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".. For the ``blue bloods,'' the romantic figure of

00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron was ever afterwards the symbol of British feudal revenge against the USA-republic.The Connecticut Tory families hosted the infamous Hartford Convention in 1815, toward the end of the second war between USA+GB War of 1812. Their secessionist propaganda was rendered impotent by USA s defensive military victory. Hartford Convention (This faction)then retired from the open political arena, pursuing instead entirely private+covert alliances with GB Empire. The incestuously intermarried Massachusetts and Connecticut .."Bush book: Chapter -7-URL:  
".. enterprises, patron of Russell, William Huntington [s&b832]s new secret society, Skull and Bones. 11)

00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron Jr.killed Hamilton, Alexander in a duel -in-.00.000.1804

00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron Jr.Secession conspirator.

00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron Jr.Acquitted of treason in 00.000.1807, but wanted for murder,

00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron Jr.fled to GB

00.000.1812 00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron Jr.Returned to USA -in-."Wall Street lawyer",

00.000.1812-00.000.1836 00.000.1801-00.000.1808 USA "Vice President" Burr, Aaron Jr.Hero of imperial Anglo-Americans. 12)

00.000.1764-00.000.1846 Dwight, Theodore "Law partner" of his cousin Burr, Aaron Jr.Secretary of the secessionist Hartford Convention, 1815.

00.000.1764-00.000.1846 Dwight, Theodore +"Law partner" Burr, Aaron Jr.Secretary of the secessionist Hartford Convention, 1815. united the Connecticut pro-GB party with Massachusetts ``Essex Junto.'' 13)

Dwight, Timothy Secessionist. 1795-1817.President of Yale, 14)

1809-1885 William Huntington Russell : Graduated Yale 1833 Founder of Skull and Bones Society (or Russell Trust Association)[s&b833] which came to dominate Yale. Founded prep school for boys, 1836. His secret organization spread in the 1870s to Phillips Academy, the Andover, Massachusetts .."

1. Bush book: Chapter -7-

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