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11.Jul.2004 In case you missed it?: Documentary 'Preventive Warriors': The film examines a bold new foreign policy paper introduced by USA White House 00.Sep.2002 entitled: “The National Security Strategy of the United States.” The film features many of the leading thinkers + intellectuals of our time including Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Tariq Ali + more.

11.Jul.2004 Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, A Mexican USA General in the Service of Empire :

Whatever his future assignments may be, Rick Sanchez will go down in history as the Mexican USA general who approved the use of attack dogs against naked Iraqi prisoners.

11.Jul.2004 Jimmy Breslin: Footing the GOP's heavy-handedness:

USA Republicans trying to stay in office have started dragging Christ everywhere + will have him out there on the road right 02.Nov.2004 Election Day -up to-.

11.Jul.2004 Former Australia PMs Tell USA to 'Butt Out': USA has been told to "butt out" of Australian politics by two former prime ministers

who accused USA officials of trying to sway Australian voters in knife-edge general election due within months

11.Jul.2004 Pentagon shuns Asia for Canberra's

11.Jul.2004 The Criminalization of the State:

A terrorist attack on USA soil of the size + nature of 11.Sep.2001 would lead - according to former CENTCOM Commander, General Tommy Franks - to the downfall of democracy in USA.

11.Jul.2004 Feds seek to seal evidence in CIA trial: USA prosecutors want a judge to review - + possibly block - sensitive information in the trial of a CIA contractor accused of beating an Afghan detainee who later died.

11.Jul.2004 Journalists hit by new USA visa rules

A crackdown by USA authorities on issuing visas to foreign journalists threatens to cause chaos for overseas broadcasters + newspapers just five months before presidential election.

11.Jul.2004 DoD to Assist Security Efforts for USA Political Events: USA Defense Department is ready to provide support to safeguard this fall's Democratic + Republican national conventions + the presidential election, a senior USA military officer said here today.

08.Jul.2001 Ridge Warns of Election Terror Plot:A steady stream of intelligence, including nuggets from militant-linked Web sites, indicates al-Qaida wants to attack the USA to disrupt the upcoming elections- USA officials-

11.Jul.2004 The Criminalization of the State:

A terrorist attack on USA soil of the size + nature of 11.Sep.2001 would lead to the downfall of democracy in USA- according to former CENTCOM Commander, General Tommy Franks -

11.Jul.2004 Feds seek to seal evidence in CIA trial: Federal prosecutors want a judge to review - + possibly block - sensitive information in the trial of a CIA contractor accused of beating an Afghan detainee who later died

11.Jul.2004 Journalists hit by new USA visa rules : A crackdown by USA authorities on issuing visas to foreign journalists threatens to cause chaos for overseas broadcasters and newspapers just five months before USApresidential election.

11.Jul.2004 Video Documentary: John Pilger: "Palestine is Still the Issue" : Why Has This Documentary, Never Been Broadcast On USA Media ?

11.Jul.2004 Illegal Israeli barrier: Your views: Do you agree with the ruling? Should the wall be pulled down or is it a necessary security measure? Send us your comments.

10.Jul.2004 Report: CIA Gave False Info on Iraq: Sen. Pat Roberts, a Kansas Republican who heads the committee, told reporters that assessments that Iraq had chemical + biological weapons + could make a nuclear weapon 31.Dez.2010 -by the end of the decade- were wrong.

11.Jul.2004 Saddam's case appealed to USA high court:

The lone American on Saddam Hussein's legal team said 10.Jul.2004 that he has asked USA Supreme Court to declare detention of the ousted Iraqi president unconstitutional

11.Jul.2004 Naomi Klein : The grieving parents who might yet bring Bush down: The families of dead USA soldiers have overcome censorship + fear.

11.Jul.2004 Americans Object to War Images Online : Half of Americans object to the online availability of graphic war images, though millions have actively sought them out, a new study finds.

11.Jul.2004 NY senators: World Court wrong about West Bank barrier : New York's two senators were quick to denounce the International Court of Justice opinion that Israel's West Bank barrier is illegal.

11.Jul.2004 Electing to deal with terror threat: He couldn't say where.He couldn't say when. He couldn't say who. He couldn't say how. So why did Tom Ridge even bother coming out before the microphones + cameras yesterday, stirring up public anxiety about a pre-election terror attack?

11.Jul.2004 Welcome to the Matrix : Inside the Government’s Secret, Corporate-Run Mega-Database: In what civil liberties advocates call the most massive database surveillance program in USA history, the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, or Matrix, continues to compile billions of records on law-abiding citizens + receive federal funding, despite public outcry + suspicion.

11.Jul.2004 Israel: Video: In The Line Of Fire: A Canadian TV producer, met a number of Palestinian video cameramen + still photographers who cover the frequent clashes in Hebron.

Reuters, + their colleagues are accustomed to the risks of photographing street protests + riots.

But displaying their wounds, they all told Naylor they had become targets of Israeli soldiers firing rubber bullets + even live ammunition.

11.Jul.2004 Robert Maxwell Was A Mossad Spy: ELEVEN years after former Daily Mirror owner Robert Maxwell plunged from his luxury yacht to a watery grave, his death still arouses intense interest.

10.Jul.2004 Elusive Taliban leader `alive': A captured member of the Afghan Taliban has contacted the movement's leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, a senior official said yesterday, the first indication in months that the one-eyed fugitive is still alive.

11.Jul.2004 Kabul’s Colonel Kurtz: The murky world of Afghanistan’s freelance soldiers of fortune: They hang out at Kabul’s Mustafa Hotel, muscles + automatic weaponry on display, guzzling beer + flirting with the giggling Thai girls flown in to staff the hotel’s new massage parlour + beauty salon.

10.Jul.2004 Audit Faults USA Accounting for Iraqi Oil Funds: USA officials who ran Iraq until last month used a system open to fraud + error to track about $20 billion in Iraqi funds spent during the occupation, accounting firm KPMG said in a report made public on Friday.

11.Jul.2004 Chris Floyd: Master Class: Last week saw a flurry of stories (largely ignored, naturally) indicating that the pervasive corruption of America's colonial enterprise has risen to new heights. The Bush Regime plunged into an orgy of graft that stripped Iraq's treasury bare. Most of this loot was divvied up in no-bid contracts to Regime lardbuckets like Halliburton -- but up to $3 billion of it simply "disappeared" into pockets yet unknown

11.Jul.2004 Senate "Report" White-Washes "Bad Intelligence" Story for the White House; Former CIA Director Tenet Set Up as "Patsy" as Media Ignore Real Culprits.

11.Jul.2004 Video: Truth, War And Consequences: The WMD Rationale For War:

The growing divergence between what Bush policy makers were saying about the imminent threat of Iraqi WMD + what USA intelligence was reporting.

11.Jul.2004 USA News obtains all classified annexes to the Taguba report on Abu Ghraib: The most comprehensive view yet of what went wrong at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, based on a review of all 106 classified annexes to the report of Major General Antonio Taguba, shows abuses were facilitated--and likely encouraged

10.Jul.2004 Army's propaganda war collides with reality:

They are the soldiers of the Army's 8th Psychological Operations Battalion, charged with carrying out one of the most difficult campaigns of the Iraq war: persuading Iraqis to buy into America's vision of their land.

10.Jul.2004 Blair blamed for faulty Iraq intelligence: Prime Minister Tony Blair cannot escape any blame over intelligence mistakes made about Iraq's weaponry in the run-up to war, says a former British spy chief.

11.Jul.2004 BBC says Blair "considered resigning": Prime Minister Tony Blair considered resigning last month and had to be persuaded to stay on by senior colleagues, the BBC has reported.

11.Jul.2004 Soldiers fresh from Iraq speak out against war, Bush administration:

Two military service members who recently returned from Iraq spoke out against the war Wednesday, telling a small but boisterous crowd that the Bush administration misled America about the threat of terrorism there.

10.Jul.2004 ÄGYPTEN Mubarak wechselt Regierungschef aus -Nach dem geschlossenen Rücktritt der ägyptischen Regierung

hat Präsident Mubarak den bisherigen Verkehrsminister Ahmed Nasief zum neuen Ministerpräsidenten ernannt. Forderungen nach innenpolitischen Reformen hatten seinen Vorgänger zur Aufgabe gezwungen.
Kairo - Unmittelbar nach dem geschlossenen Rücktritt des Kabinetts von Ministerpräsident Atef Obeid am Freitag ernannte Mubarak den bisherigen Verkehrsminister Ahmed Nasief zu dessen Nachfolger.

Nasief erhielt nach Angaben aus dem Verteidigungsministerium 24 Stunden Zeit, um ein neues Kabinett zu bilden.
Die erste umfassende Regierungsumbildung seit Juli 2002 kommt nicht unerwartet. Mubarak sieht sich seit einiger Zeit verstärkt Forderungen nach politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Reformen ausgesetzt.

Der Oppositionspolitiker und Herausgeber der Zeitung "Al Arabi", Abdel Halem Kandel, bezeichnete die Änderungen in der Regierung als kosmetisch:

"Mubarak ersetzte einen alternden Ministerpräsidenten mit einem jungen Gesicht + das ist die einzige Änderung", sagte Kandel im Gespräch mit der Nachrichtenagentur AP. Der wirkliche Regierungschef sei Mubarak selbst.
10.Jul.2004 Ist das Rückenmark einmal beschädigt, gibt es in der Regel keine Chance auf Heilung - nicht beim Menschen und auch nicht bei den meisten anderen Säugetieren.

Gleich zwei Prozesse verhindern, dass die auf einmal getrennten Nerven-Enden wieder zueinander finden:

Zum einen erzeugen Moleküle im Gehirn und im Rückenmark eine derart feindliche Umgebung, dass jedes Wachstum der beschädigten Neuronen im Keim erstickt wird.

Zum anderen verhindern Störfaktoren, die in jede Nervenzelle eingebaut sind, eine automatische Reparatur.
Doch zumindest eines der beiden Hindernisse könnte dank tierischer Hilfe ausgeräumt werden.

Wie ein Team von Neurobiologen der State University of New York im Fachmagazin "Science" berichtet, regt ein Botenmolekül im Rückenmark von Zebrafischen spontan das Nervenwachstum an.
Gestörte Regeneration
Eigentlich ist das gar nicht nötig, denn das Rückenmark der Fische ist im Prinzip weitaus flexibler als das der Menschen - die meisten Neuronen wachsen problemlos nach.

Doch auch beim Zebrafisch stoßen Forscher immer wieder auf Nervenzellen, die sich nicht regenerieren können;

offensichtlich wirken dabei (ähnlich wie beim Menschen) in die Zelle eingebaute Störfaktoren einem erneuten Wachstum entgegen.
Doch mit einem simplen Trick lässt sich dieser Störversuch umgehen, wie Dimple Bhatt und Kollegen berichten.

Die Forscher haben ihren Versuchstieren Verletzungen am zentralen Nervensystem zugefügt, ihnen

drei bis fünf Tage später verschiedene Moleküle zur Heilung verabreicht + anschließend beobachtet, welche Stoffe das Nervenwachstum anregen.
Dabei zeigte sich, dass ein Botenstoff namens zyklisches Adenosin-Monophosphat innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Einnahme den abgestorbenen Nervenstümpfen neues Leben einhaucht.

Das Wachstum war so stark, dass die neuen Nerven bei allen 26 untersuchten Tieren das verletzte Rückenmark durchstießen + eine intakte Verbindung herstellten.

Sollte sich das Prinzip auch auf den Menschen übertragen lassen, hätten die Forscher einen entscheidenden Schritt in Richtung der Therapie von Rückenmarksverletzungen gemacht.

Denn das zweite Hindernis im menschlichen Körper, die wachstumsfeindliche Umgebung, sollte sich im Prinzip auch ausschalten lassen. Im Labor zumindest ist das Wissenschaftlern schon gelungen.
Ägypten: Mubarak wechselt Regierungschef aus

10.Jul.2004 Rechtsruck in Portugal: Ein Populist als Premier Der als "portugiesischer Berlusconi" geltende Santana Lopes ist zwar in den eigenen Reihen umstritten, war aber vor einer Woche als Nachfolger Barrosos zum neuen PSD-Vorsitzenden bestimmt worden. Dies war eine der Voraussetzungen gewesen, um auch das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten zu übernehmen.

10.Jul.2004 Mit seiner Entscheidung handelte der Präsident entgegen der Meinung des Staatsrates, seines höchsten Beratergremiums.

10.Jul.2004 -Am -berichtete die Zeitung "Público"-Dessen 16 Mitglieder hätten sich mehrheitlich für vorgezogene Parlamentswahlen ausgesprochen.

Die nächsten Wahlen in Portugal sind erst für 00.000.2006 angesetzt.
10.Jul.2004 Staatspräsident Jorge Sampaio kündigte an, er werde Barrosos Sozialdemokratische Partei (PSD), die konservativ ausgerichtet ist, mit der Bildung einer neuen Regierung beauftragen.

Neuwahlen - wie von der linken Opposition gefordert - schloss er als Ausweg aus der politischen Krise aus.
Sozialistenchef Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues trat aus Protest zurück. Er wertete die Entscheidung Sampaios als persönliche Niederlage.

Der künftigen Regierung sprach er jede Legitimität ab. Zugleich warnte die Linke vor einem weiteren Rechtsruck in Portugal.URL:,1518,308171,00.html
10.Jul.2004 Ein Populist als Premier - Portugals Regierungschef Barroso soll neuer EU-Kommissionspräsident werden.

Der geplante Wechsel sorgt für Debatten innerhalb der konservativ ausgerichteten Sozialdemokratischen Partei. Nachfolger Barrosos wird wahrscheinlich Lissabons populistischer Bürgermeister Pedro Santana Lopes.
10.Jul.2004 Ungeachtet der harschen Kritik am USA-Geheimdienst CIA glaubt USA-Präsident Bush [BGW968] weiter an eine Gefahr, die vor dem Krieg von Saddam Hussein ausging. Trotzdem deutete er an, dass sich beim Geheimdienst einiges ändern müsse. Kritik am Geheimdienst CIA: Bush glaubt weiter an seine Kriegsgründe

10.Jul.2004 San Juan Islands: Refugium der Nonnen und Lebenskünstler "Sisters of Mercy" und "Our Lady of the Rock", so nennen die Nonnen auf Shaw Island ihre Orden. Orca Island hingegen lockt viele Künstler und Aussteiger und San Juan die Whale-Watchers: Das San-Juan-Archipel nördlich von Seattle ist ein Gewirr aus mehr als 700 Inseln, ein Plätzchen findet sich für jedermann.

10.Jul.2004 Heilendes Rückenmark: Zerstörte Nerven finden wieder Anschluss
Ein gebrochenes Rückgrat muss für Zebrafische nicht unbedingt eine Lähmung bedeuten: Dank eines Botenstoffes fangen zerstörte Nervenzellen im Rückenmark der Tiere plötzlich wieder an zu wachsen. Der Stoff könnte auch bei verletzten Menschen wirken.

10.Jul.2004 Streik in Sindelfingen: Bei DaimlerChrysler schweigen die Bänder Arbeitsniederlegungen haben am Samstag im DaimlerChrysler-Werk Sindelfingen zu erheblichen Produktionsausfällen geführt.

Nach Angaben des Betriebes wurden 1000 Autos nicht hergestellt. Der Streik war nur der Auftakt: Nächste Woche soll es weitere Protestaktionen geben.

10.Jul.2004 Kölner Attentat: Verdächtiger bestreitet Vorwürfe Nagelbombenanschlag von Köln: Verdächtiger auf freiem Fuß Der 23-jährige Verdächtige, der im Zusammenhang mit dem Nagelbombenanschlag in Köln festgenommen wurde, ist wieder entlassen worden. Der dringende Tatverdacht gegen ihn konnte nicht erhärtet werden, teilte die Kölner Polizei mit.

10.Jul.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: Die Henker von Bagdad

04.Apr.2004 23:00 Kunst im Fadenkreuz des FBI ...Wie Mark Lombardi die Netzwerke der internationalen Wirtschaftskriminalität entlarvt

Robert Hobbs: "Kurz vor seinem Tod war er in einer sehr schwierigen Phase. Er trennte sich von seiner Freundin, sein Auto hatte einen Totalschaden, sein Osama Bin Laden-Bild wurde von einer Sprinkler-Anlage zerstört, wenige Tage vor einer großen Ausstellung. Er nahm Tabletten, um es rechtzeitig noch einmal zu zeichnen."

22.Apr.2000 wurde Mark Lombardi in seinem Studio gefunden. Erhängt. Die Polizei stellte als Todesursache Selbstmord fest … Buchtipp:
"Mark Lombardi: Global Networks", erschienen im Verlag Independent Curators Inc., mit einem Vorwort von Judith Richards, ISBN 0916365670

Um die Ausdruckskraft seiner Zeichnungen zu steigern, experimentierte Lombardi auch mit einem Lichtkasten.

Er zeigt die geheime Verwicklung des Vatikans zur Zeit Papst Paul VI. in einen internationalen Geldwäsche-Skandal, unter Beteiligung der Mafia + USA Diplomaten.

Wie ein Historiengemälde erzählt diese Graphik von Macht + Gier + Ritual + Mord.

00.Jun.1982 wurde Roberto Calvi, Vorstand der Banco Ambrosiani, tot aufgefunden.

Greg Stone, ein befreundeter Künstler: "Ich fragte Mark: Was soll einen italienischen Sammler davon abhalten, das Bild zu kaufen, nur um es vor der Öffentlichkeit zu verstecken?

Und er sagte nur: Ich hoffe, ich werde niemals so wichtig werden."

Mark Lombardi: "Ich war auf der Suche etwas, das einerseits die Ausdruckskraft eines Gemäldes hat + das gleichzeitig eine Geschichte erzählt.

Narrative Information. Ich nenne diese Zeichnungen narrative Strukturen."

Lombardi hatte ein Archiv mit über viertausend Karteikarten, auf denen er Informationen aus Büchern, Zeitungsartikeln + Datenbanken sammelte.Alles öffentlich zugängliche Quellen.

Er zeichnete ausschließlich mit der Hand. Computergraphik lehnte er ab. Wie ein Besessener arbeitete er manchmal Tag und Nacht.

Robert Hobbs, Kunsthistoriker: "Seine Arbeitsweise war faszinierend intensiv. Oft arbeitete er an einem Werk vier oder fünf Tage und Nächte ununterbrochen, ohne zu schlafen.

Dann stellte er die Stereoanlage auf höchste Lautstärke, aber ohne Musik, nur weißes Rauschen. Um jedes Geräusch um ihn herum auszuschalten."

Eines von Mark Lombardis Lieblingsthemen waren die Verwicklungen des heutigen USA Präsidenten in die Machenschaften der Ölindustrie.

00.000.1991 -Kurz vor- Ausbruch des ersten Golfkrieges verkaufte George Bush juniorBush [BGW968] ein Aktienpaket des texanischen Ölkonzerns Harken Energy für 850 Tausend Dollar.

Zwei Monate später wäre es nur noch ein Viertel wert gewesen. Bush [BGW968] bestritt, von den Kriegsplänen seines Vaters Bush [BGWH948] gewusst zu haben.

04.Apr.2004 Alliierte Bush [BGW968] + Blair Irak-Angriffspakt schon im 00.Sep.2001 - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE.htm 2004040120
Bush [BGW968] + Blair sollen den Krieg gegen den Irak weit früher beschlossen haben
12.Jun.2004 'We Can Implant Entirely False Memories'
Laura Spinney on our remembrance of things past...
The Guardian – UK - You were abducted by aliens, you saw Bugs Bunny at Disneyland + then you went up in a balloon. Didn't you?

Alan Alda had nothing against hard-boiled eggs until last spring .

"These new services ... literally alter the balance of power between the individual + the state," giving the government more power““-Chris Hoofnagle, associate director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington. "The private sector has become Big Brother's little helper."
Welcome to the Matrix. All I can say is you can lead SHEEPLE to water, but you can't make the SHEEPLE Drink the "Kool Aid". Wake up America - You are Borg.   Cop On The Beat A Walking Database   (AP)

A police officer stops you on the street, then taps something into a device in the palm of his hand.  

The next minute, he knows who your relatives are, who lives in your house, who your neighbors are, the kind of car you drive or boat you own, whether you've been sued + various other tidbits about your life.  

Science fiction? Hardly.  

A growing number of police departments now have instant access via handheld wireless devices to vast commercial databases that contain details on just about anyone officers encounter on the beat.  

In a time of terrorism worries , the information could theoretically save lives, or produce clues that an eagle-eyed cop could use to solve a case.  

But placing a commercial database full of personal details at an officer's fingertips also raises troubling questions for electronic privacy activists.  

"If the police went around keeping files on who you lived with + who your roommates were, I think people would be outraged," said Jay Stanley, a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union,

"And yet in this case, they're not doing it, but they're plugging into a company that is able to do it easily."  

In recent years, police departments have been testing different handheld wireless devices.

Typically, they've used the devices to gain access to law enforcement databases meant only for police that, for example, alert them when someone is wanted for arrest.  

At the same time, many police departments have been using desktop computers to search commercial databases to help them learn more detailed information about people they are investigating.

These databases can hold billions of public records from a variety of sources.

Thousands of law enforcement bodies now use them; five states have now linked their own records with a huge commercial database in a federally funded program known as Matrix.  

Now, in a convergence of the two trends, police are beginning to access the commercial databases using handheld wireless devices.  

LocatePLUS Holdings Corporation, a Beverly, Mass.-based company that says it maintains more than 6 billion records +

has data on 98 percent of the USA population, announced this week that it would provide Blackberry wireless devices to state police at Logan International Airport.

Two of the planes hijacked on 11.Sep.2001 , took off from Logan.  

The officers can use the Blackberrys to access the LocatePLUS Holdings Corporation database wherever +

whenever they want, though the records don't include state + federal criminal justice databases or terrorist watch lists YET.  

Such empowerment gains even more heft with Monday's ruling by a sharply divided USA Supreme Court that

people who refuse to give their names to police can be arrested, even if they've done nothing wrong.  

Justice John Paul Stevens, one of the dissenters, expressed concern that, with simply a name, officers could quickly tap into databases and learn a "broad array of information about the person."  

Indeed, that's already happening.


As the stun belt catches on nationally, it may become an attractive export. And that has Amnesty International worried.

Acts of torture and severe ill-treatment using new electronic devices have been reported in at least fourteen countries, says Brian Wood of Amnesty.

Although the stun belt has not yet been sold abroad, Amnesty International has expressed concern about the use of such electroshock weapons for torture .

Amnesty International has had records of torture with low-voltage cattle prods since the 1970 s,

but these new varieties of electronic devices--the taser, the stun gun, the electroshock baton, the electric riot shield, + the stun belt--function at a significantly higher voltage than the older variety.

According to the British Forensic Science Service study, they are more severe by nearly two orders of magnitude.

Amnesty International , the Omega Foundation + the Journal of the American Medical Association all suggest that the number of “push-button” torture cases is on the rise.

Torture rs favor the new devices because they are easy to use + tend not to leave obvious or lasting marks.

Countries with records of electrical torture sometimes attempt to obtain samples of these devices in order to manufacture their own, according to an Omega Foundation report.

Amnesty International now has cases of torture rs shocking children, as well as men and women, with hand-held, high-voltage devices in the most sensitive areas of the human body:

“behind their ears, on their necks, in their mouths, in their reproductive organs and rectums.”

Torture rs have been known to give multiple blasts and to run devices continuously over their victims’ bodies.

People who have undergone this kind of torture have reported intense pain, muscle contractions, lost bowel control, vomiting + urination.

Although the physical evidence of electrical torture may eventually disappear, the real trauma is psychological--the experience of being shocked into incapacitation and severe pain again and again.

“Post-traumatic-stress syndrome describes the reaction to electrical injury as well as to other forms of torture ,”says Douglas Shenson, director of the Human Rights Clinic at Montefiore Hospital+North Central Bronx Hospital

Shenson claims that 11 % of the patients he sees at the Human Rights Clinic report electrical torture .

The way electrical torture is used, says Shenson, “is often to inflict maximal pain.

The electrodes are often applied to the most sensitive parts of the body.

That includes the genitals.” Patients who have endured this form of torture report lingering psychological symptoms, “anything from depression to loss of appetite.”

The stun belt would make an ideal torture weapon, Amnesty International fears.

The operator does not have to have physical contact with the victim in order to cause pain (manufacturers of a newer version, the R.A.C.C. belt, advertise its ability to shock from as far as 600 feet away).

Although Stun Tech limits the R.E.A.C.T. belt’s blast to eight seconds, “that doesn’t help a prisoner whose torture r may be setting [the belt] off again and again,” says Wood.

The belt can be set off repeatedly, with only a one-second delay between shocks.

The medical affidavit, which accompanies advertising materials on the R.E.A.C.T. belt + supposedly proves its safety, discusses only a single application of the stun.

Stun Tech ’s Kaufman is eager to begin marketing the belt to other countries.

“Many nations have shown interest,” says Kaufman. Stun Tech already sells its device, Ultron II, abroad.

Would Stun Tech willingly market the stun belt to prison facilities in China, Mexico, or Saudi Arabia--three countries known for their human-rights abuses?

Yes, says Kaufman, “We can deal with certain countries under the Free Trade Agreement without a problem.”

I ask if Stun Tech conducts research on the prison systems of the countries it ships to. Kaufman tells me it does not.

Many countries tend to look to the USA to set standards.

When the USA Bureau of Prisons officially adopts an instrument like the stun belt, “the danger is that this belt--like other USA stun tech nology--will find its way onto the international market +

into the hands of dedicated torture rs,” says Amnesty International ’s Wood.
For Ganger, stun belts, like the chain gangs themselves, are a gimmick. “If you engage in sane correctional practice, you can set up totally secure work crews without any of the theatrical accouterments that are unneeded. They’re like fluff. It’s a form of political show business. P oliticians are more interested in their standing in the polls than in good correctional practice.”

The sponsor of the Los Angeles conference is the American Defense Preparedness Association.

It publishes National Defense magazine + organizes many other conferences with such titles as “Enhancing the Individual Warrior,” “Undersea Warfare,” and “Bomb and Warhead.”

Conference participants thrill to the idea of combating “internal enemies.”

“I don’t think our defense against an internal enemy is any different from a defense against an external enemy that might be threatening our borders,” says Sherman Block, sheriff of Los Angeles County.

During conference break-out sessions, we watch film clips from Star Trek, RoboCop, Star Wars, Gunsmoke + Clint Eastwood westerns.

“The police firearm is more reminiscent of Wyatt Earp than it is of Star Trek’s Captain Kirk. We do indeed have a technology gap,” says Alan Bersin, the conference chairman.

To cover the gap, the industry stresses the importance of manipulating the USA public’s fear of crime.

“Think about the public’s concern about crime and translate that concern into a national agenda--into new solutions, new technologies, ” says Jeremy Travis, director of the National Institute of Justice .

“How can we build a public demand + marry that demand to production?”

Stun Tech ’s advertising material asserts that “merely wearing the belt is not a violation of civil rights. As long as it is not used for officer gratification or punishment, liability is non-existent.”

Leaving aside the issue of “officer gratification,” the belt seems popular precisely for its punishment potential.

And it is being used even before defendants are proven guilty.

But on 01.Dec.1995 something went terribly wrong. As part of the training, Landis was required to endure two 45,000-volt shocks. Shortly after the second shock, Landis collapsed and died.

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice, which had used the shields to subdue prisoners since 00.Sep.1995 , immediately suspended their use.

Meanwhile , John McDermit, president of Nova Products, Inc., the maker of the shield, denied that it had killed Landis. “We’re very sorry this happened,” McDermit said.

“But there certainly was no connection between his training and his death.”

“The stun belt looks to be a weapon which will almost certainly result in cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment,” a violation of international law, says Brian Wood of Amnesty International, which will launch an international campaign against electronic stun devices this summer .

The use of the stun belt in USA prisons “will inevitably encourage prison authorities--including those in torturing states--to do likewise,” says Wood,

who believes the chances are very high that the belt will eventually be used for torture .

19960700 The Progressive magazine.htm 00.Jul.1996 Corrections Cowboys get a Charge out of their New Sci-Fi Weapons URL:   19960700 The Progressive magazine.htm
".. about the belt’s safety. Like many other Texas corrections workers, Harry Landis was in training to use the electric riot shield. Like the stun belt, the taser + the stun gun, the shield is an electronic shocking device. Guards frequently use the shield when removing prisoners from their cells. But on 01.Dec .."
".. for torture. Amnesty International has had records of torture with low-voltage cattle prods since the 1970s, but these new varieties of electronic devices--the taser , the stun gun, the electroshock baton, the electric riot shield, + the stun belt--function at a significantly higher voltage than the older variety. .." - USA military developing first real ray guns URL:   _Wissenschaft/04.Jul.2004 USA military developing first real ray guns.htm
USA military developing first real ray guns
".. glowing plasma that can be sustained by repeating the pulse every few milliseconds. This plasma channel is then used to deliver a shock to the victims similar to a Taser 's 50,000-volt, 26-watt shock

Blitz-Pistole 50_000 Volt, 5 Sekunden K_o_ - Wissenschaft - SPIEGEL ONLINE.htm
Schon seit Jahren testen deutsche Polizisten eine Waffe, die nicht tötet. Statt von Kugeln wird das Opfer von einem Stromschlag getroffen und geht zu Boden. Doch niemand traut sich so recht, die so genannte Taser-Pistole offiziell zuzulassen.
From Cartel Regulation to Monopolistic Control?

The Founding of the German 'Steel Trust' in 00.000.1926 and its Effect on Market Regulation -Reckendrees A. Business History, 00.Jul. 2003 , vol. 45, iss. 3, pp. 22-51(30) Frank Cass Publishers

Void´ness n. 1. The quality or state of being void; emptiness; vacuity; nullity; want of substantiality.


USA Steel's production peaked at more than 35 million tons in 00.000.1953;

WWII. 00.000.1943 -i i n du ring USA employment was greatest

the DRAHEIM REPORT ... The largest company Bush s UBC helped finance was the German Steel Trust , responsible for between one-third and one-half of Nazi iron and explosives. ...

Bush lies - millions will die -PROPAGANDA- Worried about gas prices? You shouldn't be.

Within a few years of WORLDWIDE PEAK OIL PRODUCTION occurring, the price of food will skyrocket because of the cost of fertilizer will soar.

The cost of storing (electricity) and transporting (gasoline) the food that is produced will also soar.

Oil is required for a lot more than just food and transportation.

It is also required for nearly every consumer item, water supply pumping, sewage disposal, garbage disposal, street/park maintenance, hospitals & health systems, police, fire services + national defense.

If ignorance is bliss, this must be *NIRVANA*.
Q Is one of the problems with this + the entire energy field, USA lifestyles?

Does the President believe that, given the amount of energy USAs consume per capita, how much it exceeds any other citizen in any other country in the world,

does the President believe we need to correct our lifestyles to address the energy problem?
That's a big no.

"The most effectual means of preventing tyranny is to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge of those facts, which history exibiteth, that possessed thereby of the experience of other ages and countries, they may be able to know ambition under all its shapes + prompt to exert their natural powers to defeat its purposes." Thomas Jefferson

53 minute streaming video Discussion panel from Canadian television debates the events of 11.Sep.2001   Includes panelist Michael Ruppert, former LAPD narcotics detective, now an acclaimed CIA watchdog Numerous links about the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington (1MB). URL:

10.Jul.2004 Marcus Mittermeiers  Komödie "Muxmäuschenstill" ("Ist das Faschismus , was dieser kleine Film aus Deutschland illustriert, der gewöhnliche, alltägliche, ordinäre Faschismus?" fragt Fritz Göttler.

"Ein Film gegen den Schwachsinn der modernen Gesellschaft + seine Protagonisten wie Koch, Bohlen, Raab.

10.Jul.2004 Erklärungen, weshalb Litauen weltweit die höchste (und Griechenland europaweit die niedrigste) Selbstmordrate hat. 

10.Jul.2004 Die Außenpolitik der Bush-Regierung seit dem 11.Sep.2001 ist die "Fortsetzung + Radikalisierung" der Außenpolitik Bill Clintons , entnimmt Tim B. Müller einem heute in den USA erscheinenden Buch:

"America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order". Die Autoren sind der Brite Jonathan Clarke , Auslands-Experte des Cato Instituts, + Stefan Halper , Berater mehrerer republikanischer USA-Präsidenten. "Auch liberale Internationalisten halten präventive + präemptive Maßnahmen gegen Terror, Massenvernichtungswaffen + Despotien für legitim - im äußersten Fall auch mit militärischen Mitteln.

Sie weigern sich, die Souveränität völkermordender Diktaturen über die Menschenrechte zu stellen."

Nichts anderes gelte für einen künftigen Präsidenten Kerry , schreibt Müller + zitiert den Neocon Kagan:

"Viele Europäer glauben, sie hätten nur ein Problem mit der Bush [BGW968]-Regierung. Das ist eine gefährliche Fehlkalkulation .

Wenn John Kerry die Wahl gewinnt, wird eine seiner ersten Taten sein, die Hilfe Europas im Irak zu fordern."
Ausstellung zeitgenössischer künstlerischer Positionen zum Thema Atomkrieg im Kunsthaus Dresden + Bücher, darunter Paul Rabinows Studien zu Wissenschaft + Lebensführung "Anthropologie der Vernunft" Bücherschau

10.Jul.2004 Jenny Holzers Installation "Truth before Power" mit Texten aus CIA-Akten im Kunsthaus Bregenz ("Die schöne Wirkung verstellt die politische Einsicht", meint Peter Iden),

10.Jul.2004 "Die Art, wie in Köln über die Fernwirkung des Doms diskutiert wird, zeigt, dass die Hochhausdebatte der Lokalpolitik wohl zu Kopfe gestiegen ist," schreibt Christian Thomas

angesichts der Debatte, die die Unesco mit ihrer Entscheidung ausgelöst hat, den Kölner Dom auf die "Rote Liste" des gefährdeten Weltkulturerbes zu setzen.

"Sie sollte sich jedoch vielleicht dem Sockel der 157 Meter hohen + 750 Jahre alten Kathedrale zuwenden, zumal angesichts der Halbwertzeiten von Hochhausdebatten."
10.Jul.2004 Album
"Einmal Superpunk, bitte": " Sixties-Soul , wie er in den Sixties nie gespielt wurde, mit einem Backbeat, der nach einem langen Tag am Fließband in die Beine fährt + Texten,

die nach einem langen Tag am Schreibtisch die Gehirnwindungen von allem unnötigen Ballast befreien, weil sie menschliche Grundstimmungen in möglichst einfache Worte fassen, die man jederzeit verstehen kann,

ohne ein Kompendium mit popkulturellen Zitaten heranziehen zu müssen."
10.Jul.2004 "Wir wollen einfach mit dem Film darauf aufmerksam machen, das unsere Gesellschaft, wenn sie so weitermacht mit ihren Klingeltönen, dämlichen Starbiografien von Oliver Kahn bis Dieter Bohlen +

all dem anderen Quatsch, in ein riesengroßes moralisches Problem schlittert", sagt Marcus Mittermeier in einem Interview über sein Spielfilmdebüt "Muxmäuschenstill".

"Wir werden eine rein ökonomisch orientierte Ansammlung von Ich-AGs .

Die Tatsache, dass wir mit Horst Köhler einen Bundespräsidenten bekommen, der aus der Wirtschaft kommt, signalisiert mir, dass es das ist, worum es in diesem Staate auch in Zukunft hauptsächlich gehen soll."
10.Jul.2004 Plänen des schwäbischen Galeristen Hans Jürgen Müller, von Teneriffa aus die Welt zu verbessern.

Dort plant besagter Herr eine "Zukunftswerkstatt" , "eine Art Gelehrtenrepublik für die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts, Arbeitstitel: Atlantis ".

10.Jul.2004 Jörg Lau versucht, das "allgemeine Klima der Gereiztheit " zu greifen, das derzeit in deutsch-jüdischen Debatten herrrscht.

10.Jul.2004 Im Feuilleton kann es der Hamburger Strafrechtler Reinhard Merkel kaum glauben, dass das neue Luftsicherungsgesetz keinen Aufschrei in der Öffentlichkeit ausgelöst hat.

Danach dürfen entführte Flugzeuge abgeschossen werden, wenn sie das Leben von Menschen am Boden bedrohen, womit sich, in Merkels Worten, der Staat zum "Totschläger seiner rechtstreuen Bürger" macht:

" Niemand , der ein Grundrecht auf Leben hat, muss dieses Leben zugunsten anderer, denen er nichts getan hat und nichts tun will, die er nicht bedroht, ja nicht einmal kennt, opfern lassen .

Das außer Zweifel zu stellen gehört zu den schlechthin primären Funktionen des Lebensrechts."
10.Jul.2004 In case you missed it? :

Video: USA Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune + the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush:

Phillips shows how spying + dishonesty about one's background + business dealings + multiple loyalties + preoccupation with profits + oil go deep into the Bush family roots +

he likens their search for power to royal European dynasties + restorations of the 18th+ 19th centuries.

10.Jul.2004 Arbeitszeit-Debatte: Beschäftigte in der Angststarre

10.Jul.2004 Ägypten: Mubarak wechselt Regierungschef aus

10.Jul.2004 KRITIK AM GEHEIMDIENST CIA Bush glaubt weiter an seine Kriegsgründe Ungeachtet der harschen Kritik am USA Geheimdienst CIA glaubt USA-Präsident Bush [BGW968] weiter an eine Gefahr,

die vor dem Krieg von Saddam Hussein ausging. Trotzdem deutete er an, dass sich beim Geheimdienst einiges ändern müsse.

10.Jul.2004 SPERRZAUN-URTEIL USA stellen sich auf Israels Seite Die USA haben das gestern ergangene Urteil zum Verlauf des israelischen Sperrzauns demonstrativ kritisiert.

Auch Israel betonte erneut, dass es das Urteil des Internationalen Gerichtshofes nicht anerkennen wird.

10.Jul.2004 KOPFPAUSCHALE Union signalisiert Zustimmung für Rürup-Vorschlag Der Finanzwissenschaftler + Regierungsberater Bert Rürup hat sein Modell für eine Radikalreform der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung

in entscheidenden Punkten überarbeitet - und stößt damit nach Informationen des SPIEGEL auf Wohlwollen bei der Union

28.Feb.2003 “If Iraq had disarmed itself, gotten rid of its weapons of mass destruction over the past 12 years, or over the last several months since (UN Resolution) 1441 was enacted,

we would not be facing the crisis that we now have before us...But the suggestion that we are doing this because we want to go to every country in the Middle East + rearrange all of its pieces is not correct. Colin Powell Interview with Radio France International
The War Built On A Lie : Why mince words? These are the facts:

President Bush [BGW968] is a liar.

2) Secretary of State Colin Powell is a liar.

3) Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is a liar.

4) National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is a liar.

10.Jul.2004 Who Is Al-Zarqawi: America's New Bogeyman: Little is known about the man himself - + some experts even doubt he is alive.

Others, have accused the USA of exaggerating the threat he poses to discredit resistance to their occupation of Iraq.

10.Jul.2004 Arrested USA Mercenaries Abused Prisoners :

Three Americans arrested in Afghanistan were on a self-appointed counterterrorism mission that included abusing eight inmates in a private jail by hanging them by their feet, Afghan officials said Thursday.

11.Sep.2001 -before- Iraq No Threat -Both Colin Powell, USA Secretary of State + Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's closest adviser, made clear that Saddam Hussein was no threat - to USA, EU or the Middle East.

24.Feb.2001 In Cairo,Powell said: "He (Saddam Hussein) has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbours."
This is the very opposite of what Bush and Blair said in public.
Powell even boasted that it was the USA policy of "containment" that had effectively disarmed the Iraqi dictator - again the very opposite of what Blair said time and again.

15.May 2001 Powell went further + said that Saddam Hussein had not been able to "build his military back up or to develop weapons of mass destruction" for "the last 10 years".

USA, he said, had been successful in keeping him "in a box".
Two months later, Condoleezza Rice also described a weak, divided + militarily defenceless Iraq.

"Saddam does not control the northern part of the country," she said. "We are able to keep his arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."

10.Jul.2004 Amnesty asks Syria to free scores of Islamists -BEIRUT- Amnesty International has appealed to Syria to stop what it called the arbitrary detention + torture of Islamist activists,

saying scores of people had been arrested and intimidated in the past two months.

The London-based rights group said at least 50 Islamist activists had been detained without due legal process, contrary to the Syrian constitution and international rights treaties.

"The magnitude of arrests is not known given that they are carried out secretly by the security forces during night raids + the authorities do not immediately acknowledge that such arrests have taken place," Amnesty said.

It said many of those arrested, including secondary school students and foreign nationals, were being held incommunicado and may have been tortured.

Detainees were denied access to lawyers and their families. Trial standards in Syria often fall short of international standards.

Amnesty has regularly complained of rights abuses in Syria, where a state of emergency has been in place for more than 40 years. Rights groups say thousands of political opponents are held without trial.

The statement said Amnesty had the names of scores of Islamist political prisoners held for more than two decades, some of them well beyond the expiry of their sentences.

00.000.1982 -in the city of Hama- Syria, which has a secular government, crushed an Islamist uprising. Rights groups say thousands were killed by the army.

00.000.2000 -since in- President Bashar al-Assad came to power hundreds of political prisoners have been released.

Although he has introduced a measure of political freedom, critics say human rights are deteriorating.

Rights groups have also complained about the detention of hundreds of Kurds after ethnic riots in 00.Mar.2004 A Kurdish political party said 20 detainees were released Thursday, but around 300 were still being held.

10.Jul.2004 "The simplest explanation is that a massive environmental effect is swamping out the genetic influence," said Dr Morgan.

Genes have been discounted as the cause of most of the effects. In India, about 10 per cent of 18-year-old men are myopic. Yet in Singapore, which has a higher standard of living, 70 per cent of 18-year-olds of Indian origin have myopia. Similarly in Israel, boys studying in schools that insist on close study of religious texts had 80 per cent myopia rates.

URL: Failing children's eyesight blamed on TV, computers
Short-sightedness could soon become epidemic among children and young adults because they spend too much time looking at television screens and playing computer games.

Research in Australia has discovered that rising myopia does not have any fundamental genetic cause.

Instead a combination of increased time focusing on close objects, allied to stress, is enough to bring about long-term changes in children's eyes.

"As kids spend more time on computers or watching telly, they are going to become myopic," said Ian Morgan, of the Australian National University in Canberra.

The warning, carried in New Scientist magazine, follows a range of international studies to try to explain a rising tide of short-sightedness in several countries.

A variety of explanations, including diet and genetics, have been examined and dismissed. Instead, lifestyle is overwhelmingly to blame, suggests Dr Morgan.

In Sweden, 50 per cent of children aged 12 now have myopia. The prediction is that by the time they are 18, the level will have passed 70 per cent.