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02.Sep.2004 URL:,1518,316384,00.html

Stromausfall stürzt Region ins Chaos
Fahrstühle blieben stecken, Geschäfte geschlossen, auf den Straßen ging nichts mehr.

Mehr als 200.000 Menschen waren von einem Stromausfall in der Region Trier + in Luxemburg betroffen.

Die Stromversorger rätseln noch über die Ursache.

Trier - Allein in Trier mussten etwa zehn Menschen aus stecken gebliebenen Fahrstühlen befreit werden. Telefone, Radios und Fernsehgeräte funktionierten nicht.

In Luxemburg mussten auf der großen Kirmes "Schueberfour" zahlreiche Besucher aus den Fahrgeschäften geborgen werden.
"Viele Patienten mussten zu Hause mit Sauerstoff versorgt werden", berichtete der Sprecher des Katastrophenstabs, Hans-Günther Lanfer. Die Notfallplanung der Stadt müsse gründlich überdacht werden.

"So etwas hat es hier noch nicht gegeben + wir haben gemerkt, dass wir die Informationen nicht schnell an die Leute bringen können."
Nach gut drei Stunden Stromausfall begann der Energielieferant RWE gegen 20.00 Uhr schrittweise wieder damit, den Strom aufzuschalten. Noch am Abend hatten viele Haushalte wieder Strom.
Die Ursache für den Ausfall war zunächst unklar. Viele Anrufer hätten einen terroristischen Angriff befürchtet, berichtete die Polizei.

Dafür gebe es aber keinen Hinweis. Der Stromkonzern RWE ging nach ersten Prüfungen davon aus, dass der Ursprung der Störung in Luxemburg gelegen und diese sich dann weiter in die Region Eifel-Hunsrück fortgesetzt habe.
Auf den Straßen gab es wegen des Berufs- und Feierabendverkehrs chaotische Verhältnisse. "Es geht so gut wie gar nichts mehr", sagte ein Polizeisprecher.

Viele Geschäfte + Kneipen blieben geschlossen, weil die Alarmanlagen und die Kassensysteme nicht mehr funktionierten. Auch die Dom-Uhr blieb stehen und dokumentierte die Zeit des Stromausfalls: 16.50 Uhr.
06.Sep.2004 The book - The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry - studies European Jewry demographics from 1931-1945.

It describes in great detail the migration of Jews out of Europe. Only about 3.5 million were in all of what was to become German occupied territory when war broke out.

You can get the book from Noontide Press. Prior to World Jewry declaring war on Germany, Jews were being peacefully transferred out of Europe to Palestine.

Others were simply immigrating to wherever they could. It was the Zionists who insisted that Jews only go to Palestine.

They actively intervened in allowing more Jews to emigrate to the US.

And when the Nazis offered to allow all of the Jews to go for a token payment, the Zionists said no.

One because many Jews didn't want to go to Palestine and because the Zionists deliberately wanted to sacrifice Jews to force the West into giving them a homeland.

That's why Nuremberg and all the holohoax films put out by Hollywood are so important.

They were propaganda devices necessary to establish a Jewish homeland, money to build Israel + to create a new religion for the world - holocaustianity. URL:

06.Sep.2004 I think the above shows how it seems to be impossible to discuss Nazi extermination in a reasonable way.
One wonders why, few people are as emotional about the alleged 20 million Stalin killed prior to WWII- , or the between 18 + 30 million Chinese that died because of Mao''s Great Leap Forward.
Or the estimated five million that died in the Indonesian civil war, after the CIA overthrew an apparent socialist government in Indonesia.
The recent Haiti trick.
How many Jews died, because of famine, illnesses resulting from undernourishment in combination with forced labour + living conditions as miserable as possible, nobody knows for sure.
I mentioned Kogon's book, as he himself says in the introduction, it's depressing to read what mankind is capable of.
Kogon did not report on gas chambers.
In how far Jews caused disasters is not clear, that Jews influenced the 1918 Versailles reparation payments imposed on Germany also is not clear.
That they did not oppose blaming Germany for WW I also is clear.
That the 1918 blame imposed on Germany for WW I, in combination with the even economically impossible reparations payments, brought a 19th century German provincial maniac to power is clear too.
That this maniac, and/ or his diciples, in jan 1942, after it was obvious that Germany would lose the war, USA power, decided to exterminate European Jewry whom they held responsible for the next destruction of Germany, is hardly disputed.
But the final question remains, who caused what ? URL:
06.Sep.2004 But of course the real holocaust discussion is a quite different one, the excuse the holocaust gives for the Zionist colonial terror against the Palestinians.
This is the reason that freesom of opinion about the holocaust does not exist.
Holocaust museums are all over the place, Washington, New York, Jerusalem, Houston.
Nowhere exists, as far as I know, a Polish, Slav or Gypsie holocaust museum.
One more thing, the Turks in 2002 published their views of the Armenian massacre.
I just received the book.
Cursory reading, of course, shows that the Turkish view is quite different from the western view.
The Turks in any case blame Morgenthau, at the time USA ambassador in Constantinople.
The way Morgenthau at the time + after WW I, blamed and described the Turks much resembles the way his son later, Roosevelt's closest collaborator, wanted to treat the Germans after their surrender: Germany one big farmland + whole categories of Germans executed without any trial.
Churchill prevented this.
If the Germans follow the Turkish example the German view on the holocaust will be published in 2032.
The German parliamentarian Hohmann in okt 2003 made the first speech on the subject, he was removed from his party, the CDU.
The voting on his removal was far from unanimous.
I read his speech, it's completely unclear to me why he was accused of anti semitism. URL:
06.Sep.2004 Killing four million or six million, in a moral sense, does not make much difference.

Kogon shows how the concentration camps were meant for extermination, at a profit. URL:
06.Sep.2004 In my mind there is no doubt that the Auschwitz gaschambers and crematoria existed, how else could some 400.000 Hungarian Jews have been killed in two months, july and august 1944.
Kastner, Ben Gurion's representative, was of essential assistance to Eichmann, in getting the Hungarian Jews into the trains in an orderly way, despite lacking German army support.

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Incheon's computer network is vulnerable because it's shared by private airlines and tourist agencies located in the airport, the Korea Times reported.

The National Intelligence Service said in a report that 7,345 computer viruses were detected May 3-4 in 116 businesses operating within the airport.

The NIS said electronic glitches could lead to flight crashes or other accidents.

"There is a high possibility that Incheon International Airport will be exposed to online attacks like computer viruses and direct hacking," a source at the NIS said.