Proper Names + NameBase in : http://alfatomega.com/20010912_predicted_2000911.htmlThe names on the left are from the document + the names on the right are possible matches + the number of pages cited, from NameBase.
- Allbaugh, Joe
- Boyd, Charles G.
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Century National Security
- Cheney, Dick
- Clinton, Bill
- Customs Service
- Defense Department-
- Defense William Cohen
- Feinstein, Dianne
- Gilchrest, Wayne
- Gingrich, Speaker Newt
- Guard, Coast
- H., R-N.
- Hart, Gary
- Hart-Rudman Commission
- Kyl, John
- Management Agency
- National Guard
- National Security Council
- Office, Preparedness
- Powell, Colin
- Reid, Harry
- Rudman, Warren
- Rumsfeld, Donald
- Security Agency
- Thornberry, Mac
- U. S. Commission