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13.Sep.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Sorgen um Energiekosten treiben US-Börsen ins Minus

Der "Guardian" konnte nach eigener Aussage nicht klären, ob die Verarbeitung von Kollagen aus der Haut der Gefangenen nur zu Forschungszwecken stattfindet oder bereits Einzug in die Produktion gefunden hat. Zudem sei unklar, ob die Produkte des chinesischen Konzerns bereits in Europa und im Internet erhältlich seien. Ein Export nach Europa sei aber zumindest geplant.

Das Unternehmen habe schon andere Kollagenprodukte nach Europa und in die USA exportiert. Laut "Guardian" arbeitet der Konzern auch an der Entwicklung von Anti-Falten-Mitteln, die Gewebe von...

13.Sep.2005 Uno-Gipfel: Bush will Iranpolitik mit Russland und China abstimmen

13.Sep.2005 Gaspreise: Kartellamt stellt Importeuren Ultimatum

13.Sep.2005 "Katrina"-Katastrophe: Bush übernimmt Verantwortung für Versagen der Behörden

13.Sep.2005 Laborstudie: Hochdosiertes Vitamin C tötet Krebszellen

13.Sep.2005 Wiederaufbau: Hurrikanopfer sollen in Wohnwagen untergebracht werden

13.Sep.2005 Tödliche Mückenstiche: Mehr als 20 Tote durch Hirnhautentzündung

13.Sep.2005 Mustermenschen

Im politischen System Deutschlands ist die Zahl der Vetomächte so groß wie nirgendwo sonst in dieser Welt. Insofern kann eine Zentralregierung in Deutschland keineswegs einfach "durchregieren". Die eine Volkspartei braucht für den gesellschaftlichen Erfolg fast durchweg die andere Volkspartei. Aber die gerade opponierende Volkspartei ist ihrerseits natürlich keineswegs am Erfolg des regierenden Pendants interessiert. Und so ereignen sich immerfort die unergiebigen Stellungskriege und taktischen Scharmützel der beiden Volksparteien um jeden Zentimeter strategischen Bodens.
Wer auf Menetekel lauert, wird in der Audienz einen Hinweis auf den gegenreformatorischen Kurs im neuen Pontifikat sehen: erst die Kritik des Kardinals Schönborn am Neodarwinismus, jetzt der Handschlag mit einer zügellosen Kreuzzüglerin. Sind das Positionsbestimmungen? Testballons? Oder nur Irrlichter?
Bei seinem Kölner Treffen mit Vertretern muslimischer Gemeinschaften erklärte Benedikt XVI., dass die "Verteidigung der Religionsfreiheit und die Achtung der Minderheiten ein unanfechtbares Zeichen wahrer Zivilisation" sei. Das war eine deutliche Kritik an nahezu allen Staaten der arabischen Welt.
Aber die Begegnung Benedikts XVI. mit Oriana Fallaci war zu brisant, um länger als ein paar Tage geheim zu bleiben.

Das Oberhaupt der katholischen Christenheit traf eine Frau, die

11.Sep.2001 -seit dem- wie keine andere zum Kreuzzug gegen Islam + Islamisten ruft, zum Abwehrkampf gegen "ihren Expansionismus, ihren Kolonialismus, ihren Rassismus". Das Treffen musste zum Skandal werden.
Der mehrfach ausgezeichnete Schriftsteller Pietro Citati empörte sich in der liberalen "Repubblica".

Er nennt die 75-jährige ehemalige Weggenossin Fallaci "maßlos unwissend und lügenhaft" + verweist auf den Unterschied zwischen dem Koran und allen Killern, die sich auf ihn berufen.
Von Berlusconis Zeitung "il giornale" wurde die Geheimaudienz dagegen als "Zeichen der Zeit" begrüßt.

Als Begegnung zweier Geistesverwandter, die dem Unbehagen der Moderne an sich selbst eine Rückbesinnung auf die christliche Identität entgegensetzen.
Börsenschluss: Unsicherer Wahlausgang verschreckt Investoren

13.Sep.2005 Gewagte Landung: Japanische Sonde erreicht Asteroiden

13.Sep.2005 Fallaci beim Papst: Handschlag mit der Kreuzzüglerin

13.Sep.2005 Razzia bei "Cicero": Journalistenverbände rügen Angriff auf Pressefreiheit

13.Sep.2005 Verfremdete Wahlplakate: Die Rache des Volkes

13.Sep.2005 Neue Preisrunde: Öl wird billiger, Tanken teurer

13.Sep.2005 US-Umfrage: "Katrina"-Hilfsdesaster spaltet Schwarz und Weiß

13.Sep.2005 USA: Pflegeeltern hielten Kinder in Käfigen

13.Sep.2005 Authentico?

There was one word missing from an ad for "passionate", "energetic" staff for a new CBD gelateria in last week's Epicure .

The opening of Antica Gelateria del Corso meant "Authentic Italian Gelati is coming to Melbourne", it declared (we thought we had a bit of good Italian-style gelati around here already). Individuals with "enormous motivation" and a "strong interest in Italy, art, culture, theatre and languages" were sought.

"Only the very best people will be involved." All sounds very promising, doesn't it? And it might be - the test will be in the tasting, of course.

But the excitement dims a little when you know Antica Gelateria del Corso is a brand owned by multinational giant Nestle. Funny how that wasn't in the ad.

"Haben Kelten im fünften Jahrhundert vor Christus schon in Städten gelebt?", fragt Matthias Hennies aufgeregt angesichts der Grabungen auf der
Heuneburg an der Donau. Dort haben Archäologen ein Tor aus "sorgsam behauenen Kalksteinen" entdeckt, das sie auf 500 vor Christus datieren.

Anders als für den Marktteilnehmer sind für den Citoyen gerechte Steuern nicht einfach Gebühren, die für privat genutzte, staatliche Leistungen gezahlt werden müssen. Für den Citoyen sind gerechte Steuern auch Beiträge zu erstrebenswerten Zielen , die von fair, also demokratisch zustande gekommenen Gesetzen verwirklicht werden sollen."
13.Sep.2005 D
ie Tageszeitung

Da am Sonntag vielleicht alles aufhört, wirft die taz einen Blick auf die Anfänge. Der Sozialwissenschaftler Claus Offe plaudert im Gespräch aus den Zeiten, als die Linke in Deutschland noch eine Verheißung war. "Das Attribut Liberalität würde mir zum CDU-Staat der 50er-Jahre nicht einfallen. Ein wichtiges Politisierungserlebnis hatte ich 1959 in der Kölner Mensa . Dort lag die Zeitschrift Konkret aus, die zu jener Zeit von Ulrike Meinhof und Klaus-Rainer Röhl geleitet wurde. Man las hier Dinge, die man im Nachkriegs-Adenauer-Milieu nicht für möglich gehalten hatte, politisch wie auch literarisch. Das war eine Zeit, in der es von Marx nichts gab; von Freud ganz wenig, richtige Studien der Psychoanalyse überhaupt nicht. So erklärt sich auch die außerordentliche Bedeutung von Adorno und der Frankfurter Schule. Sie machen sich heute kein Bild davon, in welchem Maße wir gleichgeschaltet waren unter den Bedingungen des Kalten Krieges. Thomas Mann zu lesen, das war schon an der Grenze; Brecht war praktisch jenseits des Erlaubten."
Eine Theorie besagt, dass Gammablitze die Geburtsschreie von Schwarzen Löchern sind.
Bei dem Gammablitz handelt es sich zwar um die am weitesten entfernte je beobachtete Explosion - nicht jedoch um das am weitesten entfernte Objekt überhaupt. Den Distanzrekord hält ein kürzlich entdeckter Quasar. Quasare enthalten die Masse von mehreren Millionen Sternen und strahlen extrem stark.

"Das sind unbekannte Regionen", sagte Daniel Reichart von der University of North Carolina. "Dieser Blitz übertrifft den alten Entfernungsrekord um 500 Millionen Lichtjahre." Der gewaltige Gammablitz, den der Satellit "Swift" am Rande des Universums erspähte, stammt wahrscheinlich von einem riesigen Stern, der kollabiert ist. Man sehe die Reste eines der ältesten Objekte des Universums, sagte Reichart.
Der Ausbruch wurde in einer Entfernung von 13 Milliarden Lichtjahren beobachtet. Dies berechneten die Astronomen aus der Rotverschiebung der Strahlung. Aus der genauen Analyse der Daten erhoffen sie sich neue Erkenntnisse über die Anfänge des Universums, dessen Alter auf 13,7 Milliarden Jahre geschätzt wird.
Zum Zeitpunkt der jetzt beobachteten Explosion habe das Weltall noch nicht einmal sieben Prozent seines heutigen Alters erreicht gehabt, erklärte Guido Chincarini von der Universität Mailand. Erste Sterne und Galaxien hätten sich gerade gebildet. Bei der Explosion sei innerhalb weniger Minuten 300-mal mehr Energie frei geworden, als die Sonne in ihrem gesamten Lebensdauer von zehn Milliarden Jahren abgeben werde.
Der Nasa-Satellit "Swift" hat einen Gammablitz in 13 Milliarden Lichtjahren Entfernung registriert. Es handelt sich um den am weitesten von der Erde entfernten Gammastrahlen-Ausbruch, der jemals beobachtet wurde.

13.Sep.2005 Börse am Mittag: Dax rutscht tief ins Minus

13.Sep.2005 Gammablitz: Explosion am Rand des Universums beobachtet

13.Sep.2005 Norwegen: Protest unter Reichen

13.Sep.2005 Umfrage: Emnid sagt Patt voraus

13.Sep.2005 Elefantenrunde: K wie Kiesinger, M wie Mythos

13.Sep.2005 "Katrina"-Folgen: Versicherungsschäden könnten 60 Milliarden Dollar betragen

13.Sep.2005 Philippinen: Dutzende Verletzte bei Explosion in Munitionslager

13.Sep.2005 TV-Duelle: Experten streiten über medialen Overkill

13.Sep.2005 Schrumpfende Reserven: Ölkonzern mahnt zum Energiesparen

13.Sep.2005 Masche und Macht: Wie Alphatiere ins Netz gehen

13.Sep.2005 Multiple Sklerose: Antibabypille senkt Krankheitsrisiko

13.Sep.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Brecht war jenseits des Erlaubten"

13.Sep.2005 Gespräch mit Gasprom-Chef: "Der Gaspreis wird weiter steigen"

13.Sep.2005 Schusswaffen-Boom im Flutgebiet: Aufräumen mit dem Revolver am Gürtel

13.Sep.2005 Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina
President signs executive order allowing contractors to pay below prevailing wage in affected areas. By Reuters
In a notice to Congress, Bush said the hurricane had caused "a national emergency" that permits him to take such action under the

00.000.1931 Davis-Bacon Act in ravaged areas of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana + Mississippi. Continue

13.Sep.2005 In a world gone crazy: Australia to deport US peace activist: An American peace activist who participated in a recent protest against US energy company Halliburton has been labelled a national security threat and is set to be deported from Australia, the attorney general said.

13.Sep.2005 Greens slam US peace activist's arrest: An American peace activist facing deportation from Australia may have been arrested for political reasons on orders from Washington, Greens leader Bob Brown says.

13.Sep.2005 Australia: Defend democratic rights! : In the last month it has become clearer than ever that the so-called war on terror is being used as a pretext to destroy civil liberties and democratic rights in Australia.

13.Sep.2005 Blair must go in a year - unions : Tony Blair last night faced calls from trade union leaders to resign within the year.

Today, Padilla. Tomorrow, Who: Media coverage of Hurricane Katrina all but drowned out what may well be one of the most consequential court decisions in American history – and one that should focus even more attention on the ideological composition of the Supreme Court.

13.Sep.2005 The unvarnished truth about Rehnquist : Rehnquist owned two homes in Phoenix and Vermont with restrictive covenants against selling to people of color and Jews and claimed to be ignorant of the clauses.

13.Sep.2005 Access denied : This is the golden age of the internet, a time of glorious anarchy where information is free and anyone, rich or poor, can blog their views to the world. But government and big business are moving in - the clampdown has started.

13.Sep.2005 Anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan criticizes Sen. Feinstein's stance on Iraq: Sheehan said Feinstein's reasons for supporting the occupation in Iraq were ``very bogus.''

13.Sep.2005 Bill Moyers : 9/11 And The Sport of God : One lesson about democracy stands above all others: Bullies - political bullies, economic bullies and religious bullies - cannot be appeased; they have to be opposed with a stubbornness to match their own.

13.Sep.2005 A history Of Terror: 9/11/ The View From Baghdad : As I write this, Tel Afar, a small place north of Mosul, is being bombed. Dozens of people are going to be buried under their homes in the dead of the night. Their water and electricity have been cut off for days. It doesn't seem to matter much though because they don't live in a wonderful skyscraper in a glamorous city.

13.Sep.2005 Scott Ritter: The Iran trap : The only chance the world has of avoiding a second disastrous US military adventure in the Middle East is for the EU-3 to step back from its policy of doing the bidding of the US.

13.Sep.2005 The Coming 9/11 for Dummies: According to Philip Giraldi, “the United States is developing a plan for the bombing of supposed military targets in Iran, which would include the use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The US strike would take place after a 9/11-type terrorist attack on the US. However, the US attack would not depend on Iran actually being involved in the terrorism.

13.Sep.2005 US develops strategy for first use of nuclear weapons against WMD : The Pentagon has drawn up a new strategy, built on the 2002 "Bush doctrine" of pre-emptive military strikes, that would allow the United States to make first use of nuclear weapons to thwart an attack using weapons of mass destruction against the country.

13.Sep.2005 A Nation of Fools: The trouble is that most Americans don't want to know the truth because it would make them uncomfortable. So they turn their heads the other way and allow themselves to be distracted from their civic and patriotic duties.

13.Sep.2005 In case you missed it: The Blue Pill People : There are none so blind as those who will not look. If you are one of those who will look, take a look around. You are surrounded -- surrounded by millions who will not look. These are the blue pill people. Who are these blue pill people and why won't they look?

13.Sep.2005 Uri Avnery: Who Murdered Arafat?: I am prepared to say what is on my mind: from the first moment, I was sure that Arafat had been poisoned.

13.Sep.2005 Israeli war crimes suspect evades British justice : An Israeli war crimes suspect today turned tail to avoid arrest by British police officers under an arrest warrant issued by Bow Street Magistrates’ Court

13.Sep.2005 Israeli general escapes arrest : Israel Ambassador Zvi Hefetz learned of a plan to arrest him for allegedly perpetrating war crimes during the intifada + quickly informed Yaki Dayan, head of the political department in Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom's bureau.

13.Sep.2005 Many "Insurgents" Escape U.S.-Iraqi Sweep : "Insurgents" melted into the countryside, many escaping through a tunnel network dug under an ancient northern city.

13.Sep.2005 Al-Qaida In Iraq Leader Calls Followers To 'Final Battle ': Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi claims insurgents have inflicted casualties on allied troops in the Tal Afar battle.

11.Sep.2005 Jose Padilla and The Death of Liberty
Americans seem unaware of the great loss we've all suffered by the Padilla verdict. by Mike Whitney
The verdict confers absolute authority on the President to incarcerate American citizens without charge and without any legal means for the accused to challenge the terms of his detention. It is the end of "inalienable rights", the end of The Bill of Rights + the end of any meaningful notion of personal liberty.

13.Sep.2005 'Racist' police blocked bridge and forced evacuees back at gunpoint : Witnesses said the officers fired their guns above the heads of the terrified people to drive them back and "protect" their own suburbs.

13.Sep.2005 Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans : They say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force. Several mercenaries we spoke with said they had served in Iraq on the personal security details of the former head of the US occupation, L. Paul Bremer and the former US ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte.

13.Sep.2005 Cover-up: toxic waters 'will make New Orleans unsafe for a decade' : Toxic chemicals in the New Orleans flood waters will make the city unsafe for full human habitation for a decade, a US government official has told The Independent on Sunday. And, he added, the Bush administration is covering up the danger.

13.Sep.2005 Exiles from a city and from a nation : What we saw unfold in the days after the hurricane was the most naked manifestation of conservative social policy towards the poor, where the message for decades has been: 'You are on your own'. Well, they really were on their own for five days in that Superdome + it was Darwinism in action - the survival of the fittest.

13.Sep.2005  The Real Reasons New Orleans is so Poor : The figures on the city's poverty were appalling. The poverty rate was nearly triple that of the national average. More than 40 percent of public school kids were illiterate + half would drop out before graduation.

13.Sep.2005 Mississippi guardsmen in Iraq refused leave time : Scores of Mississippi National Guardsmen in Iraq who lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina have been refused even 15-day leaves to aid their displaced families

13.Sep.2005 Can you believe this crap? America the Betrayer

13.Sep.2005 Texas State Lawyer Fired After Comments in Rove Article : Elizabeth Reyes, 30, said she was dismissed last week for violating the agency's media policy

after she was quoted in a 03.Sep.2005 story by The Washington Post about tax deductions on Rove's homes in Washington and Texas.

13.Sep.2005 Violence, chaos at New Orleans jail after guards fled from Katrina, survivor says : Leaving prisoners behind in appalling conditions

13.Sep.2005 Mercenaries guard homes of the rich in New Orleans : Hundreds of mercenaries have descended on New Orleans to guard the property of the city's millionaires from looters.

The heavily armed men, employed by private military companies including Blackwater + ISI, are part of the militarisation of a city

13.Sep.2005 John Roberts’ Role in the Guantanamo Hunger Strike: His ruling in Rumsfeld vs. Hamdan confers absolute authority on the President to imprison suspects indefinitely without any legal process in place to challenge their imprisonment. But, if this is true, than why do we need courts or judges at all? Why not simply resolve these issues by executive fiat?

13.Sep.2005 UK link to terror snatches : The UN is investigating the CIA's use of UK airports when abducting terrorism suspects + flying them to prisons around the world where they are alleged to have been tortured.

13.Sep.2005 U.S. law professor proposes assassinating more suspected terrorists: The Yoo Doctrine, as it might be called, fits with the broader Bush-administration view that pursuing American interests is best for the country and the rest of the world.

13.Sep.2005 America Is Bankrupt : A recent trip to the United States – after a three-year absence – showed me how far the country and its people have deteriorated in a short period of time. Americans are bankrupt. They are bankrupt at every possible level: spiritually, morally, educationally. The country’s economy has deteriorated to the level of a Philippines or a Thailand (and I mean no disrespect to the Philippines or Thailand – I love those places).

13.Sep.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: From Federal Failure Arises More Federal Power: Many readers see a concocted militarization of civil society. They insist that these new precedents, together with the recent federal appeals court ruling that the White House has the power to seize American citizens and to hold them indefinitely on mere suspicion or accusation without charges or presentation of evidence against them, mean the overthrow of liberty and accountable government in the United States.

13.Sep.2005 A Perfect Time for Assessing Blame : Who will reap this bonanza? Not the people employed to remove wreckage, build houses and restore the infrastructure. While Congress was appropriating nearly $52 billion in relief and reconstruction programs last week, Bush quietly suspended the Davis-Bacon Act in the flood region. This law mandates that workers on federal construction projects be paid at least the prevailing local wage.

13.Sep.2005 A Shameful Proclamation : By any standard of human decency, condemning many already poor and now bereft people to subpar wages - thus perpetuating their poverty - is unacceptable.

13.Sep.2005 IIDB - Article about Tim Lehay This is an atheist / freethought discussion forum powered by vBulletin. To find out about vBulletin, go to . ... Definition: Tim LeHay is an ultra ... LeHay is even better known as the theological voice within the popular Left Behind ... Problems & Complaints IIDB Conference Room II Philosophical ...

13.Sep.2005 Jesus returns from the dead, crushes Patagonia! Gigantic Christ causes tribulation in the Southern Hemisphere! ... "Jesus rose from the dead behind the Moon + then he came straight for us," said Igor ... said at a hastily prepared press conference . " This is an impostor ...

13.Sep.2005 Chilechilepepper's Thoughts On. ... from Freedfromevil. LEFT BEHIND & TIM LAHAYE & HAL LINDSEY EXAMINED ... had said at a conference in 00.000.1966 "And it seems ... 10/05.

Tim LeHaye + Hal Lindsey ...

Preaching Fulfilled Apocalyptic to a Skeptical Generation | Partial Preterism ... Christian Scholar's Conference . Pepperdine University, Malibu, California ... of zionism.Especially tim lehay --- he thinks that 1948 or 1914 is prophesy , Lehay is speaking two sides ...
RareKate Writes: 05/08/2005 - 05/14/2005 ... material discussed in this conference should scare you to death ... Leaders like Tim LeHay (sic), Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, Jerry ... event would bring the populous (sic) behind their plan ...
Christian Restorationists -- In These Times ... group's 07.Apr.----–08.Apr---- conference ,

"Confronting the Judicial War on ... The " Left Behind " series of books, by Tom Lehay , in which ... James Dobson + Tim Lehay have regular + continuing ...
26.Aug.2005 ACLU asks court to release reports on government searches of library records The NewStandard
Forget climate change, WMD proliferation and poverty, Bush administration wants UN to focus solely on terror Washington Post

25.Aug.2005 Depleted uranium contaminating US soldiers and their unborn children at home In These Times

25.Aug.2005 The "King of Beans" allegedly orders an assassination of Brazilian federales who are trying to stop slavery In These Times

26.Aug.2005 ACLU asks court to release reports on government searches of library records The NewStandard

27.Aug.2005 School of the America's failed, but never ending, PR plan hopes to reshape institution's image PR Watch

29.Aug.2005 Corporations unfettered by unions, regulations literally killing their workers TomPaine

28.Aug.2005 So far, in Iraq 66 journalists have died while 63 died during the entire Vietnam era Reuters

28.Aug.2005 A real Christian Taliban is invading South Carolina to "force a constitutional crisis" Los Angeles Times

30.Aug.2005 Halliburton gets unfair no-bid contracts, Cheney lies to the public, whistleblower tells all - and guess who's out of work? Counterpunch

30.Aug.2005 Horowitz's 'Academic Bill of Rights' scam would silence classroom discussions with lawsuits WeNews

30.Aug.2005 FBI spies on affirmative action advocacy and antiwar groups in the 'global war on terror' infoZine

30.Aug.2005 Peace groups labeled 'terrorist' at FBI meeting with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in Michigan The Progressive

25.Aug.2005 Disgruntled President Bush keeps dropping 'f bombs' on aides Capitol Hill Blue

30.Aug.2005 Uganda's 'condom crisis' fueled by fundamentalist Bush administration policies The Guardian

30.Aug.2005 Federal government had been warned of pending disaster along Gulf Coast Washington Post

29.Aug.2005 Katrina's toll predictable: New Orleans engulfed in toxic water, sixty to eight percent of homes destroyed, a million refugees Associated Press

30.Aug.2005 As Homeland Security shifted priorities to terror, YS left unprotected from natural disasters Washington Post

30.Aug.2005 Christians, environmentalists, sue federal government over toad at center of Supreme Court nomination Reuters

30.Aug.2005 FBI spies on affirmative action advocacy and antiwar groups in the 'global war on terror' infoZine

30.Aug.2005 Peace groups labeled 'terrorist' at FBI meeting with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in Michigan The Progressive

31.Aug.2005 Reuters photog held in Abu Ghraib indefinitely without being charged Reuters

29.Aug.2005 Memos reveal US military attorneys' concerns over Bush torture policy's legality TomDispatch

31.Aug.2005 Blacks are 'looters,' whites are 'finders' wonkette!

01.Sep.2005 US soldier's killing of Reuters photographer deemed "appropriate" by military New York Times

01.Sep.2005 How Bush administration forced Iraq to privatize - and not Scandanavian-ize Asia Times

18.Sep.2005 And the top ten radical right wing terror threats to the US in the last decade are ... Southern Poverty Law Center

30.Aug.2005 US top supplier of weapons to developing nations, everyone else Associated Press

01.Sep.2005 24.Sep.2005 Big anti-everything protest in DC Associated Press

01.Sep.2005 Reports of government spying on antiwar protesters now spread through eleven states The Nation

03.Sep.2005 Informed of pending investigation, Bush's top IG takes job with mercenary force in Iraq Los Angeles Times

01.Sep.2005 Former campaign aide and current Halliburton lobbyist getting contracts to rebuild New Orleans Halliburton Watch

05.Sep.2005 "We wanted soldiers, helicopters, food and water, FEMA wanted to negotiate an organizational chart" New York Times

06.Sep.2005 Working class are the real heroes of New Orleans Counterpunch

04.Sep.2005 11.Sep.2001 9-11 Commission be damned; Bush spending nearly ten times as much as Clinton to keep secrets Associated Press

06.Sep.2005 Israeli soldier says his orders were "every person you see on the street, kill him" The Guardian

06.Sep.2005 IAEA's downgrading of Chernobyl disaster could be a disaster itself Agence France Presse

06.Sep.2005 Leakey: "Let us devote our minds - the one thing we have more of than other apes - and let's secure their future" Reuters

06.Sep.2005 More casualties from 11.Sep,2001 post-traumatic stress disorder reported in first responders New York Times

06.Sep.2005 Deregulation, the right's mantra for twenty-five years, led to the disaster that is New Orleans The Nation

03.Sep.2005 'Cuban Five' "exemplifies Bush's approach to equal justice and respect for law, ... lack of consistency on terrorism" Counterpunch

07.Sep.2005 New Orleans environmental disaster kills birds, fish and drives alligators, venomous snakes into human contact The Independent

07.Sep.2005 FEMA shills for Pat Robertson Political Affairs

01.Sep.2005 Three years of Bush's "economic recovery" have cut real wages and swelled the ranks of the poor The Progressive

07.Sep.2005 Despite the government's scare stories, where medical pot is legal, teen use declines Los Angeles Times

06.Sep.2005 Horrific unsubstantiated rumors pass for news in Katrina disaster coverage Reason

13.Sep.2005 Yahoo! puts profits before 'freedom of speech' Associated Press

06.Sep.2005 Despite big oil's surplus of fuel, Bush releases government reserves and prices continue to climb Village Voice

07.Sep.2005 Big oil has "for a decade artificially shorted the gasoline market to drive up prices" US Newswire

05.Sep.2005 Wednesday Bush administration's downgrading of FEMA's importance undermined their ability to respond quickly to disaster Los Angeles Times

06.Sep.2005 And the ten biggest stories ignored by the mainstream media are ... San Francisco Bay Guardian

06.Sep.2005 "Katrina's winds have left behind an information vacuum. And that vacuum has been filled by rumor" The Guardian

06.Sep.2005 Former CIA spook lays out US plan for regime change in Venezuela Rebelión
08.Sep.2005 Kofi Annan not exonerated in oil-for-food scandal but investigation "found no corruption by the secretary general" Washington Post

07.Sep.2005 Leading Israeli rabbi says Katrina was due to US support for Gaza withdrawal and to punish 'irreligious' blacks U.S. Newswire

08.Sep.2005 Reverend says blacks themselves are responsible for Katrina disaster US Newswire

08.Sep.2005 Louisiana, Army Corps of Engineers spent hundreds of millions on pork projects - not hurricane protection Washington Post

07.Sep.2005 Big oil side steps law to extract oil, allegedly commits human rights abuses in Africa The Guardian

07.Sep.2005 High-end color laser printers print invisible yellow dots; federal agents can track every print job AlterNet

13.Sep.2005 World Socialist Web Site - Ausgabe in deutscher Sprache Rechtsanwälte informieren zum Stand der Strafanzeige gegen US-Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld ...

Der Kampf bei Opel wirft grundlegende politische Fragen auf ...

13.Sep.2005 Our 17.Sep.2005 show will include guests George Galloway, Barbara Ehrenreich + Norman Finkelstein URL:
08.Sep.2005 Kofi Annan not exonerated in oil-for-food scandal but investigation "found no corruption by the secretary general" Washington Post

07.Sep.2005 Leading Israeli rabbi says Katrina was due to US support for Gaza withdrawal and to punish 'irreligious' blacks U.S. Newswire

08.Sep.2005 Reverend says blacks themselves are responsible for Katrina disaster U.S. Newswire

08.Sep.2005 Louisiana, Army Corps of Engineers spent hundreds of millions on pork projects - not hurricane protection Washington Post

07.Sep.2005 Big oil side steps law to extract oil, allegedly commits human rights abuses in Africa The Guardian

07.Sep.2005 High-end color laser printers print invisible yellow dots; federal agents can track every print job AlterNet

08.Sep.2005 Egyptian vote not free or fair, but it's a step forward New York Times

08.Sep.2005 Chinese activist arrested for protesting illegal forced sterilizations and abortions The Guardian

08.Sep.2005 Ireland's 'Rossport Five' fights Shell's plans for delivery from offshore oil extraction The Independent

13.Sep.2005 Unhealthy food in school? Bad kids: Healthy food in school? Good kids Ode (Issue 26)

06.Sep.2005 Former CIA spook lays out US plan for regime change in Venezuela Rebelión

06.Sep.2005 Jimmy Corrigan gets job at the New York Times

06.Sep.2005 And the ten biggest stories ignored by the mainstream media are ... San Francisco Bay Guardian

06.Sep.2005 "Katrina's winds have left behind an information vacuum. And that vacuum has been filled by rumor" The Guardian

08.Sep.2005 The death of Maynard G. Krebs, Gilligan and an American icon Washington Post

13.Sep.2005 One of our favorite commentators has provided this nicely-designed piece of agit-prop.

Check it out! It's the visual equivalent of Bill Maher's priceless observation this week: "Maybe he's just unlucky..." URL:
13.Sep.2005 The most important decision in history ... will be made by ESP.
That, it seems, is the purport of
this Washington Post piece about the newly-revised doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons.
A "summary of changes" included in the draft identifies differences from the 1995 doctrine + says the new document "revises the discussion of nuclear weapons use across the range of military operations."
The first example for potential nuclear weapon use listed in the draft is against an enemy that is using "or intending to use WMD" against U.S. or allied, multinational military forces or civilian populations.
Another scenario for a possible nuclear preemptive strike is in case of an " imminent attack from adversary biological weapons that only effects from nuclear weapons can safely destroy." (Emphasis added.)
So: How do we determine whether an adversary "intends" to use WMDs? How do we know whether germ warfare is imminent?
I mean, I thought the Pentagon shut down Grill Flame and all those other experimental "remote viewing" programs...
This is the world we now find ourselves in. It was an awfully short step from the concept of "preventive invasion" to "preventive nuclear war"... URL:
13.Sep.2005 California quakin' The hot behind-the-scenes topic of conversation right now seems to be "What will FEMA do when the Big One hits those ghastly Satan-worshipping flag-burning coke fiends out in California?" We've had the major terror strike and the Gulf Coast hurricane; a good-sized quake would seem next on the agenda.
California's regional FEMA director -- our very own Mike Brown, if you will -- is
this woman, Karen Armes. She looks like a very nice lady, to be sure. But what are her qualifications?
Well...she received a degree in Recreation. I'm not kidding: Recreation . URL:
13.Sep.2005 Operation PUNISH BLUE Looks like Bush's declaration of a state of emergency covered only those areas of Louisiana likely to vote Republican -- in othe words, New Orleans and other coastal areas were on their own.
This map is a mind-blower. Check it out! URL:
13.Sep.2005 There's a rumor. Is it possible...? Or should we consider the very idea to be a distraction from the real issues?
Either way, we should at least discuss the rumor as a rumor, because the idea -- which was born shortly after the city of New Orleans was flooded -- is spreading rapidly.
The question comes down to this: Were the levees deliberately destroyed?
From a
conspiracy-oriented web site, and take it for whatever it might be worth:
12.Sep.2005 SECOND UPDATE: @ 8:23 AM ABC News Video with Ear Witness to Explosions + states emphatically "They blew this levee"...
New Orleans, LA -- Divers inspecting the ruptured levee walls surrounding New Orleans found something that piqued their interest:

Burn marks on underwater debris chunks from the broken levee wall!

One diver, a member of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, saw the burn marks and knew immediately what caused them.

When he surfaced and showed the evidence to his superior, the on-site Coordinator for FEMA stepped-in + said "You are not here to conduct an investigation as to why this rupture occurred, but only to determine how best to close it."

The FEMA coordinator then threw the evidence back into the water and said "You will tell no one about this."

At that point, the diver went back down to do more inspection of the levee.

On the second dive, he secreted a small chunk of the debris inside his wet suit + later arranged for it to be sent to trusted military friends at a The U.S. Army Forensic Laboratory at Fort Gillem, Georgia for testing. According to well placed sources, a military forensic specialist determined the burn marks on the cement chunks did, in fact, come from high explosives.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity said "We found traces of boron-enhanced fluoronitramino explosives as well as PBXN-111 embedded in the debris.
This would indicate at least two separate types of explosive devices."

The levee ruptures in New Orleans did not take place during Hurricane Katrina, but rather a day after the hurricane struck.

Several residents of New Orleans + many Emergency Workers reported hearing what sounded like large, muffled explosions from the area of the levee, but those were initially discounted as gas explosions from homes with leaking gas lines.

The video in question, which I have not yet seen, is here. URL:
We had to kill our patients by CAROLINE GRAHAM and JO KNOWSLEY
Doctors working in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans killed critically ill patients rather than leaving them to die in agony as they evacuated hospitals

13.Sep.2005 New Orleans Unmasks “Apartheid, American Style” By Jason Miller
America’s wealthy, predominately white power-brokers dominate the US government by utilizing their money to win elections, buying elected officials through campaign finance, applying expensive lobbying efforts to sway votes and decisions + exerting influence through powerful corporations.

The Washington Monthly Ultra-capitalists also despise Bushs "protectionist" (anti-capitalist) policies regarding interference in free economic trade.

Los Angeles - Ein versehentlich durchtrenntes Kabel löste nach Angaben der Behörden einen großflächigen Stromausfall in der kalifornischen Metropole aus. Viele Bewohner fürchteten einen Terroranschlag, da das Terrornetzwerk al-Qaida der Stadt am Vortag mit Gewalt gedroht hatte. Nach rund zwei Stunden konnten die meisten Stadtviertel wieder mit Strom versorgt werden.
Der Strom fiel gegen 12.30 Uhr Ortszeit (21.30 Uhr MESZ) aus. Arbeiter hatten irrtümlich ein Kabel durchtrennt und dieses falsch wieder angeschlossen, teilte der Direktor der Wasser- und Energiebehörde von Los Angeles, Ron Deaton, mit. Für die fälschlich angeschlossene Leitung sei die Strommenge zu groß gewesen. Große Teile der Metropole, darunter auch das Stadtviertel Hollywood, waren für rund zwei Stunden ohne Strom. Am internationalen Flughafen von Los Angeles fiel der Strom für rund 30 Minuten aus. Der Betrieb wurde dort per Notstromaggregat aufrecht erhalten. Der Flugverkehr wurde nicht beeinträchtigt. Nach rund zwei Stunden war in etwa 90 Prozent der Haushalte die Energieversorgung wieder hergestellt.
New Orleans: Dutzende Leichen im Krankenhaus entdeckt

13.Sep.2005 Lage im Irak: Syrien weist US-Kritik scharf zurück

13.Sep.2005 Los Angeles: Millionen Menschen ohne Strom

12. SEPTEMBER 2005

13.Sep.2005 Kolumbien: Rollstuhlfahrer entführt Flugzeug

13.Sep.2005 Chaotische Fluthilfe: Bushs Katastrophenmanager nimmt seinen Hut

13.Sep.2005 British Airways: Fluggäste sollen für Umweltschäden spenden

13.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Bush verwahrt sich gegen Rassismus-Vorwürfe

13.Sep.2005 Norwegen: Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen

13.Sep.2005 Lungenkrankheit Sars: Virus in Fledermäusen entdeckt

13.Sep.2005 Harvards Abschlussklasse: Generation 9/11 11.Sep.2001

Die Behörden kündigten derweil an, mit dem Sprühen von Insektiziden über New Orleans zu beginnen, um der Mückenplage Herr zu werden. Damit soll unter anderem die Verbreitung des West-Nil-Virus gestoppt werden, berichtete die Zeitung "Times-Picayune". Experten hatten die Befürchtung geäußert, dass sich die Mücken in den stehenden Gewässern der Südstaatenmetropole schnell vermehren und Krankheiten verbreiten könnten. Das Insektizid wird aus der Luft von einem C-130-Frachtflugzeug aus gesprüht.
Die Polizei plant, ab heute den ersten Ladenbesitzern und Kleinunternehmern die Rückkehr nach New Orleans zu gestatten. Mit einem besonderen Erlaubnisschein könnten sie in ihre Läden und Betriebe im Geschäftsviertel der evakuierten Großstadt zurückkehren, sagte ein Sprecher der Polizei von Louisiana. Die Genehmigung gelte für Lebensmittelhändler, Tankstellenbesitzer, Gastronomen, Hoteliers und andere Mittelständler.
Ein Polizeisprecher erklärte, die noch nicht evakuierten Bewohner von New Orleans dürften vorerst in ihren Häusern bleiben. Zwar würden die Beamten weiterhin versuchen, die Menschen zum Verlassen der Stadt zu überreden. Es werde aber keine "physische Gewalt" angewandt, sagte der Sprecher gestern

New Orleans - Bushs Popularität im Volk sank auf eine Zustimmungsrate von 38 Prozent - so niedrig wie noch nie. 53 Prozent der Befragten trauten ihm nicht mehr die richtigen Entscheidungen bei einer Krise im In- oder Ausland zu, berichtet das Magazin "Newsweek".

13.Sep.2005 "Linkes Gewissen": Publizist Erich Kuby gestorben

13.Sep.2005 Gekippte Flugpläne: Wie das Mondprogramm der Sowjets scheiterte

13.Sep.2005 Terrorangst: Passagiere stoppen Flugzeug

13.Sep.2005 André Heller in Afrika: Überall Artisten und nirgendwo ein Zirkus

13.Sep.2005 Raumfahrt: Starttermin für Chinas nächsten Raumflug

13.Sep.2005 Umfrage: SPD klettert auf 35 Prozent

13.Sep.2005 Kriegsfotografie: Digitale Trophäen

13.Sep.2005 Sucht: Partydroge aus dem Pferdestall

13.Sep.2005 Hurrikan-Krise: Bush verliert an Zustimmung

13.Sep.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Kirchhof - Symphonie des Grauens"

13.Sep.2005 "Katrina"-Schäden: Versicherer bangen um Gewinnziele

13.Sep.2005 Terror: Al-Qaida kündigt Anschläge nach Londoner Muster an

13.Sep.2005 Japan: Koizumis Coup

13.Sep.2005 Nahost: Israel beendet die Besetzung des Gaza-Streifens

11.Sep.2005 Nordirland: Neue Unruhen in Belfast

11.Sep.2005 Wahl in Japan: Überwältigender Sieg für Koizumi

11.Sep.2005 Gazastreifen: Israelische Militärverwaltung offiziell beendet

American leaders would be well advised to meditate and embrace the wise precepts of Benjamin Franklin regarding public policy in his seven "great virtues" in public affairs:

These are: aversion to tyranny, support for a free press, a sense of humor, humility, idealism in foreign policy, tolerance and respect for compromise. 
N.B.: This text has been delivered at the 63rd Annual Conference of the American Humanist Association, 08.May 2004 , Las Vegas, Nevada. 
by Rodrigue Tremblay, Ph.D. is professor emeritus of economics, University of Montreal. Author of the recent book "

Auf die Frage eines Richters, was er zu den gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfen der Anstachelung zum Völkermord sage, antwortete der Missionar: "Ich verstehe gar nichts".

Er sei von seiner Festnahme "überrascht".

00.000.1994 soll Theunis, seinerzeit Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift "Le Dialogue", einen Artikel aus einer Hutu-Zeitung "Kangura" nachgedruckt haben, in dem zum Mord an der Volksgruppe der Tutsi aufgerufen wurde.

Der dafür verantwortliche Redakteur Hassan Ngeze wurde inzwischen vom Uno-Tribunal zur Ahndung der Verbrechen in Ruanda zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt.

Theunis erklärte dazu, er habe niemals einen Artikel aus "Kangura" nachgedruckt, sondern höchstens Auszüge für eine Presseschau verwendet.
Ruanda: Missionar soll Völkermord mitangezettelt haben

11.Sep.2005 Gazastreifen: Israelische Militärverwaltung offiziell beendet

11.Sep.2005 Biographie von Ex-Polizeichef: Ermittler vereitelten Qaida-Attentat auf Blair

Silent Coup: The removal of a president by Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991 Table of Contents

Full Book Opening Section — p.i Title — p.iii Copyright — p.iv Dedication — p.v Table of Contents — Acknowlegdements — p.viii Forward — p.xiii Book: The Spy Ring — p.2 Chapter 1: Spying on the White House — p.4 Chapter 2: Carrying the contraband — p.21 Chapter 3: The Admiral's confession — p.32 Chapter 4: Nixon orders a burial — p.47 Chapter 5: The Woodward-Haig connection — p.69 Book Two: Golden Boy — p.91-276 (not available on-line) Book Three: Exit the President — p.277 Chapter 18: The return of Alexander Haig — p.279 Chapter 19: Stewart shakes up the White House — p.304 Chapter 20: Five days in July — p.316 Chapter 21: The Saturday Night Massacre — p.337 Chapter 22: The Eighteen-and-a-Half-Minute Gap — p.360 Chapter 23: Moorer-Radford disinterred — p.373 Chapter 24: Senator Stennis holds a hearing — p.390 Chapter 25: The real final days — p.404 Epilogue: ... And throw away the key — p.426 Appendix A: List of interviewees — p.441 Appendix B: Welander confessions — p.445 Notes — p.475 Bibliography — p.487 Index — p.491 Postscript to the paperback edition — p.451 (paperback numbering)
In Wolgograd in Südrussland bildeten 50.000 Menschen eine 40 Kilometer lange Kette, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax berichtete.

Die Teilnehmer riefen "Wir wählen Frieden" und "Nein zum Terrorismus".
Papst Benedikt XVI. rief die Menschen auf, dem Hass zu entsagen und eine gerechte und friedliche Welt aufzubauen.

"Heute erinnern wir an die Opfer terroristischer Gewalt weltweit", erklärte Benedikt in Castel Gandolfo bei Rom.
Mit einem "Freiheitsmarsch" durch Washington wollte die Regierung gleichzeitig der Terroropfer vom 11.Sep.2001 + der im Irak-Krieg gefallenen Soldaten gedenken.

Tausende Teilnehmer versammelten sich am Morgen am Sitz des Verteidigungsministeriums, in das ebenfalls eine der entführten Maschinen gelenkt worden war.

Der Marsch vom Pentagon in das Stadtzentrum war im Vorfeld auf heftige Kritik gestoßen,

da viele darin eine Propaganda-Aktion der Regierung gegen die schwindende Zustimmung zur Irak-Politik sahen.
In seiner wöchentlichen Rundfunkansprache hatte Präsident Bush gestern eine Parallele zwischen

11.Sep.2001 -der Tragödie vom- + dem Hurrikan "Katrina" gezogen, der vor rund zwei Wochen weite Regionen der Südstaatenküste verwüstete.

Die Nation habe es mit einer neuen Katastrophe zu tun, doch werde sie auch diese "Prüfung bestehen und gestärkt daraus hervorgehen", sagte der Präsident.
11.Sep,2001 -Im Gegensatz zum- als sich das ganze Land hinter seinen Präsidenten stellte, reißt die Kritik an Bushs Krisenmanagement in den ersten Tagen nach "Katrina" nicht ab.

00.Jan.2001 -seit seinem Amtsantritt im- Bushss Umfragewerte sanken auf den tiefsten Stand.

11.Sep.2005 Gaspreise: Eon Ruhrgas will sich gegen staatliche Eingriffe wehren

11.Sep.2005 11.Sep.2001 9/11-Gedenken: Vier Minuten Stille in New York

Es waren die gewalttätigsten Ausschreitungen in Nordirland seit fünf Jahren.
Demonstranten schleuderten nach Polizeiangaben Molotow-Cocktails und Sprengkörper und setzten Schusswaffen ein.

Dutzende Beamte seien verletzt worden; vier weitere habe man mit schweren Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht.

Die Polizei schoss nach eigenen Angaben erstmals seit Jahren nicht nur mit Gummigeschossen, sondern mit scharfer Munition.

Außerdem wurden Wasserwerfer eingesetzt. Die Behörden zeigten sich überrascht von der Eskalation der Gewalt.

Ein Polizeisprecher sagte: "Das war der schlimmste Gewaltausbruch, den ich seit Jahren in Nordirland erlebt habe."
7000 Familien flohen aus der umkämpften Stadt
Die Hilfsorganisation Roter Halbmond äußerte sich besorgt über die humanitäre Situation in Tall Afar.

Bis zu 7000 Familien seien aus der umkämpften Stadt geflohen. Für die Flüchtlinge errichtete die Organisation ein Lager rund 20 Kilometer außerhalb der Stadt.

Darin könnten jedoch nur bis zu 2500 Familien versorgt werden. "Die Lage ist bedenklich", warnte die Organisation.
Der Verzehr von 40 Gramm schwarzer Schokolade mit einem Kakaoanteil von 74 Prozent verbessert den Ergebnissen zufolge die Funktion der Gefäßinnenwände sowie den sogenannten antioxidativen Status. Das ergab eine Studie am Universitätsspital Zürich, wie die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie berichtete.
Zugleich verringere die Schokolade das Zusammenkleben von Blutplättchen.
Nordirland: Schwerste Krawalle seit Jahren bei Protestanten-Marsch

11.Sep.2005 Fotostrecke: Katrinas giftiges Erbe

11.Sep.2005 US-Offensive im Irak: Extremisten drohen mit Chemiewaffen

11.Sep.2005 Re: PCWorks: FireFox (Was: I've had it! How do you disable Authenticode
pcworks. Re: PCWorks: FireFox (Was: I've had it! How do you disable Authenticode in XP SP2?) Peter Kaulback.

07.Dec.2004 06:47:23 -0800. Peter Kaulback. Support-
00.000. ... authentico SEARCH in : authentico -SUCHEN ...
Compass schickt die Eingreiftruppe seiner Polizei in ein verlassenes Warenhaus an der West Bank, wo sich eine bewaffnete Bande versteckt haben soll. Fünf Schützenpanzer, bestückt mit schwarzgekleideten, grimmigen Polizisten, dirigiert von Captain Will Lynn. Eddie Compass umarmt seinen Captain, als rechne er nicht damit, dass er aus dem Krieg zurückkommt. Die Einheit bringt drei Stunden später zwei schmutzige Männer in Unterhemden in das provisorische Gefängnis am Bahnhof von New Orleans. Es ist nicht klar, was sie verbrochen haben, aber das wird man herausfinden. Die Männer werden fotografiert, registriert und dann in Käfige gesteckt, die die Polizei auf einem Bahnsteig aus Maschen- und Stacheldraht gebaut hat. Ihren Prozess bekommen sie später. Das eigentliche Gefängnis wurde überflutet, die 7000 Häftlinge evakuiert und auf andere Haftanstalten in Louisiana verteilt. 58 Leute hocken im Moment in den Käfigen. Es gibt Platz

Es gibt viele Verantwortliche, die im Angesicht des Sturms versagten. Die Regierung in Washington kürzte die Mittel, mit denen die Dämme hätten gestärkt werden können. Die Fema, die US-Behörde, die für Katastrophen wie diese zuständig ist, wird von einem alten Kumpel des US-Präsidenten geführt, der vorher Funktionär eines Pferdezüchterverbandes war. In der Krise hatte der Fema-Boss weniger Informationen als die Journalisten, die ihn befragten. Inzwischen hat Bush ihn aus dem Krisengebiet zurückbeordert. Die Gouverneurin von Louisiana wollte zu lange keine Hilfe von außen akzeptieren. Der Bürgermeister von New Orleans ordnete zu spät die Evakuierung seiner Stadt an. Und der Polizeichef von New Orleans verlor in den Stunden des Sturms einen großen Teil seiner Autos, die Funkverbindung und etwa ein Drittel seiner Polizisten. 500 der 1700 Cops der NOPD meldeten sich am Tag nach dem Sturm nicht mehr zum Dienst.
Alle beschuldigten sich in der vorigen Woche gegenseitig + ganz am Ende stand das New Orleans Police Departement. Sie ließen 30 000 Menschen im Superdome allein, sie zogen sich zurück, als 20 000 ohnmächtige Flüchtlinge

vor dem Convention Center wüteten. Sie rannten weg, sie schienen sich aufzulösen, sie verloren die Kontrolle über ihre Stadt.
Eddie Compass ist der Chief. Fühlt er sich schuldig?
Der Bürgermeister von New Orleans ordnete zu spät die Evakuierung seiner Stadt an.
"Wie können Sie mir so eine Frage stellen?", ruft Compass. "Meine Männer kämpfen bis zum Umfallen. Wir haben ein provisorisches Gefängnis eingerichtet. Wir haben das Plündern unterbunden. Wir haben Hunderttausende evakuiert. Wir retten jeden Menschen aus den überfluteten Gebieten. Ich habe seit zehn Tagen meine Unterwäsche nicht gewechselt. Ich habe einen schlimmen Rücken, aber ich stehe hier jeden Tag 21 Stunden lang meinen Mann."
Hurrikan-Katastrophe: Polizeichef einer verlorenen Stadt

11.Sep.2005 SOLARCHEMIE / WASSERSTOFF HTML-Version Leitziel des Programms Solarchemie/Wasserstoff ist Nanoantennen-Solarzelle mit guten Erfolgsaussichten. zu konzipieren..

Lada. Die Firma glänzte in der Vergangenheit nicht unbedingt mit innovativen Fahrzeugen. Doch auf der diesjährigen Internationalen Automobilausstellung (IAA) stehen die Russen mit an der Spitze des Hybridtrends. Antel-2 heißt der Prototyp auf Basis des Lada-Kombis mit der Modellbezeichnung 2111, der mit einer Brennstoffzelle, einem Wasserstoff-Luft-Generator und einem Elektromotor ausgestattet ist. Der Wasserstoffvorrat in speziellen Hochdrucktanks reicht laut Lada für 350 Kilometer, ein Luftkompressor führt das Gas mit 3,3 bar den Brennstoffzellen zu. Dort wiederum wird der Strom für ein Wechselstromaggregat mit 60 kW Leistung produziert. Zudem gehört eine Nickel-Metallhydrid-Pufferbatterie zum System.
Wir sind keine Flüchtlinge", sagt sie empört, "wir sind Bürger der USA." Als wäre das keine Selbstverständlichkeit.
Hunderttausende werden wie Blackmon die Region für immer verlassen, in einem Exodus von geradezu historischer Dimension. Sie hatten kein Geld, kein Auto oder keine Kraft, um sich und ihr Gut rechtzeitig zu retten. Für den Neustart in der alten Heimat fehlen ihnen nun Mittel, Zeit und Perspektiven.
Inzwischen kehren die Ersten aus New Orleans' weißer Oberschicht mit privaten Hubschraubern in ihre Villen zurück. Auf den Grünflächen von Audubon Park, einer kaum beschädigten Reichensiedlung, landen Helikopter mit Truppen einer israelischen Sicherheitsfirma, die gefährdete Anwesen schützen sollen. Ende voriger Woche war ein Treffen der High Society mit Bürgermeister Ray Nagin in Dallas geplant, um den Wiederaufbau zu besprechen. Die Reichen wollen das Desaster nutzen, um die Strukturen ihrer Stadt zu ändern: demografisch, geografisch und politisch.
Yale-Dozent Jim Sleeper erklärte die Stadt zum "Bagdad am Mississippi".

Einer der schärfsten Bush-Kritiker, "New York Times"-Autor Frank Rich, spricht vom "Titanic-Syndrom":

Im Unterdeck war jeder auf sich selbst gestellt, sagt er. Nur die First-Class-Passagiere schafften es sicher in die Rettungsboote.
Jetzt diskutiert eines der reichsten Länder der Welt, wie man komplette Bevölkerungsgruppen sich selbst überlassen hat. So intensiv wie seit langem nicht ist wieder von den langen Schatten der Sklaverei die Rede, von den späten Folgen des Rassismus und vom dunklen, armen und verletzlichen Gesicht Amerikas. Quer durchs Land hat sich das Elend verschärft, von Detroit im Norden, wo ein Drittel der Einwohner unterhalb der Armutsgrenze lebt, bis zur Hauptstadt Washington an der Ostküste, wo die Säuglingssterblichkeit doppelt so hoch ist wie in Peking.
Aber es ist der Süden, der seit langem die traurigsten Zahlen liefert. Die alte Heimat der Baumwollplantagen lag schon immer hinter dem reichen Norden zurück.
Und Amerika? Hat in die Fluten von New Orleans geschaut und Armut und Elend unfassbaren Ausmaßes gesehen, hunderttausendfach. Das abfließende Wasser legt neben Leichen und Unrat auch erschreckende Einblicke in die Lebensbedingungen am unteren Rand der US-Gesellschaft frei.
Am selben Tag, als die Dämme brachen, stellte Charles Nelson vom U. S. Census Bureau in Washington den jüngsten Einkommens- und Armutsbericht seines Amtes vor. Nelson erläuterte mehr als ein Dutzend Schautafeln, viele zeichneten ein hässliches Bild der USA.
Die Zahl der Armen in Amerika ist 2004 um 1,1 Millionen auf 37 Millionen gewachsen - zum vierten Mal in Folge. Während die offizielle Statistik unter Präsident Bill Clinton deutlich zurückgegangen war, ist sie unter George W. Bush um 12 Prozent gestiegen.
Die Reaktionen sind kontrovers: Ellen Tauscher vom Streitkräfteausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses erklärte der "Washington Post", die Doktrin versuche die Zweifel des Kongresses zu übergehen. Der Streitkräfteausschuss, von Anfang an ein dezidierter Gegner der RNEP-Technologie, werde eine sang- und klanglose Verabschiedung einer Erstschlag-Politik allerdings nicht ohne Anhörung sanktionieren.
Hans M. Kirstensen, eine Beraterin der landesweit tätigen Umweltorganisation NRDC (National Resources Defence Council), die das Dossier auf einer Website des Pentagon entdeckte, betonte andererseits die Wichtigkeit eines soliden Nuklearwaffenarsenals, "um kurzfristig zuschlagen zu können". "Die Doktrin ist kein Beweis für eine Zurücknahme der Reduktion von Nuklearwaffen seitens der Bush-Regierung", so Kirstensen in der "Washington Post".
11.Sep.2005 Grundlage für die Revision der bisherigen Statuten ist die Empfehlung, gegen Nationen oder terroristische Vereinigungen, die im Besitz von Massenvernichtungswaffen sind, notfalls einen nuklearen Erstschlag zu verüben. Auch die Zerstörung von biologischen, chemischen und nuklearen Waffenlagern soll dann per Atomwaffen möglich sein.
Das Papier soll dem Präsidenten "alle Möglichkeiten" geben, um gegen eine Bedrohung durch Massenvernichtungswaffen der USA oder ihrer Verbündeten vorzugehen. Die bislang maßgebliche Fassung der Doktrin datiert aus der Zeit Clintons und erwähnt weder den präventiven noch sonst welchen Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen.
Pentagon-Papier: Optionen wie im Kalten Krieg
Wahl in Ägypten: Wie die Politik an den Nil zurückkehrte

11.Sep.2005 Sünde gegen Sünde: Schokolade schützt Raucherherzen

11.Sep.2005 "Katrina" und die Folgen: Das Titanic-Syndrom

10.Sep.2005 White House says Barbara Bush was making a `personal observation': Barbara Bush was making "a personal observation" when she said poor people at a relocation center in Houston were faring better than before Hurricane Katrina struck, President Bush's spokesman said Wednesday.

13.Sep.2005 "They'll Just Spend It On Crack" - Listening To Right Wing Radio: The New Orleans "welfare riff-raff" have "hit the jackpot" and are going to get new houses and cars and "we" will all have to pay for "their" windfall. Now "they" are going to be bringing their "crime" to decent cities.

10.Sep.2005 Warnings were loud and clear - but still city drowned

This is a must read report By Giles Whittell
IF THERE is a smoking gun in the Gulf Coast wreckage, it is the hurricane warning issued by the New Orleans office of the US National Weather Service soon after 10am on 28.Aug.2005 the eve of Katrina’s arrival.

13.Sep.2005 Katrina + Oil = Profits for Our Kings By John Perkins -It is time, my fellow Americans, to listen to the words of our Founding Fathers.

Profiteering without representation must go. The destruction of our world, for the short-term benefit of a new type of royalty, is unacceptable. Continue

13.Sep.2005 The Siege of New Orleans By Mike Whitney
The orders are clear: "Empty the city, Cut off communications between the citizenry + Protect private property."

The result is a massive ethnic cleansing operation that will displace tens of thousands of poor, black residents and pave the way for Halliburton and other major Bush contributors to rebuild the city at taxpayer expense.

This is the clearest illustration of class-based warfare we have seen to date, but we expect more will follow. Continue

13.Sep.2005 FEMA Packed With Presidents Pals - Campaign pros get top jobs - By Kenneth R. Bazinet
The three top jobs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency under President Bush went to political cronies with no apparent experience coping with catastrophes.

13.Sep.2005 UN Report : Parts Of America Are As Poor As Third World By Paul Vallely
Parts of the United States are as poor as the Third World, according to a shocking United Nations report on global Inequality. It reveals that the infant mortality rate has been rising in the US for the past five years - and is now the same as Malaysia. America's black children are twice as likely as whites to die before their first birthday.

10.Sep.2005 Baghdad airport closed “until further notice’: In a press statement, the company said it had not been paid for its services since March and therefore decided cease operations as of 06:00 am (0200 GMT) on Friday, effectively closing the airport to commercial traffic.

13.Sep.2005 Powell admits he lied to UN on WMD: Well almost: Powell calls pre-Iraq U.N. speech a 'blot' on his record: "I'm the one who presented it to the world + (it) will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It is painful now," Powell said in an interview with Barbara Walters on ABC-News. (Related story: The story of WMDs that weren't)

13.Sep.2005 Hunger strikers pledge to die in Guantánamo : More than 200 detainees in Guantánamo Bay are in their fifth week of a hunger strike, the Guardian has been told.

13.Sep.2005 British Home Secretary: Europe must trade civil liberties for security: Charles Clarke has warned that European citizens will have to accept that civil liberties may have to be bartered away in exchange for protection from terrorists and organised criminals.

13.Sep.2005 Australia unveils tougher anti-terror laws : Australian police will be able to use electronic tracking devices to keep tabs on terror suspects + detain people for up to 48 hours without charge under new security laws unveiled on Thursday.

10.Sep.2005 Congressman: Hurricane 'finally cleaned out public housing in New Orleans'

10.Sep.2005 Rabbi: Hurricane punishment for pullout : “There was a tsunami and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study… black people reside there (in New Orleans). Blacks will study the Torah? (God said) let’s bring a tsunami and drown them.”

10.Sep.2005 Let the Dead Teach the Living : It is thought, that if the American people cannot see death, they will come to believe it does not exist.

10.Sep.2005 Randi Rhodes Show Exposes FEMA, Failures, Fraud & Florida

10.Sep.2005 The Post-Katrina Era: This is a failure of moral and political philosophy -- a deadly failure. It is a truth that needs to be told, starting now -- over and over. There can be no delay.

10.Sep.2005 Dutch group to fly in temporary mass mortuary: The US confirmed on Thursday that it is braced for the discovery of more than 10,000 bodies following Hurricane Katrina.

10.Sep.2005 Scott Ritter: It's Accountability Time : We were repeatedly told that a threat to our security loomed on the horizon, a threat so grave we as a people needed to cede our liberties to a benevolent federal authority that guaranteed the security of a nation we now called our “homeland.”

10.Sep.2005 Sheila Samples : Bush: The Man With A SNAFU Plan: "On August 15, just two weeks before Katrina slammed into the U.S., the Pentagon boasted of spending $6.4-billion -- so far -- on 2,705 Corps of Engineers construction projects in Iraq, all but 200 of them started since 00.Jun.2004 ."

10.Sep.2005 The End Of The New American Century : The mighty colossus that aspired to stand astride the world has been unmasked as a feeble old man unable to take care of his own people. 

10.Sep.2005 Republicans block efforts to amend relief bill, hold vote without providing copy of bill: The Republican Leadership in the House of Representatives limited floor consideration of the $52 billion Katrina relief bill proposed by President Bush and voted to reject any Democratic efforts to amend the bill to include a wider array of relief measures

10.Sep.2005 New Orleans Begins Confiscating Firearms as Water Recedes : Waters were receding across this flood-beaten city today as police officers began confiscating weapons, including legally registered firearms, from civilians in preparation for a mass forced evacuation of the residents still living here.

10.Sep.2005 Second Amendment Nixed in New Orleans: In the new New Orleans, there are no constitutional rights. Not only are soldiers allowed to break down doors (as they do in Iraq) in violation of the Fourth Amendment and even “shoot to kill” if they believe they are threatened (as soldiers in Iraq “shoot to kill” grandmothers and kids at Israeli-styled checkpoints), now the Second Amendment no longer exists.

10.Sep.2005 Unconfirmed report: I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp : Jesse Jackson was right when he said "refugees" was not the appropriate word for the poor souls dislocated due to Katrina. But he was wrong about why it is not appropriate. It's not appropriate because they are detainees, not refugees

10.Sep.2005 The Green Zone: Under globalization, Baghdad and New Orleans really are interchangeable. It’s not just the American worker, but the American citizen, who is being brought down to the same level as a citizen of the Third World. Apparently, human rights are only for those with the money to buy them -- and the price is going up, up, up, right along with oil.

10.Sep.2005 Judges Question Lack of Prisoner Rights : Three federal appellate judges yesterday expressed doubts about the government's assertion that hundreds of foreign nationals imprisoned indefinitely at a U.S. military base in Cuba have no right to challenge their detention in U.S. courts.

10.Sep.2005 Jeff Berg: Katrina + Baghdad = Tipping Point?: We may just have witnessed the day of which we will say in ten or twenty years, "That was the day, Aug. 31, 2005, the day America began to visibly collapse."

10.Sep.2005 U.S. Seeks NATO Help for Katrina Victims: The United States turned Thursday to its allies in NATO, to help bring in desperately needed food and supplies for the hundreds of thousands of Americans left homeless by Hurricane Katrina.

10.Sep.2005 Hiding Bodies Won't Hide the Truth : When a lot of people see a lot of dead bodies, politicians begin thinking of damage control.

10.Sep.2005 Is the Government Trying to Stem the Tide of Images From New Orleans by Threatening Journalists? : Journalists covering New Orleans in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina report that militarization in and around the city has hindered their work and threatened their physical safety. We hear from two journalists who were reporting in New Orleans recently. Video and transcript. This is a must watch

10.Sep.2005 How Reliable Is Brown's Resume? : A TIME investigation reveals discrepancies in the FEMA chief's official biographies

10.Sep.2005 Why America can't cope
There are deeper explanations for the New Orleans catastrophe than anyone has dared suggest. The roots lie in America's deluded self-image
By Andrew Stephen
While Vice-President Cheney was fly-fishing in Wyoming. Condoleezza Rice, next in charge, was shopping for shoes at Ferragamo's and watching Spamalot on Broadway and catching the US Open in New York; while Andy Card, the White House chief of staff, who is supposed to keep it all together, was taking in the sea breeze with much of the rest of the Bush crowd in Maine.

10.Sep.2005 No Gas, No Food, No Lodging
Hurricane Victims Get a Taste of Life in Occupied Iraq
By Ted Rall
Taps run dry. Food rots when the power goes out. Toilets overflow with waste. Looters strip homes, businesses and public buildings. Armed bandits run wild in the streets. Fires rage out of control. Terrified policemen abandon their posts. Flies buzz over bloated corpses. People wave signs at passing helicopters. "Please help us," they read.

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Leaders Lacking Disaster Experience By Spencer S. Hsu
FEMA's top three leaders -- Director Michael D. Brown, Chief of Staff Patrick J. Rhode and Deputy Chief of Staff Brooks D. Altshuler -- arrived with ties to President Bush's 2000 campaign or to the White House advance operation, according to the agency. Two other senior operational jobs are filled by a former Republican lieutenant governor of Nebraska and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official who was once a political operative.

09.Sep.2005 Court upholds detention without trial for U.S. Citizens By Reuters

A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that U.S. President George W. Bush has the power to detain Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen who has been held for more than three years as a suspected enemy combatant without any charges being brought against him. Continue

10.Sep.2005 The Taliban's battle over the ballot: The Taliban are buying more sophisticated arms + Russian and Chinese-made surface-to-air missiles in particular are flowing into Afghanistan in increasing numbers

10.Sep.2005 How United States Intervention Against Venezuela Works: CIA Electoral Interventions + Nicaragua as a Model for Venezuela

10.Sep.2005 Masked Haitian police took American filmmaker Kevin Pina and Haitian journalist Jean Ristil : Please sound the alarm. We all know that UN soldiers arrested Father Jean Juste. We know that the Haitian police are under the supervision of the UN soldiers in Haiti.

10.Sep.2005 Police State America : U.S. citizenship will not protect individuals from being deprived of their liberty if the Administration decides they are a threat to U.S. national security.

10.Sep.2005 Judge Rules Vs. U.S. in Patriot Act Case: A federal judge lifted a gag order Friday that shielded the identity of librarians who received an FBI demand for records about library patrons under the Patriot Act.

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Chief Brown Paid Millions in False Claims to Help Bush Win Fla. Votes in '04 : Michael Brown, the embattled head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, approved payments in excess of $31 million in taxpayer money to thousands of Florida residents who were unaffected by Hurricane Frances and three other hurricanes last year in an effort to help President Bush win a majority of votes in that state

10.Sep.2005 Malaysia ex-PM sparks UK walkout : Dr Mahathir said US and UK pilots in Iraq were "murderers" and compared the war to rocket attacks on Palestinians.

10.Sep.2005 Defeating terror may mean giving up rights, MI5 warns : The Director-General of MI5, allowed a confidential speech that she had given to Dutch intelligence officers to be published on the agency’s website yesterday. She gave a warning that an erosion of civil liberties might be necessary to stop more British citizens from being killed by terrorists.

10.Sep.2005 How much do you value your rights? : Would losing some civil liberties be a price worth paying for greater security?

10.Sep.2005 Britain now faces its own blowback : The videotape of the suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan has switched the focus of the London bombings away from the establishment view of brainwashed, murderous individuals and highlighted a starker political reality.

10.Sep.2005 U.S. Army Sergeant Pleads Guilty In Torture Case: The specific allegations have not been disclosed, but investigators have reviewed accusations that soldiers used an electric stun gun to abuse handcuffed and blindfolded detainees

10.Sep.2005 Security Contractors in Iraq Under Scrutiny After Shootings: Employees of private security firms are immune from prosecution in Iraq, under an order adopted into law last year by Iraq's interim government. The most severe punishment that can be applied to them is revocation of their license and dismissal from their job

10.Sep.2005 Tal Afar Residents Send Out SOS: Residents of the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar has sent out an SOS to the international community to interfere with the US occupation authorities to stop their continuing bombing of their devastated city, revealing a terrible humanitarian situation.

10.Sep.2005 Requiem for a Nation : Here we see 200,000 “liberated” Iraqis thrown out of their home without any control over their destiny as to where they can go + here comes the assault — a action replay of Fallujah. According to the reports the operation would be extended to Ramadi, Qaem, Rawa and Samara as well.

10.Sep.2005 Flood survivors cuffed as evacuation begins : ARMED police have begun to handcuff hurricane survivors who refuse to leave their homes in New Orleans.

10.Sep.2005 U.S. must examine its soul : Ghosts with dirty faces stagger about in bare feet and floating, rolling cadavers snag on the upturned roots of pecan trees.

10.Sep.2005 Media barred from city's dead zones: The military will bar journalists and photographers from documenting the recovery of bodies left littering New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina, the army general in charge said today.

10.Sep.2005 Soldiers, Cops Muzzle Reporters in Wake of Katrina: The fact that the National Guard now bars entry (by journalists) to the very places where people last week were barred from LEAVING (The Convention Center and Superdome) is a kind of perverse and perfectly backward postscript to this awful chapter in American history.

10.Sep.2005 Naomi Klein: Power to the victims of New Orleans : We will not stand idly by while this disaster is used as an opportunity to replace our homes with newly built mansions and condos in a gentrified New Orleans."

10.Sep.2005 Paul Krugman: Point Those Fingers: Raw political power will be used to block any independent investigation.

10.Sep.2005 Halliburton Subsidiary Gets Katrina Repair Contracts : A Halliburton Co. subsidiary that has come under fire for its reconstruction work in Iraq has begun tapping a $500 million Navy contract to do emergency repairs at Gulf Coast naval and Marine facilities that were battered by Hurricane Katrina.

10.Sep.2005 Firms with Bush ties snag Katrina deals : Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

10.Sep.2005 Insurers See Storm as Two Separate Events: Insurers are potentially facing billions of dollars in losses from Hurricane Katrina claims + battle lines have begun forming as carriers argue they aren't responsible for flooding excluded from standard homeowners policies.

10.Sep.2005 German Plane With Katrina Aid Turned Back : A German military plane carrying 15 tons of military rations for survivors of Hurricane Katrina was sent back by U.S. authorities, officials said Saturday.

10.Sep.2005 Lacking patients, Camp Ripley medical volunteers head home : After a frantic week, the clinic for hurricane victims is just about ready. But the medical staff is gone.

10.Sep.2005 The new Ground Zero : Like the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, whose fourth anniversary is this weekend, Hurricane Katrina is an event whose consequences will extend far beyond the physical, into the very mind of America.

10.Sep.2005 From New Orleans to Palestine: How about a "disengagement plan" for New Orleans' residents and those made homeless by Katrina? How about diverting the American/Israeli compensation package to Americans? After all, isn't it questionable at best that our tax dollars support "Squatters"?

10.Sep.2005 In case you missed it: Zionism's Useful Idiots : We're useful idiots for the Zionists in Washington and Tel Aviv. Useful because our hard-earned paychecks can be harvested to pay for war and mass murder in the Middle East, idiots because we don't do anything about it.

10.Sep.2005 CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War : Tel Aviv muddled a clear intelligence picture by submitting to Washington a Mossad estimate that claimed the Israeli military was badly outgunned by a Soviet-backed Arab war machine. The Israelis may have been trying to exploit the special relationship they had with James Angleton, chief of CIA counterintelligence.

10.Sep.2005 Patrick Cockburn: A fatal detachment from reality... : How Bush's failures in Iraq and New Orleans are linked

10.Sep.2005 Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina
President signs executive order allowing contractors to pay below prevailing wage in affected areas. By Reuters
In a notice to Congress, Bush said the hurricane had caused "a national emergency" that permits him to take such action under the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act in ravaged areas of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.

10.Sep.2005 .S. Military Tube-Feeds 13 Hunger Strikers By ALEXANDRA OLSON
The U.S. military is tube-feeding more than a dozen of the 89 terror suspects on hunger strike at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, a spokesman said Friday.

10.Sep.2005 Jose Padilla and The Death of Personal Liberty
Americans seem unaware of the great loss we've all suffered by the Padilla verdict. by Mike Whitney
The verdict confers absolute authority on the President to incarcerate American citizens without charge and without any legal means for the accused to challenge the terms of his detention. It is the end of "inalienable rights", the end of The Bill of Rights + the end of any meaningful notion of personal liberty.

10.Sep.2005 SPD legt zu: Der Kanzler sichtet wieder Land

10.Sep.2005 US-Justiz: Ku-Klux-Klan-Mann Killen wieder in Haft

10.Sep.2005 Spendendesaster: USA blockieren Hilfe - und die Deutschen knausern

10.Sep.2005 Bundeswehr in Afghanistan: Struck fürchtet Kampfeinsätze

10.Sep.2005 Kritik an Katastrophenmanagern: "Katrina" erreicht das Weiße Haus

10.Sep.2005 Gewalt im Wahlkampf: Schüsse auf CDU-Infostand

10.Sep.2005 Umweltproteste: Atomkraftgegner blockieren Zwischenlager Gorleben

10.Sep.2005 Wahlkampf: Große Mehrheit der Deutschen gegen Kirchhofs Steuermodell

10.Sep.2005 Kometen-Beschuss: Die Geheimnisse von Tempel 1

10.Sep.2005 Endspurt: Schröder immer beliebter

US-Präsident George W. Bush zog nach der heftigen Kritik am Krisenmanagement eine erste personelle Konsequenz: Dem Direktor der Katastrophenschutzbehörde Fema, Michael Brown, wurde die Leitung der Hilfsmaßnahmen entzogen. Diese sollte Vizeadmiral Thad Allen von der Küstenwache übernehmen.
Ebbert sagte, Journalisten würden von der Bergung der Leichen fern gehalten. Eine Berichterstattung darüber sei nicht angemessen. Bislang hätten die Journalisten "einen vollständigen Zugang" zu den Aktivitäten der Armee im Krisengebiet gehabt, sagte auch Operations-Chef General Russel Honore gestern vor Journalisten in Baton Rouge, der Verwaltungshauptstadt des Bundesstaates Louisiana. Zur Bergung der Leichen hingegen werde es "keinerlei Zugang" geben.
"Es wäre nicht gut, dass von diesen Leuten Fotos gemacht werden und dass die Verstorbenen in den Medien auftauchen", sagte General Honore. Er forderte zugleich, Fotos von Leichen dürften auch nicht im Internet verbreitet werden. Die Journalisten sollten nicht in die Stadtviertel von New Orleans vorgelassen werden, aus denen das Wasser allmählich abgepumpt werde, erläuterte Honore. Einige Reporter sagten, sie seien an militärischen Kontrollposten zurückgewiesen worden. Einem Fotografen der Nachrichtenagentur Agence France-Presse wurde es untersagt, eine Leiche zu fotografieren, die soeben am Ufer des Mississippi gefunden worden war.
Bei einer ersten systematischen Durchsuchung seien weniger Leichen gefunden worden als erwartet, sagte der Sicherheitschef des US-Heimatschutzministeriums für New Orleans, Terry Ebbert.

09.Sep.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Zinsspekulation treibt Kurse in die Höhe

10.Sep.2005 Details : Arkansas Nuclear One, St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant, Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, Braidwood Nuclear Power Station, Byron Nuclear Power Station, Clinton Power Station, Dresden Nuclear Power Station, LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station, Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Zion Nuclear Power Station, River Bend Nuclear Station, Waterford III, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Palisades Nuclear Plant, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Prairie Island Nuclear Plant, Callaway Plant, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Seabrook Nuclear Plant, Oyster Creek, Salem/Hope Creek Generating Station, Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Limerick Generating Station, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Three Mile Island, Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Nevada Test Site, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Savannah River Site, Transportation Safeguards Division, Oak Ridge Protective Services, whistleblower, New York Racing Association, Securicor, Cognisa, Argenbright, Group 4, Falck, Wackenhut, Group 4 Falck, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Agency, Indian Point, Oak Ridge, Y-12, Group 4 Securicor, Securicor.
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10.Sep.2005 wackenhut Archived Headlines (Displaying 1 - 8 of 8)

16.Feb.2005 7:27 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (AP via The Ledger)
Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, a report released Wednesday stated. In one case, a ...

16.Feb.2005 7:36 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (Reuters via Wired News)
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, a report released Wednesday stated. In ...

16.Feb.2005 7:49 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (Guardian Unlimited)
By KEN RITTER Associated Press Writer LAS VEGAS (AP) - Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons ''systematically'' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, ...

16.Feb.2005 7:49 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (AP via Los Angeles Times)
LAS VEGAS Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, a report released Wednesday stated. In one ... [Registration Required]

16.Feb.2005 7:58 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (AP via Guardian Unlimited)
By KEN RITTER Associated Press Writer LAS VEGAS (AP) - Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons ''systematically'' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, ...

16.Feb.2005 8:11 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (AP via
LAS VEGAS 16.Feb.2005 - Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, a report released Wednesday ...

16.Feb.2005 8:18 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (AP via Baltimore Sun)
LAS VEGAS -- Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, a report released Wednesday stated. In one ... [Registration Required]

16.Feb.2005 8:40 PM Probe Finds Nuke Guards Mishandled Guns (AP via Newsday)
LAS VEGAS -- Federal and private guards entrusted with monitoring the transport of nuclear and conventional weapons 'systematically' violated policies governing the handling and inventory of their own weapons, a report released Wednesday stated. In one ...

10.Sep.2005 CARSON CHARLES (WACKENHUT CORP) DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 (33)

Turner,W. Rearview Mirror. 2001 (170) pages cited this search: 2
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The Cabinet breakup came as public confidence in Yushchenko already was waning. Opinion polls showed Ukrainians increasingly believed the country was headed in the wrong direction, citing rising prices and a lack of progress by the new government. A scandal in July over the lavish lifestyle of Yushchenko's teenage son also dented the president's popularity.

10.Sep.2005 Court Rules Bush Has Power to Detain US Terror Suspect New York Times - 6 hours ago
09.Sep.2005 WASHINGTON, - A federal appeals court ruled today, in a significant victory for the Bush administration, that the president "unquestionably" had the authority to order the detention of Jose Padilla ...

y Bush Administration Wins Appeal in Jose Padilla Case (Update2) Bloomberg

y Court: Padilla Can Be Held Without Charges

10.Sep.2005 Washington Post

Chief of relief effort removed from post Independent - 41 minutes ago -By James Burleigh.

Michael Brown, the federal official in charge of managing the relief effort in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, was abruptly removed from his post last night

amid mounting criticism on the pace of the rescue effort. ...

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Dumps Brown As Katrina Relief Chief San Francisco Chronicle

10.Sep.2005 US hurricane recovery chief changes guard Xinhua
'Orange princess' defects to Ukrainian opposition Independent

10.Sep.2005 Web Release Jose Padilla
Jose Padilla : U.S. Citizen Imprisoned Without Trial or Charges for 3 Years + 124 Days 

10.Sep.2005 Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President

10.Sep.2005 The president's real goal in Iraq

10.Sep.2005 The Project for the New American Century.

10.Sep.2005 The Plan is for the United States to rule the world.

10.Sep.2005 America's War for Global Domination:

10.Sep.2005 Will Iran Be Next?

10.Sep.2005 Memo: Bush made intel fit Iraq policy

10.Sep.2005 Secret Downing Street Memo

10.Sep.2005 UK Ministers Knew WMD Was "Excuse"

10.Sep.2005 Leaked Cabinet Office paper

10.Sep.2005 Court upholds detention without trial for U.S. Citizens By Reuters
A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that U.S. President George W. Bush has the power to detain Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen who has been held for more than three years as a suspected enemy combatant without any charges being brought against him.

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Leaders Lacking Disaster Experience By Spencer S. Hsu
FEMA's top three leaders -- Director Michael D. Brown, Chief of Staff Patrick J. Rhode and Deputy Chief of Staff Brooks D. Altshuler -- arrived with ties to President Bush's 2000 campaign or to the White House advance operation, according to the agency. Two other senior operational jobs are filled by a former Republican lieutenant governor of Nebraska and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official who was once a political operative.

10.Sep.2005 No Gas, No Food, No Lodging
Hurricane Victims Get a Taste of Life in Occupied Iraq -By Ted Rall
Taps run dry. Food rots when the power goes out. Toilets overflow with waste. Looters strip homes, businesses and public buildings. Armed bandits run wild in the streets. Fires rage out of control. Terrified policemen abandon their posts. Flies buzz over bloated corpses. People wave signs at passing helicopters. "Please help us," they read.

10.Sep.2005 Why America can't cope
There are deeper explanations for the New Orleans catastrophe than anyone has dared suggest. The roots lie in America's deluded self-image -By Andrew Stephen
While Vice-President Cheney was fly-fishing in Wyoming. Condoleezza Rice, next in charge, was shopping for shoes at Ferragamo's and watching Spamalot on Broadway and catching the US Open in New York; while Andy Card, the White House chief of staff, who is supposed to keep it all together, was taking in the sea breeze with much of the rest of the Bush crowd in Maine.

10.Sep.2005 How Reliable Is Brown's Resume? : A TIME investigation reveals discrepancies in the FEMA chief's official biographies

10.Sep.2005 Is This a civilized society? : What kind of country leaves the bodies of its citizens to rot in the streets? -WARNING - Graphic Images

10.Sep.2005 Is the Government Trying to Stem the Tide of Images From New Orleans by Threatening Journalists? : Journalists covering New Orleans in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina report that militarization in and around the city has hindered their work and threatened their physical safety. We hear from two journalists who were reporting in New Orleans recently. Video and transcript. This is a must watch

10.Sep.2005 Hiding Bodies Won't Hide the Truth : When a lot of people see a lot of dead bodies, politicians begin thinking of damage control.

10.Sep.2005 Cartoon of the week

10.Sep.2005 Let the Dead Teach the Living : It is thought, that if the American people cannot see death, they will come to believe it does not exist.

10.Sep.2005 Randi Rhodes Show Exposes FEMA, Failures, Fraud & Florida

10.Sep.2005 The Post-Katrina Era: This is a failure of moral and political philosophy -- a deadly failure. It is a truth that needs to be told, starting now -- over and over. There can be no delay.

10.Sep.2005 Dutch group to fly in temporary mass mortuary: The US confirmed on Thursday that it is braced for the discovery of more than 10,000 bodies following Hurricane Katrina.

10.Sep.2005 Scott Ritter: It's Accountability Time : We were repeatedly told that a threat to our security loomed on the horizon, a threat so grave we as a people needed to cede our liberties to a benevolent federal authority that guaranteed the security of a nation we now called our “homeland.”

10.Sep.2005 Sheila Samples : Bush: The Man With A SNAFU Plan: "On 15.Aug.2005 -just two weeks before Katrina slammed into the U.S.- the Pentagon boasted of spending $6.4-billion -- so far -- on 2,705 Corps of Engineers construction projects in Iraq, all but 200 of them started since 00.Jun.2004."

10.Sep.2005 The End Of The New American Century : The mighty colossus that aspired to stand astride the world has been unmasked as a feeble old man unable to take care of his own people. 

10.Sep.2005 Republicans block efforts to amend relief bill, hold vote without providing copy of bill: The Republican Leadership in the House of Representatives limited floor consideration of the $52 billion Katrina relief bill proposed by President Bush and voted to reject any Democratic efforts to amend the bill to include a wider array of relief measures

10.Sep.2005 New Orleans Begins Confiscating Firearms as Water Recedes : Waters were receding across this flood-beaten city today as police officers began confiscating weapons, including legally registered firearms, from civilians in preparation for a mass forced evacuation of the residents still living here.

10.Sep.2005 Second Amendment Nixed in New Orleans: In the new New Orleans, there are no constitutional rights. Not only are soldiers allowed to break down doors (as they do in Iraq) in violation of the Fourth Amendment and even “shoot to kill” if they believe they are threatened (as soldiers in Iraq “shoot to kill” grandmothers and kids at Israeli-styled checkpoints), now the Second Amendment no longer exists.

10.Sep.2005 Unconfirmed report: I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp : Jesse Jackson was right when he said "refugees" was not the appropriate word for the poor souls dislocated due to Katrina. But he was wrong about why it is not appropriate. It's not appropriate because they are detainees, not refugees

10.Sep.2005 The Green Zone: Under globalization, Baghdad and New Orleans really are interchangeable. It’s not just the American worker, but the American citizen, who is being brought down to the same level as a citizen of the Third World. Apparently, human rights are only for those with the money to buy them -- and the price is going up, up, up, right along with oil.

10.Sep.2005 Judges Question Lack of Prisoner Rights : Three federal appellate judges yesterday expressed doubts about the government's assertion that hundreds of foreign nationals imprisoned indefinitely at a U.S. military base in Cuba have no right to challenge their detention in U.S. courts.

10.Sep.2005 Jeff Berg: Katrina + Baghdad = Tipping Point?: We may just have witnessed the day of which we will say in ten or twenty years, "That was the day, Aug. 31, 2005, the day America began to visibly collapse."

10.Sep.2005 U.S. Seeks NATO Help for Katrina Victims: The USA turned Thursday to its allies in NATO, to help bring in desperately needed food and supplies for the hundreds of thousands of Americans left homeless by Hurricane Katrina.

10.Sep.2005 Congressman: Hurricane 'finally cleaned out public housing in New Orleans'

10.Sep.2005 Rabbi: Hurricane punishment for pullout : “There was a tsunami and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study… black people reside there (in New Orleans). Blacks will study the Torah? (God said) let’s bring a tsunami and drown them.”

10.Sep.2005 Iraqis killed in spate of attacks : Four Iraqis, including two policemen, have been killed and five others wounded in separate rebel attacks, including a roadside bomb that targeted a US convoy in Baghdad, security sources say.

10.Sep.2005 Gunmen kill policeman in western Baghdad : Gunmen attacked a police patrol in western Baghdad Friday, killing a policeman and wounding three others, the police said.

10.Sep.2005 Suicide car bomb kills Iraqi woman, wounds 3 : A suicide car bomb blew up near a US military convoy in southern Baghdad on Friday, killing an Iraqi woman and wounding three people, police said.

10.Sep.2005 Iraq to clear 'insurgent town' : US forces have carried out bombing raids overnight on Thursday on the town, near Syria.

10.Sep.2005 Baghdad airport closed “until further notice’: In a press statement, the company said it had not been paid for its services since March and therefore decided cease operations as of 06:00 am (0200 GMT) on Friday, effectively closing the airport to commercial traffic.

10.Sep.2005 Powell admits he lied to UN on WMD: Well almost: Powell calls pre-Iraq U.N. speech a 'blot' on his record: "I'm the one who presented it to the world + (it) will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It is painful now," Powell said in an interview with Barbara Walters on ABC-News. (Related story: The story of WMDs that weren't)

10.Sep.2005 Hunger strikers pledge to die in Guantánamo : More than 200 detainees in Guantánamo Bay are in their fifth week of a hunger strike, the Guardian has been told.

10.Sep.2005 British Home Secretary: Europe must trade civil liberties for security: Charles Clarke has warned that European citizens will have to accept that civil liberties may have to be bartered away in exchange for protection from terrorists and organised criminals.

10.Sep.2005 Australia unveils tougher anti-terror laws : Australian police will be able to use electronic tracking devices to keep tabs on terror suspects + detain people for up to 48 hours without charge under new security laws unveiled on Thursday.

10.Sep.2005 Companies Got Unneeded 9/11 Loans: From Dunkin' Donuts shops and florists to motorcycle dealers + chiropractors, businesses nationwide said they were unaware their banks had lent them money from the low-interest, government-guaranteed 11.Sep.2001 loan program.

10.Sep.2005 Sharia move in Canada draws anger : Women's rights activists are to march in 11 cities in Canada and Europe against plans to allow Sharia law tribunals in the province of Ontario.

10.Sep.2005 In case you missed it: Video: "The Panama Deception" : This film shows how the U.S. attacked Panama and killed 3 or 4 thousand people in an invasion that the rest of the world was against. (Sound familiar?)

10.Sep.2005 Must See Video "Go *uck Yourself, Mr. Cheney!" 
Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone, was told to "go *uck yourself, Mr. Cheney" twice on live television
Click here to watch

10.Sep.2005 Warnings were loud and clear - but still city drowned This is a must read report -By Giles Whittell

10.Sep.2005 IF THERE is a smoking gun in the Gulf Coast wreckage, it is the hurricane warning issued by the New Orleans office of the US National Weather Service soon after 10am on August 28, the eve of Katrina’s arrival. Continue

10.Sep.2005 Katrina + Oil = Profits for Our Kings - By John Perkins - It is time, my fellow Americans, to listen to the words of our Founding Fathers. Profiteering without representation must go.

The destruction of our world, for the short-term benefit of a new type of royalty, is unacceptable. Continue

10.Sep.2005 The Siege of New Orleans - By Mike Whitney - The orders are clear: "Empty the city, Cut off communications between the citizenry + Protect private property."

The result is a massive ethnic cleansing operation that will displace tens of thousands of poor, black residents and pave the way for Halliburton and other major Bush contributors to rebuild the city at taxpayer expense. This is the clearest illustration of class-based warfare we have seen to date, but we expect more will follow. Continue

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Packed With Presidents Pals - Campaign pros get top jobs - By Kenneth R. Bazinet
The three top jobs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency under President Bush went to political cronies with no apparent experience coping with catastrophes.

10.Sep.2005 UN Report : Parts Of America Are As Poor As Third World - By Paul Vallely
Parts of the United States are as poor as the Third World, according to a shocking United Nations report on global Inequality. It reveals that the infant mortality rate has been rising in the US for the past five years - and is now the same as Malaysia. America's black children are twice as likely as whites to die before their first birthday.

10.Sep.2005 More than 100 died in a warehouse, waiting for rescue : A Louisiana congressman says more than 100 people died at a warehouse along a New Orleans dock. Congressman Charlie Melancon (muh-LAWN'-suhn) says they died as they waited for rescuers to take them to safety.

10.Sep.2005 In Nursing Home, a Fight Lost to Rising Waters: St. Bernard Parish officials say that 32 of the home's roughly 60 residents died on Aug. 29, more than a week ago.

10.Sep.2005 Four People Die of Water-Borne Illness After Katrin: Four people died of a water-borne illness they contracted from dirty water following Hurricane Katrina, the US Centers for Disease Control + Prevention said.

10.Sep.2005 Listening to Your Neighbors Die : "I heard her die," Williams said. "She cried for two nights, 'Help. Someone help me please!' Then the last time I heard her call it turned into a gurgle. That was her last cry.

10.Sep.2005 Canadians beat U.S. Army to New Orleans suburb: A Canadian search-and-rescue team reached a flooded New Orleans suburb to help save trapped residents five days before the U.S. military, a Louisiana state senator said on Wednesday.

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Blocking Relief Efforts - An Amazing List  - FEMA blocks 500-boat citizen flotilla from delivering aid - FEMA: "First Responders Urged Not To Respond"

10.Sep.2005 Two Bush 2000 Florida recount aides were rewarded with top FEMA posts : Reversing an eight-year crusade to rid the now-embattled Federal Emegency Management Agency of political patronage, a newly elected George W. Bush in 2001 named two key players in his Florida recount fight to important FEMA posts.

10.Sep.2005 FEMA Announces Debit Cards, Aid for Hurricane Victims : FEMA officials announced that families in the greatest need of federal assistance are eligible for debit cards worth as much as $2,000.

10.Sep.2005 White House says Barbara Bush was making a `personal observation': Barbara Bush was making "a personal observation" when she said poor people at a relocation center in Houston were faring better than before Hurricane Katrina struck, President Bush's spokesman said Wednesday.

10.Sep.2005 "They'll Just Spend It On Crack" - Listening To Right Wing Radio: The New Orleans "welfare riff-raff" have "hit the jackpot" and are going to get new houses and cars and "we" will all have to pay for "their" windfall. Now "they" are going to be bringing their "crime" to decent cities.

10.Sep.2005 Cost to US economy could be ten times greater than 9/11 : Hurricane Katrina will be by far the costliest disaster in United States history, requiring $150bn (£81bn) to $200bn in relief, clean-up and reconstruction spending by the federal government, and causing the short-term loss of some 400,000 jobs.

10.Sep.2005 George Bush’s ‘Moral Truth’: Civilized societies protect the weak and vulnerable. When help did come to those stranded in New Orleans, the sick and the elderly were the last to get out.

10.Sep.2005 Frustrated: Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMA: The firefighters, thought they were going to be deployed as emergency workers. They have learned they are going to be community-relations officers for FEMA, shuffled throughout the Gulf Coast region to disseminate fliers and a phone number:

10.Sep.2005 16 Bodies Found: Iraqi police found the bodies of 16 more civilians south of Baghdad. All had been shot to death.

10.Sep.2005 Suicide car bomber kills 15 outside Basra market restaurant

10.Sep.2005 Two Iraqi civilians killed in blasts in Baghdad: Two Iraqi civilians were killed and five others, including two mutlinational forces troops, were injured in two separate booby-trapped car blasts in Baghdad on Thursday

10.Sep.2005 2 Iraqi Soldiers Killed: Two Iraqi soldiers guarding oil industry assets were killed and another nine wounded by a roadside bomb in al-Jazeera area, west of Tikrit

10.Sep.2005 Human rights situation in Iraq of serious concern, UN reports: The top United Nations envoy in Iraq today voiced serious concern over the human rights situation in the war-torn country

10.Sep.2005 UN won't print Iraq constitution: The UN has refused to start printing Iraq's draft constitution, yet again delaying efforts to get millions of copies to voters before a referendum on 15.Oct.2005 .

10.Sep.2005 Iraq War Going Worse Than Expected, Say Americans : 52 per cent of respondents believe things for U.S. troops are going worse than expected.

10.Sep.2005 War protests hit home: Cindy Sheehan stops at Hastert's office in Batavia

10.Sep.2005 Cindy Sheehan: Bring Them Home Now Tour:

10.Sep.2005 Blair: The stench of hypocrisy: Who has killed more? - insurgents and suicide terrorists, or the armies of America and Britain? Well, any rational appraisal of the unlawfully killed in Iraq and Afghanistan will quickly show that Britain and America have killed far, far more people than any gang of terrorists.

10.Sep.2005 A deadly trail : Who supplied Iraq’s WMD?” : Transmission of the anthrax, constitutes a breach of international law by the US + that it is now the British government’s responsibility to report the matter to the United Nations Security Council.

10.Sep.2005 Radiological materials not secured for months after Iraq invasion: The US Defense Department failed to secure sources of radiological material in Iraq for six months after the US invasion in 2003, during which period some were looted or scattered, a congressional watchdog said.

10.Sep.2005 US 'approved' oil smuggling : 00.Feb.2003 -While US Navy ships were patrolling the Gulf, making a show of boarding + searching leaky dhows + small ships, they turned a blind eye to tankers carrying $54 million of Iraqi oil under the scheme on Jordan's behalf, the report said.

10.Sep.2005 Did you know that : The Israeli government and military receive $15,139,178* from the U.S. every day:

10.Sep.2005 U.N. Report Cites U.S. and Japan as the 'Least Generous Donors' : America is second to last in aid as a portion of its national income, with Italy bringing up the rear. Japan was third from the bottom. Aid per capita from donors ranges from more than $200 in Sweden to $51 in the United States and $37 in Italy.

10.Sep.2005 Another storm would devastate U.S. energy -analysts: U.S. oil and natural gas supplies would be devastated if another strong storm hits while the Gulf of Mexico is recovering from Hurricane Katrina, energy analysts said on Wednesday.

10.Sep.2005 Internal memos show oil companies limited refineries to drive up prices: The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) today exposed internal oil company memos that show how the industry intentionally reduced domestic refining capacity to drive up profits

10.Sep.2005 UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program: Five admirals + Carlyle Group + Rand take over

09.Sep.2005 Court upholds detention without trial for U.S. Citizens By Reuters
A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that U.S. President George W. Bush has the power to detain Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen who has been held for more than three years as a suspected enemy combatant without any charges being brought against him.

07.Sep.2005 A few more Katrina notes Barbed. Refugees shipped to Utah are being kept behind barbed wire. What's next -- the Abu Ghraib treatment?
On the job! Due to the controversy over the federal government's response to Katrina, President Bush has launched an
investigation of himself.

When you think about it, he's the only person in America who can do that job objectively -- after all, he doesn't know what he's doing.
(Am I the only one who recalls the time Nixon announced that he would personally investigate the Watergate matter? I'm still waiting for his final report...)
"You rescued them? Idiots !" Adding to the strong suspicion that FEMA wants the poor blacks in NO to die, we now have this story of Navy pilots who were reprimanded for rescuing victims.
Suicide? Sgt. Paul Accardo of the New Orleans police was a familiar figure in his city -- he worked for the public affairs office + often appeared on television.

He apparently killed himself last week, after making many heroic efforts to save his fellow citizens. We are told that he became depressed by the devastation.

Those of a more paranoid turn of mind may wonder if Accardo caught a glimpse of some activity the Bush administration would prefer to keep undiscussed... URL:
09.Sep.2005 The big lie, the truth + the hard truth The big lie: FEMA dawdled due to legalistic jurisdictional disputes resulting from Governor Blanco's inaction.
The truth: This
"Statement on Federal Emergency Assistance for Louisiana" issued by the White House on
27.Aug.2005 . The ball was in Bush's court from that moment.
The hard truth: FEMA head Michael Brown received his position because he was an old college chum of former FEMA head and long-time G.O.P. fixer Joseph Albaugh. Albaugh now is a bigwig with a lobbying firm. He's been in Louisiana of late, scurrying after lucrative relief contracts with -- you guessed it -- FEMA.
Which may explain why Brown's FEMA has turned down the aid offered by WalMart, Canada, Chicago, Amtrack and a host of others. He couldn't allow cost-free charity to get in the way -- not when there was so much money to be made. The aid contracts had to go to Brown's old roomie.
For further examples of FEMA's active prevention of aid delivery, try
here. URL:
Great line From Americablog: "...we need to stop focusing on the fact that 36% of Americans like Bush -- they'd like him even if he ate their children." URL:

Das entscheidende Merkmal, das uns Menschen von unseren nächsten Verwandten unterscheidet, ist unser Gehirn. Und ausgerechnet das entwickelt sich immer noch weiter, glauben Bruce Lahn von der University of Chicago und seine Kollegen. "Wir, einschließlich der Wissenschaftler, haben uns immer für die Krone der Schöpfung gehalten", sagte Kahn - aber nach seinen Ergebnissen wachsen der Krone immer noch neue Zacken.
Lahns Kollege Greg Wray von der Duke University formuliert es so: "Es ist ist fast unmöglich, dass die Evolution nicht weitergeht."
Verbindung zwischen Genen und Kultur?
Hurrikan "Katrina": Bush stellt Chef des US-Katastrophenschutzes kalt

09.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Weniger Tote als befürchtet

09.Sep.2005 Streit um Ostsee-Pipeline: Schröder greift Polens Präsident an

09.Sep.2005 Biosprit: Bundesregierung will weg vom Öl
Gehirn-Evolution: Der Mensch entwickelt sich weiter
Hafen von New Orleans: Amerikas Rohstoff-Nadelöhr

09.Sep.2005 Umfrage: New Orleans soll umziehen

09.Sep.2005 Wahlkampf: Stoiber sagt TV-Duell mit Fischer ab

09.Sep.2005 Künstliche Befruchtung: Briten planen Embryo mit drei Eltern

09.Sep.2005 Putin-Besuch: Merkel für vertiefte deutsch-russische Partnerschaft

09.Sep.2005 Ukraine: Die Revolution vergisst ihre Kinder

09.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Jetzt wird mit Waffengewalt geräumt

09.Sep.2005 Beckenbauer-Interview: "Wir sind alle aus demselben göttlichen Staub"

09.Sep.2005 Boeing: Hohe Geldstrafe für Raketenaffäre im Gespräch

09.Sep.2005 Meinungsforschung: Union und FDP ohne Mehrheit

09.Sep.2005 "Katrina"-Folgen: Amerikaner ignorieren Schwedens Hilfslieferung

09.Sep.2005 Uno-Sicherheitsrat: Powell bedauert Irak-Rede

09.Sep.2005 Naturkatastrophe: Heftiges Beben erschüttert Inseln vor Papua-Neuguinea

09.Sep.2005 Wanderndes Ladegerät: Rucksack erzeugt Strom fürs Handy

09.Sep.2005 Luftschiffbau: Ringen um das Cargolifter-Erbe

09.Sep.2005 Fluglinien-Chef Prock-Schauer: "Der Standard in Indien ist höher als in Europa"

09.Sep.2005 Frankreich: Autobahnen nach schweren Unwettern wieder frei

09.Sep.2005 Hurrikan: "Ophelia" nähert sich Florida

09.Sep.2005 Streitgespräch: Fischer, Lafontaine und Westerwelle gemeinsam gegen Kirchhof

09.Sep.2005 Hurrikan-Nothilfe: US-Kongress bewilligt weitere 52 Milliarden Dollar

09.Sep.2005 USA-Flüge: Reisende müssen Urlaubsadresse angeben

09.Sep.2005 Hurrikan "Katrina": Bush verspricht Familien 2000 Dollar Soforthilfe

09.Sep.2005 Ägypten: Fragwürdiger Wahlsieg Mubaraks

09.Sep.2005 Hilfstransporte: USA bitten Nato um Unterstützung

08.Sep.2005 Telefondaten-Speicherung: Nur Kosten bremsen die Sammelwut

08.Sep.2005 Wirbelsturm-Saison: US-Küste drohen weitere Monsterhurrikane

08.Sep.2005 Space Shuttle: "Katrina" stoppt die Raumfähren

08.Sep.2005 "Owning Mahowny": Spielend in die Katastrophe

08.Sep.2005 Luxusartikel: Hurrikan löst Krokotäschchen-Krise aus

08.Sep.2005 Bundestagswahl: Gewerkschaften sehen Schröder als das kleinere Übel

08.Sep.2005 Palästinenser: Neue Spekulationen um Arafats Tod

08.Sep.2005 Marsvulkan: 3-D-Blick in einen Riesenkrater

08.Sep.2005 CDU-Sozialminister Renner: Der Bush-Jäger aus dem Ländle

08.Sep.2005 "Katrina"-Folgen: Deutsche Experten rechnen mit 600 Milliarden Dollar Schaden

08.Sep.2005 Pannen in New Orleans: Todesstoß aus Washington

08.Sep.2005 Wahl in Ägypten: Mubarak klar vorne

08.Sep.2005 Ukraine: Juschtschenko feuert Regierung

08.Sep.2005 Ecstasy: Wer Pillen schluckt wird leichter krank

08.Sep.2005 Wahlkampf: Gewerkschaften schließen Pakt mit Schröder

08.Sep.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Gagarin ist aus Angst in den Kosmos geflogen"

18.Sep.2005 Sparkurs: Arbeitskosten steigen minimal

08.Sep.2005 Biographie: Eduard Zimmermann gesteht kriminelle Vergangenheit

08.Sep.2005 Galaktischer Sprinter: Neutronenstern rast aus der Milchstraße

08.Sep.2005 CDU-Kulturpolitiker Lammert: "Politik ist nicht für Kunst zuständig"

08.Sep.2005 Kalifornien: Schwarzenegger will Homo-Ehen stoppen

08.Sep.2005 Hurrikan "Katrina": 25.000 Leichensäcke für New Orleans

08.Sep.2005 US deploys another military base on post-Soviet territory : Ashkhabad seems to be drastically changing its foreign policy: it abandons CIS and becomes more loyal to America

08.Sep.2005 Ten questions for John Roberts: Senators need to ask these pointed questions of John G. Roberts Jr. at the upcoming confirmation hearings.

08.Sep.2005 Report: U.S. Government Intervenes in Stock Market: : "Given the available information, we do not believe there can be any doubt that the U.S. government has intervened to support the stock market. Yet virtually no one ever mentions government intervention publicly, preferring instead to pretend as if such activities have never taken place and never would.

08.Sep.2005 Yahoo 'helped jail China writer' : Internet giant Yahoo has been accused of supplying information to China which led to the jailing of a journalist for "divulging state secrets".

08.Sep.2005 New Orleans: The toxic timebomb : The devastation of Hurricane Katrina has created a vast toxic soup that stretches across south-eastern Louisiana and Mississippi, and portends the arrival of an environmental disaster to rival the awe-inspiring destruction of property and human life over the past week.

08.Sep.2005 World offers cash, aid to stricken southern US : Washington has asked the 25-member EU for aid in the form of blankets,medicines,water + half a million food rations, European Commission said in a statement.

08.Sep.2005 Iran offers US Katrina oil relief : Iran has offered to send 20 million barrels of crude oil to the US to help with the consequences of Hurricane Katrina.

08.Sep.2005 Mexico sending storm relief convoy to U.S.: Carrying water treatment plants, mobile kitchens and supplies to feed victims of Hurricane Katrina, the army convoy bound for Houston will be the first Mexican military unit to operate on U.S. soil since 00.000.1846 .

08.Sep.2005 Here's How You Can Make an Immediate Difference in Louisiana ...a message from Michael Moore

08.Sep.2005 The Larger Shame : The wretchedness coming across our television screens from Louisiana has illuminated the way children sometimes pay with their lives, even in America, for being born to poor families. It has also underscored the Bush administration's ongoing reluctance or ineptitude in helping the poorest Americans.

08.Sep.2005 The real heroes and sheroes of New Orleans: The official relief effort was callous, inept and racist. There was more suffering than need be. Lives were lost that did not need to be lost.

08.Sep.2005 Washington bus convoy returns with only one evacuee: Ten buses sent from Washington to help evacuate victims of Hurricane Katrina returned nearly empty on Wednesday after volunteers could find only one person willing to come to the U.S. capital, a city official said.

08.Sep.2005 Emergency agency called a disaster: Critics charge Bush political patronage, focus on terror hurt FEMA's effectiveness

08.Sep.2005 Thom Hartmann : Drowning Government : Let the corporations handle your old-age pension. Let the corporations decide how much protection we and our environment need from their toxics. Let the corporations decide what we're paid. Let the corporations decide what doctor we can see, when + for what purpose.

08.Sep.2005 Bad Blood And High Water : Will we finally connect the global dots of imperialist terror from Palestine to Haiti, from Biloxi to Baghdad, from Africa to the Gulf Coast?

If not, what will it take or will we continue being complicit "good germans"?

08.Sep.2005 Clyde Wilson: The Republican Charade : Lincoln + His Party:

The Republican party engineered and carried out a bloody war against Americans that revolutionized the basis on which our liberty had been built.

They maintained a cold war for another decade, governing by force and fraud, unprecedented in American history.

08.Sep.2005 In case you missed it: Republican Party Brown Shirts: "The Wide-Awakes": The organization was known for virulent anti-Catholicism, secretive rituals + a military-style organization complete with "officers" + units.

08.Sep.2005 Top War Profiteer Doug Feith Retires Wealthy : Due to careful post-White House planning, Feith and his band of cronies will enjoy financial benefits for life, just so long as their never-ending war policies are carried on by their successor.

04.Oct.2000 October Charter Meeting Minutes. Minutes of Charter Commission Meeting, .

Bourne High School Library. Chairperson Lucia Fulco called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Attending were commission members: Richard J. Anderson, W.

DOJ:DAG:CFTF: FORMER CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT PLEADS GUILTY TO CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT ... NEWS RELEASE. FROM: Raymond W. Gruender. United States Attorney. Eastern District of Missouri. 111 South 10th Street. St. Louis, Missouri 63102
NYC Voices: Ask the Doctor Zyprexa was the third atypical antipsychotic medication to be introduced.

Weight gain and sedation are the most common side effects with Zyprexa . ...

NAMI-NYS 20th Anniversary Conference: Medications and Stigma Were ... Dr. Printz commented on the antipsychotics Zyprexa , Seroquel and Geodon.
The weight-gain caused by Zyprexa presents the danger of diabetes, ...

08.Sep.2005 Fallujah and New Orleans, new twin towns: "It comes at a time when we Americans have lost much of our legitimacy in the eyes of the world," Clark said. "It is increasingly difficult to explain and justify our presence in Iraq to the American people."

08.Sep.2005 Mayor orders forced removal of civilians: Mayor Ray Nagin today issued an emergency proclamation calling on all law officers and military members to begin using force, if necessary to compel all civilians to leave New Orleans.

08.Sep.2005 David Brooks: The Bursting Point : The first rule of the social fabric - that in times of crisis you protect the vulnerable - was trampled. Leaving the poor in New Orleans was the moral equivalent of leaving the injured on the battlefield. No wonder confidence in civic institutions is plummeting.

08.Sep.2005 World press: : In newspapers across the world, commentators believe Hurricane Katrina marks a profound change in the way the US is perceived at home and abroad. Some speak of the American "myth" being shattered by the poverty and racial divisions which they say the disaster has revealed.

08.Sep.2005 U.S. agency blocks photos of New Orleans dead : The U.S. government agency leading the rescue efforts after Hurricane Katrina said on Tuesday it does not want the news media to take photographs of the dead as they are recovered from the flooded New Orleans area.

08.Sep.2005 Gallup: Americans to Bush -- Withdraw Troops from Iraq : Two separate Gallup polls, detailed today in the organization's weekly report, show that Americans favor withdrawing some or all U.S. troops from Iraq.

08.Sep.2005 The real costs of a culture of greed -by Robert Scheer
Instead of the much-celebrated American can-do machine that promises to bring freedom and prosperity to less fortunate people abroad, we have seen a callous official incompetence that puts even Third World rulers to shame.

08.Sep.2005 Bodies found piled in freezer at Convention Center -By Brian Thevenot Staff writer
"Don't step in that blood - it's contaminated," he said. "That one with his arm sticking up in the air, he's an old man." Then he shined the light on the smaller human figure under the white sheet next to the elderly man. That's a kid," he said. "There's another one in the freezer, a 7-year-old with her throat cut."

08.Sep.2005 He found that, before the American civil war, the most authoritative cases involved freedom of contract. After the war and until the end of the 1930s, when Roosevelt's New Deal was enacted, these were gradually replaced by cases dealing with the balance of power to regulate commerce between Congress and the states. Finally, around the second world war, as the Supreme Court shifted its focus to civil liberties, the most important cases became those concerning freedom of speech. According to the model, civil rights opinions remain ascendant today.

08.Sep.2005 Statistical modelling - The wisdom of Hercules
25.Aug.2005 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS From The Economist print edition
Using computer models to identify important American jurisprudence
08.Sep.2005 We could have called our blog something else, for example 'Sir, I never promised you a Roswell Report, Sir!' or

'New Austrian Dark Wavers, We're On Our Way!' or

' Hunger Is The Best Cook '

or 'Psychoanalysis Is Only A Shabby Generative Tool!'

or 'Jesus Loves You More Than You Will Know (Wo Wo Wo)!'

or 'Aestheticize What's Trying To Break You!' . No! No! No! We just callit [The Blog].

Active Bloggers:
Johannes Grenzfurthner (Vienna)
Aileen Derieg (Linz)
Sharon Bradley (Vancouver)
Franky Ablinger (Vienna)
Daniel Eberharter (Vienna/Glasgow)
Georg Cracked (Vienna)   [The Blog]
Steve, don't eat it!:
But Steve does eat it. All the things no-one in his right mind would ever eat, like Pickled Pork Rinds, Beggin' Strips (that's dog food), Urkel-O's, Breast Milk, Cuitlacoche (that's corn infected by some hideous fungus). If he survives, he'll write about it in a damny funny way.
07.Sep.2005 posted by Georg Cracked,
SETI politics:
Intro: "SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has a fundamentally fascinating hypothesis. Not only do SETI researchers assume extraterrestrial life exists, which most mainstream scientists now take as a given, but they further theorize extraterrestrial civilizations exist that can be detected from Earth. Since about 1960, a handful of SETI researchers have tested that hypothesis by scanning the heavens using radio telescopes and increasingly powerful, sophisticated search programs. Optical SETI, looking for ET laser pulses, is now beginning. The political situation of the times, however, has pushed those interested in SETI into a narrow philosophical position."
07.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, System to Explain Facts That Slip Through the Cracks: Individual scientific disciplines are fairly well understood. But finding answers to complex systems requires cross-disciplinary study and language, something sorely lacking. The Foundations of Information Science meeting in July was the beginning of an attempt to remodel our current scientific universe. Link
07.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, The Moviegoer: For Susan Sontag, cinema was once "poetic and mysterious and erotic and moral – all at the same time." Sadly, she came to think at the end, film’s greatness is lost... Link
07.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Female orgasm: Should we view female orgasm as an evolutionary by-product of male orgasm, a tag-along trait for the ladies? Shades of Adam’s rib... Link
07.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Which Works Of Art Would You Want To Survive A War? The UK is signing on to a half-century old provision from the Hague convention's rules of war which allows for the protection of cultural treasures from marauding armies. British politicians had always dismissed the guidelines, which call for labeling specific works of great cultural or artistic significance with a blue shield, but reconsidered after the 2003 looting of Baghdad's museum in the wake of the American invasion. Now the government is launching a consultation process to determine the works of art that should be selected for the special treatment. Link
07.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, 11.Sep.2001 -911- in New Orleans: The development patterns that destroyed Louisiana wetlands are being repeated throughout America, with the support of an administration intent on removing all limits on private economic activity. Link
03.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Never Forget Another Password: Throw out your Post-Its! A Hushmail-inspired service stores all your passwords encrypted on a secure server for less than $30 a year. Link
02.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Scientists Baffled By Mystery Heat Source on Saturn's Moon: Scientists are intrigued because neither radioactive decay nor gravitational tidal forces, thought to be the only two potential sources of internal heating of planetary bodies, should be able to generate the effects measured by Cassini. Link
02.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Come out, come out, wherever you are: Epicurus proposed "infinite worlds both like and unlike ours." Kepler thought Jupiter inhabited + Ben Franklin wondered about people on Mercury. Yet we still wait for E.T... Link
02.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Do You Have To Be Young To Write A Good Pop Song? Quote: "As rock has got older, musicians and audiences have inevitably aged with it, but questions remain about what happens to the creative process over the years." Link

02.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, British duo probes origin of mad cow disease: Did human remains in food spawn the infection in cattle? Link
02.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Bloody Finger Mail: Write a bloody finger mail. Link
01.Sep.2005 posted by Georg Cracked,
A Statistical Analysis Of Every US Supreme Court Decision: A researcher plugged in 26,000 opinions issued by the Supreme Court between the early 19th century and the present day into his computer. "He treated each of these cases as a node and each citation from one case to another as a link. The result was a complicated web resembling a map of cities linked by dozens of airlines. He found the most important opinions, at least judged by how many times they were cited, by working out which nodes were likeliest to fall on the shortest paths between two other nodes. Intriguingly, the cases mostly come from an advanced and esoteric subject..."
01.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Night Of The Living Dead:
George Romero's "Night Of The Living Dead" (1968) is one of the most beautiful cinematic commentaries of Vietnam and of the American civil rights movement. It's also considered to be the first modern horror film. nd you can download it legally... for free. Here.
01.Sep.2005 posted by johannes, Did God Send the Hurricane? This natural disaster is bringing together a perfect storm of environmentalist and religious doomsday sayers. Link
31.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Women Artists Still have a Long Way To Go: Despite great progress for women artists, the going has been slow. And how about that list of Britain's greatest art that didn't include work by a single woman? "It seems that women's art that doesn't conform to preconceived notions of feminine loveliness still has a hard time gaining acceptance. That means we can't be complacent about where women's art will stand for posterity + how a list of favourite paintings will look in 50 years' time." Link
31.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, "Lolita": "Lolita" is 50 years old. Intro: >In the Spring of 1940, on the last crossing of a French ocean liner that would be sunk by German U-boats on its return voyage, Vladimir Nabokov, his wife, and his young son arrived in New York. The family's first, precarious years in America brought many changes, but one element remained constant. Every summer, Nabokov and his wife would drive cross country to the Rocky Mountains, which offered the country's best butterfly hunting. On those trips, during sudden rainstorms, bouts of insomnia, long drives + flashes of impromptu inspiration in this or that alpine meadow, the Russian emigre Nabokov began to jot down on three-by-five-inch cards a singular story. This story was to become the greatest and most controversial American novel of the 20th century: "Lolita."< Link
31.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, US Cities Say: Wi-Fi For All: Hundreds of US cities are working on offering wi-fi internet service as basic city service. "A number of factors have come together to create this marriage of civic activism and a hot technology. First, there's the decreased cost of key wireless hardware and software components. Jupiter Research estimates that citywide systems will cost $150,000 per square mile for five years of operation. Neff puts it lower, though, saying her costs in Philadelphia were closer to $70,000-100,000 per square mile. Second, broadband penetration in the United States rose above 50 percent in fall 2004, for the first time, which introduced the concept of broadband as a critical service." Link
31.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, A CNN weatherman loses his cool while covering Hurricane Katrina... Link
31.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, What causes ice cream headaches? Robert Smith is professor emeritus and founding director of the department of family medicine at the University of Cincinnati and the founder of the University of Cincinnati Headache Center. He provides an explanation. Link
31.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Rape Charge Follows Marriage to a 14-Year-Old: Mr. Koso is 22. The baby's mother, Crystal, is 14. He is charged with statutory rape, even though they were wed with their parents' blessing in May, crossing into Kansas because their own state prohibits marriages of people under 17.
The Nebraska attorney general accuses Mr. Koso of being a pedophile; they say it is true love.
30.Aug.2005 posted by Georg Cracked,
My Twinn doll: Spooky...
Quote: "Every child is an original, and that's why every My Twinn doll is custom made to be a beautiful reflection of your special child. Create a treasured resemblance of your child by choosing your doll's individual qualities. Each 23" doll is fully poseable with 18 points of poseability and is carefully crafted with the highest quality materials."
30.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Most scientific papers are probably wrong: Most published scientific research papers are wrong, according to a new analysis. Assuming that the new paper is itself correct, problems with experimental and statistical methods mean that there is less than a 50% chance that the results of any randomly chosen scientific paper are true. Link
30.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Military examines 'beaming up' data, people: Although many physicists reject such ideas, military officials say it would be ideal if the US could teleport soldiers into 'a cave, tap bin Laden on the shoulder + say: "Hey, let's go",' says Ranney Adams, spokesperson for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base. 'But we're not there (yet).' Link
30.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, No Longer Home Movies: Intro:

"The most famous motion-picture credit of the last century belongs not to a brilliant Hollywood director or a heroic newsreel cameraman, but to a rank amateur who could barely hold steady his 8-millimeter camera but who, on 22.Nov.1963 at 30 p.m. CST, in Dallas, happened to be standing at the right intersection for a collision with history.

Abraham Zapruder's home movie of the Kennedy assassination is the supreme example of the serendipitous transformation of ordinary imagery into hypnotic history.

But what about the other reels in Zapruder's oeuvre -- + the home movies of countless other shutterbugs who recorded the quotidian passages of their own lives without being interrupted by a news bulletin? Until recently the answer was simple: Who cares?" Link
30.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Gershwin Was Richest Composer: George Gershwin has been named the richest composer of all time. "Gershwin eclipsed such classical greats as Strauss, Verdi and Handel in the poll for Classic FM. The classical music station drew up the rich list based on estimates of earnings accrued in a composer's lifetime." Link
30.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, The Human Zoo: Caged and barely clothed, eight men and women monkeyed around for the crowds Friday in an exhibit labeled "Humans" at the London Zoo.
The exhibit puts the three male and five female "homo sapiens" amid their primate relatives. While their neighbors might enjoy bananas and a good scratch, these eight have divided interests, from a chemist hoping to raise awareness about apes to a self-described actor/model and fitness enthusiast.
30.Aug.2005 posted by Georg Cracked,
The Cracked Ambience: new and recommended sounds for your personal space
ARDEN - conceal (still)
LOKAI - 7 million (mosz)
MOROSE - people have ceased to ask me about you (suiteside)
OPAK - two sleepwalkers on a tightrope (creaked)
TU M' - just one night (Dekorder)
posted by
Georg Cracked, Monday,

29.Aug.2005 A Swimming in the Head: Chris Fujiwara laments the restoration of Vertigo. Link
28.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Luminary Buddhist Nuns in Contemporary Taiwan: A Quiet Feminist Movement: By Wei-yi Cheng. Abstract: "Luminary order is a well-respected Buddhist nuns' order in Taiwan. In this essay, I will examine the phenomenon of Luminary nuns from three aspects: symbol, structure, and education. Through the examination of the three aspects, I will show why the phenomenon of Luminary nuns might be seen as a feminist movement. Although an active agent in many aspects, I will also show that the success of Luminary nuns has its roots in the social, historical + economic conditions in Taiwan." Link
28.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, The Bonus Army: Intro: >Long before the cries of "support the troops" became commonplace during every brutal U.S. military intervention, the powers-that-be made it clear how much they intended to follow their own counsel.< Link
28.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, An Updated View of the Americas Before Columbus: Charles Mann's 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus . Quote: "1491 erases our myth of a wilderness Eden. It replaces that fallacy with evidence of a different genesis, exciting and closer to true." Link
28.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Lasers trigger cleaner fusion: Russian scientists have managed to use lasers to create a billion-degree nuclear fireball. The resulting fusion reaction is far cleaner than the kind currently being investigated to generate nuclear power. Link
28.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Homeopathy No Better than Placebo? Quote: >Homeopathic treatment is no more effective than a placebo, the dummy substance used in medical trials, according to a study appearing in the British medical weekly, "The Lancet."< Link
27.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Black and white—and red all over: In the American Revolution, King George promised freedom to any slave who fought for him against slave-owner rebels. It’s a sad story... Link
27.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Two Kinds of Oddity: Americans make better exhibitionists; Britons, better eccentrics. Link
27.Aug.2005 posted by johannes,
In Search Of Hitler's Art: Quote: "It remains at the center of one of WWII.s most enduring mysteries:

Hitler's intended National Socialist museum of art in the Austrian city of Linz was a dream that was never fully realized by the Führer although many thousands of art works were obtained for the project. Speculation has always surrounded the origins of the dictator's collection but since the war ended, this has only intensified as experts attempt to discover where many of the works disappeared to." Link
27.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Neuticles:
Intro: "Thank you for your interest in patented Neuticles and the revolutionary testicular implant procedure for pets. Inside you will find the latest information and updates. Over 100,000 caring pet owners Worldwide have selected Neuticles as a safe, practical and inexpensive option when neutering. Neuticles allowing your pet to retain his natural look, self esteem and aids in the trauma associated with neutering."
26.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Talk to the Animals: Today's nature films show us the hidden reality of nature as never before. Link
26.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, Occupied zones: There are killings every day in Iraq. Occupying troops, diplomats, aid workers and media people are killed, as are Iraqis, in far greater numbers. But President George Bush’s war is not only against opponents in Iraq and the Middle East: it is a war against his fellow Americans. Article by Howard Zinn. Link
26.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, More Animals Join the Learning Circle: Quote: >Killer whales and chimpanzees both pass on "traditions" to other members of their group, according to two separate studies of feeding behaviour. One inventive orca male lures gulls into his tank by spitting regurgitated fish onto the water's surface. His tank-mates have learned the trick as well.< Link
26.Aug.2005 posted by johannes, The New Communication (But What Are We Saying?): Quote: "People hardly blink, anymore, at the potency and omnipresence of technology and its attendant powers of transformation. The information stream that was not so long ago channeled by newspapers, network television and radio, has become an unrestrained torrent that surges through cable and satellite television, cell phones cellphones, Internet blogs, podcasts and chat rooms chatrooms. It's all changing faster than even the most keen-eyed futurists can predict. And so are we, in culturally pervasive ways, changing as well." Link
08.Sep.2005 More Animals Join the Learning Circle: Quote: >Killer whales and chimpanzees both pass on "traditions" to other members of their group, according to two separate studies of feeding behaviour. One inventive orca male lures gulls into his tank by spitting regurgitated fish onto the water's surface.

His tank-mates have learned the trick as well.< Link URL:
08.Sep.2005 Black and white—and red all over: In the American Revolution, King George promised freedom to any slave who fought for him against slave-owner rebels.

It’s a sad story... Link URL:
08.Sep.2005 A CNN weatherman loses his cool while covering Hurricane Katrina... Link URL:
08.Sep.2005 US Cities Say: Wi-Fi For All: Hundreds of US cities are working on offering wi-fi internet service as basic city service. "A number of factors have come together to create this marriage of civic activism and a hot technology. First, there's the decreased cost of key wireless hardware and software components. Jupiter Research estimates that citywide systems will cost $150,000 per square mile for five years of operation. Neff puts it lower, though, saying her costs in Philadelphia were closer to $70,000-100,000 per square mile. Second, broadband penetration in the United States rose above 50 percent in fall 2004, for the first time, which introduced the concept of broadband as a critical service." Link URL:
08.Sep.2005 Did God Send the Hurricane? This natural disaster is bringing together a perfect storm of environmentalist and religious doomsday sayers. Link URL:
08.Sep.2005 A Statistical Analysis Of Every US Supreme Court Decision: A researcher plugged in 26,000 opinions issued by the Supreme Court between the early 19th century and the present day into his computer. "He treated each of these cases as a node and each citation from one case to another as a link. The result was a complicated web resembling a map of cities linked by dozens of airlines. He found the most important opinions, at least judged by how many times they were cited, by working out which nodes were likeliest to fall on the shortest paths between two other nodes. Intriguingly, the cases mostly come from an advanced and esoteric subject..." Link URL:
08.Sep.2005 11.Sep.2001 11.Sep.2001 -911- in New Orleans: The development patterns that destroyed Louisiana wetlands are being repeated throughout America, with the support of an administration intent on removing all limits on private economic activity. Link URL:

08.Sep.2005 System to Explain Facts That Slip Through the Cracks: Individual scientific disciplines are fairly well understood. But finding answers to complex systems requires cross-disciplinary study and language, something sorely lacking. The Foundations of Information Science meeting in July was the beginning of an attempt to remodel our current scientific universe. Link

08.Sep.2005 "Hopefully, eradication or treatment of these diseases will be possible in the near future. We need more research and support to solve this puzzle, but we feel that we are close," adds Ciftcioglu.

NB was discovered in the 1990s and has been found in the calcium phosphate centers of kidney stones. This novel agent has also been detected in related conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, prostatitis + some cancers. Further testing for the presence of NB in human bodies can help reduce the risk for kidney stone formation in astronauts and would also be of benefit to the nearly one million Americans who are treated for kidney stones each year.

08.Sep.2005 called the most primitive organisms on Earth and that could be responsible for a series of painful and sometimes fatal illnesses. He was simply trying to find out why certain cultures of mammalian cells in his lab would die no matter how carefully he prepared them." Link

08.Sep.2005 Infectious microorganism linked to kidney stones and other diseases ... co-discoverer of nanobacteria along with Dr. E. Olavi Kajander .

As a medical microbiologist, she has been working solely ...
08.Sep.2005 Die Kosten für den Wiederaufbau werden mittlerweile auf 120 Milliarden Euro geschätzt.

Etwa 1,6 Milliarden Euro / Tag kosten die Rettungs- + Wiederaufbaumaßnahmen der US-Regierung nach der Flutkatastrophe.
08.Sep.2005 now Katrina provides further cover when (not if: when ) the economy goes from sick to inoperable.
Yes, I know W's poll numbers are taking a hit -- but so what? The GOP will ride high again after the next terror attack. Which will probably target another Democratic stronghold.
The evidence is starting to pile up that this mess was planned. More to come. URL:
08.Sep.2005 We also learn that the repair of the levee was -- once again --
staged for the cameras. Another fake, designed to sucker in the dimwits who watch Fox.
And people accuse our side of politicizing a tragedy...! URL:
08.Sep.2005 Faking it in the Big Easy New Orleans has become our latest Potemkin village.
Remember that photo op of Bush standing in front of a food relief effort in New Orleans? A German TV crew on the scene reports that
the whole scene was fake.
"There was a striking dicrepancy between the CNN International report on the Bush visit to the New Orleans disaster zone, yesterday + reports of the same event by German TV.
ZDF News reported that the president's visit was a completely staged event.
Their crew witnessed how the open air food distribution point Bush visited in front of the cameras was torn down immediately after the president and the herd of 'news people' had left and that others which were allegedly being set up were abandoned at the same time.
The people in the area were once again left to fend for themselves, said ZDF." For the original site, go
here. URL:
04.Sep.2005 Sonic crowd control for New Orleans "Damn those black people in New Orleans! They refuse to die and suffer in silence."
That, apparently, is the sentiment of the Bush administration. So they've trotted out their most advanced weapons -- acoustic weapons, designed for crowd control. From
The device uses magnets approximately 6 inches tall and 9.25 inches wide to convert electrical pulses into sound waves + is capable of aiming sound precisely for thousands of feet -- like the sonic equivalent of a laser, or spotlight.
Its path and reach can be affected by environmental factors such as nearby flat surfaces, hills, bodies of water or strong bursts of wind.
A series of test sounds beamed out by MAD, including gunfire, music and instructional commands, were audible and intelligible at distances of up to a mile.
When a subject is at close range in MAD's sonic path + it is set to high volume, the sound can be excruciating. Imagine. No more Warsaw uprisings. Hitler would have loved it.
I've been saying it for years: Nothing keeps government honest but the threat of insurrection. Any technology which makes rebellion impossible also makes dictatorship inevitable.
08.Sep.2005 Potemkin A couple of posts down, I said that the Bush forces erected a Potemkin village in the stricken area. A reader pointed out that the analogy isn't quite correct: Prince Potemkin erected those villages to fool the head of state, not to fool the populace.
I suppose a better analogy would go toward that infamous propaganda film produced by Nazi Germany. If memory serves, the title was Hitler Gives the Jews a City . URL:
08.Sep.2005 Babs I can't believe Barbara Bush ever made the list of this country's most admired women. She showed her
true colors when she toured the Houston Astrodome:
In a segment at the top of the show on the surge of evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to Houston."
Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them." In the past, such displays of aristocratic arrogance midwived what we might call the "Robespierre response."
08.Sep.2005 Xymphora directs our attention to
this list on Bellaciao. The list provides many indications that the administration's murderous response cannot be rationalized away by the "incompetence" explanation. Click the link for fuller details and cititaions. I'll reprint much of the summary: URL:
08.Sep.2005 Airboaters stalled by FEMA URL:
08.Sep.2005 A "floatilla of aid" TURNED BACK from New Orleans URL:
08.Sep.2005 Fearing riots, Guard rejects food airdrops URL:
08.Sep.2005 Homeland Security won't let Red Cross deliver food URL:
08.Sep.2005 US won't let Canada help Katrina victims URL:
08.Sep.2005 On BBC: Northern Command was in position, waiting for Presidential orders URL:
08.Sep.2005 Confirmation of BBC report: Navy Ship still unused 6 Days after Katrina! URL:
08.Sep.2005 Daley shocked as feds reject aid URL:
08.Sep.2005 Virgina Team turned away- others efforts wasted URL:
08.Sep.2005 FEMA prevents water, fuel delivery- cuts communication lines! URL:
08.Sep.2005 Paperwork from DC late to arrive- prevents National Guard from helping URL:
08.Sep.2005 Guardsmen played cards amid New Orleans chaos: police official URL:
08.Sep.2005 FEMA Chief Brown caught in a LIE. URL:
08.Sep.2005 A conspiracy of negligence I am not among those who aver that Katrina was created by HAARP -- even I consider that idea rather outre . We need no such formulation to posit a conspiracy -- of a sort.
The government was fairly warned that a hurricane might flood New Orleans. I suspect that the Bushites reacted in a fashion similar to Nixon's infamous line about the Jews: "They didn't vote for us, so screw 'em."
After the disaster struck, did the Bushites decide to capitalize on it? Evidence for this "conspiracy of negligence" thesis continues to mount. URL:
08.Sep.2005 Although the ball was officially in their court, FEMA officials did nothing. Nothing.

From AP:
The government's disaster chief waited until hours after Hurricane Katrina had already struck the Gulf Coast before asking his boss to dispatch 1,000 Homeland Security workers to support rescuers in the region — and gave them two days to arrive, according to internal documents.
Michael Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, sought the approval from Homeland Security Secretary Mike Chertoff roughly five hours after Katrina made landfall on Aug. 29. Brown said that among duties of these employees was to "convey a positive image" about the government's response for victims. Aid took a back seat to PROPAGANDA. URL:
08.Sep.2005 Just as dusk set in, a Gretna Sheriff showed up, jumped out of his patrol vehicle, aimed his gun at our faces, screaming, "Get off the fucking freeway". A helicopter arrived and used the wind from its blades to blow away our flimsy structures. As we retreated, the sheriff loaded up his truck with our food and water. A story such as this one cannot help but remind us of those older tales - the tales involving ghettos, trains + camps.
To make the tale even more damning, we have
this account of medical personal restricted from doing their jobs:
Other doctors also complained that their offers of help were turned away. A primary care physician from Ohio called and e-mailed the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services after seeing a notice on the American Medical Association's Web site about volunteer doctors being needed...
Dr. Jeffrey Guy, a trauma surgeon at Vanderbilt University who has been in contact with the mobile hospital doctors, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview, "There are entire hospitals that are contacting me, saying, 'We need to take on patients,'" but they can't get through the bureaucracy.
"The crime of this story is, you've got millions of dollars in assets and it's not deployed," he said. "We mount a better response in a Third World country."

This topic has given rise to a whole new blog: Fema Failures. URL:
08.Sep.2005 The commander turned to the crowd and stated emphatically, "I swear to you that the buses are there..."
As we approached the bridge, armed Gretna sheriffs formed a line across the foot of the bridge. Before we were close enough to speak, they began firing their weapons over our heads. This sent the crowd fleeing in various directions. As the crowd scattered and dissipated, a few of us inched forward and managed to engage some of the sheriffs in conversation. We told them of our conversation with the police commander and of the commander's assurances. The sheriffs informed us there were no buses waiting. The commander had lied to us to get us to move. URL:
06.Sep.2005 Are the Bushfolk doing this on purpose ? A stunning story from the Salt Lake Tribune:
"Frustrated: Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMA":
As New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin pleaded on national television for firefighters - his own are exhausted after working around the clock for a week - a battalion of highly trained men and women sat idle Sunday in a muggy Sheraton Hotel conference room in Atlanta.
Many of the firefighters, assembled from Utah and throughout the United States by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, thought they were going to be deployed as emergency workers.
Instead, they have learned they are going to be community-relations officers for FEMA, shuffled throughout the Gulf Coast region to disseminate fliers and a phone number: 1-800-621-FEMA. Here's the kicker:
Firefighters say they want to brave the heat, the debris-littered roads, the poisonous cottonmouth snakes and fire ants and travel into pockets of Louisiana where many people have yet to receive emergency aid.
But as specific orders began arriving to the firefighters in Atlanta, a team of 50 Monday morning quickly was ushered onto a flight headed for Louisiana. The crew's first assignment: to stand beside President Bush as he tours devastated areas. Now we have a new phenomenon: "Potemkin firemen." Menawhile, check out
this survivor's tale:
08.Sep.2005 Brown kills blacks The truth is coming out about Michael Brown, FEMA head -- the man who seems to have had no qualifications for the job other than the fact that he was the former college roommate of Joseph Albaugh, Bush's longtime political fixer. This same Albaugh referred to all federal disaster assistance as an "oversized entitlement program" during testimony before Congress in 2001. (For more on Albaugh and his various schemes, see Joshua Marshall's post
here.) URL:
08.Sep.2005 Censoring reality Americablog reports that the Bush administration and FEMA will clamp down on all coverage of the disaster in New Orleans.

They don't want your teevee afflicted by all those nasty images of dead bodies, y'see. See here and here and here.
FEMA's policy of excluding media from recovery expeditions in New Orleans is "an invitation to chaos," according to Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, a part of Columbia University's journalism school.
"This is about managing images and not public taste or human dignity," Rosenstiel said. He said FEMA's refusal to take journalists along on recovery missions meant that media workers would go on their own.

Of course, if the real objective is the mass murder of black people -- as some conspiracists allege -- then FEMA wouldn't want any cameras around, would they? URL:

Date/Time: 09/08/2005

07. SEPTEMBER 2005
Wall-Street-Schluss: Enttäuschende Daten bremsen Aufschwung

07.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Busbahnhof als Gefängnis

07.Sep.2005 Wahl in Ägypten: Demonstration gegen Unterdrückung

07.Sep.2005 CDU-Sozialminister über Bush: "Der gehört abgeschossen"

07.Sep.2005 Öl für Amerika: Deutschland leistet drittgrößten Beitrag

07.Sep.2005 TV-Spot: Pogo-Partei wirbt für "totale Rückverdummung"

07.Sep.2005 Keltische Siedlung: Älteste Stadt Mitteleuropas liegt in Deutschland

07.Sep.2005 Raumfahrt-Pläne: Brasilien und China wollen ins All

07.Sep.2005 Hurrikan: Fluthilfe bleibt im Amtsfilz hängen

07.Sep.2005 Flutfolgen: "Katrina" kostet US-Wirtschaft 400.000 Jobs

07.Sep.2005 Dax knackt die 5000: "Weniger Rendite wäre gesünder"

07.Sep.2005 Iran und die Bombe: "Langfristig gilt der Grundsatz der US-Neocons"

07.Sep.2005 Parkautomaten-Leerung: Beamter des millionenschweren Münzdiebstahls bezichtigt

07.Sep.2005 Angesichts der US-Vorherrschaft wünschen sich 70 Prozent der Europäer, die EU möge ebenfalls zu einer "Supermacht" aufsteigen - aber sie sind sich nicht einig, welche Art von Supermacht. Ein Viertel davon meint, die EU sollte sich auf ihre Wirtschaftskraft, die sogenannte "soft power", konzentrieren. Aber immerhin 35 Prozent wünschen sich auch mehr militärische Stärke.
07.Sep.2005 Doch die Europäer mögen Bush immer noch nicht. Die öffentliche Meinung über die Beziehungen zu den USA hat sich im vergangenen Jahr nicht verändert, fanden Forscher des German Marshall Fund in ihrer jährlichen Umfrage, die SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt, heraus. Befragt wurden je rund tausend Personen in Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, den Niederlanden, Polen, Portugal, der Slowakei, Spanien und Großbritannien.
72 Prozent der Europäer missbilligen demnach die Außenpolitik der Bush-Regierung. In Deutschland sind es sogar 83 Prozent. Allerdings lehnen nur 59 Prozent der Europäer die globale Führungsrolle der USA ab. Die Forscher schließen daraus, dass es kein US-feindliches Klima gibt.
"Es gibt keine Beweise für einen gestiegenen Anti-Amerikanismus", schreiben die Autoren. "Die Europäer unterscheiden weiterhin zwischen ihrer negativen Einstellung gegenüber Präsident Bush und ihrer Einschätzung der USA als einer führenden Nation auf der Welt."
Keltische Siedlung: Älteste Stadt Mitteleuropas liegt in Deutschland

07.Sep.2005 Die oppositionellen Demokraten verschärften ihre Kritik an US-Präsident George W. Bush wegen dessen Krisen-Managements nach dem Hurrikan "Katrina". Die Menschen am Golf von Mexiko seien von zwei Katastrophen heimgesucht worden, sagte die Fraktionschefin der Demokraten im Repräsentantenhaus, Nancy Pelosi. "Zuerst kam der Hurrikan und dann das Versagen der Bundesregierung in einer Zeit der großen Not." Pelosi kritisierte die Ankündigung Bushs, dass er persönlich die Untersuchung zu schuldhaften Versäumnissen angesichts der Naturkatastrophe leiten werde. "Er braucht nur in den Spiegel zu schauen", sagte die Politikerin. Bei einem Treffen mit Bush forderte Pelosi die Entlassung des Leiters der Katastrophenschutzbehörde Fema, Michael Brown.
07.Sep.2005 New Orleans - Mit der Anordnung von Bürgermeister Ray Nagin werden Polizisten und Soldaten ermächtigt, die letzten Bewohner notfalls mit Gewalt abzuführen. Deren Zahl wird auf annähernd 10.000 geschätzt. Der Polizei-Hauptmann Marlon Defillo sagte, die Anwendung von Gewalt komme nur als allerletztes Mittel in Frage.
07.Sep.2005 "Die Verwaltung von Allofmp3 hält nicht Schritt mit den Gesetzen verschiedener Länder und ist nicht verantwortlich für das Handeln nicht-russischer User."
Wasser in New Orleans: Giftsuppe aus Öl, Müll und Leichen

07.Sep.2005 Australischer Krötenkrieg: Tod im Discolicht

07.Sep.2005 Uno: Armut bedroht Leben von 41 Millionen Kindern

07.Sep.2005 Kartellverfahren: Microsoft wehrt sich gegen Monopolstrafe

07.Sep.2005 Verhaftung in China: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Yahoo

07.Sep.2005 Krebsvorsorge: Aus Angst werden Tests vermieden

07.Sep.2005 Über 40 Prozent kinderlos: "Akademikerinnen finden oft keinen Partner"

07.Sep.2005 Frankreich: Campingplätze nach schweren Gewittern evakuiert

07.Sep.2005 Interview mit Krista Sager: "Sollen wir etwa Renten kürzen, um den Benzinpreis zu senken?"

07.Sep.2005 Jüngstes Gericht: "Gott gießt seinen Zorn über Amerika"

07.Sep.2005 Hurrikane: Nach "Katrina" kommt "Ophelia"

07.Sep.2005 Paläontologie: Hitliste der Steinzeit

07.Sep.2005 Berufsverbot: Linker Lehrer darf auch in Hessen nicht unterrichten

07.Sep.2005 Aktienmarkt: Dax erstmals seit drei Jahren über 5000 Punkten

07.Sep.2005 Bruttoinlandsprodukt: "Katrina" könnte US-Wachstum um halben Prozentpunkt schwächen

07.Sep.2005 Ägypten: Erste Präsidentenwahl mit mehreren Kandidaten

07.Sep.2005 Haushaltswende: Kommunen schreiben wieder schwarze Zahlen

07.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Bürgermeister ordnet Zwangsevakuierung an

07.Sep.2005 Umfrage: Europäer lassen sich von Bush nicht betören

07.Sep.2005 "Wenn man ein kanadisches Team in vier Tagen hierher bekommt, sollten US-Teams es schneller schaffen", sagte Silva.

07.Sep.2005 "Wenn man auf diesen Ort eine Bombe geworfen hätte, könnte es nicht schlimmer sein."
07.Sep.2005 Die Bürokratie habe Menschen im Großraum New Orleans getötet, sagte der Präsident des Vororts Jefferson Parish, Aaron Broussard, dem Sender CBS. Der Kongress müsse deswegen Ermittlungen aufnehmen. "Nehmt den Idioten, den sie an der Spitze einer Behörde haben + gebt mir einen besseren Idioten. Gebt mir einen fürsorglichen Idioten. Gebt mir einen mitfühlenden Idioten. Gebt mir nur nicht denselben Idioten."
07.Sep.2005 Bushs Sprecher McClellan wies alle Forderungen zurück, Heimatschutzminister Michael Chertoff und den Chef der Katastrophenschutzbehörde, Mike Brown, zu entlassen. "Wir werden uns nicht an dem Schwarzen-Peter-Spiel beteiligen, wir werden uns auf das wirklich Wichtige konzentrieren, nämlich den Menschen zu helfen", sagte McClellan.
07.Sep.2005 Künftig müsse sichergestellt sein, dass es eine angemessene Reaktion gebe, "sollte es einen Angriff mit Massenvernichtungswaffen oder einen weiteren großen Sturm geben". Bushs Sprecher Scott McClellan gab zu, es bestünden weiterhin Probleme, die behoben werden müssten.
07.Sep.2005 Auf die Frage, ob er wegen der zögerlichen Reaktion aus Washington personelle Konsequenzen ziehen werde, antwortete Bush ausweichend, er werde zunächst untersuchen lassen, "was richtig und was falsch lief". Künftig müsse sichergestellt sein, dass es eine angemessene Reaktion gebe, "sollte es einen Angriff mit Massenvernichtungswaffen oder einen weiteren großen Sturm geben". Bushs Sprecher Scott McClellan gab zu, es bestünden weiterhin Probleme, die behoben werden müssten.
Wenig hilfreich waren für Bush auch Äußerungen seiner Mutter Barbara, die ihn und seinen Vorgänger Bill Clinton bei einem Besuch von Flutopfern aus New Orleans in einem Stadion in Houston begleitete. Wie sie höre, "und das ist ein bisschen beängstigend", wollten die Flutopfer alle in Texas bleiben. "Alle sind so überwältigt von der Gastfreundschaft", sagte die ehemalige First Lady im Interview mit dem Radiosender American Public Media. "Und so viele Leute in der Sporthalle hier waren sowieso unterprivilegiert, also fügt sich das gut für sie."
06.Sep.2005 Bisher sind die Deiche im Norden der Stadt nur etwa sechs Meter hoch. Ihre Aufrüstung hat die Regierung in Washington aber nach einer Kosten-/Nutzen-Analyse verworfen. Denn es stellt sich heraus, dass man mehr Geld in die Maßnahme stecken würde, als am Ende in Form vermiedener materieller Schäden herauskäme. "Bei diesen Analysen spielt die Rettung von Menschenleben überhaupt keine Rolle", beklagt Joseph Suhayda, es gehe "allein um den Schutz von Eigentum".
Nach "Katrina" und im Angesicht der akuten Katastrophe ist die US-Armee nun gezwungen, ihre bisherige Haltung aufzugeben. "Wir erörtern die Möglichkeiten für ein Schutzniveau der Kategorie 4 oder 5", verkündete dieser Tage Generalleutnant Carl Strock, der Chef des Armee-Ingenieurskorps, als man ihn auf die Versäumnisse in New Orleans ansprach. Die Einsicht kommt spät, vermutlich zu spät. Denn ob die für ihren Charme berühmte Südstaaten-Metropole jemals wieder komplett aufgebaut werden kann, erscheint inzwischen zunehmend fraglich.
Nedra Korevec aber ist zuversichtlich, dass New Orleans wieder errichtet wird - und dass der "Community Haven" Realität wird. "Sie können die Leute nicht wieder in die Stadt lassen, ohne ihnen Sicherheit zu bieten", sagt sie. Und: "Ich denke, das wird in den nächsten zehn Jahren kommen."
06.Sep.2005 Das LWRRI hat die Kosten für das Projekt mit 250 Millionen US-Dollar veranschlagt. Das ist nur ein Zehntel der Summe, die nötig wäre, um sämtliche Deiche am Lake Pontchartrain so zu erhöhen, dass sie auch bei einem Hurrikan der Stärke 4 oder 5 ihre Aufgabe erfüllen. Projektmanager Alfred Naomi hat in diesem Zusammenhang wiederholt von 2,5 Milliarden Dollar gesprochen. Aber "wir sind ein sehr armer Staat", sagt die Geographin Nedra Korevec.
"Es geht nur um den Schutz von Eigentum"
06.Sep.2005 Der Wissenschaftler ist "vollkommen frustriert"
Joseph Suhayda ist nun "vollkommen frustiert", wie er sagt

06.Sep.2005 Die Army-Ingenieure lehnten ab
Allein: Das für den Hochwasserschutz zuständige Ingenieurs-Corps der US-Armee lehnte das Konzept ab. Es stand ihm sogar völlig ablehnend gegenüber, wie das in den USA erscheinende "Civil Engineering Magazine" im Juni 2003 berichtete. Das Blatt sprach seinerzeit mit Alfred Naomi, dem für die Schutzdeiche in New Orleans zuständigen Projektmanager des Ingenieurs-Corps. "Wir möchten den Leuten kein falsches Gefühl von Sicherheit geben", wandte Naomi der Zeitschrift zufolge ein. Das Wasser draußen zu halten genüge nicht, so der Armee-Verantwortliche damals. Im Falle eines Hurrikans über New Orleans sei zusätzlich mit enormen Winden zu rechnen und niemand könne sagen, welche Gebäude im Stadtzentrum "so ausgelegt sind, dass sie das überstehen".
06.Sep.2005 Statt nicht geflohene Bewohner von New Orleans im Superdome zusammenzupferchen, hätte man sie "in diesem ganzen, nicht überfluteten Gebiet unterbringen können", betont auch Joseph Suhayda, der frühere Direktor des LWRRI und Vater der Idee vom sicheren Hafen mitten in der Stadt. Für "100.000, 200.000 oder auch 300.000 Menschen" wäre dort Platz gewesen, sagt der Ozeanograph, der sich während seiner jahrzehntelangen Forschungstätigkeit in Baton Rouge eher zum Katastrophenschutz-Ingenieur wandelte: "Die Krankenhäuser, die Pumpstationen - all das wäre erhalten geblieben."
06.Sep.2005 Entwickelt wurde das alternative Hurrikan-Notfallkonzept an der Louisiana State University (LSU) in Baton Rouge. Genauer: im Water Ressources Research Institute der Hochschule (LWRRI). Auslöser war die Gewissheit, dass New Orleans nicht ausreichend vor Wirbelstürmen der Kategorie 4 oder 5 mit Windgeschwindigkeiten jenseits von 210 Kilometern pro Stunde geschützt ist. Man wusste: Die Flutwelle, die ein solcher Megasturm vor sich hertreibt, würde die Deiche entlang des Sees Pontchartrain im Norden der Stadt schlichtweg überspülen. Die LWRRI-Forscher schlugen deshalb vor, einen "sicheren Hafen" in der City einzurichten: Eine Kernzone der Innenstadt sollte mit besonders hohen Hochwasserschutzwällen umfasst werden und im Katastrophenfall als Rückzugsgebiet für all jene Bewohner dienen, die - wie jetzt im Fall von "Katrina" - New Orleans nicht verlassen würden, trotz der Anordnung zur kompletten Evakuierung.
06.Sep.2005 Allein für New Orleans rechnen die Behörden mit bis zu zehntausend Todesopfern durch die "Katrina"-Flut. Ein von örtlichen Wissenschaftlern vorgeschlagenes Schutzkonzept hätte eine solche Katastrophe mit Sicherheit verhindert. Doch die zuständige US-Armee verwarf die Pläne.

06.Sep.2005 Saddam Hussein: Talabani verkündet Geständnis des Diktators

DIENSTAG , 06. SEP.2005

06.Sep.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Auftrieb nach Ölpreisrückgang

06.Sep.2005 Flugzeugabsturz in Indonesien: Tot geglaubter Junge aufgefunden

06.Sep.2005 Flugzeughersteller: Clement fordert Kompromiss

06.Sep.2005 Staatspräsident im Krankenhaus: Chirac telefoniert mit Schröder

06.Sep.2005 Überschwemmte Gebiete: Deutschland schickt Pumpen

06.Sep.2005 Deutsche Börse: Neuer Börsenchef soll im Oktober benannt werden

06.Sep.2005 Misslungenes Krisenmanagement: Bush kündigt Untersuchung an

06.Sep.2005 Wahlkampf-Satire: ARD sendete "Partei"-Spot

06.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Die Angst vor dem Unterwasserhorror

06.Sep.2005 Steueränderungen: Kirchhof relativiert Zeitplan

06.Sep.2005 TV-Debatte mit Schröder: ARD lehnt Teilnahme von Lafontaine ab

06.Sep.2005 Wahlkrampf: Haue für den Gegner

06.Sep.2005 Umfrage: Ältere Urlauber schätzen deutschsprachigen Service

06.Sep.2005 Der Fall Martin Walser: Flakhelfer der Literatur

13.Sep.2005 Tsunami-Jahrestag: Thailand zahlt Angehörigen Reise zu Gedenkfeiern

06.Sep.2005 Katastrophe in New Orleans: Sparkurs verhinderte gigantische Rettungsinsel

13.Sep.2005 Kritik an Merkel: Schröder-Köpf legt nach

13.Sep.2005 Urteil in Niedersachsen: SPD darf sich an Privatsendern beteiligen

13.Sep.2005 HipHop-Soap "Unser Block": Charten statt Stylen

13.Sep.2005 Regierungserklärung: Letzter Showdown im Bundestag

13.Sep.2005 Japan: Taifun "Nabi" richtet enorme Schäden an

06.Sep.2005 Konjunktur: Angst vor den Spätfolgen von "Katrina"

06.Sep.2005 Merkels Finanzfachmann: Kirchhof entdeckt neue Steuerschlupflöcher

06.Sep.2005 Hubschrauberfirma: Wiederholt Schlagzeilen durch Unfälle

06.Sep.2005 ICE-Züge nach Frankreich: Steinschlag von unten

06.Sep.2005 Wahl in Ägypten: Mubaraks Probelauf für Demokratie

13.Sep.2005 Bundestagswahl: ARD und ZDF verzichten auf Umfragen

13.Sep.2005 Geologie: Genforscher entschlüsseln den kleinen Unterschied zwischen Mensch und Affe

142 Verkehr: Zulassungschaos um den deutschen ICE in Frankreich

146 Geologie: Erdkundler streiten über die Geburt von Vulkaninseln

06.Sep.2005 Heiße Blasen: Geologen streiten über des Teufels Küche

06.Sep.2005 Einfach sexy: Madrid übt sich in schlichter Eleganz

06.Sep.2005 Seilbahnunglück: Pilot bestreitet Abwurf des Betonklotzes

06.Sep.2005 Sturm-Alarm: Japan bereitet sich auf Taifun "Nabi" vor

06.Sep.2005 Wirtschaftspolitik: Merkel und Gewerkschaften bleiben auf Distanz

13.Sep.2005 Berliner Managerschule: Neuer Kapitän für ein schlingerndes Schiff

06.Sep.2005 Flugzeugtechnik: Laser gegen Luftwirbel

06.Sep.2005 "Broken Flowers": Der Trick mit dem Blick

13.Sep.2005 Uno-Umweltbehörde: Töpfer verlängert Amtszeit nicht

13.Sep.2005 Ölpreise: "Schock vor dem Winter"

06.Sep.2005 Rentenpolitik: "Maulkorb für Kirchhof"

13.Sep.2005 Studien-Ergebnis: Iranische Atombombe erst in Jahren

13.Sep.2005 Seilbahnunglück in Sölden: "Vorsatz nicht erkennbar"

06.Sep.2005 Box Office: Eskapismus per Transporter

13.Sep.2005 Merkels TV-Schlusswort: Union bestätigt Abkupfern von Reagan-Rede

13.Sep.2005 Interview zur Jugendkriminalität: "Kein Grund zur Hysterie"

06.Sep.2005 New Orleans: Das Wasser geht, das Chaos bleibt

06.Sep.2005 Benzinpreise: Trittin fordert Fünf-Liter-Auto bis 2012

06.Sep.2005 Vergewaltigungsprozess: Staatsanwälte fordern Freispruch für Türck

06.Sep.2005 Irak: Südkorea will tausend Soldaten abziehen

06.Sep.2005 Philippinen: Arroyo bleibt im Amt

06.Sep.2005 Ausländer im Wahlkampf: Der Türken-Faktor

06.Sep.2005 Duell-Nachklapp: Opposition empört über Schröders Liebeserklärung

06.Sep.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Komödie des pädagogischen Eros"

13.Sep.2005 Blumen-Versender: Gericht mahnt Fleurop ab

06.Sep.2005 Frankreich: "Chirac will 2007 erneut antreten"

06.Sep.2005 Running the Demo

Running the TouchGraph WikiBrowser requires a Jave Runtime Environment (JRE) with version number of at least 1.3.0

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06.Sep.2005 Die Wirkung von Schmerz sei im Gehirn daher immer eng an seine Erwartung gekoppelt, erklären die Forscher. Zumindest teilweise lasse sich mit diesen Resultaten erklären, weshalb Optimismus einen positiven Einfluss auf den Zustand chronisch kranker Menschen habe.
06.Sep.2005 Dass das Schmerzempfinden auch von der Erwartung abhängt, vermuteten Wissenschaftler schon lange. Die genauen neurologischen Hintergründe dieser Abläufe waren bislang jedoch nicht erforscht. Die Wissenschaftler um Koyama trainierten nun Versuchspersonen darauf, eine gewisse Schmerzstärke in Zusammenhang mit einer Zeitverzögerung zu bringen, mit der der Schmerz eintrat. Der Reiz in Form von Hitze war dabei umso stärker, je länger die Probanden auf ihn warten mussten: Nach 7,5 Sekunden Wartezeit war die Schmerzstärke gering, nach 15 Sekunden mäßig und nach 30 Sekunden groß.
Im anschließenden Experiment führten die Forscher den Versuchspersonen manchmal jedoch bereits nach 15 Sekunden Wartezeit einen starken Schmerz zu. Da die Probanden aber gelernt hatten, einen mäßig starken Schmerz zu erwarten, tat es ihnen auch weniger weh: Als um rund 30 Prozent schwächer empfanden die Testpersonen den Schmerz, stellten die Forscher fest.
06.Sep.2005 Der Krieg im Irak habe die Muslime weltweit verärgert. Er glaube, dass heute viele Muslime äußerst unglücklich seien, weil sie sich geopfert und isoliert fühlten, sowohl in ihrer eigenen Gesellschaft als auch im Westen. "Die Lage im Irak hat die Dinge nicht verbessert".
Annan hatte bereits 2003 den Einmarsch in den Irak als illegal bezeichnet. Der BBC sagte er auf die Frage, ob er meine, dass der Einmarsch internationales Recht gebrochen habe: "Ja, wenn sie so wollen. Ich habe darauf hingewiesen, dass es aus unserer Sicht nicht im Einklang steht mit der Charta der Vereinten Nationen. Und vom Punkt der Charta aus war es illegal."
06.Sep.2005 Uno-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan hat sich besorgt über die anhaltend angespannte Sicherheitslage im Irak geäußert. Seinem Urteil nach ist der Irak ein schlimmeres "Zentrum für terroristische Aktivitäten" geworden als Afghanistan dies zu Zeiten der Taliban-Herrschaft war.

06.Sep.2005 Irak: Annan ortet weltgrößtes Terrorismus-Zentrum

06.Sep.2005 Italo-Ökonomie: Berlusconi düpiert seinen Zentralbankchef

06.Sep.2005 Schmerzempfinden: Erwartung tut weh

06.Sep.2005 "So long as anybody's life is in danger, we've got work to do," Bush said. "That's why I want people to be assured we're going to do it."

06.Sep.2005 "This is one of these disasters that will test our soul and test our spirit," President Bush said during a stop at a Baton Rouge shelter, his second visit to the area since Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans and the Gulf Coast a week earlier. "But we're going to show the world, once again, that not only we will survive, but that we will be stronger and better for it."

VP Dick Cheney speaks about his Energy Policy "Need to build one new power plant a week for next 20 years"
30.Apr.2001 - Toronto
MSNBC yanks GOP "pollster" Frank Luntz

Upon hearing that MSNBC planned for Republican pollster Frank Luntz (Hudson Institute adjunct fellow) to conduct on-air focus groups as part of the cable network's debate coverage tonight, David Brock of the media watchdog group Media Matters sent MSNBC executive Rick Kaplan a letter of complaint. It looks like Kaplan listened.

Hudson Institute in Action

The Hudson Institue has been paid by the Bradley foundation to help design and evaluate Wisconsin Works (W2), the welfare reform implemented by the state of Wisconsin.

Grants to the Hudson Institute.

Hudson Institute at Disinfopedia

06.Sep.2005 Soviet Weather Engineering over North America

This taped presentation, which was made in 1985, is included for historical reference purposes only.  Since then, the technology has been  developed into more rigorous longitudinal EM wave interferometry, which is the exact nature of those earlier weather engineering weapons.  The foundations of scalar electro-magnetics are well explained in this presentation. U.S. Defence Secretary Cohen expresses concern about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons.
06.Sep.2005 "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's real + that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." 

Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an 00.Apr.1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn.  

Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction + U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, 28.Apr.1997

06.Sep.2005 He then started to say, "George Bush doesn't care about black people..." before MSNBC President Rick Kaplan, who produced the telethon at New York's Rockefeller Plaza, decided to cut off West's microphone and cut to an unaware Chris Tucker, who was staring off into space waiting for his scheduled time. Tucker managed to keep to the script, as did the rest of the show.

06.Sep.2005 "So anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help--with the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way...and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!"

06.Sep.2005 "I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, they say, 'They're looting.' See a white family, it says, 'They are looking for food,' " the Grammy winning artist began.

He noted that it took five days before federal help kicked in and then suggested the lag was "because most of the people are black."

06.Sep.2005 Vitamin B Pills May Not Stop Heart Attacks
Newsday - 15 hours ago
By EMMA ROSS. STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Folic acid and vitamin B pills do not ward off heart attacks or strokes and may even be harmful when combined, new research suggests. Studies showing that the vitamins lower ...
B vitamins help questioned Daily Mail - UK
Vitamin B may do more harm than good in heart attack patients
MedPage Today - - Reuters AlertNet - The Sun - all 135 related 

06.Sep.2005 Condi - 'The Lord Is Going To Come On Time - If We Just Wait'

06.Sep.2005 Die Erfahrung des Kinderhilfswerks zeige, dass der Schulbesuch in einer Krisensituation für Kinder von besonderer Bedeutung sei, so Terneden. Es gehe jedoch nicht primär um Bildung, sondern vor allem um die psychologische Bedeutung des Unterrichts.
"Schulen bieten den Kindern ein Stück Normalität, sie stehen für ein strukturiertes Umfeld", schätzt der Unicef-Sprecher die Bedeutung des Unterrichts ein. "Die Kinder haben erlebt, dass die Eltern die Situation nicht unter Kontrolle haben." Der geregelte Unterricht habe zweierlei Effekt: Zum einen unterstütze er die Solidarität unter den Kindern, die so ihre Erfahrungen in der Gruppe teilen könnten. Zum anderen würden die Eltern durch eine solche "Notbeschulung" entlastet. "Die Schule stellt in solchen Situationen ein stabilisierendes Moment dar", so Tarneden.
Unterricht bedeute eine willkommene Abwechselung zum Warten in der Hitze, zur Eintönigkeit und zur Perspektivlosigkeit. "Dort sind die Kinder unter sich, sie können ihre Erfahrungen teilen. Das kann den Druck enorm lindern."
06.Sep.2005 Psychologen gehen davon aus, dass die seelischen Reaktionen auf die Katastrophe - insbesondere bei Kindern - noch gar nicht abzusehen sind. Noch stünden die Menschen unter Schock, kämpften ums bloße Überleben. Studien zufolge leiden 80 Prozent aller Menschen im ersten halben Jahr nach einer solchen Katastrophe unter schweren Angst- und Trauerzuständen. Bis zu fünf Prozent kämpfen noch Jahre später mit den traumatischen Eindrücken, manche ein Leben lang.
06.Sep.2005 How to Identify Misinformation

How can a journalist or a news consumer tell if a story is true or false?  There are no exact rules, but the following clues can help indicate if a story or allegation is true. Does the story fit the pattern of a conspiracy theory? Does the story fit the pattern of an “urban legend?” Does the story contain a shocking revelation about a highly controversial issue? Is the source trustworthy? What does further research tell you?

Does the story fit the pattern of a conspiracy theory?

Does the story claim that vast, powerful, evil forces are secretly manipulating events?  If so, this fits the profile of a conspiracy theory.  Conspiracy theories are rarely true, even though they have great appeal and are often widely believed.  In reality, events usually have much less exciting explanations. 

The U.S. military or intelligence community is a favorite villain in many conspiracy theories. 

06.Sep.2005 UNGA RES. 31/72, TIAS 9614


Adopted by Resolution 31/72 of the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1976. The Convention was opened for signature at Geneva on 18 May 1977.

TEXT PUBLISHED IN: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72, Annex; see Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-first Session, Supplement No. 39 (A/31/39), pp. 37-38. International Legal Materials, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 00.Jan.1977, pp. 88-94 (Engl.); World Armaments and Disarmament, SIPRI Yearbook 1978, London 1978, pp. 392-397 (Engl.); Shindler & Toman, eds., "The Laws of Armed Conflicts."


05.Sep.2005 Can Hurricanes Be Used As Weapons Of Mass Destruction? If Not, Why Did The UN Outlaw Such Practices? By Michael Shore (Israel)
06.Sep.2005 11.Sep.2001 11.Sep.2001 -11.Sep.2001 -911-- POWERHOUSE DATA
The 11.Sep.2001 -911- North Tower Demolition Explained
The Rest Of The 11.Sep.2001 -911- Flight 93 Story
So, What Happens When WTC-Type Steel Is Heated?
South Tower Exit Wounds Tell 11.Sep.2001 -911- Tale
Dirty Little 9/11 Secrets Exposed Second Janitor Tells Of WTC BASEMENT Bombs
06.Sep.2005 Formal Announcement Of Bird Flu In Europe Expected
H5N1 Confirmed In Finland - Pandemic Looms Larger 
Map Showing Rapid Spread Of H5N1 Bird Flu
H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Now In Balkans?
Britain's Elite Get Pills To Survive Bird Flu

06.Sep.2005 WHITE HOUSE CRIME FAMILIES Cash Payoffs, Murder Linked To White House 11.Sep.2001 -911- Finance

06.Sep.2005 HUMANITY UNHINGED Not About Rain, Wind, Flooding But Rape, Murder & Looting

06.Sep.2005 OIL TREACHERY The Lies To Hike
The Price Of Oil

06.Sep.2005 Energiekosten: Gas wird bis zu 15 Prozent teurer (06.Sep.2005 ),1518,373305,00.html
·   Umweltschutz-Verbände: Planen für den schwarz-gelben Ernstfall (06.Sep.2005 ),1518,373207,00.html
·   Südstaaten-Katastrophe: Ungleiches Leid unterm Sternenbanner (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373266,00.html
·   Hurrikan "Katrina": Bush bedankt sich bei Schröder (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373292,00.html
·   New Orleans: Rotes Kreuz muss draußen bleiben (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373274,00.html
·   Flut: Überforderte Helfer lassen Sterbende zurück (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373133,00.html
·   New Orleans: Unentwegte feiern Schwulen-Parade (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373173,00.html
·   Hurrikan "Katrina": Castro bietet USA vergeblich Hilfe an (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373234,00.html
·   "Katrina"-Verwüstung: US-Raffinerien bleiben geschlossen (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373202,00.html

·   Flut in den Südstaaten: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Katastrophenschutz (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373184,00.html
·   Fotostrecke: Warten, retten, hoffen (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373167,00.html
·   Video: Noch Hunderte eingeschlossen (05.Sep.2005 ),1518,373268,00.html
06.Sep.2005 Der Grünen-Politiker kritisierte zudem die Preispolitik der Öl-Multis und nannte es "dreist", dass die Konzerne die Naturkatastrophe in den USA zum Vorwand nähmen, um die Spritpreise drastisch zu erhöhen.

Die Benzinvorräte seien vor dem Hurrikan eingekauft worden, wird Trittin zitiert.
06.Sep.2005 Bundesumweltminister Jürgen Trittin fordert von der Autoindustrie angesichts der Rekordspritpreise größere Anstrengungen bei der Entwicklung von sparsamen Motoren.

Die Branche solle sich das Ziel setzen, bis 2012 den Durchschnittsverbrauch auf fünf Liter zu senken, sagte der Grünen-Politiker der Chemnitzer "Freien Presse". Sollte die Branche das Ziel verfehlen, schlug Trittin Zahlungen in einen Fonds für unterlassenen Umweltschutz zur Finanzierung von Klimaschutzprojekten vor.
06.Sep.2005 Berlin - Für eine signifikante Senkung der Rohölpreise sei die Nachfrage auf den Weltmärkten viel zu groß, sagte Töpfer der "Berliner Zeitung". Er forderte: "Wir müssen unabhängiger vom Öl werden."

Dies sei wirtschaftlich und umweltpolitisch eine der zentralen Herausforderungen der Zukunft.
Der Wirbelsturm in den USA habe gezeigt, dass die Situation auf den weltweiten Energiemärkten "sehr schnell eskalieren" könne, warnte Töpfer. Als Konsequenz verlangte er unter anderem den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien, effizientere Kraftwerke, sparsamere Kraftfahrzeuge, neue Treibstoffe sowie verstärkte Anstrengungen beim Energiesparen. Umweltpolitiker und Wissenschaftler hätten seit langem auf die Gefahren des Klimawandels hingewiesen. "Jetzt wird der dramatische Zwang zum Handeln jedem sichtbar. Wir sollten nicht bis zu den nächsten Katastrophen warten", forderte Töpfer vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Wetterextreme.
Official State Dept Listing Top Misinfo Site
Comments On Rense Top Misinfo Site By State Department
State Dept Tells Us How To ID Misinformation!
State Dept: Top 'Conspiracy' News Site

06.Sep.2005 Uno: Töpfer ruft zur Abkehr vom Öl auf

06.Sep.2005 US-Katastrophengebiet: Louisiana fordert Marshall-Plan zum Wiederaufbau

06.Sep.2005 Hurrikan-Folgen: Die verlassenen Kinder von New Orleans

06.Sep.2005 Großbritannien: Nazis planten explodierende Schokoladentafeln