Proper Names + NameBase in : http://alfatomega.com/noname19.htmlThe names on the left are from the document + the names on the right are possible matches + the number of pages cited, from NameBase.
- American Police
- Bernays, Spin-Edward L.
- Clinton, Hilliary
- Cola, Coca
- Control-, Gun
- Crystalizing Public
- Freud, Edward L.
- Freud, Sigmund
- GE
- Goebbels, Josef
- Gore, Al
- Holt, Henry
- Human Cost
- Johnson, Lyndon
- Kellerman, Arthur
- King, Burger
- L., Edward
- Lewinsky, Monica
- Mazel Freedom Press
- Norton, W. W.
- Prima Publishing Company
- Public Relations
- Rather, Dan
- Research Foundation
- Snyder, Mitch
- Tarcher, Jeremy P.
- Us, Trust
- W., Richard