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 24.Jul.2004 Four Afghan Soldiers Killed In Ambush : Four Afghan soldiers have been killed in an ambush by suspected Taliban insurgents in eastern Afghanistan.

 25.Jul.2004 2,000 USA troops killed in Iraq: Russian expert : The USA suffers far heavier casualties in Iraq than it officially admits, a Russia military diplomat claimed.

 25.Jul.2004 Head of Iraq Construction Group Seized in Baghdad : Gunmen kidnapped the head of an Iraqi state-owned construction company as he drove from his home in a southern Baghdad suburb to work, an Interior Ministry spokesman said.

 24.Jul.2004 Iraq Insurgents Warn Egypt With Abduction : Allawi urged Egypt not to give in to the kidnappers demands, but Egyptian analysts were mixed on whether the pressure tactic would work.

 25.Jul.2004 Allawi urges Egypt to stand fast in face of diplomat's kidnapping: Allawi said in Damascus,Syria.''It is time for USA to close ranks to fight terrorism.There is no way to budge to terrorists + give them what they want,''

 25.Jul.2004 Iraq's embattled premier yet to show results after a month in office: Six weeks after the UN Security Council authorized a separate force to protect UN staff in Iraq, Secretary-General Kofi Annan has reported the world body has not received a single firm commitment of troops.

 22.Jul.2004 Much higher estimates of abuse in Iraq, Afghanistan: The inspector general's report, made public ,notes that the allegations against USA personnel included physical + sexual abuse, prisoner deaths + other crimes such as theft.

 25.Jul.2004 Muslim cleric would not get fair trial in USA, court told; Abu Hamza, the Muslim cleric facing extradition to the USA on terrorism charges, would not receive a fair trial in USA because the evidence against him has been obtained by torture + plea bargaining, a court was told 24.Jul.2004 .

 25.Jul.2004 Teaching Torture: USA Congress quietly keeps School of the Americas alive

 25.Jul.2004 Ted Rall: Outsourcing War Crimes: Agents of the National Security Directorate, Afghanistan's new intelligence agency, say they found eight starved Afghan detainees-three of them hanging by their feet-in Idema's rented house in central Kabul, along with a few AK-47 rifles + blood-soaked clothes.

 25.Jul.2004 'P2OG' allows USA Pentagon to fight dirty: "Run away from the light": Such might be the motto of a new, covert policy that the Bush [BGW968] administration is considering implementing. According to recent news reports, it would be the largest expansion into the world of black ops + covert action since the end of the Vietnam War in the 01.Jan.1970-31.Dec.1979 s.

 25.Jul.2004 Molly Ivins: 900 Americans dead + campaigning Bush [BGW968] washes his hands of Iraq: I swear to you, this war + its disastrous aftermath never happened is the new official line. Down the memory hole. Never happened. You dreamed the whole thing. Iraq is now like Ken Lay + Chalabi. They never heard of it. Only met it once. Besides, Iraq contributed to their opponents.

 25.Jul.2004 Bush [BGW968] military records found : Crucial military records of USA Bush [BGW968], earlier reported destroyed by USA Pentagon, have resurfaced.

 24.Jul.2004 Bush [BGW968]'s Military Records Fail to Dispel AWOL Charges: Some of Bush [BGW968]'s missing USA Air National Guard records during the Vietnam War years, previously said to be destroyed, turned upbut offered no new evidence to dispel charges by Democrats that he was absent without leave.

 25.Jul.2004 Health fears grow in polluted Iraq : It's not just the violence in Iraq that is keeping doctors busy. The country is facing an environmental crisis.

 25.Jul.2004 Iran next on USA hit list? : USA President Bush [BGW968] has found a new target for his second term if he is re-elected 02.Nov.2004 It is Iraq's neighbour, Iran.

 25.Jul.2004 Iran's next: The Iraqi war shows that to allow disarming through UN inspection does not help avert a war but rather sparks it.

 25.Jul.2004 Iran says USA has only itself to blame for 11.Sep.2001 attacks: "The big question we have to ask USA is, assuming they (the hijackers) passed through Iran, who put them in Afghanistan + who supported them in the first place," he said.

 25.Jul.2004 Exactly What Does Bin Laden Want?: Bush [BGW968] has said bin Laden's terrorists simply want to destroy democracy,``to spread fear + disrupt our way of life.'' They do, but why?

 25.Jul.2004 Full bin Laden's 'letter to USA' : "We also advise you to stop supporting Israel + to end your support of the Indians in Kashmir, the Russians against the Chechens + to also cease supporting the Manila Government against the Muslims in Southern Philippines. "

 25.Jul.2004 Most effective way to prevent terrorism is missing from 11.Sep.2001 report, Libertarians say: The report by the 11.Sep.2001 commission is missing one obvious way the USA government could reduce the chance of another terrorist attack, Libertarians say: Quit meddling in foreign nations.

 25.Jul.2004 Thom Hartmann: Ten Steps To Restore Democracy To USA: A Declaration of Rights for the 01.Jan.2001-31.Dec.2999 -21st Century-

 25.Jul.2004 Fourth "Israeli spy" a Kiwi academic : Mr Resnick is 35-year-old family man + former St John Ambulance paramedic - + a native New Zealander who spent 13 years in Israel, at least part of them as an ambulance worker.

 23.Jul.2004 Mosaic: World News Reports From Middle East TV: The nation's only uncensored compilation of daily television news reports from more than 15 countries in the Middle East. QuickTime Video.

 24.Jul.2004 FBI warns of possible threat against media: USA FBI warned Boston television stations that news trucks might be attacked by members of a radical domestic group that wants to disrupt

26.Jul.2004-28.Jul.2004 Democratic National Convention.

 25.Jul.2004 Alabama Sen. focus of classified leak: Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., has for months been the focus of an investigation into the leak of classified intelligence intercepts linked to the 11.Sep.2001 terror attacks, according to current + former law enforcement officials.

 24.Jul.2004 CIA official says agents have infiltrated Al Qaeda: The CIA has intelligence agents inside Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network - as it did before the 11.Sep.2001 , attacks - but they are not within the terrorist leader's inner circle where key information about any future attack would be discussed, a senior intelligence official said.

 24.Jul.2004 Judge deplores but OK's site for protesters; A federal judge upheld a fenced "free speech zone" for protesters near the FleetCenter during next week's Democratic convention, even though he said he agreed with critics who likened the cramped space to an internment camp.

 24.Jul.2004 A Former President of Mexico Charged With 1971 Killings : Mexico City - A special prosecutor filed charges against a former president + other officials in the killings of student protesters 33 years ago, reopening a dark + divisive episode that was a turning point in Mexico's struggle for democracy.

 25.Jul.2004 'Bin Laden' suicide virus threatens web: experts: A virus purporting to show images of Osama bin Laden's suicide has appeared on the Internet, designed to entice recipients to open a file that unleashes a malicious software code, security experts said.

 25.Jul.2004 Washington - Die Unterlagen stammen aus der Zeit des Militärdiensts von Bush [BGW968] als er in der Nationalgarde von Alabama war. Bisher galten die Soldzettel, die den Zeitraum von 00.Jul.1972-00.Sep.1972 abdecken, als verschwunden. Nun teilte der Informationschef des Pentagon, C.Y. Talbott, mit, die Dokumente seien erst jetzt gefunden worden, weil sie falsch nummeriert gewesen seien. Die Nachrichtenagentur AP hatte vor einer Woche bei einem New Yorker Gericht die Freigabe sämtlicher Unterlagen über den Militärdienst Bushs beantragt. In der Eingabe hieß es, die bisherigen Veröffentlichungen entsprächen nicht den Vorgaben des Gesetzes zur Informationsfreiheit. Auch seien die Zweifel noch nicht beigelegt, ob Bush [BGW968] während des Vietnam-Kriegs seinen Dienst bei der Nationalgarde ordnungsgemäß absolviert habe.
Die neu herausgegebenen Unterlagen belegen aber ebenfalls nicht die tatsächlichen Dienstzeiten Bushs in Alabama in den Monaten 00.Jul.1972-00.Sep.1972 . Bush [BGW968] war in dem Jahr zeitweise als Leutnant bei einer Einheit im USA-Staat Alabama stationiert. Gleichzeitig leitete er den Wahlkampf von Winton Blount, einem Freund der Familie, der sich - letztlich erfolglos - um einen Sitz im Senat bewarb.
Die oppositionellen Demokraten werfen dem Präsidenten Bush [BGW968]vor, in dieser Zeit seinen Militärdienst vernachlässigt + sich regelwidrig von seinen Pflichten entfernt zu haben. Die Veröffentlichung der neuen Dokumente erfolgte drei Tage vor Beginn des Parteitags der Demokraten in Boston, auf dem Kerry [KJF965] offiziell als Herausforderer von Präsident Bush [BGW968] nominiert werden soll. Die Demokraten haben wiederholt Kerry [KJF965]s Einsatz im Vietnamkrieg dem Lebenslauf Bushs gegenüber gestellt.
 25.Jul.2004 USA Pentagon Neue Unterlagen zu Bush [BGW968] Militärdienst aufgetaucht - Drei Tage vor Beginn des Parteitags der Demokraten hat das USA-Verteidigungsministerium weitere Dokumente über den Militärdienst von Präsident Bush [BGW968] herausgegeben. Bisher hatte das Pentagon erklärt, die fraglichen Soldzettel seien versehentlich vernichtet worden.

24. Juli 2004 Luftangriffe auf Bin Laden: Clinton wollte nicht von Lewinsky-Affäre ablenken (Politik,

24.Jul.2004 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-310289,00.htm

24.Jul.2004 Entführungen im Irak: In den Händen der Brigaden Allahs (Politik,

 24.Jul.2004 Versandhandel: Paradies für Betrüger (Netzwelt,

24.Jul.2004 Irak: Außenminister Sibari bittet Moskau um Truppen (Politik,

24.Jul.2004 Energie: Saudi-Arabien strebt niedrigere Ölpreise an (Wirtschaft,

 24.Jul.2004 Online-Medien: Microsoft will Web-Magazin "Slate" verkaufen (Kultur,

 24.Jul.2004 Gaza-Streifen: Gewaltsame Proteste gegen Arafat (Politik,

 24.Jul.2004 Gesetzesvorstoß: Mehr Druck auf Justizflüchtlinge (Politik,

 24.Jul.2004 Entführung im Irak: Ägypten kämpft für Freilassung seines Diplomaten (Politik,

 24.Jul.2004 Gefängnis-Aufnahmen: Polizist entdeckt 50 Jahre alte Fotos von Martin Luther King und Rosa Parks (Panorama,

 24.Jul.2004 Pentagon: Neue Unterlagen zu Bushs Militärdienst aufgetaucht (Politik,

 24.Jul.2004 Ernährung: Experten warnen vor Killer-Salmonellen in Putenfleisch (Panorama,

 24.Jul.2004 Landtagswahl Sachsen: SPD bei Umfrage erstmals einstellig (Politik,

 24.Jul.2004 Braune Propaganda: "Wir kriegen das Zeug schon verteilt" (UniSPIEGEL,

 24.Jul.2004 Kingston und die Thousand Islands: Ein Fels, ein Baum, ein Ferienhaus (Reise,

 24.Jul.2004 Schienenauto: Draisine der Zukunft (Auto,

 24.Jul.2004 Sprachstörung: Stottern beginnt im Gehirn (Wissenschaft,

 24.Jul.2004 Arbeitszeiten: Wulff will 40-Stunden-Woche für VW (Wirtschaft,

 24.Jul.2004 Unwetter über Deutschland: Schneepflüge auf der Autobahn (Panorama,