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15.Jun.2005 Europa in der Krise: Briten-Rabatt soll eingefroren werden

15.Jun.2005 Atomprogramm: Iran experimentierte bis 00.000.1998 mit Plutonium

15.Jun.2005 Reformen: SPD bestreitet Abrücken von Steuersenkung

15.Jun.2005 Neuwahlen: Union streitet über Selbstauflösung des Bundestags

15.Jun.2005 Rohöl: Opec erhöht Förderquote, Preis steigt weiter

15.Jun.2005 Kapitalismusdebatte: US-Minister warnt vor Heuschrecken-Phobie

15.Jun.2005 Rückrufaktion: Brandriskio durch Notebook-Akkus

15.Jun.2005 Hurrikan "Ivan": Sensoren registrierten 27-Meter-Welle

15.Jun.2005 'One way or another' N.Korea to lose nukes: "One way or another they're not going to have these systems," said Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, the top U.S. diplomat dealing with Pyongyang.

15.Jun.2005 Venezuela's Chavez Warns Soldiers of Plot -on Tuesday- that government adversaries were trying to provoke divisions within the military + plotting to assassinate him.

15.Jun.2005 Posada Case: U.S. officials have said they will not deport him to either Cuba or Venezuela, where governments there want to try him on terrorism charges. That decision has fueled criticism from Havana and Caracas that Washington is coddling a terrorist.

15.Jun.2005 FBI inspector general’s report: Evidence of government complicity in 11.Sep.2001 9/11 attacks? The question must be posed: did one or more agencies or high-level officials provide protection for known Al Qaeda associates who ultimately participated in the hijack-bombings?

15.Jun.2005 Exxon hires Bush energy aide: Cooney, most recently the chief of staff to President Bush's Council on Environmental Quality, left amid claims by critics that he edited reports on global warming to downplay concerns raised by the scientific community.

15.Jun.2005 Science, Bush-style : Philip Cooney, while chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, made repeated changes in government reports on global warming, downplaying its risks and raising doubts about its validity.

15.Jun.2005 Bolton vote may be forced on Senate: Emboldened by success in blocking a vote last month, Senate Democrats are refusing to allow a vote until the Bush administration provides information that could shed light on whether Mr Bolton skewed intelligence in his former position as undersecretary of state for arms control.

15.Jun.2005 State Secret: Thousands Secretly Sterilized : N.C. Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 20th Century

15.Jun.2005 Bush administration begins to privatize the skies: The Bush administration’s quest to privatize virtually everything will pay huge dividends for the American military contractor Lockheed Martin this year.

00.Feb.2005 the giant company was awarded a $1.9 billion contract to assume control of an important function of the US aviation system.

14.May 2005 Evidence of false statements made by Tony Blair to Parliament and the media 

15.Jun.2005 A truckload of nonsense: The G8 plan to save Africa comes with conditions that make it little more than an extortion racket

15.Jun.2005 Robert Fisk Saddam interrogation screened - in silence. : The question is: Why?
Indictment Shows Washington Is 'Israeli-Occupied Territory' : Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin's espionage case has uncovered a spy nest at the top

15.Jun.2005 Israeli Spy Affair: Pentagon Analyst Accused of Creating Web of Deception: Indictment alleges stealthy contacts by an official suspected of leaking secrets to Israel.

15.Jun.2005 On day Blair & Bush worked up excuse for war, this was placed on White House web site: President Bush, Prime Minister Blair Discuss Keeping the Peace

15.Jun.2005 The Downing Street Memo Petition : Sign the letter. Join hundreds of thousands of Americans + 89 members of Congress in asking President Bush to explain the revelations in the "Downing Street Memo."

15.Jun.2005 The myth of the madrassa : It is one of the widespread assumptions of the war on terrorism that the Muslim religious schools known as madrassas, catering to families that are often poor, are graduating students who become terrorists. Of the 75 terrorists we investigated, only nine had attended madrassas + all of those played a role in one attack - the Bali bombing.

15.Jun.2005 The Downing Street Memo Comes To Washington - Conyers Blasts "Deafening Sound of Silence"
An interview with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) who is convening a public hearing tomorrow in Washington on the so-called Downing Street Memo and other newly released documents that he says show the Bush administration's "efforts to cook the books on pre-war intelligence." We also speak with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. Click here to listen.
Real Audio

15.Jun.2005 New Memos Detail Early Plans for Invading Iraq UK officials believed the U.S. favored military force a year before the war, documents show.-By John Daniszewski Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

00.Mar.2002 - the Bush administration had just begun to publicly raise the possibility of confronting Iraq.

But behind the scenes, officials already were deeply engaged in seeking ways to justify an invasion, newly revealed UK memos indicate. Continue

15.Jun.2005 The Fix is In : Why the Downing Street Memo Matters - Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski + Daniel Ellsberg on the deceptions of the Bush administration  Real Video - 4 minutes

15.Jun.2005 Enabling Evil Bush's Willing Executioners -By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS If Germans were complicit, how can Americans avoid the charge of complicity in Bush's crimes against Iraq when Americans are in possession of such damning facts and have the power of impeachment? Why do Americans tolerate a liar and a war criminal as their president? Continued.

Für die US-Regierung, die seit dem 11.Sep.2001 kontinuierlich im Namen der Terrorbekämpfung Gesetze verschärft und Bürgerreichte einschränkt, ist der neue GAO-Bericht mehr als peinlich.

Das umstrittenste der neuen Gesetze, der sogenannte Patriot-Act, der auch "Cybersecurity-Bewusstsein und -Bereitschaft" stärken soll, heißt ausgeschrieben übrigens "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept + Obstruct Terrorism Act". Zumindest, was das Netz angeht, scheinen die "angemessenen Werkzeuge" noch nicht so recht zu funktionieren.
15.Jun.2005 ...
einem Mangel an Führung. "Regierungsweite Richtlinien, die klarstellen, über welche Zwischenfälle zu berichten ist, und wie und an wen berichtet werden soll, sind nicht herausgegeben worden."
15.Jun.2005 Erst kürzlich bescheinigte das Government Accountability Office (GOA), eine dem Bundesrechnungshof vergleichbare Behörde, ausgerechnet dem nach dem 11.Sep.2001 gegründeten Heimatschutzministerium
fast vollständiges Versagen auf dem Gebiet der Cyber-Sicherheit. Ein neuer Bericht des GOA lässt jetzt auch die großen US-Bundesbehörden gar nicht gut aussehen.

Die Steuerbehörde IRS + das Innenministerium + Zollbehörden + selbst das FBI versäumen es demnach, sich + ihre Mitarbeiter auf die Gefahr aus dem Netz vorzubereiten.
"Viele Behörden haben sich im Rahmen ihrer Informationssicherheitsprogramme nicht umfassend mit den Risiken sich entwickelnder Cyber-Sicherheitsbedrohungen beschäftigt", heißt es in dem Bericht.

Es mangele an Risikoabschätzungen, Sicherheitsprogrammen und Trainingsangeboten für Mitarbeiter. Obwohl ein eigenes Gesetz, der Federal Information Security Management Act aus dem Jahr 00.000.2002 , diese fordere, gebe es keine etablierten Verfahren für die Entdeckung von Sicherheitslücken und die Reaktion darauf. Die ebenfalls gesetzlich verfügte Pflicht, solche Zwischenfälle zu melden, werde ignoriert.
Ein amerikanischer Physiker hat nun eine Formel entwickelt, mit der sich der Erfolg von Filmen an der Kinokasse berechnen lässt.

César Hidalgo von der University of Notre Dame im US-Bundesstaat Indiana beschränkte sich dabei auf drei Faktoren: die Größe des Publikums, an das sich der Streifen richtet, den stark vom Marketing beeinflussten Wunsch des Publikums, den Film anzuschauen, die Resonanz bei den Zuschauern, die das Werk schon gesehen haben. Laut Hidalgo spielt vor allem der letzte Punkt, die Reaktion der Zuschauer, eine entscheidende Rolle.

Per Mundpropaganda würden Leute, die sich einen neuen Streifen angesehen haben, für Erfolg beziehungsweise Misserfolg sorgen.

Ein mit großem Werbeetat gepushter Film erreiche zwar in den ersten Tagen ein großes Publikum. Wie sich die Besucherzahlen danach entwickelten, hänge jedoch vor allem davon ab, was über den Film erzählt werde.
15.Jun.2005 CSPAN will cover the hearings on Thursday, as will Pacifica. There will also be gatherings around the country, not to mention an overdue rally in support of Conyers himself, which will take place in front of the White House at 5:00 p.m. For more information, go
here. URL:
15.Jun.2005 The mainstream press may be running out of reasons to avoid this story. Check out the
Minneapolis Star-Tribune: "Editorial: Fig leaf for war/Paper indicates U.N. was misled": URL:
15.Jun.2005 Also worthy of note is
this piece from the overly-cautious Los Angeles Times:
14.Mar.2002 -In one memorandum, dated- + labeled "secret - strictly personal," Blair's chief foreign policy advisor, David Manning, described to the prime minister a dinner he had had with Rice.URL:
Mathematisches Modell: Mundpropaganda entscheidet über Erfolg im Kino

15.Jun.2005 Manipulierte Studien: Bush-Berater wechselt zu Ölkonzern

15.Jun.2005 Kompromiss: Lauscherlaubnis auf den letzten Drücker

15.Jun.2005 EU-Gipfel: Juncker und Barroso glauben nicht mehr an Erfolg

15.Jun.2005 Al-Qaida: Mutmaßliche Terroristen in Spanien festgenommen

15.Jun.2005 Al-Qaida: Taliban-Kommandeur bestreitet Erkrankung Bin Ladens

15.Jun.2005 Internet-Sicherheit: Große Lücken bei US-Bundesbehörden

15.Jun.2005 Ermittlungen: Koalition und Union einigen sich beim Lauschangriff

15.Jun.2005 Links Raytheon Company, Inc . makes nuclear weapons-related radars and early warning devices ... Wales Limited, BMD. Worldcorp, Inc . 35. Xontech , Inc . Missiles, 74.

MIT Lincoln Laboratory - Spinoff Companies ... Inc . Tyco Laboratories, Inc . US Windpower, Inc . Viewlogic Systems, Inc . Vvimaging, Inc . Wolf Research & Development, Inc . XonTech , Inc . Zeopower ...
USIGS - National Disasters - World Trade Center - American ... John, Sammartino, 37, Annandale, Va, Technical manager, XonTech inc ... Leonard, Taylor, 44, Reston, Va, Technical-group manager, XonTech , Inc ...
Hidden in Plane Sight - What Really Hit the Pentagon? a vice president for softward development, EM Solutions, Inc . a technical manager, XonTech Inc . a technical group manager, XonTech Inc ...
Xontech, Inc. News San Diego/Orange County Local Daily Tech News source. 3000 + southern California tech links. San Diego/Orange County Technology News.
Incorporated XonTech > DC XonTech Washington in the Yahoo! Directory ... these sites and found them related to Incorporated XonTech > DC XonTech Washington ... XonTech Inc . - advanced sensor analysis + engineering ...
Drug Culture Eulogized By Musicians From The North ... the 00.000.1980 s; + Rafael Caro Quintero, imprisoned for his role ... a particular story hits the news. Patron Narco-Saint ... are 18-wheelers + photos of tough looking men with ...

15.Jun.2005 FBI Whistleblower: White Supremacists Are Major Domestic Terrorist Threat - We speak with Mike German, an ex-FBI agent who resigned from the agency last year in protest of what he saw as continuing failures in the FBI counter terrorism program.

15.Jun.2005 WMD Plot Uncovered In East Texas: At least one weapon of mass destruction - a sodium cyanide bomb capable of delivering a deadly gas cloud - has been seized in the Tyler area.

15.Jun.2005 John Pilger: Dodgy 'Partnership': Accepting tainted money - money from the same source that "funds a murderous regime" - is itself a compromise and a dangerous one.

15.Jun.2005 New Gitmo abuse furor : The humiliating tactics were so harsh that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had to green-light them - and they continued even after the suspect, who was never charged, was rushed to the hospital.

15.Jun.2005 Magazine Reports Details Of A Guantanamo Interrogation : Time reported, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved 16 additional interrogation techniques for use on certain detainees.

15.Jun.2005 Extracts from an Interrogation Log:  The detainee began to pray loudly but this did not stop me from finishing informing the detainee about the Al Qaeda member, Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi aka Abu Ali, that was killed by the CIA.

15.Jun.2005 Guantánamo detainees are 'bad people', says Cheney : People need to understand that detainees at Guantánamo Bay are "bad people", the US vice president, Dick Cheney, will say in an interview to be broadcast tonight as pressure grows for the detention centre to close.

15.Jun.2005 Pressure to close Guantánamo grows : Republicans said that reports of mistreatment of prisoners there have made the prison a growing global liability.

15.Jun.2005 Pakistan denies FBI terror camp claims : Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz denied Saturday there is a jihadist training center outside Islamabad near Rawalpindi, where federal agents say a 22-year- old Lodi man was taught "how to kill Americans" over a six-month period in 2003 and 2004.

15.Jun.2005 Israeli Spy Affair: Pentagon Analyst Indicted in Info Leak : A Pentagon analyst has been indicted on charges he leaked classified military information to employees of a pro-Israel group (AIPAC) , according to court papers made public Monday.

15.Jun.2005 Conservatives for Espionage : Many leading conservatives are taking up the cudgels on the spy ring’s behalf – and claiming that the accused are victims of an insidious plot!

15.Jun.2005 The leak that changed minds on the Iraq war : It makes clear that both Blair and Bush have a lot to apologise for: “When the prime minister discussed Iraq with President Bush at Crawford in April he said that the UK would support military action to bring about regime change,” it states, adding that “regime change per se is illegal”.

15.Jun.2005 CNN change facts into fiction : The point of the Downing Street Memo is not that the Bush regime "saw the war as inevitable." The point is that it wanted the war and had decided that military action was going to happen—and then figure out the justification.

15.Jun.2005 Administration's Offenses Impeachable : So, what does it mean? It means that our president and all of his administration are war criminals. It's as simple as that. They lied to the American people, have killed and injured and traumatized thousands of American men and women doing their patriotic duty, killed at least 100,000 Iraqi civilians

15.Jun.2005 Mr. President, Explain The Downing Street Memo : We come together, as concerned Americans, irrespective of political affiliation, to seek the truth from our government. As citizens, we deserve no less.

15.Jun.2005 Ray McGovern: Downing Street II: On behalf of the Truth Telling Coalition, let me invite any patriotic truth tellers out of the woodwork, so that truly courageous leaders like Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., will not have to depend solely on patriots in Britain (and Rupert Murdoch!). 

15.Jun.2005 Proof is in the memo: Soldiers died for a lie: All the world – except America – is buzzing about the fact that George Bush created the WMD threat to justify his war in Iraq.

In an attempt to change the subject, Iraqi "government" releases video of Saddam

15.Jun.2005 Military action won't end resistance, growing number of U.S. officers believe : The recognition that a military solution is not in the offing has led U.S. and Iraqi officials to signal they are willing to negotiate with resistance groups, or their intermediaries.

15.Jun.2005 "Support Our Torturers!" : We Regret Any Inconvenience Caused by Your Humiliation

15.Jun.2005 Military draft back on US agenda : THE United States would "have to face" a painful dilemma on restoring the military draft as rising casualties saw the number of volunteers dry up, a senator warned today.

15.Jun.2005 Republican lawmakers urge shift in U.S. Iraq plan s: A Republican congressman called for a deadline to pull U.S. troops from Iraq, while some other members of President Bush's party urged on Sunday that his administration come to grips with a persistent insurgency and revamp Iraq policy.

15.Jun.2005 USA is losing patience on Iraq : Nearly six in 10 Americans say the United States should withdraw some or all of its troops from Iraq, a new Gallup Poll finds

15.Jun.2005 Court Rejects Padilla's Request For Appeal : His attorneys asked the justices to decide whether President Bush has the power to seize U.S. citizens in civilian settings on American soil and subject them to indefinite military detention without criminal charges or a trial.

15.Jun.2005 Some Held at Guantánamo Are Minors : One lawyer said that his client, a Saudi of Chadian descent, was not yet 15 when he was captured and had told him that he was beaten regularly in his early days at Guantánamo + that an interrogator pressed a burning cigarette into his arm.

13.Jun.2005 Six Secret UK Documents Leaked : Six secret UK documents have been leaked and are provided. These were retyped from the originals to protect the source.  

15.Jun.2005 UK: Ministers were told of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’ : Bush and Blair agreed on regime change in April 2002 and then looked for a way to justify it.

15.Jun.2005 Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action: Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein and creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action,

15.Jun.2005 The Fix is In: Why the Downing Street Memo Matters: Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski and Daniel Ellsberg on the deceptions of the Bush administration 

15.Jun.2005 Dahr Jamail: State Sponsored Civil War : Militias now have the overt backing of the interim Iraqi “government.”

15.Jun.2005 U.S., Iraq Consider Amnesty For Resistance : Negotiations have just begun between U.S. and Iraqi officials on drafting an amnesty policy, which would reach out to Iraqi militants fighting U.S. forces, say officials in both the Iraqi and American governments.

15.Jun.2005 War critics have come up with seven more memos, verified by NBC News: Current and former diplomats tell NBC News they understood from the beginning the Bush policy to be that Saddam had to be removed — one way or the other. The only question was when and how.

15.Jun.2005 New 'Downing Street Memo' says Bush, Blair agreed on 'regime change' in 2002 ; Iraq seen to 'slide into civil war'; and more.

15.Jun.2005 More Life on 'Downing Street' with Leak of New Documents on Iraq : The complaints of media self-censorship have been backed up by the ombudsmen of The Washington Post, The New York Times and National Public Radio, who have questioned the lack of attention the minutes have received from their organizations."

15.Jun.2005 Flattering the popinjays : Journalists are letting our leaders get away with murder

15.Jun.2005 Mother of dead soldier vilifies Bush over war : "We're watching you very carefully and we're going to do everything in our power to have you impeached for misleading the American people," she said, quoting a letter she sent to the White House. "Beating a political stake in your black heart will be the fulfillment of my life ... ," she said, as the audience of 200 people cheered.

15.Jun.2005 Professor Francis A. Boyle: The National Campaign to Impeach President George W. Bush : In international legal terms, the Bush Jr. administration itself should be viewed as constituting an ongoing criminal conspiracy under international criminal law. 

15.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Impeachment Resolution Against President George W. Bush: Impeaching George Walker Bush, President of the United States, of high crimes and misdemeanors.

15.Jun.2005 John Conyers and Deep Throat: Conyers and his colleagues have evidence of numerous impeachable offenses against George W. Bush, but they are unable to make themselves heard when their leaders won’t buck the system and the media focus on missing person cases and celebrity criminal trials.

15.Jun.2005 Hearing On Downing Street Minutes Set For Thursday: Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee + other Congress Members will hold a hearing on the Downing Street Minutes and related evidence of efforts to cook the books on pre-war intelligence.

15.Jun.2005 State Dems: Impeach Bush Cheney, Rumsfeld too: Wisconsin Democrats are calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

15.Jun.2005 A Make-Over to Disguise Ugly U.S. Policy : Top officials of the Bush administration are now contemplating a war against “violent extremism.” Apparently, the already grandiose “Global War on Terrorism”—in bureaucratic jargon, the GWOT—just wasn’t extravagant enough for an administration that thinks really big.

15.Jun.2005 US suspects 'face torture overseas' : It is no secret that the US military operates detention centres around the world for the interrogation of terror suspects.

15.Jun.2005 Controversy lingers after UMUC speech some considered anti-American : “At first, I thought, “I’m being overly sensitive.’ Then I heard somebody in the back shouting ‘USA! USA!’ and I thought, ‘Maybe I’m not taking it wrong.’ Several people got up and left and people stood up waving, telling him to sit down.”

15.Jun.2005 What Are You Going To Do Now America?: How do we explain to our children how the actions of our troops in Falluja differ from Hitler’s Waffen SS and Stalin’s NKVD? How do we explain the difference between our gulags and Stalin’s.

15.Jun.2005 Bob Herbert: They Won't Go: George W. Bush is in no danger of being ranked among the nation's pre-eminent commanders in chief. Not only has he been unable thus far to win the war in Iraq, but on his watch significant sectors of the proud U.S. military have been rapidly deteriorating.

15.Jun.2005 Two 'rebels' die in Afghan clash : Two suspected militants have been killed and 12 others captured in a clash with Afghan and US-led coalition forces in southern Afghanistan.

15.Jun.2005 Pattern of Deception Persists in Tillman's Death : Army's latest statement just doesn't wash.

15.Jun.2005 Afghanistan and the "New Great Game":

00.Aug.2001 - UK Royal College for Defense Studies (part of the UK Ministry of Defense) discussing the possibility of a military campaign against Afghanistan under the pretext of a "sustained + institutionalised process of addressing concerns about terrorism or fundamentalism" ?

15.Jun.2005 U.S. Opposed Calls at NATO for Probe of Uzbek Killings : Officials Feared Losing Air Base Access: Defense officials from Russia + the USA last week helped block a new demand for an international probe into the Uzbekistan government's shooting of hundreds of protesters last month, according to U.S. and diplomatic officials.

15.Jun.2005 Israel: U.S. demands are aimed at boosting American arms sales: Knesset Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud) has voiced concerns that certain demands made by the U.S. in relation to Israel's military export do not stem from national security considerations, but rather reflect Washington promoting the interests of its own military industry

15.Jun.2005 Saddam interrogation screened - in silence . The question is: Why? - By Robert Fisk
The Iraqis - or, let us speak frankly, the Americans who tried to censor the old reprobate's previous court appearance - decided yesterday that his words would also be censored. That is Saddamism.

This is how Saddam ran Iraq. Continued.

15.Jun.2005 A truckload of nonsense
The G8 plan to save Africa comes with conditions that make it little more than an extortion racket -George Monbiot
Twenty-five countries have so far ratified the UN convention against corruption, but none is a member of the G8. Why? Because our own corporations do very nicely out of it.

15.Jun.2005 Evidence of false statements made by Tony Blair to Parliament and the media 

The documents show that when the Prime Minister took the decision to support military regime change 00.Mar.2002 his officials warned him precisely that “none has satisfactorily answered how that regime change is to be secured”, + that “Bush has yet to find the answers to the big questions …[of] what happens on the morning after” . Continued

15.Jun.2005 What would have been the point of a controlled demolition?

The image of jets slamming into the twin towers provided all the necessary cause for war; the presumed master planners of this conspiracy had no need to reduce the buildings to rubble.
Daniel Hopsicker has argued that the 11.Sep.2001 9/11 "truth movement" is a misnomer.
This growing movement - which, in his view, resembles a UFO cult - focuses on the more outlandish claims while ignoring the subtler, + more provable, irregularities in the official story. In Hopsicker's view, we should concentrate on such matters as Mohammed Atta's links to a "flight school" with clear CIA associations.
Hopsicker has made some charges that I consider overblown; for example, he has issued dark insinuations - unjustified insinuations, in my view - about Fred Burks, with whom I've had some cordial correspondence. But Hopsicker is surely on firmer ground when he casts a wary eye toward the notorious Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, who (Hopsicker claims) has helped to fund this "truth movement."
And now Moon has gotten into the act. URL:
15.Jun.2005 I find the grimmest amusement in those hypocrites who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

When church-going Republican activist Mark Harris was arrested for raping an eleven year-old girl, he said the crime occurred "unintentionally." Bush appointee and anti-gay activist David Hager - who insists that Christians are victims of oppression(!!!) - repeatedly raped his wife anally; he later argued that he did so accidentally . (Hager's a gynecologist.)

And not long ago, we heard fundamentalist Neal Horsley's admission of beastiality. To be specific: He admitted to sex with "consenting" mules. URL:
15.Jun.2005 We could note, for example, the case of Beverly Russell, a man who, like pastor Banuchi, is a leader of the Christian Coalition; Russell
abused his 15-year-old stepdaughter.

Another reverend, Stephen White - a champion of "traditional values" - was arrested on a charge of soliciting sex from a 14 year-old boy.

Rising Republican politico Andrew Buhr was charged with raping a teenaged boy. Richard A. Dasen Sr., far-right funder of many Christian organizations, was charged with paying a 15 year-old girl for sex. URL:
15.Jun.2005 Why, I wonder, do so many fixate on the Michael Jackson case while ignoring the many truly bizarre Republican scandals listed
here? URL:
15.Jun.2005 A little web surfing reveals further indications that the anti-homosexual vitriol of the Christian right may, in fact, be driven largely by self-hating closeted gays.

One can cite the sad example of Mel White, the ghost writer for Pat Robertson''s conspiratorial frenzies and Jerry Falwell's apocalyptic madness. URL:
Christian Roehmosexuals (and a few thoughts on the Jackson case) As we noted yesterday, the Rev. Bill Banuchi -- a leader of the Christian Coalition -- has demanded that gays wear identifying labels "for health reasons." Perhaps next he will ask that soldiers in Iraq wear belt buckles bearing the message "Gott mit Uns." URL:
Some people still maintain that only alarmists draw comparison between modern times and the Nazi era. Heads up, my ostrich friends: It's happening again . URL:
13.Jun.2005 The next fashion trend: Pink Triangles The leader of a Christian lobbying group wants gays to
wear warning labels, just like the pink triangles they had to sport under Uncle Adolf. Apparently, gays pose a "health risk" and therefore must be identified. URL:
15.Jun.2005 Looks like we have
another six Downing Street memos relevant to the administration's willingness to lie our way into war. URL:
15.Jun.2005 The story was broken by
Raw Story, which has done outstanding work recently. (Frankly, they've been leaving Salon in the dust.) Of course, you will also want to read the coverage on Brad Friedman's site.
The striking revelations:
1. The Bushite neocons had no idea whatsoever as to what to do with Iraq after conquest.
2. The timing for invasion was set in stone as of May of 2002.
3. No other nation on earth shared Bush's interpretation of the relevant U.N. resolutions.
4. References to United Nations resolutions in American oratory during the build-up to war were deliberately misleading.
5. The highest levels of the UK government disbelieved the claimed Al Qaida/Iraq link. (To be fair, the "linkage" rhetoric was disseminated not so much by USA administration itself, but by its supporters.) URL:
Börse am Mittag: Dax erreicht Jahreshoch

Der Neuzugang, der die Sonne Gliese 876 umkreist, ist aber vermutlich ein Planet aus Stein - und er wiegt nur etwa siebeneinhalb mal so viel wie die Erde.
"Das ist der kleinste extrasolare Planet, der bis jetzt gefunden wurde", erklärte Paul Butler vom Carnegie Institute in Washington DC. "Es ist der große Cousin der Erde."
Gliese 876 ist nur etwa 15 Lichtjahre von unserem Sonnensystem entfernt + es ist bereits bekannt, dass er von zwei Planeten von der Größe Jupiters umkreist wird.

Wie meistens bei der Entdeckung von Exoplaneten, fand man den "Erdcousin", weil sein Zentralgestirn durch die Schwerkraft seiner Trabanten zum Wackeln gebracht wird.
Motassadeq-Prozess: Mzoudi verweigert die Aussage

15.Jun.2005 Food for Oil: Uno weist Vorwürfe gegen Annan zurück

15.Jun.2005 Öffentliche Kreditinstitute: Rüttgers-Regierung erwägt WestLB-Privatisierung

15.Jun.2005 Mormonen-Sekte: Die verlorenen Söhne der Polygamisten

15.Jun.2005 Besser essen im All: Grüne Gnocchi für Mars-Reisende

15.Jun.2005 Neuwahlen: Union will notfalls Grundgesetz ändern

15.Jun.2005 EU-Gipfel: Ratspräsident Juncker rechnet mit Fehlschlag

15.Jun.2005 Geprellte Aktionäre: Enron-Investoren erstreiten fast fünf Milliarden Dollar

15.Jun.2005 Börse am Morgen: Dax startet über 4600 Punkten

15.Jun.2005 Naturgewalt: Schweres Seebeben vor Kaliforniens Küste
Deutsche Börse: Haben die Angreifer ihr Verhalten abgestimmt?

15.Jun.2005 Zeitungsbericht: SPD rückt von Steuersenkungen für Unternehmen ab

15.Jun.2005 Argentinien: Gericht erklärt Amnestie für Ex-Militärs für verfassungswidrig

15.Jun.2005 Pentagon: Rumsfeld gesteht Versagen im Irak ein

15.Jun.2005 EU-Ratifizierung: Barroso plädiert für eine Pause

15.Jun.2005 NRW-Koalition: Keine Kohle mehr für die Zechen

14.Jun.2005 Internet-Botschaft: Jackson dankt seinen Fans

14.Jun.2005 Sachsen: AMD erwägt dritte Chipfabrik in Dresden

14.Jun.2005 Tschechien: Neue Panne im Atomkraftwerk Temelin

14.Jun.2005 Forschungsfreiheit: Schröders Stammzellen-Vorstoß löst Empörung aus

14.Jun.2005 EU-Haushalt: Kanzler fordert Kompromisse im Finanzstreit

14.Jun.2005 Neuwahlen: Union streitet über sozialen Kurs

14.Jun.2005 Maya-Städte: Das rätselhafte Reich der Waldkönige

14.Jun.2005 Prozess: Mzoudi soll gegen Motassadeq aussagen

14.Jun.2005 Hoher Ölpreis: Opec erwägt höhere Förderquoten

14.Jun.2005 Preisvergleich: Bis zu 170 Euro Unterschied bei Kontokosten

14.Jun.2005 Exoplanet: Großer Cousin der Erde entdeckt

14.Jun.2005 Gefangenenlager: Cheney verteidigt Guantanamo

14.Jun.2005 Schweden: Wegelagerer lauern deutschen Urlaubern auf

14.Jun.2005 Umfrage zum Urteil: Amerikaner glauben an Jacksons Schuld

14.Jun.2005 Atompolitik: Al-Baradei fordert Iran zu besserer Zusammenarbeit auf

14.Jun.2005 Aktienverkauf: Staat hält keine Mehrheit mehr an der Post

14.Jun.2005 Hartz-Korrektur: Ältere sollen länger Arbeitslosengeld erhalten

14.Jun.2005 Gentechnik: Tomate impft gegen Sars

14.Jun.2005 Spiel "Earth 2160": Überlebenskampf auf dem Mars

14.Jun.2005 Stammzellen-Gesetze: Schröder-Vorstoß stößt auf breite Ablehnung

14.Jun.2005 ARD-Politmagazine: Intendanten beschließen Kürzung

14.Jun.2005 Briten-Rabatt: Auch Fischer nimmt Blair vergebens in die Pflicht

14.Jun.2005 EU-Verfassung: Auch Dänemark und Schweden wollen Ratifizierung stoppen

14.Jun.2005 DVD-Boom: Der Anfang vom Ende des Kinos

14.Jun.2005 Angriff auf A380: Chancen für 747-Nachfolger steigen

14.Jun.2005 USA: Drogerie verkauft Einmal-Videokamera

14.Jun.2005 Florida: Frachtflugzeug landete in Wohngebiet

14.Jun.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Die Metaphysik von Blut und Boden"

14.Jun.2005 Jackson-Prozess: Freispruch ohne Freude

14.Jun.2005 Razzia in Süddeutschland: Drei mutmaßliche Terroristen festgenommen
Wahlkampf: Union weiter uneinig bei Sozialkürzungen

14.Jun.2005 Fotostrecke: Frenetischer Jubel nach Jacksons Freispruch

14.Jun.2005 Umfrage: Unternehmen jubeln über mögliche Neuwahlen

14.Jun.2005 Castor-Transport: Tumulte vor dem Zwischenlager Ahaus

14.Jun.2005 Haushaltsmisere: Rentenreserven auf historischem Tiefstand

14.Jun.2005 Banken: HVB-Übernahme löst Fusionsfieber aus

14.Jun.2005 Kapitalismus-Kongress: SPD wärmt sich am Sozialen

14.Jun.2005 Linksbündnis: PDS-Abgeordnete rebellieren gegen Parteispitze

14.Jun.2005 EU-Finanzstreit: Kanzler widerspricht Blair

14.Jun.2005 Stammzellen-Debatte: Schröder fordert Forschung ohne Fesseln

14.Jun.2005 Jackson-Fans: Freudenpartys auf der ganzen Welt

14.Jun.2005 Jury: Beschuldiger waren unglaubwürdig

14.Jun.2005 Reaktionen: "Der Gerechtigkeit wurde Genüge getan"

14.Jun.2005 Police accused of breaching civil liberties of G8 campaigners : Human rights campaigners have accused the police of breaching civil liberties as they gather intelligence on people planning to protest against the G8 summit.

14.Jun.2005 FBI Whistleblower: White Supremacists Are Major Domestic Terrorist Threat: We speak with Mike German, an ex-FBI agent who resigned from the agency last year in protest of what he saw as continuing failures in the FBI counter terrorism program.

14.Jun.2005 WMD Plot Uncovered In East Texas: At least one weapon of mass destruction - a sodium cyanide bomb capable of delivering a deadly gas cloud - has been seized in the Tyler area.

14.Jun.2005 John Pilger: Dodgy 'Partnership': Accepting tainted money - money from the same source that "funds a murderous regime" - is itself a compromise and a dangerous one.

14.Jun.2005 New Gitmo abuse furor : The humiliating tactics were so harsh that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had to green-light them - and they continued even after the suspect, who was never charged, was rushed to the hospital.

14.Jun.2005 Magazine Reports Details Of A Guantanamo Interrogation : Time reported, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved 16 additional interrogation techniques for use on certain detainees.

14.Jun.2005 Extracts from an Interrogation Log:  The detainee began to pray loudly but this did not stop me from finishing informing the detainee about the Al Qaeda member, Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi aka Abu Ali, that was killed by the CIA.

14.Jun.2005 Guantánamo detainees are 'bad people', says Cheney : People need to understand that detainees at Guantánamo Bay are "bad people", the US vice president, Dick Cheney, will say in an interview to be broadcast tonight as pressure grows for the detention centre to close.

14.Jun.2005 Pressure to close Guantánamo grows : Republicans said that reports of mistreatment of prisoners there have made the prison a growing global liability.

14.Jun.2005 Pakistan denies FBI terror camp claims : Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz denied Saturday there is a jihadist training center outside Islamabad near Rawalpindi, where federal agents say a 22-year- old Lodi man was taught "how to kill Americans" over a six-month period in 2003 and 2004.

14.Jun.2005 Israeli Spy Affair: Pentagon Analyst Indicted in Info Leak : A Pentagon analyst has been indicted on charges he leaked classified military information to employees of a pro-Israel group (AIPAC) , according to court papers made public Monday.

14.Jun.2005 Conservatives for Espionage : Many leading conservatives are taking up the cudgels on the spy ring’s behalf – and claiming that the accused are victims of an insidious plot!

14.Jun.2005 The leak that changed minds on the Iraq war : It makes clear that both Blair and Bush have a lot to apologise for: “When the prime minister discussed Iraq with President Bush at Crawford in April he said that the UK would support military action to bring about regime change,” it states, adding that “regime change per se is illegal”.

14.Jun.2005 CNN change facts into fiction : The point of the Downing Street Memo is not that the Bush regime "saw the war as inevitable." The point is that it wanted the war and had decided that military action was going to happen—and then figure out the justification.

14.Jun.2005 Administration's Offenses Impeachable : So, what does it mean? It means that our president and all of his administration are war criminals. It's as simple as that. They lied to the American people, have killed and injured and traumatized thousands of American men and women doing their patriotic duty, killed at least 100,000 Iraqi civilians

14.Jun.2005 Mr. President, Explain The Downing Street Memo : We come together, as concerned Americans, irrespective of political affiliation, to seek the truth from our government. As citizens, we deserve no less.

14.Jun.2005 Ray McGovern: Downing Street II: On behalf of the Truth Telling Coalition, let me invite any patriotic truth tellers out of the woodwork, so that truly courageous leaders like Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., will not have to depend solely on patriots in Britain (and Rupert Murdoch!). 

14.Jun.2005 Proof is in the memo: Soldiers died for a lie: All the world – except America – is buzzing about the fact that George Bush created the WMD threat to justify his war in Iraq.

In an attempt to change the subject, Iraqi "government" releases video of Saddam

14.Jun.2005 Military action won't end resistance, growing number of U.S. officers believe : The recognition that a military solution is not in the offing has led U.S. and Iraqi officials to signal they are willing to negotiate with resistance groups, or their intermediaries.

14.Jun.2005 "Support Our Torturers!" : We Regret Any Inconvenience Caused by Your Humiliation

14.Jun.2005 Military draft back on US agenda : THE United States would "have to face" a painful dilemma on restoring the military draft as rising casualties saw the number of volunteers dry up, a senator warned today.

14.Jun.2005 Republican lawmakers urge shift in U.S. Iraq plan s: A Republican congressman called for a deadline to pull U.S. troops from Iraq, while some other members of President Bush's party urged on Sunday that his administration come to grips with a persistent insurgency and revamp Iraq policy.

14.Jun.2005 USA is losing patience on Iraq : Nearly six in 10 Americans say the United States should withdraw some or all of its troops from Iraq, a new Gallup Poll finds

14.Jun.2005 Court Rejects Padilla's Request For Appeal : His attorneys asked the justices to decide whether President Bush has the power to seize U.S. citizens in civilian settings on USA soil + subject them to indefinite military detention without criminal charges or a trial.

14.Jun.2005 Some Held at Guantánamo Are Minors : One lawyer said that his client, a Saudi of Chadian descent, was not yet 15 when he was captured and had told him that he was beaten regularly in his early days at Guantánamo and that an interrogator pressed a burning cigarette into his arm.

14.Jun.2005 Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action PERSONAL SECRET UK EYES ONLY IRAQ: CONDITIONS FOR MILITARY ACTION (A Note by Officials)
Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein and creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action,

14.Jun.2005 The Fix is In: Why the Downing Street Memo Matters Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski and Daniel Ellsberg on the deceptions of the Bush administration  Real Video - 4 minutes

14.Jun.2005 Six More Secret UK Documents Leaked ... + are provided below. These were retyped from the originals to protect the source . Full Text Continued.

14.Jun.2005 Verteidiger: Der Mann, der Jackson die Freiheit sicherte

14.Jun.2005 Gerichtsurteil: Jackson ist nicht schuldig

14.Jun.2005 Jackson-Prozess: Chronologie eines "Jahrhundertprozesses"

Cooper, A. (1998). The Inmates Are Running the Asylum . Chapter 10, Designing for Power , covers goals; Chapter 11, Designing for People, covers scenarios. Kuniavsky, M. (2003). Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research. Chapter 8, covers task analysis. Carroll, John M., (2000). Making use: scenario-based design of human-computer interactions. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Available in the Aldrich Library at 004.019/CAR.

What is a scenario?
Downloadable .PDF file
13.Jun.2005 Article on
Guardian Unlimited about how market research analysts Experian use personas derived from social demographics to profile supermarket users. The article arguably also illustrates the fine dividing line between useful design-oriented personas and patronising social stereotypes. The Trouble with Scenarios and Personas (2003). By Catherine C. Marshall. At Catherine Marshall's web page at the Center for the Study of Digital Libraries, Texas A&M University.

13.Jun.2005 30000 state security personnel are reportedly monitoring websites ... 26: cgi-bin/ afterWorkOptions .cgi?ws-session=3590325305[...] 27:round+websense&ei=UTF-8&fr=FP-tab-web-t&fl=0&x=wrt[...] ...

Eine Analyse mit der Radiokarbonmethode ergab, dass der Samen aus einer Dattel stammt, die 1940 bis 2040 Jahre alt sein muss. Diese Methode macht sich den Zerfall des radioaktiven Kohlenstoff-Isotops 14C zunutze, um das Alter von natürlichen Stoffen zu bestimmen. Die jetzt schon 30 Zentimeter große Palme stellt einen neuen Rekord dar: Nie zuvor entstand nach Angaben der Forscherin Leben aus einem älteren Samen. Zuletzt gelang es in China, den 1200 Jahre alten Samen einer Lotus-Pflanze zum Keimen zu bringen.
Wahlkampf: Union und SPD streiten über Sozialstaat

13.Jun.2005 Finanzstreit: EU-Kommission rüffelt Blair

13.Jun.2005 Filmaufnahme: Richter befragt Saddam zu Massaker in Schiitendorf

13.Jun.2005 Italien: Referendum zur Bioethik gescheitert

13.Jun.2005 SPD-Kongress: Schröder verteidigt soziale Marktwirtschaft

13.Jun.2005 Union: Merkels taktische Unschärfe

13.Jun.2005 Uno: Al-Baradei bleibt Chef der Atomenergiebehörde

13.Jun.2005 Irak: Saddam Hussein vor dem Untersuchungsrichter

13.Jun.2005 Kapitalmärkte: Schröder nimmt Hedgefonds ins Visier

13.Jun.2005 Terror-Freispruch: Mzoudi sagt kostenpflichtige Pressekonferenz ab

13.Jun.2005 Israel: Dattelpalme wächst aus 2000 Jahre altem Samen

13.Jun.2005 Strandräuber in Portugal: Tourismusverband fürchtet Urlauberschwund

13.Jun.2005 Das A380-Problem: Wer zu spät kommt...

13.Jun.2005 Das A350-Problem: Die 787-Antwort in der Warteschleife

13.Jun.2005 Umfrage: Deutsche bleiben am liebsten zu Hause

13.Jun.2005 Flugzeugbauer: Warum Airbus in der Krise steckt

13.Jun.2005 Das WTO-Problem: Handelsstreit zur Unzeit

13.Jun.2005 Das Dollar-Problem: Teure Turbulenzen am Währungsmarkt

13.Jun.2005 Video: Hijacking Catastrophe : Documentary featuring Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Tariq Ali, and many more experts speaking about the Neo-Con agenda and the cloud of fear which the Neo-Cons have settled over America. This is a must watch video

13.Jun.2005 Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action PERSONAL SECRET UK EYES ONLY IRAQ: CONDITIONS FOR MILITARY ACTION (A Note by Officials)
Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein + creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action,

13.Jun.2005 UK: Ministers were told of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’ Bush and Blair agreed on regime change 00.Apr.2002 and then looked for a way to justify it. - Michael Smith
MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.

The briefing paper is certain to add to the pressure, particularly on the American president, because of the damaging revelation that Bush and Blair agreed on regime change 00.Apr.2002 + then looked for a way to justify it. Continue

Wir kennen rund 150 derartiger Kreisgrabenanlagen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Slowakei", sagte Heiermann, "und zwar schon seit Jahren".

Es handle sich um kreisrunde, zwei Meter tiefe Gräben von 20 bis 130 Metern Durchmesser. Dass die knapp 7000 Jahre alten Anlagen einst Tempel waren, wollen die Dresdner Archäologen nicht bestätigen.

"Wir können den Strukturen keine Funktion zuweisen", sagte Heiermann im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. Er nennt sie vorsichtig "zentrale Orte".
13.Jun.2005 Die Anlagen stammten aus der Zeit von 4800 bis 4600 vor Christus und seien damit 2000 Jahre älter als die Pyramiden. Der Haupttempel befinde sich unter dem heutigen Dresden.

"Dresden war Zentrum der ersten europäischen Hochkultur", meldete daraufhin das Berliner Boulevardblatt "B.Z.".
13.Jun.2005 Die älteste Zivilisation Europas sei von Forschern in Deutschland, Österreich und der Slowakei entdeckt worden.

Die Archäologen hätten ein europaweites Netz von 150 Tempeln gefunden, die von einem bis dato unbekannten Kulturvolk gebaut worden sein sollen.
13.Jun.2005 EU-Erweiterung: Union drückt auf die Bremse

13.Jun.2005 Investmentbanken: Morgan Stanley feuert Vorstandschef Purcell

13.Jun.2005 Gipfelerklärung: EU streicht Hinweis auf Türkei-Beitritt

13.Jun.2005 Streit über EU-Finanzen: Schröder und Fischer dämpfen Erwartungen

13.Jun.2005 Gefängnis-Vision: Jackson Tür an Tür mit Manson
"Älteste Hochkultur Europas": Wirbel um angebliche Archäologie-Sensation

13.Jun.2005 Tarifpolitik: Kanzler plädiert für höhere Löhne

13.Jun.2005 US-Lager: Neuer Fall von Misshandlung in Guantanamo

13.Jun.2005 Börse am Mittag: Hypovereinsbank bleibt Tagesthema

13.Jun.2005 Online-Demo: Gesichter gegen Softwarepatente

13.Jun.2005 PR-Desaster: EADS blamiert sich auf Pariser Flugmesse

13.Jun.2005 Guantanamo: Republikaner zweifeln an US-Lager

13.Jun.2005 Islamische Vorzeigeschule: "Organisch, dynamisch, chaotisch"

13.Jun.2005 Materialforschung: Mini-Bürste schrubbt Nano-Maschinen

13.Jun.2005 Griechenland: Parlament unterstützt Sozialreformen

13.Jun.2005 Wimax: Warten auf das Super-Wlan

13.Jun.2005 SPD: Schröder plädiert für einen starken Staat

13.Jun.2005 Internationale Rangliste: 19 deutsche Konzerne unter den Top 500

13.Jun.2005 Libanon: Christen erklären sich zu Wahlsiegern

13.Jun.2005 UniCredito + HVB: Neuer Kreditriese überholt Deutsche Bank

13.Jun.2005 Italien: Bioethik-Referendum vor dem Scheitern

13.Jun.2005 Gewerkschaften: Sommer will neues Verhältnis zur Union

13.Jun.2005 Außenministertreffen: Verhärtete Fronten bei der EU-Finanzierung

13.Jun.2005 USA: Terrorangst beglückt Sicherheitsindustrie

13.Jun.2005 Libanon: Weißes Haus wirft Syrien Mordpläne vor

13.Jun.2005 EU-Ministerrat: Straw will Briten-Rabatt verteidigen

13.Jun.2005 Bankenfusion: UniCredito übernimmt HypoVereinsbank

13.Jun.2005 Datenklau: Wie Bluetooth-Handys abgehört werden können

13.Jun.2005 Iran: Teheran will Atomgespräche mit EU fortsetzen

13.Jun.2005 Linksparteien: WASG-Gremien stimmen Bündnis mit PDS zu

13.Jun.2005 Kuwait: Erstmals Frau in die Regierung berufen

13.Jun.2005 Gesundheitspolitik: Ministerium dementiert Milliardenloch bei Krankenkassen

12.Jun.2005 Referendum: Italiener entscheiden über künstliche Befruchtung

12.Jun.2005 Russland: Bombenanschlag auf Zug Grosny-Moskau

12.Jun.2005 Internationale Rangliste: 18 deutsche Konzerne unter den Top 500

12.Jun.2005 Interview mit dem saudischen Außenminister: "Ich bin dafür, dass Frauen Auto fahren"

12.Jun.2005 Anschläge: Acht Tote bei Bombenserie in Iran

12.Jun.2005 Florida: Tropensturm fordert Todesopfer

12.Jun.2005 Toter Stern: Im All schreit eine Leiche

12.Jun.2005 Digitalfotografie: Suchportale werden zu Bilderstürmern

12.Jun.2005 U.S. Campaign Produces Few Convictions on Terrorism Charges : An analysis of the Justice Department's own list of terrorism prosecutions by The Washington Post shows that 39 people - not 200, as officials have implied - were convicted of crimes related to terrorism or national security.

11.Jun.2005 Exit strategy: Civil war : The plan is an exact replica of an extreme right-wing Israeli plan to balkanize Iraq - an essential part of the balkanization of the whole Middle East
abinet Office paper: Conditions for military action PERSONAL SECRET UK EYES ONLY IRAQ: CONDITIONS FOR MILITARY ACTION (A Note by Officials)
Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein and creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action,

12.Jun.2005 UK: Ministers were told of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’ -Bush and Blair agreed on regime change in April 2002 and then looked for a way to justify it. -Michael Smith
MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal. The briefing paper is certain to add to the pressure, particularly on the American president, because of the damaging revelation that Bush and Blair agreed on regime change in April 2002 and then looked for a way to justify it.

12.Jun.2005 T
he Republicans unilaterally shut down a Committee hearing on the dangerous Patriot Act because the Democrats insisted on hearing from witnesses who said things the neocons don't want you to hear.

This outrage had Randi Rhodes shouting so loudly I could hear her without a radio. For details, see this Indymedia compendium and the always reliable Bradblog.
12.Jun.2005 Want to hear Nixon talking to Mark Felt? Go
here. It's virgin territory for researchers. (A friend of this URL: blog provided the link. Thanks!)
12.Jun.2005 Michael Ledeen's Iran disinformation: More prep work The public is being prepared to blame the next terror strike on Iran. At the moment, the propaganda effort stands somewhere between a trickle and a barrage. We get new disinformation assaults once a week now. Soon, we will receive them once a day.
For the latest, I urge you to read
Xymphora's analysis of Curt Weldon's new propaganda volume, which bears the ominous (and telling) title Countdown to Terror . Xymphora draws, in turn, from a spectacular new piece by Laura Rozen in the American Prospect .
From Rozen's piece:
Mahdavi also said that the bulk of the information that he had provided to Weldon was originally sourced from none other than Ghorbanifar, the subject of a rare CIA "burn notice" after the agency found him to be a "fabricator" more than two decades ago during the Iran-Contra affair.
"Many information that I have given to Weldon is coming from Ghorbanifar," said Mahdavi, who was reached in Paris by telephone on June 6. "Because Ghorbanifar used me, in fact, to pass that stuff because I know he has problems in Washington."
The former minister continued: "I am well-known in Tehran. How can I call Tehran? But Ghorbanifar is something else. He has all the contacts within Iran. Nobody has so many information and contacts that he has. Now if he is using that information through me to try to buy power indirectly, that is his business. I do it because I have known him for many years."
Several Iranian exile associates of the pair have told the Prospect that Mahdavi, living in reduced circumstances and caring for his cancer-stricken wife, is in fact financially dependent on Ghorbanifar. They have been involved in various businesses together, from petroleum shipping to arms dealing to (more recently) intelligence peddling, since both washed up in Paris after the Iranian revolution in 1979

back to the Larry Franklin and the AIPAC scandal -- and to
this key Washington Monthly piece by Rozen and Joshua Marshall:
The investigation of Franklin is now shining a bright light on a shadowy struggle within the Bush administration over the direction of U.S. policy toward Iran. In particular, the FBI is looking with renewed interest at an unauthorized back-channel between Iranian dissidents and advisers in Feith's office, which more senior administration officials first tried in vain to shut down and then later attempted to cover up.
Franklin, along with another colleague from Feith's office, a polyglot Middle East expert named Harold Rhode, were the two officials involved in the back-channel, which involved on-going meetings and contacts with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar and other Iranian exiles, dissidents and government officials. Ghorbanifar is a storied figure who played a key role in embroiling the Reagan administration in the Iran-Contra affair. The meetings were both a conduit for intelligence about Iran and Iraq and part of a bitter administration power-struggle pitting officials at DoD who have been pushing for a hard-line policy of "regime change" in Iran, against other officials at the State Department and the CIA who have been counseling a more cautious approach

The American public must understand that the neocons now operate their own intelligence networks. They have, in essence, formed a trans-national secret society whose members are bound by ideology, not by institutional or national loyalty.

00.Dec.2001 -The first meeting occurred in Rome. It included Franklin, Rhode + another American, the neoconservative writer and operative Michael Ledeen, who organized the meeting.

(According to UPI, Ledeen was then working for Feith as a consultant.) Also in attendance was Ghorbanifar and a number of other Iranians. One of the Iranians, according to two sources familiar with the meeting, was a former senior member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who claimed to have information about dissident ranks within the Iranian security services. The Washington Monthly has also learned from U.S. government sources that Nicolo Pollari, the head of Italy's military intelligence agency, SISMI, attended the meetings, as did the Italian Minister of Defense Antonio Martino, who is well-known in neoconservative circles in Washington.

Note the part played by SISMI.

00.000.1980 -in the s - When the P2 scandal broke the European press reported that Licio Gelli had recruited many Italian intelligence officers; they jocularly referrred to themselves as "Super SISMI."
Since I accept the reports of a Ledeen/P2 link, I believe I know the name of the fellow who put all these players together.
When the United States suffers the next terror attack - + long-time readers know just what form that attack will take (in my opinion) - the public will feel desperate to learn the identity of the perpetrators.

I predict that Italian intelligence will provide the "smoking gun" evidence which will allow the Bush administration to blame + attack, Iran.

Whether the evidence takes the form of intercepted communications or a document does not matter; the "proof" will surely be as phony as those "yellowcake" papers. Alas, an enraged public will not demand verification.
This Ledeen bio notes the P2 connection + also offers a sharp observation about the dark game this man hopes to play:
Michael Ledeen, the neocons' point man on regime change in Iran (and in Syria, Egypt + Saudi Arabia), is apparently capable of viewing diplomacy only through the barrel of a gun, arguing in a 00.Nov.2003 piece for the National Review Online that the "appeasers" in Congress and the State Department "don't want to know about Iran, because if they did, they would be driven to take actions that they do not want to take. They would have to support democratic revolution in Iran, and they prefer to schmooze with the mullahs." He concludes, "I guess some top official will have to die at the hands of (obviously) Iranian-supported terrorists before the Pentagon is permitted to work on the subject." (8)
12.Jun.2005 And that very missile will soon obliterate ships containing USA marines + seamen, if Michael Ledeen + his neocon cabal get their way.
Can the situation get worse? Yes.
The Russians have provided the Iranians with the even more deadly
Sunburn missile, whose payload can make the Exocet's look like a string of firecrackers. We have no real defense against the Sunburn:
Obviously, any conflict with Iran will soon go nuclear. In order to "liberate" Iran (as Michael Ledeen says we must for only an "appeaser" would say otherwise), Tehran and other large Iranian cities must be reduced to radioactive rubble. Nothing short of nuclear annihilation can subdue that nation.
Why on earth would even so foul a fellow as Ghorbanifar court this outcome?
Europäischen Union: EU-Außenkommissarin für langsamere Erweiterung

12.Jun.2005 Juso-Bundeskongress: Der Parteinachwuchs drängt nach links

12.Jun.2005 Muslims in the West: Can Conflict Be Averted? (A 1993 perspective from Daniel Pipes-Long)
21.Mar.2002 SJackson. FORWARD. We thank the United States Institute of Peace for a grant which permitted the authors to write this study. Pipes also relied on from funding by the Middle East Council ... family laws would constrain women geographically: Mehmet Gaye, the chief ... peculiar life-style. The women go heavily veiled + ...

11.Jun.2005 Women & The Holocaust - Personal Reflections
All of these female chroniclers describe the use of torture as a means of dehumanization ... Women Before Hell's Gate: Survivors of the Holocaust + ... forced to strip themselves naked regardless of which season ... zur Befreiung durch die Russen in Auschwitz verblieb, erzählte ...

11.Jun.2005 CIA source list -The most comprehensive collection of U.S. Army Intelligence Manuals. Falls Church, VA 22043 Breaw, Richard 1053 Jeff Ryan Dr ... Fallbrook, CA 92028 Goss, Porter J. US House of Rep ...

00.000.1998 -Spring- PARAMETERS, US Army War College Quarterly - ...women + children nailed, crucifixion-like, to the gates + doors of the village. All were stripped naked, many ... Die Russen kommen (The Russians Are ... :

11.Jun.2005 Irakfolter Menschliche Abgründe. Tortur nach Maß. Aus "" vom 05.Mai 2004 .

Mord aus der Luft. Getreu nach israelischem Vorbild schlachteten US-Soldaten aus der Luft drei unbewaffnete Iraker ab ... than the humiliation of being stripped naked," he said."... allegedly showing Iraqis stripped naked , hooded and being tormented by ... though we were women , the way women feel + this ...

Die These der Forscher: Wenn ein Mensch einen Fehler begeht, obwohl sein Bauchgefühl ihm etwas anderes geraten hat, so bleibt ihm dieses Erlebnis stärker im Gedächtnis als ein normaler Fehler.

Im Umkehrschluss glaubt er nun, es sei grundsätzlich besser, auf das Gefühl zu hören. Das aber scheint wohl falsch zu sein.
Nun hat das Phänomen auch Europa erreicht. Gestern überfielen etwa 500 Jugendliche Sonnenbadende an einem Strand in der Nähe von Lissabon.

An dem Strand von Carcavelos, 15 Km westlich der portugiesischen Hauptstadt, fielen die Jugendlichen wie Heuschrecken über die verängstigten Badegäste her.
11.Jun.2005 "Geophysical Research Letters"

Vulkanausbrüche können indirekt zu einer leichten Abkühlung der Erde beitragen. Das vermutet der Geophysiker Vincent Gauci von der Open University in Milton Keynes.

Der Schwefel in Rauchfahnen aktiver Vulkane geht auf Sumpflandschaften und Reisfeldern als saurer Regen nieder und fördert das Wachstum schwefelliebender Bakterien.

Diese verdrängen andere Bakterien, die das Treibhausgas Methan produzieren, sagt Gauci. Seine Ergebnisse werden demnächst im Fachmagazin "Geophysical Research Letters" erscheinen.
Regierungsvorstoß: Opposition weist Forderungen nach höheren Löhnen zurück

11.Jun.2005 Unions-Atompolitik: Gorleben soll Endlager werden

11.Jun.2005 Psychologie: Der Bauch denkt falsch

11.Jun.2005 Armut in Afrika: G8-Finanzminister feiern historischen Schuldenerlass

11.Jun.2005 Kritik an Schröder: Jung-Genossen fordern Kurswechsel

11.Jun.2005 Neue Parteien: PDS-Vorstand gibt grünes Licht für Linksbündnis

11.Jun.2005 Reaktion auf Linksbündnis: Grüne Abgeordnete fordern Kurskorrekturen

11.Jun.2005 Müntefering-Interview: SPD will keinen Sonderwahlkampf gegen Linksbündnis führen

11.Jun.2005 Armutsbekämpfung: G8-Finanzminister verständigen sich auf Schuldenerlass

11.Jun.2005 Portugal: Überfall beim Sonnenbad - Massenpanik am Strand

11.Jun.2005 Schlechte Verkaufszahlen: Musikbranche verzeichnet drastischen Einbruch

11.Jun.2005 EU-Fahnder: Hersteller umgehen Schutzzölle

11.Jun.2005 Sparkurs: Stoiber kündigt Kürzungen von Sozialleistungen an

11.Jun.2005 Konjunktur: EZB-Chefvolkswirt Issing deutet Zinssenkung an

11.Jun.2005 Anschlag in Bagdad: Attentäter verkleidete sich als Polizist

11.Jun.2005 Standort Deutschland: Maschinenbau-Verband fordert Beschäftigungspakt

11.Jun.2005 Nach Wahlsieg: Merkel will Tarifautonomie drastisch einschränken

11.Jun.2005 Kühlende Feuerberge: Vulkane könnten Treibhauseffekt bremsen

11.Jun.2005 Vorgezogene Wahl: Tausende Bundestagsmitarbeiter werden arbeitslos

11.Jun.2005 Web   Results 1 - 5 of about 7 for " Bush speech remix " . ( 0.30 seconds) 
War makes beasts of men  : Watch this video of an Arabic-speaking former soldier, Aidan Delgado, who faced abuse and attacks after filing for Conscientious Objector status.

His compassionate + powerful talk includes detailed Geneva Convention violations and shockingly personal accounts of the inhumanity he witnessed and experienced.

11.Jun.2005 Seoul Denies US Official's Troop Withdrawal Threat: South Korea Tuesday flatly denied a media report early Thursday that a U.S. official threatened to withdraw U.S. troops unless Seoul accepts Washington's request for more strategic flexibility.

11.Jun.2005 New documents link Cuban militant Posada Carriles to airliner bombing: Cuban "militant" exile Luis Posada Carriles said shortly before the deadly 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that he and others ``are going to hit a Cuban airplane,'' according to a declassified CIA document released Thursday.

11.Jun.2005 New president takes office in Bolivia : "I believe Bolivians deserve better. Our children deserve better days," he told MPs. "One of my tasks will be to begin an electoral process and to continue building a democratic system that is more just."

11.Jun.2005 Dean's Democrats Remain Pathetic: The only thing worse than Dean's prepared platitudes is his virtual silence on the war in Iraq and the big-money corruption of electoral politics and congressional legislation.

11.Jun.2005 Gore Vidal: Something Rotten in Ohio : Outside the oil and gas junta that controls two and a half branches of our government (the half soon to be whole is the judiciary), there was a good deal of envy at the late UK election among those Americans who are serious about politics.

11.Jun.2005 Full Report : Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio "We have found numerous, serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election, which resulted in a significant disenfranchisement of voters." pdf

11.Jun.2005 Money, Money, Who’s Got the Money? It Sure Isn’t Veterans: The GAO (Government Accounting Office) has reported that the DoD has lost another $3.5 billion of taxpayer money—money and equipment have just disappeared and no one knows where.

11.Jun.2005 " Experts" call for common North America border: The report, titled "Building a North American Community," also called for free movement within the continent for citizens through a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers and other measures to increase economic and military cooperation between the countries.

11.Jun.2005 When Peace Is The Enemy: Ten Deadly Enemies of Humanity in America :

11.Jun.2005 History carries no guarantees: A Democratic Revolution in the Muslim World?

11.Jun.2005 Tortured Logic: Bush's Propaganda Rubicon

11.Jun.2005 Republican donor named as new US ambassador: President Bush has nominated Robert Tuttle, a Republican campaign donor + leading California car dealer, to be the next US ambassador to the Court of St James

11.Jun.2005 Joining Up to Dodge a Dead End : "It's our way of life," said Lucas, 18. "I could be sent to Iraq. I could die in Iraq. But I'd die a man with good life insurance, so my family would be taken care of."

11.Jun.2005 The Children's Crusade: Military programs are moving into middle schools to fish for future soldiers, training students as young as 11 to march in formation and carry weapons.

11.Jun.2005 Draft system prepared for "unlikely" call : If a downward trend continues, the specter of a military draft to fill the ranks with able bodies is likely to loom large in Washington once again.

11.Jun.2005 Memo on 9/11 Plotters Blocked: New disclosures show that CIA information in 2000 about two Al Qaeda operatives in San Diego was squelched before reaching the FBI.

11.Jun.2005 Pre-9/11 Missteps By FBI Detailed: Report Tells of Missed Chances To Find Hijackers

11.Jun.2005 The sword of justice: Trillion dollar defence budgets cannot beat terrorism. What could, is the application of justice

11.Jun.2005 U.S. Vets Seek Probe of Israeli War Crimes : Survivors of a U.S. spy ship attacked by Israeli fighters and torpedo boats 40 years ago are pressing the Pentagon for a full investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes for a strike that caused 205 casualties, including 34 killed.

11.Jun.2005 Psychological warfare effort to be outsourced: The U.S. Special Operations Command has hired three firms to produce newspaper stories, television broadcasts and Web sites to spread American propaganda overseas.

11.Jun.2005 Chris Floyd: Blood Group : The brutal system of torture, corruption, lawlessness and war established in Washington by the faction of President George W. Bush is now backed by the greatest military power in history, able to wipe whole nations from the face of the earth in minutes.

11.Jun.2005 Amnesty International Calls for Prosecutions of U.S. Officials: William Schultz, executive director of Amnesty International USA, called on foreign governments to investigate and prosecute all senior U.S. officials who have violated the Geneva Conventions and the U.N. Convention Against Torture.

11.Jun.2005 US threatens to withhold funds from UN: A US congressional committee on Wednesday voted narrowly to approve legislation that would withhold half of its annual $500m contribution unless the UN, barred countries that violated human rights from UN human rights bodies

11.Jun.2005 Juan Cole: The revenge of Baghdad Bob: It has gotten so that on the subject of Iraq, the way you can tell when Bush is lying is that his mouth is moving.

11.Jun.2005 What the Iraq fight really costs us: Ferguson, a professor of history at Harvard, argued that to defeat the insurgency in Iraq and establish a modicum of stability there would take one million U.S. soldiers and possibly 30 to 60 years.

11.Jun.2005 Daniel Ellsberg: The Courage to Talk Withdrawal : American soldiers and diplomats, if they can be called that, will be dying and killing in Iraq as long as they are there. Now, how long will that be?

11.Jun.2005 Robert Dreyfuss: Our Newest Proconsul : It's a foregone conclusion that the Senate will confirm Zalmay Khalilzad to be the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq, replacing John Negroponte. Still, it's worth stepping back to consider what Khalilzad's appointment says about the Bush administration's continuing refusal to comprehend the magnitude of the disaster in Iraq

11.Jun.2005 Iraq sees no early prospect of oil export increase : Iraqi crude exports will remain severely limited at just 1.5 million barrels daily until Baghdad is able to get foreign investors to boost output, Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum said Friday.

11.Jun.2005 Tribes Accused of Iraq Oil Protection Racket: The state-owned North Oil Company (NOC) alleges that tribes paid to protect pipelines are behind many of the attacks on them around the Kirkuk oil fields.

11.Jun.2005 US opens criminal probe of two army deaths in Iraq: The U.S. army has opened a criminal investigation into a blast that killed two soldiers at a base in Iraq after discovering it was not caused by an insurgent mortar attack, a military statement said on Friday.

11.Jun.2005 U.S. Military Chief Admits, 'Good and Honest' Iraqis Are fighting US forces  : He predicted attacks would continue to surge in intensity, as key milestones were reached, including the upcoming constitutional referendum.

11.Jun.2005 Building Iraq's Army: Mission Improbable : Project in North Reveals Deep Divide Between U.S. and Iraqi Forces

11.Jun.2005 The occupiers will lose in Iraq : America's military mission [in Iraq] has become impossible to succeed in," the London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies has just written.

11.Jun.2005 Conyers To Hold Democratic Hearing On Downing Street Memo: Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of House Judiciary Committee, and other Democratic Members will hold a Democratic hearing to hear testimony concerning the Downing Street Minutes and the efforts to cook the books on pre-war intelligence. 

11.Jun.2005 Bush and 'the memo': PRESIDENT BUSH apparently thinks he can dismiss the damning "Downing Street memo" with a few glib words.

If he is right, it is a sad commentary on the state of American democracy + values.

11.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President : A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush + his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power 00.Jan.2001 .

11.Jun.2005 In case you missed it: Woodward: Administration had 'fever' to take down Iraq: President Bush asked for a plan to invade Iraq 00.Nov.2001 -about three months after the 11.Sep.2001 terror attacks + at a time when U.S. forces were still in the midst of ousting the Taliban regime from Afghanistan.

11.Jun.2005 US in talks with Iraqi resistance: A US embassy official in Baghdad said efforts were under way to "engage" elements of the resistance in an apparent softening of the Bush administration's opposition to negotiations.

11.Jun.2005 Contractor: Marines Abused Me In Custody: "I just found it crazy that we were being held with terrorists, that we were put in the same facility with them," he told The Associated Press.

"They were calling us a rogue mercenary team.

11.Jun.2005 Chalmers Johnson : The Scourge of Militarism : In the neoconservative world view, America was to be the new Rome. But the neocons learned the wrong lessons from Rome's imperial experience.

11.Jun.2005 Video Interview: Chalmers Johnson: Militarism and the American Empire : Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson, joins host Harry Kreisler for a conversation on the nature of the American Empire + its costs and consequences for the future of American democracy and power in the world. Real Video

11.Jun.2005 £30bn debts write-off agreed : G7 package brokered by chancellor will benefit 18 of world's poorest countries immediately

11.Jun.2005 About the Downing Street Memo... US Media Shamed by UK Journalist -By DAVE LINDORFF
At this stage, it seems almost pointless to say it, but once again, the corporate media in America have been exposed as a cowardly mass of toadies who cannot bring themselves to publish or air anything remotely critical of the administration unless compelled to do so by cattle prods...or a reporter from a foreign news organization doing what reporters are supposed to do routinely.

11.Jun.2005 Exit strategy: Civil war -The plan is an exact replica of an extreme right-wing Israeli plan to balkanize Iraq - an essential part of the balkanization of the whole Middle East -By Pepe Escobar
Against all odds, a national liberation front is emerging in Iraq. Washington hawks may see it coming, but they certainly don't want it. Many groups in this front have already met in Algiers.

The front is opposed to the USA occupation + permanent Pentagon military bases; opposed to the privatization + corporate looting of the Iraqi economy; + opposed to the federation of Iraq, ie balkanization. Continue

11.Jun.2005 Neuwahlen: Köhler nennt Kriterien für Auflösung des Bundestags

11.Jun.2005 Uno: Mehrheit der Vetomächte befürwortet Reform des Sicherheitsrates

11.Jun.2005 Linksbündnis: Basis kritisiert Zusammenschluss zwischen WASG und PDS

11.Jun.2005 Rot-Grün: Abgeordnete sollen Nebeneinkünfte offen legen

10.Jun.2005 Lafontaine und Gysi: Linkes Dreamteam will Rot-Grün Stimmen abjagen

10.Jun.2005 EU-Finanzkrise: Chirac und Schröder finden keinen Weg aus der Sackgasse

10.Jun.2005 Juso-Kongress: Benneter startet neue Kapitalismus-Kritik

10.Jun.2005 Streit um Textilschwemme: China stimmt Handelsbeschränkungen zu

10.Jun.2005 Unternehmensgewinne: Bundesregierung fordert Wirtschaft zu Lohnerhöhungen auf

10.Jun.2005 Leser-Surftipps: Long is beautiful

10.Jun.2005 Politiker-Gesichter: Wähler lieben kantiges Kinn

10.Jun.2005 Kandidatur für Linksbündnis: SPD verhöhnt Lafontaine

10.Jun.2005 Schmerzmittel: Arznei-Klassiker unter Herzinfarkt-Verdacht

10.Jun.2005 GM-Sanierung: Gewerkschaft knickt ein, Börse jubelt

10.Jun.2005 Vergleich: Citigroup bietet zwei Milliarden für Enron-Pleite

10.Jun.2005 Kosmischer Reichtum: Russe wollte Meteoriten verkaufen

10.Jun.2005 Biologisches Insektizid: Neue Waffe im Kampf gegen Malaria

10.Jun.2005 EU-Verfassung: Wallström rechnet nicht mit Referendum in Dänemark

10.Jun.2005 FBI-Ermittlungen vor 11.Sep.2001 -Chronologie des Versagens

10.Jun.2005 Britische Innovation: Busunternehmer säubert Abgase mit Schafsurin

10.Jun.2005 EU-Haushalt: Schröder und Chirac erwarten von Briten Zugeständnisse

10.Jun.2005 Kunst-Provokation: Berlusconi kriegt sein Fett weg
Weltraumforschung: Nasa will Kometenbillard spielen

10.Jun.2005 Italien: Papst Benedikt im Kulturkampf

10.Jun.2005 Verfassungsgericht: Karlsruhe erleichtert Verbot von NPD-Demos

10.Jun.2005 EU-Haushalt: Blair zu Verhandlungen über Briten-Rabatt bereit

10.Jun.2005 Cantoni-Freilassung: "Das Ende eines Alptraums"

10.Jun.2005 Irak-Invaliden: Das Geschäft mit den Prothesen boomt

10.Jun.2005 Politbarometer: Großes Potential für Linksbündnis