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12 MgB Bush [BGW968]

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6,5 Millionen Bundesbürger suchen zurzeit an Onlinebörsen nach einem Partner, fast alle sind jünger als 40. Die meisten vergleichen Hunderte möglicher Partner, bevor sie entscheiden, mit wem sie überhaupt in Kontakt treten wollen, im Kopf immer die persönliche Checkliste. Nur wer den richtigen Beruf, das richtige Einkommen, die richtige Herkunft hat, bekommt eine Chance – und am Ende das Jawort. »Das Ergebnis«, sagt Skopek, »ist eine Gesellschaft, die sich immer weiter aufspaltet.«

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Vor hundert Jahren, am Ende des Kaiserreichs, wurde noch fast jeder zweite Vorname von allen Bildungsschichten vergeben. Heute ist es nicht einmal mehr jeder dritte.

Barclays and RBS line up Fed for £15bn

Börse: Woche der Wahrheit an der Wall Street

Innere Sicherheit: Schäuble beharrt auf Online- Durchsuchungen

Preisfrust: Fast jeder Zweite will Energieversorger wechseln,1518,512670,00.html

Allerdings darf man auch das amerikanische Streben nach Größe nicht außer Acht lassen, wie ein Kommentator im Forum der Website anmerkt.

Er fragt, wie es wohl um den amerikanischen Stolz bestellt wäre wenn der US-Präsident "mit seiner kleinen 747, 777 oder gar 787 neben dem riesigen A380" eines europäischen Regierungschefs parken würde?,1518,druck-512642,00.html

Fall Madeleine wird neu aufgerollt

Die portugiesische Polizei hat einen neuen Chefermittler, der sich um den Fall der verschwundenen Madeleine kümmern soll.

Er ist erst seit kurzem im Dienst - und übt gleich scharfe Kritik. Laut "Mail on Sunday" ist ihm ein Chaos hinterlassen worden.

Er möchte alle Hinweise noch einmal überprüfen: Paulo Rebelo ist der neue Chefermittler im Fall um Madeleine McCann.

"Viele Schlüsselinformationen wurden nicht beachtet, der ganze Vorgang wird noch einmal untersucht", zitierte die britische Zeitung "Mail on Sunday" eine Polizeiquelle in Portugal.

Rebelo, der zuvor in einem anderen Fall gegen einen Pädophilenring in Lissabon ermittelt hatte, sprach von einem Chaos, das ihm hinterlassen worden sei.,1518,druck-512666,00.html

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Bush [BGW968] MisunderestimatedLetter From Senator Voinovich to his Senate Colleagues ...

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25.Nov.2002 Expanded Perspectives Cel Celldar: Total Surveillance ...

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Search results for Morgan

"To the deaf, a shout is as good as a whisper."

"Den Blinden erscheint alles plötzlich”

... Pierre Jay, first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ... Morgan : American Financier: Books: Jean Strouse

Before there was a Federal Reserve Board, he functioned as America's de facto central banker.

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Nukes to Iran

CBS confirms that Valerie Plame Wilson, during her CIA days, was working on stemming the flow of nuclear technology to Iran.

This confirms Raw Story's scoop from last year. From Larisa Alexandrovna's blog:

CBS states further that Plame "was involved in one highly classified mission to deliver fake nuclear weapons blueprints to Tehran.

It was called Operation Merlin, and it was first revealed in a book by investigative reporter James Risen."

Risen's book, State of War:

00.Oct.2006 “The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush [BGW968] Administration”, was published -in-eight months after Alexandrovna's initial reporting.

Risen discussed Project Merlin in the book but did not mention that Plame had been part of it.

Reached on Saturday morning, Alexandrovna said she had known of Project Merlin when she wrote her

00.000.2006 article but was not allowed to discuss the operation, as per her agreement with sources, just the country involved.

"I cannot confirm or deny that Plame was connected with Project Merlin, only that I was aware of it," Alexandrovna told Raw.

So why did the Office of the Vice President target Valerie?

The standard theory holds that they were angry at her husband Joe Wilson for his exposure of the Niger fraud.

An alternative theory holds that they wanted to shut down Brewster-Jennings, the CIA front company used by Valerie Plame as she and her team attempted to track what has been called the "nuclear Wal-Mart."

Consider these four facts from an earlier post:


Plame worked for a CIA unit tracking Weapons of Mass Destruction and the A.Q. Khan network, which sold nuclear secrets and materials to "rogue" nations.


00.000.1989 Cheney knew all about Khan +

00.000.1989 Cheney did nothing to stop A.Q. Khan.


Cheney's company, Haliburton, received a hefty fine 00.000.1995 for selling dual-use nuclear equipment to Libya, then considered the most roguish of rogue nations.

This scam would have brought Haliburton into close contact with the Khan network.


A Khan associate named B.S.A. Tahir, based in Dubai, was helping to supply centrifuge equipment to Libya.

Tahir works for a business concern called the Scomi Group.

Scomi links up with Haliburton via a German concern called Cognis.

The exact nature of these linkages are complex.

00.000.2006 -Last year- the blog “Anything They Say” published a terrific piece which deserves a revisit:

But the speculation goes further than just Plame's Iranian work, with connections spanning large swaths of the Middle East.

Chris Deliso relates that the Turkish paper, Hurriyet, reported that Plame had been in Turkey on several occasions, where she conducted meetings with various dignitaries and with scientists in Turkey.

Disenfranchised FBI translator and 9/11 whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, confirmed that Plame, working under her CIA front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, was very active in Turkey up through the time of her outing, tracking a multinational network of nuclear technology trafficking that involved not only Turkey but Pakistan, Dubai, Spain, South Africa and others.

00.000.2001 -in the year- 104 attempts to smuggle nuclear materials into Turkey were recorded by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority.

It was this network, centered in Turkey, that Plame was investigating.

00.000.2002 -ever since in- Bush [BGW968] declared Iran to be part of the "axis of evil"-t he notion that Iran would be a target of White House aggression has always been "on the table".

The problem here was that not only was the CIA tracking nuclear materials through Turkey under Plame's CIA front, the FBI was investigating this as well, as

one of the players, Gizi Technologies, was based in Secaucus, N.J..

But this investigation would cause havoc because it was suspected that the US ambassador to Turkey, Marc Grossman, was deeply involved in this nuclear arms network,

possibly with a direction of covertly or passively arming Turkey with nuclear weapons while providing diplomatic cover as an incentive to join with the US in support of the nascent efforts against Iran.

I realize that we've just painted a very complex picture.

Let's reduce it to a few strokes of the brush:

Turkey was a key hub of underground nuclear smuggling.

That's why Valerie Plame was there.

A.Q. Khan, Pakistan's nuke expert, was a leading figure within this trade.

Cheney knew all about Khan -- in fact, he may well have been financially involved with the nuclear Wal-mart.

None of this proves that the OVP wanted Iran to start building nukes in order to provide a casus belli for war.

But the possibility exists.

It is also possible that Brewster Jennings & Associates had inconvenienced another sanctioned operation to smuggle nuke stuff.

Perhaps to Libya, where Haliburton is major player.

Perhaps to Turkey.

Perhaps even to Iraq -- where weapons of mass destruction were not found, despite the administration's confident predictions, and despite the cynics' suspicion that they would be planted.

Another fun fact:

00.000.200- -just a few days before British WMD expert David Kelly was found dead- Valerie Plame was outed

A UK Member of Parliament named Norman Baker says that he has developed sources who confirm that the death was an assassination. Permalink

Bhutto Bombing Kicks Off War On US Plan

By Syed Saleem Shahzad

The first shot has already been fired in the battle that Islamists have vowed to wage against the Washington-inspired and brokered attempt at regime change in Pakistan.

It came in the form of twin bomb blasts aimed at Benazir Bhutto, the lynchpin in US machinations, within hours of her arrival in Karachi after years in exile. Continue

Ex-top Envoy Calls Iraqi Government a Failure

By Aram Roston

Former ambassador says country ‘falling apart,’ blames ministers, U.S. Continue

It’s the Oil

By Jim Holt

Iraq is ‘unwinnable’, a ‘quagmire’, a ‘fiasco’: so goes the received opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the Bush [BGW968] -Cheney perspective, it is none of these things.

Indeed, the US may be ‘stuck’ precisely where Bush [BGW968] et al want it to be, which is why there is no ‘exit strategy’. Continue

It's The Resistance, Stupid

By Pepe Escobar

The ultimate nightmare for White House/Pentagon designs on Middle East energy resources is not Iran after all: it's a unified Iraqi resistance, comprising not only Sunnis but also Shi'ites. Continue

U.S. Assisted Israel In Syrian Attack

By Reuters

Israel urged the United States to destroy the complex, but Washington hesitated because no fissionable material was found that would prove the site was nuclear. Continue

Freedom's Watch Targeting Iran

By Bill Berkowitz

After successfully holding the line on Congressional support for the surge in Iraq, wealthy Bush [BGW968] backers are turning their attention and money to drumming up support for military action against Iran. Continue

Housing Flameout: California Falls Into The Sea

By Mike Whitney

Is it really fair to blame one man for destroying the US economy? Continue

Human All Too Human - Jean Paul Sartre Video

BBC documentary explores the life and work of the philosophy and author Jean Paul Sartre. Continue

48 killed in clashes between Turks and Kurdish rebels: The Turkish military said that 32 Kurdish rebels have been killed in the fighting. The Kurds claim to have killed at least 16 Turkish soldiers and taken several more hostage.

Iraqi president says unable to hand over Kurdish rebels to Turkey : Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said Sunday his country would not be able to hand over Kurdish rebel leaders to Turkey, while the Turkish artillery continue shelling northern border region, local media reported.

Propaganda, presstitute and war pimp alert: SAS raiders enter Iran to kill "gunrunners": BRITISH special forces have crossed into Iran several times in recent months as part of a secret border war against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Al-Quds special forces, defence sources have disclosed.

Putin - we will complete Iranian nuclear reactor: Russian President also forged an alliance with Iran against military action by the West at Caspian Sea nations summit

War pimp alert: U.S. VP Cheney calls Iran an obstacle to peace: Cheney, in a speech to a think tank, also accused Tehran of practicing "delay and deception" regarding its nuclear program and warned of consequences if it did not comply with the West's demands that it halt sensitive nuclear work.

War pimp alert: Cheney: U.S. will not let Iran go nuclear : If Iran continues on its current course, Cheney said the U.S. and other nations are prepared to take action. The vice president made no specific reference to military action.

No thanks, Mr. President : President Bush [BGW968] must have envisioned the War of Gog and Magog when he gave Israel the status of the spark that will ignite World War III.

Report: Taliban appoint new regional chief in Afghanistan : The Taliban's fugitive chief Mullah Mohammad Omar has appointed his close aide Mawlawi Abdul Kabir as new commander of his loyalists in Afghanistan's eastern region, a local newspaper reported Sunday.

Bhutto warns al-Qaida, Taliban gaining ground in Pakistan : Bhutto, who is vying to become prime minister for a third time, has kept up her strong rhetoric against military rule and accuses elements within Musharraf's administration and security services of plotting to kill her.

Imran Khan: Benazir Bhutto has only herself to blame : What she hadn't taken into account was Musharraf's unpopularity. He is regarded in Pakistan as an American stooge. And the US war on terror, which he supports, is now perceived as a war against Islam.

Bill Moyers: Blackwater: The Rise Of The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army: For some answers we turn to a one-man truth squad who has been reporting on Blackwater and Erik Prince's influence. Jeremy Scahill

US will not be able to use Afghanistan to attack: Iran FM: Iran believes Afghanistan would never allow its soil to be used by the United States to launch an attack, the Iranian foreign minister said here Saturday.

Mullen: U.S. can strike Iran: U.S. military forces are capable of conducting operations against Iran if called on to bomb nuclear facilities or other targets, the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said yesterday.

Blair's war of words: In a speech last night Britain's ex-prime minister launched an attack on Iran that should cause all of us to shudder.

Jaw-jawing to war-war: Tony Blair's incontinent rhetoric in New York, comparing militant Islamism with 1920s fascism, only takes us closer to the abyss of war with Iran.

Iran: We have many rockets for defense : "Enemy bases and positions have been identified. .. The Guards ground force will fire 11,000 rockets into identified enemy positions within the first minute of any aggression against the Iranian territory," the television quoted Chaharbaghi as saying.

Iran nuclear chief in shock resigation: Larijani, who took on his post after Ahmadinejad's election in 2005, was one of the most powerful figures in the Islamic republic, leading two years of sensitive talks with EU officials over Iran's nuclear programme.

Waziristan to be pacified ‘once and for all’: An all-out battle for control of North and South Waziristan is about to commence between the army, the Taliban and their Al Qaeda adherents, according to a report published in The Asia Times.

Musharraf or ISI? Taliban or al-Qaeda? Conspiracy theories run rampant: Many ordinary Pakistanis sincerely believe that the government of General Pervez Musharraf was behind the outrage, reasoning that it was an attempt to stop a coming election that Ms. Bhutto is expected to win.

Backstage, U.S. nurtured Pakistan rivals' deal: To lay the groundwork for Benazir Bhutto's return to Pakistan, some of the highest ranking officials in the Bush [BGW968] administration lavished attention on her as they worked to broker a power-sharing arrangement between Bhutto and her longtime rival, President Pervez Musharraf.

Report says buildup in Iraq gained little: The study, based on the assessments of dozens of U.S. military and civilian officials working at local levels across Iraq, runs counter to the optimistic forecasts by the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker.

Iraq parliament looks to condemn Turkey: Iraq's parliament on Saturday discussed a motion condemning Turkey for threatening an incursion to crack down on Kurdish rebels as Baghdad and Ankara were said to be considering a joint operation.

Kurds demand U.S. defense: Kurdish leaders said yesterday the United States is obliged by a U.N. resolution to defend them in the event that Turkish forces invade northern Iraq in pursuit of members of a Kurdish rebel movement.

Kurdish Government Vows To Retaliate If Turkey Attacks : Rising tensions on the Turkey-Iraq border are snowballing into a possible outbreak of war, as the president of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq said his people will defend themselves if Turkey attacks Kurdish rebels based in Kurdistan.

Turkey expects US actions against Kurd rebels-PM: "We expect things from the United States rather than from Iraq," he said. The Baghdad government has little clout in the mainly Kurdish autonomous region of the north.

U.S. Assisted Israel In Syrian Attack: Israel urged the United States to destroy the complex, but Washington hesitated because no fissionable material was found that would prove the site was nuclear, ABC said.

Robert Fisk: Secret armies pose sinister new threat to Lebanon : Lebanon is peopled with ghosts. But the phantoms now returning to haunt this damaged country –the militias which tore it apart more than 30 years ago – are real. Guns are flooding back into the country – $800 for an AK-47, $3,700 for a brand-new French Famas – as Lebanon security apparatus hunt desperately for the leadership of the new and secret armies.

Developing nations urge IMF to monitor rich states: After years of being lectured to by the rich world about the importance of prudent economic policies, developing nations felt they had the upper hand at weekend meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington.

U.S. asks court to dismiss lawsuit on secret flights:

The U.S. government asked a federal court late on Friday to dismiss a lawsuit against a unit of Boeing Co that charges the firm helped fly suspects abroad to secret prisons.

Living Paycheck to Paycheck Gets Harder: The calculus of living paycheck to paycheck in America is getting harder.

What used to last four days might last half that long now. Pay the gas bill, but skip breakfast. Eat less for lunch so the kids can have a healthy dinner.

Who Restarted the Cold War?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

We moved NATO onto Russia's front porch, ignored her valid interests and concerns, and, with our "indispensable-nation" arrogance, treated her as a defeated power, as France treated Weimar Germany after Versailles. Continue

Clinton Rakes In Cash From The US Weapons Industry

By Leonard Doyle in Washington

The US arms industry is backing Hillary Clinton for President and has all but abandoned its traditional allies in the Republican party. Mrs Clinton has also emerged as Wall Street's favourite. Continue

How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction

By Robert Higgs

Democratic political forms and rituals, such as elections and formal administrative proceedings, disguise this class exploitation and trick the masses into the false belief that the government's operation yields them net benefits. In the most extreme form of misapprehension, the people at large become convinced that, owing to democracy, they themselves "are the government." Continue

The reality of NSPD-51 is almost as bad as the paranoia.

By Ron Rosenbaum

Call for an emergency joint congressional hearing to end this farce, give us some transparency about what our government will do if we suffer another 9/11. Let all branches of government participate in the attempt to reach some consensus on rational and effective continuity planning. Something more specific and sophisticated than the clumsy but dangerously Orwellian "Continuity Coordination Committee." Continue

139 Killed as Benazir survives mid-night assassination plot: The two explosions went off a minute apart shortly after midnight near Karsaz close to the vehicle Ms Bhutto was travelling in, at the head of a procession of hundreds of thousands of PPP supporters

Bhutto says she was warned about suicide attacks: She said she had written a letter to President Pervez Musharraf on October 16 in which he had named three members of his government who should be investigated in the event of any attack on her.

Six killed in Afghan blasts: Bomb blasts killed six members of the Afghan security forces on Thursday while the US-led coalition said nine of its soldiers were wounded in an amBush [BGW968] in new attacks linked to a Taliban-led insurgency.

West won’t win Afghan war: former UN envoy: International forces are unlikely to win their battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan, risking a regional conflict that could match the magnitude of previous world wars, a former top UN envoy said

New generation Taliban rivalling chief: US-led occupation force: An Al-Qaeda-linked commander directing a brutal wave of violence in Afghanistan, Siraj Haqqani, is trying to rival Mullah Mohammad Omar for the Taliban leadership, the US-led coalition said Friday.

Afghanistan Skeptical Iran Arming Taliban: Afghan Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said evidence of Iranian cooperation in arming Taliban insurgents with advanced weapons is inconclusive.

Iran backing terror, says Blair : UK ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair has accused Iran of backing terrorism and warned the world faces a situation akin to "rising fascism in the 1920s".

We can attack Iran, says US commander : America's top military officer said the country does have the resources to attack Iran, despite the strain of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.