed, suggesting that atmospheric carbon dioxide fell, perhaps due to reforestation following the plague.

The researchers think that this drop in carbon dioxide levels could help to explain a cooling in the climate over the following centuries.
Fears over UK troops' readiness A third of UK armed forces were left under-prepared for action after the conflict in Iraq, MPs warn.
Straw's warning to Russian tycoon Jack Straw warns a wealthy Russian that his refugee status could be reviewed after he reportedly said he was planning a coup in Russia.
Mexico 'dirty war' crimes alleged Mexico's army committed crimes against humanity in the "dirty war" on leftists, a leaked report says.
Vodafone in overvaluation warning Vodafone shares fall after it says its assets are overvalued by as much as £28bn and revenue growth is slowing.
Philippines marine leader removed The man who commands the Philippines marines is removed from his post, prompting a five-hour stand-off.
Rehab offer to drug troops Armed Forces personnel may be offered rehabilitation rather than dismissal for drug offences, the MOD says.
China alert for spring bird flu Chinese officials warn of a possible "massive" outbreak of bird flu this spring as migratory birds return.
Labour conference backs nuclear Labour's Scottish conference endorses a resolution backing the renewal of ageing nuclear power stations.
High Court bid to block P&O deal A US firm seeks a High Court order in London to block the £3.9bn takeover of shipping giant P&O by a Dubai firm.
Mobile tracking devices on trial Tracking someone's movements via their mobile phone is easier than you might think.
NHS staff abusers 'face big fine' People who abuse or threaten nurses and doctors in England will face fines of up to £1,000.
'DNA target' to block HIV found Scientists have discovered how a molecule controls HIV's ability to highjack the genetic machinery of human cells.
Europe's chill linked to disease Europe's "Little Ice Age" may have been triggered by the 14th Century Black Death plague, according to a new study.
Scientists 'can predict memories' Scientists say they can predict how well we will remember something before the event has taken place.
An axis of weasel words Unspeak. By Steven Poole. WHAT do the terms community, tragedy, freedom, terror and extremist have in common? They are all current tools in what journalist Steven Poole calls "Unspeak" - "language as a weapon" used to head off dissent or debate.
Ball carries it all off with ease: he's rigorous without being overbearing + his lightness of touch rarely leads to oversimplification. With the empirical tradition that stuttered into being in the Renaissance now taking a few hits by so-called creationists - who insist, once again, on the authority of the received word over the book of nature - this lively account of the oncefamous Paracelsus and his fellow travellers couldn't be more timely
As far as he was concerned, the sacred text in which both the mind of God and the power to heal were to be found was the "book of nature" - and one didn't learn this book by rote, but by observation and experiment + with the application of reason and the mystical imagination.
If Paracelsus's self-importance was breathtaking, so was his intellectual posturing. He went on to dismiss Luther, the Pope and every other religious leader of the time, along with their followers. "Every fool praises his own club," he scoffed. For Paracelsus there was no club worth joining (whether it would have him as a member or not), no creed he could sign up to unconditionally.
Beating around the Bush
WHEN George delivered his State of the Union address last month, the president's startling admission that "America is addicted to oil" caught the ear of writer-director Stephen Gaghan.

Round up Plato's myth of prisoners in a cave, unable to distinguish reality from illusion, is what binds together O'Hear's fulminations in this volume:

from Posh'n'Becks to the internet, he sees change and decay all around.
City of discovery THE great explorers set off from Lisbon, but there's plenty worth finding in the city itself.
Syriana (15) EVERYTHING in the modern world is connected. The smallest personal action can have the most catastrophic global consequences. Idealism is a luxury that few can afford.
Flu Wiki Posts Alt Disease Info A writer says she aggregates bird-flu and pandemic information from top scientists online to give citizens an alternative to official government sources so they can research and prepare for a possible pandemic.
RFID tweaked for item-level tracking  
Europe aims for its own MIT
European Union proposes a "flagship for excellence" for technology innovation and research.

22.Feb.2006 https://news.com.com/2001-11386_3-0.html?tag=ne.tab.hd
World science body slams tougher U.S. visa rules
Complaints come after Indian-born professor is denied visa for U.S. conference visit.

23.Feb.2006 https://news.com.com/2001-11386_3-0.html?tag=ne.tab.hd
NASA orbiter to arrive at Red Planet March 10
Orbiter will collect more data than all previous Mars probes combined, assuming it doesn't crash into the planet. 24.Feb.2006 1:08 PM PST
Science comes to the masses Informal groups are gathering around the globe for a beer, a snack and discussion about the space-time continuum. - 25.Feb.2006 The New York Times

Buffett selbst fasst die Charakteristiken eines lohnenden Investitionszieles immer wie folgt zusammen:

"Wir investieren nur in eine Firma, wenn wir

  1. die Geschäfte verstehen,

  2. (2) die langfristigen Aussichten des Unternehmens gut sind (bewiesene Ertragskraft, gute Erträge auf das investierte Kapital, keine oder nur geringe Verschuldung, attraktives Geschäft),

  3. (3) die Firma von kompetenten und ehrlichen Managern geleitet wird und

  4. (4) sehr attraktiv bewertet ist."

Buffetts Abneigung gegenüber Verschuldung zeigte sich, als er einmal sagte, dass

selbst eine 99 %-Wahrscheinlichkeit mit geliehenem Geld eine höhere Rendite zu erzielen nicht das 1 %-Risiko rechtfertigt, durch die Schulden in einem unvorhergesehenen Fall in Schwierigkeiten zu geraten.

Man darf niemals vergessen, so Buffett, dass einem das Geld anderer Menschen anvertraut wurde, daher sollte auch der kleinste Geldbetrag mit äußerster Sorgfalt verwaltet werden.
Seeking Alpha » What Warren Buffett Owns (BRKA)
GroovyStocks submits: Maybe you’ll get some investment ideas from the following list of stocks that Warren Buffett owns via Berkshire Hathaway. ... seekingalpha.com/article/5968 -

Bush and Buffett were in Cahoots on 911

11.Sep.2001 -the morning of- So where was Warren Buffett +

11.Sep.2001 -the morning of- what was he (Warren Buffett) doing? ...


11.Sep.2001 -the morning of- if Warren Buffett hosting a "charity event" at the US Strategic Commander ... www.patriotsaints.com/News/911/Conspiracy/Bush/buffett .
TheStreet.com: Chasing Warren Buffett via the Web

A number of sites will help you track the moves of the legendary Sage of Omaha. www.thestreet.com/funds/toolsofthetrade/1422150.html
Warren Buffett Warns of Financial 'Chaos' It is no surprise that billionaire stock investor Warren Buffett continues to flee the US dollar as he pours billions into foreign currencies. ... www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/12/27/100204.shtml
20.May 2003  
Dividend Voodoo (washingtonpost.com) By Warren Buffett; Page A19. The annual Forbes 400 lists prove that - with occasional blips - the rich do indeed get richer. ...

Netjets: "Warren mag das Risiko" Großinvestor Warren Buffett hat mit Rückversicherungen, Möbeln und Schuhfabriken ein Vermögen verdient. Auch eine Jetfirma, die nach dem Timesharing-Prinzip ... www.manager-magazin.de/geld/artikel/0,2828,257573,00.html
Killtown's: Where was Warren Buffett on 11.Sep.2001 ? Gates was again followed by investor Warren Buffett with $41 billion, ...

So where was Warren Buffett the morning of 11.Sep.2001 + what was he doing? ...killtown.911review.org/buffett.html
Warren Buffett Investopedia.com - The Investing Education Site. Includes the most comprehensive investing dictionary on the web as well as articles and tutorials on nearly ... www.investopedia.com/terms/w/warrenbuffet.asp -
The Warren Buffett You Don't Know COVER STORY The Warren Buffett You Don't Know Ace stockpicker, of course—and now, an empire-builder Warren Buffett is returning to the US from Europe in a ... www.businessweek.com/1999/99_27/b3636001.htm
Teachers want the right information to refute Intelligent Design evolutionary concepts
ST. LOUIS - The views of the government and the clergy on the Intelligent Design theory of evolution is pretty well known for it has been dominating media space for quite sometime now.

However, the opinion of the nation's teachers was not sought in this regard and hundreds of teachers have now taken it upon themselves to gather information that will enable them to make the right choice when imparting evolution lessons in their classrooms.
Yesterday's finding was called Castorocauda lutrasimilis; the Latin name describes the creature as 'beaver-tailed' + 'similar to otter'.
Although the paleontologists refuse to consider it an ancestor of the otter, they said the creature burrowed tunnels with its forepaws and strong teeth.

This partly explains how the creature could have escaped the predatory eyes of dinosaurs.

The fossil skeleton measured almost half a meter in length, the biggest known mammal fossil discovery dating back to the Jurassic era.

The paleontologists speculate that the creature must have weighed 1.1-1.7 pounds.
Beaver-like creature overturns 'small Jurassic mammal' theory
Researchers yesterday unearthed the well-preserved fossil of a small beaverlike creature that lived some 164 million years ago in northern China.

The discovery has overturned the previously held notion that mammals in the Jurassic era were small shrew-like creatures.
http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ But now that even William F. Buckley has turned against the war, the political will may exist to turn off the funding spigot. President Bush has asked Congress for another $72 billion for his illegal war in Iraq. This will bring the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to almost $120 billion for 2006 -- that's on top of the $432 billion the military is already spending this year + in addition to the more than $250 billion already spent on the Iraq war!
Call your Representative and Senators at 202-224-3121 on Tuesday, Feb. 28th + tell them: Not one penny more for war!
Members of Congress are afraid to vote against this money because they don't want to be accused of not supporting the troops.

It is time to stop using the troops as a shield for failed policy.

It is time for the people of this country to speak up + show Congress how to stand up to the President. Permalink
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Melvin Sembler, founder of Straight, is an old friend of the Bush family who later became ambassador to Italy.

(Some suspect that he had a hand in helping the Niger forgeries make their way toward our shores.)

After some uncomfortable media attention, Straight renamed itself the Drug-Free America Foundation (DFAF); the program still tortures children and still carries the Bush family endorsement.

As this must-read web site reveals, the Straight/DFAF cult - + it is a cult - has many, many ties to the Republican party.
Prediction: Anyone who thoroughly investigates the Florida "boot camps" will probably find a number of further links to individuals associated with the Semblers and their sick progeny.
And if you think I've overstated the case -- please follow the links. Conduct your own research. You'll soon get the whole grim picture.

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/recall our previous discussions of Straight, which is an updated version of an old mind control program called "The Seed."
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/But this isn't just a story of one juvenile facility gone bad.

This camp is part of a nationwide effort by Republicans to exercise violent, cult-like control over an entire generation.

As this column in the Cincinatti Beacon reveals, the "investigation" of this Floridian gulag for the young has been handed over to cronies of the Semblers, the folks who gave us the notorious Straight program.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Anderson was caught joyriding with another kid in his grandmother's vehicle.

For this crime, he was tossed into the Bay County Boot Camp, a facility run by Jeb Bush's Department of Juvenile Justice, where troubled young people get the full "Abu Ghraib" treatment:

The screaming guards.

The pressure points.

The knee takedowns.

The acrid ammonia stick shoved in the face of a rubber-legged 14-year-old named Martin Lee Anderson.
Aaron Swartz can't forget any of it.

Not because he saw it all the way most people did -- in a grainy videotape of the guards and Martin before his death -- but because Aaron was there, at Bay County Boot Camp, receiving much of the same violent treatment that still makes him shudder miles away from it all.
"They killed that boy.

They didn't help him.

They beat him," Aaron, also 14, told The Miami Herald... More:
As Aaron tells it, time at the camp was measured in fear and pain, in increments of forced exercise, wall-slams, pressure points, knee takedowns and hammer-fist punches by DIs who video-taped it all.

When the boys would go to bed, he said, they could hear the DIs watching the tapes in a nearby room, cheering on their greatest hits as if watching a sporting event.

Here -- as at Gitmo -- "Christian" conservatives reveal their inherent sadism and savagery.

Jeb Bush directly appointed the sherrif in charge of this vile camp.

Incidentally, the "doctor" who signed Anderson's autopsy report did not have a valid license.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/we should not overlook the arrest last week of one Dr. Peter E. Waldron of Tampa, FL, at his (other, one presumes) home in Kampala, Uganda, for illegal possession of four high-powered assault fire arms and scores of rounds of ammunition
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/An IT consultant, Waldron's arrest is of interest because he has quite the checkered - + mysterious - history in Africa + the Middle East + the US, where he has campaigned for the Republican party since Reagan-Bush 00.000.1980.

Also raising questions are his home state being Wyoming, his "work" in Africa in the 1960s (wonder if he knows Abramoff) that resulted in an execution (sound like CIA to you?), his claim to have arranged meetings between Museveni and our President and Bill Gates, his turn at running sports programs for underprivileged youth in Tampa + his conversion to a deeply dominionist-evangelical brand of theology, Check out his Christian agenda, as quoted here:
“It struck me that, for many Americans of faith, Uganda - a country where homosexuality and abortion are outlawed, where politicians freely mix church and state + where outward displays of religious devotion are the norm - represents a kind of haven."
The girlfriend of Waldron, 49 + his maid are also being held for questioning.
Just what was Dr. Waldron's Christian mission in Uganda, with all those deadly weapons?

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/No joke, this month's offering takes on the notion of impeaching Bush, not as an idea to be considered, but as the only logical action.
Gratifying stuff, especially for his highlighting the work of heroic Congressman John Conyers.

Exponentielle Zunahme der Fälle
Der Begriff Chikungunya kommt aus dem Swahili und bedeutet "gekrümmt laufen" - eine treffende Beschreibung Infizierter. Auslöser der Krankheit ist ein Virus, das von Stechmücken übertragen wird. Eine Ansteckung von Mensch zu Mensch ist nicht möglich. Infizierte leiden teils wochen-, in schweren Fällen auch monatelang unter Hautausschlägen, hohem Fieber, Gelenk- und Gliederschmerzen.
Wegen der isolierten Insellage war das Chikungunya-Fieber bislang auf Réunion nicht verbreitet. Eine natürliche Immunisierung wie in Afrika und Südostasien, wo das Virus heimisch ist, gab es nicht. Dies erklärt auch die exponentielle Zunahme der Fälle in den vergangenen Wochen.
Erste Chikungunya-Fälle auf La Réunion waren vor einem Jahr aufgetreten. Seit Januar gibt es einen starken Schub von Erkrankungen. Laut den Gesundheitsbehörden wurden inzwischen 157.000 Fälle verzeichnet. Dies entspricht einem Fünftel der Bevölkerung auf der Hochgebirgsinsel, auf der rund 775.000 Menschen leben. Auch von der französischen Insel Mayotte, von Madagaskar, Mauritius und den Seychellen wurden Krankheitsfälle gemeldet. 300.000 Packungen Mückenschutzmittel


Ein von Mexikos Präsident Vicente Fox in Auftrag gegebener Bericht zeichnet ein düsteres Bild des mittelamerikanischen Landes:

00.000.1960-00.000.1980 Sicherheitskräfte haben -demnach- Hunderte politische Morde begangen.

Washington - Der Bericht von Sonderstaatsanwalt Ignacio Carrillo Prieto wurde heute vom Nationalen Sicherheitsarchiv der USA im Internet veröffentlicht + zeichnet unter anderem die Verfolgung + Ermordung von Rebellen im Bundesstaat Guerrero nach.

00.Dez.2005 -seit Mitte- Der Bericht sei fertig, der Öffentlichkeit aber noch nicht zugänglich gemacht worden, erklärte das US-Archiv.

Da ohnehin mehrere Exemplare des Berichts in Umlauf seien, habe sich das Archiv für eine Veröffentlichung im Internet entschieden.
In der Zeit der Präsidenten Diaz Ordaz, Echeverría und López Portillo seien "Hunderte mexikanischer Bürger, sowohl unschuldige Zivilisten als auch bewaffnete Aufständische", von den staatlichen Sicherheitskräften umgebracht worden beziehungsweise spurlos verschwunden, heißt es in dem Bericht. "Tausende wurden gefoltert, illegal verhaftet, staatlicher Unterdrückung und Überwachung ausgesetzt."

Die Angehörigen der Opfer hätten ein Recht, den Bericht über den "Schmutzigen Krieg" zu kennen, erklärte die Leiterin der Mexiko-Abteilung im Nationalen Sicherheitsarchiv der USA, Kate Doyle.
Blondinen sind demnach ein Produkt der besonderen Bedingungen in Nordeuropa. Das harte Klima hätte Nahrungsmittelknappheit verursacht, die wiederum zu immer gefährlicheren Großtierjagden führte, bei denen zahlreiche Männer den Tod fanden, argumentieren die Forscher im Fachblatt "Evolution and Human Behavior".
Durch die große Überzahl an Frauen sei ein "starker Druck der sexuellen Selektion" entstanden, sagte Frost. Ein mögliches Ergebnis sei das Auftreten ungewöhnlicher Farbeigenschaften der Haare gewesen. 

Hellere Haar- + Augenfarben sind Ergebnis einer seltenen Mutation.
Frosts Kollege John Manning von der University of Central Lancashire erklärte, diese Entwicklung sei vermutlich der Grund dafür, dass "Haar- und Augenfarbe in anderen Teilen der Welt eher einförmig sind, während es in Europa viele Variationen gibt".
Mutation setzte vor 11.000 Jahren ein

War In Error -By Andrew J. Bacevich
As far as official Washington is concerned, the nameless, faceless dead of Damadola are already forgotten. Our warrior-president will continue to insist that we have no choice but to press on, seemingly blind to the moral havoc wreaked by his war and oblivious to the extent to which he is playing into the hands of our adversaries.

Defeat is victory. Death is life -By Robert Fisk
Everyone in the Middle East rewrites history, but never before have we had a US administration so wilfully, dishonestly + ruthlessly reinterpreting tragedy as success, defeat as victory, death as life - helped, I have to add, by the compliant American press. - We are pushing hundreds of thousands of Arabs though the butchers' shops - + don't even care.

Hamas accuses US media of misinterpreting Haneya's statements : The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Sunday accused The Washington Post of misinterpreting statements made by Hamas leader Ismael Haneya, who is taksed with forming the next cabinet.

27.Feb.2006 Thousands to protect Bush in India : About 5,000 personnel including snipers, commandos + U.S. marines using helicopters, bomb detectors and electronic jammers will protect President George W. Bush during his visit to India this week, officials said on Monday.

27.Feb.2006 Venezuela oil offer puts heat on a U.S. governor: Should Gov. M. Jodi Rell accept deeply discounted heating oil for Connecticut’s poor if it comes – via a gubernatorial rival – from the government of Venezuela’s socialist president, Hugo Chávez?

27.Feb.2006 Private Rivers: Will Transnational Water Companies Swallow El Salvador's Water Supply?

27.Feb.2006 Paul Krugman : Graduates versus Oligarchs : We're seeing the rise of a narrow oligarchy: income and wealth are becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small, privileged elite.

27.Feb.2006 In case you missed it: War Corporatism: The New Fascism: An animated look at the dogs of War Corporatism unleashed upon the world by Bush + the PNAC as stated in the 00.Sep.2000 document Rebuilding America's Defenses.

27.Feb.2006 Shane Harris: TIA Lives On : A controversial counter-terrorism program, which lawmakers halted more than two years ago amid outcries from privacy advocates, was stopped in name only + has quietly continued within the intelligence agency now fending off charges that it has violated the privacy of U.S. citizens

27.Feb.2006 In case you missed it: National Security Archive Releases Pre-11.Sep.2001 Warning To Saudis: - More than three years before the 11.Sep.2001 attack on the USA, U.S. officials warned Saudi Arabia that Osama bin Laden "might take the course of least resistance and turn to a civilian [aircraft] target," according to a declassified cable released by the National Security Archive
At least seven dead after inmates seize Kabul jail: HUNDREDS of Taliban and al-Qaeda militants were among 2000 prisoners who have seized control of three blocks of this notorious prison.
"Worse" Than Guantanamo: Prisoners at Bagram are held by the dozen in wire cages, sleep on the floor on foam mats + are often made to use plastic buckets for latrines.

Before recent renovations, detainees rarely saw daylight except for brief visits to a small exercise yard.

27.Feb.2006 American gulag : Torture, force-feeding and darkness at noon -- this is Guantanamo

27.Feb.2006 Should Cuba Bomb the USA? : "It is not convenient to treat terrorists softly," said Rice. In her opinion, it is totally legitimate to bomb any place that shelters people involved in international terrorism.

27.Feb.2006 Palestinian cash crisis bites as EU pays utility bills: The European Union today released a limited aid package to the Palestinians which it said would help to stave off a looming financial crisis.

27.Feb.2006 Khalid Amayreh : Bush and his money can go to hell: We will not give up our inalienable right to freedom and justice in return for some financial inducements
27.Feb.2006 Iraqi People Betrayed by German Government:
German Intelligence Gave U.S. Saddams Defense Plan, Report Says : Two German intelligence agents in Baghdad obtained a copy of Saddam Hussein's plan to defend the Iraqi capital, which a German official passed on to American commanders a month before the invasion, according to a classified study by the USA military.

27.Feb.2006 In case you missed it: Video: A Message From The "Iraq Resistance" : "We are simple people who chose principles over fear."

27.Feb.2006 The Case for Impeachment: That President George W. Bush comes to power with the intention of invading Iraq is a fact not open to dispute.

Pleased with the image of himself as a military hero + having spoken, more than once, about seeking revenge on Saddam Hussein for the tyrant's alleged attempt to “kill my Dad,” he appoints to high office in his administration a cadre of warrior intellectuals, chief among them Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, known to be eager for the glories of imperial conquest
The World That Dick Built -
By Sheila Samples

This is the guy who pulled the trigger of the gun that fired the round that hit his friend that ruined the hunt and shed some light on the world that Dick built... Continue
Speak for Yourself-  By Cindy Sheehan

It is an indescribably awful and disordered thing to bury a child.

I don't want anymore Gold Star Moms to be made by and for the chickenhawks who cower behind their desks + send other people's children off to fight their imaginary battles. Continued
Total Information Awareness Lives On Inside the National Security Agency
Democracy Now!
"Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy + medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit + e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book + every event you attend - all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as 'a virtual, centralized grand database.'
Watch or listen here

The Smoking Gun -By Mike Whitney
By now, we should realize that the Bush administration has no plan to govern Iraq nor do they care a whit about the suffering of the Iraqi people.

The only thing the matters is the extraction of petroleum from Iraqi oil-fields and its unobstructed transfer to the market.

The rest is rubbish. “We don’t do body counts”, boasted General Tommy Franks. Continued
Polizeiprotokoll: Wie Bush winkend auf die Nase fiel

27.Feb.2006 Atomstreit: Iran testet Uran-Anreicherung
Telefonüberwachung: Lauschangriff auf Redakteure
Vogelgrippe auf Rügen: Bundeswehr zieht Soldaten ab
Nazi-Vergleich: Londons Bürgermeister wehrt sich gegen Zwangsurlaub

27.Feb.2006 Ägypten: Sonnentempel mit Ramses-Statue entdeckt
BND-Affäre: Regierung wehrt sich gegen "New York Times"-Bericht
Exegeten-Streit: Hand drauf, Apostel!

27.Feb.2006 Taiwan: Neue Eskalation mit China droht

27.Feb.2006 Großbritannien: Polizei vermutet Millionenräuber im Ausland

27.Feb.2006 Grippemedikamente: Die überschätzten Retter
Alternativen zu DSL: Leben in der Surflücke
Partnerwahl: Schon Höhlenmänner standen auf blond
Mexiko: Sonderstaatsanwalt berichtet über Hunderte staatliche Morde
Nuklearstreit: Iran beharrt auf Recht zur Atomforschung
BND-Affäre: Zeitungsbericht setzt Regierung unter Druck
Wertberichtigung: Vodafone schreibt bis zu 41 Milliarden Euro ab

27.Mar.2006 Chikungunya-Fieber: Urlauber bringen Virus nach Paris
Vogelgrippe: Existenzangst in Deutschlands Fleischtopf
Heute in den Feuilletons: Apokalyptikers Migrantenangst

27.Feb.2006 Irak: Saddam bricht Hungerstreik ab
Energie-Heißhunger: China will 32 Atomkraftwerke bauen

27.Mar.2006 Protektionismus: Fusion französischer Energieriesen soll 47,5 Milliarden kosten
EADS: Raketensparte wird komplett umstrukturiert
gelgrippe: Politiker kritisieren dezentrales Krisenmanagement

27.Feb.2006 BND-Affäre: Deutsche sollen Saddams Verteidigungsplan an USA geliefert haben

The following is offered as a partial list of evidences for this charge.

President Bush presented an image to the nation that on the morning of the attack he was going about his usual Presidential itinerary and that he was caught completely by surprise. 

However, a careful look at the timeline of the attack + what he would have known with his intelligence sources, shows a premeditated intent to convey such an image with the intent to deceive.

By the time he responded, it was too late to stop three of the four planes. 

Most Americans knew about the attack before President Bush responded. 

Does he expect us to believe that in this day of instantaneous communication available to the lay public that the President of the USA + those who advise him could be so slow to grasp the gravity of the situation?
Experts will discuss nuke policy, new threats at Neb. base by Jake Thompson Omaha Herald, 01.Aug.2003

A meeting involving 150 experts next week at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska will be the most significant examination of America's nuclear weapons capabilities since a similar event was held at Offutt 00.000.1995, a Defense Department spokesman said Wednesday.

Maj. Michael Shavers said the Aug. 7 meeting hosted by the Strategic Command will be "fairly broad and wide-ranging," but he declined to say directly whether the topic of mini- nuclear weapons will be on the table.

Mini-nukes could be used to destroy targets such as reinforced bunkers holding chemical or biological weapons with less damage to surrounding areas, administration officials and government scientists have said.

The meeting, he said, will examine the nation's nuclear weapons systems and the role they should play in the future to serve as a nuclear deterrent to potential adversaries.

A former national security analyst on Capitol Hill called the meeting a responsible response to new threats that confront the USA, particularly worthy in light of the 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks.

The political fallout from the new Bush doctrine is not confined to the anti - nuclear fringe. A number of leading Democrats have also come out against it.

California senator Diane Feinstein said: "This administration seems to be moving toward a military posture in which nuclear weapons are considered just like other weapons.

Their purpose is not simply to serve as a deterrent but they would be a usable instrument of military power, like a tank, a fighter aircraft, or a cruise missile.

"The effect of such a development could well be to legitimise the production of these new nuclear bombs by other countries and make them that much more likely to fall into the hands of enemy states or terrorist groups."

This week's meeting takes place against the background of a struggle in Congress. For 10 years all research on weapons with a payload of less than five kilotons has been banned under the Spratt-Furse Agreement.

Earlier this year the Senate voted to end the ban, provided the Pentagon and Department of Energy sought authorisation from Congress before researching development of low-yield nuclear weapons. But the House of Representatives voted to keep it.

The two sides are expected to try to settle their differences in a House -Senate conference committee this month.

A bill before Congress would provide dollars 15million for research and testing of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, dollars 6million to research other advanced nuclear concepts and dollars 25million to resume the nuclear testing programme.

Officials of the National Nuclear Security Administration, a branch of the US Department of Energy responsible for the US nuclear weapons industry, say that one reason for this week's meeting is 'stockpile stewardship', making sure the US nuclear arsenal is in working order. Since the test ban was introduced, the US has tested its weapons using computer simulation.

"We have no requirements for new nuclear warheads + we are not developing nuclear warheads," said John Harvey, NNSA's director of policy planning.

"That said, part of our responsibility is to understand what the options are."

Meanwhile, after spreading the word via the activists' website, protest.net, the anti- nuclear demonstrators have begun to gather in Omaha for what they describe as an "international event full of activities, including educationals/workshops, a commemoration of the bombing of Hiroshima + Nagasaki, a rally, peace concert and a march".

It could feel like 1980 all over again.
09.Oct.2003 Aufrüstung mit Mini-Nukes

09.Oct.2003 Auf einem Stützpunkt der US-Armee im Bundesstaat Nebraska trafen sich Experten aus Forschung + Militär, um über den künftigen Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen zu beraten
09.Oct.2003 Die Bedrohung wird immer konkreter.

09.Oct.2003 Donnerstag trafen sich auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Offutt im US-Bundesstaat Nebraska 150 Experten aus Militär und Rüstungsindustrie,

um den Umgang mit dem nordamerikanischen Nukleararsenal zu beraten.

Michael Shavers, ein Sprecher des US-Verteidigungsministeriums, hatte das Treffen im Vorfeld als "wichtigstes Ereignis für diesen Bereich

00.000.1995 -seit der letzten Zusammenkunft auf Offutt bezeichnet.”

09.Oct.2003 In Nebraska wurde der Einsatz verschiedener Arten "neuer Nuklearwaffen" erörtert.

Unterschieden wurde dabei zwischen klassischen Atomwaffen, erdeindringenden Projektilen, Neutronenwaffen + Sprengsätzen, mit denen feindliche "harte Ziele" (Gebäude, Rüstungsgut) auf weite Entfernung vernichtet werden können. [mehr: Telepolis]

11.Sep.2001 Air Force One George W. Bush's Whirlwind Tour on

11.Sep.2001 09-55 AM George W. Bush departed from the Sarasota, Florida airport on Air Force One.

11.Sep.2001 09-55 AM 1 Curiously George W. Bush s plane took off without fighter escort.

An administration official said: "The object seemed to be simply to get the President airborne and out of the way."

11.Sep.2001 09--- AM 2 It was only after becoming airborne that Bush talked to Cheney +

11.Sep.2001 09--- AM 2 It was only after becoming airborne that Bush agreed to authorize the military to shoot down any hijacked planes, according to Bush's own recollection.

11.Sep.2001 09--- AM 3 -nearly an hour after

11.Sep.2001 ----- AM second jet hit the World Trade Center - This alleged decision was made that Bush agreed to authorize the military to shoot down any hijacked planes .

11.Sep.2001 10-32 AM Cheney called Bush to tell Bush of a threat to Air Force One. 1

11.Sep.2001 11-45 AM Air Force One landed at Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport, Louisiana.

11.Sep.2001 12:00 noon Bush arrived at Barksdale Air Force Base headquarters in a Humvee escorted by armed outriders.

11.Sep.2001 12:00-11.Sep.2001 -------- While at Barksdale, Bush made a speech, saying "Make no mistake, the USA will hunt down + punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."

11.Sep.2001 01-44 PM Air Force One left Barksdale Air Force Base for Nebraska's Offutt Air Force Base. 4 5

11.Sep.2001 02-50 PM Air Force One landed at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska. 1 Offutt is the home of the U.S. Strategic Command.

11.Sep.2001 04-30 PM Air Force One took off from Offutt destined for Washington.

11.Sep.2001 06-44 PM Bush arrived at the White House. References
27.Jan.2002 [cached] America's Chaotic Road to War,Washington Post,
16.Sep.2001 [cached] Revealed: what really went on during Bush's 'missing hours',Telegraph,
23.Sep.2001 [cached] Air Attack on Pentagon Indicates Weaknesses,Newsday,
11.Sep.2001 4. -Events of- MSNBC, 22.Sep.2001
12.Sep.2001 5. The Tragic Timeline, New York Times,

https://www.welt.de/data/2004/11/05/355664.html?s=3 Niall Ferguson 2004 Übersetzung: Ruth Keen
Erschaffung der Wirklichkeit Während seiner Präsidentschaft hat Bush immer wieder bestritten, daß die USA ein Weltreich sind.

Er betonte, Amerika sei eine "Befreiungsmacht, keine imperiale Macht".

Aber vor einiger Zeit wurde dem Journalisten Ron Suskind ein Interview mit einem Mann gewährt, der als "hochstehender Berater Bushs" bezeichnet wurde.

Es ist eine ernüchternde Lektüre:

"Der Berater sagte, Typen wie ich gehören "zur Gemeinschaft von Realitätsfixierten",

die er als Leute beschrieb, die glauben, daß "sich Lösungen aus einer sorgfältigen Untersuchung der wahrnehmbaren Wirklichkeit ergeben".

Ich nickte und murmelte etwas von aufgeklärten Prinzipien und empirischem Vorgehen.

Er fiel mir ins Wort: "So funktioniert die Welt aber nicht mehr", fuhr er fort.

"Wir sind jetzt ein Imperium + wenn wir agieren, schaffen wir unsere eigene Wirklichkeit.

Und während Sie diese Wirklichkeit untersuchen - rational, wie es Ihre Art ist -, werden wir wieder agieren + andere neue Wirklichkeiten schaffen, die Sie auch wieder untersuchen können, und so werden die Dinge sich sortieren. Wir sind die Akteure der Geschichte ... + ihr, ihr alle, seid die anderen, die nur noch untersuchen können, was wir tun.""

Na dann: Ave, Mister President.